redlenai · 2 years
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Sharing the artwork that I did for the DeanCasBigBang challenge in collaboration with @prosopopeya!!
"After they stop Chuck, Dean and Sam make a promise: one more attempt at bringing someone back, but then that’s it, no more screwing around with the universe. The universe isn’t done screwing around with them, though, and the Cas that the ritual produces is a real blast from the past. And what is Dean supposed to do? Sacrifice another Cas?"
You can read our entry on AO3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/42275880
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binickandros · 6 months
Hmmm okee doke let's talk about Sharp as Nails, Soft as Honey, my bat!Eddie/witch!Chrissy fic.
Basically it all started with hot fanart by @harritudur and spiraled from there. :) I wanted to do something with Chrissy summoning a familiar and unexpectedly getting this cute lil bat...then even more unexpectedly he turns into a hot dude with wings and fangs.
@tonybourdain and I got super obsessed with the idea and kept hashing out scenes from it (esp the first time Chrissy saw him transformed) way before I even started writing. But once I did, it flowed really easily...up until I had to write the confrontation scene with her mom. I hemmed and hawed over that for ages, then finally sat down and wrote it and it ended up flowing, too.
I had the ending picked out well before I got there, and was a bit of a twist, but hopefully one that left everyone satisfied. They ended up together, after all, and that's what matters!!
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deancaskiss · 1 year
for the writing meme: 1, 5, 37!
hiiii love! thank you very much for sending me some questions! I love answering things like this hehe :)
1) What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (In other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?)
This is gonna sound corny, but it would be my 50 types of kisses series (which I really do need to get back to working on!) because i think most people would say they know my writing for my deancas kisses? I know several followers and friends who found me because of that 50 kisses series and it makes me really proud and happy that people enjoy the way i write dean and cas kisses hehe <3
5) What do you wish someone would ask you about your fics? Answer it now!
I kinda altered this question because idk if there’s a specific question from a specific fic I could think of on the spot right now. I think i wish someone would ask about why i like writing fluff so much? And if they did, i would say something like, because there’s something about fluff that just feels so… tender. something that i myself yearn for. I yearn to be kissed the way i write kisses. I yearn to be loved and cherished the way i write my characters. I yearn to feel the warm touch and sweetness that i treat my characters to. I think that’s why i love writing fluff so much, because i ache for it so deeply myself that writing it is a way for me to experience it.
37) Promote one of your own “deep cut” fics (an underrated one, or one that never got as much traction as you think it deserves!) What do you like about it?
I instantly knew which fic i wanted to ‘promo’ for this question.
whisper your name without making a noise
I feel like this is my biggest underrated fic and never got the traction i wanted it to. I desperately wanted this to match the level of attention my regarding!dean fic got. I worked so tirelessly on this fic, had the idea for like a year and finally worked up the courage to write it. I wanted a fic of angst and yet realness. I spent days and hours on end researching trauma and mutism and how to write it with respect and care. I wanted the scene where dean goes into the empty to be raw and powerful and something unique and different. I wanted dean’s emotions to speak louder than words. I loved this journey dean goes on where he unpacks his emotions and trauma and never gives up on getting cas back. I love this fic more than any other fic I’ve ever written. It feels like my magnum opus of fics.
questions for fic writers!
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juanfuerte · 3 years
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En colaboración con Eve Mora y César Magentta. Unidad Deportiva «Miguel Hidalgo» Morelia Michoacán, Mex. Quetzal Fuerte, 2020. #BlueWomenPinkMen
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susanagonu · 1 year
Las fábulas de Fedro
Las fábulas de Fedro es un libro que tiene como objetivo deleitar e instruir al público, así como manifestar una crítica de la realidad sociopolítica de la época de la Roma Imperial . No obstante, el carácter universal que impregna las enseñanzas del fabulista romano permite aplicarlas perfectamente en la actualidad. Fedro era un esclavo liberto de Augusto. Se instruyó en Roma donde toma como…
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jorgeluisdelgado · 1 year
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ochoislas · 1 year
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EL ABANICO           a la Sra. Hermine Lecomte du Noüy
Yo soy quien el aura doma con mis latidos graciosos; ora la atraigo, mujeres, a refrescar a vuestros ojos;
ora la atrapo en su vuelo, como sierva cariñosa, que la tez os acaricia tibia, lenta y quejumbrosa.
Soy quien os lleva al oído, tras la estremecida crencha, el suspiro que lo enciende con ardiente confidencia.
Soy quien picante excita, o disimulado cela, ya vuestra risa burlona, ya lágrima por la ajena.
L’ÉVENTAIL           À Madame Hermine Lecomte du Noüy.
C’est moi qui soumets le zéphire À mes battements gracieux ; Ô Femmes, tantôt je l’attire Plus vif et plus frais sur vos yeux ;
Tantôt je le prends au passage Et j’en fais le tendre captif Qui vous caresse le visage D’un souffle lent, tiède et plaintif.
C’est moi qui porte à votre oreille Dans un frisson de vos cheveux Le soupir qui la rend vermeille, Le soupir brûlant des aveux ;
C’est moi qui pour vous le provoque Et vous aide à dissimuler Ou votre rire qui s’en moque Ou vos larmes qu’il fait couler.
Sully Prudhomme
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Diccionario mundifinista parte 36:
Acostumbrado: Yo.
Batimamada: Sexo oral practicado por una persona disfrazada de Batman, Batgril, Batwoman, Batloquesea, Talvezrobin.
Cogitorio: Lugar donde se coge con cierta frecuencia con la correspondiente autorización de todas las partes involucradas. // Tierra santa. // Telo.
Contratiempo: Moverse en dirección opuesta a como se mueve el tiempo. Todxs están de acuerdo en que es cualquier movimiento fuera del presente. Se discute si viajar al futuro es contratiempo o lo es viajar al pasado. Que sea viajar al futuro implica que el tiempo fluye hacia nosotros que estamos en el presente, nos pasa por encima y sigue hacia el pasado. Que contratiempo sea viajar al pasado implica que el tiempo viene desde atrás, nos pasa por el presente y se dirige al futuro, por eso siempre hay tiempo para adelante y nunca para atrás. Después están los extremistas que afirman que el tiempo no se mueve, es una cosa estática y somos nosotros que nos movemos por él, en este caso el contratiempo no existe.
Corrector: (del cel) También llamado Incorrector, o Belcebú. Al escribir en tu teléfono, el corrector es uno de esos obstáculos a superar para decir lo que querés decir y no lo que quieren que digas.
Excombros: Toda la mugre emocional que deja un ex una vez derrumbada o demolida la relación.
Futboltivo: Simulacro de periodismo que se autoproclama “deportivo” pero solo habla de fútbol, y únicamente el que juegan hombres.
Lava: (magma) Crema de fuego.
Magma: ¿Que no leíste “lava”? ¿Cuántas veces tengo que repetir las cosas?
Mañiático: Persona que insiste en despertar por la mañana.
Mediocridemia: Pandemia de mediocridad.
Patapufete: Caída, caerse accidentalmente. Viene del latín cataplum, que significa carajo o me cago en la mierda.
Prosopopeya: Consiste en atribuir propiedades humanas a un/a ex, al/a cual se le otorga la propiedad de hablar, actuar o reaccionar como una persona.
Soledad: Estar triste o feliz y no tener con quien compartirlo.
Venganza: Único equilibrio posible del universo.
Vida: Mirar el ataúd del lado de afuera.
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Acostumbradoalfindelmundolandia: linktr.ee/acostumbradoalfindelmundo
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deancaspinefest · 1 year
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r/Relationships  |  E  |  24,219
Author: prosopopeya & marbleflan
Artist: Alexiescherryslurpy
I swear I’m a straight dude, kind of a ladies’ man if I’m honest. I’m the love ‘em and leave ‘em type–maybe that’s why I never bothered to get my ex gf (37F)’s last name… or her marital status. We were in the middle of a horizontal tango session, if you know what I mean, when her husband (37M, straight??) walks in.
I’ve never looked twice at a man, but he’s the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen, male or female. Even though he met me when I was getting naked with his wife, he never held it against me. They got divorced and somehow he became my best friend. He even let me move in with him when my pipes burst (not a euphemism) and I had nowhere to go.
I think I might be in love with him. Is it possible to be straight all your life but gay for just one guy? Sometimes I think he might be into me as well, but then I think it’s just ‘cause he’s kind of a weird dude. When I look at him, it feels like a hurricane inside me, like I’ll burst if I don’t kiss him.
TLDR: Wondering if asking the guy (whose marriage I ruined) out is a good idea.
Link to fic  |  Link to art
Pairings: Dean/Cas (Past Cas/Anna, Temporary Dean/Anna, Background Sam/Eileen)
Warnings: No major archive warnings apply. Discussion of Cas’s cult-like fundamentalist religion upbringing. Discussion of John Winchester’s A+ Parenting. Cheating (Anna cheats on Cas with Dean; largely though that isn’t what upsets Cas)
Tags: And They Were Roommates, Friends to Lovers, Bisexual Awakening
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spncreatorsdaily · 2 months
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This week we are featuring the amazing works by @prosopopeya !
Please remember to reblog & like anything you enjoy to show your support.
If you’d also like us to feature your original creations on the weekends, please tag us with #spncreatorsdaily.
Thank you & we hope you have a wonderful week!
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obsessionnostalgia · 4 months
Claire Novak fic recs: yeah, I was trying to reblog something every time I found a new one but its too disorganized so now it lives here. You have a Claire Novak rec? i want to read it.
Where the Heart Is by goldenraeofsun
Features a time-traveling Claire hanging out with Sam and Dean circa season 7. There's angst. There's Claire hooking up with a diner waitress. There's Claire having self-worth issues. There's Claire making fun of Dean to his face. All the good stuff.
Like a Duck, He Fits the Bill by golbygloom
Claire Novak and her budding attachment to the guy who isn't her dad but wears his face. The angst of having to get out of your own way to make connections with others.
Let Me Come Home by prosopopeya
Deancas-centric but Claire Novak is a POV character, struggling in foster care and the uncertainty of whether her uncle (Cas) will get his shit together in order to take her in. The Claire and Dean parallels are strong.
Rec from kerryweaverlesbian:
no such thing as a unique experience by @astralpenguin
A 15 year old Claire meets the (now older) little girl who was possessed by Lilith for a long time. Neither of them realise this element of connection for quite some time. Tons of empathy and understanding. These two feel so much like complex teenage girls, and also the dramatic irony is incredibly fun. One of the best fics I've read all year
Rec from carhengeapocalypse:
Another rhinestoneangels (@pinknatural ) fic fatherisms
Claire is a baby when Jimmy agreed to be Castiel's vessel and Dean steps in to help take care of her. The timeline jumps around and the story is told in snippets and it's very good
as if death itself was undone by microcomets
Claire confronts a human Castiel in a grocery store.
Claire heaves a deep, bone-weary sigh. “Here I am, consoling an ex-angel using my dead father as a meat-puppet on his self-esteem issues. I should write a book or something.”
everlasting by entropic_saudade
Claire wants to have a permanent mark of her and Kaia’s love. In order to do the stabbing safely, she helps Dean bring Cas back from the Empty so he can heal her.
gifts given & words unspoken by rhinestoneangels
Short: Dean and Claire make cookies after Castiel brings her back to the bunker, injured. Some implications at this point, Claire is more family to Dean than Mary. Set in season 12.
coming out by dicklessthewonderclown
Short, Dean POV conversation on a drive with Claire where she comes out as wanting to date Kaia and also admits (by accident) that Dean is a kind of sort of maybe father figure to her.
A Christmas Miracle (for someone else) by bitterred
Set post-canon, mirroring all the "Cas is dead and Dean is depressed" fics, Claire Novak finds a cat during the holiday season.
i'm sorry i'm the one you love (no one will ever love me like you again) by monsterfatigue
Kind of weird that Claire decided she was in love with Kaia even though they had barely known each other. After Kaia comes back from the Bad Place, nothing is simple. Claire isn't sure why she thought it would be.
This Is A Love That Lasts Forever by HeddersTheOwl
Another fic where Claire being friendly with the angel that wears her dad's face is complicated.
"You look too much like him. It's not fair. You're not him." 
meteor site (our hearts collision) by sobsicles
Claire has religious trauma laced with homophobia. Kaia doesn't want to be anyone's nightmare.
the way a dad should by fleeceframe
Dean and Claire are driving back to Jody's when Claire needs to stop because her period has started. (Side note: i was SURE that part of the reasoning for carrying tampons/pads in the impala was going to be partially related to the fact that they're sometimes good for wound care, in that the products are designed not to grow bacteria.)
i don’t know nothing (and that’s fine) by halfwheeze
Claire Novak meets Magda Peterson, the psychic girl from 12.4 American Nightmare, and likes her so much it makes Claire look stupid. Look at that, they have matching religious trauma: "When Castiel-" she pauses, remembering that his name isn't carved into the internal dialogue of every girl with religious trauma from here to Texas, "the Winchesters' angel, I don't know if he was with them when they got you- when he came to Earth, he needed a vessel. A human strong enough to hold an angel, with strong enough faith to allow them in and allow them to stay." That's what the Winchester Gospels said about them anyway. Castiel just said that they needed to believe. They were special. Believers. Bullshit. "When Castiel came to Earth, he took my father. And then, when my father told him he couldn't stay anymore, Castiel approached me. Being a vessel, it's passed down in the family line. The blood. The body. All they need is the body. And I was a kid. He might as well have been God. So I said yes. And my father took him back. If you think about it, it's my fault that my dad is dead."
Bartenders Love Me by clusterjam
Claire Novak doing her Dean-coded thing: hustling in a bar, flirting with the bartender, and oh yeah: angst about whether her dad would approve of her.
Subject: Dean Winchester Is Dead by angelszn
There aren't enough fics about Claire finding out Dean (or Cas) are dead. Dean Winchester is dead. Dean Winchester is dead, and Claire got the news in an email of all things. As if the gravity can be contained in the tiny black letters on the screen. It didn’t even seem possible. 
patricide of the lowest order by angelszn
This one's dark (Major Character Death tagged) -- Castiel killed Claire's father, after all, and what is Supernatural but a series of revenge plots?
two steps on the water by orpheuscas
Claire in the aftermath of being cured of werewolfism. Heavy dose of "Dean is basically Claire's dad now" included.
she'll say she got the map from me by 13zepptraxx
Hey you know that episode where Dean goes back in time and hangs out with his mom? He tells her, "No matter what you hear, or what you see. Promise me you won’t get out of bed." but then an angel wipes her memory? What if Claire went back in time after Dean died because she was sick with grief and basically did the same thing?
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banishingsigils · 21 days
✨ 9 People you'd like to know better ✨
Tagged by @just-a-dreamer-x
Last song: Made Her Mine by Dogma
Favourite colour: Purple
Currently watching: 9-1-1 (rewatch), live action Avatar but I am close to giving up on it, and always, always, always trying to catch up on Drag Race
Sweet/Savoury/Spicy: Spicy, definitely. I don't have much of a sweet tooth
Relationship status: Single
Current obsession: tie between 9-1-1 brainworms and learning about weightlifting generally and powerlifting specifically - both occupy a lot of my daily brain space
Last thing you googled: streaming options for Night of the Demons (1988)
Tagging: @jensenackhles, @prosopopeya, @1-800-hellyeah, @jennmakesitweird, @comet1812, @emoloser2001, @officialmisha, @silverofthunder, @moonswounds
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bbcphile · 6 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers!
Tagged by @prosopopeya!!!! (thanks for the tag! Also, hi!!)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
15, which is actually more than I had thought I’d written.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I have three fics in the works for Mysterious Lotus Casebook, so that’s where I’m spending my time now, but almost all of my AO3 fic is for the Horatio Hornblower miniseries. (I also wrote a very very metafictional Galavant fic for Yuletide.)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Harboured and Encompassed (novel length modern AU with actor!Archie, librarian!Horatio; Archie/Horatio and Horatio/Archie/Will pre-slash)
Nunc Atque Semper (canon-era DKU (dead Kennedy Universe), past Archie/Horatio, Maria/Horatio; Maria finds out just who Archie Kennedy was to Horatio.)
Much Ado about Shakespeare: Love’s Labour’s Won (canon-era Archie/Horatio; Napoleonic era theater kid Archie speaks entirely in Shakespeare quotations and ends up in a relationship instead of being thrown overboard)
Holding Fast (Modern AU, sequel to H&E, Archie/Horatio/Will; Will has a nightmare. Archie and Horatio help.)
The Vital Importance of Doing Research (Modern AU, sequel to H&E, Archie/Horatio/Will; Archie’s trailer is out, so the trio turn to AO3. AKA. a parodic love letter to fanfic and the fandom)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I tried, I really did, but then I fell horribly behind when my health tanked, and I didn’t catch up, and now I’m just embarrassed about how many years it’s been. But I’m going to try to get back to it, so, if any of you are still following me here, thank you for your comments!! This incredibly anxious writer is extremely grateful to you! And I’ll try to figure out how to articulate that sufficiently soon! <3 
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Without a doubt, “Nunc Atque Semper.” I once swore I’d never write a DKU, and I almost never read them because they emotionally destroy me, but 1. I got a really excellent prompt for it, and 2. I was (and still am) so very mad at Horatio for his behavior toward Maria in the final two films, and this fic was my way of exploring his grief, how much he had changed because of it, and also holding him accountable because Maria deserved so much better. It’s one of the fics I’m proudest of, and one of the hardest to write, emotionally, and while by the end, they understand each other better and he will try to treat her better, they’re both still going to be miserable.  (Turning Over the Sands of Time and Taking Hands Against a Sea of Troubles are probably the next angstiest ones, since they both acknowledge that things are Very Much Not Ok, but at least everyone is alive at the time.)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hmmm . . .  I’m not sure how to choose, because a bunch of them have lots of different flavors of happiness. Harboured and Encompassed ends on a loving/comforting/optimistic note (even though there’s still a lot of trauma recovery ahead of Archie), The Best is Yet to Come is sweet/fluffy/romantic, Holding Fast is comforting/snuggly/a little goofy right at the end, The Vital Importance of Doing Research is funny/bubbly/crackfic taken seriously. So, I guess it depends on what your favorite mood is to go with your happiness?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not that anyone’s posted in the comments, at least. Before I started posting Harboured and Encompassed, I saw some people hating on modern Hornblower AUs and the people who write them, but none of them proceeded to insult me in the comments of my fics, so if it continued elsewhere, I am blissfully unaware of it.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
For fics I’ve published on AO3, the closest I’ve come is in The Vital Importance of Doing Research, when the trio read fic for Archie’s film, and I am still laughing about getting to use the tag “boat porn.” In Harboured and Encompassed, Archie and Horatio make out a number of times but don’t actually have sex (because the fic is about different sorts of intimacy and was in part a response to the magical healing cock trope). I’ve planned sex scenes in the MLC fics I’m currently writing, so, we’ll see. 
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Not really, but in the incredibly crackfic-y The HMS Afterlife: Loyalty Edition, Zuko from ATLA makes a cameo. :)  
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes!! Lt_vanStein started translating Harboured and Encompassed into Russian! I’m still so happy about this!!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Lol. So, @fionatlux and I cowrote The HMS Afterlife: Loyalty Edition, which is essentially shitposting in play formatting with the characters as ghosts commenting on the events of the movie as a way of actually making ourselves watch the first film without Archie. It is absurd and ridiculous, and full of snark and Shakespeare quotations and angst and crackfic-y enough that Zuko from ATLA even makes an appearance. 
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Well, Archie/Horatio have been going strong since 1998 for me, so it’s probably hard to beat that. But I also love Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji, and recently my entire brain has been devoured by Di Feisheng/Li Lianhua (although I am also very much here for Di Feisheng/Li Lianhua/Fang Duobing).
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I had a very long sequel planned for Harboured and Encompassed in which the OT3 officially gets together (set between parts 3 and 4 of the series), and had written about 50k of it, but then personal drama related to the fic happened (long story), my health unrelatedly tanked, my life fully exploded, and I was too sick to even think about writing for most of the last 4+ years. Thanks to a successful neurosurgery earlier this year, I’m finally starting to regain some energy for creative pursuits, instead of using it all on staying alive despite the efforts of a broken medical system! But on a good day, I’m still only operating at about 30% of my previous capacity, so right now, I’m writing new stuff for Mysterious Lotus Casebook because that’s what the brain gremlins want (*gasp * what, me, invested in a show about someone whose health tanked and they had to build a new life? And that also has PTSD representation? Hell yes.), and hopefully, eventually, I will be able to finish that sequel, assuming there’s anyone still around by then who wants to read it. But I’m listing it here to take the pressure off myself so I don’t feel like I have to write it, because I’m tired of feeling guilty about it all the time.  
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, interior monologue, altering the writing style to fit the character, character development, representations of trauma/trauma recovery/mental health issues, humor, h/c, writing characters finally learning to communicate
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Describing settings, writing in scene when it could be summary instead, writing action scenes, and having confidence
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
There’s some French in The Vital Importance of Doing Research, but I think that’s it. One issue I’m running into with MLC, though, is that there are times where I absolutely know what I’d want the characters to say in Mandarin, but the English equivalent just doesn’t land in the same way. Ah well. 
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I don’t know how to choose. I think Nunc Atque Semper is maybe the one I’m proudest of because of how hard it was (emotionally) to write. Harboured and Encompassed has my all-time favorite scenes/chapters in it, and I am really proud of the character development overall. I’m also still very very proud of just how many Shakespeare lines I was able to fit into Much Ado about Shakespeare: Love’s Labour’s Won, which probably had more research that went into it than any other fic I’ve written. I think the most underappreciated fic I’ve written is Taking Hands Against a Sea of Troubles–I was really proud of the research that went into it, the imitation of 1800s writing and speech, the significance of the play they see, and the non-verbal communication and comfort at the end–and I’m really surprised that Holding Fast has more kudos.  
If you write fic, consider yourself invited to respond (but no worries if doing this sort of thing stresses you out). I’m specifically tagging some of my newer mutuals, because I really want to get to know you better! (And if I forgot to include you, it's not personal!)
@thesilversun @nutcasewithaknife @shamera @extraordinarilyextreme @slangerogkatter @enbysaurus-rex @willowcatkinblossom @kingsandbastardz @the-wintry-mizzenmast
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longeyelashedtragedy · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
i was faux-tagged by @prosopopeya ! it was fun reading your answers!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
right now i only write "Men's Football RPF," but occasionally i have the desire to write in my previous fandom, and then never do.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
these are all a song of ice and fire/game of thrones fics from way back in the day
drabbles of ice and fire (does what it says on the tin)
captivated (arya/jaqen AU)
ends and beginnings (arya/jaqen university AU)
egg baby (arya/jaqen, au)
arya saves the day (arya/jaqen, the same university AU)
...as you might have guessed, i was THEE arya/jaqen BNF back then, lol. (if you have familiarity with the characters please note these are all AUs because arya is aged up in order to ship her)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i try, i really do! comments just get my executive function so snarled up and i wind up forgetting.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
that's most of them. how am i meant to choose? it's hard for me to get through the end of "i tore off the golden branch" without crying even to this day. "like a song on repeat, nothing has to end" has some nice sad transfer window angst, and as i've said, the ending to "visited upon the sons" really slaps. is it cheating to say mare liberum?--that ending only exists on my notes app, and it's more "tragic" than angsty i guess.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
oh, hmmm. i wanna say... "5.VII." poor dejan, always fearing he'll somehow be alone and unwanted, not good enough, and in that moment at the end of the fic those worries leave him.
“So...that means...these things...These things we do together...” Dejan waits impatiently.  No, he’ll be honest with himself.  He’s waiting nervously.  “We’re just going to have to keep doing them forever, right, brate?”  Dejan lets go of the breath he’s been holding and as he does, he feels those wings again, stretching out from his shoulder blades and shaking themselves out and giving him an incredible lightness. He could float away right now with Šime in his arms. They could float away together.   “Yes. I guess we will.”
8. Do you get hate on fics?
not really, i think they're so poorly written or strange that they just don't get much notice. i did see some "piquira" people back in the day talk about how my fic "soy loca con mi tigre," where shakira pegs piqué (RIP) with sergio watching them on video chat, was "weird." god, it must be painful to be that boring
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
unfortunately yes. i think it's usually pretty straightforward, but maybe not blunt enough to be grimy-hot. i don't like anything flowery. i wish i could write some m/f from time to time, but i have too many gender issues to feel comfortable writing about an AFAB body in a sexual sense most of the time. i am trying to channel this discomfort into writing a fic where jamie jamie jamie takes franko out clubbing to drown his sorrows and they pick up some Girls it is what it is!
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
i used to with my ex, we had an amazing AU where we crossed over a million different punk/metal/alternative musicians with some other rpf type people. oh, and not to forget--my first ever footyfics were crossovers, lol.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
i sure have! it was shameless as fuck. however, justice was served because my version got more kudos and comments, so i didn't even bother to start shit. as they say, she thought she ate!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes, into russian, chinese, and persian. i have enough fics translated into russian on ficbook to have my own Author Page on there--a point of pride, because i love ficbook :)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yes, many with said ex! i would love to do a collab again--anyone? hit me up
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
idk? rakidrić, šejan, movren, xhakarteta RIP, JAVEY from AFI, cersei/jaime, aged up!arya/jaqen. am i missing anything?
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
maybe my really long 'ivan rakitić coming of age' fic, where the running plot is "what is he doing to keep himself at barça even tho he's out of favor?" as you can see, it would be very outdated, plus it was never intended for a wide audience
16. What are your writing strengths?
not sure :/ characters' emotions, good use of repetition and parallelism (i like to think !) and good use of rhythm. i also think i write a good ending. my bff said "the way you describe love and loss is unlike anyone else" which i thought was nice!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
plot, pacing. good porn, being unfiltered (like--my writing feels too repressed lol)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
it has to make sense so it doesn't feel like tokenization or fetishization and can't be cheesy. the only time i think i was going to include actual multiple lines of dialogue in anther language (spanish), i then changed it so the fic didn't have it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
the first like, true established fandom i wrote for was a song of ice and fire/game of thrones. before that i wrote a lot of bandfic, but mostly for bands and artists who didn't really have any fic or canons. like, 98% of it was private for just me and my ex, but a few of the pieces still exist online here and there.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
i cannot pick favorites. there's so many reasons why something would be a favorite. and i have 147 fics on ao3! plus many things that aren't. plus my unpublished bandfic was some of my best writing. i don't know!
i almost wonder if it's "his return: a story of ghosts" which...i initially wrote as a fic but then changed it up. it was a "magical realism" au based on my undergrad senior thesis, lol. (the most common remark about it in my advanced creative writing seminar was "uh, it sounds like you know what you're talking about.") it's so imperfect, but writing it was SO much fun, and i had a whole soundtrack i listened to as i wrote, and then a few years ago i did a massive edit of it which was even more fun and it's still very imperfect and can't figure out why. i also don't like daniel's name but i named him after 2 ppl i knew at the time and now i can't change it, lol.
OH AND ALSO: granit's first flashback chapter in dangerous AU!
if you write fic, you are tagged, but i definitely tag: @new-berry @protect-daniel-james @fanficburner @purefractals @colorsofmyseason @bsaka7 @arsenalgbt AND ANYONE ELSE I FORGOT please do it if you see it!!!
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arqueete · 6 months
@prosopopeya tagged me in a thing where you put your Spotify On Repeat playlist on shuffle and post the first 10 tracks that come up (and then tag 10 people), and it reminded me of old LJ memes so I will do this :)
...Familiar Place - Lucy Dacus Without you I am surely the last of our kind
Maps - Yeah Yeah Yeahs Wait, they don't love you like I love you
Eyes - Rogue Wave But one thing I'm missing is in your eyes
Appointments - Julien Baker I know that I'm not what you wanted, am I?
Shit Talk - Sufjan Stevens I will always love you but I cannot look at you
Blue Rose - Amen Dunes Truth it's not my fault, yeah love came over me
Spell -Dora Jar I was always the one you would toss to the wind
Everything That Rises - Sufjan Stevens Can you lift me up to a higher place?
Goodbye Evergreen - Sufjan Stevens But everything heaven-sent must burn out in the end
Slip Away - Perfume Genius Take my hand, take my everything
Tagging some people who have been on my dash tonight: @lonelyroommp3 @milfmoder @captainseaweedbrains @primeideal @tillamookburn @drdavidhuxley @kaarijafag @howglorygoes @ffrriiddaayy @lichlup
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deancasbigbang · 2 years
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Title: your ex-lover is dead
Author: prosopopeya
Artist: Red Lenai
Rating: Explicit
Pairings: Dean/Endverse!Cas. References to Dean/canon!Cas and Endverse!Cas/Endverse!Dean; mention of Dean/Crowley having group sex during their Summer of Love, no feelings involved.
Length: 20000
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply; references to suicide; references to drug use, in line with endverse!Cas's character; alcohol use, in line with typical show (over)usage; self worth issues; canon!Cas remains in the Empty (as far as Dean knows) for the entire fic
Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon; Post-s15; Angst with a Happy Ending; Unconventional Fix-It; Hurt/Comfort; Oblivious Sam Winchester; Second Chances; Mutual Pining; Grief
Posting Date: October 12, 2022
Summary: After they stop Chuck, Dean and Sam make a promise: one more attempt at bringing someone back, but then that's it, no more screwing around with the universe. The universe isn't done screwing around with them, though, and the Cas that the ritual produces is a real blast from the past. And what is Dean supposed to do? Sacrifice another Cas?  Of course, the alternative is learning to live with this new-old-Cas, and all their combined grief, and all the feelings that he'd been ready to tell his Cas. 
Excerpt: There's silence. It's hard to classify it as awkward. What do you call it when you try to bring back the love of your life and instead you bring back the depressed version that a different you chewed up and spit out years ago? But--and here's the fucking kicker--underneath all that you still feel drawn to him because this isn't him, but it's close, closer than anything you'll ever get to have again, so you sit here and you drink with him and you talk to him about the life you had with the other him. Do you call that awkward? Or is that just a fucking tragedy?  "So," Dean starts, then pauses as he watches Cas bring the glass to his lips again. "When are you...? I mean, you remember me, and that wasn't that long before--" "Before I died?" Cas says, cutting through Dean's fumbling. "No, it wasn't. In fact, that's the last thing I remember. A brief glimpse of oblivion, and then I opened my eyes in that desolate room of yours down there and thought I was in Hell."  Dean's breath hitches for a second because for a second he can't help but imagine what that must've felt like. "How'd you know it wasn't Hell?"  This time, when Cas turns to look at him, blue eyes bright and wide and snapping with a low-grade current, it's slower than it was before, almost reluctant.  "I'd know the real you anywhere."  The moment, whatever it is, hangs in the air before Cas breaks it, gesturing with his glass as he goes back to leaning back in his chair.  "A real you, as the case may be."  Maybe the cosmic fucking joke of it all is that Dean doesn't get his Cas back; instead he gets this Cas, the first Cas that he thought was maybe in love with him, and the Cas that made Dean decide he could never cross that line with his Cas, not when he saw how it turned out for them, how it ruined Cas. "How'd he die?" Cas asks, all blunt and hard edges, and Dean's stomach twists. He's still never told this full story. Now he guesses he never will. "Death was coming for me. Literally. Different Death though, after we killed the last one. This one, they had it out for me. And Cas, he..." Dean's eyes flick to the side because just then it's hard not to see his own Cas layered over top of this one, like he's watching a 3D movie and doesn't have the glasses, and he's not-assholish enough to know that that's a dick move. He swallows hard. "He sacrificed himself for me."  Cautiously, he lets himself look at this Cas again, still studying him. Finally, Cas hums, but the nonchalance is more fake than it ever has been. "Yes, we tend to do that."
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