#post Mr.J Harley Quinn
droldm3n · 3 months
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I'm watching Batman the animated series again, so you know what that means: it's time for me to overthink the trajectory of Harley as a character and get mad
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quinnipac-crazy-town · 11 months
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Alexandrew Harner- (Twisted joker)
Cory Cain-(Vampire Boy)
Christopher Schoenwald--------------
Maxwell Morlan-(Joker/Mr.J)
Howard Clark-(Scarecrow)
Anthony Balthazar-(Iron-Man)
Daniel Dudley-(Riddler)
Williams-(Harvey Two-Face)
Brittany Meeker-(Catwoman)
Kristen Peterson-(Posion Ivy)
Bishop-(Harley Quinn)
P.s. if your on the list means I have identify you from random dc, Marvel, etc. Characters and please be noted these are facts of what I have been around and seen and dated and have left most in my past and I just had enough of the drama and b◇llsh◇T here and so i am posting these as a reminder to you all and as in my way saying hi to all you CraZy people out there.
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chloe-skywalker · 3 years
DC Masterlist
By ~ @chloe-skywalker​
* = Requested
Main Masterlist
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Wonder Woman - Batman - Batfam (Jason Todd) - Superman (Both from Justice League & Superman & Lois) - Arrow-verse (from CWTV) - Suicide Squad
* Wonder Woman~ I have a good amount of Wonder Woman Imagines coming out lately so it has it’s own Masterlist. Mainly because it already did before i made this masterlist for DC. 
Wonder Woman Masterlist
* Harley Quinn & Joker’s Daughter Imagines still have their own masterlist because I love writing for it and i love writing the reader as their daughter.
HQ & MR.J’s Daughter Masterlist
Jason Todd: (Redhood)
~ Secrets (HQ & J Daughter!reader)
~ Surprises *
~ Breakfast In Bed *
~ New Christmas Plans (HQ & J Daughter!reader)
~ I Gave You My Heart (HQ & J Daughter!reader)
~ Meeting The Family (Ft. Avengers)
Bruce Wayne: (Batman)
~ Police Station (HQ & J Daughter!reader)
~ Solutions
*Both From “The Justice League” & “Superman & Lois”
Clark Kent: (Superman)
~ Time (x Daughter)
~ Boys?! (x Daughter)
~ Sneak Out (x Daughter)
*Don’t Really Write For This TV Show Anymore
{How They Hug You
Jerome Valeska:
~ What Do You Want Now?
~ Temper Tantrums *
(I do have a series on my other account that I was going to post all my writings on. But now this is where I put all my stuff. Its a Jerome one a series on @sociopathic-winchester​ its not finished but its another one of my writings)
* I don’t write on that account at all anymore Just FYI
Birds Of Prey
Roman Sionis:
~ Bad This Time
*Don’t Really Write For CW Arrow-Verse Shows Anymore
{How They Hug You (Arrow)
{How They Hug You (Supergirl)
{How They Hug You (Containment)
*Thats There because I have no Imagines for it, don’t write for it anymore, and it’s also from the CW
No Pairing
Outcome 1 & Outcome 2
Oliver Queen: (Green Arrow)
~ A-Z NSFW Headcanon *
~ Queen Christmas Party
~ Shy Love *
The Flash
Leonard Snart: (Captain Cold)
~ Didn’t Know
~ Your Sister?
Barry Allen: (The Flash)
~ Called Over (Oliver’s Sister!reader)
~ Criminal Record (Snart!reader)
~ Not Meant To Be *
{Dating Barry Allen Would Include...
Savitar Barry:
~ Don’t Kill Anymore *
{Dating Savitar Barry Would Include...
{A-Z NSFW Headcanon
{A-Z NSFW Headcanon *
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generousqueen21 · 6 years
The Best of Both Worlds
A/N: Hey Guys!. Do you guys ever like listen to music and then have this whole music video thing in your head? Like you have an OC character in a movie to one of your favorite songs kicking butt or something? Tell me in the comments if you do cause I can not be the only one...Anyone, on a side note, tell me if you guys want me to write a series on this with Dick Grayson cause I got that in mind….the Fluff Princess is signing out!
Masterlist (still updating!)
Request something, or just send me a message to make my day! Everything is open.
Dick Grayson x Reader 
Summary: Forgetting who you are is bad, being shot at is worse, and being blown up is not good at all.
Word Count: 6,140 (heh)
A/N: Selina is inspired by the show Gotham, and is around 15,16.
Harley is inspired from the videogame Batman:Telltale - the whole attitude anyway, and some of the clothing and age.
Pam is inspired by the comics and the Arkham Knight video game - but way less sexualized, obviously.
You are inspired by you, of course. :)
Warnings: People get blown up, if that’s your thing.
Tags: Request if you wanna be tagged permanently!
Chapter One: Gotham City Sirens
Gotham city harbor was one of the first off-limit zones for all the citizens of Gotham. It was one of the most deadly places in the whole city, full of drugs, guns, crime, and violence. With curfew around 8 p.m. and the docks overrun with corrupt politicians and gangs, no one hesitated to follow the bold “Keep Out” sign posted by one of the boathouses by the vast body of water. So of course, naturally you found yourself hanging off one of the docks there, clinging for your life. 
Choking on water, you pulled yourself out, trying to hang on to the slippery, wet wooden boards keeping you above the freezing icy harbor. Shivering and chattering with the cold, you managed to wiggle your body onto the dock and lay down. You shuddered from the cold and attempted to sit up, laboriously breathing in the chilly sea air. 
The glow of the moon was barely enough light to see yourself. Your arms and legs felt like they had been frozen numb with your left side feeling noticeably bulkier, and the fact that you had been able to pull yourself out of the water was practically a miracle. 
The text running through your vision was enough to make you finally completely alert. Glancing down at your arms and legs, your left being prosthetic, brought you one step closer to figuring out who you were. 
Cyborg. Huh. 
You shook your head again, urging the text to disappear out of your vision. Trying to keep your heart calm, you took a shaky stand and observed the scene in front of you. 
You didn’t quite remember who you were before, but you doubted that you had ever seen anything like this. The moon shone off the harbor, illuminating the hundreds of boats and vessels and stood waiting by the docks for use. Behind you, the street lights and brightness from the city lit up the sidewalks. 
Rubbing your eyes, you walked onto the street connected to the docks, attached to a dozen more dock containing vessels. The intense pain in your abdomen was enough to make you want to collapse again. Of all things, you knew you had to eat. But first, you needed a map. 
You focused on calling up a map of the harboring, calming a little when it popped up into your retina, satisfied. Though the street was dark, you carried on, determined not to starve to death the way you had almost drowned. It was one of the many things you would regret, as well as learn. 
Selina cursed, propping her legs up onto the dashboard and pulling at her tight black outfit. She wished Harley would hurry up and start the heater up again already. When was the last time anyone had listened to her?
Pamela Isley, a.k.a Poison Ivy groaned. “Is Harley coming yet or not? Last time we took this long, my babies almost wilted!”
Rolling her eyes, Selina turned around to deadpan the pouting lady. “Yeah, and if we don’t grab this cash, your “babies” won’t have anywhere to live.”
The car finally unlocked, and Harley, a.k.a Harley Quinn, slipped into the driver’s seat. “Yup! Clear as a crystal. Y'all ready to go?” 
Selina took a deep breath, before facing them both with her don't-mess-this-up face. “Ok, listen up. I don’t care that I’m younger than both of you. I’m leading this, and we’re in and out got it? This is Falcone’s men. Just grab the cash they collected from the Falcone’s guns, alright? We don’t want anyone dead, or else everyone will fight over the insurance.”
Pam scowled. “I thought none of us had insurance.” Harley started giggling until it died into a smile with the look Selina gave her.
Selina continued. “I’m serious. We mess this up,” she stressed, looking at Pam, “ I have no promises what will end up of your plants.” Pam shivered and glared at both of them. 
Harley rolled her eyes. “We got this, puddin’.” She reached over in concentration, searching for the button to pop open the trunk, grinning when she finally hit it. The back of the trunk opened up, leaving no time to waste. “Got it! Let’s hustle!”
The women all walked around to the back of the car, slamming doors as quietly as they could to grab their weapon of choice. Selina slapped her whip on the ground, flicking her wrist to stretch it out as Harley grabbed a mega-mallet and twirled it like a baton.
Pamela threw her hands in the air and pulled on one of Harley’s pigtails. “Come on, we don’t have all day!” The three of them crept into the darkness, squinted to be led by the dim light of the city.
Rummaging around in one of the large crates left overnight by the harbor, you failed to find anything edible that could cure your hunger. Your stomach was still continuing to twist and turn, and you knew it wouldn’t be long before you passed out. With having searched nearly every crate at this dock, you walked back into the street, tensing when you heard some car doors slamming closed. There was no one you could see, but you were sure your ears weren’t playing tricks on you.
You could not get caught. With nowhere to go and no one to turn to, someone finding you was not going to end well at all. You picked up the pace, jogging to the next dock and running onto one of the steamboat vessels. 
You ducked behind a crate, peeking over the edge of the box. Barely in your limited line of vision, you managed to make out some shadowy figures walking onto the dock across from you. If you could see them, they would definitely see you if you made a run for it. There was no food you could find. And at that moment, a bullet whizzed by your ear, implanting itself into the mast behind you. 
You were caught. 
“Hey! We got a little girl on deck!” 
A man grabbed onto your ponytail, causing you to gasp from shock sharply. Your whole body had gone numb, but not from the cold. As you flailed your arms to struggle, the man covered your mouth with a rag, muffling your sounds. You managed to knee the man and try and make a run for it, but not before you noticed the number of friends he had. There were at least 15 men on board. The man who had grabbed you ponytail pushed you down, causing to slip and skid down on the deck. Another man slammed his food onto the ground, barely your face. As you struggled to get up, you were pulled up aggressively with your hands suddenly tied behind your back. You barely got a chance to cry out before you mouth was completely stuffed and tied with a rag. You didn’t get far before you were carried into a dark room.
“Falcone men,” Selina whispered, pointing her finger as subtlely as possible. Harley cocked her head.”This many? This must be the big bucks.” Harley squinted further until Pam had to pull her back before she blew her cover. “No wait, do you see that? There’s someone else on there too.” Selina whipped her head toward the boat frantically. 
“Who, Bane? Was that who the gunshot was for?” Pam’s jaw dropped. “No, a little girl. She looks young. Like, really young.” She leaned over, enough to make Harley give Selina a look. Selina rolled her eyes and took a glance, sure enough, finding the girl. 
Selina winced when the rag was pulled over the girl's mouth. When her mother had first abandoned her at a young age, she had been lost and alone in Gotham too. And Pam had lost her parents and lived in the Narrows as well. No one had helped them, and she didn’t know anyone who could, but then again…
Selina cringed, and stood up, tightening her grip on her whip. Pam looked her at her, confused.
Harley tugged at Selina’s suit, urging her to get down. “It’s not time to go yet,” she whispered.
Selina took a deep breath, bracing herself. “We need to help her.” Pam briefly nodded, while Harley pouted, crossing her arms. 
“Harley, come on.” Selina hissed, throwing her arm aggressively to show her the situation. “This isn’t the time to argue.”
Now Harley was pissed, frustration clear on her face. “Mr.J may not hurt you, but last time we missed grabbing the bags of cash from those knuckleheads, he beat me and threw me out the window!” With a great fury, Harley grabbed her mallet at stalked out onto the street.
Pam and Selina sprinted into the street, watching her head onto the dock and talk her noggin of about how she was going to smash “Falcone to bits.” The situation was not unraveling well, but at least Harley now had somewhere to channel her anger. 
The room the men had thrown you in was not only dark but was airtight. You didn’t know where the door was, and you certainly didn’t know how to do a web search in your head. Out of the sudden silence, you heard an angry scream and more gunshots ringing. You froze, shaking out of hunger and fear. Was anyone coming?
When Selina and Pam finally arrived at the boat just moments later, they were quite disturbed to find at least half the men down on the ground bleeding, and Harley swinging her mallet around in a circle, knocking anyone out who forgot to duck.
“I got these men on the left.” Pam pointed, motioning for Selina to take the other side. 
Selina crouched in position and snapped her hands outward, shoving the first’s gun out of the thug's hand and slamming her knee into his stomach as hard as she could. Two shots rang out in quick succession beside her face. The ringing in her ear caused her to lean to left, knocking down the thug and giving her enough time to catch her balance. The cold rush of the wind whipped her face, making Selina more alert than ever. 
Pamela wasn’t struggling much either. Without the guns, the thugs were pretty much pathetic and could barely use their hands to throw an actual right hook. Taking out these guys wasn’t much of a problem. She had managed to make a large quantity of seaweed grow right out of the ocean, and they were currently strangling the men like tentacles. 
When Pam and Selina could both confidently say that the men were knocked out, they weren’t surprised to see Harley cockily waiting with her hands on her hips.
“Come on guys - Pammy, you too? What took so long?” Harley cooed, twirling her mallet in her hand like a baton. “You gotta learn from the best.” Pam and Selina shot each other a look as Harley burst into uncontrollable giggles. A realization came to Selina, and she smacked her forehead with her sudden awareness. “Oh shoot - the girl!” 
Pam’s eyes widened for what seemed the hundredth time that day, and the three villains were set into a frantic mess trying to decipher anything left behind. The salty air and sharp biting of the bitter cold worried Selina even more, with the hopes that the girl hadn’t gone unconscious with the weather and gotten frostbite.
You slipped in and out of consciousness, willing yourself to stay awake. Somehow with the room feeling like a freezer, your whole body’s fatigue was enough to pull you down into a deep slumber. The quiet wasn’t helping you much either. Ironically, if you hadn’t been locked in a room that felt like it was located in the Himalayas, you might feel at peace.
Groaning, you tried to wiggle around in the uncomfortable position you were in. Your bottom had gone entirely numb, and the rest of your limbs were screaming for a good stretch. The room, still with little to no light, wasn’t much to look at - just a pile of empty crates that had already been scavenged by the rest of the men, who, by the sound of it, were probably dead. 
You jumped, wincing when you landed on your tingling backside that was stinging with pins and needles. The gunshots had died ages ago...how was there anyone on board?
“Hey, darlin’! Is there anyone in here?” Through the crack at the bottom of the door, you heard a high pitched voice of a woman shouting out nearby. 
“Harley! Just knock the door down!” A younger woman, maybe around 17 scolded. “She’s probably suffocating or freezing to death if she’s in there.” 
“Maybe Pammy’s plants can check if she’s alright,” the woman Harley. You could practically hear the other lady Pammy rolling her eyes. “Harley, my baby’s don’t have eyes, girlfriend.”
The other woman growled, stomping her foot. “Harley!”
“Alright, I’m doin’ it!”
Pammy spoke to you quickly in as composed of a voice as she could muster. “All right, sweetheart, now you’ll want to back up a little-”
Your whole body went into panic mode with the recognition that the door was not going to be opened with a handle. You desperately threw your body to the side the best you could with your hands and legs tied, and braced for - 
“Comin’ through!”
Harley’s mallet swung through the wood door, smashing a hole right in the center. Almost immediately your lungs began soaking in the fresh harbor air; never had oxygen been this sweet.
The mallet swung a second time, this one closer to the handle. Through the faint light, you made a gloved hand reached out to unlock the door from the inside. You finally released the tension from your neck with the relief that you were going to be saved.
The door finally swung open. 
“Oh, god.” A woman with big flowing red hair and thick green eyeliner walked toward you, genuinely concerned. “She’s only a little girl!” Her outfit was on the unconventional side; with a green bathing suit type one piece covered in green leaves and a lighter green pair of tights underneath. The younger girl next to her work a tight black suit, goggles and cat ears, and carried a thick whip. She was glaring at the craziest look one of them all, who was the one called Harley. “Harley” sported pigtails, dyed black and red, and had on a black leather jacket over a black and red corset. Her black and red diamond belt and boots weren’t even the highlight of it all. In her hand, she carried a massive sledgehammer signed with a creepy smile of a red spray paint can. 
Selina walked up to you cautiously, hesitantly, and forced herself to reach her hand out to you.
Oh, god indeed. You looked and were barely 6. 
Pam began gently untieing the rags around your mouth as Selina started hacking at the rope around your wrists. Her initial shock was even more overwhelming than before. The quick glance and fast thinking she had done had barely told her anything about you, and one of those things that she had left to her imagination was her age. Terrifyingly enough, she was very, very off. Even when she and Pam had been younger, they had known never to try and steal from somewhere as full of gangs as the harbor. Things being sold off the black market were constantly circulating here, and though the money stakes were huge, the chance of surviving was not.
Pam and Selina both lifted you by your arms, dusting your wet clothes off the best they could. Weakly, you tried to stand up and rubbed your raw wrists. Stammering, you spoke as loud as you could. “Th-han-k you-u.” Finally, both Selina and Pam could hold back all the questions that had been floating around in their heads any longer. 
“How old are you?” “What’s your name?” “What are you doing here?” “How did they catch you!?”
Harley looked at you for a while, before turning to Selina and talking fast. “Selina, we have to-”
Selina rolled her eyes and shot Harley a look. “Not now, Harley. We have to get her somewhere warm.”
Harley was no longer just sheepish; she was talking with full-on panic. “Selina, I may have-”
Selina continued to glare at Harley while trying to wring out and dry your wet clothes, in the hope you might feel less cold. 
Pam came back looking very, very scared. “Love, you’re not going to like this.” Selina looked at the shiny-eyed woman and sighed. 
“What is it, Pam?” Selina inquired while rubbing her temples. This was just not her day.
Harley hissed, scowling with a warning written onto her face.”What I’ve been trying to tell you, dimwit! When I headed over there poundin’ their heads all the way to the moon, one of them guys had a walkie on them! They got an’ emergency bomb on here somewhere, and Falcone has the detonator, and more men on the way.” Harley huffed, and plopped herself against the wall and passed her sledgehammer from hand to hand, blowing a piece of hair out of her face. Pam nodded at Selina with worried eyes, confirming the worsening of the whole situation.
Selina turned frantically with her head pounding and put her hand on Harley’s shoulder. “How long ago was this?”
Harley shrugged, tugging on one of her pigtails in deep thought. “Maybe….15 minutes ago?”
Selina cursed, yanking her hand back like she’d been burned. Never had a mission gone more wrong.
But never had she ever done something this right.
Selina glanced at you one last time. You had collapsed on the floor again with your teeth chattering with the cold. Your metal prosthetics felt like ice cubes, and your retina censor had already told you several times that your body temperature had dropped significantly. You looked back at her, your eyes full of more fear and hope that she had seen when they had first gotten to you.
Selina shifted back to the others with determination and a fierce desire to survive with no one left behind. “We are not getting caught in here and slaughtered like pigs, alright? We are all getting out here alive.” Selina settled her hand on Pam’s shoulder and looked intensely into her eyes with great confidence. “Pam, I need you and Harley to secure the area. We need to escape as discreetly as possible without any bumps.” Pam nodded, but Harley had already popped her head out.
“Selina, what color did you say his cars were again?” You and the others had already been able to pick out the sounds of two vehicles, with the door slamming audibly.
Selina’s eyes widened with Pam gaping behind her. “Falcone has the detonator. And if he’s here -”
“He could explode this whole dock.” Harley finished quite grimly, with her grip on her weapon so tight, her knuckles were going pale.
Everyone in the room jumped as the distant footsteps were getting closer and closer. The thudding was now so close the nearby wooden boards of the ship were creaking.
Harley rushed back to your side and pushed you toward Selina. “Selina, go and hide! Me an’ Pam will teach these bad boys a lesson.”
Taking their positions, Pam and Harley stood on either side of the broken door, prepared to attack at the right moment. Selina grabbed your shoulder and ushered you to the other side of the room, gently pulling you down into an uncomfortable crouch. You tried your best to be ready to sprint, trying to calm the buzzing in your chest and how heavy your head felt with fear. 
A deep raspy voice broke the heavy silence. “Hey boss, we got like 14, 15 men unconscious down here. You on your way?” A quieter “Roger that,” could be heard out of walkie talkie the man on board was holding. The footsteps began up again, getting farther and closer. Harley took a stance, raising her mallet a hair too high and - Bam.
The footsteps stopped. “Hey, whos there? I already heard you! Don’t even try and hide! You’ll be a dead son of a bitch!” Frantic pacing could be heard, with crates being thrown and opened. Everyone in the room winced and gave Harley a look the could have burned her to death if Selina and Pam had tried. Pam shook her head and glanced at Harley, ready to strike. “Are you good?” Harley with a nervous look on her face gave an embarrassed sigh. “Yup.”
The man, 5 ft 8, all bark and no bite, entered in, a pistol clear in his hand. 
Before you could register another thought, Pam grabbed the man’s tacky suit by the lapels and swung him around, smashing his head into the wall. He groaned and lost grasp of the gun, which skidded across the room after hitting the wall. Harley rapidly brought down her sledgehammer on the back of his head, registering him unconscious and very injured. Pam finally let go of him, and he slumped to the ground on his back with a big bruise on his forehead and a nasty nosebleed.
Selina crouched down and picked the gun up off the floor,  ready to empty the barrel, but Harley grabbed it out of her hand and complained.
“He didn’t even use any of the bullets!”
Selina scowled and tried to make a lunge at the pistol, but with Harley wearing massive boots and already quite taller than Selina, keeping out of reach wasn’t really a challenge. “Let the little girl use it.”
Selina groaned, before dropping her head in her hands. “The little girl is maybe what, 5? No one gives a kindergartener a gun, not even a psychopath.” Harley grimaced and put her hand back down to her side. “Hey, sociopath, remember? They’re different.”
Selina made a mocking face back before Pam screamed, “Take cover!”
A dozen gunshots came through the hole in the door, getting Harley in the shoulder and Pam in the arm. Selina grabbed a cover of one of the wooden crates and pulled you behind her. Selina turned her head to look at you and tried to give as much comforting advice as possible. With no parents to raise her properly, emotional support was not her strong suit, but it wasn’t like the others were good at it either.
“Try to stay behind me, ok?  We are going to get you through this!” Another round of gunshots fired, and the men started flooding the room.
The exit was flooded, and at least 5 men had entered. You all had to act fast before even more backup showed up.
Harley began to swing her sledgehammer around, knocking out the guns to the best of her ability, Without a military weapon, they were all just pawns in Falcone’s chessboard, strong in numbers but powerless without firearms. Pam began using her plants and foliage to wrap around some of the men's legs and render them unable to move. However, some of the men were still able to shoot, and one even managed to get out of his bounds, ready to attack. Pam had her hands raised and surging her energy into her plants to control them. Her face was scrunched in concentration, and she motioned to Selina to finish the gunmen off.
Selina took her whip and wrapped the end around the man’s legs, pulling them out under him. He yelped and slipped with his weapon thrown into the air. Harley caught is and began firing at the all the men that were trapped in Pam’s vines.
The whole room was the definition of a bloodbath: there was dried red stains on the wall and on the floor, the crates were covered in bullets, and Harley and Pam needed immediate attention.
Selina didn’t need to think twice. “Let’s get out of here!” You followed the others lead and sprinted out the main room, carefully walking over the blood and bodies scattered throughout the floor. You glanced back at the mess they had created. The ends of your lips twitched, and your eyes brightened ever so slightly. You hadn’t known then, but Selina had seen the look.
Sweet, sweet revenge..
Harley with Pam right behind her turned around, and Harley screamed with fury. You followed their gazes to the top of the ship, right above the room you all had been in at the top of the vessel. There, in all his former glory, was the tux-wearing, backstabbing criminal himself.
“I doubted girls like you could make much trouble. This kind, anyway,” he cackled, a disgusting glint visible in his eye. He sighed solemnly, clearly enjoying himself. “But now that you ladies have already stolen from me, twice, alas, you all must pay the price.” He wiggled a round, oval-shaped device in his hand, chuckling louder and louder.
The wind had picked up speed now, whipping around dramatically and increasing the tension. Selina began screaming and swearing at him hoarsely, barely hiding the explicit impediment in her voice. “You would never do that, you coward! You would never kill yourself here for revenge!”
Falcone rolled his eyes, beaming with mirth and throwing his hands up in the air, aware of what a drama queen he was. He was loving the suspense of the situation. “Oh, who said I was? I’ll be watching from one of my hundred’s of helicopters, seeing your world turn into ash and flames!”
Selina wasn’t ready to give up, continuing to stall him and running every possible option through her head. “And your money? You get a couple million from your weapons on the black market alone! And they flow through this port!” He had his back on you now and waved his hand at her comment. “I’ll find another one!” He looked up to the sky, ready to leave. The detonator was still resting in his hand.
The helicopter had already arrived, and the bright lights blinded you and the others. You lifted your arm and squinted, trying to see where the bastard had gone, but it was too late. He had already sat himself quite comfortably inside his copter.
Harley shrieked at the top of her lungs, not even waiting for any of you to react. “RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN!!!”
Sprinting at full speed, enough to bring the aching in your legs to burning and make you forget about the cold, the only thing you could think of was getting out. Though you were with the others, you were on your own now. This was your fight, and you were going to get the hell out. Your life was in your hands now. You had needed Selina, Pam, and Harley. Now they needed you.
The situation had turned into complete chaos, with multiple possibilities and outcomes, and your minds were racing too much to accurately compare them all. Thinking of Falcone made his bio appear across your screen, and you quickly skimmed the general public appearances and criminal charges he had faced along the way. Carmine Falcone, if his reputation said anything, was not a risky man. His multi-million dollar empire was built upon careful preparation and executing all the right moves at the right times. Falcone was an aged man had been around Gotham for quite some time, and the majority of the rules of crime had been invented by him. Getting out logically was going to be critical and complex, but learning about the tech in your body could help.
Charging toward Harley's red car, you four yanked the door's open and slammed them hard.
"Harley, start the engine!" Selina jumped into the front passenger seat and began to roll down the windows, peeking outside for any possible new signs of danger. Harley patted her leather jacket down rapidly, feeling for her keys and finally finding them in her right-hand pocket. Her hands shaking, she tried to put in the key 3 times before succeeding and stepped on the accelerator.
"Damn, damn, damn!" The car barely lurched forward, and instead slugging back in forth in the same position. Pam opened the car door, checking the vehicle overall and let out a cry of pain and impediment. She leaned back, looking furious and deep down, just plain failed.
"Someone popped the tires!" Selina screamed and slammed her hands down on the dashboard.
"That little son of a bitch..." She groaned and put her head in her hands, utterly devastated. Finally, she looked up and sighed. Falcone had already sent for more men, and you could hear the cars approaching fast, whizzing along the streets of Gotham.
Thinking fast, you leaned forward between the passenger and driver seat. Harley and Selina glanced back at you, ready to listen.
"Falcone sent more cars with men in them - if we knock enough out," you continued, "We'll be able to find our getaway car quick enough." Harley looked doubtfully at you as Selina shook her head. "Falcone wouldn't care about losing those men. The minute he sees us stealing one of his Bugattis, he'll blow the port up."
The car doors began opening and shutting closed. Backup was already here, and you had 360 seconds to show your plan could work.
"Go!" You yelled getting out of the car. The gun Harley had kept was nestled into your palm, almost fitting perfectly.
Your goal was simple: shoot someone tonight. Just one person.
Pam's powers were simple but effective; the second she managed to wound someone with her hands, their whole body would become infected with her toxin. The victim would start shaking, turning green and in the end, would die with a little plant growing out of their mouths. It was indeed something else. Selina's eyes were open in horror as she became suspended with shock, but she didn't get a moment to respond before Harley jumped in front of her and smashed the man about to shoot Selina in the shin.
"Selina, wake up! You're gonna get yourself killed!" Harley criticized, not wasting a moment and swung her mallet into another man's face, causing him to scream in agony and double over.
Within all the chaos, the sirens didn't get a chance to check on you, but you were busy with something else as well.
You crept up on one of the closer vehicles, hiding behind the trunk. You eyed how the other's were doing and winced at their state. Harley and Pam were bleeding openly and needed immediate attention, and Selina was corned by at least five men with her whip on the ground ten feet away from her. There was no time to lose.
You slid along the side of the car, keeping your back as close as possible to stay out of site. The guy inside was smoking a cigar, muttering to himself about his paycheck. Automatically, your retina began to scan the front seat of the car.
Through the car, your scanner highlighted the weapon in blue and could be shown in the man's holster on his left side. Your retina then began to map out possible actions, displaying the best approach to getting this man out without getting hurt. One of them demonstrated a viable plan to attack by shooting through the window.
You glanced down at your gun and waited for your retina to explain how to use it. You began holding the rifle in a firm stance and turned the safety off. Regrettably, the guy in the car had noticed.
"Hey, Hey! What the-" The man in the car had grown extremely annoyed. You backed away from the vehicle, nearly tripping backward and he opened the car door abruptly. He grabbed the gun out of his holster pointing it at you, pulling the trigger.
You screamed, lifting your arm to cover your face, and felt a sudden impact hit your arm. You winced, waiting for the pain, but there was none.
"Oh my god..." The man spoke in shock, glancing at his gun. He had only one bullet for emergency purposes, and it had done nothing. He was just the driver, for god's sake.
You inspected your arms, thoughtfully perplexed. He hadn't fired a blank as you had felt the impact. As you glanced at your prosthetic arm, your jaw dropped.
The bullet was scarcely caught in the metal.
You removed the warm bullet and felt the place on your arm where the bullet had hit, which was a flat dent. Whoever had designed or picked out this arm for you must have known you could have been shot at, which made you wonder even more.
How important were you? Who had you been?
You hardly noticed the man running off your his life so lost in your thoughts. You crouched over rapidly grabbing the gun you had dropped, which now felt awkward heavy in your hand, and pointed the weapon, slipping your finger over the trigger. You weren't even sure where to aim.  His chest? Maybe his heart.
Could you do it? The fact that you were even thinking to spare him was making you furious, and you were drowning in hatred for him and all the other's who had hurt you and Selina, Pam and Harley today. You put your finger on the trigger and pointed
and pointed
and pointed
and pointed. 
You repeatedly told yourself to draw the trigger and grew even more infuriated when you couldn't remember your own name. Seconds, maybe minutes later when Harley came over, you were still ordering yourself to pull it.
"Kid, give me that!" Harley snatched the gun out of your hand as you startled and pointed it on her. She barely let you respond and shot the man in the back of the head. You were shuddering as Pam grabbed the keys out of his back pocket and chucked it at Harley, who hopped into the driver seat and started up the engine. Selina was walking over now, concerned with how disappointed you looked to now have shot that gun yourself. Crouching down, she took your hand and looked into your eyes. 
"You don't want to ever go down that path," she pleaded, shaking her head with a sigh. "I know what it does to people. What you did today was the right thing." 
You bit your lip and nodding, sat inside the car in the back. You had to, though. It was the only way to win in this world. These men, they were on top because they weren't scared to be on that path, and you felt as if that was the only way this would never happen again. 
"Step on it, Harley. Falcone's got his eye on us," Pam warned, sitting in the front passenger seat and began to moan. "My babies! Oh, I knew I shouldn't have brought them into this mess!"
"Hey, will you shut it, Pammy?" Harley ridiculed, rolling her eyes and began to drive, picking up the speed until the car was past 80 miles per hour. 
Selina leaned between the front two seats and elbowed Harley. "Hey, do you want to die AND get a ticket, for both speeding and to Arkham?"
Harley giggled, slowing down to 75 mph. "I got this puddin' you don't worry about a -." 
A flash of light lit up the whole harbor and shook the road. You flew up in your seat, banging your head on the ceiling and wincing, glanced back at the terror behind you. Falcone had done it. He had pushed the button but missed. A jittery feeling began to overwhelm your body as all the cars left on the road, including Harley's red BMW, had already erupted in flames. You shivered, looking at all the fire and heat and how the men must have burned in the flames and -
Suddenly, you remembered. Watching the pieces of ash and clothing floating and drifting through the air, you began to recall why you had lost your arm, remembering a room. You remebered ashes floating, mentally relived the searing heat on the left side of your body. You tried to concentrate and bring more back, but the fire was the only thing able to trigger the memory. 
There was no time to dwell on it now. With the other's fist bumping and cheering, you smiled for the first time that night, and you looked back into the depths of the harbor. A feeling of satisfaction came over you as you watched all these men burn in turmoil. You had finally gotten the revenge you wanted. And the next time anyone came for you?
Well, Karma's a bitch.
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bigdane07 · 5 years
Harley and Joker
Warning: Super late
Ok, so I have had this rant brewing in me for a while and thought Tumblr seems like the best place to get ultimately inconsequential thoughts out there so here we go...
I hate the direction DC went with the Harley Quinn and The Joker relationship, I hate the abuse angle, I hate the spinning of their wheels as they don’t have much of an idea of what to do with either of them long term, I hate it because of the pandering to the vocal minority of comic fans who want more “female empowerment” as if that could not have been accomplished without making Harley a victim. Now, the direction I wish they would have gone was to accomplish all the things I’m sure were on the company’s mind when pursuing this direction; money, attention, and browny points.
I thing the better option would be if they leaned in on the sorta fad that had been around for a while within the normey community not really familiar with comics but remembered the 90′s show somewhat and would post stuff on social like “He’s my Mr.J” or “She’s my Harley” misunderstanding the abusive relationship they were in as something romantic. What if they actually made it a romantic relationship? What if they loved each other in a very sick way?
I got this idea from how they were portrayed in the Suicide Squad movie where they seemed to actually care about each other without losing any of their personalities. What if their relationship was toxic in the sense that they were two mentally deranged people who found their missing pieces in each other and were even more dangerous when together to everyone around them. Maybe they could have started off how they were in the 90′s show (without the physical aspect) but slowly Joker found he hated when she was away from him slowly reciprocating her lovey dovey ways.
The best part though is this rout would answer all of the company’s request appealing to the couples by creating His and Her merchandise that actually applied this time, still bringing attention to one of their most popular characters and spinning it as condemning domestic abuse that was previously portrayed comically and it would not have to change any of their prominent places in the overall universe, meaning Harley and Ivy can still be a thing and of course Joker is fine and not cutting off his face like an idiot.
Tl;dr Harley and Joker could have been reintroduced as a toxic couple in love who brought chaos to those around them through their love instead of an example of abuse. 
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