#one of them started up a long conversation with me by the microwave because i asked him if he ever got a concussion
arty-cakes · 7 months
good grie what is happening in hatchetfield
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gi4hao · 1 month
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the idiots you date — x. minghao
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roommate!minghao x gn!reader
word count: 1k
genre: fluff but slightly angsty (mention of a past toxic relationship)
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“you shouldn’t work for a company that doesn’t respect you”
“yeah, and you shouldn’t date guys who don’t deserve you, yet here we are.”
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minghao’s face bears signs of exhaustion that you’ve learned to recognize months ago. signs which started to appear exactly when he took on this new “big corporate job” as you often call it, simply because you’re not quite sure to understand what it is.
you’ve finished your dinner an hour ago. you used to wait for him to come home, but that was when he wasn’t working overtime most days of the week.
“they needed me to finish some urgent reports, i didn’t really have a choice,” he tells you before you can even ask anything. his tone is like a permanent sigh, but you know it’s not directed towards you.
sat at the kitchen table, you remain silent, fiddling with the rings he took off before washing his hands. the lights are dimmed, making the dark circles under his eyes slightly more prominent.
“how was your date?” he asks as he takes his plate out of the microwave, probably wanting to change the subject. but you doubt he’s still interested in your date anecdotes, especially since this one was your third of the week.
although he comes to sit right next to you, you carefully avoid his eyes when you reply:
“okay, i guess? the guy was nice but had terrible takes on most topics we talked about. well, ‘we’ is kind of a stretch because i was doing most of the talking. i think he was just here to eat good food and make me pay for most of it.”
“so… not okay, then”, minghao corrects you, and the silence that follows speaks louder than any word would have.
you’ve been single for almost a year now, and your last relationship was not exactly a model of good and healthy communication.
living alone after the breakup was a depressing prospect, and minghao was in need of a roommate to avoid letting his job drive him insane: a perfect match for two long-time friends like you two.
there was always a certain closeness between you, but living together has made it more intimate, and consequently harder to ignore... which is why you decided to ask for the help of various dating apps in hope to get minghao out of your head.
“yeah, not okay…” you sigh, mindlessly sliding one of his rings on your finger.
your gaze lands on the painting hung next to the fridge. one of minghao’s, which you insisted should be put up in your apartment; swirls of paint meeting in rosebuds and milky tulips. you can still see where the paint was spread across the canvas by his fingers.
with a tinge of sadness, you realize minghao hasn’t drawn anything in months. his paint-covered clothes were all replaced by dull suits that make him look like the people he used to feel sorry for.
“what time do you start tomorrow?” you ask, pouring him another glass of water.
his lips press into a thin line; you’re not sure whether he’s holding back a sigh of annoyance or just mentally preparing for an answer you’re not going to like.
“7. there’s a meeting i need to prepare for.”
“and when you get to the office at 7, are other employees there? or just you?”
“don’t start,” he rolls his eyes, grabbing his plate to go put it in the dishwasher. “we’ve already discussed this, it’s a dead-end.”
he’s right, this conversation has never ended well. but your eyes keep coming back to that painting, to everything he’s slowly turning his back to. the sadness ebbs away, giving way to a rising anger:
“no, i will start actually,” you state, walking up to him. “you’re unhappy, hao. you shouldn’t work for a company that doesn’t respect you.”
“yeah, and you shouldn’t date guys who don’t deserve you, yet here we are,” he replies, slamming the dishwasher shut. but his voice sounded more cutting than intended: “i’m sorry, i shouldn’t have said that.”
there are a thousand words on your lips right now, but few of them would be reasonable to say out loud. meanwhile, minghao is looking at you like you’re a ticking time bomb.
“but you said it. so now i expect you to either hit me with a miracle solution or kiss me.”
you said it without really thinking, basically shrugging as you know he will never take you seriously. the best outcome would be for him to never speak about your love life ever again.
but his reply makes you instantly freeze: “what if i did both?”
a rush of warmth spreads from the pit of your stomach, radiating through your entire body as his hand comes to meet your cheek, silently asking for confirmation that this is something you want.
your lips crash against his before he can even start to lean in, and the feeling of his skin so close to yours feels so unreal you expect him to push you away any second.
but instead, he matches your eagerness to the point where you’re scared you might lose your balance.
“i hope you like that solution,” he breathes out, leaving one last kiss on your nose.
in that fleeting moment, you reunite with the old minghao, the lively one who makes his own decisions and owns up to his actions. the one you fell in love with years ago.
“absolutely”, you chuckle, your hands meeting behind his neck. “…so i guess i can tell that guy we won’t go on a second date.”
“you better,” he earnestly tells you as he starts to take his black blazer off. “working from 7 to 9 will never be as painful as watching another idiot take you on a date. from now on, i’ll take care of it.”
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-> rbs and feedback are always appreciated!
masterlist here!
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sage-lights · 13 days
met you at the right time (this is what it feels like)
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word count: 2287 Their friends at Smosh were starting to take note of the way Amanda and Angela acted with one another, and it was confusing the heck out of them. Or Amanda and Angela are very happy as a "secret third thing."
Chanse didn’t know when it started, or if this was any different than how Amanda and Angela had always been. But he first took notice of it during an otherwise unremarkable lunch at the Smosh office.
As much as he loved working at Smosh, he had to admit the filming schedule was often brutal. Their call times were usually between eight and nine in the morning. But after a shoot went overtime earlier in the week, Selina had asked the cast to come in at seven today to compensate and ensure they filmed all the videos they had planned for this shooting block. This morning, he rushed through his usual routine, skipping breakfast with barely enough time to make it out the door.
All of this to say, Chanse was starving. It was all he could think about during the last “Try Not to Laugh.”
After what seemed like an eternity, it was finally time for their lunch break. The office had ordered deli sandwiches for everyone, and while Chanse was usually not one to turn down free food, there was a container of last night's leftovers in the fridge calling his name.
While waiting for his lunch to reheat in the microwave, he twirled around the kitchen a bit and checked what flavors of Celsius and La Croix were still stocked. He soon grew bored and leaned against the island counter, people-watching instead. From his position, Chanse had the perfect view to observe all his coworkers milling around the main meeting area.
Near the end of the long tables where the catering was set up, Chanse spotted Angela and Erin engaged in an animated discussion. Judging by Angela's comically shocked expression, he assumed it was about the insane Tinder message Erin had shown him that same morning. He chuckled—straight men are a whole other breed of crazy.
Erin and Angela arrived at a table near the mural at the back of the room where Amanda, Kiana, and Selina were already eating. As expected, Angela sat right next to Amanda—they might as well carry a “Reserved” sign with them everywhere to perpetually save the seat next to them.
The microwave behind him dinged, and Chanse grabbed his lunch before joining them.
“Hey, y’all!” Before Chanse even sat down, Erin swept him into the conversation.
“Oh, my God, Chanse! Remember the Tinder date I was telling you about?” He nodded, “I’ve got updates.”
“Already? Damn, it’s only been a couple of hours!”
“I told you, he’s. Insane.”
Angela scooted her chair back and stood, “Let me get a drink before you continue. Got a feeling you’re not even halfway through the story.”
“Yeah, you go do that,” Erin halfheartedly shooed Angela away, “Because I want you guys to be sat for this story!”
She returned to their table holding a drink in each hand and passed Amanda a grapefruit La Croix before cracking open her own berry-flavored Celsius. Amanda muttered a soft “thank you,” and Angela responded by gently patting Amanda’s leg. Throughout the whole exchange, they didn’t look at each other, didn’t acknowledge the strange act of domesticity. Like this was just considered the norm for them.
Chanse looked around, but no one else seemed fazed. He shook his head, wondering if anyone else had even noticed it.
Angela glanced over, and he caught her gaze, giving her a skeptical look. She stared at him, confused, before turning back to Erin.
He didn’t know what to think anymore.
This was something to file away for later. Angela was definitely getting questioned about it on the ride home.
Arasha knew she should be paying attention to the notes their director was reading. Especially since the live show was coming up so soon and the sitcom format they were trying to pull off had some very technically complex elements to it.
She tried for a while, her eyes flicking between her friends and the director. But she couldn’t focus on the director’s words when there was a much more interesting scene playing out in front of her.
She’d been squished between Amanda and Angela enough times to know they were naturally touchy people. Angela would randomly lean on her shoulder for brief moments, Amanda would place a hand on her leg while laughing, and Arasha often found herself playfully hitting her friends’ arms to emphasize certain parts of her stories.
However, Arasha sensed a difference between their general touchiness and whatever was happening with Amanda and Angela now. The intentionality of their movements set it apart; she knew they were both fully aware of their actions. She just wasn’t sure if they realized how differently others interpreted them.
Arasha tried again to focus on the director’s notes, but her eyes still drifted to the couch in front of her. The conversation about character choices and blocking faded into the background.
Amanda leaned against the armrest with Angela settled remarkably close to her. As their coworkers asked questions and pitched ideas back and forth, Arasha watched the two of them whisper amongst themselves. She remembered the way Angela and Amanda had shared a look during last week’s rehearsal, the silent communication that seemed almost intimate.
Now, watching them whisper and laugh together, Arasha felt her suspicions solidify. It was very reminiscent of how they were acting during Under the Mistletoe. Now that she thought about it more, she definitely should’ve clocked this behavior much earlier.
Maybe live shows just brought out something within them. Then again, Angela and Amanda have always been close, both figuratively and literally. But this time around, they didn’t have the guise of alcohol to hide their physical affection behind.
Angela reached over to the other side of the couch and grabbed the white chunky knit blanket, draping it over her and Amanda’s legs. She swung her feet onto the couch and tucked them underneath the blanket before leaning back into Amanda’s side. The taller woman sat up to wrap her left arm around Angela’s shoulders and pull her in impossibly close.
Here they are, the middle of the workday, cozied up with one another as if they were in the comfort of their own apartments.
They must know this isn’t how platonic friends act with one another, right?
Courtney didn’t make a habit of prying into other people's lives. They knew just how much all her friends and coworkers valued their privacy and it would be hypocritical for her to speculate considering how long their relationship with Shayne was kept private from their online audience.
But she couldn’t help the curiosity swirling in her mind as Amanda talked about a fan edit she watched recently.
They were sitting on the Smosh Mouth set, microphones in front of them on the wooden table, and cameras capturing every moment. Courtney watched Amanda as she described the edit, reenacting parts of it for them.
What was interesting, however, was that Amanda made a blatant request for more. And knowing their audience, Courtney was sure that Amanda would soon to be flooded with dozens of edits across Instagram and TikTok.
Sure, Courtney would concede that they had watched their fair share of edits—she remembered sitting in the old Defy office years ago reacting to them with Olivia. She might have also indirectly encouraged edits of herself and Shayne in an old SmoshCast episode. And plus, she would be remiss if she ignored the fact that they just made a comment about how all the girls on the cast look at each other with pure adoration and love.
But still, never had Courtney ever asked for edits of herself to be made. It got her thinking, to say the least.
As the podcast recording wrapped up, Courtney’s mind lingered on Amanda’s request. Casually, she brought it up again.
“So, about that edit you mentioned…” Courtney began, her tone light but inquisitive. Amanda’s eyes lit up, and she pulled out her phone  to it to show them.
Courtney knew you couldn’t trust everything you saw on the Internet. People could manipulate photos and videos to fit their narratives. But as she watched the edit of her close friends, she started to believe it too.
Observing Amanda rewatch the edit, Courtney saw a familiar look—soft eyes and a small smile. It was the exact expression Shayne had given them countless times.
Hm, there was definitely something more there.
The entire cast and crew were gathered at a karaoke bar now, drinking and singing their hearts out. Even after weeks of rehearsals and an hour and a half long live show, it seems that with this group, the urge to perform just never went away.
Courtney spotted her friends tucked away in a booth, and by the looks of it, Chanse and Arasha are arguing intensely over something. They slid in next to Arasha, lightly bumping her with their hip so she’d scoot over.
“Who’s winning?” they joked, taking a sip of their cocktail.
“Look at Amanda and Ang over there,” pointed Arasha, “They’re so in love and they don’t even know it.”
Chanse looked shocked, “You just said that you don’t think they’re going to get together!”
“Emphasize on the ‘they don’t even know it,’ Chanse!”
Courtney chimed in, “Give them some credit guys! I bet you they’re not as clueless as you think they are.”
“$10 says it’ll take them a months to realize they’ve got feelings for each other,” Chanse insisted.
Courtney scoffed, “five months, tops.”
“You guys forget,” Arasha cut in, “they’re both idiots. It’ll take them at least until end of the year, if not longer.”
“You’re insane!” exclaimed Courtney.
“What? Already doubting your prediction?” Arasha said with a cheeky grin.
Chanse smirked, clearly scheming already. And the girls know that a scheming Chanse was a dangerous Chanse.
Courtney looked pointedly at him, “No interfering! If we’re doing this, we’re playing fair.”
“Fine,” huffed Chanse, “If we’re playing the long game, then I think we should up the stakes.”
Arasha laughed, “$20 good enough for you?”
“I’m thinking more like $25 from each loser.”
“Jeez, Chanse. We’re not made of money here!”
“It’s go big, or go home, Arash.”
If there’s one thing you need to know about the cast, it’s that they’ve all got a serious competitive streak. There’s no way any of them were backing down from a challenge.
“Okay, I’m in.”
Chanse looked over at Courtney, “You too?”
“Fuck it,” Courtney sticks their hand into the center and her two friends join, sealing the deal.
Courtney hoped that Amanda and Angela would figure out their feelings soon, for their own sake. Though selfishly, winning $50 from the whole ordeal wouldn’t be a bad bonus.
Shayne laughed when Courtney informed him of the bet they had going with Chanse and Arasha, and told his wife that that Arasha would likely end up winning the prize money.
He had gotten much closer to both Angela and Amanda over the past couple of years working together, and was immensely grateful that Smosh Mouth had given him the capacity to work with Amanda in a way he hadn’t had the chance to before.
Despite his extroverted on-screen persona, Shayne was much quieter in reality. He preferred to be a spectator rather than a participant. So, not to toot his own horn or anything, but Shayne thought he knew them pretty well by now.
Amanda was an open-book, though she wasn’t often vulnerable. She told crazy stories from her life before Smosh, grand tales of the otherworldly adventures she’d been on, and gives great advice when you ask her for some perspective.
But she often didn’t talk about her feelings. Amanda mentioned it off-handedly in Smosh Mouth episodes and conversations outside of work that she doesn’t like to let her personal life affect her ability to do her job properly. Shayne admired her in that manner, no one could ever claim Amanda was anything less than a true professional.
Angela was the complete opposite. Shayne related to her in the ways they were both private people, preferring to discuss their work or whatever TV show they had watched recently. He didn’t find small talk to be shallow, at least in this scenario where he’s not trying to seem cool to a stranger. Both of them just didn’t think to talk about themselves often.
What separated Angela from Shayne was her innate vulnerability. It was difficult to not wear your heart on your sleeve when you were as earnest a person as Angela was. Their coworkers liked to tease her occasionally for it—you couldn’t tell her anything without getting a shocked Pikachu face in return.
However, together, they balanced each other out nicely. When they were around one another, Shayne noticed how Amanda’s walls would slowly start to crumble away, and Angela got excited to recount the mundane details of her day.
Honestly, they seemed perfectly content just the way they are now. Something a little more than best friends, but a little less than lovers. And hey, if it works for them, who was he to tell their friends to act differently?
(Angela was scrolling through TikTok before bed with Spork happily curled up on her chest, petting him softly to lull him to sleep. Hopefully, this time, he won’t sneeze in my face after I’ve already exfoliated and moisturized, she thought to herself.
A video of a random girl lip syncing to a song she vaguely recognized popped up. The text above her read “yk your friendship is elite if people think you’re dating.”
Without missing a beat, Angela sent it to Amanda.
angela: literally us
Angela smiled like an idiot to herself. God, she loves Amanda. So much.)
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g4sstationdr-gs · 7 months
Blood Splattered Teardrops
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ghostface!sam x reader. reader is afab. warnings; knife.
Chapter one
Sitting in the back of Sam’s car in the school parking lot before the bell rings is like a daily tradition. Sam is smoking a cigarette and you’re working on whatever missing assignment you have this time. You groan and drop the notebook down in frustration and Sam’s head turns to you. “What?” He asks as he inhales the smoke. His rings shine in the early morning light as his fingers hold the bud. “This makes no sense at all. It’s like Mr. Matter has some vendetta against me and wants me to fail.” You wine dramatically and put your face in your hands.
Sam chuckles and throws the cigarette on the ground then scoots closer to you. You hear the paper crumple slightly as he picks up your notebook. You peak your eyes through your fingers and you see his cocky grin as he looks at you. You can’t help but smile and bring your foot up to gently kick as his chest. “Stop it.” You say with the slight giggle. He grabs your ankle and pushes it away from him. “Stop what?” He says and tilts his head. “You’re teasing me!” You say and bring your other leg up. He grabs them both and tugs you towards him. You laugh loudly as your drug across the floor of the trunk. “I am not, stop being dramatic.” He smirks down at you.
You look up at him and you see the expression on his face change and he looks up. Josh walks up to the car and looks at you. “Hey, Y/N. Are you coming to the party Saturday night?” He says as he leans against the car. You wiggle your feet out of Sam’s grasp and push yourself up so you’re sitting again. “Oh- yeah! it’s a costume party, right? I have the perfect one.” You say with a cheerful smile.
Josh’s eyes look you up and down and he smirks slightly. Sam’s hands curl into fists and he glares at Josh. “Cool. I bet you’ll look real nice. C’mon, I’ll walk you to class.” He says and he reaches his hand out to help you up.
You take his hand and let him pull you up. You turn around and grab your stuff and smile at Sam. “Bye Sam!” You say and start to walk off, expecting Josh to follow you. Josh gives Sam a cocky smirk and Sam smiles back mockingly. Josh then starts to follow you. Sam watches and as soon as you’re out of sight he pushes himself up and slams the hood of the trunk down.
The next time he sees you it’s at lunch. You’re sitting and talking to your friends like you usually are and Sam sits against the tree next to your table. He picks up on the middle of your conversation. “I dunno. I really like horror movies. Sure, they’re stupid and unrealistic but they have some strategy to them. Plus, if a masked man broke into my house and tried to kill me I’d probably fall in love with him.”
You say the last sentence jokingly and you and your friend’s laugh. It’s like right then and there, Sam gets the best, but worst, idea of his life. He wants you to like him so bad, that’d he’d become another person just so you will.
That night, you’re home alone and preparing to watch a movie. You’re wearing some shorts and a long t-shirt. You walk into the kitchen put popcorn in the microwave, then start to put the timer on when you hear the landline ring. You figure it might be your parents so you can’t ignore it. You walk over to it and pick it up, holding it to your ear. “Hello?” You say and you’re met with silence for a moment before a voice speaks up. “Yeah, who is this?” The person says. You pick it up as a males voice, and he sounds sort of young.
You’re slightly confused because he dialed you, but it could’ve been an accident “Um… well who are you trying to reach?” You say and you lean against the wall. You pick at your nails and wait for the person to respond. “I don’t know.” He says, almost in a charming tone.
“It sounds like you have the wrong number. It’s okay, it happens. Have a nice night.” You say and hang up the phone. You hum and make your way back into the kitchen when you hear the phone ring again. You pause your movement and turn back towards the hallway. “What the hell?” You mumble to yourself and walk back to the phone.
“Hello?” You say in an impatient tone. You lean back up against the wall and look at the clock. “Hold on, I wanna talk to you.” You recognize the guys voice. You sigh softly. “Okay, about what?” You reply and you twirl the phone wire around your fingers.
He chuckles. “Well, you sound kind of hot. And i feel bad for disturbing you so I wanted to talk a little bit. What are you doing?” He asks and you scoff. “There’s nine hundred numbers you could call, and you choose me?” You ask and you roll your eyes. You’re starting to get angsty because you don’t want to talk to some random stranger for too long.
You push yourself off the wall and untangle the string “If you really want to know, I’m getting ready to watch a movie. Can I go do that or are you going to hold me up all night?” You say and you start to tap your foot. You hear him chuckle again and it sounds like he shuffles his position. “Why so hostile sweetheart? I’m just trying to be nice.” He says teasingly.
You sigh again and look back at the clock. “Sorry, it’s just late and this is sort of strange.” You look out the kitchen window. “What’s your name?” You ask and you watch as the wind blows the leaves outside. “Why don’t you tell me yours, and I’ll tell you mine.” He says.
You have to hold back a groan because he’s starting to frustrate you and this conversation is clearly going nowhere. “Yeah, I don’t think so. Sorry but I really want to get to my movie, try calling someone else.” You say and you hang up the phone. You huff and turn on your heel when the phone rings again. You turn back around quickly and grab the phone angrily.
Before you get the chance to say anything, his voice comes though the speaker. “Someone looks angry. those shorts look so good on you.” He says darkly. You feel your heart stop and your whole body tingle. “What? Is this some sort of sick joke? Who are you?” Your voice is shaky as you speak. “You really wanna know who I am? Why don’t I come inside?” He says and you whip your head around.
“What? Are you scared?” He says with a hint of a smirk behind his voice. “You think I’m gonna break in there and hurt you?” Your hands are shaky and your vision is blurry as you look around you quickly. “What if I’m already inside?” He whispers into the phone and you gasp as you hear a door slam open.
You scream and move out of the way as someone in a ghost mask and dark cloak lunges at you. You run into the kitchen to grab a knife when you realize they’re missing. You continue to look for anything around you when you hear his voice from behind you. “Looking for something?” He says holds up a knife of his own. Your eyes widen in fear and you feel like you’re frozen in place.
He takes a step towards you and you turn and run towards the front door. You try to open it but realize the chain lock is in place and you’ll never get it open in time. The man tries to grab you but you dodge and then kick his legs so he falls down. You start to run up the stairs when his hand wraps around your ankle and you’re pulled down to him. You wiggle out of his grasp and take the stairs two at a time. You make it to your room and you slam the door shut. You open push your dresser in front of the door so he can’t get in.
Your chest feels like it’s on fire from how hard you’re breathing. You grab your cellphone from the bed and start to dial Sam’s number. He’s the only person you can think of in the moment. You don’t know if you’re going to die or not. He’d be able to get to your house quickly, but maybe not quick enough. Your fingers shake as you type in his number but you keep making errors.
You scream again as the man slams against the door and your dresser start to move. He’s going to get inside. You grab your desk chair and hold it out, preparing to use it as he slams against the door one more time and the dresser crashes to the floor. He opens the door and he steps inside. Your heart feels like it’s beating out of your chest as he walks closer to you. He stops just a few feet from you and tilts his head.
You take deep breaths and it’s almost like you’re looking death in the eyes. “who are you?” you breathe out shakily and point the chair at him. He raises his hands in surrender. The knife he’s holding is illuminated by your bedside lap. He brings the tip of it to the leg of the chair and runs it across it. You trace the blade with your eyes and he take it as an opportunity to grab one of the other legs of the chair and pull it out of your hands.
You gasp as he grabs you and pulls you to him. He presses the dull part of the blade to your cheek you suck in a breath and squeeze your eyes shut. You can feel the rise and fall of his chest as he breathes. He drags the knife down your face until it leaves it. You turn your head to look the other way and you feel the knife back on your face as he uses it to turn you towards him again.
You open your eyes and look at the eye holes of the mask. You reach your hand up to pull the mask off when he grabs your wrist in a tight grip. You hiss slightly and he loosens his grip ever so slightly. You try bring your other hand up to surprise him but he snatches that one too. He holds your arms above your head and pushes you against the wall.
He runs the knife down your body, starting from your neck and ending at your stomach. You’re surprised when it gives you butterflies. You blame it on the adrenaline. You expect this to be the part where he stabs you but he just drops the knife and kicks it away.
Your eyes follow as it slides under the bed. You bring your gaze back to him. “You’re not gonna hurt me?” you ask confused and fearfully. He shakes his head no and leans slightly closer to you. “No. i could though. is that what you want?” He says and this time it’s his fingers that run over your face. You shake your head.
He chuckles. “i won’t hurt you. yet” He says and you can hear the smirk his voice. He places one of his hands on your waist, still holding your hands above you. “you know, i wasn’t lying when i said these shorts looked good on you. who are you wearing them for anyways?” he runs his hand over your thigh. “you got a boyfriend?”
You shake your head again. “what? you too scared to talk now?” He says and shakes his head mockingly. “you had so much to say earlier. what changed?” His fingers are still trailing over your thigh.
“i hope you know i called someone. and he’ll be here any minute.“ you say. you’re lying. you never hit the call button. He knows you’re lying. “aw.. is that supposed to scare me, sweetheart?” He says and he presses himself into you. He brings his face to your ear. “i’m not scared. you’re the one that should be scared.” He whispers.
You shiver and close your eyes. “please just leave me alone.” You whisper back. He pulls his face away and stares at you. He drops your hands and backs away from you. He reaches to the floor and picks up the knife. Your eyes widen as you realize you might’ve made him mad.
He steps back to you and he places the on your bottom lip. “i’ll leave now. but i’ll never leave you alone.” He says and he drags knife over your lip before stuffing it in his pocket. “Have fun princess.” He whispers as he walks out of your room.
As soon as you don’t hear him anymore you lunge for your phone and call the cops. You’re still very shaky and can barely get what you need to out. You just spit out your address and say that someone broke in before you hang up and call Sam.
“c’mon Sam. please pick up.” you say anxiously. You keep your eyes on the door incase he comes back. You hear the call connect and Sam’s tired voice come through the line. “Yeah?” He says and it sounds like he just woke up.
“Sam! Please, i’m so scared. Someone broke in and he had a knife and he held it up to me but he didn’t hurt me but he said he’d be back and-“ you’re talking so quickly Sam can barely keep up.
“Hold on, slow down. What? someone broke in? are you okay?” You can hear shuffling from the other end of the line, like he’s getting up.
You nod, even though you know he can’t see you. “i’m fine. but i’m still a little shaken up.” You bring your knees up to your chest.
You hear as Sam curses. “i’ll be there soon. don’t move. Grab something to protect yourself, and wait for the cops to get there. i’m on my way.” He says and he hangs up. “preferably not a fucking chair.” he mumbles and he throws the mask into the bushes so he can grab it later.
You lean against the bed and wait for Sam and the police arrive, thinking about the masked man and wondering if he really will be back.
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redrobin-detective · 2 years
I believe that Bruce started out obsessively protective of his identity and anything important to him with the League. He wouldn’t breathe a word about anything because he still didn’t quite trust them. And then things would go on and, after a while, he realizes he trusts -maybe even likes- the members of his team. Moreover, everyone else was more or else out with their identities and it was hindering group collaboration to have him be the only one still hiding.
So he decides to tell the League but Bruce is kind of a freak and doesn’t like, actually have a real conversation with them. No, he just stops hiding stuff and expects them to catch up leading to wild exchanges like.
Batman glancing at his phone during a meeting: Ladies, Gentlemen, Lantern, I have to cut this meeting short. My foster son microwaved tinfoil and started a kitchen fire. He’s alright but is very upset.
J’onn, the only one aware Batman had a child bc of Dad Radar while the rest gape: Please give your boy our best.
Batman talking to Clark about farm life: It’s one tractor, Kent. What does it cost? 1 million dollars?
Clark laughs until he realizes Batman is dead serious.
Hal: Y’know I was raised Catholic but my mother was Jewish so I’m trying to explore that side of me more.
Bruce: I understand, my mother was Jewish as well but she insisted we celebrate it alongside both my fathers’ Christian leanings.
Hal: ...
Bruce: My second father is British as well which always made things confusing.
Eventually someone with a braincell puts it together that Batman = Bruce Wayne and it’s a whole ordeal and Bruce just heaves a long sigh.
“You’re just realizing? I’ve been telling you for months.”
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ereardon · 2 years
Slow Burn [Chapter 2][Hangman x Reader]
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Summary: A one night stand with Hangman disrupts the fresh start you were looking for when moving to San Diego. The unexpected pregnancy forces you two to move fast, and brings with it some hurdles along the way as you and Jake learn how to live with each other. As the months go by, you slowly get to know the real Jake, but when old flames reappear and work obstacles threaten to topple everything, your relationship is put to the test. 
WC: 4K+ 
Warnings: Cursing, pregnancy, no use of Y/N, alcohol, mention of miscarriage
Masterlist here; Chapter 1 here; Chapter 3 here
Two days after you showed up in your pajamas in the middle of the night, Jake helped you move into his house. 
The conversation had not gone at all like you expected. You had anticipated that Jake would be skittish, nervous. That he would do everything in his power to get you out of there as fast as possible. 
Instead, he made you a cup of tea and leaned against the kitchen island, asking what you wanted to do. 
Moving in had been his idea. 
“This is going to sound crazy,” he said, running one hand through his hair. He had pulled on a shirt after you stepped into the house and you were grateful for that or else you might have spent the entire evening gawking at his bare chest. “But move in with me. You’re in a sublet, right?”
You nodded, wary. 
Jake continued. “I’m here alone, no roommates. There’s plenty of space. There’s two extra bedrooms, more than enough room for a nursery.” His voice dropped low and he moved around the island to take a seat on the barstool next to you, placing a large hand on your thigh. “And I’d like to be around, for everything. The first time the baby kicks. The appointments, if I’m able to make them.” 
You had sighed. “So you want to be involved.”
Jake squinted. “Of course. That’s my kid in there.” He smiled, but it faltered when he saw the way your face was contorted. This hadn’t been what you expected. Jake dropped his hand from your thigh. “But if that’s not what you want, I understand. Ultimately it’s your decision.” 
In the end, you had decided to take him up on his offer. Not only did getting out of the townhouse sublet sound appealing because you would no longer have to listen to your roommate Mike microwave mac n cheese cups at 2 a.m., you couldn’t deny it would be nice to have a support system. And Jake’s house was shockingly beautiful, hardwood floors, light and airy interior. He either had an incredible eye for design, had purchased it fully furnished, or had an overbearing mother. 
You moved into the guest bedroom that shared a wall with Jake’s room. As you were moving boxes, the first trip you both stalled when entering the house. Jake started to drag a suitcase toward his room with the master walk-in closet, and you stopped him. 
“I um, I was actually thinking I’d stay here.” You pointed to the guest room, adorned with sunny yellow flecked wallpaper. The bay window faced out onto the street. 
“Oh, yeah, of course,” Jake said, turning back to drop the suitcase in the second room. He pushed his hands into his pockets. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have assumed.”
“Don’t worry about it,” you said, dropping the small box onto the desk in the corner and sliding past him. 
That first night, after you had unpacked all of your belongings, which hadn’t taken very long, you wandered out into the kitchen with a notepad and pen. Jake was standing at the sink, washing a colander full of fruit. 
“Hey,” you said and he turned around, shutting off the water. 
“Hey back.” He smiled. “Sorry, I’m still getting used to having someone else around.” 
“How long have you lived here alone?”
Jake grabbed the metal colander and a kitchen towel, setting them down on the island. “About a year. I bought the house after I was called back to Top Gun permanently.”
“So the decor?” you asked, sweeping your arm out. 
He laughed. “The previous owner did a lot of it. And my sisters flew up after the house closed and went a bit nuts. Think I’m still paying off one of the credit cards they used.” 
You nodded. Sisters. So he was a big family type of guy. But somehow you would have guessed that already, by the way he carried himself. How quick he was to involve himself in your life after you told him about the baby. 
“Here,” he said, pushing the bowl of fruit toward you. “Bought this for you. I, um, I don’t know anything about pregnancy, but fruit is good, right?”
You smiled. “Thanks. I’m still working my way through the books, so we’re both a little out of the loop.” 
Jake rested both hands on the marble countertop. His eyes landed on the notebook. “What’s that for?”
You sighed and popped a grape into your mouth. “Rules.” 
“Rules?” There was a twinkle in his eye. “Ok, darlin’, you have my attention.” 
“I think we should have some ground rules for us living together.” “What did you have in mind?”
Deep breath in. “First off, no sex.” Jake’s eyes widened. “Second, we split things fifty-fifty. Third, we make all decisions about the baby together.” 
Jake was quiet for a moment, mulling over the rules in his head. And then, “You really needed a whole notebook for those three rules?”
You squinted at him and he laughed, tossing his hands up in the air. 
“Sorry, sweetheart, had to.” 
“And no nicknames. Rule number four.”
“Kate,” he warned gruffly, looking up at you from beneath his eyelashes. “Come on.” 
“I’m serious. You’re too flirty, it’s dangerous. That’s how we got in this situation.” 
“That’s just how I am, baby.” You raised an eyebrow at him and he realized his mistake. “Sorry,” he added quickly. “Force of habit.” 
“Listen, I’m not saying my way is the right way. But let’s just try it, and see how it works out.” 
Jake nodded. “OK. Whatever you want.” 
“Thank you.” 
“When’s your next appointment?” he asked. 
“October second.”
Jake pulled out his phone and scrolled. “I should be able to make it. What time?”
“Four o’clock?”
“Got it.” He jotted a note down on the screen and then clicked the phone off. 
“You don’t have to come,” you said, leaning back in the chair and stretching. “The big one, the anatomy scan, isn’t until twenty weeks.”
“I’d like to be there.” It came out soft, quiet. You looked at Jake and found him staring back at you gently, his green eyes locked onto you. “I want to be involved.” He moved closer until he was standing in front of you on the bar stool, his hand outstretched. “May I?”
You nodded and Jake pressed his palm gently to your belly. “It’s just a peanut, Jake. Nothing to feel just yet.” 
He smiled. “I know. But they’re in there. That’s wild.”
“Yeah, it is, isn’t it?” 
The two of you stayed like that for a moment, and then a bird squawked outside and Jake dropped his hand. You looked over at the clock, it was nearing ten. 
“I should probably get to bed.” 
He nodded. “Sleep well.” You stood up and turned to the hallway when Jake cleared his throat behind you. “Here, I almost forgot to give you this.” He slid a freshly cut house key over the entryway table. “Um, I promised some of the team I’d meet them at the bar…” 
He trailed off, standing with his hands in his pockets. “Jake, you don’t have to ask me for permission. I’m not your girlfriend.” 
He nodded again. “I know. Just thought you should know.” 
You smiled. “Have fun.” 
Closing the door to your room, you could see the shadow of Jake’s feet where he stood outside your door, hesitating. After a minute, he left and you heard the soft shut of the front door. Peering outside, you watched him pull away in the Jeep, turning down the street. 
You had told him to go. He wasn’t your boyfriend. You had just told him sex was off the table. 
So why did it hurt so much to watch him leave? 
The first few weeks were awkward. You and Jake danced around each other carefully, neither truly understanding the boundaries or where you stood. Your job was a fairly straightforward nine-to-five, but you often sat around at the kitchen table in the evening reviewing emails from your Asia team. Meanwhile Jake’s schedule was erratic. Some days he was gone by five a.m., others he was out until ten at night running simulations. You didn’t quite understand his job, but when he came home wearing a uniform you had to brace yourself against a nearby surface because of how unholy your thoughts were, mostly consumed with images of ripping the uniform off of him the minute he stepped through the door. 
So far, you had invited Lucy over, but Jake had yet to bring home anyone. That was a line you had yet to discuss. If sex as off the table, were you free to see other people? 
And the bigger question: did either of you want to?
The first time the question popped up in actuality instead of theory, you were out at a bar with Lucy. In a long sleeved shirt and jeans, you were still far from showing, but the soda water with lime in front of you was a dead giveaway. 
“God, what are we doing here?” you groaned, flicking your straw in your drink. “I’m exhausted.”
Lucy rolled her eyes. “It’s literally nine o’clock.”
“I get tired easily now!” 
“Party pooper.” She guzzled her drink, a tequila something, although it was more tequila than something. You were now the designated driver for all events. “Hey, he’s cute.” She nodded her head toward a brunette at the bar who smiled back. He had warm eyes, and a very JCrew aesthetic. “Oops, I think he might be coming over.” 
You sighed and looked up to see JCrew guy making his way to your table. 
“Hi ladies,” he said and you snorted back a laugh. “Mind if I join you?”
You opened your mouth to say yes, in fact you would mind, and Lucy simply scooted her chair over. “Not at all, sugar,” she said and he smiled at her. You were tempted to roll your eyes. She was so naive sometimes it hurt. “What’s your story?”
“I’m David, I’m a real estate agent.”
You stifled a yawn and he caught it. “Wow, am I that boring?” he said and you laughed. 
“No, sorry, it’s been a long week.” 
“Can I buy you another drink? Might help,” he said, twinkle in his eye. 
“Oh, uh, I’m not drinking tonight. This is a club soda. I’m the DD.” 
“Responsible,” he nodded, his eyes trailing along your body. 
Lucy stood up unexpectedly. “Well I am going to get myself another. Kate, you good?” 
You nodded and she smiled, waltzing away, catching a few stares in her wake. David scooted his chair closer to yours. “So, it’s Kate, huh?”
“Well it’s nice to meet you, Kate.” 
You smiled. He was cute. Completely normal looking and tall enough. But there was no spark. Nothing like the night you had met Jake at the bar. Despite the fact that part of you had hated his guts, another part of you had wanted to jump his bones. With David, it was in the middle. It was average. And after Jake, you weren’t interested in average. Not to mention, you were nearly two months pregnant. “Listen, David, you seem really nice. But I am just not looking for anything right now.” 
His gaze turned from friendly to sour in an instant. “So you’re one of those girls, huh?” 
“What girls?” His tone had a bite to it and you nervously glanced around, looking for Lucy, but she was lost in the crowd. 
“The teases,” he said, reaching out a hand and grabbing your forearm. You tried to pull away and felt him tighten his grip. “You looked at me. You practically begged me to come over to you.” 
“Yeah, right,” you scoffed. 
His grip intensified. “Come on, let me buy you that drink.” 
“Like I said, I’m not drinking. Now excuse me, I need to go find my friend.” 
You stood up to leave but David refused to let you go. With a quick snap, you tried to break free, but you lost your footing and fell down near the table, catching most of the impact with your hands and landing on your knees. A few people around you looked over, and a man leaned down, offering you his hand. Flustered, you leaned on him heavily and he pulled you to standing. David had already disappeared into the crowd and the gentleman who helped you up was hovering near you. 
“Are you OK?” he asked and you shook your head. 
“No, I, um, I need to find my friend.” 
“Kate?” You heard Lucy’s voice in the distance and spotted her pushing through the crowd. “Oh my God, what happened?”
“I fell,” you whispered and she grabbed both of your purses. 
“Shit,” she replied. “Do you, does everything feel OK?”
You nodded. “Yeah, but I don’t know.” 
“Can we help you at all?” The man was still there and Lucy shook her head. 
“She’s pregnant,” she whispered and the man’s face went white. 
“Do you need help getting to your car?” he asked and you smiled at him. 
“I’m OK, thank you so much.” He gave you a tight smile in return and watched as Lucy put her arm around you, guiding you to the parking lot. 
“Fuck, Kate, I am so sorry,” she said as you unlocked the door. “I was the one who practically called him over. Fuck!” She yelled and you turned to her. 
“Lucy, it’s fine, OK. I feel alright, I landed mostly on my knees.”
“Still, we should go to the hospital.”
You shook your head. “No, I promise you, I’m fine.” 
“You have to call Jake,” she said and you shook your head again, pulling the car into reverse. “Kate.” Lucy’s voice was icy. You turned to her momentarily as you entered the highway. “
“It’s Friday night,” you said quietly. “He’s probably out.” 
“So what?” she said, pulling out your phone from your phone and handing it to you. “Call him.” 
It was more a demand than a request or suggestion. You sighed and scrolled to his contact at a red light. It took at least ten rings before Jake’s deep voice answered. 
“Jake, hey, uh, it’s Kate.” 
“Kate? Everything OK?” Behind him you could hear boisterous laughter and piano music, the familiar sounds of the Hard Deck. 
You glanced at Lucy who widened her eyes. “Actually, no, not really. Lucy and I were out and I fell. Nothing major, I landed on my hands and knees mostly, but she wants me to go to the hospital and get checked out and thought I should call you.” 
“You should absolutely go to the hospital.”
Before you could respond the line was dead. “What did he say?” Lucy asked. 
You shrugged. “He just said I should go get checked out.”
She frowned. “Is he coming?”
“I don’t think so.”
Lucy pulled out her phone and rerouted the GPS. 
“Are you sure you don’t want me to drop you at home first?” you asked. 
“No way,” she said, pulling down her miniskirt. “We’re in this together. Also, maybe there will be a hot doctor there working the night shift.” 
You laughed and drove into the darkness. 
By the time you were changed into the hospital gown with a heart monitor strapped on, Lucy had made herself comfortable on the chair next to your bed. You heard Jake’s voice before you saw him. 
“Sir, can I help you?” 
“Hi, I’m looking for Kate Richardson,” he said, breathless. 
“Jake,” you called out, shocked, and in a moment the blue hanging divider was being ripped to the side. He was still wearing his khaki uniform, eyes wide. 
“Hey there,” he said, walking closer until he was touching the side of the bed. He looked you up and down, and placed a hand on your arm gently, so as not to disrupt the IV. “How are you?”
You looked up at him shyly. “I’m OK. We’re still waiting on the obstetrician.” 
Jake looked up at the nurse. “How long, ma’am?”
She smiled at him, almost as if she were looking at a son. “Let me page him again.” 
“Thank you,” you two breathed in unison.
“Here, take my chair,” Lucy said, standing. “I should probably get going, now that you’re here. Call me OK? Let me know?” The words she didn’t say hovered in the air like fumes. 
You nodded and she leaned over, pressing a kiss to your cheek. “Love you.” 
“Love you too.” 
She patted Jake’s arm on her way out, and he immediately scooted the chair closer to the bed and took a seat. The nurse had pulled the divider back, so you two were sitting in a small enclosure, the sound of the rest of the ER muffled in the background. 
“You came.”
Jake tilted his head. “Of course I came. What the hell happened?”
Shaking your head, you said, “It’s nothing. Just a stupid accident.”
“Kate.” His voice was steady, but rough. Like a grunt. 
You sighed. “I don’t know, some guy was trying to buy me a drink and when I said no and stood up to leave he grabbed my arm. I tried to shake him off, and I pulled too hard and fell.” 
Jake was silent, his fists scrunched up together so tight you watched his knuckles turn white. Gently, you reached over and took his right hand in yours, spread his finger apart so they were no longer balled up. 
“It’s going to be OK.” 
Jake nodded and suddenly the drape pulled open. He stood up, still gripping your hand, as the doctor walked in. “Hi, I’m Dr. Nesbet. Kate, correct?”
You nodded and swallowed. “Yes.”
He walked around to the opposite side of the bed and pulled on a tray with an ultrasound scanner. When he looked up at Jake he nodded. “And you must be dad.”
“I am,” he said, voice shaky.
The doctor glanced down at his chart. “Says here you had a fall. Let’s take a look, if you can just lift your gown for me please.”
Jake dropped your hand and you scooted the hospital gown up beneath your bra, a blanket still covering your legs and pelvis. 
“This will be cold,” he said, squirting clear gel on and then pressing the ultrasound wand on top. For a few seconds, the doctor moved the white wand around your belly in circles, his other hand on the monitor. 
You didn’t realize it, but you were holding your breath. Jake hovered above your left shoulder. 
Dr. Nesbet turned the screen to face you. “Here’s your baby,” he said quietly, pointing to the small shape in the middle of the sac on the screen. And then you heard it. The faintest murmur. “And there’s the heartbeat.” 
A tear slipped down your cheek and you felt Jake’s lips press into your temple. 
“Everything looks good. We’ll need to monitor you for another hour or so to finish that IV drip, but your baby seems to be doing well. You’re very lucky.”
“Thanks, Doc,” Jake said, collapsing back down into the chair. 
“For the next few days, monitor for any abnormal bleeding and contact your OB if you see anything. Spotting at this point in the pregnancy can be normal, but after a traumatic instance like this it’s something we would want to get checked out right away.” 
You nodded. “Of course.” 
He smiled and wiped the gel off and you pulled the gown back down. “A nurse will be in shortly to discharge you.” 
“Thank you,” you whispered and once he pulled the curtain closed you breathed out a heavy sigh. “Thank God.”
Jake rustled in his chair. 
You turned to him. “Are you OK?”
He looked up, chuckling. “Am I OK? Darlin’, yes. Just glad everything is alright.”
You let the pet name slide, just this once. “If you don’t want to wait, I understand.”
He shook his head. “You think I’m going to go back to the bar after this? No way. Besides, you’re not driving home.”
“I drove here!”
“We’re leaving your car,” he said. “We’ll come get it tomorrow.”
You smiled and shook your head. “OK, if you insist.”
Jake grinned, a call back to your first night together. “I insist.”
He drove slow, under the speed limit, and you had to remind him you were fine, a small bump in the road or a pothole wouldn’t change anything. Inside the house, you stripped down to shower and Jake went to change out of his uniform. The clock said it was close to one in the morning when you pulled on your pajamas, stomach rumbling. You and Lucy had planned to get food after the bar, a plan which obviously got derailed. A thin strip of light under the door said that Jake was still awake, and you pulled the door open. Downstairs in the kitchen, Jake had a towel slung over his shoulder as he stirred a pot in front of the stove. 
“Hey,” you said softly, taking a seat at the table. 
“How was the shower?”
He smiled and turned back to the pot, fiddling with the burner and pulling out two ceramic white bowls. You watched as he twisted creamy pasta into each bowl, setting one down in front of you and taking a seat on the other side of the table. 
“Thought you might be hungry.”
The silence was punctuated only by forks scraping across the bowls. You finished your serving and pushed the dish away, standing up and moving to the sink to rinse it out. Jake followed closely behind you, and after you loaded the dishwasher he touched his hand to the small of your back. 
“Kate? Are you OK?”
You swallowed and nodded. “Yeah, it’s just been a long night.” 
Jake’s fingers pressed into your back and suddenly you were extremely aware of how close he was. How good he smelled, like vanilla and pine, and how his long sleeved shirt fit tightly over his muscular arms. “Can I get you anything?”
Despite every cell in your body crying out, you stepped away, felt his hand fall from your lower back. “I’m good, just going to head to bed.” 
He cocked his head to the side and you swore he looked almost disappointed. “Yeah, of course.”
“Goodnight,” you said, grabbing your water tumbler and heading down the hall to the main stair. 
Snuggled down under the comforter, you stared up blankly at the ceiling. After a while, you heard Jake’s door close next to yours, heard him putzing around before finally settling. Your mind was racing. What if things hadn’t worked out? What if you were to lose the baby still? What if Jake hadn’t come? What if Lucy hadn’t been there, or you hadn’t been able to get away from that guy before things got worse? Your mind was spinning out of control, and just as you were about to sit up, throw back the covers and run your wrists under cold water, a calming trick taught to you by an old therapist, you heard your door slide open, the hallway light spilling into the room. 
Cracking open one eye, you watched Jake step carefully inside, shutting the door gently before sitting in the armchair near the window. 
“What are you doing?” you asked, sitting up. 
“Fuck!” he whispered, sitting up straight. “I thought you were asleep.”
“Is this something weird you do? Sneak into my room at night while I’m sleeping.” 
“God, of course not.”
“Why do you sound so offended? That’s literally what you’re doing.” 
“I couldn’t sleep,” he said. “Every time I closed my eyes I thought back to what the doctor said about bleeding. I just, I thought I would feel better if I could see you. Less freaked out.” ‘
“I can’t sleep either,” you said. “I keep going over everything in my mind. What if things had gone differently? What if I hadn’t pulled away so hard?”
“It’s alright,” Jake said soothingly and you looked over at him, your fingers clasping together tightly in your lap. “You’re fine, darlin’, and the baby is fine.” 
“No pet names,” you reminded him and he chuckled. 
“Just for tonight?” he asked. “Extenuating circumstances?”
“Fine, just for tonight.” 
Outside, the street lamp tossed a dark yellow ring of light that shone directly through the window. Jake stood up and pulled the curtains to dim it out. 
“Guess I should probably let you sleep,” he said. 
He was halfway out the door when you stopped him. “Jake?”
“Can you stay here tonight?” He turned around. “Please?” 
He smiled and approached the bed and you pulled back the covers, letting him in. He laid down and instinctively you pressed into his side, his arm coming down around you. “What happened to the no sleeping together rule?” he asked, his voice husky. 
“I said no sex. I never said anything about not sleeping together.”
“You said you had a rule about sleepovers.”
“OK, toss that back in my face.” He laughed, his fingers drawing small circles across your skin. “I think things have changed a little since that night. I never thought I’d see you again.”
“Honey, you can’t get rid of me that quick.” 
You sighed. “God, I forgot how annoying you are.” 
Jake squeezed your arm and settled down into the mattress. “Shh, just go to sleep. Maybe by tomorrow you’ll have forgotten and I’ll be back to being charming.” 
You gave his stomach a light slap and he chuckled, before turning over onto your left side. “Goodnight, Jake.” 
“Night, sweetheart.” 
You rubbed a hand over your slightly swollen lower stomach, listening as Jake’s breaths fell into even light snores. It had been years since you let someone sleep in the same bed as you. And you hated that it felt so comforting. Jake had penetrated the safety net you had spent years building. And quietly, before you even realized, you had let him tear it all down. 
A/N: We will meet the full dagger squad in the next chapter!
Tag list: @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @rosiahills22 @blue-aconite @barbiegirlbaby @justanothermagicalsara @my-soulmate-is-mycroft @lgg5989 @sqrlgrl22 @okayyypurrrr @khaylin27 @bleuisabella @abaker74 @fangirling-4-ever @dempy @backinwonderl4nd @cool-ultra-nerd @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @pauv-0414 
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almostyours · 2 days
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[   +1   ]    july  03,  2015,    COMMUNITYBESTIE  has  posted  a  new  video!
“     [   …   ]    because  what  was  the  purpose  of  DITTO  hosting  that  fuck  ass  survival  show  and  making  them  go  against  each  other  and  those  boys  for  absolutely nothing?  they  were  promised  to  debut  in  2013  and  don’t  even  bring  ELEVEN  to  the  conversation  because  they  didn’t  even  have  a  name  when  DITTO  released  that  single  album.   don’t  piss  me  off!    [   ...   ] ”
disclaimer:    some cursing,   me and communitybestie struggling with english,   communitybestie telling you a little bit about the girls and former member nari post ditto’s stardom and pre-mighty devil,    and me pretending some songs were released before 2013  ^____^
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Helloooooooooooooooooooo! Oh! 3 million subscribers, crazy!
I know, I know! It’s been a while since the last time I’ve talked to you guys! I hope you’ve missed me just as much as I’ve missed you. Full transparency here, I’ve just been busy, very busy actually. You know, your girl got a new job not too long ago— I’m booked and busy… unlike our girls DS2013! And that’s… crazy to think about, no? Those girls spent, what, five or six years? Training for… nothing.
And that’s why I’m coming in here strong because we need to start talking about them or else you will forget them and as long as I am alive and have internet access, I will never let that happen.
To those who don’t know, DS2013 is… or was, who even knows at this point, a girl group formed through DITTO’s reality competition show DITTO’S AVENUE: STARDOM back in 2013. This show, basically, aimed to create and debut the agency’s next global group, boy or girl group, once twenty of their trainees at their trainee program AVENUE 101 had reached rank 101, aka the you go girl you are giving us everything! You are five steps closer to debut!
This show was interesting to watch because, yeah, it had boys and girls going against each other to the point of elimination—boys and girls that were trained by one of the best trainee programs in South Korea, by the way— but it was also a big opening for us to be introduced to said trainees, because I personally adored the task and game sections the most, along with the contestants' comment sections of them complaining or making jokes or just showing off their personalities because all of those contestants were funny as hell… And those voting phases were brutal, yeah, but I am sure we all liked seeing our faves up there in the polls, no?
I feel like the show’s name is enough to make an oldie perk up because the iconic boy group REM was formed through there—and I thank DITTO for that, not going to lie here. I’m pretty sure my iPod is tired of me listening to LOVE SCENARIO over and over and over—so, of course, it was a buzz when DITTO announced the new season of the show because that only meant that ten boys and ten girls had the potential to debut in a group as big as REM. However, I think it was more of a buzz because of the trainees, per se… because, despite the company’s refusal to share tidbits of their trainees aside from some fuck ass microwaved quality videos of them, everyone was scrambling to know more about the most interesting era from the trainee program… the AVENUE 101’s 2008 to 2013 era, because no era had dance prodigies, former child actors, powerhouse vocalists at the mere age of ten, personally scouted by the CEO ballerinas, former Japanese idols, and more interesting individuals in their eras!
And now this is where I grow agitated because, for those who don’t know, the last remaining four girls, NARI, KAIA, POPPY, and YVAN, currently… and probably will forever be… known as PROJECT DS2013, as said in their single album’s name, their two music videos, and when DITTO finds it in themselves to mention them, went head-on against the last remaining four boys and won the competition fair and square. And of course they did, they did amazing on their final performance, hello? Also their many cover performances, such as PICKY PICKY, LIKE OOH-AAH, THE BOYS, THAT ONE 2NE1’S MEDLEY, FAVORITE, and my personal favorite, MR. CHU? Pheeeeeew. And, yeah, some were mad, some were not, but no one could ever deny it— those girls were it and DITTO, quite literally, hit the jackpot with them the same way they did when they formed REM.
So here comes the question: where are they? It’s 2015.
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What happened to them? Because what was the purpose of DITTO hosting that fuck ass survival show and making them go against each other and those boys for absolutely nothing? They were promised to debut in 2013 and don’t even bring ELEVEN into the conversation because they didn’t even have a real name when DITTO released that single. Don’t piss me off!
I know, I know. NARI and POPPY were announced as actresses under DITTO’s acting subsidiary this year, and KAIA was credited as a songwriter for VERY VERY VERY and some other songs last year— and that’s what pisses me off because why isn’t she writing songs for her group? But, okay, yeah, I don’t know what’s going on. Where are they? Where is the oh-so-awaited music? And where in the world is YVAN, to begin with?
I just fully believe that it’s a crime to have a group of girls as good as them in the dungeons… because there’s no way any of us could easily forget KAIA— like, that’s pop sensation KAIA, for god’s sake! An AKB48 darling at ten years old, perhaps one of the few idols who have ever debuted so young in said group, and I am pretty sure she was an actress? Voice actress? A songwriter, and one of the few trainees who actually enjoyed being there— I mean, with that kind of charisma and level of experience from her projects when she was younger, who wouldn’t enjoy a silly competition? …And yes, she is also the one who made the famous TELL ME mistake that I still see everyone sharing around. And that’s crazy because… remember how hard she came swinging when she was appointed to do the LION’s rap line? That was insane, and I am sure all of us were surprised that she had… well, it in her. KAIA, I know you are not watching this, but don’t take it personally! You literally threw us away when you came back stronger than ever when you were showered with criticisms. I liked watching her growth because she was a good performer, yes, but she got even better during the show. It was very interesting and beautiful to watch, along with watching her literally falling in love with the whole production of a song.
And she was rank #3, a pretty good rank to be among top-notch contestants, right under POPPY who I fully believe that at some point she was everyone’s favorite, if not she still is the favorite— because she is mine, I don’t know about all of you! That’s why I am, like, yeah, upset that Ms. Lover Girl isn’t in the idol domain aside from her being the producer of some songs for REM— listen to TENDER LOVE, by the way—, but at least I have her drama in ROOKIE HISTORIAN to look up to. 
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POPPY was the most mysterious trainee out of everyone. A professional ballerina personally scouted by the CEO of DITTO… like, when has that ever happened? I remember Korean blogs going crazy during the time she joined the program because, who is this girl? Why was she personally scouted? Did she really leave Paris Opera Ballet to join the program?! And it didn’t help that she was a very private person career-wise and that DITTO was, in lack of better words, keeping her out of sight from us. And that’s why STARDOM was a godsend to me, because how could they gatekeep someone as funny as her?
And super talented, too— because that’s a performer, baby! You know, now that I’m thinking about it, maybe her appeal was the whole, I may be unserious from time to time, yes, but when I work I work that successfully drew me and others to her.
There’s also the fact of her, probably, having a relationship with one of the trainees but [ BESTIE COUGHS AGAINST THEIR FIST ] we are not talking about that!
What will always make me laugh about POPPY other than the hundred compilations of her looking back at the camera every time something happened was how well-liked her U-GO-GIRL solo performance was despite how bad she didn’t want to do it and her loving her HEART ATTACK performance so bad she was visibly flabbergasted when the judges were criticizing her cover because she was “too mature” for the song. And her bursting into tears singing BEAUTIFUL, too… not saying it made me laugh, it’s just that, why? and also what an insane voice! If she isn’t the future main dancer of DS2013, she better be the main vocalist but with a powerhouse vocalist like YVAN in the same line up? Yeah… maybe the lead vocalist that could easily be the main vocalist. Yeah.
Anyway! ROOKIE HISTORIAN GOO HAE-RYUNG will be released soon so you better have that Viki account ready to use!
But talking about YVAN… when I said where was she? You know, I actually hope she’s getting her studies done! Didn’t they celebrate her 14th birthday during the show? And that would make her, what? 16 now? I hope that that’s the reason why she dropped off of earth, but someone with a voice like hers shouldn’t be stuck in the dungeons and now I am pissed off again. I know I said that POPPY grew to become a netizen's favorite, but YVAN was the favorite from the start, even before the show was even a thing because she was known as a participant in some chinese televised talent shows and didn’t she go viral with her Halo cover once? 
And, it’s been years since the voting rank has been over, but I always thought her ranking #4 at the end of the show was a little   [ BESTIE HUMS SKEPTICALLY ]   …odd considering YVAN used to always be at #1, especially after her solo cover KISS LATER, which I fully believe was the performance that skyrocketed her popularity because of how cute and how well she performed it to the point of everyone calling it YVAN’s song to this day… I know I shouldn’t dwell into it, but it’s still… [ BESTIE GETS CLOSER TO THE CAMERA WITH A RAISED EYEBROW, BUT QUICKLY GETS BACK IN POSITION ]
Anyway! YVAN was one of the favorites not only because of how well she sang or how well she performed or how good she was at making her fellow contestants and us laugh, but because she had and still has the title as the fastest trainee to reach the highest rank at the trainee program. From what I remember, it took NARI six years to reach said rank. It took YVAN only three years—crazy, no?
Now you see why I’m a bit mad that they are keeping her in the dungeons? Again, if she’s at school, that’s fine because I wouldn’t like a teenager to get thrown into the idol life this quickly, but, spare at least a singing cover, YVAN? I’m not begging, I swear.
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Talking about NARI, our #1 queen…  [ BESTIE TAKES A MOMENT TO CONSIDER THEIR WORDS ]  …look, don’t take my silence seriously, NARI was born to be a star and that’s something we’ve known the second she was accepted into the program. She was a child actress before deciding to dwell into the idol life, as well as a model to some big names in South Korea and some other gigs I don’t remember, so it wasn’t a surprise when she decided to join one of the most prestigious companies because she was born to be under the spotlight. She has the talent, the beauty, and literally everything else.
It’s just that… the amount of evil editing done with her makes me think. And to think there’s no way for us to see said evil editing compilations when there are a few around of the other trainees? Makes you think!
Not saying that she was evil or anything, I know editors tend to do that to cause some tension and make trainees or mentors look bad or whatever, like I am pretty much aware of this because both KAIA and POPPY suffered from the show’s evil editing more than twice, but NARI’s attitude, especially towards other female trainees, was rather… odd! Like that one time she raised an eyebrow when YVAN was getting praised for being the stage stealer on their FEEL MY RHYTHM performance, or when she rolled her eyes when one of their mentors put KAIA in the center instead of her. And look, I like when girls are a little mean, especially when they are as funny and charismatic as NARI, but, yeah…
I think NARI is the one we’ve heard the most from DS2013. She left her old acting agency to join DITTO’s instead, she became the face of Converse Korea, she’s active on social media, and we’ve seen her filming for her role in TEMPTED, a drama that I am really excited to watch, actually, but I am back to the same question: where is the music?
Guys, maybe I shouldn’t have talked about them because now I am even more upset that we don’t have any news from them.   [ BESTIE RAISES THEIR DRINK UP TO THE CAMERA ]  So this is for us hopeful dszens that believe that we will be receiving news about the girls soon!  [ BESTIE TAKES A LONG SIP FROM THEIR DRINK ]
I am curious, what was your favorite performance on the show? Who’s your favorite member and why is it YVAN and POPPY? What song do you like better, ELEVEN or AFTER LIKE? I used to love ELEVEN because that was the original song and the performance that made them win the show, but AFTER LIKE   [ BESTIE SHOWS THEIR IPOD SHOWING SAID SONG ON PAUSE ]   has me on a chokehold. Please tell me all your thoughts in the comments and it was so nice to finally chat with you guys! Hopefully, I will come back with DS2013 news next time I come back to greet you, but now it’s time to go because, as I said, I’m booked and busy… unlike others, so it is time for me to say my goodbyes.
[ BESTIE STARTS BLOWING KISSES TO THE CAMERA ] Bye bye! Love you! Stay hydrated and continue being everyone’s besties!
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arc09:    disappointed that you didn’t talk more about kaia ): you could have at least mentioned the other songs she wrote for other groups
arthurtone:    DESERVED!!!! THE BOY’S CLASS SHOULD HAVE WON INSTEAD!!!!! ⤷  019928:   nd ur boys are still in the dungeons 😝 ⤷  arthurtone:   nd ur girls? 😝 ⤷  019928:   😔
liamia:    pretty sure poppy graduated from sopa last year after passing her qualification exam ⤷  callmeari:    and from what i’ve heard yvan will be graduating next year ⤷  oznapitsme:    what if ditto is waiting for yvan to graduate to debut them
callazozo:    after like it’s just too good, i wish they would have performed it at least once ):
yvansolo:    YVAN SOLO WHEN ⤷  sweetpeandme: she hasnt even debuted in a group 😭
cassiopeia:   no one can fool me, nari’s goal was to go solo ⤷  lawloutloud:   and she might get it with the way she’s moving unlike the others ⤷  notabestie:   and she will. her auntie is a manager in a ditto subsidiary ⤷  communitybestie:   HUH??????????
rementhusiast:   what happened to the guy that had something going on with poppy ⤷   019928:   shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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siberat · 5 months
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Dri/ft’s Mukbang Part 7
“Looks like we are on to the last food selections, huh? Part of me is sad to know this mukbang is ending. But another part of me is kind of happy, for I am rather stuffed silly right now! My belly is so noisy, and I will have a long night tending to this aching tummy! *Picks up the next food to be eaten* Speaking of long nights, let’s celebrate by trying this footlong enerdog! *Carefully bites the enerdog*
Oh, this is sinfully delightful! All that melted lithium cheese and the hearty cyberchili give this the right kick! I’m sure this will be very filling! *Optics brighten* Speaking of filling, let’s move on to this ask from another Anon: Are you going to need your plating resized after this? It’s already putting such a strain on your belly, and you are not even finished yet… I can’t imagine how much plumper you may get!”
*Smiles sheepishly* Well, let me tell you…I don’t know how much more I can eat, let alone my frame can withstand! I feel so bloated already…. Like a beach ball that is about to pop! *Pats belly* This upper part, while it has some squish, is quite firm and bulges out a bit. *Takes another bite, then jostles his belly* Not to mention, this is rather heavy. I feel my legs getting that prickling feeling. * Moves his legs* Hopefully, that’ll help with circulation. Not that I wish our conversation to end so quickly, but I really would like to lie down. *Bites lip* I think my aft is falling asleep!
But as far as my plating goes… well, I had to lose some during our feast here. First was the stomach platting, then thigh plating… and well, only the central plating remains…I feel as if I was stripping for you! *blushes* But I will likely have to ask Rat/chet to loosen the major plating when he returns tonight. Some areas are rather tight and are starting to pinch. *Mentions to his hip plating* No, I don’t mean anything perverted by that! Get your minds out of the gutters!
*Finishes hot dog* Hmmmmm…. That was tasty. What shall I move onto next? *Gazes across the table* Oh! I know this cyber-sushi! * Snags the dish, shows camera* These are another of my favorites! You have some raw fish in a petroleum rice bed wrapped in seaweed. *Smacks lips* Simply divine! *Pops one in mouth*
So, onto the next ask. This one comes from another anonymous user, and it reads as follows:  Awwww, look at your cute cheeks; they are getting chubby! Just wanna squish them! Who else do you think would look nice and all pudgy? *Blushes* Why thank you ever so much for the compliment! My face does feel so soft and round. And with my helm pressing into my cheeks, it does feel like I am getting a granny-style face squish!
*Chuckles, then gobbles the second sushi* As far as who I would think would look nice all pudgy… Would it be a cheat to say Rat/chet? Because that would be my top choice. I think he just has that bulk of a frame that would really be able to handle the extra pounds. Just imagine how thick his thighs would get, and don’t forget seeing that heavy paunch droop over his hips!
 *Shakes helm* But in all seriousness, what I would like the most about my lover packing on some pounds would be that he took time to start enjoying the small things in life. I hate it when he insists on making those disgusting microwave meals. *Snubs nose and sticks out tongue*
If he learned to relax and enjoy the fabulous taste of food, he would be much happier, don’t you think? And if he packs on pounds, so be it. As long as he is happy and enjoying himself, that’s what matters, right?
I’m getting thirsty. I am going to try some of this orange energonade. Apparently, it’s high in oxides and is a very healthy drink. *Takes a gulp* Wow. That is very refreshing! And that orange taste is out of this world! *Takes another sip* You know, orange is one of my favorite flavors. At least right now, that is!
But back to the questions. If I cannot choose Rat/chet, I suppose my next choice would be…. *Face scrunches in thought* It’s still going to be based on the theme of more relaxing and enjoying life as opposed to more of an attraction…but I’d have to say Rodi/mus. While one may not believe it, our dear caption is so strung out with insecurities and worries! Do you know he paces for hours in his habsuit while talking to himself? *Rolls optics* I would love to just sit him down and shut that babbling mouth of his up with some good old-fashioned home cooking!
*Devours another sushi round* I bet he would enjoy some cybersteak and potatoes…or a thick coal burger and fries. And for desserts…he’d probably enjoy a nice, warm apple pie with a scoop or two of energon ice cream on top! He’s another mech that needs to stop and take time to treat himself. And if he chonks up, I bet he wouldn’t pace himself to deactivation. *Licks his lips as his optics dart back and forth* Plus, I don’t think anyone would complain about those hips widening up some, huh?” *Winks, then polishes off the last sushi*
Well, it is time to move on to something sweet. How about these cookies? I freshly baked these today, and of course, some were packed into Rat/chet’s lunch. But these are loaded with chocolates and iolites! *Takes a bite* So soft and gooey! I should have poured myself some enermilk to go with these, but this orange-aid must suffice. *Gulps the cold liquid* Well, that’s an odd mix… cookies and orange. *Chuckles*
So, we have a couple of questions from an anonymous asker. These are somewhat whimsical in nature! The first one reads: Hey Dri/ft! Need help washing the dishes? Oh my, there were tons of dishes to wash! Now, some of these tasty meals were prepped yesterday, and others before I started recording. So, some of the dishes have already been taken care of. And aside from the larger dishes, thankfully, we have a dishwasher in my love’s habit! Just had to quickly rinse them off before piling them in. *Snacks on another bite of cookie* Now, I have some pans soaking and let’s not forget the dishes on the table. I initially thought I’d get to them later… but…*Looks at his rather large body* I somehow don’t think I planned that out the best! I’ll eventually tend to them.
Now, their second question is: Who else do you think would be good eating buddies with you? Hmmm…. This is a good one. And I will not mention Rat/chet because that would be a given. But I imagine my perfect dinner guest would involve someone who could keep a good conversation going. *Takes a sip of the drink and snags another cookie*
Now, I’ll give two since the first one could not count. Wi/ng. *sighs* Wi/ng would be a fantastic eating buddy. Well, once he got over the whole spiel of overindulging. But he really opened my mind up to the joys of good food. In my time spent with him, he always provided me with such exquisite foods I never dreamt of tasting before. *Dreamy look overcomes him* Of course, I didn’t truly appreciate this at the time, and looking back, I deeply regret it. Not only was the food good, but the conversation was deep.
*Nervously smiles* Of course, that wasn’t appreciated either. But how I would love to join Wi/ng in a night of dining and conversing! I wouldn’t take him for granted this time. I would engage in the thought-provoking conversation as we both filled our bellies to the brim! *Face brightens* How lovely would that be? It would be so cozy and homey to share this with Wi/ng! I bet he would give the best belly rubs, wouldn’t you agree?
*Picks up the last cookie and takes a bite* Now, if I had to choose someone in the present time…*Playfully shrugs* This may sound odd and kind of out of nowhere, but Amb/ulon. I have had several talks with him while waiting for Rat/chet to get off his shift, and he can keep a conversation going…once he breaks out of his shell. He is full of in-depth ideas and is happy to discuss them once he feels comfortable with you. *Finishes off the last cookies*
I think Amb/ulon would enjoy the food as well. He looks so troubled, and with his past, I don’t blame him. But I feel a good, scrumptious meal would lift his spirits a bit. He needs to treat himself, you know? Perhaps he will feel much better once he fills himself with a large meal and vents off some of those worries he hangs onto. Plus, food comas tend to put you to sleep. And I have a feeling Amb/ulon needs a good night’s rest. *Face is deep in thought* perhaps I should try to talk to him more. *Chugs the rest of the orange energonade*
But now, I saved the best for last. Look at this cake! * Struggles to reach the baked good across the table* Excuse me…. *Leans across the table* There, gotchya! Wow, things are a bit more challenging with this big ol’ belly! But this cake is huge! I bought it from this lovely bakery we passed by a few days ago. *Grins* It was so hard to not eat a slice! But look at how colorful this is! * Sets the plate on his belly* Now, just need utensils. *Silverware drops to the floor*
Scrap. *Optics widen* Please pardon my language! But there is no way I will be able to get those utensils… *Shrugs and nervously grins* Guess I will have to eat this with my hands… you won’t mind, would you? I am just dying to give this bad boy a taste! *Pulls off a piece and starts eating* This is so sweet and rich tasting! And the sprinkles supply such a pleasant crunch!
Alright, we have a few questions about Rat/chet. The same asker from above asks: Are you hoping Rat/chet brings home more food? Oh my stars, no! Usually, I love it when he brings back some little treat for me, and it’s usually something cakey and sweet. But let me tell you, I am struggling to finish this meal! My stomach feels so heavy and full. My breathing has increased a bit, and my frame is warming up. I desperately need a fan to cool myself off! *Eats more cake* I only want Rat/chet to bring his servos for some good belly rubbings!
The next ask is from Gator-raider, simply asking what Rat/chet thinks. Honestly, I was so scared the first time I pigged out and had an itty-bitty belly. I hid from him for a bit. I feared his reaction! When he did find out, he was upset- but not with the belly. He was upset with me being secretive and such. And I think he was a little hurt that I could believe he’d be so shallow. *Shrugs* I just didn’t want him to be repulsed, you know? But my love didn’t care as long as I was happy. And healthy… his doctorly talks come up once in a while. But he means well.
But I have noticed he brings me more treats, and he has been much cuddlier at nights. *Grins* Well, this may be slightly inappropriate, but his servo’s definitely roam over my frame much more, taking their time to pinch and grope at the plush mesh. Now, I’m not one to kiss and tell, so I will have to end that topic right there. *Winks, then bashfully grins*
*Beeping is heard*
Oh, someone’s pinging me. *Grabs data pad and smiles* Speak of the devil, Rat/chet’s calling. Excuse me for a sec. *Answers device*
Dri/ft: Hey, I’m still recording here, Rat/ch…You’ll be in the video…”
Rat/chet: Still? How much food did you make?
Dri/ft: Um…. Well, a lot…
Rat/chet: I imagine so. Is there any leftover food for me?
Dri/ft: …. Ah…. um….
Rat/chet: You know, it took a lot of restraint on my part to not have a slice of that cherry pie…
Dri/ft: …. well…. I…ah…
Rat/chet: I’ll take that as a no.
Dri/ft: Baby, I’m very sorry… just got carried away with such good conversation!
Rat/chet: *nods and smiles* Do you have a mouth full of food right now, or are your cheeks just that chubby?
Dri/ft: *Blushing and smiling* They are just that chubby.
Rat/chet: Dare I ask what the rest of ya look like?
Dri/ft: *bites lip but pans the data pad over his frame*
Rat/chet: Pr-Jeez, kid. What did you do, eat the couch?
Dri/ft: *Laughs* No, the couch is still here.
Rat/chet: Is it in one piece?
Dri/ft: Yes, it still stands. You are such a tease. *Wags a finger*
Rat/chet: *Smiles and lovingly chuckles* Alright, I will return shortly. I just have to head back to Med Bay really quickly. Forgot something.
Dri/ft: What ya leave behind, your positive attitude? *Sticks out his tongue*
Rat/chet: I Have a feeling you will need something for that belly ache you're gonna be crying about all night.
Dri/ft: Well, that’s what your hands are for, silly!
Rat/chet: … Y…. You’re on camera being recorded… I’ll be home soon.
Dri/ft: Alright, baby, I love you.
Rat/chet: Yeah, yeah, yeah… luv ya too.
*Hangs up and sets data pad down* Now I feel a little guilty… I should have saved him a slice of that pie! It’s his favorite! But it just tasted too good to stop! Just like this cake… *Eats another handful of what little remains* But I am so full! *Huffs as his belly loudly grumbles* You think I can polish this off? Just looking at the last handful makes my whole frame ache! *Scoops the last bit up* I hope I don’t explode! *Opens mouth wide and shoves it in* Hmmmm…. so tasty! *belches* Oh, do excuse me!
*Sets empty dish on the table, then pats his belly* Look how messy I am! I should have brought some napkins. Well, perhaps towels. *Laughs* But all the food is gone-look at all those empty plates! Wow, that was a huge meal. And some good conversations. I do hope you all thoroughly enjoyed yourselves. I know I sure did! *Licks icing off a finger* We’ll have to do this again sometime, yeah?
Time sure does fly with a good meal and talks! But as usual, all good things must come to an end. Thank you for tuning in, my loyal fans! I sure hope we can gather for another night of insightful discussion and good food soon! Be safe, everyone, and have a great night!
*Smiles and waves before the camera shuts off*
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gremlintheslut · 1 year
The shields little girl
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Chapter 2 the big talk
The shield x fem!afab!reader
Don't reupload, translate or do anything like that without permission from me
Master list
Warnings: I mainly write smut and don't know what I'm doing.
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I wake up to the sound of voices. I decide not to open my eyes and listen to what they're saying. "so basically she uses the whole ddlg thing as a coping mechanism?" I hear Seth ask. "yeah, it's a lot more common than you think. If someone doesn't grow up with the best childhood they might end up using ddlg as a way to cope later on and some therapist recommend buying toys or things a child would enjoy as a way to help heal their inner child." Roman replies. "does she have toys?" Dean chimes in with his question. "yeah, mostly teddy bears, coloring books and she has a few bath toys as well" Roman informs the 2 other men.
I feel my heart flutter as Roman continues to explain what ddlg is and tell the boys what I do as a little. I can't help but smile when he starts to name and describe a few of my favorite teddies. "there's a purple owl that doubles as a heat pack for when she is on her period. Just put it in the microwave for 30-40 seconds" I want to open my eyes but I know I'll get embarrassed by the conversation to follow. Roman keeps talking. "she has never regressed younger than three years old but she is usually 4 or 5 never older than 7." he says before pausing knowing the boys will have questions. "how do you know if she's regressing?" Dean asks. "well she baby talks when she's little but mumbles when she's a bit older. She won't look you in the eyes that much and if you can't tell you can just ask she's never failed to answer me before." Roman answers.
I tune out of their conversation debating whether or not to open my eyes or keep them closed and go back to sleep. I decide to open it and sit up slowly stretching. "sorry did we wake you up?" Seth asks and I shake my head. "no" I say shortly. "I was just telling the boy about ddlg," Roman tells me not knowing I heard the last half of what he said. "do I have to be here for the conversation? because I want to take a shower" I ask. "go right ahead" Roman says and I get up and walk to the bathroom. I always leave a towel in there so I don't have to find one or call the front desk.
I take a 15-minute shower and wrap a towel around my waist realizing I didn't have clothes with me in the bathroom. I walk out of the room and grab my clothes. They were still talking about little space. I walk back into the bathroom but the way they were looking at me didn't go unnoticed. I finish drying off and put my clothes on. I know when I go out there I'll end up joining the conversation or they will start talking to me about the bond thing.
I stay standing there for a little while not wanting to be in 2 embarrassing conversations. I decide to get it over with and walk out into the main room. They're all quiet when I come out so I know there is only one conversation ahead of me. "we need to talk to you about 2 things" Roman says, maybe not. I nod and sit down on my bed. "first we want to ask if you trust us enough to be your caretakers" he asks. I honestly thought Seth and Dean wouldn't like it but I was wrong I guess. "yeah, I'd love that," I say quickly hoping I didn't say yes too fast. I see the smiles on Seth and Dean's faces and the embarrassment I knew I was going to feel soon for the next part of the conversation doesn't arrive.
They love me. They really do.
"lastly we want to know what this is," he says and I'm stumped. "I don't know," I say after thinking for a second. Whatever this is it just started and it would be weird to just jump to dating right? "okay, so we're all bonded to each other and it feels a bit weird because we have been friends for ages." he says shortly and everyone else nods. After a very long and boring talk, we decided that we would be a normal mate pack. Which is just when a small pack of alpha is bonded to each other and they find the omega their bonded to.
We would go on dates and do normal shit but we could decide on announcing it later. If we ever want to announce it.
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Sorry if it's short I'm tired and I didn't know how to end it. Love ya💋💕💞-gremlin
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jinniesxl · 11 months
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Summary:You recently became close friends with Jimin and Taehyung because the three of you had most of the same classes. You had become close with their whole friend group except for one. For some reason Jungkook seemed weary of you, and that was a shame because you thought he was really cute.
Jungkook is shy, which meant he doesn't have a lot of experience with talking to girls. When you started hanging around with him and his hyungs he was excited because he's liked you for some time now, but every-time he's had a chance to talk to you he messed it up, until now.
Pairings: Jungkook x fem!reader
7k+ Words
Warnings: None just a light and cute story.
Not my favorite but it took to long for me not to post.
Look at my eyes, my jokes aren't serious. Saying this is so hard, I like you. I was too shy to become your sun, so I became a cold moon Embarrassed (Blanket Kick)- BTS
It was mid-August and summer would be coming to an end, just a few more weeks of freedom before school starts back up.
Today -like most days this summer- you were hanging out with your new friend group. The eight of you sat in Hoseok's basement on the couches and bean bags making plans to go on one last fun outing before the summer's end.
After many disagreements on where you would go, Jin brought up the idea of a beach day. It had been fun summer hanging out with your friends and going to cool places, but oddly enough you guys hadn't gone to the beach this summer. No one even brought it up until now.
All of you had agreed so it was set. The last Saturday before school started the eight of you would spend the whole day at the beach.
=========================== A few days later and you were back in Hoseok's basement hanging out with the boys again.
This time you were taking turns on Mario Kart. Yoongi, Taehyung, Hoseok, and you were racing against each other in this rotation. Taehyung had beat Namjoon, Jungkook and Jin before this, the highest placer gets to keep the controller in the next round so he was playing again.
Halfway through your third lap around the track you asked Hoseok if he had any snacks down here. You guys had been down here a while and hadn't eaten much today. Some of the other boys complained that they were hungry too, after you brought up the fact there was nothing to eat in here. Jungkook offered to heat something up for everyone and then went up to the kitchen.
After the fourth lap the round was finished and Yoongi had won and you and the two other boys gave up your controllers to Jimin, Jin, and Namjoon.
After you handed the controller to Jimin you excused yourself and went up to the main floor to use the restroom.
The basement steps let out in the kitchen, so when you had walked up Jungkook was standing there heating something in the microwave.
You obviously noticed how Jungkook would go out of his way to keep your conversations short or avoid them all together, it hurt sometimes because as far as you knew he never had a reason not to like you. Still, you always attempted to make conversation with him.
When he saw you walk into the kitchen his body tensed.
"Hey Jungkook" you started "What are you making?" 
This was it. It was another chance to talk to you. Such a simple question didn't give him much to say but if he could pull himself together it would be a start.
He paused before speaking looking down at his feet but then back up at you.
"I put a pizza in the oven and some popcorn in the microwave. Are you hungry?" he asked, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
Was he blushing?
Immediately after he asked, he mentally slapped himself. ~Of course you were hungry you were the first to ask for something that was why he offered to make food in the first place~
You nodded your head in response and excused yourself to the bathroom which was the whole reason you came up here. Definitely not to try and talk to Jungkook.
He stood in the kitchen watching you walk away and cursing himself for being so awkward. Get it together, Jungkook, confidence is key. That's something Seokjin had told him when he first realized that Jungkook liked you.
Out of all his friends Jin was the only one he felt comfortable talking about his crush on you with, not because he didn't trust the other boys but because Jin felt like his real big brother and he was better at keeping secrets than the others.
Jin wouldn't accidentally drop hints that Jungkook liked you, but he knew the other boys would, not because they wanted to embarrass him or make fun of him, they would genuinely try to help but they took some things too extreme.
Jungkook had to think quickly before you came out of the bathroom, he needed to make a plan of action to keep you up here with him even if it was just for something stupid.
While you were in the bathroom you thought about the interaction you just had with Jungkook. Did he look nervous? You knew Jungkook was shy, but he had been around you a lot these past months, so he really had no reason to be.
Maybe that's why he doesn't say much to me. You didn't really think about it until now, but you haven't really had to make an effort in becoming friends with the other boys because you kind of just clicked with each other, but Jungkook wasn't as social, and you didn't take it into consideration that he might not be comfortable with you yet.
After finishing up in the bathroom you made your way back to the kitchen with a plan to stay on the main floor and try to talk with Jungkook.
When you walked into the kitchen, he was standing by the counter leaning on it and mindlessly swiping through his phone.
It wasn't mindless though Jungkook was just scrolling looking at nothing and waiting for you to come back. He had his phone out so that he would look chill instead of just standing there like a weirdo waiting for you.
When he heard you come in, he looked up, ready to say something but you beat him to it.
"Do you need any help?" You asked sitting on a stool opposite of where he was standing at the counter.  The popcorn that was in the microwave now in a bowl next to him.
He thought for a second, what could need help with. Then he remembered the crazy amount of baking supplies he helped Hoseok's mom carry in the other day.
Mrs. Jung wouldn't mind if he used some. " I was thinking about making cookies, if you wanted to help," he explained.
" I'd love to help" you told him, grabbing some popcorn from the bowl.  "The pizzas will be done soon so we can start then."  You nodded.
It was quiet between the two of you for a moment; a little awkward as you ate some of the popcorn.
Pulling the two of you out of silence, Jimin ran up the steps. "It's your turns if you guys are still playing."  Jimin told the both of you while he opened the fridge and grabbed some water bottles to take downstairs.
You were going to start going back down to the basement, but your phone started to ring. It was your dad. "Someone else can go, I have to take this. Be back in a sec!" You stepped into another room to take the call.
Back in the kitchen Jungkook turned to go down the steps but Jimin stopped him. "What's going on up here? You two looked all smiley."  A light pink color dusts over Jungkook's features. Were you smiling because of him? If you were, he didn't see it because he was too busy trying to control his own smile. Even though you had such a simple conversation he was happy to be hanging out with you. "Nothing, we were just waiting for the pizza to be finished."
Jimin's face flashes with a realization. "Did you finally work up the courage to tell her you like her? Damn is little Jungkookie gonna get a girlfriend before me!"
"W-what? No, I didn't tell her.  Wait, how did you know I never told you that either."  Jimin laughed at how alarmed Jungkook was at the thought of him knowing. "It's painfully obvious Kook, everytime she talks or gets near you, you blush. You might as well have a sign on your forehead that says 'I like Y/ N.' "
Jungkook panicked internally. Was it really that obvious?
"Hey, if someone doesn't come take their turn were skipping you"  Taehyung yelled up the steps startling the two boys "And I smell popcorn, bring some down!" 
Jungkook went back to grab the popcorn and Jimin continued "It's nothing to be embarrassed about Kook, just tell her, I have a feeling she likes you too."
Jungkook froze in his spot and Jimin grabbed the bowl and headed down the steps.' Could Y/N actually like me?'
After a second, he ran down the stairs after Jimin to take his turn. ================
Minutes after Jimin and Jungkook went back downstairs the oven beeped and you hung up the phone to go get the Pizzas out. 
When the round was up all of the boys came upstairs where you were getting out plates
Jungkook was in the best mood he had been in all day. He was proud of himself for talking to you and not being a coward.
"Why didn't you come back down Y/N?" Yoongi asked you as he sat down on a stool.
"My dad called, he's on his way to get me because he was coming by this way on his ride home from work." 
And just like that his mood was ruined. Now that you had to go, his cookie plan was a bust.
"Sorry Jungkook, I guess I won't be able to help you anymore, next time though!"
"Yeah, next time." he said with a smile.
Your phone dinged, it was a text from your dad, he was waiting outside.
"He's here, bye guys".  You walked to the door to leave, and the boys all said their goodbyes to you.
Later on, all the boys headed to their own houses, Jin was giving Jungkook a ride home and he thought it was the perfect time to ask for some advice. "Hyung, I need your help."
"What's up Kook" Jin questioned and from the tone of Jungkooks voice it seemed important.
"How can I tell if Y/N likes me back?"
"Kook, you spent like 10 minutes with her today, even if she does like you, she wouldn't date someone she hasn't spent any time with."
Jungkook frowns "We were going to spend more time together, but she had to go. That's not my fault." He was getting irritated the one time he had the guts to make conversation your dad just had to pick you up.
"I know it's not your fault, that's not what I meant. Why don't you text her tonight and just talk about anything, ask her if she's excited for our beach trip."
That didn't sound too hard. Jungkook had your number but the two of you had only texted twice and it was only because someone had forgotten something, and you asked Jungkook to grab it on the way.
They arrived at Jungkook's house and Jin wished him luck with talking to you. Jungkook went inside and began to think about what to text you.
...Did you get home okay? Backspace
Would you find it weird for him to check on you like that? He's never done it before.
...Hey! What are you up to? Backspace
He was too nervous. What if you didn't text him back? What if you didn't have his number saved because the two of you never talked? He cringed just thinking about having to explain who he was if you didn't have his number in your phone.
It's one of those things that should be embarrassing but is. At least to him.
Jungkook was officially stressed out. Pacing around his room he tried to think of something else, texting you wasn't going to work, and he wanted to know how you felt about him now, he was way too impatient to let things just play out. ========================
You and Jungkook only lived a few blocks away from each other. You had only been to his house a few times and you'd never been inside. There wasn't really a reason to because you all usually hung out at Hoseok's or somewhere public.
The same goes for Jungkook at your house he never had a reason to go inside until now, hopefully.
After some thinking he decided he needed to quit being a coward (for real this time) he was going to bring some snacks to your house and see if you wanted to hang out.
Texting felt too awkward to him, and he thought he should do something more meaningful to show that he liked you.
Showing up to your house completely unannounced was the perfect idea. Until he got there, stopping in front of the steps to your front door he wanted to run back home, and he almost did.
What was he thinking showing up to your house like this? What if you thought he was weird, or you didn't want to see him. He definitely should've called first. 
Now he couldn't just stand in the middle of the sidewalk like an idiot, so we walked up the steps and knocked on your door. 'No what are you doing just go home.'
He was ready to turn around and leave but before he could more the lock clicked, and the front door opened.
"Jungkook? What are you doing here?" You asked surprises by him being here and without the other boys. What was going on.
"I'm sorry I shouldn't have come unannounced, but I just felt bad you had to leave earlier so I brought you something." Reached in the pocket of his jacket and pulled out a 4 pack of chips ahoy.
Pathetic. That's how Jungkook felt in the moment. Who the fuck wants chips ahoy 'what the fuck were you thinking Jungkook.'
You stood there for a second confused by his actions.  Why would he come here just for that? You thought it was kind of cute of him though.
He handed you the cookies and you accepted. This was new Jeon Jungkook standing on your doorstep alone. You had to take advantage of the opportunity.
"Would you wanna come in, if you're not busy we could hang out for a while." You suggested, while breaking eye contact. He didn't know it but you were just as nervous as he was.
He looked at you as if he was surprised by your words, but then a small smile formed on his face.
"Yeah, I'd like that."
The both of you walked back into the house.
"Y/N, who was at the door" your mom asked making her way to the entrance room.
"It's Jungkook, is it alright if we hang out upstairs?"
Jungkook greets your mother, and she welcomes him inside. "That's fine" the two of you begin to head for the steps "Make sure the door stays wide open Y/N no funny business, because I will be watching."
Both your and Jungkook's faces turn a bright red color. "Mom, seriously?" You don't remember the last time you've felt this embarrassed.
"Yes, seriously and I'm sure your dad would agree."
You're mortified. You knew you were supposed to keep the door open, but the extra "funny business" comment wasn't needed.
You tell her you understand and then you and Jungkook head upstairs not saying a word. He's been here five minutes and you're positive he wishes he hadn't come at all.
Once you get to your room you tell him that he can sit wherever he would like and to make himself comfortable.  While you make sure to leave the door open wide because you don't even want to think about what your mom would say if she thought you were trying to close it.
You didn't understand why she was being so weird about it she had met all of the boys before and never said anything like that so why to Jungkook?
You take a seat on your bed and get comfortable, while Jungkook stands in the middle of your room looking nervous and kind of awkward. You signal him to come sit beside you, and he hesitates for a second before coming over to your bed and taking a seat.
He's tense, really really tense, noticeably so. Calm down Jungkook, stop being awkward.
"I'm sorry about my mom, she can be a little much sometimes" you tell him.
"It's alright, my parents would probably do the same." The both of you laugh quietly.
Soon enough it gets quiet and awkward. Both of you are just looking straight ahead. What could you ask Jungkook? You didn't really know what he liked to do. He usually just did whatever the other boys were doing.
This was going to be the most awkward hang out ever. You start quickly thinking of things to do and spot some of your art supplies on your desk.
" Do you like drawing?" you ask him, breaking the silence.
" I love to draw, it's my favorite of all my talents. That and singing." Perfect, show off but not too much just like Jin said.
You already knew he could sing because the boys had hyped his voice up many times and you had seen videos, but nobody ever said anything about drawing.
"You can draw?" you ask him kind of surprised. He nods his head. "Draw me something" you say as you get up to grab some paper and a pencil.
You get a box out of your closet as something for him to use as a table and then the two of you sit on the floor. He thinks for a second before he begins to start making shapes on the paper. You watch in amazement as he begins to draw flowers and lily pads with butterflies above them. He was really good, and you could tell that he was going quickly so this definitely wasn't his best work.
The two of you sit there as he draws. It's silent besides the noises of the pencil scribbling onto the paper and it doesn't feel awkward at all.
He finishes and turns the picture for you to see. "What do you think?"
"It's really good, I didn't know you were an artist" he blushes a little at the compliment.
"I'm glad you like it" he looks over at you. "Can you do me a favor and not tell the others, I want to keep this to myself. Well between us."
You don't understand why he would want to keep such a talent a secret, but you agree.
After a good while of drawing and talking about random things like school, tv shows, and hobbies you realize you and Jungkook have more in common than you ever would've thought.
The two of you had been laughing and talking for almost an hour. It was nice to get to know him like this. Hopefully he was more comfortable being around you now. Maybe he wouldn't be so shy anymore.
Your laughter died down and you sat quietly once again this time it was comfortable. Now Jungkook was the one to break the silence. "I'm sorry if I ever came off as cold to you." you were glad he brought it up because you were curious as to why but didn't want to make things weird by asking. " I know it's not an excuse or anything but I'm not good with new people and.." he pauses 'this is it Kook tell her, don't be a pussy.'
You look at him urging him to finish.
"Never mind, it's dumb. But I really am sorry, Y/N."
"It's alright Kook. I kinda figured" He smiles, and you feel a weight lift off of you. You're glad it's all cleared up.
Sitting beside you Jungkook is trying not to giggle like a little girl over the fact that you just called him "Kook" for the first time, you had never used his nickname before and he loved the way it sounded when you said it.
"What were you gonna say though" he looked at you confused. "After you said you're not good with new people, you were going to say more but you said it was stupid."
"Oh that. It doesn't matter."
"Come on, you can tell me anything, I won't tell the boys I swear."
" It's just that..." He stops again " You have to promise that you won't feel weird about this." He tells you seriously.
" I won't. Just tell me what is it."
"You make me nervous Y/N." He says quietly.
You sit there processing what he just said. "What do you mean nervous?" but then realization sets in.
You smile and your heart flips. Jungkook's face goes bright pink.
"I'm sorry, i shouldn't have told you that, I understand if you-"
You giggle at how nervous he is "Kook stop." he looks at your eyes wide as if you just yelled at him. "You don't need to apologize."
"But I just made everything weird, we were getting to be friends just fine and now I messed it all up." He tells you letting all the advice Jin gave him go to waste. "I probably messed up our chances of being good friends and-"
He's stopped again but this time by your lips against his. You thought he'd never stop rambling and apologizing and it looked as if he was ready to run out of here, so you had to do something. And what could say "I like you too" better than just kissing him, so that's what you did. You just hoped nobody walked past your door that was wide open.
It was short, it was more than a peck but nothing too extreme. You pulled away and Jungkook was staring at you with wide eyes.
"Would you quit rambling for a second so that I can say that I like you too!"
His mouth fell open "You do? You're serious?"
You nodded your head.
Jungkook smiled the biggest smile you'd ever seen on him, it was adorable.
A little after your kiss Jungkook had left to go home because it was getting dark out, but he had promised to text you.
You had kissed but didn't put any labels on it yet. You definitely wanted to be his girlfriend and you were almost certain he wanted the same but neither of you had said it. For now, the both of you were just glad that your feelings were reciprocated. You were certain that by the time school started up again you and Jungkook would be a couple. You had also hoped that this wouldn't cause a rift in the friendship with you and the rest of the boys or between them and Jungkook.
Soon after he left your mom came upstairs to bombard you with questions about him which you answered casually, not telling her about his confession to you or anything else that happened.
There was a week before your beach trip with the boys and all eight of you were excited. Since your kiss with Jungkook the two of you had talked and texted almost every day. He even came over a few times to watch movies or just hang out. You had also hung out as a group with the other boys, and they noticed how much closer you and Jungkook had become but didn't ask questions.
You hadn't talked about the kiss at all since it happened and it was starting to worry you. What if he changed his mind?
You didn't tell the other boys either because knowing Jungkook he wouldn't want you to even though he never said so, but another reason you didn't tell them was because you were afraid of their reactions.
Jungkook on the other hand had told Jin everything. He was so excited to tell him that he called him on his walk back home from your house the day it happened.
Since then, you're all Jungkook talks about to his hyung.
Just like right now "I'm gonna ask her out at the beach. It needs to be special."
"That's a good idea, but if she says no it's gonna be an awkward day." Jin tells him wanting him to be sure of all the possibilities.
"You think she would say no!?" Jungkook is a little panicked at Jin's words.
"That's not what I meant Kook, it's just that I don't want either of you to be in an uncomfortable position, but if that's how you wanna ask her let's plan it out."
The rest of the evening the two boys planned out how Jungkook would ask you to be his girlfriend. =======================
The day that all of you had been anticipating was here. All eight of you were in Jin's truck, Jin, Hoseok, Namjoon, and Yoongi inside, and you Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin in the back.
(Note: Accidental mixing of hyyh and d&w)
You had just arrived at a fairly empty area where you all will spend the day. All of you get out and start unloading everything you brought. Beach tents, a cooler, towels, floats, ect.
After everything is set up a good distance from the water you blew up a tube float for yourself and Jungkook asked you to wait for him to get one before you went down to the water. Hoseok, Taehyung, and Namjoon had already gone into the water to play catch and swim. Yoongi and Jin weren't ready to go in the water yet, so they stayed under the tents. You ended up waiting for Jimin too and then the three of you went down to the water with your floats.
The three of you walked into the water away from the boys who were splashing and playing.
"It's soo cold" Jimin whined as he was almost waist deep in the water. The water was cool but it wasn't as bad as Jimin was making it seem. He hated to be cold and you knew he wouldn't stay in the water for long.
You put the float over your head and pulled your whole body through the middle, throwing your legs over the side so that your butt was in the middle part.
"It's not so bad, just give it a few minutes."
Jimin and Jungkook were both about waist deep in the water. Jungkook lifted his tube float and put his upper body through resting his surprisingly buff arms on the float, while Jimin stood pouting and waiting for his body to get used to the new temperature.
"I'm done, I'm not warming up at all."
"Jimin, we've been here for 30 seconds, give it time." you tell him. He shakes his head "30 seconds too long, I'm going to sit in the sun." He turns around and splashes his way back onto the sand.
"I knew he wouldn't last long, Jungkook giggles" The two of you now by yourselves in this part of the water.
This was the perfect time for him to ask you to be his girlfriend. The other boys were distracted, and all your attention was now on him. "Hey Y/N, I wanted to ta-" Boink something hit Jungkook in the head, and you heard all the boys gasp from their spots in the water. They had accidentally moved closer and Namjoon threw the ball too high for Hoseok to catch.
Jungkook rubs the side of his head and face where he was hit. You get off your float to check his face and Hoseok starts to swim over to get the ball and check on Jungkook.
"Are you okay? Let me see." You palm his cheek and look at the big red mark on the side of his face. He freezes at your touch, even though the two of you had kissed and gotten closer, you still made him nervous.
"Yeah, I'm good."  You frowned. "Are you sure? It hit you pretty hard." He nodded. His cheek stung but that was it.
Hoseok made it over to you guys and grabbed the ball. "Sorry." 
"It's alright, I'm good," Jungkook told him. Namjoon had also come over to apologize and Jungkook assured everyone again that he was really okay. What he didn't tell him was that they messed up his moment with you.
The rest of the boys came over and Yoongi and Jin got in the water. Everyone swam and played ball –more cautiously this time–  Jimin even came back in but this time on a unicorn floatie that didn't require him to touch water at all.
The eight of you had been in the water for a while and were starting to get hungry. It was early evening and you all got out and dried off while Jin and Taehyung went to get food from a nearby restaurant. 
Everyone had changed out of their swimming clothes and put something more comfortable on because nobody felt like swimming again.
You were sitting on a towel under one of the tents with all the boys who stayed back. Jungkook and Yoongi are sitting on either side of you, and Namjoon, Hoseok, and Jimin are sitting facing you. The six of you were playing syllable games to pass the time while waiting for your food. You were bored and tired so you decided to quit playing and just sit and listen to them play.
After a few minutes they were tired of the game too. You all sat there quiet and tired waiting for Jin and Tae to get back with the food and occasionally making conversation.
Over the last few weeks of hanging out with Jungkook you had gotten really comfortable with each other and doing things like laying your heads on each other while watching tv became normal between you. 
You were looking at your phone and without thinking you laid your head on Jungkook's shoulder. He paused for a moment, a small grin appearing on his face before putting his arm around you and resting his head on yours, for a second, he forgot that his hyungs were there. They still didn't know about your feelings for each other. Well, all except Jimin and Jin obviously.
They definitely thought it was different for you two to be so close, maybe even a little odd considering how Jungkook used to avoid talking to you. They exchanged glances as you and Jungkook sat there looking at something on your phone.
Since Jimin already knew of Jungkook's crush on you he was curious if you two were together yet, but from the way you were practically sitting in each other's arms he thought he had his answer.
"So, when were you guys gonna tell us?" Jimin asks, looking right at you two. Your heads shoot up immediately. You look at him confused, not knowing what he meant at first.
Jungkook on the other hand was looking back at him and panicked with wide eyes. Now all eyes were on you. "It's fine, you don't have to hide it anymore, we've all noticed."
Both yours and Jungkook's faces were bright red. Now you fully understand what he meant, and you weren't sure how to answer because you weren't together, but you also didn't want to answer the wrong way in case it gave Jungkook the idea that you didn't want to be with him.
Just as Jungkook began to open his mouth to speak he was interrupted by the sound of Jin's truck pulling up behind the tents. Thank god.
Taehyung gets out of the car and the boys are still looking at you and Jungkook, but you take this as an opportunity to get away from the conversation. You stand up and walk over to Tae and help him get the bags out of the truck.
"Finally, I'm so hungry." You say. You and Taehyung grab the bags of food and the other boys come over to help.
Jungkook notices that Jin is still inside the truck so once the food is under the tents, he gets in the passenger side to talk to him privately.
When he gets in, he notices Jin on the phone and is ready to get out and wait patiently but Jin signals for him to stay. A few seconds later he's off the phone.
"What's up Kook? Did you get to ask her?"
Jungkook looks defeated "I think it's all messed up now. Jimin asked if we were dating and he made everything awkward and Y/N didn't react at all, so I have no idea how she feels, and now she'll never be my girlfriend because I never had the guts to ask her." he rambles.
"What are you talking about Kook? Tell me what happened but calm down first. I can't understand you if you're whining.
Jungkook takes a few breaths and then tells Jin exactly what happened. "That's all the more reason to ask her right now. After we eat, I'll figure something out to give you some alone time with her, you don't have to ask her today if you're not ready, but you can't expect her to wait forever. Just keep that in mind."
Outside you guys had set up a table. You and Taehyung were setting all the dishes out and preparing the table. 
"What was going on before I got back? It seemed awkward."
"If I tell you, you can't tell everyone, I'm serious Tae."
"You can trust me. What is it?" Tae could feel something uncomfortable in the air. He wanted to know what was going on between his friends because like the others he had sensed something between you and Jungkook and from the way your faces were red when he came from the truck he could tell it was something to do with that.
You sighed "Jimin asked if me and Jungkook were together."
That wasn't nearly as bad as he thought. "Well, are you?" Taehyung asked in a "Duh" tone.
"NO!" you said defensively. Taehyung put his hands up as if to say "just asking" but then you realized how you sounded.
" I didn't mean it like that. I wouldn't be opposed to it, it's just that I know he likes me, and I like him too, but I don't know if he wants to take things that far. This is all so damned confusing!"
Taehyung laughs, shaking his head at you.
"What, what could possibly be so funny right now?" You ask –more like bark at him–
"The two of you couldn't be more perfect for each other. I bet this is why he went to talk to Jin hyung. He's probably in there rambling on just like you are."
You scoff at him "I do not ramble" you tell him grinning a little.
"Okay Y/N whatever helps you get through the day." you're prepared to joke back but he asks you something before you get the chance to.
"What happened between you and Kook? I mean it's been obvious since day one that he's had a giant crush on you, but all the sudden you two went from exchanging a few words and glances, to sharing drinks and playing footsies."  A light pink color begins to appear on your face. Now that you think about it, you and Jungkook haven't exactly been secretive. Just because you didn't directly tell them doesn't mean they couldn't see it in your actions.
You briefly tell Taehyung about the day Jungkook came to your house and about the kiss.
"You need to get him alone Y/N, I've known Jungkook forever. There's almost no chance he's going to ask you. Not because he doesn't want to, everyone knows he's shy and he can be kind of a pussy, no offense to him but I'm just saying. If you really want to be with him, you're going to have to make it clear as day."
Listening to Tae's words you know what you need to do. Taehyung quickly helped you come up with a plan before you called all the boys over to eat.
After everything was eaten and cleaned up you were tired just like you knew you would be. There was a public volleyball net a little down the beach and Jin suggested everyone go play. This is where Taehyung's plan came in, everyone would go to play volleyball and you were supposed to stay back and say you were tired and wanted to rest. His big idea was that Jungkook would stay back with you and then you would have time to talk alone.
It was a decent plan that could have 3 different endings:
1. Jungkook stays with you, the two of you have a nice conversation and you have time to ask him out without your nosey friends around.
2. Jungkook stays with you, but instead of it being romantic it's awkward and you don't talk at all, or at least not about you being together.
3. Jungkook doesn't take the hint, he goes with the other boys to play volleyball and you're left bored and embarrassed.
For your sake, you hoped it was 1.  At first some of the guys said they were tired and didn't want to play or they complained that it would be hard to play because it was getting dark but eventually Jin had them all convinced to go. All except for Jungkook.
You watch the six of them begin to walk down the beach to the net and notice Jin and Taehyung high five each other. That's when you realize they knew what they were doing. They planned this and the other boys agreed to go after they noticed and took the hint of what was going on.
Now it was just you and Jungkook. A breeze was starting to come and go on the beach and despite the plan you really were cold and tired so you suggested to Jungkook that you sit in the back of Jin's truck with some blankets just like on the way here.
Once both of you were comfortably seated in the back of the truck you knew you needed to start talking.
You were seated against the wall of the space next to Jungkook with your legs crossed over his. It was freezing so you couldn't help but move closer to him. You wished you had asked Jin to leave the truck unlocked so you could be inside, you were practically shivering and Jungkook noticed pulling you closer and putting his arm around you.
Just like that you forgot everything you wanted to say. He was so warm and it was nice to feel him so close.
"Y/N" Jungkook spoke softly.
You looked upwards at him with a small smile muttering a soft "hmm."
Jungkook looked at you. You were beautiful as ever looking at him the way you were. He knew now was the time. 
"I told you I liked you, and I meant it. Our kiss meant something to me."  He takes a breath and prepares himself. "I know you said you liked me too, but I was wondering if you would want to take it farther and..." He pauses for a moment and closes his eyes as if he's scared to see your reaction. "Maybe be my girlfriend?'.
Your smile stretches across your face, and you look down at your lap trying to contain it. Jungkook is still waiting with his eyes closed tense as ever. You look up at him still grinning. "Of course, I'll be your girlfriend, Kook."  His eyes flew back open and the biggest grin you've ever seen stretched across his face.
The two of you locked eyes and you began to lean in for a kiss when you were startled half to death. You and Jungkook had been so focused on each other that you didn't notice some of your friends sneaking back over.  The way you were sitting faced away from the way they walked. You had watched them go but they must have turned back when you and Jungkook were faced away.
Jin, Taehyung, and Jimin pop out from around the truck cheering and clapping like idiots. "Finally!"
You were so startled that both you and Jungkook jumped and almost smacked heads. You looked at your friends in absolute disbelief.
"We had to come back and watch. Without the three of us you two would be nothing but acquaintances." Jimin says proudly. "If you could even call it that." Taehyung adds
You roll your eyes at them. "You can't blame us for wanting to see the finished product, I deserve to be paid for all these months of listening to Kook talk about you." Jin tells you jokingly
Jin realizes he accidentally spilled that bit of information.
"Did I say months? I was exaggerating." Jin tries to cover his words. It had been months though almost immediately after you started hanging out with the boys Jin knew that Jungkook liked you. Truly it had been more than half a year of Jin listening to his younger friend talk about you, but he didn't mind because he was glad to see Jungkook so happy.
You and Jungkook both take turns scolding the three boys for sneaking around like that. They congratulate you on your new relationship and the five of you head to where the other boys were playing volleyball with other people down the beach. You and Jungkook walk hand in hand behind your friends and try to tune out their conversations about being- in Jimin's words- "real life cupids."
The rest of the evening was spent on the beach playing games and when the rest of the boys learned about your new relationship, they had all respond with similar a similar "finally" or "it's about time."
You hadn't realized that everyone but the two of you had known you liked each other. It was kind of embarrassing to say the least. You didn't tell anyone until Taehyung had asked but they all knew.
Jin drove everyone home saving you and Jungkook for last. When he finally stopped at your house Jungkook got out with you and told Jin he would walk from here because it wasn't far.
After Jin drove off you and Jungkook stood alone in front of your house. "I had fun today Y/N, things didn't really go as I planned but I'm glad it turned out this way."
You nodded your head smiling. "Me too." You kissed his cheek leaving him stunned once again. He wasn't sure he would ever get over your touch.
You quickly walked up the stairs to your house giggling. "Goodnight Kook"
"Night Y/N"
You waved at each other, and he watched you walk back inside before he headed home. He made it just off your street before he jumped up in the air pumping his fist. "Yes!" He was the happiest he's ever been, and he couldn't wait to treat you like the amazing girl you were.
This one definitely will only have this part because I don't think i like it that much.
Tell me what you think!
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queerpanikkar · 2 years
let’s go together
“Did you have some sort of popcorn emergency?” he asks instead. “Like, oh my god we were eating popcorn and then a ladder truck fell from the ceiling and now Eddie’s in the hospital so we couldn’t clean this up, emergency?”
Buck coughs. It’s slight, but sets off warning bells in Ravi’s head. “Actually,” Buck mutters, “Someone died.”
700 words 
Ravi doesn’t know much about the A-shift these days. Things happen—people are needed elsewhere, Ravi’s too afraid to be on A-shift without Lucy there to normalize things, you know how it is—and he’s taken up residence with the cool and ordinary B-shift where none of the firefighters are in gay love with each other and people only almost die every other month instead of every other week.
It’s a bit boring, but he thinks he could use the break. Actually, after being traumatized by chainsaws and not two, but three white man, one of whom turned out to be a murderer (all caps), he thinks he deserves a break. Maybe a vacation. One that doesn’t end with his father having a stroke and driving a car through the wall of his house.
They are so weird. Ravi thinks he might become religious again to start praying for them. Anyway, this is just a long-winded way of saying, that when there’s popcorn spilt over the couch and B-shift is intersecting with the problem children, he takes it upon himself to help out a little, and grabs the dust pan from the broom closet.
Well, he pauses, and tries a few—stale and too buttery, but still more edible than Ana’s muffins. Makes sure no one catches him in the act because they all think he lives in some sort of quasi-frat house where they live on microwave pizza and takeout. As if Marcus doesn’t exclusively shop in the Organic Section and rack up their bill by a hundred dollars.
“What are you doing?” Buck wonders, gratingly. Ravi shudders with some Pavlovian reaction and holds up the dust pan without looking at him.
“Did you have some sort of popcorn emergency?” he asks instead. “Like, oh my god we were eating popcorn and then a ladder truck fell from the ceiling and now Eddie’s in the hospital so we couldn’t clean this up, emergency?”
Buck coughs. It’s slight, but sets off warning bells in Ravi’s head. “Actually,” Buck mutters, bleak and exhausted and yearning for hope that he expects Ravi to give him. “We lost someone today. Sorry, one of us should’ve cleaned it up. It’s just—”
“You don’t have to—” Ravi cuts himself off with a frustrated tsk. He motions to the slightly less popcorn-y side of the sofa, and Buck sinks into it like a marionette doll with all of its strings cut. 
Ravi sits on the coffee table across from him. They’re both so tall that their knees keep knocking into each other, but neither of them move. They’re friends—Ravi knows that—but it aches sometimes, to see Buck so immutably sad.
Buck’s mouth purses into a scowl. “We should get our lives together.”
Ravi splutters. Like, yeah, Buck’s sad, but Ravi did not sign up to have a joint-existential crisis. He gets enough of that as a Hashtag Zillenial. 
“Who is we?” he demands. “I am—my life is so great. It’s like—the opposite of Ned Fulmer’s life right now. Maybe you should be having this conversation with him, did you ever think of that?”
Buck squints. “Who is Ned?” he asks. “Is he on B-shift?”
“Maybe you should be on the B-shift,” Ravi replies, both fiercely and nonsensically.
That gets a smug grin out of him. “Why?” Buck asks. “Miss me?”
Ravi mocks him—”Whymissme?”—and then, because he doesn’t know how to leave well enough alone and Buck sorta reminds him of that dumpster cat behind his apartment that he’s trying to convince Sebastian to adopt, “So what happened on the call, exactly?”
Buck stares at something behind Ravi. Though, unless they’ve got a station paranormal demon, which Ravi wouldn’t put past them, there’s nothing there. “I have a problem with old men.”
He explains it to Ravi in bits—a kid or the old man, their conversation, “I think I get it now”, the crush injury.
It’s been a hell of a day.
“Hmmm,” Ravi considers afterwards, because he’s not going to make it worse for himself and think about death and dying any more than he has to. “I guess it puts into perspective what’s really important, right? Like, I’m sure he gets it. All dying people remember are their regrets.”
“What if I don’t want any regrets?” Buck murmurs, as if Ravi didn’t just learn how to read 20 years ago. 
“Well then, I guess you gotta go for it.” Ravi wonders if they’re talking about Eddie Diaz. “Maybe you should go to your own happy meal convention.”
“Right,” Buck says distractedly. Which, wow, Ravi just made the joke of all time. “Thanks, man.”
“Oh, anytime,” Ravi replies (actually, let’s not do this again ever), and tries not to make cleaning up popcorn a metaphor for friendship.
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bulletsforyourtrain · 6 months
🍊🍋Bullet Train incorrect quotes ft. my oc pt. 2:
Part 2 with Ladybug this time lets goooo
Tangerine: How did none of you hear what I just said?!
Lemon: I've been zoned out for the past two and a half hours.
Ladybug: I got distracted halfway through.
Felix: Ignoring you was a conscious decision.
Tangerine: This food is too hot... I cant eat it.
Felix: You’re very hot, and I still eat you.
Everyone at the table: *silence*
Lemon: One dinner... I just want ONE DINNER!
Ladybug: I spy with my little eye something that begins with the letter “s”.
Lemon: *looks over at Tangerine and Felix* Lemon: Is it “sexual tension”?
Felix: Subs are so fun to play with. All you have to do is hint at what you might do, back them into a corner with a look, or grab their wrist in a certain way and they're a wide-eyed mess.
Lemon: What the fuck kind of Subway are you going to?
Ladybug: Substitute teachers deal with so much shit.
Tangerine: Guys.
Felix: Tangerine! I can't do this stupid math!
Tangerine: What’s the math problem?
Felix: Well, we have to add the bed, subtract the clothes divide the legs, and hope we don’t multiply.
Lemon, covering Ladybug's ears, while Tangerine smacks Felix upside the head: Not going to lie that was hella smooth.
Tangerine: That's ridiculous, Felix doesn't have a crush on me.
Ladybug: Yes they do.
Lemon: Yes they do.
Felix: Yes I do.
Lemon: Who would you kill out of the four of us, Tangerine?
Tangerine: Ladybug, easily.
Ladybug, laughing: What the fuck, man.
Tangerine: Well, Felix would be too easy. They’d probably be into it.
Felix, now standing in the doorway: What the fuck, man!?
Lemon: Ladybug, you'll be working with Tangerine and Felix.
Ladybug: Alright! My fantasy threesome!
Everyone else: *blank stares*
Ladybug: ...Of people on a team.
*after the Squad's plan goes horribly wrong*
Lemon: Now it seems we're back at square one-- finding the Son.
Felix: For the record, I already found him.
Ladybug: And you let him get away before we could have a meaningful conversation.
Felix: He stabbed me!
Tangerine: I'm surprised he waited this long, Felix. We've all had the urge.
Lemon: I sleep with a gun under my pillow.
Ladybug: I sleep with a knife.
Felix: Both of you are pathetic.
Lemon: Oh yeah? What do you sleep with?
Felix: Tangerine.
Ladybug: Wait, if baby oil dissolves condoms, what does it do to babies?
Tangerine: Believe it or not, babies and condoms are made of different materials.
Lemon: It’s like rock paper scissors. Baby oil defeats condom, baby defeats baby oil, condom defeats baby.
Felix: Rock also defeats baby.
Ladybug: Shh, here comes Tangerine!
Felix: Quick, Lemon, start talking about boring nerd stuff!
Lemon: You know, nerd culture is mainstream now, so when you use the word “nerd” derogatorily, it means you’re the one that’s out of the zeitgeist.
Felix: Yes, that’s perfect. Just like that.
Felix: Hi could I ask how exactly does one accidentally set a lemon on fire?
Ladybug: Microwave for 40 minutes.
Ladybug: I read boiling lemons helps cover up bad smells and I wanted to cover up the scent of burnt oranges, but I didn’t own any pots…
Tangerine: Did you burn an orange too? HOW?!
Ladybug: Microwave for 40 minutes.
Felix: You're smiling. What happened?
Tangerine: What? Can't I smile just because I feel like it?
Lemon: Ladybug tripped and fell down the stairs today.
Lemon: Why are your tongues purple?
Felix: We had slushies. I had a blue one.
Tangerine: I had a red one.
Lemon: oh.
Lemon: OH.
Ladybug: You drank eachothers slushies?
Lemon: Is stabbing someone immoral?
Tangerine: Not if they consent to it.
Felix: Depends on who your stabbing.
Ladybug: YES??!!?
Lemon: Made you all playlists!
Lemon: Tangerine, yours has only heavy metal, and is dark like your soul.
Lemon: Ladybug, yours has sad songs and blues to pair with your crippling depression.
Lemon: And Felix has the ABBA Gold album.
Tangerine: I love you.
Felix: I love you too. I've waited so long to hear you say that.
*Tangerine and Felix kiss passionately*
Lemon, to Ladybug: You owe me 20 dollars.
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nagdabbit · 9 months
I will give you a headpat, a reminder to consume actual food, and a tale request:
Tell me Mox things, tell me about why he'd have become the library and how much he loves books. Tell me about him and Claudio in the Before times, and their friendship with Bryan.
i DID remember to get a vending machine poptart when i got to work, but i did forget it in the microwave for what looks like two hours so i am eating it now!
im gonna start with your second point, and then hide a major spoiler under a cut at the end of you want it. it's not necessarily important, but it does add a bit of hamfisted context to regal's character
they were once knights together. they trained together, fought battles and won wars alongside each other. three of the most trusted and decorated knights in all the kingdom,* they should've had their own fiefdoms and their own armies to lead. but when bryan answered regal's call, mox and claudio followed. they had done everything together, their bonds forged long before they ever saw battle together. their loyalty lied with each other, not the kingdom they served.
when they moved to the mountain, rather than serving as knights, they became the marshals and stewards of the keep.
bryan, tactical and analytical and so very vicious, would lead the guard. under his watch, no intruders would get past his soldiers, no trouble would befall his lord's lands, and no taxes—no matter how small—would ever go unpaid. his presence was itself a deterrent from the fumblings and machinations of rival lords and barons that wished to grow their holdings.
claudio would oversee much of the household workings and staff, his kindness and geniality meant a boon in keeping any staff happy and loyal to their lord. he kept the books and correspondence, and would often travel to court to take regals place in political matters. he was warm and kind enough to put people at ease and be greatly under estimated, and clever and vicious enough to win whatever protections and connections his lord desired.
mox oversaw as few people as possible. he would much rather take over the duties of caring for the keeps animals and equipment, than managing a staff. he was always the most curious of them, always quietly observing and learning and cataloguing all the information he could, a skill well-suited to spywork and subterfuge. but while he could easily overhear secret plans to pass on to his counterparts, he could also use that curiosity to observe the moods of a hungry dog or a tired pack horse. he would much rather care for a stray dog, train it up into a loyal hunting hound, than take part in the politics of court.
as knights, they were a well oiled machine. they trusted each other in battle, and played off each other's strengths in politics. what plans mox could learn from the whisperings of nobles, bryan could turn into a plan for their own gain, and claudio could perform with his clever tongue and disarming manner.
outside of their abandoned knighthoods, they worked as the warmest of friends. they made a family out of each other, and far from the battlefield, they finally had a chance to experience that. their concerns were now of the harvest and the next meal and simple gossip. there wasn't a continent relying on them any longer. so claudio could tell jokes and have conversations with no hidden motives and relax into the warm man that he was, not the vicious inferno he was on the battlefield. bryan could allow himself time to simply exist, step away from the battlemaps and strategies, and let someone else do the thinking. mox could use the knowledge he'd gained for something other than death and politics, and could indulge in his desire to learn more—but learn what he wanted for himself, and learn by choice, rather than by orders.
i turned mox into the library for two reasons. one, because when sarah planted the story sapling in my brain, one of the things that i immediately thought of was ladyhawk—two lovers doomed to never be together. mox made of paper and wood, two of literally the most flammable things, kept forever from his lover who became fire. i love a tragedy, i really do. the other reason is that mox likes books and he likes reading and he likes being largely left alone, right? hes got His People and His Space and His Activities and His Things, and then there's everything else, and he's gotta want to engage with all of that. the library seems a good place to escape from the things he'd rather not deal with and the people he'd rather not talk to.
but it's also isolating, isn't it? intentionally severing even barely connected social ties cuts one off from so many opportunities. even though bryan can visit the library and open books and still speak with mox, he cut himself off in such a way that he can no longer physically engage with bryan in return. doubly so for claudio, his lover, who thematically has the exact opposite issue: he can physically engage with anything that he wants, and is forced to hold himself back at all times, else he'll destroy the man he loves most, on top of his home and his oldest friend.
* but not THIS kingdom. not the one they now reside in. this was a kingdom their own ruler once wanted to conquer, before his three most trusted abandoned their posts for a quiet life in service to a simple lord. but what reason would regal have had for recruiting the enemy, and what reason would they have had for serving someone so far below their station? what use would a simple lord have for a mage like nigel?
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blueskrugs · 1 year
Tumblr media
length: 2.9k words
full fic
Madison doesn’t hear much from Tyson for a while after that. It’s not like she expected to, really. She knows the Avalanche went on another long road trip, and it’s not like they need to be texting each other constantly. 
Madison finds herself checking the Avalanche box scores after each game. Tyson gets two goals while they’re gone. Not that she’s counting, or anything. 
Tyson means to call. He really does. Or even text some. But in the air somewhere over Canada, he realizes he’s never actually talked much with Madison. He doesn’t know anything about her, unless you count what she’s like in bed. He’s never been good at small talk, or the talking phase. Which, when he thinks about it, is probably why he’s still single. 
It’s not until he’s staring down three and a half weeks of nothing but practices that Tyson picks up his phone again. 
Madison answers faster than he’d expected. “You’re not bored already, are you?” she asks. “It’s only been two days since you had a game.”
It’s only been one day since their last game, actually. Tyson whines into the phone. “Yes, I’m bored, okay?” Madison laughs at him. Tyson makes a face, even though she can’t see it. “We never get this much time off, it’s weird,” he goes on. “What am I supposed to do?”
“You’re a smart boy, Tyson,” Madison teases. “Went to college and everything, I’m sure you’ll figure something out.”
That’s not to say that Tyson doesn’t have ideas, and he thinks Madison knows what he’s angling for because she’s not a fool. She’s really going to make him work for this one. 
“I mean, I guess I could watch some movies or start a new TV show,” Tyson hedges. 
“Watch The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings trilogies,” Madison says absently. “Could get you through a good couple of days.”
Tyson takes his opening. “You could always come over and watch them with me,” he says. 
Madison groans, as if they both didn’t see where this conversation was going. “You’re terrible,” she tells him. 
“No, really, we can just hang out,” Tyson says. And if hanging out leads to other things, well. “Don’t you have teammates you can hang out with or something?” Madison asks, skeptical. 
“I see them literally every day”—Madison laughs again—“and I want to see you,” Tyson adds. “Really.” 
Madison pauses on the other end of the line. “Fine,” she says finally. “Should I pack a bag?” 
Tyson freezes. He hadn’t gotten that far in his scheming. Never considered Madison would even want to spend that much time with him this weekend. He’s quiet long enough that Madison says something. “Tyson?” she says softly. Tyson shakes himself, tries to get his brain back online. “I, uh, I mean. I guess? You can, if—if you want?” he stammers. It’s Friday afternoon. He still has some practices over the weekend, but the long break between games suddenly seems less daunting with the prospect of Madison staying over, staying in his bed.
“I’ll be over soon, okay?” Madison says. 
Tyson isn’t sure if he manages to say anything else before she ends the call. Fuck. He’s getting the sense for the first time that he’s in over his head. He isn’t so sure he minds, actually. 
The weekend passes quickly once Madison’s there, though Tyson swears time slows down when he’s with her. They do actually end up watching The Lord of the Rings movies—which Madison had proudly produced from one of her bags, along with several packs of microwave popcorn, which had sent Tyson into a laughing fit— in between falling into bed (or the couch, more than once) and Tyson dragging himself out of the apartment to get to skate. 
“We really should do The Hobbit first, since those come first chronologically, but other than the first one, they’re not as good,” Madison explains at one point, gesturing with a handful of popcorn. Tyson just nods. “And we could have probably had a proper marathon and watched all the movies, but that’s like twenty hours, and I figured you had other plans, anyway.” She looks sidelong at Tyson, one eyebrow raised.
“You’re kind of a nerd, you know that?” Tyson asks later, breathless from making out. He’s pressing Madison into the couch cushions, their legs tangled together underneath a blanket. He’s aiming for light, teasing, but he’s not sure he quite gets there.
Madison tugs on the hair at the nape of Tyson’s neck. “Yeah, but you like me anyway.” Madison’s smirking a little. 
Tyson absolutely does like her anyway. It might make him like her more, actually.
Madison’s standing at the kitchen counter with the last of her coffee on Sunday morning when Tyson comes up and presses himself against her back, pinning her in place. He presses a kiss to the spot where Madison’s neck meets her shoulder. Madison tilts her head to the side some. With better access, Tyson drags a line of kisses down her neck and across the top of her shoulder. Madison sets her coffee mug down on the counter with shaky hands before she drops it. 
“Are you sure you can’t stay longer?” Tyson mumbles into Madison’s skin. 
From this angle, Tyson can see the hickey on Madison’s collarbone from the day before. He’s got one to match, somewhere. He wants to get his mouth on it again, make it darker, make sure it’s there for days. 
Tyson feels it more than he hears it when Madison laughs. She reaches up and drapes an arm backwards over his shoulder, holding him in place as much as he’s pinning her. 
“Sorry, bud, but some of us have to get back to the real world,” she says. She doesn’t make any effort to move. 
Tyson bites her shoulder, gently, but pulls away. “Same time next week?” he asks next, only half a joke. 
Madison turns around and looks at Tyson. “Tyson, next week is Christmas.”
“Fuck, is it?” Tyson tries to remember what day it is. His family is coming to town this year. He should probably put some effort into decorating his apartment, then. 
Madison just shakes her head at him. Tyson wonders if his mom and Kacey will be able to look at him and know what’s going on in his heart. 
Tyson’s apartment feels empty without Madison in it when he gets back from practice later that afternoon. She’d filled in all the quiet spaces Tyson didn’t realize it had—a spare throw blanket strewn across the couch, her makeup bag overflowing on his bathroom counter, an extra set of dirty dishes in the sink. 
He misses her. More than he should, probably. Huh.
This was never supposed to be anything. Just a hook-up from the bar. Now Madison’s spending weekends at his place, and Tyson wants to see her all the time. He should’ve seen it coming, maybe. He’d never been good at flings. 
He thinks about calling Madison, but that seems like too much. He’s been told he can be too much, sometimes. He puts his phone back down, flops face down onto his couch for a while, instead. 
Tyson spends the next few days doubling down on getting ready for Christmas. He had, in fact, forgotten that it was coming up so soon, and he still needed to get presents for his grandpa and sister. He digs out his meager box of Christmas decorations and sets them up around his apartment. It’s not very much, but it does go a long way towards making the apartment feel a bit more like home. 
He holds off on texting Madison until Wednesday. He shouldn’t have; his family’s flying in later this evening. They’ll be in town all week, and Tyson might actually go insane if he can’t see Madison, get his hands on her again until after the new year. 
If Tyson ends up picking up his family with sex hair, well. They probably didn’t notice. He’d shoved a ball cap on, anyway, though Kacey still raised her eyebrows at him in the rearview as she slid into the backseat next to their mom. He’d flip her off if he could, but his grandpa is right there.
Tyson makes it through the holiday without an interrogation from his mom and sister, but he knows it’s coming. The blanket Madison had left behind is still laying across the couch, and Kacey’s been curled up under it more often than not. Madison texts Tyson on Christmas morning, a simple “merry Christmas!” with a heart emoji that has Tyson grinning stupidly at his phone. Kacey clears her throat loudly, on the floor next to Tyson. He feels himself blushing as he fumbles to lock his phone and drop it face down next to him. His mom and sister share a look over his head. 
Madison texts again a few days after Christmas, asking if Tyson wants to grab lunch and hangout. Tyson does, obviously, but he has to figure out how to dodge his family for a few hours, first.
“I’m gonna go workout, I think,” Tyson announces. He needs to find his shoes, a water bottle. He is restless, too many days off in a row. 
Kacey looks up from her computer. “Oh, can I come? I’m supposed to be working out over break, too,” she says. 
“Uh,” Tyson says, trying to stall. He should’ve thought this through better. Kacey raises an eyebrow at him. “I was actually hoping for some time alone, y’know?” Kacey’s other eyebrow raises. 
“Are you saying you’re tired of us?” his mom asks, teasing. 
Tyson’s phone vibrates in his pocket. Madison again. He hasn’t had a chance to respond to her yet. He hates lying to his mom, but he still says, “Yes? No?” Tyson’s never been one to need space. “I just—” “It’s okay, Tys,” his mom says gently. “Have a good workout, sweetheart.” 
Tyson doesn’t linger, grabbing his coat and shoving his feet into the first pair of shoes he sees on his way out the front door. He texts Madison that he’s on his way in the elevator. He does pick up lunch for both of them, too, on his way over to Madison’s place. He’s thoughtful like that. 
It takes just about all of Tyson’s self-control to actually sit next to Madison on her couch and eat first.
“How’d you ditch your mom and sister?” Madison asks eventually, eyes still on the TV, playing some random Hallmark Christmas movie. 
Tyson swallows. “Told them I was working out,” he admits.
Madison turns to smirk at him. “Working out, huh?” she asks, laughter in her voice. 
Tyson nudges her knee with his foot. “It’s not entirely a lie,” he points out. His lunch is practically finished anyway, so he sets it aside and slides closer to Madison. “I think they’re on to me, though.” He never could hide anything from the people he loves. 
Madison swings her feet into Tyson’s lap. She’s still eating, and Tyson’s about fifteen seconds away from taking her lunch from her and just kissing her. His leg bounces—his restless energy has only gotten worse since landing on Madison’s couch—until Madison digs her heel into his thigh, forcing him to stop. 
She’s looking at him carefully. “Would that be such a bad thing?” she asks. “People knowing about us?”
Tyson considers. It’s not like there’s anything to keep a secret, really. He realizes that no one even knows that he and Madison had hooked up more than just that night at the bar. He hadn’t realized how close he’d been keeping them to his chest. 
Madison’s still waiting for an answer. Tyson squeezes her ankle where it’s still draped across his lap. “I guess not, actually,” he says. 
Madison grins at him and, finally, finally, sets aside the remnants of her lunch. Tyson slides his hands up Madison’s legs, underneath her thighs, and drags her into his lap, finally, finally, getting his mouth on hers. 
Kacey and his mom are waiting for Tyson when he sheepishly slips in his front door an hour later. Kacey’s smirking, leaned up against the counter with her arms crossed. Tyson could kill her. He tugs the collar of his hoodie up, hoping it covers the hickey Madison left on his collarbone. 
“Good workout, Tys?” Kacey asks. Tyson flips her off. Even their mom smacks her arm in reprimand. 
“Great, actually,” Tyson says, allowing himself a moment of smugness in spite of his embarrassment. He hopes he’s not blushing. Kacey laughs. 
“If you’ve gotten yourself a girlfriend, Tyson, you know you could always bring her around,” his mom says gently. Tyson winces. He really hates lying to his mom. And he definitely could not just bring Madison around.
“Yeah,” Kacey chimes in, “I want to meet whoever’s got you sneaking around like an idiot.”
“She’s not—it’s not like that,” Tyson rushes to say. “We’re taking it slow, I guess.” He’s definitely blushing now, his face warm under the matching gazes of his mom and sister. He forces himself to shrug, hands shoved in his hoodie pocket. “We’re just…friends,” he finishes lamely. 
Kacey and his mom pin Tyson with matching pitying, yet disbelieving looks. Tyson hunches his shoulders, nervous underneath their gazes. He thinks of Madison telling him that it’s okay if people know about them. Thinks about having to tell his mom and baby sister that he’s just fucking around with a girl he thinks he could fall in love with, given the chance. He decides against it, for now. 
Tyson shrugs again. “I mean it,” he says. “It’s not really anything right now. I don’t know.” 
He escapes to his bedroom for a shower and to bury his head under a pillow for a while, until he feels like he can face his family again.
The days seem to pass more slowly after that. Tyson works out—for real, thank you very much— and watches way too many cooking shows with Kacey, curled up under a mountain of blankets on the couch. Tyson doesn’t know the last time he got to spend this much time with his family during hockey season. It’s nice, even as he starts getting restless again, anxious to be back on the ice with his teammates. 
There’s a team New Year’s Eve party at Gabe’s. It’s pretty chill, especially as far as team gatherings go, but Tyson maybe has a little too much to drink. He’s surrounded by happy teammates with their significant others, and he’s maybe feeling a little alone. He cracks open another beer.
It’s almost midnight when Tyson sinks onto a couch next to JT and slips out his phone. No notifications. He doesn’t know what he expected. Madison had posted on her story earlier in the night that she was celebrating with friends, too. Tyson stares at his phone for a moment. 
miss you, he carefully types out. It takes him longer than it should to get it right, drunk as he is, squinting at his phone and concentrating really hard on hitting the correct keys.
Madison responds quickly, way faster than Tyson had expected her to. The typing bubble appears almost immediately. Tyson waits.
miss you too tys, it says. Then, please drink some water. 
“Who the fuck is Josty texting?” EJ yells from across the room. Tyson realizes that he’s been smiling stupidly down at his phone. He makes to lock it and put it back away, but he’s not fast enough. JT grabs Tyson’s wrist and wrenches it around so he can see his screen. 
“Who’s Madison?” JT asks, quieter than EJ. He lets Tyson lock his phone, finally.
“She’s—” Tyson pauses. He doesn’t want to say that she’s no one, because that’s not really true. He doesn’t have any other word for her, either.
JT’s been watching Tyson’s face carefully. He knows better than anyone that Tyson isn’t good at hiding his emotions, and something must be showing on Tyson’s face now. JT’s eyebrows raise. 
“Is that the girl you brought home from the bar like a month ago?” JT asks. Tyson hesitates, pulling his hand free from JT’s grasp. Tyson’s hesitation is enough. “Oh my God, are you still fucking her?” 
Tyson winces. It sounds crass when JT says it like that. “We’ve hooked up a few more times,” he admits. JT doesn’t need to know about the number of times she’s slept over, too.
JT laughs at him, shaking his head. “‘Not really looking for anything,’ huh?” he teases, echoing Tyson’s own words from that night in the bar. Was it really only a month ago? Feels like Madison’s been in Tyson’s life way longer than that, with how quickly she’s taken over Tyson’s thoughts.
“I wasn’t!” Tyson protests. He shoves JT a little for good measure. He’s so drunk he doesn’t think it has the intended effect. JT just sways back into Tyson, leaning more of his weight on Tyson’s side. 
It’s almost midnight. Around them, teammates are moving around, finding someone to kiss. Someone’s opened champagne, someone else is passing full flutes around. Tyson takes one when it passes in front of him. JT digs his elbow into Tyson’s ribs one last time before getting up to find Sydney. 
Tyson’s left on the couch, alone. He pulls his phone back out as people begin counting down around him. Madison’s text comes through just as everyone starts cheering and the clock strikes midnight. Happy new year Tyson! 🖤 
Tyson closes his eyes and drains his glass of champagne.
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ravagedarkness · 1 year
Spider-Man: Home Rebuilt, Chapter 2: Boulevard of Broken Dreams
We were on the subway headed to Time Square. For a good chunk of the ride, I was listening to MJ and Ned talk about different things at school. For me, it was a bit weird. I knew or understood what they were talking about, and I wanted to chime in, but I just kept quiet. I wasn’t ready to open up that can of worms. I didn’t know if I ever will be ready for that. But even though I couldn’t partake in the conversation, I was happy to watch them just talk because I missed being around them. I allowed myself to smile a bit. That smile then faded as memories of the events leading up to the spell flooded my mind.
I started to regret coming along with them. I been down this road before, and I just knew that they were going to get hurt again. I turned my head and stared out of the window. I tried to come up with an excuse to get off at the next stop and…
“So, Peter,” MJ said. I turned my head towards her and Ned. “Tell us about yourself.”
And just like that, I abandoned all hope of making the quickest exit possible.
“What do you want to know?” I asked.
“Well, anything, really,” Ned said. “All we know is that you come to Peter Pan at the same time and order the same thing – a coffee and some kind of pastry, you’re taking GED classes, and that you’re some low key MacGyver. We got no idea where you’re from, what you do for a living, and or even what your favorite movie is.”
“I wouldn’t call myself MacGyver.” I smirked. “…Queens, freelance photographer, and Star Wars.”
At that, Ned smiled. “Nice, another Star Wars fan!”
“You’re a photographer?” MJ said, tilting her head. “How come you never told us?”
“It’s something I picked up only a couple of weeks ago. I did it as a hobby at first.” I left out the part where I did it to help me relieve my stress and keep my mind off of the two of them. “Then this couple in my building eloped and wanted someone to take pictures of their special day. I got enough money to pay half my rent and got treated to a Chopped Cheese for compensation. So, I’ve taken gigs here and there.”
“So how come you don’t work for a newspaper or some news site?” She then leaned forward. “And how come I never see you with a camera?”
“I only carry it on my free time or when I’m on a gig. And during the week, I don’t that much free time.”
“Well, hopefully you’ll make time,” Ned said with a smile. “…I don’t have that many people to talk to about Star Wars. MJ here isn’t really fan and Betty… she just humors me.”
“No one else at school likes Star Wars?”
“Not that I know of.” Ned sighed. “At least, not as much as I do. It’s such a shame that people just don’t understand art. So, maybe we can talk about it sometime. That is, if you’re not too busy heading off to study.”
“…I’ll think about it,” I said. I really wanted to say yes a million times over.
“I guess that’s all we can ask for,” MJ commented as she leaned back in her seat. “So what else you got for us?”
We spent the rest of the train ride telling each other about ourselves. It was only simple stuff from me, such as my love for Legos, though my collection got lost in a fire. I told them that I liked taking things apart and putting them back together. I semi-lied when I told them that, every now and again, I liked going to the top floor of skyscrapers to look out towards the city (I couldn’t say that I really went to the roof). I told them I was actually decent cook… whenever I could buy anything more than the microwaveable stuff.
“So… what about your family?” Ned asked. I looked at him. I opened my mouth to say something, but words didn’t come out. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I still wasn’t over Aunt May’s death. And I didn’t really want to talk about it. I still couldn’t think about her for too long before I was on the verge of tears, and here, on this train, wasn’t the place for that. “Oh, shit, touchy subject?”
“A bit,” I said. I opened my eyes. “Sorry, I’m…”
“You have nothing to be sorry for,” MJ cut in gently. “I know what it’s like to have a bad family situation. So, you don’t have to talk about it with us, okay?” I smiled slightly and nodded.
“So… on a less depressing note,” Ned spoke up. “Do you think they have Junior Mints or gummy worms at the concession stand there?”
MJ gave Ned a look. “I’m sure they do, along with funnel cake and ice cream straight out of a unicorn’s ass.”
I laughed. “I heard that when The Winter’s Tale is being performed, they serve porridge straight from a bear.”
The all three of us laughed together, though MJ tried her best not to. “Wow Peter. You’re more of a dork than I thought.”
“Is that a bad thing?” I asked.
MJ gave me a coy look – that same look that I always found cute and made my face warm up. “I’m not sure yet,” she finally said.
Sometime later, we arrived at Time Square. After a short walk, we ended up at St. James Theatre, where Betty was waiting for us on the outside.
“Hey guys,” she greeted happily. She then looked at me. “Are you a friend of MJ and Ned?”
“Acquaintance, really,” I replied. I stuck my hand out. “I’m Peter Parker.”
“I’m Betty Brant.” She took my hand for a hearty shake. “Pleased to meet you.” She withdrew her hand.
“The pleasure is all mine, I assure you.”
“Yeah, Peter here is a regular at my job,” MJ explained as we all made our way to the box office. “He comes in, grabs coffee and a sweet, does a little bit of small talk, then dips. He’s a bit of a dull boy, so I decided to bring him along so he could experience a little thing called fun.”
“Do you hate Flash that much that you’re willing to bring a customer that you barely know?” Betty smiled. “I mean, I get it, but…”
“Well, true as that is, Peter here is a rather interesting guy,” Ned said.
“Oh? Do tell.”
After we got our tickets checked and we moved inside, Ned talked me up to Betty, who looked at me in surprise as we found our seats and sat down. From my left, it was Betty, Ned, MJ, and myself.
“So, Peter… do you have a job?” Betty asked.
“Nothing permanent or consistent,” I replied.
“Well, if you’re interested, the Daily Bugle – this place I’m interning at – is looking for photographers. I don’t know how good you are, but they’re kind of desperate.”
“Why?” I asked.
Betty went silent for a moment. “Well… let’s just say, some people find J. Jonah Jameson to be a bit… much.”
“What Betty is trying to say is that J. Jonah Jameson is a fake news peddling wacko who pushes the Daily Bugle to take any and every opportunity to slander and libel Spider-Man,” MJ translated.
“Yeah,” Ned added in agreement. “I’m surprised Spider-Man can still swing through the city with Jonah constantly on his – ”
“Be that as it may, it’s a job that pays well,” Betty interjected. “I don’t like that Jonah goes so hard on Spider-Man any more than you do – especially since Spider-Man saved my life and the life of my friends multiple times. But while what he’s doing is wrong, it’s not illegal, and Spider-Man wouldn’t be the first or last hero to go through that.”
“You all make some good points, I’d say,” a voice chimed in.
We all looked to our right to see two people make it down our row. One of them was a black guy with black hair that was in cornrows. He wore black jeans a red Miami Heat t-shirt underneath a black hoodie. He was a bit tall, probably about six feet. His apparent companion was a woman with brown hair that reached down to her shoulders. She had on black pants with a red trench coat over a white button up shirt, and brown knee high boots. Both of them didn’t look much older than us.
“Sorry,” the boy said as he sat down next to me, with the girl sitting next to him. “I couldn’t help but overhear – acoustics in this building is crazy.”
“Still doesn’t give you a reason to be nosy,” his companion said.
“It’s okay,” I said. I raised an eyebrow. “You think I should try and apply for the job, since you spoke up?”
“Like I said, you all make some good points. Jonah does rank very on a scale of 1 to douche. And personally, if I was Spider-Man, I’d break into the Daily Bugle just to backhand him while he’s live in 4K.”
“I like this guy,” MJ quipped. I smiled. I always appreciated it when a civilian had my back.
“That being said, if Spider-Man ain’t doing that, I think it is okay for you to at least consider the job.”
I went quiet for a bit. I then looked over at Betty. “I’ll think about it,” I told her. As she smiled, I looked over at the new guy. “Thanks, Mr…”
“Craig,” he said. “I’m Craig.” He then beckoned over to his friend. “And this is Kitty.” Kitty waved at us and smiled.
“Pleased to meet you, I’m Peter.”
“I’m Ned.”
“And Betty.”
“Pleased to meet you all,” Kitty replied.
Eventually, the show started. I hate to admit it, but I never heard the American Idiot album in its entirety before. I never even knew it was a concept album. However, as I saw the story unfold on stage before me, I had the desire to get the album for myself. I couldn’t sing along to most of the songs so far. But that was okay. I enjoyed listening to MJ sing – and that was something I missed. Eventually, there was a song that I could sing along to.
Boulevard of Broken Dreams.
I knew the lyrics to that song. Who didn’t? But as I sung it, it hit me different from the other times. All at once, I remembered those who were in my life before things went left. I used to have people to depend on. I used to have hope for a life that didn’t just revolve around being Spider-Man. I wanted to go to MIT and become an engineer. I wanted to get married and have children – preferably with MJ. I wanted to travel the world. I even thought about taking a young hero under my wing the same way Tony did for me. But all of that went out of the window, and I almost destroyed my friends’ dreams along with it.
I felt sad again.
This was a mistake. I shouldn’t have come with them. I didn’t deserve their friendship. I didn’t even deserve to be acquainted with them. The Boulevard of Broken Dreams is exactly where I belonged.
Once the show came to a stop for an intermission, I got up from my seat and made my way to the lobby, muttering a quick “excuse me” as I stepped past Craig and Kitty. Once I was in the lobby, I walked over to one of the walls, turned, and leaned back against it. I slid down until I was on my butt and bowed my head.
I breathed in and out slowly, trying to keep myself together and hold it all in, as I’ve done so many times before.
Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Don’t…
I raised my head up to see MJ kneeling in front of me. I looked past her to see Betty, Ned, Craig, and Kitty some feet behind her.
“Hey, look at me,” MJ demanded. I looked back at her, seeing the look of concern on her face. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” I said. “…Mostly.” I took in a breath. “Just… one of the songs got to me. It reminded me of something that happened to me a while back. I’m sorry. It’s stupid, I know.”
In response, she shrugged. “I don’t think it is. Music can have the effect on people. I just wanted to make sure you weren’t having a full-on breakdown.”
“I’m not,” I assured her. “I just needed a little time to pull myself together.” I took in a deep breath. I moved to stand up. But MJ stood up before me before she brought her hand out for me to grab. I looked at it for a moment, then reached out and grabbed it. She pulled my hand, helping me stand. She looked at me for a moment. She then scoffed. “What’s up?”
“Nothing… it’s just…” She chuckled. “I just realized I’m taller than you.”
At that, I laughed. “Yeah, yeah you are.” My laugh faded, but the smile remained. “Thank you, MJ.”
“Hey, I can’t have my favorite customer going nuts on me.” She playfully punched me on my shoulder. “Your next pastry is on me – and I’m not taking no for an answer.” I nodded. She then turned and walked back to the others with me in tow. “Okay guys, he’s good.”
“Thank goodness,” Kitty said. “I didn’t want your double date to end on a bad note.”
MJ and I stopped in our tracks and stared at Kitty. “…What makes you think this is a double date?” I asked.
“Maybe because these two are holding hands,” Craig replied, pointing at Ned and Betty. Sure enough, when I looked at them, they were holding hands. I blinked a couple of times. I then smiled slyly. They quickly let go of each other.
“Oh, this… we were just…” Ned began.
“Keeping our hands warm,” Betty finished for him.
“Right, and…”
“Okay, please stop the cap,” Craig interjected as he shook his head and rolled his eyes. “You already got caught.”
“And half the school already knows you two are back together,” MJ added.
“Well, I guess there’s no point in hiding it,” Betty said.
“I’m happy for you two,” I said. “Come on, let’s head inside before…”
I trailed off. I felt a tingle go up my spine and buzz go off in my head. I stood there, my eyes going wide.
No, not now. Please not now.
“Pete, you okay?”
“Something… something is wrong,” I said.
And that’s when it happened.
A group of gunmen rushed through the door, with one aiming his shotgun towards the roof and letting a round. I quickly put myself between them and MJ.
“Hey, kid,” he said. “Don’t be a hero! You and your friends need to get down on the ground now!”
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paging-possum · 6 months
Coming live to you all from finals season! It hasn’t actually been that bad thus far, just very long and tedious on account of the fact that I’m an art major. The pro is that most of my finals will be done before actual finals week meaning that I get to rest while my STEM friends suffer! The con is that I’m ALSO a science major so I’ll have to suffer a little with them. The third, more sinister (positive) thing is that my only science class this semester is human bio and I learned half that stuff last year anyways so I won’t actually be struggling LMAO. Anyways. My comic. 
Got another very big burst of motivation this week because of my 3D class actually! I’ve been coming to the realization that I spend so much time meticulously planning things that it scares me out of just. Going and getting them done. The solution? Just jump right into it without worrying about it! So, instead of trying to power through the script before letting myself draw anything (which is the main thing I really want to get to right now), I’ve started thumbnailing the first scene since it’s the most solid part of the story so far and least subject to major changes! I recently edited it to fix up Lyssa’s conversation with Terry and cut out a couple characters who I didn’t think were necessary to the story, so it should be pretty smooth sailing to actually make those pages. It’s a much more exciting thing to work on in addition to working out some of the later plot threads- and it gives me a better idea of how long the comic will be in total. I was hoping to keep this one under 100 pages and it’s looking bleak given that the first scene is 25 pages (I AM TRYING TO CUT IT DOWN AND YET IT STILL LOOKS BLEAK) (I might just be underestimating how much I can fit on one page so we'll see) thumbnails
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There are MANY other projects happening this week. I have finals for 3 of my classes! All of them are art classes! My 2D final is a puppet about rabies so that feels pertinent to this comic! I also did some secret santa work (hi CAPE crew)(also applied to the dndads winter exchange just for funsies) and finished a hat, and somehow managed to get the wrong knitting needles three times and then send the right set of knitting needles to my house instead of my college address so the future of this sweater is a little in the balance but I’m also gods specialest little boy and capable of anything I put my mind to and also JUST realized that I can make incredibly strong instant coffee in the microwave in my dorm instead of having to go out and spend money on it which is financially saving me but forever dooming my body. I did that at 7pm. mistake .I think Im’ doing other stuff but its 3am and i cannot for the life of me remember. 
I REMEMBEREDB my friend who i mentioned in the first one of these PUBLISHED THE GAME SHE WAS WORKING ON!! AND YOU CAN PLAY IT NOW!!!! AND YOU SHOULD!!! https://fish-games.itch.io/value 
Things We Lost in the Fire by Bastille
Angus, the Prize-Winning Hog by The Toxhards
Spider Dance by Toby Fox
Spiderwebs by No Doubt
Running with the Wolves by AURORA
The Poppy Wars by R.F Kuang (not a song, but a very good audiobook! Enjoying it so far!)
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