#please feed into my delusions
myflagmeansace · 10 months
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i am fully convinced this will be a scene because the background and lighting match
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now i just want something like “name an f1 driver for each country,” simply to force max to say charles
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artilite · 1 month
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fishersif tonite? fishersif tonite queen??
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moonyflesh · 8 days
🐾 Cat Scratches - [James “Logan” Howlett x Reader]
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WARNINGS: lots of fluff, brief mention of neck kisses, some suggestive comments but nothing past PG
CHARACTERS: James “Logan” Howlett (Wolverine, MARVEL/X-MEN)
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🐾 .*.. 🕯️
Logan laid comfortably on your stomach, his arms wrapped around your lower back and hips as he buried his face into your abdomen, the bare skin of your tummy visible just slightly underneath your sweater.
Lazily scrolling through your phone, splayed out across his bed with him on top of you, your fingers trailed over his upper shoulders, scratching the fabric of his white compression shirt, rubbing his sore muscles from a long day of training and battle practice.
As your fingers trailed upwards mindlessly on his back, your manicured nails finally reached the nape of his neck, teasing the edge of his hairline.
Scrolling down further through your instagram, you let out a soft sigh of content as your fingers finally buried into the hair on the back of his head, eliciting a low rumble from the back of his throat.
You perked up at this, glancing past the dimmed screen of your device, an eyebrow quirked upwards at his reaction.
“You alright, Lo?”
You muttered out, a small, curious smile tugging at your glossy lips, damp from your teeth gently biting at them out of unconscious habit.
He responded in a low hum, leaning into your fingers as you smiled, a small, amused chuckle leaving your lips at his fingers that slid lower on your back, cupping the backs of your thighs with a slightly possessive grip.
You felt a soft, warm press of his chapped lips against your stomach, just above your panty line, and a small laugh left your lips as he buried his nose further into you, inhaling without hesitation. In response, your legs opened slightly underneath him, wrapping them around his broad midsection with a light squeeze.
Preferring the man in front of you opposed to the celebrities on your phone, you dropped it at your side, letting it become lost in the fluffy, unkept sheets next to your form as both your hands wrapped around his head, burying your fingers into his scalp.
A low, animalistic-like growl left his lips as you scratched through his hair, meeting the place behind his ears, where you knew he was most sensitive.
Tracing over the area where his jaw connected to his ear and neck, you let out a low hum in response, tilting your head propped up on one of his pillows to the side, your eyebrows knitting together lightly in curiosity at his pleasant reactions.
“Feels good, bub. Right- mmh. There.”
Your eyes narrowed at his borderline inappropriate hum, and you nodded, wordlessly continuing to scrape through his fluffy, unkept hair.
“I didn’t take you for a cat, Logan,” You teased quietly, a small vibration leaving your own form, similar to that of the buzz of an old stereo.
“Don’t mock me, sweetheart. Can’t help it,”
He shot back, his furry eyebrows knitting together as he finally shifted, pulling himself up further, allowing his face to move from your stomach to your collarbone, trying desperately not to go full deadweight on you, knowing he’d crush your frail form.
“Plus, ever since you got yer nails done-”
He didn’t finish his sentence as you raked through his head of hair once more, pushing his face into the warm skin of your exposed neck, muffling any protest from him.
“Stop talking, James. Sleep.”
You effectively hushed him, a small smile pulling at your face as he grumbled out something along the lines of ‘mm. Whatever,’ and ‘fine.’
You felt him pepper a few hot, open-mouthed kisses along your neck, his teeth teasingly biting down on your exposed shoulder, before lapping at the new mark with his tongue, admiring his work with your taste.
“G’night, bub.”
You smiled at his subtle acceptance to your demand, your fingers frozen in his fluffy hair and partially in his long side shaves/beard, nodding.
“Goodnight, kitty.”
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kuroowo · 1 year
Gojo x Reader x Geto
- Poly & General HCs, not chronological
- GN!Reader
- WARNING : One mention of dacryphilia, mentions of fighting & therapy
Part 2 (still writing) // Masterlist
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Gojo has a habit of stealing bites off yours and Geto’s plates. It doesn’t matter if he already has his own or has yet to even touch it. It doesn’t matter if Suguru drenches his in so much sauce you can’t even see what’s beneath anymore. It doesn’t matter if you try to fight his utensils with yours or stab his hand with your fork. It doesn’t matter if Satoru’s so full he could implode with even a whiff of it. If it’s food that’s yours & Suguru’s, he’s taking a bite out of it. Bet.
You come to find that Gojo can turn on the waterworks really easily, but it’s never genuine tears. Meanwhile Geto doesn’t really cry much and finds it extremely hard to fake cry like his boyfriend does, until you find him nearly bawling over sad family/loved ones/friends/animal centred movies in the dark of his own room. He tries to cover it up when he notices you at his door, but in the end, your boyfriend’s head ends up sniffling in your lap with the movie continuing instead. You, on the other hand, cry quite easily and sometimes most of the times it makes your boyfriends want to tease you. Especially in bed (pretty sure they developed dacryphilia).
Nearly every corner of Satoru’s & Suguru’s rooms are filled with affectionate gifts from you. Be it random little trinkets that reminded you of them, stuffed toys of white cats and black wolves in all different shapes and sizes, hand written love letters and poems, dried flowers of different shades and kinds, scrap paper filled with doodles of the three of you — everything and anything you gift them, they have it. Even the ones from before you got together with them. Shoko calls them whipped. Haibara calls them sweet. Not that it matters when it’s become their safe space.
Gojo teaches you and Suguru to live more carefree, to be more adventurous, and to love more openly. Geto teaches you and Satoru to be more inquisitive, to carry morality in your hearts, and to appreciate love in actions. You teach Satoru and Suguru to live with balance, to respect boundaries without distancing, and to accept love as if it were home embodied in a person.
Gojo & Geto gets into a lot of trouble, small or big, when it comes to being tactful and sensitive to others. If you find Geto alone, he’s much more gentlemanly & exemplary, but placing them together always seem to bring out the mischievous (sometimes dickhead) side in him. Placing you in between them is a 50/50 gamble. Sometimes you make them worse, much like a trio of green tea bitches, but sometimes you halt them as if on a leash, as if a saint with two devils tamed.
Gojo and Geto likes to drag you out a lot. It would be every weekend if it wasn’t for you enticing them with a movie marathon and junk food in pyjamas, cozied up together, cuddling and giggling. A type of weekend they learn to crave when you’re out without them.
Gojo moves around quite a bit in his sleep, Geto’s a bit like an immovable object in his sleep, you’re a little in between but you bring a thousand stuffed toys and a bolster so the shared bed is kind of a mess.
Geto’s not a picky eater, you’re a picky eater, and Gojo prefers sweets (if he could live only on sweets, he would). Whenever you three go out to eat, it’s almost always a bit of a bicker between you and Gojo because he wants to eat sweets first and you think that he’s going to get diabetes before he hits 30, or he wants to eat at XYZ but you hate the way they make ABC. Geto would not give two fucks and just drives to where he wants to eat, sits everyone down, orders his food first. Then you and Satoru would team up to admonish Suguru’s table manners because, “How could you?!” & “The betrayal!”. Suguru is sick of you two (affectionate).
Often times, Gojo would just eat out because it’s just lesser of a hassle for his schedule (OT’s quite a lot) and because Geto is in the same line of business, he ends up doing the same most of the time too. They would feel guilty for coming home late and having you eat by yourself if it weren’t for the fact that you crave alone time after spending a whole day working to recharge, so they just leave you be and you’re appreciative of that. But ever since they found out you tend to cook meals for yourself rather than order take out, they’ve unanimously decided to come home to your dinners at least once a week. You’re half annoyed and half worried because A, you’ll have to cook x5 the portion (their appetite’s huge) and B, your taste might not suit them (Suguru’s not picky but that doesn’t mean you want him to eat something that isn’t that good to him just because it’s edible). Your boyfriends quelled your worries (most of it) when they said they’ll help cook and set up with you, and for the most part they do quite well with you in the kitchen. So in the end, while you do need your recharge, you find that once a week(day) doing this extremely domestic thing with them makes you fall even harder. Who would’ve known? (They did.)
You made it a habit to kiss them when they get back from work and on rougher days, you’ll take care of them the best way you can. Drawing them a warm baths, ordering in their favourites, and lots of reassurance through words (for Geto) & touches (for Gojo). Nowadays, if Gojo doesn’t receive a welcome home kiss he’ll sulk (extremely so) until he does. Geto’s the same where he expects a kiss, and when that doesn’t happen, he’ll make you kiss him one way or another.
When you’re having a bad day, Gojo tends to be the one to notice by observation and Geto tends to notice by instinct. They try to be gentler, sweeter, softer, and even more so when it’s particularly rough for you. Geto would take care of you by setting up a comfortable space for you, cooking you your comfort meals, and making sure you’re drinking enough water. Gojo would be stuck by your side like super glue on skin. He’d crowd your space, cocoon you in a soft blanket, and surround you with his arms, legs, and warmth. Both Satoru and Suguru would talk to you or stay in silence until you’re okay again, and it would feel like they could finally breathe a sigh of relief. (Please expect lots of kisses after since they learned that’d be the fastest way to get you smiling again)
Having fights with them was the worst, especially since it rarely happens. The fact that all three of you know each others weaknesses, breaking points, and sensitive topics makes it all the worse because when it gets too heated, all hell breaks loose. You would always be the first to cry, Geto would always be the first to walk away, and Gojo would be the first to pretend everything was fine. The first time it had happened, you barricaded yourself in your room for one and a half day before they came banging at your door to reconcile properly (the boys made up separately by literally having a fight). The last time it happened, you considered having a break from the relationship and each other. Just one short enough for everyone to get away and have some time to cool and collect themselves, “I think it’ll be good for us.”, but a resonate rejection came immediately from the other two. They knew that if they agreed, you’d never come back to them because while yes, Suguru’s the first to walk away, but he always comes back just as quick. You, however, once you walk away, you would walk away for good in the end (it was just a matter of when). So the fact that you would suggest such a thing was more than alarming to them, so much so that a chill of fear trickled down their spine.
Couples therapy was suggested as an outcome of the last fight. While none of you wanted to have a third (fourth?) party knowing the more intimate parts (or any parts) of your relationship, it was the most logical and effective method seeing as you and Geto are already have your own therapists. Gojo was the most reluctant (“We can just fix it ourselves.”), but if it meant that you wouldn’t leave him, then so be it. The sessions were chaotic and didn’t progress too much at first, but with time and tremendous efforts from everyone, it helped with improving the way you three communicated and loved each other.
You fell first, but Geto fell harder, and Gojo fell hardest.
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sm0k1ng-k1lls · 5 months
lets face it, jonathan sims likes jazz.
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vickriarts · 6 months
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My most recent tiktok has been really well received and this part was my favorite to draw hee hee
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ukitouu · 1 year
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⤷ ︶︶ ➷   🚛   ⁺
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 ⁺   ⑅    ♡ᵎ    ❜    🚦
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inlovewithgreta · 28 days
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This woman is singlehandedly feeding my Jemily delusions.
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transbrucewayne · 4 months
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Hi um. Quick questions. 1. What does this uh. mean. 2. Why now. thanks
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c0smic-d0ll · 3 months
there seriously needs to be more creature x reader fics on here like wtf
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bluedeedeedoop · 3 months
guys i have had a vision.
jk it was a dream and when i woke up i cried.
BASICALLY i had a dream that TALES OF THE JEDI SEASON 2 TRAILER CAME OUT and guess fucking what. BARRISS OFFEE WAS IN IT. aND VENTRESS (idk why)
but basically Barriss helped a group of younglings that have escaped during order 66, basically have been forming their own group up until like idk when?? but like then being a bit older and Barriss looking after them. ventress helping in the beginning only because it was chaos during order 66 and she was like fUCK IT. but then split as soon as she could. so then it was just barriss looking after and protecting the group of younglings for years and stuff, THEIR OWN LITTLE GROUP OF REBELSSSSS
anyways. yeah uh waking up from that was not my favorite okay.
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i know it’s early…
but i think it’s time to start my Sami Zayn for Royal Rumble Winner 2024 campaign
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mollinette · 8 months
Can we all agree that the SL designs for each member are just full of hearts and be pink?
like listen, love island? the logo design? the vibes?
p i n k. 🎀🎀🎀🎀
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punklee-fanatic · 2 months
So who thinks aj will attend the HOF with punk? Imma sadly go with no
I don’t think she will either, but I’m PRAYING I’m wrong 😭. I will say though, if she does show up… I’m going to be very annoying about it 😂.
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terrorofthetrident · 10 months
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tessarion?!?? if he’s not daeron..
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