#pre-disney buyout
emperorsfoot · 2 days
I'm so tired. Almost my entire blog all week has been posts about antisemitism. Tumblr used to be my fandom website. It used to be where I would go to escape the real world and relax.
So, to break up all the overwhelming IRL concerns,
New Followers of Jumblr, tell me about your fandoms!
Let's all share our interests with each other!
I'll start.
The fandom that brought me to Tumblr was Star Wars. I have been a fan of Star Wars since the 90s. I'm old enough to have felt the pre-queled ruined the franchise before the sequels could (after what Disney's done that opinion has changed). Around 2011-2012ish when the Disney buyout was still new, my friends and I started a podcast to educate new fans about the old Expanded Universe (Legends) that existed before Disney bought the franchise. I started this blog to advertise that podcast.
My username Emperor's Foot is inspired by my favorite character, Mara Jade. She used to be an Imperial agent before the death of Emperor Palpatine at Endor. She is Force sensitive and could hear the Emperor's voice from anywhere in the Galaxy, when the died she felt is and he sent her his last instruction, "KILL LUKE SKYWALKER!" But when she finally crosses paths with Luke organically, she needs him to help her survive, so she can't kill him. Then she needs him to save her new boss, so she still can't kill him. Then she's a prisoner of New Republic and needs to help Luke defeat an evil Dark Jedi in exchange for a pardon, so she still can't kill him! Then she kills his clone and the voices go away. Mara realizes that she and Luke actually work well together and is willing to work together in the future. Luke gives her his father's lightsaber (they pulled it off the clone's dead body, that was how they cloned Luke, they went looking for the hand on Bespin and there just happened to be a lightsaber attached to it.
More stuff happens, but you'll have to read the Expanded Universe (Legends) books to find out.
I'm not competent enough to be the Emperor's Hand, but I could be the Emperor's Foot.
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After Star Wars, my new big fandom on Tumblr was Ben 10. I was a very active fan and it was also my first sideblog. But the Ben 10 fandom back in 2014-2017 was really toxic and I ended up leaving. It's had a reboot, the fandom might be different now. I donno. Overall it wasn't a positive experience and I don't wanna go back.
I flit in and out of Sky High every now and again. But I have not contributed anyone of note to the fandom. We're also a very small fandom so there's also not very much to reblog.
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My last major fandom fixation was Masters of the Universe, which I got into through She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018), and MotU became my second sideblog.
MotU has a long history. Its similar to DC comics in the sense that there've been so many reboots and reimaginings, and changed form so many times that there's no "one true canon". It really leaves a lot of room for the fans to be creative. An executive at Mattel even says that because they're action figures meant to be played with, that all interpretations and imaginings are canon, even the stories kids make up while playing. So there's a lot of freedom for fans to make their own fan fiction and fan art.
My favorite character is Prince Keldor, the guy who eventually becomes Skeletor. He's gone through a lot of reimaginings over the years. The core detail that remains the same is that Keldor is Randor's brother and Adam's (He-Man's) uncle. When he was first introduced in 1987, we never see him, so we don't know what Keldor looked like before he became Skeletor. Randor explains that Keldor was a sorcerer but had some kind of magical accident and was lost in dimensions.
When the franchise was Rebooted in 2002, Keldor's backstory was changed and his appearance designed. Keldor is Randor's half-brother, they are both the children of Miro (in the 80s he was the previous king, in 2002 he was a "Captain" of a religious army team of Defenders that serve the immortal Council of Elders). Keldor is half-human half/Gar (blue space elf) the homeland of the Gar was destroyed for reasons that are only vaguely explained in the Show Bible and Keldor's mother raises him to blame and hate the Captain Miro (and by extension the Council of Elders) and he grows up studying and training to take "revenge". By the time Keldor's ready to stoke, Miro is gone and Randor is Captain. Keldor attacks the Council of Elders and during the battle his face is melted with acid. Evil-Lyn, his 2nd in command, takes him to the Temple of Hordak to save his life and the price for his life is that he becomes Skeletor.
DC Comics was also given permission to do a run of comics, they crossover with the main DC universe. He-Man fights Superman. The run is not great. The best segment is the end arc, Eternity War when they're back on Eternia after that wild ride on Earth. 2/10, do not recommend. In the DC run, Keldor is still Gar and still Randor's half-brother. Miro's back to being a king in this canon and both Randor and Keldor grew up as princes. Keldor is the older brother, but he's a bastard and so is denied the crown in favor of the legitimate son, Randor. Keldor becomes the scheming royal advisor trope and plans a coup, during which his face is melted and he refuses to die (no, literally, he bashes Death's skull against a rock and walks away, this bitch beat up Death!), and becomes Skeletor.
Around the same time as the DC run was another run of comics published by Dark Horde and came packaged with the toys, the Classics-Line. The Classics-Line is my favorite canon. Keldor is once again the first born son and after Miro is banished to another dimension, Keldor was going to be crowned king, he even had Randor's support! But there were also a lot of bad things that happened all at once. The people of Eternia are apparently super racist and hate the Gar, there's a public outcry over having a Gar king. While Randor is trying to reason with a crowd of screaming citizens protesting a blue king, Randor's mother goes to get Keldor so he can address the people. But she dies suddenly and abruptly from very suspicious circumstances and Keldor is implicated in her death. While her body is still bleeding on the floor, no investigation, so trial, Keldor is sentenced to be banished. Keldor resents this treatment and travels Eternia meeting other people who were outcast and resentful (most of which were other non-humans, while most of the Masters are human; just sayin'), and Keldor builds a rebellion. During their attack on the capital, Keldor's face is splashed with acid and he becomes Skeletor.
In 2021 we got 2 new reboots. One aimed at adults who grew up with MotU in the 80s, and one for children just discovering the franchise now. I like both, and Keldor appears in both. The one aimed at adults has the better Keldor of the two, but the one for children has better story telling. I recommend both. In the one aimed at children, Keldor is completely human and is just a jealous asshole, they really stripped his character of any depth or complicated nuance and gave him a morning character design on top of it. But what it lacks in Keldor, it makes up for in story telling and the Kronis/Evelyn ship.
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My current fandom is Tim/Kon. I'd like to say DC Superheroes, but that would be a lie. I only care about making these two men kiss. Tim Drake (Robin, Red Robin, Drake, Gun-Batman), and Kon-El | Conner Kent (Superboy). I have written so much fan fiction about them! I enjoy almost any interpretation of them. DC characters are kind of like "modern mythologies" for me. Like Hercules or Snow White is constantly reigned and transformed, so can you do with DC characters. No depiction of them is "incorrect" I love them all-! ...so long as Tim Drake and Kon-El fall in love.
My current Tim/Kon projects are 2 long A/B/O fic series. One I started in October of of last year, but I kinda lost the thread in what needs to happen in the story. I was kinda just writing out of emotion without any plan, the whole thing's a mess. I've also returned to working on a fic series I started in 2017. Tim and Kon are grown up, married, and raising their children when Tim discovers Terry McGinnis (of Batman Beyond) and assigns his eldest son to follow Terry. The fic mostly focusses on the son, my fan-kid OC. I also just started writing a completely escapist fic taking place in the same universe as the Batman Beyond one, but much farther along the timeline when their youngest child is an adult. Its a self-insert oc/ oc fic which both OCs are my self insert. I might not post that one, I'm still debating. I'm afraid of getting negative comments.
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tarisilmarwen · 1 year
Why is Luke's characterization in TBOBF Chapter 6 considered OOC and character assassination when it is fully in-line with Jedi teachings? (Even if it was written by Lord Darth Dave Felonious and was clearly framed in a bad light because of that)
That... is a complicated story that basically boils down to two things:
1. A long-standing fandom-wide misinterpretation of Jedi philosophy and teachings.
2. Fandom nostalgia and attachment to Legends EU material. (That's pre-Disney-buyout Expanded Universe books/comics/games/whatever wasn't the six OG films. Note that EU material operated on a nebulous and often contradictory tier system of canon and could be overwritten at any time by Lucas himself on the "G tier".)
See, fandom conflates "attachment" with "any close or intimate interpersonal relationship whatsoever" and think the Prequel Order's prohibition on marriage is stupid so they basically have this whole insidious pervasive fanon where Jedi aren't allowed to love or have friends or express feelings/emotions and therefore they adore and One True Jedi Luke for "bucking" all of that and having compassion and saving his father and his friends with The Power Of Love or some shit and for allowing the members of his new Jedi Order to marry and have families.
A good chunk of the material about Luke's New Jedi Order, it should be noted, was written before the Prequel Trilogy came around and clarified how the Jedi Order of old actually operated (more monastic and structured, under the Senate's authority). And people... did not like that the portrayal of the Jedi in PT contrasted with the EU material they were reading and preferred Luke's Order to the seemingly more sterile and esoteric Prequel Order.
And thus emerged the first roots of the fanon idea that the Prequel Jedi were supposed to be portrayed as Having Things Wrong and that Luke, being of course the One True Jedi, came along and "fixed" things with his new order.
You can see now how people who were operating under this fanon framework came to decry Luke's The Last Jedi portrayal as him having "repeated the mistakes" of the old Order. (That's not why TLJ Luke was OOC but that is a rant for another day my friend.)
TBOBF Luke, being in line with the Prequel Jedi philosophy of "attachment bad, this is a serious commitment and you can't half-ass it, you gotta be 100% in on this" is seen as a continuation of the "bad characterization" established for him in The Last Jedi, because again, Luke is supposed to be the One True Good Jedi Who Fixed Everything Wrong About The Old Order.
Even though the things that fandom thinks were wrong about the old Order weren't actually problems, for the most part, because "attachment" =/= "love" and Lucas has been clear and explicit about this from the beginning, attachment is the fear of loss and the inability to let go. Not "romantic relationships", not "family and friends", it has a very specific connotation in the Star Wars universe and people are very stubborn about ignoring that fact in favor of their preferred fanon interpretation.
Full disclosure I haven't actually seen TBOBF so I'm unclear about the tone of Luke's portrayal but just from what I've seen in gifs it seemed honestly more neutrally portrayed than negative. (Though given Filoni's track record of being mostly in-line with Lucas aside from annoying moments of, "Well but weren't the Prequel Jedi just a little bit in the wrong?"/"Isn't attachment just a little bit good sometimes?" I wouldn't put it past him to lean that way.) And you're right, nothing Luke said or did is out of step with Jedi teachings.
It's just that fandom doesn't like/doesn't understand Jedi teachings so they don't like Luke adhering to them.
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springbloggy · 10 months
Pre-Spiderverse stylization #2 - The Unreleased Disney pile
Now these are two CGI Disney projects that ended up being redone to become the finished movies that we got to see today. Both of these are quite fascinating IMO.
The first is American Dog. This was the last movie Chris Sanders worked on at Disney before being fired off the project, causing the movie to become Bolt. There was many reasons why the movie was reworked, the first being that the original premise of American Dog had all the animal characters being more anthropomorphic, with the ability to walk, talk, and even drive, which raised too many questions for Disney and Pixar staff. The second being the character "Ruthie", who was a mutant girl scout who tried to stalk and kill the main characters, which was deemed "too dark for a Disney film".
Despite some misgivings, there seemed to be a lot of charm and wonder in the settings that are somewhat gone in the final film. There aren't many CGI renders of the movie online and the ones that are available are in a mostly incomplete state, with their final coloring and texturing not applied, but what's out there that are complete are beautiful and even the ones that are in an unfinished state show promise, especially when compared to their source concept art.
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The film had sort of a watercolor or painterly style to it, which made the environments look unique and sorta "homely".
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In the final production, some of this styling seems to still be around, but it's a lot less apparent than it was with "American Dog", which in my opinion is kind of sad. The second movie that originally had a watercolor styling is Rapunzel Unbraided. Unbraided was reworked into Tangled after Iger took over Disney in the mid 2000s. Due to story issues, Unbraided was reworked back into an earlier Repunzel concept that had been meddled by Eisner due to the popularity of Shrek.
The final movie has some of this, but not nearly as much as this test animation. Perhaps due to how taxing it would be to render or the short amount of time that Disney had to rework the project.
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BONUS: The wimpy kid test animation.
This is an example of Post-Spiderverse styliztion, but I want to briefly discuss about it, because I think it's a great example of Disney's current state and their overall practices as a company.
During the 2020 Disney Investor Day presentation, Disney presented a test animation of an upcoming Diary of a Wimpy Kid movie production that looks a lot better than what released.
The final movie was outsourced to another company, which makes me wonder if this test animation was actually created prior to Disney's acquisition of Fox and was created "in-house" by Blue Sky.
Given how the final release of Nimona also had a highly stylized feel that Blue Sky was testing before the buyout with "The Peanuts Movie", it adds more credence to this theory.
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But please, don't quote me, this is just a theory after all.
So you may wonder: why doesn't Disney do stylization and the times they try, it looks bad or lesser compared to other studios?
The main reasons are very simple: cost, trying to stick to a familiar style, and that many of the workers that were for stylization left the company. Overall the answer is simply Disney is cheap and full of executive meddling that goes back since the birth of the company. Thus why the final release of "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" was outsourced rather being done in house at one of Disney's studios.
The sad thing is, Disney has the tech, time, and resources to do stylization well. Introducing the Paperman short, a fantastic representation of Disney trying out CGI stylization that released in 2012! Six years before Spiderverse.
The only reason why Disney is trying now, years after the Paperman short, and it somehow looks worse than that is because stylization in movies have been proven popular with audiences after Spiderverse, Puss and Boots, and other films. If they haven't been successful then, Disney wouldn't be (poorly) trying now.
What happened to the Paperman tech? I honestly have no idea. Maybe higher ups at Disney made a decision the tech would add to costs or rendering that wasn't worth it and threw it out. A decision that proved to be poor in the long run.
Or alternatively, this is the Paperman tech, being reutilized years later, but times have not caught up well to it at all and it looks worse with colored and textured animations than Disney anticipated. And because it has not been used or worked on for so long, there isn't a way to bring the technology into modern standards quickly.
Once again, these are just theories, and as far as I am aware there isn't documented evidence to suggest what happened to the technology yet. At least that I am aware of.
I hoped this helps people learn more about these lost Disney projects, as well as Disney's shaky history.
Special thanks to @lostdisney for uploading renders of American Dog that helped me discover more about these lost Disney productions.
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catdadeddie · 1 year
pre-disney buyout???
Disney bought 20th Century Fox after OG started airing but before LS started airing. It adds a layer to everything that goes on with OG. It's why negotiations went so long last year
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As an old (pre-Disney-buyout, at least) fan of Marvel Comics--FUCK Disney for what they've done and are continuing to do to the Marvel franchise. Fuck them for warping, tainting, and/or discontinuing the stories that mattered, stories which were drawn and written by minorities and outcasts in times when comic books were considered dorky (to the point of being what we'd call "cringe").
Fuck them to fucking death for buying Marvel and proceeding to shit on incredible stories written by LGBTQ+ creators who died without the rights all human beings should be afforded. Fuck them for supporting the "don't say gay" bill then trying to "woke uwu backtrack" their unbelievably evil shit, while owning those stories.
Fuck Disney, for buying Marvel...and then buying genuinely great artists who make wonderful art--but who we can't support without also sucking the dick of that fucking baby leather jacket wearing mouse. Along with other artists who they throw scraps then ditch and never credit.
Fuck them for how they treat their employees. Fuck them for creating and maintaining the collective personality of Anton Chigurh and hiding it behind a saccharine, infantile mouse mask. Fuck them for making, sharing, and serving as a platform for art while actively, purposefully destroying it so like 10 assholes can die like metaphorical Smaugs.
Fuck them for their merciless business model. Fuck them for the lobbying. Fuck them for buying the OLD SWAHILI SAYI G "hakunah matata" and fuck them for trying to buy "Dia de Los muertos" more than once while openly admitting they don't give a shit about the holiday and its history or meaning; they just want to monetize the phrase.
Disney Execs and profiteers deserve the same level of respect they've shown their most exploited employees along with severe criminal charges and punishments. Also Disney should lose the rights to almost all the franchises they currently own.
In case any of this wasn't clear enough: i think Disney is the amalgam of everything terrible and horrifically saccharine in this world and i wish them a very eat shit and die.
*post about Disney I wrote awhile ago with more specifics & links
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onlyexplorer · 2 years
Disney loses Indian Premier League broadcast rights
Disney loses Indian Premier League broadcast rights
Jindian premier league (ipl) is flooded with money. hvac Capital, a European buyout company, has paid $750 million for the Gujarat Titans, one of the newest teams in the cricketing extravaganza. In a pre-competition auction this year, which concluded last month (with the Titans winning), the iplThe ten teams spent $71 million on 204 players, five times the amount spent five years ago (when they…
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kybercrystals · 3 years
did anyone else spend their preteens browsing wookieepedia for hours on end or was that just me?? 
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prokopetz · 4 years
Hey do you have any gaming facts? Please my good compatriot
Back in the pre-Internet days, the now long out of print 1987 Star Wars tabletop RPG by West End Games was often treated as the de facto authoritative reference on Star Wars Expanded Universe (EU) canon, simply because the game’s authors were the only ones who bothered to keep track of stuff in a systematic way. In some cases, authors of licensed Star Wars tie-in media were given copies of the game to use as reference material.
Of course, the game didn’t distinguish between information from officially licensed sources and information that was invented for the RPG, so huge chunks of material that were basically pulled out of thin air for the tabletop game were inadvertently incorporated into the EU canon in this fashion. Though Disney eventually wiped the slate clean following the Lucasfilm buyout of 2012, much of this material survives in the post-reset Star Wars universe. Examples include the entire Twi’lek and Rodian species, which were named and their cultures first elaborated on by the RPG, based on alien characters of previously-unspecified species who make brief appearances in the original trilogy.
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faireladypenumbra · 3 years
It's late and I have unlocked a core memory from my early fandom years. I made a lot of AMVs for Kim Possible. I pretty much thrived on YouTube alone as a host, and I took a lot of requests. Someone requested a non-character specific AMV to "Walkin' on The Sun" and I obliged
Now this was pre-Google buyout, so YouTube was often subject to major purges of copyrighted content and music. That's important here, because 14-year-old me had no idea what to do when my little AMV started jumping 10s of thousands of views a day and getting flooded with comments, mostly adult men bitching about the video but glad they found the song.
The reason? Turns out that YouTube had purged every copyrighted use of this Smash Mouth song, except for my video.
This went on for a year, and it really upset me as a young teenager. But now there is something GENUINELY hilarious about some bereft Gen-Xer searching YouTube relentlessly for a single Smash Mouth song, only to encounter some teenager's Disney AMV, with no other options available.
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thatjoelguy81 · 3 years
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So. Amazon is going to be making a Live-action She-Ra show. It's mixed news honestly. He-Man and She-Ra are now licensed as separate properties. To put that in perspective it's very much the Disney Marvel and Fox Marvel divide (pre buyout anyway) and that odds of seeing them together again in new media are slim. On topof that it will likely ignore the Dreamworks/Netflix She-Ra entirely. Yes I'm sorry Catradora shippers, it may never be canon again. (There's already a Change.org petition but honestly if those worked cartoons would never get made.)
I love She-Ra. I love her with all my still.a six year old Gay boy heart. I don't love how she is bieng whittled away by corporate shenanigans. I'll watch the show when it ccmes out but My hopes are not high.
#SheRa #EndlessReboots #AmazonTV #Catradora
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emperorsfoot · 3 years
Hi! Who are the top 5 Star Wars characters who you absolutely loathe? And the top 5 that you like?
Ooh. Loath. That's one I haven't thought about...
5.) Anakin Skywalker - inorganic character arc. His fall to the dark side felt abrupt and forced.
4.) Calissta Ming - no tangible reason. Just didn't like her or her story arcs.
3.) Ben Solo/Kylo Ren - whiny brat who throws a tantrum any time he doesn't get what he wants. He's a grown ass adult and he acts like a fussy toddler. Did not enjoy a single moment he was on screen. And I usually like dark haired sad boys with daddy issues. But Kylo Ren just missed all my buttons and irritated me instead.
2.) Jason Solo/Darth Caedus - he killed Mara Jade.
1.) R.A. Salvatora - not a character, a real life person. The author who wrote Vector Prime, killed Chewie, and set in motion the decline of the Star Wars Expanded Universe.
Top 5 Star Wars characters I Like!
5.) Grand Admiral Thrawn
4.) Talon Karrde
3.) Luke Skywalker
2.) Mara Jade
1.) Mara Jade
Basically, my favorites are every character created by Timothy Zahn, and then Luke Skywalker is also there.
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salarta · 3 years
This announcement has been in the pipeline for me for a few months. I held off until now because I wanted to wait until Hellfire Gala was done in case anything egregiously wrong with treatment of Lorna in it would change my plans. While bad things did happen, none of them were so bad to me to change my plans.
Back in late 2018, I said I wasn't going to engage in anything Disney - except content with Lorna that treats her well - until she got one of these things:
A solo book
A mini series
A oneshot
Leading another team book
My reason for this was because of how poorly I felt she was treated in the years after 2015. She was thrown into forced limbo for 2 years, then reduced to a plot device for stories of men and primarily defined by her value to them. From that behavior, I felt she needed one of the four things I mentioned to offset damage done to the character and for Marvel to understand her worth.
Marvel hasn't done any of those four things. But I'm going to start engaging in Disney content again, with a couple pre-existing caveats still intact.
Here's why. Even though none of those four things have happened, I think Lorna getting on the flagship X-Men book AND getting there by winning the X-Men vote satisfies the spirit of my concern. I'm stubborn, but I'm stubborn by spirit of the issue, not to the letter.
Being on the flagship book places her prominently, among characters she hasn't had a chance to properly interact with in decades. How she got there, by winning the X-Men vote in spite of efforts targeting her to keep her from winning, further showed her worth and interest as a character. And what I've seen so far of the new book looks promising for Lorna.
Those factors, to me, resolve the issue I had in a way I had not imagined but are just as valid.
But as I said, there are caveats. These caveats existed before 2018.
The first caveat is Marvel content. When the Axis retcon on the Maximoff twins came down, I said I wouldn't engage in anything MCU until the retcon was undone. My focus was MCU because it was very clear the retcon only happened due to Disney being pissy with Fox owning the film rights to X-Men pre-buyout. That's still in place since the Axis retcon is still in place.
The second caveat is Star Wars. When Disney shut down LucasArts with no warning, I said I'd never buy and play another Star Wars game. I don't see that one ever changing. I don't see how Disney can make up for what it did to LucasArts employees, especially all these years later.
So yeah. That's the announcement I had.
I "cheated" earlier this month by watching a Fox movie because I had already started it up and thought "Fuck it, I'm close to announcing this anyway, I'll check the film out." My first "real" re-engagement with Disney content is going to be the film Underwater, because it's leaving HBO Max tonight. But I'm more interested in watching Ready Or Not.
Whether I stick with this, we'll see. Really depends on actions by Disney/Marvel. I hope it sticks.
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springbloggy · 10 months
Thinkin on starting a segment on dis blog to get me into watching more animated content and broadening my horizons:
I call it:
Everything but the Mouse
What is the mouse? Disney. One of the largest modern conglomerates and one of the most mentioned, if not the most mentioned animation studios.
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The rules are simple:
Must be a theatrical movie (Just to simplify things. I might branch out to shows eventually and will for certain do shows if it's a movie based on a show. This is more of a small steps/time measure than anything else.)
must have existed during Disney's existence (just to make things simple once again)
Must not be from the current year or the year before that. Must be from 5 years prior to the current year (for example 2023 - 5 = 2018). I want discovery not relevancy EDIT 07.08.2023 decided to make the time frame even larger to increase the discover over relevancy criteria.
English speaking countries get more coverage than those from other languages.
Works from companies currently owned by Disney should be covered pre-buyout and/or pre-partnership.
These rules aren't exactly set in stone, but they're my four five keys for now.
Why not focusing on Disney is important for animation and is interesting:
Most people highly focus on Disney when discussing animation, the history of animation, techniques, etc. When they aren't the full story, heck a lot of the stuff they're credited for creating, they didn't create at all. Disney is the king of popularizing and marketing, but not necessarily animating.
There's a lot of history of artists being against Disney that's often not discussed. Some of which used to work for Disney. I hope that this series can raise awareness that hey, not every artist loves Disney.
There's a high raise in fandom culture that I find kinda concerning, where people fight for their studios despite the struggles of the workers inside of them. I hope to spread the message that you can like, even love something even if it doesn't come from a particular brand or studio or anything of the like and that artists and workers =/= studios.
If you're interested in any of this, I will tag my reviews and findings with the "everything but the mouse" tag.
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doolallymagpie · 4 years
so, legitimate question: they still doing that hot mess of “everything released after the official change in 2014 is on the same level of canon, with the sole pre-buyout non-movie element carrying over being the clone wars” or has Disney abandoned that model and we’re back to tiers of canon like before, only this time we don’t know what goes where?
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shuttershocky · 4 years
? The Mandalorian-Jedi War was never not canon @ its final battle being responsible for the society of pacifists in a desert wasteland in TCW, with murals depicting the war in Mandalore's capital and Pre Viszla mentioning their long history of war and also it being mentioned in Rebels re: the theft of the Darksaber from the Jedi Temple, unless you were talking about the specific mention of a Mandalore leading the war against the Jedi, which is def new
Ah well I thought it was wiped during the Disney buyout. I haven’t seen Rebels bar the season finales I watch with my friend, so it getting mentioned for The Mandalorian was a big surprise to me. 
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undertheinfluencerd · 3 years
https://ift.tt/3jMt4eD #
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Another exciting NBA offseason has come and gone, and as basketball fans await the start of the regular season, NBA 2K22‘s release is scheduled for Friday, September 10, bringing with it changes to the landscape players will want to note in the game itself.
Every summer, the makeup of NBA 2K is altered by the Association’s yearly wheeling-and-dealing, and 2021 is no different. From superstars linking up on new teams, to highly-touted rookies joining squads on the come-up, this past offseason is sure to affect how players approach NBA 2K22.
Related: NBA 2K22: Every New Game Feature Confirmed (So Far)
Whether players are in search of a team to dominate with in online play, or trying to find the perfect club to rebuild in NBA 2K22’s MyNBA mode, a team’s roster makeup is an important factor when deciding which squad to control. A look at different levels of offseason maneuvers can give players a glimpse of which teams to take over.
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In the biggest move of the summer, Los Angeles acquired point guard Russell Westbrook from the Wizards, bringing the former MVP home to LA. One of the most dynamic players in the game, Westbrook brings 54 point guard badges, 15 of which are Gold-level, to the 2K22 Lakers. Adding “Brodie” to a team that already features two future Hall of Famers (and 90+ OVR 2K players) in LeBron James and Anthony Davis gives Los Angeles a potent three-headed attack offensively.
Los Angeles also brought in Malik Monk, Wayne Ellington, and the legendary Carmelo Anthony in free agency, all of whom carry a bevy of shooting badges. Their perimeter presence should help spread opposing defenses and create open looks at the rim for gamers controlling the Lakers’ triumvirate of stars. For players looking to obliterate online competition, or to frustrate their friends in local multiplayer, the talent brought to the table by the new-look Lake Show��will be hard to pass up.
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The Knicks, the NBA’s most surprising team last year, entered the offseason looking to improve in two facets: shooting and playmaking. While the perhaps unrealistic solution, a trade for Blazers guard-turned-hip-hop-artist Damian Lillard, never came to pass, the Knicks made two big splashes in free agency, adding sharpshooting wing Evan Fournier and inking All-Star pointman Kemba Walker to a two-year deal after a surprising contract buyout by the Thunder. Fournier and Walker, both of whom had multiple playmaking badges in 2K21 and three-point ratings of at least 80, should add offensive firepower to the Knicks in 2K22 and open up opportunities for breakout stars RJ Barrett and Julius Randle.
Related: NBA 2K22’s New-Gen Gameplay Revealed Just Two Weeks Ahead Of Release
While not yet an elite squad, the Madison Square Gardeners are trending in the right direction. The Knicks’ new offensive core, plus up-and-comers like guard Immanuel Quickley and high-flying forward Obi Toppin, and a deep cache of draft picks should make the Knicks an appealing option for MyNBA players looking to take a team to the next level.
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On the other end of the team-building spectrum sit the Houston Rockets. Already far removed from their Chris Paul-James Harden heyday of the late 2010s, the Rockets’ roster is an awkward blend of exciting young talent and declining veterans nearing the end of their contracts. This offseason, Houston furthered its youth movement through the draft, adding four players in the first round.
With the second overall pick, they selected Jalen Green, who enters NBA 2K22 as the second-highest-rated rookie in the game. At the very least, Green looks to provide the Rockets with a spark of explosive athleticism, and should be a fun player for users to control with his blend of leaping ability and shotmaking.  Houston then added forwards Usman Garuba and Alperen Sengun, each of whom have intriguing two-way potential, and guard Josh Cristopher to round out the first round. All four of their draft picks are just 19 years old, and developing them alongside rising stars Christian Wood and Kevin Porter, Jr. should prove a rewarding challenge for 2K users looking to play the long game in MyNBA.
Next: All NBA 2K22 Pre-Order Bonuses Explained
NBA 2K22 will be available on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, and PC on September 10, 2021.
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