#or have multiple artstyles
cimicherrychanga · 4 months
i wannaaaaa do the evil art style thing but i think my style is too inconsistent for that :(((
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creampuffiemina · 3 months
my forgotten sillies... i rarely draw them anymore (but i still love them very much lol)
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honorable mention !!1 i only drew her once and i forgot about her until i found this drawing (OLD!!)
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pm0 · 10 months
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lovequeer aro Wally is real to ME
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mikami!! again!
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cherryskirbycorner · 2 months
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so I finished reading iyd where it's currently at a few days ago.
i am incredibly normal about @post-it-notes7 's Heart and Soul series. I can be trusted with these freaks I promise I won't keep microwaving all of the strawberries and blueberries I promise.
anyway good lird these two have been through so much. they need eepy time + bonus wishful thinking first few chapters in a nutshell
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tatzlyip · 10 months
i love love LOVE your art and in going to destroy it
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YOU BETTER DO THIS TO MY ART!!!! 💥💥💥💥💥‼️‼️‼️
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aria0fgold · 1 year
Okay so bad news... My phone’s lcd is broken... I can’t draw anymore orz... Just as I was figuring out how to draw the comic it decided to die on me dammit!
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Is this a sign to continue writing my fics
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Quick preface: i watch a lot of well known anime, but not a lot of "mainstream" anime, and i never associate with "weebs", so even as an avid anime fan, sometimes common tropes baffle me
Watching clannad with some friends and the main characters basically all suffer from same face syndrome, which i can live with, its common in anime, people complain about clannads art style all the time, whatever. Then THESE SIDE CHARACTERS SUDDENLY SHOW UP and i suddenly realise just how bad the issue really is.
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The studio is clearly capable of drawing other facial features and shapes in a way that still fits the anime's artstyle, they just choose not too for any main characters - and when i mentioned this to my friends, one of them said "oh its because their ugly", and it made me realise just how bad this twinkification is in so many animes. None of these men are ugly. I'm not saying that because of body positivity, i mean it quite literally. I dont simp for them or find them "hot", but their features, while different from your typical anime facial structure, aren't depicted in an unflattering way.
The boy on the right has naturally chubbier cheeks and a wider neck, without having exaggerated curves or skin folds. His eyes are smaller but they are placed flatteringly evenly on his wider face. The boy in the middle has a large but nonexaggerated nose and downturned eyes, giving him a softer, but not traditionally ugly look. The boy on the left has a sharper jaw, nose and cheekbones, which many people actually consider adheres to societal beauty standards!
I know one of the main reasons these anime producers make their protagonists have that same face syndrome is because they consider it the most attractive face in the artstyle, and want their protagonists to be the most likeable, and attractive characters (especially in more romantic themed animes). But it like physically pains me to see how much more interesting the characters could have looked. Neither of these 3 boys look evil, gross, or ugly (like how some other animes make their characters with "less attractive" features look like a downright caricature), and if they were protagonists and were given more complex personalities, I could even see them being simped over!!
Over-sexualisation is one prominant issue in media. Same face syndrome is another. But the issue i see less talked about is the over-romanticisation of certain facial features. I understand people want some sort of fan service in their favourite romance animes (in this context, im using fan service to mean audiences want to be able to simp for the characters and romanticise them). But in shows like clannad, so much artistic quality is thrown away for the sake of making these characters "attractive" and at this point they just get so overly-yassified to the point where the silly, "ugly" side characters just look more human and attractive anyways.
The effect this has on audience's perceptions is real, my friend actually thought these boys were ugly; they are some of the ONLY characters in the show that dont have huge bug eyes and the same copy pasted face shape. And if you thought seeing diverse male characters was rare, i havent seen a single unique looking female character thus far in my watching the show.
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kinos-fortress-2 · 7 months
i hate how difficult is drawing medic. i hope he dies and explodes i can’t fucking draw that man. why his face is the most difficult part.
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Watched Redline the other night with my sister, which is an absolutely batshit movie about racing very fast cars on alien planets. It feels like 50 million things are happening every second you watch, and all of them fuck so goddamb hard that you don't even notice the plot making no sense at all until it's already over. 100/10 would recommend if you're in the mood for a stupid fun movie about fast car go vroom
On a side note: Frisbee's voice, if pitched down just slightly, is pretty much exactly what I imagine my OC Vikka to sound like.
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alternautxyz · 1 year
new blorbos acquired cower in fear
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anyways update im going insane over lego monkie kid i thought it would be a fun time but i did not expect some of the rawest scenes ever from a lego show selling you $100+ sets
this show deserves the world please watch it
#warning like 20+ tags here that i do want to move#sucks that actually watching the show legally is a pain with the limitied and random options there are#if your wondering it's basically a journey to the west next gen sequel and the way they build on the world is pretty neeto#but it seems to check out for most people so yeah#but bro legged-os show needs support#like i watched it because the artstyle and animation was really good and i knew the basic plot of book well enough#somehow the animation is better than i expected and contantly really good and nice to look at even in the chill eps#but then i also ended up really liking all the characters and would honestly enjoy a character focused ep on all of them#like its rare for me to hate a character#but the fact that i really love all of the main cast and a lot of the supporting is pretty rare#the way they mirror the prev squad in the og book is pretty interesting since its like on two sides of the chara development spectrum#and i would be fine if it was exclusively slice of life stuff but the plot also ended up being really good#like the s3 finale specials are so good and climactic with a banger of a villain and some of the coolest moments of the show#and somehow s4 seems to be building to something that might even surpass it in some areas#the emotional moments especially later on hit hard too#like there are way too many times where this show hits so hard and can be so raw with like one line or one scene#like that one s3 ep where they reverse exorcise a nuke into someone and they have a big 'reasons you suck' speech with cool visuals? banger#the s3 finale is all around cool but that final convo with the antagonist is so striking that s4 quotes it multiple times#s4e7 aka ''i am the shadow the true self'' my beloved it has everything#cool fight scenes great emotional character moments that stick in your mind and a soundtrack that wrap it all in a bow#even some smaller episodes like one where they normal exorsise a gramdpa has really nice moments that cover stuff like grief and moving on#because every child(?) protagonist in a kids show is destined by fate to become insanely traumatized by the end of the show#yes these examples are more recent but thats because recency bias and the Cerberus syndrome it gets later down the line#thats a whole tag essay to say that this show is so good and deserves as many seasons as it needs#i would buy a set but every modern lego set that i want is over $100 and i cant do that#i could ramlble about it so so much more but thats the gist of it go watch it#alttalks
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trashbatistrash · 2 years
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ashe-hallows · 10 months
with how much this site loves its writer ask games, im astounded ive never seen one for artists, soooo
1. what medium do you use most (if applicable, what software)?
2. most popular piece?
3. your favorite piece(s)?
4. piece you wish got more love?
5. how would you describe your art style?
6. favorite thing to draw?
7. easiest thing for you to draw?
8. thing you struggle to draw?
9. whats something you always come back to when drawing?
10. how do you deal with artblock?
11. do you listen to anything while drawing?
12. describe your process while drawing
13. talk about a wip you like!
14. whats your favorite thing about drawing?
15. least favorite thing about drawing?
16. how do you motivate yourself to draw?
17. what is something youre confident about in your art?
18. something you feel like you need to work on?
19. where do you find inspiration?
20. is your workspace, digital or not, organized (not neat, organized)?
21. what do you think your artstyle would taste like?
22. do you have a favorite color palette to work with?
23. how many artstyles can you work in confidently?
24. whats a compliment about your art that has always stuck with you?
25. what size canvas/paper do you use?
26. what do you physically draw with (pencil and paper, tablet, etc)?
27. do you ever have multiple wips going at once?
28. whats a piece you would like to redraw at some point?
29. do you use a lot of references while drawing?
30. whats something youre proud of about your artstyle?
31. which fandom have you drawn the most for?
32. have you done a lot of collabs?
33. have you taken a lot of classes for art?
34. whats something you still like from your old art?
35. if you had one piece of advice to give your younger artist self, what would it be?
(remember to give the person you reblog from an ask!!)
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ask-the-rag-dolly · 3 months
hello hi hello uhh not-for-ragatha ask yes
i found this au. i love it. its amazing. i love how you put ragatha in the sea of anons and went "lol survive ig" and left her to defend for herself
also i love love love your artstyle. the way you draw the characters and ragatha's hair and however jax's eyes work how they're not even and expressions and everything its amazing
love this au
-💡(also, i've heard about "design notes," and im not sure if i'm doing it right or if i will ever actually appear here, but i'd love for my character to 1. have baggy/oversized pants and 2. have a lightbulb incorporated into the design somehow (or multiple lightbulbs incorporated in multiple ways. idk your choice :D))
thank you she is barely surviving and it's funny to witness
also my first thought is that they are a light bulb . glows in the dark
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el-pada · 5 months
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not gonna even dignify this with a direct response cause clearly you motherfucker lack basic reading comprehension
but hey! lets have a talk abt this
i mainly base my iterations of him (rise, mm and the space 2012) on 2003 which i stated and made clear multiple times here
so most if not all of the leosagi started with 2003, makes sense, its the most he ever interacts with leo in the franchise, they have lots of great dialogue and an interesting dynamic
you wanna know what else this iteration started?
making them the same age range by showing it in a flashback the same arc he is introduced in
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right there you can clearly see hes a kid in the same time the turtles were, the artstyle itself does make it confusing at times but like, even hearing him with the akward voice acting this is a kid (0:0 to 0:55)
they even refer to him as "young samurai" still in training
but thats not enough for you? fine, lets look at the comic design
now what are some of the main things that show up in his design?
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the scar
the mifune crests
now lets look at the comics!
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in the second chapter of volume 1 we get to see a teen usagi a couple years into his training, before working for mifune, what do we see here?
he still doesnt have his scar and mifune crests
he gains those after become a proper samurai, now we can look at history and see that a samurai was able to be trained as young as 15-16, assuming that was usagis age range we can reasonably line it up with the timeline of him serving mifune for a couple years, becoming a proper samurai then eventually losing him and gaining his scar
if we look at canon hes implied to be in his early 20s at most in the comics themselves (the artstyle just isnt kind to him), which is why i dont draw that iteration as leosagi, just draw inspiration from the character writing for usagi
now lets look at the 2003 design!
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see something here? thats right!
his scar and crests arent there
the main things that one can use to differentiate between his life as a teenager vs an adult are missing!
"oh but the scar is just stylized, and the crests arent there for simplifying the design"
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actually nope! the animators made a concious decision on his design, shown in multiple angles that its a weird eyebrow shape and not an actual scar!
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and tomoe's design shows that also shows they very much could add the crests and chose not to, which makes sense as this iteration has the most canon accurate to the comics take on usagis world
and what did i make sure to incorporate into my usagi design? thats right!
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no scar or crests in sight!
and if you really wanna get on my ass the fucking writer of rise liked my iteration on twitter lol
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so in conclusion suck my dick and balls and do some research before accusing me of something as nasty as that
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 6 months
Autistic Anime Boys Tournament Bracket
Heeey guys! It’s finally time for our next tournament! Get ready to pit all your favorite autistic anime* boys against one another~ 😈😈😈 The same rules as the autistic anime girls poll apply here, but I will reiterate them below.
*Note: I understand that the term ‘anime’ does not, semantically, apply to every character that I will allow into the poll—I am simply using the term in a general manner, because it is quick to say and widely recognized. Characters from print media (i.e. manga, manhwa, manhua), ‘anime-style’ webcomics and games/visual novels, and from non-Japanese East Asian animation like donghua and hanguk aeni are welcome as well.
No western media, unless the characters are deliberately designed in an 'anime-style’ (ex: in the past, I have allowed characters from things like DDLC). It can't be a temporary or one-off gag style-change either. It must be the series' regular artstyle. Judging this will be my subjective opinion, but I am going to be excluding animation that stylistically toes the line (sorry AtLA and VLD fans).
Don't submit Shigeo Kageyama from Mob Psycho 100. His autism swag is too powerful and iconic, so I've decided he will be the mascot of this tourney. The winner of the poll will be rewarded with a special exhibition match against Mob. 👍👍
The characters do not need to be canonically autistic. Headcanons are perfectly fine.
You can submit as many characters as you like, but do not submit the same character multiple times.
Submit characters through the designated Google form. Any sent through asks/messages/any other means will be ignored and you’ll be kindly redirected to the form. Just keeps things more organized this way.
Don't be a dick if your fav loses. Please. Let's all be civil here and have a good time. Doing tumblr polls is entirely for fun!
Definitely send propaganda for the contestants! I love hearing people infodump about their favs.
This time around, I will not make submitting propaganda a requirement on the form, but it does significantly increase your character’s chances of getting into the bracket.
I will attempt to be more selective for this poll, to avoid an enormous bracket like last time (I just have a tendency to get attached to submissions and can’t help but let in as many as I can 😅), but I won’t officially decide on the number of competitors until after submissions close.
Good luck! May the best boy win!
Tagging other poll blogs below the cut.
@ultimate-anime-tournament @pinkhairswagtourney @canonmisogynyvictimstournament @gayelderstourney @generic-anime-boy-bracket @fuckablemeowmeowbattle @moon-swag-tourney @animemusicbrackets @best-transgender-character @bisexualdivorceebattle @irritable-bowel-showdown @gentle-giant-swag @transandautisticswagcompetition @transgenderswagincartoons @victimsofyaoipoll @tummy-troubles-tourney @chuunibyou-showdown @ocd-character-polls @tournament-winners-tournament @found-family-tournament @christ-figure-bracket @headachebattle @rock-swag-tournament @bestshipsmackdown @queerprotagonistshowdown @titular-twins-tournament @character-of-all-time @white-boy-bracket @ultimate-poll-tournament @autismswagsummit @transgenderautisticbracket @fuckable-old-man-battle @beefy-babe-showdown @cringefaillosersummit @homoerotic-shonen-rival-showdown @autisticgirliesbracket @emoboybattle @miku-figures-tournament @best-book-siblings @toxicoldmenyaoi @serialadoptersbracket @actually-insane-blorbo-bracket @gaslightgatekeepgirlbosscombat @characterswithgodsnamesbattle @most-tragic-character-tournament @toxicyuribracket @big-brother-battle-bracket @toxic-yaoi-tournament @gayest-classiclit @foreheadfaceoff @annoyingblondebracket @badass-queer-couples-battle @yuribracket @blond-jerk-tourney
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