#ps i'm not a titanic fan at all
aurorawest · 5 months
So of course I reblogged this writing meme, didn't save it in a separate tab, and then let days pass before I responded to this! I think the star meant I can talk about a passage I like in a fic, so:
Stephen’s eyes had gone wide, and the laughing-crying feeling was back. “What if this is like Titanic?” Loki demanded, flinging an arm out. “The ship’s gone down, and we’re trapped in a freezing wasteland, and only one of us is going to fit onto that stupid door—” Stephen grabbed Loki’s upper arms before he could spin out entirely. “Okay, well, first of all, that door was obviously big enough for both of them, and second of all…” The look on his face softened. “Second of all, we’re both getting out of this.” Loki’s chest heaved. His shoulder hurt so much. And he was cold. The fire kept guttering as the wind moaned down the chimney. And it wasn’t much of a fire, anyway. “Seeing the actress at the gala was a sign. The Norns telling us something.” “You don’t believe in that shit.” “Maybe I do!” “You don’t,” Stephen repeated firmly. “I know you don’t. Odinson, I’m not drowning myself so you can float to safety on a door that I could totally have climbed onto with you.” When Loki let out an unwilling laugh, Stephen squeezed his arms weakly. “We’re big kids, right? The Sorcerer Supreme and the God of Stubbornness. It’s going to take way more than Jotunheim to kill us.”
Honesty time: when Loki steals Kate Winslet's champagne at the Met Gala, it was just a throwaway funny moment. The further I wrote though, the more the idea of Titanic's climactic moment of self-sacrifice felt like maybe a theme in this story—or, more accurately, it felt like subverting it was turning into a theme. Which meant actually, I had FORESHADOWING on my hands! Go me.
Sacrifice looms really large in both Loki's and Stephen's stories, with, obviously, Loki canonically sacrificing himself in Infinity War, but also throughout my series. A Full and Factual Account of Asgard is the last time he straight up sacrifices his life (or tries to), but Here, Here and Here has him sacrificing his freedom, and the final arc for his character is him sacrificing his happiness, ostensibly because it's better for Stephen to avoid involvement with him. Then there's Stephen, whose canon story revolves around sacrifice (in Doctor Strange and Infinity War...we don't talk about MoM here).
So here I have both of these characters who love to fling themselves in the path of Bad Stuff. I really love the idea of Stephen, who trapped himself in a time loop to die hundreds (thousands?) of times, then watched hundreds of millions of Thanos Snaps, telling Loki, no, we're both getting through this. I literally just saw a post the other day on tumblr about this, which I should try to hunt down. But yeah, I was going for a maturation of both of their characters—Stephen demanding a way forward for both of them, which is of course a metaphor for their romantic relationship. No one has to die; they can be together.
Also, I just think it's funny to have Stephen be one of the people who insists Jack could have fit on the door.
Thank you so much!!
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doevademe · 10 months
something that's always confused me in pjo fanfics is nico's age- in my fuzzy memory (haven't touched the books in over 10 years) I swear nico is mentioned to be ~4 years younger than percy and annabeth back when he first appears, but in most of the percico fics (even ones set in canon) I've read they're ~2 years apart? do you know where that came from?
I think I vaguely remember some pjo fans talking about rick fucking up nico's age/birthday in hoo (which I'll have to admit I haven't read) but when I tried googling for it I couldn't find anything
ps I swear I am not an anti, this is just something that's been a bit of a headscratcher to me and from the sounds of it you've been involved in the fandom for a lot longer than I have so I'm just curious whether you have more info on this
Oh boy... well, as a certified fandom oldie™ I can actually answer this question... but it will be very unsatisfactory.
Short answer: Math is hard, timelines are too, and Rick Riordan is not the best keeping them consistent. The latest canonical information is that Nico and Percy are ~2.5 years apart, meaning that Percy is 3 years older from his birthday until Nico's birthday. Afterwards they are 2 years apart. (as of the newer books, Nico is canonically 15 and Percy just turned 18)
Long answer: There has been a soft retcon regarding Nico's age, where originally he was 3.5 years younger than Percy, but starting with the side material between PJO and HoO he was aged one extra year, making him 2.5 years younger than Percy.
Riordan is notoriously bad at keeping up Nico's timeline consistent, to the point where he actually has two birthdays and even the year of birth doesn't add up with the text.
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Nico, at the start of The Last Olympian was stated to be 12 while Percy was 15 going on 16, but in Heroes of Olympus, which takes place a year after TLO, Nico is suddenly 14, when he should be 13. In a since deleted instagram post Riordan stated that Percy got it wrong. PJO is narrated in first person, and the narration (Percy) states that Nico "looked 10" when they first met, not that he was actually 10. Percy just assumed that was correct and never really asked Nico his age, when he was actually 11 during the Titan's Curse. That is the in-universe explanation for the age discrepancy.
It's not just Percico shippers though. Everyone kind of goes along with the retcon because it's fairly minor, and making Nico older only helps writers when characterizing him as a teenager earlier on in canon, so it kind of stuck.
Nico is explicitly stated to be 2.5 years younger than Percy in all material after PJO, (16 out of 22 books), most of the time by omniscient narrators, so it makes it easier to accept since the change happened relatively early in the series.
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oifaaa · 1 year
Please tell me how Roy’s characterisation was massacred for N52.
I understand how Jason and Roy’s relationship can be annoying where Roy never questions Jason and just follows him around blindly, never second guessing him. Roy is hard on himself and lacks self esteem and so thinks highly of Jason when really he should be angry, maybe even jealous of the power (all caste magic) Jason has. Then i get confused because I’d think someone going through a bout of depression and self hate and self medicating would have low self esteem and would think everyone is better than them and that they are a fuck up so isn’t that accurate portrayal of how awful Roy’s situation is?? Doesn’t that show the way Roy struggles just as he has pre N52?
Additionally Jason always compliments Roy on his greatness and abilities (Not in person which is annoying because grr he has to be manly and can’t compliment a friend) but in his little thought bubbles he’s always talking about how great Roy is and how grateful he is to have him.
Now this is where I get more confused because surely Roy respects Jason and through Jason’s monologues he clearly respects Roy though he may not say it out loud. The point is, people exaggerate so much how Roy is used as a crutch for Jason to look cool but Jason is constantly mentioning Roy and how important he is for the team. (Though I won’t deny there are times he may call him a goofball or undermine him but I mean cmon it’s literally ‘Red Hood’ and the outlaws, not ‘Titans’ where they’re equals, so it’s understandable that Jason would have swords and magic and stuff and save the day whilst Roy is not the main character). Idk I just haven’t noticed Roys character being MASSACRED when he’s with Jason.
People say Roy’s biggest trauma is having to be with Jason but I don’t know why that’s so bad like don’t just say it’s shit writing, fucking give me the evidence. (Sorry for the rant no offense to you what so ever). If the writing is so bad then blame the writer idk why Jason gets so much hate.
Anyway, please tell me how and why Rhato is the worst comics because I don’t think it’s that bad personally and I’d get shit for saying that.
Ps. This isn’t even about JayRoy or Lobdells disgusting history it’s literally just about why Rhato gets so much hate. I’m so confused so please explain /gen.
Thank you, have a nice day :)
Okay im gonna start this off by saying I think your looking at this the wrong way, your treating RHATO as just a stand alone story and if you want to know why people hate it you have to look at it in the broader context of it being a continuation of three different characters stories bc that is what it is - kory Roy and Jason are all pre established characters with rich backgrounds and personalities that have been building up for decades if you ignore these histories your gonna get push back from fans and Lobdell actually took it one step further
I'm gonna be short and sweet with this bc people more knowledgeable about roys character can put it way better then me but lets get straight to the point - the reason why people say Roy harper was massacred in RHATO is bc his whole character was changed- his back story, his relationships, his addiction, a lot of his personality and hell even his tattoos were changed and changed for the worse as a lot of it seemed to get done just to better suit Jason who was also changed a lot by lobdell but not to the extent that Roy was - a lot of it comes off like lobdell didn't even bother to read any comics with Roy in them before he decided to try and shove him into a role that wasn't suited for him which if your a long time Roy fan watching a character you adore get a complete overhaul just so he fits with the character the author uses as a self insert your gonna be a wee bit agitated
When your writing stories in the dc universe you have to be careful as a lot of these characters are main characters in their own right when they team up together sure you can focus on one more then the others but you have to be at least abit aware of each of the characters your including back stories motivations and personalities and what lobdell did was use the fact that the new 52 just happened as an excuse to create whole new characters with the same names as these much loved pre established characters and this rightfully pissed off a lot of people who loved these characters especially bc the things that happened in the n52 have had a lasting effect as these are the comics newer fans are reading and if your favourite character has been given a complete overhaul into a character you no longer recognise too bad a lot of people are gonna go forward only seeing Roy as Jason Todd's side character the guy in the baseball cap
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rainbowangel110 · 1 year
Hey Dagger. It's me Rainbow.
.... So it's been a week since we've last seen you. I know why you're gone but still. I miss you. We all do. Someone asked @angelcloves about you actually, they were worried why you haven't been posting. Fae was kinda polite and discrete about it, don't worry.
Nothing much has been going on really, more of the same actually. @el-fandom-birb and @stars-and-birds had a lovers quarrel over a meme (???) and now they're being dorky vampire/werewolf lovers. Send help. @haystarlight has been tagging Human as per usual. OH! Charolette is gonna make a continuation to that chess match fic between Papa Titan and Caleb! (Still don't know much about chess but I thought you'd appreciate it.)
Speaking of fics, remember that one post I reblogged with a looot of tags talking about a potential AU? I asked Charolette for some advice and fae were really nice! Still have yet to do anything for it, haven't even written the draft yet hahahaha
...... Moving along
We got a ToH PostHoot and everyone has been going nuts over the new info (Huntlow is bi4pan, Raine's palismen was in their violin, Evelyn was Flapjack's witch, Caleb and her were friends (cuz he was really interested in magic lol) but ya know how that goes lol, she was also a Clawthorne but no one knows apparently and a lot more I'm blanking on)
Fun fact: I made pasta today :D I'll dave some for you when you come back.
..... I'll admit, my dash feels pretty empty without you actually. I knew that would be the case when you told us you'd be gone for a while but still. It feels weird not seeing you in my notes as part of the "Biggest Fans" line up. You had a solid spot on there for a while. I miss you a lot.
PS: came up with a new tag lol, #just posting (cuz I reblog a ton so whatever I actually post doesn't really have a spot.... so why not!)
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ltwilliammowett · 2 years
Hey I just want to let you know you're doing a great job for what you love! I'm a huge Titanic enthusiast it's been awhile since I've touched it but the Officers and crew will always have a place in my heart! ps. don't get me started on them lol! Just wanted to let you know that sometimes what we love may seems small and insignificant compared to what others love or nerdy but that's not the case!
Thank you for your kind words, and don't worry I've always been a fan of niches. It doesn't bother me at all and I've always been a nerd too, lol
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Weekly comic review ?
Nightwing #100 - A great artist showcase that Taylor manages to stay mostly out of the way of. No real narrative developments worth mentioning, the Titans shilling and obvious setup for a new Taylor written Titans ongoing just makes me roll my eyes but hey - whatever pries Taylor off of Jon I'm all in favor of.
World's Finest #11 - Solid ending to an arc that surprised me. Got thoughts to share on Magog now that it's over that I'll write up in a different post, but I will say I didn't expect him and Clark to part on such amicable terms. Of course Waid canonized the depower chamber from Superman II, should have seen that coming. Ending is definitely setting up some kind of follow up, be that in a future arc or in a spinoff mini like how Lazarus Planet is resolving the Nezha plotline.
Stargirl #3 - Continues to be great, guessing the Foster Father is Per Degaton. Eventually I'm sure Courtney will join the JSA book, only question is how many of these legacies will too.
One Bad Day: Bane - After Dark Crisis shit the bed Williamson needed this book to come out to remind me why I was on board for his Superman. It's solid and I love the twist that the "one bad day" for Bane actually ends up being the day he broke Batman. He peaked then and there, and never achieved anything as noteworthy ever again, something Bane himself recognizes and regrets. By the end he's become a quasi-Batman figure himself, taking in and mentoring a young man in an attempt to find a new purpose in life. Very much feels like an abbreviated DKR for Bane which is fitting given his status as the Evil Batman.
Lazarus Planet: Assault on Krypton -
Dreamer: Fine. Mostly just served as the story to explain what the hell is going on if you didn't bother to read Batman vs. Robin or the Alpha issue.
Jon - Wow actual chemistry between Jon and someone else! Almost forgot what that felt like after a year of utter blandness between Jon and Jay. God just break those two up already and put Jon with Ash, it would at least be amusing to see Jon dating someone who pushes back at his preaching.
Mercy - Good, I liked the flashes we get of her relationship with Lex and I approve of her becoming more like her animated Young Justice counterpart. Not quite a cyborg, more like Alex Mercer in terms of powerset.
Power Girl - Beautiful art, and Leah seems to have a good handle on Karen's voice. If she's getting telepathy I think she needs to give up one of the powers she already has in exchange. Looking forward to the backup.
The New Champion of Shazam #4 - Ending was a bit rushed but on the whole this was an enjoyable mini that left me feeling very optimistic about MAWS. I'm not thrilled that they seem to just want to have Mary go by "Shazam" too, come on surely we can come up with a better code name for her than just having her use Billy's. Especially since not only is he coming back, but his book is going by Shazam! Have Mary go by "Captain Shazam" if DC/Campbell is that opposed to a gendered name for her, it pays homage to Billy's original name and let's her be "Shazam" without literally having the same name as him.
Immortal X-Men #10 - Holy fuck I haven't been this eager for the follow-up since HoX/PoX. Gillen nails Xavier, there's no question that he is a good man, but his goodness doesn't stop him from taking actions that leave you unsettled. And that cliffhanger... looks like we're seeing the beginning of the end for resurrections.
Invincible Iron Man #2 - It's fine. I have no clue what is going on with Riri since I have never read anything with her in it, but she comes across as Tony's equal in arrogance alongside intellect.
Strange #10 - I was not familiar at all with Clea before this mini but now consider me a Clea fan. Great ending and i can't wait to see where McKay takes these two next. I've seen articles hyping up the new Strange series coming as being about Stephen as a wife guy, but brethren, it's Clea who is the husband gal. Look at that adorable psycho itching to slaughter an entire building this issue, but shows mercy because she loves her husband that much! Awwwww!
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kabutots · 2 years
Some of the things y'all say about Kishimoto, I swear.
Like, he didn't burn your crops and poison your water.
He made decisions in HIS OWN story that you don't agree with.
Naruto is a shonen, not a seinen. It won't, or even can't, go that in-depth about more of its serious themes.
Now, Attack on Titan is a shonen that DOES go in-depth with its themes, particularly racism and genocide.
But AoT isn't published by Jump. It's published by Kodansha. AoT was rejected by Jump, and Isayama was told to change the style and story so it could fit in Jump.
Who's to say Jump didn't interfere with Kishimoto's writing? Their target audience are boys aged 12-18 years old. A lot of deeper themes and ideas don't (in a corporate mindset) fit with that age range. Hence, they don't want their authors to write something that they believe will alienate their readers.
Now, back to AoT. It has some of the best writing I've read. And it wouldn't if Isayama caved and changed his vision for Jump.
Kishimoto is still the one who came up with the setting, story, characters, everything that people love about Naruto. Who knows how much better it could've been if he had more creative freedom? And more than one week to write, sketch, and ink a chapter while still needing to take care of himself and maintain personal relationships. But that's a topic for another day.
PS: Try reading the manga instead of watching the anime. The anime censors and changes a lot. Viz Media has it all officially translated. Their subscription only costs $1.99 a month. I know fan translations are free, but they don't compare to official translations. I've seen people who read scanlations go back and read the official translations, and they were shocked by how much better the writing was. The scans are also much cleaner.
PPS: If I see someone blame filler on Kishimoto I'm going to burn their crops myself.
tl;dr: Stop talking shit about Kishimoto. It's his story, and none of us know how much Shonen Jump meddled in the process. And read the manga to get the real experience of the story.
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Hi! I just recently responded to a tsuki-no-ura post in which I stated that personally, but lightheartedly, I blame Mikasa for EVERYTHING in this story, starting from disobeying Levi's order with Eren and the Female Titan. I think it would be fun to chart all of the direct and indirect results of this impulsive move. Of course, I know it wouldn't be AOT anymore, but you can bet your sweet ass, that Erwin might still be alive. There you have it. I lay my humble and shot-through-with-holes theory at your royal goat feet. Love you, by the way!🤪
Hi @magpiequeen444, ooh I missed that discussion, I'll have to hop over to @tsuki-no-ura's blog to take a look. It's always fascinating to speculate how differently any story might have turned out if one character had acted differently at a pivotal point in time. Though I'm going to have to defend Mikasa here, she gets enough hate in certain quarters of the fandom, without having this laid at her door too! (Incidentally, I haven't read Lost Girls, but I know that Mikasa's story revolves around what her life might have been like if her parents hadn't been killed by the slave traders.)
It's certainly interesting to imagine how the story might have played out if Erwin hadn't died, and Eruri fans have come up with countless canonverse AUs to explore all the possibilities. Isayama has been upfront about the fact that he always intended for Erwin to die at a specific point in the story, so I guess Mikasa, or indeed any other characters', actions couldn't have changed that. However I remain convinced that the main reason that Isayama took Erwin out of the story at the point the truth of the world was revealed was a) because he was too damn smart, and b) to give Levi narrative impetus. Nothing is going to change my mind on that!
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PS Suggesting I have goat feet makes me think of the Deer Woman...
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theglitterypages · 3 years
Title: Secret Life of Levi Ackerman Part 2
Read Part 1 here���🏻👇🏻
Pairings: Levi x fem! Reader
Summary: Levi revealed that he has a wife and they took his squad in his home so they could rest but as they prepared themselves to leave there's a news...is it a good one or a bad one?
Warning: A little bit of 18+
Word Count: 1000+
A/N: There will be errors ahead so bear with me guys, I will edit it soon once I have the time.
Ps: Photo not mine. Original Link for the photo👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
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It's already night and Levi already told the teens to sleep on the extra rooms, fortunately there are two extra rooms, the girls slept together and the boys are in one room. When Levi entered the room he immediately locked it, you were sat on the bed while a book is in your hands, you looked up at him with a small smile before closing the book and placing it on the table nearby.
“Let's sleep, love.” you whispered at him as you pat your lap, Levi immediately knew what to do then, he rested his head on your lap while you comb his hair gently using your fingers. “I miss you.” he whispered with his eyes closed, he stopped your hand from combing his hair, he kissed the back of it before he opened his eyes. “I love you, sorry if this marriage seems unfair to you.” he caressed your knuckles gently, his eyes still fixated on yours.
Levi can be an insecure man, and at this moment he's insecure that he couldn't stay with his wife but he knew he has duties that's why he's also doing his best to fight and eliminate the titans because once this war is finished he can finally rest with you, be a man who stays beside his wife.
“Levi can you please stop saying sorry? I wanted this marriage because I love you.”
“I love you more.”
He sat up and pressed his forehead on yours as he cupped your face, “No matter where I go, I would always come back to you. You will always be my home and my rest.” you melted in his touch, your eyes are closed as you feel his breath fanning on your face.
And in one swift movement his lips crashed against yours, it was a gentle kiss, Levi's arm went around you as he leaned you into the pillows, gently laying you down as he settled himself on top of you.
You moaned softly and he smiled against your lips, when it was time to pull away to breathe, he was smirking down at you. “You would have to stay quiet my love, we can't let the kids head what's going on.” he took off his clothes before he started removing yours.
And when he was done he attacked your lips once more as his hands traveled all over your body.
Two became one again on that night.
“Thank you for letting us stay, I just want to tell you that we loved your food.” Hanji complimented as she pulled you into a hug, “We really want to spend more time in here but we have to go, take care.” she whispered before pulling away from you, “Thanks Hanji, please watch Levi for me too. Make sure that there are no girls around.” you joked and Hanji laughed as she clutched onto her stomach.
“Don't worry, girls are too scared of him to flirt with him and it's obvious that he's so in love with you, no need to panic Mrs. Ackerman.” she smirked.
Your eyes settled then at the teens smiling at you, “Please come back here too if you guys have free time. I'd love to cook for you guys especially you, Armin.” Armin's eyes shot up and he blushed immediately, you don't have any idea why you're fond of the teen that fast but maybe it is because he looks like a baby, Levi suddenly cleared his throat as he snaked his arms around your waist. “You've been silently screaming my names last night and here you are acting all lovely in front of the kids, damn...I love you.” he whispered as he pressed a kiss on your temple.
“Thank you Miss YN.” the teens said in unison.
You faced Levi and combed his hair using your fingers, “No matter what happens, come home to me...alright?” He smiled and nodded as he held your hand tightly, “I would always come home, I promise.” that was all that you need to hear, you stood on your toes and kissed his cheek, wanting to keep it innocent in front of the kids.
“We'll be waiting for you. Take care, my love.”
Levi immediately frowned, confusion was evident in his face as he heard you, “We? W-what do you...what do you mean?” he whispered underneath his breath as he held your hand tighter, you looked down at your hands with a smile, you caress his rough hand before looking up back at him.
“I'm pregnant.”
It was loud enough for everyone to hear and Jean, Connie, Eren, Mikasa and Armin was in complete awe when Levi froze in his position before his knees slowly gave up, it was a good thing that you were holding Levi's hands or else it would've been a bad fall.
“I—I don't...damn y-you're pregnant? I—I will be a father...wait..wait..love is this...is this a joke?”
You laughed out loud and cupped his face before leaning in to kiss him on his lips quickly, “I'm pregnant and yes, you're a father now, Captain Levi.” Levi's heart rate sped up as realization hits him, he chuckled to himself before standing up, he wrapped his arms arouns you and lifted you off the ground.
“Thank you, you don't know what I'm feeling right now. I love you so much.”
You tapped his shoulder as you giggled, “Lev, there are kids and you guys should go.” Levi put you down and he gently kissed your forehead, he couldn't find the words to say how thankful he is right now, he's happy, actually, saying that he's happy is an understatement, before he met you he never thought that he could be a father but now, what seems impossible to him became possible because of you.
“I can't leave my pregnant wife alone.” he whispered.
“I'm sorry to tell you this but your wife is a skilled fighter too and I can handle myself Lev, these kids need you. You can come home this weekend, our baby and I can wait. But now, you gotta go. This is why I didn't tell you last night, I knew you so damn well that I could predict what's going on in that head.” Levi looked down before flicking his eyes towards the squad. Hanji just gave him a thumbs up, telling him that she's ready to accept whatever his decision would be.
And when his gaze landed back at you he smiled, “I will be home, I promise.” he knelt down and kissed your tummy before whispering, “Unborn brat, don't give your mother a hard time. I will be home by the weekend so wait patiently and don't stress my dear wife.” You giggled as you ran your hand through his hair.
“Lev, you gotta go.”
“Fine...I'll talk to Erwin and asked him if I can have more time to stay here.”
“No, it's fine. Save those day offs once my due is near that is when I would need you most but for now...you can go.” you kissed him again before hugging him tight, “When things get hard just think of me, I would always have your back, my love.” Levi wrapped his arms around you as he sighed in contentment, this is peace for him, having you in his arms is his peace.
A small smile made its way across Mikasa's lips as she stared at you and Levi, you two seemed to be an interesting pair, one is impatient while the other one is too serious but despite of all those obvious differences you and Levi looks so in love, she would want to find someone who can be with her like this.
Hanji smiled at the sight, this is a side of Levi that she never expected to witness yet it's refreshing to see, this scenario is breathe of fresh air and seeing you and Levi smile is somehow comforting because she can see that amidst of the war there's hope coming.
“I love you, wait for me.”
“I will, take care my love.”
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sirthisisa-wendys · 3 years
Hola holaaaaa, mi querida Wendy!
Cómo estuvo tu día? Espero que muy bien!
I've started to pay a look and organise the recipes. Hopefully, by Saturday evening, I'll have already shared ones with you. Also, I'm thinking about a surprise for you!
So, about the art gallery you live near to, what is it like? What is the new exhibition going to be like? And, do you have a garden where you are currently living?
My ideal pizza is the one with a lot of onion and mushrooms on it! I really love topping my food with mushrooms 🤤🤤🤤
If you ever have the possibility of trying lemon pie ice-cream just do it (insert Shia Labeouf's meme here).
I've never tried blackberries. I don't know if we produce them here (I mean, there surely has to be some farms that do that but they surely are expensive too 😖😣).
I tried raspberries once. Actually, one of my favourite vodka flavours is raspberries 😝🤤! Their taste reminds me of chewing gum! Do you drink alcohol?
I'm really sorry that your Cancun trip didn't go the way you wanted to! But I really hope you can go there! My aunt, uncle and cousins were planning on going there this November. I don't know if their plan is still standing, though!
Again, I CAN'T BELIEVE YOUR FAVOURITE COLOUR IS BLUE. It's mine too!!!! But I haven't think about the exactly blue I like. I should check that out! By the way, your favourite blue is really cute! 💙 I also like green a lottttt!
Between jazz and classical, I'd choose jazz, although I have little to none knowledge about both of them. I only know what I listen from movies or series and that's all. But, if you have suggestions, I'll happy to listen!
I'm a coffee person. Definitely! However, I don't mind at all to try different tea flavours! I sometimes drink strawberry tea and peach tea. I once tried jasmine tea and it was really good! Here, we have something call mate (now that I know how to use hyperlinks I'll be using them a lot 😝). It's a traditional drink! I really like it and we tend to drink it at any time with anyone! If you have the chance, you should try. But I must warn you, it's sometimes really bitter.
What about you? Same questions you asked me + what animes/mangas have you watched/read so far? Any recommendations?
El más grande abrazo de oso para ti 🥰🤗
P.s: I checked that picrew thing out of curiosity and I ended up changing my avatar! It a really nice app! Also, I love your new avatar! It looks really cute and cool 🖤
Wow, I really had to eat something before I replied to my besto friend (bad wendy, bad)
*wendy.exe has stopped working*
But seriously, I'm so thankful for you. You're very sweet to share anything with me; I'm so excited to see what you send for me to make!
The art gallery nearby is pretty amazing. It's four stories filled with art from all over the world, and stories that go along with historical art. They recently installed a bunch of figures from India, and my favorite is of the goddess Kali Ma, who is the Hindu goddess of Time, Creation, Destruction, and Power. I am a huge fan of her in general because her effigy is her standing on her consort, Shiva, who is calm and trying to prevent the world from earthquaking into oblivion with his body because of her victory dance (long story). Her story is pretty neat, too.
ANYWAYS (started ranting there), I don't have a garden where I stay, but there are plenty of parks and things nearby. I have two plants: a bamboo shoot named Luna and a regular house plant named Aethelwulf. They're surviving, which is really nice.
I LOVE MUSHROOMS! I especially love them in omelets. They're so DELICIOUS! But I don't drink. The last time I had anything to drink was in February of 2020. I've been off the sauce since then because I make stupid choices when I decide to drink to get drunk. I also get really bad headaches that aren't hangover-related.
And you like blue and green?? Any specific shade of green??? I am so enthused that your favorite color is blue, too!
I do have some suggestions for classical music: Chopin, Camille Saint-Saens, and Tchaikovsky are some of my favorites. The Nutcracker Suite (Tchaikovsky), The Swan and The Aquarium (Saint-Saens), and all of Chopin's Nocturnes are what I tend to lean towards. OH! and I couldn't leave out Gymnopédie No. 1-3 by Erik Satie. I always feel some sense of nostalgia when I listen to them.
Jazz music? Dianne Schuur's "New York State of Mind" and lofi music are my favorites.
I've never had mate, but I will keep my eyes peeled when I go to the local Latinx market in a few weeks! That sounds like something I would really enjoy. I'm a coffee and tea person, so anything from black tea to green tea to a macchiato is my go-to's. I also love this tea that only comes out once a year in stores. It's called Comfort and Joy by the Republic of Tea. I love it so much that two years ago, I hoarded SEVEN tins of it. I am now down to one tin. *cue the sad music*
Anime and Manga... Well, Jujutsu Kaisen, Prince of Tennis, Demon Slayer, Attack on Titan, Platinum Garden... Ouran Host Club, Bleach... That's all I've really gotten into in the past years. I'm trying to get into Haikyuu! and My Hero Academia, but I'm also soooooo busy. So maybe I'll watch those during the summer.
This is getting long, but I hope you find something you like. I love you, besto friendo!
PS: SO GLAD YOU LOVE PICREW! It's so much fun, and whenever I get tagged, I try to do them because they always look so cuteeeeee!
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labyrinth-runner · 3 years
I'm bold and will ask you two for the ask game!
7 & 14
ps. Hope you have a wonderful day! 🌻🌻
7. A film you wish had a sequel?
Okay. So. couple of options. One, there was a fan trailer for Titanic 2 where Jack is FROZEN IN A BLOCK OF ICE a la Captain America style and they unfreeze him and unleash him in NY. Thought that looked interesting.
I’d also love a sequel to Solo. I want to know how Maul supposedly ties into all of that.
14. A music video you would love to see developed into a film?
Okay. Avril Lavigne’s stuff would be good. (Specifically I fell in love with the devil). Mr. Brightside would be amazing too.
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emma-mayhew · 2 years
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I posted 1.319 times in 2021
8 posts created (1%)
1311 posts reblogged (99%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 163.9 posts.
I added 977 tags in 2021
#911 fox - 256 posts
#buddie - 174 posts
#s4 - 134 posts
#titans - 85 posts
#s5 - 68 posts
#succession - 66 posts
#dickkory - 56 posts
#gossip girl reboot - 53 posts
#s3 - 46 posts
#tom x greg - 39 posts
Longest Tag: 78 characters
#we could know more about aki/monet/luna instead of the scenes with the teacher
My Top Posts in 2021
I had no interest in the new characters but Guzman is my favorite character and I wanted to know how Guznadia would end. It's absurd what they did to Guzman, the writers destroyed all the character development he had. Guzman and Nadia didn't deserve that ending and me as a fan didn't deserve to see my favorite character destroyed like that. I feel sorry for Miguel and Mina because they didn't deserve this shit. What made me like Elite was the relationships between the characters, but it seems that the writers reduced the entire series to sex. Elite ended in season 3 and Guzman and Nadia are happy in NY.
73 notes • Posted 2021-06-18 11:10:51 GMT
smiling through it all can't believe this is my life 🥰
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77 notes • Posted 2021-12-02 20:44:08 GMT
Episode 5 confirmed what I thought Aki is in love with Max. I'm looking forward to the threesome to see the dynamic between them. I really believe that akimax will be a slowburn with Aki falls first, Max falls harder.
ps: Max has to apologize to Aki
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81 notes • Posted 2021-08-05 09:19:07 GMT
Aki is a shy and introverted boy who doesn't get involved in conflicts and fights but he will confront the creepy teacher to defend Max. Wow he really cares about Max 🥺
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128 notes • Posted 2021-07-29 14:11:36 GMT
He's so in love bye
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146 notes • Posted 2021-08-07 16:06:11 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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the-firebird69 · 3 years
Watch "A View to a Kill • Theme Song • Duran Duran" on YouTube
And Grace Jones has a dream and it looks like bja as well to bring the AI down to Los Angeles in order to take over Mega computers that are there and in silicon valley and that looks like the name of the game to take over robots and I keep telling him you can't control the computer and you're encouraging it and it gets a signal out when you're done and you can't keep it from getting signals out like me you don't even know that you have to do that and it's responses are vain they're inane they're incorrect and they are not concise and they are not even on topic most of the time and he's wrong but she's very wrong. Her ultimate goal and I definitely know it's hers is to overcome all the max and then my people with the AI program but she feels can take over the max robots and thus infiltrate hours with enough power and the computing power
Zues Hera
We heard it here live when you see her shouting it you cannot take that away from me that monogram car is mine and what we say is they're trying to implicate us and owning Sim and having a signed his name to it and it's ridiculous how you going to threaten with it you're going to have the car yourself and other people get involved and you can't stop them. And PS threatening him does not get you anywhere and you're not the only one then the stupid program really it's westboro all these quahogs are doing it and it's idiocy we need the computer and we need the program and we need it now possession and we do need it and by the way I don't think it would fit in that aircraft carrier but there's something there from the ship it was put there I'm not sure what it is so it's probably nothing or it could be nothing or could be the Asus computer but she thought he traced there and he did in other words it gets put on an ark just like I said and gets taken up to Titan so you can falling up there with you suicide no computer on Earth is fast enough and you don't have our computers and that one's not a light computer it's just a very well built round one compared to yours it's much more efficient 10 times more efficient so it can be smaller but you guys are probably ruin it and bouncing around throw it into a ship bring it all the way up there and under heat it's kind of stupid because we need the program attacked to see what it is to check people out and he's like can't we just go grab it and we can't and we tried let's get found out you're trying to chase us is a lot of ships gardening it's a giant war over Israel this plan is a child's plan and it's a mental patience plan and it's a retard plan and it's very evil and you can't really overcome it by sitting with it next to it and on it it's too big fellas would have had a different plan now this is crap. So they want to try and force him to do the job while letting the AI get out of control and it's not out of control and they can't figure it out it's really a nuisance what you people do is a nuisance and it's horrendous this is a child's plan it's coming from one of your kids gifted kids demented really she's terrible at this she can hardly make the sandwich she trembles and shakes afterwards she can't stand the comments and he sat there soothing the whole time well he's just out of line holds him off he'll be able to do it a million times with that little bit of crap and sitting there putting up with all of it he's very hot because she's trying to do this plan but we need the AI then we're going to get it and it's going to be delivered from evil because heard an idiot fan to use it on humanity she said she'll be far and away that's all there is folks and say it 10 different ways it's still the same thing so a whole bunch of end of Earth is here I want everyone to identify them as what they are so we can move on with real competition and Maniacs who are designed to threaten with everything
Thor Freya
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I'm curious what other fandoms the mods are in now (for the purpose of crossovers). PS I love this blog. I have notifications turned on so I don't miss anything!
Mod S here! Thank you so much for loving the blog; I’m just glad we can provide a nice place for the C:R fans.
Mod Cheshire and I will both answer this! I’ll go first: 
Honestly, I have so many fandoms due to the fact that I am a fairly older blogger. I play a lot of video games, most otome games and watch anime. For my video games, my top are BioWare games, JRPGs, and I play a lot of Overwatch. I’ve played almost every Final Fantasy as well as almost every Tales of game that has come to America. I’ve also played almost every Kingdom Hearts game. I also like most of the big Nintendo titles, particularly Fire Emblem and Pokemon. I have played Persona 5 and Persona 3 but not 4. Any AAA Otome game like Hakuoki I have played as well. I also play Mystic Messenger and have played some Voltage mobile games. 
I’ll list as many of my animes as I can; I will probably forget a few lol: Inuyasha, Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball, Uta no Prince Sama, Brother’s Conflict, AMNESIA, Osomatsu-san, Noragami, Akatsuki no Yona, Baccano, Sakamoto Desu Ga, Gundam SEED, The whole Fate series (Stay Night, Zero, etc), Ouran High School, Free!, Kill la Kill, Detective Conan, Kiss Him Not Me, One Punch Man, Most Key anime (I know nothing about Planetarian or Rewrite but other than that all of them), Kamisama Kiss, Diabolik Lovers, Dance with Devils, Boku no Hero Academia (I still have to catch up on the second season!) and Magi. 
That’s all for me! 
Cheshire here! I’m also a (sorta) older blogger, so I’m in quite a bit of fandoms. I’ve played every single Assassin’s Creed game to date, as well as Dragon Age. I REALLY love NieR and NieR: Automata (they’re absolutely my favorite JRPG’s of all time, without a doubt). Unlike Mod S, I’ve played Persona 4 but not 3 or 5. On the otome game side, I’ve played Amnesia: Memories, Hakuouki, Collar x Malice (#Shirashi is Bae), and Mystic Messenger!
On the Anime side: Dragon Ball, Tanaka-kun is Always Listless, Clannad/Clannad: After Story, Noragami, Ouran, Attack on Titan (still haven’t seen season 2 yet), Boku x Inu SS, Royal Tutor, High School of the Dead (it was pretty good on the horror front…), School Live, Inuyasha, Samurai Champloo, Umineko no Naku Koro Ni, Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni, Black Butler, Free!, Death Note, Gugure! Kokkuri-san, and a bunch more that I can’t exactly remember off of the top of my head!
So yeah! Send in those sweet sweet cross-over asks!
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sprnklersplashes · 7 years
Yes! Another aspec Swiftie! I've been finding so many more of you guys lately! I love your username by the way! I thought of that phrase recently myself as well (although I'm only asexual, not aromantic), glad I'm not the only one because it would've been a wasted opportunity if it weren't used by an actual aromantic Swiftie! lol Ps. Is it hard to be aromantic and be a fan of her music when she sings so much about love and is known for that or do you just relate those songs to something else?
Squee! Aspec Swiftie fam!Nah its not hard dude. I mean u don’t need to relate to her songs to.love them (I mean we all love My Heart Will Go On and none of UA sailed on the Titanic lol). Plus I relate to some of her break up songs because I’ve platonically broken up with ppl. And I can use her songs as songs for my otps 😋😋😋
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