Pixie Piper Mini Book Earrings Long
Mini book earring dangles from chain. Available in 4 different covers. 3″ long. HANDMADE.
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No detectable (Undetectable)
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Hablemos de Menopausia
Let’s Talk About Menopause “Unbranded” campaign for  Pfizer Pharmaceuticals and Premarin. SME Shortlist 2017. As an unbranded campaign our main purpose was to create awareness of menopausal symptoms and possible pharmaceutical solutions for these symptoms. We created a landing page with educational information and a self-evaluation questionnaire . Print, digital, mobile adds, and a 30ss radio…
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Los héroes invisibles (Invisible Heroes)
Proteger es un súper poder. (Protection is a super power.) Lysol – Reckitt Benckiser, August 2020 in collaboration with Havas Puerto Rico Spanish coloring and activity book for young children about Covid-19 and how to help prevent contagion with Lysol products. During the 2020 lockdowns, Lysol suggested the subject of invisible heroes as people who became heroic by doing simple acts like…
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Mejor sueño, vida más feliz
2020 Spanish translation of Dr. Venkata Buddharaju’s Better Sleep, Happier Life (2020)
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Auténtico, la guía definitiva para el éxito profesional de los latinos (2018)
Spanish translation of Auténtico, The Definitive Guide to Latino Career Success by Andrés Tomás Tapia and Dr. Robert Rodríguez (2018)
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Las aventuras de Pixie Piper 3: Deseo oscuro
No todos los deseos se deben cumplir, incluso, algunos ni siquiera se deben desear. Los deseos más siniestros pueden tornar un corazón oscuro. Así que cuando Misa, la mejor amiga de Pixie Piper comienza a desear ese tipo de cosas, Pixie debe encontrar la manera de detenerla antes de que su corazón se oscurezca para siempre. Desgraciadamente hay algo influyendo a su amiga, provocando que siga…
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Diving Headfirst Into UX Writing
I’m in a constant journey of growth and self-improvement. Aren’t we all, right? In this quest, I recently came across the term UX Writing. Ever so curious, I was piqued. What is UX Writing? Can I do it? I’m a writer after all, it seems right up my skill tree and something that should be included in that list of personal improvements. So, of course I started my research, came across some free…
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My Blogging Hiatus. Am I Still a Writer?
I haven’t blogged in ages. It’s no secret. If I still have followers who receive these posts, I’m sure they’ll be wondering who, what, when, and why they are receiving this. The truth is I’ve been in somewhat of a writing hiatus. Yeah, what a way to claim to be a writer, right? Hey, it’s not that I don’t write at all. I actually write a LOT. But it’s for other people . Not complaining here, I…
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Handbound Butterfly Flower Journal
This notebook features a beautiful butterfly card I received once for my birthday. I had to make something with it! Clearly, I made a notebook. The purple and golden image on the back is a piece of Christmas wrapping paper. The closure is a strap. Guess from what… All those masks we had to wear… They work perfectly!  
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Circles & Wind Steampunk Handbound Journal
Another creation from the famed circled pattern invitation. This one got complemented by that circular plate with the wind symbol. It was from an old pill box I purchased during a trip over 20 years ago. The box broke ages ago, but I kept the plate. The paper is from an old calligraphy notebook I found in my mother’s studio. The cord is hemp and painted with gold marker. Chain and tack…
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Tech Punk Handbound Journal #3
6″ x 4.25″ 60 sheets / 120 Blank Pages This Tech Punk journal is made of old DSLR camera parts, lottery ticket parts, and reclaimed art paper. The paper is good quality, albeit reclaimed from whatever was left usable from my sons’ old art notebooks. The golden parts in the circuits are real gold, though I wouldn’t know the karats. The closure is made from a headphone jack, both the circuit…
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La gran muralla de la Ciudad Corazón y otros cuentos cortos
La gran muralla de la Ciudad Corazón y otros cuentos cortos
Tras la visita de un viajero a la ciudad de Tibes, Miguel decide ir en busca de la Ciudad Corazón. Según la leyenda, allí yace una princesa capaz de otorgar felicidad y vida eterna. Pero la ciudad está cercada por una gran muralla, y luego de 17 años, nadie ha logrado entrar. ¿Podrá Miguel descifrar el misterio de la Gran Muralla de la Ciudad Corazón o serán sus sueños inalcanzables? El libro…
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Las aventuras de Pixie Piper: El tesoro del dragón de agua
Las aventuras de Pixie Piper: El tesoro del dragón de agua
Pixie Piper apenas descubrió ser un hada recientemente. Ha tenido muy poco tiempo para aprender sobre su magia y lo que puede hacer con ella, así que se pueden imaginar su sorpresa al conceder un deseo sin darse cuenta. Desgraciadamente, conceder deseos sin permiso no es algo bueno en el mundo de las hadas. Ahora, para reparar el daño, Pixie debe encontrar una flauta mágica. ¡Tremendo! Pero ¿qué…
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Las aventuras de Pixie Piper: El respiro de un hada
Las aventuras de Pixie Piper: El respiro de un hada
A Pixie Piper le encantaban las aventuras. Las deseaba con cada poro de su piel. Desgraciadamente, el día en que nació sus padres se enfermaron con la clásica “preocupación” parental y la pobre Pixie no podía hacer nada sin que se preocuparan o se asustaran; una situación algo difícil para tener una aventura, así que se conformaba con los libros, las historias y las películas. Hasta que un día…
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The Adventures of Pixie Piper: Dark Wish
The Adventures of Pixie Piper: Dark Wish
Not every wish should be granted. In fact, some wishes shouldn’t even be wished. The meanest ones can turn your heart dark. So when Pixie Piper’s best friend Misa starts making those kinds of ugly dark wishes, Pixie must find a way to stop her friend from turning dark. Unfortunately, something or someone is influencing Misa, causing her unfortunate wishing to escalate. Will Pixie stop her best…
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Las primeras habichuelas... #beans #growyourownfood #crecetucomida #legumbres #habichuelas https://www.instagram.com/p/CDjfyCHhCeb/?igshid=1ag2az4hy0dp5
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