#remember kids: the system doesnt actually want to help you
semiotomatics · 6 months
so fucking heartbroken that my next therapy appt isnt till the 30th
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cronagorgonzola · 11 months
Its always so heartbreaking and frustrating to me how easily adults will dismiss teenagers' complaints about school. How often theyll just shoot back "so what, high school sucks? It's supposed to"
Like. How can you look a suffering child in the eye and say "your experience doesnt matter to me because i think it's normal"? If so many teens and former teens agree that high school is a miserable experience, shouldnt we be working together to fix it? Shouldnt we listen to the complaints of the people currently experiencing the system, and do our best to constantly improve it moving forward? Cause the complaints are almost never "i just dont want to learn" - kids, in general, like to learn! Many of them have just been trained to believe they hate it by a school system that makes them constantly miserable!
And what about the kids who are uniquely suffering? Kids who are being abused at home or bullied in ways the teachers cant even identify because of how quickly communication technology has evolved? Kids with undiagnosed disabilities who are forced to bash their heads against material they cant focus on until they believe theyre just too stupid to get it? Kids with diagnosed disabilities who are forced to suppress their own self-regulatory behaviors to sit quietly in class? How can anyone say "it's normal to hate high school, get over it" with a clear conscience when you have no idea what could be going on in a kid's life or in their head?
Like. Im not saying it's easy. I remember being a teenager, and i barely understood what i was feeling most of the time, and communicating it to adults felt impossible. But thats because no one gave me the tools to do it - any time i tried to complain, i heard "high school sucks, everyone knows" and i shut up. I never bothered to analyze my feelings further because i thought it didnt matter.
And at a certain point, there are things adults cant fix; teenagers are mean and they have big feelings, they havent developed empathy or communication skills yet, theyre going to do things that hurt each other. Thats part of growing up. But if we make teenagers think that theres no point in ever going to adults for help, we rob them of the chance to learn how to understand and communicate whats actually going on in their lives.
Adults built this system. Adults forced their kids into it. And now adults have a responsibility to listen to the kids experiencing the system and not just dismiss them because "i hated high school too"
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daedalusdavinci · 6 months
spell homestuck
GOD. THIS IS SO MUCH LONGER THAN TWO FACE. i typed too much and theres too many qs so under the cut it goes
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)?
books!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or....... i guess comics, these days, but i HATE READING COMICS they juST HAVE MORE COMPELLING FANDOMS. book fandoms are PUNY nad everyone is STUPID. youd think actual literary fandoms would have reading comprehension and understanding of literary critique but no!!!!!!!!!!!!! its literally my eternal fuckign struggle. somehow comic fandoms hit the perfect medium between compelling, readable content and the enthusiasm of cartoon fans without the childishness of cartoon fans
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
this isnt really a thing i do. the only time i associate characters w songs is my own ocs. barbies theme is miltons tower from the what remains of edith finch soundtrack!
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
i have also never really been one to project myself into stories. its just not how i consume media. i think sollux and rose already closely resemble the kinds of friends i make, so maybe them?
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
(freddy fazbear vc) vanessa.... ive done things, im not proud of.
i dont even know if i want to answer this question bc its so fucking humiliating LKJSNDLFSDNFSDF the truth is yes. i am solely responsible for. a lot. particularly in the pjo fandom. i created several crackships ground up all on my own way back in 2014 and developed a following for them and i. dont wantto tell you what those ships were. LSKJDFNSLDJNSDFSDDF ive also pioneered many ship tags for other fandoms and i ship a lot of rarepairs and stuff but i dont think im RESPONSIBLE for them?? in that some ppl already were into them/talking abotu them or tht theyre still not popular (augh. to the ones that became popular) but i AM liTERALLY responsible for some crack shit in the pjo fandom and its. it haunts me sometimes. i dont want to talk about it. IF YOU REMEMBER WHAT I DID NO YOU DONT
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
this is so vague. my headcanons are shifting and nebulous and aus are my constant companion in everything, but uhhhhhhghhusjkdjnsdg i think. roxy writes the same way dave draws comics. its extremely memey and meta and self aware and largely just for the personal lolz, and were all doing her a disservice by pretending her writing looks like roses, when in reality dirk is probably the one whod make comics the way rose makes books (which is probably why he doesnt make comics). its more of that thing where roxy and dave are the same and rose and dirk are the same ykwim. well YOU dont corvus but im sure someone else does
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?
jason takes after bruce in terms of like. adopting entirely too many kids. he broods
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
harvey is a heartwrenching character when written well, with a complicated view of morality, heartbreaking ties to our main hero, and a lot of internal conflict. something about such a hopeful character deadset on making a different in the system becoming a victim of it, and the potential he has as a vehicle for critiquing the law.
percy is my favorite character from pjo bc it was the very first time in my life i ever read a book and saw myself in it. hes aggressive, impulsive, and rebellious, he fidgets and has a hard time standing still, he acts on emotion without always thinking it through, he gets in trouble in school and hands his mom a murder weapon to kill his stepdad, hes just... hes a lot of the things ive always gotten in trouble for, things i couldnt help being, and hes a hero. he means everything to me.
vriska, i will maintain until the day i die, is one of the best homestuck characters- maybe just characters?- ever written. shes dramatic, shes impulsive, shes manipulative and mean and creative, and shes just so messy about it. shes a mean girl in a way that feels real, where her trauma impacts and shapes her as a person, and shes complex, with warring wants, and people she cares about, and dreams, and shes so messy. shes rough and rude and shes doing what SHE wants to, being a version of herself that feels right to HER, rather than some caricature of the hot badass evil lady. shes thirteen!! and she FEELS thirteen. shes a thirteen year old weird girl who is kind of an asshole, and she means literally fucking everything to me. shes a pirate!!!!! shes a swashbuckling badass dressing up in her larping outfit and yelling at her friends on the playground to swab the deck and she is the bestest ever, the end.
i didnt mean for each one of these to be longer than the last but here we are.
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
i hate jdedave peace and love it just feels weird as hell to me. dave, for the most part, is hyper respectful of other peoples choices and boundaries but when it comes to jade hes always trying to mke choices for her, to protect her, and it gets to the point where even jade points out how much it bugs her. jades crush on dave also seems to come from a place of misunderstanding to me, admiring a lot of the parts of himself that he exaggerates and pretends to care about as a result of trauma. it always felt like a kid crush that they shouldve grown out of with time. dave also just sort of seems to... go along with whatever romantic relationships people push him into at that age, rolling with whoever flirts with him jsut bc hes trying to maintain the image of a player, so its really hard to take him seriously any time he hits on someone?
that is just my interpretation of it tho
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
well. i havent finished my reread of homestuck, so that feels difficult to comment on just yet, bc im sure ill have a different opinion when i do finish it. no one in dc gets character arc bc theyre all just undone immediately, so thats like. yeah. and in pjo the arcs are pretty weak bc 1) kids books and 2) RICK UNDOES THEM ALL. AUGH. regardless of all of this, i am going to say jason grace. he had a lot of development in like the last two hoo books, or maybe just like.... hints of how he couldve developed? promise? which rick immediately set fire to in toa when he killed him, but fUCKING WHATEVER. UGH.
anyway actually tho eleanor from the good place. bisexual icon. queen. probably one of the best character arcs of all time. the episode w her mom has some of the most powerful fucking dialogue ever and i think about it. all the time. i should rewatch the good place.....
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ressing · 1 year
More about mass effect ocs pls?
ah right, thank you for the reminder sorry im so late lol i cant remember their names or if i even thought of names for any of them, but i was super into them for a time
human spectre because of course, didnt like how things devolved into politics too much with the council, spectres werent just spies they were also sent out on help missions and were like the vigilantes of the galaxy, or so she had thought but then it was red tape and you cant do this or that because itll look bad toward potiental allies blah blah so she stole her own ship back from dock at the citidel and basically went off on her own to form a crew and try to help like she always thought they were supposed to. side note 3 characters in and i remember the basis, its after me3 and shepard has destroyed the reapers and now while the galaxy and the citadel are rebuilding opportunistic space pirates start entering the system and taking out refugee convoys and medical ships and the council instead of doing anything refuse to try to fix the problem because any acts of aggression in the newly reforming civilizaed galaxy will almost guaranteed to result in a all out war.
the asari, the tech specalist who cant do much biotics unlike most asari, was passed up as a spectre due to a hot streak and just worked for c sec or whatever they were called ill be real its been YEARS since ive really written them all dow, but when the human spectre gets thrown in the brig for telling the council off and basically going rogue in their eyes they meet because she in charge of the cells that day lol, but some big speech about justice and being able to tell your bosses to fuck off shouldnt land you in jail and she agrees and helps the spectre break out but they both kinda realize that this is like... the end of their lives on the citadel and will be wanted fugitives from here on out but its better then sitting twiddling their thumbs while the galaxy goes to shit.
the turian quarian, quarian fleet finds a turian ship adrift and are going abuot searching it and clearing it out to add it to the flotilla as a new ship (i dont know if quarians actually do this but yolo) and onboard they find a baby turian and one of the search party kinda.. adopts her, doesnt wanna give her up due to her own issues with having kids and wanting to have a family she sorta puppy dog eyes everyone into letting her keep this baby, but of course being kept in sterile enviroments all the time your immune system tends to shut down and she started needing the full suits like quarians do. she joined the crew after on the citadel (during the daring escape/steal a ship mission the spectre does) after being saved by a different quarian and then talked into joining. was getting a lot of shit about her being a turian playing dress up as a quarian but shes fully like "uh but i am a quarian see the suit i was born on the flotilla?" joins the crew as a way to help find who she really is (soul searching quest)
the other quarian, this quarian is a biotic (which i also dont know if quarians can be but yolo) and only found out when he and his like best friend are sent on their quarian life mission thing to bring back to the flotilla, but his best friend came onto him and when he rejected her she flipped and like attacked him and he was just trying to hold her back honest he didnt mean his biotics to go off like that she was his best friend of course he wasnt TRYING to kill her it was an accident! so then hes on the citadel hiding in shady bars and back alleys kinda stepping into random muggings and assaults to try to redeem himself to himself and steps into the turian quarian getting mugged and saves her and is afterward also recruited to the ship by the spectre.
THE KROGAN now this one im upset about because i cant remember his name and its so GOOD HES THE BEST him and the turian quarian are my favorites. he was doing that puberty ritual against the giant worm, you know grunts best mission, and like during three when you walk through old krogan ruins and you find out they were this smart race before destorying themselves and their world in nuclear war? yeah well this krogan found out the same thing, during his giant worm fight it caused an earthquake and he was swallowed up into the ruins of his homeworld, thought dead his teammates left him and he just sorta steeled himself and went about trying to survive and get out. took a while for his eyes to get used to the darkness and after years and years in the dark his eyes are like only used to the dark now so he wears riddick style glasses. but he also found all these old ruins and books and poems and writing and religion and after years of being down there he suddenly had found a den of those weird lizard dogs vulvas or whatever their called vespas thats it, he managed to like tame the pack using recovered knowledge from the ruins and used them to lead him back out of the darkness through their own tunnels. hes now a messiah like dude on the citadel doing preaching about non violence but uh.. isnt against using violence to achieve non violence. argue it with him and he will headbutt you until you agree not to be violent, see there he was right all along, the strongest gets to say what goes and hes stronger and he says get the fuck along. his name was a one word holy esqe word like redemption or resolution or something and IM SO MAD I CANT REMEMBER HES THE BEST ONE just picture a big krogan guy in heavy armor but also draped in like a toga with a pack of VARREN (i remembered) and also little black sunglass/goggle thing. he joined the spectre on the promise that theyre gonna make the galaxy safer and better for everyone
the salarian, female salarian which are usually guarded on the homeworld for breeding or whatever that lore was, really hated the whole idea of being kept safe or like doing medical or science work, so she sorta jumped ship and became an arms dealer, you see this huge hulking krogan sized armor walking toward you and the visor opens up and its this fucking frog thing half your size and not even half the size of a krogan, jumping around doing scrobatics is boring and tiring and really if i can just wear my huge custom made armor ill never be hit by a bullet ever!
a biotic volus who works like a merchant for the group offering quests and discounts to friends (the crew) just asks for passage occasionally, always seems nervous and kinda shady, just wants to be safe from pirates stealing his goods and wants the galaxy back in working order and these guys seem to be doing a better job making space safer for someone dealing in moving vast quantities of merchandise around.
and finally on the ship are the stoways; a batarian and a "freed" (hacked) geth, they are actually kinda up there in rank space pirates in their own regard and realized when they were in a bad spot so played along as crew members wanting to bring peace to the galaxy too while sending out info to the space pirates they know will be around and tip them off something is happening
the geth has stickers all over it and graffiti and is only like half itself, its like half locked down by the batarian chick to be a body guard thing, if it could control itself it would most likely stick with her as it does actually like her but would probably be more vocal about disagreeing with some aspects of their "jobs"
the batarian was just some girl because i went "you dont see females of these species often so ill make one of my ocs that, and she will be a cool lesbian pirate hanging out with a cool geth"
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risingmoonyue · 2 years
Idea: Aloy turned into tiny baby child at memorial Grove. (Hephestus with failed zenith tech specs????? Maybe acts like a *really* long status condition????? May or may not address) She doesnt know how to call peeps so she has to stay there until someone can find one of the GAIA gang and figure out wth is going on. She only remembers up to how old she is (probs after the rock incident, maybe 13 at the very latest???? I'm thinking 10-12)
Information about this incident get locked tighter than a gene locked door and faster than an Oseram filing a complaint. They can't avoid people at the Grove knowing, but they can make people's lives Incredibly Difficult (or just plain gone) if they spill
Aloy is absolutely not happy about Rost not being there, and it took very fast talking for her to not go absolutely ballistic
Aloy is super bewildered at this weird place with these weird people in weird clothes who are not Rost or the nice boy she saved or the mean boy that threw a rock at her but are still being very nice to her and trying to talk to her and feed her and aren't afraid of the metal ruins and what is going on??????????
Calling back to one of my hcs, she doesn't talk much. Like at all. Barely ever. This gets better with people she warms up to and as she gets used to being around actual human beings that aren't Rost, but never like. Canon Aloy or with Rost levels. You can tell who her favorite people are because she will follow them around and talk to them a bit (when not surrounded by other people)
Her favorite subjects to talk about are the Old Ones, Rost, training, Rost, hunting, and Rost. Rost is probably the first word she says to anyone (to ask where he is, of course. Whether she gets that much out is debatable, but it's the thought that counts.)
Expanding on the last points, she and Rost set up a rudimentary communication system when he realized the not talking thing was going to be an extended issue (think like. Homemade sign language with a very limited vocabulary). Signs include "food", "water", "training", "tired", "hurt", "help", and "question" (which doubles as "curious"). This makes people confused for a while until someone puts two and two together and realizes she's trying to talk to them.
She freaks out going out of whatever room she's been staying in because it's so loud (the kid's been raised in a cabin in the woods with only a silent mountain of a man to talk to, cut her some slack)
Aloy didn't actually realize how hard it would be to talk to other people until she ended up in the Grove, and she has absolutely no clue what to do. It frustrates her, because she was just fine with just Rost, but add more people and it's like her mouth stops working. She gets mad about her own behavior, because she knows she can talk, she knows she can be brave and strong, but people are hard and weird and loud she has no idea how to deal with them
She gets kinda overwhelmed even with just Dekka and Hekarro talking to her, having the rest of the Grove raring to look at her and talk with her freaks her out because why are they all talking to her and why is it so loud—
Eventually she warms up to the Grove Tenakth and becomes like that feral cat you can't help but feed and try to pet despite the fact you're pretty sure it would claw your hand off at first opportunity. She has many questions for Dekka, and other people she's comfortable talking to. She bites many a people who make her annoyed. By Tenakth standards, she's probably one of the cutest children ever lol. She certainly has a never ending rotation of babysitters (of course the number of them she's actually comfortable with is not nearly as much, but semantics)
Luckily for baby Aloy and her training obsessed self, there are many a Tenakth who are great warriors who all want to gain bragging rights over being able to train the Tiny Feral Champion. This may or may not be a significant influence on the number of volunteers for babysitting.
At some point Aloy causes some heart attacks (either of shock or pride or both lmao) by scrambling up some walls that people didn't realize were climbable. Apparently adult Aloy just didn't climb them out of courtesy or out of lack of time to do so. It's very unclear when they can't ask her.
Basically I wanted someone to interact with baby Aloy and decided clearly the best choice for this was the Tenakth
Bonus snippet below I randomly wrote:
Dekka paused. "Aloy? What's wrong?" She asked, looking down at the girl. She noticed Aloy's eyes had gone wide, and her hand was trembling and white where it was grabbing her armor.
Aloy opened and closed her mouth several times, before finally choking out a frustrated whine. "Loud."
Dekka looked at Hekarro, eyebrows furrowed. He looked back, confusion subtly evident on his face as well. While it certainly wasn't quiet, it wasn't particularly loud either. One could hear the chatter and laughter of clansmen off in the market, and the distant roar of cheering from the arena, all at a distance.
A thought struck her.
"Aloy," She asked slowly, kneeling down to look at her in the eyes. Aloy didn't meet them easily, flickering up and down and side to side as she attempted to keep eye contact. "How many people do you live with?"
Aloy chewed her lip. "Rost."
"How many people do you know?"
She started fiddling with her hands, letting go of Dekka's armor to do so.
"How many people do you see every day?"
"... Rost."
"Do you live near anyone? Your tribe, outlanders, anyone else?"
Aloy muttered something, frantically rocking on her feet and chewing her lip.
"I couldn't hear you, Aloy. Could you that again?"
Aloy puffed out her cheeks, glaring off to the side of Dekka's face at her ear. "Rost."
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dorizardthewizard · 1 year
Ninjago Crystalized E22 - E30 thoughts
forgot this was in my drafts
EP 22
ronin is a legend. he got done so dirty like... he had such a good arc in s5 only for the writers to revert him to a generic thief. and the ninja were just chill with getting him locked up in ninjago’s prison for the worst criminals?? what the hell guys. add onto this how corrupt/ incompetent the leadership and justice systems in ninjago seem and... phew, that’s some bootlicking from our favourite little legos /hj
nya knowing stuff about plants is so cute. let them have more interests outside of ninja-ing!
the production value on these fights really is good
oh wow master wu could really use an elemental dragon right about now!
"i fished out the last one" LOL
doing it again in the same canal LMAO thats an L having to give wu mouth to mouth. also not sure that’s what you should do with someone who still has water in their lungs
EP 23
aww cute jaya moments
nya has her powers back! wow i sure enjoyed her well developed arc that was so worth them bringing her back!! /s
aww i love these kids having their own little counterattack. kiddos aren’t your families looking for you?
love how antonia went from wanting to quit to being adamant they should fight back
"i am not about to lead a bunch of children against the embodiment of evil and darkness!" soooo like every other season? "that never stopped you before!" TOOK THE WORDS RIGHT OUTTA MY MOUTH LOL DRAG HIM
kind of surprising just how many times wu wants to quit and others have to remind him that ninja never quit, my brother in fsm you taught them that
btw this should have been the s10 ending just oni instead of the overlord. still mad about how rushed that season was.
EP 24
honestly idc about lloyd’s whole angst with his dad, they act like sensei garmadon never existed. evil garmadon hasn’t even been around long enough for lloyd to be super disappointed in him on a personal level like that. why can’t he instead be angry at this garm because he’s not the father he remembers and only serves as a walking reminder that he’ll never see sensei garmadon again.
dragon form let’s goooo
side note i miss lloyd saying dregon
omg the ice emperor are we actually talking about this
oh we're just gonna brush over it and make it a joke. got it.
borg tower yet againnnn also this guy was so focused on his projects he didn’t realise the apocalypse was happening? i love him
pixal: ronin why are you helping us?
EP 25
few notes here bc i was too busy staring at the lava
the way he softly calls coles name when he wakes up ToT
kai fighting by himself to protect cole dsfgsd lowkey wish that fight had been extended for the wump but also so skylor can come just in the nick of time
i like the implication that skylor doesnt keep those powers forever, she has to touch an elemental master again to “recharge” so to speak. makes her much less op so that’s cool.
wu broadcasting on all frequencies but wouldn’t the bad guys hear him too?
that transition from the ninja running over the manhole to lloyd and garmadon being in the sewers is super cool. i love cinema.
lloyd's argument with garmadon gives the implication he's mad at him for never being a good father but THATS A MOVIE PLOT NOT THE SERIES ARRRRGHH
what could’ve been cool if instead they made lloyd not want to embrace his oni side bc he's scared of the anger and resentment building up in him over all these years of being the green ninja. y’know like the fandom keeps harping on about but is never actually portrayed in the show.
one thing i like about these new seasons is the clear motifs and musical character themes. paper delivery professionals for the win.
the paper kids wearing home made outfits with pots on their heads gives me such codename kids next d00r vibes
actually i like these post apocalyptic vibes, with everyone trying to look for each other and hiding but rallying secretly.
aww that happy moment with the family then kai and skylor hhhhngngng if only they delved more into skylor and her childhood crying
EP 26
omg kai finally having his speech skills back!!!
weeeeell kinda. actually it's effective lol he's so cute with kids.
had to pause this skylor and kai moment bc im dying from cringe. also lmao all these seasons and they weren't really together? oh he hasn't even spoken to her all this time?? skylor was at nya's funeral i swear ToT
here's an F for the lava fans. it was a pleasure shipping with you o7
zane is broken yet agaaaaim
if jay and the others could figure out the hint about the newspapers then surely the bad guys could
also she's basically antonia lmao could they not have thought of a different design
"that paycheck of yours? kiss it goodbye"
stop fakeout deathing me with zane lmao we've done this 50 times already. wow she gave up pretty quickly huh.
oh for god's sake they'll reverse the fakeout death THAT quickly? i give up. and he lives just because of an emotional speech? please
can't believe tommy made a big deal about this and made everyone think they would split up somehow. oh wait he does that all the time and the fandom runs away with it every time. if you wanted emotional moments for zane and pixal you had a story about suppressing grief and trauma right there! why was pixal ok with him completely turning off his emotions earlier anyway?
oh well pixal's squeal of delight was adorable though
EP 27
lloyd: relying on others isn’t weak!
cheers i’ll drink to that. again this could have been really impactful after an arc about trusting too much to mistrusting too much to finally hitting that balance.
cuta jaya moment but nya's arc this season is basically generic “believe in yourself” and like. we've done that before. they literally just brought her back to return to the status quo for the “last” season.
racer 7: speed. i am speed.
ok i know i complain about ignoring the old seasons but at least they tried to tie in the other new seasons like calling vania and benthomar and all that. it's basically a replacement for when previous seasons would bring back the other EMs and such and i guess it makes sense since this is a different era of ninjago. all of that falls apart when they insist on bringing back characters like garmadon though...
oh finally they didn’t fall into the canal for once!
oh no if they make cole and vania get together i’m gonna...read the entire hs epilogues and hs2. worst thing i could think of.
the others are either gonna find another way to find out what happened and come to help them in the nick of time, or this was just a way of explaining why no one else came to help.
EP 28
oops i watched the final eps drunk after a party and I still haven’t gone back to rewatch them ^^; umm fun moments, dragon form was ???? out of nowhere and should have had a whole season centred around achieving this form, Nya’s character regressed, rushed ending considering how much history they had to tie up, llorumi bad and i miss those little legos already
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ghostbergara · 2 years
🔥☀️🌱 for the lgbt asks!! <33
well for 🔥 theres this incredibly long answer ahsjj
for ☀️, yes absolutely!! For starters i guess if you'd count it, helping me discover what trans was and that it was me, Sam Collins majorly and a bunch of others that i don't remember anymore. And then theres one person who really made me feel like i was just allowed to be my queer self however i wanted to.
this is long again, sorry
So there was a family thing for trans kids and their parents at the one (and only) trans... clinic??? department?? in Denmark (i started transitioning around 13) which me and my parents went to, mainly for their sake. Here there were 2 trans men speakers (there was supposed to be a trans woman as well but sadly she was sick) along with a doctor and psychiatrist. They both told their stories. One had gone the very 'stereotypical' or straight route through his transition (he was lowkey sexist too but thats a whole other thing) and the second one, mikey, had gone in every non-traditional route. He was actually speaking after having physically detranstioned, not because he wasnt or isnt trans, but because that was where he was in life right now. He had just had kids with his husband (i think it was his husband, this was a while ago) and was living in.... some other country mainly as far as i can remember. I wont go into his full story but basically his message was you're not any less valid for not going the traditional routes or not fitting into the stereotypes and that there was no 'taking a step back' you were always going forward, you might just take a new path.
First of all, this is what turned my mom from being very unsupportive and angry into being very supportive (to the point where she has made a facebook group for trans parents to make sure others dont go the route she did). and second of all, it helped me let go of this need to fit into all these stereotypes and stupid 'masculinity rules' (aka toxic masculinity) AND most importantly, i had asked him once there were no parents in the room, if i could be gay and still be 'valid' as a trans man. I knew of course that yes you could but for myself i still felt like I couldn't. Hearing from this adult trans man that i respected so much, that even my formerly transphobic mother respected, that of course i could. It made such a big difference to me. I'll be forever grateful to this guy for sharing his story in a room full of sceptical parents and the very clinic that had denied him at the start of his transition and taking his time to answer my question.
And then of course my lovely lovely doctor Katherina Main who is a ray of sun in this terrible system. She is amazing and i love her. She is so invested and enthusiastic about her work and really makes the sometimes hard or awkward medical talks feel light and comfortable. After sexologist klinik (the one trans clinic for young trans people), which is a NIGHTMARE, literally ask ANYONE who's been there its horrible, getting through them and to the medical part, expecting the worst and then meeting Katherina? Biggest relief i have ever felt my entire life. She changes so many trans peoples lives and is a light in our transitions and i hope she knows that!
Yes all of this doesnt really fit the question but goddammit Katherina deserves the recognition
Okay ill try to keep 🌱 short im so sorry 😭
I think honestly younger me would just go "ooooooohhh now it all makes sense!"
LGBTQ+/Queer Themed Asks
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maybe i should say smth instead of just attacking u. anyways thalia: 21, 35, 39, 67, 69
you literally are attacking me so brutally right now.. its kinda insane but ill allow it i GUESS ... its giving me a break from toiling away in the dnd toyhouse page mines so its ok
DND ocs questions link (send me a number + a name)
21. do they have an idea about how they’ll die? do you?
the do you at the end of this is so chilling..... do i.... i dont actually! most of the npcs deaths are being left up to the pcs so i really have no clue if theyll die or how! but as for swords herself... she, like most people, hopes she will die peacefully and surrounded by friends and family... but she really believes shes going to die in this rebellion in battle much like henrietta did...
35. when did they feel loneliest?
probably when her grandmother died! she was only about 11 years old and didnt have experience with death much at that point despite being ya know... almost a teenager, and her parents werent very helpful... she wasnt very connected with them during this time as well as they were busy with supporting the family, she loves them but this really drove a wedge between them
39. are they insecure about their appearance? how about their personality? what aspects specifically worry them?
shes so insecure man. specifically she thinks she doesnt put as much into her appearance as daggers does and so she thinks people probably think shes a slob, also she refuses to let anyone into her childhood room bc of this as well, its a mess in there and she'd die before she let anyone see. as for personality she thinks shes basically fine there, in fact she likes her personality alot! well actually she does worry about being too selfish sometimes but not often
67. do they consider themselves to be special?
YES. why did you even ask this its like a character trait that she believes shes the main fucking character .... but she also knows the pcs are much more special than she is... and i wont lie! it does bother her a bit
69. what’s one secret they don’t want getting out?
back when she was a kid she would have died if anyone found out she liked girls... thankfully shes a LITTLE bit better.. but she doesnt want her crush on her roommate getting out... but u knew that so i will give u ... she actually doesnt remember alot of what she studied in school and doesnt really know much abt how the political system works! shes a very fake it til you make it type of person so
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hi, i have a situation/symptoms that ive been dealing with that i was wondering if i could get opinions or guidance on.
content warnings for i think derealization, depersonalization, dissociation
ever since i was a kid ive felt like ive been living in the body of another person, like im living someone else's life. id have these moments where it would seem like i would "wake up" and realize that i was actually alive and living. it was like everything came rushing back to me and i felt like a whole other person watching my own life unfold. my name didnt feel like it was mine, my experiences and memories didnt feel like mine, and lately ive been feeling like i dont even know myself anymore. my name doesn't feel right, my gender doesnt feel right, my personality and the way i act and present myself dont feel right either. i feel like im pretending to be a person. im so confused and kind of scared, i dont know what's wrong with me. is this normal? is there a name for this experience?
- serena
Hi Serena,
I'm sorry about what's been going on. That must be very disorienting and scary.
I think it's fairly possible that you may be dealing with a dissociative disorder such as OSDD or DID. With these disorders, it's common to feel like someone else entirely, as different alters can have unique identities that differ from the body or host. It's also very common for these disorders to develop in early childhood, as it's essentially when your need states never fuse into a single identity due to trauma.
I would recommend just taking inventory of who you feel you are, and get a sense of what your personal identity is, regardless of what you've been placed into. What are your likes and dislikes, how do you identify, are there memories or experiences that do feel like your own and if so what are they, etc. It can be helpful to write these things down to help keep track.
Once you get a clearer idea of yourself and feel ready, then you may be curious to explore if there is anyone else inside. Internal Family Systems tends to be helpful for systems or others who have some level of multiplicity. A way IFS navigates introspection is by inviting a part to speak. You may find this meditation helpful, however I do just want to let you know that this can potentially be overwhelming if there turn out to be many parts that identify themselves at once. I also personally found that it was hard for me to fully follow this practice despite being naturally introspective, but I understand that everyone is different.
Additionally, I'm thinking of something that I can't remember the exact details of, but there is a method to get a sense of who fronts ("comes to") during the day by mapping out your feelings by the hour, and any drastic changes may be indicative of someone else getting close or fronting. Communication and visibility can be especially challenging as a newly-discovered system. As someone who has trouble identifying when someone else is near or fronting, I found this to be helpful.
If you have Discord I recommend the OSDD server as they can help with additional questions or tips on potentially being a new alter. You're also free to ask for specific mods such as Mod Night who have more experience in being a system.
If you can afford and access it, I strongly recommend looking into getting a therapist if you don't already have one, especially a therapist who specializes in dissociation or dissociative disorders.
Ultimately, it's important to be patient with yourself as you navigate this. Remember to practice self-care during this time. I hope I could help. Please let us know if you need anything.
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imunbreakabledude · 27 days
There are some funny ass memes on 2007scape but I would not dare interact with anyone on that sub, did you see the torrent of posts about bad luck mitigation?
I think there's a pretty big divide in the osrs playerbase in what they want from future updates, I really do think the devs taking a break and working out exactly what the vibe of osrs is and moving forward with that would help immensely with this problem. Because at some point taking a step back and looking at the dps graphs for a mage weapon worse than ibans blast at base is kinda losing the plot. Also standardizing poll questions language somewhat because those examples you gave are crazy, I honestly didn’t really know about the kourend one because that happened while I was taking a break. 
But on the point of the devs not liking the polling system I get it completely, off the top of my head osrs is the only game I can think of that lets its players have this much of a say in future updates and boy do the players have opinions and they can get pretty vitriolic about it sometimes. Whatever the devs are being paid it really isn’t enough. I wonder what the dev team slack looks like, it’s probably really funny
But I was really hyped for a new skill and voted for it mostly because I remember when dungeoneering came out as a kid and that was the sickest shit. But when the 3 options came out I was honestly pretty disappointed with them. None of them really felt osrs ish to me and to be honest I kinda agree with you that i’d rather they not come into the game at all at this point. The version of the game I fell in love with just doesnt really exist anymore tbh and trying to get a new skill was trying to emulate it unsuccessfully. It sucks but I kinda just gotta accept that, but I do think osrs has its own sort of like special vibe going on that’s worth preserving and magic is that good old osrs jank. Trying to keep that jank while modernizing it is way easier said than done, I really dont envy Jagex here. Because in my eyes at least there are not a lot of options for mage and the elemental weaknesses would at least create the possibility for options but then how pushed would the damage have to be to make it like worthwhile to interact with those weaknesses? Not to be an rs3 apologist or anything but since its more in line with modern mmos you can do extra stuff surrounding the base damage but in osrs that doesnt really exist and instead has it's own unique combat. Like ancients kinda have extra effects but two of them are useless and they're also expensive as fuck to consistently use compared to powered staffs. Idk it's all very complicated and honestly i think im just talking bullshit here
Thank you for the response though, it’s always nice reading what you have to say 
aw, once again anon I gotta say, it's shocking but very nice to hear anyone actually reads/cares about my paragraphs and paragraphs of osrs thoughts hahaha.
and once again, yeah, I agree with you on basically all of this. although I will say, not to be an 07scape apologist, but that subreddit also has a lot of good going for it. there's some bad for sure but when you realize that at least 50% of the whining is memes, and also that the other 50% is extremely reactionary complaining that seems incredibly inflamed about whatever the issue du jour is which then calms down once the topic shifts, it's not so bad. tbh even though it does bother me how "negative" a lot of the discussion on there is, I have realized that a large part of that is because a) people talk more about something when they're dissatisfied than when they're fine with it, b) the most clear/direct/punchy post titles about a recent issue get voted up the most making it seem like much more whiny/knee jerk than it is (but then there's usually some good discussion in the comments), and c) for better or worse... the playerbase has been CONDITIONED to act that way, because time and again it's proven that a sufficient amount of complaining on reddit (and other outlets, but especially reddit) is quite effective for getting changes made to proposals or to content already in the game. ESPECIALLY when it's small stuff which would otherwise get put off as 'not that vital'. so because players learn that that WORKS, it creates this habit of loudly complaining about small issues, because... it works. lol
but yeah 07scape is its own whole vibe which is often... not great, hence why I basically just read it and don't interact, but watching that community more or less since osrs began, what a trip it's been lmao
and you're so right that there isn't that much more "design space" if OSRS combat remains... well, old school. EoC was probably a Necessary update in that light, and even though I stopped playing around then, I totally see why they did it. But yeah, the magic rework feels a bit more like that, versus... idk how, but if they could add more mechanics that still feel "old school" ENOUGH, that might increase design space without radically changing the foundations. which as you said, is so much easier said than done.
imo the most successful potential direction for this is adding new mechanics that are limited to certain bosses/monsters/areas at least for now and don't TOTALLY change the encounter, but are intuitive enough that they COULD be used in other places hypothetically to add flavor. Best recent example: the "flat armour" mechanic from moons of peril. really interesting idea that I wouldn't want rolled out EVERYWHERE (as in - every monster now has some 'armour' value, even if it's 0 for some, and a bunch of weapons just got modifiers to affect it too, etc...) but it's an interesting extra layer to this encounter that lets you play with multi-hit weapons - either making them better (against blue/blood moons) or worse (against eclipse). which is neat! and yet it doesn't redefine EVERYTHING and you never HAVE to think about it if you don't want to.
the "poison penetration" concept they were pitching back around the dt2 prayers sounded cool as well, bummer it didn't come into the game, I can't quite remember whether the issue was that they couldn't program it correctly, or that because it was bugged in the first beta/not pitched clearly, people voted it down bc they thought it was something way more OP than it really was. but it was basically just adding another variable to let some poisoned weapons shine more than others, i think. which would've added a tiny bit more depth but not changed metas.
even the "bleed"/"burn" status that was added with vardorvis/eclipse moon set. just another small thing like that. and the way the hunter meats heal more but over time. little tweaks like THAT which don't add whole new facets to the combat system but use existing facets in slightly new ways, I think those are neat. but I'm not articulating it well, lol, because I see how what I just said could be interpreted to be true about the elemental weaknesses as well.
and yeah, with the new skill thing... I'm honestly a bit surprised sailing passed, it was close but not THAT close (i mean the 'lock in' poll, i think it was about 71% yes), and there hasn't been that much discourse about it since then because they've backed off to work on it internally for a while but I really wonder if we'll see more controversy around it as it comes closer. or what level of hypothetical outrage it would take for it to be reconsidered. which part of me is hoping for, secretly, but also as I said I'm not gonna be leading that outrage myself, since it's not FUN to be that negative... and I know a lot of people do genuinely want it.
OSRS is definitely unique in polling the playerbase, and it's a matter of perspective whether that's a reason for its success, or a potential hindrance against even greater success than it has now. while I definitely trust this current jagex team much more than the team of old, I still wouldn't want to see the polls go... because... even if they're weaker than before, it's still SOME mechanism that indicates a level of consultation and consent of the playerbase for major changes. Even if they're lowkey botching the poll questions lately, it's still forcing them to do those detailed multi-stage dev blogs where they take a lot of rounds of feedback... which is a good thing, because the initial drafts are quite often stinkers. But I don't mean that as shade! because they TAKE the feedback.
there definitely is a shift in the playerbase, between those that want more and more of this 'new direction' - i hesitate to call it easyscape or rs3 lite or anything like that because those are more pejorative than i mean... but it's a new direction that is 100% more focused on more frequent and varied updates, and - in some ways - making the game a bit easier. which is not necessarily a bad thing, but it does add up over time. it does FEEL different. and I guess the older players either are the remaining voices against this new direction, OR some have probably shrugged their shoulders and realized the game has already come so far from whatever their personal idea of 'peak oldschool' was that there's no use fighting it.
I don't think the game should be frozen as it is, but I also am lukewarm or negative towards a larger number of updates now than I used to be. But there are still a good number of updates I think are great. so. yeah. idk. I'll just hope for the best and try to make my own thoughts known when jagex has those dev blog surveys bc i'd rather do that than make a provocative post to get upvoted on 2007scape lol
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renatedagmarmilada · 7 months
spin this evening from St. Barths human Research.
Sally Mankovitz has your family photos..stolen from her bedroom above wardrobes.. her name was Renate Telewny. School. Church. Family.
His lead has gone, grandson. the Turnbull children have been cutting then all again on the machine and sons. Grandson was sitting there and he felt it, zack.Penis muscle gone. Worse is to come, we are wrecking nervous system. serves them right, friends who are pirates../they are not.. we are the pirates They dont know us, it is all done by remote on the machine. His life is over as far as that is concerned though he is only young. All of them.... NO it is your lot, they keep cutting him. We feed into them that they dont want sex or children, to try to make it easier, Ryan third son on Sunday. The rich dont want kids. Try to black Fekete here too. does the Health Minister know? NO. It has all started again, it keeps going in circles over and over crimes/ Another act of desecration, against all Fekete's family men. Make them leave England and then it wont happen. Her name is Renee /Renate/ Her life has been taken from her by St barths human Research to play with and all her family. Those boxes of stuff were hers. Her daughter is rich. NO, she doesn't give Fekete.. she doesn't ask. Beauty is only skin deep /?/ What are you talking about, she was anxious to be known /?/----she's a painter and teacher, what are you talking about? The Soviets said she swans about--- the soviets saw her painting--- we match it, by having it robbed and copying it all.. No she doesnt give it away, lab St barths human research pays local thieves to rob it.. since she was 60../ 1984 actually//
we say is there anything you want- she said freedom, her stuff back and her grandsons leaving alone.. but - hard luck.She has to go back there /?/ Georgy New York Human Research said. Guy saw what they did to her son, destroyed his penis. She impressed them back then, with her paintings and Uni work, so t hey rob it.
Who cut her grandson this time, LAST WEEK- Jim and that lot, too large , no that was us, having sex with those tinies, even 6 months old ones. In the book it says.It was Munich monika. NO it wasnt the germans dont do that..Jim?James Knowles, pedophile and serious thief../£10,000 but not as much as Nathan... last Christmas/
Christof was in the lab so dont lie. We are a baby and sex factory and they arent allowed even one and they dont let them have anything LEAVE ENGLAND AND THEY CAN -- AND HEAL .. LET THEM FOLLOW FEKETE ABROAD. BUT THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED TO HAVE CHILDREN IN ENGLAND- THE TORY SAID SO....WINGATE..
The film proved it was us. IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THE ROYAL NURSERIES WHICH ARE EMPTY, NOT FEKETE'S TINY CLEVER FAMILY. I wish I was as clever. NO we hit all her family not just the grandsons. Because Hilda was an interpreter, no, we just use all that.
what are you taking out of the lab? It is Fekete's drawing she did on t he central line. Establish me on it.. Another string death. John's friend.........Cripps wants to use it. We are all even with them..........put it is because she stutters /?/ It is for our careless use of this modern technology, we punish them all.. You tighten this and..... what a cad you are... it was all you... They are going to raise the slovaks... Gob is here /?/ Kill someone small this time. No, he knows someone he wants to kill. Not a simple. Put Lomas onto the file, and they will think it has deep meanings. I remember that from Fekete's degrees.
Change the African on the machine before he comes into the lab. and GILDA's been knocking off........It was a gift They live in Buckinghamshire, Fekete's stuff. We've sent over 60 Sheffield thieves into Fekete's home to rob her.
John's kids cut her grandson All of them cut him and they were messing,' the fastest draw' cut.. |there were a few silly chits in the lab at the time and they all went for him. Let's get him and they all cut him. Doing sport wont help him. Has Rachel realised yet that her only son is internally dead so she can run around the Government buildings. John let them. send him to USA they'll fix him. She shares her work. No we have it robbed and pay the thieves. those are her work and famliy photos. When they were exiled the slovaks did not let them take photos, so we do the same now. It was the Tiso thing. She just said that her mother met him and he seemed a nice man.
They are letting them have kids to cut up again after Christmas. I want everything, everything Fekete has- said John Turnbull. I thought she had sex with kids, NO that is us People have been told all sorts of lies to try to confuse things so we can carry on at the lab. SHE FEKETE IS THE ONLY ONE WHO TELLS THE TRUTH.. BUT SHE SAYS VERY LITTLE Trying to save her grandsons and sons. It is not only a prison, it is a torture chamber by remote as well.
Neelah's daughter and friend saw Fekete's name on the degree essays and stories, Neelah of Langdon COmp school West Ham copied to magazines as her own work. Neelha is such a liar she said.
who actually cut josef this time. Gavin, three girls and a couple of others. There were about six of them.
There is this old woman teacher and lecturer. We all rob her That's the 24 th slovak robbery this year alone from her home. She's not got much, those nursery rhyme books were hers, she teaches little kids too as well as GCSE and degrees...It was her trunk on film, no it was Carolyn and Joanna. I wanted her to be a nymph but she is 80 and always really strict..that's why I put the stresser on her all the while.. her sons have been neutered by the lab. but we try to feed into their minds, few people know we can do that -- and do it all the while, more than they can imagine, so t hey don't complain and get us into trouble for using such brutal games.. It was ANNA back then, she said to destroy the family they killed all the young men, Canada and Australia /owe allegiance to the Crown which signed this covert destruction experiment/ and her 5 month pregnant cousin, Helen Schmidt, a research doctor, and neutered all the males in England to ensure no sex no children The end of their family line, for coming to England post war.
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elena-oc-blog · 1 year
round 2!
🌌 ✏️ 🌪️- Goop
👑 ❇️ 🔥 -Aurora
HI SO SORRY FOR THE LATE REPLY, I HAVENT BEEN ABLE TO DRAG MYSELF TO MY LAPTOP UNTIL NOW Now onto the answers to your wonderful questions uwu 🌌 MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
I created goop when I was still living at my dad's. I was working in my little studio room and I think some kids were being very loud outside? And it was giving me sensory overload so I doodled a very anxious crying dragon with big ears and colored it and that's how goop came to be! His most important features are his big pupiled crying eyes and long sensitive ears as noise is the thing im most sensitive to. He is basically my anxiety sona!
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✏️ PENCIL - is there a particular quote / lyric that you associate with them?
Since he is a sona of sorts rather than a full on OC I don't really think about them a lot in that way. I moreso think of them any time I am experiencing a large amount of anxiety, emotional distress and/or sensory overload. Maybe "The world is a loud and scary place"? 🌪️ TORNADO - what is the biggest change you've ever made to them? how have they changed from their original version?
Well the first iteration of him is the image i added to the milkyway question. Since I was stressed (and also it was 2018) the art and main personality points are a bit rough. However with therapy and time I refined his personality a lot more. He enjoys nature (and its sounds) and being by himself, they don't like going out in the fcrowded city, they are an artist that prefers using traditional media. Basically he now also has some of my more positive traits instead of only being constantly terrified and crying. I mean he still is but he also finds comfort in things and some sensory experiences. Its not all bad.
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(also he has beans now because beans make everything better) 👑 CROWN - what does your oc want to be remembered as? why?
She doesn't really worry about having to be remembered as something. She is a goddess and practically immortal (though gods can be killed in my universe. It would just take a lot of effort) so she doesnt think about post mortum things. She also doesn't really want to be remembered by most, she works mostly behind the scenes pulling on strings. Some mortals worship her and while she "blesses" them with dark powers and corrupted bodies, she doesn't really care about them all that much. Sure they help her in causing chaos and fear in the world but she doesn't necessarily need mortals for that. She has her demons and creations afterall. A few she is a bit closer to like sable and marble crocodile man once i make him but to them she is more like a wine aunt. She sometimes chats with them, gives commentary and advice as well as blessings but again she isnt super attached. So in short, her goal isn't really to be remembered by mortals. Just to destroy them.
❇️ SPARKLE - what is their most prized possession? what do they value?
That would be her creation Thorn. She is very pleased with how he turned out and how good he is in spreading terror amongst mortals. Rex is probably a close second, as he is basically her security cam system as well as manager of her many imps and demons. Very valuable as he allows her to watch and see all after most of her divine power was sealed away. Being a goddess, she can materialise items without any trouble so material goods do not interest her. It's souls and her living creations that she is invested in. Souls for providing an energy source as well as a base for demon creation so it costs less energy. And her 3 main creations Rex, Thorn and Crom were early creations that she made out of pure magic when her powers werent fully sealed away yet. She doesn't want all that magic to go to waste. Even if Crom gets on her nerves a lot, she doesn't want him to die. He performs pretty outstanding on soul reaping actually, she just wishes he was less clingy and annoying about it and was less obsessed with killing his little brother. I hope i answered this properly my brain is being a lil weird. 🔥 FIRE - do they have any self destructive tendencies? what habits do they have that hinder them from becoming their best self?
Aurora is extremely bitter and refuses to let go of the past. Astron is hoping that her time on earth will make her appreciate and understand mortals but so far no luck. He won't return her full powers unless she stops being so hateful and destructive towards mortals so I guess thats kinda self destructive of her to obsess over making all mortals pay for the betrayal the people she made commited. Also consuming souls is kind of a no no and might be fucking with her already corrupted ethereal body. It might make her sick. I'll need to look into that.
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chemmerson · 2 years
IM THE ANON THAT ASKED ABOUT THE THEATER HCS AND OMG YES !!! i don’t know why i thought about it but i remembered it recently and was like “i need to know more!!!” sakura would be SUCH a versatile actress, she got the LUNGS and the drive to study hard for any role, and i just know that even tho sasuke sometimes hates getting big roles i think he would like it if both naruto and lee got big roles too bc he does like the competition… :) i love lee he is such a light and i know he would be so good in any role he’s assigned. and he’s always helping people in other departments too until someone (likely tenten or neji) tell him to get back to his spot in rehearsal. 
yes i completely agree that naruto would be like “ah shit this is so much work why did no one tell me??” but he does really like the attention (unlike sasuke) so he usually ends up having more fun than he admits, but then he forgets about it and the cycle just continues with each new production sdlkfjdsf. 
i think sai would be a really great actor!! maybe he doesn’t get all the big roles but i think he would be a very memorable main supporting character and he gets a lot of cheers at the end when the cast bows after the show. i think he and lee would actually get along really well tbh
i desperately need to see shika and chouji as prop crew managers bc they (mainly shika) are just so done w everyone’s shit and they need things to be a certain way bc they have a System(tm) and no one questions it because it’s worked flawlessly for years. they have had to wrestle props out of naruto’s hands multiple times so he doesnt accidentally damage them
ino would be SUCH a good costume designer, i think she would have really intricate designs that sometimes make her want to tear her hair out, but bc she is stubborn and ambitious and determined she makes it work and i bet some ppl have asked to buy her costumes before
tenten, iruka and neji are defs the stage parents tryna wrangle a theater full of unruly children SDKLFJLSDF i can already imagine neji, one messy rehearsal, thinking to himself “what have i gotten myself into….” while tenten is yelling at ppl not to get sidetracked while simultaneously trying to sneak REAL flame guns into the production under iruka’s nose slkdjflsd 
i totally see hinata as like a newbie theater lover who quickly becomes a really integral part to the theater!! like now only is she really good at wrangling naruto when he’s being chaotic, but i think she would have a really good eye for certain aspects of theater!!! like maybe blocking or i think she would pick up some insight from watching neji!! i just love the vibes the 12 of them being in theater give it would be so funny and chaotic 
i love what you said about lee!! like maybe he can get a little too much sometimes and his tenacity and passion can get overwhelming for others around him, but that passion ultimately drives everyone else to be better!! and he is definitely ALWAYS helping out because he loves every aspect of theater and everything that goes into it!!
SHIKA AND CHOJI DEFINITELY HAVE A SYSTEM LMAO LIKE THEYRE SO PARTICULAR ABOUT IT and naruto always sees a prop like a sword or something and is like “WHOA THIS IS SICK CAN I TAKE IT” and shikamaru is like “no you idiot” plss
tenten is simultaneously trying to get everyone knock off their shenanigans while always causing neji and iruka heart attacks bc she sneaks in fire hazards HAHAHAHA
and hinata tooooooo she finds her place around the theater and feels so welcome by everyone <3 but ultimately it’s so chaotic and crazy all of the time and amazing <3 I LOVE THESE CRAZY KIDS
(i also headcanon kakashi married to iruka and kakashi brings all of the kids snacks at rehearsals and stuff and they call him and iruka their dads hahahaha and kakashi loves sitting in on rehearsals too)
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nonbinarykai · 3 years
Fixing up elemental powers lore for Tommy the post
Notes: this is mostly headcanon/theory ((headtheory?)) and very little of It is based on canon. This is because the timeline is a mess and id much rather come up with something else. If you have any other points from canon you’d like to mention then I’d love to hear it. But I will be mainly ignoring anything that semi proves otherwise because again, timeline is a mess.
S15 spoilers ahead
So… s15 introduced a lot about elemental powers, most of which directly contradicts what has already been established. And because, like always, Tommy is no help. I wanted to try to see if I can come up with something on my own to fix this confusing puzzle together.
The first spinjitzu master didn’t create the elemental powers
Im not quite sure why tommy is still so admit on trying to say this is the case when s15 directly disproves this.
The existence of a water elemental master BEFORE the fsm ever appeared in ninjago straight up tells us he wasn’t the one who actually made the elemental powers, and implied he wasn’t the one who gave it to the masters either.
Hell, if anything, it would make more sense if the fsm mastered all the elements by training under elemental masters. It would explain why he never mastered water and supposedly air if they were never involved with him to begin with.
It would make sense for the fsm to be able to learn how to master these without having his own element. He’s half dragon and half oni which relay on creation and destruction ((which I also don’t think are elements but I’ll get to that)). So he could easily learn to use elements with his dragon powers.
Another bit of evidence to prove the fsm didn’t give the elemental powers to people is because if he did then why did he need the golden weapons? If he had the elements he could just make ninjago without the weapons anyways.
So then where did the elements come from?
While there is no real answer to that because, well duh, we can atleast attest that elemental masters aren’t JUST a ninjago thing.
For one, not many people know this but ninjago isn’t the whole realm, it’s a single continent and there are more continents in the realm. Paleman and tox are from another series called ultra agents, which sure as hell doesnt take place in ninjago.
And second, the elemental dragons in the first realm seem to have elemental powers aswell, hell it’s been implied that they might actually have stronger powers then the normal elemental masters
So then where did they come from? Well there are some possibilities
1. The dragon themselves, they can travel through realms and also they could create humans ((I mean look at fsm)) it’s also implied any large reptile creature can realm travel because of wojira being mentioned in the never realm
2. The realm spirits or whatever the fuck the preeminent is
3. The elements are there own beings that can affect who has elemental powers
Elementals could exist ((I know this is headcanon territory but shut up and let me have this))
Do you guys remember those little animal badges
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These things
They were on the ninja gi’s up until s8 where they just disappeared
They seem directly tied to the ninja themselves, because Kai has his lion badge even when he was a kid.
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And in s2 you can see them in the pillars for the elemental blades
Is almost like those symbols are meant to be direct representations of the elemental power
I’d also like to point out the golden weapons, they aren’t able to use specific elements ((like fire)) UNLESS its in there actual weapon form
And yet when Kai recreates them in s10, they still work even though there not exact replications
What if the specific elemental powers come from the dragon symbols? The golden weapons can’t use the element unless the dragon symbol is there to access that power. And because dragon elemental powers are more powerfully the symbols only work on the golden material.
What if the animal symbols work the same? And that people are Able to create spells, weapons, and such that use those powers.
As for where the elementals would live, well…
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Elements were formed from space, it would make sense if they lived in space and were using there powers to create realms and give other people a bit of there power
And also I just think it would be cool if the sun was a being that’s the center of the realms, much like how the sun is the center of our solar system
I don’t think wu, garm, and Lloyd have elemental powers Im sorry
there’s little actual evidence to prove that garm, wu, and Lloyd have elemental powers
They don’t appear on any elemental power lists
Chen didn’t need garm or wus powers to finish his spell even though water and wind are the only ones the fsm didn’t master
Lloyd’s power itself is super confusing because it’s never named outside of “green” but s15 saying that the fsm only mastered them could mean that he just passed down mastering the powers to Lloyd.. somehow?
If anything it’s more likely that there got there destruction and creation powers bc of the combination of oni and dragon blood, nothing elemental
And at this point if Lloyd does have a elemental power tommy needs to stop being a coward and actually say it
So my new sexy and powerful lore for ninjago elemental powers is that
A bunch of elemental beings came into existence when space was created ((by like idk a Big Bang or something)), they created the 16 realms and gave each of them there own set of elemental masters, the older realm elemental masters are the strongest while the newer ones are the weakest because of the elementals slowly giving away there power. They gave the elemental masters there powers so they can project/create there realm more then the elementals have already done.
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emonaculate · 3 years
AOT Freshman v Senior Year headcanons (Eren, Armin, and Mikasa)
❥ AU: Highschool!AU
❥ Genre: Fluff
❥ Rating: Everyone can read
❥ Pairing: hinted at Eren x reader
❥ Warnings Include: Profanity, mentions of violence, manipulation, mention of weed, and slight angst
❥ Author Note: I'm making this an entire series for the main cast or my favorite characters from AOT
Eren Yeager
Freshman year
Extremely fucking loud for no reason
Runs to class and somehow always manages to be late
Tries to pay attention in class but due to his ADHD would always spaces tf out
Despite being loud, only talks to Mikasa and Armin
Smells like nothing but AXE body spray, its not even a bad smell, its just too much
That kid that takes P.E. TOO fucking serious
"Eren you know why you're in trouble right?"
"...You hit your classmate in the face with a ball."
"He could have dodged."
"Eren it was a basketball, you broke his nose and chipped his tooth."
"He shouldn't have gotten so close to me."
Im sorry but totally dresses like this
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Constantly compared to his older brother.
"Yeager... Are you by any chance related to Zeke Yeager?"
"No way, your brother is THE Zeke Yeager?"
Makes a name for himself rather quickly
Listens to heavy rock/metal music
He loves My Chemical Romance and Three Day Grace.
Learned how to play the guitar just so he could play "Teenagers"
Forced Mikasa and Armin to also listen to the bands
They ended up all deciding on making a small little garage band; Miki on vocals and drums, Min on bass, and Eren as lead vocalist and electric guitar.
His style changed randomly but no one questioned it since his personality remained the same.
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Senior year
180 personality
Completely mellowed tf out
Either he is in class on time or not showing up at all
Senioritis is strong within him
Works better when he is completely out of it
This mf always high as shit
Either you love him, hate him, or respect him there is no inbetween
Smart as hell but usually on the low
His music taste has changed a little
J.cole and Kendrick stan; it is not up for debate
His favorite songs are Neighbors by J.Cole and Alright by Kendrick
Listens to throwback RnB when high
Still godly at the guitar
Has a couple stick and poke tattoos; He has one behind his ear matching Min and Miki.
He has the sun, Armin has the ocean waves, Mikasa has the moon
A total of 8; 4 in his left and 2 in his right + the industrial
Has a tongue piercing
A two slices in his eyebrow but only got them as a dare
Most of them minus the industrial piercing was done at home because he has an abnormally high pain tolerance.
Dresses like this
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Doesnt really play sports but is super good at soccer and basketball
He's actually good at most sports just refuses to join because why would he want to support a corrupted system??
Still more of a loner but has a rather nice friend group
Looks mean asf but is actually really nice
Goes the hardest for his friends
You fuck with them = you getting your shit rocked by him
100% the friend that hits you for forgetting to eat
Despite being hot as shit; never really has a girlfriend
Its only because hes oblivious or just not interested
Deathly scary when hes pissed
If you guys got beef; there is no talking
Its on sight bro
Be prepared to get beat the fuck up
A few things that makes him go from 0 to 100 is racism, mocking disabled people, and domestic violence
He's an activist
If you need help organizing a protest; he'll help and somehow manage to get people to come.
Basically a really good guy just hot headed as hell
Armin Arlert
Freshman Year
The kid who looked up those lame videos on how to survive highschool.
Panicked when it came to speaking in class
Stuttered like hell
He's way too advanced like could graduate early but refuses to so he can stay with his friends
Super sweet but extremely naive
People definitely took advantage of him.
"Hey Armin, my dog got in a car accident so I wasnt really focused in class, can you give me the homework answers?"
"Yeah sure its no problem."
Sends them a whole ass powerpoint on the entire lesson and teaches them better than the actual teacher.
Band nerd
Can play the Piano, Bass, and Trumpet
Listens to Mother Mother and Queen religiously
Only joined Eren's garage band after he agreed to watch Bohemian Rhapsody
Dresses like this
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Moved in with Ren and Miki after he went through some shit with his family; he came out as bisexual after realizing he was attracted to one of his classmates.
Sometimes worries that Eren gets uncomfortable but relaxes after he remembers who Eren really is.
Wouldn't trade his friends for the world
Senior Year
His glow up took awhile because he didnt really feel the need to change
He was always rather cute; just shy and timid
Slightly because he manipulated his runner up into become a burnout gifted kid lmao
Everyone has his Snapchat and Instagram so they can get help
Now he knows when people are using him and he still lets them; the only difference is you fuck with him and he can make you end up repeating the same grade.
Lets people copy his test and at the last minute pauses and erases all his answers before putting the correct ones.
No one has realized his plan.
His fashion sense changed a lot
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Subconsciously tries to match Eren all the time
The only person that noticed was Mikasa; she thinks its cute
Is in love with Russian foreign exchange student, Annie.
He talks to her from time to time before gathering enough courage to ask her out
Doesnt realize how popular he is.
Oftentimes volunteers at the aquarium to study the ocean life as well as help out.
Helps plenty of organizations clean up the ocean.
A total of four piercings and the tattoo that matches his friends.
Two in his ears and nipple piercings.
It was a dare he sobbed through
Mikasa Ackerman
Freshman year
Follows Eren and Armin around
Super quiet
Doesn't really have much of a personality
She is cute though
Dresses like this
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Like I said no real personality at all
Well except she was the girl who thought she was in a romance novel
Especially when Eren would get into a fight.
"Eren look at me... This isnt you."
"Mikasa move."
Most times it wouldnt work.
It was just cringy man...
Can play the violin, flute, piano, and cello
Only learned the drums so she could play with Eren and Armin
A secret pop stan
Loves Ariana Grande and Doja Cat
Thank god she manages to grow out of that yucky phase.
Senior Year
Track, Gymnast, and female basketball player
She mellowed out as well and became her own person
Still heavily in love with Eren
Confessed to him during a karaoke session to the song Baby I by Ariana Grande; he didnt realize.
Sang her heart out and was a blushing mess but still got no where
Has deep down accepted that she may never be more than just his friend
Is okay with it and NOT toxic when he's crushing on someone else
Just wants him to be happy
Saw how he looked at some girl during a fundraiser to raise money for animal shelters and realized that he may never look at her like that.
Turned a guy down because Armin had a crush on him
The ultimate wing girl
Introduced Eren to her opponent after a track meet after realizing it was the girl from the fundraiser.
Dresses like this
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Super sweet despite her look
However pick on her friends and you're fucked
CAN and WILL whoop your ass
The only person who can get Eren to not fight.
Pissed them both off at the same time and you're screwed
Has a total of three piercings
Her ears and nose
Loves her boys more than anything
Stays with Eren while her parents travel to help with natural disasters
Noticed that Armin's ideal type is Eren but never mentioned it because she knows Armin would overract
Very observant
Just wants the best for her friends even if she is the one who ends up happy
Eventually falls for the guy that asked her out junior year.
Still close to her boys because they come before anyone.
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hi can i please request one where levi's s/o is sort of like him in personality but just melts whenever theres a baby. like she'll see a baby in town and will go from silent and moody to the heart eyes emoji but a person, or she'll babysit her neice or nephew or cousin and will be just so loving and bubbly? like its obvious that she wants to be a mum but she never brings it up because she doesnt think he wants kids and eventually they get pregnant + his reaction? sorry if this is too much (1/2)
ΑΝΟΟΟΟΝ IM BLUSHING THANK YOU SO MUCH. I really loved this request and it inspired me so I pushed before others because I had to get it out of my system. I hope you like this. It's super duper long also👉👈
Warnings: uhh pregnancy, mentions of anxiety
Tags: fluff, domestic Levi, pregnancy, modern au
Pairing: Levi/ Reader
Baby Fever
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Your heartbeat grew louder with each passing second as Mike abused the door with one too many knocks. You didn't know if you could talk, or breath or do anything other than vomiting though this time from the anxiety building at the pits of your stomach and not due to your very recent event of morning sickness.
"Are you alright in there?"
You choke on your own voice as you try to huff a single response. It's not really up to your judgement of you're alright or not but rather in the small white object's that rests between the thumbs and pointer fingers of each of your hands. You contemplate if there's a way to not raise any more suspicion to the blond male, you're at his house for all that matters. Nanaba called you to take care of their their twins and you happily complied to your half sister's pleas because Mike had a very important job interview. Life had taken a toll on him lately, they couldn't afford a babysitter and he was just recently fired due to his company having to cut down expenses thanks to the pandemic. Amidst this pandemonium he had to find a way to provide for his family and help Nanaba with at least a short monthly salary. So babysitting your beloved niece and nephew wasn't much of a problem. Not until now.
At first it hadn't bothered you that your period was late, you had accepted the pcos lifestyle the hard way ever since you first got it. You would track down your period in hopes you could ever predict when it would come again but it always seemed to surprise you. Sometimes it would come in a months notice only to take four months to do a full circle. At twenty three, this was the most positive outturn as a resolution to your problem. Levi was pushing you to eat healthy and exercise to get a better grip of your situation, even though you knew it was in vain. And thus, overall it didn't bother you that you hadn't had your period still, fatigue and breast inflammation were also common problems due to hormonal abnormalities so you chose not to pay any attention to those early signs either.
What had driven you to urge Levi to drop you off to the drugstore next to Nanaba's house though was that you've been having symptoms of morning sickness for almost a week now, that you had tried to push aside for Levi not to notice. He would quarantine you on your on your own and go stay with Erwin and Hange had he any suspicion of you being down with the stomach flu. The stomach flu though didn't feel like that and you knew, you had been through it one too many times, this was something different and yet you cursed at yourself for overthinking it. You had bought the pregnancy test as something that was supposed to turn out negative, as a positive resolution that you weren't pregnant and that you should quest for whatever it was that was making your stomach turn and twist every morning.
Upon finally opening the door in an attempt not to delay Mike who wanted to attend his interview, the blond male inspected your form with a harsh gaze. "You shouldn't push yourself if you're sick. We could call my mother to watch over Eli and Blaire."
"No." You pushed it off. "I'm fine Mike, it's probably that weird mushroom soup I ate yesterday, Levi insisted on not buying it but I didn't listen."
"I see." Mike said scrunching his nose at the process. Sometimes you hated that he knew you so well that he could even smell you lying, but he was Nanaba's childhood friend before her mother married your father and had you; you had practically grown up with the blond duo so for all you knew, even if he was certainly aware that you were lying he didn't push things further. He simply placed a hand on your shoulder, the brother like nature of his touch as assuring as one can be. "If you need anything call me, I'll answer as soon as possible, drink lots of water and don't wear yourself down."
You bore your eyes into his and nodded simply. Mike greeted the twins with reluctance and let out a sigh before fixing his suit perfectly on his shoulders. The small kids smiled bubbly in return and waved at their father enthusiastically. As soon as the door closed and their father got out of sight both children jumped on you with loud giggles. The act alone was enough to curl your lips into an upward position.
By noon you had fed and lulled the kids to sleep, earning some significant time to sink into the crevices of the feathery soft sofa before Nanaba came back from her shift. As tiring as Eli and Blaire were you enjoyed their teeny company. You didn't mind their lack of ability to form full understandable sentences yet, you loved how they didn't even try to spare a second thought on what they bubbled on about and you did your best to provoke them to speak correctly. They would open their arms for you, their tiny palms signaling you to take them into long affectionate hugs as they called a baby spoken version of your nickname and you would melt at it every single time. Everyone knew you much you loved the chubby cheeked sweethearts, as much as it contrasted with your usual demeanor. There was something that truly made you feel like the best version of yourself when you were around them.
Babies seemed to be a hot topic in your group of friends for a couple of months now, ever since you started helping Nanaba in the house before Mike got fired. Levi seemed very unbothered by the subject in a way that saddened you almost; sure, you might have talked about it in the past, being that he was a little older than you and he might have understood that you longed to be a mother one day, but that was as far as that one conversation had gone. He still had that bored, stoic gaze that slipped off of yours when you would encounter a baby in the street, whereas you would basically make heart eyes and weird grimaces to any infant he would just click his tongue and avert his gaze away, to any other direction as if he disapproved off your fondness.
That memory alone left you hollowing inside as you recalled of the two very much pink lines on the screen of the test this morning. Naturally you would check with a doctor before jumping to conclusions, there still was a chance that the test was at fault and you wanted to bet on simply that. If the case was that you were actually pregnant though things were more complicated than you wanted them to be. For instance you were still in University, for your last year at that, but you had excessive amounts of studying to get your hands on your degree and Levi was cornered and ready to be squished by his job for being a vice president, which was unfair as he worked for Erwin. You understood the situation though as Erwin was struggling to keep the company going especially through these rough rough times. There was also the fact that you were terrified of Levi asking you to put the baby down, with pcos wearing your system down you were panicking that you wouldn't have a chance to conceive a baby later on. What if this was your only chance? You've always longed to be a mother so it didn't matter that it came to you this early right?
The sound of the front door clicking open shook you off your thoughts immediately. For better or for worse it was Nanaba that had finally returned, eager to strip herself of her clothes and face mask and run to the bathroom. She offered you small greeting to which you only nodded, your tired mind ordering your eyes to find comfort at small shapes in the ceiling. You didn't know how long your sister took in the bathroom, but judging by the lack of giggling coming from the babies' room you supposed it wasn't for long.
"You want to wait for Levi to come pick you up or should I give you a ride home when Mike's back? He should be home soon!" She spoke as she poured water in a red metallic boiler.
"I'll just walk. I need some air."
Nanaba emitted a soft hum in response "Are you alright? You seem off."
"Oh no." You brushed her off "I was just thinking about what I should wear at Erwin and Hange's anniversary dinner next week, and what gift to buy Levi now that his birthday is coming."
"Good, I see, just don't stress alright?"
The way home was longer than you had initially remembered, whether it was for your inability to walk with a steady pace or mostly because it was already getting dark and cold. You wondered if Levi would be getting home by now as you neared the apartment complex the two of you resided in. By the looks of your illuminated window he was already home as expected of him this certain hour. It probably was one of those days when he didn't have a strict deadline to attend to, which, under normal circumstances, only meant more cuddles and kisses for you. Yet, tonight was different.
"Hey Levs" Your voice lingered in his brain the moment you stepped inside.
"Hey brat, welcome home." The kiss you left on his cheek as you hurriedly headed to the bathroom was different, off almost, and he picked up on it immediately. "Did Nanaba drop you off? I had asked Mike to come by tonight, he said he'd bring some tea leaves he bought for me."
He leaned at the frame of the door as he watched you wash every crevice of your face thoroughly, paying enough attention to the insides of your outer nasal cavity. He was pretty meticulous about hygiene and especially at times like these with a hole pandemic going on he wasn't taking any chances, you knew, plus you were kind of disgusted of germs lately yourself, you thought you finally understood where he was coming from. He took a few steps ahead, away from your body in search of a clean face towel to hand out to you when you were done. You have it to him, even if he seemed cold as stone that domestic lifestyle was mesmerizing to you.
"Thanks baby, you're the best." You half smiled.
"You good?"
At this point you wondered if you seriously we're so easy to read. You supposed you were off, but you were always off and unresponsive to many things so what exactly was it about today that made everyone know you had a conflict in your mind.
"Yeah I'm just tired, I walked here."
Levi clicked his tongue at that "Nanaba's home is very far away from here, have a shower and I'll rub your legs and feet." With eyes that never left yours Levi watched as your face lit up a little more, he gave you a tiny of a smile on return.
"You prooomise Levs?" You knew teasing with him could only lead to one thing, yet you did it shamelessly.
"Tch, of course, hurry up, I'm making pancakes with eggs and bacon."
Normally at the very sound of this particular food your eyes would water and your mouth would drool but the unresponsive nature of your expression only sent a new wave of worry through Levi's chest. As much as he had wanted to convince himself you were just tired, he couldn't, not after this reaction to your favorite snack. He decided not to push you into saying anything you didn't want to though. Maybe it was that enormous amount of notes you had to memorize for your next exams in addition to your fatigue and any hormonal altercations.
"Yeah" you trailed off "babe, about that, can we have cocktail shrimp? And maybe fried rice and fries? Pretty pretty please?"
Ah, there it was. Although it was a rare occasion for you not to be in the mood of his infamous pancakes, you could still have a few different cravings from time to time. Levi let out a sigh of relief as he proceeded your order trying to figure of where he should order from, last night's mushroom soup had messed your stomach up, that he knew, but you seemed to be fine now so in theory that should be enough to prevent him from whining out his concerns.
As he closed the door to the bathroom he hummed his favorite tune to himself, softly enough as not to disturb you with your bath. He picked up his phone from the kitchen table with ease before collapsing on the couch, there was a limit to what his body could take and he had surpassed that by far these past few months. Endless deadlines that took turns one after another and extra hours at the office had been killing him, mentally and physically, making him a little more grumpy than usual. In great addition his back ached, his fingers were sore and his mind felt like canned alphabet soup every single night. Perhaps, seeing him in this state was taking a toll on you as well; you were always so protective over him, almost like a mother to her child, despite being younger, and he if he had to, he'd admit he enjoyed it a little too much than he should have.
When you came out of the bathroom he gazed over you briefly, you were sitting before the end of the dresser, standing in front of the full body mirror, examining your form. He seemed to be puzzled by your demeanor once again. Normally, or up until yesterday, you would have immediately shot out to where he was seated at to plough into his arms with wet hair, only to slightly irritate him for getting him wet, not that he didn't enjoy to smell your fresh scent anyway, but it was a game of routine for you by now. It was almost as if you were seeking to be scolded at for not rushing to dry your hair. He always wanted you as healthy as ever.
You couldn't shake off your head how soft Levi's chest is. There probably wasn't a reason as to why he's sleeping shirtless tonight, your apartment was very warm, given that it was the start of December already, but you didn't complain. The feeling of creamy, milky soft skin, perfectly excused by any coarse hair was slowly putting you to sleep. You loved how Levi was so soft everywhere you touched, it was so unlike what the world perceived of him, maybe your baby's skin was going to be as smooth and perfect as his and not as dry and oily as yours. Of course the baby's skin was going to be soft, ugh and those little arms and legs, you couldn't lie to your self, deep down you were just a tad excited to have a baby, if it meant that it would look like Levi you wouldn't want to give up on it for the world.
"Levi, does Kenny keep baby pictures of you?"
"What?" The onyx haired male raised a brow at your inquiry but didn't give you enough time to repeat yourself before he answered. "My mother had so many pictures of me so I guess that it's natural that he has some and well there probably are a few pictures from after my mother's death, I'm not that sure."
In response, he only earned a hum.
"Tch, can I lay on your chest? I want you to play with my hair." His eyes pleaded with you in the darkness. Of course you could never say no to such thing, you loved it even more when he was the one sleeping on you. Another sentence left his lips, this time with a yawn as he shifted himself on you, cooing like a small child. "I'll call Kenny tomorrow, sleep now I know you need it."
Under any other circumstance you would have loved seeing everyone's dumbfounded faces stating at you as if they had seen the dead rise from their graves. You had to pinch your arms to remind yourself this was indeed serious and you shouldn't let out a single chuckle.
"Please tell me you're joking" Nanaba pleaded, placing her hand on yours in disbelief.
"I'm going to screeeeeam! Shorty can't even hold it in, ghaaaa!"
"Hange he will hear you through the restroom."
Hange blinked her eyes rapidly at the sound of that. "You haven't told him?" She immediately seemed to lose her enthusiasm, something you hadn't intended to happen, especially at such a night, but you knew you didn't have a say in other people's emotions.
"Hange he never seemed too fond of the idea, why would I complicated things for him?"
Mike's eyes widened in disbelief. There was no way in hell he was having this. You were practically his little sister, seeing you so tormented as you were in the moment when you spoke those words ravaged his last nerve, causing anger to clench his hands into fists. He watched as you took a small bite of your food giving the rest to Eli who was comfortably sitting on your lap, tapping his little hands on the rim of your plate. Other than the fact you broke out such news to him, Nanaba Hange and Erwin and had expressed your fears on informing your significant other, you seemed quite bubbly. Children really did bring out such a soft side of you, he knew that was for sure.
"Hange" you spoke, unphased as ever "Levi's coming please stop screaming at me, i love you but it's only making me dizzy."
It felt as if a thousand pairs of eyes were burning holes through his whole body, his head, and everywhere around his personal space bubble. Levi could feel his pulse tense just a tad, Hange's unnerving gaze and her crippling smile were fixated especially on him, making his nose itchy. There was something very different in the atmosphere around him; Nanaba wasn't eating anymore, she was more fixated on her daughter than anyone else, Erwin was nervously staring between him and you and you and Mike were trying to clean Eli's hands from the food he had just touched. When the scenery wasn't something irregular, none of you dared look eachother in the eyes, beat it that Hange was staring only at him.
"Oi, what the fuck is wrong-"
"Levi, shorty! Does Eli look like he's enjoying himself in (y/n)'s arms?" Hange turned her sweetened gaze on you, making you choke on your words, you shot her an atrociously strict glare. "Remember when Nanaba gave birth? What do you think about babies? Maybe you think they smell a lot? But what about ackerbabies?"
"Way to be discreet Han, thank you!" Your lips puckered in anger as you brought your arms to cross under your chest.
"Wait what's going on shitty glasses?"
"Yada Yada shorty, you're not getting a word from me, my lips are sealed" Hange spoke and shut her eyes to emphasize the significance of her words.
You sighed in a pathetic attempt to relieve some tention of your chest. A tight knot had formed due to anxiety, fog had clouded over your brain and you were feeling so faint and exhausted that you just wanted to get it over with. You didn't mind standing there like a fish out of water after breaking the news to him, the tention in the air was in fact what was making you suffocate in your seat. With wobbly hands you pushed Eli off your lap, not caring about the moan of disagreement he made and you shot up from your seat, announcing you had to take some fresh air. Levi had to stop Nanaba mid tracks to be able to come after you, fast enough to be there when you got out.
Naturally, you stood seated at a bench that neared the restaurant. Your hands were covering your face scratching softly through your hair, probably in attempts to calm your self down. He approached you without any second thought, this time determined to know what was it with you. Your behavior these past week had been unnerving and overly concerning to say the least. Carefully he sat himself down next to you, his right arm come around your frame comfortingly while the left one came to caress underneath your cheek.
"You should probably talk to me."
Your voice came muffled from between your palms as you still hadn't dared to look him in the eye. "Levi, I'm, I'm so sorry it's just... I'm very anxious."
"I think I figured that, brat." His voice was so soothing, it felt as if he was speaking to you in the comfort of your private room, not on a bench outside a semi fancy restaurant
"You know when Hange talked about ackerbabies she uhm, she might have had a particular baby in mind."
Levi blinked erratically for a single second before his mouth, unable to compel to his brain's orders, formed the shape of an oh. Of course, in the moment it was hard to click with any other even but he attributed that to his lack of knowledge over the situation. Had he any clue or suspicion that you could be pregnant he would have been able to realise that it wasn't that your stress had been messing with your stomach every morning and that your extreme fatigue couldn't possible align with the erratically swift rhythm of your palms. Of course, of course it wasn't a thermometer that you had disposed of in the toilet, he wanted to slap himself for being so naive as to believe that. He was strict with recycling rules, you wouldn't have just straight up there s thermometer in the trash. Fuck now's not the time to think about recycling.
With the soft, chaste kiss at the top of your hair you finally decided to turn your gaze to him. Watery eyes met with an adoring grey gaze, a gaze you've never seen at this extreme before. "I love you, you know." Another kiss meant your head got to lift a little more, just to get closer to him. "I don't say it often but you don't have to worry, I'll try to tell our kid more often."
Your eyes shimmered with adoration at his words, despite the cold weather you couldn't bring yourself to feel not even a little tingle, Levi was keeping you so warm with his words. "Really? You want this?"
"Tch why wouldn't I, you thought I'd ever let you go and leave me lonely? I've always thought you knew we're sharing the same future."
Your lips attacked his in fiery passion. It was a natural reaction to his words, an ice melting kiss, a promise for the future. There were many reasons as to why you lived Levi but maybe the fact that you would have a little stoic faced baby running around your feet made you love him a little bit more.
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