#remember she didn’t know what a griffin was.
katnissgirlsmakedo · 4 months
ok i’ve been watching shadow and bone while doing laundry. my sister. really has no idea who ben barnes is. that’s crazy. you know what i guess she was just doing normal stuff in middle school while i was being a weirdo. that’s wild
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tswaney17 · 5 months
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Happy birthday to my gorgeous, talented, amazing, bestie, mate, @nikethestatue!! I hope you have the lovelies of lovely birthdays, my friend. You are such a treasure to me. 💜💙💚
My fanfic account: @tswaney17fics​​​
My ao3 account: tswaney17
Please let me know what you think about this update. I love getting your feedback. Constructive criticism is always welcome. 💕
Trigger warnings: nsfw, hate sex, basically porn with no plot
Word Count: 3,440
This fic will be posted on AO3 only. Read here.
Elain sat at the bar, sipping a tumbler full of whiskey. Her face grimaced as the amber liquid slid down her throat, burning the whole way down. The annual office holiday party was in full swing, and she had parked herself at the bar the moment he entered.
That was an hour ago, and two and a half glasses of whiskey later.
She could feel its effects already, that warmth growing from the pit of her stomach, her head buzzing. Elain didn’t typically drink like this, but she felt compelled to when her obnoxious coworker walked in, found her gaze from across the room, and smirked.
Azriel Knight was hands down the rudest, most competitive, egotistical person she had ever met. He always had to one-up her on reports and tasks and anything else their boss threw at them. No matter how well she put something together, he somehow always had the upper hand. And it irked her to hell and fucking back.
Worse than that, he was undoubtedly the most gorgeous man she’d ever laid her eyes on, and he knew it too. Azriel knew he had charm and charism and a fucking body most men dreamed of. Used it to his advantage too. Elain often found herself growing warm when the fought. When he stepped just a bit too close, his dominant personality overwhelming all her good sense.
Read more.
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hedawanheda · 9 months
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secret recipe- prologue
Clarke has been given six months to find a serious and genuine relationship or else her father will hand over the company to Cage Wallace. Lexa just wants to cook.
Lexa is the Griffin’s personal chef.
Clarke Griffin is a leader. She’s a girl who knows what she wants and she doesn’t care how she gets it. When she talks, people listen. When she walks by, people stare. She exudes a confidence and energy that makes everyone who knows her respect her, while also fearing her a little. Her life is dedicated to her work, the Fortune 500 company her family had built from the ground up.
So when her father announces at his retirement party (that she flew all the way from California to attend and moved back home for this promotion) that his temporary successor would be Cage Wallace, she is understandably pissed.
“Don’t cause a scene,” her mother whispered harshly to her as she watched Cage walk up and shake her father’s hand. Clarke was in utter disbelief, waiting for her to wake up from her nightmare or for Ashton Kutcher to come out and say she was punk’d.
Cage caught her eye, sending her a gloating smile as he posed for the papers. Clarke felt the heat rise to her cheeks as her anger began to take over, clenching her glass so tightly that she was surprised it didn’t break. That should be her up there.
As the applause for Cage continued, Clarke downed the rest of her drink. Then the rest of her mom’s. Then she flagged down a waiter who was passing out shots to celebrate Cage’s promotion and Jake’s retirement.
And then she doesn’t remember the rest of her night.
She wakes up in her childhood bedroom which she miraculously got to somehow in her drunken state. The sun shines into her eyes way too early, rousing her from her deep slumber. Her rumbling stomach, pounding head, and dry mouth are too much to ignore, so she dragged herself out of her bed and trudged her way down to the kitchen in search of a greasy breakfast and some aspirin.
She opened the refrigerator and let the cold air hit her, taking a deep sigh and rubbing her forehead before searching for the orange juice. When she found it, she took a swig from the bottle, letting the citrusy flavor cost her parched tongue.
“Good morning, Miss Clarke,”
Clarke dropped the bottle of juice, startled by the other presence in the room. She was so hungover that she didn’t realize that she wasn’t alone.
“Holy shit- Lexa?!” she gaped. Clarke hadn’t seen Lexa since the girl went off to culinary school in Paris a decade ago.
“Welcome home,” Lexa smiled, ignoring the blonde’s disheveled appearance. Clarke was grateful for that, considering she was in a pair of flannel pajama bottoms and an old oversized college sweatshirt. Her hair was piled into a messy bun, and she undoubtedly had bags under her eyes from her late night. “Can I get something started for you?” Lexa asked politely.
“Huh?” Clarke was so shocked from seeing her old friend that she didn’t take in her appearance. Lexa was wearing a white chef’s coat and black pants, her hair tied back in braids. She was standing behind the kitchen counter, hands folded behind her back with an array of skillets and knives laid out in front of her.
“For breakfast,” Lexa explained patiently. “What would you like?”
“What are you doing here?” Clarke asked, answering Lexa’s question with one of her own. “The last time I heard you were at some Michelin star restaurant in the French Riviera.”
Lexa pretended that she didn’t hear that. “There’s pancakes or waffles, I could also do crepes if you wanted those. Omelets, eggs Benedict, frittata-“
“Wait, hold on-“
“Oatmeal, French toast, bagels-“
“Can you just stop for a minute-“
“Your dad has me hide his sugary cereal from your mom, I can dig that out-“
“Lexa! Stop listing breakfast food!” Clarke said, exasperated. “What are you doing in my house?”
Lexa paused, looked down and avoiding Clarke’s eyes. “Isn’t it obvious? I work here,”
“But… why?” Clarke was genuinely confused. Why would someone give up a great and promising career to cook for her parents?
She didn’t get her answer, because her father entered the kitchen with a bright and cheery smile on his face. Clarke instantly scowled. She may not have remembered how most of her night had gone, but she remembered being burned by the person she called her father.
“Good morning, sweetie. Good morning, Lexa,” he said gleefully. He walked over and kissed the top of Clarke’s head, ignoring his daughter’s sour face. “Isn’t today a glorious day?”
“I see you’re enjoying your first day of retirement, sir,” Lexa grinned at him. “Shall I prepare your usual?”
“Please. But add extra bacon, I feel like celebrating,”
“Didn’t you and your bestie Cage do enough of that last night?” Clarke grumbled. Jake turned to her, smiling, and placed his hands on both sides of her face.
“Lighten up, sweetie. I’m sure once you have some food in you, you’ll be happier,”
“Food won’t make me happy,” Clarke said through squished cheeks. She removed her father’s hands from her face, angrily crossing her arms. Jake chuckled at his daughter’s death glare.
“You’ve haven’t had Lexa’s cooking in a long while. She’s like a food Midas, anything she makes turns to gold,”
“What happened to Alie?” Jake’s smile fell while Lexa looked down at her hands. “What?” Clarke asked again, looking between her father and Lexa. It was weird seeing Lexa at the house and not having her mom there, the chef the Griffins had since before Clarke was born.“What are you not telling me?”
“My mother passed away last year,” Lexa said quietly, not meeting Clarke’s eye. “Cancer,”
This morning has turned out to be quite the surprising event for the blonde.
“Excuse me?!” Clarke said angrily, turning to her father. “You didn’t think of mentioning this to me over the past year? That the woman I’ve known for as long as I’ve known you died?”
“In his defense, she wanted to keep her illness private,” Lexa explained calmly. When Clarke looked at her, her gaze softened. She wasn’t the one Clarke was rightfully angry towards. “The funeral was a small affair. Just family,”
Clarke frowned. Wasn’t she considered family? “That still doesn’t mean it was okay not to mention it to me,”
“You’re right,” Jake sighed, holding up his hands in surrender. “I’m sorry, that was wrong of me. Why don’t we sit down and have Lexa make us a nice breakfast. I’m sure there’s something on your mind,”
“Why did you pass over me for the promotion?” Clarke asked as Lexa slid plates of scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast in front of her and Jake. “Why did you choose Cage of all people?”
“I know what you think of him, but he’s actually a brilliant man,” Jake started digging into his meal, talking with his mouth full. “Difficult, but brilliant,”
“But I don’t understand. You’ve been preparing me to take over for you since I started at the company. And I actually worked my way up from the bottom,”
“Cage is only a temporary solution,” Jake explained. “He will be interim CEO for the next six months before I decide if you’re fit enough to take over,”
“And what do you consider that to be?”
“How do I say this?” Jake rubbed his chin. “Clarke, you need a life,”
Clarke looked and felt offended. “What are you talking about? I have a life,”
“You’re a twenty eight year old workaholic who’s never had a serious partner before. Your mother and I are worried about you,”
“And where’s Mom now? Work.” Clarke snapped. “And the partner thing? A little misogynistic, don’t you think?”
Jake sighed. “Honey, don’t start. If I gave you the position right away, you would never find time to settle down,”
“So what are you saying? I can’t get the position I earned until I get hitched?”
“Not exactly,”
”Not exactly?”
“Well, not married per say, but a relationship, yes,”
Clarke stared at her father, eyes widened in disbelief. “You’re serious,”
“I am,” Jake nodded. “You need to get out there and actually live in the world, Clarke. There’s so much more to life than an office.”
“I do yoga,” Clarke pointed out. “Work’s not my entire life,”
“Honey, I don’t think you realize how sad that sounds,”
Clarke slumped down in her chair. “I could just hire someone, you know,”
“I know. But I’m using the honor code here. I just want you to be happy, to settle down,”
“I can be happy and not be in a relationship,”
“But you’re not,” Jake folded his hands on the table, pushing his empty plate away. “Just try. Put yourself out there. As long as I see you’re at least making an effort, the gig is yours.” This made Clarke sit up straighter in her chair.
“Really?” she asked. “So I have to just go on a few dates?”
“Emphasis on the effort, Clarke. And besides, six months is a long time, who knows? Maybe you’ll find your person,” Jake smiled warmly at his daughter, who rolled her eyes. “You’re a little too old for that now,”
“And I’m also a little too old for you to be telling me what to do,”
Jake sighed. “This isn’t a punishment. I really do want what’s best for you Clarke. Six months. That’s all I’m asking for,”
“Fine,” Clarke huffed, throwing down her fork on her partially eaten plate. She had lost her appetite, no matter how good it looked. “I’ll agree to this, no matter how dumb it is. It’s not like I’m actually going to fall in love just because you gave me a deadline.” Jake smiled, doing a little happy dance in his chair.
“I think this is going to be good for you, Clarke,” he said. Lexa came in and began clearing away the dishes as quietly as she could, trying to go unnoticed. Clarke watched her, not wanting to look at her father’s triumphant grin. She didn’t realize her eyes were trailing the girl until Lexa left and her father cleared his throat. When she turned back to him, his grin was faint, but there was a twinkle in his eye as he looked between Clarke and the doorway where his chef exited.
“Something amusing?” Clarke asked.
Jake chuckled. “No, nothing at all,”
read on ao3!
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idkfitememate · 4 months
Now that I know you are okay for writing dove and griffin!creator... HEAR ME OUT-
I will do the two ideas I have here bc I can.
Dove!creator will be the creator that is in Celestia and see all. I can just imagine them seeing all what the animals!creator are living in Teyvat and saying "no-no." And staying in Celestia.
I think nobody will know they exist exept the others animals!creators. Maybe Dainsleif and Venti too, but not really the others.
Griffin!Creator will be that silly gremlin no one ask but who's here. I can just imagine them travelling with Aether, and that have already traveled before with the 3rd decendant (idk how they are call in the english vers) or/and maybe Lumine before the Abyss.
Dainsleif seeing Griffin!creator (they have already meet before) : I know who you are, you are my ennemy-
Abyss!Lumine, when she meet Aether at Mondstadt : Oh hey Creator.
Aether : ???
And it's like that Aether have discovered that the Griffin who was traveling with him was the creator !
Can’t do too much with Dove!Creator idea on account of the fact that… well we don’t know anything about Celestia-
But Griffin!Creator heheh…
How you hid from Aether and Paimon is a fucking mystery, even to you-
You barely hid! 100% sure a bunch of the characters saw you but didn’t say anything because like… a Griffin..? Those don’t exist pshhhhh nu uh.
Also you’re old. Really old. Old enough to remember when khaenri’ah was first founded. And old soul, if you will.
Seeing Dainsleif AND Lumine point you out was both shocking and also a let down. Because now you had to interact with people. Ew.
So now Paimon and Aether know you, they ride around on your back when they get tired, even though Paimon can fly and shouldn’t need too that lying little brat-
Your new job is both teaching them History lessons on Teyvat (what no you didn’t spy on all playable Vision users and God what no-) and reconnaissance. You didn’t mind it, you were tough :)
Though it does get tiring getting dragged into a fight every five minutes.
⬆️ That’s you. Cause you’re old. Pepaw Memaw type. Get ready for all the old jokes.
I can see you carrying them and Paimon going something like “Ahhh… this feels so good on Paimon’s legs.~” and you going “You fly so that’s bullshit.” And her going “That doesn’t change anything YOU CAN TALK???!?!?”
Hope this suffices! I’m tired but I’m gonna keep going cuz I’m bored hehe ໒꒰ྀིᵔ ᵕ ᵔ ꒱ྀི১
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lifes-line · 13 days
In honor of the Adventure Zone and the suffering game coming out soon I’m gonna talk about the moments in The Adventure Zone that got me the most emotional
Obviously spoilers for the Adventure Zone
5. Johann the Bard’s death
This one I think caught the majority of TAZ fans off guard. Whenever an NPC died.. it was always during the events of recovering a grand relic - never after the mission. It’s like-
Johann was here. And then he wasn’t.
And most people grew very attached to Johann during the episodes and arcs of making fun of him, asking if they’re ok with being forgotten, him and his relationship with the Void Fish— and to include this with my number 5
4. Meeting Lup
Now- not when Lup was freed from the Umbra-staff and called out her brother for being gay, while that was a funny as fuck moment, that’s not what I’m referring to.
It’s when we cut back to the Stolen Century and we meet Lup officially for the first time. I just remember hearing her speak for the first time and her antics and I remember being like “god.. she’s just like her brother.”
And we get to know her and it’s like- we also find out she is nothing like Taako. She’s more empathetic to people - to strangers- she’s smarter than him(like book smart) , SHES a nerd, she flamboyant and kindhearted and it’s like also-
We’ve known her forever. She was in every single adventure the boys had- she was this overwhelming presence in the entire podcast - from her name burnt into the wall, to “where’d you get that umbrella?”, to flying to Taako’s aid every time he was in trouble— she had always been a character without a name or face to her and then we she is finally formally introduced you just love her instantly.
That’s amazing writing.
3. Arms outstretched
Now this got everyone.
It was such a powerful moment between brothers and between friends- even Griffin didn’t see it coming.
He fully expect them to just let Magnus float off into the astral plane but then they change the entire plot of the story and saved Magnus and brought him back.
Taako and Merle both using a spell slot to bring back their bestfriend. Also foreshadows to their deeper connection back in their stolen century.
The music behind that scene was also fucking phenomenal it was beautiful and I loved it.
2. “You fucking took everything from me”
Ok SO- THIS ONE IS INCREDIBLE- it starts me on the same tangent every time.
In this moment Taako has fully remembered all of the events that happened before Lucretia erased their memories and he is fucking infuriated.
Because if Lucretia had not done it that day- Taako and Barry would’ve found Lup. THINK ABOUT IT - that day they were going to check Wave Echo cave- they would’ve found Lup’s corse and the red robe and the umbrella - Taako would’ve made the connection and Barry would’ve figured it out instantly and Lup would’ve been set free and back.
But because Lucretia did it they never went to WaveEcho cave and they never found her- until a decade later- Taako found her stupid and unknowing - took her umbrella and watched her skeleton decay- AND NOW HE REMEMBERS THIS
And it’s too late to go back to WaveEcho now, the fucking hunger is here and her corpse is long gone, if she was a lich barry would’ve found her by now, and if she was in Phanadalin- it was all glass now - where could she have gone?
Taako is realizing silently what Barry isn’t aware of- Lup was right there. SHE WAS RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM- and he couldn’t find her, he couldn’t save her.
In this moment of rage Taako realizes his sister is gone. She’s never coming back. Lucretia took his everything from him.
And it’s all her fault.
1. Magnus’s death
Now. The day I finished TAZ Balance edition, at 9:38PM, I cried myself to sleep. OF COURSE I DID
Magnus, rushing in to everything because he ultimately wanted to die a crazed hero so he could see his wife again but still feel like he died doing something worth it just for her, who never loved another ever during his years alive, who turned down the temptation of his own relic because if he was going to see his wife again he wanted her to be proud of him, Magnus Burnsides whose ultimate destination and goal was to see the love of his life again.
And he finally did.
Magnus got the happy ending he truly deserved.
Magnus Burnsides is the most relatable character in all of the Adventure Zone(to me at least) I love and cherished him like he was truly my friend- so when he dies at the end of the podcast I cried like I was grieving a real person.
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sirianasims · 2 months
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I listened to Myra’s slow breathing. Her mom had taken us out to dinner at a fancy vegan restaurant to celebrate Myra’s birthday and then we’d watched a movie. It was tradition. It had been a nice day until we were in bed and Myra started another tirade against the popular kids in school.
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I didn’t know what to say. She still didn’t know about the party last weekend, and I didn’t want to argue with her but I couldn’t quite bring myself to agree with her anymore. She ended up giving me the silent treatment until she fell asleep.
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I quietly got up and went to the bathroom. It was dark, but Myra and I had been best friends since kindergarten when her parents moved to Copperdale so her dad could work with my dad. I knew their house like it was my own.
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I washed my hands and looked at myself in the mirror. Was it really so bad to want more friends? To be a part of a group? Maybe I really was just a superficial person who wanted everyone to like me. I definitely wanted Oscar to like me. We hadn’t kissed since the party but we were messaging on Social Bunny every day, and yesterday we’d locked eyes across the hallway and I had to look away before Myra noticed.
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The lights were still on downstairs. Myra’s mom never went to bed before her dad came home from the hospital. My own mom did the same.
I quietly walked down the stairs and Daria looked up from her laptop.
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“Can’t sleep? Is Myra snoring again?”
“No, I’m just thinking a lot.”
“Want to talk about it?”
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I told her about the Spooky Day party. Somehow it had always been much easier to talk to Myra’s parents than to my own.
I did leave out the part about Oscar though.
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“So since then I’ve been posting a few pictures of other costumes I’ve made. And now some people are asking for tips and I thought it would be fun to maybe make a channel and stream the process or something. Or make tutorials and post them online.”
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“That sounds like a great idea! I’ve always been impressed with the stuff you come up with.”
“But what if Myra sees it as me just trying to be popular?”
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“And what exactly is wrong with being popular? She should be supporting you in whatever makes you happy. Myra has a lot of strong opinions, Griffin stubbornly insists she gets it from me. But don’t let her hold you back.”
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“Myra says having people like you online is dumb because they’re not real friends anyway.”
“Sometimes I think my darling daughter forgets what I do.”
Daria gestured towards her computer.
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“My podcast has a couple hundred thousand listeners. Are they all my friends? No. But some of them have actually become friends, because sharing what you love with a community that likes the same thing is a great way to meet people. You can even teach others and inspire them to share their own passions. I think you would do great, and I know you’re talented. But don’t take it from me, take if from those girls at school, because I’m probably too old and hopelessly uncool to listen to.”
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I couldn’t help but smile. Daria was the coolest person I knew, second only to my grandpa Conrad. They didn’t care what people thought about them, but unlike Myra, they also didn’t spend hours talking about how little they supposedly cared.
Daria was telling me all about her podcasting gear when Myra’s father, Griffin, came home.
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“Evening, my love. Oh, hey Julia, you’re up late.”
“Hey Griffin. You’re right, I should probably go to bed.”
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“Alright, let us know if Myra’s snoring gets too bad, we still have spare earplugs.”
He winked at me.
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“And remember, we love to see what you do, Julia. So you’re guaranteed at least two followers who are also real friends.”
She stood, but then leaned down and kissed my forehead, just like she used to do when Myra and I were little.
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“Goodnight, kiddo. Don’t let anyone tell you how to live your life, OK? Not even my dear daughter. Always be yourself. And if you want more tips on getting a proper recording setup, just ask me.”
beginning / previous / next
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rockingrobin69 · 9 months
Beyond the farmhouse the fields lasted forever, stretching goldeny-crisp in the morning air. The sound of cows in the distance, the gentle gurgle of the stream, but—
“No chicken,” the man in the red cowboy hat said. “Noticed? Not roosters, no clacking, no nothing. Usually at this time there’d be a racket.”
Some clacking: just Malfoy’s boots, with the sharp, pointy edges that Harry couldn’t help but stare at indefinitely. Coming out of the barn, and the gleam of his hair in the morning light made something clench in Harry’s belly, too tight.
“All there,” Malfoy said and came closer. The crease between his eyebrows was familiar: the look of a puzzle. Harry lived for the mystery: Malfoy lived for this. The answers. He was sort of perfect, as a partner, at least.
“See? Just as I said. Chickens all there, roosters all in their place, but nothing. Like someone’s come and zipped their little beaks shut.”
Malfoy jotted something down in his notepad. “You say it began three days ago?”
“At sunrise. Everything suddenly went quiet. Thought, something this weird, I gotta tell my Marge, and then she called you folks.”
“Has anything like this ever happened before?” Harry asked. “We got reports from the neighbouring farms about something they call ‘the alligator’. Ever heard of it?”
Cowboy-hat went still. “Alligator, you say,” with an exaggerated tilt to his frown he definitely didn’t have before, “no, don’t think I have.”
“Hmm,” Malfoy tapped the notepad with his pen. “Well, thank you for your time, Mr. Griffin. If you remember anything else, please let us know.”
He nodded, chewed his bottom lip, opened his mouth, then closed it. Walked away to his truck, to the sound of a tractor in the next field and, still, no chickens.
“He knows something,” Harry said.
“Obviously.” Malfoy was already collecting his things in that little bag he always insisted on carrying. He looked so strange in those boots, in that shirt, so oddly different and blaringly himself and annoyingly, overwhelmingly handsome. It was too early in the morning, and Harry was losing his mind. Malfoy being a condescending arse shouldn’t make him feel like that.
“Obvious? What’s so obvious about this?”
The tip of Malfoy’s mouth tugged upwards. “You mean you didn’t notice the secret hatch in the barn?”
Oh, he forgot how absolutely brilliant Malfoy could be. Fighting his own grin: “Of course I noticed it.”
“And you noticed, I presume, the carving in the chicken coop that is probably the password to unlock it.”
“A bit tacky, if you asked me, but then of course I don’t farm chicken, so. ‘Winner winner, chicken dinner’ it is.”
Harry shrugged. “Got a charm to it. So, do we try it right now, or…”
“Potter,” Malfoy laughed, a hand out to stop Harry, already on his way back to the barn, “I was joking. There is no carving. Although I do think there should be a way to crack the hatch open, in the right time. Sunrise or sunset, I reckon. Sorry, I just—you’re too easy.”
The problem was that Harry really was. Too easy for him, too charmed and too out of it in the heat of Texan summer, too early in the morning. “You’re an arse.”
“Astute observation, Special Agent Potter. Now, we have some hours to kill before out next chance at the spells. How about we take a drive to the river, see if we can dig up anything more about that ‘alligator’ from the fishermen?”
“Sure thing, Dr. Malfoy. If you wear the hat again.”
He frowned. “It really doesn’t match the shape of my face.”
“There’s nothing wrong with your face,” Harry growled, somehow not for the first time since joining the Hex-files. “Come on, let’s go. The river’s not a bad idea, but you still owe me breakfast.”
“Anything for you, Potter.” With that tiny almost-smile that drove Harry mad.
“I’m just saying,” Harry started, arms waving—
“Say it, then, don’t spray it!” Malfoy dabbed his face with a napkin. The movement so gentle, so prim, it dragged a reluctant smile out of Harry; made for something inside him go warm. Distracting. “Honestly, Potter. Don’t pout. One must insist on at least some table manners.”
Harry flipped him off with a chip. “All I’m saying is, it’s connected. The fish disappearing, the alligator, the chicken going silent—there’s something that connects them all.”
“The chicken curse,” Malfoy said with a delicately-arched eyebrow.
“Something of the sort.”
“You don’t truly believe it, do you?” without the mocking Harry still half-expected. “The chicken conspiracy those farmers were talking about.”
Harry took his time with the plastic cup of soda. Let the last couple of days untangle in his head, collected the bits and pieces of information. “I think I might,” he said carefully. Malfoy nodded, and laid down a couple of napkins on the table.
“All right. Show me.”
He’d do that sometimes: when Harry built theories upon theories in his head, make him stop and lay it out. Then say something that would shake Harry’s world to the core, like you’re a bloody genius, Potter or it’s amazing how you can do that, all delivered in a neutral, level tone.
So Harry pulled out his wand and threw a covert Notice-Me-Not. Drew it all out: from the fish in the river to the wheat in the fields to the ever elusive ‘alligator’ whom, he suspected, wasn’t so much a wild animal at all. Malfoy took it in with his calculating look, and tipped his head slightly in the way that meant he was interested.
“All right,” when Harry was finished, “if alligator is code, what do you think it stands for?”
“I’m not sure yet,” he confessed, heart hammering in his chest. This was the moment when his old partner would laugh at him, or his boss start shouting, or his friends would roll their eyes.
Malfoy said: “Okay. Where do you want to start?”
And Harry thought, I love you. Swallowed it, distilled into something he could use, the way he’s been doing for weeks now, for months.
“I think we should go back to Mr. Griffin. Got this feeling we’ll find what we need there.”
“Your feelings are usually right,” Malfoy shrugged, and got up. “Shall we? Sunset’s in about twenty minutes. Give it another try.”
I love you, Harry thought again, nonsensically.
It turned out the hatch opened to a wardrobe, and in it were—
“Alligator costumes,” Malfoy, with his eyebrow, with his eyes only slightly round in surprise. “Part Animagi, I assume?”
Mr. Griffin shrugged. “How did you know it was me?”
“Special Agent Potter figured out your schedule had to do with the fish disappearing.”
“I didn’t mean to scare the chickens,” Mr. Griffin said sadly. “Do you think they’ll ever forgive me?”
“Probably,” Malfoy again, more gently than Harry thought he was capable. “Let’s go inside and think of a way to reverse this. Suppose no one was actually hurt. No harm, no fowl.”
Harry grabbed his wrist to stop him. “Malfoy,” a little choked with it, “want to have food tonight? With me. I mean, a meal. I mean, a date. I mean—”
“Yes,” Malfoy’s lip did that thing, this almost-smile that was the dearest thing in Harry’s heart. “Yes, Potter, I’ll go on a date with you.” After a moment: “But I’m not wearing the hat.”
“I think you look very charming in it.”
The tiniest of blushes. “Wherever you take me, they’d better not serve chicken.”
I love you, Harry thought. Grinned with his whole face, and raced Malfoy back to the ranch, where Mr. Griffin was going to undo the curse.
Another mystery solved. And something bigger, too, he thought: something much brighter.
For my dear @short666bread​ who gave me the coolest prompt from this list. Hey, you could do it too! 
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naturesapphic · 4 months
Okay I have no idea if I requested it already (sorry if I have), but Clarke x gn!reader or fem!reader
Where practically Reader is Raven’s sibling/sister and reader has a secret relationship wth Clarke as to prevent like more dangers. One day Raven catches Clarke and Reader cuddling and how it would play out since Raven is older than Reader and I believe that she’d be protective of her/them considering it’s her younger sibling/sister
It’s up to you if you want to do hcs or one-shot or whatever you wanna do
Take care 💚🫶
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Secret relationship
Clarke griffin x fem!reader (romantic), older sister!Raven reyes x younger sister!fem!reader (platonic), Clarke griffin x raven reyes (platonic)
Warnings: cussing and fluff
- you and raven were always very close
- that’s why y’all always have had a close sister bond
- she was a few years older than you and you were the youngest
- you were one of the 100 kids that got sent down
- raven was devastated when she found out, her boyfriend was one of them and now she found out that you were one of them too
- but you didn’t worry so much about it because you have Clarke
- as soon as you landed Clarke was very overprotective over you
- you stayed by her side at all times
- even though you had Clarke and ravens boyfriend, you still missed your sister deeply
- you always wondered if she will ever come down to see you
- knowing her and how stubborn she is, she probably will find a way down here
- which you were right about, raven was making a plan with clarke’s mom to build a ship that will be shot down to earth
- you didn’t know when she came back but her ship crashed and Finn found her one day when he was walking into the woods to find food and supplies
- Finn and raven decided to surprise you
- but what she didn’t know was that you and Clarke were together
- you and Clarke were cuddling in her tent
- when all of a sudden you heard a gasp
- both you and Clarke whipped y’all’s heads around to find Finn with raven who looked like she was about to kill Clarke
- you immediately stood up, making sure you were in front of Clarke, even though she was way taller than you
- “why didn’t you tell me that you and Clarke were a thing?!” She demanded
- “because we didn’t fully start our relationship until we got down here on earth.” You said confidently but still with a shy tone
- raven glared at Clarke but Clarke stood her ground.
- “if you EVER hurt my sister is anyway I will personally murder you in your sleep.” She stated menacingly
- you rolled your eyes and hugged raven
- she instantly hugged you back and told you how much she’s missed you
- after what raven had witnessed between you and your girlfriend, she had her guard up with Clarke
- she didn’t fully trust her and she was skeptical with her being with her younger sister
- but after going through a lot of shit in the future, they were close as they can be and raven loved that you had clarke
A/n: sorry this was so short but I hope that @nickeverdeen likes it and i hope that the rest of y’all will enjoy it too! New years request are open for all characters that I write and remember to stay hydrated and to rest! I love y’all! :)
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iriel3000 · 7 months
Hurry, She Needs You - part 3
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Summary: Natasha becomes ill from what they think is food poisoning. Tony and Bruce try to care for her until Clint arrives home from a deep cover mission. Part 3 of 6
Whumptober No. 3: “Make it stop.”
Warnings: Natasha whump, light whump, needles
Trusting that Clint was right, Tony didn’t wait for the blood results.
“Does Barton know?” Bucky asked, standing with Tony outside of Natasha’s room.
Barnes had obtained the antidote and brought it to the hospital. The staff in the room prepared her for the first shot of three.
“Only that she's been poisoned, not how. He'll be here in a few hours.”
"How did it happen?"
"Not sure," Tony scowled, shoving his hands into his pockets, "we were together the whole time, except for maybe the restroom. We ate the same things, drank the…"
Tony trailed off slowly, looking up at Buckeye with wide eyes.
"Oh my God. Aldrich. He sent drinks to the table. She stole mine."
Bucky whipped out his phone and pressed a number.
"Yeah?" Sam answered.
"Where are you?"
"Sarah's. Why the tone?"
"Nat’s been poisoned, meet me at your place in 20 minutes."
"On my way." He hung up.
"I’ll keep you posted." Bucky said with a curled lip and walked out.
Tony entered the private room to see Natasha thrashing on the hospital bed, Bruce holding one arm and an orderly pinning down the other. A young man in scrubs Stark didn’t recognize stood to the side with a full needle clearly wanting to be anywhere but here.
“No! I'll kill you if you take it!!”
“What the hell?”
“I don’t know where she got the energy, Tony.” Bruce panted. "We were removing her jewelry and she freaked out when I tried to take off her ring."
Her monitors were beeping like crazy.
"Natasha, they’re not going to take your ring.” Tony put his hands up, both men let go.
Whimpering, Natasha curled close to him in an attempt to hide.
“I saw him, Tony…the Winter Soldier. The Red Room sent him to take me back. Don’t let them.” She clutched his hand. “Whatever I did, I won’t do it again, I promise.”
If he had a heart, it would be breaking right now.
“Bucky isn’t here to take you away, Nat, he’s our friend. You heard Clint, you need the shot.”
“Where is he? Did they hurt him?”
“No, no. He’s on a mission. He’s coming home.” Tony beckoned the closest orderly. “Where is Joyce?”
“We called her, Mr. Stark, she’s on the way.”
“Find me Marcus. Now.”
“Yes, sir.”
“No!" Natasha yanked her hand from his grasp and scrambled to the end of the bed. "I won’t let them experiment on me anymore.”
Bruce tried to grab her but she elbowed him in the lip. He fell back onto a chair, hand to his mouth.
“No one wants to hurt you, Natasha. Remember what Clint said, if we don’t get you the first dose within four hours you could die.” Tony pleaded.
Nurse Griffin appeared at that moment, blocking her at the door with his imposing figure. Without a word, he overpowered the weakened assassin, easing her back on the bed.
The nurse from before came to his side.
“Prep her arm.” Marcus ordered.
When she saw the syringe, Natasha begged like Tony had never heard.
”No…no…please…I don’t want to go back. Clint! No!”
Ignoring her, Marcus gently inserted the needle into her arm.
It was a slow injection. Nat whimpered and tried to pull away.
“I’m sorry, Agent Romanov, it takes a minute.” Marcus explained, keeping a tight hold.
Bruce turned his head, unable to watch how much pain Nat was enduring. It didn’t help. Her cries were worse.
“All done, but we have to do this again in four hours.” Marcus released her.
Natasha arched her back, crying out, arms and legs twitching.
“What’s wrong?” Tony asked in a panic. “What’s happening to her?”
“It’s the antidote, Mr. Stark. It causes muscle cramping, vomiting, and a whole slew of unpleasant side effects.” Marcus rubbed her legs.
“Please, make it stop, I’ll be good.” She sobbed.
“Can’t you give her something for the pain?” Bruce asked, hating this as much as Tony.
“No, Dr, Banner, pain modifiers interfere. I’m sorry, but this is going to be a long 24 hours.”
find the whole story below
Hurry, She Needs You
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scmg11 · 1 year
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A/N: HELLO PEOPLE! I know, I know I disappeared again, but I had been busy with college, ugh!
Anyway, here I am, back with another fluffy chapter! And since I trying to make amends with everyone of you guys, another chapter is ready to be posted!
Sending so so much love to everyone ❤️
Summary: Y/N and her friends are in L.A. for a small trip and a random encounter with a "stranger" will make Y/N's trip so much more interesting.
Warnings: just fluff.
Word count: 6395 words.
It was a bright, sunny day in Los Angeles, people walking around the beach, talking, laughing, running, just having a good time and so were Y/N and her friends.
"Why is it so hot?!" Y/N exclaimed as she leaned on a light pole that had a bit of shadow to shield away from the scorching hot sun and fanned herself with her hand.
"Because it’s summer idiot."
"We too have summer and it’s not this hot jerk."
"I know." Nick, Y/N’s best friend chuckled at the harsh response and the small slap on the shoulder Y/N sent his way and patted her a bit dump from sweat shoulder, "I was joking. You forgot how to joke under this hot sun?"
"Oh, ha ha very funny." Y/N rolled her eyes and pushed him a bit more before thanking Stella, who handed her a bottle of fresh water.
"Y/N’s right, it’s very hot, I’m sweating where I didn’t know I could sweat." Marc butted in, sipping on his own bottle of water as he looked around the packed street.
"Thank you!" Y/N gestured in appreciation at his friend and bumped his fist enthusiastically before they got interrupted by Y/N’s phone ringing, "oh it’s my mom. I’m gonna be right back."
"Okay, we’re just gonna sit there to grab something to eat." Kate announced to Y/N and nodded towards a small café not too far from them.
"Alright, you know what I usually order." Y/N nodded before answering the call, hearing her other best friend nod before starting her walk towards the café, yelling a ‘coming right up’ over her shoulder making Y/N chuckle amusedly, "hello?"
"It‘a been too long since we’ve had one of our sister-brother hangouts."
"Yeah, we’ve been both busy these past weeks."
"It’s nice." Hailee sighed contentedly with her eyes closed behind her sunglasses, her head directed up to the sun to let its rays warm her skin up and to invade her body with a familiar sense of comfort.
"Yeah." Griffin agreed with a bright grin and a small sigh himself as her slid his arm around his sister’s shoulders to side hug her softly, "it’s been too long since we’ve took a walk around here."
"Yeah! Remember that time when you tried to impress a girl with your non-existent skateboard skills and fell on the ground right in front of her feet?"
"Ugh, of course you brought up that."
"How could I not? It was hilarious."
"Y’know what? I’m leaving you here. Forget about our brother-sister hangouts." Griffin went to walk away but Hailee stopped him with her hands grasping his left bicep as loud giggles left her lips.
"No, no! I was kidding." Hailee’s laugh subsided a little as she flushed her body on Griffin’s one, clinging on his arm to prevent him from walking away and leaning her head on his shoulder, "well I wasn’t when I was talking about how hilarious it was, but-" Hailee trailed off to pull on Griffin’s bicep when he tried to escape her sister’s grip again before continuing, "I won’t bring it up again, today."
Griffin rolled his eyes at her sister’s antics but smiled nonetheless at their playful banter, "you better."
"Hey, do you want something to drink?" Hailee asked after a few minutes of comfortable silence when she noticed a food truck with a few people in line not too far from them.
"Ugh yes! It’s on me, do you want anything to eat too?"
"Not now, thanks." Hailee smiled at her brother and shook her head gingerly, "I’m saving up space for our traditional spot."
"Ah yes!" Griffin snapped his fingers in realization with a big smile on his lips before he lifted his hand up and high-fived Hailee enthusiastically, "our favorite diner since we were teens."
"You know it!" Hailee giggled cutely as she watched her brother stand in line, thanking him when her returned with their drinks and accepted it with a grateful smile.
"Hey Griff!" Griffin was about to say something to Hailee when a voice calling him from behind Hailee stopped him, causing both of them to turn around to locate the source of the sound. They found a group of guys waving at the tall boy enthusiastically, making him laugh gently under his breath.
"Do you mind? I’ll be quick."
"Yeah sure, go ahead, I’ll stay here." Hailee grinned at her brother in approval and watched him leave after telling her quick ‘thank you’. As the singer started her short walk to go stand under a palm tree a few feet away from her, her phone dinged loudly in her pocket. She retrieved it and looked at the notification she just got, a cute picture of Martini her mother sent her, and was ready to reply to her when she collided forcefully on a body, the hash impact and her being distracted made her drink spill all over the person’s clothes. "Oh my god! I’m so sorry! I wasn’t looking where I was going."
"Oh shit!" Y/N turned around at the impact as wild shivers invaded her body at the cold sensation when a drink drenched her shirt, successfully cooling her down from the hot weather, before almost fainting right then and there when she noticed who just bumped into her, "oh shit."
"I’m so sorry. I was looking at my phone and I wasn’t watching where I was going and I didn’t see you and-"
Y/N got out of her reverie when the brunette started rambling again and shook her head to focus, "hey, no it’s fine. Don’t wo-"
"Oh no, it’s staining your shirt!"
Y/N looked down at the big stain starting to get visible on her white t-shirt, but laughed it off. "Don’t worry, it’s totally fine."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah." Y/N smiled warmly at the brunette and nodded gingerly, "I totally needed something to cool off from this scorching hot, sunny day."
"But I ruined your shirt."
"Ah, don’t worry. It wasn’t my favorite one." Y/N waved Hailee off with a laugh and put the phone away in her pocket.
"I’m Hailee."
"Y/N." They shook hands as they smiled at the other. "Oh shit, you don’t have your drink anymore. Here, let me buy you a new one." Y/N gestured towards the same food truck Griffin bought their drinks but Hailee promptly shook her head.
"Are you serious? I spilled my drink on your shirt and you want to buy me another one?"
Hailee chuckled at the confused look on Y/N’s face and shook her head gently, making Y/N’s head swoon at the heavenly sound coming out of the brunette’s mouth stretched over a beautiful smile, "I should be the one buying you a drink and a new shirt!"
"You don’t need to do that! It’s fine."
"It’s the least I can do." Hailee insisted with her eyes showing her regret for her clumsily bumping into Y/N’s body and spilling all of her drink onto her and her shirt, "please?"
"Ugh, fine. But only a drink. I don’t want you to buy me a shirt for an accident." Hailee smiled in gratitude at her girl an nodded, "has anyone ever told you you can trick anyone into doing anything with just a look?" Y/N asked in a sarcastic tone as they walked over the food truck and waited their turn.
"Yes, actually. I use it all the time with my brother."
"Yeah." Y/N clapped her hands together and shook her head softly side to side, "do not do that again. It’s terribly cute."
Hailee felt her cheeks starting to burn slightly at the compliment but covered it up with a gentle laugh, "I hope I didn’t interrupt an important call or something before."
"Oh no, don’t worry. It was my mom and I was done anyway."
"Oh thank God! She won’t think someone attacked you or something."
"Oh that would’ve been hilarious to explain." The two shared a laugh before grabbing the drinks they ordered and walked back to the spot Hailee bumped into Y/N.
"Sorry if I am overstepping but, I can hear you are not from here." Hailee started gently, hearing a bit of an accent slipping a few times from Y/N.
"Because I’m not. I’m from Spain. I’m here on vacation with my friends." Y/N explained with a small laugh after taking a sip of her fresh drink.
"Oh wow! That’s so cool!"
The two talked a bit about Y/N’s trip, Hailee recommending a few places to visit since she was from LA before Y/N got a call from her friends asking her whereabouts, causing them to reluctantly putting an end to their surprisingly comfortable conversation. They shared a quick hug before saying goodbye, "well, it was fun! See ya around Steinfeld!" Y/N threw over her shoulder before winking, chuckling at the singer’s mouth opening in shock.
"Hey, you know who I am?" Hailee asked as she watched the girl walk away from her.
"Who doesn’t?" Y/N replied mysteriously with another chuckle and a small shrug of her shoulder before winking again, turning back around and walking away, leaving a bit flustered Hailee to stare at her retrieving figure.
After a few days of walking around and visiting the city, Y/N and her friends decided to spend the day at the beach, enjoying the sun and the ocean as they relaxed on the sand or in the water. They walked a bit to find a perfect spot isolated from loud people and got everything ready, "you guys! Ha ha always so fucking mature!" Y/N pushed her wet hair out of her face as she stared her friends down laughing their assess off after lifting her up from her laying position on the sand and carrying her in the water, before throwing her in and following right after. They spent about 10 minutes splashing each other or playing around in the water before Y/N decided to go back and sunbathe a bit, humming in appreciation when the rays of the bright sun warmed her in an instant, tingling her skin in a comfortable, delicate way that brought her a peaceful calmness. Y/N’s tranquility and quietness was interrupted about 4 minutes later when she felt something hit the side of her face followed by a loud sniffling then by a wet sensation on her cheek, "what the fuck?"
Y/N immediately jolted up and searched hastily what attacked her but as soon as her eyes settled on the source of disturbance, her body immediately relaxed as a loud ‘aw’ left her mouth, "Martini no!"
Y/N lifted her head up and focused her attention at the figure running towards her and smirked in amusement up at the approaching brunette, while scratching behind the dog’s ears, wagging her tail in excitement. "Are you stalking me Steinfeld?"
"Hey." The Y/H/C girl smiled brightly at the singer and nodded in her direction, "so?"
Hailee lifted her eyebrow up in confusion at the question before remembering the girl’s previous words and rolled her eyes good-naturedly, totally not blushing at the amused but totally enticing face Y/N had on and at the implications behind her question, "oh yeah totally!" Hailee replied in a sarcastic tone and crouched down beside Y/N to scold her dog, "Martini I told you to stay by my side!"
Y/N chuckled when Hailee’s dog ignored her completely and kept licking Y/N’s hand instead, "she’s so cute." Y/N giggled when Martini nipped gently on her fingers before pushing her tiny head into her palm to prompt her to keep scratching behind her ears, "do you like it baby?"
Hailee’s heart melted at the cute baby voice Y/N used with her dog and found herself smiling dumbly at her as she stared fondly at the- stranger? Acquaintance? Person she randomly met because she spilled her drink on her shirt? "She likes you."
"Well duh, who doesn’t?" Y/N quipped as she threw her wet hair across her shoulder with her free hand, eliciting a loud laugh from the singer, who pushed softly on her shoulder jokingly.
"I’m ignoring that purposefully. She is not so friendly with people she doesn’t know. It takes a while to warm up to people." Hailee pointed out as she sat down on Y/N’s towel to stop the pain starting to form into her legs from the uncomfortable crouching position.
"Oh well, it must be because I love her already, isn’t that right Teenie? Yes it is. Oh stop!" Y/N lifted Martini up with both of her hands and brought her closer to her face, making the dog starting to lick her nose excitedly.
Hailee’s smiled grew fonder as she witnessed the scene unfolding in front of her, her heart swelling at the nickname Y/N used, but snapped out of it a few seconds as she felt warmth form into her chest, "what are you doing here?"
"Well, I don’t know where you’re from, but where I come from when you go to the beach you go to swim, sunbathe, surf, y’know normal stuff." Y/N teased in a snarky tone and with a cheeky grin, causing Hailee to roll her eyes as she shoved a chuckling Y/N once again.
"Always that funny?"
"Yeah, it’s one of my best qualities." Y/N countered back nonchalantly as she winked at the singer, totally missing the small blush dusting over her cheeks as she was busy playing with Martini on her lap.
"Anyway, I meant here as in this deserted part of the beach. People don’t usually come here to swim."
"We wanted to enjoy the beach in a quiet, not crowded spot. So we walked a few miles and arrived here. Do you come here often?"
"Yeah, I live close by. I usually come here with Teenie to be alone for a while, enjoy the sound of the ocean and the peace surrounding me."
"You found a special spot. I feel oddly at peace here. We were going to walk a bit more further but I stopped my friends here. I felt a sense of calmness invading me, like a warm hug comforting me after a stressful day, making all my problems wash away in a blink of an eye."
Hailee shivered visibly at how accurate Y/N’s description was to what she also felt and nodded softly with a gentle hum. They didn’t say anything else, just soaked under the warm sun, with Martini now resting between them as both caressed each of her ear and looking at the sea in front of them.
"We seriously need to stop meeting each other at random spots." Y/N looked up from her book at the familiar voice and smiled warmly up at the girl standing in front of her, her stomach flipping over itself at the ethereal beauty that was Hailee dressed with a pair of ripped jeans, black t-shirt, her face makeup free, a pair of sunglasses perched on the top of her head and her brown hair flowing perfectly on her shoulders.
"Like I said a few days ago, you are the one stalking me." Y/N chuckled gently under her breath and shook her head, "wanna sit?"
Hailee smiled warmly at Y/N and took a seat in front of her, "where are your friends?"
"We went to a club last night. They are still sleeping their drunken asses off." Y/N chuckled amusedly as she took a sip of her coffee.
"And you didn’t?" Hailee giggled softly as she eyed Y/N close her book and putting it aside.
"Nah. I usually have just a couple of drinks and then stop. Just to have your head slightly unfocused but still sober enough to be in charge of your body and actions." Y/N shrugged as she called a waiter over for Hailee to order something. Hailee grinned in appreciation at the girl before giving her order to the waiter, then focusing her attention back on the Y/H/C beauty.
"Yeah, same. I enjoy drinking but why getting drunk and make a fool out of yourself so your friends could tease you forever?"
"Exactly. I already do that when I’m sober. I prefer keeping it that way. I don’t need being taunted for my drunk self too." Hailee laughed heartily at the joke and for a moment her head reeled out of control at how comfortable she felt with a girl she only bumped into 3 times in the span of less than 10 days, but she got pulled out when warmth invaded her chest when the girl giggled alongside her and decided she wasn’t minding it not even a bit.
"How long are you staying here?"
"Well, our vacation technically ends in 4 days." Hailee felt her heart drop at the information, not wanting the girl to go back home, but forced her stupid wishful self to stop, putting a blank face on. We live in the twenty-first century you idiot, phones exist so you can keep in touch with everyone all around the world whenever you want. "But I’m staying a bit longer."
Hailee perched up at that information and slapped herself for getting so overexcited, "oh, why?"
"Because I’m taking my master’s degree here in LA. I’m starting in a few months but I’m moving here earlier to settle in."
"That’s great!" Hailee smiled enthusiastically at Y/N and asked more about her master’s degree as they sipped coffee peacefully.
"Wanna go for a walk?" Y/N asked for a while, the sun was now shining bright since it was around 10 a.m. and it glazed over Hailee’s features in a heavenly and unfocusing way that Y/N felt the need to distract herself with something else like a walk because she didn’t know what could come out of her mouth if she kept looking at the breathtaking sight that was Hailee Steinfeld.
"Sure!" Hailee grinned warmly at Y/N at her question and started to collect her things to sit up and go pay for their order but Y/N stopped her with a hand on her own - the singer was totally unaffected by the gesture if the butterflies flying around in her stomach and her head spinning out of control are anything to go by - and shook her head gently with a soft smile, "you didn’t!"
"I did, when you went to the bathroom." Y/N replied sheepishly and dodged the hand Hailee swatted at her shoulder with a small chuckle.
"Oh c’mon! It was on me!"
Hailee huffed out childishly and rolled her eyes fondly, "okay, but next time, I’m paying."
"Deal." Hailee then slapped herself mentally for getting excited once again at the promise of meeting again for coffee with Y/N. "Shall we go, miss Steinfeld?"
Hailee giggled at Y/N sitting up and stretching her arm over for her to take and help her up from her chair, doing just that a moment later and boldly decided to entwine their arms together as they left the bar and started walking down the street. "So when we first met-"
"When you drenched me with your drink?"
Hailee slapped Y/N shoulder gently at her sarcastic tone and heard her giggle, "I told you it was an accident and I was sorry! Anyway, when we first met, you knew it was me?"
"Yeah. I mean, I may live on the other side of the world, but I don’t live under a rock. I am actually a big fan of yours- well not a crazy one but I like your music and watched pretty much everything you did. You are incredibly talented." Hailee noticed a faint blush unfolding upon Y/N’s cheeks and her heart just about melted at the girl’s admission, "you are also a big inspiration to me, a few life choices I made were thanks to you and your inspirational self. I’m always catching up with every movie or tv show you do because you acting is mind-blowing, you actually- nope- nevermind."
Hailee’s eyebrows furrowed together in confusion and curiosity now that Y/N’s face was burning red and she tried to squirm away from her grasp, but the singer tightened her arm around Y/N’s one and locked eyes with her, stopping altogether their walk and standing in the middle of the deserted beach, "now I want to know what you were saying."
"Nope, I got carried away and almost revealed an embarrassing thing."
"Okay, now I definitely want to know." Hailee stared Y/N down but the girl wasn’t relenting despite her face becoming beet red in mere instants, "please?"
"No! You would think I’m a creep or totally not cool."
"That would be impossible. I already think you are not cool." Hailee joked and laughed heartily when Y/N gasped indignantly with a hand on her chest and tried to push Hailee away from her, "sorry, sorry! I was kidding. C’mon! Tell me! I promise I won’t judge you." Y/N stared into Hailee’s eyes, now shining brightly with the sun reflecting through them, making her detect every shade into them, while her brown hair flowed perfectly with the wind blowing gently into them, causing Y/N’s brain to short-circuit at how ethereal she looked in that moment. She sighed out loud when she knew there was no escaping now.
"You are actually my lock screen."
Hailee gasped excitedly at the new information as she let her stomach flip over itself at the information, "really? I wanna see!"
"Are you out of your mind?! No! I already shared something I thought I would never tell you."
"Please, I want to see which picture you chose and if I look good in it."
"Hailee. Are you fucking serious right now?" Y/N asked incredulously and when the singer looked like she didn’t know what she meant with that she shook her head fondly, "you are beautiful Hailee. In every single picture you take."
Hailee had to actually make sure her feet were still planted on the ground after that truthful statement as her stupid mind reeled and her heart almost jumped out of her chest, "I- thank you." Hailee leaned her head on Y/N’s shoulder and enjoyed the small embrace a few seconds before lifting her head back up and meeting Y/N’s eyes, "show me that picture please! Now I’m curious."
"At least tell me a few details."
"It was during the F1 Miami Grand Prix."
Hailee thought about the event taking place a few months prior and recalled the few outfits she wore during those days, "which day?"
"The first one, I think." Y/N wasn’t meeting Hailee’s eyes as she played with the sand with her feet. Since they both stopped walking and were just standing on a deserted part of the beach, Hailee fetched a towel from her purse and laid it on the ground for them to sit on, both sitting cross-legged across each other.
"Oh I got it now!" Hailee recalled her pink outfit she wore the first day she arrived in Miami and smiled brightly at Y/N, "I liked that outfit."
"Yeah, pink suits you." Y/N admitted before she could even process it and Hailee giggled when she saw the girl widen her eyes and clamp her mouth shut, "can we change subject please?"
"Okay-" Y/N sighed in relief but her breath got stuck in her throat when Hailee continued, "if you show me what picture we’re talking about."
Y/N rolled her eyes at singer’s cheeky smirk and pulled her phone out of her pocket, "blackmailing me, how petty of you."
Y/N handed Hailee her phone still blocked and closed her eyes in anticipation not wanting to watch Hailee’s reaction but opening them right after because she totally wanted to see her reaction. The singer tapped on the black screen and watched as it light up and showed her the picture of her holding a beer and smiling to the side on the lock screen. "I remember this picture. Why this one?"
"Because-" Y/N sighed out loud and shook her head, "I don’t know, there is something in this picture that just screams perfect. It’s hard to explain but you can clearly see how happy you were, having a good time with your brother. Your eyes are glowing and your smile can literally outshine the sun."
"Wow. And here I thought you chose it for my boobs on display." Hailee cracked a joke to divert the attention to her heart almost beating out of her chest at the truthful, loving words spoken by the Y/E/C girl and watched as the Y/H/C girl widened her eyes in shock and her jaw dropped open at her crass words.
"Hailee!" Y/N swapped the singer’s shoulder as her blush came back in full force, causing her to cover her face with her hands as she groaned out loud into them.
"What?! You can’t tell me people didn’t notice it."
And Y/N couldn’t find in herself the words to counter that statement back because she was only human and she in fact noticed it, or her abs for that matter. But let’s not focus on that. "What are you doing?" Y/N asked in confusion when she heard a few snapping sounds and removed her hands from her face to watch the singer taking a few selfies with her phone.
"I’m giving you your next lock screen." Hailee replied nonchalantly as she kept taking a few more pictures with her phone.
"Are you kidding me?" Y/N was sure she was ready to faint and she almost literally did when Hailee looked seductively into the camera and snapped a picture, before making a silly face and taking another one. If this is a dream, holy shit don’t wake me up.
"C’mere. Let’s take a few ones together." And Y/N let Hailee pull her towards her and tried to keep at bay the shivers that formed when her back collided with the singer’s front before grinning at the camera.
After about 15 minutes Y/N got a call from their friends and the two of them reluctantly sat up to walk back, Hailee to her car and Y/N towards the hotel she was staying in, but they were both happy to discover that they had to go in the same direction, so they spent the 15 minutes walk back in a comfortable silence, wrapped around their bubble and clinging on the other’s entwined arm gently for more closure. "Wait, give me your phone, unlocked please."
Y/N furrowed her eyebrows at the request but obliged nonetheless as she handed Hailee her device and watched as she typed something in a few seconds before hearing a beeping sound coming from her purse, "if you texted my friends something embarrassing, that’s very childish of you miss Steinfeld."
Hailee chuckled gently and handed Y/N her phone back, before grabbing her own and typing something away before smiling brightly at Y/N when Y/N’s device dinged in her hand, causing the girl to look at her in confusion before her jaw slacked open as she noticed the notification she just received. "You just texted me."
"Yeah, so I don’t have to pretend I’m not stalking you." Hailee joked with a small laugh and watched as Y/N rolled her eyes fondly and smiled sheepishly at her. "I need to go now, but I was thinking, Friday is a full moon. I always go to the beach and stay there to relax and enjoy it. You in?" Hailee asked shyly as she tried to not look away from Y/N’s eyes while a blush started to burn on her cheeks.
"Of course! Who wouldn’t?!" Hailee’s heart rate fluttered at the genuine enthusiasm on Y/N’s features and smiled gently at her before the two hugged briefly and parted ways with their stomaches going crazy at the prospect of meeting again in a few days.
Y/N/N 💕:
I am finally settled in my new home!
Pop Star ❤️:
Pop Star ❤️:
This needs a celebration!
Pop Star ❤️:
Tex me the address.
Y/N/N 💕:
*insert address*.
Pop Star ❤️:
I’m on my way.
Y/N/N 💕:
Pop Star ❤️:
No, I’m on my way to Paris,
Pop Star ❤️:
Of course I’m on my way
to your house!
Y/N/N 💕:
Keep being so rude and
I’m fucking leaving you
Pop Star ❤️:
Love you too ray of
sunshine ❤️.
"Academy award nominee, multi-platinum singer Hailee Steinfeld picking me up after my classes. You are definitely making me the most popular girl in class now." Y/N noticed a few bewildered looks as they drove away and chuckled amusedly before focusing her attention on Hailee, now sporting a blonde shade to her brunette hair, making her ten times more beautiful and hot in Y/N’s opinion, but Y/N disregarded those thoughts again as soon as they resurfaced into her brain and smiled at Hailee before laying a peck on her cheek, "hi."
"Someone is in an happy mood." Hailee chuckled softly as she covered up the blush Y/N’s gesture elicited with her hair flowing down her face and staring straight ahead to focus on the road.
"I don’t have classes for the rest of the week, I already finished studying right before you picked me up and tonight’s is a full moon, which means I get to spend quality time with my favorite one." Hailee’s smile grew ten sizes at the words only for it to drop as her jaw slacked at Y/N continuing her sentence, "Martini."
"Okay! I’m leaving you here. Get out." Hailee stopped at a red light and signaled Y/N to exit her car but the girl merely laughed and leaned over the car’s console to peck the singer’s cheek repeatedly, causing Hailee’s stomach to implode at the affectionate gesture.
"I was kidding! Well not completely. I’m excited to see Martini, but I can’t wait to spend the rest of the day and tomorrow with you."
"Y’know I’ve always felt so connected with the moon." Y/N spoke up after a few minutes of silence, her gaze still locked on the moon in the sky as she let the calming sound of the ocean wrap around the two of them peacefully. They were laying down on a towel, a big, fluffy blanked on top of them to warm them from the wind blowing steadily as they soaked in the peacefulness of the night.
Hailee turned her head a bit to Y/N and admired her perfect profile for a couple of seconds before asking in a quiet tone, "why?"
Y/N turned her head towards Hailee and met her eyes, "because it can connect with anyone like someone across the world is staring at the same moon in this moment. And also because it’s a loyal companion of the earth. It’s always there, it never leaves. It helps a lot of people during hard time because it’s like a metaphor, a light in the dark and it’s always a source of inspiration. Everyday it shows us a different version of itself until we see it at its peak during full moon nights. And there are a lot more things that just look so beautifully poetical that you cannot love it by just looking at it." During her speech Y/N shifted her gaze from Hailee’s mesmerizing eyes to the moon but the singer’s gaze never left Y/N’s face as she memorized every single detail, from her nose, to her jaw, her profile and then her lips she swore she hears them calling her own lips. When Y/N noticed Hailee stayed quiet, not hearing a response, a comment or any thought from the singer she smiled warmly thinking she fell asleep, so when she turned around to verify Hailee actually fell asleep, she did a double take when she was met with a powerful, fierce gaze already staring intently at her. "Did we lost you space cadet?"
Y/N chuckled at her own joke and that was what made Hailee snap out of her thoughts and finally speak, "wow."
"Yeah, I can be a lot sometimes."
"What do you mean?"
"Well I met a few people that told me I talk too much." Y/N shrugged like it was no big deal and giggled gently, making Hailee’s heart clench at such mad statement.
"What?" Hailee furrowed her brows more at the nonchalance Y/N is saying those belittling words and clenched hard on her jaw as wrath boiled over into her stomach, wanting at all costs to comfort Y/N because she was literally perfect, "you’re kidding right?"
"No, I am not. They called me annoying, among other things." Y/N shook her head at the memory and the blonde saw a bit of hurt flash over her eyes, but it lasted only a millisecond before it got covered up with a sarcastic glint, "but who cares!"
"I do."
"It’s okay Haiz, I told them to go fuck themselves. I don’t need them in my life." Y/N continued earnestly and shrugged her shoulders gently, "anyway, I tend to ramble a bit on things I am passionate about. One time I spent 2 minutes rambling about my makeup routine only because my friend told me she liked my mascara. It was totally uncalled for and she was nice enough to not tell me to shut up but I could clearly see she was anno-umph." Hailee felt her heart soar into her ears the moment their lips collided, only for its rate to skyrocket wildly when Y/N pushed more onto her mouth and kissed her back, after a second of being still from the shock. Their lips glided over each other slowly, without rush, eliciting sensations neither of them ever experienced with their previous lovers and just that fact alone made their heads spin out of control. "Hi."
Hailee’s chest tightened at the cuteness of Y/N’s small, cute voice and giggled gently under her breath, before pushing a strand of hair that fell on her forehead behind Y/N’s ear, "hello back."
"I was rambling, wasn’t I?"
"Yeah and it was the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen." Hailee admitted truthfully before laying a soft peck on Y/N’s slightly kiss swollen lips, "I wanted for it to never end but I’ve been wanting to kiss you since we settled here on this towel and I couldn’t wait any longer. Not after that amazing speech about the moon."
"Would it be okay if I kiss you again?"
"Why don’t you come here and found out yourself?" Hailee murmured seductively on Y/N’s lips as she fisted the front of her shirt and pulled on it to crash their lips together again, this time the kiss a lot more deep and rushed from the previous one as their lips discovered each other with purpose. A soft hum resounded between them, although they didn’t know who was that emitted it, when their mouths opened at the same time to ask for permission, causing shivers to invade their bodies when their tongues slid over each other slowly, sensually, greedily to examine every nook and cranny of the other’s mouth. Hailee’s hands skidded up and combed into Y/N’s hair to push her more into the kiss when Y/N lifted herself up a bit from her lying position and hovered over Hailee, now fully laying down on the towel, with her forearm perching beside her head for leverage as the other caressed her jaw gently and both now hummed in delight when their upper chests flushed together and increased the sense of closure they were already feeling with kissing.
"You’re beautiful." Y/N murmured on Hailee’s lips when they pulled away from the kiss because air became necessary before planting a soft kiss on her cheek, "the most beautiful girl-" a peck on the other cheek, "inside and out-" a kiss on her nose, "I’ve ever had the pleasure-" Y/N’s lips laid gently on Hailee’s forehead, "to meet-" a kiss on the singer’s chin, "and to have in my life." Y/N finished attacking Hailee’s face with one last kiss on the girl’s lips, who beamed at her with a soft red hue on her cheeks.
"God, bumping into you months ago had been the best thing that happened to me." Hailee spoke up after a few moments of trying to kickstart her brain to work and pulled Y/N back down on her lips, this kiss playful but meaningful as their mouths slowly savored each other.
"Well we have to thank your clumsiness then." Y/N chuckled when Hailee opened her mouth in fake outrage and slapped the back of her head gently.
"Take that back." Hailee jutted her bottom lip out childishly and Y/N giggled loudly at the singer’s adorableness.
"Why don’t you try to convince me about taking it back?" Y/N smiled wolfishly at the blonde and watched as the blush she just got rid of returned in full force on her cheeks and that sight warmed her heart to no end.
"Hm, I have a few ideas." Hailee hummed lowly before pushing Y/N’s mouth back down on her own for yet another slow, tentative kiss. They didn’t need to rush anything. After sharing a few more gentle pecks, getting lost into a heavy make-out session that never went beyond a few deep kisses, they decided to move into Hailee’s house when the air started to get chilly and cuddled on the singer’s bed as the tv played a reality show they weren’t exactly paying attention to as they were too much engrossed in exchanging stories and just existing together in that moment, wrapped up around each other with a few soft kisses shared in between.
Baby 💕:
Cutie ❤️:
Did you like it?
Baby 💕:
Are you kidding me?
Baby 💕:
Baby 💕:
Wait- hold on.
Baby 💕:
Why didn’t you want me
to listen to it before it
got released?
Cutie ❤️:
Because I wanted it to be
a surprise.
Cutie ❤️:
And because it’s about you.
Cutie ❤️:
But now I’m sad that I didn’t to
get to see your reaction tho ☹️.
Baby 💕:
Baby 💕:
Hold on, let me go listen
to it again.
Baby 💕:
Cutie ❤️:
Yes? 😇.
Baby 💕:
You- ugh.
Baby 💕:
I’m on my way to your house.
Baby 💕:
Get ready to "coast" 😉.
Cutie ❤️:
Can’t wait 😈.
Baby 💕:
And for the record, I’ll be
the one sinking into you.
Soon 😏.
Cutie ❤️:
Oh fuck, hurry up! 🥵.
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justoneofthoseghosts · 5 months
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He doesn’t know what makes him do it.  Maybe it was the incredibly long shift he just had or maybe it was because he found one of her sweaters in the washing machine, the blue one she once wore when she accompanied him to Med.
Or maybe it was simply because he was missing her really, really bad that night and he couldn’t call to tell her that.
So he does the next best thing and takes out the notepad.  He begins to write and it just all flows out - how he wished things were different, how he hoped that their stars would in fact align one day, how he wanted her to be happy always.
He tells her that he doesn’t blame her for breaking it off.  He did move away after all and even with all the reassurances that nothing would change, they did.  A lot of distance would do that.
It becomes a regular occurrence.  
He writes her a letter on random occasions - sleepless nights on shift worrying about the next summer wildfire, moments stolen while fishing with Ben and Griffin wishing she could be there, early mornings reminiscing about sunshine and endless laughter.
It was like what he used to do during the start of their long distance relationship but instead of mailing the letters, he tucks them away in the same drawer he keeps the ring he bought a year ago.
Somehow, it brings him some comfort and maybe a tiny bit of peace too.
Little did he know, 2,000 miles ago, Sylvie was doing the exact same thing.
Well, she didn’t have a diamond ring in her drawer nor did she keep her letters in a drawer.  She placed them in the same box as his things that she never mailed back to him.
It starts out a week after they broke up.  It’s therapeutic and maybe healing too.  She tells him things she hasn’t told him in person or over the phone - how months she spent in Portland were great but how it was never ever permanent, a glimpse of a future that wasn’t real.  She continues pouring her heart on a piece of paper time and time again - tired after a double shift, the night of her first date with a new guy, when he flew into Chicago like a hurricane leaving her confused and bewildered, the day after Julia was born.
It becomes easy - like talking to a friend who simply listened.
Matt mostly forgets about the letters until one night on Sylvie’s couch.  Julia was asleep in the bedroom and Sylvie begins asking him to tell her about everything she had missed while they were apart. The TV was on in the background and they were half way through a bottle of red wine, a celebration of sorts since Julia started sleeping through the night.  It had only been a week since Matt came home.  They were both still trying to figure out this new family dynamic.
He opens his mouth but remembers the letters he brought back from Portland, safely tucked in his suitcase.  He asks Sylvie for a moment and walks into the bedroom.  He comes back a few minutes later carrying with him  fat stack of envelopes.  When Sylvie asks what they were, he shrugs, stating they were letters to her, ones he wrote after they had broken up.
She gasps before making her own way into the bedroom, leaving Matt slightly confused.  When she returns, he lets out a startled bit of laughter.  In her hands was her own fat stack of envelopes.
She jokes about how great minds thought alike.
They exchange envelopes and she retreats into the bedroom.  He takes it as his cue to begin reading so he gets comfortable on the couch. opening the first envelope and unfolding the letter, smiling at Sylvie’s neat, even handwriting.
She finds him some thirty minutes later, eyes slightly teary.  He’s gotten through around seven of her letters by that point.  She sits next to him and he draws her closer as she rests her head on his shoulder.  He wraps an arm around her.
She whispers how she just read the letter he wrote after his visit.  He vaguely remembers it as the one where he confessed about his lie - that he wasn’t actually dating anyone new because deep down, he still loved her very much.  Coincidentally, he had just read how difficult it had been for her to move on even if she was the one who made the choice - how much she agonized about the idea of going on a date with someone new, someone who wasn’t him.
“I want to tell you everything from now on,” she says.
Something hangs in the air between them, as if she was saying that she wished she had done that in the first place - maybe they never would have fell apart in the first place.
“Me too,” he agrees, kissing the top of her head, “you’re stuck with me for life, Sylvie Brett.”
She smiles, glancing down at her left hand, the diamond gleaming in the dim light of the room. She interlaces her fingers with his.
“No one I would rather be stuck with.”
They were here now - another chance to try, to another opportunity to grow stronger together and he wasn’t ever going to let that go.  
Neither was she.
A/N: hi, it’s me. Just a little short something that’s been occupying my brain so I decided to just write it out. Haven’t written in months and I’m still a (semi) retired fic author but probs needed to celebrate Brettsey again before I jump back into the riveting world of excel spreadsheets hehe. Catch you later! 🩵
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tswaney17 · 4 months
Accidental Chemistry Holiday Series - Part 2: Gifts Galore
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Happy New Year!! 🍾 I thought we could kick off the new year with my final holiday fic of the season. If you sent me prompts, don't worry! I will definitely try to come back to those in the future. Hey, blink and @elriel-month will be here, right? 😉 A special thank you to @impossiblescissorspeachpaper for sending me this prompt. 💕
My fanfic account: @tswaney17fics​​​
My ao3 account: tswaney17
Please let me know what you think about this update. I love getting your feedback. Constructive criticism is always welcome. 💕
Catch up here.
Credit to @featherymalignancy for Cassian’s nickname, Cash. 😘
Trigger warnings: minor language
Word Count: 2,772
This fic will be posted on AO3 only. Read the beginning below or click here to head to AO3.
Azriel watched as Elain brought in bag after bag of Christmas presents for Oliver.
At his raised brows, she shot him a sheepish smile. “I’ve been saving small bits of my paycheck for a few months now. And there were so many good sales. I saved like $200 on everything.” She shrugged, even as a blush touched her cheeks.
He reached to grab a few of her bags off her shoulder and set them on the table. Money was a sensitive topic for her, and one she didn’t like the dwell on. So, he said instead, “Well, it sounds like you scored a good deal today.”
She dropped her purse on the counter, peeking into the living area where her little one was crawling all over the floor. One of her rare smiles bloomed across her face. It was one she always seemed to get when she watched her son. And sometimes she shot at Azriel when she’d catch him playing with Oliver. A thing of secret, lovely beauty. That’s what he called that particular smile. “Thank you for watching him today. I appreciate it.”
“I was happy to do it,” he admitted, meaning every single word. Az had gotten comfortable with Oliver over the several months of them living there, building a relationship with the boy and his mother. He never imagined himself as a father figure, but something about the fierce protectiveness he felt towards Ollie—and Elain for that matter—the warmth that spread through his chest whenever he got one of those big grins, made him start believing that perhaps it was something he had truly desired after all.
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Remember, sharing is caring! Please reblog if you liked the fic. It helps spread my work and I truly appreciate it. 💕
While I have moved these fics to AO3 only, I am still going to utilize a tag list here on Tumblr. This as a permanent solution and may change in the future. For notifications, you can follow and subscribe to my fanfic account where I will be reblogging updates and snippets only. You can also find me on ao3. If you would like to be added to my tag list, please leave a comment on this post.
My fanfic account: @tswaney17fics​
My ao3 account: tswaney17
Some tags seem to not want to link, which could be related to your visibility settings. Sorry about that!
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hedawanheda · 8 months
the babysitter
Clarke screws up, now her mom doesn’t trust her to watch her little sister on her own. Abby’s solution is to hire a babysitter, who just happens to be the girl Clarke has been crushing on for as long as she can remember.
Read on ao3
Chapter One
“I don’t need a babysitter,” Clarke protested, stalking after her mother into the kitchen. She had just informed her that someone would be coming over the following night to keep an eye on her and her sister while their mom was at work. “I am perfectly capable of being able to watch Madi by myself,”
Abby ignored her daughter’s complaining, making her way to the pantry to start prepping dinner. “Your sister begs to differ, and so do I. Considering I found her in the front yard last week in her pajamas while you were passed out drunk with your friends in the basement,” Abby scolded, giving the blonde a pointed look. “You’re lucky it’s only a babysitter and not Grandma,”
Clarke shrank back slightly, but she wasn’t going to give up. “It’s embarrassing. She probably goes to my school. On Monday everyone in the junior class will know that Clarke Griffin needs a babysitter. Do you know what that would do to me?”
“You’re being dramatic,” Abby rolled her eyes. “And she does go to your school,” she added quietly.
“Mom,” Clarke groaned. She stomped her foot like a child, frustrated and annoyed that her mom didn’t trust her with something as simple as watching an eleven year old. “What can I do to make this not happen?”
“There’s nothing you can do,” Abby sighed. “Madi was the one who asked for a babysitter,”
“She did?” Clarke was taken aback. “Why did she do that?”
“Because she wants to have a responsible adult in the house while I’m away, and I agree with her,”
“That traitor,”
“Careful, Clarke. You’re already grounded,” Abby reminded her. Clarke scowled, crossing her arms.
“Well, at least tell me her name,” Clarke huffed, “If I’m going to have to bribe her to keep my secrets, I may as well know,”
That couldn’t be Anya Woods, could it?
“It totally is,” Raven teased at lunch the next day. “Anya Woods, scary soccer captain and big sister to the love of your life. She’s your babysitter,”
“Shut up,” Clarke grumbled, pushing her food around on her plate. She was slumped in her chair, defeated since her mother revealed who was going to be her, or Madi’s, babysitter. “Lexa is not the love of my life,”
“No, she’s just the girl you’ve been pining after since kindergarten, yet don’t have the guts to talk to,”
“I’ve talked to her,” Clarke countered. “She’s in my Calculus class, I sit behind her. We talk everyday,”
“Asking her for a pencil sharpener doesn’t count as talking,”
“Says you,” Clarke snapped, crossing her arms. Let her have her secret unobtainable crush in peace.
Raven smirked, her friend’s attitude amusing her. She couldn’t blame her, though. The Woods sisters were sort of legends at Polis. As soccer co-captains the two of them led their team to the state championships, putting them at the top of the social hierarchy. Clarke and her friends were popular as well, but they regrettably ran in different circles, hardly overlapping except for the few classes they shared.
“Lay off her, Raven. It’s not like you don’t drool over Anya. And you haven’t even had a conversation with her,” Octavia pointed out, causing Raven to stick her tongue out at her. “Clarke‘s at least has somewhat of a footing with Lexa,”
“We go way back,” Clarke argued.
“That one kiss in kindergarten doesn’t count-“
“Shut up.” Clarke grumbled. Yes it did, it was in fact her bisexual awakening at mere five years old. “Anya isn’t that unusual of a name. It’s probably not her,”
“Well let’s ask,”
“What are you-“
Raven was up in a flash, giving her friends one last smirk before making a beeline towards Anya’s lunch table. Clarke watched in horror as she sat down across from Anya and Lexa, giving the sisters a wide smile. The two of them looked at her confused, Anya not recognizing her and Lexa wondering why someone she hardly knows is smiling at her like that.
Raven starts speaking to them, Clarke seeing Anya nod at Raven’s question. She felt her heart drop at the confirmation, the trio looking over at her lunch table as Raven pointed her out. Clarke felt her face flush with embarrassment as she held her hand up half heartedly, giving a pathetic wave.
Lexa had a look of puzzlement on her face, returning the wave politely. Clarke watched as she turned back to Raven and Anya, Raven chatting excitedly before making her way back over to the table.
“So it turns out Anya Woods is your babysitter,” she gloated. “I made sure to tell her that you are Madi are darling angels who never misbehave,”
“I hate you,”
“Relax, I didn’t say that. But she is your babysitter. She’ll be there at seven, so I’ll be there at, say, seven fifteen?”
“You’re not coming over and embarrassing me further. Plus, I’m grounded, remember? Thanks to your brilliant idea of getting wasted last week,”
“I happen to remember you happily going along with it,”
“Yeah, well, I’m full of regrets,”
Lexa is doing homework in her and Anya’s shared room when her sister walks in, sitting on the edge of the bed. “I got a last minute invite practice with the Polis U soccer team,”
“Are you serious?” Lexa exclaimed, shutting her textbook loudly and swiveling her chair to face her. “That’s amazing! When?”
“Tonight at seven,” Lexa frowns.
“Aren’t you supposed to be babysitting Madi Griffin then?” she asks.
“Yeah but… I can’t pass up on this opportunity, Lexa. This could lead to a spot on the team and a full scholarship. We both know how much that would help out Dad,”
“So you’re bailing?” Lexa gawked, watching her sister gather her hair into a high bun before moving to her closet to find an outfit.
“I’m not bailing, I’m simply replacing myself,” Anya said, back turned towards Lexa as she rummaged through her closet. She purposefully did not face her sister as she said this.
“With who?”
“Funny you should ask…”
“Oh no,” Lexa knew where Anya was going with this. “You’re not doing this to me,”
“Come on, Lex! How long have you liked this girl? Literally over a decade. And this is the perfect opportunity to get to know her better, it’s basically the premise of a porno. Plus it would really help me out, please?”
Lexa rolled her eyes, jaw set as her mind raced with the possibilities of what could happen tonight. Chances are she would make a fool of herself, she was never able to function properly around pretty girls. Especially ones she kissed once when she was five.
“Clarke probably won’t even come out of her room. You’ll just be with Madi. You can handle her, can’t you?”
“Of course I can, she’s nine,” Lexa rolled her eyes. “But I don’t want to,”
“Lexa. What’s with it with Clarke Griffin? Usually around girls you’re all game, but with her you become this awkward bumbling mess. It’s so unlike you,”
“Clarke is special,” Lexa said softly. “She’s not just some girl. Not to me,”
“Right. She was the girl. The one who made you realize your raging lesbianism,” Anya smirked, pulling an athletic shirt over her head. “Yet you haven’t made a move in twelve years,”
“She’s out of my league,” Lexa shrugged. “I’ve accepted it. Plus we probably have nothing in common,”
“You both like each other. You have that in common,”
“Shut up. She does not like me,”
“Then go and find out,” Anya grabs her soccer bag out of the closet. “Are you going to make me say please?”
“It wouldn’t hurt,”
“So you’ll do it?”
“I want to hear you say ‘please’ first,”
Anya rolled her eyes. “You’re impossible. I’ll text you the Griffin’s address from my car. They’re expecting you at seven, so get there around six fifty. Thank you so much, Lex,”
She leaves in a hurry before Lexa could protest, saluting her sister as she walks out the door. Lexa sighs, spinning around in her chair as she thinks about what she had gotten herself into.
Clarke’s sitting on her couch with Madi, a bowl of popcorn mixed with M&M’s between them as they watched episodes of Grace and Frankie.
Abby comes into the room dressed in her scrubs, looking down at her phone. “Anya will be here any minute. I left money on the counter for pizza, and there’s stuff in the pantry to make cookies if you get bored,”
She suddenly whips her head towards the TV when she hears Jane Fonda yell ’fuck!’
“What are you watching?” she asked sharply, folding her arms together as gave her older daughter a pointed look.
“It’s fine, Madi’s old enough,” Clarke rolled her eyes, popping an M&M in her mouth.
“She’s nine, Clarke!”
“Almost ten,” said Madi.
“There’s nothing bad in this show,” Clarke shrugs, just as Lily Tomlin’s character lights up a joint onscreen. Clarke frowned. Perfect timing. “Besides that,”
“This is why mom doesn’t trust you enough to watch me alone,” Madi gloats. “Which is why we need a babysitter.” Clarke glares at her.
“Don’t give her that look, Clarke. She’s right,” Abby placed her hands on her hips. “Turn it off,”
Clarke dramatically sighs. “Fine, I’ll turn on She Ra. Or is Madi too young for that, too?”
Abby doesn’t answer her sarcastic remark because the doorbell decides to ring at that moment. She just shakes her head sternly at Clarke and goes to greet the babysitter.
“You must be Anya,” Clarke heard her mom say when she answers the door. She slumped down on the couch, sighing dramatically as Madi snickered next to her.
“Actually, no,” Clarke froze. She knew that voice. Crap. “She had something come up, so she sent me instead. I hope that’s okay. I’m Lexa,”
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torreshalstead · 8 months
a ring to prove it
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Summary - She didn’t know if it was because of the wait since the last time they had been together or if it was the addition of the ring on her finger and the promises of a future together. Whatever it was, it had been hours and she was still tingling. She was back in Matt Casey’s arms and couldn’t be happier.
Notes - a little post 11x22 fic, happy reading! ❤️ AO3 Link
His breathing was steady, his heart rate had calmed from their exertions hours ago and he was peacefully asleep. But she was awake. Her head was resting on his chest, his arms tight around her even in his dreams, her fingers were tracing patterns in his skin remembering the expanses of muscle she had memorised those months before.
Being back in his arms was more than she had ever thought she would experience again. Somewhere along the line she had forgotten just how Matt Casey made her feel. What he made her feel by just being in his presence yes but also how he loved her. She had never fallen as hard off the proverbial cliff as she did when Matt had his hands or tongue on her, when he was inside her. She hadn’t been with anyone that way since she had ended them by a phone call. A phone call she both regretted and knew was the right thing at that moment.
Dylan was nice enough but he didn’t make her want to rip her clothes off the way Matt did. And any pleasure she had given herself even when they were together, it was Matt’s name that passed through her lips when she finished. It was his eyes she saw staring back at her when she closed her eyes.
And last night had been nothing short of mind blowing. She didn’t know if it was because of the wait since the last time they had been together or if it was the addition of the ring on her finger and the promises of a future together. Whatever it was, it had been hours and she was still tingling.
When she opened the door the day before and was greeted by the sight of Matt Casey on the other side, the last thing she had expected was for him to drop down on one knee and ask her to marry him.
‘Sylvie Brett, we were meant to be. Will you make me and three kids the luckiest family in the world and marry me?’
She had clutched at her chest, staring at the man she had wished for so long would do exactly what he was doing now and ask her to spend her life with him. She could see the ring shining in the box but her gaze was fixed directly on him, on his eyes, his smile.
She nodded, how could she do anything else but say yes. This was exactly what she had dreamed of.
‘Yes,’ she said, the tears spilling down her cheeks as Matt’s grin spread wider across his cheeks. She dropped to her knees in front of him, pulling his face to hers and melding their lips together. Her salty tears mingled in the kiss but she didn’t care, she had just said yes to marrying Matt Casey. They were going to be a family. Her, Matt, Ben, Griffin and Julia. Her family.
She let her fingers thread through his hair, it was slightly shorter than it had been at the wedding - the last time she had kissed him. His arms wound tightly around her waist, pulling her close to him from their slightly awkward position kneeling in front of each other.
‘Yes,’ she said in between kisses, ‘yes.’ She felt him grin against her lips and let herself get lost in the familiar sensation of his against hers. It was only when she felt her phone vibrating in the back pocket of her overalls she pulled away.
‘It’s Hermann,’ she said, her lips still swollen from the kiss but she hadn’t been expecting Hermann to call. ‘I better get this,’ Matt nodded, the smile not leaving his face and his arms didn’t relax his hold on her either. She didn’t make an attempt to move away from him as she swiped and answered the call.
Sylvie didn’t think either of them expected to be called to the hospital before Matt even had a chance to slide the ring onto her finger but he had pocketed the box as soon as she had ended the call having heard everything Hermann had said and said he would drive, wrapping her hand in his and leading her out to the car.
The car ride to the hospital was silent, the tears silently streaming down her face that had started as tears of joy were now ones of pain and worry. Matt kept a tight hold of her hand all the way to Med and she was grateful she had him to lean on as neither of them knew what to expect when they arrived. Hermann had sounded scared on the phone, he had tried to tell her he was sure Mouch would be okay but his voice had cracked and Sylvie’s heart had sunk. Mouch couldn’t be dying, she refused to even entertain the idea.
‘I think we shouldn’t tell them,’ she whispered into the silence of the car. ‘About us.’
Matt nodded. ‘I agree, this isn’t the moment.’ He held on a little tighter for the reminder of the journey, her own knuckles were going white at the pressure she was applying back on his.
He went to let go of her hand when they entered but Sylvie couldn’t bring herself to unlink their fingers, she needed him right now, needed the feeling of his warm skin against hers to ground her or else she might lose it. Her words to Matt had originally meant that she thought they should keep the fact they were back together underwraps but the further they walked into the hospital, she realised she just meant the engagement. She couldn’t let go of his hand right now. Wouldn’t let go of it.
No one commented on them walking in together hand in hand, no one said anything at all. The waiting room was eerily silent, their friends scattered around, heads in hands, staring at walls, silently crying. Matt and her joined them, finding two empty chairs and settling down next to Stella. Sylvie reached across and wrapped her other arm around the Lieutenant’s shoulder. No matter how many times they sat in hospital waiting rooms whilst one of their own was hurt - it never got any easier.
Sylvie didn’t know long they sat there, waiting for someone to bring them news. The waiting room was deep in the middle of the hospital with no windows, hours could have passed or it could have been mere minutes before a doctor in black scrubs came out and gave them the news they had been holding their breaths for.
‘He’s going to be okay,’ he said and Sylvie felt like the elephant that had been sitting on her chest constricting her breathing was finally removed. She leant into Matt’s side and let him wrap his arms around her pulling her safely into his chest.
Mouch was going to be okay. And she was going to marry Matt Casey.
On the way back to hers from the hospital, Mouch having kicked them all out saying he wasn’t having Chicago’s best sleeping in a waiting room if they didn’t need to, the air was lighter in the car.
‘Did you tell the boys?’ Sylvie wondered aloud.
‘Ben and Griffin?’ Matt clarified. ‘I did.’ He chuckled. ‘They were very excited at even the possibility of us getting back together. Pretty much pushed me out of the house to the airport when I said I was going to propose.’
Sylvie felt her cheeks redden. She had had no issues bonding with Griffin but it had taken time before Ben opened up to her but she had understood. His life hadn’t been easy and enough people had already let him down, he didn’t want to risk getting hurt again. The prospect of them both being back in her life, that they both wanted her back in their lives warmed her heart.
‘I told them about Julia too,’ Matt added with a small smile, glancing across at her as they pulled to a stop at a traffic light.
‘You did?’ Sylvie asked slightly shocked but pleasantly so.
‘Called them once you got the news, it felt right to let them know,’ Matt shrugged.
‘And they were happy about it?’ Sylvie was worried the addition of someone else into their family bubble could cause issues, especially for Ben.
‘Said they were going to spoil her rotten,’ Matt chuckled. ‘Ben said he would teach her how to mountain bike when she’s old enough - it’s his current favourite thing.’
They really were going to be a family, all of them together.
Matt stirred awake, groaning slightly as he was brought back into consciousness, his muscles contracting under Sylvie’s touch.
‘Morning,’ he said groggily, smiling down at where she had turned her focus to look up at him from her position on his chest.
‘Good morning,’ she whispered, reaching up to press her lips against his before relaxing back into his hold.
‘I could hear your mind working in my dreams,’ Matt said, stroking his fingers against the bare skin of her hip.
‘Mmm’ she hummed in response.
‘Want to share with the room?’ He asked and she smiled, pressing her face against his chest.
‘I was just thinking about our life,’ she admitted, with anyone else she would have blushed at her words but not with Matt. He always made her feel safe enough to speak truthfully, provided her the space to be exactly who she wanted to be without fear of judgement. She’d not always been so lucky in her past relationships.
Harrison hadn’t really wanted Sylvie Brett, he’d wanted the wife he thought he could mould Sylvie into being. He disliked everything about her that made her her. All the bright and caring aspects that made her who she was. He just wanted her to bend to his wishes and give up everything in her life that she cared about.
Antonio, goodness knows what he had wanted but it wasn’t what she had wanted. That was a relationship doomed to fail from the start, something she thought both of them had luckily realised before it got too late.
Kyle wanted a preacher's wife, he thought he was giving her what she wanted - space away from Chicago after her accident. But that wasn’t her either. She was a Chicago girl now, and that was where she belonged.
But Matt, Matt wanted her exactly how she was, all the blemishes and flaws along with the shiny and good. He supported her through everything, had been her number one cheerleader even before they had realised how they felt about each other. His heart was everything good and Sylvie loved him for it.
‘It's going to be a beautiful life,’ Matt said, bringing up the hand not wrapped around hers to run his fingers over the ring that now graced her left hand.
‘What time is your flight?’ She asked quietly. They’d spoken about him going back to Oregon in between rounds last night when their skin was still tacky with sweat, their legs refusing to untangle themselves.
‘I have to go back to Oregon tomorrow,’ he said into the quiet night air. ‘But only to wrap things up,’ he tightened his hold on her, one hand continuing to trail up and down her bare back. ‘It should only take a couple of weeks.’
‘Okay,’ Sylvie muttered. She knew he wanted to be back in Chicago as much as she wanted him back, he had shown her how much just a moment ago.
‘I agreed with CFD to start teaching at the academy in 6 weeks, they know I want back in the action but teaching will do until they can find me a house,’ he said, pressing a kiss to the top of her head.
‘I’ll take you to the airport tomorrow,’ Sylvie said. This wouldn’t be like last time. They had a plan this time. He was coming back to her, he was going to marry her.
‘I think it’s just past midday,’ Matt said and Sylvie chuckled at his vagueness. ‘I’ll check when this beautiful woman lets me out of her bed,’ he said in mock offence at her laugh.
‘I can let you out now if you’d like,’ Sylvie sassed, making a move to untangle herself but Matt groaned and pulled her back against his chest.
‘Never,’ he murmured as he peppered her face with kisses and her soft giggles filled the room.
‘I’ll call you as soon as I land,’ he said as the pair settled back into their embrace, the covers pooling around their waists as his movements had shifted them slightly.
‘Okay,’ she said, resuming tracing patterns against his chest.
‘When will Julia arrive?’ He asked curiously.
‘I think a couple of days,’ Sylvie admitted. ‘Although Amber took back custody, there’s still papers to sign. You know how it is with the DFS.’
‘You’re going to give her the most beautiful life Sylvie,’ Matt murmured against her hair.
‘We are,’ Sylvie corrected him. Although technically she was doing this alone and it was her name on the paperwork, she wanted Matt by her side every step of the way. And she knew he was all in. ‘We are going to have the most wonderful family.’
‘We are,’ Matt said, his words reminiscent of when she had finally admitted her feelings to him in the middle of the night out on the North Apron.
‘We will have the most incredible life, all of us together.’
‘We will.’
‘And we have each other. Forever. We are it for each other.’
‘We are,’ Matt repeated.
Sylvie wasn’t looking forward to saying goodbye to him in just a few hours, but she knew this goodbye would be their last. When he returned, it would be for good. They would be together. She had a ring on her finger to prove it.
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alwritey-aphrodite · 2 months
Whats ur controversial opinion on asoiaf’s characters/ships? Oh and what do u think dany’s endgame is?
I have… so many
First, I’m a firm believer that everyone would be obsessed with and making excuses for everything Cersei did if she were a man. She’s such a complex, compelling character, and I wish more people would spend their time dissecting her and her motives and personality instead of lumping her into either “evil woman” or “girlboss” categories because I’m fascinated by her
People act like Cat is the devil incarnate when the most she did was not include Jon. Like she didn’t throw him down the stairs or hit him or anything, she just didn’t love him like a son, and honestly in her circumstances, I think that’s totally fine. You mean to tell me that your husband goes off to war, leaving you pregnant/with a newborn, and returns with another baby that is the child of another woman that you’d love him with open arms? She’s complex! She could have been so much worse, and actually beaten him or abused him, but the worst she did was act indifferent
And not controversial but in case you forgot - Team Black all the way
I also have a convoluted theory about Griffin/Aegon but I won’t bore you all (unless you want it hehe)
As for Dany, my sweet sweet Dany… I know that GRRM is not giving her the same fate as the TV show, so thank god. We also know that in some way, her and Jon are connected with one another (she felt when he died and all that other stuff I can’t remember right now) and the point of Dany is that she’s breaking the wheel. She’s ending the cycle. Putting her on the Iron Throne completely defeats and disregards her entire character, so I don’t think she’ll end up there. I know GRRM has compared her to Jesus before, in the savior/messiah and gets betrayed kind of way, so I honestly wonder if she’ll die but come back, similar to whatever Jon’s got going on (parallels and foils people!) She’ll be the savior of Westeros, but not in the way that we think, and all I can hope for her is that she lives a long happy life with her children and no harm comes to any of them ever
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sirianasims · 3 months
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We had decided to just let things happen naturally after the wedding, and it didn’t take long until I was pregnant.
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We were both overjoyed, and our roommates were excited for us. Griffin immediately started changing our weekly meal plans around the nutritional requirements of pregnant women.
I asked if he was sure he still wanted to be a surgeon and not become a nutritionist instead, but he laughed it off.
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“Freya, don’t be silly. You can do more than one thing with your life! Just look at Daria. Would you tell her to choose whether she wants to only do programming or podcasting or animal rights activism?”
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“You know I’d never dare tell Daria what to do, but I honestly don’t understand how she finds the time.”
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“Exactly, priorities!” Griffin looked at me like he’d just won the discussion and went back to his meal planning.
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I thought about it. Sports had always taken up most of my time, and the rest I spent with friends and family. I didn’t really have any other interests, unless you counted reading a book or watching a movie. Griffin had his cooking, Daria seemed to be doing all the things, and even Jessica had a fashion blog.
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At least Samuel was more like me, we both tended to focus on our careers and family. He wanted to specialise in paediatrics, he really loved working with children.
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He was so excited about becoming a father. He kept flipping between ‘doctor mode’, spewing random facts about child development and asking me how I was feeling, and ‘dad mode’ where he obsessed about names and insisted on talking to my belly in silly voices.
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It was pretty adorable. I couldn’t wait for us to finally meet our baby. We were going to be the best parents ever, together.
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Nothing like my own parents.
I wasn’t even three years old when they split up. My father then proceeded to spend almost five years drinking and whoring his way through a pretty miserable existence.
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Still, most of my memories of him back then were good. Even though he was troubled, he was always so happy to see me, and he always came to my games or picked me up from practice.
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I remembered our trip to Mt. Komorebi vividly. The snowboarding had been amazing, and I loved spending time with my dad.
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But then I had woken up from a nightmare in the big, dark, and unfamiliar house. I had felt very alone.
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I was used to living by the harbour with my mother, used to the constant noise outside.
Here, the thick snow blanketed everything and it was eerily quiet.
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I couldn’t remember how to turn on the lights, so I stumbled into the dark hallway, blinded by tears, only vaguely certain of where my dad’s bedroom was.
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He wasn’t there.
It wasn’t the first time in my life that I’d gone to his bedroom to find it empty, but at home, it just meant that he was downstairs watching TV, or had fallen asleep on the couch with Cooper snuggled up next to him. Here, there was no sound of a TV or any light anywhere. The house felt completely deserted.
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I knew I wasn’t really alone, my grandparents were in their bedroom somewhere downstairs, but I was afraid to go down there. I didn’t even want to go back into the dark hall.
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I curled up on the big, empty bed. Surely, my dad would come. He had to sleep sooner or later.
I don’t remember crying myself to sleep, but I remember waking up.
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My dad had been there, moisture still in his hair, fresh from a shower. With the smell of toothpaste and only the faintest hint of alcohol left on his breath.
I always hated that particular combination of smells.
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He’d promised never to leave me again, and he hadn’t. Much later, I learned that he had started therapy as soon as we got home, and as far as I knew, he hadn’t touched alcohol for over fifteen years now. But I still remembered the smell.
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I put my hands protectively on my growing belly.
“I’m going to do a better job than they did, no matter what it takes”, I whispered.
beginning / previous / next
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