#party down south 2
culmaer · 4 months
#nothing is more depressing than working on my cv#because I just don't feel like I have marketable skills#and so many of the writing and research posts I come across on job sites are like ''you'll be working alongside ai''#I even saw a copywriter post that said ''you won't be doing any writing or editing. you job will be to refine and improve ai prompts#so that the ai can more consistently produce the texts we need''#like hello#the person doing that job is literally making themself more obsolete by the day#so here's the plan#I need to take any job that pays vaguely well#and use that money to either do short corses#or save up to go so my masters#that conclusion is inescapable#just. for now I'm still stuck on step 1 : finding a decent job#and (perhaps I'm being too picky) but post covid I do not want to go back into anything in the tourism industry#it's too precarious and honestly just comes down to entertaining rich people which pushes me further left every time i think about it#I considered joining the communist party. but 1) they're still part of the tripartite alliance with the anc... which is a no from me#and 2) communist révolution should spontaneously happen in industrialised countries with surplus wealth when the proletariat arise#south africa does not have surplus wealth nor class consciousness really. it's still filtered through post apartheid racial groupings#which is unhelpful because the black bourgeoisie are not our allies just because they're black#and trying to impose communism in a society without the surplus wealth didn't work out too well throughout the 20th century#so what does that leave you with#parties like cope ? plagued by the same issues as the anc ? no thank you#(I did also study politics btw which is why I've even considered these career paths)#(although I haven't worked in politics or governance since graduation so maybe that doesn't even matter anymore it's been years)#all I want is a job that pays fairly and leaves me with enough free time to do my hobbies#I do not have the grindset I'll admit that#which is why I've enjoyed the art industry#but again. it just comes down to entertaining rich people in the small galleries which is needlessly stressful#and the larger non-commercial galleries and musea aren't hiring atm...#and that's it. rant over I guess since this is the 30th tag
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bellewintersroe · 9 months
Lance Stroll x HornerDaughter! BFF Smut.
Ok this is loosely based of an audio linked by @2-fast-2-curious because she’s doing gods work out here with her F1 audio masterlist, I’m not sure if I should link the actual audio I don’t wanna steal anything, but anyway here’s some Lance smut so 18+. warning: explicit content, intoxication, funny drunken arguments, masturbation, unprotected sex, unexpected sex, creampie, oral, admission of feelings? probs not a warning but yolo. I LOVE writing as reader being Horner’s daughter it’s just fun ok. Reader and Lance are besties and have been for a while but they reunite and something clicks between them, anyway enjoy…
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Partying it up in Monaco was probably the pinnacle of my life. Nothing could get better than being 22 and dancing on a yacht with all of your closest friends. Promiscuous Girl was blaring through the speakers as the yacht began its way back to dock in the harbour. It was a Saturday night and the expensive town of Monte Carlo was bustling. Vibrant nights exploded through the night sky and vibrations of all kinds of music spread through my body.
“Should you be up there?!” Lance asked, one of my closest friends as he stared up to me on the back of the drivers platform. “No.” I giggled, “c’mon, let’s get you down.” He held his hands out, helping me down off the side. “We’re going back to Jaspers, are you coming?” He questioned as I jumped, a little uneasy on my feet as the boat rocked slightly.
“We’re going back to Jaspers? And not a club?!” I almost burst out laughing, out of everywhere to choose from we were going back to a house party- equivalent to afters? “Yeah, I don’t know why.” Lance shook his head, watching me for a second before scanning around the boat. When he turned away I stole a glimpse before mimicking his action of watching all our friend. The good majority of us had known each other for a good 10+ years, now we were all back in Monaco to celebrate nothing particular, it felt like a school reunion. “Aren’t you glad to be back with everyone?” I then nudged the Canadian who I’d known since being a child. “Yeah, it’s kinda weird. Everything feels normal again.”
“Yeah, I know what you mean…” I faintly muttered, gazing into the distance. “You’re so corny, you know!” I then teased, jabbing his side. “Hey, you asked!” He playfully knocked me back as we engaged in a gentle scuffle. “You’re the one person I hoped wasn’t coming to this party!” He joked as I gasped, “and you’re the one person I want to push overboard!” With a gentle shove back, Lance giggled cheekily, holding my arms still.
“Get your dirty hands off me. I don’t know where they’ve been.” I teased, firmly crossing my arms across my chest. “You don’t even wanna know, miss Horner.”
“You’re right, I don’t… I’m gonna go get a drink before we dock, you coming?” “Sure…”
Soon enough we docked, and the main bulk of us went to Jasper’s house. I mainly lingered around my closest girls, piling into the bathroom, sitting in the bathtub, having deep conversations in the tub one minute and then dancing the next. It was just like how it felt when we were all 16. I’d always eagerly tried to recreate my teenage years, missing the freedom and carefree attitude I always had, so the whole nice was like a free cure for any of my problems. At one point, Jasper and Kiran, butted heads. They were way too drunk, and you just know when their shirts off and their ego’s were inflated, there’d be trouble. “Nah bro, you’re still the same as school.” Jasper waved him off, Kiran frowning, squint growing as he got progressively more angry. Kiran and Jasper went to the same international school in the south of France, they always fought. They’d fight over girls, alcohol, cars, money, and when there was nothing to fight over they’d fight over nothing.
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” The Italian responded as a few of us gathered, waiting for the entertainment to start. “You’re still a prick mate, you act like a fucking 16 year old.” “Oh, here we go…” Somebody muttered from besides me, I glanced up to see Lance and a smile grew. “What are they fighting over now?”
“Erm, something to do with shoes and alcohol bottles, I don’t even know.” I waved it off. “Nice.” Lance, along with about six more of us stood and watched the argument progress until the men were almost head butting one another.
“Maybe I should stop this now…” Lance comically sighed. “Or maybe I should wait for it to get physical.” Within seconds it got physical. “Oh shit.” Lance flew forwards and others attempted to break up the fight. It was comical, drunken fights always were so dramatic, it made me laugh. I stood there and laughed out loud, I must’ve looked so unhelpful but when masculine men got all fragile and crazy it was funny. The fight caused the party to end, probably at the right time, many people were staying there, but with my family’s house nearby, I thought it would be best just to head back. “Oh you’re leaving?!” My friend Molly exclaimed.
“I’m going to bed.” I yawned, my sobriety taking over and exhausting me. “What? You’re not staying over here?!” She exclaimed. “I was gonna go to my bed.” I was then met with a chorus of complaints pleading me to stay as it would be ‘just like old times’. What I didn’t expect was to be stuffed on a sheet on the floor in a room where the air-con was blasting me to death. I was in my underwear and one of Jasper’s shirts, trying to bunch up as much blanket as possible but Naomi, who I slept besides, rolled over and took them all. After an hour or so the sleep wouldn’t come, so I excused myself (silently) and just stood in the hallway shuddering slightly. I suppose it wasn’t too late to go home, it was nearing 4:30AM and sleep would be non existent, unless I found somebody who actually had a bed to themselves. I turned lightly seeing the door to Lance’s room on the bottom floor open, swiftly I patted down the stairs with a quiet giggle knowing I could bug him enough to sleep in the bed. We used to share all the time when we were younger, so to me it wasn’t such a big deal.
Creeping in, I nudged open the door to see Lance’s face lit up with the reflection of his face. “Hey..” he whispered, a smile growing as he dropped his phone to one side. “Can I come in?” I asked.
“Yeah, sure. Shut the door behind you.” He pushed himself up a little to reveal he was shirtless. Again, no big deal, right? I giggled, closing the door behind me as he patted the bed besides him. “Couldn’t sleep?” He questioned. “No, I was on the floor and Naomi was hogging the covers.” I tucked my legs up under me on the bed, facing him directly. “Unlucky. You cold? Come get under.” The Canadian hushed, budging up as I felt the relief of slipping under the blankets, warm from where he’d been laying.
“Why’re you awake?” I then questioned pulling them all the way up over my shoulders. “Couldn’t sleep. Hey, this is like old times again isn’t it?” He nudged softly, the warm of his arm brushing against the cool of mine with a hiss. “You’re so cold, c’mere.” He wrapped his arm around me, sinking down into the sheets as we borderline cuddled. “Now it’s like old times.” I pointed out as he giggled again. “Oh yeah? We used to do this a lot, didn’t we?” Expect now it felt different. Lance and I were no longer awkward and frigid 16 year olds, he had muscles, I had boobs, there was extra parts pushing against extra parts and it made me feel… different.
“I know, back when we were both frigid.” I whispered knocking into his chest which my arm laid across. Lance let out a laugh a little too loud in return. “We both were weren’t we..” He then sighed as I let out a giggle before a comfortable silence took over us. “This bed is so much comfier.” I muttered, staring into the darkness of the bedroom. Truthfully, there was something a lot more intimate about sharing a bed with Lance all these years later. “You’re a lot comfier than you used to be.” I nuzzled up, my chest pressing up against his side. “Me? Really, why?” “Muscles.” I squeezed at his bicep playfully as he swatted me away when the action must’ve been ticklish. “Yeah well, you’ve got tits now, didn’t you used to be like a waterboard?!” He fired back playfully as I choked out a gasp, attempting to push at him but his hands grasped mine.
“I had small ones, thank you very much!” Lance laughed at my response. “Oh, what the fuck.” He quickly spoke, arm falling back around me and resting softly on my upper back. “What?” I giggled, pushing up. Our faces were super close and for the first time in forever I felt something spark up inside of me. Lance’s smile softened as his eyes roamed over my face before down to my chest.
“Who’s shirt is that?” “My boyfriends.” I lied as Lance shifted quickly. “I’m kidding. It’s Jaspers!” My eyes widened. “Oh.” There was an evident relief on his face and in that moment I felt my knee knock against his leg. “I had no shirt to sleep in, but it’s kinda… uncomfortable.” The shirt was scratchy, it was drowning me and I most definitely couldn’t sleep in it. “Why don’t you take it off?” Lance glanced up and down to my propped up state. His words were quick and I could see the slight worry that twitched in his eye after he answered. “Take it off? Now?” My breath was hitched as the two of us stared back to each other.
“Yeah…” Lance didn’t break eye contact as my lips stretched out into a grin at his seriousness. “What? Shut the fuck up, I’m being serious.” He joked as I smirked down, fiddling with the hem of it.
“But I’m not wearing anything under…” “Oh you’re not?” Lance seemed on edge, eyes constantly dropping down. The peaks of my nipples were pressed up against the fabric and if he looked close I swore he could see the outline of my piercings.
“No…” I whispered gently as his free hand slid forwards, fiddling with the end of my shirt. It seemed to happen in an instant that my top was off and my breasts were exposed. I giggled, covering them slightly as I laid back, Lance propped to the side of me. “Don’t go all shy!” He chuckled. “I’m not, I’m not.” I pushed them together slightly, feeling Lances eyes fixated on them. I knew I was getting turned on, I wondered if he felt the same? There was an undeniable tension between us and I was shocked that we’d actually crossed the barrier of being ‘just friends’. “You’ve got really good tits.” His voice lowered, as I scanned over his body. “Your turn.” Except the only thing he was wearing was his underwear. With a smile, Lance pushed his hands under the hem of his Calvin Kleins, freeing himself but he was hidden under the duvet. “What’re we doing right now?” He quickly laughed to himself as I giggled, arching my back slightly. “Is this weird?” He then muttered, hand disappearing under the covers. “I don’t know, is it?”
“No… what’d you- uh, want me to do?” Lance quietly asked, almost shyly. “I don’t want you to do anything.” I teased, giggling as I glanced down. “You just said take them off!” By the looks of it they were already half off. “I know!” “Fuck it… now I’m fully naked and you’re not!” He pointed out. “You want me to take my underwear off?” My heart was beating rapidly as I laid against the pillow, gazing up to him. His hand brushed against my naked waist, resulting in me swallowing harshly.
“Yeah, I want you to..” his voice was so gentle I barely heard it. I looked down, my hands sliding under the band of my thongs feeling his hand meeting mine and pushing them off, exposing me completely. I felt the blood rush to my core as I squeezed my legs together, looking back up to him with a smile.
“What do you wanna do now?” I lightly asked. “I dunno- you wanna kiss me?” To this I burst out laughing. “Fine! We won’t kiss!” He chuckled, placing a hand on my stomach.
“Wouldn’t that make it weird?” I dumbly asked, becoming lost at the sensation of his large hand sprawled across my stomach and hip bone. “What and this wouldn’t?” He muttered, fingers grazing over my skin as I inhaled deeply.
“No.” I swallowed, glancing down to where Lance’s hand had slipped off me and onto himself. “What’re you having a wank or something?” I teased. “No, I’m just… I’m fucking hard.” He admitted as I felt a blush rise on my face.
“Why? Cos you’re naked and fucking hot as fuck right now.” He spoke as I smiled, “you wanna touch yourself?”
“Fuck, yeah.” Lance borderline whined as I felt his movements begin under the covers. I bit down on my finger, giggling deviously as butterflies erupted in my lower stomach. I didn’t think I’d been this turned on in a long long time- and it was over one of my lifelong friends? I always knew Lance was hot, but not this hot.
“Touch yourself as well, it’s only fair.” He panted out a laugh as my fingers slipped down. The minute I made contact with my clit I felt relief, applying pressure to my throbbing pussy. “Fuck.” Lance uttered, mesmerised as his eyes wandered over me, his jaw slightly hung slack as he jittered as his hand moved a little quicker.
“I can’t believe I’m doing this…” I snickered, hearing him hum out a laugh. “Can I touch you?” He then questioned, making me slightly nervous. “Yeah.” God, I wanted him to, the room felt red hot with tension. Lance’s hand slid over my tits, giving them a squeeze slightly before moving down to my pussy. He didn’t waste anytime, I was getting wetter by the second, and when his fingers touched me I let out a soft gasp at the sensation. My best friend was touching me so intimately, the more I watched him, the more shocked I was, it felt fucking great, the adrenaline was pumping inside of me and I felt desperate for Lance. I was trying to keep quiet, and also keep my composure, but Lance was too fucking good at this. “I need to taste you, fuck.” He shifted, sliding to the end of the bed as I covered my mouth with my arm, choking out a moan.
Lance was like a fucking god as he ate me out. His mouth was so warm against my pussy and he physically moaned as he licked and sucked over my clit. “Fuck- I can’t believe you’re so good at this.”
“Yeah… you wanna return the favour?” He teased. “Yeah.” I seriously whined. “Yeah?” He kissed my upper pubic bone as I lifted my head, nodding with a gentle breath. Lance switched our positions around, scraping my hair back gently as I smiled, shyly moving forwards.
“Is this weird?” I asked, his cock literally in my hand. “No.” He seemed tense. “Just go slow or I might bust too quick.”
“Really?” I slowly tugged on his member, teasing over the smooth skin as he let out a shaky breath. “Fuck, don’t laugh.” He nudged my shoulder as I giggled, moving down and wrapping my lips around his cock. Hearing Lance moan as I pleasured him with my mouth was something I never expected. It felt so dirty and raunchy, it turned me on even more. The way his arms trembled as he gripped the bed sheets, sliding his fingers through my hair, or when he pleaded for me to slow down.
“Fuck, don’t cum!” I laughed, swiping my thumb against the corner of my mouth. “You’re so fucking good at that, oh my god…” he sounded so turned on, his voice was low and sultry, pulling me by the arms on top of him. “I wanna fuck you, can I fuck you?” He was wide eyes, scanning over my own.
“Yeah.” I was breathless, reaching for his cock as I eased it inside myself, the two of us letting out a sigh in pleasure. It had been so long since anybody had fucked me, and the fact it was Lance made everything feel 10x better.
“Oh my god.” I moaned as I bounced ontop of him. “Oh fuck, baby, bounce on my cock, like that.”
“Lance.” I whined in response as he hummed, holding onto either side of my hips. “You feel so good.” His head tipped back with a moan as I lifted my hips, bouncing on my knees on top of his cock.
“So do you.” I panted, the sound of our skin slapping and the bed creaking filling the room. We continued like that for a few more minutes, Lance pulled me down, our faces inches apart as he fucked into me. “Fuck, I’ve needed this so bad.” He groaned, his hips slapping into mine as I let out an open mouthed moan, his hand sliding up the back of my head.
“Kiss me, fuck y/n, kiss me.” Lance begged as I pressed my lips against his firmly. It felt so good, the kiss was so heated and desperate, it spurred the sex on further.
“Fuck, my legs.” I groaned, “lazy.” Lance teased as I scoffed. “Shut up or I’ll stop.” He smirked, flipping us around as the bed creaked under out movements. There was movement outside the other room, footsteps drawing closer and moving past the room as Lance and I stared back to each other in amusement. “Sh, sh, sh.” He hushed, looking towards the door. I giggled, bucking my hips up playfully.
“They’re going to the bathroom.” He whispered, turning down and laughing, purposefully pinning his hips up against mine to the bed. The movements started again, slowly. I could hear whoever was in the toilet flushing the toilet and the run of the tap, until we heard the bedroom door close again it was a mission to stay quiet. “Fuck me properly now, fuck me.” I pleaded with Lance, wrapping my arms over his shoulder as he spread my legs wider, beginning to thrust into me once again. Our quiet moans filled the room, his cock pushed up deep inside of me as his balls slapped against my skin.
“I can’t believe we’re doing this, oh my god.” He laughed as I giggled, pulling him in for another kiss. “I wanted you for so long.” He admitted as I let out another moan, muffling it with another kiss. “Fuck me, fuck me.” The sex continued, in doggy, spooning, back in missionary, it felt like we were at it for ages.
“Can you cum like this?” Lance questioned, voice on edge as he held me close. “Not like this.” I admitted, he didn’t hesitate to move down and pleasure me with his mouth again.
It didn’t take long before he was pushing me over the edge, giving me the first ever orgasm from oral ever. I felt like I was in bliss, and after a few more thrusts inside of me, Lance was jerking himself over my stomach and tits, spilling his cum with a bitten back groan.
“Fuck, fuck.” The Canadian man tossed his head back, falling forwards on top of me, kissing me deeply as I hummed against his lips, scraping my hand through his messy hair. “You were so fucking good.” I cooed as he let out a husky hum, continuing to keep his lips against mine.
“So were you. Fuck, I’ve been in love with you for so long…” his words startled me, a warmth spreading through me as I gasped out. “Have you?” He pushed up on top of me, lingering there as he nodded shyly.
“I think- I think I love you too…”
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sufferingsokkatash · 3 months
THAT famous zukka hug in the atla north and south comic : an essay you did not need, by me.
i was thinking about how, in writing, there should be no accidents or coincidences in how and why something is described, or the detail the writer chooses to use. for example, zuko tapping his hand on his desk would be used to show that he is impatient or anxious about something.
so THEN i decided to apply this to the zukka hug, because why not be delulu about these things idk.
first of all, here are the zukka hug pages for context:
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disclaimer: i don’t really know how the fandom feels about the comics. personally i like them, so i will proceed with that bias in mind. also please take this with the humour that is intended, it’s more fun that way.
i go down a sabre tooth moose lion hole below the cut.
this whole scene to me is largely what we all love about atla - humour and good characterisation combined with serious subject matter. king kuei and bosco are the comic relief and oblivious party in the face of quite a complicated issue, as zuko himself acknowledges. this humour then extends to kuei offering zuko the chance to join in on his hug with bosco, which zuko politely refuses. obviously, there is the clear issue of zuko being afraid of being eaten by a bear, but we’ll pretend that ernest hemingway is grading our papers here, okay.
it is a very deliberate writing choice and contrast to have zuko refuse hugs from one person/animal and then immediately and happily accept one from sokka. (see also: sokka running excitedly with a big grin on his face at the bottom of page 17 to greet them, naming zuko first, but remembering that he is a good ambassador to the swt and using their proper titles despite his excitement. more silliness mixed with seriousness. see also, also: HE RAAAAAN!) zuko may be touch averse and not a huggy person, but screw that when it’s sokka who’s offering the hug.
remember there are no accidents in good writing. kuei happily says: hello friends! to which, in both that panel and the next, he is clearly ignored. sokka and zuko are so absorbed in hugging each other that sokka neglects his duties in welcoming them both properly. zuko : 2 swt ambassador role: 0. also ignored is the fact that kuei brought his bear, which would normally be subject to some kind of smartass comment from our boomerang boi, even if he knows he’s obsessed with his pet from the ba sing se episodes.
this could be an actual mistake, but sokka ran towards zuko, who was standing in front of kuei. but in the hug panel, sokka is between them. that means kuei walked all the way around them trying to get their attention, and it still didn’t work. sokka, nor zuko, say a further word to kuei. like exactly how much tunnel vision is there in this, my goddddd.
bosco is protecting kuei and sokka is protecting zuko. could be why they mirrored them and their positions in the hug panel, so not a mistake. a swt person says: protecting foreigners, sokka?! but that is exactly what he does by ignoring the protesters and telling zuko not to worry about them. despite wanting to do his duty to everyone sokka puts zuko first, basically, and doesn’t care about what they all think of him. that’s kind of huge for sokka.
yes, hakoda is injured at this time and yes he’s proud of sokka, but surely as chief he would have gone to meet the earth king and firelord? why did the writers go to so much effort making sure that sokka was there to meet zuko and have them hugging take up a third of an entire page when printing and space in the comics is such a consideration? it is clearly important, y’all.
their faces when they see each other. sokka can’t stop grinning and zuko closes his eyes in relief he’s so happy. enough said.
sokka says: thanks so much for coming! like he doesn’t already know zuko would travel the world just to make him happy or help in what’s important to him. have you forgotten boiling rock, sokka? because that dude you’re wrapped around, acting like he’s been starved of you, sure hasn’t.
this comic is all about nations coming together and traditions being upheld and shared. in other words, marry him sokka. it is in your diplomatic interests to do so.
in utterly insane conclusion:
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i am always surprised at how much they made the effort in the writing for this one scene. i don’t see the comics as something that tease ships, they aren’t natla. what i do see is two guys who clearly care about each other, almost to the detriment of their roles and responsibilities, and their relationship was worth the effort taken in the writing and artwork to show that. it is super heckin sweet. does this mean i think zukka is canon or could be? no. maybe did i have fun pretending and overanalyzing every detail? yes.
ps in all seriousness, the answer is that this is about my fav boy and how far he has come in his character growth journey - exhibit a from ‘the avatar returns’ episode:
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the end, i am getting blocked and going to jail but it’s okay because zukka is my bosco hug.
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afeelgoodblog · 1 year
The Best News of Last Week - June 20, 2023
🐕 - Meet Sheep Farm's Newest Employee: Collie Hired After Ejection from Car!
1. Border Collie ejected from car during Sunday crash found on sheep farm, herding sheep
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Tilly, the 2-year-old Border Collie who was ejected from a car Sunday during a crash, has been found. He was found on a sheep farm, where he had apparently taken up the role of sheep herder. 
According to Tilly's owner, he has lost some weight since Sunday's crash and is now drinking lots of water but is otherwise healthy.
2. After 17-Year Absence, White Rhinos Return to the Democratic Republic of the Congo
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The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) recently welcomed the reintroduction of 16 southern white rhinoceroses to Garamba National Park, according to officials. The last wild northern white rhino was poached there in 2006.
The white rhinos were transported to Garamba, which lies in the northeastern part of the country, from a South African private reserve. In the late 19th century, the southern white rhino subspecies was believed to be extinct due to poaching until a population of fewer than 100 was discovered in South Africa in 1895, according to WWF.
3. UK to wipe women’s historic convictions for homosexuality
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Women with convictions for some same-sex activity in the United Kingdom can apply for a pardon for the first time, the Home Office has announced.
The Home Office is widening its scheme to wipe historic convictions for homosexual activity more than a decade after the government allowed applications for same-sex activity offences to be disregarded.
It means anyone can apply for a pardon if they have been convicted or cautioned for any same-sex activity offences that have been repealed or abolished.
4. Study shows human tendency to help others is universal
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A new study on the human capacity for cooperation suggests that, deep down, people of diverse cultures are more similar than you might expect. The study, published in Scientific Reports, shows that from the towns of England, Italy, Poland, and Russia to the villages of rural Ecuador, Ghana, Laos, and Aboriginal Australia, at the micro scale of our daily interaction, people everywhere tend to help others when needed.
5. In a First, Wind and Solar Generated More Power Than Coal in U.S.
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Wind and solar generated more electricity than coal through May, an E&E News review of federal data shows, marking the first time renewables have outpaced the former king of American power over a five-month period.
The milestone illustrates the ongoing transformation of the U.S. power sector as the nation races to install cleaner forms of energy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels.
6. Iceland becomes latest country to ban conversion therapy
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Lawmakers in Iceland on June 9 approved a bill that will ban so-called conversion therapy in the country.
Media reports note 53 members of the Icelandic Parliament voted for the measure, while three MPs abstained. Hanna Katrín Friðriksson, an MP who is a member of the Liberal Reform Party, introduced the bill.
7. The temple feeding 100,000 people a day
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Amritsar, the north Indian city known for its Golden Temple and delicious cuisine, is also renowned for its spirit of generosity and selfless service. The city, founded by a Sikh guru, embodies the Sikh tradition of seva, performing voluntary acts of service without expecting anything in return.
This spirit of giving extends beyond the temple walls, as the Sikh community has shown immense compassion during crises, such as delivering oxygen cylinders during the COVID-19 pandemic. At the heart of Amritsar's generosity is the Golden Temple's langar, the world's largest free communal kitchen, serving 100,000 people daily without discrimination. Despite a history marred by tragic events, Amritsar continues to radiate kindness, love, and generosity.
That's it for this week :)
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lieutenant-rasczak · 1 year
On the incredible danger of the quaint, English village....
Although I live in Texas, thanks to various streaming services I get to watch a great deal of British T.V.  I have noticed that these shows (Midsomer Murders, Dalziel and Pascoe, Waking the Dead, Shakespeare and Hathaway, Vera, Rosemary & Thyme, Wycliffe,  etc.) share a common theme. 
And, after a certain amount of research I discovered that, believe it or not,  the third leading cause of death in the UK seems to be  "Moving to a quaint, country village". 
While “Getting murdered in a quaint, English, village”  killed slightly fewer UK Residents in 2021 than "Cancer" and "Heart Disease" it was distressingly close.  Even worse it came in only  slightly ahead of  "Attending a weekend party at a stately country home", which is in itself a fairly lethal pastime.  In fact “Attending a weekend party at a stately country home”  WAS the second leading cause of death in Britain between 1919 and 1939, but began to decline after the war as the Labour Govt. raised taxes and the number of country homes dropped drastically; thus causing a steep decline in the number of weekend parties one could be murdered at.
In any case my research indicates that IF you are British, AND you are feeling down, depressed, and suicidal, there is no reason for you to run your car off a cliff, or take a trip to Switzerland.  In fact, you need only do the following
1) move to a lovely, quiet, English village where nothing ever happens, but the murder rate is (adjusted for population) is far higher than that of South Chicago or East L.A.
You might think that such a village would be hard to find, but apparently England is simply teeming with them.  Places with highly competitive flower shows or bleak, cliff filled coastlines seem to be particularly deadly.
2) Change your will, and make sure to mention this to the former beneficiary. (This is vitally important!) Also make sure to let them know where the new will is kept. The top drawer of your desk is probably the best place, no need for locking file cabinets or bank safety deposit boxes!
3) Develop a keen interest in local land titles and/or genealogy. In fact you should probably announce that you are writing a book on the subject.  (It is suggested that you do so in a crowded pub.) In any case make sure to spend plenty of time at the local public records office researching this while receiving vaguely threatening  remarks from various upset neighbours. If you receive any threatening notes make sure to save them in an easily discovered drawer somewhere, but do NOT mention them to anybody, and certainly do not heed any warnings you are given about a need to “back off”.  That last one is ESSENTIAL.
4) Stand against the most popular member in the election for  Parish Council. Threatening to win the local flower show is also a good move.
5) Always leave the door or doors unlocked at night. (This includes your car.) Even if you have lived in London for decades, discard any habits you may have about locking up as soon as you move to the quaint, country, murder hole.
6) Never close any curtains or blinds, that way your future assailant always knows exactly where you are and what you are doing.
7)  Either don't have a phone or keep it in an inaccessible or hard to find place.
8)  Never, ever have any useful weapons nearby or if you do ensure you lose of drop them immediately on seeing your assailant.
Do this, and you’re guaranteed to be pushing up daisies by Christmas.
1K notes · View notes
saintslewis · 3 months
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pairing: sir lewis hamilton x fem!oc - Nadia Hamilton
summary: a rainy day in the South of France has put you two closer than you would think.
warnings: outfit descriptions, cussing, suggestive gestures, pet names, links to visuals, a bit of smau (i’ll make a separate chapter for that 😭)
saint’s team radio 🎀: hey y’all, Nadia misses you guys! Sorry I took forever with this, it was a lot on my plate along with a whole lotta drafts that i made up 🧍🏽‍♀️ i love you guys 🥹 LEWDIA IS BACK!!!
renaissance: the masterlist • pots: social media
tags are down below! (let me know if you want to be tagged!)
fc: @/unclewaffles_ on ig!
pics are from ig and pinterest
It’s 8 am and Nadia couldn’t feel any lighter, a smile painted on her face as she descended down the stairs of her LA home.
Vanilla and cinnamon scented candles were lit around the living room along with the kitchen area, clean and ready for the amazing breakfast she was going to make for when Lewis woke up. The satin pyjamas smelled like his cologne and surprisingly, she felt refreshed after a wild night out with her friends.
Except it wasn’t 8 am on a Sunday morning.
“Are my earrings too loud?” Nadia exclaimed, holding her ears as she stood in front of Amara who was leaning on the Jeep she and Miles came in.
“What?” Amara slurred and giggled right after with her eyes barely open.
“You can’t hear them?” She shook her head, feeling her head sway much faster than it actually did.
Amara just laughed out loud at Nadia’s confusion. “Tinkerbell, they’re veeeeery quiet.” She managed to get her words out, her eyes barely open.
When Nadia is high, she’s a very special person. Her curiosity skyrockets and she can hold a conversation for hours about literally anything. How she got to this point was just 40 minutes before, she had asked for something sweet because she had a sour taste in her mouth and Amara just so happened to give her 2 edibles.
Miles had suggested that they all head home and the girls get some air from being the packed party. The Jeep luckily had an open roof for the cool air and the boys just watched the exchange between Nadia and Amara, laughing at almost everything they said.
“I really want pancakes. Oh! Pookie bear, can we make pancakes when we get home?” Nadia expressed her excitement when she thought of the idea although not knowing the time. All Lewis did was smile at the eager girl, holding onto his coat just in case she felt cold.
“Brotha, just as a me and you talk. How you feelin since Nadia came into your life?” Miles asked, crossing his arms as he watched the two women laugh at a bug on the window shield.
Taking a breath, Lewis began. “It’s been fun having someone around, I won’t lie. She had a whole life before me and I feel guilty watching her change her life around to help me with my image. I think she sees this as a friendship and I wouldn’t put it past her to not. She’s a breath of fresh air.” He spoke.
“Just wanna point out you did not look at me the entire time you said all that.” Miles laughed, earning an eye roll from his friend. “But it is very nice to hear you speak about someone like this. Nads is a brilliant one, so I’ve heard from the grapevine.” The tall man nodded as he talked.
“The grapevine being Amara?” Lewis teased which earned him a push on the arm. “Shush. Anyways, she went to Cambridge then Oxford and she’s a teacher. If you fuck this up, Carl Davidson, you’ll be hearing from my lawyers.” Miles pointed at Lewis who just took everything in.
“Who knows? She could’ve had a line of people waiting for her but she wanted to help you out of the goodness of her heart, dealing with your stubborn ass. My point is me and the crew already love her and her personality so please.” He concluded, making the “i’m watching you” gesture and they both laughed.
“Let me go make those pancakes and I’ll let you know.” Lewis chuckled at the thought of making pancakes with Nadia at 11 pm, mere hours before they have to leave for Monaco.
Eventually getting the women into the car and them immediately requesting to play music and sing their hearts out, the group drove off into the nighttime and it wasn’t long until they reached the Los Angeles home.
“Bye Mars, bye fencer.” Nadia exclaimed, dragging out the last letter of their given nicknames. The jeep drove out of the large gates and the two walked to the front door with held hands, mainly to keep Nadia from tripping on her own two feet. Once in the house, Lewis could tell that she was about to head for the kitchen first but he held her hand much tighter which made her whine out.
“But the pancakes, Lew.” She whined as he pulled her in front of her. “I know, Nads. Let’s just take our shoes off before we go make them.” He smiled, watching as she leaned herself on the hallway wall with her eyes staring daggers into his.
“You’re no fun.” Nadia rolled her eyes but she could feel her body tingling as he continued to hold intense eye contact with her.
“Wanna repeat that?” Lewis smirked and she shook her head, feeling her high slip away a little as Nadia felt all the emotions.
Kneeling down, Lewis put his hand out to her legs so that she could get her slightly stained shoes off. With each antagonising minute that passed, she watched the man gently take her shoes off and neatly putting them next to the wall but what truly sat with her was how close he was to where her daydreams led her to.
“Thank you.” Nadia whispered out to him, watching him stand to his full height. “No problem, sweetie.” He winked and linked his hand with hers once again, seeing how gone she was, the plan of making pancakes out the window.
Going upstairs, reality started becoming clearer the closer she got to the top step. As nervous as she was, Nadia wanted something without her being the first one to make the first move. “Could you help me with my corset?” She blurted out, ignoring the butterflies flying around her stomach.
“Lead the way.” Lewis moved to the side to allow her to enter her room first. Thankful she left it clean, she slowly walked to the en suite bathroom with him following her closely behind. The mirror reflection showed him with his hands in his pockets, the coat long forgotten downstairs. Her breath hitched when she made eye contact with him through the mirror, her hands holding onto the edge of the bathroom counter.
To try and ignore the rising tension between them, Nadia played a little with her hair and Lewis took this as an opportunity to really drink her in. Every item she wore sat on her body so well, her jewellery shining representing her personality. He internally thanked the universe for bringing such a woman into his life, watching her fidget about and eventually finding a claw clip for the wig she wore.
Nadia raised her hands to attempt to take the jewels off but he reached out first, standing dangerously close to her and she could feel his fingers graze the back of her neck with goosebumps rising on her skin. It didn’t take long until Lewis gently placed the accessories on the marble counter and took a step back but she wished he stayed longer behind her, it felt all too right.
“You really shouldn’t look at people like that.” Nadia muttered, taking off her bracelets next. “So I shouldn’t appreciate my wife just existing?” Lewis smirked, his hands now behind his back.
“Said the same thing back at the party, white boy didn’t even know.” She smiled at the memory, deciding to take off her makeup before taking the corset off also just to keep Lewis in her company a little longer.
“Sweetie, he knew. Pretty sure he watched you for a while before he did that stunt.” He said, watching intently how she took her makeup off.
Scoffing a bit, she dragged the damp cotton ball across her eye. “Stunt? Dare I say you sound a lil jealous, Sir.” She chuckled. Lewis didn’t respond, he just kept his eyes on her and watched her try to shy away from the intense look he was giving her with a small smile on his face.
“You looked really good today.” He complimented. One thing Nadia didn’t want to show was how easy it was for her to fold at his words but she couldn’t help it. “Boy, you’re over here making me blush.” She gave him a smile through the mirror, appreciating the way their friendship was going.
Lewis shrugged. “Glad it was me and not that white boy.” He rolled his eyes and got a loud laugh out of her as she was dabbing her face with a small towel. “I knew you were jealous!”
“Yeah yeah.” Now it was his turn to shy away so that Nadia couldn’t see the growing smile on his face.
“Can you break down this upcoming week for me? I won’t hold you, I’m super nervous.” She asked, turning around to face him then leaning on the counter.
“We’ll be staying at home this week, first thing. Might get my hair done in time for Versace then the rest of the week is prep for the race weekend.” He spoke, scratching his head afterwards.
“I sent Tia some ideas for your outfit and she went ahead and got it, she said it’ll be in Monaco by the time we get there. She also said it’s hella bougie over there so I need to up my game this week.” Nadia said then nodded afterwards.
The two conversed about everything she could possibly expect from the Monaco Grand Prix weekend and how wild it could get. As promised, he had helped her with her corset clips and choosing to ignore that they could cut the tension with a knife.
They said good night to each other quite awkwardly before heading to bed.
Baby steps, Nadia thought.
The girlies 🫦
nads: i won’t lie to you guys, we had a moment
charlotte (not tilbury) : LEWDIA IS HAPPENING???
personal pillow amara: FINALLY also how are you not high out of your mind?
nataliaaaa: you got tinkerbell high?
charlotte (not tilbury): can we focus on the two lovebirds pls !!!
charlotte (not tilbury): you’re not off the hook amara 🤨
nads: my high disappeared SO QUICK but it felt so real, i blushed
nataliaaa: tink, i’m going to need you to STAND UP. it’s damn near 1 am ‼️
nads: sorry 😭 just wanted to update my girls but i’ll def tell you the deets in monaco if you guys are coming?
personal pillow amara: unfortunately i have work so i’ll miss so much iconic shit 😔
charlotte (not tilbury): oh no 😔 i’ll definitely fill up my phone storage for you mars x
nataliaaa: mars, we got you 🫵🏽. now let’s get some sleep before our flight!
three people liked this message!
(+44) 34 - *** - ****
yo nads, it’s cench
nadia: what do you want
central cee (unfort.): so me and dave are heading to mons this week for the race and what not
nadia: so what’s that got to do with me
central cee (unfort.): c’mon don’t be like that
nadia: girl wtf do you want
central cee (unfort.): we shootin that weekend so we had the brilliant plan that you could be in the vid 😁
nadia: bye cench, don’t annoy me this week. tell dave i said hi though
central cee (unfort.): nads 🧍🏽‍♂️
nadia: AHT AHT you lost the privilege to call me that after that little stunt you tried to pull in front of my boys
central cee (unfort.): it was for the beta squad vid
nadia: go talk to the wall. bye.
central cee (unfort.) has been blocked!
In Europe, it’s always raining somewhere and today, Mother Nature chose Monaco to spread her showers.
The pair had landed a few hours earlier, crashing into their beds after a quick penthouse tour which left Nadia speechless. A well deserved nap later, soft music played from the house speakers and vanilla scented incense wafted through the air while she looked through the kitchen for ingredients for pancakes, also making sure they hadn’t gone past the expiry date.
Although it was raining outside, it wasn’t as cold inside. Satisfied with how the first pancake came out, she continued pouring a bit of the batter into the pan. “Maybe I should melt some chocolate.” She muttered to herself, biting the edge of her nail while rotating the pan around.
Lewis couldn’t help but look at his wife in admiration once again, everything about her was endearing to him. He knew she was different from anyone he’d been with, despite the obvious that she wasn’t famous. He appreciated her showing her personality from the moment anyone meets her, the genuine feelings she expresses to everything and her support.
Not to mention her reactions to anything he buys for her, he loves the smile that spreads across her face when she sees something she likes and he wants to keep that smile there forever.
“It smells good in here, chef.” Lewis spoke, leaning on the kitchen counter and watched her prepare their pancakes. Nadia flinched at the sound of his voice, not expecting him to wake up anytime soon.
“You’re going to give me a heart attack one day, pookie.” Nadia said, pointing the spatula in his direction. Sliding the cooked pancakes in his direction for taste test, she continued making the others.
“I still wanna melt some chocolate so go right ahead and tell me what you think.” She informed, not realising that he had not once glanced at the food in front of him. “I’ll wait up for you to finish so that we can eat together.” Lewis spoke, going as far as to lean his head on his hand.
Turning to face him, she put her hand on her hip. “I wanna wash the dishes before I eat, it’s one of the weird things I do.”
“I’ll help. Looks like we’ve got more in common than we thought.”
With Nadia drying off the dishes, Lewis stuck to washing duty and it would’ve been a fairly quick process if the two didn’t sing all the songs that came up. “Damn you can sing sing! Might make you sing for me every day.” She joked, drying off the last bowl used for chocolate chips and moved around the spacious kitchen to put it away.
“Whatever you say, Nads.” Lewis cleaned up the sink then turn to watch her struggle to put the bowl back because the cupboard was too high.
Deciding to help her, he held her waist and hoisted her up then helped her down, the two gazing at each other afterwards. There was that tension again, one step from either of them and their chests would be touching.
Neither had made any move to look elsewhere, getting lost in each other’s eyes. Choosing to be bold, Lewis dragged his eyes to her plump moisturised lips, waiting for something to happen. Anything.
The doorbell ringing is what brought them out of their moment, both looking at the front door as if they had been caught. Hooking her finger to his infamous pearl necklace, Lewis could barely comprehend her lips on the corner of his mouth. A quick peck and her lipgloss now transferred onto him.
“I’ll go get it.” Nadia smirked then gave the shocked man a wink, moving to head to the front door, revealing Tia carrying two Versace bags. “Am I interrupting somethin here?” Tia voiced out before entering the penthouse.
“Hello to you, Tia.” Nadia greeted, closing the front door and following behind.
“I’ve got your outfits for tomorrow!”
“It’s way too early for this shit but but I look good that’s all that matters.” Nadia spoke to herself, spraying the last bit hairspray to the back of her head then adding one last hairpin.
Fixing her dress afterwards, she stared at herself in the mirror and was extremely happy with her choice. She was more than curious to see how Lewis’ outfit came about since she was given the opportunity to style him.
The theme for this event was all black while Donatella Versace and Dua Lipa’s vision was for the runway outfits to be the stars of the show. Going through fashion blogs and archives late at night when she couldn’t sleep, she made sure she built up a good enough outfit to add to her portfolio.
Nadia knew his braider came over this morning whilst she was styling her own wig and she was excited to see the finished product on him. Seeing her Louboutins waiting to be worn on the floor, she decided to make him take photos of her before they left.
Lifting her dress in order for her to not trip on it, Nadia walked to the main bedroom knowing very well that he was there because she could hear his footsteps. “Pookie, could you take some photos of me before we leave. I want to make…sure….” Nadia couldn’t finish her sentence as the man she was looking for walked out of his closet adjusting the black shirt he wore.
“Damn.” She whispered lowly but he had heard her and her previous request. The all black outfit accentuated his physique along with the tailored pants. On anyone else, the outfit wouldn’t be as exciting but on him, it had a completely different style to it. Very minimal jewellery but goodness did it work with the outfit.
“You look gorgeous, Nads. Extremely gorgeous.” Lewis complimented, fixing his watch. She didn’t want to show that the compliment got to her but her pursed lips and high cheekbones were a result of it. “Thank you, Lew.” She voiced.
Eventually, the pair had taken all the pictures they could before leaving. The show had been a success, Donatella had absolutely adored Nadia and how she presented herself to the fashion world. Lewis stood back and watched as she met so many people with such grace and kindness, networking without even realising. Not to mention Dua Lipa going crazy upon finally meeting Nadia, only ever interacting online. Best believe most of the garments were already being sent to Nadia’s doorstep.
With Friday quickly approaching, Nadia sat in the passenger seat of the sf90, texting her younger cousin who finally arrived in the uk the day before. The tension from earlier on in the week was still present but it was masked up with their friendship. Both had tried to distract themselves from it by spending time away from each other; Nadia with the other wags and Lewis with Miles and Spinz but it only got worse because of the space.
The traffic that day was awful but they had somehow gotten to the paddock in time. The atmosphere in Monaco was buzzing with excitement and people were everywhere donning their merch and waiting for their favourite driver to arrive. As always, the Mercedes garage was full with tons more celebrities than there were in Miami.
Spending most of her time with Charlotte, Nadia gathered up the courage to tell her about everything going on with a certain UK rapper. “Wait wait. So he’s still pining for you or what?” The blonde held Nadia’s hands across the table at the Paddock Club, overlooking the garages.
“I rejected him when he tried the first time. We continued being acquaintences until now, I guess. Mind you, this man basically asked if I wanted to be a video vixen.” Nadia rolled her eyes at the whole thing.
“The audacity of this man.” Charlotte said with a disgusted expression. She looked behind Nadia for a moment, watching this person walk closer and closer to them.
“You said he wears a ‘23’ chain?”
“Uh huh…”
“Let’s go, he’s coming over here but he’s distracted right now.” Jumping out of her seat, Charlotte grabbed Nadia’s hand and quickly lead her out to the ever-busy paddock. “Damn, Lottie. Warn a girl next time.” Nadia chuckled as they slowed down and walked leisurely, practice not starting until an hour’s time.
Talking about anything that came to mind, Nadia had accidentally bumped into someone’s shoulder, immediately apologising until she saw who stood in front of her with a gigantic smile on his face.
“Oh, I’m sorry!” He apologised, several Portuguese words following right after. Neymar Jr opted to continue staring at Nadia, all his focus on the woman in front of him. “It’s okay, I’m Nadia Hamilton. Nice to meet you.” She smiled, still holding onto Charlotte’s hand very tightly.
“Ah! Lewis’ wife! I must say you are very beautiful.” Neymar spoke and just like that, Nadia’s smile slightly faltered. “Right! This is Charlotte, my close friend.” She introduced the two to each other but he had his eyes on his friend’s wife.
“You know I never thought I would meet you. I wanted to ask Lewis but as always, he’s busy.” Neymar was trying and Nadia thought it was an adorable attempt. Within the span of a second, Lewis appeared behind Neymar on his scooter, with such a dark look in his eyes.
Charlotte squeezed Nadia’s hand once more to pay attention to her surroundings and once she did, she locked eyes with the man of the hour.
The girls watched as Lewis interacted with Neymar as if he didn’t just look at him in such a way that brought chills down their spines. “I see you’ve met Char and my wife, Nads.” The driver turns to them, reaching to embrace Nadia with Charlotte immediately catching the drift and texting the girls about it.
On the outside, this interaction looked all too friendly with old friends catching up just before Lewis has to get out on track. The look in Lewis' eyes said it all and Nadia couldn’t help but be entertained. Watching the thirsty footballer walk away in defeat and Charlotte running away to go tell Miles and Spinz everything, the pretend couple stood right by his scooter with cameras clearly pointing at them.
Keeping his arm around her shoulders, he leaned down to her ear. “You know you have cameras following your every move,right? You think that was a nice move, princess?” He spoke and she felt the vibrations of his voice travel down her body, resisting the urge to cross her legs.
“No…” She replied.
“Also your little rapper friend came around looking for you. Says he’s shooting for his music video.” He lifted his head to make it look like he was having a normal conversation when in reality, she was anticipating everything coming out of his mouth.
“And what did you say?” She asked, lowering her glasses from her head, following his direction. “Told him to have fun, it’s Monaco after all.” He smirked, he was enjoying this way too much.
All she could do was nod. The last thing she wanted was for that man to meet Lewis and now he’s taken it upon himself to go above himself and Lewis was entertaining it all.
On one of the huge screens right by the grandstands, the camera man made sure to keep the camera on them but Lewis on one step ahead of him. “Smile for the camera, Mrs Hamilton.” He quietly said with a smirk, patting her lower back and that brought goosebumps on her skin.
She smiled the best way she could, showing off her tooth gems.
What the hell? Nadia thought.
“This entire weekend has not been real.” Nadia groaned as she put her head in her hands, her left wrist heavier than the other. The music was blasting loudly as she watched her friends partied from the booth. Their way of persuading her being “He’s driving, you’re not. Let’s go have fun!”
The ‘fun’ in question was shopping, driving around Monaco in different sports cars each, participating in random street interviews and almost ending up in that music video. Not to mention Tia gifting her an iced out Rolex signed by her crew back in the uk, a few tears escaping as she opened the watch just before Lewis left for Qualifying.
However, Nadia Hamilton had no clue what her and her friends were doing at a club as the race was being held, only on lap 12. She was exhausted, these past two weeks finally getting to her and the thought of having to return to work next week made her cringe. No drinks had entered her system but she could feel the headache coming through.
Grabbing her shoulder bag, Nadia headed to the bar to let her friends know that she’ll catch up with them later at the post-race party that apparently everyone attends. Hopping in the Lamborghini and fastening her seat belt, the woman sat back and really thought about her life at the moment.
No less than three months ago, she had finished off paying her student loan 3 years after she received her honours degree from Oxford. Thinking that she finally felt a weight lifted from her shoulders after submitting the final payment but it was nothing compared to how she was living now. Financially free to do whatever she wanted.
She knew it was a dangerous thought to have because truly, no one knows how long this ‘marriage’ between her and Lewis will last. Once he’s no longer in different scandals, will he kick her out? Will he take back the gifts and cars? Who knows. But one thing Nadia knew was that there is always going to be a plan b if the first one doesn’t work out.
Still owns her car, her apartment and places her salary in her savings account just in case this doesn’t carry through.
Hearing the roar of the sports car through the streets of Monaco had caught the attention of those outside of the track, Nadia quickly rushing to the penthouse to avoid the not-so kind weather approaching. Sending a good luck text to Lewis knowing very well he couldn’t read it, she crashed onto the couch after a shower and watched the race whilst occasionally watching from the balcony.
P4 was a good result although she wished for a podium, proud of him either way and her instagram story was evidence. After a few hours of chilling and cooking up some good pasta, Lewis got home and she made sure to hug him with excitement.
“You did the damn thing out there, boy! Those old ass motherfuckers had no idea what they were saying.” Nadia cheesed as she let go of the hug. He was pleasantly surprised at all this energy considering she was out all day.
“I mean, it’s not the result we wanted but I worked my ass off today.” He spoke, placing his stuff down on the kitchen counter. He stood next to her as she too leaned against the counter with her arms crossed.
“By the way, our friends have invited us to the post-race party at Lillie’s.” She pursed her lips then looked at his side profile. “What’s your say?”
“I don’t know, some Brazilian guy’ll be there and want your full attention.” Lewis shrugged.
Kissing his teeth at her response, she burst into laughter. “I had to, that shit was funny.” Nadia wheezed as she looked at his stoic expression. “Damn,” she wiped a tear of laughter. “Let me go change so I can piss you off even more at the cluuuub!” She stood up straight and walked to her room, cackling loudly as she did. Leaving him to shake his head and laugh at her little jokes.
A good hour had passed and she was surprisingly ready in time. Wanting to keep as many memories of the weekend, Nadia took many photos be it serious or with personality. However, she wanted to change scenery so she went ahead to the living area that had a mirror and had an impromptu photoshoot.
Not noticing Lewis’ heavy footsteps walking around, she only looked up after a few moments and caught him admiring her. He sat on the couch manspread with his arm under his chin although his eyes were telling a different story.
Nadia took one glimpse at his outfit consisting of a LV sweatshirt that resembled a football jersey, large jewellery with his cap facing backwards and a fan in his diamond-clad hand and to take it a step further, he leaned back into the couch and flashed a bright smile, revealing a new set of grillz to her.
Fuck it, she thought.
“You think they’ll mind if we’re a bit late?” She asked, slowly walking towards him until she ended up between his legs. His hand connected with hers and guided her into his lap to straddle him, both hands grabbing at her waist to bring her closer.
“They’ll be fine.” Lewis slightly bit his lip and leaned in.
New message from: @/juliananalu
juliananalu: hiiii
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saint’s notes 🎀: pls do not be mistaken, central cee is my man lol. hope you enjoyed!
taglist: @non-stop-imagines @motheroffae @perfecttrashface @lorarri @thisismeracing @myescapefromthislife @slytherinjimin3nthusiast @jamie2305 @like-fire-love-blog @sugardontbesweet @simpfortoomanymen @mauvecherie-writes @queenshikongo3 @eugene-emt-roe @deepgothfiremuffin @18754389 @cherry2stems @anubisnoir @littlelizzies-world @httpsserene @apenasumlug4r @youre-sooooo-funny @eddiesbitch83 @arshiyuh @alika-4466 @peyiswriting @sunfairyy @roseseraj @vsfavs @louvrepool @mistruscity @tian-monique @hopefulromantic1 @exotic-iris13 @yeea-nah @nichmeddar @gg-trini @lifeless-firefly @vellicora @takeoffz-tookoff9876 @serpenttines @emjayewrites @royallyprincesslilly @lewisroscoelove @purplelewlew
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suddenlybambi · 1 year
spin the bottle ♥ kyle broflovski
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pairing : kyle broflovski x reader
nsfw (smut) - minors DNI!!! - aged up characters (18+)
tags : implied underaged drinking, praise kink, degradation, hair pulling, p in v sex, afab reader, mild sub/dom dynamics, sub!kyle, dom!reader
word count : 3.5k
summary : when a game of spin the bottle pairs you with the object of your affection, you'll take full advantage of the chance the universe has given you
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a/n - this isn't proof read so pls if there are mistakes lemme know
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It was a well-known fact that Clyde always threw the best parties in South Park. Whenever his dad was off on a business trip, it was go-time, and that weekend was indeed go-time.
It was one of the rare occasions when you had all decided to keep it amongst friends, with no assholes from neighbouring towns showing up for free booze and boobs. Just the South Park group.
“Bebe, my love, your tit is about to fall out,” You reached over to hike up Bebe’s dress for the fourth time that night. You had no idea how she even managed to keep it on in the first place. It was practically just a belt that barely covered her. Though you had to admit, she looked hot as hell in it. Figuratively speaking, of course, if she dared to take a step outside, she would surely freeze to death. 
“I love you!” She grabbed your face in the palms of her hands, squishing your cheeks together. “You are playing spin the bottle with us!”
“Oooh, tempting, but no!” You smiled as you rolled your eyes, looking around and prying her hands off of your face. “You know as well as I do that there is only one person here I would kiss.”
“Just ask him out already!” She groaned, dropping her arms to her sides dramatically. “Oooor… Just screw someone else to take your mind off of him?”
“Babe, unless you’re suggesting yourself, I’m not interested,” You teased, grabbing her arm as she started to stumble a little. You pondered for a minute, looking around at the people you had grown up with. “I’ll play one round of spin the bottle.”
“Yes!” Bebe cheered, grabbing your face and planting a very drunken kiss on your forehead. “You beautiful bitch! Let’s get you laid!”
“Since when did the rules of spin the bottle change from a kiss to a quickie?” You joked as she pulled you towards the gathering circle. To your somewhat pleasant surprise, the object of your affection, Kyle Broflovski, had decided to play. The surprise was only somewhat pleasant as you realised that out of the 12 or so people playing, the chances of the bottle landing on him when you spun it were decreased. You could dream, though, and dream you most certainly did. Usually at night, with your hand buried between your thighs and his name on your lips.
“If it rolls on a guy, do I have to kiss him?” Clyde asked, looking around for confirmation or, rather, someone to say that he doesn’t have to.
“What’s wrong? Scared you’ll catch feelings?” You teased your friend as Bebe pulled you to sit down next to her. “Or are you scared that the feelings you’ve already caught will come out?”
“It’s just a peck on the lips,” Kenny shrugged, nudging Clyde. “It’s no big deal.”
“Kenny, dude, you’ll kiss anyone,” Stan pointed out. “Is there a penalty for not kissing someone?”
“Tolkien?” Bebe called across the circle at him. “You got the thing?”
“I sure do!” He pulled out a bottle of something so red that it was practically glowing. Whatever it was, it didn’t look natural. “Hot sauce, it’s over 2 million Scoville.”
“Is that hot?” Butters questioned, looking over at the bottle nervously.
“I’d kiss Kyle’s bitch of a mom over drinking any of that hot sauce!” Cartman announced, scowling at the bottle as though it had personally offended him.
“Hey!” Kyle threw his hands up as if to say that the comment was uncalled for, but Cartman ignored him completely.
“Let’s fucking go!” Kenny cheered, spinning the bottle first before anyone else got the chance. Everyone took it in turns. The kisses were only light aside from when Clyde landed on Bebe and fully went in making out.
Finally, it was your turn. You prayed to whatever deities may be listening as you flicked your wrist, sending the empty bottle spinning. There was one person you wanted it to land on, and you held your breath as the spinning slowed down until it eventually ceased.
You didn’t know which deity you now owed it to, but the bottle had landed on exactly who it was supposed to.
Looking up, you met eyes with Kyle Broflovski, who already had a red twinge on his face. You couldn’t tell if it was that look on his face, the alcohol already in your system, or the fact that you had waited for the better part of three years for an opportunity like this, but a wave of confidence rushed over you.
Within seconds, you had gotten up and crossed the circle to him, climbing onto his lap. The small, shocked gasp that slipped from his lips was swallowed in an instant when you pressed your lips against his. Your hands instantly found their way to his hair, the same hair that you had admired from afar, watching the curls bounce as he played basketball when he would casually brush it away from his face. 
You couldn’t help yourself as you pulled on his hair, your lips catching the smallest little whimper that slipped out as you did so. 
There was absolutely no battle for dominance in the kiss. He submitted to you instantly, allowing your tongue entry as you tilted your head to deepen the kiss further. Where you were, and the people observing were lost to you, all you could focus on was that you were actually kissing Kyle, and he was kissing back with just as much eagerness. 
His hands had been on your waist, but they slowly inched down to grab your ass, giving it the softest squeeze as he pulled you impossibly closer.
There was only one thought on your mind when you pushed your hips against his as you straddled him. ‘More’. That’s all you wanted, more, more, more. He was intoxicating.
You were forced to pull away to breathe, but your mouth instantly latched onto his neck, determined that if this were a one-time deal, you would leave your mark.
“Jesus fucking Christ!” Cartman’s voice pulled you from your haze, and you regretfully removed your lips from Kyle’s body, though your hands remained in his hair, keeping him close to you. “Get a room!” 
“Later,” You whispered before you pressed another small kiss to his lips, only to be pulled off of him by a very drunk Clyde, who just wanted the game to continue.
You caught the hopeful glint in Kyle’s eyes that confirmed to you just how interested he was in return.
“Please?” He sounded almost pathetic in this plea, but that only fueled you on more. Bebe gave you a knowing look as you rejoined her in your original space in the circle.
Another round started, and Kyle had to kiss Tolkien, but when it was your turn again, you landed on Kenny. He made his way over to you in an instant. You intended for the kiss to be a quick peck, but apparently, the blonde had other ideas as he held your head in place while he tried to deepen the kiss. You managed to push his head away and awkwardly pat his hair as a sign to ‘stay there’, unsure what else to do. Your eyes darted over to Kyle, who had a hard glare set on the back of Kenny’s head.
“I think I’m done now,” You mumbled, getting up and shuffling away from the group. You were suddenly very worried that your kiss with Kyle had sent the wrong idea to everyone else that you were up for full make-out sessions with anyone. The game didn’t last much longer after that. You did notice that Kyle had avoided his turn when it came up. You deeply regret not having done the same.
After the game wrapped up, the music was turned up, and shots were brought out. You downed one before spotting Kyle talking to Kenny in the corner. You suspected that it was about you, and you couldn’t resist getting closer to listen in to the conversation.
“Dude!” Kyle seethed through his teeth, his hand holding onto Kenny’s shirt to prevent him from getting away. “What the hell was that?”
“I did that for you!” Kenny held his arms up in defence. “I was testing her!”
“What the fuck are you on about?”
“I was making sure she was actually interested in you and not just drunk and horny and willing to sleep with anyone,” Kenny explained. You weren’t sure how to feel about that. Part of you felt used and manipulated, but another part of you was proud that you passed the test.
“And the only way you could do that was to stick your tongue down her throat?”
“She didn’t reciprocate at all!” 
“Just… Don’t do that shit again, okay?” Kyle sighed deeply. “You know how I feel about her.” 
“How could I not? You’ve been going on about her for years, dude,” Kenny laughed. You were sure your heart skipped a beat. Had Kyle really felt the same way about you the entire time? It was then that Kenny spotted you, or at least acknowledged you. “Oh, hey, Y/N.”
“Hey, Kenny!” You felt a little better talking to him now that you knew the context of the kiss. But your attention was primarily set on the redhead who looked more than a little flustered to see you. “Hi, Kyle.” 
“Hi…” You wanted to grab his cute, flushed face and kiss him again. You wanted to pin him against the wall and see how much it would take him to beg. You wanted to make an absolute mess of him.
Instead, you just held your hand out. “Dance with me.” It wasn’t a question or even a request. It was an instruction. You could see the switch in his eyes to submission, and you revelled in the power you felt from having such a hold over him. His hand was in yours in a second, and you pulled him towards you and to the edge of the crowd of partygoers. You didn’t want to get caught up amongst everyone. You wanted to keep him for yourself and avoid the risk of others trying to interrupt your conversation. You didn’t want to share him with anyone. He was yours now.
“How much did you hear?” He asked. You could hear his shaky breath betray how nervous he truly was as he spoke. “Between me and Kenny?” You pulled him close to you as you started to sway to the music. You weren’t dancing at anywhere near the right tempo for what was playing, but you couldn’t care less.
“Enough to know that one of us should have made a move years ago,” You cooed, leaning into him further as you spoke. You purposely brushed your thigh against his clothed crotch, taking in his soft gasp and the way his hands clenched from where they had settled on your waist. “You know, out of all the nights I’ve dreamt about you and the things I’d do if I got the chance, I never took you for being a bit of an exhibitionist. You got off on people watching us back there, didn’t you?”
“Well- I- Uh-” He stumbled over his words, the tips of his ears were bright red, and he couldn’t meet your intense gaze. With a smirk, you grabbed his face in your hand, squishing his cutely flushed cheeks together as you made him look at you. You didn’t have to repeat yourself. He knew what you were saying. “Yes, I did.”
“I don’t know if I should praise you or punish you for being such a slut,” You teased. You had let go of his face to once again thread your fingers through his hair as you had while playing spin the bottle. Using the leverage you had on him, you pulled him in, hovering your lips over his but not actually kissing him. “What do you think?”
“Both,” He whispered. You could feel him struggling slightly against the grip you had on his hair to attempt to press his lips against yours, but all it did was cause you to pull his hair. The moan that he let out was unlike anything you had heard before. With a small giggle, you tested this out, voluntarily pulling on his hair again. You watched his lips snap together in an attempt to stifle the second moan, but it didn’t do much to help.
“Seven minutes in heaven!” Bebe announced, interrupting your moment with Kyle. His eyes pleaded with you to ignore it, but a plan formed in your mind that you couldn’t refuse. Your hand slipped from his hair, trailing down his neck, shoulder, and arm until you reached his hand.
“We’d better not keep them waiting,” You feigned as much innocence as you could when your mind was full of pure and utter filth. Holding his hand, you pulled him over to where the circle was regrouping after people had drunk more and danced a little. “How are we doing this?”
“Might as well spin the bottle again,” Stan shrugged, holding up another empty bottle. “Unless anyone else has a better idea?”
“Spinning the bottle sounds perfect,” You smiled, letting go of Kyle’s hand to sit back down next to Bebe. She gave you a knowing look after her eyes landed on a bewildered Kyle as he settled down next to Stan. “I have a plan, and you’re going to allow it.”
“Y/N’s up first!” Bebe grinned at the rest of the group. Stan placed the bottle down, and you leaned over to ‘spin’ it. Instead of actually spinning it, you manually turned it around once before lining it up with Kyle. You didn’t wait for anyone to call you out and make you actually spin it before you got up again, walking over and pulling Kyle up by the front of his shirt. 
“That’s cheating!” Cartman pointed accusingly. “You can’t do that!”
“Go cry about it, fucker,” You glared at him for a second, but your eyes mostly focused on Kyle as you pulled him up the stairs and to what you knew to be the spare bedroom in Clyde’s house. He trailed after you like a little lost puppy, not saying a word. He was already completely at your will, and you loved it. “Seven minutes isn’t long for what I have planned for you… But we’ll make it work.”
“What do you have planned?” He asked. You could hear how nervous yet hopeful he was, and it made you melt. He was so obviously already putty in your hands, and you hadn’t even started.
“Strip for me and lay on the bed,” You instructed, pressing a soft kiss to his lips before gently pushing him backwards and towards the bed. While he was distracted, you slipped your underwear off and stuffed it in your bra so you’d be able to find it later.
Kyle followed your request until he got to his boxers, where he hesitated. You could see the obvious tent that had formed, and your mind went wild. You had spent what was admittedly far too long staring at him when he played basketball, paying close attention to his shorts in order for just an idea of what he was hiding there, but nothing could have prepared you for when he finally took his boxers off. He was bigger than you had anticipated. You were almost intimidated by it, but you were more than ready to accept the pain that would first appear for the pleasure that would soon follow.
You couldn’t wait for him to lie down on the bed. In a split second, you pounced on him, pinning him to the bed and straddling him. Thanks to your lack of underwear, his hard member slid against your folds, and a shared moan rang out through the room.
“Fuck foreplay. I need you in me now,” You shook your head, abandoning your plans to tease and edge him until the last possible second. You only had seven minutes, and you planned to use every single one of them, milking him for all you could. “Do you want this?”
“Yes!” He nodded eagerly.
“Yes, what?” You couldn’t help but tease him just a little bit more.
“Please!” He had barely finished the word when you sunk down onto him. You were already so turned on that he slid in with ease. The way he stretched you out hurt at first, but as expected, the pain quickly morphed into pleasure after you slid yourself up and down a couple of times.
Kyle’s moans were loud, pathetic, and the hottest thing you had ever heard, but you knew it wasn’t wise for him to continue at that volume. As much as you wanted everyone to know that he was yours and you were the one making him feel that way, you knew him well enough that the post-bliss clarity would embarrass him to no end.
“Baby, you need to keep quiet,” You cooed. Your hand traced up his bare chest and settled at his neck. You didn’t squeeze, just pressed down ever so slightly. Your goal of keeping him quiet was ruined by the even louder moan that slipped from him at this. “Do I need to gag you?”
“Yes,” He blurted out immediately, taking you by mild surprise. You felt him twitch slightly inside you, signifying just how serious he was.
“What should I use-” You paused, an idea forming in your mind. You pulled your balled-up underwear from your bra, holding it up in front of him as you slowly rolled your hips to match his thrusting up into you. “I suppose I could use my panties?”
“Yes! Please!” He nodded desperately as best as he could when your hand was still on his throat. “Yes!” His thrusts up into you had gotten sloppy, so you released his throat while you shoved your underwear in his mouth to gag him and used your now free hand to hold his hips in place.
“You look so pathetic and desperate right now,” You smiled, picking up the pace to try and chase the tension that was quickly building inside you. Using your free hand, you started to circle your clit with two fingers, softly moaning at the feeling. You wanted to throw your head back and lose yourself in the pleasure, but you couldn’t take your eyes off of Kyle’s as they looked up at you. There was a hazy look to them. He looked so submissive for you. “You’re such a good boy, letting me use you like this.”
The mixture of degradation and praise was clearly getting to Kyle in the best possible way. Below you, you could feel his thighs starting to shake as he drew closer and closer to finishing. The temptation to edge him was significant, but you had to be wary of the time you had left. So, instead, you did your best to grind onto him at as fast a pace as you could manage, your fingers matching the speed on your clit.
The panties in Kyle’s mouth barely muffled the pathetic moans and whimpers that came from him as you felt his seed spill inside you. You were on the pill, but you’d grab a Plan B from Bebe the next morning just to be careful.
As you rode out his orgasm, you reached your own. Both your fingers on your clit and your hip movements became messy as your body shook with what you were sure was the most intense orgasm you had ever had in your life. Your back was arched, and your head flew back as you rode out the final waves of aftershock before collapsing against Kyle’s chest.
“Are you okay?” Kyle asked, having reached up to remove your underwear from his mouth. He asked with such genuine care that you almost forgot the situation that had led to it.
“More than okay,” You nodded with a sleepy smile. As much as you wanted to just sleep there like that, cuddled up against his chest, you knew you were only moments away from one of the other partygoers bursting in and finding the position you were both in. Reluctantly, you pulled off of him. The feeling of his seed dripping down the inside of your thighs as he pulled out threatened to turn you on again if you thought too much about it.
“Uh… Here,” Kyle held out your panties to you as he sat up with you, one hand subconsciously holding onto your waist to keep you steady. You looked at them and lowered his hand, shaking your head.
“Keep them,” You told him, a small smirk emerging on your lips. “Until next time, at least.”
“Next time?” His breath hitched at the implications of those two words. You wanted there to be a next time. You wanted to do that again.
“Next time.”
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ask-maxie-boy · 1 year
Goonion's Ghoul (Part 3) [dp x dc]
(A/N we switching the official name of the goonion to The First Universal Henchmans' Union. Just makes sense, thank y'all for the advice)
(Parts 1 & 2: here) (Part 4: here)
"Before we begin, I'd just like to clarify a few things. Mainly, can I ask for your preferred name?"
"Is that a joke?"
"Well, I figured it would professional to come out and call you Mr. Cobblepot, but seeing as we're talking about a... certain aspect of your enterprises, I wasn't sure you wanted your legal name in the records. The Union takes confidentiality very seriously."
Oswald Cobblepot looked down at the scrawny boy in front of him. This was the guy that had Eddie shaking in his boots? He tapped the ashes off his cigarette into the ashtray, and scoffed. "Doesn't matter to me, as long as you remember who you're talking to before you open your mouth."
"Of course! As you wish, Mr. Penguin."
There it was. That smile just a bit too wide, just like Riddler had said. Oswald Cobblepot wasn't an amateur, he wouldn't let something like that throw him off balance. "Alright, kid, lets cut to the chase. Whats this all about a Union?"
"Oh, Mr. Penguin, I had thought you heard! The First Universal Henchmans' Union is a recently formed collective of working class freelance goons, henchmen, and grunts of all different colors."
"Hweh! And what do I care if a bunch of simpletons wanna have a party together?"
The kid's head tilted, a sickening crack! ringing through the room. Just for a second, its eyes seemed to glow.
When you deal with bats for so long, little things like that don't sway you.
"If they're so little to you in your mind, then surely anything they might ask of you shouldn't be that hard to swallow?"
The temperature in the room seemed to drop, as the thing's face tried to imitate inquisitiveness.
Good. The Penguin likes it cold.
"You can toss away the whole intimidation shtick, boy. I didn't get to be where I was by bending over to every ignoramus who thinks they can get me to do what they want."
When you deal with Bats for so long, you start to pay more attention to little expressions. The way the shadows suddenly fall onto the boy's blue-eyed, black haired face as he tilts his head downward makes The Penguin's flinch, just for a moment.
"I promise you sir, the Goonion is a very real, and very serious organization."
Cobblepot sneers, cigarette holder angling upward, as he taps his umbrella on the ground. "I pay my people well. My lounge is up to code, too. You don't have a damn thing on me, and here you are trying to pull the wool over my eyes. Well listen here, boy, you don't run an operation like this in Gotham without knowing fear. Fear is watching every shadow, looking for the pin pricks of light. Fear is the cracking of bones in the room over as you know the jig's up. Fear is watching Gotham's shadow spawn appear from the darkness, promising the only thing he wont do is kill you. You're way out of your league if you think I'll bend to such a cheap trick."
When you deal with Bats for so long, you learn to keep your eyes open. You keep track of exits, you look for little disturbances, keep your ears ready for even the softest sound.
You pay attention to that little voice that says you're being watched.
"Mr Penguin, do I need to remind you just who these 'simpletons' are? They're the men who carry your goods to and from your lounge. They're the ones who rig up the Riddler's bombs, traffic weapons in and out of the city. What happens when deals go south, when plans are canceled partway though?"
When you deal with Bats for so long, you watch the shadows. They practically live in them, entering and exiting like they're made from the stuff. Anything that might give away their position.
The shadows are dancing. Pulsing with something even darker than Gotham. He swears he can hear the sound of a bat gently hitting someone's hand. Distant laughter, not natural, almost forced.
"You know, Mr. Penguin, The Joker is easily one of our worst offenders. One of his more interesting complaints is the lack of security in regards to chemicals. See, he doesn't really care much if there's missing inventory, or what happens after his plan, as long as there's enough for what he needs." A vial flutters between its fingers, eyes almost bored as a forked tongue slides between sharpened teeth. "I wonder, where does it all go?
Eyes, green as emerald and as bright as the sun burn into Ozwald's. A grin stretches wider, wider, quite literally from one ear to the next filled with jagged teeth. "Do you want to find out?"
"...My... smoking habits."
"Yeah, honestly. Its like you said. Most of your stuff is up to board, and your workers are fairly happy. Its mainly just an issue for henches with asthma, though secondhand smoke isn't something most people enjoy."
"You did all that over my cigarettes?!"
"its fairly understood that the Iceberg Lounge is not a smoke-free area, so you can do as you please there, but when it comes to abandoned warehouses or other places of business, we ask you please refrain from smoking."
"I can't believe this."
"For what its worth, the goons understand its part of your whole outfit, and are willing to compromise. We have a list of alternatives that visibly resemble a lit cigarette, and will fit in your holder, but wont actually release any smoke..."
@akikkobara @thegatorsgoose @addie-lover-of-stories @apointlessbox @screamingtofillthevoid @semiprofessionaldumbass @sailor-goddess @malice-of-the-sunrise @savaton @spikedlynx @emergentpanda-blog @starlightcat04
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quizzicalwriter · 8 months
can you please do a pt.2 to PDA where the next day Dally tries to make reader squirt again because he loved it sm. Thank you!
Cherry Waves
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Pairing: Dallas Winston x Fem!Reader
Summary: Continuation of ‘PDA.’ After being caught in the bathroom at a house party, Dallas decides to take you back to his place.
Warning: SMUT. MDNI. Fingering, oral, titty attention, squirting (all reader receiving.)
A/N: Thank you for the request! Part one here!
Word Count: 2.6k
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Your legs felt sticky, still wet in some places as you tried your best to make yourself comfortable in the passenger seat of Dallas’s car. To be fair he’d had the worst of it, but he didn’t seem to mind, if anything it seemed to have turned him on. Whenever you looked over to him your eyes would venture south, focusing on the areas around his thighs and calves that were practically soaked in your arousal.
Luck had been on your side when you two left the party, none of the guys asked why, maybe because they already knew - it would certainly explain why a few of them refused to meet your eyes. It was far from the first time any of them had overheard you or Dallas, but you could only imagine physical evidence of the deed was far more shocking than noises from a room over. What you’d failed to realize was that was the exact reason why Dallas refused to cover the spots, he wanted people to see, wanted people to know just how good he made you feel.
You’d hardly had a moment to linger on the thoughts before Dallas pulled into the semi-empty parking lot of Buck’s bar. As he shifted the gear into park he turned to look at you, smiling as he looked you over. He seemed to be mulling something over, that same cocky look on his face that he’d worn in the bathroom at that party not even an hour earlier making itself known.
“What?” You asked through a laugh, stomach fluttering with arousal and nerves at what could be going through his mind.
“I want to make you cum like that again.” He replied, tilting his head back in a triumphant manner as he pulled the keys from the ignition, leaning over you to open your car door before doing the same for his. “I think I can, if you’ll let me.”
You hadn’t even thought it possible when he’d made you do it for the first time, and now he wanted to do it again? The thought made you flush, but you agreed nonetheless, a soft laugh passing your lips as you nodded.
“Sure, you can try.” You replied, pushing open the car door, smiling over your shoulder at him as you two walked to the bar entrance. “I don’t think you can though, that- that was a spur-of-the-moment thing.”
He seemed to take your doubt about his skills as a challenge, eyes narrowing as he followed after you, hands finding your hips as he guided you through the doors. He leaned down, leveling his lips with the shell of your ear as he whispered, “We’ll see about that, doll.”
His hands lingered on your hips as you walked up the stairs toward his bedroom, occasionally moving to cup your ass, squeezing the plush flesh hard enough to make you squeak and try to run up the rest of the steps, only to be quickly caught by him. He wrapped his arms around your middle, lifting you up and off the ground before carrying you toward his bedroom, nudging the door open with his foot before plopping you down on his bed.
You unbuttoned your jeans, watching him with an eager smile as you shimmied the denim off of your legs, kicking it off the end of the bed before doing the same with your underwear. As soon as he’d locked the door he turned to face you, eyes widening momentarily at the sight of you half-naked before him. He moved toward you then, removing his shirt and jeans before crawling over top of you.
If there was one part of you Dallas could never get enough of, it was your tits. The man was practically obsessed with them, always cupping them in his hands, kissing them, sucking on them, or leaving marks over them - he loved them. You knew exactly what he was going to do as his hands smoothed up and underneath your shirt, bunching the fabric up as he went before helping you out of it. He leaned down, kissing from your navel to your ribs, his hands seeking out your back where he unclasped your bra, tossing it to a far corner of his bedroom after.
“So perfect.” He murmured, leaning back on his knees to look over your body, a soft glimmer in his eyes as his hands smoothed up and down your sides. You flushed at the look, turning your head away as you whined, never having been one for close examination - especially the type Dallas seemed to be infatuated with whenever he had you naked and beneath him. His eyes would rake over you as though you were fine art - which in his eyes, you were.
His hands moved to your breasts, thumbs flicking over your hardening nipples as he gently kneaded the soft flesh, a sigh passing his lips as he leaned down, taking one into his mouth as he continued kneading the other. Your back arched, pressing your chest flush with him as his tongue circled your bud, sucking it into his mouth like a man starved. His free hand moved between your legs, middle and ring finger lazily circling your clit. You rolled your hips into his touch, letting your head fall back against the mattress as you gave yourself over to the near-overwhelming bliss.
He moved his mouth to your other breast, humming against your skin in response to the noises that fell from your lips, pleased with himself as he felt you clench against the pads of his fingertips, cunt practically begging to swallow his fingers. He swirled his fingers around your opening, teasing you as he trailed open-mouthed kisses along your chest. You could feel your wetness dripping down your cunt, surely having coated his fingers. Only after your hips began bucking up to meet his touch did he give you what you were so eager to receive, pressing his middle and ring finger deep into your cunt. You whined, eyes squeezing shut as you squeezed around his fingers.
He did something he’d never done before then, he moved his fingers up and down, repeatedly hitting that spot within you that made you involuntarily clench your thighs together. You moaned, the noise loud, louder than you expected. He loved it, smile widening as he looked up at you, not slowing his movements for a moment. Incoherent words slipped past your lips as you reached down, grasping feebly at his wrist in an attempt to have him slow down, although you weren’t sure if you wanted him to. The feeling was insurmountable, something you’d never experienced before.
You felt tears pricking at your eyes from the onslaught of pleasure, Dallas’s fingers jerking up into your cunt, your hand wrapped around his wrist doing hardly anything other than holding him close. You could hear your cum sloshing against his fingers, the noise paired with his self-satisfied laugh as he pressed his fingers deeper, wanting to feel all of you wrapped tight around his digits.
“‘S too much.” You slurred out, voice closer to a sob than anything else. It did nothing to deter Dallas, as he only laughed in response and used his other hand to push against your lower stomach, the added pressure causing you to cry out, cunt spasming around his fingers.
“You can take it.” He whispered, thumb brushing against your clit as his middle and ring finger pumped into you, your cum coating his fingers and palm. “Wanted me to fuck you so bad, you can take my fingers.”
You could only manage a mewl in response, head falling back against the bedspread as he continued fingering you. Your hips trembled in his hold, orgasm building rapidly in your lower stomach, accompanied by a faint pressure you recognized all too well.
“Dal-“ You babbled, earning a condescending coo from his lips as he looked up at you, tilting his head to the side. “What, doll? Can’t take it?”
Before you could reply you were cumming around his fingers, a sound akin to a scream tearing its way from your chest as your back arched from the bed. Your grasp on his wrist tightened, feeling your fingers and inner thighs being soaked by your cum.
“Fuck yeah.” Dallas groaned, words full of awe as your fluids dripped from your thighs onto the floor below, wetting his legs in the process. He continued his movements, wanting to milk every last ounce of ecstasy from you before he’d even consider giving you the chance to breathe.
Your cunt looked gorgeous, glistening in the moonlight pouring in through his bedroom windows. Before you could push him away he sunk to his knees, looping his arms around your upper thighs to pull you down to his waiting mouth. He lapped at your clit, tongue delving between your folds. You could only squeak, hardly able to pull air into your lungs as you grasped at his hair.
He hummed against your clit, loving the feeling of your fluttering cunt against his tongue paired with your fingers in his hair. He couldn’t get enough of you, so he decided to get as much of you as he possibly could. His grasp on your thighs tightened, lips encircling your clit as he sucked it into his mouth, letting off with a lewd pop, lowering his head to lick a stripe up your cunt, eyes nearly rolling back at the taste of your arousal coating his tongue.
Your thigh muscles twitched underneath his hold, lungs burning for air as your back arched. The overstimulation was blinding, yet he didn’t stop, and you didn’t know whether you hated or loved him for it. You could hear him sucking at your cunt, practically drinking your arousal. The sounds alone made you clench around nothing, your hold on his brunette strands tightening as you ground down against his face.
His hand tapped lightly against your thigh, followed by him pulling away, eyes flickering up to meet yours before he spit on your cunt. The act shocked you, but turned you on far more than you thought it would. You were left open-mouthed, a whine falling from your lips as he licked another stripe up your folds, eyes locked on yours the entire time. You felt your cheeks burning, but you were unable to look away as he all but devoured you.
It was carnal in its purest form, leaving you rutting up into his mouth as his tongue skillfully worked at your clit, slurping up your juices as they coated his lips and tongue. You could feel your third orgasm of the night building before you could register it, eyes fluttering shut as you gave into the all-encompassing pleasure, earning a groan of satisfaction from Dallas as you came against his tongue. His arms tightened around your thighs as you jerked away from his mouth, determined to continue his work as you twitched from your orgasm. You could feel him smiling against your cunt as he watched you squirm beneath him, absolutely loving the way you whined for him.
He only pulled away when he felt satisfied, leaving your chest heaving for breath as your hand fell from his forearm, somehow having found itself there in the throes of your ecstasy. He crawled over top of you, turning your face to meet his gaze, his smile gentle as he looked down at you. You returned the look, pupils blown and face flushed. He leaned down, pressing his lips to yours in a feverish kiss, letting you taste yourself on his tongue.
His hand moved down to his boxers, pushing them down enough to free his cock, hissing into the kiss from the relief of it no longer pressing against the fabric. He trailed his lips from yours, kissing down your throat and onto your chest, his hand moving to hook under your thigh to rest it around his hip.
“Can’t cum again, Dal.” You murmured, looking up to him. He simply smiled, leaning up to press a kiss to your forehead as he pushed into you, grunting at the wet, warmth of your cunt wrapping around him. “You can, doll. I’ll make you.”
His pace was brutal from the start, his hand grasping your hip tight enough to make you wince, the pain bundled with the feeling of him consistently bottoming himself out with each thrust left you breathless, whimpering out his name as he fucked you senseless. After a moment he leaned up, causing you to whine at the sudden emptiness, he only shushed you as he moved to his knees. He smoothed his hand up under your thigh, doing the same with the other, pressing your thighs to your chest, effectively bending you in half as he pushed back into you.
The new angle knocked the wind from your lungs, his tip brushing against your cervix with each roll of his hips. Your calves rested against his shoulders, one hell of a cocky look on his face at the sounds he was forcing from you. With your thighs pushed to your chest you could feel that spot within you being rutted against, every canter forward of his hips brushing his cock against it. The oversensitivity from your prior orgasms had every sensation amplified, leaving you a whimpering mess, eyes blurred with tears as he fucked you. He brought his hand up, gently brushing away the tears, but not doing anything to soften his harsh thrusts into you.
It felt as though he were brushing against your clit from inside your cunt, the feeling confusing and mesmerizing all in one, leaving you wanting him to never stop, even as your cunt fluttered around him with your impending orgasm. Your hands were flush against his chest, nails subtly digging into his chest.
“Dal-“ You whined in a tone he knew by heart. He nodded, smiling down at you as he continued his pace, only leaning down to press his lips to yours, swallowing your moans as your orgasm built to a peak. You felt the sensation flow through you, cunt spasming around his cock as he fucked you through your orgasm. You felt him chuckle into your kiss, pulling away with a satisfied groan as he placed his hands on either side of your head, fingers tightening in the fabric of the bedsheets as he slammed into you, cum mixing with his as it dripped down your ass and onto the sheets.
“Soaked the sheets.” He grunted out, a smile still on his lips. “Love seein’ that, feelin’ you soak me.”
His words would’ve embarrassed you if it weren’t for the feelings flowing through you, the orgasm fading and giving way to near-painful overstimulation. You whined, pushing at his lower stomach, but he didn’t relent. With a sharp thrust forward of his hips, he buried himself to the hilt inside of your cunt, filling you full of his cum as he groaned out your name.
“So good.” He whispered, wincing a fair bit as he pulled out of you, moving to lay down beside you before pulling you into him. “Did so good, doll.”
You could only nod in response, finally able to catch your breath after what seemed like hours of cumming for him. As you rested your cheek to his chest you could hear his heartbeat thumping steadily against his chest, along with the calming sound of his lungs filling with air. You tilted your head to the side, pressing a kiss to his clavicle before resuming your position resting against his front.
“We need to change the sheets.” You responded, voice hoarse. “I can feel how wet they are.”
Dallas only laughed, pressing a kiss to your forehead before resting his head back against his pillow, not fazed in the slightest at the mess you’d both made of the sheets.
“Fuck it.”
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A/N: Thank you for the request! Yes, I wrote twice in a day. I hope you enjoy the filth, I tried to be as descriptive as possible. I know I like that stuff, so I figured you guys would as well. As always, thank you for reading and any interactions you may give my work! You can find this along with all of my other work over on my ao3 under the user, “Unscriptural.”
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bethanythebogwitch · 1 year
So a while back I made this post
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And it became very popular. While many people already knew, I did get some asking why humboldt squids are scary. So for this Wet Beast Wednesday I'm going to teach you why you should be afraid, or at least respectful, of molluscoid menace that is the humboldt squid.
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(image: a humboldt squid)
Known to scientists as Dosidicus gigas and to many others as the jumbo squid, pota, jibia, and diablo rojo, the humboldt squid is the 5th largest squid in the world and the largest of the flying squids. Don't worry, it can't actually fly. They reach an average mantle length (tat's excluding the head and arms) of 1.5 meters, with some specimens reaching up to 2 meters (6.5 ft) in mantle length. The arms can reach up to another meter in length. Adults can weigh up to 50 kg (150 lbs), with females generally being larger than males. They live in the Pacific along the cost of the Americas, from the tip of South America up to California in North America. Some individuals have been known to travel farther north, up to Alaska, which is outside of their historical range. It is possible that as the ocean warms, their native range will continue to expand north.
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(image: a humboldt squid releasing ink as a defense mechanism)
Humboldt squids reproduce in deep waters, and as a result we don't know much about their courtship. Males use a modified arm called the heterocotylus to transfer sperm into the female's mantle. She then lays a transparent, gelatinous egg mass that is left to float in the water column. These masses can range between 1 and 4 meters in diameter can can contain up to 4 million eggs. Hatchlings receive no parental care and most will die before adulthood. They grow extremely rapidly, likely as a self-defense against cannibalism by larger squids. Like many squid, humboldts only live for a year and die shortly after mating.
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(image: a humboldt squid next to a much braver diver than I will ever be)
As with most cephalopods, the humboldt squid has cells called chromatophores that allow it to change color. Cameras attached to captured and released specimens have show two types of color-changing behavior: flashing and flickering. Flashing is when the animal changes rapidly between red and white. This is done in the presence of other squid and is likely a means of communication, possibly a form of courtship or warning to stay away. Flickering is when waves of red and white travel down the body. This is likely a form of camouflage to blend in with light flickering through the water. In addition to flashing and flickering, cameras have seen multiple forms of color changes and communication behaviors, indicating that they have a rich social life. The red color the squid turns when hunting contributes to its nickname amongst Mexican fishermen: "diablo rojo", the "red devil".
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(gif: humboldts changing color)
So all that sounds pretty normal, why are they scary? Well that comes down to their feeding behavior and aggression. Humboldt squids hunt in shoals that can include thousands of members and go into feeding frenzies that can make shark feeding frenzies look like a child's tea party. They are infamous for their aggression and there are many stories of them attacking divers and fishermen. Not even they are immune to their predation, as multiple studies have found between a half and a quarter of all dissected specimens have recently fed on others of their species. Cannibalism may make up a major portion of their diet, though cannibalistic behavior seems to increase in response to stress. Their typical diet consists of fish, crustaceans, and other squids. Humboldts typically keep their two long tentacles coiled up between their arms, only for them to suddenly lash out and grab prey. These tentacles have multiple sharp hooks that have been reported to cause severe cuts in humans. Captured prey is then pulled in toward the beak and consumed. Feeding happens so fast that scientists need to us high-speed cameras to record the capture as the tentacles move so fast they prey can be caught and reeled in between frames. Eating is also fast enough that they can grab a hooked fish and skeletonize it in the time it takes a frustrated angler to pull their catch in. And if that wren't enough, they also engage in cooperative hunting, working together to catch prey. When not feeding or being hunted, they have been described as curious, though they often react to unfamiliar stimuli with aggression. Some divers have reported that humboldts will come investigate them and even act friendly, though I can't say I'd be willing to try it.
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(gif: a squid attacking a camera)
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(gif: hunting squid)
Numerous fishermen's tales and news stories tell of attacks on humans, but the squid do have a reason to not like us. They are fished heavily, especially off the coat of Mexico and are the most important squid for commercial fisheries. Humboldt squids make up about a third of all squid fished every year and are the most popular food squid. Squid meat is saturated with ammonium chloride, which they use for buoyancy, and must be prepared to remove the taste before eating. Not much is known about threats to conservation, though some speculate that overfishing and global warming disrupting their food supply could threaten the population. They are listed as data deficient by the IUCN. As scary as they might be, humboldt squids serve a very important ecological role in their territories, both as primary predators and as prey to sharks and toothed whales, and more research on their sustainability and conservation needs is important.
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(image: a scientist attaching a crittercam to a humboldt squid)
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riatheghoul · 2 months
Tear You Apart
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Pairing: Cha Eunwoo x Black Reader
Song: Tear You Apart by She Wants Revenge
Warnings: smut, angst, and slightly suggestive, p in v, lots of praise but slight degradation, use of the pet names: sweet girl, baby, and doll for the reader and baby for Eunwoo ([plz let me know if i missed something)
Word Count: 1,245
request(?): this is a request by the lovely @blowingcookies
Disclaimers: I do NOT own any of these picture credits to the owners and this is PURE FICTION ALSO UNEDITED
Tag list: @cookiesdiaryx @penny44224 @heeyboooo
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“Who was that?” he questioned cold as ice pushing into you slowly making sure that you felt every inch of him. “I- mmmmmm fuck~” you stammered. “Come on sweet girl I know your trying to save him, but you need to fess up.” He said as he began pounding into your desperate cunt, trying to get as much information out of you. What information? you might ask, well A few nights ago you decide to go out partying just to see if you can find someone to mess around with for the night seeing as you got dumped by Eunwoo about 2 months ago.
The club was loud and packed which meant you could definitely find some one that would be ok with a one-night stand or even a sneaky link while you begin to settle into the single life. After smoking the scenery out someone caught your eye, he’s tall, and his eyes are so pretty.  The next thing you knew he was kissing you in the middle of the club. “Let me take you somewhere private” he insisted you nodded and let him know that you guys can go to your place because it close. He nodded and few minutes later you guys were out the door.
The next morning you woke up for breakfast and you and him talked about arrangement’s moving forward. You guys were going to strictly fuck and nothing else. Now before anything he wasn’t near as good as Eunwoo, but you need someone just as of right now and he was the closest and prettiest option. He agreed then finished his food while you made the call to Eunwoo asking for some weed since you knew he sold it on the side just for pocket money. He said sure and that he was in the way.
Your link let you know that he had to leave so you walked him out. You guys got each other’s number, and he kissed your cheek as a goodbye. While he was pulling away you noticed a black car parked in front of your place and Eunwoo smoking out of his car window with annoyance practically written on his forehead. You shooed your boy toy away and as soon as he took off you got into Eunwoo’s car.
You know by the way he looked at you that he was fuming you let him burn holes into the side of your head. You didn’t want to look at him because you knew that you wouldn’t leave this car walking straight if you did. He took at breath and let it out while telling you to price he wanted, and you grabbed your wallet spit of your hoodie pocket and gave him the cash. After handing you the bag you reached for the door “Hold it” he demanded you sat back down in the passenger seat mentally cursing to yourself.
“Here” he handed you a pre roll “Share this with me” he said voice laced with guilt, but you could hear something else in there it sounded like longing. You thought about it and decided to share it with him. Maybe you guys could have closure for your relationship. He lit it taking a nice strong hit then passed it to you. After a few more hits and him talking to you about how guilty he felt about leaving you and why he did it. He said that he didn’t want to hurt you with his side hustle and things were getting a little crazy.
You understood completely you knew what you were getting into when you started dating him and he always told you that when shit goes south, he doesn’t want you connect to him in any way. You told him that you were only upset because he didn’t communicate that that was the reason he wanted to break up with you and that you would have understood then and that you understand now. He grabbed your hand caressing it with his thumb and that was the start of everything.
Before you even said the word, he was slamming your house door shut locking it while kissing you like he missed you because he did. He grabbed your hair tugging it to make you look up at him “You know you’re in trouble, right?” He said bluntly you nodded a little confused but pushed all of that aside, you needed him. “Good now jump.” He instructed and you did what you were told. He carried you to your bedroom leaving hickeys wherever he could put them. You bit your lip holding back the moans that were desperate to escape.
Once he laid you down gently, he caressed your throat with his thumb “do you remember your safe word pretty?” he asked with a small bit of concern. “Yeah, I remember it butterflies.” You said reiterating it to him he grinned at you “good girl I’m so proud of you honey.” He praised. You felt a whole zoo in your stomach as you watched him kiss down your body. You squirmed under him, hands running through his hair watching him get lower and lower. “Are you gonna be good and take what I give you?” he questioned and you nodded vigorously “please I need it so bad~” you begged pleading with your eyes.
He smirked that damn smirk that made the hairs on your body stand attention. You knew you were in for a long night and boy were you right. He’d been edging you for about 2 hours now your were babbling but you knew that he wasn’t going to let you cum until he got a name. “What the name doll? I’m not gonna let you sum until I get his name” he insisted slowing down his strokes mentally giving you a few minutes to answer him. “devon, his name is devon now please let me cum” you pleaded and he started speeding up “Did he know that you like you like your right hand behind your head when you fuck because it hits your favorite spot? Huh?”
He asked putting your leg behind your head fucking you deeper and deeper with each stroke “You’re mine do you hear me? I don’t care how many times he made you cum last night you belong to me.” Your face twisted with the overwhelming pleasure running through your body. You shook your head “no shit baby please don’t stop~” you cried “good, god baby I missed you so much” he groaned. You grabbed him slamming his lips on to yours you pulled away arching your back off of the bed “I’m gonna cum baby” your breathing got faster and faster as he sped up “I’m gonna cum too pretty where do you want it?” he asked putting he forehead to your so he could get a better angle of you taking him “inside please~”
He groaned watching your face as you came all over him moaning his name over and over again. That was enough for him, and he came coating your insides with his seed. While he was catching his breath he wouldn’t stop whispering praises to you. Once you caught yours you snuggled up to him “Just promise me something, okay?” you said grabbing his attention “anything” he answered with out a second thought “just promise me you won’t leave me like that again” you said while yawning snuggling further closing your eyes “I promise” he answered.
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A/N (before official post): this is a request by the lovely @blowingcookies thank you so so much mwahhh
A/N (after official post): i honestly didn't want to post this in the poor of condition i feel like it needs more work but let me know i just want to make sure i do this justice i hope you like it @blowingcookies ok byeeeee~
dividers cred: @saradika-graphics and @anitalenia
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bluemari23 · 5 months
main masterlist
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this is going to be my main masterlist where everything is going to be organized☺️
I write for whichever member I choose to. this is my blog and I reserve the right to write whatever I wish.
8:32 | choi seungcheol
where you feel insecure during a cuddly morning with your boyfriend
lemon tart | choi seungcheol
a new cafe for a much needed date brings out tons of giggles and plenty of kisses
soul glow | choi seungcheol
you attended your first concert, waiting a long time to see your ult group perform. unable to recognize a soul bond taking place, you leave early, leaving seungcheol to scramble to find you.
soul haze || choi seungcheol
soul glow pt.2
you had just gotten home after leaving the seventeen concert early, only for your phone to start ringing with what you think is the biggest joke of the century. it turns out, that maybe you left too early.
anything for you | choi seungcheol
where he can tell your feelings are becoming too much again and he decides to keep you with him for the day
new _world || choi seungcheol
the night of your 18th birthday left nothing to be desired; waking up to no hint of any soul bond left you one of the unbonded. almost eight years later, however, you find out that you are very much not unbonded, and that your soulmate is someone who you admire. very much.
darl+ing you || choi seungcheol
new _world pt 2
You were on your way to South Korea, leaving your life behind to follow your soulmate back home. Your anxiety runs amok, and Seungcheol tries his best to get to know you better.
don't wanna cry || choi seungcheol
you had been ignored and neglected again, on the night of your soul bond anniversary. you were tired and felt defeated. and it took just that for your soulmate to snap out of his funk and remind you of why you were soulmates.
sparkling || choi seungcheol
literally falling for your soulmate was not what you had in mind when you got up for your first day of work that morning.
muscle tension | park jimin
you feel a little stressed after a family visit and your husband helps relieve some tension
cake cake cake | jeon jungkook
 your boyfriend eats the cake for a party and thinks he can get away with it
hey soulmate | min yoongi
your first day on the job doesn’t turn out the exact way you envisioned
inspiration | min yoongi
you had been called to your soulmates studio for "inspiration" and walked into an unexpected but not unwelcomed situation
remember our touch || bangtan
you try to push away your bad memories and your soulmates help you replace them with good ones.
warm and soft | kim hongjoong
your soulmate knows exactly what to do when he can tell your stuck in your head, needing to just feel him against you.
dancing like butterfly wings || park seonghwa
you’ve been feeling a little down lately as you experience another flare up, and not wanting to feel like a burden, you try to to hide it from your soulmate.
festival love || kim hongjoong
 you wait patiently for your soulmate to finish his practice rehearsal for the famous festival so you can go spend the day together before his performance. Things don’t necessarily go as planned but everything turns out alright in the end.
dazzling light || kim hongjoong
your soul bond activates at a concert and you seriously doubt your actually going to be able to meet them, not when they are on the stage and more than likely can't see the soul light that surrounds you.
bts and how they would kiss their s/o
bts and the place they like to kiss you the most
bts and how they would react to being jealous
bts and how they would react to their s/o being shy with other people
bts members and how they would react to their foreign s/o being the 8th member of bts (poly)
bts members and how they would react to their non-idol s/o (poly)
bts and how they would react to their s/o falling asleep in their lap
bts and how they react to their s/o's natural hourglass figure
bts and how they react to their small/petite s/o
bts and how they would ask you out after you've been friends for a while
bts and how they would react to their girlfriend trying to hide their pots flare up
bts and how they react to your niece/nephew saying their name
bts members and how they would love their plus-size s/o
bts when their independent soulmate suddenly wants to be babied
hybrid!bts when they are clingy with their mate
bts: sacrifice you or the world
bf!seungcheol and how he loves his plus-size s/o
© 2024 bluemari23. All rights reserved. 
These works nor any part of their content may be republished, reproduced, translated or used in any manner without the express permission of purpleyoonn. These are works of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. 
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authorhjk1 · 1 year
Take what you can (Female idols X Male reader)
After you bought another company in South Korea, you decided to settle down there. You never thought you would become one of the richest men in the country, or the most lucky when it comes to girls. Especially one kind of girls: kpop idols.
This book is my second one after the other book I wrote got deleted, this time I will save the whole story somewhere else, in case this happens again. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, I hope you will still enjoy this one.
Feel free to request idols and scenarios.
I don't own any of the pictures and everything, and everyone in this story is fictional. Similarities to real people and companies are just a coincidence.
Requests: R
(Momoland's Ahin X Malre Reader)
(Aespa's Karina X Male Reader)
A night in Chengdu
(Kep1er's Xiaoting X Male Reader)
((G)-idle's Miyeon and Soyeon X Male Reader)
A tie, handcuffs, and another hotel
(Le sserafim's Chaewon X Red Velvet's Joy X Male Reader)
Morning Workout
(Alice's Sohee X Male Reader)
(Itzy's Ryujin and Yuna X Male Reader)
(Momoland's Ahin X Dj Soda X Male Reader)
Duck Season
((G)-idle's Yuqi X Choi Yena X Male Reader)
Princess and Mochi
(Ive's Wonyoung and Rei X Male Reader)
Stairway to heaven
(Itzy's Yuna X Male Reader)
Water gymnastics
(Blackpink's Lisa X Male Reader)
Interlude: Lonely
(IU X (G)-idle's Miyeon X Male Reader)
Interlude: My crazy ex
(Dreamcatcher's Gahyeon X Male Reader)
Doctor's Orders
(Dreamcatcher's Yoohyeon and SuA X Male Reader)
(decided after a poll)
Interlude: Doctor appointment turns into bunny breeding session
(Dreamcatcher's Jiu X Male Reader)
Halloween Interlude: The archer and the heiress
(Girls' Generations' Tiffany and Taeyeon X Male Reader)
Pool Party
(Momoland's Ahin and Nancy X Male Reader)
Interlude: Above the sky
(IU X Twice's Sana X Male Reader)
Interlude: Ms. Satan
(Dreamcatcher's SuA X Male Reader)
Taming her (Part 1)
(Red Velvet's Joy and Yeri X Male Reader)
Interlude: Venice
(IU X Male Reader)
Interlude: Training
(Karina X Ahin X Male Reader)
28 Sins (coming soon)
A group projekt (coming soon)
A trip to Canada (coming soon)
Empty dorm (coming soon)
Taming her (Part 2) (coming soon)
Fearless Kkura [Special episode] (coming soon)
Contract extension (coming soon)
Your own movie (coming soon)
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luyous · 11 months
please avoid myrddin-wylt/comradevo
myrddin-wylt/comradevo has been repeatedly racist, antisemitic, and sinophobic. When challenged by people from the affected communities regarding their harmful rhetoric, they have repeatedly dismissed these people as 1) poor representations of the community and/or 2) manipulative trolls/false flag operations before attempting to reframe the narrative on their blog to their control. Their overconfidence in their own ability to educate others on subjects with which they have no firsthand experience has caused them to make inappropriate and ignorant comments about the politics of other countries, to the point of unintentionally championing authoritarian regimes.
We would like to draw attention to this behaviour to warn other Hetalia fans so that they can be avoided, and ask everyone to reflect on why such a pattern of racist, antisemitic behaviour has been tolerated, unprobed and unnoticed for such a long time in the fandom. While it is true that everyone should curate their own fandom experiences, such a principle only holds as long as people do not act in ways that replicate real life oppression. Minorities do not have to curate away people who are replicating hurt/abuse against them in fandom spaces, and have every right to confront people who do so. Additionally, given that myrddin has made all of these posts publicly, we are holding them accountable in public, and not in private.
response to “Wasian South Korea” apology In December 2022, a blogger, who will be unnamed here as it is irrelevant to the purpose of the document, received an ask about a fanfiction which made the modern day nation of South Korea the offspring of North Korea and the United States. The blogger in question received the ask positively and came up with her own list of headcanons expanding upon this idea.It wasn’t until around May that some of the document writers came across this post and found it, alongside some of the ideas espoused in the post and the original fanfiction, to be extremely problematic. One of the writers of the document, luyous, reached out to the blogger via a series of private asks, proof of which can be found here, though the OP argues that they never received the asks. These went unanswered until June 14, when another one of the doc writers, kimetsunozushi69, directly reblogged the post with her thoughts and calling the headcanons problematic, which can be found here. The blogger’s first response was to block kimetsunozushi69; this fact is disputed by the blogger and Myrddin, but the doc writers had sufficient evidence to suspect that kimetsunozushi69 was blocked. Because of this suspicion, peonycats, a notably bigger blog than kimetsunozushi69, reblogged their reblog with additional commentary. It was only after this point that the original blogger apologised and took down the post in question.
Because of all of these reasons, and the general impression that the post was only taken down and an apology was given because a bigger blog got involved, the blogger’s apology was not accepted by the relevant parties, who were all ESEA. It was then that comradevo, otherwise known as Myrddin-Wylt, jumped in to start defending the blogger. Testimony from Peonycats: “Frankly, in this situation, it shouldn’t matter what reasons we had to not accept (blogger)‘s apology. Myrddin-wylt, who is White American, is the last person who gets to have any say on whether or not ESEA individuals should accept an apology for perpetuating false narratives and bigotry about them.” Frustrated by Myrddin's dismissal of ESEA concerns, irithnova, a Southeast Asian,vented on her blog about Myrddin’s dismissiveness and lack of understanding for all the publicly available reasons why not all parties affected accepted the OP's apology. An exchange followed in which Myrddin used anti-SEAsian stereotypes of poverty, underdevelopment, and backwardness/savagery/primitiveness against irithnova, attacking irithnova’s literacy level and reading comprehension. Tumblr: Link
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It can be seen that Myrddin used aggressive rhetoric against both irithnova and kimetsunozushi69/thepianistblogsbasedonhumanities, who are both POC, but when serica-e, a white person, defended them and made many of their points, they were notably more civil to him. When questioned on this, Myrddin argued that serica-e "directly and plainly and sincerely explained" the issue "without self-justification", implicitly contrasting him against kimetsunozushi69/ thepianistblogsbasedonhumanities and irithnova.
Serica-e is someone whose country was not affected by American imperialist violence, or the racism and orientalism the original headcanons perpetuated against ESEA; expecting irithnova and kimetsunozueshi69 to speak with the same measured tone as serica-e when speaking with an aggressive white person berating them for not accepting an apology directed towards ESEA is little more than tone-policing. By this point, the parties involved in this were extremely frustrated at how Myrddin was involving themselves in a conflict to defend (however unintentional) racism and imperialism, and when contacted by other victims of Myrddin’s racism, collaborated to create this document.
The writers of this document would like to acknowledge though the use of “lolcow” can be seen as offensive due to its origins on 4chan and derogatory meaning, they would also like to make the following points: 
The word was used by an ESL speaker who had only heard it to mean an individual who is “milked for laughs,” and was not aware of its bodyshaming connotations, thus it was never intended to insult the blogger’s appearance.
Using a problematic term once does not make POC’s anger at someone misrepresenting them through pernicious false narratives any less valid, nor does it make it then okay to lob racist and bigoted abuse at them for refusing to accept an apology for the harm caused.
Myrddin’s focus on tone-policing is reflected in how, while making a few token acknowledgements that OP’s post was wrong and that their apology was not unwarranted, they spend the majority of their posts and activity policing how POC involved reacted to said apology and attacking them viciously for their responses. They reframed POC expressing their anger and hurt at an inadequate apology that did not address their concerns as ‘trolls sensing “blood in the water,”’ portraying the victims as aggressors.
Testimony from irithnova: “This demonstrates how racially privileged people are so quick to turn upon minorities when they express their anger and hurt aggressively, rather than focusing on why they’re angry.”
Following these exchanges, Myrddin took it upon themself to make some posts about the incident on their blog. Here, they described multiple people coming to kimetsunozushi69's side against the blogger as a “Zerg rush” and implied their actions were “trolling.” Myrddin also claimed that even if “(they) agree with your argument” but continues to fight, their “goal is now to just piss you off because (they) personally don’t like you.” They are, again, much more concerned about the responses of people who have been hurt by the OP's post and initial suspected lack of response, instead of the fact that OP had made a racist, imperialist post. 
Once again, as someone not ESEA or ever affected by American Imperialism, Myrddin doesn’t have any right to decide how POC should react to their oppression and bigotry directed towards them. Myrddin is openly admitting to trying to punish and make the lives of POC harder because they don’t like how they went about it and didn’t forgive the original blogger for justified reasons.
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In the comments of the first link, Myrddin admits to behaving “mean-spirited” and acting as a “troll” and “asshole” themself, an admission of engaging in the discussion in bad faith.
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Additionally, they also dismiss (and frankly whitewash) this group of POC as “Puritan Evangelicals” and refer to their actions as “dog-piling” and “manipulation tactics.” 
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Afterwards, myrddin began making posts demonstrating interest in Korean-US relations, as well as reblogging posts from a Korean Uzbek blogger criticising OP's post and praising it. This is part of a well-established pattern, where Myrddin will attack people who disagree with them on an issue directly related to their communities, then afterwards, demonstrated effort to learn about said issue to signal how ‘nuanced and open’ they are and how they are demonstrating the right way to teach and talk about a situation… an insincere, performative effort, after silencing the people who have to live that situation and its consequences, dismissing victims and members as ‘bad representatives of their communities who reacted inappropriately.’
By doing this, they control the narrative of marginalised peoples’ histories, rather than allowing marginalised people to speak for themselves.
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Testimony from tianshiisdead: “To POC, arguing about racism and commenting on the spreading of harmful stereotypes and rhetoric, it's because it's the same rhetoric that plagues us irl and makes society dangerous for us, because it's bigoted and cruel and makes it difficult to exist in online spaces when it follows us here too. But for many white people it's literally just a way to prove intellectual superiority. It's just 'matching wits' or 'power play' or 'winning drama', our original concerns are lost, if we don't immediately forgive and forget then we're unfair and whiny, if we argue with them then we're pushing too far, if we have slightly less than pleasing language then we're a mob. For us this is a serious issue based on how behaviour like this normalises racism and creates an atmosphere we're we are afraid to speak up if things are deeply offensive for fear of being accused of being whiny/pushy/'accusing people of racism' (which is often framed as being worse than racism), for them it's laughing at us from afar as they treat us like lab rats to play with. Like somehow name calling is worse than making insanely racist posts that no one calls out because the general fandom is not in the blast range and therefore not affected, and the ones who are affected can't speak up without being accused of causing drama? ‘I never insulted someone’s body/appearance so there’s that’ is craaazy when you spent an evening mockingly talking down to and insulting the English/intellect abilities of a Southeast Asian, and then turning around and being polite to a white person making the same point backing them up. Also, the tone policing is crazy haha especially considering the tone wrt criticising the original post has always been polite from the beginning, when it was brought up privately, and the only thing ‘under fire’ is the lying and shifting of blame.”
defence of other creator’s islamophobia and transphobia
After another creator was revealed to have transphobic and Islamophobic sentiments (who will be referred to as Ukrainian creator for this section, for reasons later elaborated), Myrddin once again took to framing POC's rightful public concern as “shit stirring fan behavior” and “harassment and smear campaigns” by fandom puritans. (Link1) (Link2) (Link3) 
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Testimony from Peonycats: “I’m not going to be educated by someone who has repeatedly harassed minorities and marginalised groups on ‘what does and does not help marginalised groups.’”
In a now deleted post, Myrddin attempted to completely retell what happened with the unspecified creator, who happens to be Ukrainian, talking about how their “first language isn’t English” and “hasn’t had the privilege to learn the years of social activism.” 
It should be noted that the writers of this document are pro-Ukraine and condemn Russia’s illegal invasion and wholesale slaughter of Ukrainian civilians. However, this is part of a much larger pattern of Myrddin disregarding voices from minority communities in favour of Ukrainian voices/the “Ukraine cause.” Myrddin has repeatedly utilised the Ukraine conflict in topics where it is completely irrelevant (to be elaborated upon later in this post). The creator’s background as a war refugee fleeing invasion is irrelevant to their repeated statements of sinophobia, islamophobia, transphobia, none of which they have disavowed at the writing of this document. When members of communities who are affected by such sentiments dare to speak up against a voice who happens to be Ukrainian, Myrddin puts their voices under much harsher scrutiny, while the Ukrainian voice expressing such prejudices is given tremendous benefit of the doubt, such as English not being their first language, not understanding social justice rhetoric, etc.
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The writers of this document were also some of the members to call out the Ukrainian creator, and would like to make it clear that at no point did they encourage the harassment or sending of violent/similar threats towards the Ukrainian creator in question, even going so far to explicitly warn against doing so multiple times.
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When the unspecified creator involved was called out for sinophobia, they promptly accused one of the writers of being a Chinese nationalist, and assumed that said writer would be enraged by a Uyghur OC (which they then drew) due to said nationalism, despite them never having expressed pro-CCP sentiments. After Myrddin reblogged their art of Uyghur, an anon sent Myrddin an ask mentioning the creator’s Islamophobia and transphobia. Myrddin reacted harshly to this ask, assuming that the anon was accusing the Ukrainian creator in bad faith, being a “troll” and “toxic pissant”.
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Myrddin would then proceed to make posts about the Uyghur people and demonstrate an interest in creating and playing a Uyghur OC in a game.
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Becoming publicly interested in the Uyghurs because of a spite OC against someone assumed to be a Chinese nationalist because they are Chinese endorses the creator’s sinophobic behaviour. It is also offensive to the Uyghurs and their genocide and incredibly performative to only speak up for them when you have issues with someone you think would be offended by any defense of or interest in them. 
Aside from their racism against East and Southeast Asians, Myrddin has also made inappropriate and racist comments against Argentinians, as well as drawing false equivalence between the United Kingdom and Argentina as colonial states. Their behaviour of hijacking the conversation after a confrontation on the topic will also be repeated here. 
The writers of the document do not intend to weigh in on the Falklands territorial dispute between Argentina and Britain. Our focus is on the racism that Myrddin exhibited when Argentinians disagreed with their views, and racism against the other side is always a disproportionate and inappropriate response in political debates. 
In May 2023, Myrddin received an anonymous ask complaining about a creator who implied the Falklands was part of Argentina, and made a few posts on the topic siding with the UK on the Falklands territorial dispute. 
In response to an ask they got challenging them on the Falklands, Myrddin made a post claiming that everyone living south of the equator had “brainrot” and stated that the only country south of the equator that wasn’t “insane” was Australia. Considering the southern hemisphere is primarily dominated by people of colour and non-western countries, and that the only exception that Myrddin, a white American, makes for this assertion is Australia, a primarily white, Western country, this statement comes off as intensely racist and denigrating of the mental faculties of POC and non-Western individuals.
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An anonymous individual sent in an ask to Myrddin calling out this language. Myrddin again, puts them down, and even goes on to state that they knew this anonymous ask came from, presumably, the same person who challenged them on the Falklands (referred to as the “Latam Anon”) because of their poor and inaccurate grammar. Once again, Myrddin is otherizing ESL speakers, and it should not be difficult to see how singling out the anonymous individuals that use poor grammar and assuming from that grammar that they are 1) the same person 2) that the second anonymous person is from Latin America, is racist and bigoted, especially when it’s coming from a White Texan. Here, Myrddin denigrates the intelligence of non-Western individuals based off English proficiency, under the guise of “putting down Argentina nationalists.”
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An Argentine individual, who wishes to remain anonymous, received an ask about Myrddin’s denigration of Southern Hemisphere countries, and called out Myrddin’s statement for being (intentionally or not) racist and bigoted. Myrddin responds to this by arguing that not all non-Western countries were below the Southern Hemisphere, therefore making their statement somehow acceptable. Again - when Myrddin states explicitly that there's "one (1) country south of the equator that isn't insane", and that country is Australia, one of the only white dominated states in the Southern Hemisphere, it comes off, at best, as insensitive and ignorant of how the vast majority of countries in the Southern Hemisphere are non-Western, and racism at worst.
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[Screenshots of the reading lists have been truncated for brevity].
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Again, we do not intend to weigh in on the Falklands territorial dispute. However, regardless of opinion on the Falklands Islands, it doesn’t justify the act of ridiculing (at least) an entire nation as “brain-rotted” and dismissing all Argentine voices disagreeing with you, before immediately presenting yourself as the unbiased expert on all things Argentina and historical.
Myrddin has also been antisemitic. In response to a Jewish person’s criticism of said antisemitism, they have employed antisemitic canards, accusing them of being a 4chan false flag antisemitic operation. 
In February 2022, a Jewish individual, who will be referred to as “anonymous Jewish Individual” for the rest of the document, expressed discomfort with Myrddin calling Scholz a “Nazi,” as it’s throwing around a very loaded term and reducing its weight, thus contributing to Jews speaking about their oppression not being taken seriously.
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Myrddin reacted aggressively to this correction, and immediately accused the anonymous Jewish individual of having internalised anti-semitism for simply criticising how they used the term Nazi, as well as not caring about Eastern European Jews, despite the fact that the anonymous Jewish individual is a Russo-German Jew. As a non Jew, Myrddin has no right to be policing how a Jew feels about how non-Jews use the term “Nazi.”
Myrddin would go on to theorise that this anonymous Jewish individual was in fact, faking being Jewish and was only trying to stir up trouble (for being uncomfortable with the way a non-Jewish person is throwing around the term ‘Nazi’), pointing to their spelling of antisemitism versus anti-semitism.
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Additionally, they would go on to analyse the original ask, calling it “top-tier manipulation,” and speculate that they are a “Kremlin contractor.” As we have established, this is part of a much larger pattern of Myrddin dismissing the complaints of minorities who don’t agree with them as simply “manipulation.”
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The following are testimony from the anonymous Jewish individual and a Jewish mutual of the writers.
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Testimony from another Jewish mutual: “I also had a bad experience with Myrddin’s antisemitism - I had originally followed them because their takes appeared nuanced at first glance but if I had known this was their response to a Jewish anon, I never would have engaged. I had gently informed Myrddin that their wording was a common unintentional form of soft Holocaust denial, and I kept it in the comments section of their post because I did not want it to be a public dragging, just a heads-up. Myrddin screencapped me to mock me, accused me of manipulating them and playing the victim, linked me the wikipedia article for “reductio ad Hitlerum” and called me a cunt.
As for these accusations of the above anon faking being Jewish: the hyphen debate is not the shibboleth myrddin thinks it is. Plenty of Jews still use the hyphen, it’s largely regional and generational. I don’t use the hyphen myself, but it’s nowhere near being an example of the false-flagging activity they’re documenting in their “info post” about it. False-flagging accusations are a heavy thing to accuse someone of, and when it’s coming from someone who isn’t Jewish, it’s a textbook example of the antisemitic trope of “fabricating or exaggerating antisemitism” and in my personal experience, actual falseflaggers can usually be identified by other things that you really have to be actively involved in Jewish spaces to recognize. These things include misuse/misunderstanding of Yiddish (such as grammar and syntax errors), discussion of Jewish topics in terms that no Jewish person would actually use (but many Christians would), and they largely go undetected because comprising 0.2% of the global population means 99.8% of the world has had little or zero exposure to us.
Myrddin even admitted in a past post that their exposure to Jewish people is minimal and they therefore have limited ability to identify antisemitism unless it’s overt. Honestly this post of theirs about how antisemitism manifests itself in leftist circles is overall correct. So if they are aware of this, why do they think they are incapable of unwittingly perpetuating it themself? This is exactly what Myrddin did when they accused someone of faking being Jewish, and when they accused me of playing the victim because I didn’t appreciate that they joked about receiving reparations from Germany. If they knew even the basic minimum on the subject they would realize they were playing into classic tropes. Myrddin has no real exposure to Jewish spaces and dialogue and therefore no place to speak with any authority on whether or not they can accurately identify a falseflagger. Furthermore, to address the “it’s not just about youuuuu” edit they added - while it is absolutely true that there were other victims, no group was targeted, tracked, registered, and exterminated to the extent, or even in the same manner, that Jews and Romani and Sinti were. I encourage anyone reading this to seek out and listen to Jewish and Romani queer and disabled voices, who will say the same. Queer identity was feared because it was seen as a Jewish threat. For someone who claims to know so much about how antisemitism manifests itself on the Left, they are incredibly ignorant about one of the most common forms this takes: the “all lives matter” treatment of the Holocaust in Leftist circles.”
Alongside Myrddin’s anti-semitism, this is part of a much larger pattern of behavior of Myrddin employing the plight of Ukrainians as a tool to silence minorities. Whenever someone speaks from a relevant minority perspective on ukraine-related topics or simply against a Ukrainian voice, Myrddin proceeds to attack and speak over that minority. In the latter case, even when the topic is completely unrelated to their nationality or the war in Ukraine, myrddin drags in the Ukraine to invalidate those minorities and even implies that these minorities are somehow privileged.
Testimony from luyous: “Coming from a non-Ukrainian, this is completely inappropriate behavior, and to be completely honest, it’s depressingly similar to how the western mainstream has covered the Ukraine conflict compared to other conflicts and voices, such as Afghanistan, Yemen, Palestine, etc.”
In the first incident two anonymous individuals both write to Myrddin about feeling ashamed in their countries, Brazil and China. In isolation, these posts could be shrugged off, but these drastically different responses to very similar questions about feeling shame about one’s country, placed within the larger pattern of myrddin’s behaviour and rhetoric about China, indicate prejudices at play.
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Testimony from Luyous: “Why does Myrddin express empathy for how the Brazil anon is ashamed of their country and talk about how they (Myrddin) is also ashamed of the United States, but the China Anon gets none of that? Myrddin doesn’t attempt to draw the same connections of country misdeeds and crimes between the United States and China like they do for the United States and Brazil, implies in the tags such attempts to do so would be “whataboutism.” While every country has its crimes, and China is a hegemonic power with more than its share of crimes, the fact that Myrddin can express “oh same” @ Brazil anon but refuses to do so for China anon and implies that:
1) Yes, you should be ashamed of your country.
2) Any attempts to “oh same” between China and the United States are an attempt to detract from China’s misdeeds versus Brazil.
These are all reflective of a double standard between the crimes of Brazil and China, indicative of a larger pattern of Myrddin’s inability to criticise China on the same terms as other nations.”
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year hare affair
“Year Hare Affair” is a far-right Chinese nationalist cartoon which Myrddin has posted about. Myrddin has repeatedly referenced this cartoon primarily popular amongst Chinese nationalists and not the general Chinese population to determine how Chinese people in general act and feel about geopolitics.
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The doc’s writers, many of whom are Chinese, find Myrddin’s behaviour distasteful at best and to have nationalist undertones at worst. It’s galling to see Americans like Myrddin smugly make memes about the US-China tensions while it’s primarily the Chinese American and Chinese Western diaspora who suffer the consequences of such rising tensions. Chinese people are extremely racialized and treated poorly by both North American society and government. White Americans, however, are not oppressed and are not uniquely mistreated by their government, and even have privileges in China as white expatriates. It’s just flatly false for Americans to act like they’re the underdog oppressed by China and throw their lot in with countries like Vietnam which have been mistreated by China. Additionally, this rhetoric ignores how Chinese people are brutalised in the west because such rhetoric has been normalised in the mainstream; is making a few memes that don’t change anything politically really worth contributing to grandmas getting bludgeoned on the streets?
Testimony from Peonycats: “In the words of another ESEA individual I spoke to about this topic, it’s very easy for White Westerners who will never be hurt by the escalating tensions between the West and China to go ‘C’mon Xi’ and goad said tensions on.”
Testimony from Tianshiisdead: “From the perspective of a muslim Chinese ethnic minority who's lived in China and in the west (North America), Myrddin's takes are honestly really harmful and the sort of subtle politically worded sinophobia that flies under the radar because it's also championed by news media in the west and any opposition will be met with accusations of either being a wumao/genocide denier/totalitarian apologist (for left wing) or anti-american/traitor (for right wing), but these sorts of sentiments directly contribute to getting Chinese people (and Chinese adjacent/passing people) beaten and killed, as seen by the spike in hate crimes in recent years. I think there's a sort of smugness and aloofness that permeates her posts on China, this idea that she's not punching down but rather spectating a sports game or even punching up, a 'spunky' feeling to her wording that honestly feels very gross, these are serious issues both being addressed in her posts and caused by her wording, and her distance from the violence as a white American is very clear imo. Like when she says 'cmon Xi!' or whatever like it's not people's lives and the wellbeing of entire countries at stake... also a lot of the rhetoric leans dangerously close into absolving America for me, because she literally keeps posting about how China aggression wah wah China is being rude to America again wahhhh like America is Not The Victim of whatever China's doing, and has its own history of oppression/exploitation of Chinese people and is currently the main force shit stirring in the region for its own purposes tbh. The sort of 'spunkiness' vibe comes out when she mocks China, which I don't think is appropriate given she's a white American in a country where Chinese people are brutalized for both racial and political reasons, and also again, given the fact that America is Not the Victim and therefore her shit slinging at China can not in any way be construed as 'punching up'. The way she talks about Hetalia China rubs me the wrong way as well because like... okay Hetalia nation-tans do often reflect their gov but they are not ONLY their gov and given how Chinese people and culture are often conflated with their gov irl even in situations when they are the ones being hurt/oppressed most and treated accordingly, it's just bad vibes all around when she often fluidly moves in between talking about Hetalia China and China's gov actions irl.
Also, like, can I say as someone from an ethnic minority group that is on and off the target of suppression and has had family hurt by that suppression, Myrddin's posting justifies in many ways its treatment of China due to Chinese government policy, but it just reeks of a white westerner cheering for blood while watching us get brutalized like a spectator sport, it's pretty sickening lol not necessarily related to sinophobia but. like your (random white westerner's) sinophobic ranting about china's gov not only doesn't help us minorities but also gets us racialized and killed when we move to the west for our own safety…”
spreading false narratives
Though not as egregious as harassing and demeaning minorities for speaking about their own oppression, Myrddin has also made some statements that end up white-washing less than savoury government regimes. During the dispute about the Falklands, Myrddin brought up Hong Kong as an example of another land dispute involving the British but was resolved without military intervention. However, this is ignoring the complexity of Hong Kong’s handover and also ironically repeats pro-CCP talking points:
1) A region being inhabited by majority ethnic Chinese does not justify PRC control of a territory; this is literally rhetoric used by the CCP to justify control over Hong Kong.
2) Poor taste for Myrddin, someone who is not Hong Konger, to be justifying Hong Kong’s handover and to be characterising it as ‘well-done’ in contrast to the Falklands dispute in the wake of international coverage of the Hong Kong protests.
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Myrddin also called the far right-wing government of Poland “sexy,” something which given their history of interactions with Jewish individuals, was found to be in poor taste, at best.
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The following is what the anonymous Jewish individual has to say about the Poland praising post: 1
The authors would like to remind everyone not to harass Myrddin. Precipitating violent/death threats and anon hate against Myrddin or other racists in fandom is not the intent of this callout, and the writers would strongly condemn any attempts to do so. Rather, we would like everyone to become more aware of these racist behaviours and ask you to take a stand against it whenever you see it happening, both in fandom and outside of it.
We would also ask the Hetalia fandom to reflect: what does it say about the fandom that Myrddin has been allowed to continue participating and actively make content in the fandom for so long, even as they come into so many conflicts with minority fans over a period of several months? Why is it that a racist has an established circle of friends and followers in the fandom? Why does Myrddin feel entitled to defend multiple instances of racism from other Hetalia fans?
Are we fostering an atmosphere of tolerance for racists in fandom, such that they feel empowered to continue participating, while minorities in fandom are forced out?
And ultimately, what can we do to create environments that ethnic and religious minorities feel comfortable existing in?
Thank you!
382 notes · View notes
An Outer Banks Imagine
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Pairing: JJ Maybank x Reader
A/N: Based on this ask. It's short but I'm working on a smutty part 2 if anyone is interested ;)
“C’mon, Y/N, please?” Your best friend Sarah begs, pouting at you from across your bedroom.
“A Pogue party, though? Really?” You wrinkle your nose. Neutral territory boneyard parties were one thing, but the thought of crossing over to the other side of the island to drink shitty beer gave you the ick. Sarah widens her brown, puppy-dog eyes and gets up from your vanity to flop down on your bed next to you.
“Pretty please? Just this once, and if you hate it I’ll never bother you again.” You knew that was a lie, but you also didn’t have anything better to do, so you shrugged and sighed.
“Fine. But we’re bringing our own booze.” Sarah drowns you in squeals and flailing limbs, and you shove her off, giggling.
An hour later, you’re dressed and ready; properly fizzed up thanks to the bottle of Moet and Chandon you grabbed from the wine cellar in the basement.
When Sarah’s boyfriend pulls into the driveway, you put a stopper in the bottle and tuck it into your tote bag.
John B’s nice; you’ve met him a few times through Sarah, and you have to admit that he’s one charming motherfucker. He keeps you entertained with stories of his friends’ antics on the drive back to his house. You’ve heard about them from Sarah, but you don’t know much about them save for Kiara, who you used to go to school with, so it helps to give you an idea of what to expect from the night.
“Aaaaand this is JJ,” Sarah says, gesturing to the tall blonde boy on the right with a red solo cup in one hand and a lit joint in the other.
“Wassup, baby?” He says, slurring his words together a little bit. Sarah winces and turns to you. Her frown contains a thousand apologies.
“No, sorry, apparently, this is drunk, horny JJ.”
You feel your cheeks heat up—from embarrassment, yes. But also? He’s so fucking hot with that lazy, half-up-half-down grin. His lips are plush and pink except for the purple-black bruising tucked into the corner of his mouth, like he’d dodged a punch and almost got away with it.
“Drunk, horny JJ at your service.” JJ sticks the joint into his smirk and holds his now free hand out to you for a shake. You roll your eyes but take it anyway. He tightens his hand around yours, blue eyes glinting in the flickering firelight for one, two, three seconds before he ducks his head and brings your knuckles to his lips. “If there’s anything I can help you with, please let me know.”
“Ohhhkay, and Drunk, Horny JJ needs water. John B, will you take JJ inside and get him a glass?” Sarah turns her boyfriend and JJ lets your arm drop to your side, winking at you before he turns around to follow his friend.
Sarah’s apologies are wasted on you because the heat from your cheeks has migrated south and you’re too busy thinking about swallowing that smug smile to process what she’s saying.
151 notes · View notes
brbsoulnomming · 8 months
Tell Me Sweet Little Lies Part 24
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | Part 21 | Part 22 | Part 23 | AO3
Rating: mature
The next morning, he and Robin drape themselves over a pair of pool chairs to get their lounge on while Steve works on getting the pool in good enough shape for their upcoming party.
It means watching Steve in nothing but a t-shirt and a pair of cut off shorts, so Eddie's very on board.
Robin scoffs next to him. "I am so glad you got your shit together so I don't have to tiptoe around you drooling right now."
"I'm not drooling!" Eddie insists, though he does wipe his hand over his mouth just to check.
No drool.
"Metaphorically," Robin clarifies, grinning at him. "By all means, oogle away. Just know Steve's probably showing off a little on purpose."
Eddie squints at him, and sure enough - there's probably no need for Steve to be lifting things that often.
"I hate that it's working," Eddie grumbles.
"Of course it's working." Robin rolls her eyes.
Right, of course it is. Eddie's always known that Steve was very attractive - it used to irritate the hell out of him, that he was susceptible to the same allure as the rest of the masses of Hawkins High. The fact that he thought Steve was a douche used to counter it, but, well.
Now he's pretty much in love with the guy.
Eddie leans forward a little, fiddling with some blades of grass by his chair. "Steve's, uh. It's true, right, that he's had a lot of sex with a lot of girls?"
Robin nods. "It's true. He was in a slump when I first met him, but before - well, before you, he was complaining about all his meaningless relationships that were just about sex when he wanted a real connection."
That's… Eddie doesn't know exactly what that is, actually, or how he feels about it. He thinks it should be weird, talking about this when they're both dating Steve, but - it doesn't feel weird, not really. "That doesn't bother you?"
"Does it bother me that he's been with more girls than I can count before I even got my first kiss? Not really. I mean, sure, I guess a little, in an ugh why is it so easy for him and so hard for me, but, you know. We both had our different ways of finding our other soulmate. Apparently neither of them were successful, since the Upside Down brought you to Steve, and I'm still striking out." She pauses, then adds, "Plus he's like really good at eating girls out, so I'm not going to complain about getting to benefit from him demonstrating his technique."
He takes it back, it's weird and uncomfortable and that was way too much information about their sex life.
Whatever face he's making gets her to laugh at him, eyes crinkling.
"Don't worry, it probably translates over decently well. Besides, I've seen him practically deep throat a banana so you're probably good. Oh, has he gotten to do that thing with his tongue yet?"
Eddie squeaks. He's pretty sure his face is bright red, considering how much it's burning, and Robin's laughter turns into a cackle.
Steve overhears the laughter and turns towards them, hip cocked as he squints at them.
"What's so funny?" he calls.
"Just asking Eddie if he's gotten to experience your tongue skills yet!" she calls back.
"Robin!" Steve yelps, dropping the pool net to come over to them.
"What?" she asks. "Weren't you the one who was whining at me about how you wanted to choke on his dick and then eat him out until he cried?"
The blood that had been flooding his cheeks immediately rushes south, and Eddie has to lean over to adjust his pants and try to make that less obvious.
Yes, please, sign him up for all of that.
"In confidence! I told you that in confidence!" Steve sputters.
Eddie leans back, tipping his head up at Steve with a slow smirk. "I'm feeling a little hurt, here, Harrington, how come I haven't gotten a fruit demonstration?"
Steve gapes at him for a moment, just long enough for Eddie to start to regain his footing.
Then Steve's eyes narrow.
"If I was demonstrating for you, Munson, it wouldn't be on fruit," he replies.
Steve turns his back on them and returns to the pool, leaving Eddie to make a protesting noise - that is not a whine, no matter how much he can read that in Robin's eyes while she laughs at him.
"Do I need to shove you in the pool to cool you off?" she teases.
"Shut up," he mutters, adjusting himself again.
Then he tips his head back and closes his eyes, because if he looks at Steve again in the next fifteen minutes or so, he might need to take Robin up on that.
They eat lunch all jammed together on the couch, plates balanced on their laps. Steve's eating with his left hand, because his right hand is holding Eddie's left. Their fingers are laced together, and Steve refuses to let go, and Eddie's pretty sure his cheeks are flushed red, but he's really not going to complain about it.
There's a little bit of sauce on the corner of Steve's lip, and ridiculously, it makes Eddie want to lean in to lick it off.
Fuck, he really wants to kiss him. Is he allowed to kiss him, is that weird? Steve and Robin haven't kissed in front of him, but Eddie kind of figures that's because they knew he had hang ups about the sharing thing.
Ugh, if he wants kissing Steve when they're like this to be on the table, it's probably going to be on him to talk about it.
Eddie clears his throat. "Hey, uh," he starts, but has no idea where to go after that.
Robin makes a little encouraging noise.
"I appreciate you guys holding back on the PDA around me while I figured all this out, but you don't have to anymore," he says.
Steve's eyebrows raise. He looks down, where Robin's toes are shoved under his thigh and he'd been in the middle of eating the olives off of her plate. "I hate to break it to you, Eds, but we haven't been holding back all that much."
"Well, yeah, not for that, but-" Eddie pauses, switching to come at this from another angle. "Not a lot of people know about me. And I'm guessing - not a lot know about Steve?"
Steve nods when Eddie looks at him for confirmation. "Just Robin and you, and Max and Lucas."
Eddie smiles a little. "Same, but Uncle Wayne knows about me."
"Just you and Steve, Max and Lucas for me," Robin adds, which -
Eddie hadn't known that, actually, but it makes him smile brightly at her. It makes it even better, knowing that Robin's in the same boat as him and Steve - that she gets it. "You're the only one who knows about me and Steve, and me and Steve. I don't know how you feel about telling the others who know?"
Steve considers that. "I feel okay," he says finally. "But if we tell Lucas and Max, we have to tell the rest of the party. It's not fair to have them keep that secret."
Eddie doesn't disagree, but - "Table that for now, then. So yeah, just you. And I'd really, really like to just kiss Steve without thinking about it when it's just the three of us, so it'd be really shitty of me if I told you not to."
There's a moment of silence as Robin and Steve look at each other with near identical expressions of confusion.
"Eddie," Robin says after a moment. "I like girls."
Eddie frowns. He thought they just covered that. "Yeah?"
"Only girls," she clarifies.
"But Steve-" he starts.
"Is not a girl," Robin finishes.
"Definitely not a girl," Steve adds.
"Wait, so you - so you're not -" Eddie stammers.
Jesus fucking Christ.
"Oh my God, Eddie, have you thought we were dating this whole time?" Robin shrieks.
"Yes! Of course I did! Look at you!" Eddie gestures at them.
"You said you told him!" Steve hisses at Robin.
"I did!" Robin protests.
"I think I would have remembered that!" Eddie counters.
"We were sitting in the kitchen! I told you that Steve has two soulmates, a platonic," she gestures at herself, the motion just as exaggerated as the word. "And a romantic!" She gestures at Eddie this time.
Eddie closes his eyes, fights the urge to just keep repeating Jesus Christ, and opens them again. "Buckley. I wasn't looking at you while we were talking."
"You weren't - well that's just rude, Munson! What were you so busy staring at that you couldn't pay attention to me in the very important discussion we were having?" Robin demands.
Eddie's eyes cut to Steve.
Her gaze must follow his, because she groans. "Of course you were looking at Steve. See, look at that, another person ignoring me because they're obsessed with you."
Eddie squawks. "I wasn't obsessed with-"
His jaw snaps shut as he realizes that might not be a lie.
Steve grins at him, looking just a little bit too smug. "It's okay," he says. "I'm kind of obsessed with you, too."
Robin groans, face planting onto Steve's shoulder. "How did we miss this?"
"I thought we were being so mature," Steve agrees. "So open and communicative."
"In my defense, you two did shower together," Eddie points out.
"Not like that!" Robin says.
"How do you shower together but not like that?" Eddie demands.
Steve shrugs. "The same way you wash someone's hair but not like that?"
Eddie makes a face at him. "Yeah, that doesn't count, I wanted to jump you the whole time."
Steve opens his mouth, then closes it again. "Yeah, okay, me too," he admits. "You kept making these little sounds, I just-"
Eddie waggles his eyebrows. "Keep going, Stevie, you just what?"
"Get sidetracked later," Robin cuts in. "The point is - technically, Steve showered while I was brushing my teeth, and I showered while he was doing his hair care routine. We're soulmates, it's not like it matters what we see."
"But - there was giggling, and smacking, and - other noises," Eddie protests, but it's a weak one now.
Steve shrugs. "My back was all fucked up, man, you know that. Rob was helping me with the bandages."
"And Steve was doing his stupid shower characters," Robin adds, rolling her eyes. "He makes himself a dumb beard out of shaving cream or a stupid hairstyle out of shampoo and does terrible voices, and it's awful and I don't hate it at all."
Eddie - Eddie can imagine that perfectly, actually, and fuck, something so stupid shouldn't make him want so badly, but there it is.
"Stop," he whines. "I'm already in love with you, stop making it worse."
Both Steve and Robin freeze, but it still takes him a moment to realize what he just said.
Oh shit.
Eddie swallows, building up his courage for a moment before he sneaks a look at Steve.
Steve's looking back, just a little bit awestruck. "You love me?"
Eddie can't pull his hand free to fidget with his wrist brace, so he plays with Steve's fingers instead. "Well, yeah. I kind of thought that was obvious."
Then again, apparently some things all three of them thought were obvious were very much not obvious, and he grimaces.
"Yeah," he says. "I really do."
Robin kicks Steve in the thigh, leaning over and snatching their plates out of their laps. "Upstairs, now," she informs them. "I know that look, Steve, and if you're going to make out with him you're not doing it sitting next to me on the couch."
"Upstairs?" Steve asks, and who the hell is Eddie to say no to that?
"Just remember you're supposed to pick Dustin up for patrol in half an hour!" Robin yells up after them. "And I will not be stalling if he walkies asking what's taking you so long!"
"Guess we shouldn't waste any time." Eddie turns to Steve with a smirk, one eyebrow raised, only to find himself pinned to the wall in the upstairs hallway.
Steve crowds in against him, kissing him in short little bursts, like he keeps trying to pull back to say something but can't make himself stop for long.
Eddie doesn't make it easy for him to pull away, chasing him every time he does to kiss him again. He drags his teeth along Steve's bottom lip the next time he pulls back, but this time, Steve actually does stop long enough to speak.
"I love you, too," he pants out against Eddie's lips, the words muffled by how close they are together.
And Eddie - yeah, part of him had known. Like he told Uncle Wayne, it was obvious that Steve cared about him, and it was just as obvious that Steve was really into him.
But mostly knowing about it and hearing it confirmed are two different things, and Eddie surges forward to kiss him again.
Steve presses him back against the wall, one thigh wedged between Eddie's legs - still in those cut off shorts, and if Eddie could bring himself to break the kiss long enough to look down, he's pretty sure he'd get more than a flash of hairy skin. Eddie groans, rolling his hips up so he can at least grind against his thigh.
"Yeah?" Steve asks, before his tongue slides into his mouth at the same time his thigh presses up and up, giving Eddie more friction to rut against.
Which he immediately takes advantage of, grabbing Steve's ass with both hands and holding on as they rock together.
"Wanna make you feel good," Steve says, dropping little biting kisses along the line of Eddie's jaw. "Want you to tell me everything you like."
Eddie huffs out a shaky little laugh. "I, uh. I've never done this before, Stevie."
Steve tips his head back to look at him, brows furrowed for a moment before he seems to get that Eddie means, like, ever.
Despite the fact that he's mostly sure Steve isn't going to make fun of him, his stomach still drops when Steve groans and drops his head down into Eddie's shoulder.
"Steve?" Eddie asks.
"We gotta stop," Steve replies, muffled. "We've only got like twenty minutes left now, and that's really not enough for everything I want to do with you."
Eddie's dick throbs where it's still pressed against Steve's thigh. "It's enough for something, though, come on."
Steve pulls back to look at him. "Eds, your first time is not going to be a quickie in our hallway with Robin downstairs and Dustin waiting on me."
Eddie considers that, then rolls his hips up again, grinning smugly when it makes Steve inhale sharply. "Yeah, I'm pretty okay with that for my first mutual orgasm experience."
Steve makes a face at him, the impact of which is a little ruined by his slightly glazed eyes. "I'm not."
Eddie grunts. "I'm not a girl," he manages to growl out.
Steve looks down between them, where Eddie's still very hard and very pressed into him. "I noticed."
"Then don't treat me like some delicate little virgin," Eddie snaps.
Steve huffs. "It's not like that, it's - fine, why did you tell me, then?"
"What?" Eddie asks, thrown.
"If it's not a big deal, why did you say anything?"
"I… I don't know," Eddie admits. "I just - thought you should be aware, I guess, in case you were expecting something else."
Someone who knew what they were doing.
"Eds," Steve breathes out, tipping his head in to kiss him again. "I'm not expecting anything but you, I promise. Just you, that's all I want."
"That's all?" Eddie asks, and he means it to be teasing, but it comes out a little shaky.
"I want - look, I know it's crap about virginity being special and your first time being perfect and all that, but… it's also not crap."
Eddie raises an eyebrow.
"It's - it should be good, Eddie. You deserve to have something go right. I want to take my time with you, not be thinking about how we have to rush."
Well when Steve puts it like that.
"You're such a romantic," Eddie teases.
Steve's ears go a little pink, but he shrugs. "Yeah, I guess I kind of am."
Eddie pulls him back in for another kiss. "I love you," he whispers against his lips, part because he does and part just to see if he can get Steve all riled up again.
"Not fair," Steve mutters back.
Eddie can't help but laugh a little. "It work?"
"Yes." Steve kisses him again. "But it didn't change my mind."
He steps back, though Eddie's pleased to note that he looks both rumpled and reluctant. Eddie sighs, then reaches out to fix Steve's collar, run his fingers through his hair. Steve does the same for him, and it feels -
Well, pretty fucking good, actually.
They head back downstairs. Robin cheers for them, shouting, "Three minutes to spare!"
Steve rolls his eyes, leans over to kiss the top of her head.
Then he drags Eddie to the front door with him so they can kiss again, long and lingering, before Steve finally heads back out.
Eddie drifts back into the living room to sit down next to Robin again, trying not to look too dazed.
She huffs at him, and it's only then that he realizes this is the first time they've been alone since she told him she was coming back for him.
"You still pissed at me?"
Robin rolls her eyes. "No, you fixed that last night. For the record - it wasn't at you, not really. Steve was miserable, which gets my hackles up. I know, he said he was happy no matter what, but I know him. He would have been hung up on you for ages. Plus, the boy likes sex," she adds matter-of-factly. "It would have been awful dealing with him pining and all pent up from not getting laid."
Eddie snorts.
"What?" Robin asks.
"Nothing," Eddie replies. "Just - I'm really glad we don't have to work out a schedule for both of us having sex with him."
Robin lets out a sound that's some unholy mix between a giggle and a shriek. "Okay, first, thanks for putting that mental image in my brain, I need at least three shots later tonight to get that out. Second - oh my god we would run him ragged, he's pretty insatiable but I'm not sure even he could keep up with the two of us."
Eddie cackles, head tipping back in a laughter there's no way he can contain. "I really love you, Robbie," he says quietly when he's managed to calm down.
Her eyes are soft as she looks at him. "Yeah," she says. "I do, too."
"I can't promise that I won't ever hurt him," he says. "Because, you know, sometimes I get up in my head about stuff, and sometimes I miss things. But I love him. It's always going to be him. I won't - I won't ever leave him, or give up on us."
Robin's quiet for a long time. "You and I aren't really soulmates, you know. I can't tell if you just lied to me."
Eddie knows what his knee-jerk reaction to that is. But he sits with it for a moment, breathes in and breathes out, and then decides knee-jerk was the right reaction. "Yeah, you can."
Robin smiles at him, reaching out to tug on a lock of his hair. "Yeah, I can," she agrees.
He opens his arms, and she hugs him, then shoves him off.
"Come on, Steve left us to do the lunch dishes."
Steve brings home pizza for dinner when he gets done with patrolling.
"Hey, I was thinking - do you want to head out to Forest Hills when we're done?" Steve asks while they eat. "There's not really anyone there anymore, we could see if there's anything left of yours you want to get."
Eddie considers that. Part of him isn't sure he wants to go back there, ever, but the other part kind of feels like he needs to see it. To make it real again, and not just a thing in his nightmares.
So he agrees, and they head out after they clean up dinner - Robin refuses to get stuck with it this time.
It still feels strange, driving around in the front seat of Steve's Bimmer, but mostly a nice strange. They don't pass many cars on the way out there, and Steve's got Trooper's Thick as Thieves album playing quietly, and Eddie can just lean back and alternate looking out the window with looking at the beautiful boy in the driver's seat.
Steve pulls a couple of empty boxes out of the trunk when they get there, and Eddie sees him hesitate over the nail bat that's still in there from his patrol earlier.
"Here," Eddie says, taking the boxes so Steve can grab the bat.
There hasn't been any sign of Vecna or the Upside Down on their patrols yet, but Eddie's pretty sure they'll both feel better if Steve's carrying it.
The trailer is barely holding together, a huge chunk ripped out of the living room, and Eddie swallows back a surge of tears.
He knows they have insurance, knows what Uncle Wayne said about the stuff in the trailer, but - it was the first place that ever really felt like home to Eddie. Even though the home was more about Uncle Wayne himself than the physical trailer, it hurts seeing it like this.
"Hey," Steve says softly. "We don't have to do this tonight, we can wait."
Like it's just a guarantee that whenever Eddie does decide to look through the shattered remains of his life, Steve will be right there with him. No question.
It shouldn't be, but it's still a little bit of a surprise to realize that Eddie believes it.
"No," he says, though he does lean in for a kiss. "I want to get this over with. Come on, let's look in my room."
His room isn't as bad as the living room, but it's still pretty trashed. He gets to work rifling through the debris while Steve hangs out in the doorway, nailbat on one shoulder and keeping an eye on the dormant but still not closed gate in the living room.
Eventually, Eddie manages to find about a couple of boxes worth of clothes, most of his jewelry, some D&D things, a few other odds and ends. It's not a lot, but it's more than Eddie thought he might have, which lifts his spirits a little.
"I can stop borrowing your clothes all the time," Eddie tells Steve.
Steve makes a face like he's trying not to say anything.
"What?" Eddie asks.
"…I kind of like you in my clothes," Steve admits.
Eddie barks out a little laugh, then sets down his box so he can sidle into Steve's space. "Oh yeah?" he asks, cocking one eyebrow. "You want me to wear your letterman jacket?"
Steve tips his head, which Eddie is pretty damn sure means yes, but I don't want to say it.
"Steve Harrington," Eddie teases as he hooks his fingers in the waistband of Steve's jeans and gives it a tug. "You wanna be my boyfriend?"
"I'm your soulmate," Steve replies, rolling his eyes, but he doesn't stop himself from being reeled in.
"You wanna be my boyfriend," Eddie repeats, voice sing song, and steals another kiss.
"You were the one who said you wanted the full Steve Harrington experience," Steve teases back.
"I was joking!" Eddie replies, but he realized the moment he says it that - well, no, he kind of wasn't.
Steve grins widely at him. "No, you weren't," he retorts, with all the confidence of someone who's just felt a new lie being written on them.
Eddie raises his eyebrows at him. "So what are you going to do about it, then?"
Steve leans in to kiss him one more time. "Come on. Let's get out of here first."
And, well, all right, Eddie can't exactly protest that.
He picks up two boxes, leaving Steve to grab the third and his bat, then the two of them head back out of the trailer.
They're not too far from what's left of the front door when the sound of footsteps crunches on the gravel nearby.
It's probably just one of the handful of folks too stubborn to leave Forest Hills, but - it's dark, and Eddie can't see anyone, and he can't help the rush of panic that he feels. It must hit Steve the same way, because when he turns back to look at him, he sees that Steve has gone still, head tilted like he's listening.
The sound of a gun cocking rings out far louder than it should.
"Don't move," Jason Carver says.
Tag list (always happy to add more!): @vampireinthesun @koibug @estrellami-1 @mentalcyborg @allbimyself26 @questionablequeeries @the-s-is-silent @whimsicalwitchm @a-gae-af-racoon @tinyplanet95 @n0-1-important @velocitytimes2 @swimmingbirdrunningrock @newtstabber @jcmadgirl @roblingoblin285 @lexyvey @paperbackribs @goodolefashionedloverboi @evix-syne666 @raisedbylibrarians @stxrcrossed186 @nightmareglitter @greekgeek24 @starman-jpg @crazyhatlady86 @imfinereallyy @manda-panda-monium @deleataecount @prideandsensibility @chaoticvictorianspirit @maydillydally @disrespectedgoatman @scarlet-malfoy @i-less-than-three-you @hbyrde36 @hallucinatedjosten @dragonsandgayships @arepaconchocolate @g4ys0n @novelnovella @bisexualdisastersworld @ghostofyourvampiregf @scarletyeager @pettrichore @nerd-and-nervous @hiimlevi @queenie-ofthe-void @cinnamon-mushroomabomination
At least all three of them are finally on the same page?
Part 25
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