#ostara 2024
iputaspellonyou2024 · 1 month
Blessed Ostara my witches! 🌱💕
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Art by Moonchild_soph
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satureja13 · 1 month
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'Guess who just got back today? Them wild-eyed boys that had been away Haven't changed, had much to say But man, I still think them cats are crazy They were askin' if you were around How you was, where you could be found I told 'em you were livin' downtown Drivin' all the old men crazy'
The Boys are back in Town - Thin Lizzy
We are back! From a new computer! (EA App stopped working on my old Windows 7 PC -.-) Arturo invited them to celebrate the opening of a brand new Temple in Morensong (and for a belated Ostara/Spring Equinox Festival since we couldn't celebrate together last week. Day and Night were equal on March 21st and warmer days are coming. Hopefully for the Boys too).
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They aren't really ready to meet again. Neither Saiwa and Jeb (after Sai's breakdown) nor Jack and Kiyoshi (after Jack's breakdown). But Ji Ho has a plan.
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Arturo welcomed them and showed them around. This Temple is much bigger than Kiyoshi's/ the Tree's in Koh Sahpa. Had Kiyoshi gained so much more popularity since he's back from the tree?
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Arturo: "Haha no ^^' Kiyoshi's followers wanted this Temple for Kiri, Little Goat and Kumo who hadn't left Kiyoshi's side and cared for him while he was one with the Tree for all those decades. And Little Goat played a big part in bringing him back eventually." Oh... ok Ö.ö So we have a Stable Temple now... For horses, goats and sheep. We've seen stranger things, haven't we? There are 12 easter eggs hidden in the following pics and posts. I write the amount of eggs in the respective pic below in brackets. For example in the pic below you can find 1 easter egg, so I write (1). (The same egg can appear in different pics and angles, but it still counts as 1 egg.)
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Kiyoshi is embarrassed. He knows that the others are keeping his distance to him since they know the whole truth about him and Jack and that he became a demon, he's back and and a diety now and they are forced to stay together to avoid a catastrophe in their possible future and he destroyed Jeb and Saiwa's relationship with this damn 'Bird' misunderstanding... He just wanted to live quietly among them and somehow make it up to them and serve them and not to cause a ruckus and being treated as something special and upset them even more. (1)
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The Temple is big enough for all the horses and goats and Kumo so they finally have a place to stay in Tomarang! (1)
The Boys' horses are Otherworlds horses and they are free to roam whereever they want to and the Boys can call them via the goats. Not sure if they stay here all together all the time since they have their own problems and misunderstandings and quarrels among them... (see our spin off -> The Stables)
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Arturo: "What do you think? It's awesome, right?" Saiwa: "It absolutley is. They will live in a palace!" Arturo: "Come over to the meadow. I prepared games and food." (3) (But only two new eggs, the third egg is already shown 3 pics above. That makes a total of 5 different eggs in this post. Have you found them all? The other ones can be found in the following episodes and I will reveal where they are hidden in an extra post after the festival.)
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 🕹️ 'Therapy Game' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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crimsonkingart · 1 month
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Happy Ostara 🪄🪄
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elvthron · 1 month
🌸 Spring Equinox 🌸
I know I’m late but I was busy cherishing these moments!
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For the equinox we went to the Valley of Treja, at the border between the provinces of Rome and Viterbo.
Here, near the stream of the river Treja lies the Sactuary of Monte Li Santi, temple that for some is linked to the chthonic cult of Demeter and Persephone/Kore (suggested by the sacrificial offerings found), others sustain that it was dedicated to fertility, birth and, given the location close to the river, to the cult of water.
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Upon our arrival we noticed some offerings on the altar were already made: flowers, rosehips, feathers and some salt too?
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Carrying on the temple’s visit I noticed this other…. Offering, I presume. I love how the dry flowers stay still in a shape that reminds me of the womb, reconnecting with the cult of fertility, maternity and the sacred feminine.
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I was unsure of what to offer too, Lungwort? Forgetmenot? Wild violets?
The decision was too difficult to make, so that I decided to just let those beautiful flowers live, and to just meditate into the temple without interfering with other people’s offerings.
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rockbabe03 · 1 month
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Ostara 2024
Ostara war sehr schön dieses Jahr - es gab ein ruhiges Frühstück zu zweit, bevor mein Freund zur Arbeit aufgebrochen ist, ich hatte Urlaub.
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Wie immer gab es Pfefferminztee, Brot mit Körnern und Saaten, Miso, weich gekochte Eier, Radieschen und, darf natürlich auf keinen Fall fehlen: Frischen Schnittlauch aus dem Garten!
Außerdem auf dem Tisch: Die Karaffe mit Wasser, bei Sonnenaufgang schweigend geholt (quasi wie Osterwasser nur bei Sonnenaufgang statt um Mitternacht, passt so besser zum Fest der Neuanfänge, finde ich). Wird später am Tag für ein Ritual benötigt.
Mittags dann was schnelles, aber trotzdem sehr leckeres:
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Drillinge mit Buttergemüse aus Karrotten und Mais (wollte da eigentlich Kohlrabi reinpacken, aber der Mais hat mich wie so oft von meinen eigentlich Zielen abgelenkt und verführt xD ), dazu selbst gemachten Kräuterquark (wieder mit viel Schnittlauch).
Anschließend haben wir tatsächlich mal ein Ritual durchgeführt, kommt ja nicht so oft vor: Zum Schutz von Haus und Grund wird an jedem Eck des Grundstücks ein Ei vergraben. Zwecks Feierlichkeit sind die bei uns gefärbt und aus praktischen Gründen hart gekocht. Zusätzlich wird jeweils ein Pentagramm auf die Eier gezeichnet. Zusammen mit einem guten Schluck vom o. g. Wasser und einem Spruch wurden sie vergraben (dabei darauf achten, die Eier nicht kaputt zu machen! Deswegen auch hart kochen ;) Das übrige Wasser wird in einer Linie über die Grundstückszufahrt gegossen, als zusätzlicher Schutz, da hier besonders viele Menschen durch kommen.
Abends haben wir dann größer gekocht:
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Eine Shiro-Miso, Mame Gohan, Tamagoyaki, Goma-ae, honigglasierte Karrotten und Fisch in Teriyaki.
Hier mal ausnahmsweise zumindest ein Ausschnitt von meinem Altar, sehr kitschig dieses Jahr:
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Ich hab von meinem Freund an dem Tag das schönste Kompliment überhaupt bekommen; wir waren mal wieder am kochen und ich meine so, leicht zweifelnd: "Also eigentlich koche ich an den Sabbaten ja nur. So richtige Rituale mache ich fast gar nicht, es gibt immer nur viel Essen."
Er, dreht sich weg, trocknet sich schweigend die Hände ab, dreht sich wieder her, küsst mich überraschend und meint nur: "Ich liebe dich!" Dann hat er breit gegrinst und weiter abgespült.
Ich muss leicht perplex ausgesehen haben und er ergänzte, so sinngemäß: "Ich finde, das macht gar nichts, im Gegenteil, du hast dir das Prädikat 'Kitchen witch' mehr als verdient, egal was du sagst."
Ich... bin keine Küchenhexe? Eigentlich? Also, nicht mit Absicht?
Wahrscheinlich findest nicht du deine Art der Hexenkunst, sie findet dich. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Spring Equinox / Ostara
Let me preface by saying, even if you don't follow the wheel of the year, utilize the prompt here for whatever holiday you do celebrate, if you do! If you only recognize the equinoxes and solstices as days, use this prompt outline for those!
Next is Ostara, Circa March 20. Different cultures and spiritualities and different witches will celebrate or not celebrate this day. For those of us Pagans who do, here’s a bunch of posts. (None of these are mine, these are simply pages I’ve gathered from Tumblr at large to share here.All credit goes to the individuals who made the posts!)
Ostara Posts on Tumblr
Ostara Sounds/ Music
Ways to Celebrate
About Ostara/ Spring Equinox
Spring Equinox/ Ostara
Outside Tumblr Sources
Wikipedia - Ostara & Spring Equinox
Celtic Connection
Wild Hunt
These are just from a quick search. Take time to read, not only current writings and musings on the holiday and time of year, but look at historical texts and documentation of the holiday. That is where the truth of the season is.
The Prompt!
Okay! Make a new page, solely for Ostara/ Spring Equinox! 
Write out a description of the holiday. What is it? When is it? How is it traditionally celebrated? Why were things celebrated the way they were? What are the things that this holiday represents and stands for? This is the meat and potatoes of the holiday. Any and all bits of info aside from this are just the seasoning. Mine is a few small paragraphs about the holiday itself. 
Now make some lists. What are the colors used to decorate for this holiday? What are some incense/ oils/ candle scents that are commonly associated with this day? Gemstones? Herbs? Is there a moon phase or particular god/goddess associated with this holiday? What about animals? Flowers? Were there any traditional offerings left out on this holiday? And what foods were made on this day?
What are some of the activities you can do to celebrate this holiday? And what about magic and rituals. Are there any specific kinds of magic to perform on or around this day? Are there any poems or blessings associated with this holiday?
That’s a lot of info, I know. But now for the second part of the holiday prompt!
Make it your own!
Now, given all the information you’ve gathered, make your own small ritual to be performed on Ostara/ the Spring Equinox. To do this, I suggest a scrap paper to brainstorm on. Here’s some things to keep in mind and help write out your ritual. 
What is the theme/ purpose of the ritual? (Healing ritual? Cleansing? Renewal of intentions? Welcoming the light?)
What are the tools you’ll use and what is the purpose/ association it has? (candles, athame/ sacred blade, incense, gemstones etc)
What power(s) are you calling upon for the ritual and why? (elements, deities, sun/ moon, personal power, etc)
How do you set it up? Is there specific placement of the tools? Direction to face when calling the above powers? Do you cast a circle? Or do you simply light a candle and bow your head in a moment of silent prayer/ meditation?
Good Luck and Happy Crafting!
-Mod Hazel
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windsweptinred · 1 month
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Spring Equinox 2024
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iputaspellonyou2024 · 1 month
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Art by Moon Mama Oracle
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satureja13 · 29 days
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Egg Hunt - Solution 🐣🌷🐇
There were 12 Easter Eggs to be found in our Ostara/Spring Equinox Festival It starts -> here
I show in the following Pics where they are. The same egg can appear in different pics and angles, but it still counts as 1 egg.
Eggs in the first post: (5) in total. One egg appears twice.
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And in the second post: (7) in total. A few appear twice and one in the background already appeared in the other post the day before. The egg behind Saiwa was the hardest to find, and the one behind the wellspring. What do you think? I hope it was fun anyway! 🐣
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 🕹️ 'Therapy Game' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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annaberunoyume · 1 month
It's the first day of spring, at last. Y/n sneaks into Edward's den, where he, his mate James and their two grown pups, Thomas and Percy slept soundly for the whole winter. A little dragon monster engine Y/n befriended a few months ago, happily follows them in, giggling. Y/n shushes him and gets closer to James, first. He is singing a little in his sleep. Y/n smiles and tickles the tip of his nose.
"Hehehe...A butterfly...(Yawns, smacks his lips) already?..."
"No, even better," says Y/n, "Open your eyes, James..."
James finally blinks,opening them at last. He tilts his eyes, blurry, but then, he smiles, "Y/n. You're here! (He hugs them) Aw, I missed you...What day is it?"
"March 20th, the first day of spring. Time to wake up."
Next, Y/n goes to Edward. Per usual, when his nose catches the smell of them, he opens his forelegs and hugged them in their sleep. Only, this time, Y/n coos and stroke his face.
"Edward...Edward...It's spring...And your little pup is here..."
Edward hugs them and yawns loudly, stretching their back, which cracks audibly, "Little pup...Already spring?" He smacks his lips and rubs his eyes, looking then besides him. Amorous red eyes greets him.
"Morning, Old Iron."
"Morning, Splendid Red."
They kiss, taking advantage of it before their pups (now grown wolves trains) wake up. Speaking of which...
"Hey, Delta...Come help me."
Thomas feels something land on his saggy, fat boiler. He groaned, half-awaken, "Hrrrr..."
"No can do, Thomas. Winter nap's over! It's spring!"
Thomas smacks his tail on the ground annoyingly and folded his forelegs and hid his head there, stubbornly. But Y/n winks at Delta and he pounces on Percy as well. Both begin tickling each boiler.
"Hhmmmhhhmmm, heheheheHahahahaha! Stop it!Hahahahaha!That ticklesahahahahaha!"
"Only if you wake up!", said Y/n.
"Ok, I'm awake!Hahahahahahahahahaha!"
Both brothers pants and rubbed their eyes before happily shouting their parents's names and hugging each other, Y/n and Delta included. Just they wait when they would soon wake up Gordon...
Happy 2024 Ostara and happy first day of spring! 🚂🛤️
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tommyssupercoolblog · 1 month
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Since Ostra is usually on the 21st and Easter is on the 31st, I'm posting these now- in the middle!!! Backgrounds under the cut because I spent wayyy WAYY too much time on them to throw them aside unseen in full,,,,
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I didn't even realize his was lined and mine wasn't until now....sighs. oh well. I WORKED TOO DAMN HARD TO TURN BACC!!!!!
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spicylove4ever · 1 month
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It's the flower power day, also known as the Spring Equinox.
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rosalie-starfall · 4 hours
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April 2024
Kristin Chenoweth - American Gods
Michelle Yeoh - Star Trek: Discovery
Joanna Lumley, Jennifer Saunders & Julia Sawalha - Absolutely Fabulous
Jane Krakowski & Carrie Preston - Elsbeth
I've decided to start making posts of my headers since I typically change them every week I want to reflect back on what I've made.
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150912hb · 1 month
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Standing under the intersection of the waxing gibbous moon✨️ :'D
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reno-matago · 1 month
Witchcraft Inspiration • Spring Equinox
Not much space-time to practice anything since February (no more apartment, staying with my father) but here are some seeds to sow...
• Dagydes
• Defixiones
• Witch Bottles
• Healing with Asklepios
• Gods (chtonian)
• PGM inspiration
• Spring • Terroir & spirits, animal magic
• Fetch & animal form (teachings of Kirke), sprit fly: animal magical skin.
• Rose, laurel, myrrhe, garlic, Ivy,
• Gems (Zodiacal, Wicca, Witchcraft)
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