#put the bad dogs you’ve loved in the tags
gothushi · 2 days
my pleasure
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pairing: charlie x f!reader
warnings: sub!ish charlie, creampie, charlie cries, mention of daddy kink (not used)
note: for this request! loved writing charlie in a subbier mindset:3 this didn’t go exactly like the request states but i hope u like it🍰
tagged: @ozzys-fics
word count: 5k
Charlie had a shitty day. Exhausted, his stomach growling, covered in dried blood. His keys jangle in the door, shuffling through the threshold with a sigh.
Hanging up his coat and beginning to toe his boots off, he hears you padding down the hallway from where he presumes was the laundry room, if the basket full of clean towels in your hands is anything to go by.
“Where have you been? I’ve been worried sick!” You whine softly, eyeing over the state of him, setting the laundry basket down on the wooden floor.
A frustrated huff of air leaves Charlie, trying to keep himself calm. He doesn’t want to be angry at you, or at least take anything out on you. His back is to you, foot propped up on the small bench against the wall to undo his laces. He responds flatly, “Working.”
Pouting a bit at his sullen attitude, you continue to speak, “I was worried. Y’weren’t answerin’ your phone. I made dinner too, I can heat you up a plate if you want it’s just some chicken-”
“Y/N.” His tone is almost a snarl, obviously irritated. Turning around to face you, he takes in your outfit, cute and comfy, but his eyes are icy.
You seem to shrink in on yourself a bit, picking the basket back up and resting it on your hip, looking like a dog being scolded. “‘m sorry..” You mumble, “Um.. I’ll run the shower for you.” It’s muttered, soft, sheepish as you turn and go to head upstairs.
Charlie feels even more frustrated that you don’t stand up for yourself, angrier that he’s being a dick. He knows he shouldn’t take it out on you.
“Don’t. I got it.” His words are clipped as he pushes past and his socked feet stomp up the stairs.
Sighing, you go to the couch to fold the clean towels.
Charlie tries to distract himself in the shower, distract from the guilt in his gut, the grimy feeling of his skin that he doesn’t think he’ll ever be accustomed to. He scrubs his skin raw, reddened, trying to wash away the feeling.
It doesn’t work.
When he gets out, he feels even worse when he sees a towel laid on the floor for him and one folded on the counter. More odd feelings and rushing shame floods his veins once he sees the clothes laid out for him, a couple little caramel candies on his shirt.
Toweling off, he tugs the clothes on, nice and soft on his worn skin. He even sits and just chews the chocolate for a moment, savoring the sweet taste. They are his favorite.
He finds you in the kitchen, coming up slow and quiet to hug you from behind. It startles you, God is he always so silent, your one hand finding his forearm. “Mm..? Hi.” With a turn of your head to look up at him, you smile.
You’ve reheated some dinner for him, different items laid on a baking pan that you’re currently putting onto a plate.
Charlie breathes in the familiar scent of your hair, your perfume you use daily, muscles melting a bit as he relaxes. After a second he responds, almost sheepish himself, “Hi..”
Another, longer pause before he speaks again, “I’m sorry I was being shitty.”
You turn back to what you were doing. Your feelings aren’t hurt that bad, you know how he can get, and he really can’t help it. He used to be a lot worse too. You understand even if it can sting a bit.
“‘s okay.. as long as y’feel better now..”
Charlie keeps his hug on you, chin resting on your shoulder before he tilts and kisses the side of your neck. He does feel better, he usually feels nicer after he’s cleaned up. But having your body against his, feeling the warmth of you beneath his calloused hands, brings a new level of comfort.
“I do..”
More kisses are laid on your neck, big hands sliding down to hold your hips, almost pulling you against him.
“Later..” You smile softly, feeling the way he’s desperate for touch. You use the tongs you’re holding and clamp them at his direction playfully, “Want you to eat first. Go sit down, I’ll bring it over.”
Charlie gives a soft grumble of protest, leaning in as he peppers a kiss on your jaw, “C’mon,” he groans, “not hungry yet.”
As if to contradict his claim, a rumble of his stomach betrays him, reminding you of a worrying thought you have everyday that he probably didn’t eat much during his work hours.
Turning your neck, you stare up at him with a look.
He can’t help but huff a laugh, kissing the side of your head affectionately and giving a light swat at your ass, “Fine. I’ll eat.”
He reluctantly detangles himself from you, walking around the counter to the round dining table and taking a seat with a sigh, feet sore.
“Good boy.” You grin, playfully, finishing gathering the rest of the vegetables and then pouring gravy over what he likes it on. Bringing the plate over and setting it down in front of him, the meat, potatoes and veggies have him drooling. “What d’you want to drink?”
He’s eagerly grabbing his fork, stabbing some of the chicken to begin eating. He pauses, swallowing, knowing better than to talk with his mouth full, “Seltzer, please.”
Another bite as you walk away and he gives an obscene moan at the taste.
Hearing his.. more than satisfactory noises as you grab a can from the fridge, popping the tab open, you smile. Setting it down by his plate, a hand smooths over his damp hair, “Anything else?”
He gives a crooked grin as a thanks, fork down to grab the can and take a gulp. Swallowing, his other hand comes round your hip, to the small of your back and tugging you closer, “No. Not unless you’re on the menu.”
Giggling, your hand slides along his arm, squeezing, “Nooo I’m not. I have dishes to do.”
His blues take in your cute outfit, suiting you so well, possibly even better on the floor, or torn off.
“Mm. You can do those later..” he murmurs, setting the can of seltzer down and grabbing your hand, tugging you down to get you to sit in his lap, but his plan fails.
“Ah ah ah, noo, finish eating.” A tug has your hand free. You’re all for playing, but you’d prefer to do it after he has his belly full. “I’ve already done everything else, just need to do the dishes.”
He grumbles again, but there’s no real complaints as he picks his fork back up to get a potato and a piece of chicken in the same bite, “Okay. I’ll eat. But then you’re all mine, got it?” His hand still on your hip slides down to squeeze your thigh.
Silently agreeing, you pet over his hair again, tucking it behind his ear, “Don’t talk with your mouth full.” You scold softly before departing from his side, back into the kitchen.
“Yes ma’am.” He replies, grinning, eyes focusing on you whilst he eats. The dining area and kitchen are separated by the bar counter, so he has a nice view as you hum to yourself whilst washing the dishes.
He loves watching you like this. The way you move, so simple, focused to the task at hand. Something about it makes him feel at ease knowing he gets to have you all to himself when you’re both home.
Though the idea of having you in his lap while he sits at the dining table and eats his meal is appealing, he holds himeslf back - for now.
You’ve gone through almost all the dishes by the time he brings his empty plate over, hand wandering to your hip. Taking it from him with a quiet thank you, you rinse it off and use the soapy sponge in circles on it.
He leans in again, just stood behind you, hands rubbing and squeezing over your plush hips. Thumbs toy with the hem of your clothes, sighing through his nose, “Are you done yet?”
Giggling, you flinch away when his lips ghost your ear, the touch ticklish, “You can see I have four mugs in front of me still.”
Charlie rolls his eyes, playfully biting on your neck this time. One of his hands slips over your stomach, flattening there.
“You’re taking forever,” he groans against your neck, “I don’t want to wait, Y/N. I want you now.”
Another sweet laugh escapes you, nudging your shoulder into his chest, “Be patient, naughty boy. I’m almost done.” Another mug picked up, a white one with a pink heart handle.
Groaning again, his forehead finds your shoulder, moving his hips into you. You can feel the slight firmness of his cock against your ass, a testament to how needy he is.
“I don’t want to be patient.. need you now.” His teeth graze your shoulder, at the base of your neck.
Even though your neck cranes to the side so he has more room, your warning tone comes out, “Charlie. Go sit down on the couch.”
He lets out another frustrated huff of a noise, his touch gentling once again as he obeys your command. “Yes ma’am.”
He makes himself comfortable, draped along the couch with an arm around the back, leg half off the length of the cushions as he leans against the arm, still having a good view of you.
He watches as you finish setting the wet dishes aside in the drainer, tap off, drying your hands, before you get into the fridge to find a drink. He swallows as you bend at the waist, looking for something, his eyes greedily taking in the sight of your form.
“You’re making me all impatient for you,” he groans, shifting his hips up to try and relieve the feeling of his cock starting to throb in his boxers.
The words make you pause, taunting, looking back at him with another stern look. Eyes narrow, you stare for a second before turning around again to grab a bottle of apple juice from the back.
“Y/N,” his voice is low, almost pleading, “come here?”
He wiggles again on the couch, hand moving to toy with the tie on his sweats whilst he watches you like a predator waiting to pounce on his prey.
“I need you, sweetheart..”
With a heavy, obviously teasing sigh, you stand upright with your drink and shut the fridge door, coming over. A saunter is in your step as your hand twists the red cap to the juice open, “Someone’s not being a very good boy.”
Charlie’s eyes narrow for a moment as you tease him, he doesn’t like being denied what he wants.
“Don’t care if I’m good or not,” his hand on the back of the sofa grips slightly, “can’t you see what you’re doing to me? I need you.” He nearly whimpers, like all this slow taunting is truly torture for him.
Giggling a little laugh, you kneel on the couch and straddle his lap, sat back just off his cock, on his thighs. Cap off, you take a sip of your apple juice and then look at him, “Want some?”
His greedy hands are already grabbing your hips, pulling you up onto his lap properly, groaning at the weight of you on his cock. “Christ, Y/N.”
Laughing, another sip. It takes every ounce of your concentration to not react to the deliciously arousing feeling of him forcing you to grind on his lap. Wiggling your hips side to side as you pretend to think, “Mmm.. not as good as I remember. Maybe I used to get a different brand?”
He shudders at the movements, your words not registering with him properly. His hands are too busy squeezing at your hips and waist to respond. He sits up to press his lips into your neck, kissing wet and hungrily as his hips buck, “I need you.”
Another sip of the sweet juice, purposefully ignoring him. “Have we gotten this brand before? Doesn’t taste as sweet as it should.” You’re pondering, well, pretending to, tilting your head down against the side of his, biting your lip whilst grinding down.
He nearly whines, “Please darling,” teeth scrape your flesh, a gasp. He has to bite his lower lip to keep himself from whimpering, “You’re so sweet.”
“Oh! I have that perfume on that y’bought me the other day.” You loop your free arm around his shoulder, grinning. “Must be what y’r smellin.” Another sip of juice, “But seriously though this isn’t that good. Glad I didn’t get a big pack of it.”
Charlie outright whines this time, hands moving back to your ass to pull you down some more. “Y/N..” his teeth bite at your shoulder, a warning, “can’t take it anymore.”
Laughing a huff, nuzzling into his damp hair with almost a coo, “Can’t?”
You don’t get to play like this too often, teasing him, taunting, not with how dominant he usually is.
His hips grind up again, biting on your shoulder hard before shaking his head. “No. Can’t.” He grunts, voice muffled against your skin. His hands squeeze over your ass roughly, firm length of his cock visible in his sweats now.
“Mmmmm.. maybe I should be nice ‘nd help you out, huh?” You lean to the side to set your now capped juice on the coffee table before sitting in his lap again, arms over his shoulders as your back arches a bit.
“Please,” he pleads, kneading the plump flesh of your ass over your clothes, almost pawing at the fabric as he leans back, bringing you with him. “You’re so perfect, please don’t tease me any longer Y/N.”
You put in the effort now to roll your hips down harder, knees pressing into the couch. You lower your head so your noses bump together, grinning, “Mmm. Good boy.”
“Yes,” his head drops back on the arm of the couch, low moans escaping his throat as his hands urge you down again. “Yes.. feels good.”
Laughing a triumphant noise, you lean and nuzzle into his neck, kissing the skin with glossy lips, ghosting over his scar. You lick the smooth flesh, nipping at his jaw once you get to it. “You want it?”
Charlie whimpers at the feeling of your tongue. His hips jerk up, rutting into you, hands nearly shaking with need,
“I do,” he gasps, chest rising and falling with slightly panted breaths, “want you.”
You can’t help but smile, pride welling in your chest, having way too much fun. He never lets you be in control, only teasing playfully here and there for a few minutes. So, to have him like this now, you wanna take care of him.
Humming, you grind down again, already well soaked into the panties you have on, kissing at the base of his neck, “Then take it, y’can have it. I just wanna stay on top.”
He moans at your words, handing pawing and grabbing at your clothes, eagerly tugging them off. Articles tossed to the floor one by one, you look so sweet.
“You’re perfect,” he praises, hips bucking up against your bare cunt. He leans back and pushes his sweats and boxers down past his hips, and with your help they’re off and onto the floor with the other items. “Mine.”
Grinding down onto his cock with no clothes being a barrier anymore is heavenly. Slick skin meets firm flesh, making you hum a moan whilst he gasps, “Mmmhmm, yours..”
He whines a little, hands digging into your waist, one going to your ass, groping anywhere he can reach, “Mm.. please. Oh, please Y/N..” You’re smearing slick all over his cock, making his brows furrow because you’re fucking soaked.
His hands will probably leave bruises on you, fingertips digging in hard, but you don’t mind. Moaning in a whiny tone, you return the kiss he lands on your lips before whispering, “Easy.. take it. Y’can fuck me.”
He ruts up again, swallowing a grunt before his head tips back, “You’re so good to me.”
“And you’re such a good boy.”
He nearly growls at your words, the tease, a whimper being pulled from him not a moment later when you’re reaching down between your bodies to guide his cock in you. His hands roam up and find your tits, massaging the plush mounds whilst arching his back a little, “So beautiful..”
He shifts up again, coming to kiss you. Charlie’s tongue licks over yours, moaning, whining, gasping with the pleasure as your hot cunt swallows him whole. “So fucking wet, feels so good.” He whispers, eyes fluttering, gazing up at you as if you hung the moon and stars.
Whimpering yourself, your hands roam his back, scratching the skin up as you roll your hips down, feeling his cock reach nice and deep, massaging all the best parts in you. His hands are impatient, greedy, groping at your skin, your tits, over your stomach and thighs, anywhere he can touch as you start a steady pace of riding him. One finds your tits again, fingers pinching at your nipple to get the bud to harden, leaning down to kiss at it with parted lips.
“Mm! Mhmm.. Charlie.. so full,” you whine, so sweetly, panting as your hands comb through his hair, head dropping back. “Move- please.. I can take it.”
You’re giving him permission to lean back and fuck you as he pleases, whilst you sit there all pretty? He could cum right now.
His eyes nearly roll back, leaning against the arm of the couch for leverage as his hands touch all over you, fingertips leaving marks. “Yeah?” He grasps at your hips, urging you down, “Go slow for now..” His chest heaves with groans and panting breaths.
“Stop-” you gasp, “stop being so gentle.”
He groans, squeezing on you hard as his cock twitches inside you. “You want it like that, huh? Rough?”
He fucks up into you hard, once, pulling a squealed giggle from you as you nod, “Yeah.. mm, yeah, y’can just use me for what y’want..” You lean over him, chest to his, tugging at the hem of his shirt to pull it up.
Charlie can’t resist that offer for a moment longer. His hands squeeze you tightly again, roughly pulling you forward and back onto his cock, grinding up in the process. A lewd squelch of your slick sounds in the room, making both of you whine.
“Christ,” he moans out, biting on his lower lip, teeth nearly breaking skin. A low whimper falls from his lips as his eyes go hazy, “Feels so good..”
“That feel good?” You echo, grinning with a pleasured sound. Tilting down you start to pepper open mouthed kisses on his jaw, licking the hot skin, “Mm.. y’so-.. big!”
He whines again, rutting up into your pussy, hands moving to find your ass and work you down onto him, “You love that, huh? How fucking big I am?”
Pure heat floods your senses at the tone of his voice, pussy clenching down on his cock as a reaction. It feels so overwhelmingly good with the way he fucks you, but you’re also trying to spoil him this time.
Nosing at his jaw and suckling over his pulse point, you speak again, breathless from his thrusts, “Y’like that?”
Charlie’s eyes look up at you as they open and his breathing picks up noticeably. His fingers dig into your ass tighter, he looks desperate, like he’s holding himself back. He gives a small whine in place of any actual response.
He nods, just once, barely able to even do that as your cunt sucks him in, works over him so deliciously. “Close..” he manages to get out, head tilting back as his eyes roll.
“Already?” You can’t help but tease, as if you don’t also feel ready to cum just from looking at him. “Y’just can’t help it, huh? I just feel- mmmf! Feel too good on you..” You’re whining now, panting, thighs working to fuck down onto him more, clit rubbing at his navel.
He looks at you again and nods eagerly at your words. His hips keep rutting up, calloused hands rolling you on his cock. “Y/N…” He says your name like a plea, begging.
Something clicks in your brain and you start giggling, the sound tapering off into a whiny moan, “Oh- Charlie, y’need permission? Is that it?”
Charlie’s breathing is labored as he pants out little pleas for you. His head is rolling back against the couch, eyes closed, back arching up as his knees bend to help his movements.
“Please.. please Y/N..” he begs softly, hands squeezing tighter onto your ass, sliding to your hips, “please..”
Sitting up more, you find the hem of his shirt again and pull it off him, hands roaming over his chest, feeling at his firm muscles. Leaning back in, you lick over his neck, tongue flattening on his skin with a moan. “You- nnmh! Y’wanna cum?”
He gasps, whimpering, nodding quickly. “Inside- please? Wanna cum in you.”
“You wanna cum in me? What if I make you pull out?” You tilt your head. It’s a miracle you can keep your voice somewhat steady as you taunt him, giving him almost a stern look, brows raising in question.
Charlie whimpers pathetically, shaking his head back and forth, “No please..” he’s whimpering as he pants, “please Y/N..”
“Hold it.” You say, playfully stern, forehead ghosting against his as you start to fuck down even harder onto him. “Ask me for it.”
You’re definitely having way too much fun with this. You may never get the chance to be in a dominant position with him ever again, so you’re milking it and taking advantage of it now.
“Please..” Charlie begs, “Please Y/N.. let me, please let me cum. I wanna cum in you.”
He almost sounds close to tears, pretty blues dark as he pleads, “I’ll be good, I’ll be good.”
Even though you’re going to draw it out, you can’t help but coo. “Ohh, course you’ll be good. My good boy, Charlie. Mmh!” Your hips jolt down, rhythm breaking for a moment that has a whiny sound being pulled from both of you. “Ah! Can y’hold it?”
The sound that leaves Charlie is something primal, desperate, pleading with a whine as he looks up at you. He shakes his head - he can’t - but with a shaky voice he manages to speak, “Please..”
You’re groaning, a low sound as you pant. Dropping your head down for a moment, you feel the way his hips slow, like he’s trying to hold back, grinding up deep rather than the rapid pace he had seconds ago.
Lifting your head to let your hair fall back, you hum, “Mmm.. I dunno.”
“Please,” he whimpers again, “I can’t hold it. I wanna cum- are you gonna make me beg?” There’s a spark of amusement on his face, almost smiling. He loves this.
Giggling, you moan low as you shift your hips, shaking. “Mmmh… I should. Should I?”
He whines, “God, you’re cruel.” He’s panting, near breathless, “It’s so hard to hold it, it hurts,” his fingers press into your hips, holding like a lifeline.
“‘m so warm, aren’t I? So wet, feels so good on your cock, don’t it?” You’re taunting him, playing with the control you have.
His eyes roll back, “Y/N-” he chokes out, gasping. Neediness is clear in his voice, “I’ve been so good.. haven’t I been good?”
He’s got this begging thing down pretty well, you have to admit.
“Mmm.. you have.. I’m just havin’ fun..” You smile, kissing his cheek. You roll down harder, slower, “Mmm.. you feel good, reach all the spots I can’t get by myself..”
“Y/N..” He’s begging, so desperate, eyes shiny as he gazes up at you. “What do you want me to do? I’ll do whatever, whatever you want..”
“Touch me. Make me cum and then you can, but not a moment before. Can y’do that Charlie?”
It’s a miracle you’ve lasted this long, and in reality it won’t take much to shove you over the edge.
His eyes light up at your suggestion, “Yes..” he pants out. “Yes, yes yes yes,” he whines, head tipping back, hips rutting up slow with a moan. One hand leaves your hips, smoothing over your lower stomach and his thumb finds your clit, slick and swollen as he circles it.
He’s so cute. With that pleading look on his face, eyes muddled with lust, you’ve never seen him quite like this before and it’s fascinating.
“Oh.. Y/N..” his voice is so soft and sweet, “feels so-.. so.. I’m close. I can���t hold it!”
“Well you’re gonna have to. Make me cum first.” You’re crooning, hands finding the arm of the couch behind him for stability. You’re just sounding a little mean on purpose, though you’re ready to cum right this second, coil tightening up.. up.. up.
“You’re almost there, aren’t you?” He pleads, trying to instigate an orgasm from you. It comes out desperate unlike the other times when he’s taunted you whilst asking something like that, teasing.
A happy moan escapes you as you grin, “Ohh fuck. Yeah, just be a good boy ‘nd hold it okay? Just- almost there, keep rubbing my clit.”
“I’m- I’m trying-”
Charlie sounds completely helpless in his pleading, thumb circling your clit in the same motions, same speed, knowing just how you like it. His own hips fuck up, pushing in deep, gasping. He’s trying to be good though, doing his best. His eyes flick back up, almost shiny with wetness.
“Y/N- I don’t know if I can- ‘m gonna cum!”
You just grin at him, meanly, hips rolling down to match his movements. You’re right there, right on the cusp of orgasm.
“Please- please, please let me-! Y/N!”
Thankfully, his sobbing noises send you over the edge. Groaning out, you curl into him, jerking down roughly as you cum. It takes your breath away, his cock throbbing as he cums instantly right after you clench on him. “Oh- my fucking- go on baby, c’mon.”
He feels euphoric, so overwhelmed by pleasure that the permission almost didn’t register in his brain as he spurts in you, he almost feels like he’s gonna black out.
You can hear him sob out a sound of pure relief, arms looping around your torso and burying his face in your tits. His lips mouth at your skin, gasping, panting, whimpering like a wounded puppy dog.
“Y/N-” he whines, “Oh God.. Y/N..”
“I got you-” One arm curls around him, cradling his head as the other rubs his back, brows knitting together with the sensitivity of it all. “Fuck.. there y’go.. my good boy..”
He whimpers with your words. His arms hug you tight, nuzzling into your skin, panting hard. “‘m your good boy..” he whimpers, as if confirming to himself, sobbing in relief as he lets himself melt against you. He feels like he can’t physically get close enough.
You rock back and forth with him, shushing softly, petting his mostly dry hair now. There’s a big mess of slick and cum between you both, but that can be taken care of in a few minutes. “Good boy.. good boy..”
Charlie just lets himself feel the last of that intense pleasure. He gives out soft noises, lips pressing kisses to your cleavage, anywhere he can reach. “My Y/N..”
His voice is nothing more that a himper, so slow and almost sad. Sad with the way he whines out your name, nuzzling into your skin.
“Hey.. hey.. y’okay?” You tilt down, cradling his face to make him look at you.
Charlie practically weeps at the sight of you. As if he’s so overwhelmed, too much for him to handle. He just keeps clinging to you, hands grabbing onto you so tightly it nearly hurts.
“I love you.. love you so much..” he sniffles. He’s never felt so helpless, mind crashing down after his orgasm.
“Oh- honey.. I love you.” You respond back, holding him to your chest and rocking you both back and forth some more. His cock is still deep in you, twitching with the movement as cum leaks from your stuffed hole.
Your touch keeps him grounded, sniffling, “I’m sorry.. I don’t know what’s the matter with me..”
You get it. “Hey.. ‘s okay.. I know.” You reassure him, kissing his head. “It’s happened to me too.. y’just get so overwhelmed ‘cause you feel so good, cared for.” You giggle at a memory, “Remember that first night I called you Daddy and I cried like a baby?”
Charlie lets out a soft laugh at that, even if he’s still breathing a bit shaky. “How could I forget?” He teases a little, blinking away the tears in his eyes, almost trying to thank you for the distraction the memory provides.
“That’s.. that was intense.. feeling so- so vulnerable..” He admits, sniffling, but he feels better.
You’re glad he came out of it so fast, not that you mind caring for him. “I know.. but I trust you so much that I can let go of myself now when I need to. And.. I know this was supposed to just be for fun but, I wanna be that for you too if you want it again..” You mumble, tilting your head down to him.
He almost sighs with relief, content. At the reassurance of you trusting him, and that you’d like to be that for him too. He’s never felt like that before, but you kept him grounded so well.
“I’d like that..” he whispers, smiling a little.
Shifting, he groans as he feels the mess where you’re connected. Peeking down, he looks back up at you with a little grin, “We should probably get up..”
Giggling, you nod, “Mm.. yeah..”
Then, an idea pops in your head, little lightbulb going off as you grin. Wiggling your hips, cunt sensitive and clenching on him, “Wanna get down there and clean me up?”
You start leaning back, as if you’re going to move off of him and lay down. “Yeah?” Charlie purrs, grinning, moving to crawl overtop you.
“It’d be my pleasure.”
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intriga-hounds · 1 year
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everyone should know what it feels like to love a bad dog. the world would be a kinder place.
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jjunberry · 3 months
ateez! when you wipe away their kisses
pairing! ateez x reader
genre! fluff, humor
synopsis! you try pranking your boyfriend by wiping away his kisses
wc! 600
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hongjoong! is confused. he didn’t remember putting any product on his lips. so why did you wipe his kiss away? frowns and leans over kissing your cheek again. you smiled before wiping it off. “y/nie.” he cried out kissing your cheek again. only for you to wipe it off. “stop wiping my love away.” you giggled and hugged the boy. “i’m sorry.” you cooed before kissing him properly.
seonghwa! is baffled. you’ve never done this before, even when you were upset with him. he decided to see if it was just a mistake. so he placed a kiss to your cheek. you smiled then wiped it off. seonghwa was sick. his eyes wide mouth a gape. “babe?” he asked. you couldn’t hold in your giggles at his face. you kissed his cheek. “i’m sorry baby! it was a joke.” he groaned. “a cruel one.” he grumbled.
yunho! frowns. “baby.” he said before kissing your cheek again. “yeah?” you asked while wiping it off. his eyebrows furrowed. “stop it.” he whined kissing you again. “stop what?” you wiped his kiss away again. “are you trying to break my heart?” he cried out giving you puppy dog eyes. you instantly caved before giving him all the kisses he wanted.
yeosang! scoffs. if you didn’t want his kisses then he simply wouldn’t give them to you. after you wiped his kiss off he refused to kiss you for the rest of the day. successfully ruining your prank. “yeosang.” you pouted before kissing his cheek. “so now you want my kisses?” he smirked. you nodded. “too bad.” he patted your head before taking off with you chasing after him.
san! throws a tantrum. how dare you? he’s pretty sure his heart broke when you wiped away his kiss. “baby.” he said before kissing your cheeks then your lips. you giggled then wiped them away. san stomped his foot and crossed his arms. “do you not love me anymore?” he asked. you couldn’t help the giggles. san sighed. “stop the pranks before i die.” he groaned. you kissed him. “so dramatic.”
mingi! immediately goes in for another kiss, that you of course wipe away. the boy is quite literally heart broken. he loves kissing you and you just wiped it away. “stop it.” he whined grabbing your face and kissing your lips. before you could wipe it away his hands hold yours and he leaves kisses all over you. “okay okay, stop.” you laughed. “it was a prank.” his eyes furrowed. “you’re so mean to me.” he whined.
wooyoung! throws a tantrum part two. screams about how much you don’t love him. all you did was wipe away the kiss he gave you before he was supposed to leave for practice. “i can’t believe you don’t love me anymore.” he cries falling to the floor. you laugh before kissing him. “it was just a prank now go before you’re late.” he laughed kissing you before leaving.
jongho! blinks in confusion. why did you just wipe away his kiss? you’ve never done this before. tries to figure out if he’s upset you. he decided to test the waters and kiss you again. when you wiped it away he gasped. “why?” he whined. you smiled rarely did you see jongho this way. you couldn’t hold in your laughter. his eyebrows furrowed when he realized it was one of your pranks. he scoffed and playfully shoved you but accepted the kisses you left on him.
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author’s note! had so much inspiration for ateez lately soooo i’ve been on an ateez kick lmao
tag list! @jjunieworld @304files
love, echo ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪
© jjunberry
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ruanmnei · 7 days
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Well Rested ! ! !
Helping a friend in need.
word count. . . 1k ~
tags. . . NSFW, danheng x afab!reader, gn pronouns, pet names ( baby ), mutual masturbation, p in v, pent up, creampie, self indulgent (i love danheng so much…), ps. srry for any errors, my pussy wrote this and like my first time posting my writings…
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“FUCK… DANHENG!” you squealed as you feel his heavy cock abusing your tight pussy. aeons, you should’ve done this a long time ago. . .
it all started when you abruptly sent him a link,
‘how sex improves your sleeping habits - link’. is it true? lol :p
Come to the Archives, let me fact check it.
you never expected him to agree at first, “he’s probably just joking” but all of that was threw out of the window as he pulled you into the archives before locking the door. he pressed his body against yours as he explored your mouth, lips crashing into each other as your tongues danced, the kiss got you panting as you tried to satisfy your greed by rubbing your thighs together.
“sooo desperate, aren’t we?” you teased, but he simply replied by saying “hmm? your so wet already…show me, show me how you touch yourself.” it’s hard to disagree when he requested sooo politely, you hesitated but then the sudden flustered look on his face motivated you to continue.
you took off your panties before discarding it somewhere, oh, you sat on the edge of his wimpy mattress. your hand slowly traveling down before resting against your puffy clit, “spread your legs, baby…” he whispered, which you comply, spreading your legs apart so he could see the view.
you slowly played with your folds, tracing up and down - trying to gather your slick before finally sticking two fingers in, you glanced up to him watching intently whilst palming his pretty cock, aeons… the voices he’s making… he’s so whiny.
“mmh…you look so good like that—I bet you’ve been so pent up huh?” he chuckled, and you almost came undone there and then. he noticed you jolted as your thighs started shaking, before reaching your high, he gripped your hand tightly before removing it from your sensitive pussy.
and just like that, he started licking and drinking your juices like there’s no tomorrow, his tongue taking long strips from your clit to your pussy before you could feel his wet muscle slowly make its way.
fuck, he just looks so hot, face all flushed and hair messy, you wanna taste him so bad, but that thought was pushed away by your sudden orgasm, and he slurps it all up, like it was his last meal.
“mm, so wet, bet it can just slip in” he chuckled as he stood up and removed his pants, you can finally see his pretty cock in all of its glory, pale with a pink tip—long and relatively girthy with a prominent vein, shit, you want it so bad.
he wiped off the tears that stained your cheeks, before pushing you back into the bed “shh, can I?” he’s such a gentlemen, even in this circumstances. you said yes, of course.
he grinded his cock over your folds first, using your slicked (now mixed with his precum) as lube. occasionally, the tip would slide in, but he pulls away instantly—almost as if he was torturing you.
“please… just put it in….” you cried out, “please what? put what in? ask for it, haven’t you learned about manners?” he sneered.
“please! can you just put your dick in, dan heng?!” you begged him, though your tone sounded half-assed, not giving you any warning, he suddenly plunged his cock in.
if the Astral Express didn’t hear the loud scream you just made, they’re probably lying. how could you keep your voice down when he’s pounding into you like a rabid dog in heat?
“FUCK… DANHENG!” you squealed as you feel his heavy cock abusing your tight pussy. aeons, you thought to yourself, ‘maybe you should’ve done this a long time ago.’
repetitive slapping noises came from the Archive, you can feel your slick across your inner thighs, dripping down onto the mattress, he rammed his cock in such a fast and desperate pace you’re sure you wont be able to walk without limping.
not that you care—the pleasure blinded you, especially when he just hits all the right places, and once he found that one spot that made your eye rolls, he abused it, making you arch towards his chest.
he finally unbuttoned your stupidly restricting shirt before playing with your hardened nipples, pinching, twisting it, before sucking on one of them as the other continued to be stimulated by his fingers.
it’s all too much, his mouth, his hand, his cock deep in you, your brain is practically mush now, all you can think is how good this man is making you right now.
“‘m gonna—cum in you” he panted out, though you *try* to stay quiet, only letting out a hum of approval as well as a few grunts and small moans, he can feel the way your cunt tighten around his cock, you’re close as well. “shit baby…, loosen up a bit.” he grunted in your ear as his hand dropped at your clit before rubbing tight circles, making your body shiver in pleasure.
“cant.. gonna cum… gon’ cum!!!” as you reached your bliss, your eyes rolled back in pleasure, he sloppily did a few more thrust before unleashing his load into you. you’ve never felt so full in your life ever before, he practically emptied out all of his balls—just how much has he been keeping?!
as he pulled himself out, some droplets of his cum seeped out of your pussy and he lazily pushed it back into your cunt, once all stuffed, he licked his fingers clean, relishing the flavor from both of your release.
tired and spent, he brought a towel and cleaned your thighs, carefully to not inflict more pain upon you. he hanged your clothes so it wont get too wrinkled, hopefully. once he gave you a glass of water, you both settled under his sheets.
“we can now say that article is true…” he paused, his sentence interrupted by a yawn from himself.
“…lets do it again sometimes, shall we?”
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☆ @ruanmnei on tumblr.
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virgincels · 7 months
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ft. leon s. kennedy x fem!reader
tags. smut, kidnapping, leon is like mentally gone icl, references to past assault and trauma, non-con, manipulation, suicidal thoughts/reference to an attempt, general leon self destructive behaviour, physical abuse, power dynamics, throatfucking, choking, breath play, somno, 1 instance of drugging, unmentioned age gap, anal, he puts duct tape on your pussy ok just once promise it’s not bad, religious references, 1 mention of vomit and piss not in a sexual way, slight misogyny, panic attack
tumblr has started to remove fics that use tw non-con, tw incest and any nsfw tags in general. for this reason, as i’d like my fic to appear in the tags so i can have the same reach as other authors, please understand that this fic contains dark content under the cut. reading this comes at your own risk.
anyway, please ignore typos :3 rbs and feedback is very appreciated :3 my medical knowledge sucks, so keep in mind that all of this is off LMFAO crossposted to ao3 (user clitkiss)
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Lucky. Leon hates that word. He wasn’t lucky to get out of Raccoon City, he was just barely capable, you have to be unlucky to get into that situation in the first place. You’re a lucky guy, Redfield had told him once, Chris not Claire. Claire isn’t daft. And Leon wonders what is so lucky about him. He’s forty-six and all he’s got is his trusty Matilda, his mother’s old Bible, and a failing liver. His luck is preordained by God and it’s a total sham.
Leon Kennedy’s the one who showed up to drill sessions smelling like sweat and cock. Kennedy’s the one that rolls over onto his front and takes it like a good doggy. Kennedy’s green behind the ears, pretty in the face, and that don’t fare well in a boot camp full of men twice his size. Kennedy’s the one brushing shoulders with the President, got the USA’s most prized dick in his mouth and everyone knows that he wouldn’t dare bite down. Golden boy Leon fucking Scott Kennedy would just go ahead and use his tongue to clean up Graham’s ballsack. And you’re calling that lucky? Bullshit.
The DSO’s modus operandi is strikingly similar to that of the BSAA. He is but a cog in a well oiled machine. There’s one difference, not a dog tag to his name. If he dies, then he’ll die nameless, and he’ll be cremated by something nuclear, and it’ll all be for nothing. Ain’t that just the luckiest thing you’ve ever heard?
He has tried to kill himself once or twice or thrice. He lost count after the fifth. The gun jammed once, a bad joke. Left Matilda rendered useless. Was meant to be him, not her. And if Leon’s being honest, every day is an avid attempt, as in the drinking and praying his liver gives out. Once he managed to get halfway there. Doesn’t remember a lot. Just blood. Lots of blood. Why couldn’t you be quiet about your grief, Leon? Claire’s expression had asked, how I am, how Chris is, how Jill is.
‘Cause he couldn’t. He had to go ahead and splatter his grief all over the linoleum floor. Maybe then someone would find him, and they’d mourn him, and they’d feel sorry for him ‘cause he’d pitied himself enough. Leon told her a joke, yapping away like one of those butterscotch lapdogs. Claire said that in South Korea you’re allowed to snip a dog's vocal cords to stop them from barking. Lucky I’m not in South Korea then. She handed him an orange prescription bottle with his name scrawled on it, and that was that. They didn’t speak for a few months.
Once upon a time Sherry needed him, now he needs her more. Needs her to laugh at his jokes, she’s the only one that does. And he needs her to tell him, I love you, Leon. She’s the only one that says that. No one puts up with him like Sherry does. She puts up with him in the way most women do their fathers. Love their dads unconditionally and nothing can ever fix that. Terrible illness that is. So, yeah, Leon Scott Kennedy is far from lucky. Lonely? Oh, for sure. God. He’s so lonely he feels sorry for himself. That’s one thing Leon has always been good at though. Lending himself a shoulder ‘cause no one else will.
His fingers brush yours in the record store. The hairs on the back of his neck stand. Jesus. Is it getting that bad? Leon’s been without a fuck for a few months and he’s already itching. That’s a new low. When Leon looks up to catch sight of who made his dick swell with their fingertips, he catches your eye briefly. A mousy little thing. Easily spooked it seems by the nervous smile you give him.
You’re on the phone, I don’t know what he likes anymore, dad, yeah—I’m trying to find it—Yes, I know who sang Sex and Candy, dad, Kurt Cobain right? Is that the one he likes? Dumbass. No, I’m not wrong, could you put mom on the phone—Hi mom, yes, I know he’s my brother, mom—Ever since he turned fifteen he stopped talking to me properly—I don’t know what she thinks, mom—
A mommy, daddy, a brother, a sister too he assumes. You’re what they call lucky. Nasty undertone you’re using with your parents. If Leon’s mom was still around he’d talk to her so sweet. She’d tell him to pray and Leon wouldn’t resist. Alright, Ma, Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus Tecum— then his voice would trail off, and he’d pretend to mouth the rest of the hymn ‘cause he remembers fuck all.
He wants to knock you around. Shake you till your brains scramble. Wants you to flinch even when he’s being nice. Leon’s nostrils flare when you raise your voice in the slightest, even if it’s playful, it’s plain rude. How dare you? He can’t even begin to fathom how incredibly lucky you are. The thought crosses Leon’s mind once, twice, thrice. Just how suicide did that day back in September. If you can kidnap the President’s daughter from her bustling college campus, throw her over your shoulder like salt, why can’t you kidnap Miss Nobody from a street corner in D.C?
Your figure is distinguished by a single, flickering street lamp. He sees your shadow. Recognises the silhouette by the shapely legs and how your belted coat flares out to create a dramatic hourglass, Leon’s got a good eye for detail. Oh, it’s kinda sexy watching you in the spotlight, like a makeshift cabaret show, go on babe, bust out the flapper dress, he knows his stuff, he read Gatsby back in high school. He listens out for the tap of your heeled boots, click-clack, click-clack, there you are, you don’t even know what’s about to happen, do you? And it really is that easy. Just like throwin’ salt over your shoulder.
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Temazepam, loprazolam, lormetazepam, diazepam, nitrazepam. Some melatonin too. Magnesium’s supposed to help with insomnia. How’s he supposed to know what your body reacts to best? Leon’s not your fuckin’ GP. Chloroform does the trick for everyone. Should’ve invited you out for drinks and roofied you instead.
Leon had gone for an old-fashioned method, listen, he was desperate. He doesn’t usually resort to such bruteish tactics unlike the older Redfield, not that Chris would use a morsel of his strength to harm a lady, but it had to be done. Yes, he choked you out. No, he’s not proud of it. He’s actually pretty disappointed in his lack of preparation. Oh, cut yourself some slack, Kennedy, it’s your first time kidnapping someone, and it was a heat of the moment type thing. To Leon’s dismay, that doesn’t last long, duh, he should know better.
While you regain sluggish consciousness on his couch, Leon’s tearing through his kitchen cabinets for anything to settle you down. Ah. That’s right. Ketamine. Ain’t it horse tranquilliser? What’s that doing here? Honestly, he’s got to stop raiding the infirmary for all they’ve got. A high enough dosage will knock you out for sure. If it kills you, then so be it. Beer for guys, wine for the ladies, and Ketamine for random sluts he picks up on street corners.
You’re blinking to clear your hazy vision, feeling around your crushed windpipe to assess the damage, he leans over you like a nurse from hell. The needle breaks your skin easily, so tender, before you have the chance to kick up a fuss, your eyelids turn to lead and close like a toy babydoll’s do when you lean them back.
Fifteen to twenty minutes, google says. Leon gets down to business, strips you of your clothing, takes you to his room, throws you on the king-sized bed that’s warmed only by him. He kept your panties on. They’re light blue and sensible briefs. A buzzer rings out in his head, bzzzt, boring. A million bitches in D.C. and he picked out the most vanilla one. Just his Kennedy luck ain’t it.
One minute. Leon presses his nose to the fabric of your panties, sniffs like a pig does in its trough, isn’t that just the sweetest smell? Fresh cunt. He licks up the print of your pussy, tongue landing on the hardness of your clit.
Five minutes. With your panties soaked with Leon’s spit, he decides to move ‘em to the side, and he groans in delight when he parts your cushioned lips to find that you’re stickier than toffee pudding, drooly cunt reactive to the pads of his fingers, to the tip of his tongue. He pushes back the hood of your bud, gives it a kiss, then another.
Ten minutes. He’s opened you up, gaped you around three thick fingers, Jesus, you’re so tight. It’s like your cunt’s vacuum sealed. Leon’s fingers prod at the squishy opening of your cervix, his thumb circles your clit, presses down like a button and he’s rewarded with another gush of slick. Beer on tap.
You rouse from your forced slumber at fourteen minutes. Huh. He’ll have to up the dosage next time. “Hi there, sleepin’ beauty.” Leon says in a rather cloying voice, amping up the sweetness when in reality he is less than fond of you. The lucky girl. He strokes your head soothingly, hovers over you to keep you in place. The panic sets in almost immediately, flailing limbs, asinine attempts at sentences that crawl up your throat and spill over. Who are you, get off me, get off me, please. What did I do? I’m sorry, please, let me go, let me go, please, I’ll do anything. Albeit your words are slurred, Leon chooses not to hear you.
“Aintcha just the sweetest thing?” He cups your cheeks, gaze so gentle it’s disarming. “I opened you up, didn’t wanna break ya, just wanted you to wake up before we got it on, I’m a real gentleman, you see.” Before he rapes you, he makes sure to ask: you got a rubber by any chance, sweetheart? Oh, and you don’t like that, you really don’t. ‘Cause your face falls fast like a drop tower ride.
The chance to scream is lost on you when he shoves his fingers in your mouth, pushes them down your burning throat till you choke and drool in an unflattering manner. Your jaw is too lax to clamp down on him. Leon takes this opportunity to smear his leaky, fat tip over your folds, pushes past the barriers of resistance and slides into your pre-gaped cunt. Lucky bitch. Lucky fucking bitch. Getting yourself a piece of Leon S. Kennedy’s dick. He reserves that for only the finest ladies, aka any girl that has a nice set of tits and dark hair, greying roots are a new preference.
He’s fully sheathed inside of you, head rubbing painfully against your cervix. Bruising it from the look of discomfort on your face as you make stupid-sounding noises around his fingers. “Fuck, yeah, that hits the spot.” When’s the last time Leon had his way with a girl, wanton fucking, pulling hair, slapping— they all want it soft and sappy these days. And so did he up until a certain point. Up until he tried to kill himself maybe. Something must’ve flipped in his brain, now he’s overcome with the need to mess your pretty face up.
Leon’s forehead presses to your clammy one, your sweat is salty on his tongue when he kisses your cheek. Slightly sour scent, ugh, what’s he saying? Acting like he’s a fear-smelling B.O.W or some shit. Fuck off, Kennedy. His hips aim upwards when your body shifts due to the thrashing you’re doing, with each thrust he bottoms out with a wet squelch, rolls his hips into you at a force that knocks any chance of breath out of you.
“If you were a good girl,” Leon smiles, all teeth. They glint in the muddy darkness of his room, black-out curtains drawn so not even the moon gets to see what he’s doing to you, “then I’d be fuckin’ you real slow, real nice, rub that little clit till you came.” Your wrists are both cuffed within his grip, pinned over your head as he drives into you, as if his intention is to tear straight through you.
The heat in his gut uncoils, but he’s timed himself well enough, pulls out ‘cause god forbid he knocked you up. Knowing Leon’s luck he’d manage it. Then he puts his cock in your mouth, “I got some pliers out back.” He says in warning as he jerks the shaft and your lips hesitantly close around the tip when he gives you a mean look. Total lie by the way, no matter how abnormal Leon is he does not own a pair of tooth-pulling pliers. Shoots his load down your throat, you splutter and push at his abdomen to get him off.
He pulls out in his own time, lays beside you. All of his chakras are aligned. Apparently there’s seven, but Leon’s only got two. And they’re entirely dependent on whether he’s sucked and fucked till he’s thoroughly satisfied. By god he is. Benedicta tu in mulieribus, Et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Iesus. That’s the rest of it right. He remembers now. You might just be his saving grace, Lucky Girl. His very own Sancta Maria, Mater dei. Damn, you hear that, ma? Leon’s got it down to a T. Maybe some more pussy will get him singing out the rest of the prayer. He can get rid of that statuette on the mantle, swap it out with you.
He doesn't get a word out by the time you’re vomiting a vile mixture of acidic yellow and his seed down the front of your chest. Retching as you choke on the gift he’d given you.
Leon takes you to the bathroom, forces you into the shower cubicle as he sprays you down, not even waiting for the water to go warm. “Dry yourself off,” he gestures mildly to where there’s a few towels stored.
You don’t come back out of the bathroom for five minutes, then ten, then twenty. Don’t even answer when he knocks. Goddammit, Leon. Leave your kidnap victim alone in the room with all the razors, why don’t you? Fucking idiot. When he opens the door, you’re huddled in the corner by the toilet, dry heaving into the bowl and sitting in a puddle of your own piss. Stupid fucking baby. Is this what kids are like these days? When he was your age he made it out of Raccoon City alive, and no one made it out of there. No one lived to tell that story. And you’re here pissing your pants ‘cause he’s given you a nice, hard fucking? He pimp slaps you so hard your teeth clatter.
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It takes two weeks for his Lucky Girl to be broken in. Not as long as he expected, so he’s pleased. And when Leon’s pleased, he’s nice. So today you get some screen time. You’re curled into his side, the way a baby bird does under its mother’s wing, squinting at his sixty-five inch TV, egregious really, who needs a screen that big? He’s flipping periodically through the channels whenever an ad break comes on. The 7.45PM news is on. He settles on that and you watch mindlessly, no objections.
The speech blurs like white noise to him, Leon’s not focused until your picture pops up on screen, and he just turns to you with this shit-eating grin. Graduation cap and robe on, all dolled up as you make eyes at him through the screen.
“Baby,” he grins wolfishly, ruffles your hair in a teasing manner, “you look so damn cute there!” Leon watches bright-eyed, suddenly enthralled, they list your name, your height, your weight, all stuff he actually didn’t know ‘bout you. Never bothered to ask. You don’t need a name, you’re just his Lucky Girl. “Don’t like the red lip on you,” he comments flippantly, “A red lip is for whores, don’t you think, baby?”
He was right. You got a daddy, a mommy, a brother and a sister. You’ve got it all. Lucky fucking Girl. A broken sob is torn from your throat, jagged and scratchy as you fling yourself halfway across the room, on your knees as you put your grubby fingers all over his shiny screen. Leon lets you. He finds it hilarious actually. Who’d you think you are? Carol Anne from Poltergeist? Like you’re gonna get sucked into the screen, crawling out the other end like Sadako, back into your daddy’s arms.
Our daughter—My girl, she had her whole life ahead of her—My sister wouldn’t do this—She was so excited to move on after graduation—She’s not the type to run away—My daughter—My sister—Our sister—
Your mother is a mess, barely able to get words out with the way she’s blubbering. “She’s layin’ it on a bit thick, don’t you think, babe?” Leon picks up his beer from the side table, slightly heated under the burn of the lamp. “You look like your daddy, cry pretty like your mama though.”
You stare at him horrified. Jaw hanging open as if it’s unhinged, not in the way a snake does when ready to swallow its prey whole. More in the way of a screaming corpse. When the rigor mortis has worn off, secondary flaccidity sets in, and the mandible drops open. Jeez, tough crowd tonight it seems. Don’t make him sew your mouth up, Lucky Girl. Leon wouldn’t dare, that mouth, that throat is precious to him.
CCTV footage plays on the screen, another sob racks your brittle frame, you didn’t know it was him that day, Leon realises. “Oh, baby, that’s where we met, ain’t that funny?” A blurry image of you on the phone, prattling away to your family like the Lucky Girl you are, he’s just out of shot.
We miss her—Please, if you know anything, if you find anything—Please—
“God, let me get my phone, darling, they look so upset I can’t stand it. I might have to call them up and turn myself in. Give ‘em an early Christmas gift, don’t you think?” If Leon went missing, who would look for him? Hunnigan with all her sharp edges, or Claire with her unwilling loyalty to him? Lucky Bitch. It’s making his temper flare, that’s enough TV time for today.
The screen fades out, goes black when he switches it off. “No, no, no,” you chant, “no, no, no, no, please, please—“
“I’m disappointed in you, baby.” Leon says honestly, sips his beer and laughs mirthlessly. “I thought you’d started to like me.”
You’re not listening, too busy fitting on the rug, grasping at the screen as if you can pluck your family out of it and reunite with them on his living room floor. Leon did think you were getting used to him though. Family’s family, blood is thicker than water. Cum is also thicker than water. And that’s what he’s pumped down your throat nightly in hopes of it clogging up your brain, so you think of nothing but him. Those dogs in South Korea, the ones Claire told him about, he’s got his own special method to take care of your vocal cords. No snipping, no surgery needed. Just the throat training method.
“C’mere, lucky girl.” He clicks his tongue as if he’s calling out for a dog. You lay unmoving, rocking back and forth, whispering to yourself like a crazy person. Bit creepy. Leon stands, he grabs you by the hair and drags you to sit at his feet near the couch. Simple and effective. Backhands you for good luck. He needs it. “Stop your cryin’ I’m getting sick of it.” Leon says, brows wrinkled as he lowers his sweats, brings your head down to rest on his thigh. Your tear-stained cheeks turn him on, the doleful eyes, runny nose. It’s hot. His sad little girl.
“Suck it.” Leon taps the tip against your pouty lips, swollen from his earlier kisses, coats them in his pearly pre, “I won’t ask twice, sweetheart.” You open your mouth, take him like clockwork. He don’t like that attitude. So he pushes your head down on his cock, watches your throat bob, uncomfortably full. Leon pinches your nose, listens to how you panic so nice around a mouthful of dick, gagging in a way you never have before. Not a gag that indicates inexperience, but one that is full of sheer terror, nails leaving red marks on his thighs as you drag them down his skin. Ouch. He’s gotta trim those down.
“You get it now, babe?” Leon hums, he lets you off this time, “Do what I say and it’ll be fine, yeah?”
“Yes, yes, yes, Leon,” you nod furiously through gulps of air, “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I’m sorry.” Fuck. Another one of your panic attacks. He’s not got the patience to deal with this. “I won’t—“ A wheeze, “ I won’t do it—“ A croak, “I won’t do it again.” You’ve learned to handle yourself. Rub your chest with your right hand, stare at the ceiling till you calm down. Leon’s dick is still rock hard. Ready to crack open a walnut.
“Good girl,” he nods, “then get on with it.”
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There is nothing you’ve done in particular to set Leon off. He’s just had a bad day. Hunnigan’s senses are much too acute, she thought something was off with him. That put him on edge. So he’s like a ticking time bomb. Just waiting for you to make one wrong move. And you do. You say no to him, pleadingly so, shaking your head as you look at him with your fairytale fawn eyes. Meekly admit that you’re sore and achy and it hurts.
“That’s not your decision to make, sweetheart.” Leon informs you, he grabs a roll of duct tape from the kitchen, nicks at the edge with his teeth and tears a strip off. You bristle, completely still, a thousand thoughts running through that pea-sized brain of yours. “But I’ll be nice today, been waitin’ to fuck your ass anyway.” He puts the strip on your cunt, over your chubby lips to hold them together, it feels strange and icky. The last thing Leon wants to see is blood. He sees enough of that daily. So he’s generous when it comes to prep, busts out the cherry-flavoured lube today, squirts a decent amount on his fingers, cock, and your tighter hole.
You squirm, he watches the unreadable expression on your face carefully, the rise and fall of your chest. You’re nervous, but you’re wet, and that makes his chest swell in pride. Lucky Girl finally gets it. One finger slips past the ring of tight muscle, Ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc, there’s one last line he’s missing. It’ll come to him. Two fingers in, he scissors you open, spits on it just ‘cause it turns him on to see it run down your crack.
That’s enough, Leon thinks when he fits the third. He wants to make it hurt a little. Wants to feel like a big, strong man. He sits back on his knees, flips you over onto your front, he likes you this way. Just takes you in, how your tits hang low, brushing against the mattress when Leon presses a hand down on your back to keep you from arching. He takes his dick in hand and in he goes, easier than he thought. He wonders if you can cum just like this, with his dick pounding your ass.
He fucks like an animal, you gasp and yelp below him, unable to handle it as his hips smack against yours. The duct tape is starting to peel ‘cause your pussy is fucking soaked. That alone makes his balls tighten as he turns you back over to do damage control, and ‘cause he wants to see your face while he fucks. You look like you’re lovin’ it. Alright. So you’re an anal slut. Got it. He pushes back into your ass, groans when you clench around him, the duct tape peeling at the corners, he can’t handle it. Et in hora mortis nostrae. Leon’s mind blanks when he cums, fills your ass and his limp cock slips out. Shit. A-fucking-men. That’s right, he remembers. That’s how you end a prayer.
You don’t cum. He tears the duct tape off clean. You let out a loud ‘Ow, Leon!’ and frown at him. Beads of arousal stick to the piece of tape, your pussy is pulsing, walls fluttering around nothing. Leon kisses your swollen clit, rubs it steadily till you cream on his tongue, sweeter than molasses his Lucky Girl is.
“Yeah, baby?”
“I love you.” You tell him shyly, gaze at him with this dumb fucking smile on your dollface that makes his heart squeeze. God, he’s gotta keep you around, his lucky charm.
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756 notes · View notes
fillinforlater · 4 months
A Collection for a Special Date: Part V
Male Reader x Kim Minju (fluff)
Length: 1000 words
Tags: all the fluff, birthday date, really loving relationship, cutest ending ever
Inspiration: Minju mine tbh, also HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO BEST GIRL
(A/N: this is the second Minju fic for today, the yearly fluff that hopefully makes you all feel warm. It's a bit short, but otherwise I would not have been able to finish it in time. Pleas enjoy regardless!)
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“What are we going to do for my birthday?”
A question that Minju always asks so playfully and carelessly, but for you, it’s a source of stress, year in and year out. It’s not necessarily because she has the highest of standards or would break up with you because of a bad surprise—no, it’s because you want to make it the best day imaginable for her. You want to see her smile and hear her laugh; in that sense it’s almost egocentric.
“It’s going to be a surprise~” You grin at Minju who looks up from her phone, a pout on her lips but excitement in her eyes.
“You always say that, every year! I just want to know what I should wear or prepare or—”
“Minmin.” You laugh and wrap your arms around your girlfriend's waist. She fits perfectly into your hug and when she reciprocates it, you feel like no heaven could come close to this. For now however, you put her on the kitchen counter and watch this small bean as you explain what you have explained a hundred times already. “You will look perfect in anything.”
“You always say that.”
“And you don’t have to worry about preparations.”
“You always say that too.”
“I just want you to relax and enjoy your special day, that’s all—”
“—I care about, yes, I know! Geez, babe, you sound like a broken record, year in, year out.”
You press a quick kiss on her lips to shut her up. Good thing that noone is watching; you two just engaged in the cringiest, cheesiest couple behavior. It’s so cringe, the two of you burst out in laughs and continue to share kisses and hugs that can remove all work and life stress. Even if every year or month or day repeats itself like a broken record, with Minju it will be—
“Okay, fine,” Minju sighs in defeat, hands on your nape as her eyes, soft like silk, go over your features. Oh no, she must have read your thoughts, at least some of them. “At least promise me one thing.
“Don’t worry too much and enjoy yourself too.”
“I promise.” Kiss her forehead. “I love you, Minmin.”
“I love you too.”
“This is the best birthday ever!” Minju exclaims in thrill when the waiter brings her a stack of beautifully crafted, maple-syrup covered, buttery pancakes. “Babe, you are the best.”
“Glad you like it, Minmin,” you say nervously, but you’re not sure your words reach the girl, as she digs into the treat. For the past eight hours, the two of you have walked through this city you’ve spent your entire lives in. 
Through meticulous planning, you’ve found spots that you believed to be completely unknown to Minju. These hidden gems were aligned for a perfect route; from a hotel where you can play and cuddle with dogs to a shop with cute but expensive jewelry to a small cinema where you can cook the food shown in the movie to a backyard park, perfect for winter strolls. 
Minju beamed with the brightest of smiles since the morning breakfast and gifts you gave her, and her squeals of joy at every new surprise spot is addictive. It’s so addictive, you are almost able to keep the promise you gave her: don’t worry too much and enjoy yourself.
“These pancakes taste so good!” Minju reaches over the table and pinches your cheek, still red from the cold outside and from your endless love for this wonderful girl. “How did you find all these places?”
“I had to travel the seven seas to find hidden treasure chests with maps inside them,” you joke and Minju falls back to pout sweetly.
“Babe, your sarcasm is showing again. Not cool.” Now it’s your turn to lean forward, but instead of pinching, you cup her face and taste some of that delicious maple syrup on her lips. A deep breath leaves her nose and finally, a bit of pressure and anxiety about today leaves your body; it leaves because Minju looks truly happy.
“Happy birthday, Minmin,” you whisper. “When you are done with those pancakes, I have a final spot we need to check out.”
“Baaaabe~” Minju’s voice melts like the butter on her favorite dessert. This saccharine tone that can warm you, even on the coldest February night.
Luckily, tonight it’s not too cold. It’s perfect winter jacket and wooly hat weather with not a cloud on the entire night sky. You and Minju finally reach the top of the pancake shop, a fairly tall building, surrounded by small houses and large skyscrapers everywhere you look. From this point, the city around you seems to never end, infinite concrete, lights and snow.
“This is a nice view,”Minju says in awe, her breath forming faint vapor in the air.
“Minju.” You point somewhere. “Look at the city, it’s lights first. Imagine all the people that live at these lights. They party, they work, they eat—
“—now look up. Do you see the moon, the stars?”
“Yes,” Minju sighs melancholically. “But I can barely see them. The light from the city is too strong and we can never see the life that might be up there.”
You faintly laugh, your nerves almost returning. You rub the sweaty palm of your hand on your thigh and look at Minju, who seems a bit dreamy, lost in the stars she tries so hard to see.
“Close your eyes. Imagine the city lights turned off. How bright are the stars now?”
Minju smiles, her nose directed at the infinite universe, eyes gently closed. Your breath halts. “They are beautiful, strong, and I don’t want to look at anything else anymore.”
“Kim Minju…”
She opens her eyes, you’re on one knee.
“...I love you.”
You pull out a silky blue jewel case and with a click, it opens.
“Will you marry me?”
The ring sparkles in Minju’s starlit orbs. Her answer, your unbelievable joy.
“Oh my God, babe—” 
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halcyone-of-the-sea · 7 months
Captain John Price Masterlist
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➺ All works are F!Reader
➺ 18+ fics will be marked & all works will be sorted from most recent upload to least recent.
➺ Popular fics will be marked with a '✧'
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✎ CHOKE ON THE SUN - Angst, torture, 7k event fic, ✧
╰┈➤ ❝ [You'd known John ever since the Academy, and even after losing touch, the love you had for one another was never gone. Like a snake, it had stayed hidden in unseen places. But it was always there.] ❞
✎ ALL, MOST, SOME, NONE - Heavy angst, character(s) death
╰┈➤ ❝ [Snow melts in the heat of blood.] ❞
✎ LIONS AND IBEXES - Canon-typical violence, wife!reader from 'I'll Take the Nightshift'
╰┈➤ ❝ [Impulsive was what John always called you - affectionately, of course. But he sure does worry when you disappear without him.] ❞
✎ GLORY TO THE REAPER - Angst, pining, hurt/comfort, ✧
╰┈➤ ❝ [He was strange, you admitted to yourself. Always around even when you didn't want him to be. But perhaps the Brit just might surprise you.] ❞
✎ OUR REMAINS - Pregnancy, angst, fluffy ending, ✧
╰┈➤ ❝ [You disliked hiding things from John. Certainly something as big as this.] ❞
✎ ORIGAMI BOATS - Connected to 'See No Evil', stalking mentions, trauma, protective!Price
╰┈➤ ❝ [Wounds of the mind are harder to heal than wounds of the body. But can John ever stop blaming himself?] ❞
✎ COMFORTS OF HOME - 18+, housewife!reader, ✧
╰┈➤ ❝ [Good are the days when you wake up and John is already beside you.] ❞
✎ THE FIVE TIMES - Fluff, awkwardness, inner turmoil
╰┈➤ ❝ [You've never been in a relationship before - at least, one that was romantic. And then on the off chance when you're lending an old book to a childhood friend, you meet John.] ❞
✎ I'LL TAKE THE NIGHT SHIFT - Torture, wife!reader, suggestive, ✧
╰┈➤ ❝ [Before you knew it, John was gone - taken from right under your nose and leaving you no choice but to retreat without him. But you would do anything to get him back, even go into the lion’s den itself.] ❞
✎ CHEATING HEART - 18+, toxic relationship (previous), cheating, ✧
╰┈➤ ❝ [Your feelings for John were wrong - horribly wrong - but when you see your current boyfriend in bed with another woman, what's to hold you back anymore?] ❞
✎ SEE NO EVIL - Stalking, intense gore, suggestive, ✧
╰┈➤ ❝ [The flowers came every week - Tuesday, two O’clock, two minutes after your break. The only problem was that you knew they weren’t coming from John.] ❞
╰┈➤ ❝ [It was supposed to be simple - an intel Op. in some Russian arms dealer's mansion. Hell, you were actually looking forward to it, especially with the way John was undressing you with his eyes. You hoped that the red silk dress you had gotten made it through the night.] ❞
✎ LET ME LEAN ON YOU - Intense gore, enemies-to-lovers, suggestive, ✧
╰┈➤ ❝ [You have a bad habit of putting yourself in harm’s way, enraging John to no end. But can you survive a wound like this? Or will everything you hate to love about John Price never see the light of day?] ❞
✎ THE TRACES HE LEFT BEHIND - Angst, grief, mentions of death, ✧
╰┈➤ ❝ [You had never expected the dog tags to be so heavy, but now, as they sit in your hands, they’re just about the heaviest object you’ve ever held. M.I.A doesn’t mean John’s dead...but it might as well.] ❞
✎ BABY BLUES - Angst, gore, abductions
╰┈➤ ❝ [The promise of a normal Sunday is lost when your door is torn open, and, you, kidnapped. All you can do is pray that John finds you in time.] ❞
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✎ MEMORIES OF YOUTH - Angst, fluff, banter
╰┈➤ ❝ [It was hard being away from his little girl, but warm mornings spent in each other's company were blessings - even if they were far and few in between. It didn't matter the form.] ❞
╰┈➤ ❝ [It's your father's birthday, and what better way to celebrate than to go on a hike before giving him the gift he told you not to buy?] ❞
✎ LATE NIGHT COOKIES - Fluff, school stress
╰┈➤ ❝ [Stressed and still awake, you go to grab food from the kitchen before you get right back into your work. Your father talks some sense into you over a nostalgic recipe.] ❞
✎ CALLUSUS ON HIS GENTLE HANDS - Human Trafficking, blood, trauma
╰┈➤ ❝ [John Price was the one to help you up from the concrete corner you had pushed yourself into when the gunfire had started; his hand holds yours like delicate glass despite the hard calluses. Sticking by him seemed like a good idea.] ❞
✎ CALLUSUS AND MILKY SCARS - 18+, angst, human trafficking
╰┈➤ ❝ [It's been years since you've seen or heard from John and yet you still can't get him out of your head. But can a chance meeting rekindle old emotions?] ❞
✎ PART ONE - Intense gore, heavy angst, torture
╰┈➤ ❝ [Investigating Shepherd was a mistake, but the betrayal of John Price hurt more than anything Shadow Company could do to you.] ❞
✎ PART TWO - Heavy angst, gore, trauma
╰┈➤ ❝ [Finally free from torture and pain, can you ever bring yourself to forgive John for what he caused? Learning to move on and heal is easier said than done.] ❞
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462 notes · View notes
bonny-kookoo · 2 months
𝓣𝓪𝓴𝓮 𝓒𝓪𝓻𝓮. [Running Free (Final)]
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Decisions have to be made- you can't just run away from them.
Tags/Warnings: Hospital/Medical AU, Doctor!Jungkook, slightly aged up!Jungkook, Hybrid!Reader, Dog Hybrid!Reader, comfort, romance??, Fluff, happy end I guess, we finished another one yay
Length: 5k words
-> Masterlist
There is no taglist for this fic.
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You’re being released from the hospital this week.
He’s not too sure how he feels about it, but he knows it’s for the best. The longer you stay in, the more you gain the risk of catching an infection that’ll be resistant to most medication due to the natural environment of a hospital- and you also deserve to go home, wherever that might end up being.
He’ll miss the daily visits, and he will most of all miss the hospital- but he’s made his choice, long term wish of finally having his own office as a hybrid specialist in the city soon to be coming true. The building is currently being renovated from the core, to soon become a place where hybrids can finally be treated without having to have their owners or partners drag them hours away to another location. This had been his dream ever since he’s started med school-
And it looks like if everything goes smooth from now on, it’ll finally come true.
You on the other hand, clearly can’t wait to get outside.
After multiple sessions with a professional, you’ve slowly come to learn that most of the things you’ve been taught weren’t actually true at all. While it’s correct that certain hybrids can’t be outside alone, for most hybrids it’s just a general suggestion- there’s no law against going out alone. So now that you know that you can actually go outside, you constantly ask him if he’ll take you-
And he’d love to, but he just doesn’t have the time.
So instead you’ve gone out with Jimin a few times, while Jungkook would eagerly listen to all the fun stories the nurse would get to experience with you. If he was up for it, you’d probably be really happy with him- but Jungkook knows that Jimin has his reasons for not even thinking about taking you in.
“She’s scratching her ear a lot.” Jimin mentions at lunch, and Jungkook instantly focuses. “I think she might’ve either developed an ear infection or it’s something that’s been brewing for a while.”
“Well, her ears fold over quite a bit so it wouldn’t be surprising.” Jungkook hums as he eats his food. “And since she’s not been outside much her immune system probably isn’t the strongest. I’ll take a look at it later, see if it needs anything prescribed.” He offers, as Jimin falls quiet for a moment, watching the doctor. “what?”
“You have to let her get discharged-“ He starts, but Jungkook instantly shakes his head.
“I will, I will, I’d never do that.!” He argues. “I just want to make sure everything’s alright before she leaves.” He says quietly into his food.
“You could just take her home.” Jimin chuckles. “you’d get to make sure all the time then.” He teases, and Jungkook rolls his eyes.
“Its not that simple. I told you.” He reminds his older coworker, who nods.
“I know, sorry.” He brushes the topic off, before Jungkook’s name is being called out, making Jimin sigh with sympathy for his friend. “I’ll have them wrap it so you can heat it up later?” He asks, and Jungkook nods as he wipes his mouth already standing up.
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“hm, yeah, it all looks like it.” Jungkook hums as he inspects your ear, before taking out some cotton swabs and a cleaning solution. “But it’s not bad. Most likely just your immune system being a little over-protective.” He reassures you as he moves to put some of the cleaning solution on the ball of cotton.
“is that bad?” You wonder. “when will I be normal?”
“You’re already normal, don’t worry about that.” The doctor tells you before he holds up your ear to both clean and disinfect it- something you slightly move away from, as it’s uncomfortable. “no no, stay here, yeah?” He tells you, but it’s hard. “you’re doing great..” he mumbles the praise as he makes sure to do a good job while not taking longer than necessary. “Jimin said you saw ducks today?” He tries to distract you, and it seems to work.
“they were in a.. pond, nearby. But there was a fence so I couldn’t get close.” You explain, making Jungkook chuckle. It’s probably for the best you couldn’t- you could’ve fallen into the ice cold waters or gotten lost otherwise. You’re not used to being outside, and Jimin doesn’t have a good sense of what you’re capable of doing and where you should be more supervised than someone else.
You’re holding onto the pink and white little plushy, and he’s again reminded of his choice.
Did he make the right call? Hopefully, because he honestly doesn’t really think that a situation like this will ever truly reoccur like this again. But he had sat down yesterday to go through everything, just to come to a clearer answer for himself. This isn’t something to take lightly, and again, sometimes letting go is the best option to take.
For the rest of the day, you don’t see Jungkook anymore- and neither do you see him the day after, as you’re sitting on the edge of your bed, shoes on your feet and bag packed. Jimin had shed a few tears at seeing you go- but you told him you might visit without needing actual help for once.
The care worker looks nice. He’s wearing a jacket with an official emblem on it for hybrid social work- and he seems really friendly. “You ready?” He asks, and you nod-
There’s no use in waiting for something that won’t happen, after all.
In the small van, you watch all the people and cars pass you by, while the car radio plays slight music on low volume. “if you don’t like the place I’ll bring you, you can always call the number in the phone, okay?” the care worker says, and you nod. The phone you got has a very simplified, easy to understand user interface installed, so it didn’t take you too long to understand how it works. It’s still however quite odd to hold it in your hands.
Everything you thought you knew had been a lie.
“Don’t be afraid to speak up. We’re always just a call away.” He offers, before he parks in front of a tall apartment complex, fancy, high security. He’s being asked twice about where he wants to go and what his name is, as he walks around with you, elevator chiming happily before it opens.
Everything is so.. big. Fancy. Expensive. You shudder, as you remember the last time you’ve been to a place like this.
Will it be the same again? Someone rich and famous buying you just to lock you up and feed you lies? You worry. You really want to go back to the hospital.
When you walk out the elevator and wait in front of another door, you become anxious. But just for a moment, because you start to.. smell something.
And when the door opens, you finally know where you actually are-
As you stand right in front of doctor Jeon, who’s smiling kindly right at you and your wagging tail.
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Jungkook’s apartment is big, very high up in the tall building, and smells like him.
There’s a room just for you, and he’s also got many windows- from the regular balcony and smaller windows in your room, to large one’s going all the way from the floor to the ceiling, showing the tiny city below in the living room. You’re currently sitting on the floor right in front of them, as Jungkook approaches you, sitting down next to you. “You like the view?” He asks, and you nod.
“Do you think I can be an ant now, too?” you ask, and he looks at you a bit confused. “the people.. they look like ants.” You say, pointing to the people all the way down on the ground walking around despite the late hour.
“would you like to be one of them?” He wonders, having brought you a pillow to sit on now- one you happily take.
You nod. “they.. get to have phones. And they meet friends. Or eat at restaurants and drink. Or they buy large stuffed toys.” You explain, and Jungkook realizes that this must’ve been your standard.. or rather only form of entertainment up until now.
Instead of experiencing life, you only got to watch it in silence, secretly.
“Well, you already have a phone. And if you want, we can go eat at restaurants and cafes too- though I might not get you coffee.” He chuckles, watching you look at him now with drooping ears. “it’s bitter.” He explains, and you nod at that.
“Hm.. then maybe something else?” You ask. “but not chocolate. That makes me feel bad.” You tell him, and he internally cringes. Of course it makes you feel bad- you’re a hybrid, and therefore sensitive to it.
“we can check if a Café has hybrid alternatives. I’m sure there’s one.” He tells you, and you smile, tail swishing around a bit as you yawn. “now come on, let’s go to bed.” He says before he gets up, and you look up at him.
“Can I sleep here?” You ask, and much to your surprise, Jungkook nods easily.
“sure. I’ll put your mattress here then.” He offers as he disappears into your room to fetch just that and some bedding to make you comfortable.
This really is quite different from your old home.
You watch how he carefully creates a good bed for you on the floor in front of the window, not just slap everything down there and have you do it yourself. No, this is caring- he even brings out your pink and white plushy that you’ve been given back at the hospital, before he smiles at you who moves to crawl beneath the blankets. “if you need another blanket, there’s one on the couch. And if you end up not liking it here just wake me up and I’ll help you set up your bed in your room again-“ he explains, when your tail just starts wagging wildly beneath the thick bedding.
“Thank you “ You say, and he smiles gently, before he leaves you be.
Even long after he’s switched off his own lights as well, you’re still awake, watching the people down below go about their late night activities. From groups of friends drunkenly stumbling home to couples holding hands, office workers waving for a cab home and policemen patrolling to make sure everything’s alright.
You feel like right now, you’re just one of them as well. Just another being, existing in the same world and same universe as them, experiencing your own life.
And with Jungkook at your side, you already feel like this is going to be the best life ever.
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When you wake up the next morning, it’s slow. Steady. A smooth transition from dreaming to becoming conscious.
Your eyes are still closed while you realize someone’s touching you- but with no ill intentions. Instead, the hands simply adjust the blanket over your body, tucking it back into place so you won’t get cold. He makes no efforts to wake you up at all, instead, Jungkook simply rests a hand on you shoulder for a moment, before he leaves you be.
You can hear him do something in the open kitchen nearby. Your ears tilt towards him, a reaction out of your control.
When he sits down wit his coffee in hand on the couch nearby to watch TV, he catches your now opened eyes- and he smiles. “Good morning.” He offers, and your tail can’t help but react to it as it begins to wag beneath the covers. “slept well?” He asks, and you nod.
You look around for a clock.
“It’s a little past one PM.” He tells you, and you sit up straight at that, shocked. “don’t worry- if I’d wanted you to wake up earlier, I wouldn’t have let you sleep this long.” He reassures you, setting his mug down on the coffee table in front of him. ��But it looked like you needed some proper rest, so I let you.”
“I'm sorry.” You mumble, looking to the other side to see the windows show almost nothing from the world outside, fog thick and heavy in the air.
“No need to be.” Jungkook promises. “if you want we can go out later- but the weather isn’t too nice, so we could also very much just stay in today.” He says.
“Don’t you have to work?” You ask, wondering how this will work out in the future as well. Will you have to stay home alone often? Will he at least let you look out of the windows in that case?
“I took my vacation and I’m also finally working on getting rid of all the overtime I’ve collected this year.” He chuckles. “Mostly to help you get used to things, and to.. You know, have you get to know me better.” Jungkook explains, and you nod.
“So... when you go to work again, I’ll stay at home?” You wonder, now relaxing again as a yawn interrupts your words a little, before you stretch your limbs, falling back down onto your makeshift bed.
“We’ll see. I might have someone check in on you once during the day, or I’ll take you to work with me. I’m not too sure about that yet- but we’ll figure it out along the way.” He reassures you. “Right now I believe you should get up and wake up properly, huh?” He laughs, as you nod, slowly standing up to roll up your bedding, struggling a bit to hold it all at once, before you walk into what he showed you is technically your room.
Jungkook smiles. Of course, you don’t have to do this- you could very much just leave it right there and he wouldn’t be bothered, but if this is something you want to do willingly, he will let you. It’ll be very helpful to get you into a comfortable routine as quickly as possible, so he can figure out if he can leave you by yourself, and if so, for how long.
He knows you’re a lot more independent and intelligent than your past owner thought you were- but you still haven’t ever had to live completely on your own, so no one, not even you yourself, knows how you’d handle that. If something was to happen, lets say you drop something in the kitchen and it breaks, it could very much send you into a panic and cause you to get hurt unintentionally. And with him not being home, this could become a problem.
But thats only something in his mind for now. He’ll figure this out somehow.
He has to.
When you come back out the bathroom after getting ready for the day, Jungkook can’t help but laugh a little, waving you closer to where he’s sitting on the sofa. “Turn around for me.” He chuckles, properly pulling your tail out through the designated opening in the back of your shorts. “There we go.” He says, and you sit down next to him now, looking at the windows.
“Why can’t I see the city anymore?” You ask him, and he sets down his coffee, cup now empty.
“Because the clouds are too thick.” He explains. “We’re basically in the middle of them, so that’s why you can’t see.”
“We’re in the clouds?” You ask, mesmerized, and he nods.
“We are.” He agrees.
“So if I went on the balcony, I could touch them?” You wonder, and he laughs.
“I mean, technically? But they’re not soft or anything, so you might be disappointed.” He warns you.
“But you’d let me on the balcony?” You ask, and he nods.
“Clouds are just wet though. You’ll just get a shower, basically.” He laughs under his breath, though he does walk into your room with you, to unlock the glass door to the balcony with a key. “Careful though. Can I hold your hand?” He asks, and you nod, though you clearly look confused. “Just so I feel a bit calmer.”
“Why you?” You ask, not really sure why he’d feel any better holding your hand. “Are you scared of the balcony?” You question him, but he shakes his head with a smile.
“No, but I’m scared of you falling.” He reveals.
“Oh.” You simply answer, taking his hand at that, before you step out into the cloudy outdoors-
But just for a moment, because you quickly realize that Jungkook was right-
Clouds aren’t all that fluffy at all.
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You’re out for the first time with Jungkook, and he has to admit, you’re nothing like he thought you’d be like.
You’re so incredibly great at controlling yourself and your reactions to things, always almost instinctively reaching for him if something becomes too much or if something makes you unsure. It makes him feel incredibly proud- because you clearly already have accepted him as your safety person, always relying on him if you feel like you can’t handle something. You always trust that he will do it for you- and he does, even if he only notices doing it in hindsight.
You sometimes seem to get a bit overwhelmed with eye contact from other hybrids and even humans, and he also notices the way you visibly shrink away from anybody trying to talk to you directly. Its most likely a trained response, taught to you with simple conditioning, and he feels a bit upset about it. But its not all that bad as he thought it might be- overall, you’re handling this day out very well.
You’re currently sitting in a hybrid friendly cafe, your eyes wide as you look at the delicately decorated milk foam on top of your hot chocolate that’s specifically made so that you won’t end up with a stomachache. Jungkook can’t help his smile as he watches you enjoy your little treat- the slice of cake you’re eating clearly being enjoyed to its maximum as you savor every bite.
“Did you know you can actually order all by yourself here?” Jungkook tells you, and your ears instantly tilt towards him at that, as you lick your lips clean of the milk foam from your cup.
“Really?” You wonder. “Me too?” You ask him, knowing very well that technically, hybrids of your category aren’t usually allowed to make any purchases by themselves.
But Jungkook nods. “They have a program here.” He explains. “Basically, I’ll pay upfront, and they’ll take your photo and ID so you can get food or something to drink here anytime you’d like, all on your own.” He informs you, and you nod, amazed.
He noticed that things like that make you feel good. Giving you any form of independence, even if it’s just a somewhat illusion, boosts your confidence. And he loves seeing that.
“But I always want to come here with you though.” You say.
“We can.” He nods happily.
“But I can order?” You ask, making him grin.
“Of course.” The doctor agrees. “I can get you an independence card too, once we both got more comfortable with each other.” He tells you.
“Why’re you doing all that?” You ask, a bit confused as you cut another piece of your slice of cake. “Like.. I always thought guys like it when their hybrids are all.. Dependent and stuff.” You shrug.
“Hm. Maybe because I like seeing you happy. And offering you these things makes you happy.” He explains his intentions.
“Would you ever like me as a girlfriend?” You bluntly ask, and Jungkook stutters in his movements a bit, caught entirely off guard. He’s never really ever thought about that at all, and he’s not sure if he really could- but he can’t deny that he does like you, a lot, already. Not to that degree, but he has to admit-
That could change.
“I’m.. Not sure yet.” He admits. “I can’t tell you a full on answer yet. Why do you ask?” He wonders, and you shrug.
“Just asking.” You tell him. “I’ve been told that hybrids can’t be real girlfriends.” You just say, and he fills in the blanks inside his head by deciding that this narrative must’ve been fed to you by your past owner. It’s a common thing a lot of people who’ve never met any hybrid personally say- because they believe that hybrids are nothing but abominations, or forever unable to really decide anything for themselves, when in reality, this isn’t true at all. Just like regular people, hybrids are all different- some will always have to rely on people, while others don’t need any help at all. There’s even hybrids who have full work permits, live on their own, have families and normal average lifes. It’s more common than one might think.
“That’s not true.” Jungkook denies.
“But like, could a hybrid and a normal person even have children?” You ask, and Jungkook nods.
“There’s evidence that hybrid-human pregnancies are generally safe and usually progress normally. The children inherit some hybrid traits depending on gender of the parent and child themselves, but it’s a lot less and therefore especially the visual traits are typically a lot less prominent.” He rants, taking a sip of his iced coffee before he continues. “It’s actually really interesting, because the children usually end up a lot more resilient to common infections like the flu or the common cold- but it’s not very clear as to why. I personally think it might be because viruses that infect humans behave differently in hybrids- so maybe because of that they’re less vulnerable to these things. They do however show up with problems more common in hybrids though, like eye problems or psychological issues.” He continues, and only after a moment or two does he notice you’ve stopped eating, now just watching him with a smile on your face. “...sorry. I was kind of getting lost there..” He apologizes, but you just laugh, tail wagging wildly.
“No, no, go on!” You cheer him on. “I love that face you make when you talk about stuff you like.” You say.
“The face I make?” He chuckles. “What face do I make?”
“I don’t know- your eyes sparkle, and they get all round. And you gesture with your hands.” You explain. “I didn’t understand most of it, but I’ll still listen.”
And Jungkook smiles.
Because honestly-
That's all he could ever ask for.
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Jungkook has definitely changed his mind on you now, almost a month after living together with you.
You’re very open with your affection towards him, a whole lot better at sensing someone’s attraction than a normal human would be, since you don’t really care about what he could be implying with his words- you only take into account what you know how to interpret. And that’s other cues, like body language, scent, and actions.
You don’t try and read between the lines- you just see things for what they are. And apparently, he’s not very good at hiding any of his growing feelings towards you at all.
And with your confidence rising under his care, you’ve become a real threat to his sanity he feels like- because you’re actively flirting with him, finding way after way to make him flustered left and right, always catching you off guard. And the worst part is that he slowly leans into it, accepting it, and also has begun to initiate such contact as well.
Well, its not really a ‘worst’ part. If anything, it feels like he finally found what he’s subconsciously always been looking for.
You’ve been sneaking your way into his bed at night- and somehow, that evolved into you permanently sleeping next to him in his bed, something that you both just quietly agreed on. This is however, right now, the first time you’re both actively cuddling- slowly testing the water so to speak as you quietly take new steps towards each other. Nothing has to be said in this moment- there's no words needed to really communicate with each other.
He’s never seen you this close, and neither have you.
His hand slowly moves to hold yours, before you place your palm on his, comparing your hand sizes before you giggle still a little sleepy. He doesn’t know why, but somehow, he just feels like its the right thing to do in this moment, as he pulls your hand closer to kiss the back of it, eye contact he holds with you visibly sending out the message he wants to with success as your eyes widen, before you smile a bit shy.
He already has plans on how to incorporate you into his work in the future, so he can always have you somewhat at his side, while also giving you a genuine task you can manage.
You suddenly move closer to him, as he lays on his back now, you hugging him closely so you’re almost halfway on top of him, basking in the physical contact you have with him. You’re both only dressed in comfortable sleeping clothes, nothing but underwear and lazy shirts, and you love this. It’s like you’re currently living in a vacuum, time having no meaning, outside world simply waiting for you both to be ready to continue at any time.
But for now, you just want to stay like this. Close to him.
And its also very clear that he doesn’t mind this situation either- not one bit, as he initiates contact as well, hand running over the length of your arm as he leans his head close to yours. “We have to get up soon.” He tells you, and your ears instantly move towards the sound of his voice, though you whine in protest, clinging to him now. “We can’t stay in bed all day.”
“Why not?” You wonder, leaning your chin on his shoulder. “I like being in bed with you.” You say, wagging tail making it clear that you’re very aware of how this sentence could also be interpreted.
“Do you?” He answers, not backing down anymore as he usually would. “we’re just being lazy. That’s boring, no?” He asks, and you laugh a little, before turning onto your back next to him.
“Well, yeah. But it doesn’t have to be.” You propose, and at that he moves now, leaning over you ad he looks at you beneath him.
“You’re right.” He agrees, voice low because with you being this close, there’s no need for much volume in his words. “I could think of a few things we could do.” He purrs down at you, and you grin, comfortable and even excited. You know exactly what this could mean, and you’re actively seeking this out- you know he likes you in a more personal manner than just hybrid and caretaker. This is so much more than that already.
He just needs to give you a sign- and this might be it.
“Such as?” You ask him, clearly expecting something from him. And he knows what it is.
Wordlessly leaning in to kiss you-
An action that’s instantly returned, in a silent confession of love.
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“this is such a genius idea.” Jimin says, watching you effortlessly keep the young hybrids occupied in the waiting area, while Jungkook goes through patient after patient. “They’re so calm like this. No wonder you’ve become the most sought after doctor for young hybrids.” He tells the younger doctor, who smiles at the scene in the waiting room- all the usually very fidgety hybrids of different kinds listening to you telling them a story, visualized by some stuffed animals you’re holding.
“I couldn’t do it without her.” Jungkook simply says.
“Well, I’ll have to go start my shift in the ER, or Yoongi will rip my head off.” Jimin laughs, before he waves at you, and then Jungkook. “take care!” He says as he leaves-
And Jungkook smiles, as he waves his friend and former coworker goodbye.
"Take care.”
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yelena-bellova · 1 year
Twenty Years Later: Joel Miller x F!Reader - Chapter Two
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Chapter Two: Strangers in the Night
Plot: Joel and Y/n try their hardest to ignore and avoid their past while waiting on the cover of night to leave the QZ.
Warnings: M for violence, gore, language, allusions to sex, alcohol, unwanted advances (16+)
Word Count: 6.9k
A/N: Okay, let me just say, did not expect such a big reaction to this little 2.2k fic I thought up randomly. You guys wanted a series, so here’s a series. It’ll be 16+ from here so please specify your age in your bio if you’d like to be tagged. I’m really excited to write this one, hope y’all enjoy it! It's gonna be a wild frickin' ride...
May 9th, 2002, Austin Texas
It was unseasonably warm for spring in Austin. Summer was making an early entrance and driving everyone indoors. The bars were packed each night, but especially on the weekends. Something about the heat always inspired people to drink more.
The Miller brothers were seated at a table in the far corner of Dane’s, each nursing a Budweiser. Despite it being a Saturday, they’d worked overtime on a garage apartment conversion. It was in Joel’s neighborhood and he needed the money. Jobs hadn’t been ripe for picking lately, in going the extra mile with the clients he did have, he could bank on a few referrals.
“We’re runnin’ short on the 2x4s,” Joel told his brother, “And it wouldn’t hurt to-“
“Dude,” Tommy made a slicing motion with his hand, “You’re off the clock. Switch off for a while.”
“I’m just trying to get ahead,” Joel replied.
Tommy smiled, lounging in his chair, “Look, you’ve got two modes: work mode and dad mode. And guess what? You never come out of either. It’s a Friday night, you’ve got a sitter, why not just try being a single, not-offensively unattractive, guy?”
Joel’s eyebrows were permanently furrowed, especially around conversations like this. Tommy meant well, but he’d been trying to get Joel to find something outside of work and his daughter for years. It wasn’t happening.
“So you’re sayin’ I should focus less on keeping a roof over my daughter’s head and makin’ sure she’s happy?” Joel asked, leaning back in his chair, “I get that right?”
Tommy chuckled and shook his head, “I’m just saying…you’re gettin’ more and more like an old man the longer you’re by yourself. Wouldn’t hurt to find someone that makes you happy.”
It was easy to ignore Tommy’s ramblings, but Joel couldn’t deny there was some truth to what he was saying. After Sarah’s mom up and left them, he kept his heart guarded from the world. Sarah and Tommy were the only ones he had the space to love. No, not the space. He had all the capacity in the world to hold someone else close to his soul, he was just too afraid of getting hurt again.
A few feet away at the bar, Y/n twirled her wine glass in her hand. Navigating a new city and a new job was taking it out of her. There had been no catalyst in her decision to move to Austin. She wasn’t running from a bad relationship nor did she need space from her family, she’d just wanted a change. So far, aside from the random heat wave, she was enjoying herself. The people were friendly, the neighborhood was quiet…she could see herself eventually calling the place home.
As she enjoyed her own company, a muscly man approached the seat next to her. He didn’t even do her the courtesy of asking if it was taken.
He flashed a pearly smile at Y/n, “Havin’ a good night?”
“Mm-hm,” she nodded, not looking up from her glass.
“Haven’t seen you around here,” the man continued, “You new to town?”
Y/n politely smiled, wishing he’d taken the hint. “Sure.”
“Findin’ your way around alright,” he put his elbows on the bar, indicating he wasn’t going anywhere, “Or are you thinkin’ you need a tour guide? Someone to show you around? Help make you feel a little more comfortable?”
Y/n was fighting the urge not to laugh, she’d seen dogs in heat more subtle than this guy. “I’m doing fine on my own, thanks,” she replied, her will to smile fading with each second he stayed.
“I don’t know,” the guy dragged his fingers up and down the condensation on his beer bottle, “You seem a little lost to me, darlin’. I got a hog outside, we could head out…night scene’s pretty wild here.”
Y/n took another sip of her wine, “Not really a wild kind of gal.”
The man’s lingering stare was beginning to make Y/n’s skin crawl. It was like he was staring straight through her clothes. He leaned in to her, his arm grazing hers, as if the close proximity was imperative to what he was about to say.
“I got this theory that inside every woman,” he lowered his voice, “There’s a wild girl just waitin’ to come out. She just needs the right cowboy,” he paused, a smile spreading across his lips, “To let her loose.”
Concealing her annoyance, Y/n looked down at her glass bashfully. She peeked back up out of her eyelashes, “What’s your name?”
“Jacob,” he answered.
“Jacob,” she repeated sweetly, leaning in closer to him, “Going around trying to prove how big your dick is ain’t gonna make any woman want to touch it.”
Jacob pulled back a little, shocked at both the comment and how easily being foul mouthed came to this woman. Y/n scrunched her nose and gave a sugary smile before moving to get up from her stool.
Jacob grabbed her shoulder, not prepared to lose the battle. “Hang on there, sweetheart.”
“Let go of me,” Y/n was quick to say.
“I don’t think you quite understand what I’m offerin’ you here…”
“Let,” Y/n gritted her teeth, raising her voice slightly, “Go of me.”
Jacob began to close the space between their faces, “What’re you gonna do if I ain’t ready to say goodbye to ya yet?”
Y/n turned to the two men who had approached while she was fending Jacob off. The one with the mustache swung his fist and landed a shiner on Jacob’s nose. The whole bar gasped as he stumbled backwards, clutching his now bleeding face. The mystery man placed an arm in front of Y/n, making himself the barrier between Jacob’s advances and her safety.
Once Jacob caught his footing, revealing just how tipsy he was, he clumsily stalked back towards them. The second man stepped forward and effortlessly threw a punch to Jacob’s abdomen, knocking him off his feet and to the ground. The other patrons actually clapped and cheered at the knockout.
The man shielding Y/n and his friend grabbed Jacob’s arms and pulled him to his knees. Dane, the owner, came out from around the counter and marched towards the door. The men dragged Jacob through the bar, taking no care to his hands and feet as they knocked into chairs and tables. With Dane holding the door open, they threw him out, earning another round of cheers from the bar.
Y/n watched it all with a hand over her mouth. The whole thing had left her more anxious than she cared to admit.
Her two saviors made their way through the room, earning pats on the back from most of the patrons.
“Are you okay?” The man with the mustache asked when they reached her.
“Yeah,” Y/n answered, trying to hide how her hands was shaking, “Are you?”
“Not the worst we’ve seen,” the clean shaven guy smiled, flexing his bruised hand, “But I think you’re gonna have to take a shower to get that creep’s touch off ya.”
Y/n chortled, the feeling of his fingers digging into her skin hadn’t left yet. “I’m really sorry you had to step in,” she said earnestly, “I’m not great with following through on my smack talk.”
“Nah, you were holding your own,” the cheerier of the two men laughed.
“Hey, can I buy you guys a round?” Y/n asked, “It’s the least I can do.”
“There’s no need,” the quieter guy shook his head.
“No, I want to,” Y/n insisted, looking between the two of them.
The one who had done most of the talking so far was the first to relent. “Fine, but we’re spotting your next glass. Just to try and restore the ever-deteriorating reputation of men.”
Y/n laughed heartily for the first time of the night. She liked them.
“Hey, Dane,” the talkative man flagged down the bartender and turned to Y/n, “What’re you drinking?”
Y/n held up her dwindling glass of rosé.
“Another rosé for the rosebud,” the man finished, winking at Y/n in a way that felt more playful than flirtatious, “I’m Tommy, by the way.”
“Y/n,” she took his extended hand and shook it before turning to the other man.
“Joel,” he pressed his palm to hers.
Y/n smiled, her eyes lingering on the man as they shook hands. There was a peace to him that she already knew she liked.
Y/n ended up at Tommy and Joel’s table, each of them sipping a victory drink and talking up a storm. It was one of the easiest conversations any of them had ever had.
“So you just picked up one day and,” Tommy made a swooping gesture, “Came to Austin?”
Y/n shrugged, “Just needed a change.”
Tommy whistled, “That’s brave.”
“I mean, it’s Austin,” Y/n chuckled, “It’s not New York,” she took a sip of the free rosé, “What about you two?”
“Nah, we’ve been here forever,” Joel answered, holding his beer to his lips.
Tommy raised his bottle to his brother, “Can’t even get this fucker to take a vacation somewhere.”
“Workaholic or homebody?” Y/n asked.
Joel was inhaling to answer when Tommy spoke up, “Both.”
“Nothin’ wrong with working hard or staying home,” Joel replied, throwing back a swig.
“Nah,” Tommy replied, smirking, “Only when you do it.”
Joel glared out the sides of his eyes at his brother. Y/n laughed against the rim of her glass.
“Well,” Tommy leaned against the table, “If you ever need a tour guide, we’re at your disposal. We’ll show you the real grimy hole in the wall places. Best food or beer in the city are always in the places you’d least expect it.”
Contrary to Jacob’s thinly veiled advances, Y/n took Tommy and Joel for exactly how they presented themselves. They were funny, they were gentlemanly, and they were the first people in Austin she’d met who she felt truly comfortable around.
Joel, who was naturally more quiet than his brother, had never felt more lost for words. He was trying to keep himself in check considering the happenstance of their meeting, but all he wanted to do was look at Y/n. When she laughed, something inside his stomach twisted. When their eyes met, his chest tightened. There was something about being around this girl that felt very, very different than anyone else.
“Well,” Y/n checked her watch, catching the late hour, “I’ve got the morning shift tomorrow and I can’t be too hungover. Thank you both for the company and the wine,” she smiled at Joel, “It was a big improvement on how the night started.”
“Yeah, we’d better go too,” Joel announced, rising to his feet with Tommy, “Gotta get a head start tomorrow before the storm moves in.”
Tommy gestured to his big brother, smiling at Y/n, “What’d I tell you?”
“I gotta side with your brother here,” Y/n smiled, scrunching her face a little, “Everyone needs a break. That’s kinda what weekends are for”
“See?” Tommy said, “Maybe you’ll listen to her.”
Joel was on the verge of busting out in to a grin. “Not my problem if you two are lazy,” he shot back.
Y/n and Tommy each gaped with laughter. Joel smiled, he’d wanted to hear her laugh one more time before they parted.
“Well, you two have restored the name of ‘men’ quite admirably,” Y/n grabbed her purse, “Thank you for what you did, really. If you hadn’t stepped in, tonight would have ended much worse.”
Tommy shook his head, “Don’t mention it. Just learn how to throw a punch,” he slapped his hand against Joel’s shoulder, “And I think we’ll both sleep better at night.”
“I’ll get on that,” Y/n chuckled. She wasn’t sure if it was the kinship she felt or the rosé had simply relaxed her, but she reached over to Tommy and gave him a one-armed hug.
“See ya around, Rosebud,” Tommy said, keeping his hand respectfully high up on her shoulders.
“See ya,” Y/n replied, pulling back to look at Joel. She wasn’t sure what she expected to happen, only that she wanted to memorize his face before she left. “Goodnight,” she said with a small smile.
Joel tried to ignore how his heart was thudding in his chest. “‘Night,” he replied.
His eyes followed her all the way to the door, till she stepped out into the steamy evening air. He wasn’t sure why he had to urge to follow her.
“You,” Tommy gripped Joel’s shoulder a little tighter, “Are fucked.”
Joel rolled his eyes at his little brother’s laughter, “The hell’re you talking about?”
Tommy fell back down in his chair, a hand resting on his chest, “You were fuckin’ smitten with her.”
“‘Smitten?’” Joel cringed, taking his seat and his beer, “What’re you, 14?”
“Fine, hot for, taken with, enamored, mesmerized,” Tommy chuckled, “Whatever you wanna call it…you liked her.”
Joel shrugged and took another drink, “‘Course I liked her. You liked her too.”
“Not like you,” Tommy shook his head, still grinning, “I think she liked you too.”
Pushing down the way his stomach jumped when Tommy said that, he glanced over at the door again. He looked back to the table, checking to see if she’d left anything. Maybe she’d have to come back. What would he do if she did? Would he ask for her number? Or was that too forward? He didn’t want anything he did to remind her at all of the asshat they’d tossed out-
“She didn’t leave anything, dude.”
Tommy’s voice brought Joel out of his thoughts. He hadn’t realized how long he’d been staring at Y/n’s empty seat. There was no reason for her to come back.
“You’re fucked,” Tommy brought the conversation full circle, patting his brother’s shoulder and taking a drink.
Joel hid his disappointment, just like his infatuation; well, but not well enough. He looked down at his bottle, “Doesn’t matter. We’re not gonna see her again.”
Tommy shrugged, “Austin ain’t that big.”
Outside, Y/n was making the three minute walk down the street to her apartment complex. Her mind was no longer focused on the douche whose name she was already forgetting, all she could think of was how Joel smiled like he had a secret. How his laughter was reserved only for when he found something hilarious. How whether he was sitting beside his brother or punching out a handsy creep, he was completely relaxed. How his brown eyes were so warm, one gaze into them had given her goosebumps…
Y/n shook her head at herself, completely thrown for a loop. One encounter with one guy and she felt like there was some invisible string tugging harder with every inch of distance she put between herself and the bar. The chances of bumping into Tommy and Joel again in a city as big as Austin were slim. It was a reality she had to face. It was just one of those meetings that left you feeing like you’d experienced true magic. She was saddened at the thought of never sitting across from Joel again.
Into the night, with a total distance of seven minutes unbeknownst between them, Joel and Y/n each retired and prepared for their respective early mornings. Joel paid the neighbor who’d watched Sarah, Y/n called and checked in on her sister, who’d just had a baby. Joel kissed his daughter goodnight, Y/n finished up a load of laundry. They each changed into their pajamas, brushed their teeth, and turned out the lights. It was then, in the sweet space between sleep and consciousness that they let their minds drift back to each other….
2023, Boston
Of course it was raining. Rain made everything easier.
Joel, Tess, Y/n and Ellie trudged through the streets of what was once downtown Boston. Y/n kept a hand on Ellie’s back at all times, untrusting of both the people around them and the ones they were traveling with.
Even with the utter chaos they were in the middle of, Y/n’s mind was overtaken by the holes being burned into the back of her head. Joel’s stare was unfaltering. She wanted to turn around and scream at him, but that would garner the attention they were trying so hard not to attract. That was fine, she had more than enough anger and more than enough time to let him feel it.
Joel, whose every move was made with vigilante like precision, was struggling to keep his thoughts in order. The past was so easy to put behind you when you never had to look at it. Faced with the person who knew it all, had seen it all…the second he’d laid eyes on Y/n, it had all come flooding back. He had to get himself in check. Y/n’s unfiltered hatred was helping him there.
They made it to Joel and Tess’ apartment without any trouble, the four of them filing down the narrow hallway. Y/n pulled as far away from Joel as possible while they waited for Tess to unlock the door, which wasn’t very far. Once it was open, Joel impatiently waved for Ellie to enter, saving the same glare for Y/n. Ellie entered apprehensively, while Y/n knew enough to know that they were Joel and Tess’ leverage. Without them, they couldn’t get their battery. They were safe, for the time being.
“Give us a minute, all right?” Tess stated more than asked, heading back out to the hall.
“What the fu-“ Ellie started, the door silenced the last two letters.
Y/n put a finger to her lips, standing beside the door and listening to the other side of the door. Tess and Joel were discussing which route to take, something that infuriated her. There was only one child in their party, she refused to let Joel make her anything other than an equal.
She threw down her backpack and threw the door open. “If you two are planing on excluding me from the planning side of things, let me know now so I can strangle you both,” she said, smiling sweetly.
“You wanna tell us what we’re really doing with this kid?” Tess fired back.
“Not particularly,” Yn replied.
“Then you don’t get a voice here,” Tess looked to Joel, “We leave after dark. Stay with them.”
Joel took a step forward as his partner walked off, “Wait, why do I have to — Tess! Tess!”
Tess turned the corner of the hall without ever breaking stride.
Joel sighed loudly, eventually looking over to Y/n.
“She’s lovely,” Y/n snarked, earning a signature Miller scowl.
Joel nodded towards the door and Y/n slipped back inside, he kept an overly safe distance between them. Y/n unzipped her backpack and grabbed her first aid kit, sitting down at Joel’s table to tend to her bullet wound. Joel shrugged off his pack and threw himself on the couch. Ellie was splitting the distance between them, holding a large book in her hands.
“So,” the girl started, “Who’s Bill and Frank?”
Joel looked up confused, as if he couldn’t imagine how she could have possibly heard anything from the other side of the door.
“Oh, come on, Tool Time,” Y/n chortled, as she opened the bottle of disinfectant, “This whole place is paper thin.”
“The radio’s a smuggling code, right?” Ellie asked, “60s song, they don’t have anything new. 70s, they got new stuff. What’s 80’s?”
Joel got off the couch and ripped the book out of Ellie’s hands, throwing it to the side. He glanced over at Y/n, who was struggling to keep her grunts quiet as she cleaned her wound. A twinge of pain ran through his chest as she scrunched up her face, trying to keep her breaths steady. His fingers automatically twitched to help her, but it wouldn’t actually help anyone. Instead, he fought his instincts walked back to the couch and laid down.
“What are you doing?” Ellie asked.
“Killin’ time,” Joel said, his drawl particularly noticeable.
“What am I supposed to do?”
“I’m sure you’ll figure that out,” his eyes were already closed, just like the conversation.
Y/n began to use a q-tip to spread antiseptic cream over the wound, the cooling sensation dulling the pain.
Ellie took back the book and walked past Joel, “Your watch is broken.”
Four little words froze Y/n, hunched over the table with her supplies. She didn’t have to look to know that Joel’s eyes were open again. It was the second time today that they’d been perfectly in sync. The first was pulling their guns on one another and, to be honest, Y/n would have preferred to stare down the barrel of his pistol. Bullets were simple and easy to dodge, memories were more cunning and hurt significantly more.
Y/n finished dressing her wound, zipping the kit back up and throwing it in her backpack. She laid her jacket out to dry on the back of the chair and finally took a good look at her surroundings. She couldn’t have chosen a place more opposite to Joel’s 3-bed 3-bath in Austin. The floors creaked, the walls were stained, and the ceilings were uncomfortably low. Home was a fluid concept in the world they lived in, and the kind Y/n was thinking of was lost entirely.
“He’s fun,” Ellie grunted from her seat at the window.
Y/n scoffed, “You have no idea.”
If they’d be using the cover of night to travel, Y/n knew Joel had the right idea to sleep now. She pulled out a sweater from her backpack, bunched it up and set it on the ground across from the couch. Without any blankets, she made the call that a nearby rug would be the next best thing. She shook it out and placed it below the sweater.
“Try and get some sleep,” Y/n instructed Ellie, “You’re gonna need it.”
Ellie simply hummed and continued paging through the book. Y/n slipped under the dirty rug and sighed, she’d slept in worse places for much longer…
She took the moment of peace to finally take a good look at Joel. His eyebrows still furrowed as he slept, as if he was in a constant state of disapproval with the world. The rest of his face was softer, a strange contrast, but so very him. His chest rose and fell in a perfect rhythm. It was hard for Y/n not to remember how it felt to lay with her ear against his heart, lifting and lowering with him…
The QZ was small, and stories got around. Y/n had known for a while that Joel was in Boston. She’d also heard the stories of the things he’d done, the people he’d killed, and just how far he’d go to guarantee his survival. Despite not owing him anything, Y/n had refused to believe them. She adamantly denied the possibility that she could have ever loved a man capable of such hideous acts. The Cordecyps had changed them all in different ways, but she had to believe that Joel was still Joel…
A mumble and a boot kick to the shoulder had Y/n startling awake. She rolled over to see Ellie, still sitting by the window with the book in her lap.
“How do you know him?”
Y/n squinted and sat up, her joints cracking as she stretched her limbs. The sky outside was pitch black, clearly she’d needed more sleep than she thought.
“He’s an…” she began to say, the complexity of the situation hitting her all over again. There was only one answer to give that wouldn’t invite any more questions. “I was friends with his brother a long time ago.”
Ellie’s seemed to accept it, “Where’re you from?”
The girl’s eyes widened, “You lived in Texas?”
“Just for a little while,” Y/n replied, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes,
Ellie looked down at her hands and then out the window, “I’ve never been out that far.”
Y/n sighed, thinking about what it might be like to grow up never having known what the world used to be like. “You’re not missing much, kid,” she lied. She’d have gone back to Austin in a heartbeat, if it was at all possible.
“What’s ‘rosebud?’”
Y/n’s body went cold, as if she’d just been plunged into ice water, memories slamming into her like waves. A glass of rosé and belly laughter, a backyard game of football, soft lips whispering sweet nothings against her ear…
She looked over at Ellie calmly, “What?”
The girl nodded towards Joel, who was still peacefully sleeping. “He kept mumbling the word ‘rosebud,’” she replied, “Thought maybe it was a code word or something.”
It did serve as a codeword, containing secrets, laughter, and all the love that had once existed in Y/n’s world. Now the mere utterance cut her worse than any blade could.
“If it is,” Y/n got to her feet, not wanting to be anywhere near the word, “I don’t know what it means.”
Joel woke then, startling without any real physicality. He stared up at the ceiling, dazed from his dreams. No, nightmares. That’s what they were.
“You mumble in your sleep,” Ellie said, announcing her presence, “Something about ‘rosebud.’”
If that didn’t wake him up, nothing could. His eyes flitted across the room, looking for the woman who owned every inch of the word. When Joel couldn’t find her, he pushed up on one arm and found her sitting at his kitchen table with her back turned to him.
In his subconscious, he’d seen her as she used to be. Her eyes full of light, her smile like pure sunshine, laughter pouring out of her with a freedom so few people allowed themselves. He’d felt her soft skin against his, felt her lips pressed to his jawline, right between his neck and his ear. He’d known her for the first time in twenty years, only to wake up and find her ghost.
Joel swung his legs over the couch and rose, his knees and back aching. Getting older in a post-apocalyptic world felt extra cruel. He ventured over to the table, ready to test the waters and see just how bad of a time he was in for.
Y/n sighed in annoyance as Joel took the chair next to her. She needed distance she wasn’t going to get, from him and all that he reminded her of.
They sat in the most awkward silence either of them had ever known.
Joel was the first to break it, “You get some sleep?”
Y/n glared out the corner of her eyes at him, the first words he spoke to her after their confrontation and that was the first thing he said?
Joel’s chest tightened at her poisoned stare, he wasn’t going to get an answer. “Wound okay?”
“This whole thing’ll go a lot easier if you stop pretending to give a shit about me,” Y/n said quietly, the sharpness of her tone cutting through the volume, “We both know you don’t.”
The walls weren’t coming down. Joel knew that. He didn’t want them down. But after seeing her, full of energy and joy, he had to check and see if there was any bit of that woman left. His eyes scanned her skin, so many scars and scrapes where there had once been a smooth surface. Her hair was dry, streaks of oil laced like highlights through the strands. Her nails were chipped and caked with dirt underneath. But most noticeably, there were two prominent frown lines across her cheeks. That let Joel know that the woman he’d once loved was absolutely gone.
“What happened to Tommy?” Y/n asked. She couldn’t help herself, but she kept her tone frosty.
“Sent a message three weeks back,” Joel answered, his fist fidgeting against the table, “Haven’t heard anything.”
Y/n didn’t want to take any strolls with Joel down memory lane, but Tommy was…Tommy. She couldn’t deny that she still cared about him deeply. “Do you know where he is?”
“Wyoming,” Joel answered, looking past her eyes at the wall. He didn’t think he could handle speaking about his brother to her, of all people.
“Oh,” she said, “So you’re completely crazy now.”
That earned her a hardened gaze, as if Joel had anything else for her.
“I’ve never been on the other side of the Wall,” Ellie spoke up, “Look how dark it is.”
Y/n got up first, smoothing her tank top back down and leaning against the wall near the door. Joel followed, retaking his seat on the couch. They both pondered the same thing separately: how much life Ellie had missed out on just by being born in the wrong decade.
“You guys go out there a lot?” Ellie asked Joel.
“I guess,” he answered.
“When was the last time?”
“Maybe a year,” Joel quickly replied, he wasn’t enjoying all the questions, “What’s it matter?”
“But you know where to go,” Ellie clarified, looking too much like a kid, “So we’re gonna be okay.”
It was a fair question, and Joel couldn’t fault her for being scared. Fear was all she’d ever known.
“Yeah,” he answered, significantly softer than his last one.
Y/n’s eyes grazed the window, spotting the plastic butterfly that clung to the glass. After all these years, Joel had managed to keep it. It took all the self-discipline she had not to let her tears fall.
“So what’s the deal with you anyway,” Joel asked Ellie, “You some kind of bigwig’s daughter or somethin’?”
Both Ellie and Y/n knowingly smirked to themselves. “Something like that,” Ellie replied, “Oh, the radio came on while you were sleeping.”
“What?” Joel snapped to attention, leaning forward, “What was the song?
“He kept sayin’ like, “wake me up before you go-go?” Ellie answered, making Y/n and Joel feel much much older.
Joel knew what that meant, and it was nothing good. “Shit,” he whispered to himself.
Ellie’s smirk spread across her face, “Gotcha. 80’s means trouble. Code broken.”
Joel got to his feet, having used his patience up earlier in the day. “Listen-“
Y/n was between him and Ellie in a flash, sticking out a hand towards Joel. She was off limits, even for a light scolding. Luckily, the door opened up before anything could be said. Tess had returned.
“The spot under Lancaster looks good,” she reported, turning to Ellie after, “You got a jacket in your pack?”
“Yeah,” Ellie responded.
“Okay, get it. It’s time to go.”
Y/n stuffed her sweater back in backpack and went to retrieve her now-dry jacket. It had been a long time since she’d gone outside of the QZ, she couldn’t decide whether she was terrified or happy to step outside the fence.
Joel on the other hand felt like he couldn’t move. Between the fear over his brother’s safety, being close to Y/n once again and the daunting task ahead of them, he wanted to pause it all for a moment. Tess throwing his jacket at him was a good reminder that he didn’t get to take minutes.
As Y/n went to the window to check Ellie, her eye caught the butterfly in the window again. Much like ‘Rosebud,’ there was another name that she never said. She could practically see it weaved into the fine details of the creature, the bright blue against the dark black. When Joel’s back was turned. Y/n pulled the cling off the window and shoved it in her backpack. If they were going to do this, she needed to feel strong enough to do it. She’d give it back to Joel and face his wrath when the deed was done.
The four of them made it out and into the underground tunnels, landing in a lesser frequented area of the QZ. Joel climbed out first and scanned their surroundings, helping to pull Ellie out after. Y/n came through next, though Joel knew better than the extend his hand to her, and finally, Tess.
“Holy shit,” Ellie remarked, spinning around to take it all in, “I’m actually outside.”
Not half a second later, a helicopter made its round over them, searchlights shining off it. Tess pulled Ellie in and crouched behind a large piece of debris.
“Okay, we’re gonna take the left edge around the buffer zone,” Tess explained, “You stay close and you follow my lead.”
“Yeah, yeah, of course,” Ellie nodded in understanding, glancing over to Y/n as if to get approval. Y/n nodded back, placing momentary trust that Tess would protect the girl.
“Same goes for you,” Joel said from beside her, his voice low.
Y/n glared over her shoulder, “I really don’t think you want me where you can’t see me.”
“Let’s go,” Tess ordered.
The four of them crawled under an abandoned school bus with Joel bringing up the rear. Walking while crouched was hard, but they managed their best and paused behind a car when a FEDRA patrol vehicle passed by. Once it was clear, they made their way through a rusted, metal pipe, stopping when the chopper passed over them again. Y/n caught a peek at Ellie’s face as the light shone on them, she looked terrified. Through her own nerves, Y/n reached over and took Ellie’s hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.
Joel watched the whole thing, if he wanted a glimpse of the woman he’d once known, he’d gotten it. Her heart was still there.
Their team hurried out of the pipe, rushing to hide behind another big piece of debris. A storm was starting, the lightning acting as temporary lighting for their path. Joel was leading the way when their presence was detected.
“Hey,” a FEDRA soldier shouted, “Hey! Don’t, don’t, don’t move.”
Joel hurriedly looked around for more, pushing Ellie behind him. He held his hands up in surrender, along with Y/n, Ellie and Tess. If they wanted to get out of this, they needed to play along.
The FEDRA soldier opened the visor of his helmet, getting a look at Joel. “You gotta be shittin’ me…”
“Okay, let’s talk this out,” Joel said calmly.
“Turn around,” the soldier ignored him.
“Hold on-“
“Get on your fuckin’ knees,” the soldier yelled, “Get on your fuckin’ knees!”
Joel wasn’t giving up, “Now, hold on-“
“What did I fuckin’ tell you, man? I said stay the fuck home,” he pointed to the ground, “Get on your knees!”
Y/n knew if he fought any harder, he was going to get them all killed. Taking matters into her own hands, she dropped. “Ellie,” she said calmly, “Get down.”
“Just get on your knees,” Tess said to Joel, “Just get on your knees.”
Joel listened and kneeled between Ellie and Tess, turning his back to the soldier. Ellie finally followed Yn’s directions and got down next to Y/n.
“Listen, you let us do this run,” Tess bargained, “We’ll split the cards with you.”
The soldier wasn’t having it, “Oh, will you?”
Y/n’s breaths quickened, knowing their chances of escape were slim. There had to be something to do. If she gave herself up, would he let Tess and Joel leave with Ellie? She didn’t particularly feel like dying, but Ellie was too important to compromise. They could get her the rest of the way.
“Hands on your head, eyes forward,” the soldier instructed. It was the eyes forward bit that bothered Joel the most. They wanted to control what they couldn’t even see.
“Hands on your head,” the soldier screamed, startling them all into doing it. He came up behind Tess, holding a device to her neck. Checking to see if they were infected.
Y/n’s heart stopped in her chest. Shit.
“Really, man?” Tess complained.
The soldier was undeterred, “Yep, we’re doin’ this by the book.”
Ellie nudged Y/n with her boot, signaling she knew what was coming. Y/n wasn’t sure how to offer her any assurance that they’d be okay.
“Unauthorized exit,” the soldier reported, “They’ll hang you for that.”
“Fine,” Joel tried again, “Everythin’ off this run and half off of all the pills.”
Their voices faded in Y/n’s ears. If she could move quick enough, she could spin around and shoot the soldier before he knew what was happening. It would give Tess and Joel a few seconds to get away.
Before Y/n could make a decision, Ellie stole her move and stabbed the soldier in the leg.
“Ellie!” Y/n and Tess cried in unison.
The soldier was momentarily dazed, stumbling backwards and trying to figure out where the injury was. Y/n took the opportunity to shove Ellie behind her. Joel did the same, jumping to his feet and standing in front of Y/n. It was pure instinct.
“Get out of the fuckin’ way,” the soldier yelled, aiming his gun past the adults.
Joel could talk his way out of a lot, but this looked grim. That didn’t mean he wasn’t going to try.
“We can fix this,” he tried, holding up his hands as a barrier between them and the soldier.
The soldier was done listening to their pathetic attempts. “Move.”
Joel didn’t budge.
Y/n had been on the recieving end of a lot of guns, held by people who thought that God had abandoned the post-apocalyptic warland and it was their job to fill His seat. But the military regulated weaponry, the uniform, the expressionless face that wouldn’t fill with guilt the moment its body pulled the trigger.
It transported her back twenty years.
And she knew Joel was there with her.
He surged forward, letting out a gutteral cry as he tackled the soldier to the ground. He climbed atop him, pinning him, and began to throw one merciless punch after the other. The crunching of bone and squishing of flesh formed an awful, perfect, rhythm.
While Ellie watched and felt something awaken within her, Y/n felt something die. She watched the man she’d known in her past life as loving and tender become a necessary monster. People thought mourning was only for those who left the earth, but there were plenty of dead souls still breathing. If there was any debate as to whether or not her version of Joel Miller was truly gone, the proof was now and forever burned into Y/n’s mind. Someone else now inhabited in his body.
When the job was done, Joel sat heaving over the man’s body, looking down at his bloody and bruised fist. It was the closest he could ever come to avenging her. When he looked up, his eyes first fell on Ellie, who didn’t seem to mind the violence at all. It seemed she actually liked it.
Y/n’s eyes told a different story.
A well-timed lightning strike lit her up, and Joel saw tears pooling below her y/e/c pupils. Her chest rose and fell rapidly, anxiety mixing with terror. Joel knew exactly what she was thinking about him and for a singular second, he felt guilt. He felt guilt for causing her pain, for forcing her to see him as anything other than the man she’d known.
It passed as quick as it came. It had to.
Tess grabbed the dropped scanner and read the bright red screen. Y/n hurried back to the present pulled Ellie by her jacket away from Tess.
“No, no,” Ellie yelled, “No, I’m not sick!”
“Joel,” Tess called, beginning to panic.
“She’s not sick,” Y/n backed Ellie up, “She’s clean!”
“Joel,” Tess yelled again, putting space between Y/n and her.
Ellie pulled her jacket sleeve up to reveal her arm, “Look! Look! This is three weeks old! Nobody lasts more than a day! Does this look a day old to you?”
Tess examined the bite site, it looked more like a bad scar than an infectious wound.
“You would have fuckin’ killed me!” Ellie said in horror.
“I should fucking kill you,” Tess bit back, looking up at Y/n, “What the hell’s Marlene trying to pull?!”
“It’s true,” Y/n said, keeping one hand over her pistol in case Tess didn’t listen, “She’s clean.”
She looked past Tess’ shoulder and over to Joel, who was still watching her. It was a long shot to get him of all people to listen to her, but now, she was happy to bank on their history in hopes that he’d believe her.
��I swear it,” Y/n held a hand up, her eyes digging into Joel’s, begging for him to not raise his gun.
Joel stopped short at Y/n’s vulnerability, he was shaken in every direction just from the last thirty seconds. He felt his will to argue with her slipping away.
“They’re gonna catch us if we don’t run,” Ellie stated, she wasn’t wrong. They could argue elsewhere and keep their lives.
“Joel, we gotta move,” Tess called, interrupting the stare-off between Y/n and him, “We gotta move, Joel.”
Ellie and Tess were already making their way to the fence, but Y/n and Joel stayed a second longer. Neither one had much credibility with the other, not after the last time they’d been together. But at the moment, Joel had two choices. He could either die at FEDRA’s hands, or he could follow the woman he’d once trusted most in the world and believe her one more time.
He chose the latter, though he was far from believing.
Joel picked up the soldier’s rifle and gestured for Y/n to move, the two of them ran after Tess and Ellie, who were already slipping through a hole in the chained fence. Y/n pushed through it, coming to stand on the other side of the QZ’s limits and pausing for Joel. She knew he trusted her as far as he could throw her and she wasn’t totally confidant in turning her back to him. She waited till he came through and the two of them ran after Tess and Ellie, into the night and into the unknown…
TYL Taglist: @bachiracore @stolenxkissess @kayleezra @the-wistful-reader @allthesesonsofbitches @goth-detectives365 @trippovert @rh1nestonecowg1rl @emiliaserpe @khaleesihavilliard @frietiemeloen @gracie7209 @dorck26 @thegirlnextdoorssister @alanis-altair @mariwinns16 @whosscruffylooking (for anyone whose tag isn’t working, change your settings to ‘show up in search results’)
Joel Miller Taglist: @xsnak-3x @xmoonknightlyx
2K notes · View notes
vxiphoid · 11 months
❨ summary ❩ genshin › genshin men playing minecraft with you ((ft. alhaitham, itto, cyno, diluc, kazuha, kaeya, heizou, & xiao))
tags ✧ modern au, drabble, fluff, chaotic energy, not proofread, cursing, ooc(?), established relationship, gn!reader, kaeya sets a forest on fire, alhaitham does not appreciate bees, mentions of pixelated deaths
amanuensis’ message ⊹ IM NOT TRYING TO KILL MY OTHER FANDOMS I SWEAR… im gonna back up from twst for a bit (im literally posting scarabia soon.) you can clearly tell who my favorites are… this unlocked a whole different part of my brain holy shit im deceased
⌜200+ e/chara ⌟
♫ blossom - t. shan
genshin masterlist
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╰┈➤ tbh he thinks minecraft is stupid, i mean, why not read a book instead of burning the images of pixels into your eye sockets😒 yeah, he’d just rather books. its a game about blocks, what could possibly be so interesting? he will admit the music is… nice. its nostalgic even though he’s never heard the track before. his favorite animals are the axolotl idk they’re his little pookies. its their little stick arms, they look so silly… as soon as haitham found out that you could color things its over, he make some sweet things like putting a sign on top of your shared house with both initials with colored dye. he’s so happy, just not very vocal about it, but he has the smallest of smiles. he definitely has headphones with the crochet sprout on it omg😭 alhaitham does not like bees whatsoever, they stung him for trying to get food. he just wanted honey :[
“look, the dog’s collar is blue. and the sign’s letters are green and then if you add a glow squid’s ink, it lights up.”
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╰┈➤ he has waited YEARS for someone to play minecraft with him omfg. certified snack hoarder for times like these. you both literally hit each other to show love, you’ve accidentally killed him once bc he didn’t tell you that he had like half a heart… itto likes the water, hates the guardians because who do you think you are attacking him out of nowhere??? gets one shotted by the elder guardian while trying to fight it with a stick and then blames it on magma blocks pulling him down. GAMING WITH HIM IS NEVER CALM GODS💀 you cannot lay on him or anything bc as soon as those cave sounds or disc 13 start playing, he’s already done sprung out of his seat. his screams are actually really funny though, you got him a cat from how much he’s been assaulted by creepers. when you introduced him to shaders, he was so in awe. “babe i have a shadow!” type of excitement JAKEJEJDMnda.
“the cat’s name is sir arataki the third, you are now my loyal guard cat. who’s an adorable little guy?”
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╰┈➤ look at this nerd (affectionate), ofc he plays cubecraft. loved it so much that when he didn’t have the actual game, he would play the really bad knockoffs💀 plays on console so you can sit between his legs, lean back, and game with him. cyno hate the split screen because he always gets confused on what side he’s on so he lets you use his switch, that way you’re both still comfortable. he’s more of an explorer if you do get mod packs for him, likes the horror ones the most. there’s nothing like hitting the enemy or shit talking the thing that could potentially one shot you with your s/o‼️ yall crouch a lot, its like a little dance. he really likes the disc “far” it itches his brain in the right way. definitely downloads the little raccoon mobs but then regrets it because he gives up all his berries to them, look at their little begging arms, literally how can you say no to that?? AND THEY WASH THE BERRIES. you both fall asleep to the ambience and to each others breathing all cuddled up ‘n warm. cyno absentmindedly sings the music while chopping wood or mining that shit has you SLUMPED. he kisses your head when you fall asleep, smiling like a silly goober.
“do-do-do-do do-do-do-do do, neow neow neow nneow neeeowwww… huh? oh, i’m almost done then we can go to bed, yeah? i’ll charge the switch too, don’t worry. just rest.”
(he’s singing that one part in danny lmfao)
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╰┈➤ diluc does not understand the concept of minecraft but its okay, he’s just happy to be here. he also doesn’t call it minecraft but “cave game”, the original name, he did his research though it is rare that he actually calls it minecraft. found out that you could breed animals and accidentally made a pack of wolves. diluc is really good with redstone its actually insane😭 he’s the type to protect you the whole time while you’re getting flowers for the house, boyfriend bodyguard. diluc doesn’t play much because of his job but when he does, he’s prepared to sit for hours and spend time with you :(. these are the times where he’s most affectionate, randomly kissing your cheek, getting water for the both of you before you play, etc. luc loves the mod pack “industrial”, he can build machines, how neat is that??? also it has way more OMFP with the added features it has yk? he likes the trains :D
“is the water running…? the water’s running, they have moving windmills!”
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╰┈➤ kazuha has the most expensive equipment yet doesn’t use this shit half of the time unless he’s streaming with heizou??? like im talking msi infinite rs pc, multiple monitors, a graphic drawing tablet, headphones with immaculate sound quality AND!!! the ear cups have fucking cyberpunk 3d wing guards on them. but anyways, minecraft, yes, he plays. in fact, kaedehara has about 10 beaten hardcore worlds every time a new update comes out, he must beat the game again. he rarely plays minecraft without his shaders so when you want to play the original og minecraft, he doesn’t mind, he actually enjoys the nostalgia. so much so the music is actually his background music when he’s just lazing around. words cannot express how much he dislikes (hates) wardens omg. he’ll protect you from them but if there were diamonds behind a warden, ig he’s going somewhere else😭 kazuha gives you random shit, weather that be something really sweet or questionable…
“love, do you want my rotten flesh? here<3 oh! and, i also got you some steak, you’re low on hearts…”
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╰┈➤ he’s heard of it, watched people play, just never played it. but when he does… he’s a menace. kaeya got his hands on flint and steel and set an entire jungle on fire… but he can be sweet sometimes! you’re the one protecting his ass while he walks around at night UNARMED to gather blue flowers for you. like you’re cute, but take a shield or something😭 he’s jumped off of a tall building before and landed on half a heart for a stack of bread you didn’t want. he’s rather oblivious to the mobs around him, he once thought shulkers were friends because they were just “silly little guys in little boxes” yk until they almost killed him. you bought him his own skin and introduced him to parrots and now its his favorite animal, he looks like a pirate!!! kaeya is chaotically sweet.
“yes, you almost died protecting me but how could you resist my everlasting love plus pixelated blue flowers?”
(has a cat unironically named ice spice LMFAO)
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╰┈➤ your boyfriend is good at literally anything else BUT minecraft. its the way this game constantly has it out for him too like what did bro do??🙁 heizou stream’s with kazuha every now and again and on those, he still doesn’t know what to do… he’d rather play on the servers, bedwars in particular. extremely good at bw, you’d rather NOT be his enemy😭😭 wins almost every single game even when he carries, rank 98 in the server. yet when it comes to a casual server between you and him, the chats are filled with his deaths and his hashtagged rages💀 heizou despises silverfish which is also why he hates going into strongholds, they could get stomped on for all he cares! >:( he has texture packs with really beautiful skies and then a picnic mod so he can stargaze with you and eats minecraft cake :(<3
“oh. babe, green is heading for our bed, no pressure or anything. i loovveee youuu😚”
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╰┈➤ xiao has the MOST downloaded mod packs, shaders, and worlds. not very expensive mod packs most of the time but when they are, they’re always good. spends his time fighting off mobs at night, #1 totem holder. he even has his own custom skin!!! he’s kinda been waiting for you to ask so when you do play mc together, you already have your own room, but when you voluntarily move your bed into his room to sleep… he melts. xiao loves cuddling while the two of you play, he’d rather your arms around him than the other way around, feels more intimate. you have matching hoodies for occasions like this. he has the dragon mod pack and has his own golden and orange dragon named ‘li’. he doesn’t talk while gaming, curses silently when he gets hit, but other than that doesn’t talk. if you want to talk, he’ll listen, he likes hearing about your day :].
“no, keep talking. i’m listening. see, li’s listening too.”
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780 notes · View notes
I feel like I write a lot of angsty things for the roommate series so here’s something fluffy:
Simon loves to read.
I’m not talking just reading as like a downtime thing, he gets into books and consume anything that pertains to it. He’ll buy an entire series, he’ll a book front to back in a matter of a day or two, and will analyze it so much that he even has a note book full of notes on it (he doesn’t like to write or put tabs in the book)
And it’s not just with books. He wouldn’t admit it but he almost loves comics more than he likes books because of the medium and how easy it is to consume
He’s stayed up late just reading, especially when he can’t sleep and if the book is really good his nose is stuck in it.
Sometimes he uses reading as an escape, but truly he’s fascinated by the stories told and the worlds created (he’s a fan of fantasy and fiction, will sometimes pick up a non-fiction book)
You like catching him when he’s reading because unbeknownst to him, he has a very expressive face when he’s reading. You can almost see when a plot twist happens, or when there’s a part he doesn’t like just by the expression on his face. You’ve noticed that he rubs his fingers over his lips when he reads and now because you’ve seen his dog tags, he tends to put one of the disks in his mouth when he reads.
It’s adorable, you think, how engrossed he gets into the stories. You like watching his little expressions and habits when he reads.
But the best part is when you ask him to talk about the book or comic he’s reading.
It took a little bit for him to get past his shyness about sharing his thoughts with you. At first he said short little things about it, but the more you told him you wanted to know what he really thinks, he started to open up more.
Now when you ask him, he’s pulling out his notes and practically giving you a full presentation. He gets excited and riled up talking to you about the current book he’s on and his feelings towards it is.
His eyes light up he smiles a little bit more and he doesn’t see so tense, and though he’s not particularly animated, you can tell that he’s invested.
He’s happy.
Simon loves telling you everything you want to know, he loves that you’re interested and that you’re the one who asks. It makes him feel warm, it makes him excited and it takes everything in him to not kiss you for every encouraging word you say to him.
Doesn’t matter what both of you are doing; whether it’s cuddling, about to go to sleep, or just sitting in the couch, he’s always so ready to tell you everything he thinks about the book/comic
(Added bonus if you’re an aspiring writer, he’s your number one supporter and will pester you to let him read your work, will help if you ask but mostly just wants to read it even if it’s “bad”.)
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mirage-aera · 3 months
•°. *࿐ Stay high
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ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Habits (Stay High) - Tove Lo
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x Reader
pt 1. - pt 2
Synopsis: You lose yourself in your grief. You do various things that you never did, or occasionally did. As much as you know it’s wrong, you can’t get yourself to stop. You need to keep him off your mind somehow.
Word count: 2.263
TW!! Mention of character death, eating disorder, alcoholism.
Please don’t read this, read my other work instead if this triggers you. This time it’s pretty heavy on the latter two topics. Stay safe lovelies.
Simon has been officially declared MIA on a mission gone bad. Or so, that’s what you’ve been told. It’s been months and you’ve been spiraling ever since the news broke out. You’re clinging onto the smallest of hopes that he’s still out there. Alone, injured, but alive. It’s scary how you can go from being completely independent to being dependent on someone, only for it to be ripped away from you in seconds, being left alone to figure out how to be fully independent again. You’ve gone from being able to sleep in your bed alone like a baby, to being not able to sleep at all. Tossing and turning, wondering if Simon is still out there kicking, or if he already has kicked the bucket. His body lying in a ditch somewhere or in some organization’s basement. You don’t know, no one knows what happened to him. All that is known is that he was on a solo mission, observing a high-value target. Only for it to be an ambush and get surrounded by tangos. From there on out it was radio silence.
You lay on the couch. Eyes swollen and red from continuous crying. The TV is playing some show that you can’t be bothered to care about on repeat. It’s been months, and you’re still as miserable as the day they came to your door and sent you their condolences. They promised to let you know if there are any updates about him, even if they end up finding his body. They promised they’d tell you. You don’t know if the lack of updates is a good thing or the exact opposite.
I get home, I got the munchies
Binge on all my Twinkies
Throw up in the 'tub, then I go to sleep
You haven’t eaten all day. You either don’t eat for days on end, or eat an unhealthy amount of junk food to keep you going. You know it’s not healthy. You know it’s not what Simon would want you to do. But you can’t help it. You need something, someone to numb the pain. A knock sounds at the door. You rush off the couch to open the door. You hope that it’s Simon at the door. You stumble toward the door and fling it open. Your heart sinks to your stomach when you spot two military officers at the door. They look at you grimly and hold out Simon’s dog tags, bloodied balaclava, and a small wooden box with his personal effects. Your entire world crumbles at that moment. The sight of his dog tags and bloodied balaclava sends bile to your throat. You reach out with shaky hands for the items. You put the wooden box down. You clutch the piece of cloth and metal tightly in your hands. One of the officers speaks up. “Mrs. Riley, we regret to inform you that Simon Riley has been declared KIA,” they take off their hats and bow their heads, “our condolences.” A sob escapes your throat. You nod meekly, wish them a good night, and shut the door. Once the door is closed, it’s only you in the lonesome cold house. You slide down the door and sit on the floor. Cries leave your body. He’s gone, he’s really gone, and he’s not coming back.
You get up shakily and walk to the kitchen. You raid the kitchen cabinets for whatever junk food you can reach for. You grab several candy bars, cookies, cakes. Whatever you still have left, whatever you haven’t touched. You glance at the fridge. All of the food stored is starting to expire. You know you should eat healthier if you’re going to eat at all. But it isn’t appetizing to you anymore. More tears fall from your eyes. You trudge over to the couch. You slump over and start eating. You binge on whatever you grabbed until it’s all or mostly gone. Not even a minute later you feel yourself growing nauseous. You send yourself to the bathroom to throw up. You don’t make it to the toilet bowl. Instead, you empty all of your stomach’s contents into the bathtub. After you finish throwing everything back up. You slump over the side of the bathtub. You rest your head on your arms. Sobs racked through your body. Binging on junk food made you temporarily forget about Simon. Giving you short bliss. Now you’re back into that rabbit hole and you can’t climb out. Eventually, you fall asleep on the cold, hard bathroom floor. Having been tired out by sobbing your sorrows out.
The following morning you wake up with a sore and scratchy throat. Your head is pounding. And the thoughts of Simon are flooding your mind. All of the past memories you’ve made together are looping in your mind like a movie. All of his sweet nothings are playing in your head like a broken record. It’s as if he’s haunting you in your own house. A house you used to share with him. You begrudgingly get up from the bathroom tiles. You walk towards the living room, wanting to go back to sulking on the couch and feeling miserable for yourself. For how far you’ve fallen. Then you eye the liquor cabinet. You aren’t much of a drinker, you never were. But you’d sometimes join Simon in the activity, as he’s fond of dabbling into the occasional night spent with whisky in one hand, the other entangled with yours. You swing open the liquor cabinet. Grabbing the first thing you see. Whisky. Great. Another thing to remind you of him. You walk towards the dining table. A table you’ve always kept neat, a table that is now littered with all sorts of things. You haven’t cleaned the house in ages, not having the energy to do so.
And I drank up all my money
Dazed and kinda lonely
You're gone, and I gotta stay high all the time
To keep you off my mind
You sit down and crack open the bottle of whisky. You don’t bother pouring it into a glass. You take a huge gulp and swallow. Your throat burns as the liquid traverses from your throat to your stomach. You grimace. You never got used to the burning sensation, perhaps you will later. You keep drinking until you feel yourself getting sick.
The same pattern repeats in the following days. You’d binge eat junk food, throw it up, and pass out. The next morning you’d drink yourself stupid and sick. After you run out of alcohol, you’d buy more. You run out of junk food, you order a huge amount of takeout. You burn through your money without a care in the world.
Spend my days locked in a haze
Trying to forget you, babe, I fall back down
Gotta stay high all my life to forget I'm missing you
All of this has one goal, to keep Simon off your mind for as long as possible. Even if it’s only temporary. You’d rather forget about him temporarily than torment yourself with all sorts of trinkets around the house that remind you of him. The picture frames on the wall. His closet. His favorite drink, alcoholic and non alcoholic. Even his toothbrush will torment you till the day you die. Every time you try to pick your life back up. When you try to pick up the pieces of your shattered heart that he has left behind. You’d regress and fall further down that hole. You’ve gone from being an occasional drinker to someone who can’t function without getting drunk at least every other day. To someone who eats healthy and promotes it, to someone who doesn’t bother anymore and eats a very unhealthy amount of junk food. From someone who seldom goes to bars, to someone who frequents them often.
Pick up daddies at the playground
How I spend my daytime
Loosen up the frown, make them feel alive
I make it fast and greasy
I'm numb, and way too easy
You find yourself in another bar. You’ve been hopping in between bars for the last couple of months. People are always telling you that with time grief will get easier. Oh how wrong they are. You feel the same amount of grief, if not more. The bartender recognizes you the instant you make yourself known. He already hands you your preferred drink. You’re a paying customer after all, even if you look like you went through hell and back. As you down shot after shot. You see a man walk up to you and take a seat next to you. You ignore him. Wanting to drown yourself in your sorrows in solitude. But the man is persistent and orders you another shot when you finish yours. You glance at him. “You didn’t need to do that.” You say indifferently. The man shrugs before grinning. “You look like you’ve had a rough couple of days. You could use a treat.” You scowl at the shot on the counter. You down it quickly. The man orders another for you. “Make that a couple of months.” You retort bitterly. He looks at you surprised before he gives you an understanding nod. The bartender gives you another shot. You down that one just as quickly as you did the other couple of shots. “If you need a distraction I’d be willing to give you one.” You arch an eyebrow. He’s offering you to hook up with him. You dwell on his offer. You can’t believe you’re even considering it. It must be the alcohol talking. Before you even realise it you blurt out your answer. “Sure.”
One thing leads to another. A sloppy, messy kiss develops into a makeout session. From the living room to the bedroom. Clothes being torn off. When he climbs up onto you, a thought rushes through your slightly sobered-up mind. You promised you’d stay loyal to him. Even if he’s dead. Everything starts rushing to you and you can’t take it. You push him off you, gather your clothes, give him a rushed apology while throwing your clothes on, and storming out of his apartment. You call yourself an Uber to get you back home. You swear to yourself, that this is going to be a night you’re going to forget. Erase from your mind.
You sit in the car, pondering on the actions that you’ve just done. You were ready to give yourself to another man, a stranger no less. You don’t even know his name and he doesn’t know yours. Tears fall from your eyes. That thought scares you. Yes, you want to keep Simon off your mind, but not like this. Anything but this.
Staying in my play pretend
Where the fun ain't got no end, oh
Can't go home alone again
Need someone to numb the pain, oh
The next few days you spend your time revisiting old places that you often visited with him. Places he would take you out on dates, places that you begged him to take you to. You’d stay out from morning until late in the night. You’d bring enough that’ll be enough for two people. You and Simon. You’d pretend he’s still here with you, telling you about his day. How his teammates, friends are doing. People who pass you by think you’re insane, and honestly, they might be right. But do you care? No. This is your way to grieve. You keep his death off your mind by pretending he’s still here with you. Your own little play pretend. Because you know when you get home, the harsh reality will sink in and destroy you again. You want to savor these moments as long as you possibly can. Oh, how it hurts. That the one you need to numb the pain is Simon himself, and no one else.
You're gone, and I gotta stay high all the time
To keep you off my mind
Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
High all the time to keep you off my mind
When you get back home from your adventures. The loneliness, and coldness from the house you once called comforting, and warm, seep into your bones. You go back to your routine. Drown yourself with more junk food or alcohol. Cry yourself to sleep. Wake up. Cry again. Go out until late. Rinse and repeat.
A figure hiding himself in the shadows outside your shared home observes your behavior. His heart breaks when he sees how far you’ve fallen. He watches how his strong independent woman, resorts to bad habits to keep herself afloat, mourning the supposed death of her husband. He wishes he could barge in, and comfort you. But he can’t. At least, not yet. And that fact hurts him tremendously. He just wishes he’ll be able to finish his mission before you fall rock bottom in that rabbit hole you’ve dug up for yourself.
For now, the only comfort he can give himself is watching you in your home. He’ll have to stay in the shadows and watch from afar. Keeping you at arms’ length.
Sometimes you’d see a dark, hooded figure by the window. They wear a mask similar to Simon’s. But it can’t be him. He’s dead and isn’t coming back. So for now you’ll ignore the figure. As long as they don’t come in here and interrupt your peace, you don’t give a damn about them. But you can’t help but have that gnawing feeling in the pit of your stomach. What if it really is him?
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vickyzangels · 1 year
% “..you know who's callin' even though the number is blocked.”
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# synopsis ; sfw and nsfw headcanons pt 2 yippee 🎉
# pairing ; tom kaulitz x reader
# word count ; 646
# tags ; nsfw further down “keep reading” (mdni)
a/n ; i’ve had hiccups throughout writing this entire thing and i’ve been miserable
he has a specific look for you. every picture you’d ever see of him and a fan that he was guaranteed to have flirted with, he never looked at those fans the way he did at you
the way he looks at you like you hung up every star in the sky regardless of the situation, “absolutely enchanted by your beauty,” he’d say when you asked him why you kept catching him staring
y’all look like this religously: 👁️👁️ 👀
he always goes over the top for getting you gifts for events but he never understands what is “too much” and maybe for valentines’ day or something he bought you a fucking mercedes and dior like it was nothing
my gut feeling is telling me that he genuinely loves traveling so much, and for him to be able to travel and sightsee with you is extremely intimate to him
horror movie marathons where he puts on the most gruesome, gut wrenching movies not only cause he likes them but because he gets to be gripped on by you when you get scared
even if that means you nearly dislocate his arm
he’s a lana del rey and norman fucking rockwell girlie (now i’m just projecting my bad)
group conversations with the band, you, and him might be the brightest you’ve ever had cause it’s every single time that you barely even start talking, within minutes it gets difficult to breath cause you’re laughing stupidly hard at tom’s jokes
the type of guy that sits on your bed in your room and just lovingly stares at you as you go on with your life, but the way he looks at you when you’re getting dressed up a little for an event is SOOO🧎🏻‍♀️
domesticity looks so good on him. the few times that tom has woken up before you have (which is very few because he’ll stare at you till you wake up), you’d walk into the kitchen to see him making you a small and simple breakfast just to get your day started
branching off of food, he pays EXTREME attention to everything about you, to the point where he’s memorized an elaborate coffee order and when would be a good time to order it just for you
you two fuck like bunnies, the walls vibrate every time you’re both in the building and you both have definitely caused an earthquake
he got jealous when he found your vibrator and swore that he hated it knowing that it got to touch you before he did, but him and the vibrator became great friends when he was using it on you while you two fucked 😇
i’d say usually till you’re both crying but that takes like 5-7 rounds average. every single time.
he has this thing where he’s entirely willing to get off just by grinding on you which comes very handy when you’re on the tour bus (assuming bill didn’t make you get another way of transportation just to make sure you two wouldn’t raw dog on the bus)
do you understand how many quickies you get on a regular basis. in the venue bathroom, their dorm living room while everyone is away doing something, i really meant it when i said like bunnies
he’s so fucking loud?? moaning and groaning into the air and he’s not even inside of you yet
say hypothetically those dick piercings he constantly mentions were, i don’t know… authentic…. he takes great pride in the pleasure it gives not only him but you, especially you
omg he’s DOWN BAD for marking like he loves constantly giving you hickeys or biting you but when you give him hickeys or bites he goes into cardiac arrest
it makes him feel closer to you somehow, probably cause he sees the marks as personal and reinforces your guys’ relationship to him
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a/n ; multiple things, 1) thank you so much for 110 followers??? i swear to you i was at 13 5 days ago thank you so much wth 2) working on a request from my inbox next, stay put for that 👍
© ALL RIGHTS BELONG TO VICKYZANGELS. do not steal, repost, plagiarize, or use my work for anything.
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meidnightrain · 9 months
1989 - a blog event
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❝ you took a polaroid of us then discovered, the rest of the world was black and white. but we were in screaming color. ❞
from: november first to november twenty-first
description: to celebrate the release of 1989 tv, i’ll be writing 21 fics inspired by the songs in the album 1989 tv by taylor swift though the last five songs will remain a mystery for now
warnings: reader is gn in all fics, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, tw will be put in fics itself on a later date
taglist: if you’re interested in following this event, drop an ask in my inbox to be added to the taglist or alternatively, follow the tag 🕊️ - 1989 event to read my fics!
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#O1 WELCOME TO FONTAINE - feat aether
traveling with the renowned traveler, you can’t help but be dazzled by him more than the sights of each nation
#O2 BLANK SPACE - feat yae
being the famous lady guuji comes with rumors that tarnish your reputation but yet, you aren’t deterred by them at all
#O3 STYLE - feat kaveh
despite all the warning signs in your relationship with the architect, you can’t help but think that maybe you were made for each other
#O4 OUT OF THE WOODS - feat gorou
your relationship has always been turbulent with the dog general and you decide that maybe parting ways is the best option
even though you’ve been pushed away multiple times, you’re not backing down from getting the archon to open up to you
#O6 SHAKE IT OFF - feat eula
in an attempt to get the spindrift knight to take a break, you give her the ultimate distraction, dancing.
#O7 I WISH YOU WOULD - feat navia
after a misunderstanding with your best friend, you both realise that you rather have constant quarrels than be apart
#O8 BAD BLOOD - feat alhaitham
arguments with your rival are common but this time, he takes it a little too far when his words hit close to home
#O9 WILDEST DREAMS - feat kazuha
in which you spend sunsets with the crux’s resident poet
#1O HOW YOU GET THE GIRL - feat wanderer
presenting…nahida’s foolproof and totally not subtle plan to get you and the wanderer together after endless pining!
#11 THIS LOVE - feat diluc
the dark-knight hero has always been known to keep a distance but he always ends up right by your side
#12 I KNOW PLACES - feat yelan
in which you get firsthand experience on what dating an intelligence agent is all about, playing the game and staying away from prying eyes
#13 CLEAN - feat ayato
the rain would wash away the tears and every trace left from your relationship with the yashiro commissioner
#14 WONDERLAND - feat lyney
when you wake up in a dreamland full of cheshire cats and whimsical creatures, a mad hatter is there to help you escape
#15 YOU ARE IN LOVE - feat childe
you’ve never given thought to your relationship with your childhood friend, until it changes into something different
#16 NEW ROMANTICS - feat beidou
after a bad breakup, a night out with your drinking buddy makes you realise maybe life isn’t as cruel as you thought
#17 “SLUT!” - feat wriothesley
in which you’d be the target of your romance with the duke, bear the burden of your relationship
#18 SAY DON’T GO - feat xiao
the vigilant yaksha would have stayed forever if you had told him to stay, but you were long gone now
#19 NOW THAT WE DON’T TALK - feat alhaitham
the ways that you avoided him would prove to be fruitless, because you both needed to talk
#2O SUBURBAN LEGENDS - feat furina
your relationship with the hydro archon would be warning to the audience that the divine and mortals don’t mix, that was if you had taken legends seriously
#21 IS IT OVER NOW? - feat kaeya
despite having been broken up with the cavalry captain in ages, your relationship still didn’t feel like it was over
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reblogs are appreciated to show your support for this event<3
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babydollmarauders · 7 months
au masterlist
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liked by jackhughes, nicohischier, and 251,869 others
y/ndevils00 well… that was painful
welcome back to my post-game recap! if you don’t know who i am because you’ve been living under a rock, or you’ve been in jail (don’t do crimes unless you can get away with them), i’m y/n! or as my boyfriend calls me, ‘dove’! i work as the social media manager for one of the sluttiest teams (and maybe the worst this season…) in the National Hockey League: the New Jersey Devils!
let get into it! your favorite (or maybe least favorite. i wouldn’t blame you!) men from hell lost 4-6 against the patriotic old guys tonight…. i can’t say i wasn’t surprised
we had an absolutely scoreless (and sinless) first period on our end, transitioning into intermission down by 3!
but second period is when we really started heating up! we got FOUR lovely goals by THREE lovely people!!
starting with uncle Toffee!! who scored our first AND our fourth goal!! he’s been so queen girlboss slay recently! who knew he would be this good?! not me! i doubted him severely! (i cannot apologize for my previous thoughts about you uncle, i can only ask you to forgive me anyways because you took my DILH and i’m still recovering)
Timo the absolute Tank Engine got us our second goal of the night with his first goal of the season! and no penalties!! i feel like a proud mother to a usually extremely horribly behaved little boy 🥹
and of course, my favorite whore, my very best swiss, my least favorite kind of cheese; captain slut got our third goal of the night!! THAT’S MY HOE!! POP OFF! (he also got a penalty tonight but i’ve opted not to show that because he paid me $20)
and i could never forget to mention that my beautiful angel of a bad bitch, Rowdy, got an assist on THREE out of four of our goals tonight!! he’s only 3 points away from 20 points already!! THAT’S MY (baby)GIRL!
and third period is when we immediately went as cool as the ice they skate on… giving up three goals (including an empty netter to the oldest looking man alive)… we got no goals of our own and my sweet baby angel face bestie number 1 got a penalty for being too perfect 😔
all-in-all, let’s wish the boys luck against the sabres on friday because apparently they need it! i think friday’s enemy gave them some pretty good advice though and they should put it to use!
p.s. ikea baby and merc-dog are my exact reactions to how badly we played in the third
p.p.s. ovi… when i catch you ovi 🥊😑
tagged john.marino97, tofff73, tmeier96, nicohischier, jackhughes, lhughes_06, jesperbratt, and dawson1417
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jackhughes dove, baby, what is that abomination of a 5th photo?
y/ndevils00 my camera wouldn’t focus :(
jackhughes so why post it?
y/ndevils00 you don’t appreciate my talents
jackhughes i can assure you, i appreciate your talents plenty. photo taking is just usually not one of them
lhughes_06 gross
user29 did she just threaten OVECHKIN?! 😭
user17 i fear we may lose these updates after this threat 😪
jesperbratt what was i 😦 at?
y/ndevils00 i honestly couldn’t tell you— i was too busy wondering the best way to fit you in my pocket
john.marino97 i got a picture?!
y/ndevils00 you got an assist and no penalties!
john.marino97 but dawson got a penalty and no assists and still got a picture?
y/ndevils00 you’re not dawson, the standards for you are different
john.marino97 i’ve known you for 4 years and this is how i get treated? DAWSON HAS ONLY KNOWN YOU FOR 2!
y/ndevils00 you tattle on me, you deserve your treatment
dawson1417 she’s got you there, bud
tofff73 you doubted me?!
y/ndevils00 in my defense, i didn’t know you were chill like that
tofff73 jack has informed me that you cried at the trade, i forgive your doubts
y/ndevils00 @/jackhughes YOU’RE TELLING HIM MY SECRETS?!
jackhughes @/y/ndevils00 i wasn’t aware that you usually blast your “secrets” on your instagram story
user81 the random luke picture… y/n loves her smush 🥹
tmeier96 did you just call me a tank engine?
tmeier96 also, i’m OLDER than you!
y/ndevils00 that was a compliment! i’m saying you’re built!
tmeier96 you’re a funny little thing
y/ndevils00 also yes you are older— i said i FELT like a proud mother, not that i AM one. i already have one reckless child at home, i don’t want another
jackhughes @/y/ndevils00 she’s a cat.
y/ndevils00 @/jackhughes SHE IS OUR BABY
trevorzegras you love testing how far you can push before you get a warning for your behavior, don’t you?
y/ndevils00 i learned from you 🫶
trevorzegras you’re a cockroach
y/ndevils00 all i’m hearing is that i’m resilient and can live through anything
trevorzegras i hate you
y/ndevils00 you WISH you hated me— if you really did then you wouldn’t facetime me twice a week
nicohischier there are so many things i take issue with about my paragraph
y/ndevils00 is it that it’s not long enough? i’m sorry, i’ll make it longer next time!
nicohischier please DON’T.
lhughes_06 ya know, you were a lot nicer before i joined the team
y/ndevils00 oh good! that means i’m doing this right!
lhughes_06 doing what right?
y/ndevils00 tough love!
dawson1417 i didn’t do anything :(
y/ndevils00 i know, sugarplum!
dawson1417 they jailed me…
y/ndevils00 i can’t imagine how traumatic that must’ve been for you
dawson1417 oh it wasn’t that bad, you were in there too
y/ndevils00 yeah…. lindy put me there in 2nd intermission. he said if i wouldn’t stop chirping the capitals as though i was a player, then i needed to be treated like a player and get a penalty…. then i couldn’t get out because the game started again
dawson1417 you can’t skate, how did you get in?
y/ndevils00 i was betrayed
nicohischier @/y/ndevils00 i stand by it.
y/ndevils00 @/nicohischier YOU ALMOST DROPPED ME TWICE
nicohischier those were on purpose.
dawson1417 and how did you get out?
y/ndevils00 my knight in shining armor!
jackhughes @/y/ndevils00 i didn’t get you out?
jesperbratt i did!
jackhughes oh, yeah, that makes sense
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sweet-lover-girl · 11 months
Hear me out. Pet play with Abby? Abby just having you sit at her lap, petting you like a dog? Wearing one of the dog colors?? Abby calling you pup nd feeding you lol treats?? Fucking you from behind like ur just a bitch in heat???
Holy shit I had to fan myself Anon, as soon as I saw this I started writing shit down✍️ when I tell you I have been writing on this since you sent it this morning, it’s been a ride and I’ve loved every second XD and please, avert your eyes to any lingering mistakes as I’ve read through this so much…
I actually really like pet play, but only some parts of it if that makes any sense. And I know it’s not everyone cup of fancy tea but I do really like it. I did this as a headcanon like format(even though their not really headcanons..) so I hope that’s okay. I also didn't stick to your request like— at all so I'm very sorry for that and this got VERY off track. It's pretty fucking long. But I got so excited to write about this for some reason and I can only hope you like this Anon!
Warning(s):Pet play(obvi), Dom!Abby, Sub!reader, dom/sub dynamics, mean!Abby(shes gets pretty mean in this), reader wears a collar and leash, praising, degrading, very brief mention of reader having timeout, very brief mention of edging, lesbian sex, reverse cowgirl, ass slapping(twice I think), chocking(Abby pulls the leash and so you slightly get chocked up by the collar), Abby forces reader to walk around the room on her hands and knees while leashed, throat fucking(Abby face fucks you, also brief) breath control(?), gagging, and I think that’s it?
Now onto the fun part!
💖Now lets make one thing clear first, you and Abby have been dating for like two years before she even finds out about your kink, you’ve had sex PLENTY of times before this so yeah, with that being said we can begin. When Abby first found out about you being into pet play she was very delicate with it actually, starting off slow and steady, not wanting to rush you both straight into it. You both had agreed that you wanna give it a go and so then began the talk about things you liked about it and what you didn’t like as much— not going super into details - because slow and steady. (At this point you and Abby had just wanted to scratch the surface of the kink, a collar and leash and other items like that have yet to even been talked about) After that talk Abby began to gently praise you when you did something good, saying things like,“Good puppy” and “You did so well pup” While patting your head like you were an actual dog. Giving you your favorite snacks as a ‘treat’ to reward you.
💖but if you did something bad she would scold you saying things like,“Naughty pup” or “Naughty dog” -her fave go to scold as you were the most responsive to this(if you really mess up). She would put you in timeout when you acted up, nothing serious because again, slow and steady. But she did make you kneel at her feet with nothing to do, or worse she would send you to the corner to pout for the next ten minutes.
💖So when she had finally found the right collar for you she presented it to you that night when she got home and when you saw it you almost went straight to your puppy like headspace. The collar was black with your favorite color as the threading, and as for the leash. It was a long chain linked metal leash that was pretty heavy.(I don’t know if you can actually use those kinds of leashes for pet play, I just feel like it would hurt your neck so much, but for this I’m using it because I think it’s hot..)The collar has a dog bone shaped tag that says,”Property of Abigail Anderson(in the modern AU, in the OG story she just finds a tag that says puppy on it.) Your breathing picked up a little as your cunt warmed, and she hasn’t even said anything yet— just had the collar and metal leash clenched in her hand. Abby immediately saw your demeanor change and she slowly walked up to you with a soft smile asking quietly,“You wanna be my good girl?” in a voice two octaves lower the usual. Her fingers tilting your head up by your chin, Abby saw your pupils were blown wide and that made her grin slyly. her own cunt throbbing at the thought of you being leashed up and kneeling and her hand holding the lead. You nod quickly with a quite whimper, to which she coos at quietly and leans down to kiss your lips fiercely and hot. She pulls away when she feels you wiggle up against her, trying to grind your pantie covered pussy against her clothed thigh. She chuckles at your eagerness,”You’re so fucking cute.” She whispers. And as much as she was loving how ready you were for this, she needed to hear you say you actually wanted it,”I need you to use your words babygirl. Do you want this?” She looked you deep in the eyes as she held your chin. It takes you a few seconds to answer as you were falling into the puppy mindset of yours, but when her grip got just a bit tighter you answered,”Please Abby? Please, I want this so bad.”
💖Of course after that you and her had a looong talk about limits and hard yes’s and no’s, what you both like and didn’t like(in-depth this time)Even a safe word and signals (I also feel like Abby would use the stop light system) she didn’t put your collar on you that night though, which lowkey broke your heart BUT she did that for a reason, she wanted it to be special, trust me, she was eager to break in your collar as well ;) (Also, Abby thinks every moment with you was special— but this was something you were really excited for so she wanted it to be perfect…Okaaay and because she thought you were so fucking cute while pouting, and she loves to edge you so it worked out well in her mind.) Abby had worked on the perfect night for the two of you. You both had gotten home after a long day, both of you showering together(Abby fucking you in the shower and making you cum twice, once by her fingers - she had you pinned between her looming form and the cooled tiled wall and then she once again had you pinned to the wall, but this time with one of your legs thrown over her broad shoulder so she could eat you out while she fingered you.)
💖Abby then made you ride her cock with your back was facing her so she could pull on the metal chain linked to your collar, making your back arch beautifully when she decided to pull on the leash.(she’s also wearing cargo pants with the fly undo for her strap to fit through and combat boots, plus her top half is bare so yes her tits are free and bouncing with every thrust and you are bare naked, nothing but your collar on, I just felt that was important) One of Abby’s hands were on your hip, squeezing the plush skin there while her other hand had the chain wrapped around her thick veiny forearm. Your hands placed on her muscular thighs, your nails digging little crescent shapes into the soft skin making Abby grunts with the sweet pain. Her well placed thrusts were making you mewl out her name in broken cries, the collar digging into your neck slightly, cutting off some sound coming from you. And you best believe if you even faltered she would scolded you immediately saying shit like,”Naughty fucking dog, making me do all the work.” under her breath as she pulled on the chain - making you yelp as your forced to arch your back. Abby leans forward keeping the leash taunt as she whispers sharply in your ear,”You gonna be lazy puppy? Huh? No, not you. Because you’re my good girl, right?,” you nod your head quickly.”Hmm, that’s what I thought, keep fucking ridding.” With a slap to your ass cheek.
💖She then walked you around the room on your hands and knees with your cum dripping down your inner thighs. She didn’t make you do it for long because the floor was hard and she didn’t want to actually hurt you, but she did it for about two-three minutes— just long enough to get you ready for round two. The buckles on her combat boots jingling with every step she took, the metal chain leash she held onto clinked against itself as it was still wrapped around her forearm. Once she saw you were trembling with your back arched and your belly towards the floor (bad posture) and your thighs trying to squeeze together in search for friction on your clit she clicked her tongue and pulled on your leash, making the leather collar dig into your neck. You immediately stop moving and straighten your back, tilting your head back down so your spine was straight. She hummed and kept walking you, but not even a few seconds later she felt you lag behind as you were rubbing your thighs together again. Abby sighed and stopped walking and stood in front of you, you stopped moving and kept your head down. Abby stood over you, her shadow casting long across your body, and it almost startled you when she bent down from the waist and smacked your ass cheek while barking,”Bad girl.” you yelp and tuck your bottom to stop her from spanking you again. Abby stands back up and stared at the top of your head as you kept your gaze locked on the floor. She then thought about how you could make it up to her though.
💖“Sit up.” Abby demanded and you follow, sitting down with you ass planted on your feet, your hands on your lap and your back straight— having yet to look at her still as she trained you to wait until she said you could and so you waited for that command. Abby let the heavy metal leash unravel down from her forearm and it slid into her grasp gracefully. She then grabs the zipper of her pants and opens her fly so her cock was out and bobbing right in front of your face. She tilts your chin up and she looks down at you from the length of her nose,”You’re gonna clean up your mess puppy, not a spot missed. Got it?” You bite your lip and nod. Leaning forward to place a tender kiss on the tip of her cock, you then stick your tongue out and lick down the shaft, tasting yourself faintly. You were going slow and Abby didn’t like that so she wrapped the chain leash around the back of your neck to pull you forward so you were forced to take her cock all the way down your throat despite your harsh gagging, your face flush with her hips. “You’re not gonna waste my time puppy, I told you to do something now fucking do it.” She growled. You whimper loudly and squeezed your thighs together, clenching your eyes shut as tears fall down your cheeks. Abby holds you down on her cock for a few more solid seconds before she lets you up to breathe. She chuckles as you take big inhales of air and she then kneels down on one leg to gripped your cheeks making your lips purse slightly, your breaths heavy and deep as she tilted your head up all the way toward the ceiling as she leaned down to whisper in your ear.”Oh we’re not even close to being down baby girl, we have a long night ahead of us.” She gave you a sinister grin once she leaned back.
💖And last but not least (because this is getting waaay to long) Of course she does the best after care ever! She first makes sure you are hydrated, so you’re drinking some fucking water even if you don’t want to. She will then clean you up with a warm rag and then gets you dressed into one of her shirts and a pair of your panties. If your hungry she will get you your favorite snack as a treat or if you want something specific cooked she’ll do that too! While you are eating she’s cleans up the bed, picking up toys and a wet towel you came on. Changing the bed sheets and placing new ones on. If you don’t wanna be alone while she does this you are more then welcome to join her in the room and watch, she will have you sit on your “doggy bed” a soft plush mat that she got you for your afternoon naps(it’s the size of a twin size bed with a soft kneaded blanket and one of her pillows, and that’s if you even like shit like that, if you don’t then ignore this part XD) once you finish eating she’ll pick you up and go to the bathroom so you can pee, brush your teeth and wash your face. After that, dream city! You are passed smooth out and Abby will quietly giggle and kiss your forehead while whispering,”Sweet dreams my precious, beautiful puppy.”
I honestly need Abby to treat me like this ><
Anyways, I love y’all!☺️💖
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