#q2 is gonna be back together anyway
justaredheadf1fan · 1 year
Never been more glad that F1's Bak-u!
You guys know I can't just let it be without making the pun, right?
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So, I have a new job and first week at it I'm free Wednesday and Thursday aaaaaand I have to work on the weekend, so I have to watch it all late 🥲
Anyway, since there's a Sprint race and I don't even know what else this weekend, I'll post today about, well, today. And on Sunday, I'll post about everything else.
Onto the good stuff, since I've checked my Twitter notifications every now and then during work hours to keep up at least, but now I need to watch.
Press conference - Thursday
It's been a little too long since Australia, as Yuki says. I'm honestly so stoked about the Franz Tost stepping down at the end of the season thing, Yuki just reminded me about the Merc admin being unhinged about it with Lewis' picture 🤣
I love how Kevin can't really be bothered about Günther's book. He sometimes reminds me of Kimi, without the 200% indifference. Isn't this turning into a gossip wall? I need to rethink commenting on the press conferences 🤪
I read on here something about Esteban talking about Australia saying that Charles, Pierre, George and him when they flew back together called themselves The Loser Club. I mean... poor babies, but yes 🤣
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Lewis talking about his brothers is always something that touches my heart, because he's so proud of him. That's how it should be, but it's still endearing to see him talk about his family every time.
I also need to say that JAMES ALLISON IS FINALLY BACK. Oh dear God, let this be the time Merc turns it around. Seriously, we need James more than ever. I know Lewis will always be neutral commenting on the shitshow that Merc are pulling since 2021, but I am hopeful now.
Other than that I haven't heard much more that was interesting, so I'm gonna start watching today's stuff now.
Free Practice 1 - Friday
The one good thing about watching everything hours later is that you can skip all the time spent in the pits because of the Red Flags.
Yuki blasting his tyre, Carlos having trouble, Kevin stopping and Pierre with an engine on fire. What the hell... Obviously, getting a Red Flag after Pierre's car caught fire.
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Anyway, in the mean, time, how beautiful is this city? I said it last year as well, it's absolutely stunning.
15 minutes to go and that's about it it seems... I might be wrong, not sure much more really happened. Well, like it wasn't enough.
And that was about it. We'll see what happens in Quali, I love this track and it can be quite the madness. Sure hope so.
Quali - Friday
Now that's one miracle that Alpine pulled with Pierre's car. Damn. Finally, Q1, here we go!
Ah, the slight hope of seeing Lewis P1. That will last very little. Zhou oversteering and skipping the turn was pretty lucky all things considered, since nothing happened and he could keep it where he needed.
DE VRIES CAUSES A RED FLAG! Geez, he lost it and crashed... He just went straight into the wall. Damn that was unlucky, he'll come out last on Sunday, if I'm not mistaken. Because this Quali was for Sunday... Right? I seriously have no clue how this works anymore 🤣
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Now Carlos spins AND PIERRE'S OUT AGAIN!!! WHAT IS GOING ON TODAY!? Another Red Flag... Quite the madness to start with so soon.
I've had to pass a couple minutes of Q2 because I'm actually falling asleep at 11pm. I'm old, what can I say. Lewis clipping the wall, Carlos with some issue and letting Charles go by... George completely missing today. Odd day, for sure.
Carlos now going off again. Quite the afternoon today. And George is out for Q3. Whoa. He's really not done anything today.
Anyway, here comes the bride. Okay no, but finally something good for Charles now and I'm finally seeing it. SHARL WITH 0.00.00 DIFFERENCE TO SID THE SLOTH'S TIME. WHAT IS THIS. THIS GUY IS POSSESSED!!!!!
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NOW THAT'S HOT!!!!!! My darling boy deserved this, finally!!!!! And that's brushing the TechPro barriers! Unbelievable, 3 years in a row!!! Lewis struggling but still getting P5. I hope he gets his chance tomorrow. He's suffered enough already.
Now that's a start to a weekend! Let's see what happens tomorrow during the Sprint Shootout and the Sprint Race. No idea so far what that is but hey, we'll see tomorrow.
Peace out!
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leaflovescloud · 2 months
Hello, April.
I can't believe that we are entering Q2 already. Time indeed flies.
I'm currently in BB, KD. It's a Sunday and yeah of course I'm working. But it's been a really chill week for Eid. And I managed to workout almost like everyday.
It feels weird that my life is not so occupied with work anymore. Instead, I have much more free time to do things that I like, or even spending time with my friends. I'm indeed grateful for that.
But at the same time, I'm also feeling anxious and lost as to my career progression. So my G11 is not progressing at all and that really worries me.
Clearly, I need to do something.
Is it true that I can't have everything at once? Hmm.
Anyway, other than career progression, I don't have anything to complain about. I mean, I'm truthfully happy, I guess. At least, I feel more attune to my inner self now.
Speaking of that, I've been acting very impulsively, doing things that I'd normally overthink a lot - piercing(s) [emphasis added].
So, in the span of 2 weeks, not only I got a piercing, but I got 4 piercings LOL. Tel me that's not impulsive.
So I got double helix, one ear lobe piercing and also a nostril piercing. That's actually very insane to me. But I'm just feeling empowered at this point as in I don't want to run away from my fear anymore. Instead, I want to honour what I truly want to do and really just do it and trust the moment.
And the fact is that I really do feel good about it. And I'm glad that I managed to empower people around me to do the same too. I hope empower is the right word, or rather, may be enabling them to do it, haha.
Speaking of that, i just want to highlight something. I think back then, I spent too much time overthinking and just worrying about things, that haven't even happened, and gradually I got consumed by the ideas and the fear that I created for myself, and that's what stopping me to achieve things.
I realized this traits about me because of K, of course. I mean, in life, I still need to be careful, be thoughtful, be thorough and logical. But sometimes, there are certain things that I can truly just listen to my heart and just do it. And I like that about myself.
Because of that, I feel powerful and I feel I'm ready to execute challenges.
Learning how to detach from the expectations is also very important. Often times, I find myself being upset when things are not going my way. For instance, I think I may be a bit affected or resentful when K didn't really "deliver" what he said he would, for instance, promise ring and bracelet. Or at least, I feel like he represented that he would get those for me?
And what I would do last time is probably keep on prompting him, and i think eventually he will buy it. But right now, I'm actually nonchalant about it, just because, I don't know, considering the circumstances, honestly I don't know I'm asking for gifts in what capacity. I'm not so sure about the role that I'm playing - Is it just someone that he is seeing right now and that's it?
And truthfully, I think the gifts will be more meaningful if it's comes from him without me prompting him. I would definitely appreciate that more. But aha, I don't think he is romantic kinda guy, in fact, I think he is quite practical.
And once again, I ask myself this - At this age and stage, I think I'm quite enlightened in terms of life lessons, and I think I like this version of myself, mature though still playful. And I feel like I'm ready to love and be a good partner. But I'm also kinda scared that I'm compromising my own needs and standards at the same time.
I think I'm just gonna give us a bit more time probably until June. I do hope that we can build a future together and support each other. But I really don't know if he is the right guy.
There are just a few things that are quite alarming and I really don't want to down play the significance of it - (i) 15 years older (ii) divorced (iii) with kid. This is something that I have never encountered before. I don't exactly think it came as a shock for me - because truly after all these things, what else could shock me?
And I appreciate the qualities in him, and how he is aspired to be a good father too. And I have no issue with that.
It's just we won't be like the couple going through the conventional path - For eg, being alone in the weekends....
I don't know if I should be involved in a relationship that has so many uncertainties.
I want a partner that I can grow together, and do things together.
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daychanelyt · 9 months
Since your act gaining no traction is quite pitiful indeed, I have decided to stumble my way upon your – accursedly empty, likely – inbox.
What were your inspirations for this blog?
Was there anything you desired to do, that wasn't quite accomplished properly in your eyes?
Anything that changed in the midst of chaos, that you wish(ed?) that had stayed on track?
Well- the inspirations were both the original Y2KVR as well as CCY2K. From not HLVRAI things I was drawing inspiration from Coraline as well as previous drafts of similar stories.
The story originally was going to be much darker and was going to move subjects of gender dysphoria as well as nature versus nurture before it just devolved to what the story was now. Half of it was my plan slightly crumbling at a couple of responses that forced me to stitch things back together. And another part of the plan falling apart was me being unable to draw what I wanted properly and that left me with the result of needing to overcompensate for that.
Definitely the story of Coomer and the mystery behind who he was before entering the program. It appears at the start before disappearing completely. I had a photo that would lead some people on and think that something was wrong but in the end it didn't come to pass.
The other thing was the whole swap concept. It was explained but it wasn't properly used because of how the story crumbled before, I couldn't just make my final battle what it was before. In the beginning Barney and Boper were meant to be much more mean and mysterious before the group figured out why in the final battle as they would join Bubby willingly and who was the major carrier of the trojan would be swapping between them like a twisted game of catch.
Another thing could be the pet game. At first I was thinking of making it a whole side arc with everyone having their own portraits and the pizza before it ended up being a mention just for Sunkist to appear. ( Sunkist was originally meant to be Tommy's weapon like in the OG series. )
Yes there were a few. Like my original concept for the Government man himself. He originally was meant to be kind and caring yet overprotective of Tommy to a big degree. Not saying he loved him but showing it through shielding him from even the slightest thing that could hurt him. But then everyone got the idea out of nowhere that G-Man was a bad dad and continued on saying it until I cave in and gave him a breakdown. He reached his understanding sooner than I originally hoped. ( Hoped it would be after they reunite at the start of the Deep Web arc. ) The overprotective aspect was brought back with the Restrictor of pain.
Speaking of G-Man
G was actually gonna get corrupted similar to Benrey. For those who followed INY2KP-VR on amino know how it would look like. To be honest I'm happy I didn't include that in with all that happened on the deep web. Especially looking back on it as I would need to draw everything corrupted- Anyway here is a picture of how it would look.
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( god it looks shit )
Also I was going to make the L and 32 subplot come up in the final battle or at the end but... you should wait for the epilogue to see that happen ( IF I DO IT ;-; )
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lol-q · 3 years
The fandom has been ungreatfull as hell watch them be the first ones to cry when we don't get a second season. Deserved.
what- why am i not getting another season bc they're ungrateful😡 i did not deserved this
and yeah highkey agree, i get criticizing blah blah but they're overreacting at everything
let fatou serenade her bestie you know
let them have a fralentine! calm down a little
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vro0m · 2 years
vro0m’s rewatch - 66/288
2010 Italian GP
Recap + GIFs!
The end of the season is fast approaching.
The world motorsport council has decided that there would be no further sanctions after what is now called the race fixing scandal aka giving team orders so Alonso won the German GP instead of Massa.
You know what. There's been 4 scandals so far. One (Mosley's s*dom*sochist n*zi pr*stitutes) has very little to do with F1 per se. The three others (the McLaren-Ferrari spying scandal, Crashgate, and now the race fixing) all weirdly include Alonso. Just saying.
Quali report : Glock was blocked by Petrov, he's last. Schumacher got into Q2 but no further, he's 12th. For the first time of the season, there's no Redbulls on the front row! Webber had issues, he's 4th. The McLarens have different strategies, Jenson chose to use the F-duct (the piece of engineering I talked about in the first recap of the season that made the McLarens faster and was attacked by the other teams and then copied. Basically the driver could operate it on straights to reduce downforce by stalling the rear wing. It was then forbidden because 1. The rules do prohibit "driver induced aerodynamics" 2. Some teams' designs required drivers to take a hand off the wheel to activate it which was deemed too dangerous. It was later replaced by... You guessed it : the DRS). Lewis chose not to use his for some reason (I don’t know if it changed the weight of the car or whatever I don’t really see how that could’ve been the case, it’s not like you can take off the F-duct. No idea what his rationale was.). Anyway, Jenson is 2nd and Lewis is 5th... He's not happy about his decision, he says it was the wrong choice (yeah no shit). Alonso is on pole. Massa is 3rd. Seb is 6th.
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Lewis talks about Nick who plays a lot of F1 video games. He says Adrian sutil also plays a lot and that he even puts on his racing gloves and boots to do so lmao.
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Heikki, Sutil, Nick and himself play online together. And now Jake, Lewis and Nick, online from the UK, are gonna race together on the Monza track. Nick has won three rounds of the British championship. Jake asks Lewis how he feels about the fact that Nick has decided to race in a Redbull car. He jokingly says he's disappointed "I thought he wanted to be my teammate". Nick laughs. Jake says Lewis will be happy to learn he's decided to be "Fernando Alonso", Lewis says yeah he is happy about that. Jake continues : "So all I'll be worrying about for the whole race is where you are and what you're up to". Lmao. 
They start by practice. Lewis pushed Nick off the track lol. Jake is in the lead but Lewis hits him from behind. He's having fun lol. Then Jake and Nick collide.
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Lewis drinks tea in-between sessions and tells Jake that yes, it’s part of his playing routine. Jake asks if it raises memories of Monza in the last couple of years for him. Lewis says he doesn't remember what happened last year. We cut to images of him crashing, then back to Lewis who says "Oh, yes I do!" and he chuckles.
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It's the race! Lewis says "Peace on the journey, man" and Nick says "Yeah you won't have any peace." Nick is on pole, Jake is second and Lewis is third. Lewis gets the lead but he's off. They're driving dirty! Nick is back in the lead and Lewis overtakes Jake. We get a nice little comparison of Lewis on the real track VS. Lewis in the game. Lewis cut a chicane! Nick spun! He says "Oooh you're an idiot!" and Lewis answers "What happened to you?". "You're such a cheat it's unreal!", he answers. Lewis smiles : "Nick! Stop crying man get back on the track" and he chuckles.
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Lewis wins! But he admits he cheated, he cut the chicane "which we always do when we race to catch each other up if one's fallen behind (Nick laughs) cause he's so bleeding quick" he says of Nick. "And I was with him, and unfortunately he broke under the pressure and crashed. That's the truth." (Nick is laughing his ass off.) Jake asks : “So do you have any sense of achievement, having cut the chicane to catch him?” Lewis chuckles again : "I feel great!"
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Formation lap
And they're racing! (for real this time)
Jenson takes the lead! Massa and Alonso are wheel to wheel, Lewis is just behind them. NO! CONTACT WITH MASSA ! IT BROKE SOMETHING FOR SURE. HE'S OUT. HE'S IN THE GRAVEL. LEWIS IS DNF.
In the last race recap I was wondering how he lost the WDC that season. I guess that's how.
15 laps later, no change then. The Ferraris are still close to Button.
On lap 30, we’re told Yamamoto left the pit box while the "radio guy was still fiddling with something inside the car". Ted Kravitz tells us "he's okay though a bit battered and bruised, he never lost consciousness" and the doctors are there to check on him. There's really so many injured mechanics each year at the time, it breaks my heart.
Lewis talks to Lee. He says he doesn't remember much of how it happened to be honest, he says the mistake was his. He looks very down, his voice is shaking a bit, he's clearly emotional.
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He says these things happen when you race to the limit but thankfully Jenson is up there ahead of the Ferraris and seems to be doing a great job, so at least he'll score good points for the team. Lee says it was a tight battle, if he was in this situation again, would he do anything differently? He says he probably would still be racing right now, “maybe”. It’s tough.
On lap 37, Jenson finally pits from the lead. He's out in 3rd. The Ferraris stay out for one more lap. Alonso pits the next lap indeed. Jenson is ahead! No, Alonso got ahead! Massa leads but he'll pit, he does so the next lap and he's 3rd. Jenson has lost the win.
On the final lap, Seb pits from 4th in a critical stop to stay ahead of his teammate who's in 6th, and he makes it!
It's the end of the race!
Alonso wins, Button P2, massa P3.
Jenson congratulates Alonso, it means a lot to win in Monza in your first season with Ferrari, but he has a sad smile.
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There is No Glorious Purpose Chap. 2
Hello, you beautiful Tesseract-loving bastards!
I've been meaning for a long time to update but I've been having a really bad time with the whole motivation thing, and what I had first thought of doing with this fic got thrown in a wood-chipper and sunk with the Titanic... so, I'm trying to pick up the pieces and decide where I want to go with this. I also wanted to do it episodically: Chapter One aligned with Episode One and so on. That has not worked partly due to the issues of the above so, well, I guess we'll find out together!
So sorry for any grammar issues, I did my best to look it over but got too sick of staring at it over and over again in my drafts.
Small Thor cameo!
Chapter Two: You Oafs
“Yeah, well, you’re a mischievous scamp--or at least, the other you is. Been killing our minutemen and stealing our reset charges. Been happening for quite a long time….” Mobius whistled lowly. Loki nodded slowly.
“If you know me or us as well as you say, what need have you of my help?”
“Like I said, mischievous scamp. And I know what makes a Loki tick, sure, but even Sherlock needed Watson sometimes--you do know about them, right? Really fun stories with a super smart detective and his below average side-kick--.”
Loki ignored the rambling, “I agree.” Perhaps then… after… peace? “Just tell me, please… is it true that I directly led to my mother’s death?”
“Hm? Oh, yeah, definitely. Thor was pissed and then he dragged you along to Svart--Svartle… anyway, the planet of the Dark Elves with Jane because she absorbed the Aether. Then you faked your death, again . There’s that ‘doing a horrible thing then getting away,’ again. But Thor totally gets you back on Sakaar with those Obedience Disks. Yeah, yeah… oh, right, you don’t know--and won’t. He slaps one of ‘em on you when you betray him again, then dials it up all the way while he returns to Asguard. For a god, you get put down a lot .” Mobius chuckled.
Loki sucked in a shuddering breath, reverently laid the Tesseract down and stood, “let us catch this scoundrel then.” He faked a smile for the agent.
“Ok,” Mobius clapped and rubbed his hands together, “what a therapy session!”
Loki had a fleeting thought of, “he must be some Midguardian fool, possibly in some relation to Thor,” before he remembered that the all powerful Time Keepers had created the oaf in front of him.
“Ya know, for the record, maybe ‘undying fidelity,’ wasn’t the right thing to say to Thanos. Just saying. But this is good! We’re gonna be a great team.”
“Loki,” the orange clock whined on his ‘gifted’ desk. Though still somewhat transparent, Miss Minutes was a fairly good illusion.
“Yes?” He replied pleasantly, blue hand turning the page of a magazine. His slack-clad legs were propped on the desk, fine business shoes not too far from where she stood on a rather large book. The suit replacement of the prison wear wasn’t bad, he, of course, would have done better had he access to his seidr. But it was fine for the time being.
“Are you paying attention?” The angry little clock motioned to the old Midguardian computer screen which read in that same horrible orange color:
Q2. Thanos has two apples. He eats both but realizes he wants more. He goes back in time 20 minutes and eats the apples again. Does this mean the apples will not have existed in the timeline he left?
No, because time is constantly happening
The question doesn’t matter because a branch cannot change another time branch
Thanos would’ve been hungry prior because the Grandfather paradox already accounted for the change in matter before it’s move.
Of course he was paying attention, and of course he chose not to amuse them! One order after another; feeding off of each other even. He may have bowed to Thanos but he had never kneeled. Not truly. And he clung to that remaining dignity.
“Naturally,” he returned pleasantly. She sighed.
“What happens when a nexus event branches past red line?”
“Come on, Loki. What is it?... Loki!”
“It is when the TVA can no longer reset a nexus event. Are you satisfied?’
“Right. And that would lead to the destruction of the timeline and the collapse of reality as we know it.” He lowered the magazine lower into his lap and took his feet off the desk.
“Yes, indeed. Are you alive or a recording? Clearly, you can hear me.”
Her big cartoonish eyes moved around, “uh… sorta both?”
“So not an illusion or projection?” He swiped at her with the rolled up magazine.
“Ah!” A small smirk ghosted his face and he went after her again.
“Watch it! Where are your manners? Oh! Hey! Quit it! That is not nice, ya jerk!” She floated and then fazed back into the computer. He gave that ugly thing a few whacks as well. She pouted on the other side of the screen.
“Trainin’ going wel--is that my jet ski magazine? Put it down, Blue-Raz.” Mobius ripped the magazine from him, swivelled to his desk then swiveled again to flop a jacket in front of Loki.
“Gear up, there’s been an attack. Let’s go.” The agent commanded. Loki picked up the jacket. It unfolded from the collar, back facing him. “VARIANT” was emblazoned across it.
“Ah,” was all he commented as he moved to slip it on before his handler got any ideas while he was led down hallways. Norns knew the agent would have plenty of examples in his own life up to that point, much less his future or other variants.
“Good. Yeah. Smart.” Mobius commented with his fists in a move reminiscent of excited warriors as said human stopped to look back at his charge and the newly bestowed article of clothing. B-15 gave her usual droll stare. Her minutemen stood around her in a group.
“ C-20 and her team went dark shortly after they jumped into the 1985 branch. All signs point to another ambush. We've grabbed enough temporal aura to know it's our Loki Variant.”
The “actually dangerous” sort, Loki groused silently. Then Mobius opened his mouth.
“Here's the deal. When we get out on the branch, we're not just looking for a Time Criminal. We're looking for a Loki. A variation of this guy. A type we should all be very familiar with, because the TVA has pruned a lotta these guys, almost more than any other Variant. And no two are alike. Slight differences in appearances, or not so slight. Different powers, although, powers generally include shape-shifting, illusion-projection, and my favorite... Duplication-casting. Illusion-Projection.”
Mobius gestured to him when applicable in his little speech, also projecting other variations of Loki with his TemPad--all assumedly pruned likewise. Variation 8: L6792 looked exactly like he would now had he’d been afforded the luxury of keeping his clothes, but also with slight differences that led Loki to think that that variant must have been favored royally in some way he was rejected.
Variation 8: L1247 looked like a Midguardian sportsman happily holding a trophy of some kind. Variation 8: L6792 was an atrocity of him and the Hulk combined. Variation 8: L8914 was more strongly built with more prominent hair curls in their longer hair. They stood like dignitary with their hands behind them. Variation 8: L7803 looked like an oaf. A full, half-face helmet emblazoned with the horns in the wrong direction and even a piece of turf over the shoulder like a cape. Oh, dear….
“Those two powers are completely different, although, I am unsurprised you cannot comprehend it.”
“Loki, what are you talking about--look, I’ve dealt with more of you than you’ve dealt with yourself.”
“The truth remains that those powers are not the same.”
“Then, please, Loki, tell me.”
Loki smiled easily and supplicatingly at the contempt and patronization, just like talking to anyone in Asguard.
“ Illusion-projection involves depicting a detailed image from outside oneself, which is perceptible in the external world, whereas duplication-casting entails recreating an exact facsimile of one's own body in its present circumstance, which acts as a true holographic mirror of its molecular structure.”
“Ok, take a breath. Noted. We’re gonna break into two teams, including myself and Professor Loki here”
B-15 still looked unamused and dubious.
“Whoever the Variant is, we haven’t been able to find them so I’m the Sherlock and he’s my Watson. Look, this’ll work.” Mobius said to her. She side-eyed Loki, Loki who had nothing but a branded jacket to protect himself with.
“And so my agency in this is to… tell you how brilliant you are.”
“Go outside, maybe touch some grass.” Mobius returned with a tilted smile under his twisted nose.
“Ah. I shall protect myself with your wit, then, should this superior being choose me as a next target.”
Mobius chuckled and mimed “talky-talky” again.
He passed through the portal B-15 had summoned, closed in on both ends by TVA agents. Immediately, he could feel his seidr swell within him again and redonned his Aesir glamor. The choker chafed as he glanced around, and he found himself much preferring the biting metal of the chains he was usually imprisoned in. The place they passed into was a celebration of old Midguardian times, further back than what the TVA modeled itself after, in direct juxtaposition of the modern technology with the humans held in their hands, and had used to both get to the location and create their sometimes elaborate costumes.
“Apex of nexus signature located, ma'am,” a minuteman said as they walked.
“Allow me to ask you this, why do we not travel to the moments prior to the Variant’s attack, to when they arrive.” Loki asked as the tent grew ever nearer.
“Nexus events destabilize the time flow. This branch is still changing and growing, so you gotta show up in real time. Did you watch any of the training videos you were supposed to?”
The minutemen twisted their batons, the ends glowing a shade that seemed to haunt the TVA as they neared.
Loki chuckled a laugh that was never and would never be heartfelt, “my dear Sherlock, you should know I am quite the scholar. But these ‘reset charges,’ they ‘prune’ a branched timeline which ‘allows time to heal all wounds.’”
Mobius made an odd gesture towards him, “he’s on it.”
Within the dark, torch-lit tent, limp minutemen laid about the displays which held real weapons and a large, stepped seating construct. Their bodies were splayed out in obvious struggle. Unactivated batons laid around as well, a few clenched in hands. A helmet bearing “C-20” laid, discarded within the scene. Loki hovered a hand over one display as he passed and they grouped around the scene.
“So he's taking hostages now?” B-15 spat.
“The Variant's never taken a hostage before,” Mobus returned.
“Maybe he's upping his game.”
“Or he pruned her,” a minuteman remarked.
“A Loki couldn't have gotten the jump on C-20.” B-15 returned.
“Fan out and search for her. And hurry up, we're at three units until red line.” B-15 ordered, her minutemen immediately moving to obey.
“Let's go. She's right.” A peon echoed.
Mobius concurred, “Come on.”
“Wait….” Loki said, brow knit as he studied the scene.
“What do you see?” Mobius asked as he stepped away from the entrance.
“I see wolf’s teeth.”
“Yeah, ok,” Mobius motioned for him to hurry and Loki got brief satisfaction that the human had no idea what he was talking about.
“‘Where there are wolf’s ears, there are wolf’s teeth,’” Loki echoed one of many sayings he heard during his childhood, especially before bed. He swallowed down the thought of a certain story about blue, darkly lined and vicious monsters.
“Ridiculous, really,” he laughed hallowly, “my people are gullible fools by nature. You remind me of them; the Time Variance Authority and the great gods of Asgard. One and the same. Drunk with power, blinded to the truth. Those you underestimate will devour you, and we’ve just walked into a wolf’s mouth.” He raked his eyes across his audience as he spoke, kneeling down in front of the helmet and stroking his hand in the grassy turf. The minutemen seemed to falter ever so slightly, B-15 rolled her eyes, and Mobius stared.
A TemPad beeped, “two units, he’s wasting our time.”
“No, step outside this tent and my other Variant will devour you,” Loki stated plainly. It was easy, nearly in a terrifying way, how he fell into the usual routine he had had with his oaf of a brother and his lackeys, who, similarly, never headed his words.
“We need to look for C-20.” B-15 repeated.
“Come on, Loki, we don’t have time for your lies.”
“Oh, I am not lying, and out of curiosity, when you find them, will you prune us both seeing as you will not have any need of me?”
Mobius sighed and gesticulated like a frustrated middle-aged Midguardian, “he’s lying.”
Loki’s head turned to the side minutely, in a ghost of a head shake. His stomach turned the way it usually did when he knew things were about to--.
“Aghr!” A minuteman had exited and had been consequently slaughtered. A brawl broke out just outside the small entrance. Innocent event-goers made exclamations outside as well. Batons revved, and B-15 and Mobius stalked to the opening. Loki walked behind them.
“The charge!” Someone yelled. The fight continued. A cloaked figure with amazing skill in combat fought them all while a crowd of civilians formed around them. There were a few smiles and jeers, no doubt thinking it was all a show.
“On behalf of t-... the Time Va-...Variance Authority, I hereby-... arrest you for-... for crimes against the… Sacred Timeline, V-… Variant!” B-15 huffed between blows.
“Ergh!” A minuteman got pruned. Loki’s cloaked variant said nothing, only continued fighting. He backed back into the tent, took aloft a jousting lance, broke it half and reemerged. For all their combined ability, the TVA was losing. The glow of pruning swung around arbitrarily. He dipped into the fight and caught his counterpart’s cutlass in the cross the two ends of the lance made.
“Pardon me, I mean no intrusion,” he said calmly to his other self, noticing a similar collar of metal that had adorned his own garments. He could feel the other’s tension as they reclaimed their sword and focused solely on him. It proved more of a poor decision than anticipated and he found himself holding his breath in pain more than he’d wanted. The wood was also useless and even though both it and he put up a valiant fight, his other self had taken hold of a baton along the line. His weapons were useless as they continued to share blows. He lowered the stubs of wood and opened his arms. The glowing end came close.
Then it wasn’t.
The grunting that followed was B-15 and Mobius disarming the variant of the baton and nearly restraining them.
“About to redline!” A remaining minuteman nearly yelled. B-15 and Mobius shared a look. A door was opened and Loki found the cloaked figure disappearing into a flurry of gold.
“What in the Rolling Stones was that, Blue-Raz?!” Mobius had him hard by the shoulder of both his jacket and dress shirt.
Loki blinked once then made eye contact with Mobius, “what ever do you mean?”
“He was about to kill you!”
“Prune,” Loki politely corrected. Mobius gawked.
“I kno--what were you thinking?!”
“Your only use of me is to capture me, I was assisting in that.”
“By letting you be killed by yourself?!”
“A mere distraction to the larger goal, Mobius.”
“And it almost worked,” B-15 piped from somewhere beside them. Her voice had dropped a tone or two.
“Yeah… almost had ‘im too.” Mobius admitted, letting Loki go. “But seriously, man, what was that?”
“Nearly fulfilling my role, as you yourself stated.” Loki replied pleasantly.
“We also barely pruned it in time and got outta there with our lives.” B-15 stated.
“Yeah…” Mobius rubbed the back of his head with his other hand on his hip as he stared at the floor. I was not lying, Loki wanted to say. To push. To scream. But he instead focused on the ache in his back. It should be fine in a matter of a few more hours given the time he had for recovery before the Tesseract opened the portal in New York and he was knocked from the Mind Stone’s, and thus Thanos’, direct influence.
Loki subconsciously touched his hideously blue palm as he waited outside of the judge’s office for his handler. The doors were decorated with sandglasses. How quaint .
Mobius finally emerged, stalking right past him. Loki fell in step behind him. He realized such only after he’d done it.
An angry finger wagged in front of him as they walked, “one thing, Loki, that’s all I asked.”
“The ‘talk’ from earlier.”
“No! Catching the superior version of yourself. We lost guys out there today-- good guys!” Good, yes, ‘good guys’ who also happened to have erased who knows how many people from existence.
“There would have been a lot more had I not been there and, likewise, a lot less had I been heeded.”
“And there you go again. That narcissism! Do you ever stop? Get tired of yourself?”
Loki didn’t respond as Mobius stopped and whirled on him, only gave him his schooled expression.
“I’m on thin ice ‘cause of you. I saved you, remember that? Didn’t that mean anything to your Asguardian standards or personal morals or anything?”
“If you recall, I was about to meet that fate regardless as I helped you bring in my Variant. I also have little doubt you will delete me if I survive assisting you in their arrest either way.”
“Oh, so I’m the bad guy? Ok. Well that other you is worse, remember that. He’s killed a lot of people--more than you. You’re just a little blue ice runt, crying in the cold.”
Loki chuckled and didn’t even need to bite back the urge to correct this “Loki expert.”
“Ever get tired of playing this same old part?” Mobius continued bitterly, “I’m getting sick of your constant need for sympathy, Loki!”
“Mobius?” He asked after allowing a few minutes to pass.
“What?” Mobius mumbled.
“This other Variant is after reset charges, why not supervise another ‘pruning’ in case we find the correct branch they target. How many happen in a day, usually?”
Loki almost choked when they entered into an Aguardian hall. The was beautiful and towering and held stones and architecture he could rewrite the books about. For one blissful second, he closed his eyes and inhaled the scent of his homeland--or the place he was raised. His glamor fell over him unconsciously.
Then he had to play follow-the-leader with the TVA peons. He rounded a large corner and immediately knew how many steps it would take to get to his room, his mother’s and Thor’s.
“Loki?” A familiar voice boomed. Loki tensed. Mobius cast him a “good luck” glance and mumbled, “I’ll be back for ya, Blue-Raz”
Loki had the urge to run him through followed by his brother who should not—it didn’t matter, the timeline would be reset. The Thor bounding up behind him would be pruned with everything else… why did that hurt? He turned to face his adopted sibling.
“Loki, it is you? Isn’t it? I mean you look horrendous in that getup, but it’s you!” Thor held his hands out in what could only be described as reverence. But the esteemed Asguardian Prince was wearing dirty Midguardian clothes and had a beer gut to match. How? Barely any time had elapsed between that moment and when they were facing down in New York.
“It is me but what happened to you, brother?”
A shadow came over Thor’s face. His hands lowered and he reached out to Loki.
“Tell me the truth,” he whispered, “did you just escape the dungeons?”
Loki held his gaze for a few long moments. The timeline will be reset. There is no harm in it.
“No, Thor, I never—this me never went to the dungeons. Never came back to Asguard.”
Thor hissed an inhalation of breath as his eyes widened.
“Thor what happened to you? Why do you have mismatched eyes? Where is your armor? Or Mjolnir?”
“Oh, Loki! Loki. Loki. Loki.” Thor’s voice trembled with false laughter and an emotion Loki didn’t know, “what--you look horrendous. What in the Nine Realms are you wearing?”
“Thor, it is good to see you, but I’m afraid I don’t have the time for a chat.” Loki returned, clipped. Redline grew ever nearer.
Thor’s face fell again, “Loki… just tell me you’re alive. That I didn’t fail you on the Statesmen--Thanos is dead now, I-I killed him! I-... I killed him… I avenged you.”
“Oh, Thor,” Loki found himself saying as Thor’s eyes shined and tears spilled onto his cheeks. He allowed himself to be squeezed in the other’s arms… and found it to be the best hug he’d ever received… or the only hug….
“Thor… Thor, are you listening?” Thor only sobbed into his shoulder, holding Loki up against his beer gut and off of the actual floor.
“Very soon, this timeline will be reset which means you will have never seen me here. So tell me, what happened to you?”
Thor whined in the back of his throat and plopped Loki back down, it was just hard enough to make pain spike up his nearly healed spine.
Loki laid his arms on Thor’s biceps, squeezing gently, Thor shuttered then took a breath and smiled fondly at him. Fondly. Thor never did that. What sort of--how is he not the Variation?
“So after Ragnarok, Thanos… had all the Stones and killed half of what was left of Asguard including you. I wasn’t able to--I’m sorry.”
“Just tell me, Thor, I am right here.”
“Then I was found by the space morons and went to Nidevelir to forge Storm Breaker because Hela broke Mjolnir before Sakaar--Ragnarok happened because of her. Then we battled with the Avengers in Wakanda and… I didn’t go for the head! How could I have not gone for the head?! Thanos snapped and…. It was horrible, brother. Absolutely horrible. The whole universe. And so many extinctions followed and more tragedies. I-....” He hung his head. “I tried to drown my worries like the ‘oaf’ I am….”
“I thought your annoying little group was the ‘Avengers’ not the ‘Alcoholics.’”
“... Ha!” Thor slapped him on the back. The statement seemed to have brought about the intended reaction.
“Yes! Of course! So five years later, we found him and I slayed him! But Tony and Scott found a way to move through time to get the stones to undo it all, and so we did, and we succeeded! But still, Thanos haunted us and we had a final battle--which we won!” Thor seemed to have noticed himself that he was about to go into one of his long winded stories of victory, and cut it short.
Then his smile abated and his beard fell, “Loki, Steve and Tony lost the Tesseract in 2012 to you…?”
“Yes, yes, that would be me, brother.”
A gasp of breath as Thor readied himself for the most bone crushing hug in the universe was all that was afforded to Loki.
“Thor,” he wheezed slightly, “I know I was not kindest to you but must you kill me prematurely?”
“Oh, Loki! I never threw you off the Bifrost, and I-!”
“Charge is set, we gotta boogie!” Mobius interrupted, jogging over.
Thor allowed the interruption if only to interrogate him, “and who are you? How and why do you command my brother? If you are with Tha-!”
To Loki’s astonishment, a few electrical charges emanate off of his brother.
“No, time to talk. Put Loki down We gotta get outta Dodge.”
Thor’s grip tightened, “Thor, just do it!” Loki groused. Thor did. Mobius opened the portal.
“Sorry, big guy, big fan but I need your Buddy. You ever think of trying Old Spice?”
“Ah--I just--Loki just returned to me as he always does and you expect me to just give up?!”
“Thor, do not follow us, I would rather not see you get deleted.”
Heavy feet crossed through the yellow threshold and left 2023 Thor in 2014 with a gaping mouth and tear stained cheeks.
“So no Loki!” Mobius announced as he clapped his hands together, “that means we gotta get to work!” He went on to walk at a brisk pace. Loki trailed after, blinking back the stinging in his now red eyes.
“I was of the understanding that is what we were doing,” he put a hand over his throat while he cleared it.
“I need you to go over each and every one of this Variant's case files, and then, give me your... How do I put it?... Your unique Loki perspective. And who knows? Maybe there's something that we missed.”
Seeing as how you are so hypocritical, I would be surprised if you had not missed anything. Honestly, “all you Lokis are the same” yet in the same breath, “no Loki variant is exactly alike.” I think as I do.
“You are the expert, I trust your judgement” Loki said instead.
“That's why I'm lucky I got ya for a little bit longer. Let me park ya at this desk. And don't be afraid to really lean into this work. Here's a good trick for you: pretend your life depends on it. I'm gonna get a snack.”
For all his countless hours spent in not only the Grand Library, but others around Asguard and the other Realms, he found himself having little interest in sifting through all the instances in which that other version of him overcame the great TVA and triggered more animosity against themselves--and all other Lokis.
“Any motive, Sherlock?” He asked dryly.
“That’s what you’re for!” The agent chuckled, poked at his chest and walked away.
Out of the corner of his eye, he watched the agent walk away then turned his attention to the paperwork. The pattern was known to begin with but became… inane the more pages he flipped through: nexus event, dispensed TVA agents, the team goes silent, they’re found dead and without the reset charge, Mobius, the expert, is called in for investigation and then the branch is reset before redline.
One Loki… only one to best their happy little teams. I was bested, but I also have extenuating circumstances of the past year. Without Thanos’ interruption, could I have?... Yes, I fought alongside Thor and his foolish troup of warriors, I would have been able to exact my own damage. For a ‘timeline protection force,’ how are they schooled in combat?
“Pardon me,” he tapped the librarian’s bell. She turned to him with a nonplussed expression.
“Could you show me to the combat regimens of our dear agents?”
“Battle end-games?”
“Well, you have been very helpful, thank you.” It was still a library after all and he more than knew his way around one seidr or not; his mind was still intact--somewhat intact and that had always been his greatest weapon.
So he sat back down at the table to form a plan of action, so to speak, of how he could find the files he wanted in the fastest and most assured way. But, he still had all the paperwork of this other Loki, dripping in red. Oozing. Gushing. Like Thor’s cape as yet more enemies were put to ruin under his brother’s sheer might. He never envied that red; never thought he could own it or have it become him… yet this other version had jumped--leapt into that pool of blood and ended all who stood in their way. Incapacitation would have sufficed. Has sufficed in innumerable cases. He’d both saved lives of his comrades and stupid brother, and saw the end goal in such a way.
He gasped and leapt up, running along the railing of the library.
“No, I said, ‘don’t bother me until you’ve read all the files,’ and I know you don’t read that fast.” Mobius set his Js\osta down with a hard thonk .
“I have, but unimportant--.” Loki slid into the seat across from the agent in the cafeteria.
“No, read every file pertaining to the Variant.”
“The answer does not lie in the files, it lies on the timeline!” Mobius gave him a dangerous look at the slight raising of his voice. Loki took a breath.
“Look,” Loki began again with his arms fanning over the table, “they’re hiding in apocalypses.”
“Which one? There’s, like, a million?”
“Take Ragnarok, I assume you are familiar?”
“Yeah, total destruction of your weird coin planet and most of its people because of your sister Hela. I’m sorry.”
Sister? Hela? Thor mentioned her--unimportant now.
“Yes, well, that recent visit with Thor got me thinking…?”
Mobius regarded him but eventually sighed and sat back, making a small gesture, “yeah, sure, ok.”
“Nexus events happen when someone does something that is not meant to happen--.”
“A bit more complicated but yeah.”
“These can culminate into entire other timelines--.”
“Chaotic alterations of a predetermined outcome.” Loki did his best to ignore the interruptions. He forced animation into his movements as if trying to explain it to Thor. That was best, pretend he was explaining something that now seemed so basic to the warrior.
“Alright! So this is Asgard,” he plundered the agent’s salad bowl. Said agent gave sad push back. Loki continued.
“I could travel back to Asgard preceding Ragnarok and do whatever I wished; switch crowns, resoil linens, topple some columns. I could destroy the Rainbow Bridge.” He grabbed the small salt shaker and started pouring some in. Mobius mourned his food. Loki was not fed.
“None of this would matter. Not if I set fire to the courtyard. Or even killed the Allfather!”
“Why--Lo--God, Loki!”
“Excuse me,” Loki greeted Casey kindly at an adjacent table, “are you finished with this?”
Casey, who had his bunched napkin thrown on his plate in clear sign of being finished looked from his crumpled juice box to Loki, “you!”
“Yes, very nice to see you again,” Loki took the drink container and poured it into the salad, secretly relishing how the agent utterly deflated.
“Due to Surtur!” Loki finished.
Mobius rubbed his hand down his face, “what am I lookin’ at?”
“Apocalypses, Holmes.”
“Loki, you just apocalypse my lunch, I wanted to eat that!”
“You want my other Variant.”
Mobius leaned onto the table, “cut to the chase.”
“That is how they have escaped you for so long; no matter what happens, an apocalypse negates anything that would otherwise summon the TVA.”
“Oh, not bad. Not Bad. Hey, so, how do you weigh over five hundred pounds?”
That was a “jackknife”--as Midgaurdians may say--that he did not expect.
Mobius raised his hands, “hey, I’m not judging, just curious.”
“Focus, Mobius, please.”
“Ok, ok. My salad. Destroyed.” Another despondent hand waved at the bowl.
“I can show you my theory is true.”
Mobius laughed, “I’m not letting you go.”
“You come with me, naturally,” Loki pushed.
“Well, I’ve had enough of your troublemaking for one day.”
“No one has to know unless I am correct--which I am.”
“TVA agents can’t just go running around anyway. Waltzing into the White House would be a Nexus event.”
You are not listening!
“Pompeii, for instance, you Midguardians like talking about that catastrophe, we could go there!”
“Pompeii. Everyone died and that town was not even the worst hit of the eruption of Vesuvius.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Talk, talk, talk. Oh, you’re so smart!” Mobius sneered and wiped his mouth with his napkin despite not having spilled anything much less eaten enough to make a mess of his face. No food for either of them it seemed.
“If I go along with this and you stab me in the back, you’re getting erased. Capische?”
“Understood,” I am fully expecting that regardless.
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 4 years
Persona Q2 Problems: Lore-Summoning Discrepancy
Ok, so this is something that’s been bothering me for a VERY long time, it was something that caught my attention back when they were just advertising the game (if anyone is wondering, it was how the cognition worked in this game…and that questioned snowballed to say the least into what this was), but I wanted to wait till the game came out to talk about it (took really long cause I wasn’t sure how to approach it, I mean this thing came up as about 7ish pages in GoogleDocs so like....yeah 8U lotta writing). 
Before I begin, yes I know there are different ways to summon persona. Yes they can coexist in the same series, that isn’t the issue. The issue is how P5 and onward’s lore has been handled. I also wanted to do a complete replay of Arena, Ultimax (esp this one cause it’s a bit funky with the DH and red fog), and PQ1 buuuuuuuuuuuuuut due to events (aka me working despite Corona happening), I didn’t get around to it yet. So consider this a “version 1″ post, with the possibility of there being a “revised version” later. I also won’t really touch on P1/2 much (I’ll bring them up a few times), not because they aren’t important, but because this mostly pertains to PQ2 and the games associated with it.... as well as my sparse knowledge on P1/2 (so I’m sorry in advance if I mess something up while talking about those two games ;w;). We also aren’t talking about P3D, P5D, Royal or Scramble (maybe I’ll include Royal/Scramble in the possible revised/add on/sequel post to this but not now….cause spoilers….and PQ2 came before those so I’d rather focus on what built up to it rather than what comes after).
Also yeah some of this will contain a theory (the theory parts is me trying to reconcile canon and it’s at the end of the post, the rest is me pointing at a hole in the canon/lore tho.... so no this isn’t a glorified theory post, I’ll point out when I’mma enter my minor theory). Anyway, under the cut cause length! 8U:
So first we’re gonna start off with a question. At one point my bf asked me “What dictates why the characters summon the way they do in their games?” To which I replied, after thinking about it for a decent minute, “Setting......maybe with some god interference but it’s usually cause they created that setting, so really it’s just the setting.” If we look at all the games, they all summon things a bit differently (P1/2 being the closest in similarity, with P4 being the closest to them among the newer titles), but what also is different in each game is the setting. 
P1 does a Jojo summon cause of a Parallel world, P2 does Jojo poses thanks to the rumors, P3 uses evokers (but otherwise they can just make it appear if they concentrate hard enough, or if you are a VR attendant then you use cards) thanks to the Dark Hour (DH), P4 uses cards (but like P3, can sometimes just summon without manifesting a card similar to P3’s evoker-less summons and P1/2 summons) thanks to the TV World (TVW), and P5 uses their masks thanks to the Metaverse. 
So next (2) question(s).....What would happen if you take one team and put them in another teams’ world? How would they summon their persona’s then? Well.....it depends on the setting, but spoiler for the rest of the post....they would either use cards/no cards (ala P4 style, from here on I’mma just say “card style” but keep in mind cards may or may not be utilized), or have a PT outfit/mask summon (aka P5 style). OR, if they are struggling and have an evoker on hand, then they’d use an evoker (but not if it’s in the Metaverse). So to use an evoker, they’d have to struggle with summoning in a P3ish type area (which keep in mind is similar to a P4 type area), and if they aren’t struggling then the default would be P4 type summoning (I mean they could still use the evoker if you want, but the card style is the default tbh). Oh yeah there’s a lot to unpack there. You see, P3/4 can exist together without issues, P5.....can’t.....with either of them…..At least not without certain rules being established in a setting, and then ALL THREE having to follow those rules. (Tbh it feels like the P5 era/PQ2 specifically, they seem to prioritize iconography over logic. Aka “Well P3 used evokers because they are P3!” rather than looking at the implications of the world they are utilizing and instead prioritizing something the audience will recognize rather than following the rules they have built.)
Ok so I know I just threw a ton of facts at you, so let’s backtrack and explain how I know these are facts by going through the games (cause I know you can’t just take my word for it)!
Now, how do P3/4 work well together? It’s simple.....the DH and TVW are similar (TVW is a more...”potent” DH and makes it easier to summon things), well similar in feel as Arena states:
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Ok so they are similar in feel, and tbh the means of being able to summon a Persona is similar too! P3 kids don’t NEED evokers, it’s proven that characters can summon a Persona without a need of an evoker in both the DH and Real World (ex: Labby in Arena when escaping the lab, Mitsuru in The Answer flashback, Fuuka in Arena iirc, Takaya all the time in P3, Chidori when her Persona tried to kill her, and possibly Tatsuya/other P2 characters prior to the rumors going rampant during the P2 game), HOWEVER it’s very hard to do so. It usually requires intense concentration, or a rush of emotion or a life/death situation (which all examples fall under one or both). The evoker is designed to help facilitate this life/death feeling (*cough* tho it takes the shape of a gun cause Mitsuru thought it’d catch Akihiko’s attention*cough* I mean Koro doesn’t need it being a gun so the shape could be whatever they just chose a gun so they could seduce Akihiko 8U). But regardless, the evoker is a man made tool that helps one summon a Persona (aka creates an artificial focal point), but it’s not a natural focal point made by the user (ie, card, clutching your head/no card/possibly P1&P2 style, or P5′s mask), so really anyone can use an evoker. (one more side tangent since we’re on focal points, as for how P4 can have two different ways of summoning, ie card/no card, it could just be that the TVW allows different forms of a natural focal point to form, either via thinking of summoning the Persona, or having your mind form a physical card in front of you, so the setting of the TVW gives a choice to the user)
Now remember when I said that the TVW is a DH that’s easier to summon Personas? Or that if a user isn’t struggling then the default is the card/P4 style summoning and not the evoker? Well Arena showcases how easy it is to summon in the TVW:
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So there we go, it’s easier to summon in the TVW than the DH. Can’t argue with that! The reason is probably because DH is a layer on top of the Real World, so it’s closer to reality, while the TVW is closer to the Collective Unconscious/aka CU (aka the TVW is an alternate world, rather than a camera filter like the DH is), so that could explain why it’s easier. 
So what have we established so far?:
DH and TVW are very similar, but TVW is probably more is closer to the CU than the DH (while the DH is closer to reality), which makes it easier to summon in the TVW. 
Evokers can be used by anyone because they are a man-made tool, but they aren’t natural ways of summoning like show cased in P1/2/4/5. 
P3 cast can summon Personas like P4 cast, and theoretically vice versa is probably possible if they ever gave the P4 cast evokers.
Now from Arena, we will go to PQ1, then Ultimax, then briefly on P4D before we get to P5. (I’m doing PQ1 before Ultimax because I’m doing the it in the order of the JPN release not the US release, and no I’m not counting the arcade Ultimax release 8U)
So let’s look at PQ1. Now from my memory....I don’t recall them really talking about the P3 cast specifically not being able to summon their personas without their evoker in the PQ1 world. Like they talk about their differences in summoning, but I don’t think the P3 kids tried to summon without their evokers. And the reason I bring this up, because we could probably say this is a discrepancy too, is because the P4 kids still use their card style, which means the PQ1 world is similar to the TV world, where it’s easier to summon via using the cards. And since the P3 kids can use the card style, in a setting that allows card styles…..that means they could summon the same way the P4 kids can in PQ1! But the P3 kids don’t have the same thought process as they did in Arena, where “oh we summoned our personas without our evokers! Only just thinking about it!” And like....that’s a red flag....BUT, as I said before, evokers and cards can exist at the same time. In Arena/ Ultimax the human P3 users (minus maaaybe Junpei) use their evokers when doing a finisher. So we could just chalk it up to them being used to it out of habit. It also helps that Arena was released not long before PQ1, so we know they can both exist at the same time thanks to prior knowledge. So like yeah there’s a tiny issue here, but nothing glaring or a very big deal, it’s just them avoiding addressing something rather than creating a contradiction. Maybe in a remake they’ll add a line saying “huh that’s weird, still gonna use my evoker cause we’re used to it.” XU And it’d be all good.
Now Ultimax is a little.....more concerning. Technically there’s a dark hour....but you can summon without your evoker (and also they call the Fake!Dark Hour F!DH taking place in the “real world”):
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Now I can’t remember the rest of Ultimax to that specific of a detail, so I dunno if they 100% explain why/how the F!DH it’s easier to summon than the DH, but they really seemed to hint at the red fog in these early scenes (where I rewatched to get the screen grabs), with it having some influence and possibly being the culprit behind the anomaly (I’d say the same thing for the TVW, but Teddie says Shadows have been there since forever, and Izanami only found the TVW not created it, she did bring the fog, so it’s possible the fog isn’t what dictates summoning in the TVW just TVW as a place, but in Ultimax the combination of the red fog and the F!DH makes the setting more palpable like the TVW rather than the original DH. So yeah F!DH needs special fog to work, but TVW doesn’t really need for summoning to exist it seems). There’s also the fact...Kagutsuchi is also there and his power might also have something to do with this cause, remember at the beginning I said sometimes there’s a god messing with the place to make that setting viable for summoning Personas? Yeah that’s probably what’s going on. Red Fog+Special DH+Kagu’s influence=TVW levels of card/natural summoning. Not the cleanest, but hey they at least tried giving us a reason! I’m at least happy for that! ;w;
So after briefing on the small issues (or just plot questions with PQ1/Ultimax), now for P4D. P4D it’s possible to summon your persona like in the TVW, but you can’t fight. So you instead dance to defeat your enemies.... So the area is similar to the TVW, BUT it has special rules (implemented by the god, so yeah a little god influence on the setting, but still the setting nonetheless is what dictates the summoning). Yeah that’s it, but it just strengthens the setting dictates stuff. 
So again, to reiterate what we know:
If a place is like the TVW, then card summoning is the default. 
DH and TVW are similar, but DH is a….”less palpable” TVW (probably cause it’s farther from the CU), so while card summoning is possible, it’s better to use the tool/evoker to help you. 
The F!DH, PQ1 world, and Midnight Stage are all similar to the TVW so card summon is the default. 
Evokers can be used in card summon settings, but they aren’t needed. 
Anyone can use an evoker
So....let’s get to P5. P5 has the Metaverse, which has A LOT of distortion and cognition. I mean it’s possible that P1-4 have some cognition, but the Metavers is just…..there’s an abundance! Anyway, we know that P5 has outfits because it protects the user against the world (kinda like the TVW glasses, but unlike those, they aren’t a tool anyone can just.....use. Teddie makes the TVW glasses, PT outfits come with the summons). But they only get their cool outfit once they obtain their personas (either via fully or partially awakening their Persona, the persona has to at least be awakened). Thus the Persona is connected to the outfit, and the outfit is connected to the environment/setting. I should note that unlike the above screenshots, which are explicitly stated in the lore, this is implicitly stated instead. Something that isn’t outright said, but it’s backed up via consistency and repeating it (also this is the first consistent thing I found in P5! Yay! ;w;)
Anyway, it makes sense right? And without the need for an evoker (which...causes issues thanks to that world’s rules on guns), it seems that the natural way for summoning in a Metaverse-like setting, is a mask summon.
Ok. Now what’s the issue with PQ2?! 4-5ish pages in and still no answer I know. Well the answer is all three can’t exist at the same time. P5 can’t compliment either P3/4. Either P5/4 has to adapt to P3’s way of summoning, P5/3 have to adapt to P4′s way of summoning (aka everyone needs an evoker or everyone card summons), or P3/4 have to adapt to P5 (aka everyone gets an outfit and mask summons).  And here’s why:
We know P3/4 characters in a TVW like place can summon their personas like P4 kids. So it doesn’t matter what game you are from, if you are in the TVW you summon like the P4 kids. P5, if one has a persona in a Metaverse they should have an outfit, because P5 vanilla establishes that (again it’s implicit but nonetheless it’s established). So P3/4 kids should get an outfit if they were in the Metaverse because it’s the only logical thing that makes sense (aka this isn’t confirmed by Atlus, but by following the logic of their lore, the explicit content, and the implicit content, it leads to this conclusion). 
The issue is…. PQ2 tries to apply DH’s, TVW’s, and the Metaverse’ rules all at the same time.....that doesn’t work. While DH and TVW complement each other, TVW becomes the default if the two are combined. “But Silly you said that P3 cast can use Evokers in the TVW” Yes! But you see PQ2 doesn’t understand that....Because..... Minato couldn’t summon his Persona when he lost his evoker and had to rely on Aigis the entire time:
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From what I can find, he’s never shown summoning his persona (even in a life/death situation, which is also odd in and of itself and a whole other issue) during this time. I don’t think it’s ever mentioned it’s because he’s tired, just because he lost his evoker. Except this shouldn’t be the case, because P4/5 can summon just fine WITHOUT an evoker, so an evokerless summon should be possible. And that’s the issue with PQ2 that PQ1 avoided, PQ1 didn’t call attention to this, while PQ2 made this a plot point and...well...made a really big plot hole (and a side plot hole with the whole life/death thing).
 Then there’s the DH and the Metaverse. Now Atlus was trying to fix the gun and evoker issue that well…..was created because of….(what is what got this post rolling) “Cognition.” Cause the Metaverse is like “If the gun looks real then it’s perceived as real! Even if it’s a fake gun.” And well….evokers are real guns who have been hollowed out (in english releases they changed it to fakes tho, but they are actually real guns). And well evokers and the Metaverse don’t mix well, and we’d have a lot of headless SEES. So Atlus tried to be like “Oh it just doesn’t work here!” But…….that reasoning doesn’t work, because the PT still have their outfits, and Mona is still in mascot form, which exists because of….you guessed it…”cognition”. And because of all that it leads to these questions:
Does this mean there’s a specific quantity of Cognition that needs to be met for there to be outfits but for fake guns not to work?
So how can there be enough cognition to dictate that they can have outfits but NOT guns?
How can Mona still be in his cognitive cat form at the lobby, but the rest of the team reverts back to their normal clothes despite both being connected to? He’s only ever in that form when the other teams are in their PT form (only time he isn’t is in PQ2’s lobby, and the early PVs of P5 which never appeared in the game)
Why doesn’t the P3/4 cast have PT outfits, despite the fact having a persona in a cognitive world indicates a PT outfit (at least implicitly via P5 vanilla)? 
Basically how is it that the P5 Kids are the only ones that seem to be affected by the Cinema’s World Cognition but no other groups are? Answer, there is no answer, it just doesn’t make any sense! And that’s just P3 and P5!
Now we have Metaverse vs the TV World. While they are both natural means of summoning, they can’t coexist at the same time. They are like night and day, they can’t exist at the same time in the same place. If there is that much cognition in the Cinema world, then everyone should get an outfit! Otherwise they’d just use cards! You have to choose one!
“But Silly! What if it’s how they obtained their personas? Like maybe the way P5 got theirs is why they are special?” And…...that’s the thing dear reader….that’s not the case. Because let me introduce my Smoking Futaba Cannon! You know what Futaba has in common with the P4 group? THE SAME KIND OF AWAKENING! Her awakening is different from EVERY OTHER P5 CHARACTER! Her awakening is the same as the P4 kids! She accepts her shadow, and gets her persona! But do you know two things are different between Futaba and the P4 kids? 1) The setting, and 2) She gets an outfit! :0 Oh dear, she gets an outfit….and…..the only thing different from the P4 kids is the setting? Wow it’s almost as if….the setting dictates how you summon a persona! :D So because Futaba, who’s awakening is a P4 awakening, gets an outfit. Then ALL P4 kids, who have a P4 awakening, now get an outfit when they are in the Metaverse! But wait! Remember how P3 was able to easily change to the P4 style of summoning? Well since P3 is similar to P4 in this sense, and P4 is similar to Futaba, who has a PT outfit…..then P3 would get an outfit as well! You get an outfit! You get an outfit! EVERY PERSONA USER GETS AN OUTFIT! 8D 
So what do we know now?
DH and TVW are similar, but if combined then the TVW rules overrule the DH rules
The DH seems to be closer to reality, while TVW and Metaverse seem to be closer to the UC which is why it’s easier to summon in the latter two.
The F!DH, PQ1 world, and Midnight Stage are all similar to the TVW so card summon is the default. 
TVW and Metaverse can’t coexist at the same time (one has to overrule the other)
Evokers most likely can’t work in the Metaverse the same way they can in DH or TVW. 
Evokers can be used in card summon settings (aka TVW) tho, but they aren’t needed. 
Anyone can use an evoker (or have Teddie glasses 8U)
Only Persona users (either fully awakened or partially) can obtain a Metaverse/PT outfit.
Awakening doesn’t define how you summon Persona, the setting does (see Futaba vs P5 and compared to P4).
Because of Futaba, P4 kids should get outfits in the Metaverse.
And because of Arena and how the P3 kids have the same summoning in the P4 setting, it goes to say they’d also get outfits in the Metaverse too.
If reverse engineer this, then that’d mean P5 kids would get cards in a TVW-type setting (or would have to use evokers in a DH type setting).
I spent way too much time on this
It all comes together! Nice and neat! Arena establishes that you get a card summon when you are in a setting like the TVW, and P5 establishes that Persona users get PT outfits in the Metaverse (with Futaba showcasing  it doesn’t matter how the awakening goes down you still get an outfit, which applies to P3/4). So, if the setting is like the Metaverse, they get outfits. If the setting ISN’T like the Metaverse, BUT INSTEAD, like the TV world, they do card summons. There the lore is nice and neat and clear cut!
…..EXCEPT! PQ2 …...just….makes no sense. ;w; It messes with all that is good and neat. ;w; And why? I don’t know! I can only think that, again, they chose the iconic looks of each game over the lore’s logic. Even if they were to say Enil made it so that the three types of settings could exist at the same time, it’s just…..too messy and wishy washy, and still doesn’t logically make sense (because of everything explained above). You can’t just mix water and oil! It’s just easier to choose a Metaverse or TVW type setting. 
Now how do we fix PQ2? This is something Atlus can fix in a re-release on like the Switch, and it shouldn’t be too bad depending on how they approach it. But before I get to that I’m going to explain a theory, this theory makes it easier to break down the different settings, and thus gives Atlus a nice binary choice.
My theory is that there’s a cognition spectrum in these settings. Real life has the lowest to non existing cognition, the P1/2/3/4/4U1/4U2/4D/Q1 are all on the “low cognition” side (there’s some but there’s not a lot) while the Metaverse is “high cognition” (aka there’s a lot). Like here’s a rough (aka not 100% accurate, it’s just a general idea) depiction of what I mean:
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Again it’s just a general idea on where they fall in terms of high and low cognition. P5 is obvie a new entry with us now exploring high cognition, which can lead to maybe a couple cool things. Maybe different places on the high cognition spectrum give us different ways of summoning too (give me a sec for a side tangent to explore that concept). Here’s an example, we have one high cognition plane called the “Metaverse” and another one called “Uverworld.” In the Metaverse you get a PT outfit, and summon with a mask. In the Uverworld, instead you take on your Persona’s appearance, either Digimon Frontier style or Digital Devil Saga style. We could say the Uverworld has even more cognition/distortion than the Metaverse and that’s why it’s different. And if any persona user from P1-5 were to summon their persona in the Uverworld, they’d summon it the same way as the Uverworld Persona users. And the Uverworld Persona users would summon the same way as say P4/5 depending on if they were in the TV World or Metaverse. This is how we can keep the lore consistent.
Now how does this high and low cognition apply to PQ2, and how could it have fixed it (and still could if Atlus makes these changes in a remake/re-release)? Well basically….they’d have to choose between a TV World type setting or the Metaverse, and have all three teams adjust accordingly! And they can either do what I call low asset route or a high asset route (which coordinate with low and high cognition respectively). 
A low asset route, would’ve worked better for the original release on the 3DS (but I don’t recommend this for Switch re-release tho). It’d be that the PQ2 world operates like the TV World, everyone uses cards. That’d mean no one would get PT outfits (so less assets to make for the devs, and yes this includes P5 kids). Morgana, however, would have to remain in cat form (which shouldn’t be a problem, if we can give a dog a knife we can give a cat a knife 8U you can even have his character stats reflect something similar to Koromaru for the meta too!). P3 could still use their evokers if they want too! P5 the kids would probably crush the cards doing a similar pose they’d make if they had a mask, but tbh PQ doesn’t really show the characters in battle so we wouldn’t really need to worry that much. 
Or we could go with a high asset route (which I recommend for a re-release), in which there’s high cognition, aka the Cinema world is more like the Metaverse. Everyone would get an outfit, and cause it’s the metaverse you can introduce a gun mechanic into PQ2! It’d require more assets, making outfits for all the characters (tho keep in mind Mona should transform back into a cat and out of his outfit in the lobby like everyone else!) Which we’d probably really only see in cutscenes rather than battle. While this could complicate some scenes (such as Hamuko dressing up as a police officer-wait that scene already doesn’t make sense considering P5’s lore-no no stay on topic DX), the rewrites wouldn’t be as as if you took the low asset route (which would work if thought of from the beginning but….yeah). It’d just be a few convo lines, and like a scene or two. One big thing they could add is adding the gun mechanic (they can even add a fun convo with the P3 kids saying it’s hard getting used to the new summoning method). Fans would love to see outfits for P3/4 kids, lore would make sense, you could have funny conversations, new combat system. Def a thing people would love to see added into a re-release! Plus it gives it more of a P5 flair, and considering this has P5 as the main focal point it fits! You can even say that the 3DS ver is still canon, but it was an incorrect recollection of a character’s dream, which could explain the inconsistencies I have mentioned before. 
Oh and Minato/SEES can still carry their evokers in both scenarios, but Minato just gets tired from all the fighting and can’t summon his Persona anymore cause he ran out of mana. There that fixes that scene.
So there you go, PQ2 fixed (well summoning lore wise), Persona lore intact, and even a little guideline thrown in to help keep the lore intact! I know I didn’t go into how to rewrite every scene to adjust these changes….I could but not today. 
Anyway I dunno how else to end it but…...I hope PQ1/2 can be ported to the Switch (or another console as well?) soon! I just really want a dub of PQ2 ;w; orz
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ld200 · 5 years
Tagged by @detroitbecomeandroid and @theandroidsentbyreplika, thanks!
Rules: answer the questions, and then tag 9 people you want to get to know better!
Q1. Relationship status?
Single. I’m extremely selfish with my free time so it’s probably better that way for now anyway lol
Q2. Favourite colour?
Q3. Top 3 ships? 
1. Hank/Connor. It really is a soft spot, guys. Hank learning how to live again, Connor learning how to live for the first time, both learning how to separate who they are from who they used to be and navigating their way forward from there. That serving as a foundation for them eventually doing life together just... *clenches fist* yes
On the machine route, Hank is obviously fully convinced androids are human and is trying to stop Connor, saying he forgot who he was for a long time but he remembers now and he’s not afraid of him (Connor). For me, it just cemented that Hank is just another person trying to figure out who he is in the midst of his own emotional chaos, just like Connor is. They’re on more even footing than it sometimes looks like they are imo.
And frankly, I just love the extra layer of complexity that adding romance to their connection creates. Their relationship is already pretty dynamic and intense as it is, and sometimes that’s good and sometimes it’s bad, and I just like playing with the psychology of their similarities and differences.
I REALLY like in-game Connor and Hank too, though, which is why I was very convinced in my early days in this fandom that I didn’t ship Hankcon. But they’re not mutually exclusive - nothing fanon is mutually exclusive from canon - and once I stopped being stubborn I realized I loved them lol.
2. Connor/Markus. Not much to say, I just like it especially considering they started as rivals. I read a lot of fic with these two when I first started reading DBH fanfic and still do sometimes.
3. Hhhhhhh okay lemme try and articulate this first otherwise this will sound... Anyway, in the very, very early stages of writing Eternal Winter, the first two chapters with Connor and Kamski kind of got away because I just really, REALLY liked the intellectual sparring and sometimes I liked it too much. I’ve never written Kamcon and have no plans to, and actually I haven’t even read any, but writing my own damn story made me feel somewhat drawn to the idea of Connor with a much more charitable interpretation of Elijah Kamski than... well, my Elijah Kamski.
Just realized I apparently ship Connor with fucking everyone. I JUST REALLY LIKE CONNOR so yeah they’re all about him.
Oh. I also like Markus/North. I mean, I like Markus/Simon too, but I have absolutely nothing at all against Markus/North. I feel like that’s kind of uncommon. shrugs
Q4. Lipstick or chapstick?
Ehh chapstick if it’s dry
Q5. Last song I listened to?
Hold Back the River by James Bay
Q6. Last movie I watched?
STILL don’t remember
I’m tagging:
I didn’t check to see who might’ve already done this, just gonna throw a few out there in case you feel like doing a thing @sadmichiganrobots, @anomalous-appliances, @dizzypinwheel, @deviant-shakespearean, @dbhtychou
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rosey-crossing · 6 years
🍃 Animal Crossing 2019 Assumptions!🍃
I had a stressful day so instead of working I’m going to get myself excited about Animal Crossing on the Switch again! <3 I thought I’d go through some assumptions about the game that we can make from the trailer and some ideas that Nintendo might incorporate into the game!
Check out below the cut to see some of my ideas/assumptions! :3
🍃 General Assumptions 🍃
- The mayor role will come back, as will Isabelle - If the mayoral role does come back, then pwps will probably come back too - and with amenities in Pocket Camp being so diverse (and classed in certain ways, so cute, elegant, cool etc.), there’s gonna be more of them too - Nook’s Home will look like the one in Happy Home Designer (from the trailer, that’s how it looks anyway, though it might just look like the new leaf one again) - The campsite will play another big role in the game (from the Welcome Amiibo update, Pocket Camp, and the references in the reveal trailer, I’m sure that’s going to be another mechanic) - The game is coming out (fingers crossed!) in 2019, and one website (who apparently leaked a Pokémon title early or something, I don’t know) thinks it’ll be released in Q1 or Q2 (which New Leaf was, being released in June 2013); though this is just a rumour, so we have no idea yet! Link to that article here! - There will (hopefully!) be a Nintendo Direct about the new Animal Crossing soon. I did some research on the Directs since the Switch came out (yes I have that much time on my hands!) and there were 14 Directs last year for the Switch’s launch and 8 this year, and last year they had directs in October, November and January so if the game does end up coming out early-ish next year then we can get something from Nintendo 
🍃 Ambitions 🍃
- Bigger map! As New Leaf’s map was the second smallest (here’s a good size comparison from all the games) and the Switch can handle open world games like Breath of the Wild, I’m pretty sure the new game will have a bigger map - Each game has a “mode of transport” (so the Gamecube and New Leaf games had the train, Wild World had Kapp’n’s taxi, City Folk had the bus, and New Leaf had the train too and Kapp’n’s boat) so either they’ll either use the train mechanic again for getting around or some people have speculated that there’ll be a new mode of transport (especially to do with air) - More skin tones! There’s so much skin colour diversity in the world and it was only in Happy Home Designer that they gave you the option to choose your character’s skin tone from the beginning without having to tan, and since it was in pocket camp too I’m sure it’ll be in this one too! - More customisation! With the amount of customisation that both New Leaf and Happy Home Designer brought to us (and even more so the ability to move stuff around more easily), there should be more customisation that comes with the next game - Interiors and exteriors! Adding on to the customisation point, New Leaf allowed us to customise our homes more and Happy Home Designer gave us a small garden area outside to make our own - so maybe Nintendo will give us more space outside to make into a little back garden or something cute like that! - Plants! More colours came with New Leaf and Pocket Camp introduced more types of flowers too (with events and stuff) so we should get loads more variety - More events! Speaking of events, it would be great to see more festivals and events going on around in the year (like the Japanese festival in the summer with the fireworks too, for instance) - it would be really nice to see the npcs take part in more events like that
So yeah there you go, there are my assumptions and general ideas - I haven’t seen anyone put them together yet so I thought I’d do that <3 if you have any other general things be sure to add them on! Hope this helps! :3
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lovechuunyuu · 7 years
Kiramune Fan Meeting in Kanazawa - 11/12/16 Afternoon Session Fan Report
I went to the Kiramune Fan Meeting in Kanazawa held at Honda no Mori Hall in Kanazawa, Ishikawa prefecture on November 12. This was my first time attending a Kiramune fan meeting!
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Kanazawa is famous for ninjas hence the ticket. xD
For the Kiramune fan meetings, only those who are in the fanclub can attend the fan meeting. I just remembered that you can actually apply up to two tickets but your friend has to be in the fanclub as well and you need to provide your friend’s information (Kiramune FC club member number, etc).
And if you’re wondering how I still remember these details even though it has been four months, it’s because I typed some notes down in my phone. Truthfully, I don’t remember much now but looking at them now brought back some memories!
I went there by shinkansen.
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I thought I had enough time to get goods since it’s a smaller venue. There were two separate lines; one for goods and the other for gacha for can badges. But for some reason, it took way more time than I thought it would. I thought to myself, I should just take the first train to get goods from now on especially if you’re going to the afternoon session (except for another event later on, I didn’t do it and hence regrets again. This only happens when I go alone). The line for the fan meeting was a bit crazy especially for the gacha. Can badges were sold out pretty fast and many fangirls gave up waiting for goods even though they waited for a while because they weren’t gonna make it in time for the afternoon session. And I barely got the goods I wanted in time.
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The material for the scrunchies are really nice! They’re like kimono sorta cloth? (Kanazawa is also known as a mini Kyoto too by the way).
I managed to take pictures of the displays really fast!
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Their signatures! <3
When I handed them my ticket, I was given this special postcard as a present!
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I rushed to find my seat after getting the goods, which was thankfully in the last row near the aisle. It was easy to find. I didn’t have much time to recover before it started.
Only five out of all the members appeared for the fan meeting.
Kamiya Hiroshi
Irino Miyu
Yonaga Tsubasa
Eguchi Takuya
Yoshino Hiroyuki
I think you’re surprised to see no Ryohei. xP But I’m actually a Miyu fan as well (I would’ve totally gone to his live if it wasn’t for the fact that he had them in the middle of the week)! He’s my second favorite artist in Kiramune though I like KAmiYU as well. I also wanted to attend a Kiramune fan meeting at least!
Anyway, they first came out one by one. For their self-introduction, they had to say their name, Kiramune color and birthplace. Wing joked around and said he was from Ibaraki.
They started the fan meeting by talking about famous tourist spots in Kanazawa. They showed pictures of them as well and commented on them. Kamiya led this segment. Apparently Miyu went exploring and went to many places without the other members. xD For a lot of pictures, Miyu said he already went there and that the scenery was pretty.
For Kenrokuen Garden, one of Japan’s three most beautiful gardens (I went there afterwards and totally agree that it’s beautiful!), Kamiya said that he got there at 7:30. Apparently admission is free until 7:45 and the staff asked what he wanted to do: either wait 15 minutes or go in and come back out and pay. Kamiya said that he would just go in. Time went by fast because when he looked at the time, he saw that it was nearing 7:45 so he hurried back to the entrance and paid the entrance fee. xD I just found this cute for some reason. xP
The next segment was called “treasured photos” led by Egu. I actually couldn’t see the pictures that well but they’re pictures taken by the members (most likely) of the other members. I don’t quite remember them and they were top secret after all… so xP Egu was told he wasn’t interesting at all (kinda implying that he sucked at doing the MC thing? XD)
Wing led the next segment: Ranking quiz!  Actually, for those FC members that got tickets, we were sent an e-mail with a survey. I actually filled it out. xD Each member was given a sketchbook and marker and they had to guess the top 5 answers for each category and these answers were based on the Kiramune fan club members’ answers! Whoever got the most points wins a prize.
Q1: What is “the” word of this year (2016)? Basically, what are the top 5 most popular words/phrases of this year?
Miyu was really cute and knew one immediately. I saw him writing PPAP and he showed the answer. Egu thought the same thing and drew the answer. A few other words that were in the top 5 included Pokemon Go (Egu’s drew a VERY artistic Pikachu LOL) and Perfect Human (a popular comedy act).
Q2: What is a food you want to eat in winter?
The top five answers included nabe (hot pot), stew, ice cream, mikan (a kind of orange) and one more that I forgot.
Q3: What are events/things that you do in winter?
The top five answers included Christmas, New Year’s, hatsumode (first shrine/temple visit of the year), eating mikan under a kotatsu and one more.
Throughout all of this, Kamiya kept on saying the correct answers instead of writing them down while Miyu hurried and wrote down the answers Kamiya said. XD Miyu was really adorable, trying to be competitive and win. Yocchin didn’t participate much. LOL Egu kept on drawing his guesses.
When they were tallying up the points, Miyu was too cute!! He was hoping that he would win and put his hands together, praying that he would win. In the end, Kamiya won the game with the most points and got a prize. xD I really wanted you to win, Miyu… XD
Next was the Q&A session. In the survey sent out to those attending the fan meeting, there was a section where you can ask any question. They brought out a box and inside were those questions written by the Kiramune FC members. Each member pulled a question from the box except Yocchin because he didn’t want to do it. He was actually pretty quiet overall… @w@
Questions included...
1. If you became a ninja, what would you want to do?
My memory is pretty fuzzy but I think one of them said they wanted to walk on water or something? xD
2. If you could become another member in Kiramune, who would you want to be and not want to be? I don’t remember what they said…
3. Egu was asked, “What are the advantages and disadvantages to being tall?”
All I remember is Egu said he hit his head a lot. And the thing that surprised me the most was when he told us that apparently his parents forced him to drink milk for all three meals even for traditional Japanese meals… They didn’t have juice or soda or anything. (He did live in the countryside…). Now we know why he is so tall! I think he said his entire family is tall as well! (Well, no wonder… with all that milk.)
4. Yocchin got asked a question about sports, something like, “Do you still play soccer?”
I think he said he doesn’t play anymore but he watches it a lot on TV. (He’s a sport fanatic).
5. If Miyu and Egu hung out, what would they want to do?
Egu said he wanted to go camping. He said he could make fire and grab fruits and other things from trees. Then Egu asked, “Oh, what if Kamiya and I hung out?” Kamiya answered that he didn’t want to hang out with him…. (poor Egu. xD). Kamiya eventually answered that he would want to go to a restaurant that Egu recommended and go alone because all the restaurants that Egu recommended to him before were great. Wing said that all of those recommendations were originally Ryohei’s recommendations. XDDDD
They ran out of time and next was a video message by the other Kiramune members who weren’t present! Ryohei and Nobu together, Kakki, and finally NamiDai.
Next was the live segment! Each of them sang a song!
Kamiya – Kage mo Mata Shin nari
Wing – Rhapsody in You
Egu – Enchosenjo no Friends
Yocchin – Dramatic Surf Coaster
He came out with a guitar and Wing brought in a microphone stand for him! Then Yocchin sang while playing it.
Miyu – Ryusei no Kimi e
Towards the end of the song, all of the other members came out. He gathered everyone and they were confused as to what to do for the ending pose. XDDD
Each said a closing speech and promoted their CDs and/or live tours.
Miyu said, “Home ga aru kara,” lyrics to Get Together. The other members asked which song will they sing. And Miyu kept on saying Home ga aru kara. I feel that he trolled me because I was really hoping for Get Together and Miyu finally said, “The other one,” and they sang Ever Dream. XD (I don’t know why the Kiramune Fan website says only Get Together because that was for the night session only).
After the session ended, I took a few more pictures.
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Overall, I really enjoyed my first Kiramune fan meeting! I have only seen them in KiraFes or Reading live so it was nice to see the members interact with one another!
Miyu was just super adorable. He was so energetic and acted like a kid. Since he’s studying abroad now, I wish him the best and will definitely welcome him back once he returns! :3 As always, unbeta-ed so ignore the grammatical mistakes. That’s all for now! :3 Until next time! Thanks for reading!
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justaredheadf1fan · 2 years
Finally back at the place where Magic happens
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We're finally back at Interlagos, I was looking forward to this one. One of my fave tracks in the whole calendar, honestly. We have the last Sprint Race of the season, thank goodness.
First with the good stuff and that would be Sir Lewis Hamilton being awarded with the Honorary Citizenship of Brasil. We were all looking forward to this, I know. But he was GLOWING. Oh my goodness, have you guys seen that smile? It makes me wanna cry. And that mural. Jesus, how can a man I've never met, and certainly never will, give such happiness with so little?
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Now onto the more boring stuff, at least usually. I'm watching FP1 right before Quali and obviously nothing going on.
And that's about it with FP1. Total bore of a session, that one. Just the commentators rumbling about something I wasn't even listening to, as per usual 🤷🏻‍♀️
So, almost at the end Lewis blocked the tyres creating quite a nice photo but had me worried for a sec. Mans got my heart on a chokehold.
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Apparently rain's on the way, so let's see.
Starting Q1 now, Leclerc goes out like a madman. There goes my demon child 🤣
It looked quite relaxed until Pierre came and brought it home with slicks, WHAT IS GOING ON. NOW ALONSO, NORRIS AND LATIFI!?!?!?! WHAT IS THIS. Brasil stop it, take it slow, I wasn't ready!!!!!!!! It's been years since I last experienced Interlagos, I wasn't picturing this, that's for damn sure!!!
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What is this, Sharl is in danger right now, a lot of people where running around and finally the obvious candidates fell to the pit. But boy was that a tense moment. Sharl was not happy, that's for sure.
Now Q2 is going crazy as fuck, not the ones at risk are my Merc boys AND THIS IS A HARD NO. I know there's still the Sprint tomorrow BUT NO. The fucking rain in Interlagos is my biggest fear 🥲
Danny Ric and Seb out, I'm gonna cry. My Merc boys thank goodness are through. Jesus, the anxiety! Even Mr. Violence on Wheels got through. Some good news at least.
Those clouds are dangerous. That's creepy. My poor Charles! What's is going on in Ferrari!? Are they fucking nuts? Sharl is gonna fuck up those tyres... And there we go. What the fuck Ferrari?
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NO GEORGE!!!!!!!!! And Kevin P1!! Oh my fucking god WHAT IS GOING ON!!!!???? Charles is super angry, which is super understandable, what the fuck.
Kevin's face is giving me life, seriously. Un-fucking-believable. Haas getting their first ever pole with K-Mag. This is fucking incredible and I'm so happy, honestly. This is fantastic!!!
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Whoa whoa whoa. Interlagos, I wasn't expecting such a frantic Quali today, not in the slightest, but you've never disappointed, and today was not about to be the exception. That is some crazy shit. That right there is why I love this sport.
I don't think I'll watch the Sprint Race on time tomorrow, I'll probably watch it very, very late. But I'll try to keep up as soon as I can, since I don't want to go into Sunday and post all of it together? I don't know.
Anyway, I'm dying already with how late it actually is so, peace out!
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