#platonic life partners ftw
Dick Grayson:
8, 19, 25, 27, 28
Chris Kent:
6, 17, 23, 27
Dick Grayson
19) I think probably shipping him with any of the Fab Five but Donna especially. They’re clearly platonic life partners, not a romantic couple (Looking at you Mr Chuck Dixon)
25) Maybe Graduation Day and the subsequent Outsiders series. Looking him being competent doesn’t translate to him being the resident jerk of his team. He built trust with the Titans for a reason.
27) A trio of you may from the marvelous competition: Peter Parker, Kurt Wagner and Clint Barton. With Pete they are Heart of the Heroes’ Guys, while Dick, Clint and Kurt are all circus folks XD
28) People might say firing that Power Stripping device in New Order but I counter with that entire plan involving Kaldur being a double agent and faking Artemis getting killed by him in Young Justice Animated to take down the Light. While successful, there could’ve been ways to argument it without being more Batman esque about it.
Chris Kent
6) N/A for the ship itself but rather I am not fond of the weird again up for him to date Thara who even before the whole thing was still clearly much older than Chris as seen in canon as she was there even before Krypton exploded, being abducted in Kandor by Brainiac. Yeah just make those two more contemporary with each other and not requiring artificially aging up Chris, Pretty Please
17) “Mo…ma..” If only it was treated more preciously back then but alas, his birth mom Ursa and him were living under Zod’s authoritarian roof in the Phantom Zone at that time
23) He marries Thara (in my version it’s a slow burn from childhood crushes to high school sweethearts and eventually married after graduation), and the two raise a kid together and it’s a whole family of Kryptonian super heroes
27) Son Gohan from Dragon Ball. In particular Gohan as we seen him in the Cell Games Saga and the movie Bojack Unbound. Just two ten year alien kids who are total sweethearts yet can get righteously dangerous when bad guys are running rough-shot and hurting their friends
Thanks for the ask @spider-jaysart
I liked these XD
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xdelouloux · 1 year
aro talk vent post!!!! pls do not reblog thanks
tumblr has become my go to place to vent i am very sorry to my followers!!! i have to word vomit somewhere tho and the bestie is working so..... tumblr it is
figuring out im aro has been. complicated. i am happy to mimic alloromantic feelings and vibes because like. i don't want to be alone? and i think at my core i'm willing to do whatever it takes in order to avoid being alone, so if the person i feel close to wants a romantic relationship then i'm down for that! and so much of society is alloromantic that like. that happens a lot. im generally comfortable with it even if i dont really reciprocate the feelings. i think im gonna try to stop doing this maybe but also? lmao its me, i probably won't realistically.
anyways, enter the term qpps. i came into contact with my first real awareness of qpps like a year ago? but like. hearing more about them i don't even know if i experience that or not? because for me, being qpps is all about just. being best friends but staying together. basically what polyam folk call nesting partners, but platonic
but i was thinking about it and like. i don't even really want a nesting partner. i more so want a roommate/best friend to live with for the rest of my life. i don't mind dating outside of that but im mad uncomfortable living with my romantic partners because of the volatility of romance in general. i will if forced into the situation but like preferably id like to live separately but still nearby. (solo polyam ftw)
but the thing that gets my goat each and every time is that i will do literally whatever it takes not to be abandoned and like. i'm not even always aware of it? i will ignore my own boundaries and incoming red flags bc i just. hate being by myself. but at this point so many people have said "i'll never leave your side" and then left anyways that im getting better at not falling for that tbh.
tldr; i dunno i just want a platonic roommate best friend who won't abandon me and i don't know if that counts as qpp or not (maybe??) but im at least. kind of figuring out what i want my future to look like and drawing boundaries of what i'm actually comfortable with rather than just jumping into whatever i think will make my partners happy or whoever won't just abandon me five seconds in
i do not know how to move forward from this but. its good to at least be aware of it i think.
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jacksothereye · 2 years
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I’ma be real, I love these two boys more than I love a lot of things. 
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oatmealcrisp-freak · 4 years
Aiura and Saiki ARE soulmates.
....of the platonic variety!
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mmelolabelle · 7 years
Ellaria to Tyrion: My greatest regret is that Oberyn died fighting for you.
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rantceratops · 3 years
Personal headcanons for Mono and Six if they were in a more modern setting or a school au or something (probably a bit older, around 13 to 14 years old, like middle school or high school age):
Everyone is scared of Six because she can come off as cold to those that don’t know her, and she has a bit of a reputation for getting into fights.
Despite the reputation of Six, she is still subject to bullying. Things like being called a “freak” or an “animal”.
Mono and Six are both subject to bullying, as lots of kids find them to be extremely “weird” or “strange”.
Mono and Six are attached at the hip, not because they can’t be separate from each other, but because they just have a very deep connection and relationship and prefer each other’s company.
They hold hands a lot. Like, they don’t even think about it, they’ll just be walking down the hall together and start holding hands without realizing it.
Everyone thinks they’re dating, but they are not. Six and Mono get so tired of people saying they’re dating that they just ignore it when it gets brought up. The only kids who actually respect their deep connection without assuming romance are RK and RG.
Even though Mono and Six have important friendships outside of the one with each other, they have a particularly strong bond and know each other better than anyone else. You would be hard pressed to find one without the other in tow. (Platonic life-partners FTW!)
The first time Mono covered his face with a paper bag was because someone gave him a black eye and he was embarrassed about it. It soon turned into habit, providing some security. (when he’s able to get away with leaving it on, at any rate)
Six has a big appetite. RK, RG, and Mono always give her something out of their lunches.
Should go without saying that Mono and Six are very protective of each other.
That’s all I got for now. Couldn’t get a few of these out of my head so decided to write them down.
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blizabrth · 3 years
Alright - Annie x Rio (gotta maintain my brand) AND Beth x Ruby
so, like everything, i'm overthinking these ship asks way too much so i'm going to try and word-vomit these out as quickly as possible and never look back. to make things more interesting, i recruited my girlfriend to also give me her opinions on these because i am curious what she thinks also. i don't know if i'd call us huge "shippers" outside of typical canon ships or whatevz so maybe this will be funny.
i think: okay so like if canon had forked off into a different direction, MAYBE? this would be fling-only. and hilarious. annie is too much of a mess for rio to handle (i think he would physically cringe at the usual state of her apartment) and rio is too uptight for annie (she would never be able to get comfortable/relax/wear sweatpants for 3 days in a row around him). also i think he would feel really bad about eventually wanting to bang her older sister, so it just wouldn't work out.
girlfriend thinks: bromance.
i think: their bond was originally forged so sisterly, with ruby taking care of beth taking care of annie, that i don't think i could see this as a romantic ship at all. they've swapped intimate details of their private and romantic lives, sure. i have always sort of thought beth would go to ruby for advice on how to ~spice things up in her marriage, and ruby might be clued in to how "good" things are depending on how much or how little beth wants to talk about it. BUT maybe they made a "if we're both not married by 30, we'll get married to each other" pact. platonic life partners/soulmates ftw!
girlfriend thinks: shrugs bffs?
send me a ship and i'll give you my (and my girlfriend's) brutally honest opinions of it
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laufire · 3 years
Johnny Jaqobis for the meme
How I feel about this character: I really like him! He’s charming, and he was a very pleasant surprise, because usually characters in his position can be so... ineffectual and overblown lol.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Lucy. I enjoy some other dynamics in later seasons, but ship-ship... Johnny/Lucy.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Dutch. Platonic life partners ftw.
My unpopular opinion about this character: I don’t know much about this fandom’s patterns tbh. I don’t know how people are wrt shipping him with Dutch, but personally I’m relieved things didn’t go that way. I don’t think it would’ve done his storyline any favours.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: n/a.
my het ship: Johnny/Lucy counts, I guess xD
my fem/slash ship: maybe Fancy/Johnny? They had some fun moments.
my OTP: Johnny/Lucy and Dutch-Johnny platonically.
my OT3: Dutch/Johnny/Lucy is a gr10 dynamic lol.
my cross over ship: as usual I’m going to go with my current fandoms and... frankly I think he’d like Castiel lmfao (angels and AIs are not that far apart!!). Or Idelle from Black Sails.
my kink: I have met few shows as interested in bdsm and bondage aesthetics as this one, so there’s that xD
a head cannon fact: spoiler alert for u.
my gender bend: I’m terrible at this lol. Idk but the first actress that came to my mind was Lyndsy Fonseca and I would certainly enjoy seeing her play a role like this, so why not.
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Not that I’ve changed my opinion on Civil War but you know, I don’t hate anyone, so here I am browsing the ‘Steve Rogers & Tony Stark’ tag on Ao3.
Looking for those awesome fics where these two are hilarious in their compatible inversiveness (is that a word?🤔) in the tag dedicated to their friendship, all I find for the first two pages are ‘not Team Cap friendly’, ‘not Steve Rogers friendly’ fics.
What I also find are ‘James “Bucky” Barnes’ & Tony Stark’, ‘James “Bucky” Barnes/Tony Stark’, ‘Natasha Romanoff & Tony Stark’ and ‘Natasha Romanoff/Tony Stark’.
Now once upon a time, this would make me sad. Not because I don’t want to see any ‘- & Tony Stark’ or ‘- /Tony Stark’ fics, I don’t ship it but whatever floats your boat, but because the amount of anti and hate sentiment is very disheartening. Especially when you have the space to fix things and are not debating canon.
Now? Now this just makes me laugh.
It’s been 3 years since Civil War, 3 years of both teams living separate lives, 3 more years of the SteveNat platonic romance, 3 years of Team Cap being on the run but with support, 3 more years of Tony living his best life with Pepper, Rhodey and Happy (and now Peter and May), 3 more years of Steve & Bucky being best friends, 3 years of T’Challa giving Team Cap a safe place and them being okay with no one having to suffer, but Team Iron Man stans are still not over what happened to an extent that pretty crazy xD
(Now I’m not bashing fans, I specifically only mean stans. None of the teams just ‘got over’ what happened, nor did the fans. But fics represent more than an opinion, they represent what you think could have, can and should happen. It’s not hard to find anti Steve or Tony, or anti anyone, posts on Tumblr but finding anti Tony fics is much harder, especially compared to Anti Team Cap. Trust me, I did the research.)
Like holy hell. I get it. You think Tony was wronged and a victim and blah blah. Cool. Maybe it’s true. It’s all a matter of opinion in some ways (more or less). It’s not like I don’t know the fandom was divided. But what’s hilarious af is when they get in other players who’d either explicitly stated non-allegiance or who would have no idea and won’t care about the Accords.
The funniest scenarios have to be these-
Bucky’s a chill dude who loves Tony, everyone hates Steve - evidently these dumbass stans haven’t watched any of the Cap movies. And yes, I say this knowing they’ve seen Civil War. *stares into the camera Office-style* Forget about who’s right and imagine Bucky choosing anyone over Steve or not being on Steve’s side. Say that with a straight face after watching any movie with Bucky in it. (Let’s not even talk about the comics where Bucky wanted to kill Tony and only stopped because Tony gave him the shield and said Steve wanted him to be Cap.) The height of delusion is just nuts.
Natasha cares about Tony so much she’s gonna kick Steve’s ass - there’s no denying the OG 6 have a bond and the first one we see is Nat and Tony. They’re buddies. But Steve is Nat’s partner. Her best friend. He’s Steve. Have people watched CA: tWS? Let me answer that, no. Also, CA: CW, or IW or Endgame? Like seriously? Nat might not harm Tony for Bucky, she won’t ever want to harm Tony; but she’ll do whatever it takes to keep Steve safe and she’ll go far as she has to to do that.
Bruce would pick Tony’s side - now the dilemma is that of course they’re buddies, science bros ftw, BUT if anyone thinks Bruce would willingly pick a side with General Thaddeus Ross on it, then these kids have no idea what Marvel is about and literally only watch RDJ with brains off.
T’Challa and Shuri kicking Team Cap out - watch IW and see me roll my eyes.
Stephen Strange and Carol Danvers whopping Team Cap’s ass - Strange doesn’t care either way, he won’t sign the Accords and he doesn’t give a shit about either side, and I’m willing to bet that given her history, not only would Carol know of and admire Cap, she won’t be pro Accords either.
Now listen. Tony has his own circle of ridiculously loyal friends. There’s no doubt that Pepper, Rhodey and Happy will always support him and to varying degrees, Vision and Peter will always have his back too (Vision does love Wanda and while Peter adores Tony, he’s a kid and he didn’t actually know about when the Accords during CW).
So when I see a fic that’s very much against Team Cap, while it’s nuts that its in the SteveTony friendship tag, I can take it for what it is when it’s very pro Accords and all of Team Cap goes under.
I see a fic with Rhodey or Pepper or even Peter letting lose on Team Cap, cool, okay.
I see a fic where Tony stops paying for Team Cap and they are taken aback, I’ll even laugh! I’m guessing Steve will have money from back pay and Shield, Sam used to have a job and Nat can get enough money for everyone, but hey, it’s a hilarious premise and one that I actually feel Tony should do. Regardless of whether I agree with him or not, one can’t expect him to fund people against him and it’s very strange when people still expect him to finance Team Cap.
So I’m not unreasonable. And it’s not like I’ve commented on a single fic, because they’re allowed to dream up whatever they want, but the bulleted list of scenarios above make me laugh because damn, there’s fanfiction which works in canon but changes course and then there’s a total dream world that you should call like it is and tag it an AU.
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violetemerald · 7 years
List of queerplatonic level relationships people can choose from for my two birthday collabs this year:
For my birthday I usually host either 1 or 2 fanvideo collabs. This year is the first year that I’m actually happily in a queerplatonic partnership myself while my birthday has come around. The first birthday after I figured out I was asexual I hosted family&friendships, platonic relationships, birthday collabs. Then I hosted multi-characters, then a more typical multi-couples one for romantic & sexual ships. This year, as I turn 27 years old, I’m excited to finally host two collabs where I focus on as many queerplatonic level relationships as possible.
There are many ways to define queerplatonic, but the “queer” in the word refers not to the people in the relationship, but rather to the relationship itself - queering the norms of what non-romantic relationships can be.
Not all queerplatonic relationships are alike. My queerplatonic partner & I feel the same amount of attraction toward one another as family members or close friends might feel, which is absolutely nothing sexual or romantic. We also don’t cuddle or hold hands or touch much at all, nothing like that. We’re queerplatonic because we, by nature of both being aromantic-spectrum and asexual-spectrum, aren’t dating or looking for anyone else to fill a lot of roles in our lives, and end up as each other’s de-facto plus one’s to events. We are adults with a level of “being best friends” that most adults we know don’t have. We also have a level of commitment to one another that we’ve agreed upon, where we intend to one day build a life together that involves probably foster parenting and later adopting children, and for now includes the idea that we are officially “together”, that we might meet each other’s families and be each other’s “most significant person” in life, etc. You basically feel like family, like an old married couple where the passion is gone but the deep love and affection is still there except you never had any of the passion in the first place.
For me, when watching TV shows, it’s much harder for high school based characters to feel queerplatonic to me. To feel queerplatonic to me, really significant behaviors like living together, deciding to open a business together, using words like “Family” or “brother” rather than friend because they feel so bonded, using words like “love” despite being friends, touching each other so much that half of fandom is shipping them, or going through tragedies together can all help make their friendship feel like it is a stronger type of friendship. Queerplatonic relationships ARE friendships, in my opinion, they aren’t something different, just a different TYPE of friendship. An intense one that other people won’t understand, or might be likely to mistake as romantic.
Here is a nice article I found on queerplatonic relationships:
  It explains it pretty well.
Let me know if you think I’ve forgotten a queerplatonic level pairing from a series or even just film that you know I like:
Now for all 33 of the pairings below, I want to explain why I consider them queerplatonic. A few of these I can ship romantically as well but I especially love categorizing them as queerplatonic, because queerplatonic representation FTW!
1. Cory & Shawn (Boy Meets World/Girl Meets World) - I wouldn’t have thought to include these two, but that article cites them, and I couldn’t resist. I fell so hard for Shawn Hunter and his angst filled life and related to too much of it when I watched the entire original series in record time via ABC Family reruns as a young teenager, but I also fell for the deep Cory/Shawn friendship, which was stronger than their romantic relationships ever were, and which never grew weaker as they became adults. I especially like what I’ve heard about Girl Meets World’s portrayal, even though I’ve never seen the series. I feel their friendship is respected for the queerplatonic level bond it is.
2. Sara & Oliver (Arrow & also DC’s Legends of Tomorrow) - for these two, I count them as queerplatonic because that’s the real way I ship them. I don’t actually think they are the best romantic pairing. I think the one-sided romantic attraction from Sara toward Oliver faded with time but instead these two developed a deep platonic bond over sharing experiences of going through hell on Lian-Yu (the island) and over both being vigilante superheroes later on. Sex doesn’t equal romance and this relationship feels best categorized to me as queerplatonic. They aren’t “just” typical friends for an array of reasons, but they also aren’t a simple romantic ship.
3. John & Sherlock (Sherlock, BBC) - for Sherlock/John… quite frankly, they may be THE SINLGE MOST OBVIOUS EXAMPLE of a queerplatonic life partnership to me because Sherlock actually seems completely aromantic asexual to me, at least in the same way I am aro ace - read this to get where those of us who interpret him this way are coming from: http://anagnori.tumblr.com/post/70661417641/sherlock-holmes-as-an-asexual-character and John actually seems straight in my opinion, yet Sherlock is somehow the most important person to John, more so than any of the women he’s attracted to in sexual and/or romantic ways. Even if John can be argued to be bi, please don’t take ace Sherlock from me, he is so ace… XD That being said, although I don’t see it, even if Sherlock was gay, then maybe John is straight and they still have incompatible orientations yet somehow have this amazing bond and that is what… I think of when I think of queerplatonic. I actually just thought of John being homoromantic&heterosexual as a possibility, meaning he can’t fall in love with women even though that’s the only gender he’s sexually attracted to, but he can fall in a non-sexual kind of love with Sherlock… :P https://asexualcensus.wordpress.com/2014/11/17/cross-orientations-among-non-aces/ So many possibile reasons why they are the way they are, but regardless, because their friendship is the most intense possible friendship possible, they count as queerplatonic.
4. House & Wilson (House M.D.) - House is obviously much more heterosexual than BBC’s Sherlock character but House & Wilson were based on the original Holmes and Watson in many ways, and their relationship with each other is one of the ways you can see that inspiration. They love each other so much. Wilson tells House in the final season that he needs him to tell him he loves him, actually using that word. They live together at times, etc etc. But it doesn’t mean they actually have any sexual attraction toward one another. (Nor romantic attraction, necessarily, albeit that is more complicated). This may be biphobic writing/queerbaiting OR it might be a reflection of a real queerplatonic kind of bond that could be possible between straight men… and I personally prefer to think of it as the latter.
5. Shawn & Gus (Psych) - there is so much that’s kinda obvious with this one. They are beyond just best friends. They are the emotional core of each other’s lives, they chose to build their lives together as (business) “partners”, and they are exactly what queerplatonic partners mean to me in many ways, because however much Shawn loved Juliet O’Hara, he always loved Gus at least equally, if not more. Gus was his chosen family for his entire life. For ages Gus was literally the only person in on a secret, other than the father who built him to have this superpower. There are touching emotional moments between them and it wouldn’t be hard to vid them in these collabs. 6. JD & Turk (Scrubs) - it’s just guy love between two (completely heterosexual) guys, right? That’s how THEIR SONG goes in the musical ep? XD There’s nothing gay about it in their eyes, and therefore… they are the epitome of queerplatonic. The beginning of this following thread actually has some people discussing JD/Turk as queerplatonic… http://www.asexuality.org/en/topic/118560-list-of-queerplatonic-relationships-in-showsbookscelebrities/
7. Chandler & Joey - in a similar vein, these two were the one friendship on all of Friends that was “Weirdly close” (see the thread above on asexuality.org), that had lots of gay innuendo and stuff… basically they weren’t typical friends, they were hyper close friends who lived together, just the two of them, for pretty much the majority of a decade as adults with no other significant romances in their lives most of that time, and at the end of the series Joey still had no one but his friends and felt closest to Chandler in a very queerplatonic kind of way even if Chandler did have Monica. A deep love that was truly not romantic nor sexual.
8. Morgan & Reid (Criminal Minds) - many people ship these two, because their friendship got so close, because they touch each other a lot, etc. Their final scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ST8CdeMRhEw includes actual I love yous, naming a child after the other, references to being a “brother” because of how close they feel… and tears over just the simple separation of not working together anymore. They have so many amazing moments throughout the series that I can find myself shipping them too, but mainly I prefer to ship them in a queerplatonic way, partially because I see too much of my aromantic ace tendencies in Reid: http://archiveofourown.org/works/7566307/chapters/17212351 and idk. They are not queerplatonic “partners” to me, they just have a queerplatonic level of feelings for one another. I believe Garcia/Morgan should also count as queerplatonic on this show. It’s fine for Morgan to have two queerplatonic bonds. She felt sexual attraction toward him but they both felt only platonic love. I just prefer Morgan/Reid much more than Morgan/Garcia, and the sexual innuendo in Morcia tends to make me uncomfortable as a sex-averse ace perhaps, and idk, I just don’t want Morgan/Garcia in my collab. But Morgan/Reid mean the world to me, ESPECIALLY platonically. I actually have a list with timecodes of many of Morgan & Reid’s moments in the first 7 or so seasons, if you want it.
9. Emily & JJ (Criminal Minds) - another queerplatonic bond on Criminal Minds, and it’s rare for me to find two women who I can think of as queerplatonic. I also definitely can ship them, see both women as queer enough for an actual romantic/sexual relationship between them to have potential, but as the show stands, they could certainly both be straight. That’s the narrative the show pushes. And yet their bond is particularly deep due to especially the circumstances of being each other’s only contact at times while on classified missions/undercover, and they are overly touchy even very early on. I actually have a list with timecodes of many of Emily & JJ’s moments in the first 6 or so seasons they share, if you want it. Possibly some from the new season too.
10. Mozzie & Neal (White Collar) - I actually think these two are more queerplatonic partners than Neal/Peter. Neal/Peter are the obvious heart of the show but Mozzie is not “just” a best friend. Neal is Mozzie’s entire life, so much so that when Peter becomes so important to Neal, Peter  (a suit type of person Mozzie is frightened by) becomes important to Mozzie too. Neal and Mozzie are fugitives TOGETHER, basically build their lives together, and it causes MAJOR PROBLEMS for their friendship when Mozzie wants to leave New York but Neal doesn’t. Mozzie & Neal are the ultimate partners in crime, and basically seem like they could be roommates to a casual viewer of the show, even though they don’t actually live together, because Mozzie is over Neal’s apartment SO OFTEN. When Mozzie is hurt, Neal cries, and vice versa. They are adults, and Mozzie never has a significant romance that comes close to paralleling his feelings for Neal.
11. Neal & Peter (White Collar) - these two have such a deep bond that fuels the show, but I don’t see them as having romantic nor sexual feelings at all for one another. They are very close both outside and at work, to the point of Peter naming his child after Neal. They spend so much time together and their lives revolve around one another, especially Peter’s around Neal, even when they don’t see each other for long stretches of time. They both admire each other and it’s just not a typical friendship, yet it is purely platonic. Neal can have two queerplatonic relationships in his life, and he does.
12. Foss & Kyle (Kyle XY) - this relationship could barely be called a friendship, and that is why it feels queerplatonic to me. It’s kind of like they skipped straight to found family or skipped straight to platonic love. There is an age difference which adds to how atypical it is to be that devoted to one another.  Kyle has close friendships with people like Declan. But with Foss, his relationship is more complicated. Tom Foss would do literally anything for Kyle and… some people do ship these two because of how intense their platonic love is. But it is just platonic, don’t try to tell me it’s anything different.
13. Nikita & Alex (Nikita) - there aren’t enough bonds like this between women on television, which is what makes this pairing so special. Despite each having some really passionate romantic entanglements, these two have such a significant place in each other’s lives, so much so that Nikita/Michael scenes often include lots of talk of Alex and stuff. They are basically self-explanatory in my mind so if you need more justification, let me know.
14. Hiro & Ando (Heroes) - this show mainly has really deep family bonds, but Hiro/Ando break that mold by being a ridiculously deep friendship bond, especially circa seasons 3 & 4. Ando is betrayed in season 3 to learn Hiro didn’t tell him about a significant emotional event in his life, and Hiro says “don’t cry because I’ll cry”, like this is 3x20… there’s so much there to unpack about how much they care for one another. Even in season 2 though, Hiro is far back in the past and hides a secret note for Ando. They are on each other’s minds whenever they are apart, they are really platonic life partners in so many ways, traveling a foreign country together, presumably living together for a long time as adults, etc.
15. Alec & Kiera (Continuum) - they are queerplatonic by nature of being in a sci-fi show’s extremely atypical premise - no other relationship ever is like theirs. The main reasons they tic queerplatonic boxes for me are a) Alec is Kiera’s ONLY confidant who knows the truth of her life other than the people who want to kill her for a while. Alec’s life starts to revolve around her in a similar way and he can’t tell anyone else in his life anything about her. b) age differences make shipping them more than skeevy, because he’s either so much older than her or so much younger than her. But having platonic relationships at any age works… C) Alec is THE PERSON who shaped Kiera’s entire future by sending her to the past and he will always be that significant mark on her life. d) Alec/Kiera have to learn to forgive each other and are at the emotional core of the entire series, share many really significant hugs and moments and basically they are maybe not queerplatonic “partners” in a typical sense, but they are in some kind of queerplatonic relationship. I’d argue that Carlos/Kiera might be queerplatonic too, but I feel more shippy things for them personally so I’m leaving them out of my collab.
16. Dr. Tom & Erica (Being Erica) - call them father/daughter ish if you want, but some people think they’re more husband/wife ish (like the commenter on my video for them: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_F3MwwEqHo ), and isn’t that the epitome of what queerplatonic is, can’t tell if they seem more like family or like a romance? Tom has an unhealthily close relationship with her, since she’s just one of his patients. Erica feels a deep love for Tom. They know each other particularly intimately because of the nature of the magic on this series. They are not what people would ever just call “best friends” despite that literally being what they are to each other, because best friends has a certain connotation and they are barely even “Friends”. They are people who share a deep kind of platonic relationship, and friendship isn’t really the best word to describe it.
17. Meredith & Cristina (Grey’s Anatomy) - because “you’re my person” even after marriages and stuff. Originally “You’re my person” was about being the one person Cristina confided in about her pregnancy and abortion because she needed a significant friend/family member/romantic partner to drive her home (if that had worked out and the appointment had been needed), and that is a very typical kind of practical commitment queerplatonic partners could make in each other’s lives. Feeling not just happy for the person if they move away for a job but also heartbroken like it’s a breakup is typical of queerplatonic level friendships, too…
18. Caitlin & Cisco (The Flash) - I don’t quite know how to explain why they seem so queerplatonic to me but I really love them as an example of queerplatonic bonding. They care so much about each other, they’re like the first thing each other thinks about, they spend every waking moment together, they confide in each other first, they knew each other before the show when no one else did, they are a ying and yang kind of deal when they are Killer Frost and Vibe, they just are such a TEAM in everything in life. They are adults, so they don’t seem like they’re just super close because they’re in the same high school. It seems like a life thing where even if a romantic partner became a part of their lives, this friendship would still probably be a slightly MORE significant relationship in their life.
19. Scott & Stiles (Teen Wolf) - this one I wasn’t so sure about, but the intensity of what they’ve each been through together has made their bond stronger than any other relationship on the show, probably. They have no secrets, and Stiles literally can’t bear the thought at the beginning of season 5 or whenever it was of Scott not being his best friend for life. Stiles uses the word “brother” because friend doesn’t describe it well enough. That kind of thing.
20. Rachel & Kurt (Glee) - I’m also not so sure about this one, but Rachel ultimately being a surrogate who carries Kurt’s child seals the deal for me on this, as well as the way Kurt/Rachel both are the potentially most affected by Finn’s death (however I may be biased a bit by fanfiction and fanon version of their lives…). They are best friends in a way that seems much closer than some of the other roommates and close friends, idk.
21. Maxine & Sean (Judging Amy) - I feel a lot of things about their friendship but don’t ship them in the slightest nor think they are “just” close friends. The age difference is part of it, and the unconventional nature of how close they managed to get despite “only” being coworkers. Watch the first four clips that come up on YouTube for them to get the gist of their relationship. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=sean+maxine They might fight at times but when times get hard, they share hugs and forehead kisses and platonic physical touch and well, especially Sean toward Maxine seems very queerplatonic. She’s not even “like a mother” to him, she’s just a friend he cares for deeply, partially by nature of the TV show revolving around her life and not his, where we see no other aspect of Sean’s life at all except his feelings for her.
22. Jesse & Walter (Breaking Bad) - by nature of their criminal lives, you may notice a theme here with a few criminal partners, but I think they become each other’s whole worlds, for better or worse. It’s not romantic by any means. But it is a partnership and a deep kind of psuedo-familial love that develops.
23. Angus & Mario (Code Black) - ah I ship them in a pretty slashy way, but I’m too sex-averse and even kissing averse to really be rooting for that to actually happen. I can’t decide what I feel. They just have such an amazing friendship in such a high stakes kind of show that it makes the level of friendship feel like it shoots up to queerplatonic.
24. Emily/Aria/Hanna/Spencer (Pretty Little Liars), just the four of them, no Alison, no boys, that core group seems like queerplatonic level friendship to me because of what they’ve been through. Try to vid voiceovers about how what they’ve been through has bonded them, try to vid moments where no other characters are on screen and at least a few group moments, what I love about this is it’s not a queerplatonic duo/partnership but rather a queerplatonic level group friendship of 4. There is no “just” friends about these girls, especially given the time jump into the future in the most recent two half seasons.
25. Chloe & Clark (Smallville) - They may have been romantic for about 1 to 2 episodes, and Chloe had one-sided romance feelings for seasons 1-5, but this friendship lasted 10 seasons and even when she had romantic feelings, the relationship remained non romantic. In fact, that can be one thing I think that makes a friendship queerplatonic. The fact that one person feels “more than” friendship, romantic feelings, but the friendship is still “just” a friendship. The bond becomes more complicated and intense. Especially for a while, Chloe knowing Clark’s secret became a huge part of why they weren’t “just” friends.
26. Dwight & Michael (The Office) - basically, these two didn’t have other people they were as close to, for much of the show. Dwight might be borderline aromantic because he tends to act like friendships more important to him, desire how much he cares for Angela too. Michael loves everyone his, platonic or not, so hard. So they become, kind of by default, queerplatonic level kind of friends at first and then even after they have romantic partners it doesn’t fade. Dwight prided himself on being given a special status by Michael (in the office, but still), and they have some emotionally touching scenes.
27. Marcel & Davina (The Originals) - These two aren’t family but sort of serve that role in each other’s lives, which is basically the only reason I’m counting them as queerplatonic. They love each other in a way that is nonromantic and nonsexual and also not typical of what you’d normally see in a friendship.
28. Casey & Ashleigh (Greek) - I wasn’t sure if I should do any relationship from Greek, and if so who to do, but I think these two are nice to consider including because there aren’t enough girls who feel queerplatonic on TV but these two are super-best-friends to a degree that could be queerplatonic, mainly because they could not be any closer as friends? Like idk, especially at the end of the series, they have a lot of feelings about one another…
29. Leonard Snart & Mick Rory (The Flash & DC’s Legends of Tomorrow) - ah, Captain Cold & Heatwave, totally queerplatonic partners. Snart’s death hurts the most because that pairing can’t be broken up! What are they doing!! I mean I care about them ruining Sara/Leonard as a ship too but I care more about this friendship between Mick & Leonard. I care about how much they care about each other and how much they are always on the same team. The third “partners in crime” on this list.
30. Michael & Brian (Queer as Folk) - see what I said about Chloe/Clark, basically one-sided feelings and maybe a couple kisses in their lives but never really being anything other than friends makes their friendship atypical, queerplatonic because of all it involves. They weren’t “just” friends, they were in many ways the main rock in each other’s lives.
31. Karma & Amy (Faking It) - I never saw the final season of this show, but hopefully eventually. Basically, I heard they don’t end up together and essentially Karma never returns Amy’s feelings enough, so… while I can ship them romantically, I can also just see them as a queerplatonic relationship for the reasons described directly above in Michael/Brian (and in Clark/Chloe, and Sara/Oliver). Amy learns to suppress her sexual and romantic feelings for her friend in favor of preserving the deep friendship bond. They are atypically close as friends.
32. Arthur & Merlin (Merlin, BBC) - I’ve never seen the show but I plan to watch it eventually and already know they count as queerplatonic in my eyes. The creator said they are a love story as do the actors but the guys never kiss and a lot of people interpret it as gay but thwarted by network television, but from the fanvideo things I’ve seen… I prefer to think of them as Sherlock/John level queerplatonic.
33. Lux & Tasha (Life Unexpected) - they didn’t have anyone else growing up, no parents or family at all, so they became way more than friends and as close as sisters in some ways, and their friendship seems queerplatonic to me, despite their young age. They would risk so much for the other. They need each other in their lives.
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colonelchansan · 13 years
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