hazel-wand · 1 year
You know when you subscribe to a fic and forget about it and then are surprised and delighted when the final chapter pops up in your inbox?
This is a left at the altar, childhood friends to exes angst-fest with a happy ending. It’s emotional and hopeful and beautifully-told. It features AU nurse Steve who is a nice mix of post-serum build but no magical puberty, and tortured rich boy! Bucky.
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chtisdrysdale42 · 2 years
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This week end we are carving a powerful owl , larges owl in the world at the Old Cheese Factory, Homestead Road, Berwick all day Saturday and Sunday. The log is very old red gum 900 kilograms. @crowcreekdesigns @craftmarketsaus @suvimakesmess @macjayeff @roger_s_gaborski @sprucemountainwoodworks @meg_v_larkin @macjayeff @livosaustralia @livos_germany @madbagss @treasuredpebbles @hangrywanderluster @james.bennett.16568 #woodcarvings #log #redgum #carving #powerfulowl #owl #possum #resinwoodart #berwick #victoria #australia #newzealand #england #scotland #ireland #canada #alaska #melbournefoodie #berwickupontweed #livoş https://www.instagram.com/p/CfvIuO_rk70/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dumbf1sketches · 7 months
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maxybabyy · 5 months
1 and 18 for the fic rec questions?
I just read the fics you mentioned in the other ask and WOW thank you for introducing me to those fics
hi anon! i'm sooo glad you liked the fics, here are a few more for you :)
1. favourite fic you've read this year
i really enjoyed tender is my heart by @missyourflight. i am usually very hesitant about reading stuff that deals with death or like, human mortality, so i didn't read this until a few months ago. but this is just sooo lovely. im a big fan of misunderstandings and emotional angst, and it is just done so very wonderfully in this fic.
"“I feel like this,” he says once, after, trying to explain. He touches the tattoo on Daniel’s arm, moving his fingers to show the way everything inside is radiating out."
have my heart AND soul, please and thank you. i also love it when fic writers include a little coda at the end, to show that, 'hey, our little guys are still good :) everything is gunna be alright :))' so this was just the best ending to a very lovely story.
as a max girlie, i am very picky about lestappen fics, and there are certain tropes (RB!Charles) that I just do not vibe with. but the clauses of commitment by sixteenthirtythree (kireinayuta on ao3; please let me know if they have a tumblr) was just a masterpiece of an amnesia fic and an absolute joy to read! i really enjoyed the dynamic between max and charles, and i think the balance between latent memories and charles falling in love again was just perfect!
i am very slowly coming around to a certain mr george russell, and i think a lot of that has to be credited to winning mentality by @drivestraight. i think the give-and-take and the conflict between george and max is described wonderfully, george forcing the blood from the stone as he coaxes max into some semblance of a companionship. the background misunderstood galex is just, chef's kiss to you :)
finally, my absolute favourite tumbr fic has to be the time travelling kids verse (i,ii) by @powerful-owl. time displaced fics are at the top of my list, and this is just done so lovely. max having to watch with his achy chest as daniel interact with the kid, wanting desperately to know who the other parent is so maybe then he can finally be normal about daniel :( i love it.
18. favourite characterisation
i think about hands hurt from healing by @love-leah a lot! it is very wonderfully written, achingly frustrating at times but in the best possible way. i usually hesitate about reading unfinished fics, but im sooo glad i did. max with luka, max with the cats that do not recognise him anymore :( max with daniel, letting himself be with daniel. i'm just a really big fan of the entire thing.
ask post
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fourtyforever · 2 months
Get in losers were making a fic rec masterlist
Hi y’all it’s me, your local multishipper, and I’m about to be the change I wish to see in the world by putting all the best f1 fics in one place.
cool things to say to your soulmate by @powerful-owl (E, 14k)
A collection of shorter soulmate stories by the great em powerfulowl. Essentially the maxiel thesis as far as I’m concerned. If you ever catch me talking about the goose fic, this is what I’m talking about. Fun story: this was actually the first F1 rpf I ever read and I blame it for why my standards are so fantastically high.
Thursday girl by @boxboxlewis (M, 3k)
Max is outed by the press. Shocking emotional impact to word ratio and off the charts tenderness. Short and sweet and low key a comfort read to me.
the being unknown by anonymous (E, 12k)
Body swap with really unique and emotional vibes. Ngl this one hurt me (in the best way). A fantastic and heart-wrenching take on the horrors of 2022.
win or lose (it’s how you play the game) by @f1-stuff (E, 18k)
Hickey bet between charles and carlos. Cannot get over this fic for as long as I live: the silliness is off the charts, the vibes are literally the most perfectly balanced tenderhorny I’ve ever read and the writing is just really that good. I think about this fic minimum once a day.
last night by venerat (E, 24k)
College au. Ngl this one is just especially spicy, but also very very funny and fully captivating top to bottom (see what I did there? haha). Also a great ensemble cast here, which I always love.
Once more (before we die) by @f1-stuff (M, 6k)
Fantasy AU where charlos are princes of warring kingdoms. I love this AU and I love the tenderness between Charles and Carlos that we get out of it. I’m usually not really an AU type of gal but this one really did change my mind.
Playing games by @vegasgrandprix (T, 4K)
Gay chicken. WIP, but I can already tell so clearly exactly where this is going and that is delightful to me. Honestly this really is how they act like 90% of the time already.
match made in heaven by venerat (T, 4K)
Pierre is yuki’s matchmaker. this one is just so sweet and sooooo silly. Comfort read 100%
Are they gay or European? (the answer is both) by periwinkle_bumper_cars (T, 30k)
Logan keeps walking in on other drivers in compromising positions. 100% balls to the wall silliness from beginning to end and just completely delightful the whole time. Background carlando, kmag/hulkenberg, brocedes, maxiel, and honestly the ensemble cast is what takes this one from great to top tier.
By a thread by @mctwinkdom (E, 32k)
The classic Australian thongs misunderstanding (gone sexual). Incredibly silly, amazingly hot and honestly a top-tier character study of both Oscar and Lando. A great study in unreliable narration as well (probably part of what accounts for my previous point).
carried away by orphan account (E, 22k)
Fake dating. Honestly this one got me in my feels so much more than I expected from the premise. Sweet and a little bit angsty and just a delightful read all the way down.
green light, red wine (and I don’t feel fine) by @vicsy (E, 19k)
Mafia AU where lance is the son of Fernando’s arch nemesis. THEE strollonso fic of all time I tell you. Unparalleled characterization on the part of both nando and lance, fantastic ensemble cast, FANTASTIC writing, and off the charts unreal spiciness. If you haven’t read this yet then what are you doing
El dick plan by @waddlingpenguin (E, 800)
Lance says ‘daddy,’ both Fernando and Lawrence answer. Short, sweet and SILLY.
camera roll by @penaltyboxboxbox (E, 5k)
Sexting/sex tapes. Overall nice and spicy and just fantastic characterization. Also absolutely crucial is the companion art also by dave penaltyboxboxbox which is literally like the ice cream on top of the cake for such a wonderful fic
silver platter by @wewentcarracing (E, 10k)
getting together fic featuring long suffering estie bestie. Honestly the fic is amazing and spicy and just so well written but Esteban’s ever growing dismay is lowkey my favorite part. Works as a pretty great lance character study as well.
Roseberg’s vs haminkton by @jean----ralphio (E, 16k)
Tattoo artist versus flower shop, except they’re rivals. This is like…just how they are honestly. Absolutely stunning ensemble cast and absolutely hilarious buildup to lewis and Nico finally getting together. Side order of seb just being a massive shit stirrer which honestly I think is the role he belongs in
The real reason nico rosberg retired by periwinkle_bumper_cars (G, 3k)
Secret Santa (gone horribly wrong). This is…..also just how they are unfortunately. The rancidest of vibes but also screeching-out-loud funny.
will be updating this on the reg so stay tuned for more good fics. also maybe if I am very lucky someday I will have my own fics to add to the list. definitely I need to become slightly more insane before I can start writing for this fandom but believe you me I’m well on my way.
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magicalrocketships · 1 year
ok im ready to be converted. what f1 fics do u recommend to start my full brain rot?
EXCELLENT, my plan is working (make people like what I like). Here is a very small and somewhat random selection, mostly Daniel/Max except where stated. Extremely loosely grouped. I've said if they're focused on them racing (grid), even if it's an AU. I have not associated anyone's ao3 handle with their tumblr name, so apologies for that. Do come back and tell me your thoughts and feelings. (!!)
F1 TASTING MENU (Maxiel Flavour)
Amuse Bouche: an opening vid
maxiel x 2022 season - “i would just draw it at like, i wouldn’t say love” by @daniel-enchante
Starters (shorter (ish) fics)
Cool Things to Say to Your Soulmate - words by powerfulowl, art by loveleah (grid, E): Only dumbasses get goosed. If a Soulmate Goose of Enforcement comes to intervene in your love life, it is a clear sign you have fucked up. You’re so bad at navigating human relationships that the universe thinks a violent waterfowl impervious to damage and capable of walking through walls will actually improve the situation. 
i carry your heart with me by capsize (grid, M): “What’s up little guy?” Daniel asks – because like his car, Max’s heart is a boy too – and moves the heart from the desk into his lap. “Is Max not paying attention to you? He can be a bit of a cunt, yeah? No, I know.” Or, five times someone found Max’s heart, and one time they kept it.
Just kissed you hello by charlotte_stant (grid, M): Everything freezes for a long moment—and then Daniel’s heart is back to beating and it’s fine, he can see how funny the situation is. “Maximus, my brother, my comrade,” he says, “what the fuck, mate. I’m not gay, ok?"
Amuse Bouche: another vid
max and daniel at redbull by @love-leah
Main Course (longer fics)
Good To You by TheNorthRemembers (grid, E): Max walks and talks like he has a big dick. He always has, and it’s not like Daniel ever really thought about Max’s dick, but he just- He assumed, maybe. That the equipment would match the attitude. That at the very least what Max is packing, would be completely average. The fact, that apparently it’s not- Well. Daniel doesn’t know what to do with that information, in more ways than one. Or: Max a small dick, Daniel is into it; lots of sex and a bit of angst ensue
my kind's your kind by hardlythewiser (grid, series, E, Max/Kelly/Daniel, resolving with Max/Daniel): Max can talk about it now, out of bed, casual. Kelly helped him practice, talking about it like it was just another activity, like her tennis lessons or nights out with friends, ever since that first time. But she doesn't say anything now.
To the Victor Belong the Spoils by powerfulowl (hunger games AU, E): Daniel didn’t kill anyone in the arena. He’s the one untarnished Hunger Games victor. The beautiful boy who stole the hearts of Panem with a fishing net and a smile. He can kiss babies and sell sun cream and fuck who they tell him to fuck and suck on the fingers that feed him– he’s not gonna bite. But then Max wins the Hunger Games. Max bites.
Amuse Bouche: vid time
"what's going on between you and max verstappen?" by @love-leah
Dessert (where the focus is on sex)
Sweeter than I ever knew by purples_all_the_way_down (grid, girls, E): Daniel has never had an orgasm. Somehow (Charles, it's always Charles), Max gets involved. Things get complicated.
I just want to know you like nobody ever has by 33Max (grid, E): They are in the bathroom, Daniel had insisted that he needed a shower if they were going to do this. He’s still damp, Max hadn’t even waited for him to dry himself off before he was pushing Daniel against the counter and dropping to his knees behind him.
Coffee (something different)
both hands tied on the wheel by kayshea (George Russell/Toto Wolff, grid, E): George feels, stupidly, like a cat that’s been stroked. Like his skin is electric. It’s what everyone has been saying to him all day, but it feels different, somehow, coming from Toto.
if i should come upon your house lonely by withfeathers (Lewis Hamilton/Hanna Prater/Sebastian Vettel, grid, E): The summer after Sebastian's retirement, Lewis visits Switzerland for a week. Nothing about it goes as he expected.
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epicstuckyficrecs · 1 year
Epic Stucky Fic Rec | February, March & April 2023
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I'm alive! 😅 I started making a fic rec for February and March in the beginning of April and then I completely forgot about it... and then by the time I remembered, April was almost done so I figured I'd wait 😆
Should I make a new banner? yes. Will I? Maybe ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
💙 Additional Information series by notlucy/ @notlucy (Modern AU, Coworkers, Sugard Daddy/Daddy Kink, BDSM | Explicit)
Proprietary Information (85K): Okay, so Bucky Barnes has a crush on Steve Rogers. The guy's gorgeous, talented and, oh yeah, the Chief Design Officer of the biggest tech company in the world. In other words: he's so far out of Bucky's league that he might as well be in a different stratosphere.
Preoccupations (6K): Steve doesn't usually pay much attention to the new hires. But there's something about this kid.
Brooklyn's on Fire (4K): Steve's turning thirty-seven and he really only wants one thing for his birthday.
Gimme Danger (6K): Bucky doesn't have time to explore his exhibitionist kink. He's very busy. He asks Steve about it anyway.
Remember You Well (in the Chelsea Hotel) (5K): Steve can't quite believe he has Bucky back. It seems too good to be true after the hell he endured while missing him. The universe, however, is full of surprises.
Close Call (6K): Bucky and Steve make it through two weeks of living together before the inevitable "first fight" of cohabitation. They (mostly) handle it like adults. And the makeup sex is killer, in Bucky's not-so-humble opinion.
To Sir, With Love (10K): Steve recognizes that his jealousy over Bucky's infatuation with one of his professors isn't rational, but that doesn't make it any less real. And, hey, if you can't beat them, join them, right? Besides, he's always wanted a tweed jacket.
Mergers and Acquisitions (41K): Steve and Bucky are going to the chapel, and they’re going to get married. Meanwhile, Peggy and Natasha…
💙 a day in the life by powerfulowl (StuckyFlangst) / @stuckyflangst (Post-Endgame Fix-It, Time Travel, Groundhog Day | 20K | Explicit): Steve Rogers wakes up on Tuesday October 30 1956, and doesn't seem to remember his life that well. Why does every day feel so familiar? And why does he keep getting visited by tall, dark, handsome men who remind him of Bucky?
The Day After, the Aftermath, or Whatever It Is That Feels Like a Hangover, Christmas, and His Birthday All at the Same Time by buckybarnesdeservestobehappy (hutchabelle)/ @buckybarnesdeservestobehappy (Modern AU | 1K | Mature): Bucky wakes the day after his thirtieth birthday with a hangover, a hardon, and a beautiful man sharing his bed.
Tell Me I Can Have It All by HaniTrash/ @hanitrash (Stucky in Wakanda | 1K | Explicit): Steve is tired of Bucky trying to push him away after he comes out of cryo in Wakanda. Rehashing the same argument brings up some new information that Bucky can't ignore, and makes him second-guess his decision to keep Steve at arm's length.
I'd Fuck Me by fandomfluffandfuck/ @fandomfluffandfuck (Evanstan, PWP | 6K | Explicit): When unexpectedly given a unique hotel room while on a Marvel press tour, Chris Evans ends up spending his evening alone, yet still making the most of his room... (Part 1 of Fuck This)
I'd Fuck You by fandomfluffandfuck/ @fandomfluffandfuck (Evanstan RPF | 8K | Explicit): Armed with nudes that contain enough raw sexual energy to cause nuclear explosions, Chris decides it's time to fucking blow Sebastian's mind... (Part 2 of Fuck This)
Captain Orgy 69 @ gmail.com by Gfawkes/ @gfawkesphoenixchokingonashes (Evanstan RPF, Friends to Lovers | 12K | Explicit): Or, Chris and Sebastian finally star in that rom-com they've been talking about.
My Heart Belongs to Captain Rogers by lavenderbucky (Canon | 3K | General): Steve wakes up late for his run, wears one of Bucky's shirts in public and goes slightly viral on Twitter. You know. Just an average day in his life.
5 Times Bucky Styled His Hair + 1 Time Steve Did It For Him by lavenderbucky (Post-WS | 8K | Teen): Steve is so happy to have Bucky back. His best friend is a little different to how he was in the 40s, but in some ways he's the exact same. But even if Bucky is his favourite person in the world, and even if Steve thinks his hair is really, really pretty, Steve's feelings for him are completely platonic. Right? Or: a love story, told through Bucky's hair.
💙 This is (not) a Ghost Story [COMIC] by PottersPink/ @potterspink​ (Post-WS | 11/31 | General): Steve moves into a haunted house. Well — everyone else is convinced it’s haunted, anyways.
Countermoves by cable-knit-sweater (cable_knit_sweater) (Evanstan RPF, CATFA | 11K | Explicit): Sebastian knows about Chris Evans, has to take his shot when he sees him. Chris doesn’t have a clue who Sebastian is, aside from being a pretty guy he meets in a club. The attraction is instant, and Sebastian takes Chris home, with a little detour or two. Chris thinks it’s just a one-night stand he’ll be thinking about for a long time, cursing himself for not getting the guy’s number. Until a couple of months later, he has the first table read for Captain America: The First Avenger, and he meets him again.
💙 Whip Crack by Quarra/ @quarra (Canon Divergent, Tentacle Monster Steve | 15/? | 119K | Explicit): Tentacle Monster Steve is captured by Hydra. They send in the Winter Soldier with a bull whip to break him, but as far as Steve’s concerned the most beautiful creature he’s ever seen walked in to his cell and started waving a sexy black tentacle at him. It’s love at first sight.
💙 hey now, you’re an all star (get your game on, go play) by buckyismybicycle/ @buckyismybicycle (NHL Hockey AU | 20/? | 63K | Explicit): Boston Bruins trade notorious party animal/human disaster Bucky Barnes to the Dallas Stars, and captain Steve Rogers is not impressed when Fury puts him on babysitting duties. But, as he gets to know Bucky - really gets to know Bucky - he wonders if maybe the media has got it all wrong - very, very wrong.
💙 Latte Art and Slow Dancing in the Dark by deadonarrival (Modern AU with powers, Daddy kink | 89K | Explicit): Bucky is a somewhat well-adjusted former army sniper that got his shoulder blown out. He took his discharge and went home to finish school. His best friends and roommates (Nat & Clint) are CIA agents and tip him off that their local Sbux is hiring. He gets a job there and meets none other than the hottest guy on earth. So how does one get a date in the most top secret government location in the US? What happens when that guy is more than just a hot dorito and wants to give Bucky everything he wants? 
Now! That’s What I Call 90’s Slow Jams by deadonarrival (Modern AU | 11K | Mature): Steve goes home for the wedding of Becca Barnes and while he’s there he runs into his old crush. Her brother. Except now they are both hot as shit. Oh no whatever will happen.
Brooklyn by togina/ @toli-a​ (Post-WS | 8,7K | Teen): "Captain America, what’s your stance on gay marriage?“ Everyone knows that, by now. Everyone but Bucky.
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hazel-wand · 2 years
I’ve been waiting for this story to be complete before I read it. I’ve enjoyed this author’s writing in the past and this lives up to my expectations. This story is a time-loop time-travel, Endgame fix-it mystery. It’s plotty and a little creepy and very poignant in places. Featuring amnesiac Steve lost in time and a Bucky who’s determined to get him back …
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vroombeams · 3 months
omg which maxiel fic!
about to really expose myself a bit here BUT it's dead heat by powerfulowl! very nasty sexy goopy(???) a/b/o in like the best possible way. i didn't know i could enjoy overse like this tbh. it's also got some of perhaps the best characterization of any character in any fic i've ever read which is why it's the only maxiel experience i've ever been Gripped By LOL like it legitimately makes me insane 💀 powerfulowl if you're out there you ruined (saved) my life
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stuckyversebingo · 1 year
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Who could possibly resist identity porn, mermaids, and Shrinkyclinks all in the same fic? xD
Thank you once again, @smutconnoisseur, for coming to the rescue with another amazing rec!
kiss me like the ocean kisses the shore (18306 words) by powerfulowl Chapters: 5/5 Fandom: Captain America (Movies), Captain America - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Nick Fury, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Miles Morales, Kamala Khan, Alexander Pierce, Jasper Sitwell, Arnim Zola Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Merpeople, Non-Serum Steve Rogers/Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes | Shrinkyclinks, Pre-Serum Steve Rogers, Journalist Steve Rogers, Orca Merman Bucky Barnes, Identity Porn, PR Guy Bucky Barnes, Little Mermaid Elements, Enemies to Lovers, Hate Sex, Interspecies Romance, Interspecies Sex, Though you can skip that if it's not your thing, Anal Sex, Blow Jobs, Top Bucky Barnes, Bottom Steve Rogers, Size Queen Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes Has a Large Penis, Ocean Cuddles, Ocean Sex, This fic is actually quite sweet I promise, Hurt Bucky Barnes, Protective Steve Rogers Summary:
Steve Rogers travels to the coast of southern Alaska to research his expose of Hydra Fishing Inc, whose supertrawlers are destroying the ecosystem of Marvel Bay. But once he arrives, he discovers that the bay holds other secrets. Like a beautiful, dangerous orca merman named Bucky who Steve meets in the moonlight.
Meanwhile, Hydra's PR Guy James Barnes insists on irritating Steve by assuming Hydra will be able to force Steve to back off from his story - and by being infuriatingly handsome.
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themculibrary · 7 months
Halloween Fics Masterlist 4
part one, part two, part three
a date with captain america (ao3) - haveufoundwhaturlookingfor sam/bucky G, 2k
Summary: Bucky meets Sam while shopping for a Halloween costume for his son, and thinks he doesn't like him. But his opinion quickly changes when New York City is attacked once again, and Bucky finds out who Sam really is.
In which Sam has always been Captain America, The Avengers still exist but Steve isn't part of the team.
a day in the life (ao3) - powerfulowl (StuckyFlangst) steve/bucky E, 20k
Summary: Steve Rogers wakes up on Tuesday October 30 1956, and doesn't seem to remember his life that well. Why does every day feel so familiar? And why does he keep getting visited by tall, dark, handsome men who remind him of Bucky?
An Army Of Red (ao3) - MidnightShadeux frank/matt N/R, 42k
Summary: Foggy is ecstatic that people are dressing as Daredevil for Halloween. Matt and Frank are not.
Black Velvet (ao3) - royal_chandler steve/tony E, 1k
Summary: It's Halloween and Tony does too much of a remarkable job with Steve's costume.
Black Widow's Trick or Treat (ao3) - RABunzai clint/natasha T, 2k
Summary: Otherwise known as five (or six) times someone went dressed as the Black Widow to a Halloween party and the one time Natasha (accidentally) did.
bleed me dry (ao3) - crobby mj/peter M, 5k
Summary: “Okay, okay,” Peter concedes, “We’ll go to this so-called 'haunted house' on Halloween night at 10 o’clock to make it as spooky as possible. Meet at Flash’s house before? I’m assuming we can’t just take a subway there.”
“Yep,” Flash says, “It’s on a hill in the middle of a field.” he lowers his voice, “Where no one can hear you scream.”
The entire group laughs because what is this, some kind of cheap horror movie?
Betty snorts. “The only screaming will be from you when you see a rat and flip your shit, Flash.”
or, peter parker learns the meaning of fear.
Costume Party (ao3) - Fake_Ruby mj/shuri T, 1k
Summary: MJ and Shuri go to a costume party.
Ghouls Night Out (ao3) - seabird7 G, 638
Summary: “Anyway. So you show up at my trailer door in a Hulk costume—”
“Yeah, because they were all out of Captain Americas.”
“—asking me to go trick or treating with you.”
gives my hands the shape of angels (ao3) - GreyishBlue bucky/clint E, 4k
Summary: Halloween has always been Clint and Bucky’s favorite holiday. Since they moved in and started celebrating it together, every year has gotten more elaborate. Their apartment is strewn in decorations, practically dripping black and orange, bats and spider webs clinging to every spare corner.
Now with a continuation, the boys weren't done with me or these outfits. I apologize for nothing.
Halloween (ao3) - captainodonewithyou lincoln/daisy M, 5k
Summary: Lincoln and Daisy investigate an odd reading in a spooky old house that might just be haunted.
Halloween (ao3) - Axolotl7 phil/melinda, leo/jemma, lance/bobbi G, 13k
Summary: "The party was a good idea, Phil. The team needed it." She needed it too. Maybe more than he knows.
There's just one notable person missing that leaves a hole in her heart. She sighs softly, hopes he misses the maudlin route her thoughts have taken. She really does miss Daisy.
Halloween Accidents (ao3) - PumpkinDoodles darcy/brock E, 15k
Summary: Anonymous requested: "I wish you would write a fic where Darcy unexpectedly runs into Brock while he's undercover and to keep her from speaking and blowing his cover he kisses her."
Halloweenie 2021: Trick or Treat (ao3) - meepmorpperaltiago mj/peter G, 370
Summary: May babysits Peter and MJ’s son and he shows her his Halloween costume – adorableness ensues!
Halloween Menagerie (ao3) - KaleidoscopeEyez, LunarDust loki/sylvie T, 6k
Summary: It’s Halloween, and the Avengers have all gathered at the Sanctum Sanctorum for their annual Hulk-o-ween party. But after a shapeshifting spell goes wrong, it’s up to Loki and Sylvie to set things right.
Halloween Traditions (ao3) - MalevolentLighthouse G, 200
Summary: Pumpkin carving with the Barton family.
Love Bites (ao3) - wmblake harley/peter T, 1k
Summary: Harley expects Halloween to pass how it does most years: he watches as many horror movies as he can (usually bad ones) and hands out candy when kids knock on his door. Peter knocks on his door dressed as a vampire, and the night goes kind of differently. He doesn't end up paying so much attention to the horror movies.
Midgardian Costums (ao3) - Ruquas bruce/thor G, 516
Summary: While many Midgardian customs were strange, Thor found this one was one of the more wonderful ones.
The Lexa to my Clarke (ao3) - angstydisaster yelena/kate T, 2k
Summary: College AU where Yelena attends a Halloween party, dressed up as Clarke Griffin, and keeps getting told that her girlfriend has arrived? But she doesn't have a girlfriend? What are they talking about?
Tis Just a Fright (ao3) - Anonymous G, 671
Summary: Tony takes his sons to the Halloween Fair.
Trick or treating (myself to you) (ao3) - butter_boi tony/stephen E, 1k
Summary: I find a bottom Stephen underappreciated. Yes, I know it is July, but I made a Halloween Ironstrange fanfiction anyway. And why not put Stephen in a nurse costume with an incredibly horny Tony? First time writing an actual story, so I hope this goes well. Enjoy the chaos.
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bookgeekgrrl · 2 years
My media this week (4-10 Sep 2022)
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[a lot of audio this week]
😍 👂‍ The Soldier's Scoundrel (The Turners #1) (Cat Sebastian, author; Gary Furlong, narrator) - never a wrong time for Turners series reread
😍 👂‍ The Lawrence Browne Affair (The Turners #2) (Cat Sebastian, author; Gary Furlong, narrator)
😍 👂‍ The Ruin of a Rake (The Turners #3) (Cat Sebastian, author; Gary Furlong, narrator)
😊 👂‍ One, Two, Buckle My Shoe (Hercule Poirot #23) (Agatha Christie, author; Hugh Fraser, narrator)
😊 👂‍ The Guncle (Steven Rowley, author & narrator)
😍 I could be wrong, I could be ready (harryromper) - Drarry, 57K - more excellent magical theory/magical house lore
😍 Roll On (Roll On #1) (jaxington) - Stucky, 89K - magnificent, in-depth pre-war stucky that flashes back & forth in time + a truly incredible OC in Rachel Rosenbaum.
😍 Girl in the War (Roll On #2) (jaxington) - 42K - sequel to above, focusing on what Rachel and Rebecca Barnes did during the war + how they coped when Steve returned. RR definitely becomes one of my fave OCs ever created.
💖💖 +239K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
you'll be the death of me (skylights) - Bond movies: 00Q, 34K - "the one where Death owns a coffeeshop on the corner and Bond has been cultivating the surprisingly useful habit of Not Dying. A love story, of sorts"
(After)life (AidaRonan) - Stranger Things: Steddie, 4.8K - Eddie might be a ghost but he can still take care of Steve; my fave scene is Steve watching himself in the mirror while getting railed by invisible ghost Eddie = chef's kiss
Critical Hit (AidaRonan) - Stranger Things: Steddie, 7.1K, reread - I just love this fucking fic and I had forgotten just how hilarious Eddie's inner monologue was
i could have chained your heart to a star (PanoramicSubDrop, powerfulowl (StuckyFlangst)) - MCU: silver fox Stucky, 16K - SO. GOOD. sometimes it's about the right time as much as the right person - loved loved loved this!
[podfic] Controlled Release (steebadore, author; cricketsong1985, narrator) - MCU: shrinkyclinks, 21K, relisten - fabulous podfic of a fabulous fic; a go to comfort listen (esp when my insomnia is bad bad bad)
Harley Quinn - s3, e9
What We Do In The Shadows - s4, e10 - ngl impressed with how the writers are managing to keep this concept fresh
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Anne Spencer’s Garden
Desert Island Discs - John Legend, musician
Switched on Pop - Into It: Song of Summer 2022
Vibe Check - Definitely Worry Darling
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - The Coney Island Mermaid Parade
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - The Corn Palace
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Parrots of Green-Wood Cemetery
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - The Loneliest Post Office
Richmond Til We Die: A Ted Lasso Podcast - Ted Lasso S2E9: Reason Is Powerless in the Expression of Love
50 Years of the Piano Man
Presenting Billy Joel
Missy Elliott Radio • 1990s
Energy Mix 1
Energy Mix 2
Lady Gaga Radio • Workout
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andrea1717 · 2 years
Andrea, love! I want to know more. :)
1, 2, 6, 23, 34, 56, 69 & 77.
Hiii my dear friend thank you for asking :)
Do you daydream a lot before you write,or go for it as soon as the ideas strike?
I daydream a lot! Sometimes i write complete scenes in my head which is kind of dumb to not at least make notes because sometimes it's all gone and forgotten again lol
2. Where do you get your fic ideas?
Usually they come out of nowhere. Like when i am doing the dishes or cleaning or something. But i feel like it's my brain processing things i read or watched and then it makes up stories. :)
6. What's the last line you wrote?
It's the last line of chapter two of Something for Someone. I am gonna start with chapter three today! The line :
"I'm here Buck. I'm here."
23. Is writing the beginning,middle,or end of the story easiest?Hardest?
The hardest for me is the middle because i feel like i struggle with the storytelling and character developement. I don't know if storytelling is the right word i just want to make it all make sense and i always hope that the characters reactions etc are real and relatable. The easiest is the beginning - once i started lol.
34. How much of your personal life/experience do you include in your fics?
I would say not much. I would rather say i write sometimes what i wish would happen in my life. Not the awful things of course but i kind of tend to write characters and stories that are braver than me. If that makes sense at all.
56.Are there any fics that you would change or rewrite if given the chance?
Sometimes i wanna change everything again lol. I feel like my writing is not emotional enough. I love to cry over things i read. Maybe i just can't cry over stuff i write and others can. I don't know :)
69.What are your favourite fics at the moment?
Ahhhh i wanted that question haha!!
I read so many amazing fics lately! My number one at the moment is Baghdad Waltz by Dreadnought ( i mentioned it like a million times already).
I love:
Come Loose your dogs upon me by powerfulowl(StuckyFlangst)
Ruined me for any other by Becassine
Sterile needles for Adrenaline Junkies by lordeofstucky
A Company Man by mambo
The Tipping Point by unicornpoe (ahhh!!!)
The Motions series by Nonymos
I could go on and on... i just mention a few fav WIP's and then i'm done lol:
I was alone,I took a ride by unremarkable
In the nude by lordeofstucky
The very thought of you by Nospheratt
When Law is Lawless by Kellyscams
and of course i cannot wait for the next chapter of
you turn the jaded into new <3
77. Why do you enjoy writing fanfiction?
I love to spend time with my beloved characters and write what i would have loved to see in a movie/show. I love different universes like Modern etc. and to be honest our fandom is so much more talented as any Marvel writer lol.
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epicstuckyficrecs · 2 years
Weekly Recap | August 8th-28th
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Heyyyyyy everyone! Can’t believe summer is almost over :( Sooo this time my excuse for skipping a few weeks is being busy, seeing friends, etc etc, but also I somehow managed to fall back into Twilight 😆 
💙 Nothing Said by alby_mangroves/ @artgroves, theemdash/ @theemdash (Post-Endgame | 8K | Mature): There’s always been another war, another reason for Steve to keep his feelings to himself and keep moving on. For all his wishes to do things differently, he never figured out how. Which is why following Fury to the moon, passing on the shield, and leaving Bucky to discover himself seemed like the right answer. When Steve gets caught in a force field surrounding a crumbling civilization, he starts to realize everything he thought was wrong.
💙 i could have chained your heart to a star by PanoramicSubDrop/ @koiponderingart, powerfulowl (StuckyFlangst)/ @stuckyflangst (Canon divergent, Post-TFA | 16K | Explicit): Steve Rogers came out of the ice in 1965. Almost thirty years later he discovered Bucky Barnes had survived, and it seemed like a chance for a new beginning. But when Bucky say that he doesn't want Steve in his life anymore, Steve has to forge a life without Bucky. Now, in 2025, two aging supersoldiers find themselves back in Brooklyn, reconnecting.
💙 There is a Tavern in the Town by musette22/ @musette22 (Evanstan RPF | 10K | Explicit): It's 2011, and Chris and Sebastian are in the UK, filming for Captain America: The First Avenger. One evening, they head to a local pub for a pint and end up talking about the upcoming Bar Scene. Seb suggests they practice. 
💙 Okay, so he can play… (pretty’s got nothing to do with it) by darter_blue/ @darter-blue​ (University Hockey AU | 4/10 | 21K | Explicit): This is supposed to be Steve’s year. He’s meant to be taking his team to finals. He’s meant to be the number one draft pick. He’s meant to have it all. Until in walks the new kid, with his beautiful face and his tiny shoulders and his long hair and his graceful skating. Who doesn’t look anything like a proper hockey player. Who’s going to ruin everything. Bucky Barnes is about to bring Steve Roger’s world crashing down. And Steve is about to realise that’s a good thing.Maybe the best thing that ever happened to him.
💙 hey now, you’re an all star (get your game on, go play) by buckyismybicycle/ @buckyismybicycle​ (NHL Hockey AU | 2/? | 6K | Explicit): Boston Bruins trade notorious party animal/human disaster Bucky Barnes to the Dallas Stars, and captain Steve Rogers is not impressed when Fury puts him on babysitting duties. But, as he gets to know Bucky - really gets to know Bucky - he wonders if maybe the media has got it all wrong - very, very wrong.
This is (not) a Ghost Story [COMIC] by PottersPink/ @potterspink (Post-WS | 6/31 | General): Steve moves into a haunted house. Well — everyone else is convinced it’s haunted, anyways.
💙 Love Me Tender Like What Keeps You Well by thiccbuckybarnes/ @thiccbuckybarnesfic​ (Historical A/B/O AU | 24K | Explicit): Steve Rogers, an alpha, widow, retired army captain, and master of the Allaheim estate, is happy to welcome new neighbors next to his manor in his pleasant little village of York. He hopes to gain new friends to brighten up his lonely life, and ends up getting much more than he bargained for when he meets the son of his new neighbor, James.
💙 As You Seep On In And Keep Me Down by thiccbuckybarnes/ @thiccbuckybarnesfic​ (Shrunkyclunks AU | 8K | Explicit): Bucky Barnes is a man of many names.But first and foremost, he’s an ass man. He likes his guys small, able to be bent in half when he fucks them. He likes being bigger, being in control, likes crowding little twinks up and wrecking them so thoroughly they cry.But he makes the wrong judgement when he first sees Steve in a bar; Steve’s all height, wide shoulders and muscle, clearly wouldn’t want the things that Bucky wants. It isn’t until he sees Steve shrink up from rejection, sees how pretty his cheeks look in an embarrassed flush, that he realizes that Steve is everything he wants.It’s a good thing, too, when Steve gives him a second chance because if he hadn’t, Bucky would have missed out on the meal of his life.
💙 It's Been A Long Season Through by thiccbuckybarnes/ @thiccbuckybarnesfic​ (Stardew Valley AU | 49K | Explicit): Bucky Barnes is in desperate need of a change in scenery, which is why he makes the foolhardy decision to quit his job, leave his asshole of a fiance, pack up his life, and move to his grandfather’s old farm all within a single day.He expects confusion, hardship, and maybe even failure. But love? He wasn’t expecting that. (Part 1 of Stardew Valley AU)
💙 oh, peach pit, where'd the hours go? by thiccbuckybarnes/ @thiccbuckybarnesfic​ (Stardew Valley AU | 10K | Explicit): Or, Steve learns that just because he and Bucky got their happily ever after, it doesn’t mean the past won’t come back to bite them. (Part 2 of Stardew Valley AU)
💙 Blooming Under the Dappled Light by thiccbuckybarnes/ @thiccbuckybarnesfic​ (Historical AU, False Identity | 52K | Explicit): Despite being the son of a gentleman, James "Bucky" Barnes could scarcely allow himself the hope of one day being tied to another in happy matrimony. In a society where the first-born children are revered and inherit all of a family's wealth, last-born Bucky feels trapped in a life he did not ask for.When he makes the drastic decision to run away and become a tutor for a wealthy family, he is hoping to save enough pennies to someday have a dowry and be worthy for marriage despite his disposition. What he is not anticipating, however, is falling into the rough and skilled hands of his employer, the rakish widow Lord Steven Rogers.
💙 G.I. Joes and 2AM Diners by OhCaptainMyCaptain/ @ohcaptainmycaptain1918​ (Modern AU, Childhood Friends | 100K | Explicit): They look nothing like what they used to. Time and life have completely changed them. But as they sit there in silence, eating two halves of one cupcake, letting Brooklyn remind there where they came from, and enjoying a sky full of stars… They are those same little boys, somewhere deep down. For just a second, you’d be able to see them again.And Bucky thinks to himself that maybe it’s little moments like these – fleeting as they may be – that remind him why life is still worth living.
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atmiger224 · 4 years
Maybe after a few days they could have found a way to get their skin to talk again – starting there had always been easiest for them. But it was almost September and Bucky had to get back to work. The bills still arrived in the mail every month; still had to be paid.
Come Loose Your Dogs Upon Me by powerfulowl 
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sportspsychpaige · 5 years
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Just a beautiful majestic owl hanging out in the full moon forest tonight! #loveowls #owls #spiritanimal #owl #forest #nighthike #animalsarebeautiful #getoutsideandplay #fullmoon #natureishealing #powerfulowl #washington #pnw #pnwonderland (at Bellevue, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/B41YgLhANpP/?igshid=1c3yyo7xfoy9z
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