#queer tomoyo
completeoveranalysis · 10 months
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Now EVERY member of the original Tsubasa family has a name that wasn’t originally theirs. 
Fai took them name of his twin. Mokona is a copy of the [Magic Knight Rayearth] Mokona, and so is called Mokona Modoki to differentiate between them. Sakura and Syaoran are clones named after the people they were cloned from, so the names aren’t “theirs” as much as they inherited them (like with Syaoran’s birthday not being his either, but being copied from Sakura’s). 
And now they ALL have a identity that they’ve forged themselves, built from the ground up and adopted to better suit the people they’ve become along the way. 
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samwise1548 · 1 year
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Been binging CardCaptors, the gayest anime from the end of the 1990s (idk if that's true but it is very queer).
[ID: Two pen on paper drawings of scenes from the anime CardCaptor.
The first drawing is of Tomoyo holding Meiling's hands in her's, with the caption of her saying "If something happens, please think of me." Both girls have a soft blush on their cheeks.
The second drawing is a short, two panel strip, framed by green washi tape. In the top panel, Yue has his hands on Touya's shoulders. He leans in closer to the other boy. In the bottom panel, Yue's head is right next to Touya's. The shadings, done in grey marker, shifts to show a glow coming from below them.
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tomoyo daidouji from cardcaptor sakura is lesbian (canon)
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submitted by anonymous
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kajaono · 2 years
I can not believe they made Tomoyo an open out and proud lesbian who already confessed her love for Sakura in volume 2 😍
CLAMP is SO GOOD at straightbaiting.
Manga 1: „She is blushing when she looks at Touya because she is crushing at him“
Manga 2: „Actually she is crushing at his sister and only blushing when she sees Touya because he reminds Tomoyo of Sakura“
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oilith · 1 year
ok i have to make at least one post about how i love sakura x tomoyo. the best part? its canon that tomoyo likes sakura. im rewatching the anime for like seventh time and im dying cuz theyre so cute. i gotta read the manga sometime.
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littleragondin · 2 years
Oh no I have things to say about the end of Senpai danjite koidewa.
I was actually pretty excited that we'd get two post-time skip episodes because it would give us time to see them pick things up and actually be together. Then final credits rolled, and I was ready to just write it off as a mildly unsatisfying ending but I found so many little things I did enjoy in that episode it makes me especially yearn for what could have been.
My favorite scene this episode was, hands down, the talk Yanase and Kaneda had through computer screens. I liked it because I think that yes, after a year of (very sparse) contact that must have been via phone, it may feel more familiar, easier, to be honest and talk this way than actually face to face (also love the visual and motif of "so close yet so far" that was shown with their backs against the same wall and all). I really wish they'd gone this route regarding the awkwardness/shyness/back to square one situation honestly. It also would have been so much more "current" like sorry but it's not 1995 anymore, moving across an ocean does not mean you can only call once a week because it's so expensive, come on... BUT switching (back) to a "physically here" relationship when all the intimacy you built up has been through a screen can still be tricky to navigate and I wish to see something like that played out on screen one day.
I liked Yanase's list of things he wants to do with Kaneda and have Kaneda actually be the one to do some (if not the biggest ones - the name things, actually saying 'i like you') of it before Yanase gets to it! I think it was/could have a been a really cool way to show that not only does Kaneda still feel the same, but also that he did grow during that year. That he is a little bit more bold, a little bit more confident. (I think it did that, in a way, it just... didn't feel acknowledged)
I think the biggest mistake was in how Yanase's POV was handled. A lot of his reactions made sense for a pre-time skip Kaneda! But not how he's being in the last two episodes where he is comparatively very open with how he reaches after Yanase (even with the excessive panic at his flat, I think). I don't have a fixed solution for this, but I just thought it did not work at all.
Anyway, I think there were a lot of good first draft ideas in there, but general execution just did not pan out as I wished it had.
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mori-no-majou · 9 months
also I just found out that immediately before that poll evang*lion beat ccs so. AVENGE HER MOOMIN
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ladyloveandjustice · 10 months
Spring 2023 Anime Overview: Yuri is my Job!
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Premise: Hime Shiraki is a high schooler whose life goal is to be always cute and loved by everyone so she can achieve her dream of marrying a millionaire and living the easy life. Who cares if that means she has to lie and pretend? But then she’s roped into working at a café. The waitresses of the cafe playact as students from a fictional all girl’s school from a famous novel that focused on ‘romantic friendships’ between schoolgirls. (It’s a Class S yuri café basically. They put on a show that has the vibes and premise of Maria Watches Over Us for customers.)
Hime’s already great at acting, but she’s flummoxed by her co-worker Mitsuki. Mitsuki acts like a doting upperclassman when they’re in front of customers, but the second they’re off the clock, she’s harsh and cold to Hime. Hime is determined to make Mitsuki like her, but Mitsuki may be more than she appears…
At it's core, Yuri is My Job starts out seeming like a fun gay comedy boasting a cast full of quirky lesbians, but then reveals itself to be a complicated and fascinating examination of performance- as it intersects with queerness, girlhood, and the desire to be "likeable" and "cute," The girls at the cafe "perform" romantic friendships with each other- these friendships that they perform are uncomplicated, cute, and consumable to an audience. But the real relationships they have with each other are much less "safe" and much more complex, and the drama they deal with as real people often interferes with the "act".
Hime's entire life is about putting on a performance to seem likeable and acceptably cute to everyone, and she's terrified of seeing that performance fall to pieces. Mitsuki, in contrast, struggled as a child because she COULDN'T acceptably fake that "likeable" cuteness. She was too honest, too blunt and awkward, too "real". Most queer people know the stress of having to put on an act and hide your real self to be acceptable, and YIMJ explores this wonderfully with these characters.
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It's not just Hime and Mitsuki,the rest of the cast struggles too. Kanoko is so invested in her role of "supportive best friend" and being the only one Hime drops the act around, she's also suppressing her real self and her real romantic feelings for Hime. As a result, she becomes possessive, jealous, and expresses her feelings in secretive, unhealthy ways. The irony is that she believes in order to access Hime's "real" self, she has to put on her own mask. She can't picture a life outside her role as pining best friend. The pining, obsessive (sometimes in just a mildly quirky way, sometimes not so much) lesbian best friend with an unrequited crush  is a well worn trope both in yuri and non-yuri anime-think Tomoyo from CCS- but YIMJ examines the trauma that comes with that and how suppressing a part of yourself to play a role might feed into that obsessive behavior.
Meanwhile. we have Sumika, who is VERY invested in the romantic friendships of the cafe, and had come to believe real romance is toxic and ruins the purity of those relationships. She panics when confronted with the reality of queerness and when she sees two coworkers enter a blatant queer relationship. Sumika's whole deal is maybe the most fascinating at all, and makes a lot of sense if you look at it as a critique of Class S, "pure" yuri, and the fucked up world of internalized lesbophobia.
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In recent years, there's been more yuri critiquing the trappings of "Class S" yuri. Class S is yuri that straddles the line between 'friendship' and 'romance', typically taking place in an all-girl's school sealed off from the rest of society, with an either unspoken or spoken implication that the lesbianism is just a transient phase and all the girls will eventually renter the "real world" have to settle down and marry a man.
There's been some pushback against these ideas, obviously. Bloom into You, Run Away with me Girl and many other yuri examine how harmful  'just a phase' rhetoric is towards lesbians. Flip Flappers famously had the episode where the girls were caught in a creepy Class S school that led them on an endless cycle where nothing ever changed and the days were horribly repetitive. Yurikuma Arashi also gave it's (somewhat muddled) critique of Class S. And it's impossible to fully analyze Yuri is my Job without seeing the skillful critique of Class S that's woven into the narrative.
The trappings of class S aren't confined into the world of manga- the idea that lesbianism is just a phase, that girls expressing real romantic or sexual desire toward each other is toxic and sullies the purity of sisterhood, that it's okay to be a LITTLE gay with your gal pals but you can't cross that line!!!- all of that is part of the stigma real queer women struggle with and sometimes internalize.  So when we consider Sumika''s terror of actual "romance" invading the cafe and ruining the sisterhood, her ideas that romance must be toxic, her belief that the cafe is this safe space sealed off from the rest of the world where girls can be a little bit queer, but they musn't let the actual problems and messy realities of romance invade- it's not just a Class S critique, it's about a mindset most queer women are familiar with and have to struggle to unlearn. And seeing Sumika grapple with this makes her a very real and wonderfully realized character. And the manga will only continue to go further with those themes.
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But Yuri is my Job doesn't just work as a nuanced examination of queerness- it's also a well told drama full of wonderfully fraught relationships. It's fun to see the growing romances and the sweet connections growing between the characters, as complicated as they are. The backstory reveal that explains the tension between Mitsuki and Hime is top tier drama and relationship writing, and there's also a good dose of comedy to keep viewers entertained. Watching this web of relationships become even more tangled, and discovering the baggage all the girls carry is a good (and sometime heartbreaking) time. They're well-done characters. If you enjoy fucked up girls and don't mind a touch of soapy melodrama, you're in for a treat. These girls are a MESS, but a fascinating one.
I should note that it's also very easy to read these characters as neurodivergent- Hime having to craft a "facade" just to socialize regularly, while Mitsuki very obviously struggles with social cues- well, Vrai wrote a whole article on this with their article What role are you playing? Communication, queerness and nerodivergence in Yuri is My Job, so I'll leave that to them.
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Yes, Yuri is My Job has all this amazing nuance...and there's a half an episode where Mitsuki's boobs bounce a bunch. It contains multitudes. The episode does touch on both Hime's obvious fascination with what Mitsuki's packin' and the struggle big chested women face when just wearing normal clothes is seen a "lewd"- but YMMV on how it's resolved. They definitely centered Mitsuki's pain (and Hime's thirst), but also mined it for mild comedic fanservice, and the ending is more "we found a good compromise" than the pure "fuck people for sexualizing you in a normal outfit because you have big boobs, wear whatever you want" message that people might want.
I also saw a lot of people get frustrated with how hard everyone is on Hime in the early episodes when she's new to the job- this pretty much stops after episode 3 and the attitude toward her is fully explained, so please give this four episode watch to fully see if this show is for you. (But of course, if you don't like to see girls sometimes expressing attraction in suppressed, unhealthy ways (eSPECIALLY Kanoko), no matter how it's ultimately examined thematically, this isn't the show for you.)
Overall, the YIMJ anime was a faithful adaptation of a wonderful manga- unfortunately, I worry that we'll never get the season two that gives us some of the best moments of the story so far. But hopefully seeing it will inspire you to check out the manga and see how hard this story can go! It's definitely a special one, and I really recommend it.
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Yes,I'm gonna talk about THE KISS 💜🌈
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I'm still jumping around my home and seeing all the Kokonui edits I can find, 24h later and the hype doesn't go away.
So I wanna talk about why seeing this kiss animated (specially in such a beautiful way, really, thanks Liden Films), was so important for me.
I started to watch anime when I was little and, besides Dragon Ball, Sakura and Sailormoon were the first animes that really catch my attention.
Sakura specially will always have a place in my heart 💜
(and yes, I know CLAMP had a lot of dark shit going on on their mangas, but when I was a kid, I only saw the queerness and that made me happy)
I was around eight/nine years old, it was the end of the 90s and the queer representation in occident was... Terrible. It didn't almost exist and was full of "kill your gays" and queerbating.
Suddenly, I was watching a show were it was okay for a girl like Tomoyo being in love with her best friend, were nobody had any problem with Xioran being oppenly bisexual (he likes Yukito before Sakura), were Toya and Yukito became my first ship ever. I used to scream to the tv with their scenes, saying things like "okay, gave Yukito your magic, but say that you love him Toya! Focus! Kiss!"
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Then, Sailormoon had Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus that were girlfriends. More than one character with genderfuckery. The three Sailor Stars that were genderfluid in a legendary level.
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Ranma was also there. Non-binary dream for me, thanks Ranma 💜
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I'm saying that, for a queer kid in the 90s, the level of genderfuckery that anime had made me felt seen. Made me felt like I wasn't that weird for liking the girls in my class, for not feeling like a boy or a girl (even if it took me decades to realize why). This characters, this representations, made me felt less alone. Made me think for the first time in my life, that there was other people like me, that being straight and follow gender roles wasn't the only choice out there.
Edit, because I forgot to mention Utena. The girl that refuses to adapt to gender roles and ends ups becoming her own prince and saving her girlfriend from the abusive brother. Utena was also mythical for me.
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Of course, not everything was wholesome in the way of portraying queer representation in anime and manga, I'm not saying that.
So that was what got me into anime, what made me start buying manga with my small allowance.
A few years later, I discovered fanfiction.net, yaoi and BL. I found a place on the internet full of people shipping characters that were like me. A place were it was safe being queer. I also started getting into shonen, were the queerness wasn't as magical as in shoujo, but thanks mostly to the fandom, it was still there. I could ship them even if it wasn't canon, because most of this characters never had a romantic interest, so... Who said they were straight? (Obviously, even if they were in canon, we could ship them anyway)
And this is what I'm trying to say. More than twenty years later of seeing myself in a character like Tomoyo, of starting to ship gay couples in anime...
(I insist, in such a beautiful and perfect way)
So no matter what you think about this ship, about Koko and Inupi relationship, no matter if you like it or you hate it...
What happened yesterday was really important for a lot of people. Because having referents, can save queer people lives. Is that simple.
So thanks Liden Films, thanks Ken Wakui 💜
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Of course, I also had a big hype when this scene happened in the manga and Wakui gave us so much gay subtext (not so subtle most of the time), that I could make a whole post about queerness in Tokyo Revengers. But let's be honest, there is a lot of only anime watchers out there. Or a lot of people that, like me, discovered manga thanks to anime.
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aholotte · 1 year
Putting this here because I feel like it
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My profile picture for pride month is of the character Agott from Witch Hat Atelier superimposed over the Aurora lesbian, mspec gay, lesboy, and turigirl flags
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My header:
The border is the Gilbert Baker rainbow flag. Inside is a 3x3 of the ocean gay, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, non-binary, trans, aromantic, asexual, and queer flags. The characters on them are either canonically those identities or i headcanon them to be
Bold = canon
Gay: Rei Suwa (Buddy Daddies), Qifrey (Witch Hat Atelier), Yukito Tsukishiro (Cardcaptor Sakura), Darius Deamonne (The Owl House), Benson (Kipo), Olruggio (Witch Hat Atelier), Logs (Dead End), Kaworu Nagisa (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
Lesbian: Homura Akemi, Madoka Kaname (Puella Magi Madoka Magica), Amity Blight (The Owl House), Tomoyo Daidouji (Cardcaptor Sakura), Pearl (Steven Universe), Bismuth (Steven Universe), Badyah Hassan (Dead End), Rainbow Dash (MLP FIM)*, Sailor Uranus, Sailor Neptune (Sailor Moon), Sapphire, Ruby (Steven Universe), Agott (Witch Hat Atelier)
*(I know that Rainbow was implied to be in a relationship with Applejack in the series finale, but her exact sexuality was never specified. All we know is that she’s wlw)
Bisexual: Twilight Sparkle (MLP FIM), Sunset Shimmer (MLP FIM), Luz Noceda (The Owl House), Hunter (The Owl House), Eda Clawthorne (The Owl House), Akane Tendo (Ranma 1/2), Ryoga Hibiki (Ranma 1/2), Syaoran Li (Cardcaptor Sakura), Sasha Waybright (Amphibia), Touya Kinomoto (Cardcaptor Sakura), Norma Khan (Dead End), Shinji Ikari (Neon Genesis Evangelion), Kazuki Kurusu (Buddy Daddies), Tamaki Suoh (Ouran High School Host Club)
Pansexual: Sakura Kinomoto (Cardcaptor Sakura), Willow Park (The Owl House), Pinkie Pie (MLP FIM), Fluttershy (The Owl House), Rose Quartz (Steven Universe), Shampoo (Ranma 1/2), Troy (Kipo)
Non-binary: Ukyo Kuonji (Ranma 1/2), Raine Whispers (The Owl House), Masha (The Owl House), Haruhi Fujioka (Ouran High School Host Club), Courtney (Dead End), The Collector (The Owl House)
Trans: Ranma Saotome, both male and female forms (Ranma 1/2), Trixie (MLP FIM), Bridget (Guilty Gear), Jenny Wakeman (My Life as a Teenage Robot), Danny Phantom (Danny Phantom), Otis (Back at the Barnyard), Jessie and James (Pokemon), Yamato (One Piece), Alluka (Hunter x Hunter), Barney Guttman (Dead End), Nakuru (Cardcaptor Sakura)
Aromantic only: Denji (Chainsaw Man), Applejack (MLP FIM)
Both aromantic and asexual: Lilith Clawthorne (The Owl House), Peridot (Steven Universe)
Asexual only: Rarity (MLP), Todd Chavez (Bojack Horseman), SpongeBob SquarePants (SpongeBob SquarePants), Sailor Saturn (Sailor Moon), Yor and Loid Forger (Spy x Family)
Queer: Matt Tholomule, Gus Porter (The Owl House), Bugs Bunny (Looney Tunes), Libby Stein-Torres, Molly McGee (The Ghost and Molly McGee), Vee (The Owl House), Marcy Wu (Amphibia), Anne Boonchuy (Amphibia), Alador Blight (The Owl House), Moon Girl, Devil Dinosaur (Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur)
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justanisabelakinnie · 2 years
Fandom Lesbophobia
No but the way fandom treats lesbianism, whether canon lesbian characters or characters headcanoned as lesbians, or ships involving lesbians(whether canon or fanon) is fucking whack. 
Whenever a female character is canonically confirmed to be a lesbian, “fans” will always go the whole nine yards in trying to prove that the character is bi; they’ll always headcanon the character as bi and ship them with men. If you politely tell them that the character is a lesbian they’ll snap at you and call you biphobic or say there’s no proof of that or that “everyone can have their headcanons regardless” not when it’s actively erasing a canon sexuality being represented, ya dipshits. I can’t think of a single gay female character I’ve seen that hasn’t been called bi or even straight or had their sexuality dismissed by being shipped with men: Apple White, Tomoyo Daidouji, Robin Buckley, Amity Blight, Velma Dinkley, the list goes on and on. 
Even when the character isn’t canonically a lesbian but is headcanoned as such people seem super against it and will be super bothered by it for some reason. Like they’ll always ask you “why” you hc the character as a lesbian and say “but she could be bi!” And yeah, she could, but what’s so wrong with me seeing her as a lesbian? Why not just make your own post about the character being bi? And then they’ll go on to derail your post by talking about how much they ship the female character with a man. Why are you so offended at the possibility of a female character not being attracted to men? Why do all women have to be available to men, even in fiction? 
Imo people seem to hate lesbian headcanons the most, even compared to other headcanons. It’s as if a female character being unattracted to men completely intimidates them and/or is something they can’t comprehend, whether it’s canon or not. Just looking at the Encanto TikTok, when it comes to queer headcanons, fans on there seem to hate the lesbian Isabela one the most. And no, I’m not talking about Colombians who don’t want the message of the movie to be erased, I’m talking about people who simply don’t like the headcanon because they are homophobic/lesbophobic. Maybe it’s just me being an Isabela simp and looking at more content of Isabela and since I’m a lesbian the headcanon I tend to look at the most is Isabela being a lesbian as well(especially since I also have the headcanon myself), but I see it all the time, even more so than hatred for Mirabel being bi or Camilo being genderfluid even though the latter is possibly the most baseless. 
Like I am so sick of people getting mad at others for headcanoning Isabela as a lesbian and using Bubo as an excuse even though his character is a rough draft and not canon. And it’s funny as well because most people don’t even like Bubo. Bring him up to an Encanto fan and they’ll instantly say they dislike him. But suddenly you want him to be with Isabela because it’s still better than Isabela being a lesbian. I even saw someone’s account receive death threats, attacks, and hatred just because they headcanoned Isabela as a lesbian, and it culminated in them taking down all their Isabela lesbian content and uploading an apology video instead, and all the comments were saying “it’s okay I forgive you now that you understand” WHAT?! So you only feel bad that she received hate because she no longer has the headcanon? It’s fine for her to receive death threats as long as she does have it though because she deserves it for thinking a fictional fucking female character isn’t attracted to men. Fucking sickening. 
Don’t even get me started on how much more popular slash generally is compared to femslash. Because as we all know if a relationship doesn’t have men at its center then it’s not worth paying attention to and not to mention people will attack you for having the ship all the time as well. Even if it is canon don’t think that will stop fandom from tearing the ship apart and pairing one or both characters with boys. Alternatively very often slash pairers will only ship f/f ships to get them out of the way of their slash ship, and I’ve seen a lot of fics while looking for a femslash pair that I want that are tagged as such but only have that relationship in the background/as secondary. And the main and “foreground” ship is always an m/m ship every. single. time. This post goes into it in more detail so that I don’t have to, but the point is made that it’s so upsetting because this all directly stems from centering of men in society as well as fandom. idk it just frustrates me. And I wish this was acknowledged more. 
TLDR: I’m tired, please just respect lesbian characters more in fiction and let people have their lesbian headcanons and ships, that is all. Lesbians deserve better. 
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dullahandyke · 2 years
Mutuals who havent read cardcaptor sakura I CANNOT drive home to you how formative it was to me... literally every single main character except idk eriol is some flavour of queer and I'm like.... ueee
The protagonist, Sakura, has a crush on her brother's friend, Yukito. Her rival and eventual love interest, Syaoran, ALSO has a crush on Yukito and it is a sticking point in their early relationship. Syaoran realises he likes Sakura when he's trying to confess to Yukito but she keeps popping up into his mind and he's like "NO oh WHY would I be thinking about HER?! I only get like this around Yukito, why is my face red when I see her?!" Fucking legend, only character I've ever seen to realise he was mspec via 'oh, turns out I'm not gay, I also like women' instead of the other way around.
Sakura herself is also mspec!! She has a big ol crush on her substitute maths teacher, she says being around her makes her head go floaty n shit <3
Sakura's bestie Tomoyo is explicitly in love with her. She has a whole thing where she's like "Sakura, I love you! No, not just as a... I'll tell you when you're older!" One of the milestones in SyaoSaku is when Tomoyo inadvertently gives it her blessing by telling Syaoran that she doesn't care who dates Sakura as long as Sakura is happy.
Ruby Moon girlboss girlboss girlboss!!! She's like a mythical creature without an innate gender but she went 'FUCK that the girls uniform is SO MUCH CUTER, look at the skirt! Eriol, sew me a woman's kimono STAT" and Eriol, her master/keeper, goes "yes ma'am right away ma'am"
Oh God the fucking yukitouya shit. I'm gonna need a seperate reblog for the yukitouya shit
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40 Day Anime Challenge Day 5: Anime world you'd want to live in: Sakura's world in Cardcaptor Sakura (1998)
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Synopsis: Sakura discovers a mysterious book in her father's study, and when she opens it, she accidentally releases 52 magical beings from their card forms. Now, with the book's magical guardian and her friends, she has to catch these beings and return them to card form before they cause a catastrophe. But it wasn't coincidence that Sakura opened that book....
Why would I want to live here? First off, everyone is so wholesome! Like, everyone is super kind to each other (except Sayoran and Meiling at the beginning but it's fine they get better) Like, these kids even become friends with random shopkeepers! Sakura has the most loving family, the most supportive friends, and the most dedicated magical guardians ever! Even the "villains" are only doing villain things to help her get stronger, and they become besties after it all!
Secondly, this show is queer af!!!! There are openly bi characters, crossdressing, and a genderless character! And it's just treated as normal, no one makes a big deal out of it! Like, you can be queer and your entire arc isn't about you or others coming to terms with your queerness! Actually, none of your arc is! It's just queer people living their lives!
Thirdly, this girl has a magic card for like, every situation. Come on now!
Also, she's got the best wardrobe ever, thanks to her best friend Tomoyo!!!
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girlonthelasttrain · 1 year
For all that unrequited lovers can pluck plaintively at an audience’s heartstrings, yours truly’s included, it’s more often than not (unless you are Tomoyo Daidouji or Franz D’Epinay) a selfish position. Unrequited love is about the love object in that they represent a lack in our POV character – something they cannot, whether by internal or external circumstances, achieve. Often the character pines and grumbles about how the love object won’t notice them, romanticizing themselves in a mini-tragedy. And to have that love returned is not a union of two people but a reward to validate the self. [...] In the context of Utena, Jury’s story has a unique place. Because of the many permutations of attraction in the series, queer and hetero, her burden becomes not ‘THE TRAGEDY OF GAY’ but about her inability to break from her obsessiveness, and that same selfishness I discussed before. Jury’s story is marked out because it is about an individual’s desire to use someone to fill a hole in their life (notice the very forceful word choice of ‘make you realize’), to varying levels of consciousness (and Shiori is doing the very same thing in a different way, which we’ll get to later). It’s not about that person but what they represent, while Utena’s relationship with Anthy is ultimately triumphant because it becomes a relationship of equals. (x)
totally normal about this, don't worry
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ghastmaskzombie · 2 years
how the heck is cardcaptor sakura so queer. like how did they get away with it. tomoyo’s gay, li is bi, touya and yukito are so gay even I can spot the BL tropes, and it’s strongly implied that nakuru was created male and just said “actually your human concept of gender doesn’t apply to me so i’mma be a girl,” and eriol was totally cool with that. it’s been almost 20 years and i’m still finding things to love about this show.
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magicalblerdpenn · 2 years
Been rewatching Cardcaptor Sakura for the second time as an adult and it's such a problematic favorite. I thought there was only one gross student/teacher relationship between an adult and minor, but there are actually *three* and two of them involve Sakura's family members.
I hate that this is featured alongside healthy friendships and queer romances, because the validation of the adult and minor relationships makes this seem healthy & normal when it's not. In a worst case scenario, this show can and has been used as ammo to justify homophobia.
While I was looking up critiques of the series, I found a blog post with a long rant about why they hate Tomoyo and how they find her romantic feelings and personal actions towards Sakura gross & creepy. They also have other posts about why they hate Cardcaptor Sakura, but I'm not linking to it or the Tomoyo post b/c I don't want to give too much attention to a bigot. I know they're a bigot b/c the person who made the Tomoyo hate post said child abuse caused homosexuality while responding to comments.
Anyway, I disgress. I like Cardcaptor Sakura for it's fantasy aspects, female friendships, family relationships, and queer characters, but I *hate* the teacher-student relationships.
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