#remember that shipping isn't real and none of it matters and to not take it so seriously ok?
goddessofmischief · 8 months
A/N: this is part of this series, which requests are open for! These fics are all one-shots, so they can be read separately.
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If he was being honest, Shanks had thought about that kiss many times. The first kiss, his and yours.
It had never since been repeated. It had never since ever been mentioned, so repeating was certainly off the table. He had many kisses since, with many others, but none the same, and none quite as real.
Through it all, he had remained your closest friend. He, you, and Buggy had remained on Roger's crew, contented to stay on and learn for the time being. But tides had been changing as of late, Shanks knew. Roger had warned him of it himself.
He wondered where you might end up, if things fell apart, if their little family were to be separated. It was impossible to imagine you alone, but he was sure you were capable of it. You had never really needed him or Buggy.
...You certainly didn't need Buggy, at least.
Some nights, when he was being really honest, he imagined sailing away with you. Just you. Sure, he'd find a crew someday, but he wanted a couple years to see what life was like without one.
But that dream had died today, as today was the day he was introduced to your new boyfriend, Dracule Mihawk.
Shanks had a cursory knowledge of Mihawk that was far more extensive than he cared to admit. While the boys were only one year apart in age, Mihawk's extensive accomplishments far outranked Shanks'. Mihawk was already one of the world's greatest swordsmen.
How could he compete with that?
To be fair, Shanks was no slouch with a sword. It was hardly an insecurity of his. He was certainly one of the best, but he wasn't one of the greatest. And this shouldn't have mattered so much, anyway: It's not like you were in love with Dracule Mihawk entirely based on his sword skills.
No, you loved him for a thousand other reasons, all of which became dreadfully apparent to Shanks the moment Mihawk set foot on their ship.
He was polite, almost to a fault. He was cutting when it came off as clever. He had an utterly inescapable stare that made Shanks understand the meaning of the nickname 'Hawk-Eyes.' He was not a man, he was a force of nature, and Shanks felt terribly small beside him.
"So... what's your job?" Buggy asked. The three of them were seated in the dining room, waiting for dinner to begin.
"Gun for hire," Mihawk said calmly. "But only for the best."
"And... what's your intentions with Y/N?"
Mihawk stared him down. Shanks felt very grateful that Buggy had asked first.
"To marry her, of course."
Shanks almost choked on his drink.
Marriage? Really? That's what this was? It was too soon, it wasn't fair. He hadn't had time to do anything, he hadn't had time to even consider the full depth of his feelings for you. Mihawk was going to take you away, and he would never see you again.
"Marriage?" Shanks asked, trying to assume a jesting tone. "Isn't that a bit... sudden?"
"Well, yes," said Mihawk. "But I'm sure there's no one better for me, and I would hate to lose her."
"Ah... I understand what you mean." He understood it all too well.
You entered the dining room, and Mihawk rose to greet you. Shanks stood up, too, whacking Buggy on the shoulder to get him to stand.
You looked beautiful... of course... and completely in love. He didn't know someone else's joy could cause him so much suffering.
Mihawk handed you a drink - the rim was covered in dried flowers, he'd forgotten you liked them so much - and the liquid was a violet color.
"You remembered," you whispered to Mihawk with affection, and he merely smiled. Coward. If you'd spoken like that to him he would have had the ring out already.
The four of you turned to face the door again, as a sound like thunder echoed from the outside-
But Shanks knew it was only his adopted father's footsteps.
"Mihawk, is it?" said Gol. D. Roger appraisingly, looking the boy up and down.
"Yes, sir, it is."
"What do you do to survive, Mihawk?"
"Whatever I like."
Shanks wasn't quite sure how Roger felt about this answer - please hate it - until Roger began laughing uproariously.
Damn it.
Was this how mutiny felt? It seemed like it was one, sitting at that table, watching all those happy people conspire over futures he wouldn't be part of. He felt like a ghost, like he'd already died, like everything was too little, too late. He didn't blame you - how could he? you had done nothing wrong - but still, his heart broke a little every time he saw you reach for Mihawk's hand.
"It was a nice dinner," you later said to Shanks, standing at the edge of the ship, while Mihawk and Roger sat stoically in silence inside. "Thanks for being there."
You held a cigarette, and he watched as you exhaled smoke across the water.
"Give it," he said, half-jokingly, and he took a puff as well. You stared at him.
"Nothing," you responded, holding your hand out and taking the cigarette back. But it wasn't nothing. The truth of it was that him standing there, tall as ever, with his dumb little necklace and dumb loose, white shirt... it made you remember how you'd felt for him during that kiss, years ago, all those feelings you'd tried to bury since.
Mihawk made sense. He was honorable, undeniably handsome, and clever. And it wasn't that Shanks wasn't these things - it was that Shanks had expectations set for him you couldn't possibly hope to live up to, and couldn't imagine following after.
He would be King of the Pirates. He would find the One Piece. You never doubted any of it. Everything Roger declared would someday become truth. This much was certain.
Could you handle that? It felt too much to bear, too big a weight to carry. Your love for Shanks - that's what it was, it was love - came second to Roger's aspirations for him and things the world needed him to do. He was a great man, he would do great things. And you had no place in any of it.
"You're lost in thought, it seems," Shanks prompted. You smile.
"Just thinking about Mihawk," you responded.
"You know, he... he told us he wants to marry you."
Your cheeks flushed red.
"I know," you spoke casually, even though you hadn't known. "He wants us to travel together, before he settles somewhere."
"But not now, right?"
"Maybe now."
"It can't be now!" Shanks said. "With everything going on? The World Government at our backs and Roger's health-"
"What do you know about that?"
"More than you know."
"I know quite a bit," you responded. "I'm the one who diagnosed him."
"Oh," said Shanks, trying not to let on how worried he was. "How long has he got?"
"A year. Maybe less." You puffed on the cigarette again. "He's said he wants to see us all happy, before he goes."
"That's not what this is about, is it? Please tell me that's not what this is about."
That was what this was about.
"You can't marry Mihawk just to make Roger happy! That's not what he wants!"
"How do you know what he wants?"
"He wants you to have adventures! He wants you to be one of the greatest pirates ever! He wants us..." Shanks became very quiet. "He wants us to stick together."
You held your breath. What you were about to say would disrupt all your lives: yours, Shanks, Buggy's.
"The Roger Pirates are disbanding next week, Shanks," you said. "I'm the only one who knows. Me and Rayleigh, and Roger. That's it."
Shanks stepped back, almost unable to comprehend what you'd just said.
"Oh," he said, unexpectedly somber. "And what happens then?"
"Then we go our separate ways," you said. "And Roger is going to turn himself in."
"To the World Government?"
"It's the only way. Or so he's said. I believe him."
Shanks sank down over the side of the railing, gripping the sides to keep himself from falling off. You watched him with concern.
"Can I ask you a question?" he spoke, softly.
You shrugged.
He raised himself up far enough to make eye contact with you.
"Do you ever think about it?"
"...Oh," you said. "Us."
Behind you, Shanks paled, already waving off your answer.
"...It was just a question."
"I think of you all the time," you said, trying to avoid the full implications of such a question. "You're one of my best friends."
Shanks stared you down, leaning against the edge of the ship.
"That is not what I mean," said Shanks. "I think that you know."
You did know.
Before you could stop yourself, you reached out and placed your hands on his shoulders. He looked at you, unblinkingly.
"I can't," you enunciated, staring at his shoes before meeting his gaze. "I can't let there be an us."
"But there could be."
You needed to end this now.
Still clutching his shoulders, you bent your head past his face, lips brushing against his ear.
You knew you held his heart in your hands. You knew you were about to crush it.
"I need a man," you spoke carefully, "And you are still just a boy."
taglist: @sordidmusings@foggyturtleknightangel@twinklesnake@toertchen@96jnie@lunanight1021
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trashbag-usa · 1 month
it feels like a lot of people have given up on fully connecting ISWM/Engie Mark to the wider lore (aka WKM) since IRL Mark straight up told us he wasn't Actor.
but not only am i a stubborn son of a bitch, but yknow what Mark also said?
"Engineer Mark isn't Actor Mark, but Actor Mark just might be Engineer Mark."
so hear me out, y'all.
preamble; if you saw this in a yt comment section, no you didn't. (that was also me i didnt steal this i prommy-)
i have this entirely insane theory about iswm that Engineer Mark is actually Damien, but only sometimes.
the most obvious places i can spot him is in the abandoned ship with the candles ("captain needs their sleep" and whatnot), as Old Mark (specifically in the empty diner), and most definitely as the "Mark" we see as part of the finale, the one who realizes he was wrong.
Actor is allergic to admitting fault so I Don't Believe That's Him.
this explains the thematic focus on sleep and rest in these scenes, things told to Damien and told to US by DARK several times.
("Don't remember" anyone?)
speaking of Dark, it explains why he isn't there. we DO however see the suspiciously Darkiplier-esqe Ms. Whitacre, which it isn't controversial to say atp is CLEARLY Celine.
that is, until the universe does its final kablooey and Dark as we know him, Damien attributes and all, comes to take the warp-crystal.
and besides, think about it.
given Actor's whole goal in all this, as laid out in the Damien Project, do you REALLY think he would write a story in which all problems arise from HIS OWN NEGLIGENCE? NO!
that would make him a villain, and all he ever wants is to be portrayed as the hero, literally for eternity!
but you know what i think he would do? set up a farce for the most troublesome of his "co-stars".
you, the viewer, want genuine choices? you want to have some real control over the story? some responsibility? FINE.
everyone looks to you, but under your leadership everything goes wrong, no matter what. you don't know why, but you're actively villinized and the harder you try to go back and fix things, achieve an "ending" on your own, the more people HATE you. the more the thought that maybe there IS something wrong with you specifically will stick in your mind as a possibility.
all these options, but none of them "right", creating MORE suffering instead of fixing it just to find that ever elusive end.
damien wants control of the narrative? he wants his old friend, you, the District Attorney to be released from his eternal story and given back to him? FINE.
here's his role back in earnest, given the possibility to engage and choose instead of intrude and twist like usual.
(yes, i do think Damien/Engineer is genuinely going down his own hopeless path while we find our own. in one of the descriptions leading to the final "Hold On/Let Go" confrontation, it says "you're not the only one making choices. you're not alone, you never were".)
he is allowed to fight for the safety of others, side by side with his closest companion, just as they did when they were alive.
BUT, the twist is Damien becomes a genuine villain. in his quest to do the altruistic thing and help at all cost, he is personally responsible for the death of LITERALLY EVERYONE EVER.
this is a personal hell for someone like Damien, as seen from WKM, all he ever seemed to want was help others and guide them towards peace.
for his actions/leadership to fail so unthinkably catastrophically, seems like the exact hell a bitter Actor would want to subject his "old friend" to for meddling. :/
Actor sets the stage for a theatrical punishment game. Mayor and Attorney, together again, taking an impossibly long stay in a personally crafted hell for the horrendous crime of ever even thinking they'd be worthy of ✨️staring roles✨️.
Actor turns you two against each other, and once Damien is brough down to the depths of despair and you have finally learned that true responsibility can lead to catastrophic, painful results, we're brought back to our proper places.
you go to a proper ending, with the Engineer role now being played by Actor once and for all, and Damien once again becomes part of Darkiplier, pocketing the warp-crystal to plant on the box in Heist.
Engineer isn't Actor, it's a role he plays when it suits him and his goals, to make his enemies suffer. he's willing to be Damien's understudy, if only for this purpose.
but at the end of the journey, Actor becomes Engineer to take in the fruits of his labor. ..and maybe invite you to a Heist while he's at it.
very long winded """theory""" that is pretty much only insane fanfiction-
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nethhiri · 4 months
Marooned: Chapter 15
Kid x FemReader x Killer
Warnings: None
Hangovers and Hang-ups
Killer leaned against the wall of Kid's workshop while Kid took a closer look at your log pose. "What's your plan with her?" Killer had taken care of you until you passed out. He had thrown you over his shoulder and taken you to Kid's huge bathtub. He had thought about tucking you into his bed so you would be more comfortable; he knew you would have a raging hangover in the morning and Killer could always sleep in Kid's bed so you could have his room to yourself. As nice as he could be, and even after you treated him, he didn't want you to puke in his sheets, so he settled for a pillow and comforter thrown into the tub with you. It would be easier to clean if you threw up there. He felt bad about leaving you in clothes covered in now-stale beer, but he felt worse when he thought about taking them off, unable to shake the image of your mouth around his fingers while your eyes burned into his through the holes in his mask. It brought heat rushing up his neck thinking about it now.
Kid shrugged. "Wire said we have another week until we get ta the next island. Our deal was that she gets off there." He continued to tinker with the log pose. "If I still want to fuck her by then, I'll make her change her mind. We need a doctor anyway." 
"I think we need to figure out who she is before you think about keeping her on this ship, if she even wants to stay. You don't think it's odd that she won't tell anyone her name? That she can put up a fight?" Killer picked up your weapon that had been sitting on the corner of Kid's bench. It was a unique design, though he was certain he had seen something like it before. "Do you remember when we first started out, the time we got intercepted by marines?"
"Nah. Why?"
"No reason." It was fuzzy, yet the tool in his hands made Killer keep thinking back to that time. Something was there. He wanted to be sure before he brought it to Kid's attention. "If she doesn't want anyone to know her name, she must think we'll recognize it, which brings a few possibilities: she's from a rival crew, she's a marine, or she has a bounty. Maybe a combination of those. And then there's the separate matter of what she told me last night about not being able to swim. She might have a Devil Fruit." 
Kid cackled. "If Trafalgar or Strawhat had a bonnie lass like that on their crew, I would have kidnapped her in Sabaody. Those two losers haven't seen a tit in their lives. Wouldn't even know what ta do with pussy." Kid seemed pleased with himself, whether it was from his own jab or his tinkering was unclear. The log pose split into two halves in front of him. "What a shit log pose... If a marine has a name that big, they would be an admiral and she isn't one." Kid paused to think, "Don't we have some old bounty posters somewhere? Go through them with Heat and see if she's there." Kid looked at the dials more closely. "Killer, look at this." His took one off and flipped it upside down. 
Killer moved to the bench, setting your gun down. He picked up the pose's needle that Kid removed. "There's... a small piece of paper."
Kid took the other two needles off. "These too." The three needles on the table shifted, ever so slightly, in three separate directions.
"Those are vivre cards!" Killer was impressed with the ingenuity. It wasn't a real log pose at all, it was a tracker of sorts, and it seemed to be aimed at three people. Family? Friends? Or... enemies. 
"What a clever little bitch." Kid reassembled it so that you wouldn't know it had been tampered with. "No wonder she wanted it back so badly." Kid had been confused initially. He showed it to Wire, who compared it to their own log pose, and concluded that it was broken since the needles didn't point the same as theirs. 
"You mean no wonder she would tolerate fucking you for this long otherwise." Killer dodged a wrench launched in his direction.
Kid shoved the log pose in his pocket. He did say he would give it back. "DON'T BE JEALOUS!" 
"I'm not," Killer said in a teasing tone, getting ready to slip out the door.
Kid narrowed his eyes in his best friend's direction. "Did she fuck you?" He thought back to what you had said before emptying your stomach over the railing. "KILLER?!" 
The masked man left Kid's workshop with his captain's shouting trailing after him and a sly grin on his face. Killer thought it was fun to ruffle Kid's feathers and get him worked up. Killer knew Kid wouldn't be mad if he had fucked you; Kid simply liked keeping track of his playthings. And Killer also knew that Kid would have wanted to compare notes to make sure you weren't holding out on him. 
Grumbling, Kid examined your weapon. He had made some improvements to it so that it met his standards. Kid was going to present it to you at the party as a gift, but he decided at the last minute that would be lame. It didn't have anything to do with the scenarios in his head where you didn't like it that left his hands clammy. He wasn't even going to do much to it, but he ran out of things to do when Killer told him his helmet was fixed and that he didn't need a new one. That concerned Kid for two reasons: anyone but him would have to weld it back together and there were no weld marks. 
It fucking sucked waking up. You were sore from being in the hard tub all night, you were nauseated, and you had the worst headache of your life. For a while, you had turned on the hot water, still in clothes, and let it rain down on you after moving the pillow and sheets that Killer had left you out of the tub. There wasn't a lot that you remembered from last night other than winning a pair of pants, that you would be sure to collect on, and Killer holding your hair back when you got sick. How embarrassing... like a damn teenager.  You pulled yourself up with a groan, plopped the soaked dress on the floor, and washed all of last night off.
When you were drying off, you heard a soft knock from Killer's end of the bathroom. You hadn't noticed the first time, but the captain's room and the first mate's were joined by this bathroom, a door on each end. Throwing the sheets around your shoulders to cover yourself, you opened the door to Killer's towering frame. 
"You look like shit." 
You blinked at him, simultaneously offended and amused. "I feel like shit." 
He moved to let you walk past him. "You should drink some water."
You looked around. His room was more simple and less dark than Kid's. "Thank you, Dr. Massacre Soldier. I'll take that into consideration." It felt like an intrusion to sit directly on his bed. There weren't any chairs and he wasn't kicking you out though, so you sat on the floor next to the wall, bringing the sheet over your head to block the light. There was a creak as Killer's weight sank on his bed across from you.
"Wire says it'll be about a week before we reach the next island. What will you do then?"
The pounding in your head nearly drowned out his question. "Eager to get rid of me, huh?" 
"No one's making you leave."
"Not yet."
"You know, you don't have to be a smart-ass all the time. There's no need to be so defensive" Killer couldn't gauge your reaction under the sheet. "You think you're so special that we'll even give a shit who you are?" 
That made you laugh. "Well now you're just making me sound like an asshole." You uncovered your face to look Killer in the eyes, well, mask holes. "It's not about who I am. It's about who I used to be." 
"We've all done things we aren't proud of... except Kid. I don't think he has regrets." Killer offered. 
You sat up, pulling your knees in and burying your face in them. "The thing is... I was proud of it. Until I learned my career was a sham. Wasted part of my life doing..." You sighed. "Killer, I know you're trying to be sympathetic or whatever and I appreciate what you did for me, but I'm only trying to make it to land alive, so I can do what I have to do." You stood up and mumbled on your way out, "I've already been ripped apart and left for dead by a crew once. Don't need to relive it." It was impossible to be betrayed again if you had no one close enough to do so. 
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litapeanut · 1 month
The retelling of Medusa's story isn't getting better
A review of Percy Jackson and the Olympians season one
I've not read the source material, but from what I watched, the series is a generic mainstream fantasy show, with Percy being the blandest protagonist ever, despite everyone else around him stating he is special, he literally does and says nothing that resonates this specialness.
Particularly, the thing I found irksome is the third episode where Percy goes on to kill Medusa. Sure, the show made a point that she is no mere monster and included her origin story, but, she is still seen as a quest to be accomplished, and she gets beheaded anyway ( just censoring that with the invisible cap doesn't make it less brutal, I also saw people applauding the invisible cap treatment, as if women being brutalised is okay as long as they are brutalised in a more humane way😂), and furthermore, her head is shipped to Olympus like a common parcel. None of the micro progressive changes matter, because she still ends up the way she is in the original story. I'm not against female characters dying, but female characters dying in a tropey and pointless way.
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Let's look at the original Greek mythology, it is a story so well-known that non-classics-professionals are familiar with. The essence of the story boils down to: 1) Medusa is a victim of feudal misogyny and victim blaming; 2) she is being objectified as a quest to conquer and a weapon to use even after her death. The original story is ugly. If you want to keep the story as it is, you have to keep the ugliness too, no wishy-washy sanitisation is going to make it "better". One good way to handle this is to acknowledge the ugliness and offer modern critique, especially in a fantasy show set in contemporary times. The series' way of handling is dodgy, since it is literally a retelling that preserves the core element of the original story invented thousands of years ago, without any updated criticism. (Well, if I want the original version of the story, I'd read a non-fiction book about this matter, not watch a modern fantasy story.)
Perhaps my disappointment came from my expectation that I hoped Medusa could somehow become an ally without having to die, since it's the 2020's now, we probably moved on from the binary hero-vs-monster trope. I still remember that episode from the 90's Hercules cartoon series I watched as a kid (also produced by Disney) in which Hercules came to understand that not all monsters are malefic, and he makes friends with Medusa in the end; more importantly, Medusa lives. This is yet another good way to reimagine the old myth by taking a wild leap. It's sort of sad that a silly cartoon show made more than twenty years ago has a more nuanced understanding than our current production.
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How we view non-human beings in the fantasy world, more or less, reflects our attitude on other people who are different from ourselves in real life.
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w0efulboopsoul · 1 year
I won't be saying any names, as this is just a personal thing I've been dealing with, with a friend I've had for years with... This individual isn't on here anyway, thus why I came here to vent. Three to four fucking years of constant interaction ooc and ic, of my doing every little tiny thing you wanted to do, of putting up with writing only YOUR ships and none of mine hardly... Nearly 3-4 years of bonding and crying to each other, for fuck's sake you were there when my 3rd kid was born... You were there talking to me on my fucking wedding night. We had been through so much... For so long... Yet the moment I meet someone else online to start writing more, and meet them in person too... The moment I called them a best friend of mine too, you fucking leave... For over a damned year. Like you fucking LEFT left. You didn't go on hiatus from me, you straight up left everything with me in it... Even removed me from social media. It didn't matter to you, what I was going through. That I lost my apartment and a lot of our stuff with it. It didn't matter to you that my husband had gotten injured badly from a wreck, and needed me. It didn't matter to you, that I needed a friend in real life as well as in you. I reassured you constantly, and even still wrote with you that we were still friends even though I had another friend too... NOTHING HAD CHANGED BETWEEN US. YOU JUST DIDN'T BELIEVE ME. You started writing with others way before me and even met someone from online as well! I NEVER hated on you, or this person for that... I NEVER got mad either... In fact, I remember it quite clearly that I was E X C I T E D for you....
Now you come back, after not only leaving but leaving a nasty hate note behind as well... And expect ME to apologize for making a new friend? Was I supposed to only write with you, and only you could branch out? You literally ditched me for 2 months straight once just to write a ship with someone who literally despised me... I never once complained about it...
But I am supposed to apologize? I mean I did... Before I could even stop myself... I was fucking apologizing to you... Groveling again even. This entire exchange has me all messed up bruh... And now I'm so confused... And hurt. And angry... And I just don't know if I can do it again... You've made me much more shy... Much more hesitant... Much harder to trust. You left like everything we'd been through was nothing... Like I was replacing you or some stupid shit... When all I was doing, was making a new connection and friend... You know what?
While you left, they stayed... And now? They're like a sister to me. I guess when thick and thin really do show up, so do your real friends in the end...
So, take my groveling sobbing apology... But know, it's not for your actions anymore. It's because I'm sorry things fell out between us. That is all.
The kicker of this whole thing? You didn't even apologize for leaving.... You just made me apologize.
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fictionkinfessions · 11 months
Oh boy things to do where I talk about my current kintype that's taking over my brain!! Peter Nureyev here to talk your ear off.
Noncanon family members?? Boy do I! In canon I am an only child who was orphaned at a young age. I was still orphaned at a young age, but in every single canon I have for this kin I had an identical twin sister. Her name was Steliana and she was amazing. In my canon timeline she died when we were young, but I have a couple timelines she lived to our teens or even adulthood. She is so, so important to me. (This isn't quite the question but I don't have any other blood family, so.)
Mundane thing that reminds me of the kintype is knives. I had a near-obsession with knives.
Fixations? I definitely could've been diagnosed with some form of autism or ADHD as well as OCD. I was very meticulous about maps and planning as well as my appearance. The more positive part of that fixation was my love for fashion, and if I had the chance I really flourished.
Most of what seems made up in my source is time frames. Many of the events took longer than is shown because they were more spread out. Otherwise, it's pretty true to what I remember. Except Juno's internal monologue, which was melodramatic as always.
Ambient sound that reminds me of this kin is spaceship ambience. I spent so many nights on various ships, and some even in the bowels of the ship itself. Hearing the noises brings me back to those times even now. Quiet mechanical churning.
Scents or smells? Well, my partner and I are on the hunt for a perfume or cologne that is the same as the one I wore. I stopped wearing it daily after a while of being in the same place (more or less), but it was still a good scent. Earthy, rich, with a bit of spice. I hope I can wear some of it again.
Something from canon to bring to now would probably be either one of my knives (I had quite a few with sentimental value…none more so than one in particular) or my jacket. That old thing was comfortable and I flooded the pockets with nonsense. I still do, sometimes! I find old wrappers, receipts, random items I left for myself. Convenient when I need a mask and my jacket already has one. Annoying when I can't find my nail clipper.
Ironically, I can't remember any landscapes from places that mattered a lot to me. Brahma was mostly city, and Hyperion City was never a home. I never let myself settle anywhere that could be considered a real home by most people. That said, the Carte Blanche in general is somewhere I miss dearly. The skyline of Hyperion City in one of my alt canons was also comforting in its way — knowing that somewhere out there, the lady I loved was protecting people. But nothing more specific because I didn't let myself have a home.
All my best, Peter Nureyev
(source is The Penumbra Podcast)
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I sort of had this dream of a 'technically is but technically isn't Anastasia' AU for Scaramouche, borrowing from both the 1997 movie and the musical. More under the cut.
Basically, Nahida stumbles across records of a person named 'Kunikuzushi' but Ei angrily takes away the records.
Zhongli explains to Nahida about the Cataclysm that unalived Ei's sister Makoto and her first son, Kunikuzushi along with many other people the archons loved, including Nahida's predecessor.
One day, as Nahida got older, she decides to find out the truth about the Cataclysm in secret.
Meanwhile, Scaramouche is a member of the Fatui who has no memories of his past (having them being manipulated by Dottore to think that his birth mother hated him and abandoned him)
Lo and behold, due to Deus Ex MachinaTM, while investigating an old house, Scara and Nahida stumble upon each other.
Recognizing Nahida, Scara decides to attempt kidnapping her too along with those valuable artefacts he was searching for.
However, during the ChaseTM, Scara trips and falls down. Nahida recognizes a drawing of a boy resembling him.
After some persuasion, Nahida asks Scara some questions about his past and Scara is an Unreliable NarratorTM.
Nahida puts 2 and 2 and realizes Scara MAY be Kunikuzushi.
She offers a deal: If she helps him find out about his past, Nahida will hand over her Gnosis to him. After all, a young man will get a family and hopefully, some ghosts can be put to rest.
Scara initially thinks this is all sus but curiosity wins over and he decides to investigate.
Signora overhears everything and decides that she's not gonna let Scara have the Gnosis. In fact, no one but her will have the Gnosis
She reports to Dottore about this and he merely says something cryptic abt patience and the right opportunity.
Meanwhile, on the journey to Inazuma, Nahida educates Scara on Kunikuzushi's past, the archons, Ei and more.
When she brings up Yae Miko, she didn't hear him grumble "I always hated that damn fox!"
As they go on the trip, Scara sort of mellows out and he warms up to Nahida, seeing her as a sister.
During a boat ride, one of the ships is hijacked by the Fatui. But Nahida's a smart girl so eventually, she finds a way to reach Inazuma in time for Ei's birthday. Along the way, they learn more secrets abt themselves and the Cataclysm
Signora is surprise surprise, none too pleased so she decides to take measures into her own hands alongside Dottore.
Of course, the other archons are here to visit Ei and either Venti or Yae Miko could be Sophie/Lily.
Venti/Yae Miko interview Scara to make sure he's the real deal bc of some imposters in the past making Ei cynical abt the idea that Kunikuzushi's alive. Scara passes all the questions including a personal one on the feather. A question all the imposters failed.
So they spruce him up for the celebration and Nahida excuses herself to talk to Ei.
Ei however, is none too happy about all of this. Thinking Nahida was being deceived and that "No matter how hard that imposter will try, he will NEVER be Kunikuzushi!"
Scara overhears this and becomes angry at the betrayal. As well as him still having some of Dottore's manipulated memories resurface.
Scara goes rogue and attacks, causing Signora and Dottore to emerge. The Fatui attack Inazuma.
After a MASSIVE calling out from Nahida, Ei decides to at least open up her heart and try to believe Scara but when she arrives, she sees Yae Miko unconscious.
Nahida attempts to talk to Scara but it's futile. Ei intervenes and attempts to reason with him, saying the words she said long ago: "Go! Be free my little bird..."
Scara remembers his past and shows his feather to her. Ei recognizes it and knows it's the real deal.
But the family reunion is cut short bc of Dottore and Signora
The archons throw hands and there's an epic battle where Ei kills Signora like in the game
Scara decides to deal with Dottore himself, killing Dottore by declaring that it was all for vengeance.
And so, everyone can now truly celebrate and live happily ever after.
Well, Kunikuzushi/Scara states that now he knows his family, he's gonna explore the world for a while and bids them a Scara-style farewell for now.
Ei is content with knowing her son is alive and allows him to see the world, knowing one day, he'll come back (she's right)
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hxdrostorms · 7 months
romance headcanons.
→  repost, do not reblog.
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name:  Tiago. Only a select few individuals know the name he went by, prior to adopting Aldebaran. nickname:  Aldebaran gender: Trans male romantic orientation: Bisexual - no clear preference preferred pet names: At this point, he is so used to going by Aldebaran he may as well treat his chosen name as a pet one. Only Mu calls him by it, when they both are entirely by themselves.
relationship status: Married, ever since Episode G's events. favorite canon ship(s): Technically speaking, he doesn't have any canon relationship. favorite non-canon ship(s) so far:  Aldebaran/Mu opinion on true love: No matter what people say in an attempt to convince themselves that, such thing isn't real. Because to him, it IS very real.
opinion on love at first sight: He takes into consideration his development with Mu. He may not even have noticed it, but he has been orbiting and gravitating towards him for as early as he can remember it. He may describe it as two people's cosmos resonating with one another, in an unique way that will never be found with anyone else.
how ‘romantic’ are they?: He definetely tries to be romantic with his partner, although he worries he may be lacking in this department. So, his attempts can be considered being quite cheesy.
ideal physical traits: Lean and an almost delicate form, but he also appreciates a fit and built body.
ideal personality traits: Hardworking, dedication, faithfulness, calm and intelligence.
unattractive physical traits: Extreme unhealthy looks (From morbidly obese bodies to anorexic skinny), people who lack personal hygiene (He is quite observant to that detail), certain tattoos are also quite unattractive in his eyes.
unattractive personality traits: Loud people, treacherous, mischievousness, pettiness and ignorance.
ideal date: Some of his favorite activities he likes doing with Mu include: Hike around the mountains, a walk in a field of flowers, cooking together, going out to a bar, buying groceries together, sparring long baths together. Their dates aren't limited to being physically together. Mu could sense whenever Aldebaran tended to his zodiac house, during his exile. They felt each other, while he partook in that activity.
do they have a type?: Mu. Jokes aside. He seems to have a preference for partners that more or less, look and sound the stark opposite as himself.
average relationship length: Apparently it is life commitment. In a verse where Aldebaran isn't with Mu, he may have a handful of flings and nightstands. But a genuine committed relationship? That's usually a one or two things in his lifetime.
preferred non-sexual intimacy: Physical touches, he can get very handsy, he likes feeling and touching his partner.
commitment level: Ride or die with his partner.
opinion of public affection: He wishes he could be openly affectionate with Mu, it sucks to him that they can't be open at all about their relationship. With that said, given their time period, they would only be able to be open about their relationship within the Sanctuary. They are well aware of the risks of being seen, in the common world.
past relationships?: None. He started dating and got married to Mu, while still very young.
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askthechronoverse · 11 months
Chapter Six: What is Real?
Last Chapter •||• Next Chapter
"Please, keep moving!" Her advisor started to sound even more frantic. "You need to listen to me!"
The three ran through the streets, the world in total ruins. Puppycorn was in tears and it was taking all Unikitty's strength to not cry as well. She looked at the back of her advisor, his psychic grip on her paw tightening.
"Will Hawkodile join us, Rick?" Unikitty's voice was watery, trying to remain hopeful about her bodyguard.
"I know you are concerned, princess, but you need to focus on getting to the castle. I know Doctor Fox had at least one spaceship built at all times. We can take her ship and try to get past the asteroid belt." Unikitty wasn't sure if Richard was talking to her or to himself. Did it matter? Should it matter?
The sounds of her people falling prey to the holes was deafening. Some fought back. Some pleaded and bargained to a higher power for an end. Even Hawkodile and his long-time rival Eaglator were working together to buy the people more time to escape. But she watched as even they fell to the holes, two found brothers facing certain doom together as a larger hole seemed to suck them in. Eaglator looked like he was being pulled apart as he tried to buy Hawkodile more time to get out of the hole, but they both soon vanished into the inky darkness.
"Stop looking back, Princess Unikitty! I can't protect you if you keep looking back!" Richard's voice was a muddy blend of fear, worry, and comforting, which caused it to achieve none of these emotions.
The cat rolled out of bed, slowly heading through the castle until she bumped into Puppycorn in the foyer. He was playing a video game, but he paused it once she walked in.
"Have you seen RJ? He's not at his cabin." The little dog looked so worried, Unikitty thought her heart was going to rip in two. Why did the puppy look so worried when he couldn’t find his friends?
"I think he was going to stay with Emmet, his friend from yesterday, for a few days." Unikitty shrugged. "He'll be back. He likes it here and he likes you." This made her brother happy again. She took a deep breath. "Can you tell me something? Do you remember our parents?"
The puppy's face went totally blank. He stared off into space for a few moments, eyes glazed over. A similar thing happened with the puppy before, but it didn't last this long. He blinked and spoke with his paw on his head.
"Almost broke my brain there… I'm sorry, sis, I just don't remember." The puppy frowned sadly. "Actually, I don't remember the question either. Maybe that's for the best?" Puppycorn blinked a few times before his eyebrows furrowed.
"It really isn't. You see, I have so many questions and the one person who can answer them is never around anymore. You're my brother, right?" Unikitty spoke with patience.
"Oh no… Uh… yeah. I'm your brother. Always have been. Always…" The puppy's voice trailed off, like the thought was lost in translation between his brain and his mouth. "Yeah. We've always been brother and sister. And you're the best big sister a puppy could have!"
"Thank you but that isn't possible, Puppycorn. I met you when I first landed on this planet." The cat took a step back, praying Rex would step in or something.
"But we… we have. I've always been your little bro. And I just wanna play with you. That's all I ever really want, because I know it would make you happy." His eyes started to well up. "Are you mad at me, big sis? Please don't be mad at me."
"No. I'm just… I have a lot on my mind right now." She shook her head. She didn't want to tell the poor puppy anything. Not that she constantly questioned who he was. Not that she was scared of the world ending. Not that the fact her human friend was missing scared her more.
"Oh. Good. I get really worried that… you'll go away. I don't know why." The puppy started to cry a little. "Please don't go?"
"I… I wouldn't leave you without saying goodbye, Puppycorn." The cat's ears went back. She stepped closer to pat the puppy's head. "You mean too much to me." Where did that come from?
"Thanks, big sis. I feel better now…" Something about the puppy's words felt hollow, like he barely believed it somehow.
“Good. I’m glad.” Unikitty patted the puppy’s head again and smiled slightly. She couldn’t help it. The puppy looks so… lost right now. Maybe he just needed his friend?
Unikitty waited until Puppycorn left to try to talk to someone else. Anyone else. She still couldn't find Richard, so she chose Hawkodile as the next person up to bat for her questions. The cat rushed outside towards the bodyguard's treehouse.
The scenery was blurry and vague again. Once again, all voices were blurred and distorted, the stations roaming to what seemed to be conversations with people like Emmet or someone from Cloud Cuckoo Land. A groaning sound could be heard and she could feel the color drain from her fur. Soon, something large fell in front of her, creating a crater in the ground. Debris flew everywhere and she could hear screaming coming from all sides of her.
She was panting as she acclimated herself to her surroundings. She was in a large dojo-like area. Perfect. She just needed to find Hawkodile. He shouldn't be too hard to find, right? He's huge.
It didn't take long to find him, predictably. He found her first, jumping from a rafter to the space directly in front of the royal cat
"Princess. Good afternoon." Hawkodile bowed to her, then leaned against the metal frame for a punching bag.
"Can I ask you something?" The cat sat in front of the door. She knew he could fly and fly fast, but it made her feel a little better she blocked an escape route.
"Of course. What's on your mind?" He crouched down to get to her level.
"What did you do before you got here? You said when we first met you've been training to be my bodyguard, but that can't be true." The cat tilted her head.
"I was training. I'm always training." There was a note of aggression in his voice.
"Hawkodile, how long have you been training to be a bodyguard?" Unikitty straightened up. She didn't think she was going to get a real reply, but she was going to try.
"Since I was a baby… no… Since I was a child… no, no… I was older, a teenager…Right?" The hawk crocodile grabbed a stool and sat down, gloved hand on his head. "I'm… actually… not sure." He didn't speak or move for a moment, eventually hitting the nearby punching bag at full force. "Why am I not sure‽"
"It's OK, Hawk. You don't have to remember that for me." Unikitty wished he would, though. "Where did you come from?"
"I lived in Action Forest for most of my life. My dojo…" Again, he didn't speak for a moment, returning back to reality with a pained yell and a flurry of punches against the punching bag. "I should know this!"
"It'll be OK, Hawk…" Unikitty swallowed when she saw the punching bag was already showing signs of severe damage. "Please calm down."
"It's just so… frustrating." Hawkodile took a few deep, meditative breaths and sat back down. "I'm struggling to remember here and I should know all this! It's my life, for brick's sake!"
"It's OK. I'm sure you'll remember eventually, right?" She got to her feet. "Please, don't get too mad that you can't remember. That's not the friend I know."
"I know. I'm calming down already. I just… it's not a good thing I can't remember. This is my life. I should know where I came from. I just remember training with my sensei and… Eaglator." There was pain in the last word, a deep pain that only came from a place of true loss. This made no sense to Unikitty, as she knew Eaglator was fine. She stayed in the doorway for a moment and watched as her usually calm bodyguard punched through the punching bag with unreal levels of aggression.
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I think the reveal in the new "Film Red" Trailer should be seen more as an interesting plot for the movie and not as a revelation for the actual series/manga
Look I in my opinion the potential cannonicety of the movie is a clear marketing tactic and will have no actual impact on the series which I will justify with a few arguments, but before I can do that I wanna mention that I'll refer to the recent movies (strong word, Z, gold, stampede) as "new line movies" so that there isn't any confusion
Okay let's start
The reason why I came to that conclusion is partly because Eichiro Odas (the mangaka of one piece) involvement in the movies has been a marketing tactic before (and still is) but he's involved in everything non manga related nowadays (even the fucking live action show to a degree) so that isn't that special anymore, couple that with recent battle shonen anime movies (like Mugen train or jujutsu kaisen 0) that have been immensely successful mostly because they are 100% cannon and important to the story (the Mugen train movie is literally just an entire story arc), add to that that the anime recently has had consistently movie level animation and finish of that beautiful disaster with the Manga having some of the the most important plot reveals in years with the reveal that Luffy ate the Nika fruit
How are you gonna advertise a movie that has nothing to do with the current arc and has probably the same level of animation as the anime!?!?
You look at your peers, learn from them and lean on the cannonicty!! Make it reveal something about an aspect of the story that no one knows about and everyone cares about aka Shanks backstory
Now you might say : "okay it's a marketing tactic, but just because it's a marketing tactic doesn't mean it isn't gonna be important for the actual story of the Manga/Anime"
To which I say : Look at how important the other new line movies were that had the same level of cannonicty
(I'll skip Strong World for later cause that will take longer)
the only cannon element of Z is that Zephyr exists and the marines had like a head teacher, none of the actual events of the movie are cannon, the fucking endpoints and dyna stones aren't fucking cannon. Again the only cannon element is that a milder less dangerous version of Zephyr exists
If anything about Film Gold is cannon then it doesn't matter, because Tesoro's resort is a giant ship that can be easily ignored and is essentially just a giant casino scam that would have no real consequences on the cannon events of the story
The only fucking cannon thing about Stampede is the reveal that Raftel was actually called Laughtale, which was revealed in the Manga/Anime later on regardless
Now Strong World is interesting. Shiki is cannon, was mentioned in the Manga and it was revealed that he was in the Rocks pirate crew (WAY later than when he was first mentioned) !
There's actually a chance that Shiki will be part of an arc later on, but we are close to the final Saga so Shiki will probably not get a lot to do and Rocks and the story of his crew has been revealed as an endgame flashback for a while
Even if we get ANYTHING Uta (the girl from film Red) related, the most we'll get is 3 panels in the larger Shanks flashback, because Shanks knowledge about and relation to the larger world has been more important in the story than the inner world or actual character of Shanks
Anyway, just see it as a fun movie and remember : Nothing is cannon/plot important until it's in the Manga, Have a nice day!
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canongf-archive · 2 years
Hi there..! I really don’t want to be a bother or anything so you can just delete this ask if it makes you uncomfortable, I just feel that you have more experience when it comes to this whole f/o self shipping thing..!
I know my f/o isn’t real. I dunno how I’ve dealt with it this whole time but I’ve dealt with it! But I had been feeling upset all day, for no apparent reason. I finally pinpointed it and admitted to myself that it was because of my f/o. That I miss him dearly, but I’ll never truly be able to be with him since he doesn’t exist. And when I did, it was like a dam broke. I’ve been in between crying fits and just blankly trying to go about my day, feeling so terrible. I just feel so overwhelmed by this inconsolable sadness and it hurts so bad because I love him so much. I’ve never found myself in a situation like this and I’m not sure what to do. Have you ever felt this way with Bucky before?
💗 you're no bother, my love!!!!! 💗
and you're not alone either!!! i absolutely have felt this way with Bucky!!! more than once!!! and in different ways. sometimes it hits me and it's not so bad. just a few passing moments of sadness, especially at night, when i crawl into bed and he's not there. but there have been other times where it's hit me like it's hit you.
the characters aren't real, but the feelings still are!!! the love still is!!! and it can be really hard to hold so much love for someone and to know that they won't ever be able to help you carry it. it makes me feel like that quote from Fleabag. "i don't know what to do with it. with all the love i have for her. i don't know where to put it."
and that's really hard!!! it's a hard place to be in!!! self shipping can be great for a lot of reasons!!! it can be beautiful and healing and fun!!! and sometimes it can be none of those things. and if it's none of those things for you right now, and if it continues to stay that way, i think my best piece of advice is to step away from it for a little while. give yourself a break.
and that might sound really scary!!! you might think "but i don't want to step away. i'm already not close enough to him, i don't wanna be even farther away," and i get that!!! i've felt that too!!! but it won't do us any good to hold onto something so tightly that hurts us so deeply. and your F/O wouldn't want that for you.
you don't have to say goodbye forever!!! it doesn't have to be for the rest of your life! just for a little while! take a few days away from it all. focus on the things that are real in your life. call a friend or a family member. chat with your colleagues or coworkers. play with your pet. remind yourself that there is love around you to be seen and to be felt and that there is a beautiful life for you to be living. and then see how you feel.
you might feel better! it might have just been a low point. it's human to have those sometimes. you might be reminded of why you started self shipping in the first place and you might decide that it doesn't matter if this character is fictional, they're enough for you. and you might not feel better. you might still feel sad. you might still feel devastated. and that might be a sign that this isn't the right thing for you right now. you might need to keep your distance for a while. you might need to talk to someone about it to help understand it all and come to a healthier place. and that's okay! there's no shame in that!
just be sure to look after yourself, okay? it's normal to be sad sometimes! but remember that self shipping is supposed to be good for you! it's supposed to help you process feelings and get to know yourself better, it's supposed to be a creative outlet, it's supposed to help you make friends and feel supported! and if it's not doing any of that, then it might be time to change something.
i hope you feel better soon, anon!!! i'll be thinking of you!!! 💗
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I am. SO. frustrated. that they keep fucking up davekat. like I just wanna go off. just wanna go the fuck off, man, I didn't even ship them that hard at first but god damn I do now and it's pretty much because the epilogues and HS2 have fucked them up so bad and I know they are better than that. let me just.
okay so originally, davekat is built on themes of mutual defensiveness in response to insecurity. when Dave is first introduced, he portrays himself as a cool guy, and gives us the concept of Strider irony. where a normal person might claim to love something shitty as an ironic joke, or maybe the ironic joke masks sincere enjoyment... Strider irony, according to Dave, has a billion more levels of sincerity and insincerity, to the point where you have no idea what the real intent is. in part, this is due to teen pretentiousness... but in some ways this is a reflection of him genuinely finding his Bro unfathomable, and wanting to protect his own genuine thoughts, opinions, and interests from criticism, without actually coming off as insecure. as time goes by, you can watch him and figure out what is sincere and what isn't... he doesn't actually keep that tight of a lid on things, but that's partially because the game allows him more freedom than he usually has. he at least isn't living in his Bro's shadow anymore. some might extrapolate this to mean that he's experiencing more physical and mental security than usual, while others might just say he's coming into his own via this journey, but the fact of the matter is that he felt the need to hide behind this facade in the first place. and the tricky thing with Dave is that it isn't all fake. it's a weird mixture of who he is, who he wants to be, and what he thinks others will respond well to. his development isn't so much discarding the mask, as it is reconciling what it's made of, and incorporating it into his true self as he matures. he accepts it as a piece of him. it's very subtle, and natural, and true to what growing up is really like. I think this is why so many people like Dave and relate to him so much.
for Karkat, insecurity manifests in the form of being hyper critical of everyone around him. to be honest, this also comes from a deep sense of concern for the people around him, and the fact that his friend group is made of a bunch of loose canons who do destructive shit for fun, and people who are easily dragged into that sort of thing. but the thing that keeps Karkat's hyper critical nature from irritating people too much is that he's also super extra critical of himself. he admits it when he's done something wrong... though admittedly often after it's made people angry at him, and he has a good amount of very sincere apologies that he delivers so that they come off as very sincere and actually work in terms of reconciling with people. Karkat's biggest issue is that criticizing your own internal flaws and actually fixing them are two different things. and while Karkat can identify many problems with himself, he's not always the best at making them go away. it takes him a long time to learn how to change himself, because in order to change yourself, you have to accept the flawed parts of yourself and work with them, rather than just trying to push them out of your sight. this is why his anger at his past and future selves is ultimately unhealthy. it keeps him from truly addressing the fact that his current self is just as subject to those same flaws. for example, if he's talking to a past self and a future self, and his future self is condescending to him, and his past self is naive, then his present self is both of those things to his conversation partners. but he's so repulsed by his own negative attributes that he's not really dealing with them. his saving grace is that everyone can see how hard he's trying, and how worried and scared he is. ultimately, Karkat doesn't want to be the reason for screwing everyone over, and that's more concern for others than anyone ever asked for. it gains Karkat a lot of good will, without him necessarily even realizing what he's doing.
what's excellent about davekat is that they come out the gate fully critical of one another... but neither is willing to back down either. somehow, these two insecure idiots trick each other into defending themselves. and it's brilliant, because they get all their critical bullshit out of the way immediately. they don't fear criticism from one another. they already criticize one another all the time, and it's fine. like, their worst complaints about each other are right out there in the open, and how freeing must that be for a couple of guys who worry about other people's opinions of them so much? Dave has nothing to hide and nothing to prove. Karkat defends his own positive qualities. it's good for them. eventually, they just kind of run out of material... and there's something comforting about knowing that they've said every bad thing they can think of about each other, and none of it was a deal breaker. they're still in each other's business constantly. and that's when they start to learn from each other. see, Karkat is really blunt. he wanders into the thick of things, yelling at people and making mistakes all over the place... and Dave is just more cautious than that. his whole cool guy persona is made to keep that kind of raw emotion from leaking out, and to make every mistake seem like he meant to do that. but Karkat makes mistakes all the time. and apologizes all the time. and he comes out okay. Karkat is sincere. but Karkat is also high strung... and Dave isn't. Dave knows how to chill, and he plans things, and he can sit down with people and calmly talk through a plan. get it in simple terms and hash things out without panicking. Karkat often exhausts himself trying to run around and manage everything, and while it can be kind of endearing to see how much he cares... it's not exactly healthy. Dave has more of a level head, beyond just his cool kid persona, and isn't afraid to make people walk things back and take it from the top. and actually, what Dave and Karkat have in common is that they try really hard for the people around them, and feel great concern for the people they love. when the chips are down, they value similar things. and once they've run out of ineffectual ways to badmouth each other, that's what they have left. probably the thing that bugs them the most about each other is how much they actually have in common in terms of priorities. and while I do think that in their relationship, they'll probably always bicker with each other, that's the core foundation. they're caring people who look out for their group and try to help wherever they can. in essence... they're both knights through and through.
and then HS2 fucks it all up. legit why even confuse anything about their relationship? just let them uncontroversially date, keep it lowkey and tasteful, realize the wonderful potential of their friends razzing them about it a little, and write a better story for them to exist in. god damn. like, seriously, just give them more people to actually care about, because Dave and Karkat feel out of character if they aren't constantly in the lives of a plethora of friends who are important to them. look at them in homestuck. look at everything they do best. of course they wouldn't thrive in HS2, none of the cast even likes each other anymore!! Dave and Karkat were basically instrumental in setting up rosemary, which fits so well with all of their characterization its insane. I just want everyone to periodically go back, and reread homestuck, and remember when these characters were good people.
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alirhi · 3 years
...goddess help me...
This fucking episode. *deep breath* This... This episode is where I'm expecting to get some serious hate. Let me just get this out of the way right up front:
I. Hate. Zemo.
I do not find him sympathetic, or funny, or charming. I find him creepy and annoying. I did not like him in CA:CW and I do not like him in TFATWS. If you are pro-Zemo, you are not going to like my version of this show from here on out. Just find something else to read and don't bother me about it. You've got the actual canon, so go enjoy that.
Got it? Good. Now, on to the main event!
Episode 3: The Power Broker
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First of all, Sam doesn't let Bucky walk in there alone. No matter Bucky's (flimsy and nonsensical) argument, Sam's like "hell no. I go in with you, or you don't go in." The main reason for this isn't to keep Bucky from breaking Zemo out of prison (with decent writing, he would never do that) - it's so that Sam witnesses Zemo taunting Bucky with/about the trigger words. because Zemo is a piece of shit.
Since he doesn't know the full story, Sam is confused, but he files this interaction away to ask Bucky about later. He's listening to Zemo acknowledging that Bucky was "not conscious for most of [his] imprisonment" (which, yes, clearly refers to the time he spent frozen, but can also mean while he was under their control as TWS/"The Asset" - also, key word: imprisonment) and when he calls Bucky a means to an end, Sam scowls, looking ready to go off on him, but he waits. They've got more important issues.
Neither of them entertains the thought of breaking Zemo out for even a nanosecond. He does that shit himself. And literally the only reason I'm sticking with him getting out at all is because I want to address some truly egregious moments linked directly to him in the show. Zemo makes them think he's setting them on the trail when really he's just sending them to his motor pool. Bucky and Sam are confused until they see Zemo in his stolen guard uniform, then they're both angry and want to ship him right back to prison, but he strikes a deal with them: "My help for my temporary freedom. Creating super soldiers cannot be allowed to continue; let me finish my work, and then do with me as you will." He has no intention of going quietly back to prison, obviously, and they're not stupid enough to believe otherwise, but they believe they can keep him on a short leash, so they agree for now. Anything to bring down the Flag Smashers and whoever created them.
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After the title, we cut to Raynor on the phone in her office. She's agitated, fiddling with things on her desk. "No, sir," she's practically growling, "it was disrupted. - Walker did! - It's not my fault your new attack dog got off-leash!" She pauses, huffs, and says more calmly, "No. Of course not. I'm sorry. - Well, I don't see how, with the new Cap strutting around barking orders! - What am I supposed to do? Tell Captain America in front of a dozen witnesses that he can't have his predecessor's favorite pet because we're not done reprogramming him? I didn't see that going over too well. I made a call. - No. No, no, no, we can still use him. The work's not finished, but he still trusts me. He'll be back." A pause as she listens. Angry again, she snaps, "What do you want me to do, shove a tracker up his ass? He'll be back, and we'll pick right back up where we left off! - Don't worry, sir, the Asset will be fully compliant and ready to use soon. I'll make sure of it. - Yes, sir. You, too." She hangs up and tosses her phone on the couch, grumbling, "Dick."
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Cut back to Sam, Bucky, and Zemo getting going on their trip to Madripoor. On the plane, Sam wants to talk to Bucky about what he's learned so far, but doesn't want to bring it up in front of Zemo... until the notebook incident reminds him that Zemo already knows more about Bucky than he does.
After Zemo's line about the list, Sam angrily corrects him: "You mean people HYDRA used The Winter Soldier to hurt." When Zemo shrugs and his response is basically along the lines of "what's the difference" Sam is like "oh hell no."
"Those words you were reciting at him," he reminds Zemo, "what were they, Russian? They clearly meant something. They were supposed to do something. What are they?" "Sam, let it go," Bucky pleads, unable to look at either of them. "It's nothing." "You wanna drown in your guilt, that's fine," Sam snaps, "but make sure it's for the right reasons." He turns back to Zemo, who's smiling at this exchange because he's a monster and thinks Bucky's suffering is fucking funny. "I asked you a question, Zemo. What did those words do?" "They activate the Winter Soldier programming," Bucky grudgingly admits. He doesn't want to talk about it, but he's sure as hell not going to let Zemo speak for him. "Or, they did, before the Wakandans got all that shit out of my head." "It's a shame," Zemo says with a smirk. "Imagine the possibilities that come with perfect obedience." "I think you mean 'slavery'," Sam growls, "and I think you're in the wrong crowd to be looking so pleased about it. Remember that we can send your ass back to prison any time." "Of course," Zemo agrees, but with an arrogant smile that shows he doesn't believe for a second that these two have any real power over him. Still, he bides his time and sits back quietly, watching Bucky fidget with the notebook. Sam turns back to Bucky, seeing his discomfort; he won't let the topic go, though, not yet. He just softens his tone. "So, they 'activated the Winter Soldier'? What exactly does that mean?" Bucky shrugs, still not looking up. "Pretty much what he said - perfect obedience. What little consciousness they left me between cryo and the chair was squashed down, locked away. And I did whatever I was told, exactly the way they told me to." It finally clicks. He'd had his suspicions before, of course, but now Sam gets it. Visibly horrified, he stares at this quiet, broken man, and finally sees the truth of what he'd been through for 70 years: "They stripped away your autonomy. Shit, Bucky, they didn't even let you be a person. That's..." He swallows, looking like he'll be sick any minute. "That's awful, man. I'm so sorry." When Bucky tries to shrug it off and downplay it again, Sam gets angry. "Look at me!" He waits; it takes a few seconds, but Bucky reluctantly looks up and is surprised to see just how upset Sam is on his behalf. "It wasn't your fault. None of it. When Steve said you didn't have a choice, I had no idea... You really, truly had no choice; not even the ability to choose. That's horrifying." "I doubt it would make much difference to the people he's killed," Zemo points out snidely. "Or their families. Let's ask Tony Stark, shall we?" "You shut the hell up," Sam growls. He watches Bucky flinch and make that face - the face he's starting to really fucking hate - that says he agrees with Zemo. Bucky still can't see things the way Sam does; he still feels the guilt and shame, and even when he himself pointed out his lack of agency under HYDRA, it didn't click for him that Sam is right, not Zemo.
It's too much, too soon. Sam sees that and decides to change the subject, to give Bucky some time to process. He nods at the notebook, and they have their little Marvin Gaye debate, where Sam is over the top about it on purpose, because Bucky needs the distraction.
Of course, Zemo ruins it by opening his big mouth again and reminding Bucky of more trauma: his time fighting in WWII. That's why Sam latches onto the bit about Madripoor; to keep the focus not only on the task at hand, but off of Bucky's past that he clearly still can't cope with.
"James... You will have to become someone you claim is gone." Sam is officially ready to throw Zemo out a window. 😂 The only reason he doesn't jump to Bucky's defense again and basically tell Zemo to fuck himself (in a PG-13 way 🙄) is because Bucky's, as Sam pointed out in ep2, a grown-ass man, and because he's just learned how few decisions this poor man has been able to make in his life. Sam doesn't want to come across as another "handler," deciding everything for him, even if he does think this plan is stupid and needlessly cruel.
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At the bar, when asked if he wants "the usual", Sam just casually waves the bartender off like "nah". Zemo already said they had business to attend to, so it's not like anyone would be suspicious that now's probably not a good time to be doing weird shots lol. (wtf even was that? I'm not sure I want to know, but...what part of the snake did he drop into that drink?)
Sam's not an idiot (I'm really so sick of this trend of turning intelligent characters into morons because the writers can't think of any other way to move their plot along) so his cell phone has been off this whole time. No sudden call from Sarah to put them all in danger. There was really no point to that, anyway; Sharon likely would have killed Selby for talking about Nagle with or without the excuse of "saving" Sam and Bucky. I mean, it's not like they know who fired that shot, ever.
"They cleared the Bionic Staring Machine," Sam still jokes, but he follows it with, "and they think he's a mass-murderer." "They think?" Sharon stares at him incredulously. "Didn't he kill pretty much everyone he's ever met?" "Wow." Sam glances back at Bucky. "She really is awful now." To Sharon, he adds, "You met Steve; do you really think he'd have defied 117 countries to protect someone evil?" "He did it for Bucky," she points out. "Let's face it - Bucky could blow up half the planet, and Steve's loyal-to-a-fault ass would still take a bullet for him." "You know I'm sitting right here, right? I can hear you." "Look, I don't think you're evil, Bucky," Sharon assures him. "But I know you killed a lot of people for HYDRA." "I'm not denying it." "He didn't have a choice," Sam snaps, glaring at them both. "But we're not getting into that right now. My point is, the government's afraid of Bucky, and they still pardoned him. All you did was steal something. I'm sure they can be persuaded to see reason." "The day the US government sees reason," Sharon quips, rolling her eyes, "is the day I sprout real wings and fly off into the sunset." "Careful, Icarus," Bucky mocks with a smirk, "the sun and brand new wings don't exactly go together." Then he shrugs and glances at Sam. "But she's not wrong."
At the party that night, it takes a few minutes (grumpy old man Bucky's not sure how to feel about the music lol) but a peek of pre-war Bucky comes out to play: they were told to "blend in", so he dances. At first he's just bobbing around alone looking stoic and out of place, but soon he's smiling and dancing between two attractive people - one male, one female. Sam is surprised, but before he can tease him for it, Sharon comes to get them all. Even she's a little "wait what?" at Bucky having a little fun lol. (recovery is not linear, guys. trauma doesn't mean "perpetually miserable, no fun, doesn't even know how to smile." in my TFATWS, Bucky gets his lighter moments; real ones, not humor at his expense)
When they find Nagle, Bucky's the one who notices and opens the secret door, while Sam keeps an eye on Zemo. Bucky catches Zemo trying to grab that gun; closes the drawer on his hand before opening it and taking the gun away. "Nice try." Nagle tries to get away while there's only one person watching him, but Sam catches him and forces him back into his seat. With a bruising grip on the back of Zemo's neck, Bucky drags him back over to where he and Sam can both keep an eye on him. Nagle is killed in the shootout as they're trying to escape; Zemo still runs off, blows shit up, and comes back with the stolen car so he's not totally useless.
I had no problem with Zemo being the one to kill Nagle; Nagle was the worst and def had to die, and Zemo has never had an issue killing anyone. Where I took issue with this scene was Bucky and Sam being dumb enough to let Zemo wander and get his hands on a gun. Nope. Not happening.
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Anyway, shootout! Explosions! Funny banter! The seat thing, which is my favorite nod to CW ever lol... And then the conversation on the plane...
"You okay?" "Yeah." Sam sighs. "Just thinking." "About how to get Sharon that pardon you dangled in front of her?" He shakes his head. "About how Nagle referred to 'The Winter Soldier Program" like it was some kind of after school club; like you weren't standing right there. And 'the American test subject' like... Like Isaiah wasn't even a real person." He turns to face Bucky, looking angry and weary. "Makes me wonder how many times... How many times are we gonna run around in the same circles before people learn? And how many people need to get crushed underfoot in the meantime?" "Did you really just equate me with Isaiah?" Bucky frowns, not sure how to react to that. "That man is a hero." Sam opens his mouth to say something, but his phone goes off and Zemo approaches at the same time, effectively cutting off their conversation.
When they get to Riga and Zemo tries to guilt trip them over Sokovia, Bucky deadpan reminds him, "Neither of us were involved in that fight." "I doubt you'd have been much help if you were." He shrugs. "Probably not. But I like to save my guilt for events I was actually present for. It's a thing." Zemo laughs. "Fair enough."
Bucky goes on his walk, and meets up with Ayo.
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wendystales · 3 years
Memories - lrh (Chapter Six)
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Memories (also on Wattpad)
Chapter Five ※※※※※ Chapter Seven
“Problems in the fairy world: After almost two years, Luke Hemmings and Marnie McGonagall break up”
“The lovely couple of 2020, the model Marnie McGonagall and the singer Luke Hemmings, break up after almost two years of relationship”
“Shaken structure : After an accident and amnesia, Marnie McGonagall and Luke Hemmings puts an end to the relationship for a year and a half ”
After a week in peace and serenity, or something like that, my second one started with the internet breaking at the end of my relationship with Luke.
All the tabloids, renowned newspaper sites, gossip sites. All social networks. All radio stations. Everyone was commenting on.
All articles were based on “someone close to the couple”. Who? I have no idea, since after a slight spurt of distrust, I realized that none of my friends would do that. According to Noah, this was just the media playing, hoping to see if Luke or I would take the bait.
With my good leg beating at a fast pace, signaling my nervousness, I keep staring at the TV in silence, while Noah paces behind me, trying to control everything. The doorbell rings and I watch him go to answer. When Luke comes into view, I get up quickly and walk over to him, hugging him.
I close my eyes, feeling safer. I don't know how to deal with half the Los Angeles media behind me for a statement, or expecting a slip-up to attack me. I release all the air trapped in my lungs, in no hurry to break that hug.
“Are you okay?” he whispers and I just shake my head as if it was okay, or something close to it. “Great, that's what matters.” he leaves a kiss on my shoulder, before letting go and greeting Noah right.
“What's the order?” I see my friend question.
“The usual. They don't want me to say anything, but I won't be quiet while they attack her. I never stayed and it is not now that I will.” Luke replies, decided.
“Are they attacking me?” I ask approaching the two, who look at me without knowing what to say.
Since the headlines came out, Noah planted a lookout here at home, because he is the one who woke me up, and since then he hasn't let me see anything, just the TV and the mute yet. I knew he was protecting me, but I didn't know what.
The two look at each other and Luke approaches me again, sitting on the couch. As he tries to find a million ways to start, I interrupt him.
“Why do I feel like we already had this conversation?” I ask suspiciously.
“Because we already did, before we tell the media.” he scratches the back of his neck.
Once again, before he starts, Noah's cell phone rings and he leaves, leaving us alone.
“So?” I incentive to continue.
“There are a group of people, who like the band, but don't like our relationship and well …”
“They attack me.” I say, shortening for him. Luke states awkwardly. “How and why?” I don't know if I really want to know, but I know I need to.
Luke scratches his forehead. I feel bad for having to pass it on or go over it.
“They say bad things about you, about your job, about us. But nothing, nothing, is true.” Luke stresses "nothing" already knowing that most likely I would have that in my head. “Look, no matter what we do, there will always be people wanting to get in the middle and think they know more than the two of us, so just ignore it. Let them talk to themselves, they stop and go on to another topic. OK?” his face lowers, trying to meet my eyes, which were focusing on the pillow between us.
“OK!” I look at him with a weak smile. Luke gives a weak smile too, before giving me a kiss on the forehead and going after Noah to post his text.
In his tweets, Luke explains what happened between the two of us. He tells about my amnesia and how we both talked, and together, we decided to take a break, until I got used to my life or until I remembered everything. In the sequence, he also made clear all the affection and respect that we still had for each other. In addition to pulling the ear of whoever was attacking me or blaming me.
I don't know where it would be my fault. After all, I am the victim. Not to mention that none of this would be happening if it weren't for the accident. I would probably still be with Luke, together and happy.
I stare at the rug, hoping and praying for some memory to come, but my brain ignores me. I sigh, sinking into the couch. I look at the balcony, seeing the two talking. Luke is too perfect, it is not possible. I wouldn't have all that maturity.
This is not just maturity ...
I close my eyes, trying to silence my conscience. I know what it was, but not talking or thinking makes it seem like it’s not real.
Who am I kidding?!
Soon Luke's tweets were on TV, with several photos and videos of appearances, and everyone was commenting. Apparently the text was well accepted by the media, which changed the focus of the relationship a little and went back to talking about my accident. I hold my breath when the accident video is played again. I get up calling the attention of the two, who return to the living room and turn off the TV.
“Are you OK?” Noah asks attentively. I just nod.
“I need to go. I'm sure someone will show up at the studio to discuss with me. Later I try to stop by or call you.” Luke warns, coming towards me.
I hug him again, feeling safe. I apologize for getting him into this mess.
“It is not your fault and what matters is your well-being. And remember.” he holds my face, making me look into his blue eyes. “Nothing they say about you is true, don't let that take your head. I'll call you later.” he kisses me on the forehead and leaves.
“Oh, it is so difficult to see you like this and know that you are not together.” I turn to Noah, who is sitting on the sofa, looking at me in pain. I throw a pillow over his face and sit back down next to him.
“Believe me, I know.” I watch one more picture of us on the screen. “We are a beautiful couple.” I give a sad smile.
“Are?” Noah comments with a hopeful smile. “Can I start to ship again and create expectations?” he nudges me.
“First of all, did you ever stop to ship and create expectations?” Noah gives a weird smile. “Second, even if you haven't stopped, no. Despite everything, I still don't feel anything for Luke.” I sigh.
Perhaps "nothing" was a very strong word. I have affection and gratitude, but that I also have for Noah, Kyleen, Mike, Ashton, Calum and Leah, that is, it didn't mean much. What I needed was not there yet. However, I still hope to happen.
“Doesn't he look beautiful dressed like that? You have to see when he uses the overalls.” Calum sits next to me, provoking Ashton who was sitting on the floor, moving in his garden.
“Old Ashton had a farm, ieieo.” I humming with Calum, continuing the provocation.
I take the water bottle from Calum's hand, watching Ash dressed in faded jeans, a dirty T-shirt and a wide straw hat. I give a short laugh, watching Ashton glare at Calum. Apparently, his hobby in gardening was pretty funny.
“I already know what to give you on your birthday.” I get on the joke with Calum.
“You already gave that.” the two talk together, scaring me.
I look at them both with wide eyes as they laugh. This is already getting boring, it seems that everyone has some advantage over me. I see the idea of ​​the garden kit for kids going down the drain. I didn't know what to give, now then.
“Then I will need your help with this.” I whisper to Calum, who just nods.
“So, you stopped when Luke left.” Ash reminds me.
After yesterday, with my name and Luke's in everyone's mouth, today I didn't want to stay at home, I needed to relax, so the two ladies went to pick me up to spend the afternoon here at Ashton's house with them. Especially because they wanted to know how I was doing and I wanted to hear from Luke.
“Well, everything was fine. Everything calmed down, as far as possible, until the intercom rang.” I give a discredited laugh, remembering yesterday. “When Stephen appeared at the door of my building.”
The two looked at me in astonishment.
“You're kidding, right?” Ashton even got up, approaching me.
“Go for me, I would like a lot, but no. He knew about Luke and me and wanted to try the chance. Little does he know that I already know everything.” I comment the last part quietly, not wanting to focus on that.
“This guy is unbelievable. How does he have that courage?!” Calum comments outraged.
“Did you tell Luke?” Ashton asks, after walking around as outraged as Cal.
“No and I don't know if I'm going to tell.” they look at me alarmed. “I don't want Luke to feel like he has to have any responsibility to keep Stephen from me and I know he will.” I confirm my theory when Cal shakes his head, agreeing with me. “Nothing happened either, Noah went down and ran him, it was just an isolated case.” I shrug.
I didn't expect Stephen to show up, not after the hospital, however, if he ever had the courage to show up for the first time after everything I experienced (according to my diary), the hospital misunderstanding was nothing for him.
I can't hide that I was very tempted to go down and break my cast on his head, but Noah was quicker, locking me at home and going in my place. According to him, now was not the time for an aggression scandal. Do what?! He's right.
“I understand you, my love, but as a friend, I advise you to tell.” Ash sits next to me. “This will end up getting to him, like it or not, so it better be for you.”
“Yeah, no need to go into details, but tell him.” Hood reinforces.
“I don't know if Parker's party is an appropriate place, but it may be easier to relax afterwards.” Ashton shrugs, wanting to help.
“Ah, I heard about this party. He's Noah's fling, isn't he?”
“Don't let Noah hear that.” Calum laughs, catching my attention.
But it was Leah who told me about them.
“Noah and Parker resemble you and Hemmo very much at the beginning. Everyone knows something is going to happen, but you guys play hard to get”. Ashton explains. I open my mouth to defend myself, but according to my diary, that was it.
I don't help myself.
“Well, regardless of his status, I won't.” the two look at me surprised and upset. “ I'm not ready for parties yet, sorry, but I don't want to sit all night on the couch without being able to dance or having to drag it up and down.” I point to the orthopedic boot on my foot, irritated by that thing.
“But what are you going to do over the weekend then?’ Cal asks.
“You will laugh and judge me.” I answer with a pout. I may not know them well enough, but enough to understand what they are like.
“Calum quite capable, but I don't.” Calum opens his arms, visibly offended by Ash's comment, making me laugh. “You laugh at that fall of Mike in the London show until today and it has more than seven years.”
It was Ashton talking about this show that Hood started to laugh, agreeing that he was the most likely to laugh at me.
“I still have the video.” he comments after a sigh, stopping laughing.
“Tell me.” my friend asks me, turning my attention to him.
“ I'm going to throw myself on my couch, with a lot of junk food and watch makeover programs and maybe some movies. This is going to be my weekend.” I tell after a sigh.
“This is so depressing that I can't even laugh.” Calum says shaking his head in denial. I look at him indignantly. Come on?! It's not so bad.
“Really, M&Ms? Is this going to be your weekend? On the couch clogging up with food?” Ashton is more indignant than I am with Cal.
“ I'm not in the mood, I'm sorry. But don't worry, Kyleen told me about your birthday party and I will, I swear.” I raise my right hand, as if I were in court.
“You are not even crazy to consider not going. I bring you by the boot.” he counters by returning to the vase he was stirring before.
“Was he always that delicate?” I ask Calum, who spits half the water.
“Oh, Marnie, you need to spend more time with us.” he pats my knee, like an old man telling about his childhood.
“Well, changing the subject a little, and Luke, how is he?” Ashton and Calum look at each other to get my attention.
“He's taking it. He has been busy with some compositions, he has lived in the studio.” Calum replies, going around the mouth of the bottle with his finger.
I look at Ashton, who was still thoughtful. Luke is probably not as well as they try to pass me, or something else is going on.
“He'll be fine!” Irwin reinforces, trying to keep me calm.
I decide not to poke the situation anymore and focus my thoughts on the conversation we were having when I arrived, which was to recall some more facts from the last few years.
“Wait, and you got stuck in the room? And the girl is gone?” I question Calum, very lost in the whole story of how he met Kyleen.
“Yes, the girl locked me there and I don't know where she went, but Kyleen came and released me.” he explains.
“You need to find more normal girls, seriously, you have a serious problem in choosing someone.” I tell them. Serious! Emery, this girl now, my God, what a rotten picker.
“After that we went out a few times and she became part of the team. Shortly thereafter, we met Noah and Leah. That's been six years. Something around there.” Cal finishes.
“Went out?” I widen my eyes. “Have you and Kyleen ever had an affair?” I approached him, shocked, seeing him nod. “ Oh my God!”
“ It's really fun to tell her things, isn't it?” Ash laughs, seeing my reaction.
“Yes, but it came to nothing, it was more fun and in the end, it started to get weird. So, we decided to just be friends.” Hood responds. Once again, I look at Ash with my mouth open, making him laugh.
“She didn't tell me that. What a bitch.” I lean against the wall, indignant.
After the fun afternoon with Tweedledee and Tweedledum, Calum took me home, since today I was having dinner with my father and Meredith for the first time.
“Anything call me, okay?” Hood speaks before saying goodbye. “Especially if Meredith brings that peach pie with homemade whipped cream.” I watch with wide eyes, he close his eyes dreaming of the pie. “I can even taste it.” he finally sighs.
“Do you want me to keep a piece?” he quickly nods, smiling. “Okay, bye, Cal. Thanks!”
I get out of the car laughing. I couldn't ask for better friends.
I keep imagining a million scenarios while I get ready and wait for them to arrive. I know that Meredith and I know each other and get along, but that doesn't stop my anxiety from attacking.
The doorbell rings and I almost cry, regretting not having canceled before. I open the door to find Meredith fixing the collar of my father's shirt, which held the so famous pie. I watch the woman with medium dark hair and a long jumpsuit, opening a warm smile. My father steps forward and gives me a hug.
“How are you?” he analyzes me.
“Well, every day better.” I give a nervous smile. Then the time came. “Hey!” I open my smile a little more to receive Meredith.
She takes a step towards me, shy and extends her hand. I squeeze willingly and give passage to the two of them. We sat at the table and stared at each other for a few seconds, until I realized that I didn't put the dish on the table.
“Sorry.” I mention getting up, but my father takes the lead.
I understand that he wants to help, but being alone with Meredith, even for two seconds, was still not comfortable.
“So …” I start. “I saw that you are going to publish a second book.”
“Ah yes yes. Next week, I can't wait.” she responds excitedly.
Her first book was about toxic relationships and to my amazement, I helped out on some points. The second book would be about the new beginning, the emotional and financial freedom of women. She was not a Jane Austen, because the genres are different, but she is well known.
“I know I'm suspicious to talk, but it looks incredible. Your mother read and loved it.” my father comments the last part in a natural way. However, Meredith notes that I was a little uncomfortable and changed the subject.
I discreetly thanks. My parents' divorce and their friendship is something that I am still absorbing. I accept, but I am learning to cope.
We started talking about my father's trip to Japan and how he fumbled over there. It didn't take long for me to get comfortable with Meredith over there, she's as funny as my dad and very kind.
Meredith must be my mother's age, but she has an energy that makes her look much younger. She wears colorful clothes, always has a huge smile on her face and a contagious laugh. It is good to be close to her. I discover that her first husband was her high school boyfriend, but unfortunately he died of cancer.
Then she started dating an organic food store owner, but he was not a nice guy. It was from this relationship that the first book came out. I admire the courage and strength she had to put an end to it. In return, she had Kendall and Samantha, who look adorable.
“Ah, before I forget.” She takes some papers out of her bag. “The twins made some drawings for you.”
I open those papers with a huge smile. The paintings contained various hearts, flowers, Petunia in various forms and even their self-portrait with me. Everyone wished me well and said that I was the best sister in the world.
“I do not even know what to say.” I am touched. I always wanted to have siblings and since I knew them both, the desire to meet them only increases. The only issue is the fear that they won't like me.
“They are dying to see you, but we said they need to wait for you to be ready. I know there is still a lot to assimilate and absorb.” Meredith says calmly. I am grateful that they do not press anything.
But like everything, I needed to face this. Being afraid of two five-year-olds is not going to help at all. In fact, it will only make me miss them more.
“Yes, you commented on the interview that Meredith will give on the afternoon program, on Wednesday. If they want, I can take care of them.” I suggest nervous, after all, I have amnesia, a broken arm and a leg in the orthopedic boot. I don't know if I'm reliable.
They both look at each other and shrug. For them, I wouldn't have the slightest problem, and certainly not for the children. So it was agreed, Wednesday, I would find my brothers, and may God help me.
“Who's up for pie?” Meredith opens that smile again.
I end up laughing again, remembering Calum earlier. I send a photo of my plate to him, who responds with crying emojis and a huge audio, begging to keep his piece.
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word-addict-lisette · 3 years
Dear Lisette,
I am back in you inbox, yay! How was your day? How's life? How's school?
I am really mad because we had this piece of work and it was like "pen down your idea on this statement, 'i can do whatever i want on the internet as long as i don't get caught' and i put down my thoughts which were 'this statement is true, i stand by it and you can do whatever you like as long as you don't get caught and don't own up' and then people were like throwing shade at me and i looked at it. I have 5 comments.
My teachers tried to delete it, my classmates literally lectured me and then she read it out loud and the whole class went looking for that one note i made. In the comments, people are spelling my name in caps. It was my opinion, and oh, look all of them are basically hypocrites. Let me just say, these people make me uncomfortable, they don't talk about exactly nice things or approriate things and they are all commenting ( without names too may i add) like "KAT, THAT'S NOT HOW THINGS WORK!" but with my real name and just arghhh.
Also if my teachers wanted me to say, "no, that isn't the right thing to do," or any other answer that the others provided them with, they shouldn't have asked for my opinion. They should have just forced us all to just type the same thing. The other people all wrote like, "no, its unethical and bad" or "False, no, its bad" and stuff like that, filmsy evidence and elaboration. I HAVE MORALS, i am just saying the truth. I feel like the victim of a hate crime. People don't like me enough already, i am a very intresting person, uh, yeah, we are gonna stop there.
Enjoy the rant i guess? I don't know? I am sorry for loading on you but there's a little extra rant so uh, yeah. im just gonna take this out, one sec.
Ok, so uh my teacher was like, next week, we are making pancakes. Fluffy pancakes. It was changed to pancakes without eggs? and now we have to make it ourselves, at home. Where do i get flour? What do i do with the extra flour? I don't know how to cook at all, my partner who has been extremely controlling and like kinda driving me insane, ( ahem i did the whole coursework) also she uses my friend's name for everything? Like, bestie i was literally helping out and you went all, "Oh you don't want (friend's name) to see you burnt right?". Obviously i don't but if i burnt down my house, she wouldn't be surprised. I BURNT MYSELF LAST YEAR, SHE SAW ME BURN MYSELF. Well, my friend burnt me and then the week after that, she burnt herself.
This happens a lot. Also, the very common questions and statements of, "Are you straight?" , "aren't you and (friend's name) dating?", "you guys would make such a cute couple" , " aren't you bi?" and "i thought the two of you were dating," there is nothing wrong with being bi but i am not attracted to her like that. So, they use her for leverage over me to get me to do what they want and also think im dating her? If we were dating, we would both be homeless. I like my house. This doesn't only happen with her. I once got shipped with my brother. I hugged him and some guy was like, "oh you guys like each other," that was awkward. Can i just add, a lot of people like majority of that community know we are siblings.
I also get shipped with his best friend, thanks to a rumor my brother made up. So, sometimes, i would get like comments like, "oh, you like him" or "(brother's name) told me that you and (brother's best friend) are dating," we are not dating. WE ARE JUST REALLY GOOD FRIENDS. I LIKE A FICTIONAL CHARACTER. LEAVE ME ALONE. Also, everytime i have a picture of a guy on my phone or something my cousin just has to tell my brother. THEY ARE STREAMERS. ONE IS OF V FROM BTS SO I CAN TRAMATISE MY FRIEND.
Everytime i cry, someone comes in my room. It is so annoying. LEAVE ME ALONE, I WANT TO CRY. This is why i started reading sad books, listening to sad songs, watching sad movies so i have a reason to cry. There was this once, i wasnt selected to be part of my choir's competition and i was sad about it because i didn't feel good enough. THEY SAID I WASN'T GOOD ENOUGH. So, i cried but it wasn't enough so i read the saddest book i could find so i had a reason to cry but by that time, my feelings were gone. This is why i get breakdowns when im overwhelmed because of all this. You know how old i am. I have to deal with this and the pressure of always wanting to be perfect. What else can i do? I am not pretty or smart or talented or have friends, i have like 6 friends and nobody ever keeps me company. So, i focus on being perfect. 100%, i deal with not having any attention because my parents didn't pay me any attention just because i was "independent" or something?
Did i mention, i babysit all my siblings? I am the second child. I baby-sit my older brother. I am sleep-deprived because i can't sleep well at night and i constantly worry about everything and i have to take care of all my friends and it is so exhausting. Yet, i can not cry.
Thanks for staying with me through whatever that was. Uh, yeah, i took the quiz and got chaotic academia. That is my aesthetic. I really want one of those fancy skirts they wear like on pintrest and stuff? Like you know what i mean? The academia skirt? Yeah, i don't have one yet.
Question of the day, what is your dream profession or you could answer my other question which is what would you want to look like? Or you could answer both?
Ok, thank you again. i am gonna go study. Love and hugs and just literal joy sent your way!
- Kat, the ultimate dino mom of Leo, Billy Bob, Jessica, Sophie, Jackson, Sarah, Lily, the Micheals and all her other kids. (Jessica, Sophie and Jackson are mailboxes and Lily is a computer, Micheal is my screwdriver and laptop pencil, there are two micheals.)
Dear Kat,
It's really good to see you in my inbox. I'm sorry for replying late, but exams really had occupied my schedule today and I got my Saturday exam tomorrow. This week is going to be stressful and today's day has been pathetic. I had nothing to do except study and write exams. I feel like I haven't really been social recently and That I'm losing touch with people that I used to be close with and basically I'm letting overthinking take over my mind.
That is so sick. Why is someone's genuine opinion bothering them so much? I totally wouldn't be able to tolerate that. They ought to understand that there is a fine line between a fact and an opinion, and what you stated was just an OPINION. they have no right whatsoever to come at you like that. I totally agree... the teachers ought to have not asked for your opinion if all they desired was a particularly specific answer which opposed the statement. one of the reasons I hate the schooling system has to be THIS. people who are putting comments like that ought to realize that what you stated is exactly what they do in real life. They just want to be seen as the good kid here. At least you have the guts enough to speak the truth.
Miss! You don't have to worry about ranting out to me. You can rant to me for days and I'd still listen. Just go on ranting nobody is stopping you.
Ahhh! I've had that happen to me. I really understand how tough that can be. I really really hate being shipped with someone who I am just platonically friends with like you've got no valid proof to believe that we are romantically involved with each other. I've burnt myself plenty of times too. It's not a pleasant experience. Plus I also hate having controlling partners. Cause all they do is boss you around while they are barely doing a thing. It sucks.
Why? Just why? Why does it even matter to them? Who you date and what your sexuality is, is none of their business. I have no idea why people concern themselves with topics that really don't involve them. It's like people are just ready to make gossip out of anything. A person can't have a bestie without not liking them? I don't get what's so difficult to understand about that. I hate it when I'm casually talking to a guy and people start shipping us and start spreading rumors of us being in a romantic relationship. Another thing they do is, if a person likes me, they automatically assume that I like him back when I've barely even ever spoken to that guy. And yes! I like fictional characters! Don't even assume I like any of you fools cause You idiots bully me and ship me with total crackheads... And my standards are good enough for me to not include you guys in my list of *appropriate candidates* which consists of non-existent people.
Similarly, the moment I'm chatting with some guy, or like have a pic with someone on my mobile phone people just assume that fact that I'm crushing on him. Like no! I don't. We are friends... the others are celebrities, Why can't you understand that? I can't imagine how thick their skull must be considering they can't let a small statement like that sink in.
The crying thingy... I feel personally attacked. Nobody lets me do anything in peace, let alone crying. I literally use the washroom in my room and even my sister comes in there just banging on the door asking me to get the heck out of there and go somewhere else, like can't she use the other two washrooms or what? I like listening to sad stuff and reading angst cause somehow or the other it calms me down... it makes me feel at peace cause I know I'm not the only one who feels like crying. I've got a lot of friends, nobody remembers my birthday, I remember all of theirs'. They don't even text me, It's always me who takes the first step. All my friends just want me by their side cause I'm a smartass they want to show off as a trophy and cause I've got much better sarcasm than them. They just want to benefit from me. That's all. GOD, I'm not pretty at all. I look like a random idiot all the time. I look pathetic. And I lack talent... And you! I warned you, miss! You are pretty, beautiful, talented, smart, friendly, caring, kind and THE BEST!!!
I've never been given attention. Never ever. My sister has always stolen the spotlight. And I hate it. Not even my friends acknowledge me, my parents just ehhhhh. No matter how good I score, No matter how good I behave, No matter what. I'm just never good enough. My parents think of me as a rebellious kid. And I don't know what to do about that. All I've ever done is listen to them. My parents never allowed me to go out and play with my friends when I was a kid, they never let me go on overnight trips, and they barely let me spend time with the few friends I have. They never let me go to outings my school friends planned. Despite that, I never complained. I never had good friends because of that, yet I never complained. A lot of kids my age roam around in shopping malls by themselves, have sleepovers, spend money, roam around with tons of makeup on their faces, are in relationships, and even get into illegal shit. I've never done anything Like that. And yet... I'm never the good kid. I'm still the rebel.
I've got to take care of my sister almost every day. Get her to study, study myself, take care of myself while tolerating my grandmother. I really don't like my grandma, she s very fussy and just keeps yelling around the house the moment my dad and mom leave the house. I've got sensory overload because of her voice. And now I sit and have an anxiety attack almost every time she speaks. I've always got to strive for perfection as well. And I too can't sleep well at night just cause all the worries of the world, keep weighing me down.
Chaotic academia sounds good. It's the same aesthetic my sister got when I asked her to take the test! And oooh! Me too! I love those skirts and outfits they show on Pinterest. I'd love to have them someday.
My dream profession has to be that of a writer. Or perhaps even running a library. just something cozy. Ohh! I'd love to have brown hair, and I'd want to be tall just a little shorter than What I am right now. I just reached my father's height yesterday. And more or less, I'd like the rest to stay just as it is. and perhaps a lighter shade of skin tone. What about you though?
My question for you! If you were to be stranded on a beach island for a week. Who would you bring with you and how would you spend your time there. You can include whatever elements of nature you want to include like forests, lakes, and all.
Sending love, warmth, hugs, and whatever I have to spare that you would like to you!!!!
-Love from Lisette
P.S. That's an interesting family you've got, right there!
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laprincesaelena · 3 years
EOA Ship Appreciation Week Day 5: Meeting/Farewell
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a/n: hi guys! thank you all so much for the positive feedback on my day 4 poem, i’m so glad everyone liked it!! as i said, i know every ship wasn’t included, i ended up having enough time to only do the ones that were requested! but, i’d definitely consider making a part 2, so if your ship wasn’t included this time, it may be another time..
anyways, on to day 5! you may notice i included both prompts here instead of just one..you’ll find out why ;) this story is inspired by an au @procrastinateland (s/o for the beautiful art once again!!!) i came up with together, based on the sound of music! but, this fic in particular doesn’t have much to do with the musical you probably know. my obsession besides elena this summer was researching the lives of the real von trapps who inspired the movie and musical, and through it, i found the adorable love story of the parents of the seven children (georg and agathe, maria wasn’t in the picture yet!) that i knew would be so sweet for gabelena. so that’s what this fic is inspired by! quick historical note, the events that this fic portrays happened in real life in 1910 and 1922, but the years have been switched to 1912 and 1930 for the au, since we decided to place our au closer to the movie’s timeline than the real story. also hi please talk to me about the von trapps i’ve been driving my gf crazy with my useless knowledge lmaooo
and that’s about it! hope you all enjoy this, and let me know what you think!
fic is below the cut!
February 10th, 1912
Lieutenant Gabriel Núñez was amazed as he entered the venue of tonight's celebratory ball, Villa Castillo. He had never been inside a home so grand before, he almost felt as if he didn't deserve to be there. But, regardless, he was invited to attend, along with all of his friends from the navy. He couldn't wait to get away from the structure and seriousness of the military for a night, and to just have fun.
This was the first ball Gabe had been invited to since he became a lieutenant, or ever for that matter, and he was loving it. It was hosted by the Castillo Flores family, a rich family whose inventions had earned them quite the fortune over the past century. As more guests began to make their arrivals, Gabe and his friends hung around together, mingling with other guests or testing out a drink or two. Then, the ball was to officially begin with a musical performance by the hosts.
Now, Gabe wasn't much of a believer of love at first sight, but with one glance, his mind was instantly changed. Standing beside her mother and grandparents, ready to perform their opening song, stood the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, and Gabe knew he was in love. Sure, he knew he had no chance with her, as he was just a lieutenant from a humble family of bakers. She was the daughter of a rich family, and most likely the heir to their fortunes. But, there was no harm in trying, right? He knew that at some point tonight, he just had to talk to this beautiful girl.
Elena Castillo Flores, however, was different. She wholeheartedly believed in chance of falling in love at first sight, but she never thought it would happen to her. She had grown up around these balls, her family had been hosting them for as long as she could remember. And being 17, she had met plenty of men who hoped to marry into her family's fortune, but none of them seemed quite right. That was, until she was about to perform with her family.
She looked out into the crowd, and caught the eye of a handsome naval officer. She smiled softly in his direction, but didn't have time to do anything else, before she picked up her guitar, and began to perform alongside her mother and grandparents.
Gabe couldn't help but keep his eye on this girl the entire time she performed. She was a beautiful singer and guitarist, and Gabe loved hearing every word she sang, and each note she strummed. Before he could snap out of his romantic trance, the performance had ended. Gabe looked up to the stage to see if he could approach the girl, but she her family had left the stage, and were out of sight. So, it was back to just talking with his friends for now. Maybe a good laugh or two could keep his mind off of this girl. In between their backgrounds and the chances that she would choose him out of many much more qualified suitors, Gabe had a feeling this crush was bound to end in disappointment. 
Eventually, Gabe stepped away to go and get his mind off things, but as he was walking, he accidentally bumped into someone. He was about to apologize, but when the person he had bumped into turned to look at him, he realized who he had bumped into: the host's daughter.
Finding his voice again, he said, "I-I'm so sorry for bumping into you, I should have been watching where I was going."
Every once in a while, as she sang and played her guitar, Elena would look out at the man she had seen earlier. He was quite handsome, and she couldn't help but notice the way he smiled at her. But, once the performance was over, she wasn't going to go looking for him. She knew it'd probably be hard to find him in such a big group. Besides, he was probably going to turn out to be like any other man she'd met, and would only take interest in the prospect of inheriting her family's money. So, she carried on with her night, accepting that she'd probably never see him again. That was, until someone bumped into her. When she looked at the person she bumped into, she couldn't help but freeze, it was the lieutenant she had seen earlier. He was the one to speak first, which snapped her back into reality.
“Oh no, no, it's okay! You're fine!" she assured him.
"Oh, alright" Gabe said. He mentally hit himself for not saying more than he did, but whenever he looked at her, he was at a loss for words. He could at least introduce himself, he thought, but every time he did, the words would be at the edge of his tongue, and he'd end up saying nothing. But, he was determined not to blow the only chance he'd ever have with her, so, he gathered up his courage to speak to her once again.
Elena too, would be so, so close to saying something, even just introducing herself, but before the words could come out, she'd freeze. She so desperately wanted to get to know him better, and she knew the only way to do so was to just say something. But, luckily for her, he said something first.
"This has been a wonderful ball so far." Gabe finally said.
"Oh, well, thank you.." Elena replied with a smile. "I'm glad you're enjoying it so far."
"I am" Gabe said, returning the smile. Finally, he decided, he was actually going to introduce himself. "I'm Lieutenant Gabriel Núñez," he said. "but you can call me Gabe."
Elena quietly sighed with relief, she was glad he introduced himself first, it gave her the confidence to do the same. "I'm Elena Castillo Flores," she introduced. "but you can just call me Elena."
"It's very nice to meet you, miss Elena," Gabe replied, with a bow of his head to her.
"It's very nice to meet you too, lieutenant," Elena responded. "Oh, I mean Gabe, it's nice to meet you too, Gabe." she added, and shook her head at herself. Hopefully she didn't blow her chance with him right then and there.
Gabe smiled and laughed softly, he couldn't help but fall deeper in love with the girl the longer he talked to her. He had managed to find her, talk to her, and introduce himself, but there was one more step with her he wanted to take.
"I hope this isn't too soon, but would you like to dance?" he asked.
Elena's face now lit up with a smile, it most certainly wasn't too soon, she was so excited he asked her to dance with him! She nodded, and held out her hand to him. "I would love to dance," she said.
Gabe took her hand with a smile, and lead her to the center of the ballroom. With one of his hands tightly in the grasp of hers, his other hand wrapped around her waist, the two began their first dance.
As the pair glided effortlessly across the floor, Elena still couldn't believe that this was happening. How did she ever get so lucky? But, she also knew that there was a possibility that he might have happened to only attend this ball, and she may never see him again. She truly hoped this wasn't the case, she wanted to get to know him better and spend more time with him, because she knew for a fact she was falling in love.
Gabe could barely believe this was happening either. This beautiful girl had really said agreed to dance with him, and now they were actually dancing? Gabe truly hoped that he wasn't dreaming, for he never wanted to wake up. He wanted this dance to last forever, so he would never have to say goodbye to Elena, and go back to living his life without her in it. There was hardly a chance he would see her again after the ball ended, but he kept a glimmer of hope that tonight was not their final encounter.
Elena wasn't paying attention to anything else around her, for all that mattered to her now was that she was actually dancing with Gabe! She planned to dance with him for the entire night, if it meant she'd be able to spend as much time as possible with him. She knew that once the ball ended, there was a high possibility of her never seeing him again. So, she was going to make sure to spend as much time with him as she possibly could, while she had the opportunity.
After a couple of hours of guests talking, eating, drinking, and dancing the night away, the ballroom began to empty out a bit. Elena brought Gabe outside to a balcony, so she'd be able to talk with him and get to know him better without any sort of distraction.
"So, being a lieutenant, I'm assuming you're in the military, the... navy, correct?" she asked him, to start some conversation.
"Yes," Gabe answered. "I joined as soon as I was able, I've always wanted to be a part of the navy. My parents, especially my father, aren't too happy I chose this path instead of joining their baking business, but this is what I really wanted to do."
"Oh, your parents have a baking business?" Elena asked him. "Not too much of a baker, are you?" she joked.
"No," Gabe replied. "and I'm not much of an olaball player either, to the dismay of my father."
"It certainly seems as if your father isn't too thrilled with your life choices... but do you love what you do?" Elena asked.
"Yes, I do." Gabe responded with a smile. "Besides, if I hadn't made the decision to go against his wishes and join the navy, I probably wouldn't be talking to you right now."
Elena smiled as she felt her cheeks warm up at his sweet response. She was so, so glad that Gabe decided to follow his own path in life instead of listening to his father, because if he didn't, they may have never met.
"Well, I guess you're right," she said. "and I'm glad that you're doing something that you love, that's what should really matter."
Gabe nodded in agreement. "What's your family like?" he asked.
"Well, there's me, my mother, my younger sister, my grandparents," Elena answered. "we're all pretty close, and we love to make music together."
"I can tell, you and your family sounded amazing tonight," Gabe said. "and not to be biased, but I think I liked your singing the most."
Elena smiled, and put a hand to her cheek, she was definitely blushing now. "Thank you," she said. "but I wouldn't say I'm the best of them, they're all very talented.."
"I would," Gabe responded, and reached down to take her hand in his own.
"Well, thank you.." Elena replied, holding Gabe's hand tightly back. "and I may be biased, but I'd say you're my favorite lieutenant, because I totally know all the others." she said.
Elena laughed nervously for a moment after that attempt at flirting. 'what was that, Elena?' she asked herself.
"Thank you," Gabe said with a smile.
"You're welcome," Elena responded, a similar smile never leaving her face.
"So, what do you like to do other than make music?" Gabe asked her.
"I love just getting out with my family most times, of course. We'll go on hikes, go sailing, go to one of our vacation homes or visit someone else in our family's home, we're always somewhere or doing something." Elena told him. "How about you?" she asked.
"I like fencing," Gabe replied. "We sometimes have competitions between my friends and I, and not to brag, but I usually win."
"I'm sure you do," Elena responded, definitely believing him. "and I'd love to learn to fence sometime, it actually looks pretty fun!"
"Well, I'd be happy to teach you," Gabe offered. "I'm sure it'd be considered "unladylike," but if it was just us, it wouldn't really matter."
"What my mother and grandparents don't know won't kill them," Elena replied with a wink. "I'd love for you to teach me sometime!"
"I'd be more than happy to teach you," Gabe responded.
"And hopefully you can sometime," Elena said, before sighing as she remembered the reason why she was so hesitant to find him in the first place. The chances of the two reuniting were slim to none. "I hope we see each other again..."
"Me too..." Gabe replied, looking down with a sigh as well. "Maybe we could write to each other? To keep in contact?" he suggested.
"I'd love that." Elena said, smiling once again at the thought of it. "We definitely should."
Gabe smiled. "Alright," he said. "I'll give you my address."
"And I'll give you mine as well, which is right here, but I'll still write it down so you'll always have it" Elena said.
"Thank you," Gabe replied. "I look forward to writing to you, and seeing you again, Miss Elena."
"And I look forward to writing and seeing you again as well, Lieutenant Núñez." Elena responded with a smile.
Gabe laughed a bit and rolled his eyes, but still smiled. "Please, you can just call me Gabe," he said.
"And you can just call me Elena," Elena insisted. "No 'miss' necessary"
"Alright then, Elena it is." Gabe said, smiling over at her.
"And Gabe it is." Elena replied, sharing the same, loving smile.
At that moment, the both of them knew that they had met the love of their life. Though they'd have a difficult road ahead, in between having to communicate with letters for a while or with Gabe often traveling with the navy, they were determined to make it work. Gabe was not going to let his beautiful Elena go, and Elena knew that tonight she had met the man she was going to marry. They were going to spend the rest of their lives together, no matter what.
September 3rd, 1930
On Christmas night of 1929, Gabe and Elena's oldest daughter began to feel unwell. It was simply strep throat, they were told, she should recover in a matter of days. But, by the time eleven year old Catalina had recovered, five of her seven siblings had fallen ill as well. The sudden illness turned out not to be a simple case of strep throat, but the highly contagious scarlet fever, which was currently spreading through the city.
Of course, Elena was always there to care for her children, even if she was risking contracting the illness herself. For the next few weeks, she was constantly visiting her children and checking in on them, while still trying to stay healthy herself. But, when her youngest daughter, Martina, who wasn't even a year old yet, came down with a severe case, Elena had no choice but to step in and care for her, twenty four-seven.
By the end of January, Elena's caring and motherly nature had led her to catching scarlet fever herself. In children, the illness tended to be fairly mild, but in adults, it could often leave behind serious side effects. Gabe knew this, and insisted that his wife take the time to rest in order to recover. But, Elena insisted that her children came first, wanting to be there for each and every one of them as they recovered.
But, even when all seven children were happy and healthy once again, Elena's symptoms had not subsided. Now, she could rest and recover with a sound mind, knowing that her children would be alright without her for a couple of days. Those couple of days turned into weeks, those weeks into months, and by the end of August, Elena still had a long road to recovery. She was now bound to a wheelchair, she would have to learn to walk all over again due to the toll the illness had taken on her body. She still tried to spend as much time as possible with her children, and be the happy, loving, and healthy mamí they had always known. But, deep down, she knew if scarlet fever had already taken so much from her, it could continue to do so.
Over the next week, Elena's condition quickly deteriorated, and it seemed as if only a miracle could heal her. Gabe had visited his wife each and every day for the duration of her sickness, but for the past day or two, he hadn't left her side at all. He knew that at any time, her condition could take a turn for the absolute worst, and he didn't want to take the chance of not having a chance to say goodbye. While Gabe tried his best to stay somewhat positive, and hope that his wife would miraculously recover, he knew Elena's time left was short.
Gabe's eyes were heavy as he sat at his wife's bedside, having stayed awake the entire night with her. He held Elena's hand tightly in his, even though Elena barely had the strength left to hold his. It broke his heart to see his wife in this condition, he would do absolutely anything to bring back the bright light of his life that was Elena.
Gabe's heart would sink as he noticed his wife's breathing become labored. He had been mentally preparing himself for the worst, just in case, but he knew that no matter how much he had prepared, he would never be ready if that moment arrived. He felt the slightest bit of relief when he noticed Elena slowly turn her head to look over at him, using all of her strength to do so.
"Elena.." he began to say, even saying her name brought tears to his eyes. But before he could say anything else, his wife managed to speak up.
"Gabe.." she said, her voice in a whisper. "Please..tell our children how much I love them.."
"Elena, no..no, don't talk like that.." Gabe said to her. Though he was trying to preserve his wife's positivity, he was also in denial about all this.
"Tell each and every one of them..each and every day..how much I love them.." Elena said. "And that I'll always be with them.."
Gabe held Elena's hand tight as he fought to hold back his tears, but even then, a tear or two would manage to fall down his cheek. He looked over at his wife, he still thought she was the most beautiful woman in the world, even with a scarlet red rash covering her cheeks, and her hair sticking to her fevered forehead. If it were possible, he would do anything to end all of her pain and suffering, but he knew that at this point, there was only one option for that.
Trying to clear his mind of these thoughts, Gabe nodded. "Of course I will.. I promise.." he said.
Elena smiled as best as she could, but to Gabe, it was the brightest smile he had seen out of her in a while. "Thank you.." she said. "A-and I love you..so, so much.."
"I love you too.." Gabe replied, and leaned down to kiss his wife. Thankfully, Elena was no longer contagious, but even if she was, Gabe would take that chance if it meant kissing his beloved Elena one last time.
Then, it looked as if Elena were about to speak, but she was unable to get any word out. Finally, a moment later, she managed to say, "And.."
Gabe patiently waited as his wife struggled to say a second word. He would wait for as long as it took her, he'd take any opportunity to hear the voice he loved so much.
"I'm..a-always.." Elena said, now needing to take multiple labored breaths between each word. Though it was a struggle, Elena managed to complete her sentence.
"I'm always with you.."
A moment later, after months and months of fighting to recover, Elena's body gave in, and her eyes slowly closed.
Gabe could feel his wife's grip on his hand loosen, and his heart immediately dropped. This couldn't be happening. He couldn't lose her.
"Elena? Elena! Elena, no! Mi amor, please!" Gabe desperately cried, hoping that his wife's beautiful brown eyes would open again. But no matter how many times he called her name, they remained peacefully closed, as her body grew paler.
Now, Gabe's denial began to truly set in. He lightly shook her, he held her hand tight, he kissed her forehead, her cheeks, her lips, all in an effort to wake her, even though deep down, he knew that his efforts were in vain. Finally, it all became too much for him, and Gabe just broke down. he couldn't picture his life without Elena, he never thought everything would end this way.
He thought of his wife, she had so much more to live for. she was a loving wife, a caring mother, his best friend. Then he pictured their seven children, who would now be growing up without their mother. He thought of their identical twins, though they were already quite different, they shared a similarity, devotion to their family. Catalina and Carolina absolutely adored their mother, and looked up to her, along with being her best friends. He thought of Luis, their oldest son, he was a mamí's boy. He loved cuddling up with his mother and listen to her play guitar, he wanted to learn from her one day. He thought of their youngest son, Marcelo, their bundle of energy, who sometimes even Elena couldn't keep up with. He thought of Luciana and Adelina, aged only five and two, who would be too little to understand why their mamí had suddenly disappeared. And finally, he thought of Martina, their baby girl who would grow up without a mother. She would never get know her mamí, or even remember her. In fact, he didn't know if any of their younger children would be able to remember their mother.
Gabe found himself growing a bit dizzy, since this all seemed like he was living a nightmare. His hands shook as he held Elena's tightly in his own, and his vision was blurred from his tears.
As his final moments with Elena played over and over in his head, he was reminded of his wife's dying wish. To remind each and every one of their children each and every day how much their mamí loves them. If Elena could see him now, she'd hate to see him this distraught. She'd encourage him to keep his head up and stay strong, but how could he ever move on in life without his Elena? His children. He knew he needed to stay strong and carry on for them. Though, of course, carrying on could take weeks, months, or even years, Elena would want him to be happy. But most of all, she'd want her children to be happy and loved as well.
So, then and there, Gabe dedicated himself to fulfilling Elena's wish. For the rest of his life, he would make sure his children are happy, healthy, and loved, just as Elena would do. Though it would be difficult to carry on without her, the Núñez Castillos still had each other, and that's what matters most.
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