#p3 Jin
docsfallfromgrace · 4 days
i just binge watched all 4 of the persona 3 movies so heres my collection of images of shuji , takaya , and jin [with like one or two chidori]
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frickingnerd · 19 days
promises we made as children
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pairing: jin shirato x gn!reader
summary: jin has been your friend since childhood and vowed to always protect you. even from any guys that'd show interest in you...
tags: angst with a happy ending, angst to fluff, childhood best friends to lovers, jealous jin, confession, kissing
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“i promise, i'll keep you safe! no matter what!”
that's the promise jin had given you when you were children. despite how scrawny he was, he was always there to protect you from your bullies. because jin would do anything to keep you safe.
but over time, things began to change. jin began to change. and despite everything in his life changing, the only thing that would never change was the promise he gave you. he would always keep you safe. no matter what.
“i'm only doing this to keep you safe–!!”
jin and you had been arguing and yelling at each other for hours now, after you had found out that your best friend had not only threatend a guy that asked you out, but tried to get him end contact with you altogether.
“you're not keeping me safe! because he's not a threat, jin–!”
jin couldn't stand how you defended that guy. you went on a couple dates with and suddenly he had become more important to you than him? wasn't he supposed to be your best friend? the most important person in your life?
“he's not a threat yet! but he will be, once he ends up hurting you! whether he wants it or not, he'll do it! and then i'll be the one comforting you again, after another asshole broke your heart–!”
you sighed and rubbed your temple. when did jin become this stubborn? had he always been like this and you just never noticed?
“jin… if he ends up breaking my heart, then so be it. but you can't protect me from everything…”
“don't say that–!” jin shook his head. “didn't i promise i'd keep you safe? no matter what? back then, you wanted it! you wanted my help, so why not now?”
it went quiet. you silently let his words run through your head, trying to find the right words. words that wouldn't hurt jin. words that would finally end this fight.
“we're not children anymore, jin. we have both changed, haven't we?”
jin shook his head.
“no, you have changed! i still love you as much as i did when we were young! and i'd still protect you with everything i got! so don't say we have changed when you meant to say you have changed.”
the two of you got silent. jin stared at you, with such intensity in his eyes that you weren't sure if he'd yell at you or if he'd kiss you. and truly, you weren't sure which one you'd prefer.
“if you don't want me around anymore – if you don't want me to hold onto a promise you seem to have forgotten about – then tell me!”
“i'll always want you around, jin–! don't act like i'd ever not want you around…”
you took a step forward and softly cupped jin's cheeks. despite the angry glare in his face, you could see behind his facade. he wasn't angry at you. he was hurting. because he loved you.
“you're my best friend, jin. and i don't want to lose what we have, alright?”
jin gently removed your hands from his face and gently held them within his own.
“i don't want to lose what we have either, but… i want more than this. i can't stand to see you with guys anymore that aren't good enough for you, when i'm here, ready to give you the whole world and more. to keep you safe and happy…”
you avert your gaze. but jin notices right away.
“you're hesitant. but why? why would you need to hesitate? don't you love me too?”
“i do–!” you sigh. “but… what if we mess up? i don't want to lose you. if we'd break up–”
“–then i'd still be your best friend. and i'd still keep you safe, like i promised. nothing could keep me away from you, trust me. but you have to give us a chance…”
slowly, you looked up at jin again. the intensity in his eyes was back, but now you knew for certain why he looked at you like this. jin wanted to kiss you. he wanted to hold you, call you his and so much more. and honestly, so did you.
“promise me, that we'll stay friends if we break up– n-no, wait… promise me, that we'll never break up–!”
you held up a pinky finger. jin couldn't help but smile as he recalled a similar situation when you two were little. the two of you, interlinking pinky fingers as jin made his promise.
jin held up his pinky finger as well, a soft smile lingering on his lips. he interlocked his finger with yours, slowly leaning in and just before his lips met yours, he whispered:
“i promise.”
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zealot-genius · 25 days
"Takaya saved me from it all."
(( an rp blog for jin shirato from persona 3
(( refer to me/jin with only he/him , nothing else
(( my jin is trans , if you have a problem with that, then block me
(( this is my first time using an rp blog , be nice
(( i am 18 but won't do nsfw , proshippers dni , jin is 19
(( my favorite ship is jin x takaya , others are fine but i won't do jin x kotone
(( my other rp blogs are @sorrowful-councillor , @demented-chairman , @nihilistic-savior
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2stregafangirl · 8 months
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The heights of the Strega four together!
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gio-cosmo · 1 month
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persona-game-info · 5 months
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New P3 Reload art
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wildcardsoul · 3 months
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persona 3 text posts pt 4
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crocrubies · 7 months
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Tiny villains!! These are gonna be acrylic pins most likely :)
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lunariaans · 2 months
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bi-naesala · 9 months
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more persona as funny internet posts
[part 1] [part 2] [part 4] [part 5]
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docsfallfromgrace · 25 days
guys the hyperfixation is hyperfixating and im thinking of making some persona rp blogs,,
specifically maruki , shuji , takaya , and jin
anyone who would be interested in those? whether you wanna rp with me or just see my stuff
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ennaakat · 9 months
P3 Reload New Strega Character Art
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zealot-genius · 25 days
"This wasn't supposed to happen."
Jin sighed as he sat back in the hotel room, leaned back against the headboard of the bed with his laptop in his lap.
He narrowed his eyes through his shades as he tried to get through the revenge request website, only for it to seemingly stop working.
"This wasn't supposed to happen,"
He grumbled as he clenched the bottom of the computer, then looked over at the other in the room when he found them laughing at him.
"What? Got somethin' to say?"
He snapped at them, eyes now locked on them.
They always seemed to know just how to get under his skin.
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2stregafangirl · 2 years
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Some crossover Strega Ships! FT Bendori Ston and Madaya
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5-pp-man · 9 months
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Strega - Persona 3 vs Persona 3 Reload
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gio-cosmo · 2 months
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