#pls read the trigger warnings
allagashed · 11 days
that one part in the book where patrick randomly eats several (?) handfuls of sand like it’s a normal thing that normal people do
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calibowrites · 2 years
weigh your heart against my eyes
Fandom: Bones (2005)
Pairing: Lance Sweets x Reader
Rating: Teen & Up
Warnings: Discussions of CSA, CSEM, pedophilia, and sex trafficking. Descriptions of self-harming behaviour, severe panic attack, and flashbacks. Stay safe.
Description: When a case hits too close to home, it's up to Lance to pull you back from the brink.
Read it here on AO3!
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greygreyfruit · 2 months
Dracule Mihawk comes bearing something unexpected. Will they be able to find who Zoro was sold to before it’s too late??
Chapter 4 finally added!!
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cecexoxo · 6 months
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If you haven't read Alan Scott Green Lantern yet what are you doing???? He's such an interesting character and the story is so good
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frankiistein · 10 months
i should find people to promote breadavota to because who else will ship the funny little jpegs together. should i appeal to the para and transid communities cuz i just realized that the story having "living" as a legal and social status instead of a strictly biological one and chronicles the different ways characters who identify as one or the other approach "transitioning" is very transid fitting. and paras because at least three of the characters canonically are paras and they aren't evil people for it (they're evil for unrelated reasons /lh)
ft the cast that hits all of the "rly stigmatized identifications" bingo (going to put only canon here, none of my hc's)
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bread the mc a doll who tries to transition from non-living to living, she's a collective of 46 "breadlings" and can modify her body based on their own internal body parts. she hates the laws
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jacques, loveless schizospec/pd haver objectophile/teratophile dollkin (?) who also identifies as being literally dead. he hates the laws
has some kind of dyadic/commited but non romantic relationship with:
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media, a zoophile/erotophonophile who is also like transliving and most of his arc seems to be his internalized shame for all of these because it goes against his reputation as his species's most "ethical" role model which is a title he probably got after usurping god and eating her eye. he wrote the laws. also he hates the laws
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reception who considers themself a single person but routinely presents as three people at once (which the rest of their species finds weird). they hate the laws
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bon/scarecrow, a demon force-transitioned into becoming "living" before getting exiled when they fail at assimilating into society and curse the nation's records of their years being forced into an entertainment industry. they hate the laws
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bien. who loves his dad bon. in all senses of the word (hes my favorite blorbo). okay hes too repressed to hate anything
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idk how to describe sar i just need everyone to look at sar at all times. sar makes one's own laws
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special mention for vara a snarky ai who is programmed is to split fictives of people she hates apparently /lh
she hates the laws
also just look at the art :3 so pretty
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the story truly has it all. blood and gore. toxic doomed yaoi. discussions of disability. speculation on sociocultural constructs of love. being "living" used as an analogy for being an entity worthy of love and being part of society. more toxic doomed yaoi. read breadcomics today
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fellhellion · 9 months
Very slowly inoculating the spiderman mutuals with rev gal utena posts 🌀🌀ooooo you wanna watch the anime that changed my life ooooooo 🌀🌀
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miiyumei · 2 months
i just finished the death i gave him by em x. liu, which is pitched as a “lyrical, queer sci-fi retelling of shakespeare’s hamlet��� but make it a locked room mystery/thriller and god!!!!! GOD!!!!!!
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travichughes · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Station 19 (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Victoria Hughes & Travis Montgomery, Victoria Hughes/Theo Ruiz (mentioned) Characters: Victoria Hughes, Travis Montgomery Additional Tags: Post-6x17, Fix-It, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Depression, Loneliness, Angst, Suicidal Thoughts, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, but it's mostly hurt, references 5x10, vic needs someone, and travis HASNT BEEN THERE, WTF SHOW, i hate this show Summary:
Vic comes to a realisation after her day with Beckett... and then she snaps.
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gendafluid-goblin · 2 years
Silly Octopus
This is going to be split up into a few parts on here and I will update the tags with each part with was CW needs to be in each part. This is not canon at all and is somewhat of a vent/comfort fic for me and maybe other people with ED? Not everyone is the same so not everyone will feel better seeing fictional characters you kin going through things you did.
CW for part 1: Binge eating, (forced eating?? His mother made a lot of food and had him taste test), panic attack, light self harm (he accidently digs his nails into himself during a breakdown), depressive/ negative thoughts about himself
Enjoy and let me know what you think!
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“Try this, Hunny!” Azul’s mother cooed as she held out a spoon of food. He opened his mouth and tasted the new food she was trying out for the restaurant. One spoon of taste testing soon turned into five, and then fifteen. Azul became full long ago but he couldn’t deny his mother. He knew the restaurant meant a lot to her and she wanted the menu to be unique and delicious. Chews became slower and longer the more food he tested.
“Is,” Azul’s mother paused watching her son chew and chew “Is it not good? Is there too much of something? Too little?” she started frantically looking over the dish as Azul shook his head ‘no’ finally swallowing the food. “Is it just a bad dish then? That’s fine I have plenty of others here you already liked. I have more prepared too!” she scooped up another mouthful of food onto the spoon.
“No mother I,” Azul paused looking for the right words.Words that wouldn’t hurt his mother. “It was a good dish, really. I just, I’m not hungry right now, I’ve filled up on the last few dishes.” He sighed and looked down at his waist, his waist looked bigger as he moved his tentacles around. He would have to work all of this off later for sure. “I can call over the Leech twins to finish testing if you'd like though.” Azul looked at all the meals he still hadn’t tasted. “I’d hate for you to waste these meals after all your hard work afterall.”
“Oh, no need Sweetie. I can store the rest and we’ll test them out later!” she smiled so, so brightly at him. She loved cooking, she cooked to show her love. Azul knew that,and he loved his mother, but he didn’t love her weekly taste testing.
Azul forced a smile and closed his eyes “Alright. Thank you,” giving his mother a kiss on the cheek he turned away, “I’m going to go now,” was all he said before he swam away.
Azul sat in his Octopot curled in a ball, grabbing at his waist. Pinching and squeezing where his tentacles met his stomach. He felt disgusted by what he saw, how much he was able to grab before feeling anything. “Silly fat octopus.” he quoted the kids his age with a shaky voice. “Why can’t I just be thinner. Then I’d be faster. I could keep up with everyone else. I could test my mother's food for her.” He gripped his waste tighter with each word as cries racked his body. Raising his hand to wipe his tears off his face he noticed blood surrounding him and on his fingers. Azul looked at his fingers on his left, then right hand, both were bloody. He then looked at his tentacles, two of them  had fingernail shaped cuts that were leaking blood into the water around him. 
Azul took several breaths to calm himself. “Oh.” he wiped his face of tears and ink. Three knocks hit his door as it flung open almost slamming into the wall.
“Hey Azzuulll!” Floyd moved away from the door and swam into the room quickly. Much faster than he could ever swim, Azul thought to himself. Jade gave a small smile and closed the door swimming over to his twin. “Azul, where are you. I know you’re in here.” Floyd snapped.
“Floyd,” Jade looked around the room and pointed to his nose. “Don’t you smell that?” Of course Jade and Floyd would be able to smell the blood from just moments ago. Azul didn’t want anyone to know about what happened. He was embarrassed to say something so silly as ‘I got upset about eating food and being so fat and useless that I accidently cut my tentacles.’; He would sound so much more pathetic than everyone already thinks he is.
“Aww someone got to eat big Azul before me. Not fair.” Floyd pouted.He didn’t have to see his face to hear the pout in his voice. Was he seriously upset that he didn’t get to eat him? Did he really call him big? Azul slowly crawled out of his Octopot and faced the twins.
“Oh good! You’re still alive!” Floyd cheered and swam over to Azul. “I couldn’t stand the idea of someone taking a bite outta you before I do.” Floyd threateningly whispered. Azul shivered and slowly backed away from Floyd giving a weary smile. Jade watched the interaction between his brother and peer when he noticed the blood smell was actually coming from Azul’s tentacles. Not knowing what to say or just not caring enough to ask, he let it drop. 
“What brought you over anyway?” Azul asked when he deemed himself a safe distance from Floyd. ‘Not like it would matter anyway, they’re both much faster than me and could easily catch and eat me.’ Azul’s darker thoughts about himself popped in again.
“We were just swimming around and I got tired of scaring lil fish so I thought we could visit you.” Floyd said swimming in small circles to keep himself entertained while talking.
Azul thought over his words with a pause, “So I’m just here for your entertainment and amusement then I see?” it came out a bit more harsh than he had meant it to. However, they did burst in unannounced and furthermore at a bad time for him. There was no doubt that at least one of the Leech twins had realized the blood was from him and yet he was seemingly fine. Why weren’t they asking about it? They had to know something was up. Then it clicked, they don’t care WHY he’s bleeding. Floyd laid it out that they’re here being they were bored and he’s here to amuse them. Neither of them care about him or his well being as long as he can entertain them. While Azul’s mind led him down that rabbit hole thinking Jade was staring at him as Floyd continued to swim around and mess with things in Azul’s room. Jade looked into Azul’s eyes and just gave a smile.
“If it’s a bad time we can leave.” was all he said looking from Azul’s eyes to his tentacles then back in his eyes. He knew. And now Azul KNEW that Jade knew. Azul felt like he was suffocating, his throat was closing and his head started to pound in his head. He was panicking, he was scared what would happen with this information. Azul’s vision started to blur. ‘Were his only friends going to leave him behind and tell everyone how weak and pathetic he is to all of the other kids? Of course they would. He was slow, and weak, and a crybaby. No one ever wanted to play with him because it was too easy and boring and now he lost the only people who were somewhat nice to him.’ Azul’s breathing picked up rapidly while he was stuck in his thoughts, head spinning and tears and ink back in his eyes as he tightened and loosened his hands in a fist.
Jade watched the scene unfold in front of him and tapped his brother on the shoulder and leaned over to him. “I think Azul isn’t feeling well, we should leave unless you want to get sick.”
“Eww I don’t wanna get all sick and gross.” is all Floyd said, sticking his tongue out before quickly swimming out of the room. Jade swam out shortly after his brother and closed the door leaving Azul alone once again. Not that he would notice that no one else was left or that he cared. Azul had faintly seen Jade whisper to Floyd and then both of them leaving and it left his mind to continue wondering to the negative thoughts again thinking he was going to be all alone again. Back to the lonely, silly little octopus that he was before the twins came along. Azul floated back to his Octopot where he curled up and continued his breakdown of crying. He didn't even know why he was crying anymore. Was it because he thought and feared that once again he was alone with no one else? Or was it a continuation of his thoughts over his weight and insecurities the other children planted in him? He wasn’t sure and honestly it didn't matter anyway, all thoughts blended together into his self hatred filled thoughts.
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jvzebel-x · 8 months
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jgyapologism · 9 months
oh hey lookie here it's another chapter for my fic! if you've been keeping up with hurt and grieve but don't suffer alone be sure to check this out :)
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Guys help, people on tiktok? Are saying dazai x atsushi is a proship?? Im so confused??? Like, what, bro im crying?????
In other news!! Im falling into wip hell aha. I have a multi chapter soukoku fic that I said I won't post until I finish chapter 4 but im stuck in the first paragraph of chapter 3. My dazatsu oneshot has promise but every time I open it my brain goes no I wanna work on that other thing actually. I have come up with like three different ranpoe fics that im resisting working on because two are follow up fics and the third is one of the fics being followed up on but its also gonna be super long so I dont want to worry about it rn.
Im also still working on that dazai centric vent fic but it's slow going because working on it makes my brain say ouch because im reliving stuff but I swear im gonna get through it. To appease my upset brain I sometimes take breaks on it to write a follow up hurt comfort soukoku fic that is very nice so there's that too.
I've fully been ignoring this one soukoku fic I started ages ago simply because its brain rot around a specific song and im just not in the mood to listen to that song rn.
Okay! My fic update rambling is done now! Thanks for reading, and sorry for being a very slow writer aha. Hopefully I can get inspired and just power through finishing something soon. Until then, feel free to read my two existing ranpoe fics <3
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bitchwhoreofastorm · 2 years
a curse (day 3)
(chapter 4 - tesfest2022 - read on AO3)
When she was fourteen, a boy asked her out. His name was Ernil-- a neighbour of hers who she trained at swords with, a fellow noble, as self-absorbed as all noble boys were-- and he’d cornered Iliah in the garden. He’d fallen to his knees, seized her with his clammy hands, and begged for her to become his girlfriend. She, ever-graceful, had thrown him into the canal and fled. 
The incident tormented her. For one, she was not malicious by nature, and she was consumed with shame to remember how she’d suplexed someone she’d once considered a friend into a body of water. But more than any guilt, she was tormented by confusion, by horror: 
Why hadn’t she said yes?
The agonising part of the question was the immediacy of its answer: she hadn’t wanted to say yes. But anything beyond that was a jumble. Ernil was kind, sweet, polite, interested in her, and if one looked at it objectively, he’d be an ideal candidate for a boyfriend. According to society, Iliah was of the age where a young woman ought to take an interest in boys. Even Karnalta had taken to spending her days with a mysterious handsome man, about whom she made no secret of her intentions. Iliah, and Iliah alone, was disinterested-- another mark of her strangeness, further confirmation that within her something was deeply wrong. 
She was miserable to the point of madness, absorbed in her own shame. She paced the streets of Mournhold inconsolably, so distraught that she reverted to her old vice of muteness, reduced to staring balefully at passer-bys like some dislocated shade. It was night-time when Karnalta finally found her; when Karnalta grabbed her hand, Iliah yanked it away, and when Karnalta embraced her instead she promptly burst into tears. After hearing a vague outline of the story Karnalta swore vengeance upon the invasive, irritating Ernil, and, holding hands as if they were little children again, they returned to their home by dusk. 
Later in her life, Iliah would hear the word Telmoran. She would hear about an island on the Telvanni coast where women loved each other and spurned the company of men. She would find in the knowledge that there were others like her a glimmer of strength, and she would find in her own nature a capacity for love for a goddess that would lead her to towering heights. But that night, sitting in their hiding-spot in the garden, she only felt herself the victim of some cruel joke. 
“I think I’m cursed,” she told Karnalta miserably. “There’s something wrong with me.” 
Karnalta’s head was bowed; a magelight she’d cast hovered over her, illuminating her knitting. “Maybe,” she agreed after a while. “But we both are. We’ve always known that. We're weird, we're strange, we came out wrong.”
“No, I meant something different. I…” Iliah watched the string move deftly around her sister’s hands, watched the magelight above them bob and twinkle. “... I’m just different,” she finished, in a defeated whisper. “I don’t think I’m meant to be alive.” 
Karnalta placed down her knitting. “Neither of us are,” she said quietly, her eyes glinting lavender in the pale blue light. “But why should we need to be?” 
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02x14 · 2 years
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harry potter and the philosopher's stone but in one gif
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inkykeiji · 2 years
Hii Clari! I was thinking of buying the flowers in the attic books, but i'm unsure of the order in which i should read them and whether all of them are relevant... Do you have any recommendation?
hello anon!! well, they’re numbered! so i’d read them in the order they were published hehe c: it goes:
flowers in the attic
petals on the wind
if there be thorns
seeds of yesterday
then there’s garden of shadows, which is a prequel, but there’s a lot of debate as to just how much vc andrews wrote vs how much the ghost writer her family hired wrote, so not everyone includes it in their personal dollanganger ‘canon’ (i personally don’t; it’s awfully written). my two favourite books are flowers in the attic + petals on the wind; if there be thorns is fine but it isn’t from cathy’s pov, and seeds of yesterday is written so terribly i really had to grit my teeth to finish it!! if you do end up reading them pls let me know what u think!!!! they aren’t written the best but they’re quintessential trashy pure 1970/80s pulp fiction and they handle complex themes!! <3
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andrwminward · 2 years
I need everyone to read if we were villains
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