#reverse reylo
lucylucius · 2 months
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reverse reylo but modern AU 🎸❤️‍🔥
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supremeprince-bensolo · 3 months
Daisy admit she was upset at rise of skywalker
The kiss was the last thing Daisy and Adam filmed together!
It's great she's still happy to talk about her experience on those movies! And even acknowledge the kiss!! That interview is such a great watch.
Now we know both she and Adam were very emotional when they wrapped 😭
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fxckingstylik · 2 years
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“I want you to join me.  Don’t be afraid.”  - Star Wars x Halo 
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makeshiftdraco · 23 days
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“The Palpatine syndicate has fallen, and the Ren syndicate will rise from the ashes of my grandfather’s demise. Thanks to your loyalty and dedication, the future of our empire is secure.” Kylo’s voice rumbled low and ominous from the periphery. “And we have decided that such unwavering loyalty…should be rewarded .” Ushar’s muscles relaxed then tensed at this unexpected outcome, the dread of death fading only to be replaced by a different but equally terrifying anticipation. The prospect of satisfying a long denied desire was a fate he had not prepared for. “Are there…limitations to this reward, master?” His mistress glanced at her husband, another knowing smile conveying some secret message. “As I promised, touching and tasting will be permitted…”
Touch & Taste
by makeshiftdraco
Reylo/Knights of Ren Reverse Harem
Part of The Thunderbolt Mafia AU
Part One: Touch has been posted!
Rating: Explicit
Fandom: Star Wars
Pairing: Ushar/Rey/Ben Solo|Kylo Ren & Vicrul/Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren
Status: In Progress
Kylo and Kira Ren finally reward Ushar and Vicrul for their faithful service to the newly formed Ren Syndicate. The Knights are all too eager to reap the benefits of their master's unexpected generosity, but beneath the sex and violence, deeper emotions begin to surface when their mistress welcomes the men into her bed.
(Check tags on AO3 for trigger warnings)
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wisteriasymphony · 2 months
writing a Ch1/pilot for Queen of Disaster rn. I think it's actually, ridiculously (heh) impossible for me to write a piece of fan fiction that doesn't include classical music to a degree. I was just like "oh! Chloé's introductory bit should demonstrate her ballet skills to a degree, so she can maybe perform a small routine for her mom to also show that their relationship is fairly close" and then when I look up a good song for this my lizard brain goes straight to "MUST be piano etude. NO OTHERS."
....the worst part is, The School of Velocity, Op.299 is so good that I kind of want to add it into TWEOS too :,))))))
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lolyourenotbensolo · 1 year
The tragedy of Anakin Skywalker.
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onewomancitadel · 1 year
I run in a lot of circles where people are interested in mythic storytelling and Joseph Campbell and Carl Jung and alchemy and whilst all of it is interesting to me, the bit that is somewhat grating is that I think that the text itself precedes all of this. Even if you can justify a storytelling decision through it being Jungian self-actualisation it's only ever realising the specific intentions and interests of a story.
Appeals to fundamental response to myth should be taken with a grain of salt just on the basis that modern narrative cynicism is enough to tell us on some level, this stuff isn't all necessarily innate and the purpose of this style of storytelling (particularly in a conscious fashion, which already makes it messy) isn't to appeal to some deeper unconscious. I actually think that's really fraught and the landscape is especially changed given the conscious employment of these descriptive formulae as opposed to the unconscious.
This is why I don't think you need to justify Reylo on the basis of being a mythic romance appealing to some fundamental tastes (even if you might have the interest in making that argument) because I think that the obvious themes of SW and the role of Rey and Kylo in the story especially in response to Anakin and Padmé's tragedy carry the strongest argumentation. The text proper is always going to interest me first, and the esoterica is only ever going to be helping that text argue itself.
It is exactly so for RWBY too. I can identify arguably more esoterica in RWBY than I can in SW itself which popularised the employment of the Hero's Journey, and I still think the way that they're using it is smart, but equally it is only ever going to be as interesting as the actual text proper and the actual thematic statements of the story.
The way that you can tell a story where the bad guy is actually sympathised with and the entire story is filled with fairytales and myth (which Jung and Campbell were interested in describing their purpose and form) is by using these commentaries. It is never going to be solely clever because it is Jungian or monomythic or solely clever because it's referencing a specificity of Joan of Arc or Red Riding Hood; that's only going to be augmenting the specific story they have in mind. The allusions are always going to be beholden to something greater, and I do think that the use of them is intensified when they are transformed and/or subverted especially in a positive fashion. It's very moving to me that Joan of Arc's complicated love interest in the story is a fire-themed maiden, for a dark romance which has the potential to be transformative in the story and realise its best ideas.
So it's an interesting position to be in because I'd imagine most people think the bit I think that makes RWBY clever (or Reylo) is the myth itself because I do talk about that. But really, what is all myth and fairytale but storytelling? I like stories, not checklists.
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unexpectedreylo · 5 months
So, It Wasn't Planned After All
While Adam Driver is making the rounds to promote "Ferrari," he drops by the Rich Eisen Show and when asked about Ben Solo during the True or False segment, Adam spills the tea.
He doesn't get asked much about Star Wars so this is the first time I think he's talked about his character arc since TROS was unleashed upon us 4 years ago. And he drops the bomb that the Ben Solo thing wasn't planned from the beginning. That's right, Bendemption happened late in the game. He says that JJ Abrams told him the idea was Vader In Reverse (starts out vulnerable, ends entrenched in the dark side) and he kept that concept in mind throughout the time he filmed the ST, until they changed it with the last film. Adam has alluded to the concept of Vader In Reverse before but this is the first time he's gone into greater detail about it, including the revelation that the decision to turn Kylo from the dark side came during the third film.
This shouldn't be surprising to anyone who read the Duel of the Fates script and it explains why Ben hardly says a word during his scenes on Exegol. Abrams and Co. conceived of Kylo Ren as an evil bastard whose destiny was to get eviller; killing Han Solo was meant to be what sent him down the path of no return. Then two things happened: TLJ and Driver's commitment to humanizing Kylo Ren. People loved Kylo and Rey together (hence Reylo exploding in popularity) and they fell in love with Adam. They empathized with Kylo. So they changed course with TROS, a little. Kylo returns to the light as Ben but he is quickly dispatched once the big battle is over. I believe Ben's death was for two reasons: one, they were less invested and focused in Ben's part of the story than we were and two, there was always the intent to end the Skywalker line so Star Wars could focus on new characters. Remember, Rey essentially turned Skywalker into a title that could be transferred to anyone.
That the story changed over the course of the trilogy isn't that big a deal. There was no Chosen One prophecy until the prequels. Leia wasn't Luke's sister until Lucas wrote ROTJ. Han wasn't guaranteed to get out of carbonite because nobody was sure if Harrison Ford was going to come back. Instead of a tyrannical, ruthless bastard like Lee Pace's emperor in Apple TV's Foundation show, Kylo Ren gave us quivering lips, teary eyes, and mooning over the heroine who is supposed to be his enemy. When Rian Johnson introduced the bond between Rey and Kylo, Abrams and Terrio explained it as a dyad and made it prominent in the film. The kiss got put in because Reylo was so popular. Okay, fine.
The problem was they never should have made the Jedi Killer from early drafts Han and Leia's only child. As an old Star Wars fan who saw every film since 1977 and followed the Skywalker clan for over 40 years, I didn't want to see Anakin Skywalker's grandson end up even more evil than he was. What a huge bummer that would've been, even worse than if Rey was killed off. (For the record, I hated the whole Darth Jacen thing so much in the legends books I stopped reading them.) Abrams and Terrio probably realized it was going to be a problem returning to the idea that Ben was too evil to save; TROS already comes off as a tragic ending rather than a happy, triumphant one. And it goes against the whole message of Star Wars. So it ends up being Vader 2.0 and fans hoping Ben would survive were disappointed. I wasn't fond of the idea of exile or something as Ben's fate prior to TROS, but now I think that probably would've been the best outcome. It would've left a lot of possibilities to explore in future SW stories without having to come up with a convoluted explanation for bringing him back.
As much as they fumbled the ball, I'm glad they at least spared us Evil Kylo 4 Ever and Adam's turn as Ben was great even without anything to say besides "Ow." Adam sounded a little disappointed to me but maybe I'm just reading into it too much. In any case he has also stated in recent interviews he would be open to returning to Star Wars, so I guess we can still be hopeful even if he doesn't appear in the upcoming film. (Just don't wait 30 years, okay?)
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reachexceedinggrasp · 5 months
Have you seen the recent Adam driver interview re: redeemed Ben solo never being part of the original plans? Apparently JJs idea as pitched to Adam was 'reverse Vader' who begins the trilogy all uncertain and vulnerable and becomes super evil by the third film 😂 considering the mess that was duel of the fates, I'm not surprised. Adam said he was still 'focused' on JJs original arc even though it changed over shooting. Which is baffling to me, because even in TFA you can't seriously believe this character could go stone cold uber sinister. It's terrible how so many good things in the sequel trilogy are there in spite of tptb, not because of them!
I haven't and honestly at this point I don't even want to hear anything else about what a complete fucking shitshow of stupidity and sociopathy this whole production was.
The idea that TFA isn't setting up a redemption is so absurd to me that I'm not even going to entertain it. I don't believe that even JJ is that incompetent, and his commentary plus TROS indicates that he did absolutely understand that Ben must be reclaimed despite his total disregard for the themes and message of SW. So whatever Adam was talking about, I don't know, and I'm not going to listen to this interview to try to figure it out because I'm tired. Maybe he's referring to the earliest ideas where Kylo Ren wasn't the same person as Han and Leia's child?
But in that case I just cannot imagine why they wanted to cast him in that role.
Leaving aside that the entire concept of a 'reverse Vader' is the stupidest shit I've ever heard, because that was a) literally the prequel trilogy, b) antithetical to SW as anything other than a prelude to a subsequent redemption, and c) SO FUCKING BORING. I know this isn't the first time Adam has mentioned this, but it only sounds more stupid the more clear he makes it that they mean 'the opposite of the ending of RotJ'. Which is just 'the ending of every fucking American action movie fucking ever'. Like putting a 'spin' on Vader by having him NOT REDEEM HIMSELF is just called 'being like everyone else' and 'taking away literally the most compelling thing about Vader'.
I need these boring, unimaginative HACKS to fuck off. Like, the idea that JJ's pitch for TFA was 'worse, more boring, less visually creative, less meaingful, more shallow remake of ANH but also we will ruin the heart and soul of the story and make it like all the libertarian slop it literally existed in order to stand against'.
I saw someone say that it's also come out that the reylo connection was Kasdan's idea, which I feel vindicated by bc I've been saying I bet it was forever. But again, JJ was on board for it and knew what he was doing with the imagery in TFA. He is not so incompetent that he didn't understand he was creating romantic subtext. And text.
But like, I'm just so done with these fucking people. That ANYONE at that company much less apparently EVERYONE?? thought it was remotely acceptable to use SW to tell the story of any character whatsoever who was humanised and sympathetic and relatable to children falling into darkness and becoming ''''''irredeemable'''''' MUCH LESS the LAST SKYWALKER, the HOPE AND HAPPY ENDING OF ROTJ, HAN AND LEIA'S LOVE, PADMÉ'S LOVE, the atonement and reconciliation of Darth Vader is just FUCKING BANANAPANTS to me.
George Lucas should fight these people in an alley.
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piglet26 · 4 months
Jason Fry Interview about Reylo
There's a really great interview with Jason Fry, who wrote the novelization.
Comments on Kylo Ren
I think Ben is disappointed by all his father figures, which is a part of what fuels his rage. He sees Han as a scruffy criminal, Luke as a jealous rival and Snoke as an uncaring manipulator. He rejects all these father figures as wanting and can’t fill the void that’s left -- until he reaches that pivotal moment on Kef Bir.
Do you feel by the end of TLJ that Kylo was turning back to the light or solidifying his stance in the dark side?
Neither. He’s won a battle but lost his personal war, and is adrift. The Resistance has escaped, his chance at vengeance has been lost (complete with the great “no dice” joke when they disappear in his hand), and Rey has severed the connection between them.
What do you think Kylo was suggesting to Rey in the throne room? Do you see it as a strictly force partnership or did see his words as meaning more than just that and an actual relationship?
It wasn’t clear to me, because at that moment I don’t think it’s clear to Kylo. He sees Rey as a partner in the Force, absolutely, and there’s obviously this incredibly powerful connection between the two of them. But Kylo’s still working through his own issues there, including what that connection means to him.
He tries to use Rey, which is why she’s so disappointed in him – she thought she could bring him back to the light, and the first thing he does after she thinks she’s succeeded is to try and make her a partner in his ambitions.....that connection goes back to The Force Awakens, when Kylo tries to pry open Rey’s mind and instead lets her into his own. That’s pivotal for both of them – it unlocks Rey’s nascent power, because she sees how Kylo can do what he does, but it also leaves Kylo’s deepest fears and insecurities open to her.
I think this is additional wonderful insight into criticism around Finn's storyline in the The Last Jedi.
Along the same lines, I think the world of John Boyega, who’s a wonderfully dynamic actor and someone whose voice Hollywood needs to listen to. But I also think his criticism of Finn’s storyline in TLJ is misplaced. I think TLJ did a good job with Finn, and what fans who dislike his storyline are missing is that it’s a middle chapter – all complications and reversals and missteps, particularly for Finn. Finn is a remarkable character whom I’ve called the conscience of the sequel trilogy, a child soldier with a moral compass strong enough that he shakes off his programming and refuses to kill for the First Order. But he’s also in search of an identity after making that decision. In TFA he devotes himself to Rey, and that’s where he still is in TLJ. His new friends expect him to dedicate himself to the Resistance, but that’s the last thing he wants – he just stopped being a soldier for a cause, and he’s not signing up to do that again......... Finn’s one of my favorite characters, but I think he got shortchanged in ROS, not TLJ.
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curlytheintrovert · 1 year
Why I Love Reylo (Pt.2)
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(My old post for reasons unknown got deleted😭)
One of my other favorite parts of this couple is that they are atypically gender reversed. It’s one of the many reasons this ship is so intriguing and unique compared to others. Let me explain. Typically in most hetero romances the man is the abrasive, closed off one at first and is generally a prickly little shit. While the girl is typically softer, a little more compassionate and open minded. This not the case with Rey and Kylo.
Rey’s first interaction with Kylo is shooting a blaster at him multiple times in succession. Granted she does have a Force vision of Kylo at Maz’s which makes her justifiably hostile and afraid of him. During the interrogation scene Kylo reads her mind and speaks her thoughts out loud: she wants to kill him. Rey calls him a creature in a mask and angrily tells him to get out of her head. And then proceeds to spit Kylo’s greatest fear back in his face with such venom. I love how she snarls: “You. You’re afraid.”
Kylo on the other hand only defends himself from her blasts and force stops her from shooting any further. He gently says: “The girl I’ve heard so much about.” Kylo easily could have dragged her away or thrown her into the hands of the troopers beside him—but instead he makes Rey sleep and scoops her up into his arms bridal style. In the interrogation room Kylo sees Rey’s fear and says she’s his guest. He takes off his mask. Then explains things calmly—never raising his voice above a murmur. The curiosity about her is strong as Kylo probes her mind and the responses to what he finds there are emotional. I love so much how he says “Don’t be afraid, I feel it too.” It just feels so incredibly kind considering the circumstances—like that was the first little glimpse of Ben we got.
The shift that happens when Rey uses the force back on Kylo is what really sets the tone for the rest of their relationship. Rey attacks and responds negatively—Kylo gently deflects and tries to connect. If you watch throughout the rest of the films this dynamic doesn’t really change. Almost all of their force bonds in TLJ are similar: Rey being barbarous and Kylo being benign. A majority of their saber fights are like this too—Kylo plays defense, is hesitant to pull out his saber multiple times or looks like he’s doesn’t want to fight her period.
See what I mean?! Rey is hostile and prickly—Kylo is open minded and gentle.
The other gender swapped aspect is that in a way Kylo is the damsel of this pairing. He’s trapped far away, lonely and miserable, in a figurative tower. Rey fights Luke for his cause and goes to rescue and save him if she can. But I also see Kylo as an emotional damsel too. He’s so lost, and hurt and twisted. Rey offers him a way back—she’s the only one who can—and in the long run is the very reason he is able to become Ben Solo again. But it’s when Rey lets her guard down and mellows her prejudice that their relationship flourishes. Kylo/Ben is already ready and waiting to love and be loved…
Man, this pairing is complex and fun to analyze!
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dalekofchaos · 26 days
Context for choice 3.
Here is what I mean about The New Republic and The First Order.
What happens after you win a war? How do you not make the same mistakes or become the thing you fought. What happens in a power vacuum? The New Republic should have been the dominant emerging power, and the Remnant should have been a small, secretive, unknown order, striking strategically from the Unknown Regions where they hid, and causing fear and panic to spread in the NR. After the Galactic Civil War, The New Republic commanders the Imperial Fleet and starts protecting systems who join the NR, all while chasing down and fighting any of the Remnants (Moffs, Warlords, Crime Lords, etc) who have grabbed power in the resulting vacuum. We could have seen an evolution of ships from Old Republic to Empire to NR ones. They could have renamed Star Destroyers into Star Defenders. Hell, they could have had a Republic of independent systems, each with their own sizable military, so that power isn’t centralized.
But no, instead of telling an interesting story, we are force fed the recycled poorly written rehashed Rebels vs Empire and the Rebels are made to be weaker than The First Order. The First Order are a terrorist movement, they should not be reigning after Hosnian Prime’s destruction, ESPECIALLY AFTER LOSING STARKILLER BASE!
Choice 4. Here is how I would give Kylo Ren motivation as to why Ben Solo fell and his main motivation as Kylo Ren.
Choice 6. I don't think there was absolutely no need for a Palpatine clone and eventually Palpatine himself(🙄) we all knew what was happening around the time this trilogy was being made. Trump. Base Snoke around the mango Mussolini and his lunatic fringe followers. An Alt-Right cult leader who cultivates the worst people imaginable. All The First Order needed to be was pointing out The New Republic brought the galaxy to an age of scum and villainy. A lawless state that usurped the rightful rulers that brought law and order. Basically "Make the Galaxy great again with Imperial Greatness"
You see, originally Lucas was going to make Palpatine JUST a politician and base him around Richard Nixon.
“George Lucas has spoken on various occasions of the way that the Nixon administration and the Vietnam war had an important influence on how he shaped the plot of the early films in the saga. The impact that these two events had an American in the 1970s started him thinking about the ways in which democracies can sale and how they deteriorating to dictatorships when corruption goes unchecked. He’s quoted as saying that Nixon - Who he viewed as having subverted the Senate and as acting an increasingly imperialistic way - what is the direct inspiration for Emperor Palpatine the supreme leader of the evil Empire in the first Star Wars trilogy”
So I don't see why they couldn't do something similar with the CLEAR FUCKING EVIL going on in the world at the time this trilogy was being made. No Sith master was needed.
In this scenario, I would call The First Order, The Imperium
Now you might have questions. What about the Stormtroopers and Kylo?
Stormtroopers? Don’t abduct kids, nationalize and recruit them willingly. Abducting children and training them to be Stormtroopers instantly made The First Order out to be cartoonishly evil from the start. So what do you do instead? Use propaganda. Nationalize them. Make them believe The Empire was right and convince them that the life of a Stormtrooper will help bring order in a chaotic galaxy. We’ve seen cults do something similar, Far Right Wing groups do it and we’ve seen Trump radicalize and nationalize white supremacists, so it’s not impossible for The First Order to do the logical thing.
Finn only leaves because he sees they are murdering unarmed civilians and chooses to leave. He is an example that it isn't too late to leave harmful fringe cult movements.
So how would Ben turn in this scenario? He's radicalized by Snoke. Ben starts hearing passionate speeches in the senate and Ben is moved. "I know he opposes my mother, but he's making a lot of sense" "He's right, we need to bring order to the galaxy" and Ben is radicalized by this Imperium movement and what he believes is Snoke's righteous cause. To Snoke, Ben represents everything great about the Empire. Snoke collects Sith Holocrons and uses the holocrons to turn Ben Solo into Kylo Ren.
In this scenario, I wouldn't redeem Ben. He is far too gone. He's committed atrocities in Snoke's name, for The Imperium and to bring order to the galaxy. While Finn represents those who could break away from Right Wing movements and Cults. Kylo Ren is far too gone, he's radicalized to the point where he's a die hard believer like Hux and Phasma and he's willing to fight and die for this indoctrination.
Choice 11. The Episode IX rewrite with Ben living and Reylo ending
Choice 12. The original plan for the Sequel Trilogy was to just get three young directors together to direct the Sequel Trilogy. It was supposed to be JJ, Rian and Colin Trevorrow, but Colin's IX was bad and his Jurassic World trilogy was terrible. So I would make either Matt Reves or Greta Gerwig as the director for Episode IX and ideally they would plan the trilogy out together instead of JJ setting up Mystery Boxes and expecting Rian and others open said mystery boxes and Rian subverting expectations.
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darklinaforever · 2 months
When I am accused of romanticizing incest and grooming because I ship Daemyra, whereas when grooming is involved I recognize it, criticize it and have a tendency to despise the character who carried out this horror ! Wasn't it Lucille Sharpe who manipulated and groomed her own little brother ?! (Attention, I still love the character of Lucille. She is a fascinating complex character, I can't take that away from her. On the other hand, I definitely remain objective about the relationship she had with her brother ; Thomas, my little darling for the life that did not deserve so much misfortune)
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Not to mention the characters of Tyler Galpin and Kylo Ren having also undergone grooming ? But obviously no one talks about them since they are men! And that the anti will have a tendency to demonize these two characters, refusing to recognize their victim status in order to make them into pure monsters having manipulated the poor young women in front of them (Wednesday Addams and Rey) ! There is definitely this tendency to demonize men and infantilize women during our era which wants to be so feminist.
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Especially since I've already seen the Grooming story come out for Wyler and Reylo, but reversed, claiming that these young men groomed these young girls ! Either by transforming the canonical age of Tyler in addition to ignoring the canonical events making him a victim of grooming (nice try but failed), and for Reylo, although the characters are both adults, use their almost 10 years (I think ?) of age difference to shout about grooming ! (Definitely the use of this word is really trivialized these days) Yes ! Let's infantilize women, such as Rhaenyra Targaryen (who ironically always goes from victim to whore / aggressor with the anti, sometimes within the same episode, showing all the consistency they demonstrate in their speeches) or Alina Stakov by saying that they were groomed by Daemon Targaryen and The Darkling (Both stripped by many fans of their complexity / the fact that they are gray characters to make them pure monsters who are attackers and rapists of women, while there are canonical rapists around them in these universes respective !) to fix our anti discourse and pretend to be feminist ! Great to compare that to womens who fully choose to be with the men they want !
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benthelastskywalker · 5 months
Gaslighting by definition in any dictionary means literally convincing an individual or group that something that does take place is all in the imagination of the person/group who witnessed it. The word was coined directly from the Hitchcock film of the same name. In the situation of DisneyLucasfilm and Ben Solo, gaslighting is absolutely taking place. To deny it is to be a gaslighter as well. The Reylo/Ben side of the fandom scattered to the four corners and never recovered after TROS was released and Disney unleashed their wrath on Ben Solo supporters. The original Reylo/Ben fandom on Tumblr is long gone, and the fan artists who migrated to Twitter are among the only people left and they don’t even acknowledge that the fandom still exists on Tumblr due to their own self importance.
Even Adam said in various interviews that people deny exist but they are online for anyone to watch, that he hung up his Kylo costume and will not return. His red carpet interview from TRoS premiere was so successfully hidden by Disney that 99.9% of his fans don’t know he even has one. Unless someone is going to retcon Ben’s death and release the originally filmed version (what was shown in theaters and on dvd is actually reversed film for his final scene), there is no storyline that could possibly work to bring him back. The retcon of the franchise thanks to TROS erased all main points from as far back as The Phantom Menace. While there is a fan theory that he could be in the World Between Worlds, as was mentioned in the original storyboards and supplemental books, disenchanted angry people who left the fandom said that it isn’t possible for him to leave the World Between Worlds without Rey’a assistance when their precious Anakin can and did come and go at will with no consequences. If anyone brings up the possibility, they are ridiculed for not knowing anything about Ben or the Force or the Galaxy Far Far Away. And also that he is the most problematic character who deserved to die. Make it make sense. If Ben and Rey are the sacred Dyad that the movie and fans claim, then it is beyond disrespectful to treat Ben like literal feces under someone’s shoe because they think Anakin is superior. It only makes the fanboys win in the end.
I am one of people who believes in the WBW theory, but we'll just have to wait and see. Many actors have said they'd never return to roles, only to do just that. I hope Adam realizes that for every fan who hates Kylo/Ben there are much more who love the character and would love for him to return. I've seen several youtube videos saying that Ben's turn is the only thing that would save SW at this point and I agree. SW keeps revisiting the same areas in time over and over and it's starting to run thin. The only thing they haven't addressed yet is after TROS and a lot of fans have no interest in anything like that if Ben isn't in it.
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anisaanisa · 6 months
🚀 20 Questions 🚀
Tag game tag game! Thank you @mayarab, your timing is impeccible, for nano is right round the corner (eek!) 🤸‍♀️
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 words count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Inuyasha and the effervescent No Fandom!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. One Word 2. Homecoming 3. Evermore 4. Members Only 5. Two for the Show
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! Though sporadic, I do try (operative) and respond to all of them. It takes a certain set of variables for me to aquire the spoons, but I get there eventually. As for the why, I just like to say thanks :3
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hm. You caught me. I am a compulsive happy ending built writer.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably One Word? It's the most picket-fenced ending, at the very least.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No. Inuyasha is a drop in the fanfiction ocean, and hate in this realm tends to be an echo, rather than a rabble.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I do! All kinds! Sex positivity is nifty my dudes!
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I do not. Never say never though!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! The lovely @minakok translated One Word into Spanish, and I am eternally grateful for her and those who have had a chance to read it 😭
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Technically, yes! I joined in on an AU art challenge that resulted in InuKag as a Reylo role-reversal piece. One thang led to another and before you know it, @boflicker and I went from brainworming to actualising that into a fic, Irredeemable. I've done a fair few art collabs, but this one is extra special to me; not only is Bo an excellent writer, but a stellar collaborater, and we are very often haunted by this story and it's characters while they're out there in the big wild kicking ass and taking names (love you BoBo) :3
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Gosh. This one is so hard. How ever shall I pick? (deadpan, unserious)
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15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
...lower your voice. I have every intention of finishing everything ever, prommy. Sharing is another question though :3
16. What are your writing strengths?
Characters (question mark) and The Hook(tm), possibly.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Momentum and retaining motivation via associated annoyances.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I mean. Yeah, why not? If it calls for it, it calls for it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Inuyasha! Dated November 2020!
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
One that I haven't posted 🦇
Weeheeeee this was a good finger stretch. I'm gonna tag @inussunflower @sin-and-punishment @moonnue @iam-jacks-redacted-information and anyone else that wants to join! ψ(`∇´)ψ
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onewomancitadel · 2 years
Never not going to be over Reverse Anidala as a way to justify the Sequel Trilogy's existence. It was the only reason it deserved to exist and was the major reason I shipped Reylo.
I was at the embarrassing nerd point of explaining this theory to real life people in my Greek class.
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