#press start to laugh
rp-meme-central · 1 year
Press Start to Laugh - What if Stanley Talked in the Stanley Parable? - sentence starters
1. “My shrink told me not to listen to the voices in my head. Bad things tend to happen when I do.” 
2. “So I’m just going to do the exact opposite of everything you say. Cool? Cool.” 
3. “You’re snarkier than my other voices.” 
4. “It’s okay, take your time. Not like I’m going anywhere.” 
5. “This is way more walking than I normally do in a day. Or week.” 
6. “All right, follow the yellow paint line. I’m like a very boring Dorothy.” 
7. “For the love of _____, make it stop! I can’t hear myself think!” 
8. “You’re talking to a line. Not sure you’re gonna get the answers you’re looking for.” 
9. “Damn it, ______! Can’t I go five minutes without being reset?!” 
10. “I’m gonna get dizzy. Yep, I’m getting dizzy. I’m gonna throw up.” 
11. “You’ve had your chances, and it ends in a reset.” 
12. “I don’t want to walk through the red door, I want to take the blue door, and you can’t stop me!” 
13. “I did not do enough drugs to make this interesting.” 
14. “Is this one of those ‘You die in the game, you die in real life’ situations? If so, let the dying commence!”
15. “Is this worth it? Do I really want to die just to get out of this living purgatory? Is this a smart idea?” 
16. “Oh, stop guilt tripping me. You’re the one who stuck me in here.” 
17. “Due to past experience, I’m still not sure about dark, ominous rooms.” 
18. “I’ve never been so creeped out by a phone in my life.” 
19. “Starting to regret my life choices...” 
20. “You should know by now I’m stubborn.” 
21. “I lived? I lived. Hahaha! Or did I live? Am I dead? Have I been dead this whole time? These are questions I should have asked a while ago.” 
22. “Stop talking and help me!” 
23. “Oh, I hate this place. I hate it! I HATE IT!”
24. “Oh. This place. Yeah, I’ve been here before. Several restarts ago.” 
25. “You know what, I’m not that mad about it. Seriously, this is like the most boring mind control ever.” 
26. “How about I take this thing over and see what it can do?” 
27. “Just shut up and let me die in peace!” 
28. “I swear, if you explode me again...”  
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zexal-club · 6 days
Sometimes, I wish Henry didn't talk in Bendy and the Ink Machine
Because then Press Start to Laugh might have made a 'What if Henry (and Bendy) Talked in Bendy and the Ink Machine' video
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soniccrazygal · 1 year
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Jeremy Fitzgerald
Just watched Press Start To Laugh’s latest video on FNAF 2 and oh my gosh, it was hilarious! I just had to draw something based on it. You can check out the whole video HERE.
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objectshowshipper · 2 months
ah yes my favourite character trope . mentally unstable.
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bee-hivestudios · 1 year
I said I was going to start re-using my Tumblr account, and use it I SHALL!
So, I’ve been working a LOT with Press Start to Laugh (linkage to his channel below), and he has been giving me a LOT of chances to branch out beyond just drawing fit, muscley, hawt guys who gaze longingly into your soul.
Chances to draw different body types, different ages, advance my own style further. And even though the color style is super simple, I’d have to say this man here has become my favorite recent piece.
He’s for Brad’s FNAF 2 video, as the night guard. And since we have NO idea what the majority of the FNAF night guards actually look like, we have the freedom to design them as we like.
And from my brain came this sweet guy. Yes, I DO want to do something with him later on down the line, because he’d be sweet, funny as hell, able to survive anything (if he can survive Mangle, and Balloon Boys obsession with batteries, he can do anything! XD).
Done entirely in Procreate
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fandomandangstlover · 2 years
I Am Attached
To Some Guy Who Was Unlucky Enough To Join A Thing And Got Trapped On A Mostly Water Plant, Who Have Gone Insane And Is Probably Not Singular Anymore.
A Version Of Steve Who Has His 'Evilness' Physically Manifested After He Died And Got Revived Because The Wither Needs Him To Get Rid Of Said Evil Version Who Is Fuckin Named Hero. Who Once Had Multiple Creatures Became Apart Of Him.
All Of Which Are Created Because Of A Voiceover Series That Is Basically 'What If This Character Can Talk?' By This Person And I Am LOVING IT GREATLY.
...What Have My Life Become?
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amyriadfthings · 1 month
Sometimes I wonder what messy Paul mess Andrew has witnessed or experienced to be reacting like this, lol
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drowsydregon · 5 months
u ever think abt how chen is basically responsible for everything that happens in the series
,, , pretty much everything in wilfilm era especially is correlated or caused by him
-- chen is directly responsible for pairing up garm and misako, which leads to lloyd being born down the line
-- he crosses the serpentine and elemental alliance, causing the serpentine to be locked underground by the end of the conflict. this dominoes into lloyd finding and unlocking the tombs. which dominoes into pythor unleashing the devourerer bc he was pissed abt being locked away. this snowballs into the first three seasons.
-- zane dies and chen tries to directly interfere with the main plot via the ToE. cursing chen to defeat him meant morro got unleashed, which dominoes into clouse being freed from the preeminent (i.e. DIT and skybound), which dominoes into cole confronting yang bc possession happened
-- there was the cut plot (or was it just a tommy lore tweet, idr) of chen manipulating krux and acronix. idk if that's a canon thing but i feel it holds up so i'm including it
-- harumi hatches the entire oni trilogy bc of the GD being unleashed ; again, chen is indirectly responsible for this one
and he causes AAAAAALLLLLLLL of this. because *checks notes* he gets bored easily and thinks it's funny to start drama
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spotsupstuff · 10 months
I feel so bad for zephyr, what are some of her happiest memories? Would it be first meeting the members of her local group? I assume they would be built after her, was she excited about them being built or was she not informed at all?
she wouldn't be very... Present. most likely hadn't managed to be there for every Iterator when they first came online. she is very removed from most of her group because she's unable to stick in the chats for too long with all the damage and her endless attempts to conserve herself as much as possible, so her interactions with others outside of the Anemoi (and this one guy called Orion's Pathway) are extremely limited
Boreas, though, ever the life-saver, updates her on any new Iterator projects being build, how are the already existing ones doing- see she is kind of hard to cheer up and as a rule she never really laughs, but oh hearing about successes of others always manages to make her happy. that has been a thing for her since day one!
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so Boreas would make a list of the Eo group's achievements with Euros and Orion's help and he'd read them out for her during their routine calls. those calls are probably one of her happiest memories, since she got so much serotonin and motivation out of hearing about her family (n also just in general- their start might've been rocky but Zeph n B really really love each other [platonically ofc])
they might not Know her, only be aware that their senior is called Abet Zephyr and her appearances are strangely rare, but she loves them all. if she hadn't, it wouldn't be called Mission Self-preservation. it'd be way more revenge focused. her number one priority is the safety of her family even if she doesn't know them personally. she puts them above her anger, physical and emotional trauma cuz she just fuckin loves them that much
her other happy memories include some stuff with Sparrows! after Zephyr allows her opinion about the Ancients develop, she finds herself glad whenever Sparrows would show up to do some more repairs and spend some time with the old humidifier. jgklsdmclk just like with a grandma, Sparrows would show her some stuff on her phone/Mechanic's watch and Zeph would be confused about it but she gets to spend the time with someone she likes so it's okay
along with Euros on a call the three of them would sing folk songs from Sparrows' home with Boreas usually listening in, very rarely joining in
Zephyr wasn't given overseers until Sparrows showed up for the first time, too, so when she synced with the eyes and took a peak outside for the first time in her life, that was... that stuck with her as a strong memory, too. can't exactly say it was a Happy memory, but only cuz there was so much happening in her emotionally in that moment that simplifying it to a singular one wouldn't really represent it right
here's her lighting up while Boreas tells her about positive recent events of the group
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her antennas are broken- that's why they are always down like that- but Dammit she is Happy we Gotta wiggle 'em at least a wee bit
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dutybcrne · 4 months
Kaeya once jokingly referred to Bennett as 'Bennett Guildson' in lightly scolding him over endangering himself, and Bennett most Definitely considered making that his actual name on his official Adventurer's Guild paperwork, send post-
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rp-meme-central · 1 year
Press Start to Laugh - What if The Knight Talked in Hollow Knight? - sentence starters
1. “Hey, I don’t witness nothin’. You live longer that way.” 
2. “I hope that wasn’t an antique or important or anything, because I don’t have the money to pay for a replacement.” 
3. “My memory should be fine. Maybe. I think.” 
4. “If I had any memories before, they’re gone now.” 
5. “That thing’s definitely gonna eat somebody.” 
6. “You know, I’m starting to hope I’m not killing townspeople by accident.” 
7. “It’s the nose, isn’t it? Chicks dig the nose.” 
8. “That was it? You need to work on your traps. That was embrassing.” 
9. “Aw, you’re adorable. I almost feel bad for kicking your ass.” 
10. “Okay, you’re getting smarter. Sorry for calling you dumb earlier. My bad.”
11. “You have got some nasty phlem going on there. If you weren’t about to die I’d say get that checked.”
12. “One of these is eventually going to give me a gumball.” 
13. “Psst. Your disguise isn’t really fooling anyone.” 
14. “’Stalking’ is a strong word. I just so happened to be in the same place at the same time.” 
15. “You know, I really wish things of immense power would stop knocking me unconscious.” 
16. “Why is nothing friendly in this stupid place?!” 
17. “I’m not comfortable with the way you called me ‘sweet’. You’re not going to eat me, right?” 
18. “I feel funny, like I’m incomplete. Odd.” 
19. “Holy crap, I remember. I remember! HOLY CRAP, I DIED! OH GOD!”
20. “Well, I didn’t expect to die, so we’re both a bit surprised.” 
21. “This rain is just like my soul. Wet, soggy, and probably acidic.” 
22. “Congratulations. You’ve ensured that the worst place ever will now never die. Good job!”
23. “My knees and that glass have something in common. They’re both shattered.” 
24. “Oh. Thank... you.... Yeah, I’m not eating this.” 
25. “Oh, that was probably expensive. My bad.” 
26. “The poo has gained sentience and it’s gonna eat us as revenge!” 
27. “Come on, _____! I thought we’d evolved past flinging feces!” 
28. “I desperately need a bath.” 
29. “No amount of bathing will take away the horror of what I’ve just seen.” 
30. “I appear to have walked into a very polite and well-mannered trap.” 
31. “Why don’t you go back to your nap or tending your lawn, old _____? I’ll bet there are whippersnappers on it right now.” 
32. “I am somehow simultaniously honored and creeped out.” 
33. “I am adorably deadly. But bring up my stature again and I’m lopping you off at the ankles so you know what it feels like.” 
34. “Yeah, maybe don’t lead with ‘We are friends’. Makes you seem suspicious.” 
35. “Why does killing things always end up hurting me?” 
36. “Oh, okay, we’re fighting now. Sure, I’ll kick your ass again.” 
37. “Do you know how bad you are at fighting? Or are you just so good in your head that denial has a new first name and it’s ______.” 
38. “What the hell happened to this place? It’s looking a bit... squishy.” 
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everwisp · 1 year
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weeping-parasite · 1 year
Yeah it’s all fun and games now but imagine the roars of hell that are gonna come out of your talking Spamton/Jevil plush when the batteries start dying
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loveandthings11 · 2 years
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Actually I completely believe that Kendall would have a flirty friendship with the Queen of Genovia
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1980ssunflower · 1 year
i wish i could kiss my ryan rn
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heraldofcrow · 2 years
*The Good hunter interviewing a Snatcher about Yahar’gul*
Snatcher: Oh yes Yahar’gul was a typical East Yharnam slum, people were in and out of each other's houses with each other's organs all day. They were a cheery lot.
Good Hunter: Was it a terribly violent area?
Snatcher: Oh no......yes. Cheerful and violent. I remember Micolash was very keen on human sacrifice, and all the Mensis boys joined in. They were very interested in that. We had a terrible time of getting them to come in for tea! Preparing their little rituals they were, bless em. All the kids were like that back then, they didn't have their heads stuffed with all this Cartesian dualism. 😁
Good Hunter: …
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