#pairing: handers
rivilu · 2 years
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Act 3
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vaguely-concerned · 1 year
the implication in Legacy that anders and hawke, even when you're romancing him, have never. never! sat down and had a little talk about warden stuff, including that fun little detail that anders is seriously living on borrowed time and what the fuck that's going to have to look like when he eventually has to go on his Calling outside of the structure of the wardens (would hawke like. accompany him down to the deep roads and then have to watch him walk away past a certain point??? would he just take care to die in some sufficiently out of the way place before it took him for good?)............ with no sarcasm at all, I couldn't be happier about this fhsakdfhsakjfhasd in any other case I might be annoyed and call it implausible, but honestly yes this is exactly the level of emotional and communicative dysfunction I expect of the DA2 crew, if anything I would have been astonished and befuddled if they had ever talked about this like sane adults before it became absolutely necessary (because of taint-borne mind control, not because of the inherent 'hey babe you know how I have the vibe of a man who doesn't expect anyone to ever get to see what old age looks like on him... well you see there are several reasons for that let's sit down for this one maybe'-ness of it all)
(also the way the Legacy DLC from Anders' perspective just like... a little Justice on one shoulder and a little Corypheus on the other, each yelling like a black metal concert. this poor man is just a walking playpen for any passing eldritch influence that decides to drop by and lives in a sewer, he needs help I am not qualified to give him I think)
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flyingcakeee · 2 months
As we get closer to the race week, let's analyze just a little bit more in depth.
First, our track!
Listed under this category is about every turn and what to expect.
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This is the track with the F1 trackmap laid over an aerial photo. (Cut off purple dot is the speed trap, or, the area where top speeds are hit on the track).
Let's analyze some of the more fun parts now instead of the big picture first.
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This is the first set of turns, T1-3. Right off the bat, you're drawn to the fact it curves in on itself, right? Did you notice the elevation? This below is the elevation changes of the entire track. Notice how this is relatively the only major spike? Yas Marina in Abu Dhabi has more elevation change than Shanghai, fun fact! This part of the track is slow speed, especially while under a safety car, virtual safety car, or if there's a long train of cars causing traffic. Also take notice of the pit exit line and there it ends! If you are overtaking on the inside (towards the pit wall) and there's a car leaving the pits, you need to make the move before you reach that car or you may have to back out. T4 also joins in at the exit of T3.
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Now, it's extremely hard to find really any footage of this track, but since its layout has not been altered for F1 racing, I'll be using screenshots from this old F1 YouTube video. They are using much older cars so I can warn that braking points, speeds, and gears may be different, but I'm not exactly sure.
T5 is a flat out kink, so it's rather irrelevant. While maybe there could be something, we won't focus on it too much, instead talking about our once again tight turn, T6! Ignore the extra bit of track joining on at the exit of the turn, that is the layout for endurance or super car racing. This turn could be more daring to attempt an overtake at than our previous T1-3.
Turn 7 is an extremely long left hand turn which can see a lot of overtaking opportunities in my opinion and it's nearly flat out.
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Now we flick over to the right for T8 before immediately going left again for T9.
While these aren't exactly slow speed turns, they aren't exactly high speed either in retrospect to the rest of the circuit.
T10 here may look sharp, but it's a very easy flowing turn, fitting in perfectly at the end of T9's left over curvature and there's no need to change speed as far as I'm aware.
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T11 is a slow corner, but when the car reaches T12, it's almost flat out with maybe some lifting (neither applying acceleration or brakes) needed as tyres warm up or degrade and the traffic. Understeering or locking up for T11 will result in a gravel trap and possible beaching of cars if they aren't lucky.
Directly connected to T12 is T13, a fast right hander that will be entirely flat out as well. The angle the tyres turn to the right will be higher than T12 and we're going much faster. This is a good overtaking spot to put a car in between you and a threatening car if you can still secure DRS or slipstream. Why?
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The end of T13 is the entrance of our extremely long straight. If you have a bad exit out of this turn, you could compromise yourself going onto the straight.
Finally we reach the very tight hairpin, T14. This is the slowest turn on the circuit which is coincidentally directly after the speed trap where drivers will be maxing out the speed in their cars, paired with possible DRS, energy/battery usage, and risky and late divebombs, we can hopefully expect a lot of action here as T14 is wide enough to provide a great overtaking zone. An absolutely large run off and gravel trap stands ready for any possible incidents.
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T16 is our final turn before we reach our pit straight. We have a small straight here and a bit of runoff, combined with the pit entry. That's right, that weird hook at the end is our pit entry. Shanghai has a pretty long entry until you reach the pit marker, as well.
Our turns boxed in orange are where we can see the most tyre degradation. T13 is especially brutal thanks to the speed carried through the fast turn.
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In 2019, the tyre compounds listen in green were chosen for the weekend. We can expect either similar or the same tyres chosen.
We also have the chance to see the intermediate compound (green tyre) used in the weekend as of 4/11.
Speaking of which, let's move to the weather forecast.
Listed in this category will be weather forecasts and what they could mean.
First, The Weather Channel approximates a 64% chance of rain Friday, a 40% chance of rain on Saturday, and a 52% chance of rain on Sunday. On top of this, an estimate of 16-32 km/h wind on Friday and 16-24 km/h winds on Saturday and Sunday.
Secondly, the standard Apple weather app. A prediction of 40% rain on Friday with 11-27 km/h winds with 51 km/h gusts, no rain Saturday but 12-22 km/h winds and 44 km/h gusts. Sunday is the same with no rain predicted but 10-19km/h winds and 31 km/h gusts.
Lastly, AccuWeather gives us a 25% rain chance Friday with 14 km/h winds, 55% rain chance Saturday paired with a 19 km/h wind speed, and 25% chance Sunday with 11km/h winds.
Does this matter? At the moment, not really. The weather is still too far out to accurately predict, especially the wind speed. However, we have two apps predicting a dry full race and a chance for rain in the sprint or qualifying. Apple raises an eyebrow here with a prediction only forcasting rain Friday where it's our only practice session, paired with The Weather Channel. However, don't expect a wet session at all, conditions are still free to change. I recommend waiting for teams to post their weather forecast predictions (Aston Martin, Williams, etc.).
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Final notes?
Well, keep your eyes out? The last time we were at this track, we didn't have ground effect cars, our current era cars since 2022.
Keep an eye on Sauber as well as while they are improving in pitstops, their minor fix isn't supposed to come till Miami last time I heard. (Yes, they said it wasn't a complete fix they had, more acting as a temporary improvement for the time being). Especially with their driver Zhou Guanyu racing his first ever home grand prix (his special helmet is pretty cool and unique as well for the race).
Also, did you know that the circuit is modelled after the the Mandarin character 上 [shàng]. It's the first character of the word, 上海, which is how you spell Shanghai? 上 also means "above" or "ascend" which pairs well with the elevations rise into our first turns and our fast speed turns throughout the track.
Always here to answer questions if this was at all confusing 🩵
Also, if any has one a racing games (F123, Assetto Corsa, etc.), I recommend taking the track out for a spin if you have access to the track.
Apologies for the really long post, see y'all later!!
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pinkfadespirit · 1 month
Here's my @handers-time exchange gift for @goth-surana! I really loved your prompts. I kind of wanted to do all of them but this was what came out in the end! I hope you'll like it 💖
Pairing: Anders/Male Hawke Rating: M Words: 11,812 Tags/Warnings: Blood and Violence, Suicidal Thoughts, Reaver Hawke, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Self-Destructive Behaviour, Alcohol Abuse, Self-Hatred, Implied Sexual Content, Hopeful Ending Summary: After coming close to killing the mage girl, Ella, Anders is in a bad way, consumed by guilt and shame and beginning to spiral. Hawke attempts to help him through it, while dealing with some of his own insecurities.
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handers-time · 4 months
Poll: Help us decide if Handers Exchange 2024 should run!
Hi all,
Mod Reikah is unable to run the Handers Exchange this year, so Mod Hollyand and Mod Storybookhawke would like to gauge interest for a possible exchange later this spring for all Hawke/Anders pairings. Tentative dates are mid-March till mid-May, although this may shift to a few weeks later depending on one of the mods' medical issues...
We would like to get an idea of how many people would sign up if we did run the exchange this year, so please answer our poll!
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sweetmage · 2 months
Not sure if I'm allowed to send you prompts if I'm not in your group but if you still want bingo prompts then unhealthy coping mechanisms for Handers? 😄
Thank you so much for the prompt, I had sooooo much fun with this!! I'm not sure either but let's find out lol
Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms - M!Handers
TW: Discussions of self-harm, arguing
Words: 2800+
Tags: Hurt/Comfort, post-canon (fugitive/supportive Handers), depression, serious conversations, very sappy dialogue, purple!mage!Hawke
Summary: Hawke has noticed signs that Anders may be self-harming in secret and aims to get to the bottom of it... but he could have done that better. When tensions settled. The two navigate Anders's insecurities and past hurts and and reaffirm their love for each other 💞
Full fic below the cut!
It had not gone unnoticed by Hawke. By the day they'd grown lower on healing herbs and lyrium and the floors in and counters in the shack they'd been bunking in had become a new kind of spotless. Small things, innocuous under any other circumstances, but they rubbed Hawke raw in all the wrong places when paired with Anders's recent demeanor.
He smiled when they met eyes, chatted and joked when they sat down to share meals, but it was all tenuous, so obviously forced. A barrier over a question that lay unasked upon his tongue.
He wondered at first if Anders had grown stale of this life, two fugitives with no company besides their own and that of their cats, a life with one eye open and constant glances over their shoulders. Was this life what he wanted? Was life what he wanted? How hard the answer was to come by was what troubled Hawke so.
He could not wait any longer, fearing the consequences should they not talk it out. It could be nothing, he could be working hard and feeling tired and nothing more. Hawke would much rather know than not.
He pushed his way through the doorway, groceries from a sympathetic trader who did dealings with rebels in hand, and was greeted by the sight of Anders bent over the fire, stirring a pot that smelled strongly of stewed rabbit.
Hawke paused to savor the image of a homey setting and Anders, safe and comfortable. He almost felt guilty for disturbing the moment.
"Hey," he greeted and Anders looked up to meet him.
"Welcome back, love" Anders replied with a smile, rushing to his side to unburden him of his packages.
Hawke kissed him once then shrugged him off, taking them instead to the lopsided table to set them on the steadier side.
Anders watched him quietly, concern creasing his brow. "Is everything alright?"
"Are you okay?" Hawke blurted out before he could stop himself, and cursed inwardly at how awkward he sounded.
"I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?" Anders asked, confused.
Hawke didn't look at him. "I don't know, you just seem...quiet lately. I guess I was wondering if you were unhappy."
The room went dead silent, save for the bubbling of the stew in the pot.
"You say that as though I'm not talking to you right now." Despite what looked to be his best attempt at carefree levity, Anders's voice was a little strained. When Hawke didn't immediately respond his face fell further. "Have I... done something to upset you?"
"Of course you haven't," he clarified quickly, holding up his now free hands. "But we need to talk."
"Okay then... nothing good ever followed those words..." Anders's frown deepened, his brows knitting together. "What's troubling you?"
Now that he was here, staring down his lover's nervous eyes and wringing hands, the words didn't come as easy. He took a deep breath, steeling himself. "Far be it from me to start hurling accusations around, but I've noticed a few... things. Lately."
"Like?" Anders asked, pitch rising with impatience.
"Well, to start with, you've been using an awful lot of healing herbs and lyrium lately despite our distinct lack of patients. I'd like to think you'd tell me if you were hurt or sick. But that brings us to my second point." Hawke crossed his arms, hoping his posture read more 'worried' and less 'disapproving'. "The other day I spotted blood by the kitchen washbasin. You said it was just from a slip while peeling potatoes. I thought I'd let it go, but since then I can't help notice that the counters and floors have been looking pretty scrubbed. And your mood has seemed lower as of late..."
"Yes, and?"
Hawke paused, trying not to sound like he was accusing. "I'm worried something else is going on. Something you don't want me to know about."
Anders stared at him for a long moment, face carefully blank, then slowly looked down. His fingers twisted into the frayed hem of his sweater, and Hawke had a fleeting urge to take him and kiss his hands until the worry in his face went away. But he spoke first. "Maybe I wanted our house a little cleaner. Maybe I've been stressed and it's gotten me down. Why does it have to be something nefarious? Why don't you trust me?"
"Don't turn this back on me. I've been living with you for three years now, you don't think I can tell when you're acting strange? I've seen you in every mood. I'm just worried about you."
"There's no reason for you to be worried," Anders insisted, a little too emphatically.
"Anders, I just want you to be honest with me," Hawke pleaded. "I love you. I want to help you."
"Please just leave it alone."
"Why are you being like this?" Hawke demanded, overwhelmed to the point of exasperation that he didn't intend.
"Why can't you just respect that I'm asking you to drop it!?"
"Maybe because I can't stand seeing you like this! Why can't you understand that? I'm worried and I want to help, why is that so difficult for you to get?"
"If you can't stand seeing me like this, then maybe I shouldn't be here," Anders snapped. "Dinner is on the fire, help yourself."
Anders turned from him then to pull on his boots and Hawke stayed hot on his heels.
"Where are you going?"
"Out," was all he said, brushing past him as he made for the door.
Garrett slipped out after him, careful not to let the cats loose but keeping Anders in his sights. "Come inside. I don't like the idea of you being out there alone."
"Then it's a good thing I don't particularly care what you like," Anders spat over his shoulder, and kept walking. For all the anger and hurt he radiated, he stopped short at the end of the trampled path, calling back, "Have your dinner. I'll come back."
The last thing Hawke wished was to escalate the situation, to make him feel trapped, cornered. He knew Anders had faced more than enough of that in his lifetime. "Be safe, Anders," he insisted. "Don't do anything stupid."
Anders didn't respond, and continued on.
Hawke waited a long while after Anders was out of sight, hoping he would change his mind, but he didn't return.
He went inside, but he didn't eat as he'd been instructed. Every moment that passed he looked to the door, wondering when he might return, if he would.
In retrospect he certainly could have handled that better... could have been more sensitive, could have given him his space, not jumped him right when he'd gotten home.
It too late for could have's now.
Hawke sighed and ran a hand through his hair, pacing in front of the door. It must have been over an hour now, the the sun was sinking low in the sky and Anders still had not returned. It wasn't just Anders's own hand that he feared now, but templars and bandits and a dozen other unsavory characters that might do him harm.
Unable to wait longer and he grabbed his staff from where he'd propped it by the doorway and lit the lantern, making his way back out to search for him. It was too risky to shout his name, but he kept his ears peeled for sounds of trouble as he searched.
His first instinct was the far side of the field where the tall grasses turned to orchards, but after half an hour of scouring the treeline and getting nowhere he decided to backtrack, hoping he had the sense not to head towards town on his own without so much as his staff or a cloak.
He made his way back around, the sun all but vanishing and the sky bleeding shades of deep blue. He'd stay out all night if he had to... he hoped he wouldn't have to.
He'd almost made it back past their cabin when he heard the snap of a twig behind him. He spun, raising his staff and prepared to strike, when the source of the noise came into the dim circle of light cast by his lantern.
"Thank the Maker," Anders breathed, relief and worry both etched into his features as he rushed forward to pull him into an embrace. "I came home and you were gone, I was afraid something had happened..."
Hawke dropped his staff and pulled him close, crushing him against his chest and breathing him in. "Anders," he gasped. "I was worried about you, out there on your own. I couldn't just sit there."
"You're right, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," Anders murmured, lips brushing the crook of his neck.
"We should go inside. It's late," Hawke offered, pulling away to look him in the eye.
Anders nodded. "I'll follow."
Hawke picked up his staff and led them way, though he never fell more than a step ahead.
They stepped into the warmth of their shack and Hawke set down the staff, turning to shut and latch the door. When he turned again, Anders stood just where he'd left him, looking pensive.
"What happened out there?" Hawke asked, trying to keep his voice even and gentle. "You okay?"
"No. But I am sorry." Anders met his eyes, guilt written across his features.
Hawke hoped the swift shake of his head would clear the apology from the air. "You don't have to be sorry. I was never angry—or not with you, anyway. Just..." He hesitated over the vulnerable word that lingered on his lips before mustering the courage to push it forward. "Scared."
Anders nodded. "Can we... talk? Now that we've both calmed down a little?"
He didn't mean to look so hopeful, but the relief was instant. "Yeah, I think that's a good idea."
Anders sighed, kicking off his boots at the door and bending low to scoop up one of the cats that had rushed to greet them.
Hawke moved in to tend the cook pot and dwindling fire, if only to give Anders the ability to speak without eyes on him. "I'm listening," he promised.
"Right..." Anders cleared his throat. "What you saw, what you've noticed... you weren't wrong. I don't know how to say that to you. I didn't think you'd notice, or maybe I thought you wouldn't care."
"You're joking, right?" Hawke blurted, unable to help himself. "I care about you much so much, Anders. If you hurt, I hurt."
He was quiet again, but Hawke let him be.
"It started before you," he explained, as though worried that Hawke would misinterpret his involvement. "In the circle. You don't just... live that kind of life and come out of it whole. The mages there coped how they could. It was just a way to cope. The only thing they could control."
"...We." Anders reluctantly amended, never one to comfortably acknowledge his experiences in lieu of others. "Even when Kirkwall was at its worst, even when I was at my worst... I had a cause. Justice, the clinic, the underground... But now, I don't know..."
Hawke stood from the stew and turned back to him to find him seated at the table, cat curled contentedly in his lap as his fingers absently stroked her fur.
"Do you have to chase a grand cause? You toiled for years. Do cuddles and long naps count for nothing?" Though he intended to lighten the mood, Hawke's voice still carried a certain seriousness.
He smiled a little, but it was weak and fleeting so Hawke sat beside him, taking his free hand between his own.
"I didn't intend to see beyond the Gallows. I didn't expect that I'd ever see a tomorrow, or a future," Anders went on. "Let alone one at your side. I'm grateful, but..."
"But...?" Hawke gently pressed.
Anders looked suddenly uncomfortable, averting his eyes. "I just... feel like you've sacrificed so much for me. You had a life in Kirkwall. A good one, with people who loved you. You could have become the Viscount. Could have been... something. And instead, you're here. Hiding."
"With the man I love," Hawke reminded him, reaching up to gently stroke the stubble along cheek. "I'd give up my titles, my house, anything, for that. Don't you know that?"
Anders's brows knitted together, conflicted. "It doesn't seem fair, is all. I feel guilty for having brought you to this. You were a free man and I've shackled you."
"Mages were never free, Anders. You don't need me to tell you that," Hawke argued, a bittersweet smile touching his lips. "Not in the circles, not in Lothering, and not in a mansion. I could wax on with clichés like 'I was a prisoner in a gilded cage until you set me free' and the like, but you've done more than that. The circles, the templars, the Chantry, their bloody system and laws, you broke the very scene built to break us... Pretty sexy, if you ask me. Not that you needed much help in that department, anyway."
"Please stop talking," Anders chided, though Hawke noted with pleasure the rosiness in his cheeks and the tugging of his lips, no matter how brief. "I just worry that I'm taking something from you."
"Ah yes, I do quite miss my daily meetings and constant social obligations. The stench too, Maker, that's hard to live without."
That venture was far more successful, drawing a snort from Anders. "You know what I mean, love."
"I do and it doesn't matter how many ways you put it, my answer is always going to be the same. I'm a grown man, I can make my own decisions. Sure, I'm not always the best with them, but this one hasn't gotten me stabbed, set on fire, or eaten, so I'd say it's definitely one of my better ones. And it has given me you all to myself. A deal that good feels like robbery... not that I'm above it."
"Alright, alright," Anders conceded, seeming notably less troubled. "I... Thank you, love. You have no idea how much it means to me that you're still here after everything."
"Nowhere else I'd rather be." Hawke leaned forward to steal a soft kiss. "I hope this all ties back to your recent... troubles, in some way. I don't like to see you unhappy but that doesn't mean you shouldn't come to me. You know that, right?"
"It won't burden you? Bother you? It won't scare you off if it's all too much?"
"You seem to have this image of yourself as a tragic, complicated, scary beast of a man, but you're really just a delicate, precious kitten when you get down to it," Hawke replied, fondness overwhelming his attempt at facetiousness. "I love every inch of you. Sad inches included. I'd never go elsewhere, despite your insistence on offering."
Anders met his eyes again, mouth open as though in objection but after a moment it closed. "Always quite the wordsmith," he teased back lightly, his eyes full of affection. "Thank you. I'm sorry for putting this on you, for making you worry."
"As if I'm some sort of Anointed myself, going at you like that," Hawke said, shaking his head. "I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have pushed you. Or shouted for that matter. Or came at you right when I got inside. Or neglected the stew you worked so hard on... smells delicious, by the way."
"Well, it's all out in the open now, right?" There was a nervous, vulnerable edge to the laughter that followed. 
"Does it help to know that I love you? And that I'm always coming back when I leave? And I spend every moment apart from you aching to return to you?"
"It helps," Anders assured him, a smile tugging at his lips. "Very much."
"Good," Hawke smiled back, leaning in to press his lips to his forehead and again to his lips, then lingering there, savoring the warmth and closeness. "We don't have to fix everything now, I don't think we can. Just... if you ever think of doing that again, or feel like you need to, or want to or... can you tell me?"
"I'm sorry, I never meant to—" He stopped as if soothed by the look Hawke gave him. "You have my word."
"Do you need anything, right now?"
Anders paused to consider. "Just a good meal, a bath, and some sleep couldn't hurt."
"You seem a bit... indisposed at the moment." Hawke glanced over at the cat in Anders's lap and the other that had fallen asleep on his feet. "I'll get the stew. We can worry about bed when you're done being one."
Anders's laughter rang like bells, sweet and true, startling the cats who sprang up, deciding it was well time for their dinner too and that what simmered in the cookpot must be for them, if only they yelled enough. Of course, that only served to draw more laughter from Anders who followed at their little feet to lay a hand on Hawke's back.
What Hawke wouldn't do for him, the lengths he would go, if only to keep him like those, happy and close. What he deserved.
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hardcoverho · 1 year
Pairing - Geralt of Rivia x reader
Next Chapter - Chapter 2
Series Masterlist - WITCHER'S
Warnings - NONCON, degradation, spanking
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The witcher entered the hall and the air, which had been filled with chatter just mere seconds before, hushed. He dragged a monster behind him. You didn't know this one. Your eyes were not on the black beast. Your eyes were on the witcher.
He threw the monster's body on the ground in front of the Lord of your town - Lord Edward. Lord Edward, small and old, got off his chair and waddled towards the witcher, a sack of coins in his weary hands.
"Take this and leave, Witcher."
You frowned at the lack of warmth. The Witcher had saved your town from a dangerous monster, yet there was no gratefulness to be seen in the Lord's eyes. You knew your father, yet it was sad to witness him being the way he was.
Witcher didn't seem to pay that much mind and had his mind fixed on getting paid. A gloved hand took the bag with a nod. Just when he was about to turn around to leave, his golden eyes fell on you.
You froze, your hands, which had been rubbing your bare forearms, stilled. Your breath hitched.
Witcher examined you quickly, lingering at every inch. And then, he walked out. No one had noticed his lingering look but you, you wondered if you had imagined it.
But you, as you found out later, had most certainly not imagined it.
. . .
It was late at night when you woke up to the feeling of someone looking at you from the darkness of your chamber. You stilled and then shook your head. It was your mind making up things again. Darkness was just that, darkness.
Till hands grabbed you. You screamed into the large rough hand, but your scream was too muffled to be heard by anyone. You were ripped out of your bed and pushed into a wall. His second hand grabbed your dress and tore it a little too easily. You screamed again, hands trying to grab the intruder, but you were too small compared to him.
His one giant hand slipped between your thighs and cupped your heat. Your face burnt and you froze in surprise for a moment but fought hander as the situation settled in. You were a maiden! You weren't going to let an intruder take what was to be your future husband's!
Tears burnt in your eyes as he held you like that. Your fingernails dug into his skin, but he didn't flinch. He held you, a hand over your mouth and a hand covering your cunt which had started warming up.
You sobbed into his hands trying to squirm your hips away from him, but all it did was make you feel more stimulation, which increased the unwanted warmth.
Before you knew it, he ripped your panties off. You sobbed harder as he cupped your now naked cunt, flinching at the heat of his rough hand. The man was a giant, you realized as tears spilled out of your eyes. You'd never be able to fight back.
After a while, you got tired and the fight slowly left you. You stayed there, whimpering softly into his hand, hips still squirming to get his hand away from your cunt.
His chin dug into your head as he stepped closer. All of his body pressed into yours, squishing you against the wall of your bedchamber.
He finally let go of your cunt and you sobbed in relief. He tore your dress off with one tug. Your hands instantly tried to grab it to keep it pressed to you, but he ripped it away. He grabbed your hip and pulled so that your ass was sticking out. He removed his hand from your mouth and you gasped for breath. He stuffed his thumb in your mouth, pinning your tongue down. You sobbed harder, biting his thumb.
And then he chuckled. A low, sensual sound. You shivered violently.
"Your body was made to take cock," he whispered. "Did you feel your filthy cunt warming when I cupped it as if begging for me to defile it?" His voice was deep and rough. It made you throb. You whimpered, lips wrapping around his thumb.
His large hand rubbed the soft skin of your behind. And then it came down sharply. You screamed in pain and he stuffed his thumb deeper into your mouth. Your hands reached back, trying to shield your vulnerable body, but his hand came down again. He chuckled as you whimper pitifully, your body shaking at the pain.
Your shaking hands grabbed his wrist, trying to take his thumb out of your mouth, but he might as well be a mountain. He spanked you till you felt drowsy because of the pain. Your legs shook and finally, you fell on the floor. You scrambled to where the door was, but he grabbed your thigh and picked you up. He turned you till your front was pressed to his, and your tear-filled eyes locked with his golden ones.
You gasped. It was the witcher. You had thought he left earlier today. But here he was.
In your bed chamber with you naked in his arms.
You were frozen with fear, you realized. Even the tears had stopped with surprise. You opened your mouth to scream and he stuffed two fingers into your mouth, choking you on them. Your hands, once again, grabbed his wrist and failed to get his hand to move. The corner of his mouth turned up in a taunting smirk as you cried around his fingers, hiccuping.
"If only your Lord father could see you now," he whispered. "Choking on a witcher's fingers, your innocent body tainted. Oh, how he would rage." His words dropped in a whisper. "Should I put in three?" You tried to shake your head, wiping the tears off your face.
He laid you down on your bed, looming over you. His body was so large you couldn't even see your room. His fingers pressed deeper and you huffed for breath, struggling around him. Your legs spread as he lowered himself lower on you, putting just a little weight on you.
"I will take my fingers out," he said. "And if you scream, I will put them in your cunt."
You nodded furiously. You needed to breathe. He took his wet fingers out and you took in huge gulps of air, whimpering at the burn in your throat. He watched you, his eyes on your mouth.
"What do you want?" You asked tearfully. "Please. This is improper. I-I'm to get married in weeks- please."
He tilted his head, a strand of his white hair brushing on your tear stained cheek. "How many weeks?"
You gulped. "S-Six."
He hummed, one hand gripping your waist. He slid it upwards till his thumb pressed into your nipple. You bit your lip to keep yourself from screaming. You had no doubt he would put his fingers in you. You didn't want him to touch you there. His rough thumb worked up and down on your nipple, eyes holding you hostage. You swallowed back a whimper as his thumb dug into your soft, sensitive bud.
His lips lowered to yours and stopped a mere breath away. "I own you," he said and pinched your nipple harshly as he slammed his lips on yours. You screamed into his mouth, struggling wildly, and pain shot through your nipple and spread throughout you. You grabbed his wrist again, needing him to let go. He did, only when you dissolved into sobs and his tongue entered your mouth, stroking yours. He pulled back a little, sucking on your tongue, and finally got off your body.
You gasped for breath, clutching your breasts. You looked at him, bottom lip trembling. He had dissolved in darkness, his golden eyes the only thing you could see.
Then, he opened the door and walked out. You knew no one would be in the hallways this late but still feared that if someone saw him coming out of your chamber, they'd assume the worst. And then you'd be ruined.
You ignored the wetness which was seeping out of your cunt, unaware of why that was happening. You covered yourself with thick blankets, hiding your face and making yourself as small as you could.
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lapis-lazuliie · 2 months
gonna speculate a bit more about that two hander ep in the last series. spoilers under the cut ‼️
so from those awards behind reece, and those pics behind steve, it's pretty clear that steve's character is a very successful + respected psychotherapist
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a couple routes this one could've gone down, but it's clear reeces character does have a connection to steve's; whether he was a former patient who died at steve's hand, or is the relative of one of steve's former patients remains to be seen. either way, it's for sure going to have some connection to the eps title "the trolley problem"
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in my head - and this could be very far off - but from appearance alone, this gives me david & tommy vibes. so you've got a mentally ill man paired with someone successful + respected working in the medical field who is possibly trying to put the past behind himself, to move on from this role. the awards indicate to me that they're just trophies, memorabilia from his time as a therapist - basing this off of spencer in simon says having awards and pics about his flat from his time working on the ninth circle & tommy in bernie clifton being surrounded by the props belonging to his former life as a comedian
so maybe steve doesn't actually do this anymore - he's either moved on or is retired - but reece is so desperate for help that steve lets him in; letting his guard down for reece to dig a bit more into this person responsible for his own/a loved ones passing
a psychotherapists main area is 'talk therapy', meaning they talk with their client. unpack their problems, help them to understand their own mind
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so it makes complete sense that the episode is just going to be steve & reece, as another person could interrupt that flow, take us out of this rapport these characters are going to grow throughout the episode
i'm gonna be honest, i've been praying and hoping for a "client/therapist" dynamic since thinking out loud but i thought it'd be too similar to that glimpse we saw with the therapist and nadine. but looks like they've gone for it
god i'm so excited for this ‼️
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monsterthalia · 1 month
Happy Friday! How about “Don’t worry about it.” for Handers?
Gosh this was fun.
For @dadrunkwriting Rating: M Pairing: M!Hawke/Anders Words: 1112
Hawke didn’t know what time it was beyond Late. The sun was already long down when he’d made it home, and since then he’d washed off all the blood, inhaled three portions of whatever Bodahn had cooked for dinner (he didn’t pause long enough to identify it), piled his dirty robes into the laundry (he did pause long enough to apologise to Orana), washed off some more blood he missed the first time, and eaten a fourth portion of dinner (some kind of druffalo, maybe?) before collapsing on his bed and passing out for a bit.
Now he’d woken back up, and it was still the same night only much later, and his bed was still empty of Anders. 
This wasn’t a cause for concern - Anders would stay up as late as his own body would let him every time, and he was always busy.  “I’ll sleep when I’m dead,” he’d joked once, and Hawke had grabbed his chin in his hands and growled, “No you won’t, because I’ll drag you back just so I can kick your ass.”
No, he just missed him because he always missed Anders when he wasn’t there. Restlessness danced through his limbs, his own blood felt itchy in his veins, and he was just alone with his heartbeat and the feeling that it wasn’t beating right because half of it was away from him.
He had about as much likelihood of getting to sleep like this as he did of Meredith climbing in through his window to tell him a bedtime story. He glanced down at Dragon, wondering if he’d fancy a walk, but the mabari was snoring loudly on the rug, dead to the world. 
His eyes drifted to his desk. Had the time come for him to… Maker forfend… catch up on his correspondence?
He heard the Darktown passage door downstairs open with a great leap of relief. (The fact that it was loud enough in opening to hear upstairs caused Bodahn great distress, but Hawke refused to let him fix it, because he liked hearing when Anders got home.) Seconds later came Anders’s footfall on the stairs, and Hawke hastily ran his fingers through his hair - washing the blood out had left it very fluffy - before sprawling back on the bed on what he hoped was a seductive fashion. Dragon let out another loud snort in his sleep, and farted.
The bedroom door opened, and Hawke said, “Well well, what’s a mage like - what happened??”
Anders was grinning at the sight of him, but Anders had blood on his face, so Anders had no right to be grinning until whoever had hurt him was dead. “This is a nice surprise,” was all he said, propping his staff against the wall and starting to shuck off his outer robe.
“Why are you bleeding??”
“Don’t worry about it.” Anders very deliberately dropped his outer robe to the floor, a very smug smirk on his face as took in the sight of Hawke waiting for him on the bed, and any other time Hawke would abandon whatever conversation he’d been having without a moment’s thought, but there was BLOOD on his FACE. 
He’d kneeled up on the bed in alarm, and Anders stepped up into him, taking his head in his hands, running his fingers back into his damnably fluffy hair, which Hawke remembered the same instant Anders’s fingers paused on discovering it. “What’s happened to your hair?” he half-laughed, even as his fingertips stroked soothing lines along his scalp, and the feeling of Anders’s body pressed to his own was making certain parts of his anatomy very distracted.
Hawke would not be distracted. Hawke was stubborn like that. “What’s happened to your face??”
“It’s nothing, honest. But where were we? ‘A mage like…?’” Anders leaned in and started to press kisses to his cheek, down his jaw, down his neck. Hawke let out a huff despite himself, and he felt Anders grin against him, felt his hands trace from his head down his arms and to his waist.
“A mage like - like - like a stubborn ass who won’t tell me what happened!” He’d have liked to have said something clever, but Anders was fully leaning against him now, trusting him to support his weight, whilst his hands rested on his hips and he kissed his adoration to Hawke’s neck, the exact spot he knew made Hawke groan and grip at him. 
“Hmm, that doesn’t sound very romantic,” Anders murmured, and pushed a little harder, toppling back to lie on the bed. “Try again,” he said firmly, and he was using his authoritative Warden/Healer/Rebel voice which Hawke thought was deeply unfair, because Anders knew he was helpless against it.
“A mage like - like -” All thought was abandoning him, drowned out by the pounding of his heartin his chest, fierce and strong and exultant to have its beloved returned, and the singing of his blood in his veins. Anders’s eyes were full of fire as he crawled over Hawke’s body, as he lowered his own, as the weight of him settled against his every waking nerve and sent jolts of pleasure from his toes to his skull. He gasped. “Like-”
Anders hummed in satisfaction, and kissed Hawke, flicking his tongue against his lips in way that could only leave Hawke groaning and opening his mouth, letting Anders kiss him even more deeply and claim him completely. Anders rolled his hips against his own and the sensation had Hawke gripping the bedsheets beneath him, mind all but whiting out with the desire to just give in.
With his last ounce of willpower, the tiniest shred and scrap, he gripped Anders between his thighs and flipped them, so that it was Anders flat on his back on the bed, and Hawke hovering over him. He grabbed Anders’s dangerous hands and pinned them above his head, pressed his body down into the mattress with the weight of his own. But even then it was a close thing - the sight of Anders beneath him, breathing hard and dishevelled and with flushed cheeks, and his hardness pressing dangerously close to Hawke’s own - it was only the blood still on Anders’s face that gave him the presence of mind to do anything more than whimper and fall on him again.
“Please just tell me,” he managed to gasp, “that you’re all right.”
The fire in Anders’s eyes banked just a little as they softened. He reached up and traced a hand against Hawke’s face - not a touch meant to arouse, but just to reassure. “I’m fine, love,” he promised, and Hawke believed him.
“Thank fuck,” Hawke moaned, and let himself fall.
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fanfictionamerica · 19 days
Here is my gift for the Handers Gift Exchange 2024 @handers-time! I'm happy to present this piece to @highwayphantoms! I had so much fun writing it; I was practically giddy😍. I hope you enjoy!
Hawke may be broken, but that doesn't mean she cannot be remade with the gentle hands of a healer.
Word count: 4k
Rating: Teen
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Pairing: Anders/Hawke, Anders/Female Hawke
Characters: Anders, Purple-Red Female Hawke, Marshal Stacker Pentecost, Varric Tethras
Additional tags: Past Character Death, Grief/Mourning, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Headaches & Migraines, Alternate Universe - Pacific Rim Fusion, Drift Compatibility (Pacific Rim), Kaiju (Pacific Rim), Jaegers (Pacific Rim), Explicit Language, Canon-Typical Violence, Minor Violence, Friends to Lovers, Making Out, Mutual Pining, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Light Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Handers Gift Exchange (Dragon Age)
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thezanyarthropleura · 11 months
rewatching the Dinotopia 13-episode miniseries and just wanted to say I concur with a lot of your takes. Hopefully it's ok to infodump about it in your askbox?
26 is adorable and heart-stealing (as is Karl's love for her) and she still looks so lifelike even after 20 years since the show's airing--the combination of lower-tech puppetry and higher-tech animatronics just hits perfectly. I just want to hold her and carry her around and tickle her little head. I feel weird calling her 'lifelike' considering none of us have seen Chasmosaurs(sp?) in the flesh, but the way she blinks and shakes her head and squeals just feels authentic somehow?
'Contact' is one of my favourite episodes as well, as it legitimises this version of Karl who in earlier episodes risked coming across as trivial/annoying/shallow (I love this Karl fwiw, more than the previous 'better' series' take). The connection between Karl & Gracie is so touching and raw, and it seems like the most important thing that happened to Karl at that stage in his life, as well as a turning point in the way he relates to female peers. While I am a fan of Karl's himbo side, I appreciated seeing him finally show expertise and determination in something other than mixing drinks and flirting and wheeler-dealing, as well--after all, he's Frank's favourite son and an adventurer in his own right, why shouldn't he be capable? (we also saw his resourcefulness in 'Lose & Found').
As for Lesage, your thoughts about her past relationship with Rosemary really have me thinking as well. The reference to their fling was so fleeting that I missed it first time around, but it's definitely critical to understanding both their characters imo. Lesage definitely seems the free-spirited fiery rebellious type to run off with a woman to have sapphic adventures in the wild, even if it took said sapphic partner to bring that out of her (and it's SO interesting that Rosemary was *Lesage's* closet key). What would Dinotopia make of lesbians disrupting their natural order and their status quo? (upon which they rely for their coveted peace...) The mind reels. And I agree about the relief and pleasant surprise that this mature dark woman wasn't 'tamed' or domesticated in the storyline's conclusion, it would have been so banal if the series went that route. She clearly isn't the type who wants a traditional family, a secure home or a regular Joe older man with kids.
That said, I must confess to wanting Lesage coupled with David, as I've noticed that from their very first meeting there is deliberate tension and foreshadowing included to put them in a shippy light, and their personalities/chemistry really spark and pop off the screen more than any other pairing (probably why the actors/character got a 2-hander episode to themselves?). Also, in-keeping with 'Lesage does what she wants and breaks the mold', I think Lesage would LIVE for scandalising Dinotopia by taking their Skybax Squadron Commander/favourite Offworlder and seducing him. David for his part would go willingly I think, as he seems captivated and chagrined by Lesage, more than he is by Marion (who imo he *wants* to want and thinks he should want romantically/sexually, but deep down doesn't). David for his part clearly needs a challenge and a foil to get the most out of his life, and Lesage offers that in spades. Where are the fics is what I wanna know
Am still combing over a few of the episodes in more detail, but overall I enjoy it so much despite all the inaccuracies and how off-model and off-book it is, and for the time you can see how it broke some new ground. It's pacey, it's a good time, it's got a little bit of everything from drama to adventure to fantasy to anarchohistory/steampunk. The story and characters remind me of Xena in the way you can read them in a campy/fun way or a serious way, and it works either way. Idk why it isn't on streaming and remastered, though the selfish gatekeeping part of me is kind of glad it's not exposed like that..
Always ok!
I do wish we got more of 26 in The Cure Part 2 that wasn't plot-mandated immobility, because that small bit at the end of Part 1 where she's doing her little scamper around on modern sidewalks is such a cute and defining moment for the series and I would've loved to see her run around through crowds or make an escape through the museum. I'd say even her CGI is some of the best-looking now, probably because of working with an easier scale (although I feel like dated CGI is always going to look like dated CGI, and so try to judge it more on whether or not it emotionally connects, and 26 definitely does).
They say it like "Chasmiosaur" in the show but the dinosaur is spelled Chasmosaur/Chasmosaurus. It's real interesting that both the live-action and book versions of Dinotopia used lesser-known ceratopsians instead of the obvious triceratops.
Agreed on Karl, sketchy/sleazy relationship drama is SO not my thing and I'd say I was only tolerating it for the dinosaurs, but the way this show does it is just so over-the-top that I can't help but be at least a little entertained. Night of the Wartosa is fun to watch in an uncomfortable train wreck sense, because we see Karl at his worst and it's so agonizing, but at the end of the day it's self-aware, it's intended as a wake-up call, and we're meant to be rooting for him to become a better person and laughing at him along the way. And by Contact, we're shown he can be serious when it counts, and his story takes a deeper turn into the heartfelt that solidifies his arc.
Since it's Hallmark, I'm sure they'd find a way to make even the dinosaurs scandalized by anything non-straight. "Why yes, our ancient society founded primarily by non-humans, with its own code of conduct distinct from other world philosophies, has the same puritan sensibilities as early 2000s daytime television." I guess there's a small chance the show actually did mean they only considered themselves sisters, and that very obvious pause didn't mean anything at all, I guess we'll never know *shrug* (but since it was a show cancelled after one season, I'm gonna say that from the 2020s we can go ahead and retroactively assume it must've had lesbians).
Freely admit that if I didn't pick up on anything hinting LeSage/David, it's probably because I only really have shipping goggles for f/f relationships, and also carry around the associated 'just friends' goggles for what are often clearly intended het pairings. To each their own, I suppose, and to both of us, the tragedy of liking a piece of media that very few people have ever seen, and even fewer have seen in any way that made them think of it positively. Highly doubt the internet 20 years after the fact would have much appreciation for my 'LeSage x pachycephalosaurus chariot driver OC' daydream musings but you can bet that's probably what I'm thinking about every time I hear "Fast Car."
Oh, if this show was on streaming, people would expect WAY too much from it. It's in the backwoods of Youtube and on cheap DVDs, and I feel like that's it's natural habitat. I can only really imagine people truly liking this if it's a formative memory, they found it in some obscure corner on a rainy day and gave it a chance only half-seriously, or the rare case where they wanted to watch a dinosaur show enough to turn it on but were secretly looking for... this. It's such a fun time, but I feel like for most, you'd need to know what you're in for or it just won't click.
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thiefbird · 1 year
Happy Friday! I'm not sure what pairings you're into but since I saw your blog title was Anders Trash, how about "[They] looked into my eyes and uttered four simple words. Those words changed everything." for him?
Happy Friday! This one is long and bittersweet: Kanders and pre m!Handers for @dadrunkwriting
Hawke had stopped in at the Darktown clinic on his way back from the Wounded Coast, as usual, pockets and pack filled near to bursting with threadbare scavenged clothes and herbs. He'd offered Anders coin, too, when he'd gotten his first profits from the Bone Pit, but the man steadfastly refused any pay but his cut of any work he tagged along for.
Hawke probably would have found his refusal irritating if he hadn't been head over heels in love with him, but he'd long since accepted that he was incapable of being objective where Anders was concerned, so he called it selfless, and chose to hunt down and carry pounds and pounds of elfroot, embrium, and orichalcum back from each journey out of the city.
It was a rare quiet day in the clinic; good weather meant that there were less illnesses, and less accidents from slipping on wet stone. Lirene was rolling bandages--made from previous selections of torn trousers--in the corner, and against the back wall, Anders was bent over a fire, stirring a small pot of simmering green liquid.
He looked back over his shoulder at the clank of Hawke dropping his helmet on a cot, and smiled warmly. "The wandering hero returns! How was the coast?" he asked, pulling the potion off the fire with his bare hands.
Hawke cringed, even as he recognized the pattern of frost protecting Anders' palms. "Less bandit-y than it was a week ago, at the very least. Less full of herbs, too: between myself and Merrill, I think we picked a tree's worth of elfroot," Hawke joked, slipping his pack off his shoulder and dropping it, exaggerating the effort it took to hold it.
Anders' eyes widened as he saw the bulging pack. "Tell me that's not all elfroot, Hawke," he muttered, setting his pot on a flat stone and moving to take a closer look. "I don't know if I have enough space to dry that much."
"No, not all. Found you some stuff to turn into rags and bandages, too, and the orichalcuk and embrium you needed." He paused, hand in his pocket as he debated with himself, as he had the entire walk back.
Merrill had been the first to spot it, crouching in thy grass to peer curiously at the tiny white flowers. "I've never seen these before!" she'd said, waving Hawke and Varric over. "Is it useful? It's very pretty!"
Hawke had recognized the white petals and red center from his father's botanical compendium, the one he'd stolen from the Gallows the night he'd eloped with Leandra. "It's Andraste’s Grace, I think. It, uh... it's not really useful for humans, but it can be used in a potion that can cure the Taint in mabari."
Merrill had looked a little disappointed as she slowly straightened up. "I guess we had better leave it, then," she'd murmured reluctantly. "If we can't use it."
Varric made a soft noise in the back of his throat, and deftly plucked one of the myriad blossoms. "Nonsense, Daisy. No one said you can only have useful flowers." He bowed dramatically, holding the flower towards her, and Merrill giggled as she took it from him.
"Thank you, Varric. Do you think Anders would like some? He spends so much time in his clinic, and i know it's in the nicer part of Darktown, not the very sewery bit, but I think some flowers would help."
And that was how Hawke came to be standing awkwardly in Anders' clinic, a bouquet of Andraste’s Grace oh-so-carefully tucked in a pocket, the image of a nobleman preparing to court a blushing maid. The idea was so ridiculous he nearly left, but...
No. He wouldn't back out now. He couldn't. Knowing his luck, Merrill would ask Anders if he'd liked the bouquet, and that would be worse.
"I also found these," he muttered, pulling the small, brilliantly white flowers from his pocket as he carefully avoided Anders' eyes. "Andraste’s Grace. I- we- Merrill and I thought they might cheer up the clinic."
There was a too-long pause, and Hawke risked a passing glance at Anders' face. The older man's expression was indecipherable, and Hawke felt himself flush. "If you don't like them, or you're allergic, or... I'll just leave. I'm sorry," he mumbled, turning towards the door. Maybe he'd forgotten some important meaning in the years since he'd read about them, and he'd just told Anders to go to the Void, or threatened to burn him like the flowers' namesake.
"No, no, wait. Hawke!" Anders called, voice cracking miserably on his name. "They're beautiful. I just..."
Another quick glance up from the floor revealed the unmistakable gleam of unshed years in Anders' eyes as the mage dropped into his rickety chair. "They were his favorite flowers. Karl's. He'd found a clump the day his magic manifested."
Hawke swallowed down the instinctive groan of self-loathing. Trust him to pick the most emotionally loaded bouquet in the all of Thedas. "I'm sorry," he mumbled.
"Don't be," Anders said after clearing his throat. "I've... I've never seen any in person. They really are beautiful...
"He always said he'd find a way to give me one, once we got out. Fanciful plans, realistic ones, they all had that in common: once we were free, really free, we would find Andraste’s Grace." He choked on a sound that could have been a laugh or a sob, and absently spun the lyrium-banded ring he'd taken from Karl's corpse.
Hawke stepped closer, setting the bundle of tiny flowers on the desk in front of Anders. "You were planning to run?"
Anders chuckled humorless. "I'd already run five or six times before that. They always caught me again; phylacteries are a crueler evil than any blood magic Merrill or Surana could ever wield. But this time, this time we were going to run together.
"One of the Templars thought it was romantic," Anders continued, spite tingeing his voice. "She said she'd leave a door to the outside unlocked for us. We'd go north, Tevinter or Rivain, somewhere the Chantry couldn't get us, and we'd be free."
Hawke didn't want to ask. He'd been there for the ending of this story, that horrible, heartbreaking night. But he'd never heard Anders talk about Karl before. "What happened?" he asked, barely louder than a whisper.
Anders didn't answer immediately, brushing his thumb back and forth over the petals. "Changed her mind. Told the Knight-Commander, the First Enchanter. Told them we were- that we planned to run. They sent him to the Gallows that night; he didn't even get to pack.
"She was the one who told me. The next morning; she woke me up, stood over me in my bed. She looked me in the eyes and said four simple words. 'Thekla's left for Kirkwall.' Those words changed everything."
Finally, Anders picked up the flowers, holding them to his face and inhaling their delicate scent. "We're free, Karl," he whispered, barely audible; Hawke felt like the intruding third wheel to Anders and his overwhelming grief. "We're free of them for good, and I have Andraste's Grace."]
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pinkfadespirit · 3 months
Hi there and happy Friday! :) How about “Can I use your lap as a pillow?” for any pairing you're feeling tonight?
I wrote some silly Handers pining for this.
for @dadrunkwriting
It was a late night at the Hawke estate but the house was far from quiet. Though the party Leandra had hosted had begun to wind down a while ago, the room where Hawke's friends had hidden themselves away from the stuffy Hightown nobility was still buzzing with conversation. They'd finished several bottles of wine between the group and were all comfortably draped across various pieces of furniture while Varric told one of his stories. Or tried to, anyway. There had been a few interruptions so far.
Hawke had flopped into his favourite armchair as soon as he'd escaped the main party and figured out where his friends had disappeared to. He hadn't thought about it at the time but now he sat across from the sofa that Anders was sharing with Isabela he was sort of regretting not taking the empty spot in between them. Sure, it would have been the complete opposite of subtlety to wedge himself in between them when there was a  free seat on the other side of the room. But it would have got him closer to Anders. 
Was that pathetic of him?
It was probably best that he hadn't done that.
But he did wish someone else would have taken this seat and given him an excuse for it.
Hawke decided to put the thought from his mind and focus on Varric's story instead. It didn't get him very far. Fenris had interrupted this time and Hawke's attention began to wander once more as the discussion veered off course. It seemed Isabela's had too.
"How long have we been here?" she was asking Anders. "It feels late. I'm exhausted."
"It is pretty late," Anders agreed. "If you're that tired, I'm sure no one would be offended if you took off."
"Pfft..." Isabela said dismissively before taking another swig from her bottle. "I think I'll just stay here and drink until I pass out on Hawke's sofa."
"Well that's another perfectly reasonable option," said Anders drily.
"Ooh, could I use your lap as a pillow?" Isabela asked. Like that was no big deal.
Anders just laughed like he wasn’t sure why she would want to but he answered, "Sure, why not?"
Hawke had to focus very hard then on not setting the arm of his favourite chair on fire as he watched Isabela casually flop down over the empty cushion where he'd just been thinking about sitting in and rest her head in Anders' lap.
It was strange, really, how much you could utterly hate the sight of something and be unable to look away.
Anders smiled like he was amused by Isabela's antics but he seemed perfectly willing to indulge her as he lifted his hand and started stroking her hair. "Ohh that's nice," said Isabela.
Hawke finally forced himself to look away.
"Merrill, could you pass me that bottle? I'd like a refill."
"Of course, Hawke," Merrill said with a smile and leaned over from where she was sitting on a cushion next to Hawke's seat to grab a wine bottle from the table. At this point she noticed Anders and Isabela. "You two look very cosy."
"Hmm," said Isabela. "His legs are a bit bony, if I'm being completely honest, but there are other perks."
"That's a fine way to thank me for letting you use me as human bedding," said Anders tartly, prompting Hawke to look back at him. Which he instantly regretted when he saw them casually touching in ways that Hawke had often fantasied about with Anders.
"You'd probably be better off with Hawke if that's the problem," said Merrill thoughtfully.
Isabela looked his way and smirked. "That is a good point."
"Don't even think about it," Hawke muttered. And yes, maybe that was the jealousy talking.
Isabela pouted playfully but Hawke wondered if there had been something knowing in the way she'd looked at him in the moment before that.
Merrill, however, didn't seem to have an issue with saying exactly what she was thinking. "I bet you'd let Anders if he asked, though."
Hawke felt his face heat up. "That's different."
Isabela laughed. "You're far too obvious."
Hawke couldn't help looking back at Anders and taking note of the blush that had crept over his face. "Well," he said, daring to meet Hawke's eyes despite the obvious embarrassment, "there's always next time."
Hawke's mouth dropped open but he couldn't manage to get any words out. He closed it, then tried again. "I, er... I might just hold you to that."
When Anders smiled at him then, Hawke started to think that maybe his jealousy had been a little unnecessary. After all, Anders hadn't smiled at Isabela quite like that.
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sanjoongie · 1 year
Coeur Noir~
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⚔️For my Year of the Villains Collab 
⚔️Pairing: Choi Jongho x Reader 
⚔️Genre: Hero/villain au, Medieval Au
⚔️Word Count: 5,364
⚔️Warnings: just two consensual adults having sex, lovemaking, praise kink kinda sorta, penetrative sex, yeaaaaaah
⚔️Rated: 18+ mdni, mentions of death(like seriously, a lot of character deaths), blood, physical fighting
⚔️Summary:  You are a hedge knight about to turn the world upside down. You have a plan to join the Kingsguard and in order to do that, you must defeat Jongho, the captain. Playing a game of revenge is a dangerous game, and one you might not win in, considering the way Jongho looks at you...
⚔️Dedication: @mejuii @downtoamagicalland​ my beta readers whom will make my ego so impossibly huge that I will never be able to be humble ever again >< sorry for the tears. and also to Jongho, since this is my first fic of his, i wanted it to be amazing!
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It was the way you said his name, sometimes, that made him want to lay down his sword forever and let you take care of him. It wasn't that his life wasn't fulfilling. It was that it was lonely. And you ate away at his loneliness like you were a bookworm in an ancient library. You were the demon that sucked all of his negative energy and left him with only good. He woke up one day and found that you had poisoned his heart with love and he didn't want anything else.
"Jongho?" You quirked your head at him, "Am I here on my own or are we going to fight?"
Jongho focused his eyes and broke into a gentle smile. "Oh, we're going to fight. You're going to lose again, but we'll still fight."
You laughed under your breath. "No, I think today will be the day I win."
Jongho didn't look so convinced. "What makes today special?"
You smiled, like you knew something he didn't. "That it is today."
Jongho rolled his neck, moving his shoulders in his practice gear. "Okay then. Show me why today is special."
You raised your shield, placing your short sword on the top. "No crying when you lose."
Jongho laughed, a short barking noise that made the corners of your lips lift up. "It's funny you think I cry."
You shrugged. "Oh, I'm sure you cry. In the right circumstances, of course."
Jongho unsheathed his sword, a large bastard sword that he pulled from his back. His muscles bulged as he held it aloft but it did not appear to be a struggle for him. "Disarm me. Disarm me and I'll introduce you to the King. That's what this has been about the entire time, right?"
The two of you began to circle each other. One foot carefully put in front of the other, knees bent and grace winding you in an endless circle. Your eyes were on Jongho's head. Where his head went, as did his body. You would wait for him to strike because he always did. Jongho wasn't much on defence. He didn't need to be.
He lunged and you dodged. The first attack was always a heavy over-hander. You learned very quickly that raising your shield, even though all your instincts screamed at you to block, was not going to help you win. Half the time Jongho hit your shield so hard it left your entire right arm numb. The other half of the times you wound up on your knees and you were never able to regain the higher ground.
"Very good, Hedge Knight. You're much better than when you first got here."
You were a wandering knight. You had no master. You were simply hired on to solve simple lords problems for coin. You went where the money pulled you. Or that's what Jongho believed. What you had led him to believe. You wanted him to believe you were a nobody. It was better if the Captain of the Kingsguard believed that. 
"Is that some jealousy I heard in your voice?" You said, the circling beginning again.
"Jealousy?" Jongho sounded genuinely confused. If you could focus on Jongho's face, you would see the way his lower lip made a sweet 'u' in puzzlement. 
"You've known since the beginning what I'm here for Jongho. I made it very clear to you." Your voice was steady and level. You were attempting to be reasonable with a bear. At least the bear wasn't angry yet.
"Yes, I know." 
Jongho never shouted before he attacked. Jongho never let you know what he was about to do. Many knights, soldiers, fighters, yelled as if they needed to verbalize the courage it took to attack. But not Jongho. He was big but he was silent. He was damn good too.
His blade came out of nowhere and you had no choice but to parry. His dark blade glided along your gilded one with a satisfying shing. Jongho was grinning now. "That was showy."
You smiled. "I figure, you should be entertained while you fight. Must be boring, fighting me every day for months now."
Jongho was confused again. "No. Are you bored?"
Your smile grew on your face. "No, Jongho. I'm not bored fighting the Captain of the Kingsguard."
Jongho grinned. "Are you flattering me?"
"You? The Bear of the Castle? The man who single-handedly helped the king regain his throne once he became of age. One of the seven who championed our good King into achieving his realm of peace and happiness? The--"
Jongho took advantage of your long winded speech, an uppercut swing almost taking the tip of your nose off if you had not taken a quick step backwards.
"Those are stories people tell each other during the night to entertain themselves." Jongho's dark eyes were serious now. "Don't believe everything you've heard."
You sighed. "I heard that you were the biggest cock that any wench had seen in every damn inn and town you visited. Should I not believe that?"
Jongho began to choke on his own saliva, completely taken off guard by that comment. You slammed into him with your shield, solidly knocking his sword out of his hands. You brought the tip of your sword to tap under Jongho's chin. "I win."
Jongho's eyes became stormy with an emotion that you had never seen in them before. You couldn't read him at this moment. 
"You're not jealous. You're hurt." 
Jongho broke your gaze and bent down to pick up his sword. He brandished it and then sheathed it. "Why would I be hurt?"
"I'm not so sure myself," You said slowly, as if you needed to chew on your words to understand them yourself. "You know I need a meeting with the King. You told me, not everyone is able to demand such a thing. You told me if I beat you, disarmed you, that you would introduce me to the king. You said--"
"I know what I said!" Jongho shouted.
You frowned at him. "Are we not friends? Have we not become comrade in arms while I've been here? Have I not put my all into these attempts? Have I not earned this in your eyes? Am I not worthy enough to meet him? What is wrong with me?"
"No," Jongho said this quietly. "Nothing is wrong with you."
"Then what is going on, Jongho?" You demanded. You took a step forward, sheathing your sword and placing your shield on your back. "Tell me."
Jongho took a step back. "There's a chance to have an audience with him tonight. I'll arrange it."
You let out a noise of frustration. "Jongho."
"I am simply a tool of his majesty. If he deems you another good tool to have in his arsenal, then he will invite you to be a part of the Kingsguard. You will no longer have to wander to earn coin. You could… remain here." Jongho paused to swallow. "You could put roots down."
You stripped your gloves off your hands and tucked them into the belt that held your sword sheath. You gripped the front of Jongho's boiled leather chest plate. "Talk to me Jongho."
"It would be good. For you to be a part of the Kingsguard."
"It would be."
Jongho blew out air from his mouth, moving the fringes of his hair. "It would be good to still be able to practice together. Every day. Like we have been. Still." His jilted sentences made no sense.
"Your help has been indispensable to my talents. Jongho, please, you must know how much I admire you."
Jongho's eyes flicked your way and then moved away again. "Admire?"
You licked your lips. "You didn't deny my previous statement."
"You made a lot of statements."
"Are you going to make me say it out loud again?" You asked.
"It's true," Jongho muttered under his breath, "They all say that."
"Well, then that's something else of yours I can admire."
That brought Jongho's back to yours again. The pure surprise was written all over his face. You started to laugh, you couldn't help it. "What? Is that frowned upon if I join the Kingsguard?"
Jongho began to stutter. "Well that's--I mean no, not necessarily--but!"
Your voice steadied him. He settled, standing a little bit straighter. He held his breath as your hand cupped the curve of his cheek. 
"Tell me."
"I thought… I thought you wanted to get to the King. I thought you wanted to get close to him. I thought I was the means to the end. I thought--"
Your voice became chilly. "Did you think I was looking to become Queen?"
"He won't, you know. He had one love. She died before he became King. He'll never love again. If he can't have her as his queen, he'll have no one."
"I know." You cleared your throat, banishing what was stuck there. "I know the story."
"Then?" Jongho's voice was clogged with something heavy.
You pasted a smile on your face. "Like you said. I want to put down roots. I'm tired, Jongho. My soul is tired. I want consistency. I want the best consistency. I want to be a part of the Kingsguard. I don't want to be Queen."
Jongho's hands shook as his hand encompassed yours. He pulled it away from his cheek but he didn't let it go. "Who do you want then?"
"If the question is who, then, I think I should be drunk and you should be congratulating me on becoming a part of the Kingsguard."
The dinner was arranged in the great hall. Everyone was present. Jongho laid forward his case. Surely a knight who could disarm him could become one of the Kingsguard.
"But she's not one of us," Wooyoung was quick to say.
Seonghwa frowned. "I thought you loved men AND women."
Wooyoung shook his head. "In bed, Seonghwa. That doesn't mean that applies to--THAT'S NOT WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!"
Seonghwa flinched as Wooyoung slammed his tankard against the table. "Well, what do you mean?"
"She wasn't here. She didn't fight the old Kingsguard. She didn't watch--"
Mingi, at the head of the long table, stopped Wooyoung before he could bring up the one great tragedy in the King's life. His fingers were steepled, his eyes in deep thought. 
"What do you think, Seonghwa?"
Seonghwa grinned toothily, "Can the King really have too many guards?"
It was simple but effective. 
"Your Majesty--"
Mingi raised a hand to halt Jongho. "I already made my decision."
Wooyoung sat down heavily, a smug look painted on his face. "That's what I'm saying. Mingi understands."
"On your feet, Hedge Knight."
You stood. You bowed at the waist, arm tucked against your stomach. "Your majesty."
"You are not dismissed."
Wooyoung's mouth made an 'o' in surprise. "Sorry--what?!"
"When was the last time someone disarmed Jongho?" Mingi asked.
Seonghwa's eyes moved back and forth in thought, as if he was searching his memories. "San?"
Everyone suddenly sported a ghost of a smile. Everyone except for you but you were used to being left out when it came to stories of the days of old. 
"It was the fight for who would become Captain," Wooyoung recalled. "San disarmed him. He had that stupid grin he got when he won anything. And he said something horribly disgraceful like 'A bear can't defeat a mountain'."
Mingi's dark eyes studied you. It took everything in you to not tremble. Everything depended on this moment. "San was a good knight. So is Jongho."
Seonghwa's head swung between his companions and then his gaze landed on you. "So is she, apparently."
Mingi stood up suddenly, clapping his hands together. "Then it's decided."
"Fine!" Wooyoung agreed, quite grumpy. "Fine, she can join. But I don't have to like it."
"But I thought--" Seonghwa looked confused again.
"In bed, Seonghwa!" Wooyoung threw up his hands in the air. "Can we vote on kicking Seonghwa out as well?"
Jongho slapped Wooyoung behind the head for his remark. 
"You may kneel, Hedge--" Mingi cut himself off, smiling endearingly, "I suppose you are no longer a Hedge Knight."
The king knighted you, amongst the bickering knights, Jongho and the crackling of the large fire. You became a knight of the kingsguard amongst the shadows and the camaraderie. You were a part but not. It was an interesting conundrum. 
"What shall you pick as your symbol as a knight of the kingsguard?" Mingi asked curiously.
You smiled, "Why, a robin."
You watched as Mingi absorbed your words. Watched them sink into his consciousness and ring the bell of awareness. "A robin? I knew someone once who loved robins."
"I saw a robin take flight this morning, Your Majesty. It is a symbol of new beginnings. It seems fitting."
Mingi's eyes were unfocused. He was no longer present but living a memory that haunted him. You grew satisfied that she wasn't forgotten, at least. Mingi shook his head and returned back to the present. "Yes. And luck. And spring."
"Stupid," Wooyoung spit onto the floor. "Who's going to be afraid of a Robin?"
Mingi's eyes grew stormy. Wooyoung avoided his gaze immediately. 
"What did Yeosang used to say about Wooyoung's fox symbol?" Seonghwa wondered.
"He used to say," Jongho's mouth twisted into a smirk, "That at least you wouldn't be surprised when his dagger was in your back. Typical tricksy fox antics."
Wooyoung crossed his arms and sunk into his chair, clearly unsatisfied. "I never stabbed anyone in the back. Ever."
Jongho chuckled, slapping Wooyoung shoulder companionably. "Exactly. Everyone always overestimated you. Now they'll underestimate her."
"Oh, that's smart," Seonghwa said out loud, eating again.
"Can we drink now?" Jongho's eyes were merry, dancing in happiness, "I believe some congratulations are in order."
"I can't…" Jongho faltered on his words but it was simply because he needed to weigh them with his worries. "I cannot have you for just this one night."
You paused disrobing him, hands on the hem of his shirt. You looked around in thought. "There could be other nights, depending on whether you prove the wench's true."
"Don't jest, please, in this one moment, I beg of you." Jongho took both your hands into his own hands. 
"Why do you think I'm joking?"
"This is a matter of the heart, for me." He brought your hands to his lips and kissed them. "There can only be no night of this or every night of this."
"Do you question my dedication, Captain?" You raised an eyebrow.
Jongho shook his head. "I don't want to be your captain. Not here."
Jongho's eyebrows furrowed. He sported that same expression from before; like he was hurting. "I would do anything for you." He moved to his knees, to be supplicant before you. He brought your hands to his lips again. "You own my heart." 
You bent over at the waist. Your own flowing shirt had come loose awhile ago. Your corset held it in place but the ties at your chest had come undone. Jongho's eyes greedily ate up your revealed skin. You knew you were the one in power, at this moment. 
"Should I take it then?"
Jongho's eyes, sincere and serious, found yours. "If I could rip it from my chest and give it to you myself, I would."
"Good thing that isn't necessary to prove your words. Otherwise that would look quite bad on my part, hmmm? The captain dying in my bed chambers? My newly given bed chambers?" You giggled. "Are we christening my bedchambers, Captain?"
Jongho yanked on your hands, bringing you tumbling into his body. "I seem to remember asking you to be serious." He wasn't truly angry. He was using his strength to his advantage. No, you had let him use his strength to his advantage.
You pouted. "You're no fun, Jongho, truly."
Jongho captured your chin firmly between his fingers. "I will be kissing that pout off your face now, my love."
"Okay," You whispered.
You let Jongho take what he needed. With every brush of his fingers, every lick, he was telling you how he loved you. The hollow of your throat was marked with love bites. Your breasts were squeezed with enthusiasm that only a starved man was capable of. His hands enjoyed manhandling your waist, feeling it in between and to claim as his. Lips trailed along your thighs, small growls erupting from his throat when you attempted to close them on his head when he wasn't done with you yet. Jongho didn't want to fornicate with you, he wanted to make love to your body. 
This was a moment you had anticipated. It was a part of the plan. What you had not calculated for was the reverence this man had for you. There was not one inch of skin that he didn't want to pray to. When Jongho said he loved you, he meant every single piece that made you you. He even kissed the softness of your eyelids, murmuring to the veins there. You had not calculated how Jongho's love would affect you.
"Jongho, Jongho," You chanted his name.
He blinked slowly, as if he was coming up from a daydream. "Tell me what is lacking. I can do it."
You couldn't help but snicker at him. He thought that you were trying to tell him how to correct a wrong but you were attempting to pull the love from this lovemaking. "Nothing. You lack nothing but it seems you are neglecting yourself."
Jongho shook his head. "I only need you."
You put a hand on his chest, fingers curling along his collarbones. "You have me. But you have not allowed me to return the favor."
"No." His voice was hoarse as your hands skimmed up his thighs as he lay beside you on the bed.
"No?" You found him hard at the junction of his thighs and he breathed in sharply when you took him in your hand. "How could you deny me this?" You slowly stroked him and Jongho groaned, tossing his head back in ecstasy. "So velvety soft but so hard." You squeezed him gently and Jongho cried out.
"Don't--" He hissed as you stroked him again. "I do not want to coat your hand with my seed."
"What about my mouth then?" You asked cheekily.
"No," Jongho grunted. 
He pushed you to your back, placing his body between your thighs. "I would feel your wet softness, feel you around me." His adam's apple bobbed. "Let me have you. Truly."
You raised yourself so that you could capture his lips with yours. He let you delve into his mouth, taste the wine he had imbibed on. Jongho took everything you gave of him. "I already told you, Jongho. You have me."
Your legs were spread widely to receiving Jongho. He sunk into you, eyes squeezed shut in an attempt to not burst before he could reside inside of you. "Beloved," Jongho whispered.
You caressed his face. "I'm here, Jongho. I'm here."
Jongho opened his eyes at the first thrust. His upper lip twitched as a snarl left his mouth. "You are mine."
You lifted your hips for the second thrust and Jongho snarled again. "Yours. All yours, love."
His arms caged you but it was not a trap. You felt safe in his embrace. His hips moved with accuracy only a skilled lover was knowledgeable in. One hand pushed down your thigh, spreading you even wider for him. "You take me so well," Jongho marvelled.
"Those other girls didn't know what they were getting into, Jongho," You chuckled and then gasped as Jongho made you see stars behind your eyelids. "God."
"Tell me," Jongho whispered.
"So--so good," You whimpered. "You fill me so well. I feel so full. You--" You gasped again as another sharp thrust pushed you towards your goal. "You are stroking me in just the right place. I've never--hnnnnn--never had a lover--Jongho, god. How--how am I supposed to--speak of--?" Your mind became a jumble of unfinished sentences. That part was not faked. He was truly making you speechless with each thrust. 
Jongho gathered you so that you sat up with him. You were practically cross-eyed staring back at him. Every gasp of yours painted his mouth moist with your breath. Your chests were pressed up against each other, hard to your soft. There was barely a gap between the two of you and that was exactly what Jongho wanted.
"My world is yours. My breath is yours. I cannot live if your heart does not beat. I once thought Mingi a fool for leaving his kingdom heirless but now I know why. His truth. I could never lose you. I would rather lose myself before I let that happen. I would see you climax all night before I saw even one."
"Jongho, no," You disagreed.
Jongho smiled. It showed the pink of his gums but the quaint way his eyes squeezed close in glee punched the air out of your lungs. He was genuinely happy in this one moment. "Do not worry about me."
You slapped his chest lightly. "And who was the one who insisted we remain serious?"
Jongho consumed your lips in a rush of love that thrummed through him. Your bodies met again and again and then Jongho was consuming your sighs of satisfaction. You came around him, walls fluttering around him, taking him for all he was worth. Jongho wasn't far behind you, holding your hips hard against his so that he could bury himself deep inside of you. You remained like that for a while. Jongho was busy running his hand up and down the indent of your spine and you were keen on playing with his hair at the nape of his neck. The intimacy of remaining wound together like this was not lost on either of you.
"Will you let me love you for all my days?" Jongho asked softly.
"Your love will be alive in my heart even after," You promised.
It was the following evening when you sprung your plan into motion. You offered to take Jongho's late night shift. You smiled sweetly at him and told him of how you wanted to creep into your bed late at night and find him sleeping there. So Jongho let you change shifts with guarding the king and then there was nothing in the way of exacting your revenge.
Mingi had not died quietly, which you had not cared about but it did bring Wooyoung and Seonghwa straight to the King's bedchambers just as you finished wiping your dagger clean.
Seonghwa fell upon Mingi's body with an earth-shattering sob that would have made even the angels cry along with him. Wooyoung grabbed you and called for the lesser guards for manacles. They had you in the hallway outside the King's bedchambers in minutes. 
Wooyoung beat you while he sobbed with his teeth biting down on his lower lip. "How could you?"
One of the lesser guards had gone to wake up the captain and when Jongho saw you on your knees with your hands behind your back and Wooyoung swinging his hands at your head, he broke into a full fledged run.
Wooyoung's arm went out to bar Jongho's way. Jongho was so consumed with getting to you that he clearly didn't think that he could simply break through it. "She is not one of us," Wooyoung said for the umpteenth time.
"What do you mean, she's not one of us?" Jongho demanded.
"Mingi is dead, Jongho."
Jongho shook his head. "He's not."
"Tell that to Seonghwa. He can't let go of the corpse."
That seemed to slap the reality into Jongho. "What?"
"She killed him."
You spit some blood out of your mouth and cackled. "I did."
"No. She doesn't know what she's talking about."
"She's not looking to hide it, Jongho." Wooyoung lifted his hand to slap you but Jongho stopped him. 
"Touch her again and I'll have your balls," Jongho threatened.
You smiled widely, pleased that the bear had his collar around his neck and he didn't even know it. "I told you, Wooyoung."
Wooyoung gripped Jongho by his upper arms. "You are the Captain of the guard. You are the best of us. Mingi is dead. Dead on your watch! San never--"
Jongho punched Wooyoung. "Do not speak my brother's name."
"Hongjoong taught us all better, Jongho, what is wrong with you?" Wooyoung raged, spittle dropping from his mouth like an animal. "Did Yunho not sacrifice himself so that Mingi would remain alive? He took a blade meant for our prince." Wooyoung pushed Jongho away. "The wrong brother died that night."
"Wooyoung." Jongho didn't seem to understand how Wooyoung could even say those things.
Wooyoung pointed at you, throwing his entire arm. "She killed Mingi, Jongho. She was guarding the King and instead she slipped a dagger under his ribs. She reached both of her arms into his body so that she could carve his heart out of his chest. She didn't just kill him, she decided he couldn't even have the honour of dying with his heart in his chest!"
Jongho's eyes swung back to you. "How?"
"Why, love. Why is the correct question."
"Love!" Wooyoung threw his hands up in the air. "It's all a lie! She never loved you!"
Jongho focused back on Wooyoung once again. "You don't know that."
"She lured you into her embrace, Jongho, why can't you see that?" Wooyoung pushed his hands through his hair, tugging on the ends in frustration. His hands were coated with blood, so it only made his hair stick up more. 
"You say your goodbyes. I'll give you that." Wooyoung's face had grown cold. He strode away a few feet, turning his back on the two of you.
"Why?" Jongho asked like he was a broken man.
"I am not a hedge knight, Jongho. I have never wandered this godforsaken land. I had not stepped one foot into this kingdom until only a few months ago. I have been training my whole life to keep my sister safe. She was the one who was going to rule our kingdom and I was going to protect her. We were going to correct our father's wrongs. But guess who decided he was going to fall in love with her? The goddamn silver haired wolf who condemned my sister to a death she did not earn."
The dawning on Jongho's face would have been almost comical, if you were in the laughing mood. "Your sister was Mingi's love."
Tears were streaming down your blood-splattered cheeks as you recalled your sister. "She was kind. She was so gentle. My symbol, the robin, was her favorite bird. Father broke pieces off of her with each cruelty he committed against her and still she would smile. When Father found out that Mingi and my sister had fallen in love, she never smiled again. She spent months--" You gasped in air at the memory of the torture your own father had inflicted on your sister. "--when he finally got the entire story of how she and Mingi were going to bring the two warring kingdoms together; how they were going to marry and make children…"
Then it really struck Jongho who you truly were. "You're the Queen."
You giggled. "I told you I didn't want to be Queen. I never wanted it. It was her duty in life. But when I killed my father and became Queen, I swore I would have my revenge. How is it that your kingdom remains peaceful and content and cozy and happy when my whole life has burned down around my ears. How is it that Mingi gets to live when my sister is dead? Where is the fairness in that?"
"Time's up," Wooyoung interrupted. "If you don't kill her. I will." A fresh wail came from inside Mingi's chambers and that made Wooyoung wince. "Our life's work… everything we strived for. The power-hungry king dead, replaced by Mingi, who only wanted to make the world safe. San, Yunho, Yeosang and Hongjoong all dead so that we could do that. We are all that's left. We did it. Mingi became king and we kept him alive. All that and now it's all gone."
"I can't let you do this." Jongho's eyes searched your face.
"Do you think I care about anything after this? I don't even have the luxury of seeing my sister in the afterlife. I don't care. The scales are balanced. If I cannot have my sister, the true queen of my homeland, then you cannot have your good King Mingi. You cannot," You vowed.
Jongho turned around. He wasn't talking to you. He unsheathed his sword and walked towards Wooyoung. Wooyoung's eyes widened in surprise but only temporarily. "Jongho, surely you cannot be serious? She will be the last one to die tonight. Not anymore of us."
"I cannot let you kill her, Wooyoung." Jongho stood firm before you.
Wooyoung shook his head but his arms were at the ready by his sides. "No, Jongho. No! It'll hurt but she must die. She killed the remainder of the good in this world! She must answer for her crimes."
"She is mine. She is the other half of my heart. If you kill her, you are killing me. I cannot let you do that."
Jongho rushed in a moment, without a hint or a shout. He rammed into Wooyoung's chest, slamming him into the wall and causing the knight to slump against the wall. But Wooyoung had fought by Jongho for all of his life. He knew what Jongho would do. So Wooyoung had pulled the dagger from his thigh before Jongho could run at him. And so, Wooyoung had slammed the dagger into Jongho's back just as Jongho's shoulders had hit his chest. Jongho slid to his knees as Wooyoung gasped as if he had broken ribs.
You had prepared to die. You had even prepared for Jongho to be the one to kill you. But you had not prepared for Jongho to die in front of you to stop Wooyoung from killing you. You breathed in deeply and let out a violent shout. You jumped up, your knees hitting your chest and swung the manacles out to the front of your body. It took you two large steps until you were in front of Wooyoung and then with another pain-wracking yell, you swung your manacles against Wooyoung's forehead. He crumpled to the floor immediately but you didn't wait to see him hit the ground.
You were immediately on Jongho, pressing your hands to each side of his cheek, as much as your manacles would allow. "You are an idiot." You cried. The tears for your sister felt different then your tears for Jongho.
You didn't dare pull the knife in his back out. You knew he would bleed to death if you did. But the blood painting Jongho's lips were no joke either. He could have a punctured lung. "Why? I killed your king. I killed Mingi. Why did you attack Wooyoung?"
"I told you," Jongho coughed uncomfortably. "I would do anything for you."
"You betrayed everything you love!" You shouted.
"You are everything I love," Jongho insisted.
Somewhere between your pain for revenge and your determination to finish it, you had committed to your character too much. You became the knight who fell in love with her captain. You needed it to be believable. You needed Jongho to believe it with his entire heart and he did. So you had condemned your own heart to the same fate. 
"You are everything I love," You said back to him. You kissed him softly, sobs still wracking through your body.
"I know," Jongho smiled through his pain. 
Your sister's smile through the pain superimposed over Jongho's and you felt your heart break for the second time in your life. 
"Will you let me love you for all my days?" Jongho asked softly.
"Your love will be alive in my heart even after," You promised.
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faux-fires · 1 year
The Darkness, the Light
Whelp I decided to chuck the handers fake dating fic up on ao3 because i’m actually editing it which generally means i’m taking it semi-seriously, so i guess that’s a sign.
Title: The Darkness, the Light (chapter 1 of 3) Pairing: Anders/m!Hawke, baby Rating: Mature, might be explicit eventually Wordcount: 6629 Summary: Anders must be hearing things. "Your mother wants you to bring me to a party?"
Hawke winces. "Not quite," he says, because Anders' life cannot be that simple. "Mother wants me to bring a lady companion. She has a list. I thought I'd rather go with - a friend."
"A friend," Anders says flatly.
In which Hawke needs a pretend-date to the Viscount's birthday ball, and Anders won't turn down the opportunity for free food and some relative alone time with his good friend of the last two years - the man he definitely, positively, absolutely isn't in love with. After all, how bad can it be?
Read chapter 1 on AO3!
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Toontown: Corporate Clash Recap: Barnacle Boatyard Sidetasks (Part 1)
First and foremost, a correction: Winn Dos is a mouse, not a koala. She’s only ever appeared in supplementary materials as a 2D drawing, and as such is fluffy enough to look like the in-game koala model. She has never physically appeared in-game, only communicating with the players through blog posts and in-game alerts.
Also, I forgot to mention that Penny Pinchers have a signature attack now:
Penny Pinch: The Penny Pincher yoinks a penny from the pocket of a single Toon, dealing some damage.
Okay, now for the sidetasks!
Pilfering Propellers
To start this task, you have to speak with N.D. Skye in Island, You Land! Airplanes on Anchor Avenue.
N.D. Skye does not have an article on the Corporate Clash wiki, and it’s impossible to review task dialogue for Tasks you’ve already turned in in-game, so this is mostly going off of what I can remember.
First, N.D. Skye asks you to get 3 Propellers from Glad Handers in Barnacle Boatyard. I can’t remember if the Gland Handers stole them or if you’re taking the Propellers they use to fly away, but that’s still the first step.
After returning the propellers to N.D. Skye, you are then tasked with defeating 7 Level 4+ Cogs. You can do this anywhere.
Now, all airplanes still need windows, so after taking care of those Cogs, you are sent to take “Some Window Panes” from a Cog Building right here in Barnacle Boatyard.
Upon completing this, N.D. Skye has plenty of airplanes for the shop and gives you 2388 experience, teleport access to Barnacle Boatyard (allowing you to teleport to it form almost anywhere in Toontown), and 200 Jellybeans.
The Salty Spit-Toon
To start this task, you need to talk to Reg at The Salty Spit-Toon on Anchor Avenue.
“Welcome to the Salty Spit-Toon, how tough are ya?”
Yep, this is a reference to that Spongebob episode, but Reg, unlike the bouncer in that episode, wants to make you tough.
To start, you have to defeat 12 level 3+ Cogs anywhere.
After that, report back to Reg, you tasks you with taking down 2 Cog Buildings.
Once you’ve liberated 2 shops (or the same shop twice), Reg wants you to defeat 3 Yesmen anywhere.
Once those Cogs have been defeated, Reg has one final task for you.
In order to prove how tough you are, you need to give him 5 level 3 Gags.
Once you’ve done that, your training is complete, although you might’ve gone a bit overboard with your leg muscles.
This unlocks the Nautical Nametag, the Big Legs cheesy effect, and rewards 3580 experience and 200 Jellybeans.
Swimming Kiwi
Hey look who it is, it’s Tumbles! In order for Tumbles to even be here, you need to complete New Toony Tourist back in Toontown Central. Anyway, he’s hanging out on the island in the middle of the body of water the S.S. Day-Sea is sailing on.
“Yeah maaaaaaan, how’s it going? Exploring the docks as well I assune?”
“I just love the water, something about it is so calming.”
“I’d love to go for a swim myself, but I forogt to pack a pair of my trusty swimming goggles.”
“I’ve seen some Cogs around town that have those neat looking goggles…”
“I think I’ve heard some Toons call them Conveyancers?”
“If you find one of these Cogs could you try and get a pair of their goggles for me? I really want to take a swim!”
Oh Tumbles, never change. (Note: I don’t know if those typos are also present in game, or just the result of wiki editors not paying attention.)
Regardless, you now need to go and defeat Conveyencers until one drops his goggles.
Once you’ve done that, return to Tumbles.
“These are a bit of a bland grey color, the pair I had at home were blue, but these should work quite swimmingly!”
“Alright [Toon Name], let’s dive in!”
“Wait a second…”
“I’d hate to trouble you again.”
“But it seems that I have forgotten my sunscreen as well!”
“If I don’t wear it, I’ll be as red as a fire hydrant!”
“I overheard some ducks earlier saying that they were able to get some from this shop called The Reel Deal here in Barnacle Boatyard.”
“Could you possibly find that shop and see if they have any sunscreen, make sure to tell them I need something around 95SPF…”
“I’m kinda sensitive to the sun. It’s embarassing to say the least.”
To get Tumbles the sunscreen he needs, you need to speak with Blisters McKee, the teal bat who runs The Reel Deal on Seaweed Street.
“Sunscreen? Sure, I have some.”
“You want 95SPF?!? Hmm… I might have some…”
“If I ‘could’ find some, I’ll need something in return.”
“Why don’t you defeat one of those Cog Buildings nearby and then we can talk.”
After reclaiming some territory from the Cogs, you can now report back to Blisters McKee.
“You should consider yourself lucky, I found a tube in the back.”
“Is that building gone? Good, it’s as good as yours.”
“Thanks for the business.”
With the sunscreen in hand, you must now deliver it to Tumbles!
“Totally nautical, dude!”
“Alright, I’m all ready! Surf’s up!”
Now, all you have to do is go swimming anywhere, and you can speak with Tumbles to complete the task!
“That was awesome, I was able to find a few seashells too! These will be perfect for my collection!”
“As you were diving into the water, I was able to get a picture of you! I’m sure you can add it as your Profile in your Shtickerbook!”
“See ya around, [Toon Name]!”
Tumbles gives you the Diving Profile Pose, 2608 experience, and 200 Jellybeans.
Also, if you leave the Playground and come back, you’ll find that Tumbles has moved on to the next Neighborhood.
As for you, however, there are still three tasks left.
Well if nautical nonsense be something ye wish.....
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