#if bloodborne were a monty python sketch
heraldofcrow · 2 years
*The Good hunter interviewing a Snatcher about Yahar’gul*
Snatcher: Oh yes Yahar’gul was a typical East Yharnam slum, people were in and out of each other's houses with each other's organs all day. They were a cheery lot.
Good Hunter: Was it a terribly violent area?
Snatcher: Oh no......yes. Cheerful and violent. I remember Micolash was very keen on human sacrifice, and all the Mensis boys joined in. They were very interested in that. We had a terrible time of getting them to come in for tea! Preparing their little rituals they were, bless em. All the kids were like that back then, they didn't have their heads stuffed with all this Cartesian dualism. 😁
Good Hunter: …
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