#polish name jumpscare
fujimen · 4 months
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Norbi Baranek.............
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ethoslut · 4 months
ktore kurwa z was pracuje w ogonku na bemowie mowic natychmiast . i know youre here
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antennatoheaven · 1 year
trying to find stuff about the mountain goats on tumblr is the only reason why i know anything about the christian side of tumblr
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snifferish · 3 months
Sneafie Book Review: "Where the Dark Stands Still" by A.B. Porenek
Alright gamers that's right I'm posting book reviews on my tumblr, BOO! Jumpscare! Anyways I'm a spoiler free kinda guy here we go.
This week I read Where the Dark Stands Still by A.B. Porenek, this is a Young Adult Fantasy novel that leans slightly into the gothic genre. It's got a lot of Polish Folklore, It's kind of a beauty and the beast retelling? The author and the marketing has compared it to Howl's Moving Castle, which is why I originally took interest in it.
Personally, I gave this a four star rating, but on the Sneaf'o'meter of precision I'd say 73%
Let's get into the good and the everything else.
First off, If you like fun prose and description, this is for you. The Author's range of being able to describe something so beautiful and then transition to something grotesque and everywhere in between is wonderful. This ability comes into play frequently with how she describes the house in the story (which is sentient).
The magic system in this??????? Spectacular, I loved the concept. I've seen things similar to it, but it was so simple yet meaningful (AHH!). Probably my favorite part.
Another really prominent point in the marketing is the amount of Polish Folklore. There's a few specific spirits and demons referenced that are apart of it. I'm no expert on Polish folklore that's for sure, so I can't say whether it was truthful, or what the Author directly took from it. However I can say it was refreshing, new and I learned things :)
Okay sooo... Welcome to a segment called, why not five stars? I hesitate to say something is "bad" about about this book because I think it's really just preference at this point.
The exposition was normally paced but around the exposition into rising action area I felt like It was stalled. Really the book was just giving vibes left and right which is totally cool to some people, but because some information was withheld to certain points I felt like I was missing a lot of the foundation for the conflict and by the time I understood the conflict I was just like ahh, okay.
The romance plot within the story is pretty big, and to me it felt, okay. Just okay. I'll admit I'm a stinky gay that holds heterosexual romances to high standards so maybe that's why I wasn't so into it??? Again! I was so excited, I was thinking yes, it's like Howl's Moving Castle! and I just didn't get that. However, a lot of people who read this and reviewed it did get those vibes, so... not sure. Also, I think pet names just aren't my thing.... It's not usually something I find appealing in romance storylines.
Ultimately, I still really enjoyed this book. This is Porenek's debut novel, and I think it's very promising! Her writing style is excellent and I imagine she can only get better.
Also, this doesn't effect my rating at all, but I am begging fantasy Authors of all kinds to considering adding pronunciation guides. There where times I had access to my computer and I could look it up, but even then I don't know if google is telling me the right way to say it.
if you've read this I'd love to know your thoughts and if youre going to read it, well same, basically, do tell.
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ultrastupid · 10 months
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Do not expect me to post in main tags often, I just had to post all this because Sunny, my love, my chaotic little bird man. I had to share all the stuff I've found and/or screenshotted about him with you all because I'm obsessed to an insane degree. Commentary will be included on stuff. Hit the "read more" for more, LONG POST AHEAD!
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Some of the few bits of info we have about Sunny, from Clown's old deleted blog. Things of interest include him being friends with Barnaby, an inkling of what his house looks like and where it would be located, and what puppet type he was. Also, the hidden text on his picture. Keep in mind that "being quiet" was a large theme back in the old Welcome Home lore.
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An actual high quality version of the Sunny-getting-grabbed-by-puppet-hands pic, since I've seen too many versions of it looking crusty, along with a high-contrast version of it to show the hidden background details.
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Group photos of the OG six puppets. Also where my favorite image of Sunny screaming comes from lol. Of course, can't forget that Sunny's name is upside-down in the second pic, hinting at his nature of being different.
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Ooky Spooky™️stuff that happens to have Sunny in it. If there is a smidge of Sunny in it, I save it.
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Sunny merch. I don't know what on earth this thing is but I'd buy it /lh Also of course, getting rid of him and all that. Note, I believe Clown when they say that Sunny is truly removed and the removal isn't a part of the story or whatever... I can dream otherwise, though, because man that'd be cool if he was removed on purpose FOR a story point. But again, Clown said he was just removed because he didn't fit into the story and they don't like "hero types" for it.
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Wake up babe, the OG Frank ship is here. Franks's phone not having a 3, and also having a 6 on it could have meant something, who knows (Edit, it's their numbers from that one pic, I was tired lol). Also more "behave" and "listen" stuff included as well. Anyways observations aside, I just love how floofy Sunny is in the second pic, it gives me life. It's one of the more polished images we get of Sunny, too.
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Screenshot of the text that came with the group picture. Again, "being quiet". I'm sure that people could run with this theme for their fanart and fanfics if they wanted to, since I know beta designs have been getting some comeback.
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Some more information on what Sunny was planned to be. Points of interest include confirmation that him and Frank indeed were going to be in a relationship, Sunny being a "hero", and Sunny's purpose involving "blow the whistle", which when you pair it with the "be quiet" stuff and focus on "being quiet" really starts to paint a picture and makes me go nuts over what he could have possibly have done. Add the "you're FREE" and again, more things just fall into place. Anyways, "attributes already covered (bird)" makes me laugh.
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Anyways onto the more inane stuff (/pos), Frank and Sunny as Ducktales OCs. Everything about the Sunny pic makes me feral and bang my fists on my desk, because he is SO flaming queer, LOOK AT HIS FACE, HIS BODY LANGUAGE, HIS MOVEMENTS, FRANK'S REACTION, THEY ARE BOTH FLAMING GAYS!!! LOVE, ENDLESS LOVE FOR THESE TWO!!!
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And lastly to end this all off, Gay People Jumpscare: Electric Boogaloo 2. Sunny's beak being CONE makes me happy. Frank and him physically so close together and Frank blushing makes me happy. Them explicitly being called gay makes me happy.
These two are so delightful, and I like to imagine that in a canon where Sunny still exists, he's accepted into Eddie and Frank's relationship and it's poly and everyone is happy, THE END.
Thank you for coming to my rant about a scrapped character for something that technically hasn't even started and is a flaming queer.
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spacepiratenemo · 1 year
Hello! My Name is Nemo! Welcome to Jackass!
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Lol, this was "supposed to be quick, easy and literally just a meme" and now it took nearly a week and drove me nuts 3.14 times XD 😂
I had this in mind for ages and pushed it to the back of the shedule all the damn time, now it's finally done. *20th century fox proudly presents* Nemo being grounded! 😂
Two weeks of kitchen service is way too nice for all the non-sense and chaos she caused on board - and of course she just gotta provoke, eh? Push one button and BANANABEARD CAN GLOW WITH LED LIGHTS! ISN'T IT BOOTIFUL???! 😂😂😂
I'm surprised Pops didn't throw this girl over board a single time... XD
Anyways, hope this short memetic content amuses you as it amused me! XD Which punishment do you think Nemo deserves? How long would you ground her for? How many dishes would you let her wash? ><
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Nemo loves to prank others! From glueing Pops to his seat, to putting chilli into Marco's pineapples - everything is possible! And since she is a horrible influence regarding this on Ace, he often tags along with her shenenigans! In a nutshell, so far in the story they pulled off:
Roasting a Seaking with an alien-weapon
Spilling glitter everywhere
Using yellow paint to make Pops mustache become banana
Glue Pops to his throne
Make Blamenco smell his own feet
Let Deuce run in a circle for one hour to find his mask
Hide Vista's hair-care products and let him suffer to find out
Fireworks ala Firecracker!
See if you can cook faster than the oven! (Faster apparently does not imply better...)
Use watermelon-seeds as ammunition against everyone!
Make Haruta admit to his love for rubber duckies
Find out who Jozu's secret crush is
Arrange a date between Whitey Bay and Izou, don't tell either of them though!
Surprise everyone with a loud, cheerful party at 3 AM for a whole week!
Sulk at the Crew when 3 AM parties are suddenly forbidden.
Make the sulking as dramatic as possible and pretend to die.
Shock the Crew by jumping into the sea and let them believe we drowned!
Jumpscare them all with a trumpet.
Make them fear the trumpet.
Make them wish the trumpet was a nightmare that would end.
Place fart-pillows everywhere.
Tag "Kick me!" pictures to everyone's back.
Make the world believe aliens exist.
Fake an alien invasion.
Make headlines!
Use narcolepsy as an excuse for literally everything fifty times in a row.
Make them believe you don't understand socialising.
Put too much wasabi into all beers.
Sew Marco a feather-dress.
Put eggs into Marco's bed every day.
Ask Marco if he's already a chicken-daddy every day.
Test: How long and how intense can you annoy Marco until he fries?
Will he taste like chicken when he fries?
Force everyone to do maths!
Put the alpahbet into the maths once they think they're safe.
Let Ace believe he is safe from the maths, but then make him do maths anyway.
Make everyone be scared of numbers!
Make everyone scared of numbers and letters in combination!
Put hidden numbers everywhere to cause paranoia.
Replace Satan.
Paint Pops a pretty make-up while he sleeps.
Also do his fingernails.
Put a bow on him.
Make Namur believe he might be an alien as well
Make everyone believe they're aliens
Establish a conspiracy and laugh about the idiots who believe it
Fake a UFO crash
Fake found-footage of alien abducting pirates to cause global panic.
Shoot confetti-rockets at Mariejois and make them beliebe it was the Marines.
Estabilish A.M.A.B as a Slogan: "All. Marines. Are. Bastards!"
Create hundreds of robots, fake loss of control and prank'em by thinking A.I enslaves mankind.
Clone coconuts.
Clone a huge amount of coconuts.
Establish coconut as super fruit and throw them at everyone who disagrees with you.
Polish Jozu to make him Shiny-Jozu.
Make Blenheim believe Fossa has a crush on him.
Watch chaos unfold.
Mess with the cacti-juice.
And so much more...
... to be continued!
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yanderu-deredere · 8 months
Hi there, I'm new here, and love your work sm. My silly little Czech ass got positively jumpscared at the Fiala name, and then I discover he's got Czech/Polish ancestry. AND THAT HE KNOWS THE LANGUAGE? I AM SHOOK. The fact that he could speak to me in my native language is so cool. Like you have NO idea how excited the fact makes me.
a/n: I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS SO MUCH! it's honestly why i love writing ocs with different backgrounds becos i want to jumpscare people like this!
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casimir fiala ★ profile
Hell yeah he'd speak to you in Polish or in Czech! He's had a lot of practice speaking with his grandparents so the words flow smoothly off his tongue. In fact, when he speaks English, there's a bit of an accent there that makes it seem that he's been speaking Polish his whole life. He might even call you cute endearing nicknames in Czech, especially if it catches you off-guard every single time or if makes you a bit flustered.
But you know the best part? He literally inherited both his grandparents' recipes so you know he makes the best Czech food. When you're sick, he makes the warmest and most comforting soup. And then fried cheese or potato pancakes for snacks? Always! And whenever you're craving a good warm kolache, he'll have one ready for you immediately.
He loves his heritage because his grandparents have raised him with love and he has good memories with it. So he literally incorporates it daily in his life and there's no way he wouldn't love sharing all of that with you too
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basilknell · 3 months
came for vasily, jumpscared by trylogia posting aaaa! I love seeing random non-poles(?) get into it! unfortunately, neither of the english translations are stellar (ie I've found at least one passage to have almost a completely opposite meaning from the original); slowly trying to make my way through a blended frankentranslation, actually, to tweak it based on the original. the movies are fun, but they're all tonally very different with different budgets and different aesthetics; fire and sword (the mini series; film cut is universally seen as worse) is the campiest one, but it's probably my favourite of the bunch. def recommend giving them a go if only for the fantastic costuming and domogarov's bohun. :]
Oh yeah, the Kuniczak translation hurts my head because he decided to anglicize (kind of?) the names. I have no idea why he didn't just give a pronunciation guide at the beginning of the book if he was worried about English speaker pronunciations. Other than that, I do appreciate that he's made the novel more modern-esque to read. I know Curtin's translation is a little droll, on top of cutting out a good chunk of the book completely. No idea how Bunin's translation is, though I assume it'd have the same problem as Curtin's, in that it reads very dated. At the end of the day though, my Polish absolutely sucks right now, so I don't think I'll be able to read the original with decent coherence anytime soon. I'd love to read a fixed frankentranslation though!
I didn't even realize there was a mini series for With Fire and Sword! I sat through the whole 3 hour movie with super laggy subtitles just because of Bohun. I'll have to see if I can find a way to watch the miniseries. I'm currently in between watching 1670 and the 1974 adaption of Potop so it'll take me a minute to get around to it at least.
Lowkey it was Vasily that led me into reading this series because Vasily -> Cossacks -> With Fire and Sword. He's to blame 🤭
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aetherance · 10 months
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𝐼. ⸻ general.
name. kerry eurodyne alias(es). ker / prince of aether / god of rock gender. male age. 89 years old in '77 timeline / 35 years in 'current' timeline spoken / known language(s). english / filipino / masbateño preference. bisexual with heavy male / masc leaning preference. occupation(s). solo musician / celebrity figure
𝐼𝐼. ⸻ appearance.
eye color. naturally deep brown / currently sports lighter blue cyber optics with gold halo hair color. grows dark brown / dyed platinum height. 5'8" / 173.2 cm notable marks: gold cyber augmentation on throat and face, as well as contouring his chest / torso. upper lip scar in gap of mustache.
𝐼𝐼𝐼. ⸻ favorite.
color. deep reds and electric blues / mostly takes a liking to vivids and clashing colors song. poison - alice cooper food. pork bbq / pancit lomi drink. double espresso, jamaican blend with no sugar / gold tequila
𝐼𝑉. ⸻ have they …
passed university. no had sex. yes had sex in public. . . . yes. gotten pregnant / someone else pregnant. yes kissed a boy. yes kissed a girl. yes gotten tattoos. yes / one geometric 3/4 sleeve seeming to be purely aesthetic, and one full sleeve representing his life and heritage. 2023 the year of johnny’s death combined with a hidden symbol of mikoshi / a cherub waving an anahaw ( the national leaf of the philippines ) / his solo album cover on his shoulder / upwards from the wrist are flames lit around his favorite denim brand and some substances / this sleeve extends to his chest and follows more traditional filipino tribal tattoo. gotten piercings. yes / double lobe piercing in right ear / formerly had helix piercing in left but it's since been removed / formerly had nipple piercings but they've since been removed. stayed up for more than 24 hours. yes, there have been many instances through the years where kerry would be up for hours upon days writing lyrics or finishing chords. often wouldn't go to sleep for more than two hours at a time until his projects were polished.
𝑉. ⸻ are they …
a virgin. no a cuddler. yes / black belt cuddler with multiple disciplines, actually. a kisser. yes scared easily. yes and no / ker doesn't have much fear when it comes to venturing into dark rooms or alleged haunted buildings, but will absolutely drop dead at the instance of a jumpscare. trustworthy. yes dominant. circumstantial submissive. again, circumstantial but for the most part, yes. in love. it’s . . . complicated. single. yes
𝑉𝐼. ⸻ random questions.
have they harmed themselves. yes / this mostly came in form of alcohol and substance abuse well into his 80's. thought of suicide. yes attempted suicide. yes wanted to kill someone. yes have / had a job. yes / in early samurai years before becoming a solo musician, kerry worked in the catering industry as a ship server and busser / has taken up many menial jobs to keep bills paid and food on the table whenever gigs didn't quite pay enough. have any fears. mainly the fear of irrelevancy and of being forgotten. kerry has worked hard for decades to try and pull himself out of the shadows of samurai and of silverhand in order to be known as his own person with his own music and message. he constantly fears of being shoved into a box in order to be palatable for the public, and that he'd only be "another cog in the corpo machine". he deserves the best, he thinks- he deserves to be the best- and he'll constantly work himself to death in order to prove it every day.
𝑉𝐼𝐼. ⸻ family.
sibling(s). none parent(s). amelia nonato ( mother ) / philip victoriano eurodyne ( father ) ( both adoptive, both living retired home life in masbate ) children. two children, one son ( ted ) and one daughter ( kim ). significant other. none current / recently divorced pet(s). no
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daz4i · 7 months
my writing jumpscare under the cut bc I'm in a sharing mood
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(ignore the weird spacing this is a reference for my future self to know when and how long to pause between syllables/words when i eventually record a draft)
I'm kinda proud of this piece and how i wrote it but i can't post the whole thing so I'm just gonna post my favorite bit that can be read without context. bc I'm itching to share ANYTHING from it but i think this piece works best as a whole thing rather than individual lines (which tbh is usually the case with my lyric writing lol)
I'm aware the rhymes are weak and honestly p much nonexistent but! but. the goal of the rhyming in this song isn't to be perfect but to be just similar enough to flow well. hope this helps 🫡
for context. this is a whole song abt needing to feel beautiful (fittingly named "beautiful") in order to feel worthy of living, and thus hiding and polishing the true self to earn the right to exist. hence mirror hence obession with it hence fear of it
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I would say that the Polish Land of Mushrooms channel (can’t remember the real name, it’s in Polish) is good for weirdreg because it’s fake children’s media with That Vibe but it has jumpscares and those would take me out of the vibe I’m trying to achieve :(
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frenziedslashers · 2 years
I hear you 👀 how about headcanons for the slashers with a gothic/alt s/o? I am just a spooky bitch who loves horror movies-
Heck yeah! I love this lmao. Gothic/Alt s/o for the win 😩
I think from now on I'll be trying to include all of these slashers in this list to the headcanons that I make so it's a bit more organized! Thanks for the request and I hope you all enjoy :)
Slashers with a gothic/alt s/o:
Thomas Hewitt:
He would love it so much
Most, if not all the people that they run across and abduct are so plain and boring. Either wearing normal Southern attire, or skimpy outfits that make him uncomfortable
But you? Wearing so much black and layers in the Texas heat? He assumes you're crazy or something. Though, he really has no room to judge.
When the two of you grow closer he asks if he can paint your nails, and that you paint his. He doesn't care if you have shaky hands, or what. He loves it either way. He finds it really neat since he's never really been around nail polish.
In secret he lets you do his make-up. He really loves it, but he won't wear it around the house. Only in his room, if the door is locked. Last thing he needs is Hoyte calling him names.
Will probably make you some sort of mask if you ask. Expecially if you're into a band that wears masks.
If you show him your music he'll probably love it. It's so much different than what he's been raised around. Definitely loves Black Metal Bands, like Mayhem.
If you show him metal in general, there is no turning back. You now officially have a metal head bf without all the gatekeeping.
If you show him horror movies he's gonna be a bit hesitant. Yes, he may be a big guy, but he can get scared pretty easily.
He finds out he enjoys them though, he relates too much to some of the characters even if he'll never admit it.
Bubba Sawyer:
He loves your style so much!
He loves the clash between both of your styles! Since he enjoys brighter, happier colors. While you enjoy the darker more grimmer colors. Opposites really do attract.
He will let you do his makeup every so often. He isn't afraid to wear it around the house, either. (Expect Chop-Top and Nubbins to ask you to do theirs as well. Gonna have a whole goth family.)
He loves it when you paint his nails! He would do it himself, but he gets too frustrated. He can't keep his hands still enough for the swipes. Even if your hands are shaky, he's convinced it looks better than what his would look like if he had been the one painting them.
He will find you animal skulls and bones if you like them. Along with making you things out of the bones, while also adding flowers in with them.
He claims they represent the both of you. He's the flowers, while you're the bones. He doesn't mean it in a bad way, it's just how he associates the two of you with nature
He will put flowers in your hair or behind your ear. It doesn't matter what you're wearing. He'll find a white, yellow, or blue flower and tuck it behind your ear.
Definitely loves your style a lot, along with some of your music. Though he doesn't really care for the really loud stuff. It overwhelms him sometimes. So please be careful if you play music out loud.
He will only watch horror movies with you if you cuddle with him. He can get scared easily. Not so much from the gore, or the characters, but the jumpscares. So he needs someone to hug and hold onto.
He does enjoy the movie nights though, gives him an excuse to cuddle with you while the both of you bond over something! Plus, like Thomas and the rest of the slashers here, he relates to some of the characters.
OG Michael Myers:
He's a bit confused at first.
Haddonfield isn't really full of people who dress.. Like you do
He isn't judging, well, maybe a little. He does like the change, though
He will stalk you for weeks, because honestly you intrigue him.
When you do spot him he doesn't kill you. He had thought about it at first, but after watching you for so long, and realizing how unique you are compared to the blandness of Haddonfield he decides to spare you.
If the two of you get aquainted and you aren't afraid of him, he definitely is not letting you go.
Will listen to the music that you listen to, but pretends that he doesn't care for it. Though secretly he does enjoy some of it. Which ones? Well, he won't tell.
if you ask to paint his nails he will say no. He's a killer, he only paints them with blood.
After a while he will cave in and let you paint his nails. He ends up liking them, even if he denies it.
If you ask to watch horror movies with him he will agree. He honestly enjoys them quite a lot.
Never gets scared. A few times he may tense up. Especially at the sex scenes. They don't necessarily make him uncomfortable, they just irritate him. Reminds him of all the kids that have sex in his old house. All of which he's killed.
If you get startled and grab onto him he's staring at you like you just told him you killed JFK or something bizarre like that.
Definitely not one for unasked contact, but if you apologize he'll let it slide. As long as you don't do it again. if anything, that scared him more than any horror movie ever has.
Once the both of you establish something, he will let you hold onto him ot lean against him. He honestly loves it when you nuzzle against him. Makes him feel loved and appreciated.
Plus, if you want, and if he wants. Horror movie cuddles tend to lead to other spicier things as the relationship progresses. It at least leads to kissing, which he's crazy for. Such intimate contact that he's never experienced before you? Yes, he loves it. Especially since he has such a hard time telling you how much he loves you with words.
HK Michael Myers:
Definitely confused when he stumbles upon you, but not dissapointed.
Will probably do that little head tilt as he watches you walking down the street to your house.
When the two of you get aquainted, and you realize he isn't there to kill you. You give him a chance. You don't really have any other choice, anyways.
He scolds your music taste at first, but it grows on him.
No nail polish for him, he feels like it makes his scars stand out more on his hands, and he's not a fan of that.
Will let you buy him band tshirts for when he lounges around your house. He finds them cozy. Plus you wear them more often than not when he's gone and he loves coming home seeing you asleep in one of the shirts that you got for him.
Horror movie nights are his favorite. As he got older he ached for a sense of normalcy. He didn't want his whole life to be normal, he was a killer, and that would never stop; he just wanted someone to feel normal with when he walked through the door of the place that he called home.
So, movie nights are always his favorite, especially horror movies. Though, he's one to roll his eyes and grunt at the killers and victims mistakes. He knows he could do better than the killers in these movies.
Unlike OG Michael, he's more into holding you than OG is. Will never deny you cuddling against him, unless he's in a particularly pissy mood that day where he wants to be left alone. Those days he normally just locks himself away in your guys room, or stays out all night killing, though. He'd rather not expose you to his moods and hurt you, emotionally or physically.
RZ Michael Myers:
Ruin him, please
He is VERY intrigued by your whole style.
From the way you're dressed, to your personality.
He completely forgets about his sister for a while, now you're his target.
When you meet him he might intimidate or scare you a bit at first. He is a literal giant, and the alleged killer that was running around town. So it startles you, to say the least.
He probably figures that he would scare you at first, so he came prepared. He had been watching you for long enough to notice what you enjoyed. Bringing you something that you showed great interest in when you would pass it in the store.
If you accept his offering, he takes this as a sign of friendship, and you aren't getting rid of him anytime soon.
After the relationship progresses, and the two of you grow used to one another, he's very into listening to music with you.
If you want to buy him clothes, or jewelry, he'll even wear them around the house. The only accessory that he wears when he's out killing is a necklace that you had bought him with a ring on it. You having your own with a matching ring. A sign of loyalty for the both of you.
Please watch scary movies with him, he loves them so much. He's a lot more cuddly than HK and OG Michael are. It makes him feel like you're both just a normal couple, laying together on the couch, watching people die left and right on the TV screen.
If you're okay with it, the night will probably end with the both of you making out on the couch like a couple of high-schoolers. And if you're okay with it going further, it'll probably end up going further as well.
Definitely lets you paint his nails. He even steals the good nail polish so the two of you don't run out.
He's stealing you CD's all the time too, from the CD store.
Vincent Sinclair:
Literally has never seen anyone more astounding as you.
As an artist he is very inspired and mesmerized by you
Bo will probably tease him for it after Lester brings you into town.
"Awh, Vincies got'a crush on'a goth," if looks could kill.
When the two of you meet it's by pure accident. He was trying to get a better look of you and you spotted him.
He was so nervous that he couldn't even move as you stared at him. This was it, the moment he would be humiliated. You intimidated him, but at the same time he wanted to tell you how beautiful/handsome you were. He was at a loss for words, to say the least.
When you smile and tell him a quick 'hello,' with a small awkward wave, his brain is short circuiting. He was just going to run, never show his face again until Bo took care of you, since he didn't have the heart to kill you. But them Bo showed up behind him.
"See ya met Vincent," He was panicking now. Bo shoving him a bit forward. "This's m'brother. He ain't much of a talker, sweet fella, though." He was trying to talk his brother up. Vincent staring at Bo with a confused gaze, Bo smirking down at his brother with a wink. A sign that he was trying to get Vincent 'lucky.' But that wasn't what Vincent wanted from you, no, he didn't want to sleep with you. He wanted to get to know you, to have you for himself, not just for one night.
When the two of you actually get to know one another Vincent is head over heels. He's convinced that anything you do is perfect. Bo claims he's whipped, Vincents just convinced he's in love. You are the only person who's ever really taken a liking to him, after all. Plus, you're just so gorgeous.
Will definitely watch horror films with you! He doesn't really know any of the newer ones, since he and his brothers don't really go out and look for newer movies unless a victim happens to have some in their vehicle, but you convince him to ask Lester to snatch some from the store out of town.
When you watch them with him he's genuinely excited, he loves finding new things. Especially if you are the one that is recommending them.
He doesn't really care if he's the big or little spoon while the two of you watch. His favorite laying position is when you let him lay with his head on your chest or stomach with his body in between your legs, and his arms around your waist. He loves it so much. Or if you're sitting up then he enjoys laying his head in your lap. He also loves it when you lay your had in his lap.
He can be a bit jumpy sometimes, even if he is a literal killer, who's done some fucked up things. He can get a little spooked sometimes. He isn't used to the abrupt jumpscares, okay?
If you give him a certain look, or kiss him during the movie watch he may be a bit nervous, but he'll definitely request more kisses. He loves the affection more than he'd care to admit. Very touch starved and enjoys any form of touch that you give him.
Will be your goth bf if you get him the right sweaters and clothes <3
Lester Sinclair:
He's very interested when he first lands eyes on you.
Probably teases you at first about your choice of clothing in the Louisiana heat.
Warns you that if you pass out on him, he doesn't know CPR or anything like that, so the best thing he can to is throw water at you
If you laugh at his silly comments he enjoys you even more
When the two of you establish a relationship he lets you dress him up like you. Though, he tends to get too hot in all black and the more layered clothing so he often jumps back into his own attire.
He does enjoy it when the two of you match, though. He'll keep the nail polish on, he doesn't care what Bo says.
Definitely enjoys your music, I headcanon that he enjoys Alternative Metal, Nu Metal, and Funk Metal, so he might even have some bands of his own to show you.
When you offer a horror movie night he says yes almost immediately. He is a fool when it comes to domestic nights in like that
Definitely loves the couch cuddles, and cracks jokes here or there when the victims in the movies do something dumb.
He loves hearing your laugh.
If you get spooked he's gonna kiss either your cheek, the side of your head, or your hand depending on how the two of you are cuddled on the couch. He'll tease you a bit about it but assure you that he's got ya.
Expect neck kisses here or there. He's horny 80% of the time. It doesn't matter if there's someone being brutally axe murdered on the screen, he's gonna be up in your business if you let him. Especially with you so close to him and alone with him, he can't help himself.
If you don't feel comfortable, or don't wanna do anything he's cool with it! He prefers your comfort over getting lucky anyways. Plus, cuddling is an option he'll always take up.
If he jumps and you tease him he'll definitely get flustered and roll his eyes. He'll have a goofy smile on his face while you do so, though. He can't even pretend to be upset or mad at you.
Bo Sinclair:
This guy listens to Manson in the movie, he cannot judge you one bit.
If anything he shows a great interest in you.
He'd flirt with you right off the bat, fuck his little persona that he made up to lure in victims. You peak his interest too much to let you get out of here without him landing at least one kiss from you.
When the two of you establish a relationship he doesn't let you dress him up, or paint his nails, but he does take music suggestions. Even gets some CDs of your favorite bands to play in the shop when you aren't there with him. It makes him feel like you are there with him, and he loves hearing you sing to the music when you do come to visit him.
Movie nights are nights that he loves. Doesn't matter what the two of you are watching. He loves having you cuddled up against him while the both of you wind down from a long day.
Horror movies are some of his favorites, though. So when you suggest some, he's more than happy to watch them with you.
Definitely the type to make fun of you when you jump, but gets pouty when you make fun of him.
Play with his hair, he's either gonna fall asleep, get horny, or zone out. Literally no other options when you do this. He's like putty in your hands when you play with his hair. he especially loves it when he's upset or in one of his softer moods. Makes him feel loved and appreciated, like you're comforting him and taking care of him.
Will definitely try and AT LEAST turn the innocent movie night into a make out session. He loves kissing you, so he can't help it.
If you tell him to stop he might take it as a challenge at first, but if you get genuinely uncomfortable he'll apologize and kiss your forehead and will stop. There's times you have to unfortunately tell him a couple times before he does stop when it comes to kissing. If it's something that's in the sexual category you only have to tell him once before he's pulling away. He doesn't wanna scare you away.
If you don't wanna kiss, he's fine with you both holding each other while you watch the movie. Play with his hair and he's convinced this is the best moment of his life.
Otis Driftwood:
The moment he sees you he wants you in his bed ASAP
You're literally what his type looks like. Spooky, dark, grim. If you have an attitude he's aching to have you in his grip.
When the two of you do establish a sort of relationship he's down for you painting his nails. He really doesn't see an issue with guys in nail polish. He just doesn't want any of those bright 'girly' colors. He wants darker ones. Black, dark purple, navy blue. His favorites the dark red, though.
Movie nights are literally his favorite. He'd dies happy if it was with you in his arm watching one of his favorite horror films.
He thinks that he's met his other half if you like the same 'classic' horror films that he enjoys. Or even if you just show an interest in them.
If you do watch movies with him, expect him to go on small rants here or there. If you add onto them he may never stop, but he loves that you are contributing to his little rants. It makes him smile.
Expect him to try and make the innocent movie night, not-so-innocent.
This man is a corndog, and he'll make it known when he wants something. If you aren't feeling up to it he'll respect it, but he at least wants a few deep and sloppy kisses here or there.
He'll wind up with a hand on your ass if the two of you are laying down. You probably won't be able to walk away without a few hickeys, either.
Movie nights are, and always will be his favorite. He won't ever let anyone take those nights from the both of you.
Baby Firefly:
She loves you from the moment she met you!
Definitely going to compliment your outfit choice the moment that the two of you are able to talk. She even asks if you can help put together an outfit like your own for her.
When the two of you establish a relationship she will most likely end up stealing some of your clothes if you wear the same size. She'll steal items of clothing from stores that remind of you for you, as well. That spiked bracelet in the jewlery section? That's totally you! The black fishnets and red checkered skirt? It's in your closet now because she was sure that even if you didn't like it, she would wear it for you.
She'll paint her nails for you if you paint hers. She loves painting nails, and finds it as a good time for the two of you to bond together.
Movie nights are her favorite, as well. Though she may lose interest depending on the film, she'll stick it out for you.
Definitely loves kissing your face and neck while the two of you cuddle if she isn't as into the movie as you are. She doesn't want anything from the kisses, she just likes showering you in affection!
Loves holding your hand, as well. Along with laying ontop of you or just being tangled in your arms. As long as the two of you are close, she's happy.
Tiffany Valentine:
She's got a similar style so she loves you.
Definitely gonna comment on your outfits in the most positive, flirtatious ways that she can. She wants you to know that she likes not only your style, but you as well.
When she does get you in a relationship she's letting you borrow some of her clothes for your outfits, as well as buying you new clothes. She loves shopping, so you can't talk her out of spoiling you with new attire.
She LOVES going out with you. Especially when someone flirts with you or her. She can be a bit jealous, so she likes leading them on, or when you lead them on, and then hit them with the. "Oh, meet my s/o!" And then she'll wind up either kissing you or holding your hand, depending on how flirty the other person got with you.
She also loves that you're into horror films! She's a romantic, but horror movies are her favorite.
She loves it when the both of you snuggle up while watching them, or lay in the tub together while watching them. A majority of the time she's too lost in the film to be interested in anything else, so you normally don't have to worry about it going south unless you initiate something. She won't be complaining if you do.
Movie nights are very sacred to her, though. So she won't let anyone or anything inturupt them. Expect her to hold your hands or kiss you here or there just so she can remind you both that she does in fact love and appreciate you. She is a very affectionate partner, though. So she does this all the time no matter what the both of you are doing. If she can get her hands on you, she's always leaving soft and gentle touches.
Definitely will be your goth gf as well. She'll even do your makeup for you if you ask
Charles Lee Ray:
You're gonna have to put up with a lot of comments from him.. He can either be rude of flirty. most likely flirty, but you never know with Charles.
He's gonna try and get you in his bed the first time the two of you meet, but after a while he gives up if you aren't too into the idea of sleeping with him. He does end up enjoying your presence.
He enjoys your music and movie taste as well. claims that you know that good stuff.
If you try and paint his nails he will deny it, but if you get him a necklace or bracelet, he might wear it for you. Especially when you aren't with him. Gives him a sense of loyalty and ownership. Especially if you have a matching one. Or if you wear something that he got you.
When the two of you watch movies together he is very touchy, to say the least. He has his hands all over you, wherever you'll let him touch you. He expecially loves groping you, if you let him.
He might get a bit too handsy, and you'll have to either ask him to stop, or expect him to take things further.
He's gonna try and make out with you. It will happen one of these nights, or so God help him.
When you finally let him make out with you, he's all for it, and the movie is long gone. Hands roaming your body while his lips move with yours. He has been waiting for this moment for what felt like ages
He's very supportive of your look, you just need to be okay with roaming hands and suggestive comments.
Billy Loomis:
Very intrigued by your look. He wants to know more about you the moment that he sees you.
He's gonna be full of flirty comments and compliments, doing all in his power to win you over.
When his charm works on you he's always over at your place, bugging you left and right. He likes going through your clothing and jewlery. Sometimes even putting together outfits for you. He enjoys when you let him pick and choose your outfits.
Plus, he likes your music. It's a lot different than from what his 'friends' listen to, so he loves it. it's very unique. Very you.
He subconsciously finds it funny when you ask to watch horror movies with him. Especially if you don't know that he's ghostface.
Probably ask you "What's your favorite scary movie?" at least one point in the relationship.
Expect roaming hands and suggestive comments throughout the movie. He'll probably be more interested in you than the movie, especially if the two of you are laying together while cuddling on the couch.
If you shift against him, even without a thought behind it. He's probable making a suggestive comment and trying to get you to allow him to take things further.
He LOVES it when you initiate the kissing. When you initiate anything he's all for it. Though more often than not he's trying to take control after you do. If you don't allow it he's a brat the whole time about it. He loves it though, don't let him tell you other wise.
Stu Macher:
He wants you to ruin his life in the best and worst ways possible <3
HE thinks you're the coolest, prettiest, most handsome person he's ever landed eyes on.
He makes it his personal goal to AT LEAST score your number by the end of the night.
When the two of you establish a relationship he calls you 'Boo,' a lot. He thinks it's cute, and plus you intimidate a lot of people and dress a bit scary, so it's fitting.
PAINT HIS NAILS GODDAMMIT- He loves it when you paint his nails. He doesn't care what others say about him, he loves the way that you hold his fingers and focus on keeping the strokes smooth while you paint them.
If you buy him anything that matches your style he is more than happy to wear it for you. Especially when the both of you go out together. He really enjoys chains on his jeans, or band t-shirts. So get him your favorite band t-shirts! He'll style them for you. He expects you to play some of their music for him though, especially if he doesn't know the band. He loves it when you show him new music.
He also loves movie nights, a bit more than he probably should. cuddling is one of his favorite pass times and he gets really into it.
Like Billy, he probably asks you "What's your favorite scary movie," Just he smothers you in kisses while he asks while giggling like an idiot.
By the end of the night he's probably fallen asleep ontop of you, or the two of you are kissing and giggling on the couch like a couple of high-schoolers. He only takes it further if you initiate it. Though some nights he might get a bit handsy if he's feeling especially needy.
He likes laying ontop of you. Not only does it give you easy access to play with his hair while he lays his head on your stomach or chest, but then you can also rub his shoulders and or back. Which he also really loves.
He also loves it when you wake him up with little kisses so the two of you can go lay down in your bed. HE gets all doey eyed and smiley when you do this.
Brahms Heelshire:
He's a bit skeptical of you at first. From all the babysitters that he's had in his life, you dress the most... Different. He isn't exactly complaining, but he's a bit weary.
When he finds to appreciate your style, he's dreaming of the day that the two of you can hang out. The day that you can loan him some clothes that are too big for you that would fit him so he could dress like you. Or the day that you can paint his nails and do his makeup. It's one of his favorite things to think about.
When the two of you do get aquatinted and establish a relationship all of his dreams come true. not only that, but now you have permission to play him your own music instead of just the music that his mother left for you to play him. He quite enjoys your music taste. It's very different from anything that he's ever listened to.
He also loves it when you paint his mask, or put makeup on his face. It makes him feel pretty, and like he can walk around without his mask on.
Nail polish soon becomes something that is always on the list for the grocery delivery as well. He loves using different colors to match his outfits. Or wearing colors to match yours, it's very fun for him.
Scary movies aren't really his thing, but when you offer he can't say no. He just asks that you hold him.
When he gets specifically anxious he loves it when you play with his hair or fingers depending on how the two of you are cuddling.
Plus, he loves movie nights since more often than not it leads to something more than just cuddling. Like Otis and Charles. He's a horndog, and he's handsy. He wants you if you'll have him.
If you say no he might be a little pouty, but when you start running your fingers through his hair he can't help but stop his noises of complaint and relax against you once more while watching the film.
Like Stu he'll probably fall asleep against you. Especially while you play with his hair.
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petrichormeraki · 2 years
FNAF Security Breach Observations
Gregory is left handed (every item he holds shows up on the left side, as well as the Fazwatch being on his left wrist)
Freddy gets more disheveled with every upgrade, which means he probably gets polished and repainted when he's in Parts and Service on a regular occurrence
Despite staying up the entire night, Gregory never once expresses that he's tired (though I guess adrenaline will do that to you)
Gregory is confirmed to be homeless, and has a canonical distrust of adults ("every adult I've ever met has been mean to me"), leading me to believe he had run away from the foster care system (if he had even been registered at all)
Adding to above, Gregory hesitated when giving Freddy his name (he never hesitates like that for the rest of the game), leading me to think that Gregory is not in fact his real name and he lied because he didn't trust Freddy yet
Gregory's rough personality and tactless language adds to the thought that he had to "grow up quick", because he no longer had an environment where he could express weakness safely
Gregory's real age is unknown, but judging by his speech patterns/language, it's easy to assume he's 10 at the youngest. Despite the fact, he still managed to squeeze himself into Freddy's chest cavity with room for it to close back up, leading me to believe he had been on the run for quite some time and was malnourished and stunted (him being alone for a while is also supported by the fact that he had no moral trouble with stealing regularly from the shops in the pizzaplex and wrecking the various machinery)
Because Freddy seemed to be immune to the "possession"/virus that his fellow animatronics had suffered from until the very end of the true ending, my theory is that Freddy glitching out on stage and put in low power mode was the thing that saved him from Burntrap's influence
Freddy's disposition and his adamant repeating of how uncharacteristic his other band members are acting points to the fact that the other animatronics may be just as friendly and kind as he is when they're not suffering from this virus
There's a lot of theories that Monty was the one who decommissioned Bonnie to take his place, but I personally think that the one to wreck Bonnie was actually Roxy, as she has canonically destroyed SEVERAL other bots and was anecdotally the most destructive before the events of Security Breach
Roxy canonically is a redesign of Foxy, a detail that's shown by the old Foxy being present in the pizzaplex in posters and old cardboard cutouts and the fact that Roxy also has Foxy's yellow eyes (trans rights)
Freddy cannot sprint when Gregory is controlling him, but he is shown running in the true ending cutscene as well as when you call him before hiding. This could be explained by Gregory's weight literally making it impossible to run while Freddy is hiding him, or it could be that Freddy is purposefully going slow to honor Gregory's request to move carefully with him inside from the beginning of the game
Freddy's power also only seems to go down when Gregory is hiding in him, which could be another thing explained by his machinery literally not built for holding that much weight, therefore he spends extra power to be able to move with Gregory inside
Gregory's fear response is Fight. This is seen in every jumpscare where there is dialogue or a cutscene, in which Gregory reacts with anger (cursing the first map bot after the jumpscare) or physical blows (kicking Chica back into the trash compactor)
The only times Gregory is shown to cry is when Freddy or himself are in mortal danger (shown in most of the alternate ending comics)
Relating to above, Gregory is only shown to be truly terrified when he's trapped (could be related to a past trauma from before the events of Security Breach, since I doubt he's claustrophobic as he has no trouble with hiding both in Freddy and in the various cramped hiding places)
Despite being shown looking out for only himself at first, Gregory has expressed empathy for others during the course of the game, seen when Gregory promised with no hesitation to help Freddy when was on the floor from running out of power, and in one of the endings in which he asks about the fates of other children that would go missing if he leaves
I'll add on to this if I think of other things! Most of these points are just my own speculations, so I'd love to hear y'all's ideas :]
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butcheranons · 3 years
Bad Influence
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summary: You love Bad more than anything else; well, maybe not as much as The Egg, but he’s up there. 
Unbeknownst to you, he hides his true nature with the kindest human eyes you’d ever seen. 
word count: 2.8k
A/N: this was once a drabble  👍 👍 (no beta we die like wilbur)
warnings: unprotected sex, somewhat exhibitionism (if you count the egg as a voyeur), overstimulation, breeding kink if you squint, too many pet names.
anatomy: gender neutral 
“Bit higher," You raise your hands along with your words, guiding the two men holding the decorative banner. “Perfect.“
“Where do these chairs go?” Turning your head at the new voice, you frown at the state of the furniture.
“What are these?”
“Dinner chairs.”
“They sure don’t like the ones I ordered.”
“What? They’re exactly as you requested, black dining chairs with red cushioning.”
“Red?!” You scoff, “I ordered black iron with crimson cushions! This is cherry! What are we? A picnic?!” You roll your eyes.
“C’mon, no one will notice the difference, just take these we have a lot of work to do.”
Your neck snaps at the sound, raised eyebrows as you hum, expecting him to say something else, but alas, he doubled down.
"I said: Just take em', we have five other deliveries today."
"What?!" There's this little pang of annoyance that sets on your nape, leaving your muscles sore at the thought of having to deal with lazy workers. "I have paid upfront."
He rolls his eyes.
"You insolent little thing..." Gritting your teeth, you look around before stepping forward, "Take these back or you and your bosses will hear from me. I will not let this pass. How dare you?!"
"Man... Why do you have to complicate, it's already paid for, just fuckin' take it."
You hear a chime from behind and your shoulders relax, turning around there's this heat that creeps up your body when your eyes meet his.
"What's wrong, my little muffin?" His hands wrap around your waist, pulling you into his chest and letting his warmth envelop your body. He never failed to surprise you with how warm he was; constantly.
"Oh, sugar bear," You whine, tangling your fingers into his. "This is the end of the world! I asked for black iron with crimson cushioning and look at this disaster!"
He nods, a bit confused, trying to differentiate between the shades, but feeling your upsetness. "Cupcake, why don't you go manage the catering samples while I sort this out? I'm sure you will love the red velvet cake, I sure did!"
A wide smile breaks out on your lips, you give him a kiss on the cheek before running off to the kitchen, nothing but sweet red velvet cake and cherry pies on your mind. Welcomed by the scent of whipped cream and lemonade you're carried by your stomach to the caterer holding the delicacies.
Your tasting is interrupted by the loud banging of metal outside and you consider scolding your lazy workers, but give your attention to the cake samples instead.
You're sampling the chocolate red velvet with cherry frosting when Bad bursts through the doors, wiping his face with the crimson handkerchief you'd gifted him last anniversary. A sweet smile fills your face, "Honeypie, try this one!"
When his eyes meet yours, your heart fills with a sugary coating that seeps through your veins and directly into your brain, "I've had my filling, which one is your favourite?"
Humming, you let your body rest against his, "Mhm... Chocolate is the best, by far... But lemon is so good!"
"You've got a little bit of whipped cream..." His whispers are hot against your lips before he captures them, tongue flicking across the corners and to your cheek.
The heat in your body is noticeable.
"Mhm... This one is the best."
You giggle, slapping his chest, "You're so corny–"
"Only for you, my little blueberry muffin."
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When the workers leave, the hall is a dazzling ruby tone all over, the vines seem to almost glow in pride, cascading from the ceiling like a blood waterfall. You wade through the floor they carefully polished, carpet over the dining room muffling your steps.
"Oh, it's perfect, honey bun!"
Bad gleams in joy, rushing to your side, admiring you almost as much as he adores the vines. "I was worried they wouldn't make it in time, but it's perfect."
"What about the mechanisms?"
"Ah, yes, Ant did a great job, come, look..." He holds your hand, pulling you through the hallway leading to the the egg. "We'll have them step right here," pointing to a large tile on the ground, he pulls a lever, which quickly raises it about two feet above your head. "And then it's just, wack!" His hands swing around in an attack motion and you smile.
Your heart palpitates at the thoughts of watching the sacrifice, having the best seat. From the raised position, the blood would splatter all over the watchers, a cloud of beautiful crimson falling at their heads.
"Oh...my almond cookie, this is beautiful! The Egg will be so proud!"
Bad chuckles at your praise, letting himself blush. He pulls the lever to lower back the platform as to leave everything in place.
You take a step forward, the heels of your shoes announce your movement. Standing at the centre, you face the egg, an unnatural warmth fills your chest. You pull at your blouse to appease your brain, though you know it wouldn't help. When your eyes meet Bad's, you can see his breath hitch, he makes it out as a cough.
"Join me, sugar bear!" You reach out your arms, eyes reflecting the red of everything around you.
Bad doesn't hesitate to follow your orders, pulling the lever and running across to catch the platform as it rises above the ground. You catch him in your arms, hands gliding across his chest and nape, he shivers under your touch.
"Do you want to give The Egg a show, muffin?'
Your pulse is so fast you believe anyone would be able to hear it, human or not. "Yes..." You nod, voice too breathless for the lack of action. The smile that catches his lips is almost demonic, and your chest craves him. His hands tease at your chest and you melt into his touch, "Please..."
"If you ask so nicely..." His whispers fall deaf in your ears but cut deep into your skin, burrowing in goosebumps along your body. "...Then I can't refuse."
When your lips meet his, it's sweet.
Sweeter than anything else you could ever wish for and you want to get lost in his kisses.
He holds you gently, but below the delicate fingers, there's this firmness that makes your heart stop. You know no one else could ever pry you off his arms and you're not opposed to the idea of being with him, on him 24/7.
Tongue exploring your mouth, you moan, hands occupied with fistfuls of his white dress shirt. You tug at the golden buttons, wanting nothing but to feel his chest on yours, let his body heat consume you and lull you into comfort.
"Do you trust me, muffin?"
You nod, your eyes glazed in lust can barely focus on his at this point. Bad smiles, placing a kiss on your forehead, he inhales your taste, your scent, your everything.
And then, he pushes you off the platform.
You feel the way your heart immediately jumps at the sight of danger, there's this cold that pools in your stomach and runs through your body, lowering your body temperature.
And before you know, you... fall?
But you don't meet the ground.
When you open your eyes, you're met with the under view of Bad's prideful grin. The vines around your arms feel hot, too hot. But they lift you up until you're in his reach again.
"Hi..." You breathe out, your heart still too unsettled to spot pounding in your chest.
You thought you'd die, or at least, get badly injured. Not that you didn't trust him, but maybe he made some errors in his calculations.
But then, again, if he wished for you to fall without the vines this time, you probably would.
And Bad pulls you in his arms, nose brushing against yours and you wonder how would ever doubt your little muffin?
"Did I scare you too much?" He caresses your cheeks, brushing your hair away from your face with so much adoration in his eyes you feel like a deity.
"No... just a little jumpscare."
He chuckles, kissing your nose softly, "Good."
You smile, wrapping your arms around his neck, letting his body flush against yours and fit you so perfectly. But you know you wish for a little bit more; after so much adrenaline, you feel some little... cravings.
And as if he read your mind, his hands wander your body, reaching for your waist with a little bit more force than usual. His fingers have no difficulty taking care of your belt or pants, he picked them out, anyway.
You let yourself loose in his kisses, your own fingers lost in his hair, pulling around the corners you know he likes a bit too much just so you get to hear his sugary moans. You devour each and every noise that escapes his throat.
Before you know, he’s got you in just your underwear. His lips leave yours for a second to take your hand and spin you around.
You don’t let go of the glisten in his eyes as he looks you up and down, tongue grazing over his lips hungrily. He could eat you up and it’d never be enough. No time with you would ever be enough.
Bad spins you just enough so now you’re facing the egg once again, back pressed tightly to his chest. His breathing bounces off your neck, making you swallow dry, hands nervous down your sides, wanting to touch him and feel him up—
“Look at how pretty you are, my little peanut,” His tongue glides along your cheek to reach your earlobe. “The Egg is so pleased with how beautiful you are... Let’s show your even prettier faces, should we?”
You nod, melting into his arms as his hands graze along your body; from your chest to your waist to your hips. His long fingers play with the band of your underwear, torturing you just so he can have the little whines that escape your throat unconsciously. When you reach behind your shoulder to pull and tangle his hair he chuckles along your skin.
His fingers are on you, skilfully reaching for the most sensitives places of your body. And you arch into his touch, leaving your neck fully exposed for him to nibble and suckle.
Your skin, otherwise perfect, is blemished with the traces of him.
Your lips crash against his, this time, more passionate than ever, all while his fingers don't lose their pace.
You're near your climax, your stomach churning around his fingers but it's worthless coming if it's not on him.
"Bad... Pudding, I need you..." It's a needy half-moan.
"Tell me the magic word, bombon..." His lips graze along your shoulder and you know, you feel it in your back how much he needs you, too. His face is completely flushed, the heat spread across his cheeks only rival your own heat, throbbing and needy.
"Please, baby, please... Give me–.... Please, I need you. Fuck me–"
The lustful smirk that takes over is by far not of his nature but you were his little bad influence.
"Mhmm..." Bad sings along your skin, one hand placed over your stomach and another on your shoulder blades.
He bends you over, the vines quickly tightening their grip over your arms; letting you hang as if you were laying down. While busy with his buckle and pants, he let his eyes fuck you over and over, the way your back looks to him, the faint red glow that touches your skin; You turn your head around and there's this lust, this yearning that grows on your belly.
Because Bad's otherwise kind, honey-brown eyes have now turned a devilish crimson.
His hands are rough when they pull off his pants, soon, coming around his cock, rock-solid and bright red. You wrongly assumed it might have been the redness of the room bouncing off his pale skin. There's a part of your brain that believes he's even bigger than you remembered though you chuck it to the amount of time it has been since your last.
You watch the inhuman amount of precum that drips from his glande and over his fingers, your mouth watering, tongue unconsciously running over your lips. Your reaction makes him chuckle.
Positioning himself at your entrance, his other hand leaves marks across your hips, holding you more firmly than he'd ever had. Not that you were complaining.
The tip goes in effortlessly, leaving behind this stretch that fills every particle of your being and clouds your thoughts with the ache of his cock. You hear him hiss, hands curling around your skin, leaving fingerprints all over. You're sure you will be admiring them tomorrow.
"So tight–" He hisses once again, "So, so tight– Just for me..."
Your eyes are rolling around in their sockets when he finally bottoms out, seemingly infinite in your canal. His fingers drag along your spine, ever so kindly letting you adjust before moving, even if his instincts are begging him otherwise.
When the expansion settles, you're unknowingly rolling your hips toward his, the grip of the vines making it harder to take control. But he lets ouch a soft chuckle, an adoring look sweeps his eyes for a second, so proud of your boldness. You were always a go-getter.
He is painfully slow, taking in every second of it, hitting your walls with a determination that makes you moan out incoherent strings of what you believed were words.
The sounds that erupt from his throat are feral and inhuman by nature, settling in every inch of your bones and activating your flight or flee instincts. You wondered if the third instinct was fuck.
Your chest dips down, the vines now holding your arms above your head while Bad's grip on your hips don't falter, instead, the new angle allowing him to speed up his thrusts; not losing any of the strength. Your brain is filled only by him and how amazing he feels in you.
He moans your name along with praises of how well you're taking him and you wonder just how in the world could he make such a sinful sequence of words sound so heavenly. Alas, you don't give much thought, your brain once again being quickly clouded with his cock and only his cock.
Bad pulls your waist, letting your back meet his chest. This position only heightens every touch of his, you’re so close, so warm, so good...
"The Egg isn't liking how quiet you are, sugar plum..."
You smile, stuck between watching the hypnotic crimson and the eyes of your adoring lover that swallows your moans.
His name leaves your lips like a prayer,
You will show The Egg how good Bad is to you.
"Bad, honey– Uh– I'm–"
"I know, muffin," His whispers are a caress along your ears, lulling you into your release.
You scream his name, the moans bouncing off the spongy walls of the cave and returning to your ears, you feel the way his grip tightens around your hips, the way you're milking him doesn't help how hard he's trying to hold back, prolong his time with you as much as he can.
"You're so good for me, just one more, babycakes..."
Every inch of your skin feels hot to the touch, even more than before. It's like you're on fire and freezing cold at the same time, each part that touches his body is a million times more sensitive. You feel each and every millimetre of his moves, the pleasure echoing around your body in waves.
"I don't know if I can." You shake your head, barely being able to think at this point, overwhelmed by the pleasure.
"Shh... You can, you're so good for me... So tight... You take me so well."
"Fill me up, pumpkin... Please, fill me up to the brim, let me feel you–", you moan, "–Fill me up so much I'm dripppin'!"
Oh, your Bad was too good for you.
His words are what tip you over the edge, getting him to catch his own climax. His hands don't leave your body, his lips coming to kiss all over your neck and jaw.
You melt into his touch, the vines releasing your arms and legs so you can collapse into him. He catches your body, coming to a sit and letting you sprawl over his chest, your hands reaching out to caress his hair.
"My little naughty cookie, if you spill one drop I'll have to fill you all over again..."
You giggle into his kisses, "Oh, no!" you exclaim sarcastically, giggling in between your words. He laughs, kissing your cheeks and forehead and everywhere he can get his lips on. Because you deserve so much, heavens, you're just perfect and you take him so well and you were made for him–
You feel loved.
You watch the glow of the vines brighten for a second and you both hum knowingly.
The Egg has been fed.
After all, there is a reason why orgasms were called "The little death."
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pristinepastel · 3 years
Obey Me MC Information Sheet - Penemue
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Personal - Basics
[Name] Pristine(seasons 1+2), Penemue(season 3+), Pen(nickname)
[Race/Species] Human(seasons 1+2), Newly Formed Demon(season 3+).
Demon [X] Angel [] Human [X]
[Age] 23.
[Birthday] 2-22.
[Height] 162.56 cm (5’4”).
[Fingernail Polish/Colors] Black, Middle and Pinky Fingernails are purple.
[Hair Color/Description] Lavender hair, shaved sides and back, short and fluffy on top. Bangs part to the right.
Personal - In-Depth
[Gender or no | Pronoun(s)] Gender Neutral | they/them.
[Sexual/Romantic Attraction or lack there-of] Asexual, Aromantic.
[Occupation Before Devildom Life] Freelance Artist, University Student.
[Favorite Color(s)] Any shade of purple.
Ennagram: 4
Zodiac: Pisces
Personal - Other
[Likes] Sushi, The Twins, Hugs, Drawing, Their cat Betty.
[Dislikes] Food with Bad Textures(dry/burnt eggs, casseroles, etc), Jumpscares, Arguments, Cruelty, Yelling, Their Chronic Joint/Back Pain.
[Positive Traits] Tries to help out how they can, Unobtrusive, A good listener when you need to vent.
[Negative Traits] They try not to bother people when they’re having issues, Easily startled, Sometimes over emotional, Anxious, Can’t discern teasing from genuine insults, Rejection Sensitive Dysmorphic.
[With Demons]
Lucifer - Looks up to him. Worries he overworks too often. Tries not to make trouble for him, and to avoid being a burden.
Mammon - First friend in the Devildom! Sees him as their older brother who they can go to for help.
Leviathan - Second friend in the Devildom, also an older brother figure. Likes going to cons with him, even if its for a different fandom/interest than they’re into.
Satan - Reliable brother figure. He helps teach them how to study, good person to go to when they need a break from life in general. Fellow cat lover.
Asmodeus - Bubbly friend! When they need a self esteem boost they go to him, cus he gives combination cuddles and pep talk. Doesn’t really connect with all his sexual interests, but can keep up and laugh at his innuendos. They usually need to take a break from social interaction afterwards, though.
Beelzebub - Favorite brother number one! Best one to go to for general cuddles cus he’s a lot bigger and stronger than them, and that makes them feel safe. Plus hes super kind and gentle, hes the only one who’s never spooked them.
Belphegor - Favorite brother number two! Ok so they were definitely scared of him for a while after the Incident, but they were able to talk themselves through why they were scared and how to move on, so they’re not afraid of him anymore. Best brother to nap with, since even if they aren’t in the mood to cuddle, they can still have him nearby so they aren’t lonely.
Diavolo - He’s super nice! Good friend. Tbh they don’t really remember he’s royal and in charge most of the time. Second best person at pep talks after Asmo. Good for advice on emotional stuff, not so much for practical issues…
Barbatos - Nice and polite friend. Good person to go to for companionable and peaceful silence.
[With Angels]
Simeon - Good friend. Very silly sometimes.
Luke - Little brother! They try to avoid teasing him accidentally.
Michael - They’re terrified of him, and not in a funny way. Especially after they became a demon, when the angel event happened. It felt like he was trying to force the brothers back into heaven, and Pen would be left behind and alone forever.
[With Humans]
Solomon - He’s funny and weird. Good friend, but he confuses them sometimes because they’re not good at interpreting subtext.
Favorite Things About the Devildom
[Favorite Job(s)] Royal Library, Mausoleum
[Favorite Place(s) to Hang Out] Attic Room, Their Room, Twins Room, Lillith’s Room
[Favorite Food(s)] Human World Sushi, Bufo-Egg Milk Tea, Sun and Moon Cookies, Shadow Hog Ramen
[Favorite Class Subject(s)] Demon Language, Art, Spells Curses & Hexes
[Favorite Devildom Version of Something in the Human World] All the various alternatives to Human fandoms/media. Its fun for them to try and connect which devildom series is related to each one they’re used to. Also the series titles are hilarious.
Least Favorite Things About the Devildom
[Least Favorite Job(s)] Majolish, Akuzon, Ristorante Six(they once worked as a cashier in a human world gas station. never again going into retail)
[Least Favorite Area(s)] The Labyrinth, The Catacombs(its fucking freezing;;)
[Least Favorite Food(s)] Unidentified Matter(sorry Sol, you’re on your own), Most Sweets(gives any to Beel), any kinds of Apple(sensitive teeth, cant bite into them)
[Least Favorite Class Subject(s)] Seductive Speechcraft, Sports, Devildom Law
[Least Favorite Devildom Version of Something in the Human World] Much of the sports make no sense and are even more strenuous than the human versions already were;;
[Least Favorite Part of Devildom Life] People can be very rude and intentionally scare them. Of course thats not much different than in the Human world, but down here its much more likely they’ll try to eat and/or torture them.
Personality Chart
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h2bakugou · 3 years
hey love 💓 i have a request for sumn really fluffy with kaminari! maybe y/n is alone on a friday night so she invites her best pal denki over to hang out and he immediately comes to her rescue. i'm thinking mutual pining that leads to the confession of feelings??? idk do whatever you think works!! i just really like cute kaminari content lmao
a/n: hey hun! oo yes fluffy kami content i am here for it!! i might do a mini-series for him, don’t know what it’ll be abt but i’ve been thinking about doing lil mini-series for some characters
summary: a boring friday night in your dorm leads to some confessions with your best friend and crush, denki kaminari
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk
warnings: swearing, fluff
word count: 1.6k
;cut for length;
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Class had been over for hours, and now you were sitting on the floor of your freshly cleaned dorm room, bored out of your mind. Debating on starting up a movie and heading to bed early or playing some game on your phone, you let out an audible groan, frustrated from the lack of entertainment.
It was Friday night. You should’ve been asking if any of the third years were throwing some sort of party that you’d debate going to or up in the common room kitchen making food.
But now your fingers were typing away at the keyboard on your phone to 'Kami’ in your contacts, asking if he’d be down to stop your boredom from becoming fatal.
And in a matter of exactly four minutes and twenty-seven seconds, he was at your door with snacks and his own game console so you could play Mario Kart.
“You are an actual life saver.” You hug him quickly and pull him into your room, admiring the choice of outfit. It was most definitely his pajamas, a pair of loose grey sweats with a graphic tee that had some sort of video game reference on it.
“Anything for you, plus I was getting bored too.” The tone in his voice made your heart flutter. And the three words - anything for you - made your face burn. He was always so suave, even in the times that his charm was more comedic than it was actually charming.
“What should we do first?” You ask, sitting beside him, knee touching knee as you glanced at him and then back to your tv.
“Maybe watch a spooky movie.” Kaminari wiggled his fingers at you, leaning in and tickling your sides as you tensed and started laughing.
“Okay okay! We’ll watch a scary movie. You just want an excuse to cuddle me when you get scared.” You teased him back for tickling you. Kaminari rolls his eyes and shakes his head.
“You’ll be scared during this one, it’s just come out, and the trailer had everyone going crazy.” Kaminari explained while he helped you find the movie. Turning off the lights, you returned with a blanket and tucked the two of you under it nice and cozy.
It had never felt weird between the two of you, like when you held hands or cuddled. You’d been Kaminari’s friend since entrance exams, and you’d been best friends since the first week of school.
And now that your heart longed to be more than just a friend or a best friend, holding his hand or cuddling with him filled that sort of odd space in your heart.
And Kaminari was the same. He enjoyed feeling your hand in his, or having your arms wrapped around his waist while you laid exhausted in his bed after a day of training in the gym.
He’d been crushing on you since day one, you were the one girl that never pushed him away, or dodged all his advances, you were sweet but tough, kind and sharp, you were everything Kaminari loved. 
Slinging his arm around your shoulder, he pulled you closer to him so he could rest his head on yours, his eyes flicking from actually paying attention to the movie to paying attention to you, to the way your fingers with chipped nail polish would reach for some popcorn and then retreat back to laying over his.
Whenever a jumpscare or scary part of the movie appeared, you’d both huddle into each other, too scared to try and make a witty remark about the both of you being wusses.
And finally when the movie had come to an end, an hour and a half had passed. You sat in the darkness while the credits rolled, giggling about the funny parts of the movie.
“And when the slasher was actually just walking and he still killed them, come on now! It’s not that hard to survive.” Kaminari groaned, frustrated that the plot had been so predictable.
“And you would survive one of these scenarios?” You smile, calling Kaminari out on his bullshit.
“I know I would. Because I would have you on my team.” Kaminari hums, flicking the tip of your nose. Your face scrunches up from the sting of impact. You shove him playfully and he pulls you over on top of him.
You sit on his lap and sigh.
“I mean If I wouldn’t die I guess I can’t let you die either.” You laugh, staring into his golden eyes.
“Have you had your first kiss yet?” Kaminari asked blindly. You’re taken aback by the question, it had come out of nowhere.
“I haven’t. But please don’t make fun of me because have you had your first kiss?” You raise your eyebrows, praying he hadn’t.
“I have. I’ve kissed lots of people.” Kaminari lied, trying to seem cool. He was shitting himself, he had the chance, the opening, the timing, it was all perfect. You were sitting in his lap, your fingers playing with the collar of his sleep shirt, all he had to do was lean in and kiss you.
Surely it wasn’t that hard. It was a kiss. He’d seen people do it in movies several times, countless times, and he’d heard from Mina that kissing was super intimate even just little playful kisses.
Surely he could do this.
“Are you listening to me?” You pull Kaminari out of his thoughts but he’s quick to answer your question, pressing his lips to yours. It’s short, very short, and a bit awkward. His lips fit against yours, and right when you go to kiss him back, he’s gone, pulling away from you to grin at you.
“Kami did you-”
“Was it good?” Kaminari asks, beaming with excitement. You smile and shake your head.
“It lasted for like three seconds, if you’re gonna kiss me, kiss me like you mean it dummy, like this.” You lean in and press your lips to his. You were new to this, and judging by that kiss, you knew that he’d lied. 
You guided his lips with your own, going off of what just felt right. Kissing wasn’t rocket science, it was a discovery, a journey, you just had to know how to lead and follow.
Pulling away when you needed to breathe, Kaminari was breathless, literally and figuratively. He stared at you with pink cheeks, awestruck by the kiss he’d just had with you.
“I thought you said you hadn’t kissed anyone!” Kaminari wasn’t upset, but he was curious as to how you’d kissed so well.
“I haven’t.” You were telling the truth, letting your arms rest on his shoulders you rested your forehead against his.
“Then how-”
“I don’t know.” You cut him off, laughing. Kaminari sighed and pressed another gentle and shy kiss to your lips, still unsure of how to really kiss you. It was sweet, but you reassured him that it wasn’t all that hard. You moved his hands to sit on your hips as you kissed him back, leaning more into the kiss.
Kaminari sat up some, taking the lead and finally showing some confidence. When he pulled away, it was your turn to be flustered. You looked away, trying to hide your red cheeks from him but his hands were quick to deter your movements.
“Please tell me that you like me back because-”
“I do.” You cut him off once more, finally looking back at him. Kaminari sighed and leaned back against your bed, happy to know that his feelings were mutual. You giggle and tug on his hands to pull him back up.
“Everyone already thinks we’re a couple ya know.” You tease, rubbing your thumbs over his knuckles.
“I know, believe Sero and Kirishima both keep telling me to make a move already and well I have now but I’m glad I did because god you are just so perfect and I was so scared that you didn’t like me and that I was just stuck in the friend-zone.” Kaminari pouted.
“Are you kidding?! I thought I was being friend-zoned! You’re always so flirty I was just like ‘oh my god he’s gonna reject me if I ask him out.’“ You laugh at your past thoughts, finding it funny that had you just trusted your heart you would’ve been together sooner.
“Why on Earth would I reject you?! You’re smart, funny, beautiful, pretty, beautiful.” Kaminari’s eyes are wide with admiration as he stares at you, a goofy grin on his lips as he holds you closer to him, letting you lay against his chest.
“You’re pretty too, Kami.” You compliment him, kissing his cheek delicately before resting your head back on his shoulder.
“Awe, thank you. No one’s ever called me pretty before.” Kaminari’s hands rub your back, tracing little shapes on your shirt as the two of you talk.
“Well you are beautiful so now you have.” You smile.
“Can I take you out tomorrow?” Kaminari asks, he didn’t have much money, but what he did have, he would most certainly use to at least take you to get a drink at a café or something.
“Of course.” You hug him, embracing the comfortable warmth he was radiating.
“Wanna watch me beat some bad guys on my new video game?” Kaminari offers some more entertainment and you’re quick to respond, hopping off of his lap so you can watch the screen. 
You lay with your head in his lap, his hands playing with your hair whenever his screen was loading or during a cutscene.
You eventually fell asleep, Kaminari managing to turn off the console shortly after to doze off with you.
The next day would bring more laughs, more kisses, and more time with Kaminari, and a few congratulations from your classmates who had seen the relationship coming from miles away.
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