#phycological horror
nokatito · 10 months
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Oh did I mention I'm a huge silent hill fan also...
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anulithots · 7 months
That doll picrew
@dancinginsepia, I did that picrew!
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The intellect. Brings you closer to madness they say, no matter how alluring it may seem.
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"Now, now, snipping off a rose's thorns rids the flower of their charm, don't you think?"
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They are preying upon your nostalgia, for that touch of whimsy you've lost. The inner child has ways of keeping you in their grasp, no matter how ignorant they may seem.
...Listen dolls are adorable and I love those "chill horror" vibes? Especially mental metaphors? Especially if the MC discovers childhood dolls that have taken aspects of their personalityyyyy....
... I wish I could make stories instantly.
Gently tagging: @mylee-sketches @awleeofficial @briarborealisocs @osbob-the-existent
Rules: use this picrew to make a new character <3
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theyareweird · 1 month
Sally Face: Addison Apartments —Aesthetic
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Addison Apartments
Addison Apartments is an apartment complex in the town of Nockfell. Terrace Addison is the owner and established landlord of the building. He's one of twenty-five residents in the establishment. Despite the property containing five levels, including the basement, there aren't many tenants due to criminal activity and poor renovations.
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sunmoonyandstars · 4 months
I've found that psychological thrillers are actually terrifying when you can relate to one of the main characters. I saw a lot of myself in Jessica when I was reading In My Dreams I Hold A Knife and the thought that if I'm not careful I could end up in a situation like hers, let my jealousy and my selfish need to be good at something, to be better, control everything I do. It was a bit of a wake-uo call almost, and I've been trying to change the way I think about myself and other people so that I won't end up like her. Of course, I wouldn't end up in the exact same situation, but I don't want to start doing bad things like she did to get above other, I don't want to drive myself insane being jealous of other people.
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nogenderonlychair · 1 month
Does anyone have any good crime shows where the main lead is going absolutely insane? Like bonkers? About to tip someone’s throat out crazy? Because I love those and I need more. Bonus points if it’s kind of gay.
Listing ones I’ve watched in the tags
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zombeebunnie · 11 months
What if y/n kiss 😘 Noah’s face I’m so curious of his reaction. Keep it up I’ll be your game so glad of new features.
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If the moment called for it and his boundaries are respected, he'll be very happy about it! He would like to kiss you first but he wouldn't mind if you took the opportunity ahead of him, especially if he's having a bad day and it's a heartfelt situation.
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He would happily kiss the player(Y/N) back and hold Y/N close, it would be very passionate and romantic. You can feel from each kiss that his display of affection towards you is genuine and it reassures the fact that he deeply cares about you. :]
Also thank you so much I really appreciate it, I'm still hard at work on the game, just waiting on my play tester to get a chance to try everything out before I say anything! :,]
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mishtergoose · 5 months
Watching Markiplier play Anatomy rn ... And after a bunch of googling and crap I've thought something lol
I find the whole story of the game so sad as opposed to scary, it's definitely unsettling no doubt about that but just the word painting it depicted is just so heartbreaking 💔
The abandoned house that drove itself mad with heartbreak and loneliness and desperately trying to understand what it did wrong for it to be abandoned, conjuring imaginary shadows to keep itself company but still always knowing that their not real and it is still abandoned and alone to crumble
That got way more 'poetic' I guess lol than I intended but it just really gripped me and I wanted to put this out there lol
But am I alone in feeling so bad for the old house? Did I interpret the story wrong? What you think?
May delete this later lol I dunno 🤷
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naramoore · 2 months
LesFicFri: Bed
From: For Love of a Konbini Idol I Faced Her Onryo Lover
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By @NaraMoore Art @mai-arts
When you care even when the other doesn't.
Quote: Over her protests, I got her into bed. She wasn’t making much sense. Something about shadows and wanting to leave. I didn’t know where she thought she would go. Out into the night, I suppose, looking for Mikawa. Shiomi calmed down after I gave her another smoke and sat by her bedside.
Like before, she dozed off, leaving her smoke unfinished. I took what was left from her limp fingers and put it out in the ashtray on the nightstand. No secondary kiss this time.
Join Ume, Shiomi, and Tomo as their relationship develops. In a creepy world where “love” never dies.
In serialization at: On WordPress On AO3 On PIXIV
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itchyorgans · 1 year
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redwudz · 20 hours
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suraibru · 9 months
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The Walker Inheritance-Part 1
The gravel driveway leading up to Marzia’s house clicked and shuffled under Nisha's shoes. As many times as she’d been inside it still made Nin nervous. But before she could ring the bell a pink haired girl popped out. Her eyes were round with fluffy fake lashes framing the forest like hazel inside. “Heya Marz, you ready?” Nin held her hand as they walked back to the red SUV. “Girl, I've been ready since I got home. Is everyone there already?” Nin snickered. “Nah, you're the last one. I saved a seat in the back for us though.” the two girls giggled and ran up to the car door. The music inside as well as a guy’s voice rattled the SUV. Nisha slid open the door and climbed in over legs and fast food. As Marzie climbed in after Nisha, a chorus of mock Italian followed. “Ay Marzia! Da queen a da pop a music!” Kyo said from the front seat. Marzie laughed. “Ya’ll got me fucked up if u think that's what I sound like.” 
“You don't, but it's pretty damn close to your dad.”
As they pulled out of the driveway a girl with lava like orange hair peeked around the back seat and rested her chin on the headrest. “Made any new music Marzie?” Marzie buckled her seatbelt and looked up. “Well I'm working on one but I have most of the album done. I could send you the private link.” Nina, the redheaded girl’s eyes smiled. “Yes please, but don't send the unfinished one. I wanna hear the finished version.” 
Next to Nina were two others, a chinese boy with light blue hair and a japanese girl decked out in the finest gothic clothing hot topic could offer. The two kept their voices low, but you could still notice the giggles as they huddled over the girl’s phone. Kei’yn, the boy, was flush beneath his hand. Monoka, the girl, closed her phone when Nina butted in. “Aw, you like the comic.” 
“Uhh” kei trailed off. Nina smiled. “Don't be embarrassed.” Nina whispered. “I read it too.” 
Luka, the one who organized the outing, swerved around a corner too fast and sent those of his friends not wearing a seatbelt flying into each other. “Seat belt check!” 
“You dumbass we lost the undercarriage!” Kyo yelled. Luka looked out the rearview mirror at the sad plastic now laying in a ditch. “worth it,” he said with a smirk, followed by the sound of three clicks of a seatbelt. “Y'all know me well enough to wear it, I drive like a madman.”
“My dad is worse.” Kei said, looking out the window.
After about thirty minutes of driving deeper into the nearby forest, the iolite forest, they pull into a long gravel driveway. The atmosphere felt lighter, the sun was up around four o'clock in the sky, the grass was overgrown but looked freshly watered, it had been raining all week. Soon they pulled up to a house, a mansion. The garden was overgrown with rose bushes and magnolia leaves covering the ground and ivy creeping along the white concrete stairs. The house looked like it was part of a story, it felt like it was in a different world, a peaceful world. The only telling detail about how old it was, was a plaque as you entered. Walker Manor - 1902. 
“Holy fuck its big! I thought you said it's been abandoned for the last decade.” 
Luka corrected Kyo. “Last four decades. I didn’t even know it was mine until this year. I thought it was another family’s.” 
“The generational money is real dude.” Nisha said in awe. 
Luka held the key in the keyhole and twisted it, it needed a bit of force, but it clicked. “I present to you. Our new hangout.” Luka pushed open the door. A flood of still air rushed out as if it had been air locked. Before the group was a grand staircase, Luka pressed a bronze button that lit up the crystal chandelier that hung almost ten feet above their heads. 
“Why is there electricity?” Marzie said looking at the weird button. 
“Victorians had electricity too Marz, it was 1900, not 1760.'' Nisha said looking unimpressed. Marzie just nodded with a smile. “Oh.” 
“Ya, my dad had the power turned back on for us.” Luka said looking up.
Kei’yn walked along the walls looking at the art. “These paintings are amazing; they look like pictures. To think someone drew and painted them.” Luka followed Kei's gaze up to a picture of a blond man with piercing icy eyes. “Oh, that's my great granddad. He was a scientist. And my granddad told me he was weird as hell.” Luka lowered his voice “they also said he killed his wife and was never caught.” He laughed. “My dad said my granddad is crazy though, so probably just a bad joke.” Luka turned to the next picture. “That's her, my grandmother. She was a singer for James's opera house, that's how they met.” Kei smiled. “The artist did a good job, she's beautiful.”
“Nina, come look at what I found!” Nina and Monoka made their way over to the room Marzie was in. The room was filled with sewing materials, Shelves lined the walls stock with fabrics of all colors and patterns. In the center of the room was a large cutting table cluttered with thread, needles, and beads. Nina looked around excitedly and stopped. In front of the bay window was a desk with a sewing machine. “This is a 1998 singer!” Nina inspected the ornate sewing machine, gold letters read. For my lovely wife. Happy anniversary Jessica. Nina smiled. “I hope my future husband gets me a sewing room.” Nina said as she swooned. “It would be so romantic.” 
Monoka smirked at Marzie. “Nisha should get you a gold lettered microphone.” 
Marzie giggled. “I can do without the gold. I'm more of a silver girl. Gold doesn't look good with my skin. Plus, gold is basic in my opinion. I’d rather get a tarot card set of my favorite singers.” 
Monoka nodded. “Me too honestly.” 
After a while the group split up into pairs, Marzia and Nisha made their way to the ballroom, Kei and Monoka made their way up the stairs, Kyo and Nina ended up together by accident and Luka followed up the stairs to study. 
Marzie and Nisha walked down the halls. The red flowery wallpaper was peeling a bit, but it had not faded. The lighting was romantic, and the atmosphere was sweet. When the two girls finally found the ballroom, Nisha pressed another bronze-ish button and what seemed like hundreds of smokey pink lights shimmered to life. “It’s so pretty!” Marzie said. Her hazel eyes sparked under the soft light; Nisha couldn't resist. Nisha pulled her girlfriend into a kiss and held her hands. Marzia giggled. “You’re cute.” Nisha smiled and chuckled. “I'm like a foot and a half taller than you.”
Marzie rolled her eyes. “You can be both. Even if you are on top.”
Nisha blushed And kissed marzie’s forehead. “Listen-” 
Marzie pulled her to the center of the room and started dancing with her. “Marz, you know I can't dance.”
“ i can show you-”
They stopped. The room had become cold. And a sound. 
“Is that-Piano?” 
They girls hadn't noticed it before. it was soft, but it was strong. The notes felt sad.
They looked for the sound and saw a piano, it was black and covered only revealing the keys. But what made them stop was a shadowy man in a black tailcoat. The song had become haunting, was he a ghost, a trick of the light? 
“Hello?” Nisha called out.
She got a response, not the one she was expecting. 
The man started walking toward them. But the piano kept playing. It was deafening.
He had black hair and light eyes, he was pale, tall and looked angry.
“Get out.” 
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burntmarshmallowqueen · 4 months
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My brother says that I have created a phycological horror, what do you think?
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theyareweird · 1 month
Sally Face: Nockfell —Aesthetic
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Nockfell is a small, rural town. It's located in Nockfell County within the United States of America. Based on a name such as Lake Wendigo, this little town is no stranger to believing in cryptids. However, it's actually home to various supernatural beings. These include: demons, ghosts and aliens.
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m0063576 · 4 months
Ther Hungy boi
His wretched screeching could be heard across the humid valley, his growls and howls reeked of hunger, begging to be filled with flesh, blood, bone, anything. The horrid clawing against the stone fills the wolves with dread, whimpering and whining, not wanting to be his next meal, mind shaking in nausea at the memory of his aftermath, his leftovers. Bones crackled and popped, skin strangling their outline, almost popping out of their sockets to be seen, begging to leave this accursed body behind, his muscles twist and strain as he gets up, nose in the air hoping to get a whiff, of anything.
A twig snaps as the hunter and his child walks through the woods, hoping for a catch for Dinner, both have never been this far out. The unfamiliar terrain dizzying to their senses, not knowing predator from prey. A long time passes, neither see any animals, it was quiet. POP... CRACKLE... GROWL..., he echo's, uncaring if his dinner hears him, it would be too late for them either way...
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nogenderonlychair · 20 days
Hey alexa what are some shows like hannibal. And criminal minds. And profugal son. And sherlcok.
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zombeebunnie · 1 year
Game development Trembling Essence update:
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Hello and welcome new followers! I am here with another update to share, thanks for being patient with me! I was gone for a few days so I made up for the days I missed so hopefully this is good enough to keep you guys informed on what's going on! :]
As far as the CG's go for Noah, I did make an attempt since my play tester suggested a technique to help me with drawing. Once I finished and showed it to them, they really liked it! I'm still not ready to share some of others yet mainly because spoilers anddd I'm still working on them. :,]
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Things were going a bit slower in the beginning but recently got a bit better now that I had the chance to really get some good ideas in. I went through some of the earlier portions of the game and did a quality of life adjustment for a few segments.
As far as the many branching routes on certain parts of Day 3, I had a idea laid out on how I want them to go and I'm feeling a lot more confident in adding it, it's just a lot of writing. I'm still testing and brainstorming things out to keep them unique for the player(Y/N). I said I might condense one or two together in my previous update and so far----- I'm still processing that.
I'm trying to take each route one at a time before making a decision on it and I have a few more to go. One thing I have done though is slightly adjust a few of them to meet more specific requirements, I felt it was a bit too linear. >;]
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There's one specific route that took up a lot of time and required a lot of adjustments. In the end, I thought it might be a good idea to push that one a little farther down into the game but I'll let my play tester tell me what they think because I haven't shown any of it to them. :,]
With all of that said, I'll get to working on a few asks I still have and other miscellaneous stuff that I want to do for fun in between. I have a goal in mind I'm hoping to achieve in the next update post!
Thank you guys for all your support on this, I wholeheartedly appreciate it! :,]
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