#what if stanley talked in the stanley parable
blackkatdraws2 · 1 day
How about I draw your Blank Scripts OCs and Self-Inserts?
When I made this post rambling on about my TSP Blank Scripts AU, I said at the very end that—
"It would be so cool if people made self-inserts or OCs for my AU actually. I'd love to see how you guys would work with my stuff. Play around with it like a barbie world for your little barbie dolls. Be canon compliant, be canon divergent, who cares, have fun."
—and it's been marinating in my head ever since. I thought it would be a fun thing to do. I'm gonna give you all 1 week to make those characters of yours! [Deadline: June 5 – June 11/12]
If you have something to share about them, feel free to have an essay about it on the post! I'd love to read about what you'll come up with to make them fit in to the Blank Scripts worldbuilding.
You are free to ask me questions about the Blank Scripts AU in my DMs if you're unsure on how to go about doing this!
Once you're done, post it and tag me with either @blackkatdraws or @blackkatdraws2 [Both accounts are fine as long as I notice you.]
@blackkatdraws will reblog your posts and let you know I saw it while @blackkatdraws2 will work on drawing the submitted characters before showing them all in one post later! It'll take a while, but I'll get it done. Give me two or three weeks. [Be patient with me.]
Give this a reblog to let others know if they're interested!
Get Creative. Have Fun.
[Below are links of posts that can serve as a refresher for the Blank Scripts AU world.]
My Blank Scripts Google Drive
Post talking about NPCs and background characters
Post talking about other Parable inhabitants
Post about Stanley with hints of in-Parable lore
Drawing dump, the first post is about Black's ability to see Us
Post about how Players fit
Post about the Parable itself
Post about how Viewers fit
Post about the Museum Butlers
[You can make some stuff up if you'd like. Lololol have fun~]
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rick-ety · 1 day
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My oc for @blackkatdraws2’s Blank Scripts AU! Lore below the cut
a human that made it into the game. It shouldn’t have been anything special, the parable naturally absorbs them until they are no longer an issue. It shouldn’t have been an issue. The parable started to take her apart, yet she didn’t disappear.
Why didn’t she disappear?
No human can survive in the parable. Well, she isn’t much of a human anymore. Black is HIGHLY skeptical of her, but she hasn’t been hostile. until he knows what to do, he indulges her. She clings to black constantly, he can’t decipher her intentions, only that she looks scared. Scared and cold. He remains distant towards her and shows no respect, yet she won’t leave his side. Black keeps her a secret from Stanley, there’s no need to escalate anything right now. Her face is blank unless she cries. Something’s wrong. Very wrong.
The walls seem to breathe slightly faster whenever she’s around.
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Errrh anyways, she’s probably in her tweens-teens. The reason she wasn’t eaten by the floor or anything (this may be totally off canon. Sorry afh) was because she was already dying/deceased by the time she entered. It wasn’t intentional for her to be in here. I’d say it was probably a last resort, though I haven’t fleshed out her story too much. All she does is stare and cry, too deformed from the absorption to move or talk functionally. It may have messed with her head too.
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arrimorr · 7 hours
Hello! Lately I've gotten a huge inspo boost from your personal projects (especially... birbs....) and fanart
and I started to wonder — what media was the most inspiring for you? How did different fandoms influence you and your art direction?
I simply adore the range of different media that you post and talk about (like starting with scifi and ending with forest whimsy) but I feel like there are still some general trends in your artwork! How would you describe your taste(?) in art direction? Or perhaps it's something not possible to grasp and put into words?
Love your artwork!! Best wishes!!! <3
First of all, THANK YOU for this question, it's really really touching that someone is interested in stuff like this. Also SORRY for not answering for so long, because you are right and this IS a difficult question, partly because I view my art direction and media taste as two separate things. If you want to hear more about...birds...and my thought process behind their development, I made a podcast about them after the second episode released. I'm making a guess that you must follow me somewhere else given that you know about my game, so, if you speak the language I won't name you can listen to my rambling in my vk group.
If we are talking about fandoms I think I was REEEALLY affected by Over the Garden wall and Gravity falls as a kid. As well as a bunch of horror stories, I think "pen pal" was the first horror story that made me fall in love with the genre as well as the concept of kids facing situations that even adults may find difficult to handle. I generally love child adventures that have a darker theme to them. This is present in my...birds...game only in emotional manner, BUT, both of my next games are going to be more direct horror stories, so I hope to play with this a bit more in the future. (Also my friend said that "the left right game" explains a lot about things that I like and write and this IS my favourite horror story of all time so...like, cmon, my next game is literally going to be a creepy roadtrip adventure and this isn't even the first horror roadtrip im going to write)
Tonally I'm really inspired by things made by Davey Wreden (the Stanley parable, The Beginners Guide), One (mp100, opm) and Toby Fox. I just love how these guys manage to create silly light-hearted experiences that are pack full with often times difficult emotions. This is something I REEEALLY want to achieve in my stories. Also the Beginners guide became a really big deal for me as a kid because of the way this game literally spoke with the player. Up until the last couple of years I viewed art solely as a way to reduce loneliness and feel a connection with other people, even through the screen, so my main goal with birdcatchers was to recreate this feeling of personal conversation, even if less direct.
If we're talking about visual style, I'm really inspired by Brecht Evens and Plastiboo, and I got into mixed media because of Чистотел in vk. I won't say that Im anywhere close to these people but they are very inspiring for me. Anyways - my current "philosophy" in art is that I want my pictures to have more air in them and also spend as little time on them as possible. This is easy for me in traditional art (for example these chalk thingies), but still not so much in digital, however you can see that I'm kinda doing the same unfinished line art and blurry colouring thing with it too.
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rp-meme-central · 1 year
Press Start to Laugh - What if Stanley Talked in the Stanley Parable? - sentence starters
1. “My shrink told me not to listen to the voices in my head. Bad things tend to happen when I do.” 
2. “So I’m just going to do the exact opposite of everything you say. Cool? Cool.” 
3. “You’re snarkier than my other voices.” 
4. “It’s okay, take your time. Not like I’m going anywhere.” 
5. “This is way more walking than I normally do in a day. Or week.” 
6. “All right, follow the yellow paint line. I’m like a very boring Dorothy.” 
7. “For the love of _____, make it stop! I can’t hear myself think!” 
8. “You’re talking to a line. Not sure you’re gonna get the answers you’re looking for.” 
9. “Damn it, ______! Can’t I go five minutes without being reset?!” 
10. “I’m gonna get dizzy. Yep, I’m getting dizzy. I’m gonna throw up.” 
11. “You’ve had your chances, and it ends in a reset.” 
12. “I don’t want to walk through the red door, I want to take the blue door, and you can’t stop me!” 
13. “I did not do enough drugs to make this interesting.” 
14. “Is this one of those ‘You die in the game, you die in real life’ situations? If so, let the dying commence!”
15. “Is this worth it? Do I really want to die just to get out of this living purgatory? Is this a smart idea?” 
16. “Oh, stop guilt tripping me. You’re the one who stuck me in here.” 
17. “Due to past experience, I’m still not sure about dark, ominous rooms.” 
18. “I’ve never been so creeped out by a phone in my life.” 
19. “Starting to regret my life choices...” 
20. “You should know by now I’m stubborn.” 
21. “I lived? I lived. Hahaha! Or did I live? Am I dead? Have I been dead this whole time? These are questions I should have asked a while ago.” 
22. “Stop talking and help me!” 
23. “Oh, I hate this place. I hate it! I HATE IT!”
24. “Oh. This place. Yeah, I’ve been here before. Several restarts ago.” 
25. “You know what, I’m not that mad about it. Seriously, this is like the most boring mind control ever.” 
26. “How about I take this thing over and see what it can do?” 
27. “Just shut up and let me die in peace!” 
28. “I swear, if you explode me again...”  
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lavalamphoarder · 19 days
lord have mercy I FINISHED IT YAYYY🎉🎉🎉
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Some fanart of @blackkatdraws’s Narrator, Black!! I’ve been wanting to draw him for a while and got smacked with some sudden motivation this weekend, so here we are! :] His color palette and design are so nice, I had a blast with this
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squuote · 3 months
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whuh. posting this alone cause its funnier i think.
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cosmokrill · 8 months
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I'm just going to leave you guys with these images to figure out the relationship Noah and Thierry have with each other /silly
Thierry belongs to @vellichorom
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lexumpysfunland · 1 month
*I shove walter down on a therapy bed with a stick and click my pen* What happened to make you this way... how do you f e e l?
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sounds like you're not going to get info out of him-
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questionablealibi · 1 year
I see you people who like my Out-Of-Bounds Narrator!
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Goodnight doodles!
Don't worry those who i've seen really like my gooey out of bounds narrator! I see you and i very much appreciate all your love and attention on this big boy! We all love a big softie 💕
I also want to thank the people in the reblogs and tags who want to put one of or both my sillies in their mouths and are shaking my posts vigorously!! Your tags are very funny and make my whole day, i'm glad i can make your day a little better in return!
Goodnight for now, take care! <3
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gothic-mothic · 10 months
I feel like that stanley had suffered through a lot...
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No big deal !
Narrator’s arrival to the human world was a bit delayed. Just enough time for Stanley to start his new life, get a job and apartment, make friends, give up searching for his Narrator and convince himself that The Parable wasn’t real in the first place
And of course, it’s no big deal that he can’t talk to anyone about this because they’ll think he’s insane. Just gotta bottle it all up, easier said than done
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queenburd · 3 months
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Classic narrator, and some swap stuff.
The Administrator has his employee write out stories for him, or story ideas, that he then types into his computer and makes into reality. But his employee is really lazy so there are. Issues.
Anyway I managed to put off playing with swap for over six months be proud of me
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whumpshaped · 1 year
i love. all powerful whumpers. i know i talk about this a lot but i just really absolutely love when a whumper controls every aspect of whumpee's life. not even as a human, but more as a god. a being so far above whumpee that they genuinely have no chance of fighting back.
maybe whumper literally created whumpee, and is now playing with them like a puppet. and whumpee is forced to bump into the invisible walls of their confined world over and over again, realising again and again that they can only ever go as far as whumper allows.
and maybe... sometimes... whumpee thinks they have outwitted whumper. they find a little loophole, a glitch in the matrix, a tear in the fabric of their artificial reality. they take the opportunity immediately, thinking they're about to be free... only to end up as a pawn in whumper's game yet again. the opening was put there on purpose, specifically for whumpee to find. and where it led was entirely controlled. and whumper enjoyed every second of this delightful little show of whumpee feeling some hope, only for it to be violently ripped away.
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balaniese · 11 months
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Lemon Demon songs play in my head 24/7
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cookiebonbon · 11 months
Hi I kinda. Uhm. I. COUGH
Uhhh thank you @blackkatdraws for making silly hot wife and the pink clone, I will never forget your generous donation (💀??)
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Some close ups too, I mean why not? :3
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mossiistars · 1 year
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squuote · 6 days
alright. who was gonna tell me that the countdown ending has a small change in dialogue after you play it a bunch of times.
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