#probably something beachy and tropical
only-katsuki · 9 months
also thinking about changing my name on here, bc i literally just realized i can and nobody would care😭😭 but i’m kinda scared, don’t @ me
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My Scene Instagram Profiles | Jai 🐬🌺🌴
So I know Jai isn't a main character but I could NOT resist making an IG for her! There's barely any info about her on her My Scene fandom page so I had to improvise and do a little headcanoning (that's probably not a word lol) myself. Her beachy, tropical vibe just SCREAMS coconut girl. She wore bright colors in the movie so I tried to reflect that in her pics. I ran into that pic of a house in the top right corner and thought it was perfect! She was super friendly in the Jammin' in Jamaica movie and gave off a chill, island girl vibe. The fandom wiki said she sells accessories, so from that I just made her a jewelry maker who sells cute handmade items in her town. I also feel as though she'd be the type to change her hair all the time. I'm calling it now, she's the type who's always trying different crochet braid hairstyles, like really long goddess braids with beads or shells in them or something really cute like that 🧜🏾‍♀️✨
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subdee · 26 days
@ladycrescentvenus wanted to know about the BakuDeku drafts, and while it's not smart to share your outlines (it saps your motivation to write) it will realistically be years before I have the free time to actually do anything with these....SO ANYWAY:
BakuDeku omegaverse AU. Bakugou and Deku are contestants on a Big Brother style reality TV show somewhere beachy and tropical, like Australia or a Pacific Island.
In this world, everyone takes hormone suppressants all the time by government mandate, but there is a movement (not unlike the antivax movement) to get back to nature and experience your emotions as they were meant to be experienced, because everyone's been on suppressants so long they've forgotten WHY suppressants became mandatory in the first place.
So this TV show has the premise that the contestants are forbidden from using any suppressants while on broadcast, with doctors standing by so it's safe of course. Most of the audience has never experienced a 'natural' heat/rut cycle and most of the contestants haven't either.
Supposedly the show has educational value... but really it's mostly entertainment ("Docutainment" is the category I believe).
Deku is a conservation ecologist on the show to promote his work. Bakugou is a chef.
Typical mistimed first heat scene triggered by Smell that you get in all the omegaverse stories... with the twist that Bakugou smells BAD to Deku - like burned meat - because when you experience something very intense for the first time, your brain doesn't know whether to classify it as good or bad. Haha.
Anyway Deku's initial (over)reaction creates a BAD first impression that the rest of the fic then tries to resolve.
Second one!
Summer Camp AU, they are high school students at a sleep away camp in upstate NY (based on a camp I attended once). It's on a small wooded island in the middle of a lake.
The story is Bakugou POV and it is about how he's grown as a person - he's thinking about college applications now - and he's decided that how he bullied Deku was wrong, so he's going to apologize.
And this decision is not spurred on by anything in particular but just growing out of a middle school phase, you know? Like it asks the question, what if absolutely nothing dramatic happened, would Bakugou still grow up just by virtue of not being in middle school anymore?
The twist is that in the first part of the summer, Deku went through his own version of soul-searching and thinking about the future, and as a result he's been working out and HE GOT HOT.
And this makes Bakugou MAD because he'd ALREADY decided to apologize, but now it will look like he's only apologizing because Deku got hot.. in other words, he'll look shallow.
So to avoid looking shallow he doesn't apologize and instead he tries to avoid Deku... but they keep getting forced together for camp activities! Haha.
Of course they share a cabin... They'd probably murder each other or set the cabin on fire, BUT Shouto is also in their cabin and he acts as a buffer. Haha.
Anyway, basically a slow burn love triangle type situation. And I want it to be clear that Bakugou is TRYING to grow - he's a serious person! he's going to an elite school! - but he's not quite there yet.
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phoelipop · 1 year
🥤 What’s your go-to Starbucks order? Ooh I have not gone to starbucks in such a long time… I'd usually order a simple mocha, or peppermint mocha around christmas time~
🦖 Favorite extinct animal? When i was younger i had this very intense phase where i rlly loved sharks (i still do!), and I was obsessed with the megalodon... and convinced they were still probably out there. I still have a soft spot for them now xD
🐸 Describe your aesthetic. Oooh. Um… hard because i feel like i have so much going on? I love flowery / forest / autumn vibes as well as like beachy / summer / tropical vibes… definitely something nature themed i guess. Is that cottagecore? Fairycore? idk xD;;
Thank you for the ask Spiwit!! ^^ 💖💖💖
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rexaleph · 1 month
rotating Francesca Bianchi in my mind
Tyger Tyger is the only sample out of my excessive birthday present to myself that came with a broken atomizer and it's the one i was most excited to try :( from what i can get from dabbing, which is suboptimal, the very very opening is a shockingly good realistic peach, but the whole thing quickly turns into whatever it is that made me hate Tom Ford Bitter Peach. cheap generically sweet incense cones. There's a chance better application might make me like it but idk. Trying to make sth expensive I don't like that much work for me - especially by spending more money! is prob a dumb move
Unspoken Musk is opens with that same obnoxious dissonant sweetness, but dry is if Carner Barcelona El Born had an element of soft furry animal. Still need to sit with it but not what I hoped for (soft dirty musk).
The Lover's Tale is like.... iris to seduce the iris hater (I am the iris hater). it's meant to be a leather but I don't get that at all, I get iris, but done in a way that's not reminiscent of old-fashioned cosmetics bc it doesnt come with a strong sweet floral. instead it has mimosa - delicate, spearminty-sweet-fresh powdery. which, I'm guessing mimosa is probably my favorite flower, the one floral fragrance I love with my whole chest - FM Une Fleur de Cassie, is primarily a mimosa. so the Lover's Tale to my nose is those two notes: oily, savory iris brightened with fragile mimosa. and there's other flowers and aldehydes and sandalwood for like a background floral sweetness, but iris and mimosa are like the two poles delineating the fragrance. Very cool, glad to have tried it.
Now as to sth I would - Sex and the Sea is pretty special. coconut for the coconut hater. tropical for the antitropicalist. candy for him (I'm him). it's one of those sweet tart friedly fruits beloved by the gender cowards (eau de rhubarbe, aventus perhaps, virgin island water certainly), but a little deep and strange and interesting. it reminds me of a candy from when i was a kid, i wanna say piña colada flavored, i'm picturing pale-yellow hard candies that leave your tongue sore. there is a bitter, soapy quality, maybe immortelle, that really conjures the irritating sharpness of the candies. it also makes the pineapple flip from candied-sweet to juicy leafy green. the projection remains sweet and rounded coconut-forward, but up close it's sharper, tart and lemony, plus salty myrrh and ambergris. final drydown is warm, friendly, a little spearminty sweet-spicy. certainly a version of the sweet opulence fantasy, but maybe a little too obvious an image. too straightforwardly beachy with the salt and the sun lotion and the pineapple. otoh is it maybe just my ideological opposition to coconut and beach cocktail perfume and if i hadn't seen the advertised notes could i love it uncomplicatedly? this is one i gotta show to some outside observers. also i now want to try the Sex and the Sea Neroli flanker, bc if it's the same thing refocused around neroli, maybe it'll be less heavy-handedly themed. people call it simpler and more wearable, which, yeah, maybe that's what i need from Sex and the Sea. it'll take it away from the dense richness of the fantasy perfume i was originally looking for, but maybe make for something i actually enjoy more. also, funnily enough as is i don't get any erotic associations even tho i love to be horny abt perfume AND one of my strongest erotic memories is swimming with someone when i was a teenager and feeling the jolt of body heat in cold water. like i can get there if i really think about it but it's not animalic or salty enough on its own. fruit is kinda inherently unsexy to me i guess.
anyway i was worried i wouldn't get along with the Francesca Bianchi DNA but i'm very interested in seeing what else they have going on. at first i thought i'd skip the leather-forwards outright because we have leather at home, boy do we ever have leather at home. but now i'm thinking if the Lover's Tale doesn't read as leather to me, maybe the others won't be redundant to what i already have either. much to think about. however i don't want to spend money on perfume anytime soon, i felt weird and bad doing it last time. maybe that was the main reason why i was deleting my perfume posts tbh.
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hairstyleforteen · 2 years
Express Yourself With the Perfect Summer Manicure
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There’s no better time to get a mani-pedi than summertime! With your toes and fingernails on full display in sandals and flip-flops, you might be tempted to try out a new color and style every week this summer. So what’s stopping you?  Manicures and pedicures can be expensive, and nail salons might only have a limited number of solid colors available. You can ask for gems, glitter, or other designs, but there’s no guarantee that your nail salon will be able to create the look you’re going for. If you’re not familiar with nail art, it can be even more difficult to know what to ask for at the nail salon—or to attempt it at home yourself. Acrylic, gel, and semi cured gel nails can be great alternatives to painting your nails yourself. Why worry about staying inside the lines or being a master artist when you can shape your polish to fit your nail? Fake nails come in hundreds of designs so you can choose a set that fits your personal aesthetic. Whether you prefer a French manicure or tiny watermelons on your nails, there’s bound to be an acrylic or semi cured gel nails set that fits your needs. Semi cured gel nails are especially unique and easy to use at home. They’re made of liquid gel nail polish that molds to fit your fingernail and hardens when exposed to a UV lamp. They usually last for about two weeks, so you can try out plenty of new styles this summer. Need some suggestions for the cutest summer nail colors? Here are just a few designs that you can wear as semi cured gel nails during your trip to the beach or your night out with friends. - Bold Colors Summer is the perfect time to try out a bold color like yellow or turquoise blue. Your nails can be an accessory just like your purse, shoes, or earrings, so don’t be afraid to make a statement. If you find yourself gravitating towards your safe colors when you’re at the nail salon—probably muted pinks or reds—why not try out something new? Since semi cured gel nails last for two weeks, you can try out a funky color like this vibrant yellow and easily switch it out if it isn’t to your liking. You’ll be more likely to wear bright colors and floral patterns during the summer anyway, so it will be easy to find outfits that match.  - Nude with Glitter Everyone feels like dressing up during the summer! If you have a wedding or birthday party to attend, you may be looking for nails that are formal but still have a little bit of personality. These gel nails in the shade “N Dress Up” are a peachy nude color with just a sprinkling of glitter and elegant, crisscrossed silver lines. They’re appropriately subtle with just a bit of summer sparkle. - Tropical Fruits This adorable semi cured gel pedicure gives such beachy vibes. If you’re going to a tropical location this summer, decorating your nails with summery fruits like pineapples or watermelons is the perfect way to set the mood. Alternating bold designs with solid colors gives any pedicure or manicure the ideal amount of balance. This set also includes solid yellow, green, white, and yellow gingham nails—all essential summer colors. - Ocean Blue If you’re headed to the beach this summer or even if you just love the ocean, a nail set that resembles the ocean or mermaid scales might be exactly what you need. These gorgeous blue nails are any mermaid’s dream come true. They’re patterned with decals that resemble the ocean when the sun hits it just right.  - Marbled Nails This marbled manicure set in shades of yellow, orange, and purple is suitable for those nail lovers who want to try out some summer shades but are nervous to completely embrace bold primary colors. Muted secondary colors or colored French tip nails could be a great way to try some bolder shades. If you’re going for a look that’s more sophisticated than spontaneous, this set resembling a sunset or desert could be for you.  - Fun Pastels Summer isn’t all about the primary colors. This nail set in shades of pastel green, pink, yellow, and purple with accents of gold is so playful and fun. It’s inspired by a merry-go-round and would be well-suited for any parade, carnival, or summertime fun. The French manicure style of the decals is even more subtle once it’s on your fingertips, making it easy to match. - Summer Sky Most people gravitate towards deep purple and blue nails in the wintertime, but this starry design would be a great summer twist on a darker color. The subtle glitter is achieved with a glossy yellow to make it look like stars. This style would be stunning at parties—especially if you have a deep blue or black dress to match. Read the full article
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demilypyro · 2 years
Something I thought was very interesting about Horizon Forbidden West is how much of the marketing focused on the beachy, tropical areas of post-apocalyptic San Francisco. It makes sense, it’s an environment that wasn’t present in the first game so it helps make the sequel feel fresh and different, and if you’re putting the word “west” in your game’s title, marketing around one of the most western cities on the map of earth seems like a smart move.
However, if you’ve actually played Forbidden West, you’ll know that San Francisco amounts to maybe 3 hours of its total runtime, and it takes you about 30 hours to get there. The game in fact starts you all the way on the EAST side of the map, and the further west you go, the harder the game gets. This again makes sense, you’re going further and further into the “forbidden” west, into unknown territory, and difficulty scaling means that the most western regions are the last place you go to.
This does, however, make the marketing feel almost misleading. You’ll be spending most of the game in familiar deserts, mountains and jungles. Most players who didn’t stick with the game probably never made it to the San Francisco area the marketing relied so heavily on. And I’m not sure I ever even saw that scenario from the gameplay trailer where there’s a bunch of tribesmen riding a robot mammoth. If it was there, it certainly wasn’t in the first 30 hours.
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deann1120 · 3 years
Guesses at Possible Future Precure Seasons (NEW)
I’ve decided to repost this, since I realized a while ago that my edits weren’t showing up, I can’t search for the post on my own damn blog (which is why I had the old post pinned for a bit), and I’ve thought of a lot of new possible themes. I hope that the next season has one of these, but if there’s something else, that’ll be interesting, too.
Side notes: The next season’s title (and possibly its themes) should be revealed at Thanksgiving time (so the week of November 21st). For reference, Tropical-Rouge’s logo was first leaked on November 25th of last year, and the official site release was the day after. As interesting tidbits, the Healin’ Good logo was revealed earlier in 2019, October 22nd, but Star Twinkle was revealed around November 17th, 2018.
11/1 Note: Although the new theme is already out, someone’s reblog reminded me that I forgot an important note: I know some of these are themes that have been done already (hence why I say “another,”) but sometimes themes do get repeated in PreCure—Fresh and DokiDoki both had a playing card theme. And quite a few seasons, like Go!Princess and Hugtto, have focused on aspirations and the future. And with this new season, it seems like “food/sweets” is gonna be a centerpiece despite KiraKira existing.
Check out my old post for comments of others’ suggestions!
* Another flower-themed season but all the Cures are named after flowers
* Another animal season but, like, without the sweets thing (the animal theme was wasted in KiraKira, let’s be honest)
* Elemental Precures, the core four and maybe light or lightning as a fifth. The Healin’ Good, Go!Princess, Smile, and Yes! 5 teams were actually kinda elemental, but I would a want a more solely-elemental theme.
* If not elemental, then maybe seasonal Precure? (1/21 note: this might be off the table since we have Cure Summer now)
* Ocean/sea life. Maybe Cures with fishy themes or some shit (I’m crossing this one out now bc, although Tropical-Rouge was advertised as a beachy season, it ended up being more ocean-themed. Though I would like a more solely ocean-themed season)
* Another career season but they don’t do shit like dress a Cure like a flight attendant and then tell us she’s an ice skater
* Color-themed?? I know the Cures are already color themed but like a whole season around colors. Maybe they have to protect a magic rainbow or something. Plot twist if one of them is colorblind
* Gemstones. Like Steven Universe but as a more conventional magical girl show
* [12/‘20 Edit] Holidays. They can either go with Japanese or more “universal” ones
* [12/‘20 Edit] Another fairy tale season but the cures are actually modeled after fairy tale characters
* [12/‘20 Edit] Winter wonderland/wintery, since we just had a tropical/summery theme (10/21 note: oops this ended up being the crossover movie theme. maybe they’ll still go for a whole season)
* [12/‘20 Edit] Dreams? Like I know we have a Cure Dream but more like exploring the world of people’s nighttime dreams or daydreams. Exploring either or both would be substantial, but the unconscious of the nighttime would be cool, so as to be something like Mewkledreamy but maybe more, y’know, interesting
* [1/‘21 Edit] Technology/MECHA????
* [1/‘21 Edit] The weather? It sounds kinda stupid, but like each girl represents a different weather type. The lead would probably be based on sunny weather or rainbows (again). Actually something that’d be kinda cool is if there’s a duo called Cure Thunder and Cure Lightning
* [2/‘21 Edit] Another music season but the Cures each have an instrument theme
* [2/‘21 Edit] Jungle. So tropical in a different sense
* [2/‘21 Edit] Forest. So maybe another season like Healin’ Good but they actually pay more attention to the environment/conservation/nature part
* [6/‘21 Edit] A full-on Zodiac season? They can go with a few of the Eastern or Western Zodiacs, like from Star Twinkle. Of course, they probably wouldn’t do all 12 Western or Eastern Zodiacs.
* [6/‘21 Edit] Another fruits season but there’s more to the theme than just the names
* [7/‘21 Edit] Birds
* [7/‘21 Edit] Dancing? The cures can be styled after different types of dance
* [7/‘21 Edit] Fashion. Not makeup, just like, clothes and accessories. Though I guess you could throw makeup in there as well. Maybe another solely makeup season, then?
* [10/‘21 Edit] Royalty. I know there was a princess season but looking at royalty more broadly. Like Cure Crown, Cure Sceptre, Cure Queen, Cure Rule, etc.
* [10/‘21 Edit] Sports
* [10/‘21 Edit] Expanding on a couple other suggestions, maybe cures who are all themed after specific types of one animal, like cats (domesticated, lions, tigers), dogs (domesticated, wolves, foxes), fish (goldfish, sharks, whales), etc.
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huihuiheart · 3 years
Idol As Your S/O: Baekhyun - NSFW Version
Series Masterlist
Series Information
Warnings: NSFW Themes, suggestive themes,
Pairing: Baekhyun x GN Reader
Requested: No
- How did they fall in love?
Baekhyun likely met you through a friend or something and had some small conversations with you. He thought you were nice from the start, but he fell in love through talking to you, learning what kind of person you are inside. Finding that you were a wonderful person and everything he was looking for in his life.
- PDA Level: 6/10
He doesn’t mind light PDA, but he’s bashful and prefers to keep most affections behind closed doors. That being said, he can’t say no if you’re being affectionate, and he’ll want to comfort you if anything happens. On an average day, though, it’s probably going be a 6/10.
- Gift Type:
Likely will give fleeting gifts, what I mean is things like flowers and chocolates. Things that you can indulge in for a time but won’t last forever. He likes that it gives him an excuse to get you something new. Though with flowers, he might dry them to try and make something aesthetic for you. The other kind of gifts he gives.
- They surprise you/try to surprise you how?
He seems like the type to surprise you with a fluffy animal ... It would be a surprise too, considering it’s probably a spur of the moment idea he had. That’s usually the only time he tries to surprise you though, is with the random spur of the moment ideas he gets.
- Favorite scent on you:
Probably a light, sweet scent. Like baked goods, vanilla, fruits, that kind of thing. Not like the whole bakery just showed up at the house though, not that strong. He also might kind of like some sweeter tropical scents.
- What is your home like?
Very child-friendly, I feel like Baekhyun would baby/puppy/kitten proof the whole house based on just in case. That being said, though, it was probably a good idea cause now you both, clumsy or not, don’t get hurt as frequently. So essentially very soft. He likes putting candles around.
- Day in:
He’ll probably make you breakfast in bed, making sure you’re tucked in and comfortable. He will want to be affectionate with you and any pets/children. Content to take the day slow, making it sweet but still making the most of a day together with you.
- Casual Day Out: 
Always brings a jacket, in case you get cold. He tries to slyly buy you little things that intrigue you, but he never gets away with doing it without you noticing. Likely will bring or buy you little snacks, just in case. Always wanting to make sure you’re okay no matter what you’re spending the day doing.
- Night Out:
He will probably try to match outfits with you. Just enough of that cologne you like spritzed on for you to notice. Most likely will give you a small but meaningful gift on special nights out. He also always insists on getting you your favorite dessert.  Baekhyun prefers slow-paced nights out.
- Vacation:
Probably books someplace tropical and/or beachy, but also not in a super touristy spot. He wants it to be someplace slower and relaxing. He wouldn’t be opposed to like a snowy cabin trip either he’s just worried there will be too much trying to do activities and not enough recharging from life. So you’d have to promise him that, either way, you’d relax and not try to do too much on your vacation.
“He was just sitting there all alone though and he was so little, so I just had to bring him home. We can keep him can’t we? I mean he’s so cute!”
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-What was the first time like?
Soft. Sweet. Romantic. Gentle. Honestly, it was probably rather cheesy the things he said and did, but Baekhyun wanted you to know that this was fully out of love and not his only intention with dating you. So so sappy, but also very good. Baekhyun was very in tune with your needs and never deprived you of them for the sake of taking his time or being romantic even if his actions were motivated by love.
-Romance Level: 8/10
He can be very, very romantic, okay, but the reason it’s not a 10/10 is that he doesn’t always have to be as romantic as he can be. However, if you want to do some less sappy but kinkier stuff in the bedroom, then he can tone down on the cheesy aspects. He probably averages an 8/10 though on certain, special occasions though he will be 10/10.
-Favorite Position:
Probably missionary, because he likes looking into your eyes when you both cum.  He also likes being able to see how good you’re feeling. Though, if there’s something you really like it won’t be hard to talk him into it, especially if you two can still make eye contact.
- Dom/Sub/Switch:
He's a switch, maybe with a slight sub lean, and when he doms, he’s probably more of a soft dom. He can punish you, but he’s rather patient and gentle, all things considered.
- What is it usually like?
Usually, it’s lovemaking more than anything else. Though he will switch things up from time to time, especially if he’s gotten time off and you’re having sex more, or if he knows something that you really like doing.
- Gift type sexy edition:
He probably gifts lingerie or just sexy outfits in general. That includes little accessories like collars and stuff too. Though, he has been known to occasionally gift toys because they looked pretty.
- How do they spice things up?
He has silks that he’ll pull out to spice things up, and he’s fine with them being used on either him or you. Maybe he’ll even experiment with all the different things you can do with them.
-Unexpected at first: 
Baekhyun wasn’t expecting to like gagging, so he’d never been too into trying it. For you, though, he was willing to give it a try, and he ended up really enjoying it. He will try to subtly hint at wanting to do it again, whether it’s you or him receiving.
- Don’t Expect:
Don’t expect a lot of BDSM aspects in the bedroom. Some light bondage and punishments perhaps, but nothing too intense will probably happen. At least not when he’s dom.
- Almost Always:
PRAISE! Praise for days with Baekhyun! Dom/Sub/Neither, there will be endless amounts of praise! Along with lots of body worship, so be prepared!!!
“You know how much I love you right?....w-well let me show you just in case...”
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fatiguing-thoughts · 3 years
Traveling With The Pack - Preference
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Request: “What type of travelers are they (separately)? Do they over/under pack? Do they sight see or spend the day relaxing on the beach eating food? What type of holidays do they go on with the reader (like Paris or an adventure holiday?)”
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Jacob Jacob loves to simply just get away. It doesn’t really matter where it is as long as you guys are spending time together. I think that he values a more adventurous, experience filled holiday. He’ll probably take you white water rafting and likes to show you the fun things in life. He doesn’t enjoy traveling to just sit around and do what you guys do at home, he wants to try some new things with you. He’s back and forth between the idea of shark diving or not with you, just anything crazy and adventurous. He packs as little as he possibly can, it’s more stuff to worry about for him. 
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Seth Seth is quite the romantic, I imagine he loves the idea of taking you to Paris or London. That’s his favorite place to bring you. He loves all the sights the cities have to offer and how beautiful you look in the city lights reflecting in your eyes as you stare at them in awe. Seth absolutely adores doing all the cheesy, romantic typical Paris date nights. He kisses you at the top of the Eifel Tower. He kisses you in the London Eye, he brings you to Big Ben. His packing skills are similar to Leah’s, meaning that he usually does pretty well.  
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Leah Leah loves art, so she loves to visit any museum you guys can get to. More so than that, she loves architecture and loves to visit old castles and cathedrals. Romania is one of her top spots. There’s so much to see and explore. You guys often will dress up, long flowy dresses, picnics on the grounds, and mini photoshoots of one another. Admiring all the beauty surrounding you is quite romantic, appreciating the company of one another, appreciating the peace you have in each other’s presence. A lot of the trip is very relaxing, reading books and cuddling under the sheets after. You guys will even make art together inspired by the places you’ve seen. Leah’s a good packer, she packs just enough. 
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Embry Embry is really fond of going anywhere intimate with you. In particular, he really enjoyed bringing you to Norway. Back home, you guys stargaze routinely, but northern Norway blows your typical sky out of the water. You sit and watch as the aurora borealis invades your vision. You both find it incredibly interesting how their sky is so intense depending on the month of the year. You spend a lot of time relaxing, enjoying the company of one another. You do some adventuring, but overall you and Embry just enjoy a peaceful trip. He’s a light packer, for sure. 
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Quil Quil takes you places that don’t even think of when you first think vacation. He’s always up for the element of surprise. South Korea and Iceland have so far been his favorites. Quil always overpacks, and it’s so no surprise. He makes sure he has everything ready to go. The reason he loves going places like these is that he knows it’s something you wouldn’t have originally thought of-- he doesn’t want to take you somewhere you’d expect. They’re both so incredible, beautiful views and endless nature to surround yourselves in-- trying and seeing new things you can’t do back at home. 
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Paul Paul loves going to tropical, beachy places with you. He enjoys the change of scenery from the rainy coast of Washington. He really enjoyed bringing you to the Whitsunday Islands, off the coast of Queensland, Australia. He loves exploring the ocean with you, enjoying the sun and that you’re finally walking around in a bathing suit. It’s so beautiful there and you both overall explore the islands, enjoying everything you can. Overall, it’s a pretty relaxed trip, Paul needs to wind down sometimes and what better way than with you? He absolutely forgets to pack half of his stuff, but luckily enough you expect this and pack the rest for him. 
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Jared Jared simply loves having fun with you more than anything. You know damn well he loves going to Disney with you. It’s the “happiest place on Earth”, and Jared loves it, more importantly he loves having you by his side there. He definitely underpacks for himself because he’s so worried about you having everything that you need. You’re beyond overpacked, but he totally forgot underwear. You have to go shopping as soon as you land for everything he forgot for himself, thank god he packed 500 bandaids for you, though.
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  Sam Sam is definitely an overpacker. He always makes sure there is enough of everything just in case of any scenario that will never actually happen. His vacation of choice is surprisingly Hawaii. He enjoys the peace and quiet while you’re there, enjoying the sun and good times. You mostly relax, do some well needed swimming and exploration of the beautiful environment. You even get to tour some volcanoes, admiring the massive structures. You admire the beautiful sky at night, cuddling under the sky on your blankets. 
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gyrfa-gariadus · 3 years
Conversation help
Things that require being social, which can be intimidating when dealing with someone you don't know well.
It takes a long time to build a good relationship but they all start somewhere.
Being prepared to offer something interesting about yourself on your first day at a new school or work is a terrific icebreaker. Here are some wonderful fun fact starters, and don't forget to invite your conversation partner while you're at it.
1. “One of my favorite things to do is…. “
This is a good way to share your hobbies , if it’s a favorite thing of yours, it says a lot about what matters to you.
2. “A book I’m reading about now is….”
If you’re a bookworm or are just determined to keep learning, your new conversation partner might want to know what you’re reading this weekMaybe you’ll discover a shared favorite.
3. “If I could have any superpower, it would be….”
superpowers are always a fun topic to discuss.What would you most like to be able to do better than most?
4. “One thing I know I do well (or better than most) is….”
Maybe you already have a superpower or something like it. And whatever it is, you’re probably proud of it and if you’re not you should be ! And what do you most enjoy about this ability of yours? How have you developed it?
5. “I look up to….”
If there’s someone you admire and want to emulate, this is the person you want to mention here, along with a brief explanation as to why.What specific traits do you you like in them and wish to develop in yourself? What have they done that has most impressed you?
6. “One thing I cannot live without is….”
Name something you use every day — enough that you sometimes take it for granted.
7. “Something I’d love to get rich by doing full-time is….”
8. “One struggle I’ve had that has made me who I am is….”
This can get personal in a hurry, so if you want to take a step back, you can also discuss a moment or experience that changed your life.Did anything crazy happen that challenged a belief about what was possible?
10. “My perfect day would start with _____ and end with _____.”
Mine would be a smile and end in a laugh.
11. “If I could live anywhere in the world, it would be….”If you’re tempted to answer with “anywhere but here,” don’t we all but try to be more specific.Do you prefer beachy, tropical getaways or have you dreamt of touring Europe or Africa — or exploring New York City? Let your imagination lead
12. “One thing on my bucket list is….”
13. “My best friend is my best friend because….”
14. “An accomplishment I’m particularly proud of is….”
This doesn’t have to be a huge thing. Just think of a moment when you felt deep satisfaction over something you did or a challenge you faced.
15. “My favorite comfort food is….”
If a food genie popped up and said, “Today, I’m cooking your favorite meals — from breakfast to dinner and dessert. Money is no object, and you can have people over for dinner if you like.”what would be on your menu ?
16. “I’d most like to be remembered for….”
What would you like your loved ones to think of when they remember you?What do you want to accomplish that will outlast you in its impact? Maybe it’s about your personality.
17. “If I won the lottery, the first thing I’d buy would be….”
Maybe you need a new stuffie , or maybe you’ll just celebrate with a cake. Or maybe you’d call the shelter for that pet you’ve been awe-ing over for the past month.
18. “If I could make anything happen for someone, I would….”
Is there someone in your life who needs help with a difficult problem?
If you could make anything happen for them to instantly improve their life or open a door for them, what would that be?
19. “If I could keep any animal as a pet, I would choose…”
Maybe you’re a self-described dog person or cat person, or maybe you’d rescue any animal that needed a home.But if you can think of an animal you’d love to have in your home to share your space and to spend time with what would it be? Maybe it’s not ethical to own your actual favourite animal so let your imagination go wild.
20. “If I had to eat one type of food for the rest of my life, it would be…” 
This could be lunch food, cake, your traditional food, pizza, etc. What type of food comes to mind that you could see yourself eating every single day for the rest of your life? 
Read my D.N.I before interacting!
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popatochisssp · 5 years
I can’t sleep and I’m inspired, here’s a headcanon post, pro bono:
~Dream Honeymoons~
Sans (Undertale): He is a simple skeleton...and a lazy one...thus, he doesn’t really wanna go anywhere, at least nowhere involving a lot of travel plans and itineraries. He’d like to pick out a local hotel, get the two of you a room, and hole up there with you for a week or two. Since he’s going simple, he’ll at least opt not to cheap out, so you’ll get the works-- the honeymoon suite, room service, maybe one of those beds or hot-tubs shaped like a heart... It’ll be a very low-key and relaxing vacation.
Papyrus (Undertale): He’s not the type for a relaxing vacation. He’s not the type for any vacation at all, it seems so lazy! If he’s going to take time off from work, it’s going to be for a purpose, which means his dream honeymoon looks a little bit like an adventure tour. Exploration, rafting, zip-lines, activities galore that they two of you can do together! Your very first big adventure as a married couple... how exciting is that?!
Sky (Underswap Sans): He can’t deny that he’s enticed by the whole tourism thing...but he’s just as enticed by the idea of a whole lot of private, alone time with just the two of you... He’ll compromise: wherever you end up going, he’ll want to do a handful of touristy things, seeing the sights, taking some pictures, maybe a guided tour or activity or something, but the rest of the time... that’s just for you two to do whatever you want.
Paps (Underswap Papyrus): Y’know what he’d like to do? He’d like to rent one of those little overwater bungalows for you both. Your own private accommodations, tropical weather, and you can stay in to relax or go out and mingle at your own discretion-- the best of both worlds, really. You could read a book, watch movies, go look at the water, or try your hand at chatting with some of the locals, maybe find a nice restaurant or something... Who knows?
Jasper (Underfell Sans): He doesn’t really care where you go as long as it’s warm and beachy. He wants to split your time honeymooning either lounging by the pool or cuddling in the hotel room with you and he has no plans of leaving the resort for any reason. It’s got restaurants, snack-bars, actual bars, and if you do one of the all-inclusive deals (he’s gonna), there’s no limit to the fun-- why would you need to go anywhere else? Go get some towels, he’ll set you both up under a nice big umbrella and have a drink waiting for you...or an ice cream, they’re right next to each other by the pool and basically free, whatever floats your boat, baby!
Pyre (Underfell Papyrus): His first thought is to book the two of you a cruise because in his mind, it’s got all the components for a perfect honeymoon. Small cabins for the intimacy, a pool and activities for fun, fine dining establishments for the free excuses to dress fancy and have a date-night, and of course the ultimate romance opportunity: just coming up to the deck to watch the waves, or the sunrise, or the sunset together in fond, loving silence... Don’t even try to tell anyone how incredibly, amazingly romantic he is, they’ll never believe you!
Mal (Swapfell Sans): How does a nice, secluded cabin in the woods strike you? Hopefully well, because that’s what he wants to do for your honeymoon. It can be hard for him to shut down for awhile, he definitely struggles with being a workaholic, so a rustic little place out in the forest where he probably isn’t gonna get cell-reception or wifi sounds like a great way to give himself no choice but to relax and focus on you and you alone. He’s actually really in love with the idea of sitting with you in front of the fireplace, trying out the hot-tub in back, just... being with you and breathing in that crisp woodsy air, early in the morning... It sounds peaceful.
Rus (Swapfell Papyrus): It’s not all that often he voices his own wants instead of just...doing whatever you wanna do. Usually, he doesn’t have very strong wants and whatever you wanna do is totally fine by him! But in this one instance...he kinda...really wants to do an arctic honeymoon. Chiefly, he wants to go somewhere you can see the aurora borealis, that sounds incredible to him and sharing it with you seems like it’d have to be peak romance. But also, think of all the opportunities to cuddle in the cold...maybe you could even find one of those cool (pun not intended!) ice hotels? He’s flexible on that one, he is, whatever you feel, he’s just...just bouncing ideas around, y’know! Think about it!
Slate (Horrortale Sans): Now, here’s one who wants a full-on staycation-- he doesn’t wanna go anywhere, he doesn’t want there to be plans, he doesn’t even wanna leave the house. He just wants a nice, long, quiet week or two of you and him, with no responsibilities to take you away from each other. There is the question of his brother in this case, since they share a place, but... Well, his brother works long hours, sleeps like the dead, and will steer clear of you unless explicitly acknowledged (he respects the sanctity of your honeymoon, even if he thinks it’s incredibly lazy to have it here!), so he shouldn’t be too much of a concern for you and your new husband’s alone-time. Still, if it bugs you or you want a little extra privacy, Slate’s happy to put Papy up at a hotel or something for the duration so it really is just you in the house. Whatever you need to really enjoy that newlywed domestic bliss is fine by him.
Papy (Horrortale Papyrus): He doesn’t really want to take a vacation... It feels...unproductive. But obviously! This is a very important human custom and the last thing he’d want to do was deprive you of it, so... maybe you could go on a road trip? He’d like to take advantage of a long weekend and maybe some days he’s not scheduled to work so that he doesn’t have to put in for a whole lot of vacation time, but it’s not the end of the world if you want him off a little longer. He’s actually...actually kind of excited about the prospect of driving around with you, listening to the radio, seeing some local sights that you never bothered to go see before... It sounds a little like an adventure--maybe not the most exciting or glamorous adventure, but...isn’t it exciting and glamorous enough just to be having it with you?
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March 30th, 2021
Day 7: A Last Day of Leisure By The Pool and Beach
Sadly, today was our last day in Maui and we were determined to make the most of the limited time we had left before our red-eye flight back to Los Angeles. Because Cynthia had to get up for an early morning start for her interview, I did the same and decided to get out of bed at sunrise to maximize my morning. 
While Cynthia was interviewing, I went downstairs to the beach to see how things looked at sunrise. As I headed down and looked around, I realized that sunrise was definitely not as exciting as sunset on the westside of Maui. Something else I noticed was that the sidewalks behind the hotel, the beaches, and the pool area at the resort were, surprisingly, already starting to get busy even though it wasn’t yet 7:00am. I briefly strolled along Kaanapali Beach and took in the view of the beach before it got too crowded and too busy. What beautiful morning weather to enjoy on our last day! 
Once I was done with the beach, I walked back to the resort to see the grounds in the daylight. I roamed around the pool grounds and took a look at some of the five pools. I checked out the flamingos, parrots, and coy fish in the ponds near the hotel lobby before rounding back to scout out an area that we could claim next to the pool for the morning. Luckily, though the pool area was starting to get busy and some people had scoped out their spots, there were still plenty of pool chairs left for us to pick from. So, while waiting for Cynthia to finish up and come down, I chose two pool chairs positioned in the sun knowing that it might get too cool if it gets too shady next to the pool. 
Before long, Cynthia came down to join me by the pool. After securing our pool towels for the day, we chilled in the sun next to the pool before I decided to take a dip in the biggest pool in the area: the family pool. I jumped in and swam in the cool water for 45 minutes or so. Because it was still early in the morning, the big kid slide in the middle of the property was not yet open for use, so I just swam around in the pool (because I didn’t have any pool equipment to mess around with) until it was time for brunch. It was really nice to finally jump in a pool after a couple of failed attempts over the last few days. 
After grabbing some complimentary tote bags from the Westin on our way up to get ready for breakfast, we cleaned up before finally heading over to Down The Hatch again, this time for a much-anticipated breakfast. Since the restaurant stops serving breakfast pretty early and lines are a known thing at Down The Hatch, we made sure we got there with plenty of time so as to not miss out on their yummy breakfast menu. And luckily, the line wasn’t too bad by the time we arrived. For breakfast, we had their Spinach Avocado Benny and Southern Style Chicken Benny, each served with deliciously crispy home fries, and an order of Banana Bread Mini French Toast with Lilikoi Cream Cheese. Oh my goodness. This breakfast was OH SO GOOD! 
We took our time enjoying our very delicious breakfast before turning around and heading to the Royal Lahaina for our very-well-deserved massage sessions we had been looking forward to. When we first booked this trip, we knew we wanted to splurge on some nice spa massages to reward us for the last few difficult months of work and job hunting. Ultimately, after looking around at options and prices, Cynthia decided that going with the massages at the Royal Lahaina would be most economical. Because Cynthia’s session was scheduled before mine (because we couldn’t book a couples massage), I dropped her off so that I could head to the Westin to check out of our room. After I checked out, I drove back over to the Royal Lahaina and checked in for my lomi lomi massage and was offered a free hot stone massage with it! Nice! My hour-long lomi lomi was amazingly calm and relaxing, and I think that at some point, I may have fallen asleep as a result of the much-needed relaxation. But on the other hand, because it was so relaxing, I didn’t get any of the knots and strains in my shoulders and right calf muscle massaged out and still had them after the session. If only I could have ordered exactly what I wanted done… Oh well. It was still super enjoyable!
Once the massage session was done, I regrettably left the spa room and met with Cynthia outside. Because she had an informational call scheduled around this time, I left Cynthia to her call and walked over to Kahekili Beach to kill some time while waiting for her to finish. With the sun out in full force, I enjoyed a hot and pleasantly beachy walk along the water, stopping every now and then to photograph some of the crashing waves and rip curls that looked so cool.
When Cynthia finally finished, we headed back to the Westin to enjoy some more beach and pool time. It was so nice to just sit and chill without too many to-dos to check off. And it was really nice to just sit by the pool and relax. Not that I did any of that, haha. I actually spent much of the afternoon swimming and sliding down the big slide into the pool before doing it again. And again. And again! SO MUCH FUN! I shot down the slide six times or so before I ran over to grab Cynthia to coerce her into trying it out as well! Because it was so fun!
After thinking it over and talking to some other tourists, Cynthia finally decided to give it a try and after a long wait in line, she finally went down the slide… albeit slowly, haha. But good for her for trying a slide again after the traumatic experience she had the last time I got her on a water slide in Orlando… Once Cynthia was done with the pool for the day, I went down the slide two or three more times before calling it a day at the pool as well. But I wasn’t done with the water. I couldn’t stop there on my last day in Hawaii! With the remaining time I had left before an early dinner, I ran over to Kaanapali Beach to take one last dip and swim in the Hawaiian waters. By this point in the afternoon, the tide was starting to rise and the waves were starting to grow bigger and bigger. It was crazy to experience the (relatively) big waves and the rising and undulating tide while floating and swimming in the water! With every incoming wave, it was crazy how high I floated up and how far the beach floor dropped beneath me. Imagine how fun it would be to ride these waves with a boogie board or a floatie! 
Once I was done with the ocean, I went back to the pool to grab Cynthia so we could head out to our early dinner at Paia Fish Market on Front Street. The wait at the restaurant was a little longer than expected so Cynthia took that opportunity to go find gifts for people while I waited in line and eventually ordered the food. We picked Paia Fish Market for dinner because we wanted to finish off the trip with some highly-rated fish tacos and Paia Fish Market provided us with just that at a cheap-enough price! I ordered the fish taco dinner, which consisted of two fish tacos (one was with Cajun seasoning and the other was with butter, salt, and pepper) with coleslaw and cajun rice, for myself and ordered a Cajun shrimp taco and a butter, salt, and pepper fish taco for Cynthia. After Cynthia returned with her first round of gifts, she left again to buy some Honolulu Cookie Company cookies while waiting for our food since we found out last minute that the cookie store closed early. By the time our food came out, Cynthia was still waiting to buy the cookies. So I went ahead and ate and waited for Cynthia to come back to eat some of her food before we raced out of the restaurant to make it back to the resort for our last sunset of the evening. 
Before we arrived at the resort, Cynthia had already decided that she would take it easy and slowly make her way to the beach at her own pace. So when we got to the Westin, I ran through the resort first to get to the beach, the entire time eyeing the sky and horizon in anticipation of the beautiful upcoming sunset. Once on the beach, I realized that the perspective I was looking to capture sunset from was not immediately available in front of me. So I ended up rushing down the sidewalk that connected the back of all the resorts along the beach for half a mile or so until I approached a bend in the shoreline. There, I stopped and looked back as the sun was setting and realized that this spot would probably be my best bet for capturing some sunset landscapes. I walked onto the sandy beach and pulled out my camera and tripod and quickly set up for the sunset photoshoot. 
The scene was incredible. As the sun set, the sky was painted in a variety of oranges while the clouds provided beautiful textures in the clear, muted blue sky. Wow! And along the horizon, as I was photographing sunset, I also glimpsed a couple of silhouetted boats floating by, providing me some great photographic pieces to place in the foreground of my sunset landscapes. The sunset on our last day was extraordinarily beautiful and spectacular! And probably the best one I saw while in Maui! So lucky to have had the chance to witness a fantastic sunset on my last evening in Maui! 
Once I had made my way back to the Westin after the sun had disappeared from view, I caught up with Cynthia, who was in line making use of our free drink tickets. Before long, she had come poolside with my Frozen Mai Tai and her cocktail of choice. As we sat next to the pool and listened to live music being played at the restaurant behind us, we sipped at, and then chugged, our free cocktails and celebrated our last evening in Maui, soaking it all in as our vacation came to an end. 
After one last glimpse of the beautiful resort and pool area, we left to pick up our luggages from the valet guys at the front and rushed to the car to reorganize our stuff before speeding along to the airport to catch our flight back to Los Angeles. I can’t believe how quickly our seven days of island life on Maui flew by! So sad to leave this tropical island paradise called Maui and head back to work in busy, traffic-y L.A... But alas, all vacations must come to an end...
5 Things I Learned/Observed Today:
1. Pool chairs, beach chairs, and cabanas with front row views of the pool or the beach definitely get scouted out and claimed early in the day at beachside resorts. But if you wake up at sunrise, chances are that you’ll probably be able to grab a nice place to lounge for the day before they’re all reserved and taken! Also, it’s important to take into account the position of the sun throughout the day and the shade coverage of the resort buildings to make sure you get the ultimate poolside/beachside spot! 
2. Even while on vacation in Hawaii, tons of tourists are still really active in the wee hours of the morning! Walking around at sunrise, you see runners and joggers, yoga people, walkers, and bikers. I guess people need to keep their beach bods ready! 
3. A lomi lomi massage is a traditional Hawaiian massage that uses gentle, continuous, flowing massage strokes in combination essential oils. To me, it feels pretty much like a Swedish massage. It’s so very, very relaxing and soothing! The only issue... it doesn’t go deep enough (like deep tissue) to relax really tight and worn-out muscles from a lot of physical activity. 
4. After experiencing and seeing some big waves here in Maui, I can say that waves in Hawaii can get PRETTY big! When you combine these big waves coming in with the steep dropoff in the water, it makes the perfect formula for a strong rip current that can pull you further away from shore. Definitely be careful when out in these active Hawaiian waters! 
5. Restaurants and shops close so early in Maui! As you have seen me write in previous posts, you can really get screwed over if you start looking for dinner places late in the evening after chasing sunset because a lot of restaurants seem to close before or around 9:00pm. Makes it difficult to eat what you want to eat without planning far in advance or rushing to dinner last minute before it closes. Shops similarly close earlier than you think, so plan accordingly and look at their closing times online before you head out with plans for the day.
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13eyond13 · 5 years
Hii! How do you think L, Light and Wammys Boys + B are when they go to the beach all together? Do you have any headcanon about it?
-He'd wear a nice short-sleeved button-up beach shirt, chino shorts, and stylish sunglasses, like so: 
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He'd decline most invitations to swim in the ocean, and he’d mostly enjoy lounging around on the beach chairs working on his tan with his arms behind his head, like so:
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He'd also be responsible about putting sunscreen on before he ever got to the point of burning, though. If anyone splashed water on him or challenged him to a sporty competition of some sort he'd def get riled up enough to do something that required a little more physical exertion, but for the most part he would be content to bask like a lizard in the sun. People would definitely flirt with him whenever he deigned to walk around the beach a little more, and he'd probably get drinks or ice cream given to him for free or something like that if he stopped by a snack bar at any point. Y’know, just regular ol' Light Yagami stuff.
L: He'd go shirtless with a pair of baggy swim trunks that he didn't even bother to tie the drawstring on, and they'd barely stay hanging on his skinny hips. He'd be a little more active than Light, and though he might go for a brisk dip in the water at some point I don't think he'd be a very strong swimmer; he'd mostly dog paddle or do the Dead Man's Float. He would probably walk around all soggy with a towel draped over his head for a while after swimming, and he'd definitely stand over Light while he was sunbathing at some point to talk to him and also block his sun and drip cold water all over him, too. He'd be absolutely useless about setting up beach umbrellas or anything else, and he'd have a cooler stocked full of all his favourite beachy snacks. He'd also look really good walking around with a tropical drink in his hand, like so:
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Near: He would not do too well basking in the blazing sun all day at all! He'd be wearing SPF 100 sunscreen and sitting under a beach umbrella for most of the day. I could also see him looking really good in a cute little bucket hat of some kind. He would make AMAZING sandcastles, and probably bring some impressive tools for doing so. He'd also get other people to run to the ocean to get buckets of sea water or find the perfect twigs and shells for him to decorate his sand structures with every now and then. Mello:
He'd put a lot of thought into what he dressed like for the occasion. He'd probably wear something black leather over his outfit that would make him overheat immensely, which he'd end up having to shuck off pretty early in the day. His sunglasses would be top notch though, and he'd probably put his blond hair into a nice top-knot or something like that. He'd love getting a big sticky chocolate ice cream cone to eat lazily while he lounges around people-watching, and licking all the messy dribbles off his fingers. I could see him wanting to get involved in some sort of action on the beach instead of just lazing around the whole time, and he'd probably be the one to initiate a competitive game with the other beach-goers or something like that. I also imagine he'd drive his motorbike to and from the beach; he'd probably like cruising around in that salty ocean breeze. Matt:
He'd have a pair of loud colourful swim trunks on, and he'd actually use his goggles correctly for once by wearing them whenever he swam. He'd get bored easily because he's super addicted to his video games, so he's not really one for going out in nature for extended periods of time. He'd probably do a little awkward flirting with some hotties on the beach and leave cigarette butts littered all over the sand next to his towel. He'd also def just piss in the ocean instead of looking for a public bathroom whenever nature calls. Beyond:
He'd wear whatever L wore, and he'd try to wear it better. He'd be very active and chatty and annoying, but his chaotic energy and controlling ways and competitiveness would also mean he would take it upon himself to do the brunt of the physical labour for setting up their beach site, too. He'd scout tirelessly for the perfect location and put up the umbrella himself and lay the towels out just so, and be very prepared with whatever supplies anyone else might possibly need. You’d definitely have to do something for B in order to use the things he brought, and he'd milk that sense of superiority over you for all it was worth. He'd get into fights with anything and everything, too. If a crab pinched him he'd most certainly pinch it right back.
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lovemesomesurveys · 5 years
Is there a bus stop near your house?: Yeah.
Do you prefer red wine or white wine?: No whine. I don’t drink.
What’s the last airport you were at? Why were you there?: The one close to me to drop someone off.
Who do you live with?: My parents, younger bro, and doggo.
Do you read reddit? If so, how often and what subreddits do you like?: No.
Have you recently broken up with a significant other or even just a friend?: No.
What’s the weather like today? Is it nice enough to go outside?: It’s 86 F right now. 
Do you know anyone who’s had a baby recently?: No.
Have you used a pen or pencil today? What did you write down?: Nope.
What does your last text message say and who is it from?: I asked my bro if I could use his Amazon Prime and he replied, “sure.”
Can you count how many times you’ve seen your favourite film?: I have a lot of favorites, many of which I’ve seen countless times. Some of them are shown on TV often and I watch whenever I catch them on.
When was the last time you ate marshmallows?: With hot chocolate sometime earlier this year.
Do you listen to any podcasts? How do you listen to them?: No. There’s a lot that sound interesting, but I’m so lazy. Like for some reason it takes a lot for me to get started on something, even something as simple as a podcast. It’s the same way with TV shows. A few of my favorite TV shows I’ve discovered because someone put it on for me and got me to watch.
How old will you be in the year 2030?: 41. D: 
How often does the kettle in your house get used?: We don’t have one.
Does your skin bruise easily? Do you have any bruises right now? What from?: Not really.
What was the last thing you spent $150 or more on?: Bills.
Do you prefer yes or no questions or more open-ended questions?: Open-ended. I tend to avoid surveys that seem to be mostly questions that encourage one-word answers. What’s even the point? <<< Same. They get boring.
What brand of toilet paper do you usually buy?: Charmin.
If I knocked on your door right now, would you be acceptable dressed?: Yeah.
Why did you leave your last job?: I’ve never had one.
What colour were the last socks you wore?: Black.
Are you studying currently? What level of education and what do you study?: Nope. I graduated in 2015 with my BA in psych. I’m not pursuing anything higher. 
Have you ever eaten at a restaurant and left without paying?: No.
What was the last thing that made you laugh out loud?: The vlog I was watching earlier.
What’s your favourite scent of air freshener?: Minty, cinnamon, tropical/beachy ones.
How many weddings have you ever been to?: 3.
Do you know anyone named Nora?: No.
Are your hands and feet in good condition or could you do with a mani-pedi? My fingernails are a mess. When was the last time you played a board game? What did you play?: It was some time last year, I think. I think it was The Golden Girls Clue game my cousin brought over.
Have you ever been to a festival for beer or other type of alcohol?: No.
Do you own a record player and/or vinyls?: I have 1 record, no record player.
When was the last time you went out for drinks?: Like 6/7 years ago. Have you ever been to a strip club?: No.
What’s your favourite kind of smoothie?: Strawberry and banana or just banana. 
Do you know anyone with a ‘virtue name’? (Google it): Yes.
Would you ever wear real authentic leather?: Nah.
Have you taken out the trash today?: Not me, personally. My dad did, though. How often do you wear make-up?: Very rarely. Not at all this year so far I don’t think. If I did, it was at the beginning sometime. 
What’s your opinion on The Simpsons?: Not my thing.
Do you prefer horizontal or vertical stripes?: I don’t care.
What’s your favourite brand of deodorant/antiperspirant?: Secret.
Do you know anyone who has been through a divorce?: Yeah.
If you had the money, would you take taxis everywhere instead of driving?: No.
Have you ever done a juice cleanse?: Nope.
Do you have any friends who you can’t decide if they’re attractive or not?: That’s really shitty. Is the inside of your fridge clean right now or does it need a clean out?: My mom cleaned it out recently. 
When was the last time you washed the dishes?: I rinse off whatever I use, but I’m not the one who does the dishes. My mom or dad does.
Are there any magazines that you read on a regular basis?: Nope. I haven’t read a magazine in years.
Do you have to pay for parking in most places in the town/city you live in?: I don’t.
What’s the first thing you tend to do when you have a headache?: Putting a cold wash cloth over my eyes helps a bit and then I just try and sleep it off. That’s all I can do.
Tell me about your responsibilities at work.: No job.
Can you hear lots of traffic from your house? Does it bother you?: I don’t hear any. I actually live near a freeway, but they built a soundproof wall several years ago. Have you ever had proper Canadian poutine with the squeaky cheese?: Nope. I’m intrigued by it, though. I think I’d like it.
Do your parents know how to operate smartphones and/or computers?: My mom uses her phone quite a bit for things like Facebook, Snapchat, and texting, so yeah she’s pretty good. She can use a computer, too. My dad uses his phone for stuff like Facebook, YouTube, and texting, but he’s not as savvy. He’s always asking my brother and I for help doing something. Especially not with a computer.
How old are your parents, anyway?: My mom is in her early 50s and my dad is in his late 50.
Are you allergic to anything? What do you have to do to prevent them?: Tangerines. I just avoid them.
What song is stuck in your head at the moment?: The theme song to Big Little Lies.
Do you hate it when people try really hard, or do you kinda like it?: It depends…? This is vague. <<< Like try really hard to be cool or funny or something like that? Then yes. Just stop. If they’re trying really hard to achieve something or do well on something, then no. Why would I hate that?
What’s your boss’ first name? Do you call him/her by that name?:
When was the last time you wore a uniform of any kind? What colour was it? I only had to wear a uniform for the preschool I went to. It was plaid.
Do you complete a survey before taking this one? Will you take one after?: Yeah I did. I’ll be taking more. Have you ever lost enough weight to drop a dress size?: I probably have.
What’s your favourite kind of bread?: White, wheat, or sourdough. 
When was the last time you got pizza? What toppings did you get?: A couple weeks ago. It was a creamy garlic sauce pizza with cheese (including feta), spinach, and meatballs. 
Do you own Monopoly? Is it the original or a special version?: We have a special version. It’s a fancy collector’s version.
What was the last thing you said out loud?: My mom just got home from work and we were talking.
You have to choose one: cats or dogs?: Dogs.
Would someone being either a cat or dog person effect you dating them?: No. It would affect me dating them if they didn’t like animals, though.
How do you travel to and from work?:
Do you primarily use cash or card for your purchases? Why?: Card. 
Have you ever been to a stadium concert?: Yep, those are the only kind I’ve been to.
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deann1120 · 5 years
Guesses at Possible Future Precure Seasons (getting edited as I think of ideas)
So idk if Precure fans do this much, but here I am coming up with themes for future seasons. A/N: Since PC is prone to repeating themes throughout the years (i.e. playing cards in Fresh and DokiDoki, the overarching theme of protecting the future especially in Go!Princess and Hugtto), I will be considering repeats of themes.
Another flower-themed season but all the Cures are named after flowers
Another animal season but, like, without the sweets thing (the animal theme was wasted in KiraKira, let’s be honest)
Elemental Precures, the core four and maybe light or lightning as a fifth. The Healin’ Good, Go!Princess, Smile, and Yes! 5 teams were actually kinda elemental, but I would a want a more solely-elemental theme.
If not elemental, then maybe seasonal Precure? (1/21 note: this might be off the table since we have Cure Summer now)
Ocean/sea life. Maybe Cures with fishy themes or some shit (I’m crossing this one out now bc, although Tropical-Rouge was advertised as a beachy season, it ended up being more ocean-themed. Though I would like a more solely ocean-themed season)
Another career season but they don’t do shit like dress a Cure like a flight attendant and tell us she’s an ice skater
Color-themed?? I know the Cures are already color themed but like a whole season around colors. Maybe they have to protect a magic rainbow or smthn
Historical figures? They’re like Heroic Spirits but not the real thing
Gemstones. Like Steven Universe but as a more conventional magical girl show
[12/‘20 Edit] Holidays. They can either go with Japanese or more “universal” ones
[12/‘20 Edit] Another fairy tale season but the cures are actually modeled after fairy tale characters
[12/‘20 Edit] Winter wonderland/wintery, since we just had a tropical/summery theme
[12/‘20 Edit] Dreams? Like I know we have a Cure Dream but more like exploring the world of people’s nighttime dreams or daydreams. Exploring either or both would be substantial, but the unconscious of the nighttime would be cool, so as to be something like Mewkledreamy but maybe more, y’know, interesting
[1/‘21 Edit] Technology/MECHA????
[1/‘21 Edit] The weather? It sounds kinda stupid, but like each girl represents a different weather type. The lead would probably be based on sunny weather or rainbows (again). Actually something that’d be kinda cool is if there’s a duo called Cure Thunder and Cure Lightning
[2/‘21 Edit] Another music season but the Cures each have an instrument theme
[2/‘21 Edit] Jungle. So tropical in a different sense
[2/‘21 Edit] Forest. So maybe another season like Healin’ Good but they actually pay more attention to the environment/conservation/nature part
[6/‘21 Edit] A full-on Zodiac season? They can go with a few of the Eastern or Western Zodiacs, like from Star Twinkle. Of course, they probably wouldn’t do all 12 Western or Eastern Zodiacs.
[6/‘21 Edit] Another fruits season but there’s more to the theme than just the names
[7/‘21 Edit] Birds
[7/‘21 Edit] Dancing? The cures can be styled after different types of dance
[7/‘21 Edit] Fashion. Not makeup, just like, clothes and accessories. Though I guess you could throw makeup in there as well. Maybe another solely makeup season, then?
[10/‘21 Edit] Royalty. I know there was a princess season but looking at royalty more broadly. Like Cure Crown, Cure Sceptre, Cure Queen, Cure Rule, etc.
[10/‘21 Edit] Sports
Anyways you can add some if you like
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