#ons unplanned pregnancy
mppmaraudergirl · 10 months
so yeah... remember that thing I was thinking about writing with no build up? well there’s a bit more build up than expected (shocking)...
There was still the faintest hint of dungbomb smell in the air of the staff room, and despite the fact that Lily’s morning (really, all day) sickness had subsided substantially, it still felt prudent for James to head her off before she made the mistake of going there for her mid-afternoon tea.
(He ignored the overwhelming urge to investigate the smell further, as every odor removal and masking spell he could think of—of which he knew many, from his time at school—did not work as well as he’d expected. He idly wondered if there was a new brand of dungbomb on the market that was stronger than ever—not that this was important.)
It was Tuesday and Lily had the afternoon free from classes, which usually meant she dedicated herself to marking assignments until her eyes crossed. A few gentle knocks on her classroom door later, he found her exactly as he expected: sat at her desk, several tall stacks of parchment around her, a quill scribbling away in front of one of her massive inkpots.
“One sec,” she called as she worked.
James didn’t feel the need to reply as he ambled over to her desk, slipping his hand around the back of a chair and sliding onto it once he reached the front of her desk. He was met with a studying glance, the startlingly green shock of her eyes searching him in between pauses in her writing, and he felt a little jolt in his stomach that was growing more difficult to ignore every time he was with her now.
Eventually, he’d have to face it head-on, to muster up the courage that he was severely lacking, and tell her how he felt about her, a prospect that also grew more intimidating the more he thought about the child growing inside her.
“Making yourself at home, are you?”
James bit back a grin at her teasing tone. “Sorry. Quite rude of me, wasn’t it? Inviting myself in?”
“I might be open to forgiving you if you have a good reason for doing so.”
“The picture of mercy, you are, Evans. I did not mean to intrude but I wanted to warn you that there’s a fairly pungent dungbomb smell hanging around the staff room before you experienced it yourself.”
Lily pulled a face. “Thank you for the warning. I’ve been so focused on these essays that I hadn’t made my way down for tea yet. That certainly would have been an unpleasant discovery.”
“Feeling unwell today?”
She shook her head, sending the red waves at her shoulders swaying. “I think I’m through the worst of it now. The occasional smell will get to me, but I suppose that’s to be expected considering the vast number of ingredients I’m handling daily”—James held his tongue, as much as he wanted to bring up a conversation about potion limitation for the hundredth time—“but nothing unmanageable. I haven’t even needed any anti-nausea potion since last Thursday.”
“That’s great,” James said, and he meant it earnestly. “Getting through the constant feeling. Brilliant.”
She glanced between him and the parchment, paused, then reached for her quill again, redness starting to build at her neck as she continued, “Yes. Seems I’ve moved on from the constant state of nausea to the constant state of horniness.”
A shock shot down his spine, directly into his groin as these words registered. “Oh?”
Lily chewed her lip. “Sorry. That was a bit of an overshare.”
“No—no need for apologies. I think we’re past the point of oversharing now, aren’t we? I mean… considering everything that’s to come.”
“That’s true. It’s nice to have at least one person to confide in,” Lily said, mouth twisted in a wry smile as she reinked her quill. “Besides, this is sort of your fault.”
“My fault? Y’know… usually when a woman tells me it’s my fault she’s horny, it’s far less bruising to my ego.”
“Well… it is at least half your fault,” she said, in the way she said things at times, as if hidden within her tone were the words: it’s not personal, love, it’s simply the objective truth. “You could show some sympathy, you know!”
“Yes. It’s—oh, it’s maddening, feeling this way. I’ve wanted sex all the time over the last few days. Every spare moment I’m daydreaming like a teenager—not to mention my real dreams about it! It’s inconvenient at best, embarrassing at worst! In fact, just a few minutes ago I was losing concentration while marking because all I could think about was slipping my hand between my thighs for some relief and…”
Her voice trailed off the moment she looked up at him. It wasn’t difficult to guess why, based on the rising pulse in his trousers that he was confident was clearly spelled out on his stupid face. Before he could stop himself, a pained, “Evans,” came out.
She chewed her lower lip in a way that made him want to do the same. “What?”
“That’s—fuck that’s one of the hottest things I’ve ever heard.”
“Is it?” She exhaled the words, now setting down the quill he suspected she’d long forgotten about. “What if you had walked in during?”
Something in her soft almost meek questioning changed, a curl coming to her lips that he associated with mischief, with confidence. It was sexy and it was not helping the situation in his trousers.
“You look pained, James. Why is that?”
He realized her hands were no longer visible on top of the table. “You know why.”
“Tell me. Please. Just this one time.”
One time? One time? Is that all you want from me?
“What do you want, Lily? What do you need?”
She closed her eyes, held tilting back slightly, and if he didn’t already know with certainty, her next words removed all doubt about what she was doing, “Watch me.”
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sen-ya · 10 days
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part 6/7
can u guess at which point I rewrote this a few months after the fact lmao
[op comic masterpost]
no dialogue
panel 2:
Note (from Law): I've been thinking of my parents a lot these last few weeks. Thinking of Lami. Those happy days I got with them. At first I thought I was even considering this because I might catch a glimpse of them in our kid, and that's a piss poor justification for having a baby. But what I've realized this week is I'm not just nostalgic for a family I've lost. Lu-ya, I'm enamored by the idea of enjoying that comfort with you. (the note trails off, continuing down the entire page)
panel 3:
Luffy: You got a lotta words here, Tra--
panel 4:
Luffy: Oh, shit. I said the wrong thing, didn't I?
panel 7:
Law: ...No, we said the same thing.
panel 8:
Law: So we're doing this.
Luffy: Guess so
panel 9:
Law: We're doing this. Fuck. I'm doing this.
panel 10:
Law: When did I get as stupid as you?? This is gonna suck so fucking much!
panel 11:
Luffy: If you're not gonna be okay then I'm changing my answer.
Law: I've done worse for less.
Luffy: I don't like that.
Law: We're decided, alright?
panel 12:
Law: I'll be uncomfortable for awhile. What else is new? I can handle it.
panel 14:
Luffy: Fine.
Law: Heh.
panel 15:
Law: Sigh. I should probably talk to Kaya-ya again. I don't think I actually had to stop my SSRI at least...
panel 17:
Luffy: Did you say again?!
Law (speaking over him): Oh, no.
Luffy: You told Kaya?!
Law: It was a...m-medical consultation!!
Luffy (speaking over him): So I can tell my whole crew?!
Law (speaking over him): That is an entirely different conversation that I will not be having right now.
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phoenixyfriend · 7 months
God I know Zoro is commonly understood as gay, but there is such a strong energy in me for Zoro/fem!Sanji with nigh-identical dynamics to canon, equally as bitchy and rivals and all that, just with an added risk of having to go to Chopper with a bun in the wrong kind of oven.
(Though tbf, manga Zoro is just really demi/gray-ace and could be bi, and also it's a possibility for trans man Sanji, so it doesn't even need to be a genderbend, fem!Sanji just the conversation that the groupchat was having when I started Thinknig…)
Sorry I am weirdly obsessed with pregnancy AUs
I do not have the energy to jump fandoms again, but I need to read some "Sanji and Zoro have to go to Chopper for an Incident" one-shots.
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eclairfair98 · 5 months
“I lost my father to a war, Tom,” he whispers, heat pressing down on his shoulders, burning the inside of his ribs, slamming into the pit of his roiling stomach. “I know flying’s dangerous. Better than most people, I’d think.”
And he sees it then. The purple sun rising across the horizon. Its faint light glancing across the slope of Dad’s brow, catching in his close-cropped hair, bouncing off his wide grin. Sees Dad’s face every time he got a perfect score on a test. Won a prize at the science fair. Outran every single one of his classmates.
Sees the warmth of pride, of happiness that lit up his eyes. Made them shine. Made Pete think that he could shine, too.
“Why do you want to be a naval aviator?”
Despite himself, he reaches out a tentative hand and touches Tom’s cool cheek. Brushes his fingertips down the slope of his strong jaw, wishing he could banish the stress from his expression.
Tom’s hands still, then crumple into tight fists as his eyes harden into pools of ice.
“I want to serve my country. Be a part of something bigger than myself. Honor my family—” Tom says, and that’s it, isn’t it? It’s that simple.
“Then why is it that I can’t do the same for my country? For my family?” he interrupts, knowing that Tom has to see reason now. That it’s all so very simple when you put your mind to it. “Don’t you see, Tom? If my father was here today. If he was alive… he would’ve been so proud of me.”
Pete hastily wipes the wetness rolling down his cheeks. Tastes the saltwater on his lips.
If he was here today. If Dad was alive. I wouldn’t even be here.
There’s stars dancing in front of his eyes, and he can make out each individual pin-prick of light. A dazzling, blistering white. Like Magnesium burning in the air with a brilliant, luminous flame.
Tom’s silent for several seconds, his eyes dark, almost black in the dim light of their bedroom. “I think if your father was here today, he wouldn’t want his only child to fly in active combat. To risk getting shot down, or captured, or killed.”
The rings on his left hand feel a lot heavier than they did an hour ago, like they weigh a thousand tons each. Like they’re rusted metal chains shackling him to the cold, lifeless ground.
“You keep talking as though we’re actually at war,” Pete says. You’ve no idea what Dad would’ve wanted for me, Pete thinks. You didn’t know him. You don’t even know me. Not really. “The Cold War’s practically over.”
“I guess we should write Brezhnev, then. Wonder how long it’ll take them to tear down the Iron Curtain now that you’ve declared the War’s over.” Tom deadpans, his voice flatter than Pete’s ever heard it. Unwavering gaze flickering down to his belly before settling on his tear-stained face. “You know this isn’t just about the Cold War, Pete. As long as we’ve had history, there has been combat. We aren’t going to enter an era of world peace just because our military has started commissioning omegas.”
“You’re being a hypocrite. You do realize that, don’t you?” Nausea burns the pit of his stomach. Punishing and hot. His chest aches like someone’s taken a sledgehammer to it, ragged breaths rapidly burning his insides. “You stand there and talk about the dangers and unpredictability of war when you’re fully prepared to serve in one, if and when duty calls. I’m supposed to live with the knowledge of not knowing when you might be sent off to combat. Deal with it as a part and parcel of my life. But God forbid, I ask you to do the same for me—”
“I shouldn't have to be the one to tell you that alphas and omegas would be taking on a very different set of risks going into active combat duty,” Tom bites out. His expression’s a mask but Pete can see the carefully-restrained fear in his eyes. An emotion so out of place on Tom’s face, it almost stuns him speechless. “Say you get shot down over enemy lines one day. Say you don’t go out in a blaze of glory as you might imagine… What then, Pete? Do you know what the prisoners of war lived through at Hanoi? Do you have any idea how bad it got for them? Imagine how much worse it could get for an omega…”
“What are you saying?”
Pain sparks through the base of his skull, making him drop his head down and press his clammy fingers to his brow. It feels as though he’s slowly being ground into dust. These days, it always feels that way.
How much worse could it get?
“Please, don’t make me spell it out for you,” Tom whispers, somehow instinctively knowing that Pete doesn’t understand. That he hasn’t thought about getting shot down. About getting captured. Getting killed.
“Everyone’s gotta die someday, right?” His throat hurts from the effort it takes not to cry. He closes his eyes. Thinks about his life. The seemingly endless hours spent at home alone. Doing laundry. Washing dishes. Dusting shelves. Throwing up until he’s sobbing from the relentless pain in his head. Thinks about the second line on his test. Bright pink and impossible to ignore.
About how maybe, there are worse things than death. Than being eighteen and feeling like your life’s over already. Than not being where you want to be.
Even if it doesn’t feel that way.
“I could die five months from now. Or in five years. Or fifty. That’s not upto me, Tom. Some things are just… out of our control. But what I can do is make my life matter. Make it worth something. I want to learn. I want to grow…”
I want all of the same things you do.
“And I want all of those things for you. I want you to study. I don’t care about how much it costs us, as long as you get to learn. I want to do things your way. When we got married, I promised myself we’d do everything your way—” Tom pauses for a moment. Weighs what he’s about to say next. Seems like he doesn’t want to say it but soldiers on anyway, jaw set in a tense line. “But you need to stop chasing ghosts, Pete.”
Something cold and heavy swoops up from Pete’s belly. Settles on his chest. Presses hard against his ribs.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
The heavy feeling worsens. Squeezes his lungs. Sharp and unkind. Almost like he’s cracked a rib.
“I think you do.” Tom’s mouth twitches, and he looks away. Runs a hand across his tired face, looking much older than his twenty-one years. His Annapolis ring glints a caustic blue in the dim light. A potent reminder of all the things in the world that just aren’t meant for Pete. “You don’t need to join the Navy to make your life matter. You don’t need to seek validation in what you think your father would’ve wanted for you—”
“Fuck you.” His stomach wrenches and he presses his hands over his abdomen, struggling not to vomit. It takes him a moment to realize that he’s angry. To recognize the raw, painful thing lurking under his sternum. To give it a name. Tom takes a step towards him, concern flickering across his face, bleeding into his ice-cold eyes. And Pete leans away. Lets the tepid air rush in between them. “Fuck you, Tom.”
Because that’s his father. That’s his life. His dreams Tom’s talking about so callously. Dismissing like Pete’s just a lost little child who doesn’t know right from wrong. Doesn’t know what he wants. Who doesn’t know himself.
“Yeah, fuck me.” Tom sucks in a breath. His next exhale a little bit sharper. A lot less steady. He stares down at Pete’s bloodless fingers still clutching the flat of his belly, before looking up and meeting his eyes. Wistful and angry and resigned. “But that’s how we got ourselves into this situation. Didn’t we, Pete?”
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"Er-ge, oh, Er-ge!"
Lan Xichen had no patience for Nie Huaisang's little troubles, not at that place and time, but the younger man sounded and looked so distraught and unconsolable that he felt obligated to help him. Even his tears looked real and honest, not just the dramatic ones he conjured when he was too lazy to bother with sect things.
"Yes, Nie Huaisang?" The younger - and smaller, weaker, his conscience whispered - man threw himself in his arms, tears flowing without his unnecessary sobbing noises.
Lan Xichen had a soft spot for his sworn brother's didi, his didi. And maybe helping him with whatever trouble he found himself in this time, he could hopefully pretend that the love of his life wasn't getting married to his beloved bride.
"Er-ge..." Nie Huaisang sniffled. "I'm in trouble."
"I already guessed that. What happened, A-Sang?" He asked, his hands buried into the soft locks of his younger brother.
Nie Huaisang pulled away, his eyes big and teary, tugging on his heartstrings. "No, Er-ge. I'm in trouble."
It took Lan Xichen more time than he would like to admit to finally understand the meaning of those words. Nie Huaisang was in trouble.
Oh, the irresponsible man!
"Who? Is it somebody in our status? Is there anybody who knows this? You need to get married immediately." He went into problem solving mood, his questions coming like rapid fire.
Nie Huaisang just cried.
"Nie Huaisang, this is serious!" He wanted to shake the boy. How could he be so- "Who is the father?!"
The answer came like a slap in the face. "Da-ge."
Oh, the poor boy.
"I..." A sharp inhale. "I will help you. Nobody has to know."
His heart beats for Jin Guangyao, but he always had a soft spot for Nie Huaisang. It wouldn't be love, not the way it should be, but he would take care of the younger man and his unborn child. Da-ge's unborn child.
"Th-Thank you," Nie Huaisang stuttered. Tears were still gathering in the corner of his eyes, but he looked relieved.
Lan Xichen was glad he could be helpful. He was glad he could offer a good solution for his- his betrothed?
"I knew I could count on Er-ge's help," Nie Huaisang said, his usual fan fluttering in front of his face.
"You can always count on me," he promised. It was a promise he was intended to keep.
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bikerboyfriend · 1 month
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screenshot dump
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kay-elle-cee · 6 months
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@hprecfest Day 11: A Dark Fic There can be different definitions to "Dark" so want to clarify that this is handling very heavy subject matter.
In Love and War by Icepen
Ship: James/Lily Rating: Mature Relevant Tags: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Wizarding Politics, Background Wolfstar, Trauma Recovery, Class Differences, Domestic Fluff, Unplanned Pregnancy, First Wizarding War Warnings: Rape/Non-Con, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm Word Count: 297,927* *WIP
After a horrible summer before her Seventh Year brings the war to her doorstep, Lily Evans knows one thing for certain-- she will not be safe at Hogwarts anymore. Her position as Head Girl, her new friendship with the Potter heir and the disgraced Black heir, the sudden and tragic murder of her parents all shoves her into a limelight she never wanted. Learning to cope with her grief and her trauma, Lily needs to navigate the treacherous waters of her new situation as the war against people like her escalates in the world she is about to graduate into.
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gloriousclio · 8 months
The Hunnicutts Build Their Dream House Chapter 3
For @lafseanchai, just what she wanted I'm sure.
Mom laughed. “He doesn’t seem to have changed.” “What do you mean? Of course he’s changed. Haven’t you seen the caterpillar on his top lip?” Not to mention the lines on his face and bags under his eyes. To say nothing of the trauma that he carried with him, the guilt.
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justhereforkeefe · 2 months
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Hey Steph! I hope you're doing well. Do you have any fics where John didn't know he had a kid with Sherlock? I like that troupe, but it's unfortunately hard for me to find. Excuse me if this is a weird request, I hope you have a nice rest of your day, thank you.
Hey Nonny!
Ahhhhhhh hmm, I think I had one, let me check my MFLs....
OMG it's driving me nuts because I KNOW that there is one and it's escaping me. I have two where Sherlock has a kid with other people:
Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Baker's Yeast) by yaycoffee (E, 60,879 w., 13 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Unplanned Pregnancy / One Night Stand, Drunken Sex, First Kiss/Time, Bit of Case Fic, Sally/Sherlock Drunk Sex First Ch.) – Sometimes, one makes an imprudent decision born of a devastating combination of drink and sentiment. Sometimes, the consequences of that decision take on a life of their own. And sometimes, the facing of those consequences shapes every aspect of one's life--from the hugely meaningful down to the seemingly insignificant. Part 1 of the Knows His Own series [NOT READ]
Albion and the Woodsman by Glenmore (NR [E], 54,437 w., 50 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Post S3, Parentlock, Pining Sherlock, Angst, Family, Drug Use, Depression, Sherlock POV, Light Humour, Reconnecting, Declarations of Love) – Sherlock and John are devastated after Mary Morstan makes her final moves. Sherlock relapses at the crack house, John walks around the world … and a lot happens in between. Parentlock, in the good way.
But UGH it's killing me. I wonder, would this one count for you?
Nature and Nurture by earlgreytea68 (M, 203,273 w., 57 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE|| Parentlock, Cloning, Kidlock, Dev. Rel.) – The British Government accidentally clones Sherlock Holmes. Which brings a baby to 221B Baker Street. Part 1 of Nature & Nurture [NOT READ]
The one I'm thinking of was an Omegaverse one. Ugh.
Anyway, hope those are good for the time being... Anyone able to help out Nonny?
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redpiperfox · 10 months
[attempts to sleep]
[Plots out a whole College AU installment that's so much my heart on a platter, I wake up and my eyelashes are wet]
Well. Hot damn 🤠.
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zorrasucia · 4 months
Would carmy in your part series ever do it without a condom? Just wanted to see how you preferred writing smut
Umm it's not in my plans right now. I realize it's a personal preference but to be perfectly honest unprotected sex can give me anxiety even just reading it lol so writing them using a condom makes me enjoy the whole thing a lot more. I hope it doesn't take y'all out of it too much <3
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stiltonbasket · 1 year
Jiang-furen is doing sex ed for the yunmeng kids? there's various levels depending on your age. the baos and baby disciples basically get "consent is important" and "names for body parts" and it goes up to a very thorough thing for the teenagers. The teens also get a bunch of relevant tools and talismans (birth control, menstrual hygiene, etc.)
A few years after TMAAF, some of the Jiang boys work with Jiang-furen to develop reliable male birth control, since most cultivation-based methods won't help couples with a non-cultivating female partner. It turns out to be very successful, especially for new parents who don't want to have two babies two years in a row.
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perceabeth · 1 year
kinda feel like writing fic hehehehe
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Honestly getting a little fed up with people universally panning every single pregnancy plotline as "pro-life propaganda"
Fandom start being normal about people wanting to be pregnant sometimes challenge.
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shout to the sky
Author: @enoughtotemptme
Rating/Warning: Teen and up audience
Chapter Count: 1/1
His boy brings home a girl that spring, a pretty thing with blonde hair and a shy smile and a belly she can’t hide, and when he sees the way Eddie looks at her, Wayne’s heart sinks past his gut.
“It’s not mine,” Eddie tells him the next afternoon. They’re out on the side porch after lunch; Chrissy's inside, asleep on the couch.
“The baby,” Eddie adds when Wayne doesn’t respond right away. He’s frowning fiercely at his knees. “She had a boyfriend. Well, until…”
“Until?” Wayne prompts.
The boy—not so much a boy now, twenty-three and taller than him—shrugs. “Until he knocked her up.” His mouth twists in a sneer. “Fucker thought basketball was a better deal than her and a kid.”
Wayne sits with that for a minute. “Sounds like a piece of work.”
Eddie snorts. “I’ll say.”
A couple cars go by on the road; the whine of a lawnmower a couple spots down drifts in and out.
“Yeah, kid.”
Eddie tips his head back to look at him, something between nerves and determination on his face as he squints against the sun.
“I’m gonna marry her. If she’ll let me.”
Tags: Alternate Universe- no vecna, Wayne is a sweetie, Eddie is a sweetie, Chrissy needs a hug, unplanned pregnancy, pregnancy, marriage of convenience, fluff, domestic fluff, found family, outside POV, one-shot, status: completed
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