#one pact wallpapers
kpop-locks · 3 months
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꒰ ˀˀ ↷ jongwoo ; simple + edit ”♡ᵎ ꒱
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kpoprhia · 6 months
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mirisss-creations · 6 months
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kingofpopmj · 2 months
Conscious Decision
Part 6
July 16th, 1988
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The air was tense, Michael and I stood inches apart, half naked, since only moments ago we were ripping our clothes off. Every time we met each other’s gaze, quickly we looked elsewhere. We were seconds away from sleeping together for the first time and now we’re quiet and still, practically frozen in time. Michael’s palms still resting on my hips, every few minutes I felt his fingers gently squeeze my skin. My hands slid down from his shoulders as I wrapped them around his torso, resting my head on his bare chest.
“Y/N?” Michael’s voice sounded afraid and it was only then I realized how much time had passed in silence. “Are you going to give me an answer?”
“Are you serious? You’re actually proposing? It wasn’t just something that came out in the heat of the moment?”
“Of course I’m serious. Why not?”
“What do you mean why not?”
“I mean I’m thirty, remember the Grammy’s pact a few years back?”
“Yes, you said we should promise to get married if we weren’t with anyone else by the time we’re thirty.”
“Michael, that was a joke, I was embarrassed because I told you how much you meant to me and you— you didn’t say anything.” I looked away from him, focusing on the ivory wallpaper that covered the room. “We just started dating, after years of hurting each other with mixed signals. We’re finally together..”
“Yeah, but the promise. The pact.”
“So, that’s why you want to get married?”
“Yeah, why not?” He shrugged.
“Why not?” I shook my head. “A proposal shouldn’t be thrown out on a whim, or a halfhearted pact, you should ask because you want to get married. And it’s okay if you aren’t ready, because I—” Michael spun around, running out of the room not even bothering to listen to what I had to say. “Well, that’s rude. Where are you going?”
I crossed my arms following his trail, I found him shoving things around the closet in a panic, eventually, reappearing with one of his suitcases. He aggressively threw it on the floor, scrambling through it before pulling out a small black box.
He pushed the suitcase to the side, stepping forward to stand in front of me, he smiled brightly, leaving a kiss on my nose, then he lowered himself down onto one knee.
“I’ve carried this ring around with me since I was eighteen.” He whispered. “It was the first big purchase I made, because for years I dreamt about it. I dreamt about you, about us.”
“In this moment, it doesn’t matter how long it took me not to be afraid. How long it took me to tell you I loved you. How long it took me to ask you to be my girl. I’ll kick myself for the rest of my life because of it, but I’ve learned so much from my stupidity as well— I don’t want to waste time. I refuse to waste another second.”
“You need to know I never doubted my love for you. I was never unsure when it came to you. In fact, you’re the only thing I’ve ever been sure of. I only doubted myself— I was only unsure of myself because I never thought I’d be enough for you. I never thought I deserved you, I still don’t. If I wasn’t enough for you, nothing and no one else mattered— no one compares. I rather be alone. But, I’ve learned that it’s not about any of that. It’s about choosing one another, choosing to be enough and choosing to grow together.”
“You are enough, you’re more than enough.” I choked out.
“Because I’ve finally chosen to be enough.” He answered simply— confidently. “After years and years of pulling you in just to push you away, I’m choosing from now until my last moment on this earth— I choose you. My heart, my soul, my mind choose you. I’ve always been yours. This ring is just a formality at this point.” He quietly laughed. “Y/N, I love you, I love you so much. Will you marry me?”
Slowly, I knelt down in front of him, trying to compose myself enough to get any words out. Our eyes glassy, the sound of our breathing being taken over by sniffling as we reached out for each other with trembling hands.
“I adore you.” I cupped his face, leaning in to kiss him. The tears were falling down my face uncontrollably, causing the words to get stuck in my throat. “I love you. Michael, you’re everything. My everything. I love you so much. I’m yours. I always have been.”
“Is that a yes?” He spoke loudly, holding my face, his eyes frantically studying my expression.
“Y-yes!” My voice failing me as I answered him. Michael pulled me into him tightly, leaving kisses all over my face with intense speed.
“Come here!” Michael shouted, jumping to his feet and pulling me up with him. “Honey, you’re trembling.”
“I was not expecting a proposal.”
“I’m glad I could surprise you.” He smiled, wiping my tears away with his thumb. “I should probably put this on you now. What do you think?” I nodded eagerly, holding out my shaky hand.
He brought my hand to his lips, leaving a kiss before sliding the ring on my finger. No words felt sufficient in describing how I was feeling. I felt his arms tighten around my waist lifting me off the floor, quickly I wrapped my legs around him, we took in the moment— this moment.
The thumping of his heartbeat, the scent of his aftershave, the smoothness of his skin, the curve of his lips. My focus moved from his lips to his eyes. He’s looking back at me, adoringly, with that gaze that’s reserved for only me. I’ll never understand what I did to deserve him, but I know I’ll never take him for granted.
Michael’s palms rested firmly against my butt, a flirtatious smile spread across his face, I sent him a wink provoking him just enough to continue. He playfully shook his head at me before throwing me onto the bed and jumping on top of me. He buried his face in my neck, tickling me with his tongue, with Michael distracted I decided to tease him further. I let my touch linger as my palms slowly moved down his toned chest and abs. I tucked my fingers into his waistband, tugging at his bottoms, quickly gaining Michael’s attention. As we stared into each other’s eyes, we communicated exactly how we were feeling without a single word.
He crashed his lips into mine, kissing me hard, kissing me with purpose. We quickly tore off any remaining clothing, throwing it on the floor. Michael rolled, pulling me on top of him as he fell back into the mattress, being on top of him gave me a strong adrenaline rush. He fit perfectly between my thighs. His hands were grazing across every inch of my body, spending extra time caressing my breasts, causing me to giggle against his lips. I took his erection into my hand, pumping his thick member, he’s larger than I thought was possible.
“Are you sure?” He asked me breathlessly, licking his lips. “Because we can wait.”
“Do you want to wait?” I asked, he aggressively shook his head no.
“Sweetheart, I just want you to be sure.” He spoke with his eyes squeezed shut.
“I’m completely naked, straddling my very sexy, very naked fiancé. I’d say I’m pretty sure.”
“I just—”
I refused to let him finish his sentence. I wanted him, maybe even more than he wanted me. Taking a deep breath, I lowered myself feeling his tip push through my folds, desperate to take him whole, his infinite inches massaging my insides in the process. It sent sparks throughout my body, which was overwhelming. My heartbeat only increased as I watched his eyes rolled back. Slowly, I began rolling my hips, loving every second of Michael loosing his mind beneath me.
“Oh wow.” Michael muttered.
“Oh sorry, did you want to wait?” I teased, lifting myself off of him nonchalantly.
“God no!” He spoke sternly, his hands gripping my sides, keeping me close. “You’re not going anywhere.”
July 17th, 1988
I woke up to the sound of the TV, we must have forgotten to turn it off last night. My cheek against Michael’s bare chest, our legs tangled underneath the sheets and the butterflies in my stomach. This is how I’d wake up everyday for the rest of my life.
“You awake?” Michael muttered, running his fingers up and down my back.
“Last night was fun.” I could practically hear him smiling ear to ear. “It was perfect.”
“It was.” I smiled, leaving a kiss on his chest.
“I don’t want to move. I don’t want to leave you.”
“Me either.”
“I cancelled all my press junk for this morning and I have the next six days off.”
“You didn’t have to do that.”
“I wanted to. Plus, we’re telling my mom today.” He happily stated, playing with the ring around my finger.
“Michael, should we tell people yet?”
“We don’t have to tell people. My mom isn’t people.”
“Do you think she’ll be happy?”
“She’s going to be ecstatic.”
I sat up, shifting my body to straddle him, feeling him so close felt exhilarating and I found myself wanting him again. I briefly inspected all of the dark purple marks that now littered his neck and chest. Last night was incredible. My heart felt full as his beautiful bright smile took over his face. I admired the man laying before me, leaving kisses on each hickey, until I finally reached his perfect lips.
“Y/N, baby, if you keep kissing me like that we’re not gonna leave this room for weeks.”
“That’s my master plan silly.”
“I can’t believe you’re my fiancée.” Michael said, smiling against my lips.
“You better believe it.” I shot him a big grin before hopping off the bed.
“Where are you going?” He whined, reaching out, trying to pull me back in.
“I’m going to shower.” I slowly tip toed to the doorway leading to the bathroom before dropping the sheets that once covered my body. “Aren’t you going to join me fiancé?”
“I’m up!” He shouted, jumping up, throwing the covers off himself and sprinting towards me.
I sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for Michael to finish getting ready. We’re supposed to meet Katherine soon, but Michael disappeared into the spare room almost an hour ago, to say I was worried was an understatement. I didn’t want to bother him, sometimes he needs to be alone with his thoughts. I did my best to respect that, so I waited until we absolutely had to leave. Finally, I built up the courage to knock on the door.
“Come in.”
“Hi babe.” I smiled at the sight of him sitting by the window, wearing a lettermen jacket and jeans, his favorite ray bans concealing his eyes. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah.” He answered apathetically, not even looking at me, the room felt cold, he felt cold, I could feel him putting walls up and that made me nervous.
“I’m sorry for interrupting.” I spoke softly, stepping back, closing the door quietly.
Michael does this. He goes through things and it takes him a while to open up about it. He goes at his own speed, if you push him to talk before he’s ready he’ll run. It’s hard to get him back after that, so I give him his space— no matter how much it hurts.
I stared at the clock, watching time continue to pass by. We’re late to meet Katherine, twenty-five minutes late to be exact. Suddenly, I heard a door open, followed by footsteps, I jumped up so fast I got dizzy. I hoped he’d be in a better mood— I hoped he’d talk to me if he was ready. I hoped.
“Let’s go.” Michael muttered, walking by the room, he didn’t slow down, he didn’t even look my way. I stood, watching the doorway for a moment, feeling like maybe it’s me. Maybe I did something wrong. I raced to catch up with him, only to find an empty living room. Surprisingly, when I opened the front door, Michael was standing by the elevator, holding it open with his arm.
I walked quickly down the hall, the closer I got to Michael the more anxious I felt. Once I was within arms reach, he grabbed my hand intertwining our fingers. When the doors shut, Michael jumped up, pulling the emergency lever. The elevator violently jerked, coming to a hard stop, as I tried to adjust to the situation, I was pressed up against the wall by Michael.
“I need you.” He said breathlessly.
“Michael—” he stopped me mid sentence, lifting up my dress. “Wait.”
“What is it?”
“Camera.” I answered pointing behind him. He scanned the small space, taking off his jacket and covering the lenses.
“Now, where were we?” Michael kissed me deeply, sucking on my lips, I hungrily pushed back, his back crashing into the key pad. My hands rested delicately on either side his neck, fingers grazing his sharp jawline. He pulled me closer, spinning me around, trapping me in between himself and the wall. A panicked voice spoke through the small speaker as Michael unbuttoned his pants, lifting up my dress. He smacked the key pad out of frustration never removing his focus from me. He roughly grabbed my thigh, raising it just enough to give himself access to the part of me he was so desperate to feel. His smooth skin against mine, as his fingers became tangled in my hair. His moans drove me wild. I slid my hand under his shirt, caressing his back and slowly dragging my fingernails across his sweaty skin, he clenched his teeth sucking in a deep breath.
“I love when you do that.”
“Good because it’s going to leave a mark.”
“Mark me up baby.”
I cried out Michael’s name so loud I was sure the entire hotel could hear us, but I felt no shame. The elevator was noticeably rocking, making different clinking sounds, that would normally cause alarm, but we didn’t care and by his movements I could tell Michael loved it. He loved the chaos— the recklessness. I felt his soft lips along my neck and cheek as he whispered sweet nothings in my ear.
“I’m— oh god.” Michael moaned, a warm sensation erupting between us, our connection feeling stronger than ever. He rested his forehead against my shoulder, squeezing me lightly, his arms snaking around my waist. He kept me pressed against him, taking his time to break away from me, I massaged his scalp, wanting nothing else but this. I wanted him and only him. We desperately gasped for air in the small space that was now hot and stuffy.
“I’ve never been so hooked on anything.” Michael said with a low giggle. “But you— I’m addicted.”
We stepped off the elevator as if nothing unusual took place, walking onto the rooftop restaurant, the sunlight shining brightly as we tried to locate Katherine.
“There you are!” A sweet voice hollered, I felt arms wrap around me from behind, briefly lifting me off the ground, I turned my head coming face to face with Janet.
“Oh my goodness! What are you doing here?” I pulled her into the tightest hug.
“Just came to see my big brother perform and to see you. Mostly to see you.” She winked, laughing when Michael rolled his eyes at her comment.
“The only reason I came to visit him was to hang out with you.” I teased.
“Oh honey, I’m the best Jackson. Michael is just a decoy.” She declared, pulling us along with her to a secluded area where we found Katherine sitting at a long table accompanied by Joe and the rest of Michaels’ family. This was a lovely surprise.
“Look who I found!” Janet announced, using her goofy voice, I covered my face, hiding my laughter as she continued to dance around Michael and I.
“Oh my goodness!” I felt a tug at my arm. “What is this?” Janet questioned, staring at my hand.
“Is that what I think it is!” Katherine spoke up, looking over at Michael. I was panicking to say the least. I don’t know if this is how he wanted to tell them our news or if he was even expecting the rest of his family to be in attendance.
“No way!” I heard Marlon shout.
“Finally.” Jermaine rolled his eyes, Tito and Jackie wasted no time throwing pieces of fruit at him.
“Seriously?” Latoya screeched, jumping out of her seat.
“Are you guys?” Janet’s voice was shaky, her eyes watery as she scanned my face expectantly. “Are you finally going to be my sister! Like officially?”
I glanced over at Michael, hopeful that he’d speak up for us, but he stayed silent, staring back at me, a faint smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.
“Michael!” Katherine pestered him impatiently. He didn’t look away, moving behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist with a big smile.
“I’m so happy you could all be here. It makes this special moment— a true celebration.” Michael paused, tucking his face into the crook of my neck, temporarily hiding his tears, then proceeding. “It’s no secret that I’ve been madly in love with this incredible woman my whole life. I couldn’t wait any longer, so without further ado, my wonderful family that I love dearly— even Jermaine. Y/N and I are engaged.”
“AHH!” Janet screamed, jumping up and down before pulling Michael and I into a bear hug. Fairly quickly everyone left their seats, congratulating us— everyone except Joe.
“Mom, no, don’t cry.” Michael cooed, hugging her tightly, trying to console her.
“Welcome to the family.” Marlon pulled me into his chest. “I always rooted for you two. I’m so excited you’re gonna be my sister-in-law.”
“Thank you Marlon.”
“Okay, okay! Out of my way. I need to hug my new daughter-in-law.” Katherine pushed everyone out of her path, to reach me, once I saw her I began to loose it. I hugged her tightly, allowing the tears to fall. Besides marrying the love of my life— having Katherine as a mother-in-law, is just— it’s indescribable. I have so much love and respect for her.
“Alright, everyone. Let’s sit.” Katherine spoke wiping away her tears. “I love when all my babies are together.”
Michael pulled my chair out, leaving a kiss on my temple before taking the seat next to me. I was overwhelmed with the response from the Jackson bunch— it meant the world to me.
“You’re having her sign a prenup.” Joe finally grunted, his phrasing sounding like a statement more so than a question. The table fell silent. Katherine swatted his shoulder, mumbling something in his ear.
“She is signing a prenup!” He barked, slamming his hand on the table, causing me to flinch against my will.
“Dad, we can discuss this later.” Michael said calmly.
“No, we’re discussing it right now.” He retorted. “This is a dynasty. A dynasty that I built and I’ll be damned if I have to sit back and watch as some outsider tears it apart.”
“Y/N, grew up with us, she’s hardly an outsider.” Rebbie spoke up.
“I am not talking to you.” Joe said sternly. I had no idea what to do, feeling offended was the least of my problems at the moment.
“If I choose to go down that path, then I will discuss it with Y/N, but I don’t see that happening because it’s not a concern to me.”
“It’s a concern to me!”
“Well, your concern is irrational and irrelevant.” Michael spat back staring daggers at his father.
“Don’t you dare get brave with me boy. Have you forgotten that I made you who you are? I made all of you work hard. I made you talented. I made all of you what you are. So if you think I’m gonna be silent while some— some gold digger—“
“Y/N is not a gold digger!” It was in this moment I became even more thankful for our seclusion. I exchanged worried looks with a few of Michael’s siblings, their young children looking scared as they witnessed their grandfather’s episode.
“I know a gold digger when I see one!” Joe shouted pointing at me with unmatched hatred. Goodness, this man basically watched me grow up, yet here he is acting as if I just walked in off the street and infiltrated his family.
“Y/N isn’t.” Jermaine’s voice shocked everyone, but he continued anyway. “She’s a good woman. She’s grown up with us. She’s no stranger. She cares about Michael the person— she’s not infatuated with Michael the star. Also, she makes her own money, she’s a surgeon, she works just as hard, if not harder than us. She’s intelligent. She kind. She’s basically family already. Most importantly, Y/N can support herself, she doesn’t need Michael, she chooses him there’s a difference.”
“Doctor.” Joe spoke at me. “You went to medical school, I assume that’s expensive. You’re in debt.”
“Is that a question?” I asked confidently, careful not to piss him off further, but at the same time not caring much. If this man wasn’t Michael’s father I wouldn’t even give him the time of day.
“You don’t have to answer to him.” Michael whispered, I squeezed his hand, letting him know I could hold my own.
“Yes.” Joe replied rolling his eyes.
“No.” I answered shortly, staring back at him.
“I don’t believe that. How’d you pay it off?”
“I had jobs all throughout pre-med, which is four years, and throughout medical school, which for me was three years. I remained at the top of my class, allowing me to apply for many scholarships. When I graduated— with honors might I add, since I worked hard and studied hard, hospitals from all over the country were interested in me and what I could bring to their team. I chose the hospital that I always wanted to work for, they covered my moving costs, gave me a generous salary bump and paid off all my loans.”
Joe looked at me blankly, as if he was trying to call my bluff, so I smiled at him “Can we move on now?” I asked politely.
“I say when we move on!” He snapped, slamming his fist on the table.
“Okay, that’s enough.” Michael huffed at his father. “You’re not going to speak to her like that.”
“How much do you make?” He spoke in such a belittling tone it was tough to keep my cool.
“I make—”
“She makes enough. You will not disrespect her. Do you understand?” Michael interrupted, standing from his seat.
“Okay, let’s calm down.” Janet spoke soothingly.
“This is the thanks I get for making you successful?” Joe asked rhetorically, pushing off of his chair.
“You helped us showcase our talents. You didn’t make us talented. You didn’t make us successful. God gave us our gifts. We became what we are today because people appreciated them.”
“I know a parasite when I see one.”
“I hope for your sake that you aren’t referring to my fiancée.” Michael spat.
“Oh, did I offend you dear?” Joe said sarcastically.
“No. I’d have to respect someone in order for them to have such an effect on me.”
“Excuse me?”
“I said, I’d have to respect someone—”
“I heard you!” He shouted, looking at me in disbelief, I wasn’t sure if I went too far, but I guess it’s too late for that. “You’re going to let this girl talk to me like that?” He looked at Michael.
“Her name is Y/N. And given everything you’ve said today, she’s not the only one that has lost respect for you.”
“Wow. This what I get for trying to get to know your soon to be wife.” Joe turned on his heel, walking away, mumbling something along the lines of loosing his appetite.
“I’m so sorry sweetheart.” Katherine spoke softly. “If it helps, I’ve never seen anyone stand their ground against Joe like you did.”
“It’s not a problem.”
“Well, most of us— the best of us are very happy for you two.” Jackie cheered, leading everyone to join in. The adults raising their glasses, the kids raising their cups in celebration of the occasion.
“Also, before I forget, for the wedding, I’m gonna need a plus three, I can’t decide between all the lovely ladies chasing after me. I’d hate to disappoint.” Randy said, prompting all his brothers to tease him for being such a liar.
The rest of brunch went on smoothly. The Jackson’s truly know how to party. They made me feel so welcome— so loved. I was beyond blessed. We made our way back to Michael and I’s shared suite. I was on the balcony with Michael’s sisters and he was in the living room with his brothers.
“I’m maid of honor right?” Latoya asked.
“In your dreams!” Janet interjected, throwing a pillow at her sister.
“What kind of dress are you wearing.” Rebbie asked excitedly.
“I’m not sure. I haven’t gone to try any on yet.”
“Where are you guys going to have the wedding?”
“Is bubbles going to be the best man?”
“Oh! What about a Neverland wedding?”
“If I’m not maid of honor, can I be the flower girl?”
I looked back at the three of them overwhelmed, unable to choose which question to answer first. Every time I was about to speak they threw a dozen more questions at me.
“Hi ladies.” Michael made his presence known, stepping out onto the balcony with a smile.
“Can I sing at your wedding?” Latoya requested, looking at Michael and I.
“Using the term sing loosely I see.” Janet commented, earning an eye roll from her sister.
“I need to talk to Y/N.” Michael announced.
“No, you see her all the time.” Rebbie retorted, crossing her arms.
“Can you please give us a moment?”
“Fine. You always hog her.” Rebbie spoke, his three sisters walked to the door, teasing Michael on the way out. He watched them leave, closing the door after them, making sure we could speak without any eavesdroppers.
“Y/N, baby?”
“I want us to get married.”
“Me too.”
“I had this phone call with Bill earlier and he kept saying all this nonsense.” He paced the stone floor, rubbing the back of his neck. “It all made me so angry.”
“I’m sorry that happened.” I pulled him down to sit next to me, kissing his cheek.
“No. I’m sorry. I’m sorry, I know I shut you out earlier this morning. I was just so mad at Bill, little did I know my dad would push me over the edge.”
“It’s okay.”
“I want to marry you.”
“I know I heard you the first time. I want to marry you too.”
“No, you’re not understanding.” He moved, sitting on the coffee table in front of me. “Now, let’s do it right now. Today.”
“Are you sure?”
“I’m sure that I don’t want to go another second not being your husband.”
“How would we pull it off?”
“We’ve got my crazy family here to help us.” He chuckled lightly, stroking my cheek. “What do you think?”
“I think—” I leaned closer to him. “I think I want to marry you today.”
There it is! Fun fact: I rewrote this over three times! I think you will all appreciate this cliffhanger more. Lol
The first draft I decided to change because I just wasn’t feeling it at all. Plus, it was going to make you guys hate me too much.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy!! I loved writing this chapter. Thank you so much for reading 🫶🏻
Happy Birthday to my girl Flora!
I hope you have the best day!
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another-lost-mc · 9 months
sorry if this has been answered/asked already, but how would Karasu act with a yan MC?? maybe not a violent yan if that's not your style, more so a bit jealous or obsessive and searches for any info on him they can?? love ur writing [especially ur Karasu writing!! hes such a cool character!!] btw!! have a good day!!
NB!Karasu has heart eyes and he’s proposing on the spot. /hj
OG!Karasu is a bit more guarded at first until he understands what yan!MC is up to.
c/w: obsessive behaviour
Yan!MC isn’t going to be openly flirty with him. When he notices them searching his name or asking the AI questions about him, he’s mostly confused
He’s really not sure how to react so he watches curiously at first, and more attentively later when he realizes MC’s interest in him intensifies over time
He expects MC to take the chance to approach him at one of Diavolo’s parties, but they don’t. He sees them staring at him from a short distance away, and he can practically hear their heart pounding. He introduces himself hesitantly, and there’s something charming about the way MC’s voice cracks when they stutter out a nervous greeting of their own
(He can feel their eyes on him the rest of the night and his skin prickles with anticipation, but he’s not sure what he’s waiting for)
He checks MC’s device data at work the next day and notices they took some photos of him at the party—a lot of photos. The best one, a side profile shot of him unobstructed by other guests, is their home screen wallpaper now
MC’s searches become more specific and obscure: what do crow demon forms look like, do crows mate for life, what does a crow demon’s cock look like—
He’s still confused because the attention is invasive but oddly flattering
(He should be repulsed but he’s not)
If/when they end up in a proper relationship, MC fixates on Karasu and whether he’s made pacts with other humans before (he hasn’t) and if he’ll make one with them
Karasu and MC sort of amplify the possessive, jealous natures they both have. They spend a lot of time together at his nest where they can be alone without anyone else
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if-seal · 9 months
if seal i have a big scene i need to write that is Very Important but i only manage to procrastinate away time when i try to write it!! what should i do :(
Dear Friend with a Scene of Much Importance,
Did you know that elephant seals sleep at 1200 feet while doing "sleep spirals" during dives? One might think that this is procrastination, but it is very important to catch up on rest when you're in the cold reaches of the ocean and need to avoid orcas.
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Which is to say, sometimes writing does not look like writing.
Sometimes it looks like moving your body in a way that suits you, or going outside and touching grass (or water, if you're me), or reading a bit of a book or playing a bit of a game that inspires you.
Please do not beat yourself up for finding this hard because shame is bad for everyone and no amount of guilt will get words on the page. Those of us who are chronically ill or neurodiverse will know that if we don't take any time to rest, we won't be able to outswim those orcas.
But, yes, there is still that blank page and if you want to swim through this scene to reach the tasty squid on the other side, you will need to fill up that page.
Is there something about your work environment that you can change? Something as simple as changing up your computer's wallpaper or how your text editor looks can trick your brain into getting into gear. Some dear writer friends with ADHD have sworn by Stimuwrite - you could try it out. Writing in the bath can get stodgy sometimes so I slither out to my local river and enjoy the sound of the breeze and birds out there while I write. (My roommate @hpowellsmith goes to the local coffee shop which, blech, coffee?)
Do you have your scene planned out on paper, on a flowchart, or as bullet points - whatever suits you? Prepare it like a delicious meal by breaking it up into smaller, manageable chunks to eat more easily. The more certainty you have about what your Very Important Scene will contain, the easier it will be to get the words down.
You could also code the scene in small chunks before you do any writing so that you are not having to juggle writing and coding at the same time.
Are you happy with what your scene is doing? Maybe there's something about it that is a little too complicated, or there's something that seemed like a great idea when you were first planning, or there's a bit where the player is being pushed around by the plot in a way you didn't intend at first, or the characters feel out of your control. Maybe there's something you could trim to simplify things.
Take a look at what you've currently got in the scene and if there's anything you're unhappy with, change it - better to do that now than while you're writing it or when editing.
Can you write the scene in a different order than how you're trying to do it right now? You could start at the middle or end instead of the beginning of the scene. Sometimes starting at the end can make it feel less overwhelming and you'll get a better idea of where you're going.
Finally, try using small targets, whether that's time, wordcount, or how far you are through your scene. Five minutes of writing is a small amount but it is still five minutes well spent and maybe you will want to do another five once you're done. Make a pact with writer friends to write a particular amount and check in with them afterwards; give yourself a reward when you reach your manageable target; make a tick chart or a sticker chart or have little snack rewards.
(Don't spend all day researching notepaper and fountain pens to make the tick chart look beautiful though! I beg you!)
Something I have noticed when rereading my work is that I remember when a scene was truly horrible to write. I remember the points of my games when I needed to lie on the bathroom floor and groan about it and wave my flippers feebly.
But readers will not notice. They will just fall in love with your game about a gay selkie finding love and drama while living in a lighthouse. And when the huge complicated Very Important scene when the storm happens and the shipwreck is dependent on the equipment you've chosen and the people you have with you... they will be so excited.
It won't be a worse scene for having been tough to write: it may even be better.
And if you need to lie and groan a bit, that's OK. Just remember that you CAN swim through it.
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genuflectx · 7 months
Imp Demon/Reader {NSFW}
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Length: 3,355
Main Themes: BDSM, power dynamics, cum eating
Other Warnings: blood, overstimulation, pain
All images in moodboard are free to use/remix images or are mine
Happy Halloweeeeeen :D (a day early) I'll make a small illustration for this later!
Orange light danced against the peeling white wallpaper, giving everything the illusion of movement, of crawling. The candles embraced the circle in a patient ring of fire. Eventually, when you were ready and had steeled yourself, you read the words aloud in a fine whisper, filling the room with infernal words that commanded ancient authority. Even as you closed your eyes the words came easy. You had memorized them just for the occasion.
Finally, when you opened your eyes, the room was dark. You waited with bated breath and growing excitement straining against underwear and robe. There was nothing for several seconds. Then the room trembled and the symbol glowed and hummed. A thick, clawed hand rose from the floor like an invisible portal to Hell. Held breath escaped your lungs.
She drug herself out of the floor onto her knees and sank down, a wicked clubbed tail lashing behind her into the dark. The candles sluggishly re-lit themselves and you placed a hand to your hammering heart. The demon smiled.
“Must be something real important to summon me,” she said.
You opened your mouth and then closed it, brows knitting together. You could see now, in the orange glow, that she was not what you had meant to summon. You slipped down to your knees and looked from the book to the devil in the glowing circle. She was small, no bigger than four and a half feet, with two thick horns decorated in intricate, lace-like designs. Her head was pale yellow, made toasty in the light, which became more blood-orange the further you followed her curved body. But you were most drawn to the pale blue stripes lining her thin, deer-like legs.
“You aren't a succubus,” you muttered with great confusion. “I must have read the wrong page- no, no this is it, it's the right one.”
She flopped onto her belly, chin in thick palms. “What, not happy to see me? Hoping for something a bit juicier?”
You looked at her blankly and worried your lip. “...You don't even have wings. You're supposed to have wings.”
Her smirk fell to deadpan. “Harmony's never had wings, chump! I got better things to do than be insulted by some unshaven, illiterate mortal. Send me back,” she waved a hand irritably.
You sat back against your calves and studied her, lost in thought. She was meant to by Hyrora, depicted in your book as a tall, wide demon with a set of four expansive purple horns. Harmony- well, she was only an imp! You flipped through a few pages idly, but the burn between your legs did not grow quiet. You'd been planning this for months, had made so many blood sacrifices, the wounds on your arms still aching and fresh. You could not just come away with nothing.
“How did I mess up so badly,” you groaned, rubbing a hand down your miserable face.
“How did you mess up so badly?” Mocked Harmony.
You glared at her, and she rolled her eyes. Then she jolted up off the floor and in a few short, swift steps came and pulled your book from your grasp, thumbing back to the incantation. With her this close you could hear the faint tinkle of a large metal bell around her neck, like something a cat might wear. All it did was solidify the knowledge that she was, in fact, not Hyrora.
Harmony hummed then dropped the book unceremoniously with a dusty thump. “Yep, just as I thought. Illiterate! You said like, half the words wrong,” she crossed her arms, staring down at you expectantly. “You must be so stupid that-”
“Hey!' You exclaimed. “Enough! Sit down, demon!”
Harmony sneered and then she slowly sat down. When you summoned a demon you made a pact with them. In exchange for your sacrifices, you received some amount of loyalty and obedience, and if they did not approve of the exchange they would not heed your call. This obedience was only temporary, but in the case of a succubus it only needed to be. This imp, however...
“You accepted the summons,” you said. “Why? You knew what I was trying to actually summon, didn't you? You're just an imp. Who the Hell summons imps?”
“You, apparently,” she smirked.
You ground your teeth and pointed a finger in her face. “Listen, demon! You accepted this pact and crawled out of that circle. That means you obey me. I'll find some use for you.”
Her smirk fell into something more agitated, tail smacking audibly against the floor. Her mouth had drawn up into what you might describe as a pout. And, on a little thing like Harmony, it was almost cute. But you knew you had to be wary. Even an imp could take your fingers off if you pushed hard enough. You had to keep control.
Your first command was that she clean your room for you. After all, you had gone to such trouble painstakingly drawing the symbols with your own blood. The least Harmony could do was wash it away for you. To your surprise she obeyed without much defiance, though you realized too late that it was because she wanted to lick the blood off of the floor. You told her that was disgusting, and she shrugged before crunching down on a half-spent candle.
“What the fuck,” you said, sitting on your bed.
She swallowed. “What? If you're just gonna use the light now you don't need'em!”
You made her clean the rest of your room- with particular attention to the inedible- while you read the fine print of your book. It did not specify how much time you were meant to have with Hyrora, but rumors circulating online had suggested a few glorious hours. You glanced up at Harmony dusting off a shelf and wondered if it would be the same with an imp, or if her lesser importance gave you more time.
“Imp,” you said. “How long are you my servant?”
She turned her head around like an owl and made a non-committal noise. “Why, something specific you need time for, mortal?”
Harmony wiggled her naked bottom and your mouth thinned, eyes slipping back to the book. You were going to fuck Hyrora, a tall, beautiful demon Goddess with a luscious body and wicked tongue, not this Harmony, a short small-breasted round-bottomed imp with a shit attitude. But you could not deny the ever-annoying struggle of your dick against your tight underwear, the needy throb you'd built up waiting for Hyrora's arrival which had not died down with Harmony. You looked at Harmony again, at her spindly striped legs and soft rump. She wasn't “juicy,” but you could squeeze juice out of that. If you really wanted to.
“There, damn, it's clean,” she griped, drawing you from your ogling. “Now send me back. It's boring here. You really live like this? What is this, like, a two-room apartment?”
You found yourself wanting to order her to shut up and stop complaining. “You're really rude, you know that?”
Harmony tilted her head and stood akimbo, a brow raising skeptically. “Oh? Oh yeah? Did you think the succubus you tried to order was going to worship the ground you walked on? Did ya?”
You slipped off the bed and into the joint living room and kitchen, peering out into the glowing night, the lively city below. Still the robe was tied around your waist, waiting to be thrown off, and you fiddled with the belt. Your dick twitched, so you decided a demon was a demon. Eventually you turned away from the window.
“Give me something better to do if you're going to keep me around!” Said Harmony, who had followed you. “Want me to cook? I come with my own fire,” she snapped, and flame sprouted from her clawed fingertips.
“No,” you said, thinking. “Let's just watch a movie.”
“A movie.”
Now you were the one who looked smug. “Expecting something else?”
She squinted. “It's a waste of my talents but it's your blood pact,” she gestured to the couch. “I can cook a mean boxed mac'n'cheese.”
You stuck a VHS into the player, something corny and about three decades old. The tape whined and the screen flickered uncomfortably. Harmony did not complain so much as she did sulk, her bottom planted firmly on the couch and body sinking into the arm. You sat in the center, and she finally saw an opportunity to open her annoying mouth again.
“A slasher, original,” she grumbled, resting her chin in her hand.
“Comfortable?” You asked.
She gave a noncommittal noise and blinked languidly at the screen. It was much more amusing being the one doing the annoying. The VHS played on as you lost yourself to thought, trying to decide if you were really willing to swap a breathtaking night with a demonic Goddess for a potentially headache inducing one with Harmony. You rubbed the sore, clotted wounds along you arms and glanced at her.
You waited until Harmony started to droop. Then, you reached over and wrapped your hands around her hips.
“What gives?” She asked incredulously, squirming.
You placed her into your lap. If she weren't so short her horns would block your view, but you didn't care so much about watching the movie. “Be quiet demon,” you commanded, squeezing her thighs.
She tilted her head back, knocking horns against the bottom of your chin and into your chest. You grabbed one and wrangled her head forward again, forcing her attention towards the flickering screen. Eventually she groaned and stretched her legs out, placing pressure on your lap and the strain beneath your robe.
“I can feel your dick you know,” she said, looking over her shoulder with a wicked smirk. “What's the hold up, huh? Too much of a coward?”
“You need some training,” you replied, taking the base of her tail tightly in hand. “And a gag.”
Her eyes brightened in surprise when you trapped her tongue with two well placed fingers, thrusting them into her mouth between small, sharp teeth. Your skin scraped against dangerous points, but you hardly noticed the pain. Harmony suckled on them. She had no qualms with making a mess of herself as she drooled, and it wet your palm and wrist carelessly. She was quiet, now.
“So much better,” you sighed, tugging her tail from the base and massaging her slick forked tongue.
She hummed around your knuckles, and you tried to thrust them deeper, hips grinding upwards. Harmony was more eager than you thought she would be. Maybe her teasing hadn't been just for show, you wondered, as she bucked and wriggled until your fingers slipped from her mouth and she was free to turn herself around. She straddled your lap, thighs spread far apart.
“I don't think you could handle me,” she quipped, chin up. “Those succubi? Peh, a lot of tamed cows more like it! Now, an imp is just as likely to rip your cock off for a chew toy as they are to blow it,” grinned Harmony.
You believed it. You didn't trust her enough to demand that she use her little mouth to blow you. Behind you someone screamed bloody murder and, as Harmony turned to cackle with delight at the blood splatter on screen, you reached over the arm of the couch to rummage through dented cardboard box. She looked at you and raised a brow at what occupied your hands.
“Ohhhh, I don't think that'll-”
You moved and pushed her belly-first onto the couch, one knee at the small of her back and her wrists in hand. You were well-practiced but clumsy. But the rope held, binding her arms and wrists together tightly. It was in no way comfortable. You loomed over her from the front of the couch.
Harmony's tail lashed; her cheek pressed against the cushions. She opened her mouth and you immediately wrapped cloth around it, tying it off in the back. Her eyes narrowed and she grinned around the cloth gag, wetting it and muttering nonsense. You patted her bottom firmly, and her tail snaked around your forearm.
“Don't think I can handle you,” you tutted, shaking your head. “Maybe I fucked up the incantation my first try, but-” you leaned closer. “-it's not my first try using these.” You fingered the taut rope.
Harmony's tail constricted your arm, and you shoved her head down into the cushion by her horns until the tail slipped away. She chuckled, muffled by the cloth and cushion, like this was some sort of game. It was, you thought, and you were going to win. If she still had her voice, you knew she'd make fun of your tight underwear as the robe gently fell to the floor. You rubbed the outline of your dick and smacked her bottom harder, threateningly.
“I summoned you, so you are going to play nice. Understood?”
Her gagged smile stretched, and then obedient knees lifted her ass off the couch. Your underwear was starting to become too uncomfortable to withstand, so with great relief you thumbed them down and released your dick from its damp prison. You smeared pre-cum over the head with a sigh and got behind Harmony, the lips of her pussy creating a soft, appealing line between her legs. She mumbled something through the gag about gawking.
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All your muscles tingled feeling that soft, appealing line part for the tip of your dick. Harmony was, to your surprise, easy to enter, her warmth addicting and all consuming. You groaned through the first stroke, pulsing and shaking.
“God damn,” you said, skin smacking lewdly against skin.
“Mmm, sooo much better than a succubus,” replied Harmony, who had chewed through her gag. “Warmer... tighter. I could go on.”
You grabbed her tail and pulled it straight. “Shut up.”
The bell around her neck tinkled lightly against the couch as you fucked into her slick warmth, and she started to mewl when you lost the reserve to be careful. But you had to restrain yourself. You started seeing stars far too early, and you wanted this little imp to know who was in charge. You put the weight of both hands against the back of her head while her own hands struggled at the rope.
Then there was heat against your belly. Real, Hellish heat. You leaned away with a yelp and, in a flash, the warmth left your dick and you were left disorientated. You opened your eyes only when you realized they'd squeezed close.
“That's better!” She quipped. “How's that feel, big fella? Huh?”
You were on your back. Harmony had burned the restraints away and flipped you with ease, and now she was straddling your naked hips, your dick bobbing against the cress of her ass.
“Those were my only ropes,” you griped, rubbing palms over your cheeks.
Harmony growled, lashing your thigh with her wicked tail. “That's what you're worried about? Ropes?” She leaned close, eyes flaring. “You should be more worried about me!”
She lifted her hips and in one plunge seated you inside, her small impish body taking all of it like it was nothing at all. You gasped and your hips involuntarily bucked. Then, one meaty palm captured your wrists while the other had its own fun at your throat. She squeezed gently, claws tickling your skin.
“Being on the bottom is always the fun part,” she smirked. “You're luck I'm so kind-hearted. I even let you pretend to be in charge for a little while.”
Your face paled then flushed as her ass smacked rhythmically against your trembling hips. The pleasure built back in seconds, creeping along your spine and throbbing inside of her. Her claws trailed from your fluttering pulse to your chest. One delicate claw carved open the soft flesh. You grit your teeth and curl your toes as the prickles mingled with the growing instinct to fill her, knowing that you were not going to last.
Harmony whimpered and shivered. She leaned and licked the trickle of blood from your chest, thumb idly flicking over a nipple. Heat flooded your body with a heavy grunt, your balls tightening and you ejaculated thick seed inside of her messily. It made a sloppy, used sound as Harmony continued to bounce. You were spent but she still did not stop, and when you tried to rip your wrists free her strength far surpassed her appearance.
“Stop,” you rasped, exhausted.
“What? I haven't finished yet, why should I?” Harmony sneered, tearing her claws deeper into your flesh. They left long, angry scores. “Unless you intend to please me with your tongue?”
Your dick hadn't gone fully soft yet but the oversensitiveness was beginning to become painful. So, you nodded in agreement. Even if it meant giving up more of the power you had hoped to exert you just couldn't take anymore.
Harmony smiled sweetly, taking a few last long, slow, self-serving strokes until finally your wet dick fell against your belly with relief. She dipped a finger between her legs and then between her lips. Then, she crawled forward and planted her stretched pussy over your face, your cum drooling out onto your cheek and chin. It smelled heady and musky. You grimaced. You'd done some kinky shit in your life, but you had never done this before.
“Something the matter?” Asked Harmony, demonic eyes peering down at you in amusement.
You glared and grasped her thighs, bringing that smell against your mouth and nose without complaint. She keened and rocked against your tongue. You tasted yourself, but more than anything you tasted her, Harmony's flavor stronger than your own and the taste was deceivingly more alluring than its smell. She clawed your scalp, pushing her cunt hard against your mouth as she rode you remorselessly.
Finally, when she was close, you felt the warm trickle of blood on your scalp and the tight coil of her tail around your forearm. It squeezed, and your arm went numb.
“Ohhh yeah, there, right there, don't stop,” she rasped, grinding her clit in.
That alluring flavor intensified as her thighs squeezed your head. She shook and yowled. The claws that weren't making a bloody mess of your scalp tore into the back of the couch, but you could not hear the fabric shred with your heart pounding in your ears. When Harmony was calm again she sat leisurely, catching her ragged breath. You paused, then pushed her ass up.
She moved begrudgingly, slipping off the couch to collapse on the floor in a spent heap, and air gladly filled your lungs as your eyes fluttered closed with satisfaction. Eventually she shuffled onto her knees from her spot on the carpet, but you could not find the will to open your eyes again.
“You dead?” Asked Harmony, poking your leg.
Finally, you turned your head to look down at her. You made some noncommittal gesture with your fingers.
“I thought you'd suffocated down there,” her smirk spread. “Did better than I thought.”
You rolled your eyes but otherwise the strength to fight left through your dick ages ago. “The contract is fulfilled and it's been... a few hours. You'll should be going back soon.”
Harmony stared with wide eyes, her tail thumping on the carpet like an irritated cat. She grumbled and stood up, sopping pussy almost at eye-level, and scratched her belly. She started to poke around the living room. You watched with faint interest, body begging for a nap. Then Harmony slipped a thin plastic case out from the shelf under your TV stand. She brandished it in front of your face.
“The dumb movie you picked out is almost over,” she wiggled the case. “Put this in instead.”
You squinted up at her. “You want to actually watch a movie with me?”
Her mouth thinned. “I'm just as happy to eat it and leave!”
The corner of your mouth twitched and you sat up, back aching from the cheap couch cushions. You finally noticed the torn backing and could only utter a quiet, unimpressed groan. Harmony chuckled with delight.
[ If you enjoyed this, consider tipping! <3 ]
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walterthejoseph · 1 year
Five Nights at Fortress!!!!
I've always been making aus and since FNAF and TF2 practically made a blood pact, I'm making au art.
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Also,, Have some Donut Ball Archimedes phone Wallpapers!! (The black border one is for people like myself who keep the screens on dark mode. Can't see the white lettering without it!)
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woltourney · 1 year
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Chuchu Chura (@spaceace144) v. Galvin Foixewesfv (@elizabethrobertajones)
Chuchu Chura:
q. What is your WoL name and pronouns? a. Chuchu Chura (she/they)
q. What is your WoL's species? a. Lalafell
q. What is your WoL's class? Or classes? a. PLD, WHM, RDM, DNC, and most importantly, FSH
q. What data centre/server are you on, if you want people to find you? a. Adamantoise
q. Tell us a bit about your WoL! a. This is Chuchu! She's a mute lala who became my reason for living when I started playing during covid. When I made her I want to make the least intimidating tank, so I made the smallest (yes she is min height), pinkest tank I could! She doesn't really have a lot of lore that I've come up with, but she's definitely lawful good, loves adventuring with her wolf pup, capybara, and Nigel her chocobo, and adores fishing.
q. Why should YOU win? (Answer IC!) a. :^) *waves* *lalafell dances* *dotes* *giggles*
q. Anything else you wanna add? a. She's just brought me so much joy over the past few years and if someone else can get a little joy from seeing her in this tournament, then that's enough for me. Of course I hope she still does well! I've spent hours in gpose getting pictures of her to be my wallpapers, I've gotten commissions of her, I'm even trying to crochet an amigurumi of her. I just love her so much! Good luck, Chuchu!!!
Galvin Foixewesfv:
q. What is your WoL name and pronouns? a. Galvin Foixewesfv
q. What is your WoL's species? a. viera
q. What is your WoL's class? Or classes? a. Black Mage, Summoner, Reaper
q. What data centre/server are you on, if you want people to find you? a. Goblin (have been in alliance roulette with other Galvins this is very important)
q. Tell us a bit about your WoL! a. A forest prince, eighth child with seven sisters, Galvin felt spare and at odds with his family as he became fascinated with dark magic after early encounters with voidsent that left him confused about their true monstrous nature. As he grew up and realised he was a rare son and due a life as a roaming forest warder and trophy husband, he felt too nerdy and bad at climbing trees for one and too gay for the other. After less than a year training with the other men of the forest and sensing they were growing sick of his poor aim with a bow and weedy lance arm, he slipped away in the night, travelled by boat to Limsa, and devoted himself to learning the forbidden maths of true magic. Drawn by the calling of the Echo, he joined the Scions on a whim despite having been warned by his eldest sister he was extremely susceptible to falling prey to a cult some day, and it was with much relief he realised they were not evil so his next letter home would not be met with a furious rescue party of dozens of furious armed viera storming the Waking Sands. He then picked up thaumaturgy and found one of his true loves. The other was teasing Urianger from across the Waking Sands, and flustering the shy elezen. Somehow, this has turned into a loving and stable relationship, mostly because they make up each other's deficits in a perfect puzzle piece joining and not because they are much alike, book learning aside. Though clumsy, brash and frequently knocked down, his determination to not be anything he once dreaded about his fate and to carve his idiosyncratic path, his raw stubborness got him through every trial thrown at the WoL. Barely. The only rules: always take them on as black mage and never give in and take the easy path (ooc: hit the 'very easy' button the trial is begging me to do by take 8) His witchcraft and void lore honed, he stumbled into the art of the reaper, and formed a pact with the voidsent he had felt himself bound to since youth, a keening sad creature that aimlessly wandered and wailed; these cries having once pierced his heart, he found it easy to reach out and make the connection once more, and binding the voidsent to his purpose, it found direction and he found a combat art that he excelled at - provided you allow that it's really the voidsent doing all the work lifting that heavy scythe, and Galvin is merely casting the spells. Having surmounted the main story, he retired immediately to the island farm, and spends his time pulling turnips and lazing about, often with Urianger at his side, and it is important to say, for Galvin, achieving doing nothing at all is in itself the most incredible achievement for a lifelong avoider of - well, everything - who crawled and moaned and complained and fussed so hard to get there.
q. Why should YOU win? (Answer IC!) a. I have never, ever won anything in my life, and I think I should be allowed just one. Please.
q. Anything else you wanna add? a. =:{)> moustache bnuuy
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books-and-catears · 1 year
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oh sweet summer child you can't just ask something like that and not think I would appear here.
The most effed up thing Nives has ever done is gaslighting Lucifer into believing that there's no skeleton in his room. That the "skeleton holding the column" near the fireplace is probably either his imaginary friend or his old tired eyes acting funny. She even showed him pictures (perfectly edited already) where it didn't appear. Not only that but everyone at the Hol joined in, denying the existence of this "skeleton". To this day he still looks at it with doubt. No one has told him the truth. His brothers forgot about it and despite Nives still remembering everything, she keeps taunting him.
This ofc before lesson 16. After that things only escalated. She tried to kill Belphegor and managed to punch Diavolo... more than once.
About the future, who knows! Murder is always a possibility!
Her darkest intrusive thoughts are mostly about killing Belphegor. Belphegor is no longer allowed near Nives alone cause the last time they happened to sit next to each other at dinner she kept thinking about how easy it would have been to kill him with the fork and Lucifer could read that on her face.
But hey! They are intrusive thoughts! She wouldn't do that Ꮚ⁠˘⁠ ⁠ꈊ⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠Ꮚ ...
right? Ꮚ ʘ ⁠ꈊ ʘ Ꮚ
Oh my my if it isn't my absolute FAVOURITE MC OF ALL TIME! And if course, I was absolutely waiting for you to show up here!
Shio: Skeleton in his room you say? *Checks his room in wallpapers* I mean is it really gaslighting if you're telling him the the truth? I mean there's nothing there, Lucifer.
Lucifer: Seriously, you too??
Nives: See what did I tell ya? Noone from Purgatory Hall could see it either and now Shio agrees too!
Satan: *joining in* I think Lucifer might be haunted. But what can haunt a demon like Lucifer?
Nives: Diavolo's Paperwork.
MC: Mammon's credit card bills?
Mammon: Oi mine is not nearly as bad as Asmo's shopping sprees!
Solomon: The Anti-Lucifer league?
Belphie: Solomon wanting a pact.
Levi: A distinct lack of Ruri Chan in his life!
Asmo: Those dreadful wrinkles on his forehead?
Beel: Maybe he's hungry? *Offers hand eaten sandwich*
Nives and Shio: Awww Beel~
As for wanting to kill Belphie. Oof. Nives, girl, I relate SO DAMN HARD. Nives is sitting at the table contemplating murder with a fork? Shio is right next to you with a knife.
We're having tender BEEF STEAK from the murder cow, tonight!
Nives is forever gonna be so badass and cool. I will forever adore her. Also I just imagine Nives being super petty because she can't get him directly.
Imagine during Christmas.
Belphie: Nives, you gave me a sack of coal.
Nives: Yes cause that's what Santa would give brats like you on Earth.
Shio: Here's mine.
Belphie: It's a box of matches?
Shio: Yes so you can use the coal and matches to set your tail on fire!
Nives and Shio: *highfives*
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kpop-locks · 8 months
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꒰ ˀˀ ↷ jay chang; late night “♡ᵎ ꒱
like/reblog | @chinzhilla-edits
don’t repost our work or claim it as yours
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kpoprhia · 6 months
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❥ Like or reblog if you save ✧ 🎵
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crazy-walls · 1 year
thank you @alintheshitposter for the tag! c: took me a while but here we are
Share your wallpaper: a digital drawing of Bucky Barnes sitting in front of a cityscape in all blues, don't have the pic on my pc unfortunaly and fuck knows where i put my phone again
Last song you listened to: Deep End by I Prevail
Currently reading: rereading Dead Man's Bones by James Oswald
Last movie you watched: uhhh Prom Pact I think? I was bored as hell and it didn't require any braincells
Craving: for my brain to calm down. and for an actual break, not just a long weekend...
What are you wearing right now: christmas penguin socks, sleeping pants and an AC/DC shirt
How tall are you: 1,63 cm
Piercings: one in each earlobe
Tattoos: a quote from Shakespeare's The Tempest on my side
Glasses? Contacts? glasses. contacts only for concerts sometimes cause i can't wear them for more than 5-6 hours max
Last drink: sparkling apple juice? dunno what Apfelschorle is in english
Last thing I ate: sour cola gummi bears i think
Last show: i guess Time Team? it's p much the only show i currently watch
Favourite colour: black & (dark) red
Current obsession: James Oswald's main character Tony McLean, he's such a dumb patehtic meow meow in book 4 and i love that
Unrelated obsession: does Käärijä count as an obsession?
Any pets: two budgies
Do you have a crush on anyone: uhhh don't think so
Favourite fictional characters: way way waaaay too many
The last place you travelled: a small town in southeast rhineland-palatinate for a wedding
i don't recall who's been tagged yet so if anybody wants to do this go ahead and say i tagged you
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“Perseus does not tolerate defeat.” 
Just playing around trying to throw together a possible new tumblr banner -this one actually turned out looking like a really nice wallpaper, might post some variations later X3 Feel free to use for personal use/wallpaper only. 
Model Credit: Brandon Bennett
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mcx7demonbros · 2 years
Created: 18.04.22
UPDATED: 30.04.23 (dd/mm/yy)
Helios, the Traitorous Brother
Catholic MC
Prologue PART 1 PART 2 PART 3 PART 4 PART 5
First Friday in Devildom
Response to Levi’s “I’m just a yucky otaku.”
Summoned to the Vatican: pt. 1 pt. 2
Le Traître Le Massacre
After Midnight Mass
Papa mortuus est (M!MC as Pope)
Mole MC 
Treacherous Brother
Teen!MC calls Lucifer “Big Brother”
8th Brother Series
Teen!MC Masterlist
The brothers met the Sustainer of Heavenly Principles
MC is caught cheating in the exam
Something Is Wrong
Meal Time (minific)
Does anyone know the recipes?
Voting (Dialogue Nonsense)
Adoration for The Human
2/ Obey Me react to... / Head-canons
Pact headcanons
Their demon forms on you
Demon bros react to MC watching Super Sentai
The Demons as villains in Super Sentai/Power Rangers
The Brothers as Power Rangers
Demon bros react to Chibi Devi!
Power Rangers Villain! MC
MC’s Grandma Part 2
MC is a greedy capitalist
OM! Boys as Chinese Zodiacs
What language do the Brothers speak?
“You will fall in love with a human” prophecy
MC has the Omnitrix
Wheel-chaired MC after Lesson 20-14 😏
You call them “Seven Deadly Simps”
Top or Bottom (the Brothers)
How He Gives A Speech (the Brothers)
Smoking Headcanon (The Brothers)
I’m Running for President
The Devildom Public Holidays
3/ Hell Series
MC goes to Hell [Darker Version]
On Damnation…Again
The Gate (Limbo)
First Layer (Court of Sloth)
Second Layer (Court of Envy)
Third Layer (Court of Gluttony)
Fourth Layer (Court of Wrath)
Fifth Layer (Court of Lust)
Sixth Layer (Court of Greed)
Seventh Layer (Court of Pride)
Damnation Masterlist
4/ Links to other blogs for icons, wallpapers, etc.
Demon bros cat butler icons/avatars
Colored dividers
5/ A Catholic’s take on characters and other things in Obey Me
Who is the serpent that tempted Eve?
On Lust
Is Obey Me a satanic app?
Raphael’s ability to eat Solomon’s cooking
Catholic!9 Choirs of Angels vs. OM!9 Choirs of Angels
6/ Others
Did Simeon write a BL?
Asmo’s dangerous Lust
I’m not giving butler Lucifer to you, Diavolo
Luke’s worried over us
Lucifer says sorry
View all your Devilgram cards
Lucifer’s down bad for MC
Weird theories / Imagines
MC isn’t real
Paranoid theory
Something is wrong
Six-month anniversary (first event I played added to Lonely Devil)
1st Anniversary
Food Series
Each character
Lucifer | Mammon | Leviathan | Satan | Asmodeus | Beelzebub | Belphegor
Side characters
Diavolo | Barbatos | Luke | Simeon | Solomon
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Tag Yourself - Marauders (+ Snape) and Secret Relationships
You and your boyfriend are at the same party, and no one knows the two of you are dating...
Remus Lupin
Despite his promise to play it cool, his displays of affection for you become more and more forward throughout the night. At first, he subtly pins you into a corner and gives you quick little kisses all across your cheeks. Then, as he watches you flit in and out of the party room, trying to be helpful to the host and carry things back and forth, and stopping to kindly make small talk with anyone who seems to be uncomfortable, he remembers why he fell in love with you – your kindness and your charm, among other things, and he can’t help himself anymore. He stands up, interrupts whatever conversation you were having with whoever (Remus doesn’t even notice), and pulls you aside into the empty hallway. Worried, you start to ask him what’s wrong, when Remus kisses you so passionately that he accidentally presses you up against the wall. He tries to mumble out an apology for how rushed and abrupt this all is, but you don’t care that he broke your pact of playing it cool, you’re already kissing him back. His fingers are now tangled in your hair, and your hands are clutching the front of his shirt. Only a few minutes later, a few of your buttons have popped off, your party skirt is hitched up messily to your waist, and he’s taking you roughly against the wall. Dinner goes completely forgotten, and the hallway wallpaper ends up with your nail marks on it. 
Peter Pettigrew
He slyly tricks his friend into trading seats so he can sit next to you at the table. Once you’re seated, he sneaks his hand down to hold your hand under the table. He squeezes it gently and lovingly. But as the night carries on, he grows bolder. Your cheeks are becoming flushed with wine and you keep looking over at Peter with your precious little doe eyes, blinking all prettily, and it makes his mind wander as to what else might make you blush so cutely. With that thought, he slowly pushes your dress up to trace the inside of your thighs with his fingertips before teasing you, grazing your sweet spot with his fingers just through your panties. No one else notices, because it’s all happening under the table, but you’re certainly feeling it. You hide your face, bite your lower lip, and struggle to keep quiet. Your hands sneak down to grasp his wrist, as he finally pushes aside the slip of cloth over you, and pushes his fingers inside of you. You let out the softest breath that both betrays and conceals the fact that you’ve absolutely soaked through your panties. At this point, Peter pretends to drop his spoon, only to get down on his knees, slide his hands up the outside of your thighs, and eat you out hungrily until you’re squirming (and cumming) all over your seat. 
Sirius Black
The two of you agreed that under no circumstances would you give any sign of your relationship at tonight’s party. However, when Sirius sees another young bloke clearly chatting you up, he grows moody as he watches from afar. He taps his foot impatiently. You start to turn away, but the young man grabs your hand. At this point, Sirius quickly strides over and puts his arm around your shoulder. Startled, you look up at him with wide eyes. Sirius tries to play it off, giving you a charming and flirtatious wink, as though this is all meaningless, as he pulls you away from the disappointed guest you were speaking with. However, once he’s guided you away, Sirius drops his arm quickly and walks away. As he walks away, you catch the expression on his face. You realize that he’s bothered, and you quickly race after him – which means that you are playing right into his arms. Because Sirius was hoping that you would come after him. He suddenly reaches out and pulls you into the cupboard that he managed to squeeze himself in. You try to apologize, but Sirius won’t have it. He’s beyond your apologies, he needs you. You can’t resist, either. You want him. And the two of you make do in that tiny little cupboard, with your flushed face buried in the shoulder of his soft leather jacket, while Sirius is pressed up against you and buried deep inside of your warmth.
James Potter
Try as he might, James can’t keep his hands off you. He keeps tugging at your hand to pull you into another room. At one point, he even pulls you into his lap in front of a living room full of guests. You try to play it off as though you’re just his comfortable, close friend, but people are clearly suspecting. As it is, you end up avoiding him for most of the night. So, when you find James at the doorway as you are both leaving, you notice right away that he looks sullen and morose. You sigh. You tap him on the shoulder and say, “Hey, I think your scarf is coming loose.” Before James can reply, you quickly lean up onto your tip-toes and reach up towards his neck to “fix” it -  actually, you hide your face behind his collar and then give him a quick, but very sweet kiss on the lips. James immediately brightens, and he abruptly bear-hugs you to him in such an obvious way that he makes you blush all over again. Ignoring your weak protests of “people can still see us,” he sweeps you off your feet and carries you all the way home in his arms. As the two of you walk up to the front door, he tells you how you’ve been mean to him, keeping him waiting all evening, and now, you’re going to make up for it by keeping his bed warm all night. You bite your lower lip in anticipation; secretly, you can’t wait. Just because you tried to be more careful about hiding your relationship doesn’t mean you want him any less. 
Severus Snape
At the party itself, Severus acts completely indifferent to you. You keep glancing over at him, but he never even seems to glance back. The most he does it at the very end, when everyone is busy saying good-bye to each other. He subtly hugs you to his side and presses his lips against your forehead as a seeming “farewell.” As you part, however, he quietly whispers in your ear, “I’ll see you at home.” Once he greets you at home, you start to ask if he enjoyed himself at the party, but somehow, in his calm yet decisive manner, he has you undressed and in bed in a matter of minutes. Grasping your warm, bare hips in his hands, he anchors you to him, holding you in a position where you can’t help but to keep your legs wide open for him. Though he’s never told you, he adores you like this – all feverish and soft for him. And just like that, he keeps you - his secret, but absolutely precious love - moaning pitifully all night. Any insecurity that you might have felt at that party (that he never looked or spoke to you, that it seemed so easy for him to ignore you) fades away entirely as he reminds you, wordlessly, how much he loves and adores you by the way he handles you now in his embrace – carefully, but so very passionately, as though it is his deepest desire and need to show you how tenderly he loves you.  
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