#ooc ;; nami
beanghostprincess · 1 month
Sanji's legs look too empty and Nami is right there leaning on the couch and there is just this frustration inside me begging for them to cuddle
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bbgdefencelawyer · 5 days
yes im late i was asleep
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ms-all-sunday · 3 months
like for example a really common statement is "roronoa zoro has no interest in women" and that's just... straight up not true. it can come from both queer people and straight people (its one of those statements that the reasoning changes but both sides say). zoros narrative is notably feminist and he's over-invested in women to the point of coming off as dismissive, sometimes.
his interactions with nami are example A, he is overinvested in a womans ability to best him. its the reason why my friend jokingly calls his obsession with nami psychosexual. famously the arlong park scene is an example of his over-eagerness to have a woman have power over him regardless of what he thinks of that. "you couldve been a serial killer, but i'm going to attempt suicide so you can save me"... his relationship to nami parallels sanji so clearly to the point arlong park is the first time they have parallels and it's them arguing about nami.
example B is tashigi obviously, he's too over-invested in her as someone who looks like kuina and tries to distance himself from that aggressively. example C is his interactions with kiku, psychosexual obsession with women being better/besting him comes back as he deliberately pushing her buttons, like he does with nami, to get her to show off her skills.
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symbologic · 5 months
Luffy vs. Zoro at Whiskey Peak
Unpopular opinion maybe, but the Luffy vs. Zoro clash in Whiskey Peak made sense for their characters. You could even argue that it was bound to happen, given their personalities.
Luffy likes the people who feed him. In the the face of their suffering, no matter who's responsible, he's too angry to concern himself with the reasons behind it. Zoro, on the other hand, prefers to handle things independently without saying much about it, especially if it means his crew gets to enjoy themselves a little longer
So it's not really surprising that Luffy would be blindsided by finding their hosts cut up by his swordsman, and that this would send him flying into a fit of rage. If he's never paused to listen to context or backstories before now, why would he start here? And of course, Zoro is not the type to back down from a challenge. He will match Luffy's energy and respond in kind
"But if Luffy were a good captain, he would have stopped to listen to Zoro's side of the story." Vivi tells him he's a bad captain two arcs later, precisely because of this kind of behavior. It clearly leaves an impression on Luffy, and we see he's grown into a better leader by the time he reaches Amazon Lily. (Almost as if Oda set all this development up on purpose with Whiskey Peak. HMM...)
"But Luffy refused to believe that Nami had killed Usopp in Arlong Park." This argument is like comparing apples to oranges. Nami did not actually do the murder that Johnny and Yosaku claim they saw, nor is she capable of killing people in cold blood. Of course Luffy isn't going to believe Nami killed Usopp based on hearsay. But in Whiskey Peak, Zoro did cut those bounty hunters. Luffy sees the evidence for himself, and he knows the carnage Zoro is capable of inflicting once he puts his mind to it. There is no denying what happened. Nothing other than Zoro saying "someone else did this" (or Nami knocking the soul out of him) was going to stop Luffy from going ballistic
"Why would Luffy fight so hard to recruit Zoro into his crew, firmly believing that he wasn't a bad person, only to later attack him because he believed Zoro was capable of harming 'innocent' people?" Because the fight was never about whether their hosts were "innocent" or not, not really. Their fight was about what Zoro did (assaulting the ones who fed them), and how those actions made Luffy feel (mad as hell, because these people FED THEM) For Luffy, context did not actually matter at that moment in time because, for him, "they fed me" unequivocally means "they're my friend", full stop This is even shown again in Mocktown! Both when Luffy unquestioningly eats an apple from Doc Q, and when Bellamy buys Luffy a drink in Mocktown. In the first case, Luffy only lived because he was lucky. And in the second case, he assumes Bellamy is a good person despite all evidence to the contrary, only to have his face brutally smashed into the bartop by Bellamy. Luffy is shockingly bad at reading people who try to feed him.
Luffy has interpersonal conflicts with all the core members from East Blue at different times. The fight with Zoro is the only one instigated by Luffy. But surprisingly, their fight highlights their similarities instead of their differences. They still fight equally and work together against BW agents who try to interfere with their fight.
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I think that's what Oda wanted to showcase with this scene.
In short, Luffy's initial anger stemmed from his protectiveness towards those who have fed him, while Zoro's actions were driven by his dedication to the crew and subsequent refusal to back down from Luffy's challenge. It was a clash resulting from miscommunication and misunderstanding, something that is not typically a problem for them — until it suddenly becomes one When all is said and done, they're both quick to forgive and forget. This, too, is fitting for both their characters. From that point onward, Zoro continues to demonstrate that Luffy's trust is not misplaced. And Luffy never, ever doubts Zoro again after this
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ram-to-the-ham · 5 months
Grief and Anger Hold Hands (they both love you)
“I miss him so much I feel sick with it.”
He says this as he’s sitting across from Nami. They’re both in the crows nest, she was on watch. (Specifically the second shift so it was extremely late as is, and the sun would be rising in a few hours.) When her captain had just suddenly climbed up into the crows nest. Completely silent.
These silences were new, albeit a bit sparse. And yet they were unnerving every time they happened.
His head tilted down as he continues.
“Red was his favorite color y’know?” His words jumble together, and slur. From lack of sleep or from seeping emotions Nami wasn’t sure. But they were spilling out like an overflowing rainwater bucket.
“Then it was orange, and he liked yellow sometimes too. But he also really loved blue.” He stops briefly before continuing. “We both had that in common.”
He’s picking at the soft worn sleep shorts. Pulling the loose threads and discarding them, he keeps going.
“Sometimes when we’re in crowds I’ll see someone who looks like him and it feels like I’m burning all over again.” He pauses and his eyes train on the worn wooden floor, they’re far away and glazed.
“Sometimes… sometimes.” His next words are a whisper, something even she’s not sure she’s supposed to hear. “I get so angry at him for leaving, that I wish I had never known him.”
He heaves a heavy breath, his next words stuttering. “Th-then maybe, it wouldn’t have hurt so much when he left. When he let me behind.”
She doesn’t know what his intention of coming up here and spilling his guts were. She’s not even sure if he’s coherent enough to understand that it’s her who’s up here and not someone else. But at the same time she knows he doesn’t want words of condolences or soft platitudes.
She knows this grief, has lived with it. Rage stored in a body with nowhere to go, and despair rattling around so loud in your head that you couldn’t hear anything else. Bellemere died young, and so did her innocence. The only thing she remembers ever desperately wanting during her youth was for someone to listen. For someone to be able to take on the cloying and volatile grief that was stored in her little body.
So she will listen to her captains despaired rambles. And hope that what little she offers will be a solvent to the identical whole left in her captains chest.
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So Oda said Kid and Killer would be Scottish if they were from the real world…
Can we take a moment to think of how difficult it would be to understand both of them especially with Kid’s temper tantrums and Killer’s mask?
You know the Straw hat pirates are gonna be making even more fun of them than usual😂😂😂
*Kid and Killer sharing the information they collected on Kaido with a Scottish accent*
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Nico Robin:
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1pcii · 5 months
oda is so right about robots and sci-fi elements in his story being considered the coolest thing ever™ I just wish he didnt have to ruin it by making it a point to say that girls could never understand finding them cool (wrongest thing he's ever said)
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aces-fav-husband · 2 years
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Straw Hat Pirates Halloween/Autumn Headcanons!
Tags: SFW, GN! reader, can be read as platonic or romantic (minus Chopper’s part, which is purely platonic), literally just what the title says.
Warnings: None!
A/N: Happy Halloween! I think I wrote a lot more for Franky and Robin than I did for anyone else, but please enjoy my silly little headcanons. <3
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This boy loves everything about Halloween. It’s easily his favorite time of the year.
Him, Sabo, and Ace would work on their costumes for days on end, using whatever they could scavenge up in Grey Terminal, Dadan’s shack, and random shit they found in the woods.
Absolutely went as Shanks at least once.
Makino would always insist on making costumes for the three of them, but would always get turned down. This was something the brothers bonded (and competed) over and they wanted to do it without help.
If she finds their costumes, though, she will do her best to touch up their shoddy stitching while they were away.
Luffy, Ace, and Sabo have definitely tried to trick-or-treat in High Town to get the best candy. It’s the perfect time to sneak in- no one would question a couple of little kids running around in masks and shitty costumes, right? It’s just part of the spooky Halloween aesthetic, isn’t it?
Yeah, they stood out like sore thumbs among all the store-bought, clean, not-spooky costumes.
Luffy still makes his own costumes every year, and he has the weirdest and most poorly-made costumes you’ve ever seen. He puts in a ton of effort, though. Every costume is made with his own blood, sweat, and tears, and he takes a lot of pride in them.
“What are you supposed to be, Luffy?”
“Isn’t it obvious?”
It isn’t. He’s supposed to be a vampire, but looks more like a starved, mangy gorilla.
He throws a mandatory costume party on the Thousand Sunny every Halloween. There is no getting out of it. If you try to get out of it, Luffy will whine your ears off until you agree and then drag you back to his room so you can help him with his costume.
He still sucks at sewing.
Help him make his costume and he will love you forever. He’ll try to help you with your costume in return, of course.
If you bought a costume, he’ll try to “upgrade” it. How he thought werewolf fur would be an upgrade to what was supposed to be an angel costume, you had no idea. It’s the thought that counts, I guess.
He also eats all the candy and sweets Sanji prepares. Sanji has to prepare extra batches in secret just so you and the rest of the crew can eat.
Knocks himself out pretty quickly, though. He parties hard and crashes even harder after all that sugar. Will fall asleep on you and get clingy.
I feel like his favorite Halloween treat would be caramel apples, especially if Sanji goes the extra mile to make them Halloween-themed. A caramel apple that looks like meat on the bone, completed with some “scary” blood (red food dye), is something he will go insane for.
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Zoro also loves Halloween, but for all the wrong reasons.
Any holiday used as an excuse to drink sake, and Halloween is no exception. This man gets absolutely plastered during Luffy’s party.
You will have to pry the bottle of sake out of his cold, dead hands after his liver fails.
Chopper is so concerned. Please babysit Zoro so he doesn’t actually die.
This mf cannot be trusted around kids during Halloween. If the Sunny is docked at some random island, he’ll find a way to sneak off (probably intending to buy more sake) and end up terrorizing the trick-or-treaters. Will scare the shit out of them and laugh.
Will scare the shit out of you and laugh.
No one is safe, except for Chopper (unless he’s really drunk).
Tells super shitty scary stories.
For the love of god, don’t let Zoro leave the ship. You will not be able to find him for the rest of the night. Don’t let him go alone, at least.
If you go with him, good luck.
If there’s some sort of haunted house close by, you guys will end up going in there.
Huge plus if you scare easily. He feels strong and dependable when you cling onto him. And he’ll poke fun at you for getting startled by the jump scares.
If you don’t scare easily, then you can both make fun of the shitty jump scares.
Zoro puts in no effort when it comes to his costume. Either buys a really shitty mask from the store or goes crazy with the fake blood. Sometimes both.
Always incorporates his swords into his costumes, too.
“What are you, Zoro?”
“A zombie swordsman.”
“All you did was put fake blood on your old clothes, though.”
Compare him to a used menstrual product and he’ll kill you. Possibly already got into a fight with Sanji over that.
He’s probably one of the last people awake, even if he is extremely drunk. You’ll have to drag him to bed while he mutters nonsense.
His hangover the next day is horrible. He will not be able to do anything. Either tries to sleep it off or complains about it endlessly. He wants you to stay with him in both circumstances.
Zoro isn’t a big fan of sweets, so I don’t think he has a favorite Halloween treat.
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Nami loves all things autumn, Halloween included! Just not the scary shit.
Hay rides, corn mazes, pumpkin patches, apple orchards, fall festivals- she loves it all (except for carving pumpkins because they smell like ass). If she gets the chance to go to any of those, she will take it and drag you along with her.
Will also drag you along with her when she goes shopping. Although that activity isn’t a fall-exclusive one, she still loves it. Will try to get you to buy a matching outfit.
Also makes Sanji get pumpkin spice as soon as it starts being sold again. In a modern AU, she would get that Starbucks pumpkin spice shit all the time.
She loves baking. Bakes an excessive amount of pies and cookies and pumpkin breads (just another reason for Luffy to love autumn).
Bellemere absolutely went all out during Halloween/autumn for Nami and Nojiko (to the best of her ability), so October is a super nostalgic and a slightly melancholy time for her. Especially since she couldn’t celebrate for a long time because of Arlong.
She wants to spend as much time with you and the rest of the crew as she can and go all out with decorations. Will absolutely talk about old memories of hers if you give her the chance.
But onto the actual Halloween headcanons.
Nami would take you to go costume shopping with her, but would buy it behind your back and keep her costume a secret up until the night of Luffy’s party. Her and Usopp would try to do a group costume theme, likely dragging you and Chopper into it while they’re at it.
Either works perfectly or everyone’s theme ideas are too different, so you scrap the plan.
You know that one quote from Mean Girls?
“In Girl World, Halloween is the one day a year when a girl can dress up like a total slut and no other girls can say anything else about it."
This 100% applies to Nami. She will pull out the sluttiest costume you’ve ever seen.
Like… you’ve seen lingerie that covers more skin.
“Is this supposed to be your costume..?”
“Obviously. I’m a cat- didn’t you see the ears?”
She’s just wearing lingerie with a cat ear headband.
Loves Luffy’s mandatory costume party. She’s the one that decorates for it, helps Sanji with the food, and plans out all the activities. She wants everyone to have as much fun as possible, so there are lots of party games and themed sweets.
Will get into a drinking competition with Zoro if you and the crew place bets on them. She’d do it for some extra cash.
Will get fucked up and you’ll have to send her to bed early, but she’ll have no regrets (if she won). All smiles and happy that she got to spend the night with the people she loves.
I feel like her favorite Halloween treat would be fruit flavored gummies, but her favorite fall treat would be peach and berry cobbler. She also hates candy corn.
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Similar to Nami, Usopp loves autumn and all the festivities that come with it, but he lowkey hates Halloween.
Like, he enjoys the pumpkin carvings and the costume making, but he hates all the scary stuff that comes with a holiday like Halloween. Haunted houses? Spooky decor? Monsters? No thank you. He could barely handle Brook.
A victim of Zoro’s scares. </3
Will get upset with you if you purposefully scare him or set him up to be scared. Be nice to him please.
Swamps himself with personal projects for October. You’re always invited to hang out with him in his workshop as he distracts himself with his creations (and hides from Zoro).
Make sure you drag him out every now and then to do non-spooky activities. I suggest a petting zoo or some sort of farm. Maybe a nice hike to take in the beautiful scenery.
Absolutely loves bonfires and making s’mores. Just don’t tell any scary stories, okay? His heart can’t handle that.
He also loves autumn candles, cinnamon brooms, and scented pinecones. Him and his workshop smell so goddamn good.
This man is the king of carving/painting pumpkins. He makes the coolest designs every year and he has a lot of pride in that. He wins any competition having to do with aesthetics. He always harvests the seeds for Sanji to roast.
He makes the autumn decorations for Nami. Wreathes, cute scarecrows, little paper leaves to string up around the Sunny- that kind of stuff.
Also this man totally crochets and knits shit for you and everyone else on the crew. Expect a sweater when it starts getting cold.
Him and Robin work together to make Chopper’s costume. With the two of them collaborating, they make literal art for the reindeer. Will make you a costume if you ask.
Obviously makes his own costume. He’ll go as less scary versions of classic monsters or heroes from whatever comic books he finds in the New World. Asks for your input when he hits mental roadblocks.
“Hey (Name), do you think my costume would look better if I added this to it?”
Shows up fashionably late to Luffy’s party. Which is completely intentional and not because he started questioning some of his design choices for his costume and had to make some last minute changes.
Spends a lot of the night eating and dancing.
Is super proud of himself when he wins a game and gets smug about it.
He knocks himself out pretty early, but not as early as Chopper. Wakes up glad that Halloween is finally over and still feels some residual pride after winning.
Usopp’s favorite Halloween treats are pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. He’s festive like that. Keeps a jar of them in his workshop so he can snack while he works.
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Sanji did not give a shit about Halloween for the longest time. He couldn’t really celebrate it with his family (“you’re above that”) or on the Baratie, so Halloween was just another day for him.
That is, until he found out about slutty costumes.
Now he goes crazy for Halloween every year.
Other than that, he doesn’t really have any interest in the holiday.
He is, however, very interested in the farmers markets that always pop up at this time.
He’ll invite you to go with him and help him pick out the best seasonal ingredients.
Corn, apples, potatoes, squashes, sweet potatoes, eggplants. Also snags some spices so he can make a pumpkin spice blend for Nami.
Like this mf gets everything. You struggle to keep up with him as he explains what dishes he’s going to make with all the produce.
Would also go apple/berry picking with you. He finds the ripest, sweetest fruits ever.
Him and Nami exchange new dessert recipes all the time.
The kitchen has seasonal decorations, but nothing flammable and nothing close to the stove/oven. (Luffy tried to hang one of Usopp’s wreaths above the stove and almost caused a fire.)
Doesn’t really give a shit about his own costume, but he always looks really good in whatever he picks.
He goes for simple costumes that don’t heavily alter his appearance. Think butlers, vampires, devils, cowboys, etc.
He does buy a ton of accessories for his costumes, though.
“Do you really need this for your costume?”
Yes he does.
Spends all day working on the food for Luffy’s party, with the help of Nami and you. Super spent at the end of it, but very proud and happy.
Makes the food Halloween themed and tries to give it some nutritional value.
He also makes actual food and snacks and not just desserts/candies.
Sanji definitely wasn’t the biggest fan of the Halloween party at first, but it very quickly grew on him (totally not because of the sexy costumes).
Absolutely shits on Zoro for the insane amount of fake blood he uses on his costume. Zoro shits on him for picking a boring costume.
He has a ton of fun at the party though.
Doesn’t get as wasted as Zoro, but does drink.
Drunk Sanji is super funny tbh. Cracks some really funny jokes and manages to tell some really good stories.
Is complete ass at some of the games, but he doesn’t care. He can have fun without winning.
Another person who goes to sleep kinda early.
Sanji’s favorite Halloween treat would be chocolate covered pretzels, maybe peanut brittle. He loves the combination of salty and sweet. I also feel like he would enjoy black licorice.
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Chopper had never heard of Halloween. Well, he’s heard of it, but never really knew what it was.
Whenever he and Dr. Kureha traveled around Drum to help people in October, it was all the children talked about.
Dr. Kureha would always brush him off when he asked about it, saying that it wasn’t anything he should preoccupy himself with (she didn’t want him to get hurt again).
But once that he’s with the Straw Hats and they explain the concept to him? He goes fucking crazy for it now.
Not for the horror aspect of it, but he adores the costumes and the trick-or-treating.
This mf also goes crazy for fall festivals.
When you finally stop at an island that has a fall festival, Chopper practically drags you off the Sunny to go.
Agua frescas, funnel cakes, donuts, cookies, fried chocolate bars, huge ice cream cones, cotton candy, milkshakes, etc. He loves all the shit that you can eat/drink there as long as it’s sweet.
Ends up getting a bad stomach ache though.
Gets kinda frustrated and sad when he struggles to win any prizes.
You have to explain to him that the games at the festival aren’t meant for you to win and he gets mad at the people running the games for scamming.
You finally win (or steal) a massive stuffed animal for him and he loves it. He shows it off to everyone when you finally get back to the Sunny.
He is in awe of the color of the leaves. They’re just so pretty and he’s never seen anything like it.
He likes stepping on the super crunchy ones.
That gives you the idea to make a massive pile of leaves for him to play in.
He loves it. Makes leaf-angels, throws leaves everywhere, buries himself.
He invites you to play with him and you both have a blast.
He never has to worry about his costume, since Robin and Usopp always make it for him.
His costumes are always adorable, even if he’s supposed to be a monster or something spooky.
“Your costume is so cute, Chopper! Are you a bat?”
“It’s supposed to be scary!”
Him and Luffy party so hard on Halloween night.
Eats almost as much candy as Luffy and passes out in a similar way.
Dances with you and plays as many games as he can before the sugar crash takes him out.
You have to carry him back to his bed before he falls asleep on the floor. He has a smile on his face and thanks you for making everything extra fun.
Chopper’s favorite Halloween candy would be candy corn and those pumpkin-shaped sugar cookies.
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As a kid, Robin used to love Halloween and go all out for it.
All the archeologists would decorate the library inside the Tree of Knowledge with things like fake spider webs, paper ghosts, and small pumpkins to make it fun for Robin.
She always had the cutest costumes. She would dress up as her favorite book characters or archeologists she looked up to.
She wanted to stay inside and continue studying, but the professors managed to convince her to go outside and be a kid.
Would share her candy with Professor Clover and everyone else and end up passing out at the library.
She has not celebrated Halloween once since the fall of Ohara.
Not because she didn’t want to, but because she couldn’t. She either couldn’t go out without fear of being recognized or whoever she was working under at the time wouldn’t let her.
Fast forward and she’s with you and the Straw Hats. She’s finally able to celebrate it again and she is lowkey excited.
Reads scary stories and gothic novels all October to get herself into the spooky mood.
She’ll invite you to sit next to her by the campfire as she tells everyone the most horrific scary story you have ever heard. Usopp dies inside.
Her morbid sense of humor really comes out at this time of the year, which is occasionally directed towards Brook.
If there’s a haunted house/hay ride, scary maze, escape room, or anything else like that, Robin will going and will be taking you with her.
Chuckles if you get scared and tries to warn you when there’s an upcoming jumpscare (she can see them coming from a mile away).
Out of all of the scary activities, escape rooms are her favorite. The majority of the time she can figure them out easily, but once every blue moon, there’s an escape room that requires more effort than usual.
Always let’s you help out with the puzzles. Escape rooms are really boring if only one person is doing all the work. She wants it to be fun for both of you, not just her.
Bonus points if you both are actively being chased/hunted while in the escape room. The added tension is so exciting for her, even if it isn’t particularly scary.
She would also love petting zoos. Her favorite animals are the goats. They’re just so goofy and she can’t help but love them.
Robin makes her own costumes and they are always beautiful.
Definitely goes for a classic gothic vampire for her first Halloween with you and the Straw Hats.
Goes the extra mile with accessories.
“Wow, Robin, your costume is gorgeous! I love the fake bone jewelry.”
“Thank you, but these are real.”
You can’t tell if she’s serious or if it’s her sense of humor.
In a modern AU, she would try to get you, Franky, and Chopper to all go as the Addams Family. Chopper is Pugsley and you and Franky have to fight over who’s going to be Gomez and Wednesday. Robin serves cunt as Morticia.
She’s always the first one to show up for the Halloween party.
Wins quite a few of the party games that Nami set up, much to Usopp’s chagrin. She lets him win a few to boost his ego.
Takes you to dance with her when Brook plays slower songs, listening to you talk about whatever you’ve been up to leading up to the party.
Drinks a lot of red wine, but doesn’t get plastered like Nami and Zoro. Looks elegant as hell while she’s drinking in her costume.
She’s the last one to go to bed. If you stay up with her, she’ll tell you a little about her past Halloweens and forgotten traditions.
Robin’s favorite Halloween treat is sour gummy worms. She loves sour candies and the fact that they resemble worms makes them perfect for Halloween.
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Franky fucking loves Halloween. Always has, always will. If Halloween has 1,000,000 fans, Franky is one of them. If Halloween has 1,000 fans, Franky is one of them. If Halloween has 1 fan, it’s Franky.
Loved going Trick-or-Treating with Tom, Kokoro, and Iceburg. Halloween was something they all loved and they celebrated it with gusto.
He still competed with Iceburg, though. Who had the better costume? Who got the most candy? Who could finish their work in time to go Trick-or-Treating?
Iceburg usually took that last one.
But the sentiment carried over after Tom’s death and Franky grew up.
The Halloween parties that the Franky Family would throw were insane. Nobody outside of the Family was invited, but tons of people turn up anyway.
Like, Franky knows how to throw a party. Tons of food, booze, and cola were present, along with good company. These guys would go crazy for hours.
No one in Water 7 gets sleep on Halloween because the Family will be blasting music into the early hours of the morning.
He is always so hyped for Luffy’s Halloween party. He will talk your ears off about all his plans for October and the party.
He loves going apple picking. There’s something so very therapeutic about being in the orchard and finding the best apples with you.
He makes his own homemade cider with the apples you both picked, which is pretty damn good.
He’s also a sucker for cookouts. Sanji usually handles all the cooking, but Franky will be on the grill. Don’t argue with him.
It isn’t on par with what Sanji makes, but he puts his heart into those hotdogs and burgers.
Makes a really good steak, too. Once again, not Sanji-levels of good, but the man knows his way around a grill.
Would go into shock if you asked him for a well done steak. Why would you do that to a perfectly good piece of meat?!
Always helps to set up for the bonfires.
Makes the most s’mores. He always sets the marshmallows on fire, though. He claims that charred marshmallows are the best.
You can hear the crispness of the poor mallow as he bites into it. That mf is fossilized.
Builds animatronics for the party and they are the coolest things ever. They look so realistic and scary and they’re amazing.
Modern AU Franky would recreate FNAF as per Luffy’s request. The Bite of ‘87 will happen.
Franky also makes his own costumes.
Well, he makes the accessories. He has to buy the clothing part of it. It’s not that he can’t sew- he can -it’s just that he sucks at making clothes.
He prefers to go as traditional monsters like Frankenstein, werewolves, ghosts, etc.
He also will put on Halloween makeup. Will gladly let you apply it for him if you’re good with makeup.
One of the only times he will put on pants is if he’s wearing a costume. Even then, he tries to think of ways to still achieve the look he’s going for without wearing them.
He loves matching/themed costumes. If you match with him, it’ll make his year. He gets so happy and excited.
“We look super good, (Name)!”
Goes so hard during Luffy’s party. He has been looking forward to it for weeks and he is not afraid to let the world know that.
He drinks a ton of his homemade cider and cracks a bunch of jokes.
Loves everything about the party. He wants to do everything he possibly can.
He’s the first to start dancing and convinces you and your crewmates to get out onto the dance floor with him.
He’s really good at dancing tbh. Dancing with him is a blast.
Gets wiped out after a while and has to sit down and recharge with a cola. There’s a 50/50 chance that he will end up falling asleep before he can get to the cola.
Franky doesn’t really have a favorite Halloween treat, but he loves anything homemade. He destroys all of Nami and Sanji’s baked goods. If you make him something, he will gladly eat it and tell you it was super delicious.
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Brook feels pretty neutral about Halloween. He hasn’t celebrated it since he was a kid and doesn’t have much interest in celebrating it now (unless partying is involved).
His favorite part about this Halloween is that no one bats an eye at him being a skeleton. And that he gets to make 10x more skeleton jokes than usual.
(And the sexy costumes.)
He loves autumn, though! His first autumn outside of the Florian Triangle makes him really emotional.
Gets pretty melancholy when he thinks about how much of his life that he missed, but is very grateful to be alive in that moment.
If you really like Halloween, he will gladly participate in Halloween activities with you.
He’s not a huge fan of haunted houses or corn mazes.
He has gone to haunted houses with you before and he ends up scaring the actors when they realize he’s a real skeleton.
He has to turn down multiple job offers.
He really likes pumpkin patches and fall festivals, though!
They’re so lively and colorful and they make him feel happy to be alive. Especially seeing how excited the other people (and you) are to be there.
Speaking of colorful, he loves going on nature walks and taking in the color of the leaves changing. He’ll collect any leaves that he thinks are especially pretty and show them to you.
Being out in the wild with all the natural beauty inspires him.
He writes multiple songs while he’s out there. The majority of them are rock and roll, but there are some more classical songs mixed in there.
You’re the first one to listen to all his new songs.
He’ll whip out his old fiddle and play hauntingly beautiful music, then switch to his guitar and put on a Soul King performance.
He also loves walking around and looking at all the Halloween decorations with you. Brook loves seeing people be passionate about things, even if it’s something he doesn’t have much interest in.
When it comes to costumes, he usually just buys something related to the dead/undead.
Ghosts, zombies, the Headless Horseman- that kinda stuff.
You could throw a white sheet over him and recreate that one Spongebob Halloween special.
BUT, if he finds a really good silicone mask that looks mostly human, he will wear it for shits and giggles.
“I’m just bones underneath! Yohohohoho!”
Thinks that it’s peak humor.
He always parties hard and Luffy’s Halloween party is no exception.
He’ll bust out the new rock songs he wrote earlier that month and preform them for everyone.
Drinks a lot of booze and gets wasted.
Also gets a lot more vulgar.
But he keeps the mood lighthearted and cracks just as many jokes as Franky.
At some point does stand up comedy when he gets drunk enough.
It’s not bad.
Ends off the night with one final song before heading to bed.
Brook would say that his favorite Halloween treat is candy bones, but it’s really anything with peanut butter.
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Jinbe is also really neutral about Halloween. 
It isn’t really celebrated by anyone in the Fishman District, excluding a few young children who were fascinated by human culture.
It is celebrated in Ryugu, though.
When he first returned to Fishman Island, he was asked to participate in some of the Halloween activities.
He gave out either the best or the worst candy and didn’t dress up for it.
He doesn’t know what the point of Halloween is.
Doesn’t really get the appeal of the horror aspect of it, either. Why would you intentionally scare yourself?
He’ll still go with you to haunted houses and listen to you talk about anything horror-related, of course.
He prefers the Trick-or-Treating and costume aspects of the holiday. It’s kinda strange but cute.
Since this is his first time celebrating Halloween with you and the Straw Hats, you have to explain a few of the traditions to him.
In exchange, he shares some of the Fishman Island traditions with you.
Pumpkin carving/painting becomes a favorite activity of his quickly. Not only is it fun, but he likes the idea behind it.
He likes the outdoor activities, like picking out pumpkins at the pumpkin patch and bonfires.
Jinbe tells the best bonfire stories ever. They aren’t scary (that’s Robin’s job), but they are super entertaining and funny.
He sets a few marshmallows on fire, but not intentionally. Eventually he gets the hang of it and roasts golden brown marshmallows every time.
He gives them to you, Chopper, and Luffy since he isn’t the biggest on sweets.
He also likes going to the fall festival with everyone.
He goes on a few of the rides with you, but they aren’t his favorite things in the world. He prefers the games.
He is godly at carnival games. There isn’t a game that he can’t win.
When it comes to costumes, Jinbe doesn’t put much effort into them.
He usually just throws something together with whatever’s in his closet.
Doesn’t overdo it with accessories either.
Tbh he doesn’t know what he’s going for, he’s just throwing shit on that’s vaguely Halloween-esque.
“What are you, Jinbe?”
It’s whatever you think it is. You gotta use your imagination.
He participates in all the party activities, but he spends most of his time drinking with Zoro and talking to you about life.
He will start dancing once Franky gets on the floor. He’s a good dancer tbh.
He participates in a few of the games and activities at your request, but usually sits out.
Wins any card games.
He makes sure everyone is where they’re supposed to be and alive before he goes to his room.
Thanks you for a fun night before he goes to sleep.
Jinbe’s favorite Halloween treat isn’t much of a “treat”- it’s pumpkin soup. He likes how smooth it is and loves the taste of pumpkin.
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diabelskoga · 3 months
Sanji has been slain by Zoro Zoro has been slain by Sanji Sanji has been slain by Zoro Zoro has been slain by Sanji That's it. That's minecraft for them.
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picavecalyx · 6 months
the beast in me.
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perish-song · 11 months
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solarisgod · 3 months
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We drank One Piece canned sparkling water for the first time last night, then we had One Piece related dream for the first time ever
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Everyone is like Nami or Boa Hancock should be Luffy’s wife…but we all know Luffy’s wife is Law.
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ikkaku-of-heart · 5 months
Red Force model is done!
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Took me over 6 hours to build and my fingers are killing me, but it's completed! I'm very pleased with myself even if I'm annoyed it took twice as long as I had estimated.
Also, a side note. As I was building the model I noticed little details. Like how the accent colors are predominantly red, white, and gold. Or how the trim features white swirl designs that happen to look like a certain Pirate King's jolly roger. And there are similar swirls in a few other places.
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You, uh, you wanna unpack any of that, Shanks? Is this a deliberate tribute to your old captain, a subtle middle finger to the people who executed him, or do you have some idolization/daddy issues you wanna talk about?
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1mpulsee · 2 months
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// it’s fitting that me and Bart are both rabbits . because wolf tears us both apart -
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picavecalyx · 4 months
actually i'm curious. for thoae that CAN visualise, how to y'all see images in your head? is it completely voluntary? what situations do you usually visualise? that sort of stuff.
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