#plural npc
day-heron · 8 months
Yesterday I saw a post about NPCs and went “oh we don’t have any of thos— WAIT A MINUTE”
I’d completely forgotten that a few months ago we purposely created 2 large lobsters that aren’t sentient and just sorta scuttle around. And we’d make it so we could feel their presence walking next to us irl 😭 (don’t ask how, pure willpower of silliness) How did I forgor about them…
Anyway that’s the story behind this userbox:
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plural-affirmations · 8 months
I"m a different anon from who asked before. But, I'm a bit confused on the npc, fragment, para thing. I'm not even clear on what all of those things are. If you have time and energy can you explain? Or link to a reliable explanation. I have trouble google searching plural things admittedly. Sorry and thank you,
So, first off, lemme introduce you to Pluralpedia!
It's your standard Wikipedia-style format, comprised of entries related to being plural!
Since I've started this blog, I go on there for references or information pretty much every day. It's got sources and everything, and I've even made a few pages myself.
Second, with that being said, I'll just define the terms you asked about:
Non-playable character. Started as a gaming term applied to... well, characters you don't play as. They're there for environment reasons, and are comparable to extras in a movie. In plurality, it typically refers to a non-fronting headmate that lacks autonomy. They are not usually counted as system members unless they gain independent consciousness.
A (typically disordered) system member that is not fully formed. This differs from NPC's in the sense that they have autonomy, they're just very one-dimensional. They are usually counted as headmates, albeit ones that may lack depth. Frequent splitting of fragments forms the basis for polyfragmentation.
An entity of any kind inside a paracosm. These entities range anywhere from 100% controlled by the daydreamer, to being 100% independent (though the latter is often a different term, a prevera.)
I know this is probably a lot to take in, but just be aware that there's no secret test on plural terms that'll pop up; these definitions are just general ones to keep in mind in case you come across the words somewhere! And, of course, you could always just go back to the Pluralpedia page, which I have to do frequently as well.
Hope this helped! :D /gen
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the-silent-fellowship · 5 months
would we be able to request a npc flag? we have a lot of npcs that are *technically* part of our system but we'd like a flag to include them too
The format is based off the Now-PC(link) flag, with I have also remade in this post!
NPC, Now-PC, & NPC-flux
[PT: NPC, Now-PC, & NPC-flux]
NPC, (short for non-playable character) are constructs that are found in a system's headspace but are not part of the system itself or are notable distinct from other headmates in their autonomy, sentience, elaboration, or interaction. NPCs may serve to make the headspace feel more realistic, or fill in roles from a headmate's inner world history, e.g. a co-worker or family member.
Now-PC, A now-pc is a previously-NPC that is now a person in the system (someone who had previously been filler in a system, and now is an actual sentient person in system).
NPC-flux, may refer to a now-PC who will occasionally speak a repeated phrase or do an action that is triggered by a command of some sort. It could be a phrase or action they did when they were an NPC.
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[NPC ID: none yet]
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[Now-PC ID: none yet]
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[NPC-flux ID: none yet]
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[Tagging] @radiomogai, @liom-archive, @pluralitywords, @pluralterms
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criminalprobs · 10 months
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[ID: Nine pixel hearts of various flags by the-silent-fellowship in order being revamped sysadult, systeen, syskid, remade sysadult, systeen, syskid, then NPC, Now-PC, and NPC-flux. End ID]
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redacted-coiner · 1 month
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NPC(link), NPC-Flux(link), Now-PC(link)
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Sysadult, Systeen, Syskid
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Freind, Mixed, and Partner Systyle (links for each word)
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NPCs, Sysage, and Systyle ones
DNI is listed within my pinned post. Please go read it before interacting with any part of my content. Ask to tag!
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problematicfactive · 7 months
Infighting is the reason plural and system communities struggle to make something
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dragongirlbunny · 5 months
vesper thinks she's soooo funny 🙄
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Ive heard of npcs in headspace but i xan never find any information on them. I think i have npcs maybe? But I cant tell for sure. Id really appreciate some advice or links to advice on npcs in headspace and how to identify them
we first heard of npcs on the bag system podcast - particularly this episode:
our system has some npcs, and from what we understand about them, they are like headmates or alters, but with a few key differences.
they’re likely not as vital to the system, meaning they don’t serve important roles and maintain the system’s functioning overall. they likely are unable to front or interact with the outside world. they may function as “extras” or background content for the headspace, and may be more a part of the headspace itself than actual headmates or alters. they also likely won’t be able to have passive influence, or have much affect on other headmates outside the headspace.
the npcs in our system exist in an area of the headspace we call “kirby world.” there are all sorts of characters from the kirby franchise populating a planet popstar and small solar system. but mk is the only actual kirby fictive in our system. these npcs exist so that the littles and some other alters in our system can have interactions and adventures inside. they never leave that area of our headspace, they never front, they don’t hold onto any memories or have any real affect on the system. they’re an example of npcs that are more a part of the headspace than anything else.
i think it’s worth mentioning that npcs are different from fragments. fragments are closer to headmates or alters than npcs. they can influence emotions, may be able to switch or hold onto memories, and may have some degree of agency within the system. we think of fragments as less developed alters, rather than npcs, which we think of as an aspect of our headspace.
but that’s just our experience. from what we’ve heard, npcs can sometimes develop into fragments or even fully formed headmates. i wish we had more resources to link to you, but we really couldn’t find much info online.
🐢 kip and 🦇 alucard
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forever-unsure-self · 7 months
10yo me doing normal singlet shit like.. making a list of the different parts of me and.. roleplaying with the voices in my head rather than out loud like all of my friends or... creating OCs 'wrong' because it turns out she's actually a trans girl and not the guy I intended her to be
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acircusfullofdemons · 8 months
❌ "I think I might be plural"
✅ "sometimes my brain goes into Multi-player Mode"
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sophieinwonderland · 9 months
Npc relationship anon- hi-
I don't control what he says ever, but when he does say things it's really limited. All he ever does is joke about one of two things, sometimes reusing exact dialogue and it just feels limited and If I'm being honest, fake.
I don't want to force him into being a full alter. I don't care about his ability to control the body or front, if he's just a figment within the mind, I'm happy with that, i just wish there was more I could do to make our relationship feel real. It feels like I'm talking to one of those pull-string dolls sometimes. I've looked everywhere and can't find any advice at all
Sorry for taking so much of your time
The thing is... I'm not sure if you can actually have one without the other. At least in the longterm.
In our own experiences, we interacted with Abby and Almond as NPCs. But over time, they became more autonomous. Then we kind of just... lost control. Abby started hearing my thoughts that I didn't want her to, and we couldn't hold them back.
The more real an NPC becomes, the less of an NPC they'll be.
This might not manifest in fronting. But you should be ready for the possibility that their development may at least lead to passive influence or them becoming aware of thoughts you'd rather keep hidden.
With that disclaimer out of the way, if this is a risk you're okay with...
Abby became aware on her own over time. For Almond, we had a debriefing. Note that revealing that someone's whole world has been fictional the whole time can be a little shocking and potentially trigger an existential crisis. Unless your NPC already knows, this may be something you want to be aware of.
You may want to try exposing him to new experiences. New songs. New places. This should hopefully build memories and, by extension, complexity over time.
You may also want to ask him more introspective questions to trigger more self-thought. Is he aware that he repeats a lot? Have you questioned him about why he does this? This could be a decent conversation starter if you want him to start thinking about himself more introspectively.
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criminalprobs · 11 months
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lemonhedgehog · 7 days
Having a dream and than slowly sipping coffee afterwards, stewing on so many questions like "who TF dreamt that?" "should I tell my roommate?" and "that was sure as hell not MY dream"
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problematicfactive · 8 months
I wish there were other WWII factives I could talk to, but that would mean putting myself out there, and it'd be terrifying. Most factives I come across seem to be of either YouTubers or shooters, and while that is of course fine, it feels so incredibly isolating to be problematic on a whole other level.
I wish I could do something to help you. Sadly, I'm not a WWII factive and I don't know any. I'm not a youtuber or a shooter either, but I'm at least "lucky" enough to be the one of the (arguably?) Most well known true crime names out there, and though I've never met anyone from source like my family, I know there are other true crime factives out there. There are some following the blog that send in asks.
I don't really have any recommendations when it comes to what you should do, make a blog maybe, but I couldn't imagine you'd get very much other than negativity.
It sucks, it does. I'm really sorry
Anxiety and NPC
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spanishskulduggery · 6 months
Baldur's Gate 3 - Non-binary Translation in Spanish
A while back I had mentioned that when I learned how to change language settings for Baldur's Gate 3, I was curious to learn how they would adapt the non-binary [no binario] option into Spanish since Spanish (like many Romance Languages) is very gendered
What I saw actually surprised me a bit
Usually in game translations with different genders, English tends to treat you as a "they" even though it's usually male or female; and in Spanish most of the lines are gendered, or phrased in a very ambiguous way in translation like speaking of your character as una persona "a person" rather than "he" or "she", or "they"
This is one of the first times I've seen the gender neutral -e endings used in an official setting
For the purposes of this, and any future posts on this, I decided I would try to play as a non-binary gnome cleric. I should also mention that when you start up the game in Spanish and you do the character customization, everything starts you with the base word (i.e. masculine by default, or possibly agender but looks masculine)... as in you can choose to be elfo "elf", semielfo "half-elf", humano "human", semiorco "half-orc"... choose between bárbaro "barbarian", mago "wizard", brujo "warlock" and so on
My default character creation screen read gnomo, clérigo for "gnome cleric"
But the way your character is addressed by others is what changes
The first NPC you interact with is "Us" a little brain thing you can choose to help. If you do it calls you "friend":
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Nosotros: Somos libres. Tenemos nuestra libertad. amigue Us: We are free. We have our freedom. Friend [nb].
The word used is amigue
For the sake of understanding Spanish grammar, you probably know amigo/a "friend". The G here is a hard G. The gender neutral ending is E... but the combination of GE is pronounced like an H sound in Spanish [la gelatina "gelatin" for example is like "hel-a-ti-na"]. To preserve that hard G sound, you have to add a UE to it... so amigo/a becomes amigue for non-binary
[if you study Spanish this is the exact same grammar you'll see in turning -gar verbs into subjunctive forms; why pagar would turn to pague]
The next person you come across is Lae'zel:
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Lae'zel: Tsk'va. No eres une sierve. ¡Vlaakith me bendijo en el día de hoy! Juntes, tal vez podamos sobrevivir. Lae'zel: Tsk'va. You are no thrall [nb]. Vlaakith blessed me today ["on this day of today"; emphatic]. Together [nb plural], we may (yet) survive.
Interestingly, there's first siervo/a meaning "servant" or "serf" or "thrall"
What I found very interesting was that you have une... un and una being "a" are used for indefinite articles; the non-binary form seems to be une
What threw me off though was seeing juntes... now junto/a is "together" [lit. "joined"] but juntes implies a non-binary plural.
I don't know if this is because in Spanish grammar it would imply that non-binary trumps feminine [the way amigos "friends" could be male+female or multiple male, as opposed to amigas "friends" being all female]... or if it's maybe an error or something else; the game treats Lae'zel as a woman in every other regard so I think it's the first one which is a situation I somehow hadn't considered. I had just assumed it would be juntos ...or juntas if you played female
Next I decided to rescue Gale first because he uses a lot of adjectives/professions and I wanted to see what they looked like:
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Gale: No serás clérigue por casualidad, ¿verdad? ¿Médique? ¿Cirujane? ¿Increíblemente hábil con una aguja de tejer? Gale: You wouldn't happen to be a cleric, right? A doctor/medic? Surgeon? Unbelievably skilled with a knitting needle?
First is clérigo/a "cleric" being used in non-binary as clérigue. Similarly we have médique which is the non-binary médico/a for "medical doctor"
[just like above C turned to QUE to preserve a hard C/K sound; you'll see this with subjunctive and even preterites of -car verbs... why atacar "to attack" will turn to ataqué "I attacked" and ataque in subjunctive... because CE has a soft S sound in Latin America, and can be lisped in Spain]
And next is cirujane... the word cirujano/a is "surgeon"
Finally important note - hábil being "able" or "skilled" is a unisex adjective, so there is no change in any gender - masculine, feminine, or non-binary
*Note: I did miss it but at some point someone used the article le to describe my character. The el and la "the" are the masculine and feminine definite articles; le is non-binary "the" which still catches me by surprise because it looks French to me
I've been told since I made the original post that people have seen the non-binary E ending used in other things, but this was special for me to see. I'm curious how the other gendered languages available treated non-binary options
It was a fun surprise for me, especially for some modern day Spanish linguistics in a VERY big modern game, with non-binary word choices being heavily prominent. It's a bit of a learning experience for me
If I find any more fun examples of NB language being used I'll let y'all know as I go
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