#or at least the from cover lmao
ghosttoastx · 9 months
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Credit to @joyaflor
Sorry I meant to tag you on this a while ago, just been a bit busy and forgot
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linrinkuarts · 3 months
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justaz · 6 hours
somehow for some reason the knights take on a spell that lights up the scars that litter their bodies. arthur has the most with leon as a close second. gwaine and percival and pretty much tied for third though gwaines are much smaller - from more brawls than battles. elyan and lancelot have their fair share but less that the others. that is until they turn to see merlin lit up like a goddamn glowstick. the others (bar lancelot) had been expecting maybe a few nicks from being on the outskirts of battles or mishaps from working on a farm back in ealdor, not……this. the light (which shines through their clothes as if the fabric isn’t even there) is practically blinding on merlin, covering every inch of skin. more so than even arthur. lancelot prompts them all to move on and everyone does, holding themselves back from asking the questions they desperately want answered
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good-beanswrites · 5 months
haii bean !!! I wanted to bully kotoko request some funnies and sillies :) could you please write a drabble with amane and yuno (and anyone else) annoying kotoko . i feel like amane and yuno would go :3 and kotoko would go >:T… ofc feel free to ignore/dlt this :3
LOL of course! I'm sad I've become the Milgram Bully but I'm glad to give the boys a little break 😂 Thank you so much for the request, it was really fun getting back into the swing of writing with this! (also wooooo it's getting me so hyped for Deep Cover!!) Out of everyone, those two could definitely get away with :3-ing Kotoko to no end...
“Thirty-five, thirty-six, thirty-sev--”
“Hey, Kotoko?”
“Thirty-se, er, thirty-eight...”
“Thirty- uh…”
“Hey, hey, Kotoko?”
She rolled onto her back, having lost count of her pushups. “Yuno.” Her voice was even between heavy breaths. “Can’t you see I’m busy?”
“Actually, I can see you need a break, and I’m happy to provide one!”
With a grunt, Kotoko sat up to face her. Yuno smiled down, her eyes sparkling with... something. Amane stood nearby, looking just as suspiciously sweet.
“What do you two need…?”
“We’re here to join you,” Amane said. “We wish to work out.”
“Oh? You’ve never been interested in exercise before.”
“Well, you yourself have motivated us to get stronger.”
“I’m pretty sure you just got bored…”
“Of course not! We’re committed!”
Kotoko studied them with a harsh look. They smiled innocently back. She narrowed her eyes. They widened theirs in anticipation. She leaned back. They leaned forward.
Yuno clasped her hands together. “Come ooon~ It’ll be fun having workout buddies! I’m a very hard worker, and you’ve seen how well-behaved Amane is. How bad could it be?”
Very, apparently.
She started with some stretches to get them warmed up. It was impossible to get them to focus, or hit the right positions, or stop giggling. Kotoko tried to tell them about breath control, but they seemed more excited to chatter on about everything under the sun. 
“I’ve always thought of stretching like this and being a famous dancer,” Yuno said. “Like a ballerina…” She did a little set of twirls. Kotoko tried to tell her not to do anything to crazy before they’d warmed up, but she just kept on spinning.
Amane’s eyes lit up. “I’ve always wanted to be in a marching band. They’re like dancers, a little bit!”
“Ooh, you’re right! I could never be so uniform, though, I want to do my own thing… like an idol or something!” Yuno did another set of moves. No one was following Kotoko’s perfectly timed toe touches anymore. 
“I guess we can get started…”
There was just as much dancing when they began jumping jacks, despite the fact that there were only two very clear positions to hit. Yuno wanted to do sets that traveled around the room, then ones that turned rapidly around in a circle, then ones that turned really rapidly in a circle. She and Amane made themselves dizzy with it. 
Kotoko decided a good, grounded activity would serve them better. They took turns holding each others’ feet and counting situps. Yuno got distracted easily, delving into nonstop conversation whether she should have been counting, watching, or doing the situps herself. She’d use her hands to talk, letting go of whoever she was meant to stabilize. Amane, on the other hand was practically a drill sergeant the way she tried to keep the others on pace. 
“Eight! Nine! Ten!”
“Amane, I think you’re supposed to count when I sit up, not force me to keep up with you…”
“Well don’t be so slow about it, and you’ll stay in time. Let’s go! Eleven! Twelve!”
Kotoko rubbed her temples. Maybe adding some equipment could keep them busy? 
Jumping rope brought new struggles. Yuno spend ten minutes trying to recall a schoolyard rhyme to jump rope to, and teach it to Amane. They both encouraged Kotoko to join in, but she was jumping at a faster rhythm. That became impossible as their chanting filled the room. Moreover, none of them could stay in their own space. There were about five rope tangles before Kotoko decided to call a break.
(She didn’t exactly know what they needed a break from, they’d hardly done anything.) The girls seemed happy to sit down and chat, though. Kotoko reluctantly passed her protein shake over as they asked to try it. “One sip…”
She covered her mouth, deep in contemplation. Maybe these exercises were too easy. It was too easy to get distracted out here in the common area. They’d be forced to buckle down and focus on something more taxing, right?
She jabbed a thumb over her shoulder. “After this we’ll head over to my cell, okay? I have a bar installed for pull-ups. It’s tricky, but you have to start somewhere.”
“Hmmmm…” Yuno tapped a finger to her chin. “I’m not sure about that. You know… I think you were right. I think we were just bored. Well!” She clapped her hands together. “I guess we’ll stop bothering you now. Bye!” 
Amane joined her for a curt bow. “Thank you for your time.” 
Kotoko blinked after them. “Er, but…!”
Just like that, they were gone.
She released a long breath. She picked up her shake. It was empty.
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myfriendtheghost · 5 months
had a GVF dream last night and naturally in my dream I had to log onto tumblr and tell everyone about my experience
so here I am fulfilling the prophecy
#I miss them 😔#I dreamt that I went all the way to LA to see one of their shows at a small outdoor venue#very intimate and there was no pit !!! It was GA but no pit !!! CHAIRS#and the venue accommodated for my visual disability and let me in early so for the first time in my life I had a good view at a GVF show LOL#Jake was wearing the dragon suit from DIG#I think Sam was wearing his original DIG suit too? it was also black#Danny was wearing his Starcatcher outfit#and Josh was wearing a new jumpsuit that was white and BEJEWELED FROM HEAD TO TOE#it was sooo sparkly and pretty#so then they played a song and it was a cover (I don’t remember what song) and I was like well that’s kinda weird#and then oomf showed up and talked through the ENTIRE SECOND SONG (also a cover that I don’t remember)#and I was like well if he keeps doing this after the second song then I’m gonna tell him to be quiet#BUT THEN THEY LEFT AFTER THE SECOND SONG AND I WAS LIKE 🧍🏻‍♀️#but then I was like … well that’s the best view I’ve ever had seeing GVF so at least there’s that#anyway I haven’t listened to the boys in a hot minute but I might have to jam out on the way to church idk!#after that I had a different dream that I flew to Texas with my friend and I wanted to go to the American Girl store so I did and he left me#behind and got another flight without me KDHSJSKA ?!????#I had a lot of random and vivid dreams last night lmao#anywho…. love yall miss yall !!!!#life is finally calming down a bit but my depression is also starting to rear its ugly head again so WOMP#u win some u lose some
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ladychandraofthemoone · 8 months
Traintober Day 17: Holiday
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Ivo’s first Halloween 🎃 👻!! His driver, Kara Cupper will go all out for her little engine/sibling/brother/son figure . If he wants to be painted like a jaguar 🐆, she’ll decorate him as one!! Lowkey inspired by that fact that a few of Ivo related content had something to do with safari (his only wooden railway toy with the zoo hippo 🦛 , Ivo’s Hugh Hunt/Safari, etc).
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You know with Mine alive that's three people now who didn't really die in Y3, the other two being Kashiwagi and Lau Ka Long. I honestly don't mind but it is getting kinda funny. Is Kanda going to turn up next? Was Y3 just Daigo's coma dream and none of it actually happened? Would explain how the orphanage was rebuilt so fast.
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yakuza 3 hospital scene good ending
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keeps-ache · 8 months
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redesign :D
#art#my art#artists on tumblr#digital art#oc#pink space#RIP the ponytail lol#though when i first drew her i hadn't liked it very much and was like 'that'll prolly be temporary' And Then I Didn't Change It For Like A#Year Lmao#so this was bound to happen#+ it was cuz i didn't know what to do for her head's silhouette but i've figured that out so now i hardly draw the ponytail loll#//next will be either Kira or Hid's ref!! depending on which one my brain can get the least undefined about hfvhs#//also i kinda really love how her redesign turned out hfhhd#i could never figure out how i wanted her to dress because when i was drawing her up i#1) was a little afraid of making her look too [you know gesture] for Reasons lol [<- is so vague for no reason]#and 2) if the clothes were Cool but didn't cover enough it must been Bad. i have no idea where this idea came from lol!! but beGONE#//OH yea and i never explain any of the lore for this story ever but i like to explain and justify decisions a lot so how 'bout that hfhvs#/so in this world a good chunk of society has heat-based powers (no other kind) so emergency responders/enforcers need fire-proof gear#Aura never wears hers right because well. they Feel Bad (cursing her with The Big Coat Is Hell lolll)#there Is a coat to this ensemble. mmm no i will not be drawing it for a while hfsvh#+ the axe is because of the whole The Gods Will Give You A Sick Weapon As A Sign Of Alliance And Protection thing#but honestly if i get talking about the Gods i won't stop for the next 8 paragraphs lol#/i've had this story for a year. there's a lot hsbvfabfj#my brother has listened to me explain the thing like 5 times. because he doesn't remember what i tell him and neither of us can stay on#topic ever Hfhsv#//but yeah gonna spin in circles forever now!! and maybe rub my feet raw on the carpet again tryna learn this dance :3 tooooodles
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jukeboxhound · 20 days
Dr's office: how can I help you?
Me: I'm looking for preparation instructions before my procedure on Wednesday. The email I got from your office instructed me to create a patient account, so I did, but there aren't any care instructions, and also the discussion notes from my last visit are incorrect.
Office: Incorrect?
Me: yeah the doctor never told me about X, Y, or Z nor explained A, B, and C. The notes are incorrect in that first paragraph.
Office: Oh, it's a standard paragraph. It autofills.
Me: ....But it's wrong. He didn't tell me those things.
Office: He discussed the procedure with you?
Me: He asked about my symptoms then told me to schedule with the front office. That's all. We never discussed the things listed here as having been 'discussed in detail.'
Office: I see. Well, this is a standard paragraph.
Me, being neurodivergent and a pedant as well as someone who routinely has to navigate a courtroom: BUT IT'S WRONG.
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kuiinncedes · 27 days
me puttingon the filters "remote" and "data science major" on this job site from my university and just scrolling thru and applying to a ton that don't need cover letter without reading the qualifications/requirements 😀
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bootyful-seventeen · 8 months
damn i might be getting a root canal on friday the 13th if they can't save my crater of a cavity by trying to fill it the regular way
#if i was on mobile i would be putting in so many skull heads rn#like damn but yea i went to the dentist today after not going in a few years since i got busy with work and school and covid#so it pushed dental to the back burner and im also finally gonna get my wisdom teeth removed after my birthday so yahoo for me!!!!!#my mom said i should do it before but i had a tiny bf about it since im going out with my friends and i want to have spicy food on my bday#and spicy food is on the no no list for wisdom teeth removal from what i rememer. its all soft and not spicy and possibly bland#so im lik hey i dont want to be miserable with pain for both halloween and my birthday since that is the highlight of my year#and id rather be miserable closer to christmas cuz its not a fave holiday and i dont like the winter much either#so i seem to be a bit masochistic and want to be extra miserable during the winter lmao#but this dentist even asked me if i wanted braces to make my teeth a little straighter to close the gap and all i could think was damn#my old dentist was never that thorough with the exam and just did cavities and wisdom teeth and thats about it#my mom was adament i get braces cuz she said i had hella crooked teeth but i think mine look fine and kinda cute and gives it some characte#but i will say that ive never gone to a dentist where the tv was bolted to the ceiling cuz i could hear a tv playing in my room and thought#that they covered the tv with a painting for aesthetic until i laid back and there is some real estate show on above me#but its so smart tho cuz most people or at least people with good vision will focus on the tv and move their head#but if its on the ceiling then you are just looking up and not getting in the way of the denist#especially since a little kid under 8 was there and was sitting so still in his chair cuz the tv was above him lmao
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science-lings · 3 months
why laptop so expensive, why own laptop so shitty and old, why job so bad :(
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mejomonster · 4 months
When ppl in person realize i can draw, and i mention im writing, theyre like: oh are you making a comic? Then when i say no, it took me 30 days to do a 30 page 1 chapter comic last time I tried at 4-6 hours of work a day and ideally id like a turnaround of like one 30 page chapter per 1-2 weeks if i was going to do it long term so. No. I am not making comics any more.
Then theyre like: are u gonna illustrate ur book???
And while i deeply appreciate the sentiment. Its also like... well my good sir madam elder, do u typically... look for adult novels with illustration pages? I mean yes i love illustrations too but im not sure why id draw extra, when im already gonna probably make my own cover, and i want my books to be enough within confines of expected that ppl idk... give em a chance? Idk. Food for thought. Do i illustrate my book chapters mm
#rant#shdhdh#to be fair the person who asked me expected like a 100 page handwritten poem book with illustrations#not a 300-500 page novel when she asked if i was gonna do illustrations#i also like. for my Own indulgence. Considered a sexy Guide Book for my story universe. which is where yeah ALL my#goddamn character design sketches and map art and faerie illustrations and landscape art could go#since. i drew thousands of pictures when making lore lmao#but like. all that art is on paper. and i know itll take like 30 hours to 100 hours JUST SCANNING#pages individually one at a fucking time and saving tjem and. dear god the picture editing on them all#even withiut additional digital coloring is at least 5 minutes per picture. then who knows how many hours formatting a combined book with#all art. and thats before ANY text written. which is why i havent even made an art book. like of just art#hell its why i havent even backed up my 9 sketchbooks of traditional art from the past decade#its so much work its like 2000 pages of art. im just gonna let my family ancestors find iy if i get luxky#and its not desyroyed by the elements (like all my older art was ToT)#tldr my point is: i love love love art and i love the momentary joy it brings ppl i share it with#but as far as like Big output i prefer writing. its easier#art is fine wjen its like im paid to make 1 poster 1 flier 1 card one book cover etc#but ive never been commissioned to do like 20 illustrations ( i would tho! sounds like more money)#so like. on my own time for free as far as high scale takes days of work? id prefer to not do more art
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zaideaben · 1 year
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local bisexual is in WAY over his head with this one
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corpsoir · 1 year
im in a shitty sucky awful piss mood bc of my rent situation sorry i feel exhausted and cranky and sad and stressed beyond words
i will try to remember to make that commission info post ive been meaning to make for a while as soon as i get home
if you want art from me of your ocs or your pets or fanart or anything really please lmk bc i could really use the help to afford eating and refilling my testosterone and paying rent this summer 🫶
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akkivee · 1 year
that unpopular hypmic opinion post that’s been floating around for a minute has been has been fun in places, not so much in others lol but today it had me crying because i also wanted bat to beat mtr, and i long for what sort of character direction hitoya would have gotten if he had beat jakurai then 😭😭😭
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