primal-slayer · 4 months
Throwback: Greg Vaughn 1999 interview
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This week, Charmed's Greg Vaughan chatted away about Friday food fights, Keri Russell's locks and a witchy threesome. Plus, Wanda spilled it about porno on Freaks and Geeks and a female werewolf on Buffy.
Hi, everyone. Greg is here. From Maliha: Greg, how did they find you for Charmed? --Must've been a long search, but they found me! I auditioned twice, and they finally gave it to me. From smartiepants: Lots of people talk about the crazy things in an Aaron Spelling contract--like you can't cut your hair. Do you have anything like that in your contract? --It's not in my contract, but Aaron likes to keep his boys looking the same. We can't make any drastic changes without consulting him. * * * From milo: Any chance for Andy to return to the show? Loved him! --I know. I hear that quite often. But he's not coming back, from what I understand.
From athletic_girl88: Did you watch Charmed before you were on it? Don't lie! --Nope. But I do now. * * * From lulu: Can you give us some upcoming scoop on Charmed? --I'm sure everybody's wanting Leo and Piper to get together, but they're gone. Then in comes neighbor Dan. He's a mortal. * * * From marilu: What's up with the little girl you are the guardian of? --Actually, she has been let go from the show. But she was really sweet, and we got along really well. From paceynjoey: So, what purpose does your character serve on Charmed? What's he here to stir up? --I don't think he's here to stir up anything. I think he's there to add a little spice to what 's going on with the girls. They're trying to maintain the witchcraft while bringing in a little romance between me and Piper. * * * From kimberley_21: Greg, any chance of your character hooking up with Phoebe? --You know, we were all trying to work out a threesome, but Piper wanted a boyfriend, so that's where things are brewing. From charmedgirl: Could you describe a typical day on the set of Charmed? --A typical day is everybody being laid back and just having fun. The girls are joking around, and the guys are loving the attention they're getting from the girls. I mean, you have those sex symbols walking around all day. There's a lot of fun, cutting up and horseplay. Lately, I've been working for four hours a day, so it has been great. I'm in and out really quickly, but that should change because things are about to get really intense with Dan and Piper. From pixiepiper: So, will we see you do karaoke at Piper's club anytime soon? --Uh, I don't think so. If I have anything to do with it, NO! * * * From templaralt: In the upcoming Episode 10, "Heartbreak City," will you have a big role, and will Cupid put you and Piper together as a couple? --That could be. It's a waiting game right now. I get a new script each week. In the beginning of the season, I think they were waiting to build the relationship and let people give my character a chance. We look forward to some other new additions to the show. From stjore: Any spoilers for a Halloween episode? --Being a witch show, you'd think we'd do a Halloween show, but there isn't one. There is a St. Patrick's episode. We don't know what the deal is, but maybe they'll hook him up with a leprechaun!! From monique1017: Do you think they'll pull an "Andy" on you ? I hope not! --You know what, I hope not. I hope that I'll be on for a while. But if I have to leave tomorrow, I just want to go down in style. I'm very grateful to be part of a successful show. If anyone knew the girls as I know them, they'd feel very blessed. https://groups.google.com/g/alt.gossip.celebrities/c/-P_GQyf7MW0?pli=1
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¡Buenos días! #morning #tropical #jengibre #rojo #red #green #verde #fairygarden #PixiePiper #nofilter #puertorico #flor #flowers #flores #nature https://www.instagram.com/p/B3hObHbBtC1/?igshid=1cqct8mxp9fid
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batpeggy21 · 4 years
Just thought I'd say you're wonderful
I just thought I'd say you are too
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rthoney · 4 years
Claro is looking for the anon tracking post
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fans-of-the-damned · 4 years
🤗 and 🍀
I'd hug you too pip!!!!
I'm the lucky one!!!
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Good morning to mes petits frères et sœurs!!
@elizard-hamilton @andpeggy21 @pixiepip @little-nymph-claro
How are you? I hope you slept well!
*opens arms* cuddles?
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Maman I am very confused... @pixiepip wouldn't explain the difference between cock and coq... I asked Laf too but....... Can you tell me?
There is a difference?
Perhaps it is that coq only has one meaning and cock has two?
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fiction-fun · 4 years
A Loving Headline
@braidedchallah @alexanderdamnhethin @creedtheconquer @rthoney @andpeggy21 @pixiepip @little-nymph-claro @haha-gunsgoburrr @hamiltimes
Fandom: Newsies the musical
Pairing: Jack/Oc
Words: 6526
I blinked open my eyes and stood quickly, pulling my vest tight around me and tucking my hair up under my hat. I reached down and shook the kid’s shoulders.
“Come on, little ones. Time to go see Ms. Medda Larkin.” I said softly.
The kids groaned but stood up getting ready for the day. I grabbed my paper bag and made sure I had enough on me for the hundred I’d be getting that day. I took Bea’s hand and lifted Ry into my arms before walking quickly down the fire escape and out of the alley. I took a look around before running across the street and ducking back behind the theatre. I knocked quickly still looking over my shoulder.
“Ley! There you are, I was getting worried.” Medda said opening the door.
I smiled softly and passed her Ry before lifting Bea up into the doorway.
“They didn’t wanna get up today. I gotta go, Jack'll never let me live it down if 'e beats me to the gate! I’ll sees yous two later, behave!” I called before turning and racing away.
I slid around the corner getting to the gate and catching my breath seconds before Jack and Crutchie walked up.
“Ley, how you always beat us here.” Jack said shaking his head and smirking at me.
I laughed sharply.
“Maybe someday you’ll be able to beat me. Not likely, but maybe.” I said a smirk curling my lips.
Jack laughed a bit at that before stopping and turning to the gate, the others coming around us. We stood watching the board.
“Whatcha think it’s gonna be today?” Someone asked behind me.
Jack shrugged and turned his head slightly.
“Doesn’t matter, if I don’t like it, I’ll just change it.” Jack said his solution to most things.
I shook my head and closed my eyes.
“I just hope it’s not the rail strike, again.” I muttered.
Those had been hard papers to sell lately. I heard murmured agreements and even Jack was nodding along. We all groaned as the board lit up.
“Rail strike enters week three! Great.” I heard muttered behind me.
The two goons opened the gate and we entered, forming the line.
“Hey Weasel!” Jack called.
We all laughed.
“It’s Wiesel!” the paper pusher called.
Jack shrugged and took his stack; I slapped my money done and shot him a look.
“Weasel, my man!” I shouted.
I walked over and grabbed my stack, high giving Jack as I did.
“Hey, weasel!” Crutchie continued the call.
I laughed and high fives him too. The kids behind Crutchie were new though.
“You could at least call me Mr.” Wiesel said with a gruff.
The kid behind Crutchie put his coin down.
“20 papers please, Mr. Wiesel.” He said as a younger boy darted over to us and grabbed a paper bag.
I looked at him and closed my eyes, he was barely older than Bea and Ry. I knew Jack saw it as an opportunity.
“Fifty more papes for the new kids!” jack said slapping a coin down.
The kid tried to fight him over it but his younger brother struck up a deal with Jack and I laughed when they shook.
“That’s disgusting.” Davey said pulling a face as Jack helped Les down.
“No, that’s how we do business. Good luck, I’m off.” I called sticking a hand up and walking away.
I went around and sold my papes the best I could, falling three short by the time my area cleared out. I sighed softly as I counted the money in my hands.
'Well, they’ll get to eat. ‘I thought as I headed back towards the theatre, seeing Jack, Davey and Les race in.
I looked and saw Snyder chasing them. I ducked back into the shadows praying they would keep me from being seen. I let out a breath and raced across the street when I was sure he was gone. I yanked open the back door and jumped in.
“Snyder after you again, Jack?” Medda was asking.
I saw Jack nod and look up I gave him a glare.
“Ya almost led him right to me!” I growled walking over to him.
His eyes went wide, and he backed up a step.
“Now, let’s not do nothin' hasty!” Jack said hands up.
I glared at him before turning back to Medda.
“Hey Ms. Medda, where are they?” I asked looking around.
She opened her mouth just as I heard two sets of feet racing towards me. I dropped to my knees and caught them hugging them tightly.
“Thanks for letting them stay here.” I said looking up at her.
“Anything for you Ley, you two know you’re always welcome.” She said smiling.
We ended up staying for a show before heading back out, Jack had tried to convince us to stay but I still had to get the kids food. I got them food quickly before we ducked back into the small hole we had found. The next morning, we repeated the morning. I got to the gate and waited, Jack and Crutchie joining me minutes later.
“Let’s hope.” I muttered.
The others nodded, and muttered agreements. All noise stopped when we saw the board.
“Prices raised for paperboys! Sixty cents a hundred?” someone read out.
We all turned to Jack; he was our leader.
“They can’t do that can they Jack?” was a common question I heard.
Jack laughed and shook his head.
“Nah! They’re just yanking us!” Jack said and that seemed to reassure everyone.
We formed a line and Jack slapped his coins down.
“Hundred papes!” he called.
Wiesel laughed meanly.
“It’s 60¢ for the hundred, Jack.” He called a cold cruel grin on his face.
Jack backed up and our line broke. He sat heavily on a crate and the others crowded him, until Les made them back up.
“Jack, you still thinkin'?” Les asked a few seconds later.
Jack nodded and then waved us in.
“We just ain’t gonna sell them, and we ain’t gonna let nobody else sell them either!” Jack declared.
Jack and Davey got into an argument about what a Union needs and how to go on strike. I swallowed feeling the ice slide down my back.
“Jack.” I called; he had just declared the strike.
He looked up at me, his eyes widening a bit, he waved me over to the truck.
“Go ahead, we won’t blame you. You gots responsibilities.” He said.
The others all started to throw a fit as I slowly walked over to the truck setting the sixty cents down to take my hundred. I kept my head down as I walked back passed the boys.
“Ley!” I paused at Jack’s voice.
I turned and looked at him.
“Don’t worry none.” He said and I gave a small smile before moving out into the city to sell my papers.
Each one I sold felt wrong, but I had to. I sold out and still had barely enough to get us all food.
‘I’ll go without tonight, so we have a little buffer in case I don’t sell enough tomorrow.’ I thought as I trudged back to the theatre.
I got the kids and we got food, then I got them back to the safe spot and got them laid down. I heard it then.
“Ry, buddy did ya just snuffle?” I asked crouching down to look at him.
I had already taken my hat and vest off, letting my hair fall down my back. The little boy nodded and snuffled again, I reached out and felt his forehead, flinching at the warmth I found. I sighed and leaned back, quickly tugging my vest on, and tucking my hair back into my hat.
“Stay here and don’t make a sound, don’t come out until I get back got me?” I asked softly.
Both kids nodded and I ducked out of the hole, running to the corner pharmacy looking through the medicine there.
'So much for a buffer.” I bit my lip as I tried to decide.
If I got the one, I knew would work it would wipe out the money I had left and make it so I couldn’t get a hundred papes tomorrow. I turned and looked trying to see if there were any other options. I reached my hand up and then hesitated.
“Are you buying something?” the counter person asked.
I looked at them for a second before looking down.
“Let me go get more money, the prices are different than what I remember.” I muttered as I turned and ran from the shop.
But I didn’t go back to the kids, I don’t know why, but I headed towards where Jack stayed. I stopped seeing him talking with that reporter lady from the other day.
“We’re counting on you, Katherine!” Jack called as she walked away.
I almost walked away; I knew Jack understood why I had to sell….but I still felt bad.
“Ley?” Jack asked turning and seeing me.
I looked up at him and waved slightly. He gave me a concerned look; he could always read me. He walked over and took my arm, leading me to the stairs, he was the only one who knew the truth.
“What’s wrong, Kaley?” he asked his voice dropped low enough no one else would hear.
I closed my eyes and bit my lip again.
‘Besides you flirting with the reporter girl?’ I thought before shaking it off.
“Ry is…is sick. And I didn’t make enough today to feed us and get his medicine. I already went without, so we’d have some incase somethin' else happened but the medicine, Jack it’s so much.” I said my voice cracking.
Jack watched me for a second before hugging me gently, that’s what was nice about Jack. He was all rough and tumble during the day but if you needed him, he was there for you.
“How much?” he asked voice soft.
I took a breath.
“25¢, I…I got most of it but it’ll wipe out any kind of buffer we had. But I have to get it! I swore I’d protect those kids.” I said my voice shaking slightly.
Jack patted my shoulder and stood up; I closed my eyes.
'He's mad, he won’t help. Why would he? I still sold; I broke us up during something so important!’ I thought.
My thoughts were cut off when I felt Jack take my hand and press a coin into it.
“Jack…I…” I said my voice wavering.
He shook his head and waved off my words.
“No, you get that medicine, and you pay me back later. If anyone knows what it takes to survive out here it’s you and me. Now, I know you’re all up in your head but, I ain’t mad atcha. I know what you gotta do, the others ain’t so happy with you, but they stopped bitchin' when I told ‘em to. Now go.” Jack said.
I stood up and hugged him quickly.
“Thank you.” I whispered before racing back off to the Pharmacy.
I ran inside and grabbed the bottle of medicine before going to the counter.
“I didn’t think you’d actually come back.” The person made no attempt to hide his disdain for me.
“Just this thanks.” I said a fake smile on my face.
He sighed and rung up the medicine, I paid quickly taking the brown bag and running from the shop. I took a long winding way back, just in case he watching me to try and send Snyder the Spider after me. I got back to the safe spot and ducked inside.
“Hey, hey, it’s ok guys. It’s just me.” I said crouching in front of them.
I tugged my cap off and pulled the medicine from the bag, I had read it in the shop and poured just the right amount into a cup for Ry. I gave it to him and he made a face.
“Now get some sleep buddy.” I whispered before settling down next to them.
I tugged off my vest and spread it over top of them, giving them a little more warmth. The next morning, I woke up early and let them sleep in for a minute with a sigh, looking at the sky as it slowly went from dark inky black to a lighter grey.
“Kay?” I heard a soft voice and turned my head seeing Ry sitting up, Bea behind him.
I smiled gently.
“Hey buddy, how are you feeling?” I asked as I grabbed the bottle and poured another dose for him.
Ry sniffled again and shrugged. I frowned softly and felt his forehead again before giving him the medicine.
'Maybe Ms. Medda will let us stay in the theatre for a few nights.’ I thought.
“You seem upset.” Bea said looking at me.
I smiled softly and ruffled her hair.
“I always worry boutcha when you’re sick!” I said smiling softly.
Bea batted my hands away and flattened her hair or tried to.
“But you look sad, like when momma and daddy didn’t come home!” Ry said looking at me.
I sighed and nodded.
“I let my boys down yesterday and I have to again today.” I said softly.
I didn’t like letting them into my problems, I was older I was meant to take care of them. Bea and Ry looked at each other before scooting to me, hugging me.
“So, don’t.” Bea said softly.
I laughed and kissed her forehead.
“If I don’t, we don’t eat.” I said softly.
They looked at each other and shrugged.
“We get can get food lots of other ways!” Ry said, with a smile.
I swallowed, the way he was talking about is when I used to steal for us.
“I can’t do that anymore.” I whispered.
It was true, Jack had been my partner and he had gotten caught, for me. They didn’t know that. They hugged me again.
“It’s ok, they’ll forgive you.” Bea said and I hoped she was right.
We got ready and headed to the theatre.
“Thanks again Ms. Medda. For everything.” I said as it turned to trudge off to the gate.
“Ley!” Ms. Medda called.
I turned to look at her and she stepped out of the theatre and over to me.
“Help your family.” She said softly.
I nodded towards the theatre.
“That’s what I’m doing.” I said trying to stay strong in my resolve.
She shook her head and pressed something into my hand, tilting my head up when I went to look at it.
“Your chosen family.” She said before gently turning me and giving me a shove towards the gate.
I walked a few feet and turned the corner, before pausing and opening my hand. Ms. Medda had pressed a roll of coins into my hand and sent me on my way, I looked back towards the theatre before nodding tugging my bag off I took off running.
“Ley! I beat you!” Jack called a smirk on his face.
I gave him a look, having tucked the coins into my pocket.
“Jack, shut up.” I said before throwing my bag on the ground at his feet.
His head followed the movement before his head snapped back up and he looked at me.
“What about?” He asked trailing off.
Only Davey, Les and him knew about the kids. I smiled and tilted my head back towards the theatre.
“Let’s just say Ms. Medda helped me make up my mind. And they also said I should help.” I said vaguely.
“Aw yeah! Ley’s with us!” Crutchie called waving his crutch with the strike flag on it.
I let out a sharp laugh and ruffled his hair.
“I was always with ya, ya damn fool!” I called.
After that, the day went downhill and before I knew it, I was running for my life from Snyder and the cops.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” I yelled as I spun around a corner and up a flight of stairs.
‘I hope everyone managed to get away.’ I thought as I finally stopped to breath, I was hidden behind an outcrop on a roof.
I waited a while before making my way over to Jack's, hoping to find him. I ran up the fire escape and looked over the railing giving a small sigh of relief.
“Jack!” I called relief in my voice.
He spun and in seconds we were wrapped up together.
“Thank everything anyone believes in! I thought they got you too.” Jack said looking down slightly at me.
I swallowed at what that meant.
“Too? Who else did they get?” I asked fearing the answer.
Jack moved away from me leaning on the rail and shaking his head, I walked up to him and laid my hand on his shoulder.
“Jack?” I asked, concern in my voice.
“They got Crutchie alright! I was right there but I couldn’t get him! They beat him with his own crutch!” Jack exclaimed.
I took a shaky breath and hugged jack.
“We’ll figure out how to get him back. It’ll be ok.” I said trying to reassure him.
Jack shook his head looking up at the sky, he blamed himself any time anything happened to any of us, but he took things that happened to Crutchie particularly bad.
“He was real hurt, what if he doesn’t make it?” Jack asked softly.
I shook my head.
“You can’t think like that. He’s stronger than anyone knows. If anyone can survive that hell hole, he can.” I said firmly.
Jack didn’t look convinced, but I knew nothing I said would actually help him. We stood there for a while in silence, before Jack turned to look at me.
“Shouldn’t you be getting the kids?” he asked me.
I saw a moment of worry in his eyes, I smiled softly and shook my head.
“Ms. Medda said they could stay at the theatre for a few days while Ry gets better. I'll head over in a few minutes, unless you want me to go now.” I said voice gentle.
He shook his head.
“No, you don’t gotta go yet.” He said quietly.
I nodded and we stood there for a while longer, letting the sun set. I took a breath and turned to Jack hugging him again before moving towards the steps.
“I’ll see you tomorrow Jack.” I said softly.
He nodded and did his best to give me a smile, I knew he felt our injuries were his fault, and sadly I knew him well enough to know he wouldn’t be out there tomorrow. I walked quickly down the steps and stuck to the shadows, popping into the shops and getting something quick to eat for the kids, I ran to the theatre and inside. I quickly fed them, ignoring the questions about my cuts and bruises before giving Ry another dose of medicine and getting them ready for bed. The next morning, I woke up and got ready quickly letting the kids sleep in. I turned seeing Ms. Medda standing there, I had already tucked my hair up so I wasn’t worried.
“Thank you.” I said sincerely.
She shook her head and smiled softly.
“Of course, dear!” she said with a smile.
I ran out of the theatre and head towards Jacobs Deli hoping no one else had been caught. I slid to a stop in front of the door and pulled it open, seeing Katherine standing there with the guys I did a quick count and saw that besides Crutchie only Jack was missing. I quickly fell into a chair beside Les and Davey. Everyone looked to happy this morning, that’s when I saw the paper.
“We made the front page?” I asked softly.
Davey nodded bouncing slightly.
“Above the fold!” He exclaimed happily.
I let out a soft laugh, they couldn’t ignore us if we were in the papes!
“Ley, where’s Jack?” one of the boys asked and I looked up, seeing them all looking at me.
I looked away and everyone started talking.
“Shuddup wouldya!” I yelled standing up on my chair.
That go their attention.
“Jacks fine, Snyder missed him. But I ain’t gotta tell yous all how he is.” I said quickly.
The others nodded, except Les, Davey, and Katherine, who looked at me. I sat down in my chair.
“How is he?” Les the more outgoing brother asked.
I sighed and shook my head.
“I forget, yous two…. three sorry reporter girl…are new.” I said softly.
“It’s Katherine.” She said hands on her hips.
I waved my hand, waving off her words.
“Yeah, yeah. Jack takes all the bad stuffs that happens to us and blames himself. I saw 'em yesterday and he was bustin’ himself up over what happened to Crutchie. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was hiding out in Ms. Medda Larkin’s theatre.” I said sipping the water that had been put in front of me.
That’s all it took and the four of us were up, I paused at the door letting the others run ahead of me, I turned to the others.
“Get word to Spot Conlon! His cousins callin' in the favor 'e owes!” I shouted and darted from the building before they could question me.
The four of us ran into the theatre, and down the steps into the basement.
“There you are! How about letting a pal know you’re alive!” Davey called running down the steps to him.
Jack shook his head and kept working in the background. Katherine Les and I stayed back.
“Look! We made the paper! Front page, Above the fold! That’s right! Above the fold!” Davey said enthusiastically.
“Yeah that’s great.” Jack said.
“Is that Santa Fe? I have to say Jack this go west young man thing is getting old. You should paint something you know.” Katherine said and I slapped my forehead.
Jack froze for a second a dark look over taking him.
“You wanna see somethin I know?” Jack asked and his voice was low.
I didn’t want to see what he was going to do. He spun the background around and in almost photo realistic paint was the fight that had happened yesterday. I swallowed looking away.
“That’s what I know! That’s Newsie square, all of the kids gettin’ beat down for standin' up for themselves! I ain’t puttin’ them through that again!” He yelled, face contorted in a mix of anger and upset.
Davey tried to convince him to have hope.
“You know why a rattle snake rattles?” Davey asked walking up behind him.
“No, why?” Jack asked sarcasm clear.
“Cause he’s scared!” Davey said.
Jacked huffed and shook his head.
“Look it up! Why else would he have sent the goons!” Davey continued.
Jack started to slowly nod.
“Maybe your right!” Jack said finally.
“Thank the god!” Davey said.
I huffed a laugh at that, and we all started to plan a bit. Katherine had to leave and so Davey, Les and I stayed with Jack for a bit. Davey and Les started up the stairs a while later and I kept an eye on Jack knowing he was planning something.
“I'm fine.” He said as he kept working on the painting.
I nodded and pursed my lips.
“Ok, but bullshit.” I said letting my opinion be clear.
He let his head drop back and he laughed, turning to face me.
“I hate that you know me so well.” He said finally.
I crossed my arms and smirked.
“No, you don’t.” I said firmly.
He nodded and laughed, his own smirk on his face. We stood there staring at each other for a while. He finally set down his paint brush and refused to meet my eyes.
“I’m going to go invite Pulitzer to this rally maybe let 'em see who he’s messing with.” Jack said finally, still not looking at me.
I sucked in a breath and looked at him, his mind was made up. I nodded slowly, my arms dropping to my sides.
“Ok but what if it’s just us? Spot hasn’t said one way or another that he’s in this, and without him, without Brooklyn, you know damn well the others won’t come!” I exclaimed frustrated.
He nodded and looked up at me.
“I know, that’s why if they don’t come, I want you the kids Les and Davey outta here. Cause if the others don’t come, you know Snyder's going to find a way to get in here.” He said firmly.
I bit my lip and nodded.
“I don’t like it, Jacky.” I said quietly.
Jack sighed and dropped the cloth in his hand, walking over he wrapped his arms around me, we had always been close. I wrapped my own arms around his chest and tucked my head under his chin, we were alone I could do this without worry.
“I know, I don’t like it none too much neither, but if it’s the only chance we all got.” Jack said pulling back to look down at me.
I nodded and closed my eyes, letting my arms fall from him and he stepped back.
“Just be careful, Jacky. You got all of us here waiting for you, and reporter girl to impress.” I said softly with no lack of scorn buried in my tone when I said that.
Jack had picked up his brush to finish the backdrop but he paused at my words and tone. He turned back to face me, a smirk on his face.
“What, are you jealous?” Jack asked a teasing turn to his voice.
I felt my face flush and turned away a bit.
“Kaley?” Jack asked softly.
I bit my lip before looking up at him.
“Yes ok! Is that what you want to hear? I've liked you for a while now, can’t help it. Seein you pine after that reporter girl makes me realize…” I broke off and shook my head.
Jack was just watching me now, his eyes wide.
“Doesn’t matter, I gotta go get food for the kids.” I said turning and running up the steps.
I didn’t stop running until I was out of the theatre, ignoring Jack’s voice as he shouted my name. I ran to the shops and got food, paying quickly and walking back to the theatre. I paused at the corner seeing Jack just leaving, I waited until he was gone before I walked back into the theatre. I fed the kids and cuddled up with them giving Ry his medicine. When they were asleep, I sat up and crossed my arms over my legs.
‘Jack still hadn’t come back; I hope Snyder didn’t get him.’ I thought with a worried frown on my face.
I laid back and tugged my cap over my face to try and get some sleep. Early the next morning I woke up to chanting voices in the street. I stood up, tugging my cap on and looked out of the door, before yanking it open and rushing out.
“Spot!” I yelled.
He turned and grabbed me, his arms around me as he spun.
“Brooklyn’s here. We’ll win this thing yet!” He shouted.
That got mass acceptance and that’s when I realized, all of the paper boys from the entire city were here including our group. Davey walked up to me then.
“Where’s Jack?’ he asked quietly.
I swallowed and shrugged.
“I don’t know, we got into a fight after you guys left and I haven’t seen him since I went to get food.” I said softly.
Davey gave me a worried look and I knew my face mirrored it. Within a few hours all of the boys where gathered into the Theatre. I had given Ry his medicine and moved the kids into another part of the theatre incase anything happened. I stood by Les and Davey. I smiled as Spot took the stage and rallied the boys. And I actually breathed a sigh of relief when I saw Jack appear.
“He raised the price and we strike, so he lowers the price. And in a few weeks, he Jack’s them right back up, because let’s be honest, he will.” Jack said and I froze.
Everyone in the theatre erupted in anger at the same time, except me, I was still to shocked at what Jack had said. The others had already started to clear out about an hour later when I saw Jack and one of Pulitzers men. I saw the money the guy handed him and I shook my head.
“I thought they were worth more to you then a wad of cash, Jack.” I said disbelief and anger coating my tone.
He jumped at my voice and turned to me guiltily.
“Ley, I can explain.” He said looking at me worriedly.
I closed my eyes and turned to walk away, but something told me to hear him out.
“You have two minutes.” I said still not turning to face him.
I heard Jack let out a breath, in a sigh.
“He said I had to talk against the strike or he’d throw me back in.” Jack said quickly.
I didn’t have to ask, 'in where?’, we all knew where.
“The money, Jack.” I said firmly.
I heard a soft thump as if Jack had thrown the money down.
“It was part of his deal. He cleared my arrest record, including the warrants and gave me enough money to go wherever I wanted. I just didn’t want to go back in.” Jack said and I turned slightly.
I took a breath.
“Well you’re lucky it was me who saw that. But you have to fix this Jack, those boys don’t think you care.” I said my voice stronger than I thought was possible.
He watched me for a few seconds, taking a small step closer.
“What about you?” He asked.
I closed my eyes and shook my head, moving to the stairs.
“That balls in your court, Jack. Your decision and your move.” I said before disappearing to go take care of the kids.
I didn’t see Jack at all for the rest of the evening and laid down after giving Ry his medicine. I was shaken awake hours later, I sat up rubbing my eyes.
“W-wha?” I asked before my eyes cleared enough to see who was standing before me.
There I saw Les and a bit away I saw Davey, his eyes wide.
“Woah! You’re a girl!” Les exclaimed, and I shushed him.
I quickly pulled my vest on, making sure the kids didn’t wake up, before I tucked my hair up into my cap and stood shooing them into another area of the theatre.
“You’re a girl?” Davey, this time, asked shock coating his tone.
I rolled my eyes.
“Yeah, I am. You gots a problem with that, skinny boy?” I asked him quickly.
Davey put his hands up and stepped back.
“Jack needs us! Katherine and him planned somethin’! Come on!” Les said grabbing me and tugging me along.
I bit my lip and looked back towards where the kids were, before finally nodding
“Alright, let’s go.” I said and the boys led me outside and we ran through the streets before busting into Pulitzers basement.
“Woah.” I said quietly.
“You got enough people coverin' us?” Jack asked looking up at Davey.
Davey tilted his head and gave Jack a slightly unimpressed look.
“We could have a hoedown down here and no-one would know.” Davey said.
Jack smirked and nodded.
“Good let’s do this.” He said.
I walked down the steps and looked Jack in the eyes.
“What is this?” I asked looking at him, a smirk playing across my face.
He smirked back and looked towards the room; I turned my eyes widening at the printing press.
“You told me to fix it, this is how we’re fixing it.” Jack said softly.
I turned and nodded.
“We got work to do. I’ll get Spot on the line and get his group rallied, they’ll spread the word.” I said nodding already racing up the steps.
“Let’s do this!” Jack shouted again.
I ran out of the door and to the nearest payphone, using a trick I had learned a while ago I entered Spot’s number.
“Spot, rally the gang. We are going to make first light news.” I said quickly when he answered.
“You got it! Let’s go boys!” Spot called from the other side of the line.
I hung up and ran back down into the building, quickly helping bundle and stack the pages. Before long we had enough to blanket the city, and that’s exactly what we did. Hours later, saw everyone with one of our papes and Jack looked at me smirking.
“Time for Davey and me to make the final blow.” He said with a bright sparkle in his eyes.
He knew we won. I laughed and shook my head.
“Go, we’ll be there with you! RIGHT BOYS!” I yelled the last bit to a resounding agreement from everyone in the area.
Jack smiled at me before taking off, Davey right behind him. The next thing anyone knew we were all outside Pulitzers building looking up and blocking all of the streets, we saw Jack and Davey and Les managed to get away from us and ended up with them in Pulitzers office. The thing that did surprise us, with Governor Roosevelt was stood with them. Twenty minutes later and Davey Les and Jack came racing from the building.
“WE WON!” Jack shouted in such a manner I hadn’t seen on him in a while.
A bright cheer went up, it got louder when Governor Roosevelt announced that the Refuge was closed, Crutchie joining us again. All of us surging over to him, the best news was when Snyder the Spider was put in chains, Crutchie took great joy in whacking him with his crutch.
“Could be used for a weekly political comic, what do you say Theodore? Let Jack behind your back door?” Pulitzer was saying.
I looked over and saw Jack debating between staying and leaving for Santa Fe.
“What’s Santa Fe got that New York doesn’t? Tarantulas?” Davey asked walking over to Jack.
Katherine walked up to Jack then.
“Better yet, what does Santa Fe have, that New York doesn’t?” She asked him with a smile.
I turned and gave a smile to the guys walking through the crowd. We won today and tomorrow, I’d be back out selling papes to help my family, I felt a hand grab me and turn me.
“Ya know, you walk really fast when you wanna get away from somethin’.” Jack huffed out, still holding my hand.
I smiled weakly at him.
“We won, congrats.” I said softly.
He tilted his head for a second and sighed shaking his head.
“For a smart girl, who can hide in plain sight. You can be kinda dumb.” Jack said.
I huffed out a breath and closed my eyes.
“If you’re just going to insult me you can just …” I started before Jack interrupted me.
I would have smacked him if he hadn’t had his lips attached to mine. I froze for a second before my eyes fluttered shut and my arms wrapped around his neck. I lifted one hand placing it on the back of his hat, giving absolutely no fucks when I heard it and a similar thing hit the ground. I didn’t care when I felt my hair down my back. The only thing I cared about was Jacks one arm wrapped around my waist and the other around my shoulders as he tilted me.
“Jack where did you…. Oh!” We heard a voice from behind us and stood up slowly.
Jack pressed his forehead to mine, and didn’t look up.
“What is it Crutchie? Can’t ya see you’re interruptin’ somethin’?” Jack asked looking into my eyes.
I smiled softly at him, running my fingers through his hair.
“S-sorry!” Crutchie said and I heard him move away.
I smiled again, closing my eyes.
“So, what’s this about?” I asked still a bit breathless.
He laughed and held me closer, if that was possible.
“Well you did say that this particular ball was in my court right?” He asked turning it back to me.
I took a breath and stepped back, breaking his hold on me. I turned my back and crossed my arms in front of me.
“I…I just…I saw how she looked at you and I thought…” I said softly.
Jack laughed and I felt him wrap his arms around my waist, placing his head on my shoulder.
“Nah, she’s just a girl. A friend yes, but just a girl. You’re so much more than that.” He said gently swaying us.
He turned me around and looked down at me tilting my head up.
“My best friend. My partner. The only person I’d willingly get arrested for again. Beautiful. Witty. Wise. Bright as a whip. Caring. Loving. Kind. Do I need to keep going?” He said pressing a soft kiss to my lips each time he paused, before turning the ending into a question.
I was bright red as my arms wrapped around him.
“The kissing, yes please. The compliments…. only if you want to.” I said softly burying my head in his chest.
He laughed and I felt him kiss the top of my head.
“Oh finally!” we heard and turned again, seeing a small group of boys at the mouth of the alley we were stood in.
I raised an eyebrow.
“What?” I asked.
Most of them groaned and rolled their eyes.
“One, we’ve known yous was a girl for a while. We just didn’t care. And two, yous two dancin' around each other for years got old real quick.” Romeo said stepping forward.
Jack and I laughed and spun a bit, just then the paper alarm sounded. Together jack and I leaned down grabbing our hats and quickly got them back on our heads, my hair tucked back under it.
“Well, what are we waitin' for? We got papes to sell!” Jack shouted.
With that we headed back out and into the streets selling the papers. Jack did eventually accept Pulitzers offer of the cartoonist job and we eventually were able to afford a small apartment. It took a little bit but, everything worked out in the end. Including Jack and I.
“EXTRA, EXTRA OUR BOY JACKS OFF THE MARKET STEP ON UP YOU HEARD ABOUT IT HERE! READ ALL ABOUT IT!” if I had figured out who yelled that I probably would have cuffed him with the paper.
Instead I shook my head, holding Ry in my arms as he held up a paper, Jack doing the same with Bea.
“Get yer paper!” Ry called.
I smiled and patted his head gently; Bea made an echoing call and I saw Jack nod at her sales tactics. That’s how the next while went, until we saved enough to send them to school, then Jack took the cartooning job and I sold Papes. Taking over the pack for Jack. And that’s just how it went.
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darylrhystaylor · 3 years
88. Hoppip (Eliasian form)
The cottonweed pokemon
Grass/ flying
Whilst similar looking to their regular forms, they are a great deal larger and therefore have to actually gain lift in order to fly.
89. Heliobloom
The helicopter pokemon
Grass/ flying
These pokemon are known to soar through the skies. They are large enough to act as transportation for people.
90. Fluffmill
The windmill pokemon
Grass/ flying
Whilst this pokemon can fly, it is so large that it requires too much effort to do so. Instead it enjoys staying still and letting the world pass it by.
91. Phanpy
The long nose pokemon
For its nest, Phanpy digs a vertical pit in the ground at the edge of a river. It marks the area around its nest with its trunk to let the others know that the area has been claimed.
92. Donphan (Eliasian form)
The Armour pokemon
Ground/ flying
Now gaining confidence from its magic feather, it has learned to use its oversized ears to soar through the air.
93. Xull
The jet pokemon
Steel/ flying
These pokemon enjoy training though they aren’t the best at flying. They are getting ready for the battle to come.
94. Xannet
The fighter plane pokemon
Steel/ flying
These pokemon know nothing but fighting in large wars. They live for battle.
95. Xlbatross
The rebel pokemon
Steel/ flying
These pokemon always are fighting for the side of good in the universe. They will give their lives for a cause they believe in.
96. Chesitty
The wonderland pokemon
Do not trust these pokemon. You can never tell if they are going to help you or not. Avoid at all costs.
97. Chesline
The mad pokemon
These pokemon are creepy and unsettling. They are not all there in their heads.
98. Pixiepip
The lost boy pokemon
These pokemon are said to be whisked away from their parents when young to be raised by other pokemon. Nobody knows which one.
99. Pixiestar
The pixie dust pokemon
Flying/ fairy
A lifetime of being exposed to fairy aura has given this pokemon incredible flying skills. It never seems to age.
100. Haroh
The yeti pokemon
These pokemon live deep within caves high in the mountains. They are rarely ever seen.
101. Harotterhorn
The yeti pokemon
Ice/ dark
These pokemon have a territorial side and will viciously attack anyone who dares enter its mountain.
102. Horolry
The clock pokemon
Steel/ normal
This pokemon has an acute sense of time wherever it is in the world. It is said that discovering this pokemon resulted in the invention of the clock.
103. Umbrelfern
The umbrella pokemon
Grass/ flying
These pokemon float on wind breezes. They only stay until the wind changes.
104. Waitguin
The waiter pokemon
Ice/ ground
These pokemon love to serve others. They make excellent restaurant staff.
105. Woodiette
The puppet pokemon
Fairy/ grass
These pokemon are said to be born from the wish of a kind man. If they lie their nose grows.
106. Tom-e
The trash collector pokemon
Steel/ electric
These pokemon enjoy collecting rubbish and crushing it into cubes. They do enjoy musicals.
107. Platypuglist
The secret agent pokemon
Water/ fighting
This pokemon apparently lives a secret double life from its trainer, as a secret agent fighting the forces of evil. Nobody knows for sure though.
108. Cixtucix
The experiment pokemon
This pokemon was scientifically created to be the ultimate pokemon by splicing together different pokemon DNA. Nobody knows the individual that made it. It just wants a family to belong too.
109. Drftloon (Eliasian form)
The balloon pokemon
Fire/ flying
The original firm of Drifloon, some say the Sinnoh variant is caused by Drifloon perishing by flying too high.
110. Driftblim (Eliasian form)
The blimp pokemon
Fire/ flying
These pokemon enjoy carrying people around. They are used as a major form of transportation.
111. Milcery
The cream pokemon
This Pokémon was born from sweet-smelling particles in the air. Its body is made of cream.
112. Alcremie (Eliasian form)
The cream pokemon
Ice/ fairy
This pokemon is more frozen than its Galarian cousin. It is known as a sweet treat around the region on a hot day.
113. Pinug
The pineapple pokemon
Bug/ grass
These pokemon are known for the fragrance and taste. They are beloved among the region.
114. Dolettle
The swirl pokemon
Bug/ fairy
This pokemon only evolves in the presence of Alcremie. It is known as a delicious and rare treat.
115. Mystkey
The spirit monkey pokemon
Ghost/ normal
This pokemon lives the presence of many ghostly forces. It curiosity gets it into trouble.
116. Monstic
The spirit monkey pokemon
Ghost / normal
This pokemon has fully embraced the spirits it lives with. It enjoys exploring the world with its newfound abilities.
117. Ironarrel
The reactor pokemon
Steel/ poison
This pokemon was formed from an experimental reactor in its chest. In its barrels it contains chemicals that it uses as fuel to power its reactor.
118. Hippoptas (Eliasian form)
The hippo pokemon
Fire/ water
This pokemon enjoys bathing in the rivers of its jungle environment. Other pokemon enjoy being near it as it warms up the water around it.
119. Hippowdon (Eliasian form)
The heavyweight pokemon
Fire/ water
This pokemon boils water into steam in its body. It enjoys ferrying people around the rivers of the region.
120. Toxquito
The mosquito pokemon
Poison/ bug
This pokemon flies around in large swarms. It injects toxins into its prey to kill it. The sound of its wings is known to terrify all.
121. Girafari
The jeep pokemon
Ground/ electric
These pokemon stand out in thunderstorms and let lighting strike them. They use the stored up electricity to power there luminous spots.
122. Girafanjaro
The all-terrain pokemon
Ground/ electric
This pokemon can travel over any rugged terrain. Its is often used as transport in harsh environments.
123. Turkicoln
The presidential pokemon
Ground/ fighting
This pokemon is a natural leader to all pokemon. It has strong convictions and is an inspiration to many.
124. Synchosnail
The snail pokemon
Electric/ bug
This pokemon can light up the night with it’s natural illumination. It is used as a guide in the darkness.
125. Ledolluscs
The snail pokemon
Electric/ bug
This pokemon makes strange music as it moves. Others feel the need to follow it.
126. Elliotchronize
The illumination pokemon
Electric/ dragon
This pokemon is known as the gentle night guide. Originally thought to be a creature of imagination, it enjoys singing its soothing music and guiding people’s and pokemon way.
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thehugwizard · 4 years
Can hug @/pixiepip?
You got it
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eerie-qwq · 4 years
Hello friendo, Tis I, The Hug Wizard, would you like a hug? Pixiepip sent me
Of course!
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theconfusedleo · 4 years
I've changed my name from pixiepip to theconfusedleo as I now have an rp blog which is @pipthepixie as I just felt a need to have a separate blog for role playing if you have any questions please feel free to send me an ask or dm me
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Las Aventuras de Pixie Piper ya disponible en @walgreenspr y @walmartpr #libros #hadas #fairies #kidlit #librosparaniños #puertorico #PixiePiper #TheAdventuresofPixiePiper #escritora #writer #books #author #authorsofinstagram #escritorapuertorriqueña #escritores #apoyalolocal https://www.instagram.com/p/BtWBZS6hUcN/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1txd79zt0a48h
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batpeggy21 · 4 years
Please don't
Not today
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bibliodiction-blog · 6 years
The Fairy's Breath by Maricel Jimenez
#PixiePiper #AFairysBreath by @Maricel_Ileana The exciting adventures of a young girl learning who she is. #review #kidlit #fairy #mustread #series
Book one of The Adventures of Pixie Piper series drew me in and then left me wanting more. This read is perfect for any kid wanting to lose themselves in a world of fairy fantasy.
We are first introduced to a cute 10-year-old girl named Pixie and her friend Misa. Pixie’s mom is overly cautious and extremely over protective of her daughter. On the plus side, mom makes awesome all-natural snacks.…
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Good morning to mes petits frères et sœurs!
How did you sleep?
How are you?
@andpeggy21-21 @little-nymph-claro @pixiepip @elizard-hamilton
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