#or that he didn't keep in touch with any of the people from his rec league
ronandhermy · 11 months
thinking about the fact that jack doesn't actually have any friends pre-samwell. or at least none that he keeps in contact with. so not only did jack ghost/cut out kent he also cut out EVERYONE on his previous teams, schools, etc. which is just...incredibly sad. and would be interesting to see explored in a fic of jack trying to make amends to those people because, guess what, jack is an addict. he didn't magically stop being an addict when bitty fell in love with him. he may be sober now but there are people like kent who jack owes apologies to
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antianakin · 3 months
Antianakin's Second Anti-Anakin/Pro-Jedi Fic Rec List
Same general idea as the first one, this rec list is dedicated to fics that are critical of Anakin Skywalker. That can mean anything from just emphasizing that the Jedi's philosophies are right even if it means Anakin is wrong, to killing Anakin off in the most gruesome (and probably cathartic) way possible as a consequence for his choices. Since I know there are differing levels of feelings towards Anakin in the people that follow me, I'm going to add in some new helpful terms and redefine the categories slightly. Please note that these are MY personal interpretations of the fics, not the authors' stated intentions.
Helpful terms:
Unfinished - Any fic that is marked as incomplete, or a series where the fic(s) in it are still incomplete and cannot stand alone.
Ongoing - Any series marked as incomplete, but the fics in it are marked as complete or can stand alone as they are.
Critical - The fic critiques Anakin's philosophies and choices, but allows for more sympathy towards his character and situation should the reader desire it.
Anti - The fic specifically presents Anakin in a very negative way without any sympathy for him or his choices.
Anakin/Consequences: Anakin experiences consequences for his actions, but does not die. These fics can be anywhere between "critical" to fully "anti" depending on the author's take.
Spoiler Alert, He Doesn't Make It: Anakin experiences the specific consequence of dying. These fics will likely all fall under the definition of "anti" as opposed to just "critical."
The Galaxy Deserved Better: Focus of the story is more on characters' reactions to Anakin's choices or using other characters and their relationships to critique Anakin's choices in canon. None of these fics will be "anti" Anakin probably, since the critique of Anakin is at best a catalyst for the rest of the story.
I've had people ask me how to FIND more anti-Anakin fics, so here's my tips:
Look at your favorite authors' bookmarks. If you like something someone wrote, chances are they like reading the same stuff you do.
There's always the option of looking into tags, but I've found that very few people actually use "anti" tags on fanfiction, so your best bet is to look into pro Jedi/Jedi appreciation tags as much as possible, and the ones that are truly pro Jedi are often also critical of Anakin simply by design (if he shows up at all).
A lot of these fics take things like the Tusken massacre, Order 66, and Anakin's treatment of Padme, Ahsoka, Obi-Wan, and the clones very seriously. Please take that as a warning if any of those things might be triggering, and keep an eye on the tags for all of the fics included here just in case.
There is no specific order to this. I tried to group fics from one specific author together, but other than that, I didn't place anything in any specific position for a reason.
This is not an exhaustive list of good anti-Anakin fics that exist, obviously. If your fic or your favorite fic isn't on this list, please feel free to rec it yourself in the notes, leave a reply or reblog with a link. I'm happy to read more anti-Anakin fic, especially if it's very Pro-Jedi!
One final reminder: NOTHING IN THIS LIST IS ANAKIN FRIENDLY! That means it's likely not going to be friendly to Anakin specific ships either, particularly Obikin and Anidala. If that's going to bother you to read, please just skip this entire list, it's not for you.
Blood-born Memories by Siderea (anti, 725):
Quinlan touches Obi-Wan's robe after his "assassination" by Rako Hardeen and ends up picking up some memories and emotions from Anakin that give him some heart-breaking revelations about Anakin's true nature.
Technically this one ends just before any real consequences and so the consequences are more implied, but I love the way Quinlan reacts to the revelations he has in this fic. Quinlan is so obviously horrified by it and heartbroken on Obi-Wan's behalf, but also strong enough as a Jedi to know what he needs to do now. He's already grieving his friend, but he has to set all of that aside to deal with this now more important issue. This fic is supremely unlikely to ever get any follow-up, but thinking about how Obi-Wan would deal with this development upon coming back from his stint undercover is delightfully angsty.
Malfunctions & Mutiny by BitterChocolateStars (anti, 6k):
Obi-Wan loses on Mustafar, but Anakin takes him prisoner and proceeds to kill Palpatine and make Padme Empress. He puts Cody in charge of guarding Obi-Wan, and one day Cody's chip breaks when Anakin tortures Obi-Wan. Cody starts working on an escape plan for everyone, Jedi and clone alike.
The nice thing about fics post Order 66 from clone perspectives is that Anakin tends to be represented as an unforgivable monster and little else. Cody's priority is saving everybody he can and getting them as far away as possible, so he's not interested in trying to understand or sympathize with Anakin when it doesn't serve his purposes. One of the things I really like in this fic is the way we see Rex and Ahsoka react to the revelation of Anakin's betrayal. Ahsoka takes it a lot better than she does in canon, but we get a nice sort-of outsider perspective of Rex struggling with believing it until he doesn't have any other choice and the way this impacts his relationship with Cody.
The Temple vs Order 66 by LauraBWrites (anti, 4k):
The Temple has become semi-sentient over the years and starts preparing to protect the Jedi in the eventuality that Anakin Skywalker fails.
The Temple itself being a character is really fun, and I quite loved the way it was almost arguing with the Force about Anakin and how to handle the growing darkness in him and the galaxy. I also really appreciated that, while Padme ultimately leaves Anakin behind, her selfish choices during the war aren't swept under the rug, either. I liked that it insists that Anakin is taken care of and not just left to rot, but that whether he gets better or not remains up to him. It doesn't matter how much therapy he's given by the Jedi, he has to choose to accept the help or it won't work.
For want of a horse, the rider was lost by LacieFuyu (critical, 19k):
Anakin doesn't get left in the dark about the Rako Hardeen mission and it goes disastrously as a result. Everyone has to live with the consequences of that choice.
This one takes place within the Rako Hardeen arc, but it does deal with the revelation of the Tusken Massacre and the Anidala marriage as well. There are a lot of truths being thrown at Anakin in this particular fic by the people around him who start to discover more of what he's done and who he truly is, most of whom choose not to sugarcoat anything for him. Several of the characters choose not to forgive Anakin for what he's done, even as some of them continue to work to help him figure out how to heal and get better. There is hope left for him at the end, but the consequences for him in this feel very real and substantial, it goes far beyond Anakin just having to live with what he's done. He loses a lot of the people he cared about, he loses certain privileges and ranks, and they leave open the possibility that he might have to face a pretty serious consequence for the Tusken Massacre from the Tuskens themselves. So while it's sympathetic, it takes Anakin's choices seriously, which I appreciate. I also liked seeing some of the ways other characters were dealing with their own pain and betrayal, the ways they were taking comfort from Jedi teachings and loved ones to heal in a more healthy way.
Spoiler Alert, He Doesn't Make It
here on the edge of silence, half afraid by Siderea (anti, 4k):
Pirate/Mer AU where Fox and the Guard work on Palpatine and Anakin's ship and Fox manages to kill Palpatine, causing Anakin to throw him overboard only for Mer!Obi-Wan to save him.
I like the development of Fox and Obi-Wan's relationship in this one, from some very understandable mistrust to attraction and the beginnings of a friendship. The glimpses we get into a wider world and a rebellion of sorts and how Obi-Wan being a merman fits into the Jedi still existing and fighting alongside the clones under Palpatine are SO tantalizing. Fox's opinion of Anakin is immensely low and Obi-Wan himself is far enough along from whatever betrayal Anakin committed in this AU that he is able to criticize Anakin's behavior and obsessions with people. Anakin never actually appears in this fic, he remains a far-away obstacle to be removed, and I love that for him.
The Galaxy Deserved Better:
Ahsoka is Mace's Padawan series by SkyeBean (ongoing, anti, 442k):
The title of the series speaks for itself for the most part, but this is an AU where Mace chooses Ahsoka to be his Padawan around a year prior to AOTC and it follows the various consequences of that change both to Ahsoka herself and to the galaxy at large. The first fic goes all the way through the end of the Clone Wars, but other fics in the series continue beyond that to at least the end of ROTJ and explore the impact of the Empire on the Jedi as they struggle to survive.
I made an entire separate post strictly about this series because it basically changed my brain chemistry for the week it took me to get through everything, and I know several other people have recc'd it in various lists, but I'm putting it here again for anyone who hasn't yet seen it because it's just that good and that worth it. This fic understands how to make Ahsoka develop and mature without making her some angel or goddess of light without flaws. It is BREATHTAKINGLY pro Jedi and especially pro Mace Windu. There's some really great exploration of Ahsoka's relationship to the clones both before and after Order 66 as well a lot of delightful diversity in her relationships to other Jedi. This fic does not pull punches with regards to Anakin, Padme, and Anidala, or the consequences of their choices. If you were disappointed in how the Ahsoka show treated her reaction to Anakin and his atrocities, this fic is the OPPOSITE of that.
After the War (Part the First) by KChan88 (critical, 7k):
Instead of Obi-Wan, Mace and Yoda choose Quinlan to be the one who goes undercover during the Rako Hardeen arc. Obi-Wan, who has been in an off and on relationship with Quinlan since they were teenagers, reacts to the loss.
This is actually incredibly positive towards Anakin, but I'm leaving it in here as "critical" because pretty much any fic that has someone else reacting to the Rako Hardeen act is sort-of critical of Anakin's canon behavior by design, and the underlying issues that ultimately lead him to darkness. Obi-Wan reacts like a Jedi should, letting go when he believes Quinlan to be dead, and understanding when he has to face Quinlan after he knows it was a lie even as he is still angry at the circumstances putting Quinlan in that position in the first place (not the JEDI, just the war and the way it's forcing the Jedi to run themselves ragged and put themselves through the wringer). That anger gets acknowledged and accepted and Obi-Wan and Quinlan are shown to have an incredibly healthy relationship with each other that's incredibly sweet.
After the War (Part the Second) by KChan88 (critical, 6k):
Quinlan manages to catch up to Obi-Wan during his confrontation with Anakin during the Obi-Wan Kenobi show and the two have a reunion after things settle down on Tatooine.
Part of the same series as the above, this one lands more sympathetic towards Anakin than positive, since it's set post Order 66 and, for obvious reasons, it's pretty hard to be positive about what Anakin's done and what he's chosen to be at this point. But it's not unsympathetic, both Obi-Wan and Quinlan remember good times with Anakin, Obi-Wan has a line about having felt some kind of light in him during that last conversation they have in the show, and Quinlan makes comparisons to Anakin sounding like a scared and lonely little boy. So the critical aspect of it is relatively soft and minimal aside from the obvious references to his betrayal. Much like the fic above, I really love the way Obi-Wan and Quinlan's relationship is represented and the dynamic they have with each other.
Meet in the Middle by BilbosMom (critical, 9k):
Baby Luke and Leia are working on some Force shenanigans to try to find a way to speak to each other through a middle ground within the Force, but have trouble getting to each other on their own and end up recruiting Rex and Obi-Wan to help them.
This one is also pretty positive about Anakin in that it talks a lot about how Luke and Leia are going to save him by reminding him of how to love and things like that. I'm leaving it in here because it is also set post Order 66 and does reckon with the impact of that, especially on Rex who is finding out this betrayal for the first time, so it's hard not to end up at least a little critical just naturally. Anakin has done some particularly heinous shit and is still DOING some heinous shit. That remains true whether he can be saved in the future or not, whether he used to know how to love selflessly or not. I particularly like the structure in this one, the way it bounces back and forth between Obi-Wan's perspective with Leia and Rex's perspective with Luke. I like the way that Luke and Leia land sort-of wiser than their years due to their stronger connection to the Force but also still very much children who get impatient and annoyed with the adults around them.
scraps series by grumpyhedgehogs (critical, 9.5k):
Cody's chip fails when Obi-Wan dies on the Death Star and he goes searching for Rex and the Rebellion. He deals with his grief and guilt along the way.
Cody isn't Anakin's biggest fan, obviously, but both he and Rex acknowledge that Anakin USED to be a better person. The focus of the story is on Cody's relationship with Obi-Wan and how, even after he's died, that relationship still helps Cody move forward from his grief and find some measure of peace. I like the way Cody, Rex, and Ahsoka all connect over the different ways Obi-Wan had meant something to them and the ways he impacted their lives.
may you inherit his light by notbecauseofvictories (critical, 2.5k):
Leia reflects on her relationship to Bail Organa and the impact of his loss in the years after ROTJ.
Leia is also not Anakin Skywalker's biggest fan and dislikes that she inherited anything from him. I appreciated that Leia never forgave him in this. Even in the moment where she claims to wish he showed up, it's so she can rage at him for being the reason she ISN'T Bail Organa's daughter instead. It's a heart-wrenching story and dive into Leia's character, the ways her life at constant war have defined her as well as her experience as an adopted child who wanted nothing more than to have something physical to connect her to the family she loved and to make them proud. Mon Mothma saying Leia reminded her of Bail about made me cry.
Thank the Gods, I'm Not Alone by BitterChocolateStars (critical, 16k):
Obi-Wan and Rex from ten years post Order 66 both get sent back in time to the Clone Wars and work together to make sure it doesn't happen a second time.
Since Obi-Wan and Rex are primarily dealing with an Anakin who HASN'T betrayed the Jedi and the clones yet (depending on whether you count his marriage to Padme and his murder of the Tuskens a betrayal of the Jedi or not), they both have to figure out how to forgive this version of him that hasn't committed the crime they're angry about yet. He's the same person who DID go down that path before, but circumstances change enough to make different choices this time around. I appreciated the acknowledgment that it's okay to choose not to forgive the version of Anakin that DID make those choices, even as they recognize that it's not fair to hold this version of Anakin accountable for things he didn't do.
Gentle Welcome by Miandraden1 (critical, 1k):
Short and soft post-Rako Hardeen one shot where Obi-Wan reflects on Anakin's reaction to his stint undercover but gains comfort from the people who understand.
I love Obi-Wan discussing his worries about Anakin with Mace, it's such a nice call back to AOTC where he was more explicitly pushing back against the Council's decisions and had less faith in Anakin, whereas here he's so clearly trying to continue to have faith in Anakin's ability to grow and learn, even as he can tell Anakin's struggling. There's no lack of acknowledgment of Anakin's continued struggles, but there is a choice to continue to believe in him. I love how sweet the clones are in how they react to the Rako Hardeen deception, in some ways this is just another Tuesday for them, but Waxer explicitly leaving Obi-Wan a little gift he knows he'll like says something slightly different and it's adorable.
The Temple of Hope series by Zarz (ongoing, critical, 93k):
Obi-Wan, Anakin, and their battalions stumble across a very old Jedi Temple that reveals certain truths about both the Jedi and the clones and changes everything.
This one is also mostly about just forcing Anakin to face his own truths and fears while everybody else gets to make their way to a happy fix-it AU as a result. One of the tags on the first fic is "anakin skywalker faces consequences" but the primary consequence is just Anakin feeling bad about what he's done more than anything else. It's overall a sweet, soft, Force-sensitive Clones!AU with a lot of pro Jedi vibes to it.
"... if you remain his student" by Peppermint_Shamrock (critical, 4k):
The Wrong Jedi arc doesn't happen which leaves Ahsoka at the Temple during Order 66 and she was never going to be enough to save or stop Anakin.
To be perfectly honest at this point, this is the ending I'd have wanted for Ahsoka. It wouldn't have been able to happen in canon given she's not in ROTS, but like... this is probably one of the most impactful ways for her story to have ended (and one of the kindest, given how shitty her character has become). I love the way this fic insists that Ahsoka isn't enough, any more than Padme or Obi-Wan were, he'd have cut her down the same he did the others, no matter what he might have felt for her once or what she believed he felt for her.
Reversi by LacieFuyu (critical, 2.5k):
Anakin and Obi-Wan's roles are reversed in the Rako Hardeen arc and Anakin is startled by everyone's reactions to his deception.
This is yet another one that is critical by comparison to canon. Even Anakin himself acknowledges by the end of the fic that he's pretty sure he wouldn't be reacting this compassionately and calmly and reasonably if their positions were reversed, something we know to be true. There's also a small moment where Anakin begins to doubt his choices regarding the Tusken Massacre, but instead of actually reflecting on it, he buries the feeling all over again and chooses to learn nothing. It's very in character for Anakin.
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spennsrs · 10 months
𖦹⋆。˚⋆ฺ the only exception.
↳ TYPE OF WRITING: drabble ↳ CONTENT CREATOR: damien haas from smosh, mentioned shayne topp, spencer agnew, trevor evarts, and courtney miller ↳ SONG REC: the only exception by paramore
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"we did some great work today! get some rest, dames. tell [y/n] i said howdy!" shayne's voice was muffled slightly through the phone, but nonetheless damien cheeses the possibly biggest smile known to man.
"will do, man. don't party too hard without me. although, i'm expecting some sort of text from courtney at some ungodly hour saying how you and spence drank too much."
"hey!" the faint voice of spencer almost makes damien jump, but at least he knew now he was on speaker phone, shaking his head with a chuckle.
"love you lot, but i am home now. drink water!" damien parents his friends before hanging up on shayne, sparring him from having to hear any protests. with a sigh, he puts his car in park and turns the car off before deciding to take a moment to just... breath.
he was super excited to be home with his partner, [y/n]. well... unofficial partner... cuddle buddy? situationship even, as he had heard trevor mentioned the other day. damien didn't care for a label. labels were pressed onto society way too much. two people could live together, cuddle, sometimes kiss, and not be a couple. simple as that. [y/n] seemed to enjoy it just as much as damien, and his cats finally had another parent to love on and beg for food. no matter what really happened between him and [y/n], as long as he could still come home to them, he didn't quite care.
ㅤ ೀ ㅤ۫ ㅤ۪ㅤ۫ ㅤ ♡ ㅤ
as damien opened the door to the apartment, it wasn't a surprise only freyja padded to the door to greet her father. zelda always did prefer [y/n]. "hey, sweet girl." he mutters, setting his bag by the door and crouching down to gently scritch behind the cat's ears. he picks up the grey and white feline and quietly follow the noise of what he presumed to be his partner's favorite show. his suspicions were confirmed when he peeked his head into his room to see his sweet black and white cat curled up on [y/n]'s lap, sound asleep.
he couldn't help how his heart swelled at the sight. the form curled up on his bed was covered by the sheets of the bed, tired eyes slowly trailing to where damien stood. the tired eyes shone, and damien swore he could see every star in them. "hey, love." he says lowly, slowly approaching the bed to set freyja down to let the cat join her sister.
"hi, damien."
the sleepy voice made a soft pink blush creep up on his cheeks, sitting on the edge of the bed. his hand reaches out, gently carding his fingers through their hair. [y/n], much akin to a cat, leaned into the touch with a soft smile. they reach for the remote, pausing the show. there was a comfortable silence that fell between them, damien could tell the other was emotionally exhausted. as much as he wanted to whisk them into his arms and shower them in kisses and compliments, to downright worship them and let his emotions spill like a leaky faucet.
but he had to be okay with keeping himself at a distance, to admire form afar.
[y/n] angled their head to look up at damien, simply admiring his features. he was deep in thought, and it made them pout a bit. "what's on your mind, dames?" they say softly, scooting over as their hands slip around his bicep, pulling him to lay down. "you've had a long day. wanna watch something?" the soothing voice of [y/n] made damien blink, before letting a yawn escape his lips, stretching out.
"i was gonna shower... but now that i'm laying here, exhaustion is finally catching up with me." he mumbles, slinging an arm around [y/n]'s middle, pulling them close. the sound of their giggle makes damien angle his head to comfortably look at the other. "you're so breathtaking..." he mutters, and he knows [y/n] hears due to the deep red blush that paints itself over their cheeks.
with a squeal, they hide their face in damien's chest, and damien could stay like this forever. "no, 'm not..." they mutter softly, snuggling closer.
moments like these were damien's favorites. it was selfish, but in damien's perfect dream world, he might have been [y/n]'s only exception to their avoidance of love.
little did he know, he was their only exception.
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jwirecs · 11 months
hello, hello! here are my recs for seventeen for july! hopefully these beautiful stories get more recognition as well as the writers 💝
** anything in parentheses and bolded are my thoughts that can be disregarded if needed **
🔞smut || 💔angst || 💕fluff || ✅completed || 🔄ongoing || 💯favorite
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Admire Me (Like I Do For You) || @wheeboo💕✅
↳ in which seungcheol shows you his tattoos. 
Dimple || @icyminghao💕✅
↳ you can’t sleep, so you try touching seungcheol’s dimple just for the fun of it (spoiler: he loves it)
Shave || @yikesmary💕✅💯
↳ with your boyfriend’s comeback approaching, mingyu asks you to help with shaving.
The Stars And You || @wheeboo💕✅
↳ in which you bring the stars to your boyfriend for his birthday. (to this author, i am so sorry, but 90% of the fics that i have read from you so far, most of them are on this list. keep doing what youre doing please. i love them)
Try Me || @cheolhub🔞✅
↳ you push your sweet boyfriend a little too far when you threaten to fuck his business partner at dinner. he decides to show both you and mingyu who you belong to. (oh lord, heaven have mercy.)
Ukiyo || @wheeboo💕💔✅
↳ in which you and minghao spend the day together.
Wonwoo's Tasty Cereal (And Milk) || @twogyuu💕✅
↳ You've been eating cereal wrong your entire life. Wonwoo and your niece are going to fix that.
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Fake Dating Roommates || @yikesmary💕🔄💯💯
↳ in which choi seungcheol becomes your roommate and fake boyfriend in one fell swoop. and you still don't know how it happened.
Seventeen As Fake Dating Scenarios || @bluehoodiewoozi💕✅
↳ (title says it all and i am out here fulfilling my delulu side of my brain. doing great out here im telling you)
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Baby, All I Really Want Is Your Attention || @viastro💕✅
↳ you and mingyu have been academic rivals since the beginning of your high school career. having always aimed for the #1 spot, mingyu would beat you without even needing to study. now dedicating all your time into studying at the local library, you find yourself wondering who keeps neatly packing your things and waking you up each time you fall asleep while studying. (hes so soft, i cant)
Catnaps || @wheeboo💕✅
↳ in which you volunteer at the local cat shelter with your crush.
Dating Seventeen (Hyung Line) || @wqnwoos💕✅
↳ (out here filling my delulu brain. also seungcheol does radiate sugar daddy tho, ngl)
Fix You || @smileysuh🔞💕💔✅💯💯
↳ “As a member of 53V3NT33N, I have two different states of mind coded into me, aggression and admiration. To love something, to admire it, is to feel aggressive when it’s questioned, to want to control it, if even for a little while- it’s the need to consume it, endlessly, as my fans consume and control me as an automaton. Even though I’m a member of a group, there’s a distance. Automatons can never truly motivate each other because our motivations are based on external human needs, it’s built into us- We can see when humans need us, and we do what we can to fix that need… I know you need me, the way I’ve needed you since I got here.” (god, yall dont even know how much i freaking love their fics. like bro, ily)
Gamers Do it Better || @sluttyminghao🔞✅💯
↳ (listen, just hear me out. tag teamed by the two lord saviors of svt's hhu. i really need like a threesome au/tag or something i swear.)
Hits Different || @hellohannie💕💔✅
↳ it was no secret that you had dated many people in your past. when you were with them, you believed you loved them and they loved you. when you broke up, you realized that they didn't truly love you. but you still believed that love was real. then, you met lee chan. when he broke up with you, you started to question if love truly did exist after all. (i need me some more dino fics cause i barely come across any)
Loving Him Was Red || @boowanie💕💔✅💯
↳ After the café you were part-timing at suddenly closes, you were left unemployed and broke as you tried your best to look for a new job. But when your best friend suggests an alternative way of earning money, you suddenly find yourself falling for a certain Jeon Wonwoo.
Pup Code || @beefboyandbabygirl🔞💕✅💯💯💯
↳ mingyu doesn't have crushes. he likes avril lavigne and sometimes he fucks pretty girls. but you seem to stir something in him that no one else can. without the trusty girl code, mingyu makes his own code to help you fall in love with him. (yall need to read this one. like read it cause i lowkey can imagine him making up his own code ngl. man has no self control sometimes)
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Crossing Boundaries || @wonusite🔞💕✅
↳ Seungcheol has always demanded that all of his employees keep professional boundaries, but it frustrates him that his son’s nanny is a little too good at keeping things professional. 
Happy (First) Fathers' Day || @icyminghao💕✅
↳ it’s fathers’ day, but you seem to be more fixated on an event for your newborn daughter, much to mingyu’s dismay.
Made With Love || @icyminghao💕✅
↳ joshua wakes up to quite the commotion, and you’re not by his side.
The Cake In the Back || @toruro🔞💕✅
↳ cheol is a regular at your bakery, and it's all because his son loves the banana bread you make—at least that's what he tells himself. it also doesn't hurt that you're cute. and polite. and totally someone he'd like to fuck.
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Roommates With Benefits || @shuaflix🔞💕✅
↳ initially, wonwoo doesn’t think much about your incessant requests to play on his xbox. however, when what was supposed to be a two-hour visit to his place stretches out for two weeks, he starts to think you’re overstaying your welcome.
The Secrets Kept From Roommates || @cheolism🔞💕✅
↳ you are hiding a secret from mingyu. little do you know that he's hiding one from you too.
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Broken Pieces || @bluehoodiewoozi💕💔✅💯💯💯
↳ Your friend broke your soulmate's heart, leaving you to pick up the pieces of both his and your own heart. (stop my heart, i cant)
Right? Right. || @bluehoodiewoozi💕💔✅
↳ Your soulmate mark might be broken, but at least he will always be there for you.
Do check out all of the other seventeen fics that i have reblogged as well!!
** if there is any fics that you guys would like to recommend, please do! i am slowly running out of fics to read **
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vintagestarlight · 1 year
Count on Me
Pairing: Soap x military gf!reader
Summary: soap gets in trouble defending you
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: fluff, angst, mild violence, strong language, brief mention of death, unwanted touching, sexual harassment(just to be safe)
A/n: another fic for one of our favorite 141 boys! Because of the warnings I highly suggest if any of this makes you uncomfortable please don't read it! That being said I hope whoever does read it enjoys it! As always reblogs, comments, and likes are appreciated! :)
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Soap never really thought about the future anymore. When you work a job like he does, it's counterproductive and sometimes even dangerous to think of a future. When Soap was a younger lad he always thought he'd have a lass and a bairn or two of his own but ever since joining the military he pushed it to the back of his mind. That was until he met you. Price and Laswell recruited you to help with a mission and you ended up earning a spot alongside the rest of the 141.
Soap had always been quite flirtatious by nature but you were different. While yes he did still flirt with you, he caught himself doing the one thing he tried so hard to avoid. He caught himself seeking you out during meals or wanting to spar with you during training. He caught himself staring at you during meetings or rec time. He caught himself thinking about a future with you; little lads(or lasses) running around getting under your feet. He caught himself falling in love. At first it terrified him realizing he loved you; loving people in his line of work put a target on their back. But seeing how badass you were but also one of the kindest people he knew, he couldn't help himself.
He found out you felt the same when you two were stuck in a safe house in no where Siberia. You were given dodgy intel and it ended with you being shot. Soap had never felt his heart sink so fast; he felt like it dropped to his feet. "Soap in case I don't make it out... I have to tell you something," you said, struggling to get the words out. You could feel the life leaving with every pump of blood; it was a strange sensation to feel yourself dying.
"Dinnae talk like tha' lass," he said, holding a cloth to the hole in your stomach. "You can tell me when we make it out of here,". Your hand grasped his and made him look at you. "I love you Soap," you said. "I tried really hard not too; I tried keeping it professional but...I love you," the words were harder to speak with each passing minute. For a moment Soap's heart felt like it was gonna burst but he still had to get you out alive. Soap had managed to stop the bleeding and a heli had come for exfil courtesy of Price. You ended up making a full recovery in the medical wing.
Ever since then you and Soap had agreed to keep your relationship a secret from the rest of the team. Midnight rendezvous in your rooms, sneaking glances and featherlight touches made Soap feel like a schoolboy again messing around with the popular girl. Of course Price had his suspicions right away; he always kept a close watch over his team and saw how you two treated each other after the mission in Siberia. He didn't say anything though because it didn't affect your performance. Ghost found out after Price when you and Soap were a little drunk after a night out and were a little too loud in the shower. After that you both agreed to be more careful.
It was because of this that men still hit on you. It was nothing new to be hit on especially in the military; you usually just brushed them off politely and then laugh when you saw Soap staring daggers at the poor man who hit on you. It usually ended with you not being able to walk; not that you minded in the slightest. But this time was different.
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Because of Price's reluctant agreement a team had been brought in to assist with an extraction. During the whole mission the squad's lieutenant, Yates, had been making sexual comments about you; you were able to brush them off like you always do because this was nothing you hadn't heard before. Being a woman in the military you weren't a stranger to inappropriate comments from men. But you could tell it was bothering Soap.
The mission was a success; you were able to get your target out without it being a disaster. You were hanging around base with Soap, Gaz, and Ghost after you all got back. Price had retreated back to his office to work on paperwork and the squad that was brought in was with you three in the rec room. "So y/l/n what about you?" Yates asked. They had been talking about their weekend escapades with beautiful women while being especially crude. "Who here would you let do you?" He asked, a smirk on his face. "Excuse me?" You asked, hoping you heard him wrong.
You could feel Soap tense beside you, gripping the neck of his beer bottle so tightly you were surprised it didn't shatter. Ghost laid a hand on Soap's shoulder trying to keep him from doing anything stupid. "Who would you let do you?" The lieutenant repeated himself. "Or maybe you already let them," he said still with a nasty smirk. You finished the last of your beer before standing up. "I think I'm going to go finish my own paperwork," You said, bidding goodbye to your teammates. "Oh come on don't be a bitch just answer the question," He said standing up and blocking your path. "Move. Now." You said, flatly.
"Come on it's just a simple question," he said, stepping closer. "Do you let them take turns?" He asked. "Just tell me who leaves you the most sore afterward?" He grabbed your ass and pulled you against his chest. Before you could break his hand for touching you, Soap pushed between you two and punched the lieutenant across the face. "You son of a bitch!" Soap shouted. The two tumbled and fell with Soap on top. The rec hall erupted in shouts some from Gaz and Ghost and some from the other squad. Soap was able to get a few more punches in before Gaz and Ghost could pull him off "Johnny what the fuck?!" Ghost shouted.
Yates lied on the ground, holding his face. Blood poured from his broken nose and busted mouth. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" Yates groaned. You stood there stunned and looked over at Soap who Ghost was still trying to calm down. "Go take a fucking walk Johnny," Ghost growled. Soap looked over at you and turned on his heel stalking off. "You're finished Sergeant you hear me? You're fucking finished!" Yates screamed at Soap's retreating back. "Shut the fuck up Yates," Ghost said, his voice a low growl as he looked at the injured lieutenant. The lieutenant got up and left, probably to find Price's office. You didn't know what to say so you turned to leave when Ghost grabbed your wrist. "He just risked his entire career to defend you. Give him some time to cool off but you need to talk to him," Ghost said, his voice the usual grumble. You nodded, glanced briefly at the blood on the floor, and left for your room.
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Soap knocked on Price's door waiting for Price to tell him to come in. The door opened and Yates stepped out. His face purple and bruised, his nose still crooked with cotton stuffed in his nostrils to stop the bleeding. His mouth was swollen with dried blood caked on it. Soap felt a sick sort of satisfaction knowing he did that. Ghost followed Yates and gave him a reassuring nod. Yates just glared at him when Price called him in. "Take a seat," Price said from behind his desk.
Soap closed the door and made his way to one of the chairs facing Price's desk. "His captain is calling for your discharge," Price said. "He's not happy that his lieutenant has a busted face," he added. "You didn't hear what he said about her," Soap said, his fists clenching at the memory. "I know exactly what he said. Ghost told me," said Price. "The fact is you assaulted a superior officer. You're lucky you're not being court martialed," Price said, looking at Soap.
"Yates is a womanizing bastard. I'd do it again discharge or not," Soap said. "I know you would," Price couldn't help but chuckle. "Fortunately for you that won't be a problem. His captain is as much of a cunt as he is but we worked it out. You'll be suspended for six weeks," Price said. "And for what it's worth I would've done the same to the bloody bastard," Price added, before he dismissed Soap.
You figured Soap would've had enough time to have his talk with Price so you headed towards his room. You passed by the rec room to see Yates mopping his blood off the floor; you could already hear Price telling him to "clean his bloody floor". You made it to Soap's room and rapped on the door. "It's open," Soap said. You walked in and saw Soap lounging on his bed wearing one of those tight muscle shirts that drove you crazy.
"So? How bad is it?" You said, wetting a washcloth and coming to sit next to him. You grabbed his hands and started dabbing the warm cloth over his knuckles. "Six week suspension," he said, focusing on the feeling of you cleaning off his hands. "Really?" You asked surprised. "How'd you manage that?" You said, getting up to rinse of the washcloth. "Price vouched for me. Without him I could've gotten into some real trouble," he replied, looking at you clean off his other hand.
"You know I appreciate you doing that but you shouldn't have," you said, tossing the cloth into his hamper. "I couldn't let him say those things about you Bonnie," he said, looking at you. "It wasn't right," Soap added. "You could've lost your job Johnny. I would never want you to do that for me," you shook your head. Soap grabbed your hand and stroked the back of it with his thumb. "I love you hen and I'll always defend you," he said. "I love you too Johnny," You said, giving him a kiss. Soap wanted to make sure you knew you could always count on him.
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no-other-mashter · 23 days
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"Occupy My Mind So I Can't Speak"
Josh Kiszka x Male Reader
Warnings: M/M, degradation kink, spanking, oral (m rec), edging, denial, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, grinding, bondage, begging, sub Josh, bratty Josh, use of "slut" and "whore", choking (if you squint), cum eating
The stage lights shimmered as Josh strutted across the stage to the music, his energy infectious as he locked eyes with the crowd. His passion for the stage was undeniable; he belonged up there.
It all began innocently enough, with Josh's charismatic charm shining through as he interacted with the adoring fans. Blowing kisses and sharing hugs had always been a part of his act, a way to connect with the audience on a deeper level. But lately it had been different, a subtle shift in the air that hinted at something more.
The kisses were physical and seemed to linger, almost brushing the lips of the fans who reached out to him. Their cheers and screams fueled his daring behavior, emboldening him to push the boundaries further.
As he recognized a fan dressed in an outfit reminiscent of one of his own, a mischievous grin tugged at the corners of Josh's lips. "You're too cute," he playfully remarked. The fan's eyes widened in surprise, a blush dusting his cheeks at the unexpected attention.
"Are you single?" Josh then asked after a double take. He giggled to himself when the fans went wild and the next song began.
Despite the cheers and the pulsing music, Josh knew he was treading into dangerous territory with his playful antics. The thrill of the moment was intoxicating, though, and he paid no mind to any consequences he'd have later.
That was, until later came.
Being the partner of a rockstar (and a particularly attractive one at that), you were used to Josh "flirting" with other people. It was part of the job, and something that didn't bother you much anymore.
However, sometimes Josh had a bit too much fun with his antics, and toed the line between "charming frontman" and "desperate whore". It was like a game to him, to see just how far he could go before you inevitably decided enough was enough and put him in his place.
And with how he'd been acting lately, you figured there was no better time to do so then now...
"Aw, what's the matter Josh? Can't handle a little bit of suspense? Or... is it foreplay?" You teased, running your fingers down his exposed chest. He bit back a moan, his hips twitching with need.
You had tied his wrists to the headboard, keeping them above his head where he couldn't touch you, or himself. One of his silk scarves was being used as a blindfold, preventing him from knowing what you'd do next.
"C'mon, Y/N, just touch me already," Josh groaned, clearly annoyed with the teasing.
You leaned in closer, your breath ghosting over his exposed skin and sending a shiver down his spine. Your fingers trailed lightly along his jawline, down his neck, eliciting a low growl from deep within his chest.
"Patience, Josh," you purred.
With deliberate slowness, your touch roamed lower, tracing the contours of his chest, feeling the rapid beat of his heart beneath your fingertips.
His body arched instinctively towards your touch, a silent plea for more, for the release of the tension that coiled tightly within him. But you were in control now, and Josh could one get what you gave him.
'Y'know, you've sure been running your mouth a lot lately, Joshua..." You began, dragging your fingertips closer to where he was already leaking onto his tummy, "Flirting with all those people, kissing them, showing yourself off to them... as if I'm not enough for you."
Josh opened his mouth, probably to object, but you shut him up by wrapping a hand around his cock, pulling a moan from him instead.
"Are you a slut, Joshua? I bet you think about what it'd be like to have all of their hands on you, don't you?" Each question was punctuated with a stroke of your hand, just enough to build tension, but not enough to help him reach that tipping point.
"Ah!- No, I just- Mm! I just like the attention!" He gasped out, writhing and clearly aching for more.
"So you're just an attention whore? So desperate for their eyes on you that you'll do anything... You know what that kind of attitude gets you, don't you?" You ask, letting go of his throbbing cock. The warmth of your touch replaced by the chill of the room as you reached up to free him from the headboard, leaving his wrists still bound together.
Just when you thought Josh would give in and listen, that cocky attitude returned, "No, I don't think I know..."
You sighed; it was clear that Josh still wanted to play this game.
"Turn over."
"Make me," Josh's response was petulant, stubborn, a clear indication that he was still willing to test the boundaries you had set.
Oh. So he REALLY wanted to push you.
"Fine then, if that's how you wanna be..."
You wrestled him onto his front, leaving his ass up in the air and his face buried in the pillow.
"You're getting seven swats. I better hear you count each one, or else I'll re-start. Got it?" You say, watching closely as he shuffles into a better position and nods.
The first smack always builds up anticipation. It's unexpected, and he has no idea how hard you were gonna make it. To his credit, he stayed quiet during the first three, only letting shaky numbers cross his lips.
On four, you brought your hand down on his other cheek, surprising him. He whined, arching into the touch.
"F-fuck! Four!"
"Good boy..."
Five and six were fast, one right after the other. You stroked the reddening skin for a moment, soothing it just a bit before bringing your hand down on his ass harder than before.
It was no secret that Josh was loud in bed. Hell, he's posted about it publicly before, no shame to be found. So when he moaned loud enough that you were sure the neighbors probably heard, you weren't surprised.
"Aaah! F-fuck!"
What did surprise you, was his apparent death wish.
"Are you d-done?"
Before Josh could say anything else, he was being manhandled and brought to his knees in front of you beside the bed. He squinted at the sudden change in light as you removed the blindfold, honey brown eyes meeting your own after a moment.
"I think I know a much better use for your mouth instead of talking back to me like a brat," you murmured, your voice low and commanding as you unbuttoned your jeans and pushed them off your hips, along with your boxers.
Without breaking eye contact, you threaded your fingers into his hair, tugging lightly as a warning when he pulled back with a smirk. You guided his head forward, pausing only for a moment.
"If you need to pull away, tap three times, okay?" Your voice was softer now, breaking from the scene to check on him.
"Yeah, I know."
Having confirmed he was still all for this, you gave it to him just how he wanted it, making him gag as you fucked his throat.
Normally, you were careful when Josh sucked you off, not wanting to injure his throat or mess up his singing voice. This time, though, he had a month before the next show, plenty of time to get his voice back. So you went all out. Spit ran down his chin, and when he wasn't gasping and gagging, he was moaning, eyes rolling back when you'd go particularly deep.
Josh Kiszka was beautiful up on stage, there was no denying that. He was in his element in front of a crowd of cheering fans, dressed to the nines in glitz and glamor. But he was also beautiful like this, on his knees, hair a mess and teary eyed as he swallowed you down.
You felt three taps on your ankle, and you let go, watching as he pulled back and gasped in air. His voice was wrecked when he spoke, low and raspy where it usually wasn't.
"Please..." He mumbled, clearly aching to cum.
"Aw, you feeling needy, baby?" You ask, pulling him back up to the bed. You kiss his knees, red from kneeling, before trailing your kisses up his thigh to where he needed you most, "No touching, okay?"
He kept his bound hands above his head as you finally wrapped your lips around his aching length, grinning when he gasped and did his best to not thrust his hips up. As you hummed around him, savoring the taste of his skin, you could feel his impending release hovering on the edge. You traced a path down his throbbing length, teasing a vein along the side of his cock. The sensation was like a jolt of electricity, and, in a moment of weakness, Josh's fingers tangled in your hair.
But you were in control, not him. As soon as he sought to anchor you in place, you pulled away, a smirk playing on your lips as you watched his reaction. Josh's body jerked in response, frustration clear on his face as he was edged once again.
"Tsk-tsk, I said no touching, Josh. You haven't been a good enough boy to earn that yet."
"Just let me fucking cum, Y/N!" He groaned, still whining like a brat.
"You really want that? You think you deserve it?" You ask, an idea popping into your head, "Fine then. Cum whenever you want."
Josh was clearly not expecting the sudden shift, but it didn't matter when you spat into your palm and began jerking him off once more. Having been denied so many times already, the sensation was almost too much to bear.
"C-close! I'm so close!" His voice was strained, a plea laced with desperation. He half-expected you to pull away again, but this time, there was no teasing retreat, no denial of his release. Instead, you maintained the steady rhythm of your hand, driving him relentlessly towards that long-awaited peak.
Josh's head fell back, and his chest heaved with each hitched breath, the flush of arousal spreading across his skin like a wildfire. His hands clenched into fists above his head, fingers flexing with the need to touch, to grasp onto something—anything—to ground himself.
"Fuck! Y/N!"
Josh spilled all over your hand and his tummy, his whole body trembling after being denied so many times. When you kept going after he was spent, Josh realized what you had meant.
"I- I can't go again..." He whined, the pleasure turning into overstimulation.
"I think you've got one more in you, Josh..." You reply, pressing a kiss to his lips before climbing into his lap. He had just a moment of respite before you were rutting your cock against his, the sensation pushing you slowly closer to your own peak.
Every nerve in his body was alight, every sense heightened to the point of exquisite torture.Tears ran down his cheeks but his expression was one of pleasure, a silent plea for more, for everything you could give him.
"Y/N, don't stop! I'm so close again! I- I'm gonna cum again!" He babbled, his words melding into a mix of your name and please.
"Cum for me, Josh," you order, watching as he arches his back and lets go, his eyes rolling back into his head. The sight pushes you over the edge as well, your release mixing with his.
You both sat back to catch your breath, drenched in sweat and various other fluids. Josh was limp under you, completely worn out. You took two fingers, dragging them through the mess on his tummy before bringing them up to his lips.
He obeyed, opening his mouth. You pressed your fingers into his mouth, grinning when he obediently sucked them clean.
"Good boy, Josh..."
He whines against your fingers, his cock giving one last valiant twitch where it lay soft against him. Once your fingers were clean, you untied his hands, kissing the red marks left on his wrists. You trailed the kisses up to his lips, pulling the covers over you both.
You'd finish cleaning up later. For now, you just wanted to take a nap with your favorite person...
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fxnfiction · 7 months
Buddie Fic Recs! (pt 1)
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A few months ago I shared my FirstPrince fic rec list- today it's time for Buddie fics! (part one- 2023 fic edition!)
happy reading!
All My Shattered Oaths by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels | 107k | E
Eddie wants to stay away from his family’s legacy and give his son a normal life. Buck’s desperate to find a way to get over the love he lost.
Fate has other plans for both of them.
still by brewrosemilk | 9k | T
For the first time, Buck longs for a bullet wound to treat. Dirt to dig at. A door to break through. Something. There’s nothing.
“Your guess was correct, Diaz,” the bomb technician tells them, as he gestures to the orange circle. “You’re standing on a large sensor plate, wired to a detonator. It’s incredibly important that you don’t move. Don’t shift. When you put your weight down, it was like cocking a gun - you take your weight off, this thing is powerful enough to take the entire house with it."
Inspired by Castle, S05E22: Still
come close, let me be home by Daffi_990_ao3 | 4k | Not Rated
“Looking good out there, Buckley” Eddie says as he hands him a beer.
Buck accepts the bottle and takes a seat beside him, popping the cap off to take a drink. “Any chance we’ll see you bust some moves on the dance floor, Diaz?”
“Maybe, if I have the right partner”.
Eddie’s looking right and him and Buck can feel a blush creeping its way across his cheeks. It’s shit like this that has him thinking maybe this thing between them isn’t just one sided. Buck takes another pull of beer, keeping eye contact with Eddie and watching how the other man tracks the bob of his adams apple as he swallows.
“The night is still young and full of possibilities.” Buck replies, and he swears he sees Eddie’s eyes sparkle
Buck and Eddie slow dance at Maddie and Chim’s wedding
if i'm honest (it felt like love by sparegarbage | 2k | G
“You have a good partner, Eddie.”
Eddie flushes, because he knows that her partner isn’t the same as work partner. It’s an assumption they had never bothered to correct at Christopher’s school, mostly because it made it easier for people to understand why Buck was around so often, versus best friend or colleague or legal guardian in case I die.
“Yeah,” Eddie responds, his voice thicker than he expected. “He’s the best partner I could ask for.”
Or: Christopher hosts a sleepover, Buck helps, and Eddie realizes he hasn’t been a single dad in years.
i’ll bandage up your body and your bones and your bad days too by oklahoma | 6k | T
Eddie’s day is going pretty well until he’s held hostage at gunpoint in the Dollar Store five minutes from his house.
Okay, that’s a lie. Not the being held hostage at gunpoint bit—that’s very much real, if the gun in his face is anything to go by—but the good day part.
Because it’s been a bad day. A shit day. A stupid day. A horrible, no good, very bad, awful, ugly day, and it all started when he woke up this morning.
You, all the way down by justhockey | 8k | Not Rated
Suddenly, between one moment and the next, there are hands on him. Hands that Buck would know anywhere; hands that Buck knows maybe even better than he knows his own. The touch is exquisitely gentle - tender to the point of devastation, even though the calloused palms scratch against the soft skin of his cheeks.
It’s Eddie, because of course it is. Because who else would it be.
“Breathe for me,” he says, loud enough that everyone can hear, but meant only for them. Only for Buck.
It’s Not the Roaring Dream, It’s the Silent Lightning by giselleslash | 15k | M
Buck gets struck by lightning and wakes up in another life where he has everything he’s ever wanted, but soon that life starts to crumble around him and the painful pull back into reality nearly breaks his heart.
(or the one where Buck is married to Eddie in a coma dream and he doesn’t want to let the dream go.)
feels like I'm closer to a revelation every night by wafflesofdoom | 2k | G
She sees me.
Like Eddie didn’t? Like Eddie didn't know Buck better than anyone - better than he knew himself, sometimes? Eddie sees him for exactly who he is – kind, and caring, and wonderful, and fundamentally changed by those three minutes and seventeen seconds he was dead.
or, a look inside of Eddie's head during their conversation at the cemetary.
I’m Not Breathing Unless I’m Giving You CPR by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels | 51k | E
Evan Buckley fascinates Eddie. And when Eddie's fascinated by something, he wants to play with it. Especially when the thing in question hates him so much.
But then something odd happens - Buck sees past Eddie's mask for what he really is. And it turns out, Buck's the same way. And he's not something to play with. He's something to keep.
Now the real game begins: the game of being who they are, what they are, together, without their well-meaning friends and family finding out. Because now that they've found each other, they're not going to let anyone separate them. Buck is keeping Eddie, and Eddie is keeping Buck.
By any means necessary.
The one where Buck can’t leave by buddiefication | 1k | G
At the end of movie night, Buck usually goes home. This time, he can’t seem to force himself to leave.
OR: Buck and Eddie curl up on the couch together, and somehow don’t know they’re in love.
wishing to be the friction by ipretendtobesane | 97k | E
Buck and Eddie are straight best friends who start having no strings attached sex. Eddie has a hard time having sex with someone he doesn't trust, and Buck's tired of hookups after being with Abby. Besides, they're both comfortable with their sexuality, and there's nothing wrong with giving your friend a hand. What's surprising is how long it took them to fall into bed together, really.
What's entirely unsurprising is how quickly strings start getting attached.
or; the straight eddie friends with benefits fic
heart in hands, hands in pockets by soyxunxperdedor | 5k | G
In which Eddie tries to move on.
not all of us are heroes (not all of us are brave) by withmeornotatall | 6k | G
Buck shakes his head and grimaces apologetically at Marisol. "I'm so sorry for interrupting your night," he tells her. "I'm gonna leave you guys to it, but it was nice to see you again." "Nice to see you too," Marisol replies with a smile. "Sorry again," he addresses this one to Eddie. "I didn't think. I just—" "You thought Chris needed you," Eddie says softly, eyes so warm Buck wants to stay here forever. "Don't apologise for that." "Right, well." Buck takes a deep breath to calm his still pounding heart before saluting at Christopher. "Forever at your service, Superman." He backs out of the kitchen in an exaggerated bow, ducking to hide his smile when Christopher's laugh follows him out.
(OR: buck and natalia break up, eddie decides to introduce his girlfriend to his son, christopher knows way too much, and the 118's wine night has never been quite so eventful)
translate the magic (show me) by extasiswings | 8k | E
“I think I might be bad in bed.”
Eddie rolls that thought around in his head, trying to decide the best way to respond, weighing the options of what Buck needs to hear versus how to say it. It’s not a conversation he wants to be having, is part of the problem. Thinking about Buck desperately seeking connection through fleeting sexual encounters with strangers already makes him swallow back a wave of petty jealousy and possessiveness. But there’s an added level of insult to injury to the idea that Buck wasn’t even having good sex. Which maybe explains why despite his initial commitment to delicacy and tact, what comes out of Eddie’s mouth is—
“You probably were. Bad at it.”
Buck’s eyes widen, a strangled noise sounding from his throat.
“Don’t pull any punches,” he shoots back as he hunches in the chair and drains the last dregs of his beer.
“I didn’t mean it like that.”
[Or: the one where Buck has a crisis and Eddie teaches him what good sex really is]
Enjoy! Find part 2 here x
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moontyuns · 1 year
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slow love;
words count: 781 pairing: soobin x gn!reader genre: established relationships, fluff, just a tiinyyy bit suggestive (if you squint) warnings: bad writing, lots of kisses, light makeout session 
song rec.: tender - slow love;
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You got back from work earlier today. The day was so tiring as hell and you want anything but make a warm tea and lay on the soft cushions of your couch. With that in mind, you changed into your comfortable outfit and went to the kitchen to make some tea for yourself. While the kettle is heating you decided to check your phone for any notifications from your boyfriend or other friends, but there was nothing. Judging by the time your boyfriend should be already on his way home. The water boiled already, so once you hear the clicking sound you made your favorite berry tea and went back to the living room. Mindlessly you turned on the first show you saw on your recommendations and tucked yourself in a fluffy blanket and grabbed your cup. 
After what seemed like 40 minutes or so, you heard the sound of the lock clicking and the door opened “Hi baby, I’m home” the sweet sound of your lover’s voice greeted your ears. You missed him so much, every of your working day the only thing you wait for is to come back to your sweet little apartment and dive into Soobin’s hugs, while you are tightly secured in his arms you can pretend that the outside world doesn’t exist. The boy now standing in a doorway and watch as you stretch your arms to him and make these little grabby movements with your hands. “Hey lovee, come here I want to cuddle with you” you whined softly and Soobin chuckled at your antics. 
He slowly headed to the couch you laid on, you quickly made some room for him so he will be able to fit. He lay beside you, and you instantly moved your arms to his shoulders and your face closer to his neck. Soobin slowly sneaked his arms around your waist and pressed your body closer to his. “How was your day?” one of the boy’s hands moved to your head and he start stroking your hair. “You know..kind of tough and tiring. My boss keeps demanding from me a lot and my co-workers are the shittiest people as usual. I dreamed for these 8 hours to sooner come back home and see you” you snuggle closer to him and breathed his smell, he is using this cologne that you gave him last Christmas, and you like how it smells on him. “My poor baby, now you can forget about anything with me” he kissed your temple softly, then his lips moved to your cheek. The hand that was in your hair now lifted your chin and you faced his relaxed features, small smile played on his plush lips as he bring them closer to yours. Soobin tenderly kissed the corner of your lips and slightly pulled back just to check on you, he knows that you waited for this but he still keeps teasing you. “Soobin, just kiss me already, I can’t wait anymore” you whined trying to pull him closer, but he tried his best to resist and gave you that smirk of his that you wanted to wipe so badly right now because he does this every time he wanted to play with you. “Nope, let me admire you for a little bit, can you?” his hand ghostly wandered across your cheeks and jawline and you leaned to his feathery touches. Then he brings his face closer to yours his sugary lips touched yours lightly, and you pressed your lips firmer to his. Soobin moved his lips slowly and delicately, setting the rhythm of your kiss, you tried to keep up with his pace. The kiss was soft and viscous, you feel every movement of your lover’s mellow lips and to be honest you didn't want it to end. You felt him biting your lips and with every bite, the kiss got more greedy and messy. He pulled away first, both of you devoured the air that you lacked in your lungs. “Baby, I love you, but I guess I love your lips more, they’re doing magic to me” you chuckle lightly and pecked his pinky lips. “So you wanna say that you date me only for these plush lips, huh?” he acted as if he was offended by your words, but actually he is not, he is fine with this fact.” Of course not! But these fine lips are pretty bonus for me” you softly run your forefinger across his lower lip and smiled. Soobin abruptly took your hand in his and peppered your face with dozens of sweet kisses mumbling quiet “I love you’s” in between while you laughed at the ticklish feeling.
Reblogs and likes are highly appreciated <3
Do not - steal / copy / repost / translate any of my works !
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stardustsunny · 2 years
slow love;
words count: 781
pairing: soobin x gn!reader
genre: established relationships, fluff, just a tiinyyy bit suggestive (if you squint)
warnings: bad writing, lots of kisses, light makeout session
song rec.: tender - slow love;
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You got back from work earlier today. The day was so tiring as hell and you want anything but make a warm tea and lay on the soft cushions of your couch. With that in mind, you changed into your comfortable outfit and went to the kitchen to make some tea for yourself. While the kettle is heating you decided to check your phone for any notifications from your boyfriend or other friends, but there was nothing. Judging by the time your boyfriend should be already on his way home. The water boiled already, so once you hear the clicking sound you made your favorite berry tea and went back to the living room. Mindlessly you turned on the first show you saw on your recommendations and tucked yourself in a fluffy blanket and grabbed your cup.
After what seemed like 40 minutes or so, you heard the sound of the lock clicking and the door opened “Hi baby, I’m home” the sweet sound of your lover’s voice greeted your ears. You missed him so much, every of your working day the only thing you wait for is to come back to your sweet little apartment and dive into Soobin’s hugs, while you are tightly secured in his arms you can pretend that the outside world doesn’t exist. The boy now standing in a doorway and watch as you stretch your arms to him and make these little grabby movements with your hands. “Hey lovee, come here I want to cuddle with you” you whined softly and Soobin chuckled at your antics.
He slowly headed to the couch you laid on, you quickly made some room for him so he will be able to fit. He lay beside you, and you instantly moved your arms to his shoulders and your face closer to his neck. Soobin slowly sneaked his arms around your waist and pressed your body closer to his. “How was your day?” one of the boy’s hands moved to your head and he start stroking your hair. “You know..kind of tough and tiring. My boss keeps demanding from me a lot and my co-workers are the shittiest people as usual. I dreamed for these 8 hours to sooner come back home and see you” you snuggle closer to him and breathed his smell, he is using this cologne that you gave him last Christmas, and you like how it smells on him. “My poor baby, now you can forget about anything with me” he kissed your temple softly, then his lips moved to your cheek. The hand that was in your hair now lifted your chin and you faced his relaxed features, small smile played on his plush lips as he bring them closer to yours. Soobin tenderly kissed the corner of your lips and slightly pulled back just to check on you, he knows that you waited for this but he still keeps teasing you. “Soobin, just kiss me already, I can’t wait anymore” you whined trying to pull him closer, but he tried his best to resist and gave you that smirk of his that you wanted to wipe so badly right now because he does this every time he wanted to play with you. “Nope, let me admire you for a little bit, can you?” his hand ghostly wandered across your cheeks and jawline and you leaned to his feathery touches. Then he brings his face closer to yours his sugary lips touched yours lightly, and you pressed your lips firmer to his. Soobin moved his lips slowly and delicately, setting the rhythm of your kiss, you tried to keep up with his pace. The kiss was soft and viscous, you feel every movement of your lover’s mellow lips and to be honest you didn't want it to end. You felt him biting your lips and with every bite, the kiss got more greedy and messy. He pulled away first, both of you devoured the air that you lacked in your lungs. “Baby, I love you, but I guess I love your lips more, they’re doing magic to me” you chuckle lightly and pecked his pinky lips. “So you wanna say that you date me only for these plush lips, huh?” he acted as if he was offended by your words, but actually he is not, he is fine with this fact.” Of course not! But these fine lips are pretty bonus for me” you softly run your forefinger across his lower lip and smiled. Soobin abruptly took your hand in his and peppered your face with dozens of sweet kisses mumbling quiet “I love you’s” in between while you laughed at the ticklish feeling.
Reblogs and likes are highly appreciated <3
Do not copy/translate/repost thx.
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epicsteddieficrecs · 1 year
Epic Steddie Fic Rec | April 3rd-16th 2023
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I never know what to say here 😆 I hope you guys had a good Easter if you celebrate? I hope you enjoy this rec? If I forgot to tag anyone, tell me? :P
🖤 starts with an h, sounds like potential by formosus_iniquis/ @formosusiniquis (4K | Teen): Eddie knows he got to Hawkins a little later than everyone else. He wasn't born and raised in the six miles of town with the same eight people his whole life. There was a whole social services kerfuffle that meant he didn't land in this small town hell hole until he was the ancient age of thirteen. But even without all that he is fucking positive that there was no Henderson in any of his three graduating classes. Yet here Henderson the supposed younger sits painting him a mystery week after week. Steve said this, Steve did that, Steve may very well be a delusion if the way the others giggle and sigh every time he gets brought up is any indication.
🖤 i can't take it when you touch me by deadratz (First Time, PWP | 20K | Explicit): Eddie is too embarrassed to tell Steve he's still a virgin. Their relationship gets to a point where he knows he can't keep it from him anymore. Steve makes it clear to Eddie that he doesn't mind at all. (Part 1 of locked in)
🖤 feels so good i could explode by deadratz (First Time, PWP | 12K | Explicit): After his first time, Eddie decides he loves sex. Particularly, sex with Steve Harrington. It's just that he doesn't really think Steve Harrington is going to love continuing to have sex with him after, what Eddie considers to be, a poor performance. Steve does what he does best and proves Eddie wrong. (Part 2 of locked in)
Slutty Social Media by blissedoutvixen (University AU | 15K | Explicit): Or: Steve has a really slutty Instagram presence and it's kind of ruining Eddie's life.
🖤 To Offer You a Little Relief by IndigoFudge (Canon Divergent, S4 Vol. 2 | 8K | Teen): Eddie pitches forward a bit, head falling against Steve’s shoulder. He’s shaking again. “I’m so sorry, Stevie,” he murmurs. “I think I’m in love with you. Worst fuckin’ time, but I think I’m in love with you. How about that.” It may not hurt to breathe, but it hurts to exist. Steve wishes it was tomorrow. Steve wishes it was tomorrow and Eddie was in the hospital safe and there would be a world of time for everything. “You’re gonna laugh,” he says, even though it’s the furthest thing from funny. “I think I’m in love with you too.” • What if Dustin had gone with Lucas, Max, and Erica? What if Nancy and Robin had killed Vecna alone? What if Steve had been with Eddie? What if that had made all the difference?
amplification by Adure/ @toburnup (Dreamsharing, PWP | 2K | Explicit): "And what if it's about you?" Steve asks, eyes serious. Questioning. "Would it still be a compliment?" Eddie's throat is bone dry. He blinks, feels each thought rearrange into something less comprehensible. Steve's hand is warm against his back. "As long as it's a good dream." (Part 3 of parasomnia)
somatic by Adure/ @toburnup (Dreamsharing, PWP | 3K | Explicit): "Apparently we've been hanging out at night without me realizing," Steve says quietly and he doesn't look mad, or even sound upset. He's just... looking. "Don't say it like that," Eddie says and the words are muffled underneath his palm as he scrubs his face. "The other night was... the first time I did that." Steve's smile melts into something less playful, almost unsure. "But if you—if you did that, that means you could feel—?" (Part 4 of parasomnia)
just an animal looking for a home by deadratz (PWP, First Time | 26K | Explicit): The first time Steve sees Eddie’s dick, there’s blood everywhere, his hands are trembling, and he’s too scared his friend is gonna die to think too much of it. But then he keeps seeing it, and he thinks about it a lot. Turns out Eddie’s been thinking about him, too.
🖤 better by you, better than me by palmviolet/ @palmviolet (Canon Divergent, Season 1-2 | 27/? | 142K | Mature | Warning: Violence): November 1983. Between unpaid bills, the supposedly straight jock he’s seeing, and letters from his convict dad, seventeen year old Eddie Munson’s got enough to worry about. But when Will Byers goes missing, it sparks a chain of events that will show there are more depths to Hawkins — and to certain people in it, like infamous Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington — than he realizes. / or, the excessively long slow-burn in which Eddie is involved in the Upside Down from the very beginning.
🖤 no me without you by cydonic (Post S4, Kas Eddie | 5/10 | 28K | Mature): Eddie Munson dies, the world is still ending, and Steve Harrington doesn’t know how he’s supposed to keep going. That is, until he comes face to familiar face with the creature killing people in Hawkins.
Operation Parent Trap by ChronicRabbit/ @chronicrabbit (Post-S4, The Party | 4/? | 8K | Mature): It all started with a crush. Not one that anyone expected, per se, but a crush nonetheless. The Party embarks upon a sacred quest; a quest to hook up their oblivious babysitter and their moon-eyed DM with the ultimate Parent Trap!
🖤 Reboot by plutosrose/ @plutosrose (Modern AU, Actor Steve & Eddie | 5/10 | 20K | Explicit): In 2012, Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson film a scene in the teen drama Normal Stuff that launches a popular ship on ao3. By early 2013, they aren’t speaking anymore. In 2024, Robin calls Steve with an offer to reprise his role as Andy Hartley in a reboot of their old show, with one important update–his character gets together with Eddie’s.
🖤 Swing and a Miss by deadonarrival (Baseball Player Steve, Fake Relationship | 3/5 | 19K | Explicit): “Apparently they usually reserve the box for the wives and girlfriends … so either you’re gonna have to be my boyfriend or you’re going to have to sit in the stands with the fans. It’s not that bad, you just need to like, pretend to be my boyfriend so you can sit with the other WAGs and like, then you can be in the box and have all you can drink alcohol and snacks.” “Did you agree to this!?” Eddie asks. “If I say yes, how mad are you going to be?” Steve asks.
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grimalkinmessor · 10 months
Read your post regarding those angsty Light as an SAS headcanons. I loved that first fic on your rec list. And it got me thinking.
Any protective (over protective?) L headcanons? AUs? for Light. Since Light is so used to taking it for granted and well, in L's mind, it is an established relationship so protecting Light in that regards falls to L, since Light isn't going to do it himself.
Would prefer it if it doesn't end in L's death 🙈
Aaahhh I don't really see L as someone who gets protective?? I think he's more possessive than he is protective, especially where Light is concerned. By the time they meet in canon, Light can very much handle himself and he regularly does—he'd get annoyed and suspicious if L started butting in every time someone started bothering him. And to be fair, in canon, I think L would be more likely to see if he could use Light's annoyance with the people coming onto him as a way to get him to slip up or confess.
BUT! AUs exist, so I will give you this: L bites.
Light no longer gets harassed on the train because L stands right beside him, and all the other creeps take one look at L and go "Oop someone else found the pretty boy first :/ Damn better luck next time". L exudes weirdo creep vibes and the way he sits on the train makes other people shy away from him, and if anyone approaches Light with nefarious intent (or any intent) L will see them coming and just fucking bite them. And, after Light complains that it's not sanitary to put his mouth on people, L just starts kicking people in the face. Light is HIS pretty little evil schemer and if Light doesn't take care of you quickly, L will do it for him.
L will also sit or lay on Light like a cat when he talks to someone too long or starts to flirt. This has the added benefit of getting Light to notice how often he relies on flirting to get his way and get irritated with himself because that's a fairly obvious way that he 'deals' with his lack of control now that L's pointed it out, and he shouldn't be letting those insignificant irritations have such a lasting effect on him.
In general L attempts to just keep Light from getting too close to anyone else, and this has the half-intended side effect of Light no longer getting touched inappropriately. If Light gets talked to inappropriately, then Light takes care of it. He's a vengeful bastard, after all, and even if he doesn't consider it bad enough to get revenge for, L will make sure that person never comes within fifty feet of Light ever again :) They are not poaching L's significant bother. Light is his and no one else is allowed to be near him or look at him or touch him.
Light protests this, but only mildly. He secretly enjoys how quietly feral L gets whenever someone lingers around him too long, for whatever reason. But Light also can't be grateful to L for inadvertently fixing a problem that Light didn't acknowledge was a problem in the first place, so no kudos for L from Light :/ But Light is far more comfortable in himself and his ability to just,,,,exist without being molested than he would've been without L. So there's that :3
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pimpedoutgreenears · 1 year
Hi I loved your shouritsu fics!! do you have shouritsu headcanons or maybe fic recs??
Thank you! That's so nice!
I do in fact have some headcanons! But I should warn you that they're long because I got carried away, and some of these are just straight up fic ideas lol.
-Shou asked his mom once how she knew she loved his dad (ya know, back before the terrorism), and she told him that it's one of those things that you just know. She knew that moment that she met him that he was the one. So when Shou first met Ritsu, it was the same kind of principle. Granted, he tried to be way cooler about it, but it was always there in the back of his head, even when he was most pissed at his dad and thought his mom's feelings were a little messed up. Ritsu was just always the one.
-Shou is so touch starved! His father stopped giving physical affection once his mom left (hell, probably before), and kinda shamed Shou if he wanted any because it's "childish." So Shou just stopped seeking it out and even denied it from his mom when he was lucky enough to see her (because he felt like he didn't deserve it until he 'fixed' his dad). Anyway, after his dad gets stopped from taking over the world, Shou gets some therapy and works on healing. One of the things he learns is that it's okay to seek out physical affection from people who you're close with. Ritsu is a willing victim of this and one of the first people Shou trusts enough to give (and get) physical affection. (Can you tell there is a fic in the works planned around this idea?) Along with this, Shou is very touchy with Ritsu. He loves putting his arm around him, leaning against him, rubbing their faces together, etc., Ritsu mostly reciprocates by letting it happen, but he's also affectionate in more subtle ways. He grabs Shou's hand or arm more often than necessary to grab his attention, and when he's tired he's more prone to being the one to lean against Shou. Once they start officially dating, he's also pretty confident with hand-holding and kissing (although he prefers privacy for the latter).
-Before they officially start dating, Ritsu kind of thinks of Shou like his stray/outdoor cat. He comes and goes as he pleases, and Ritsu doesn't really have a good way to keep tabs on him (they are both useless with their phones for varying reasons). But he comes around every once in awhile, let's Ritsu feed him and rub his chin (metaphorically), brings him a dead rat (also metaphorically), before he takes off again. Ritsu tells himself it's good like that, but deep down, he wonders if Shou could ever be happy with a collar on (this is also metaphorical, but the first time Ritsu has the thought, he definitely has a meltdown as he agonizes internally about if that thought makes him a pervert). Anyway, Shou does eventually turn into an 'indoor cat', but he's the kind that meows until Ritsu takes him on a walk at 2am (usually metaphorical). (Fic idea is definitely in this one too).
-I confer with the typical fandom headcanons that Shou sneaks into Ritsu's room all the time and that Shou takes Ritsu on late night adventures.
-Shou can read Ritsu like a book. He knows Ritsu just wants to have fun despite the persona he puts on. He doesn't really get the point of it, but he loves the game of getting Ritsu to 'break character' and actually be real with him.
-Shou occasionally just lowkey stalks Ritsu. He calls it gathering intel, but he's legit just going invisible and following him around. He does it for a long time before Ritsu finally gets used to finding his aura and realizes it's happening. When he confronts Shou he has to explain why it's super messed up. ...But also Ritsu is kind of flattered in a way he knows he shouldn't be. It makes his chest feel funny. But by principle alone, it's wrong! So that's what he goes with. Shou is confused because he's pretty sure Ritsu liked it despite what he's saying, but he's got all the intel he needs, so he has no issues knocking it off. After that he only turns invisible to try to sneak up and scare Ritsu.
-They are both terrible at friendships before each other. Ritsu didn't realize friendships were more than talking about the weather until after he got close to Shou. Once he was close to him, he realized all he'd had were acquaintances. And it's weird because he didn't really understand loneliness until he got close to Shou, because all of a sudden he understood what it was like to miss someone. It actually leads to him making more friends. Shou on the other hand, never had friends his age who didn't work for his dad or were working on the rebellion with him. So his social skills are kind of off. And he makes friends when he starts going to school again, but they feel super shallow to him. They don't feel like ride-or-die, fight in a war with you friends. So he feels kinda disconnected even though he likes kids at school and hangs out with them. It takes awhile to find other friends that he really likes and trusts, especially because he compares all friendships to Ritsu. But eventually, through conversations with Ritsu about his own struggles, he figures out how to find people he relates to.
-These two really vary their activities. Sometimes they do the most mundane things like, 'Let's go fishing' or 'let's go to the arcade' and then other times it's like, 'Wanna see if we can break into the art gallery at midnight and hang a painting of our own?' or 'Let's levitate cars one space over and see if people notice when they come back.' They just have a lot of range, and no matter what is suggested, 99% of the time the person being asked is just like, 'Sure. Do you think I should bring a jacket?'
-These two also will just beat the shit out of each other for fun. Like, obviously there are limits (Shou still out powers Ritsu), but they also don't go easy on each other. As much as the trauma in their lives would makes someone think they'd be adverse to violence, sometimes they just need to let it out with someone trusted. So it works out.
-Shou loves the prickly parts of Ritsu so much. Like, anytime Ritsu is a little shit, Shou falls more in love. Meanwhile, anytime Shou does something creepy or calculated, Ritsu finds his mind at war because one part of his brain is screaming, "Red flag!" and the other is screaming (twice as loud), "Let's paint everything red! We love red!"
-After high school, Ritsu at the very least takes a gap year before college to just travel with Shou. At some point he'll get back to school, but Shou convinces him to do what he actually wants to do for once, so for a long while they just travel together.
Look, I could come up with so many more but I have to stop somewhere, and I feel like I'm getting excessive lol
As for fic recs, I definitely have some, but I've realized after getting asked this that my system for keeping track of fics I like is bad… Mainly because I don't one lol. Like, AO3 gave me all the tools and I ignored all of them. But I might try to get more organized and make a separate post with some recs. This answer is probably way too long anyway lol.
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starsignchaser · 2 months
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hello everyone and welcome to the March 2024 edition of emily's fic recs! If you saw my post this weekend you know that I bookmarked 57 fics this month... yeah idk how that happened but just know that this is gonna be a bit of a long one.
this month's list contains Jegulus, Wolfstar, and Drarry for a total of 28 fics. there are some all-time faves in this list (march was a good month) so I hope you enjoy!
without further ado, lets dive in :)
blue and yellow skies by alarainai, salmon_says (142k, 27/27, rated M)
Quidditch Rivals turned Quidditch Lovers. That's what the world sees them as, at least.
Too bad Regulus hates James Potter's guts, and James? Well, it doesn't matter what he feels about their definitely fake, definitely emotionless relationship.
just cute quidditch boys who love each other
i fell hard (in your arms tonight) by grimjobs (17.9k, 9/9, rated G)
Regulus didn't know he was touch starved until James started touching him.
cute boys and silly misunderstandings
i've got my eye on you by artiest (10k, rated M)
James and Regulus are friends with benefits except they're both ridiculously in love with each other.
this one was so good I had to give it an instant reread as I was putting my list together. angsty happy in-love boys
Many Happy Halloweens by SnarkyMagpie (7.6k, rated M)
Monsters come out on Halloween, but Regulus Black will gladly fight any horror, whether it's a dragon or anxiety, to protect his family.
Jeggy dads!!!!!! Technically single dad James with Harry and then Reggie joining their family <3333
stuck by you (and the glue) by cleargreen (4.7k, rated G)
The two most important people in James's life finally meet. This is how it goes.
baby harry has a crush on his dad's boyf reg
Whoops. by my_castlescrumbling (2k, rated T)
Regulus is a TA for Professor Monty Potter and Monty keeps trying to set Regulus up with his son. Regulus always refuses, of course. But what happens when, at the end of the term, he goes to the Potter Christmas Party?
yayyy happenstance!!!
a little death by noasmirrorball (1.6k, rated E)
James wakes Regulus up with a little surprise.
this is just straight up porn
heatwaves by regscupid (1.5k, rated E)
With the exit of May, James quickly came to realize he could not deal with what June brought with it. June meant hotter weather. Their flat didn’t have air conditioning.
reg in crop tops makes james' brain go mush
wading in waist-high water by colgatebluemintygel (82k, 9/9, rated E)
Remus is a PhD student and hobbyist baker who finds himself adrift following his father’s death. On a whim, he enters the Great British Bake Off...
ONE OF MY FAVES OF THE MONTH!!! a wonderful balance of funny moments, bits of angst, and mostly just a lot of love between these two boys
Like Real People Do by third_crow (36k, 3/3, rated T)
Or, Remus works as a barista and Sirius comes in every morning with the world's cutest baby, and man, these two just wrote the book on mutual pining, huh?
I LOVED THIS FIC!!! there is so much angst but it is so worth it because these two are meant to find each other every time
To Be Alone With You by Shay_Fae (16.6k, 4/4, rated M)
In the summer of their sixth year, Remus Lupin tried to kill himself.
MAJOR TW for this one (as you can see from the description) but also such a beautiful take on Sirius's love for Remus and their dynamic
my castle crumbled overnight by YellowLark23 (9k, 2/2, rated T)
Sirius deals with his parents’ abuse while at school, but he never realizes just how dangerous the game they're playing is.
This fic is more black brothers focused but there is sweet background wolfstar hurt/comfort :)
i've got diamonds in my eyes (for you) by crushofdoves (6k, 2/2, rated E)
Sirius and Remus are in big, soft, filthy love.
this is so hot and also just feels so real for a sex scene like they literally stop to have a grilled cheese in the middle it's perfect
Remus' Impromptu Study Break by ravenclaw_with_no_friends (5.6k, rated E)
“Sod off Pads, I’m mad at you,” Remus decided his best way out would just be to go have a shower. He got out of the bed, picking up his pyjama bottoms to hold in front of his crotch.
wolfstar smut with sirius making the first move hehe
i was sinking and now i'm sunk by crushofdoves (3.9k, rated E)
The air between them felt electric, crackling with intention and Sirius hoped they were on the same page.
bookstore employee remus having his way with sirius in the back room
Ways to be Gentle by Quietlemonhush (3.6k, rated E)
Sirius has a bad day. Remus reminds him what softness feels like.
sad sirius being given all the love by his moony
A Dented Old Street Sign by orphanghost (27k, rated M)
Draco knows they aren't the only students who will be completing their NEWTs this year, but they are the only ones whose home fireplaces were disconnected from the floo network by the ministry.
At least, Draco assumes as much until he sees the light falling out from the front door of one of the other rickety old houses in front of them and the three figures cast in its warm glow.
the golden trio and returning slytherins are neighbors in Hogsmede for 8th year. tension, hijinks, and love ensues
With Great Yawns and Stretchings by sugar_screw (22k, rated T)
The coffee is very good. Really. And the cats are so cute. That's why Harry goes so often.
ONE OF MY FAVES OF THE MONTH!! just sweet boys who love cats and grow together and kiss!!!
Cascade by Avonne (18.7k, rated M)
Harry wants to touch, and Draco wants to be touched. If only they could figure it out.
I want to take every 8th year fic in hold them close in my arms because these boys are so sad and fucked up but they keep finding each other and making it work. one of my faves!
Sourdough by academicdisaster (17k, rated M)
Draco writes romance novels and doesn't leave his apartment much. Harry bakes bread and sells it to Draco. Draco is quite weird. Harry might like that.
read tags before reading!!! contains some off screen heavy angst but sooo good. Again, you will always catch me at the scene of a weird little draco fic
Magical Menagerie by DorthyAnn (16k, 7/7, rated T)
Convinced by Hermione to get a new pet, Harry goes to Magical Menagerie and finds it's now owned by Draco Malfoy who has changed since the war… in a good way, a really good way.
sweet weirdo draco you will always have my heart
Said and Unsaid (or, The Value of Knowing When to Stop Talking) by bryoneybrynn (14.8k, 3/3, rated T)
When the Interrogator asked if he had anything to say on his own behalf, Draco shook his head, his lips pressed tight in a thin line. There was nothing to say that wouldn’t sound like an excuse.
again, love me an 8th year fix-it fic
Slow Show by Avonne (14.7k, rated M)
Harry doesn't know the kind of love that isn't forged in pain. He doesn't understand slow and calm and easy. He can't trust unconditional. After all, how could Draco love him if he's not allowed to sacrifice himself for it? Draco shows him.
I just can't get enough of harry being a self-sacrificing idiot and Draco being the one who can consistently cut through his bs and be like "hey!!! stop that dummy, we all love you (but me especially)"
I'll keep you (safe and sound) by arminaa (13k, 4/4, rated E)
Harry takes temporary custody of Teddy while Andromeda's comatose at St Mungo's after an accident, and Draco, his something-with-benefits, shows up unexpectedly to help.
two awkward boys who don't know how to tell each other they like each other (with baby Teddy!)
Title of Their Sex Tape by Cibee (12k, rated T)
Undercover! Heists! Draco pining for Harry! Harry being oblivious, but also can't help noticing how good Draco smells! Banters and jokes! That's about it.
Brooklyn 99-esque fic with v sweet will they/won't they moments. also the line "“I confess,” Draco said quietly. “That I had hope ... you would choose me this time.”" !!!!!!!
By Any Other Name by dracognition (8k, rated E)
A botched love potion makes it so that everyone in Harry's vicinity is madly in love with him—everyone except Draco, that is.
everyone is in love with Harry, INCLUDING Draco!!! hehehe
Swipe Right by mee4ever (2k, rated G)
Or then one where Harry swipes right, and it turns out Draco does too.
I love their banter/flirting in this one so much!!!
Harry Potter Gets a Job [ART] by dustmouth (106 pages, rated M)
Harry returns home from Romania to find Arthur Weasley has a new apprentice, and there's an extra place set for dinner.
I love this art style and the story is just so perfect, def suggest checking out more by dustmouth if you enjoy this
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sheep33hallow · 10 days
Sluth (DamienXTerry) (Superbat)
Tags: BatKids age reversal, Terry McGinnis and Damien are the parents, day in the life, Justice League age reversal
Summary: Damien's POV as a Dad
Damien looked at his youngest son, Bruce, who was listening to the youngest Kryptonian talk endlessly to him. 
This wasn't their first time meeting, but that Alien took a liking to his son, in a way Damien didn't trust. 
All of the young justice members were taking a break. Damien was sitting in the monitoring office, looking out of the two way mirror, where the young members were eating their lunch in the training area. 
The Alien had his arm around Bruce, and he was shocked his son was allowing it to happen. 
“If you stare any harder, the glass will break.” Terry, his spouse said from his seat next to him. 
Damien glared at him. Terry had his long hair down today, in a similar fashion to Bruce's. “You're the reason that Alien is here.” 
Terry shook his head, and wagged his finger. “No, your best friend is the reason he’s here. I just told Bruce to be nice to him.” 
Damien threw a hand at the window. Grateful to not be seen. “He's touching him for no reason. They're not in combat training. He needs to go be useful elsewhere.” 
Damien presses a button, turning the intercom on, “Kal-El.” 
The young man jumped away from Bruce, who continued to eat. 
“Yes, sir!” Kal-El salutes the air, and the other young members snicker at him.  
“Go make yourself useful. There's a situation on earth that I think you can handle. Alone.” Damien growls the last word, then releases the button. 
He sends the coordinates to Kal-El’s communicator. He watched the young man look at his device, then back at Bruce reluctantly. Bruce is no longer making eye contact with him, and Kal-El shoulders deflate, before walking out of the training room. 
Damien is smiling. 
Terry shakes his head at him, and gets up. 
“Where are you going?” Damien asked. Turning his chair, as he watches his spouse walk to the door. 
“Like Father, like son. Enjoy some alone time yourself.” And he walks out. 
Damien walks down into the batcave and instantly notices the missing people tonight. 
He turns to his oldest, Duke, and says, “Where is Bruce and your Father?” 
Duke glances at Cassandra, who swiftly slips her mask on, making it clear he's on his own. 
Duke gulps, and tosses his helmet back and forth in his hands, as if to distract Damien. “They're out. Said they'll be back for patrol tomorrow.” 
Damien walks closer to his eldest. Duke is the worst at keeping a secret. Duke ends up walking backwards into the case holding Bruce's uniform. “Bruce is in his late year at Gotham academy, so it's not academic and your Father didn't tell me about any charity events going on. So where are they?” He hisses. He slams his hand into the case next to Duke’s head. 
“Dad! I don't know. They're just out. Bruce needs to be fitted for something. It's one night. Goodness.” Duke burst out saying, but his face is flush, “Sorry.” He mumbles as an afterthought. 
Damien backs up, and pats Duke's shoulder. “Whatever.” It's as close as an apology that he'll give. 
Damien turns to go get changed, then stalls for a moment. 
It's a week later, and Terry refuses to speak about his night off with Bruce. He's been using sex as a way to distract Damien, and Damien has been more annoying to Terry for their little game to continue. 
He's lounging in his cow print sweat set that Richard and Jason got him last Father's Day after they caught him crying over a cow giving birth when they had a family trip to a farm. 
“Well moo me down.” Terry says as he walks into their bedroom. His body is glistening from a finished workout. 
There are papers spread all over the bed in front of Damien. He's working on a new plan for training, plus blueprints for a rec center that Wayne Enterprises will be funding. Damien has one leg on the floor, his back is against the headboard, when Terry walks over and sits down on Damien's lap, being mindful not to drip on his papers. 
He kisses Damien, and who is the born and bred assassin to deny such a gift. He wraps his arms around Terry’s waist. Terry places a hand on the side of Damien's face, tilting it upwards, as he slides his tongue inside his mouth. 
Damien is on his way to sliding his hand into the front of Terry’s workout pants, when they are interrupted. 
“Have you guys seen Bruce?” It's Dick. 
“He's with the Kryptonian. I've been telling you this.” Jason says to Dick from his left side in the doorway. 
“Why would he be with Clark? That makes no sense, Jay.” Dick says to his brother, then shoves him in the shoulder. 
Jason falls back into the doorway. He tries to shove Dick back, but he tucks and rolls into their parent's room. He sticks his tongue out at Jason once he's standing next to them. 
“Fuck you, Grayson.” 
“Oi, don't yell at your brother.” Damien interrupts. 
Terry shrugs. “It's fine.” Terry stands up, and pinches Dick on the ear. “He knows what he is doing.” Damien sees a look pass between his spouse and second youngest. Dick is smirking and Terry shakes his head. “You have to stop thinking butter won't melt on him.” Terry says to Damien. 
He puts his hand on Dick's back, promptly pushing him back into the hallway and within Jason’s grasp. “Go train some more, and yes Bruce is with Clark, but he'll be home soon. It is a school night.” 
Once in his arms, Jason drags Dick away. 
“Why is Bruce with—.” Damien starts, then pauses when Terry is back in front of him. 
“It's hard to undress with the sweat and all. Can you help me?” Terry grasps Damien's chin, and slips his thumb between his lips. Smirking playfully down at Damien. 
Damien's eyes widen, his hands mindlessly taking hold of Terry’s tight sweat soaked pants without breaking eye contact. 
He spends the next hour remembering why he used to stalk his spouse. 
Young Justice comes back from a mission with no casualties, but multiple are injured. 
Including Bruce, who he heard has a broken arm, and fractured ribs. 
He already yelled at the ones not injured before dismissing them. 
Tim and Kon were in charge, so he doubts Tim will come home tonight. Terry didn't look to put out about it, silently agreeing on everything Damien said to everyone.
He benched them until further notice. 
Terry stays behind to speak with the other mentors, while Damien makes his way to the sick bay. He's fuming, but he's also heard that Bruce survived thanks to the Alien. 
Knowing Jon will be making jokes at him later over his cousin's stalking tendencies finally paying off. 
Damien grits his teeth. 
Stupid Jon and his stupid Alien family. 
“This kind of messes up our plans, doesn't it?” Kal-El says. 
Damien was about to turn the knob to Bruce's recovery room. 
The door is cracked slightly. 
“You can still come with me, but we won't be able to dance much.” Bruce says. 
“Like- like, I can hold your hand, and help you eat the food.” Kal-El says bashfully. 
“My dominant hand still functions fine, Clark.” He states plainly. Then Damien hears the opening and closing of a drawer. “Can you brush the knots out? Doubt I'll be able to shower for a few days.” 
“Oh, yeah. Of course, Bruce.” He says hurriedly. The chair squeaks back, Damien assumes Kal-El is standing up. 
“I'm grateful you invited me to prom. Jon told me it's a big deal to teenagers on earth.” Damien hears the brush being used. 
Bruce tsk’d. “It's not that big of a deal. I promise you. My siblings all went, and my Father thought you'd be fun to go with since I don't have any friends at school.” 
“But you've known John, and Hal longer, but you still asked me.” 
“Shut up, Clark.” Bruce growls, before wincing. 
There's a moment of silence. Just the brush being used, and the heart monitor beeping. 
Then, “I like taking care of you. So… I guess, depend on me more.” Kal-El says quietly.
Damien feels a hand slide onto his back, and take hold of his suit. Without turning around, he knows it's Jon pulling him away. 
In Damien's office, “So cats out of the bag.” Jon says with a sheepish grin, after giving Damien a cup of tea. 
They both have the top halves of their suits unzipped, and his face mask is off, though his eye makeup is smudge. “I suspected something.” He takes a sip. 
Jon nods. “Clark wanted to wait. Kids’ fucking scared of you dude.” Jon laughs. “I keep telling him you're a big softy.” 
“Most wouldn't agree with that statement.” 
Jon shrugs with a grin. “ Eh, so what. I know you best! Was there before Terry, and I'm GodFather to like three of your kids, so, to me you're a big softy.” 
Damien looks at his friend. “Kal-El is similar to you. I expected him to be more like Kon or Kara.” 
“Is that a bad thing?” Jon asks. 
Damien shakes his head. “Of course not. It just seems like I can trust him. I know I can't trust Kon, and Kara is unpredictable. So I didn't need another Alien messing things up.” 
“You didn't need another Alien plowing one of your kids.” Jon says bluntly. 
Damien bares his teeth at Jon, “If Kal-El fucks my kid without properly courting, Bruce. I will make him live in a vault, I've made specifically for your kind.” 
Jon's mouth drops open. 
Damien leans back in his chair. Smirking at the fact that Jon didn't know about his contingency plan. 
“What, where—” Jon begins. 
Still smirking. “Don't worry about it.” Then look at the clock. “Let's go. We have a meeting.” Damien pours the rest of his tea out into the trash. “Kal-El isn't in any danger. Like I said, I can trust him.” 
“Clark. He likes to go by Clark.” Jon frowns, clearly not over his newly gained knowledge. He stands up. 
They both zip their suits back up, and mask back on. 
“When he's able to look me in the eyes while talking to me. Maybe I'll give a fuck about what he likes to be called.” 
He walks to the door, “Especially since he clearly wants to plow one of my kids.” 
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runicmagitek · 10 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love❤
Oh my goodness, this is so sweet, anon 🥺 I've been having a rough weekend and feeling really self-conscious about my ability/worth as a writer, so this was well-timed and genuinely made me smile. Thank you for sending this!
Ho boy, it's tough to narrow down the to my top five favorite fics, because I have a lot of fics. I love all of them for one reason or another, so this is difficult lol. That said, here's my attempt at a top five, in no particular order.
What Leads You Here A post-canon deep dive into Keitaro's and Natsuno's trauma and how they mourn what they lost and learn to heal and move on together. It picks up immediately where the game ends and explores numerous things I love, from worldbuilding to slice-of-life interactions to delicious angst to heavy hurt with equally heavy comfort. I'm really proud of how I was able to write and edit and post a 214k fic within roughly two years. I put a massive amount of research into this along with using a lot of my own personal experiences and am REALLY happy that those who stuck around til the end thoroughly enjoyed the ride. This story will always have a special place in my heart.
The Lies We Tell Ourselves It's very difficult for me to talk about this fic without ruining the entire game. But I came up with this idea and wrote/edited it within roughly four days?? Like it possessed me and I couldn't focus on anything else until I wrote it. BJ and his journey is extremely heartwrenching and just thinking about what he might have come across and how he handled any of that (or didn't) felt like a story worth exploring. It also has some of my favorite lines I've written in recent years, especially the second to last scene.
The Wings That You Burn Holy shit, I cried a lot when I worked on this fic. It's a Celes-centric fic from Sabin's POV during the start of World of Ruin. I love VI, but in retrospect, I wish Celes was given more time to heal after everything that happened at the Solitary Island. And with Sabin being one of the first people she finds, he's the perfect character to remind her she deserves to live, no matter what.
Burning Bright Yet another fic that made me cry while working on it (this is a trend - I love me some angst). I love Steiner and his friendship with Vivi and (much like Celes in VI) I was really sad there wasn't any like, touch base with Vivi after everything that happened with Black Waltz 3 and the South Gate incident. Trauma and healing are core themes that keep cropping up in my stories, which probably says a lot about myself more than anything lolsob but honestly, I really love seeing characters support one another, despite it all. And I'm genuinely thrilled so many readers said this felt like a missing scene straight out of the game, too.
Long Journey Home You guessed it - this fic also tore out my heart while writing it. There's a reason it's tagged as "sad with a happy ending". Kentucky Route Zero is such a profoundly tragic game and exploring the possibilities of Ezra's past in this fic really hit close to home for me. That and weaving in magical realism and devising fantastical situations were such a fun challenge. This also contains my favorite passage I've ever written (and I very clearly remember needing to get up and walk off the feels for at least five minutes after I wrote this damn line):
She patted his head, much like how he patted the dog’s head. When she left, Ezra stayed and listened to the water carry them elsewhere. He thought of the people he met and those who stayed and those who didn’t and if anyone ever cried for the ghosts of who he used to be.
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licensedqueerio · 2 years
IK u've already done Fred Benson x GN reader confession stuff but...more please?? maybe reader leaving Fred anonymous love letters until the truth comes out??😳😳
I'm obsessed with Fred x jock reader. Apparently, I'm a sucker for the nerd/jock trope. I thought I was more interesting than this!
Also, this is different from my usual works. I kind of just want to see how it does in comparison to all my other pieces that have happy endings. This was fun to write anyhow :) I think I’ll write a part two eventually. Just depends tho if anyone wants one.
(also I’m kinda in a romance slump if that makes sense. I need to read more romance books, so if anyone’s got any recs, lemme know)
Word count: 2.7k
Pairing: Fred Benson x Reader
Warnings: N/A
Request Here
It started small. A slip of notebook paper shoved into his locker during passing period. 
Dear Fred, your hair looks really nice today.
It wasn't anything romantic. It was barely even a compliment. And it definitely told nothing about your identity, you wanted to stay anonymous. Especially when you kept doing it.
It wasn't a daily thing. It wasn't even a weekly thing at the beginning. But sometimes you thought he looked extra nice, or that something he said in class was really funny. Sometimes you didn't even compliment him, you just said something pointless about your day and asked him about his.
It was a fun little thing you got some serotonin from doing. And you didn't have to face the awkwardness of ever saying any of it in person. It's why you started writing the notes in the first place, words came more freely when you wrote them down. Something to do with not having to see the person's reaction to your words. It’s why you'd never said more than a word to Fred.
You knew how he was. You heard he once made a newspaper kid cry without even touching him. You didn't want to risk being torn to shreds with just a few words, so you stayed anonymous and just shoved the notes in his locker for him to find.
But one week he disappeared and something…changed with you. You began writing him more. Every day he was missing you slipped a note in his locker. Saying you missed seeing him around. Or that you missed his witty remarks in class. You were secretly worried about his well being.
Dear Fred,
You probably don't want to hear from me considering I've left you about six notes this week alone. It's the most I've written to you, actually. I guess I was worried. Not I guess. I was worried. A lot. You just disappeared off the face of the earth for a week.I suppose that’s your business though.
I really did miss you in class, I didn't lie about that. It's boring without you picking fights with everyone. But you're back. I saw you in the hall earlier. You looked like actual hell, no offense. I think I saw a cut on your face but I’m not sure, you walk too fast. Are you okay? Getting into actual fights after school too now?
I'm glad you're back anyhow. And I'm glad you're in one piece.
It was longer than usual, but you slipped it in your locker like normal and that was the end of it.
Until it wasn't. That single note seemed to open some sort of door in your mind that green lit a different sort of note.
Dear Fred
So that cut scarred. I noticed it in class. If I'm being honest, I couldn't stop looking at you. Even with a scar, you're beautiful to look at. I couldn't tear my eyes away from you, the way people can’t look away from the TV or something. Not in the way someone looks at a car wreck or something.
You distracted me in a way I enjoyed, like the TV. Consequently, I’m definitely going to bomb out next test, but tis a small price to pay. One I’m likely going to keep making in the foreseeable future.
I don't know how I ever got work done in the past with you sitting in the same room as me. It's as though my eyes are finally open and I can see you for how attractive you really are.
You distract me in the best possible way, Fred Benson.
You hesitated to send that one, so you nearly got caught. You kept turning it over in your hands as you walked back and forth in front of his locker. Debating on if you should leave it or not. Weighing the pro’s and con’s and taking into account the heightened risks.
"Can you move?"
You turned, staring at Fred with wide eyes. And wow was it nice to actually look him in the face. You were usually stuck staring at his side profile because of where he sat and where you sat.
"Uh, hello? You're pacing in front of my locker. So if you could go have an existential crisis about—" he looked you up and down, eyes lingering on your letterman jacket, "some brainless sport, I'd appreciate it."
You blinked. Wow. "Uh, yeah," you intelligently said, stepping to the side. "My bad," you added and very quickly walked away before you could further humiliate yourself.
After a few paces, you looked over your shoulder to find him already staring at you, eyes narrowed and firmly fixed on you. You whipped your head around and walked faster.
You left the note in his locker later, but stopped for about a week and a half. You didn't want to run the risk of him suspecting it was you who was leaving the notes. So, you stopped leaving them for a bit.
When Fred finally stopped giving you looks in the hall, you slipped a new note in his locker. You even taunted him and asked him who he thought was leaving him these notes.
After that one, you waited another week before leaving the riskiest one yet.
Dear Fred
I have a crush on you now. Fuck you and your irresistible seduction techniques, I feel like a middle schooler who just learned what a crush is. This wasn’t supposed to happen. I was just supposed to leave you notes on occasion to maybe make you smile because you always look so grumpy.
But it was inevitable, really; all that time spent staring at you. If I had a type in people, you would fit it like a glove.
You're incredibly smart, passionate and driven, witty, (kind of mean), and very nice to look at. You're a catch. At least in my book.
I get butterflies when you walk in the room, I can barely stand to look you in the eyes without feeling warm and fuzzy. Even though you don't realize the impact you have on me, I can't help but hope for even a small chance with you.
I want to get to really know you. I want to know what makes you, you. I wanna know what gets you going and what you hate. I want to know you.
But alas. Here we are. Maybe one day I'll scrounge up the courage to sign my name at the end of one of these notes.
Fred slammed the piece of paper against the table with a loud smack that echoed through the empty paper room. "Look."
Nancy looked up from her lunch and stepped away from the counter she was leaning against. It was then he saw Robin, sitting on the floor next to her. She sprang up though when Nancy walked away.
"What's going on?" She asked as Nancy took the piece of paper from Fred. "Ooh, what's that?" She asked, hooking her chin over Nancy's shoulder to read over her shoulder.
Fred scowled at her. He wouldn't have brought it up if he knew she was in here. It was bad enough Nancy knew. (Actually, it was nice Nancy knew. He could talk about it with her). Robin on the other hand, was a whole other story.
"Fred's been getting notes in his locker all semester," Nancy filled in. "He's got a secret admirer," she teased with a smile.
"Fun," Robin nodded. "Oh wow. 'I get butterflies when you walk in the room', they're so into you!" She excitedly exclaimed, hooking her arms around Nancy's middle.
Fred ignored that. No way was that possible. It was a prank. Some douchebag who thought it was funny to mess with him. He was getting sick of it.
He very firmly ignored the part of him that hoped it was genuine. That whoever was leaving these notes in his locker genuinely liked him.
He didn't like to listen to that part of his brain. It usually led him to crushing disappointment, so he learned it was best to just shove those feelings down until they dissipated. They would, eventually.
"You still have no clue who's giving you these?' Nancy asked, handing Robin the note when she made a grab for it when she tried to give it back to Fred. Robin pressed a kiss to her cheek in gratitude.
"Nope," Fred answered. "One of my English classmates. Or maybe math, that's usually when I find the notes," he shrugged.
"You don't have anyone who seems the type to do this?" Nancy pressed. She was very involved in trying to find Fred someone so he didn't have to always third wheel her and Robin.
Fred did, actually. You. He didn't think you would be the type to write anything as sappy as a love letter considering your jock reputation, but that day you'd been lingering around his locker was suspicious. Plus he didn't get a note til later in the day. It made sense, but also, it confused him a lot more.
Why would you write him a love letter? Was he right? Were you just screwing around with him and you and your other jock buddies were getting a good laugh?
"No," he answered anyway. "No one. I don't even talk to anyone besides you two."
"That's sad," Robin deadpanned. "You don't have any friends? I think that's worse than Steve," she jested, jostling Nancy with a grin.
"Steve has friends," Nancy began, distracted from the topic at hand.
"That are children," Robin finished. "Anyways. Freddie, we need to find you friends. Besides us, because while we are wonderful company…"
Nancy elbowed her with a tight smile.
“Fred,” he corrected for the umpteenth time.
The door suddenly slammed open, making Nancy and Robin jump away from each other. When Fred looked up to see who had arrived, he found himself staring at you, frozen in the doorway. Your hand was still on the doorknob. You quickly hid your other hand behind your back.
When your eyes met his, you very quickly broke eye contact and looked at Nancy and Robin instead. Then your eyes found the paper in Robin’s hands. You opened and closed your mouth a few times before managing a choked, “sorry.”
“Oh, hey, Y/N,” Nancy politely greeted and Fred suddenly remembered that you two were friendly with each other. You had a mutual friend: Steve Harrington.
“Nancy,” you said with a nod of acknowledgement. You stepped back, safely out of the room.
Fred watched you, making eye contact again and frowned when you immediately avoided it. But he said nothing.
“I’m gonna…go,” you said, taking another step backwards and letting the door close as you walked away.
It was silent between the trio for a few moments.
“Dude,” Robin exclaimed. “It was them. They’re writing the letters, one hundred percent. I mean—did you see the way they looked at you!?”
“No,” Fred denied. “Why would it be them? Have you seen them? They hate people like me. Them and their buddies make fun of people like me on a daily basis.”
“Not all jocks are Jason Carver,” said Nancy with a ‘for-your-information’ tone. “I think it could be them, just based on their behavior. They were really avoiding eye contact."
"Maybe they just hate me and don’t want to look at me,” Fred countered. “Maybe they were doing something they’re not supposed to and that's why they were avoiding eye contact. Why would they be here?"
"Maybe they were gonna deliver another letter," Robin suggested with a grin. “And then they seen you and you like, totally ruined their plans.”
“No,” Fred denied again. “Can we stop talking about this now? It wasn’t them. They’re a stupid jock who would mkae fun of me the first chance they got,” he said sourly, snatching the letter back and haphazardly stuffing it into his back pocket.
“Ow, what the fuck!?” You furiously hissed, rubbing the back of your head that had just been rudely knocked against the wall. You squinted at whoever had just pulled you into the paper room and proceeded to shove you against the door. You found yourself staring at none other than Fred Benson. You blinked at him. That was unexpected.
“Sorry,” he said, but didn’t at all sound apologetic. “But it’s not easy to find you without your jock buddies and I need answers. Now.”
“Y’know, Benson, you could have just asked to speak with me. No need to assault me,” you said calmly, straightening up and fixing your jacket. You folded your arms across your chest and stared at him. “So? What do you want?”
Your heart was pounding inside your chest and you felt warm low in your gut. Just being this close in proximity to the boy you’d developed a crush on was driving you crazy. But you had to seem calm and collected so he didn’t suspect anything.
“You did it,” he said bluntly. “Didn’t you? The notes in my locker?” He thrust the newly written letter in your face.
Your facade cracked as you forced a laugh, “am I supposed to know what that is?” you asked, glancing at the paper then staring back at him, ignoring the heat rushing to your face in embarrassment. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Don’t lie,” Fred said with a frown, lowering his hand. You could see the doubt crawling into his expression though. “You’ve been writing them for the past few months, haven’t you? You’re the only person who makes sense.”
“I haven’t written anything,” you denied, stronger this time. “Why would I leave notes in your locker? That’s just ridiculous,” you forced out, even though it hurt to say because it wasn’t ridiculous and fuck, you didn’t want to hurt his feelings.
Fred’s frown turned into a scowl.
“I have to go,” you said, clearing your throat and twisting to open the door. But before you could, Fred's voice stopped you.
You paused with a quiet sigh. You turned back around to face him. "What?" You expectantly asked.
You weren't expecting Fred to press his lips against yours and keep them there in a lingering kiss. And you weren't expecting to like it so much.
You pulled away abruptly, your arms coming apart to hold his shoulders. "What was that?!" You exclaimed, shaking him a little. You were just surprised and flustered. And happy it finally happened.
Fred's eyes went wide and fearful. He tensed up beneath your hands and tried to shy away from you.
In an instant, you dropped your hands, stepping back and bumping into the door, but you didn’t care. You showed him your hands, palms out, “shit, Fred, I’m not gonna hit you or anything,” you said quietly, unable to raise your voice.
Fred didn’t look confident that you wouldn’t as he stepped backwards. “I’ve been beat up by your friends before,” he said, finding his voice. “Look, just go. Clearly I was mistaken.”
“Go!” He said louder, turning his back on you.
You opened your mouth, but no words came out. So you sighed in defeat and turned around. With your hand on the door knob, you glanced back at him. You watched as he rubbed at his face before turning around. You turned the knob and opened the door, stuffing your free hand into your pocket where it crushed the letter folded up inside. You walked out of the paper room and didn’t look back.
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