#one more reason i'm thinking about doing permanent verse calls
bethanydelleman · 8 months
Hi! Love your blog :) I saw your previous reply about Jane Austen and cognitive neuroscience and it reminded me of a question I have about Persuasion that still haunts me, which I can't seem to find a definitive answer for on the general internet. So after Louisa is injured, its like she undergoes a pretty massive personality shift, leading up to her falling in love with Captain Benwick etc. My question is, is that change (in your opinion) supposed to be a mental trauma reaction, or more of a physical trauma reaction? Like are we supposed to infer that the brain tissue injury changed her or is it more like, she was in mental shock and also an invalid with plenty of time to brood on her role in things and that's what resulted in her being in a state of mind to love some poetry & Benwick? I do wonder if the total personality change is temporary or permanent, because sometimes people who undergo near-death experiences often have mental trauma-based reactions including apparently 180 degree personality shifts, but those don't last and as they heal from the trauma, they become closer to their older selves. In Louisa's case that would make for an interesting dynamic in her married life with Benwick if she goes back to her earlier personality eventually.
I personally think Louisa and Benwick's marriage is the most questionable one in all of Austen's works! Forget age gaps, no one should be getting married a few months after major brain trauma... I mean unless they were already engaged... maybe.
These are the two quotes about Louisa after the injury that are important here:
She saw no reason against their being happy. Louisa had fine naval fervour to begin with, and they would soon grow more alike. He would gain cheerfulness, and she would learn to be an enthusiast for Scott and Lord Byron; nay, that was probably learnt already; of course they had fallen in love over poetry. The idea of Louisa Musgrove turned into a person of literary taste, and sentimental reflection was amusing, but she had no doubt of its being so. The day at Lyme, the fall from the Cobb, might influence her health, her nerves, her courage, her character to the end of her life, as thoroughly as it appeared to have influenced her fate.
He answered rather hesitatingly, “Yes, I believe I do; very much recovered; but she is altered; there is no running or jumping about, no laughing or dancing; it is quite different. If one happens only to shut the door a little hard, she starts and wriggles like a young dab-chick in the water; and Benwick sits at her elbow, reading verses, or whispering to her, all day long.” Anne could not help laughing. “That cannot be much to your taste, I know,” said she; “but I do believe him to be an excellent young man.” “To be sure he is. Nobody doubts it; and I hope you do not think I am so illiberal as to want every man to have the same objects and pleasures as myself. I have a great value for Benwick; and when one can but get him to talk, he has plenty to say. His reading has done him no harm, for he has fought as well as read. He is a brave fellow. I got more acquainted with him last Monday than ever I did before. We had a famous set-to at rat-hunting all the morning in my father’s great barns; and he played his part so well that I have liked him the better ever since.”
So firstly, Louisa was already into the navy and Wentworth, she has retained that interest. However, we will recall that Louisa's interest in the navy sprang to life in moments after meeting the handsome captain. But she's 19 years old, so sudden interests in things that a handsome guy likes are perfectly normal! I'm sure she's learned to appreciate poetry in all the time she had to be quiet and still.
Secondly, what Charles observes is likely lingering effects of brain trauma or what we might call post-concussion syndrome (Louisa had a worse injury than what is commonly called a concussion). Louisa's brain is still healing. She will probably begin to dance again at some point, depending on what damage is long lasting. This is the tricky thing with brains, permanent damage can be extremely varied. One person ends up with aphasia (trouble speaking), another with ataxia (trouble with muscle coordination), and a third with memory problems and so on. However, Louisa is young and her brain is still plastic (adaptable); hopefully she will recover completely without deficits.
Lastly, I included the part about Benwick being a great rat-hunter because we have to remember, he's not all poetry. He is in the navy, he is apparently competent to be promoted so early and we know he has a good fortune. He's a good guy, he's passionate, I'm sure he wants to make his wife happy.
So... I think they'll be fine. Louisa was going to mature no matter what, Benwick is a good person, and they will grow more alike. If not, navy wives weren't always able to travel with their husbands, so Benwick might be away for long periods of time and Louisa might be home with the kids.
But I still advise anyone to wait at least a year before marrying after a major brain trauma! (semi-expert advice, don't sue me)
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andagony · 6 years
“  wanting  to  send  a  meme  but  not  knowing  if  a  new  mutual  knows  your  character  ”     a  multi - muse  saga
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skiyoosmi · 3 years
post-break up heartaches
verse 1. in the car that used to drive us to our home
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⤷ kuroo tetsurou, oikawa tooru — more characters coming soon
⤷ verse 2 | verse 3
⤷ play. never let me go by ghostly kisses, forget about us by clinton kane
commissions: open
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⇢ KUROO sighs for the umpteenth time of the day. he was so fucking exhausted and his body's about to give in to sleep any moment now. work has been beating his ass; there was this newbie who kept on messing up the documents needed by the board and for the whole day, he had to be the one to fix said issues. it's not like he wasn't paid enough for that; if anything, his paycheck was one of the most beautiful things he laid his eyes on— but god, even his body has its own limits and yet...
"ya.... yer not supposed to do this anymore. y-ya left me, remember?" you slurred, index finger pointing right at his chest as he circled his arms around your waist, huffing as you practically dropped all your weight on him. here he was, suddenly given the task of having to take you home after your supposed-to-be designated driver, miya fucking atsumu, also drank his brains out with you.
"be patient. still heartbroken because of you, y'know?" kenma softly tells him despite the tipsy feeling lurking in the back of his mind, shaking his head as he looked at you, whose system finally shut down and were now dozing off in the black haired man's arms.
"..... still?" he mumbles, looking down at your figure and he feels his heart contract with pain all over again.
"you can't expect her to be fine immediately, kuroo. it was your wedding day, supposed to be the greatest day of her life and yet it became the worst one... you left her at the altar alone."
he didn't reply anything— or rather, he was unable to. because what can he say to refute the truth? nothing. instead, he proceeded to his car with you still in his hold. he places you on the passenger seat, locking the seatbelts before jogging to the driver's side.
the car ride was calm as you slept soundly with your head occasionally hitting the window lightly as it swayed from side to side. he was sure as hell that if you were sober right now, you wouldn't even have the thought of seeing him cross your mind. he just knows for sure that you despise him with your whole being... at least, that's what he thought until...
"i'm sorry, tetsu. please come back," you whimper in your seat, voice quiet but he heard it nonetheless, "tell me what i did wrong so i can fix it."
the pitiful sounds and mumbles you made struck kuroo right in the heart and which makes him pull over an empty but safe road, just a block away from your (previously shared) apartment. looking over your form, he finds himself reaching out to touch your face, caressing your cheeks as drops of tears fell down slowly on them, "you didn't do anything wrong. you were fine. you were so perfect."
you squint your eyes at him, probably wondering if this was real or just a part of your drunken imagination. nonetheless, you hiccuped, "y-you... you left me and i... i still can't even bring myself to hate you... i just wanna ask you why? i just want to understand."
he thought he also knew the reason why but every single time he thinks about it, he's only led to one conclusion: because he was a coward. no way was this any of your fault— it's definitely not your fault that right at that moment, as he stared at the mirror, wearing the black suit you chose for him, the sudden fear of commitment loomed over him. it's not like it was your fault he suddenly got scared of losing you the way his parents lost each other. but now he thinks it's ironic, because he lost you anyway.
maybe... just maybe, if he had just met you where you stood at the altar, instead of leaving you alone in it, maybe he would've been happier. maybe his days would've started more with a smile from you as you helped him fix his necktie before going to work. maybe, the working hours he spends in the shitty corporate world would've been more worth it if it meant he can come home to you at the end of the day. maybe... maybe he wouldn't have to be stuck with this lump in his throat as he wonders what could've been happening if he just chose to show up and vowed his life to you.
but he didn't.
"i realized i wasn't just ready to tie my life with anyone yet. that's all there is to it, yn."
so with a heavy feeling stuck in his chest and a quiet promise to never see you again for the sake of not hurting you further, he starts the car's engine again, ignoring the words you replied but he was sure they will haunt him for a very long time... again.
i can wait for you no matter how long it takes, tetsu, you know that.
⇢ OIKAWA gives you what seems like a guilty smile as he stands in front of you, opening his arms and gesturing you to come closer. but the stoic expression on your face takes him back to the reality that the last thing you wanted to do today was to actually fetch him from the airport. it just so happens that his three best friends were caught up with work that they had no choice but to send you, the main ex-bestfriend slash ex-girlfriend, to him.
why did you agree when you practically loathe him with your whole being? well, it was probably because you weren't the devil who would reject your friends when they were literally on their knees as they begged you and for some reason, you thought he'll look pitiful going back to his home country after five years with no one to welcome him. yeah, that's it. it's not like you're still in love with him or anything.
"my car's just around the corner," you begrudgingly walk towards the car park with him quietly following. at the moment, he knew better than to get on your nerves or else there would be war. he hates that this happened to the both of you but he can't blame anyone else but himself. because who wouldn't hate their ex-boyfriend if they suddenly broke up with them over a phone call?
tension filled the car as you both sat beside each other. perhaps, this was what other people were talking about when they say that it's impossible for exes to be friends again, to not feel any awkwardness because you were sure as hell that the word "awkward" was an understatement of your situation right now. nevertheless, your eyes couldn't help but wander to his figure as he adjusted his body, opting for a more comfortable position in the passenger's seat.
he looked more youthful and you felt bittersweet— proud that his whole aura screams of "success" which meant that gone were the days where he longed to get that winter cup trophy, nor the times when he overworked himself and put a strain on his knee which led to countless arguments with you. if anything, he looked happier and it sucks because you're not even close to feeling that way... not without him.
"i heard you've finally gotten yourself your own condominium? that's great, yn!" he exclaimed as soon as you began driving to your destination, a hope lit within him that maybe you might just respond to him. just one smile, that's all i need, he thinks.
but you remain focused on your driving, choosing to reply with a single nod and a soft "yeah..."
disappointment fills his heart as he faces the truth that your relationship has really been ruined, along with your friendship. all because he was foolish to think that he couldn't handle the physical distance between you two. realization dawns upon him that he just made that same distance worse as you pull your heart further away from him.
"... i actually bought it for the two of us, you know?" he whips his head to your direction in surprise, heart clenching as he watch you let out a sad chuckle, "i just... i thought it would be nice if we had a place to permanently stay at and for you to have a home to go to when you're at japan. but yeah... i guess things doesn't go our way sometimes, does it?"
"i'm sor—"
"it's okay. i'm fine now," you quickly reply, shaking your head but keeping your eyes on the road. he tries to ignore the tears that start to form in them because he has no right to stop them, knowing full well that he was the one who caused them in the first place.
as if on cue, you halt your vehicle in front of a familiar apartment and much to your dismay, you find yourself looking back in the past when you used to live in that same place, making wonderful memories with the chocolate haired lad with you. you clear your throat to stop the sob that desperately attempts to escape your throat, "uhm... we're here."
"oh, yeah. we're here," he numbly states, already missing you despite the mere inches of space separating the two of you. you just felt so far away and he hates it. but this was the path he chose so he gets out of your car along with his things, turning to you once more, "uhh... thanks for the ride, yn. i know you probably hate me but yeah... it's very nice of you to put that past us and i guess i just want to say sorry for hurting you... i just..."
"i don't hate you, tooru," you softly tell him, "i just don't want anything to do with you anymore. to see you this happy, without me, is like a slap in the face because i'm not. it still hurts and i'm not fine. i just hope this will be the last time we'll see each other. be safe on your trip back to argentina. welcome home."
and with that, you start the car's engine again, no longer having the energy nor the strength to hear his reply. but he wishes you did because as he watches your car drive further away from him, he can't help but wish that he can take back time so that you don't have to go to that condominium and instead, go inside the home you once shared with him.
but i'm not happy, yn. because how could i call this place my home when you're not here with me?
at that moment, unbeknownst to the two hearts that long for each other break at the same time, you finally let out the tears and cries that you've been keeping since you saw him, knowing that no matter how much you try, you'll never be as happy as you were with him— simply because he left you with a hole in your heart that no one else can fill.
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© SKIYOOSMI, 2021. reposting, translating, editing, copying and any kind of plagiarism are strictly prohibited, thank you.
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angelfireeast · 3 years
DC Stargirl 2x12 Spoilers Let’s GO
Dr Mcnider is 100% in Beth's corner and knows she's ready. Loving this SO MUCH!!!
Chuck said "My kid, the new Dr. Midnite, the beacon of hope, ray of sunshine, only one to defeat Eclipso, smartest JSA member, is READY. Are your kids ready? 😎🦉
Oh no! Now Jennie has been poisoned and Eclipso's big point of making Courtney admit she hated him (linking it with her bio Dad) was to clip away at her light and hope. I hope Dr Mcnider doesn't die and destroy Beth's hope. But she's strong. They are all strong.
Dr Mcnider was comfortable in the suit I wonder if he's uncomfortable without it now😔
Someone could and should be wearing that second pair of goggles Dr Mcnider just took off. Oh wait maybe he still needs them as connection to his glasses? I dunno🤔
Beth deserves all this happiness with Chuck.🥰
Pat went DARK and it needed to happen with Rick’s uncle. If only that happened in s1. Child abusers deserve to suffer. Now can we get Rick out of that living arrangement? 
Yolanda is breaking my heart😢. It's all going on too long. She so lost in the pain. She’s not ready.
Is that guilt I see in Cindy's eye? She knows they need the full JSA to take down Eclipso so gonna get Yolanda back.
Could Dr Mcnider take in Rick and Jennie? (heck even Cindy?) Goes from having his daughter taken from him to having all the kids in need of parents as he stays in Blue Valley. Everyone needs to stop trying to push kids on Barbara and Pat and see Chuck! Half the time Pat forgets about Mike and until that is fixed he doesn’t need more kids. Chuck was a dad and JSA member. I want to stay and he’d be really cool father figure to the JSA kids without parents. 
Cindy with verse psychology to get Yolanda to come back
I'm glad Yolanda finally knows the truth about who sent out the photos.
Courtney stop listening to Cindy about getting in touch with your bedside and listen to Chuck. Light beats darkness! 🌟
Was that Shade's voice Barbara heard?🥺🥺🥺
I’m loving the Mike and Jakeem! I hope this becomes a permanent friendship not a one hit wonder. I really like Jakeem he’s so endearing. 🥰
Cindy was sucking up to Barbara. Her mommy issues coming out or just knows how to play the game? Or did Barbara make a good sandwich?🤔
I'm worried about Beth's dad staying late at work and Eclipso being there for a big showdown
Mike you could wash those dish so much faster! World in danger come on!
So who did Cindy call? There is only one member of the new ISA left and I don't think she's coming back. She wants to survive a horror movie she saw that night. But her parents will suit up if their daughter is in danger.
I’m worried Jennie saw exactly what Eclipso wanted her to see
Chuck letting Beth take the lead with Eclipso! Loving it.🦉
PLEASE let Chuck fix Beth’s goggles cause I’m tired of the static that cutes in and out🥽
Pat got Rick out jail and sent him to do some homework lol
Did no one tell Yolanda and Rick about Courtney's trip the Shadowlands and Shade’s death? I felt like that needed mentioning. 
The trailer looks cool with Courtney having Wildcat and Shiv by her side
I think light=love will save Courtney from Eclipso in the final and Yolanda will be apart it. That will convince her to rejoin the JSA for good or down the line. There is still good and good overcame evil. Court said it herself she needs her best friend. Eclipso broke the JSA for a reason but coming together will stop him
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angelofthequeers · 4 years
How is Zoe's comic racist? (sorry don't mean to question you, genuinely curious) Also, I admit I was also sucked into the salt fic whirlpool, but quickly left after I realized how toxic it was being. Could you also elaborate on GalahadWilder, if it isn't too uncomfortable for you? I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude, or ask uncomfortable questions.
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I can’t point out everything off the top of my head but the racism (along with everything else but that’s not the focus) is a large part of what made me throw my hands up and write this. And I won’t be answering any more asks about any of this because I just want to get it out there so people know (because of how many people genuinely don’t see it) and then go back to trying to forget that this shit ever existed, rather than dragging out some new fandom drama. Also keep in mind that while I’m West Asian/Arab, I’m also white-passing so if I get anything wrong, I appreciate call-outs. (Also I finally got my laptop charger today so I can snip my posts again 😭)
Her treatment of Max in ‘Gamer’.
It’s not unique to her; it’s a very common salter thing to utterly tear into Max for being a “sexist jerk” and daring to underestimate princess Marinette because she’s a girl. Never mind that they canonically aren’t close friends because of Chloé’s bullying, so Max probably had no idea that Marinette’s liked video games all this time, where Adrien is the new boy so it’s just one more thing to learn about him.
It’s especially heinous compared to how the other classmates are treated far more leniently for their own mistakes - they still get salted on but Max, aka the Black boy, always seems to get singled out and held to higher standards. Just look at ‘Chameleon’ and how the other classmates are mildly to moderately attacked by salters but Max gets utterly ripped to shreds because he “should know better”. (Never mind that just because he’s smart doesn’t mean he’s good at human interaction. They just want to attack him).
It also angers me because people like Nathaniel and Ivan are absolved of what they do as akumas (like kidnapping others and literally forcing someone to go on a date with them) because they couldn’t help it, yet Max is literally held responsible for what he did when akumatised (because he dared to go after Princess Marinette) and even for daring to get akumatised in the first place. Both these things just make him a sore loser, apparently.
So SL ‘Gamer’ was the final straw for me, especially with how she characterised Max as a smug arsehole, and it made me so angry that I just exploded to my friends, but I didn’t know how to directly call it out without looking like a petty bitch.
Here’s a post I made about salters and ‘Gamer’ if you’re interested in a more coherent and in-depth thing about it.
Alya’s treatment throughout the whole thing.
In canon, she’s an enthusiastic and passionate girl who sometimes gets carried away and goes too far and who idolises Ladybug because Ladybug stands against evil. Here? She’s treated as the butt of the joke for being so starry-eyed over superheroes that she idolises Scarlet Lady while Marinette mocks her behind her back. Never mind her iconic line of “all that is needed for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing” and this is why she loves Majestia in the first place. Never mind that she loves Ladybug because Ladybug is kind and passionate and strong and creative. Canon Alya wouldn’t want a bar of Scarlet Lady, who just sits around complaining, and yet SL!Alya worships her because...why? Running joke? The only Black girl in the series is treated as a gag to be made fun of by someone who’s supposed to be her best friend, just for the audience’s amusement. Marinette’s probably meant to look funny and relatable here, but she just looks like a major bitch to her new friend. Alya’s flaws are basically blown up and exaggerated for comedic effect, while Marinette in contrast is airbrushed to perfection, with no flaws and no anxiety that was only alleviated in canon by - guess what - being Ladybug.
It’s like Zoe wants to stick to canon while adding her own little “fun” twists for humour, like making Marinette snarky and perfect (which just makes her look like an utter bitch) and in the case of Alya, it does her so dirty that even Lila is more sympathetic. LILA. After SL humiliates Lila, Alya looks doubtful but buys some bullshit excuse so that she can continue to be the Scar-worshipping idiot. And then in the aftermath, her concern isn’t for Lila, the girl who was humiliated and bullied by a literal superhero and then ended up sick. No, she’s angry because...Lila lied on her blog. The blog that doesn’t have nearly as much recognition as in canon because SL would never validate her, unlike Ladybug. So her passion for her blog is exaggerated to imply that she’d say that a girl deserves to be bullied and sick because she told a few lies (since at this point, Alya doesn’t know about any possible malice on Lila’s part, just as in canon. All that’s known is the lying for attention).
It’s horrible hypocrisy, where Alya is held to higher standards than the other (white) characters and when she fails to meet those standards, she’s torn into. She’s not afforded any sympathy for being hurt that Lila lied to her; in fact, she’s demonised for feeling hurt, especially because of the running joke that her blog is focused on someone so horrible and she doesn’t see that. Lila is presented as the sympathetic one here. LILA. Just because Alya dared to believe her in canon.
Also, how she’s constantly trying to either tease Marinette for having a crush or insist that Marinette’s only doing what she does because of a crush...even though according to this ‘verse’s canon, Marinette is too good to make mistakes and do obsessive stuff over a crush, which is why canon Alya thinks this about her in the first place. That didn’t just come out of nowhere in the show purely for “woe is Marinette, her best friend doubts her”.
Like in the first part of ‘Gamer’, where she’s accusing Marinette of only entering the tournament to flirt with Adrien while Marinette so “coolly and calmly” rebuts her...why? By the ‘verse’s own logic, Marinette isn’t a flustered mess around Adrien. The only purpose of this scene is to glorify Marinette and her amazing calmness while making Alya look like a nosy idiot who dares to doubt her best friend. The logic of the ‘verse and of canon clash really jarringly in moments like this, and it becomes clear that the only purpose of these moments is to make Marinette look better at the expense of others. Most often her best friend, who’s an utter idiot for not seeing Scarlet Lady’s true nature and just can’t keep her nose out of Marinette’s business and so comes to wrong conclusions. Why are Marinette and Alya even friends in this ‘verse? SL!Marinette’s been nothing but condescending towards Alya most of the time.
Uh, and also the way she occasionally whitewashes Alya. Just look at the SL headers. She literally made Alya, aka a Black girl who’s one of the good guys, lighter than Lila, aka a white girl who’s one of the bad guys and not even that tanned in canon. Why do people make one of the villains darker and often whitewash one of the heroes? It’s not that hard to figure out.
(Also the way she really played into the aggressive Black girl stereotype in ‘Horrificator’ over a minor argument, even physically threatening Nino. Why? Literally why did she have to go full-on aggressive instead of just looking angry and scolding him or something?)
This all might not be conscious on Zoe’s part but the way Alya is treated is still disgusting, especially if you’re operating on internalised salt from other aspects of the salty fandom. I’ve seen her claims that she’s trying to help Alya improve and she’s not being salty but...even if she’s not being consciously salty, her salt is definitely still leaking over it and part of that salt includes racism. I also don’t see how making Alya a joke and exaggerating her flaws is helping her to improve when there was plenty to go off in canon but, well, that might just be me.
Even Marinette, who’s pretty much treated as white for 99% of it.
Marinette, aka the girl who’s only made visibly “Asian/Other” in SL ‘Reflekta’ with her Chinese-inspired Black Cat suit and name which is a one-off, while her permanent Bee outfit is just the bland tight suit that salters criticise Ladybug for having and her name is just Marigold. It comes across as using “Asianness” as a costume and it really didn’t sit right with me at first, but it took me a while to tease out why exactly this made me feel ick.
There’s nothing wrong with touching more on Marinette’s heritage and expanding on it in ways that the show doesn’t, especially because this is a big sticking point for salters, but again...it’s only a one-off. A costume. There aren’t casual hints sprinkled throughout the comic that just normally establish Marinette as half-Chinese, aside from like a page or two in ‘Timebreaker’ showing Sabine’s outfit. It’s another ‘Kung Food’ where it’s slammed into one episode and shoved into our faces that Marinette Is Chinese and it’s really jarring and unpleasant.
It just comes across as fetishising, is all. I don’t think it’s something most people would pick up on unless they’re used to being able to see this kind of thing.
Master Fu. Oh, Master Fu.
From an old man who made mistakes but tried as best as he could with the limited knowledge he had, he’s now a bumbling idiot who...put the earrings in Marinette’s bag instead of her room for some reason? To kickstart the plot? Especially because the ring was still in Adrien’s room. It’s very, very contrived.
And then in one of the most recent updates, Zoe has Adrien - a white boy - physically threaten Fu, aka an elderly Asian man. It’s disgusting. I was gobsmacked when I first saw it. And that’s the thing with salters: they tear into Adrien for being a white boy so they can look Enlightened when he hasn’t actually done anything racist, yet they then turn around and perpetuate actual racism in trying to “fix” him
There’s probably more but those are the examples that jump out at me of the racism in SL. There are plenty more problems but...whatever. I’ll be here all day if I try and cover those.
As for the Galahad thing...it’s personal. That original post was as much as I was comfortable revealing.
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btschooseafic · 3 years
Hey you, what’s your dream?
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Pairing: platonic!oc x ot7
Details: manager!oc, predebut/idolverse, partial BTS World!verse
Summary: Aviva gets pissed off at an executive.
Warnings: This is a fictional story based on real events. The characters presented here are not the same as their real life counterparts. (TW: discussion of body shaming/ body image issues) [Masterlist]
Track 19: Valentine’s Day
Sour Candy- Lady Gaga & BLACKPINK
“I'm sour candy
So sweet then I get a little angry”
February 14th, 2013
Soonyoung woke Aviva with a big wet kiss to her forehead.
“Happy Valentine’s Day!” She held out a box of chocolates to the younger girl, beaming. Aviva rubbed her eyes and squinted up at Soonyoung, looming over her in bed. She was wearing a pretty red dress.
Aviva glanced at her phone. “Why are you up and dressed so early? Why are you waking me up so early?”
“I’ve got a pity breakfast hook-up date thing with a friend of a friend,” Soonyoung told her all in one breath. “But he only had time in the early morning, so, like, I wanted to say goodbye to you first.”
Aviva yawned. “Too bad, I was gonna make us a nice breakfast.”
Soonyoung pouted. “I could skip the pity breakfast hook-up date thing and stay with you. You’re more important, and your food tastes just as good as whatever café it is we’re going to, I’m sure.”
Aviva laughed. “Thanks for the flattery, but you should go. You’ve been complaining about how horny you’ve been lately.”
“True.” Soonyoung nodded. “Okay, I’ll go, but you do something fun for yourself today too, okay, girl?” Aviva shrugged. “Do it! I’m gonna call Hobi and make him bully you until you do!”
“Well, that’s no fun…” Aviva muttered.
Later that morning, Aviva went to the dorm as usual, to pick everyone up for their day of work. Jimin sat in the passenger’s seat next to her, unusually quiet and wearing his scarf covering his face.
“He got a cold cause he didn’t dress warmly enough when we went home for the holidays,” Jungkook told her, noticing her glancing at him every so often.
“Agh, Kookie, you didn’t have to tell her that!” Jimin protested hoarsely.
“It’s okay, manager, we still have plenty of that throat care stuff you gave us a while ago, so we’ve been testing everything that was left out on Jiminie,” Jin told her.
“Testing…?” Aviva wondered. Jimin grimaced.
“Nothing’s working,” he told her quietly.
“Hmmm. I’ve also got some special tea Soonie’s grandmother gave us over the holidays,” Aviva told him. “If you wanted to try that.” He shrugged.
“I’ll try anything at this point.” He stared at his feet. “I’m supposed to be an idol, how can I do that if I can’t sing?”
“Yah,” Namjoon said lightly.
“You can sing, Namjoon-ah,” Aviva said. He smiled at her. “...sort of.”
“Yah,” Namjoon said, again, now looking more offended.
“You could just be the hot dancer, Jiminie,” Tae suggested.
“Hmm, but Hobi-hyung,” Jimin pointed out. “And you and Kookie aren’t that bad either, Tae. Hmm, and Yoongi-hyung, sometimes.”
“Sometimes?” Yoongi wondered. Jungkook grinned as Namjoon frowned.
“Yah!” Jin said, his face squeezing up as he swung his arms around. “Joon-ah and I can be hot dancers too!” Namjoon snickered.
“You’d still be the cutest one, Jiminie,” Hoseok told him. Jimin frowned.
At the office, Jimin, Hoseok, and Jungkook went to dance practice, while Tae, Jin, and JK went to vocal practice, and Yoongi and Namjoon went to work on writing more songs. Aviva had a meeting with marketing, and then went to check on Jimin.
She found two girls waiting outside the dance studio, whispering and giggling. Aviva recognized them as some of the newer trainees, who were already fans of BTS, the maknae line in particular. They jumped when they saw her, trying to hide something behind their backs. They were holding boxes of chocolate.
Aviva smiled. “It’s alright, girls. I won’t tell the higher ups if you want to give the boys chocolates. Just don’t let their heads get too big.”
They giggled. “Thanks, manager-nim!”
“Do you mind if I wait around with you? I wanted a word with my clients.”
They shook their heads. The girls waited together in silence for a few minutes, before Aviva started up conversation again, asking what kind of chocolates they got, and how their training was going.
By the time the boys finally came out of the studio, she had given the girls her number and told them to call her if they ever had any trouble.
Jungkook and Jimin blushed as the girls handed over the chocolate boxes and then rushed off. Hoseok sighed.
“None for me?”
“You’re too old,” Jungkook told him ruthlessly. Hoseok winced.
“Aish, Avi, you’ll get me chocolate, right?”
Aviva made a noncommittal noise. Hoseok whined as the younger boys laughed.
“What’s on our schedule next?” Jimin wondered, his voice still raw.
“I’ve got vocal practice,” Jungkook told him apologetically. Jimin winced.
“I was gonna join Yoongi-hyung and Namjoon-ah if you want to come, Jiminie,” Hoseok offered. He hesitated.
“Or you can come rest in my office,” Aviva offered. “I’m just going to be working on my computer for a while, so it’ll be quiet.”
“…Okay,” Jimin said. “I could use a nap.”
As they neared her office, Aviva spotted a higher-up the boys had been having trouble with recently. She automatically shifted her body in front of Jimin, trying to hide him, but the employee saw him anyway.
“Ah, Jimin-ssi…” He sneered down at the box of chocolates. “Are you sure that’s wise?” Jimin stiffened. “You’re supposed to be having a debut soon, and they say that the camera adds twenty—”
“You have no right to speak to my client that way!” Aviva snapped. The official stared at her.
“Excuse me?”
“No. I have excused your behavior long enough,” she thought.
“Avi…” Jimin whispered worriedly behind her, gripping her arm.
“I understand that this is a competitive industry, but you have no right to say purposefully harmful things to a growing teenage boy!” She drew herself up to her full height, which was several inches shorter than the man. “How would you feel if someone had spoken to you like that when you were his age? Or is that exactly what happened? Are you stuck in a vengeful cycle because you were hurt as a child and never able to grow past it?”
“You have gone too far!” The man said, pointing his finger in her face. “I will have you fired for this! Or at the very least, suspended without pay!”
He stomped off down the hall.
“…You shouldn’t have said that,” Jimin said, looking a little tearful. “What if he really gets you fired? I mean, he’s not wrong about the chocolate, even if he could’ve said it more nicely—”
“No!” She said sharply. Jimin flinched. Aviva took a deep breath. “Jiminie, I’m sorry, I’m…” She rubbed her temples. “It’s not just you, he’s been saying comments like that to all of the boys, and to trainees even younger than you… I know people say things like that all the time, but he is definitely the worst I’ve ever personally met.”
Jimin studied her for a moment.
“Walk with me,” he said, taking her arm again.
“Where are we going?” She wondered, glancing around the hall.
“Hey, noona, I know you were standing up for us, and others, and I’m grateful for that… but it sounded a little personal too. Is there…” He massaged his throat. “Is there anything you want to talk about?”
She frowned. “I’m here to help you, not talk about myself.”
“You don’t have to,” he said. “But if you want to... talking to you helps me, a lot. I just want to return the favor. You don’t always have to shoulder everything, you know, just because you’re the manager. You’re my friend too, and I care about you.”
“Jiminie...” She groaned as he stared wide-eyed at her. “Oh, not the puppy dog eyes!” He grinned. “Fine, but keep it quiet, okay? I don’t like to talk about it much.”
“I don’t want to force you—“
“It’s not that.” She waved her hand.
“I just don’t want certain people to know, so...” She put her finger on her lips. “Okay?” He nodded, sliding his hand down to hers and squeezing. “No one ever said anything, well, not to my face… but sometimes in the changing room people would whisper, and laugh… everywhere in the media, and most of the women surrounding me at work, on the train, at the store… They’re just a lot… smaller.” She frowned down at herself. “I get that there are different challenges facing body image as a Korean man in an idol group, and especially a dancer,” she said, looking at him grimly. “But for me, my main issue is feeling too big, like I take up too much space. Especially when I moved here...”
“Idols are pushed to be skinny,” Jimin agreed. “Just as much as contemporary dancers in general, though for some different reasons, it mostly boils down to not fitting an image someone decided was the ideal long ago.” He reached out, pushing her hair back from her face. “I think we’re both gorgeous, so fuck them.” She laughed. “I’m serious.” He pouted.
“I know, thanks, Jiminie.” She looked up, realizing he’d led her to the studio. “Why are we here?”
“Cause we’re gonna ask the hyungs to help you keep your job,” Jimin said. Her eyes widened. She shook her head.
“Jimin-ah, no, I don’t want to drag them down with me.”
“Too bad.” He pulled the door open, dragging her with him. “We’re with you all the way, whether you like it or not.”
Hoseok and Yoongi had been so angry when they heard what happened that Namjoon had Jin take them home early. Jin had to basically drag them out of the room. Jungkook, Jimin, and Tae practically had to sit on Aviva to get her to stay in the studio while Namjoon left to talk to the higher-ups.
“I talked them down to three days unpaid suspension, and no mention of it on your permanent record,” he told them when he got back to the studio. He snorted when he saw Aviva’s hair, mussed from her running her fingers through it so much. He combed it down absentmindedly with his fingers.
“Thanks,” she said quietly. “I mean, I still kind of wish you hadn’t, but… thanks.” She looked at Jimin. “You too.”
“And we get to walk back, since Jin-hyung took the van!” Jungkook said happily.
Taehyung groaned. “No… I’m tired…”
“We still have several hours left, guys,” Namjoon told them. He looked at Aviva. “Ah, they want you out of here ASAP though, just in case he sees you and tries to complain again.”
“Got it.” She nodded. “I’ll go to the dorm and grab my car.”
“You don’t have to,” Namjoon said. “You can go home and rest. Jin-hyung can drop it off tomorrow.” She waved her hand.
“You know I won’t be able to sit around and rest while everyone else is working hard.”
“Well, you deserve some rest, but… yeah, I know you’re not the type.” He shook his head, smiling fondly at her back as she left.
Aviva was surprised when she walked into the dorm and Yoongi greeted her with a hug.
“They shouldn’t have done that to you,” he growled in her ear.
“Now, now, all’s well that ends well,” Jin said pleasantly. “Do you want a snack to cheer you up, Avi-yah? Maybe something sweet.”
Yoongi pulled away from her, his lips twitching slightly.
“You do deserve a treat.”
“For getting in trouble with my sunbaenims?” She wondered.
“Well, for that—” Yoongi agreed.
“Fuck the man!” Hoseok cried out from behind them, punching the air.
Aviva laughed.
“And also… for standing up for us,” Yoongi continued, more quietly. “Come on.” He took her hand. “I’ll take you out for one of those ridiculously expensive coffees you secretly like.”
“No, it’s waste of money,” she argued.
“Not for you,” he argued back.
“It’s fine,” she said. “I appreciate the thought, but I don’t want you wasting your money on me… especially when I’ve just been suspended without pay for a couple of days… just… I’m sure I can find something in the kitchen, let’s make something together.”
Yoongi’s eyes widened.
“You want to…cook with me?”
“Eh, I’m so jealous,” Jin said. “Sounds fun.”
“Baking, more likely,” she said. “But yeah, if that sounds okay with you, it would probably help me take my mind off things.”
“Okay.” He nodded, his face flushed slightly. “Let’s do it.”
Yoongi seemed a little disappointed to be making a chocolate cake for the boys, but once they started he got really into it.
Aviva offered him the bowl to lick, but he shook his head, staring at the cake in the oven in interest.
“It’s not going to bake any faster if you watch it,” she told him, her lips twitching in amusement. He shrugged. “Okay, well, don’t burn yourself. I’m going to clean up—”
“Wait!” Jin ran in, closely followed by Hoseok.
“We heard something about cake batter!”
“You can have it if you help me clean up,” Aviva bargained.
“Fine,” Hobi said, making grabby hands at her. “Just hand it over.”
“Dishes first,” she told him.
“Namjoon…” Aviva said over the phone that night. She heard him gulp.
“About that song you just posted to Soundcloud…”
“Yeah? What about it?”
“You do know there are rules against explicit content, right? And that the new Head of Marketing is aiming you specifically towards a younger audience?”
“Ah, so here’s the thing. I may have lost a bet with Hope-ah and the punishment was to record and post a song with lyrics that were, um…”
Aviva sighed, massaging her temples. “Okay, so both you and Hoseokie are in trouble, got it.”
“Is it really that bad?” He wondered.
“Honestly, I think it’s hilarious,” she told him. “But I don’t think Chief Ho Kyungso will agree. I miss Sanghoon-sunbae, at least he could take a joke…”
“Hilarious?” Namjoon repeated. “It’s supposed to be sexy!”
Aviva laughed.
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cosy-omegaverse · 4 years
I was also wondering how parents would deal with their child's first heat/rut. I just wonder if they would provide their children with anything more than water and food. Also what about children with parents that don't really care or feel grossed out by the idea of their children having these new feelings. I'm sorry if this is a lot I just don't hear much about first heats/ruts.
The first heat/rut is different for everyone, since it's something that can happen for a variety of reasons, like finding your mate, reaching puberty or there are even medications that can induce the first heat or rut (obviously the last ones are sort of illegal).
Eventhough the school has classes that help with those issues, apart from biology, there are subjects that talk specifically about what happen for each gender during heats and ruts.
Classes like that are very important so the omegas or alphas don't panic if the event happens during an unexpected moment.
Also internet is a thing and students talk about the so called first heat or rut once in a while, it's what I would call a social topic.
So, in my verse, heats or ruts only happen when omegas or alphas are between 15-17 years old so they know what's all about (the age might be different for each alpha or omega since each body is different).
Most parents let their sons or daughters decide what to do during their first heat but obviously they will provide them with food and water but also pillows, blankets and anything they will ask for.
Some rich families might even contract an omega or alpha that will satisfy their needs.
The first rut or heat hurts a lot, because their bodies are going trough new changes and it takes time to adapt so that's why the first ones are not exactly regular.
About the traditional families that don't accept the heats or ruts. Well the omega or alpha might try to look for a friend or even a partner that will help this very first time and they will definitely try to hide it from their family, knowing what they think about that.
If they have to spend it at their house the omega or alpha will be treated poorly and they will try to make them feel like touching is unacceptable and let them believe that they need to fight against their "disgusting instincts".
It's very sad and destructive when situations like that happen because both genders will definitely have issues later when it comes to intimacy and it will be harder for them to accept a permanent couple.
Society needs to understand that heats and ruts are unavoidable, omegas and alphas are highly influenced by their instincts and it's a natural process they need to accept as part of their lives.
Accepting heats and ruts is healthy for their minds and bodies.
That's all I could think about! Thanks for the questions, they were really interesting! Feel free to ask for more!
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starlit-serenade · 4 years
Dance With Me | Chapter 6
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💙 Summary: After visiting the members of ONEUS during their dance practice, you find yourself inspired to learn to dance. You ask your friend Kim Geonhak to teach you.
💙 Chapter 6: 2,483 words
💙 Pairing: Reader x Kim Geonhak (Leedo) / Characters: GenderNeutral!Reader; Kim Geonhak (Leedo); Son Dongju (Xion); Yeo Hwanwoong (Hwanwoong); Lee Keonhee (Keonhee); Lee Seoho (Seoho); Kim Youngjo (Ravn);
💙 Rated: T for some minor swearing / Warnings: Minor Swearing; Jealousy (Later in the fic) / Genre: Fluff; Minor Angst (Later in the fic); Friends-To-Lovers; Happy Ending;
《 Series Masterlist // ONEUS Masterlist // Boy Group Masterlist 》
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Dongju did text you that next morning. You agreed to go shopping on Thursday, after your practice with Geonhak.
Thursday comes, and you arrive at practice early. It's about ten minutes before your scheduled practice, but you knock anyway, gently. The music inside pauses, and after a moment, the door is opened.
Geonhak stands before you in a white shirt and black torn jeans. His hair is pushed back, and he's wearing a pair of glasses. He looks handsome.
No, he doesn't. He looks absolutely normal.
You smile up at him.
"Come on in," he says, stepping back and holding the door open to let you inside. You set your stuff down on the side and sit down to stretch. Geonhak joins you in stretching, as usual.
"How was your appointment?" Geonhak asks. You blink, confused, before remembering that you'd told him you had an appointment on Tuesday, when really you had had a meeting with his members at his dorm to plan his secret birthday party.
"Oh, It was good," you say. "Just a check up." You think for a second. "Geonhak?"
You want to ask him about what Dongju was saying, two nights ago as he walked you to your home. His words echo in your mind.
You should see him after he comes back to the dorms after practicing with you. Or even during our practices before practicing with you. He's always smiling like an idiot on your practice days.
How do you ask Geonhak about that, though? Hell, you don't know why you want to ask Geonhak about it so much. Perhaps because you want to hear it from Geonhak himself. You want to hear Geonhak talk about how he loves seeing you the way you love seeing him.
No. You don't. It's not like that.
You know, at this point, that you definitely have some feelings toward Geonhak. But it's just a crush. You can't allow it to become anything more than just a crush.
"Sorry. I forget what I was gonna say."
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Geonhak stands up from stretching, and holds out his hand to you. You frown, confused, and he chuckles.
"Let's start practicing."
After hesitating, you take his hand and allow him to pull you to your feet. His palm is warm, and it takes a second for you to remove your hand from his.
You take your usual position in front of the mirror and Geonhak drifts over to the speaker to adjust the volume and turn the music on.
You stare at yourself in the mirror. You don't look like you're contemplating your own feelings for the past two, three days, right? You look absolutely normal.
You glance over at Geonhak behind you. He's bent over the table, typing something into his phone, trying to find the song. Does he look like he could possibly like you back?
The music turns on, tearing you from your thoughts. The notes at the beginning of Valkyrie start playing, before Geonhak pauses it. He smiles and looks up at you with a goofy, happy smile.
"Ready to start?" he asks. You nod, and he unpauses the song.
You try hard to ignore Geonhak watching you, both from behind, from where he leans against the wall, and in the mirror. Instead, you keep your eyes on your mirrored self. You focus on your hand movements, your legs, anything but Geonhak. Are your knees bent enough, or too much? Is your torso at the right angle? Are your hips facing the right way? Is Geonhak staring at you from the mirror?
You shake your head and focus back on your dancing.
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When you sit down for a break, Geonhak sits down with you.
"So," you mutter, sipping from your water bottle. "I hear you've been practicing for your comeback after practices."
Geonhak looks up and frowns at you. "Who told you that?" he asks. You smile, and he already knows. "Dongju?"
Geonhak laughs, looking away before looking back at you with his wide smile. "I would usually be practicing with the members during our practice times, but since I'm teaching you, I have to find extra time. So I come back after taking you home, and practice extra."
"And you didn't tell me?"
"I didn't want you to get worried," he says. "I know you'd worry about whether or not I'm overworking myself. So I didn't tell you."
You nod. "Dongju also mentioned you've been coming early to prepare for our practices," you say.
"Oh, did he now? Did he say anything else?"
You think for a moment. Besides Dongju letting you know that you can't pretend you don't have feelings for Kim Geonhak, you can't remember him saying anything else.
You shake your head. "Nope."
"Alright." You look up at Geonhak. 
You continue practicing for another hour after your break's end. At some point, Geonhak leaves you to sit with his back against the wall for another break. You tell him he can go home if he wants. He insists on staying until you leave, and watches you as you dance.
"You really don't have to," you say during your second stretching break to cool off before starting up again. You don't want him to stay longer than he needs to.
"I want to, though," he insists.
"But you already had normal ONEUS practice today, didn't you? I don't want you to overwork yourself. If you want to finish up your extra comeback practice, you should go do that."
Geonhak shakes his head. "It's really okay, Y/N, don't worry. I'll practice after you go home."
You sigh, and nod. His insisting reminds you of when he took you to get ice cream and he insisted on paying for you both. You still haven't had the chance to pay him back, and you wait for that day.
After a while, he joins you again. You two dance together, and it's reached the point that you can barely tell the difference between yourself and Geonhak's dance unless you pay close attention to detail. Despite not being a professional dancer, you feel like a professional at this song.
He stops dancing again after a while, and monitors you instead as you practice the first verse, a part of the song you're less comfortable with.
"Watch your balance a bit more," he says as Youngjo's part of the rap plays. "Keep your body facing the front, even though your left arm is stretched out."
Your eyes meet his in the mirror, and he smiles gently at you. It's an innocent, simple smile, one that he's given you many times, but today, it causes your heart to beat.
"Are you okay?"
You nod and continue the dance. Clumsily. Geonhak notices and walks over.
"Can I help?" he asks, pausing the music just as Keonhee starts singing. You nod, and he walks over.
"At this part, you're gonna have your feet apart like this, and your left hand out to the side. Then turn your body outward, to the right. Remember to keep your torso bent down."
You copy his stance.
"Now when you get to the next part, I want you to have your feet pointing forward still, okay? Body up, arms lifted slowly up."
You lift your arms up and he smiles, standing ups straight and pacing around you to monitor your stance. His footsteps echo off of the walls of the room as he walks, arms crossed.
"Good, but bend your wrists a bit more." He stands in front of you and raises his hands gently. "Can I . . ."
You nod, and he smiles. His fingers wrap around your wrists gently, angling them correctly so your fingers are downward. His face is so close to yours, you can hear his breathing, almost as loud as your heart beating in your head.
His eyes drift slowly from your hands to your eyes. His fingers are warm on your skin. He's so close to you right now. His face is so close to yours.
Your eyes scan his face, just like his are scanning yours. His eyes, down to his lips. You've caught yourself wondering what it'd be like to kiss him, but back then it was just curiosity. But right now, it would be so easy to kiss him. What if . . .
You quickly tear your wrists from his hand and stumble backward.
"Sorry, I have to go," you manage to say. Your cheeks are feeling warm as you grab your bag.
"Y/N, wait."
You shake your head and walk as quickly as you can, pushing out of the room and down the hall. You don't even stop to change in the bathroom, and head straight out of the RBW building.
You need to go home.
You scold yourself as you run out of the RBW building and head toward your home. 
When ONEUS debuted, you swore that you wouldn't catch feelings for anyone in ONEUS or ONEWE, for so many reasons, despite the fact that RBW does not have a dating ban.
Reason one: you don't know if celebrity life is right for you. Being friends with ONEUS is one thing. You can come and go as you please. You aren't put in the spotlight. But dating is another. To date an idol is to become a more semi-permanent part of their life. Even if you aren't living with them, the fans will know you. And of course, not all fans are bad. But there are some, you know, that wouldn't like the idea of their idol dating.
Reason two: you don't want to distract the members from their jobs. Everyone you've met here through being friends with ONEUS and ONEWE works hard. Every member of every RBW group, including trainees, works their ass off to be an idol. You're already taking up Geonhak's time by asking him to teach you to dance. Imagine how distracting you'd be if you were dating.
You can't catch feelings for Kim Geonhak from ONEUS. For so many reasons
But the way he was looking at you. The feeling of him holding your wrists, so close to holding your hands. His smile. Of course you were going to catch feelings. 
When you arrive home, you open your phone and call Dongju. He picks up.
"Y/N? Aren't you practicing with Geonhak right now?" he asks. "We're gonna go decoration shopping in half an hour, right?"
"It's complicated. I'm at home now. Dongju, can you come over? And we'll go shopping after."
He must hear the stress in your voice. "Alright," he says.
As you wait for Dongju, you think back to the moment. Geonhak right in front of you, holding your wrists. He was staring into your eyes, and you were staring back at him. He was close enough for you to kiss him.
And then you just left without any explanation. God, he must be confused. Or mad. Oh, did you mess everything up?
The doorbell rings, and you open it. You're met with Dongju, and you hug him tightly.
"Hey, Y/Nie, it's okay. What happened? What did Geonhak do? Do I need to scold him?" he asks, sitting down on your sofa. You shake your head.
"He didn't do anything," you say. "We were practicing Valkyrie, and Geonhak got really close to me. I, uh, I panicked. I panicked and I ran out on him and didn't say anything. I think I fucked up."
Dongju chuckles. "So you do like him."
You glare at him. "Dongju, that's not the point. The point is that I abandoned him in the middle of practice because I lost my cool, and now he might hate me."
"He doesn't hate you, Y/N."
"How could you know? Have you talked to him since I left?"
"No," Dongju says. "But Geonhak could never hate you. You're . . . you're his friend. Come on, let's talk it over shopping for his birthday."
You nod and go with Dongju. You walk to the store with him. When you get to the store, you head for the party decorations aisle.
"We said gold, silver, black and white, right?" you ask. Dongju looks at his phone and nods.
"We said gold and silver streamers, and black balloons with white letters," Dongju says.
"There's gold and silver streamers over there," you say, pointing at the shelves at the end of the aisle. You grab some streamers, and spot balloons in the next aisle.
"Perfect," Dongju says. "Now. Let's talk about Geonhak."
You sigh. "I'm worried that he's mad at me. I left him, Dongju. He must be so confused as to why I just up and left like that."
"Then tell him."
Your eyes widen. "I can't tell him that I like him."
"You don't have to tell him you like him. But you have tell him something. You want to continue practicing with him, right?"
You nod. Of course you do. Not just because you're spending time with Geonhak, but because you genuinely enjoy dancing.
But also because you love spending time with Geonhak.
"Then tell him that you panicked. That the closeness made you nervous. You don't have to tell him you like him, but tell him that," Dongju says.
"Okay." You nod. "I'll do that."
"Let me walk you back to RBW after this. He's probably still practicing there right now."
You nod, and go with Dongju to find the perfect black balloons, as well as some gold, silver and white balloons. You purchase the decorations, and the two of you drop off the items at the dorm before Dongju takes you back to RBW.
You stand outside of the practice room. You can hear the new comeback title track blasting from inside. You take a deep breath and knock. After a second, the music pauses and the door is opened by Geonhak.
"Y/N?" he asks. He looks stressed. His hair is messed up, as though he's been running his hands through it for the past few hours since you left.
"Hi," you say. "Can I come in?"
"Of courses," he says. You walk inside, and he speaks again. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable earlier by coming so close to you. I realize that I was very close, and may have crossed some boundaries . . ."
"Geonhak," you say, and he looks up at you nervously, and you smile gently at him. "It's okay. I'm sorry for suddenly leaving without saying anything."
He smiles. "Do you want to resume practice?"
"Aren't you in the middle of your own practice?" you ask.
"Yeah, but you left half an hour early. We can make up that half an hour. Do you want a hug?" Geonhak asks. You nod and hug him.
"I don't have my bag. Or water," he says.
"You left your water bottle here," he says. "And you're still wearing your workout clothes."
You laugh. "Alright. Let's practice."
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legobiwan · 6 years
Obi-Wan for 9, 13, and 14/Ahsoka for 1 and 18/Dooku for 2 and 4/(and, just because I think I'm hilarious) Hondo for 15
Prepare yourself, friend :)
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It’s not that he is averse to physical contact, but Obi-wan is sometimes at a loss as to how to handle it. Even as a Padawan, it mystified him to some degree, the way Bant or Garen would just casually sling an arm around his shoulder, or grab him in a tight embrace. He was always grateful for the gestures, and a part inside him warmed at the expression of friendship. Still, Obi-wan always tensed ever so slightly in those situations, something that had caught the attention of a young Quinlan Vos, who had made it (for a brief time) his life’s mission to get Obi-wan to, in his words, “chill out.”
Qui-gon, at first, had kept a safe distance from him, only initiating physical contact if it related to his training with a lightsaber, or hand-to-hand combat. But as the relationship thawed, Obi-wan was allowed a glance into the man Qui-gon had been - he was rather certain that at another point in time, Qui-gon had been as open and generous with this expressions of touch as Bant, or even Quin. Now, however, Qui-gon would place his large, heavy hands on Obi-wan’s shoulders, a restrained, but solid way of expressing his pride, his approval of his Padawan.
Of course, when Obi-wan had been ill, or injured, Qui-gon had immediately come to his side, wrapping his large frame around Obi-wan. Obi-wan remembered bits and pieces of this, of how nice it was to feel safe.
He often wondered if Qui-gon had felt that way in his final moments, their positions reversed, Obi-wan holding his mentor in his arms as the life drained out of him.
He was never sure of how he ended up with so many monikers. To himself, he was merely Obi-wan Kenobi, Jedi Master and High Council member. Did his name have too many syllables? He didn’t think so, but there was no accounting for linguistic laziness. As his status within the Order had risen, however, as he became a General and Council member, the nicknames had faded. In fact, the alternate name he had now was just as long as his real name - “The Negotiator.” Obi-wan sighed. He didn’t know what holo-news writer had come up with that particular title, but he would be almost willing to disavow his Jedi ideals in order to see it permanently deleted from the Holonet. (Especially since Grievous had taken to taunting him with the name seemingly every time they fought.)
No, his old nicknames, “Obi” and “Ben” - had long fallen to memory, with the exception of one...person. Even Anakin, who was as close to him as anyone, would only ever call him “Obi-wan” or “Master.” Perhaps it was better this way - to leave the past in the past, to not dredge up old memories, old wounds with forgotten names. “Obi-wan” or even “Kenobi” would do just fine.
The first time Anakin had seen him dance, Obi-wan was certain that the young man would pass out from shock.
This was before the war, when they were still sent on diplomatic missions, rather than the nonstop violence and blood of their current assignments. It had been a Ifestival, on the planet of Rinen, a place renown for its high art, exquisite cuisine, and tempestuous relationship with the more downtrodden mining planet of Mantar, just across the way. Still, the two governments had been able to work out an equitable agreement, a sharing of resources - physical and cultural - in no small part due to the Jedi’s diplomatic efforts.
And so there had been a celebration, one that combined the Rin and Mantan traditions. Both cultures, they discovered, had a love and reverence for dance.
The two governments had requested that a member of the diplomatic delegation be a part of the opening dance, a trio that represented the joining of two cultures with the help of a bridge. Of course, that delegation had consisted of only Anakin and himself, and seeing how his young Padawan’s eyes had gone wide in fear at the question, Obi-wan was happy to step in and offer his services.
An hour later, he had emerged in the grand ballroom, now dressed in fine tunics of deep navy and brown, a nod to both planetary systems. Dancing, for him, was only another form of kata. Perhaps more complicated, less practical, but in the end, the same ideas applied. And seeing how Obi-wan was already becoming known for his unique and fluid Soresu, it should have been no surprise that dancing came naturally to the young Jedi.
No surprise to anyone but his young charge, whose mixture of disbelief and amusement rang over their Force-bond for the entire five minutes.
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Ahsoka hadn’t grown up with the traditional Togruta holidays. She knew when they were on the calendar, of course, but she had been brought up in the Jedi Temple, apart from her culture, and only had vague impressions from her very young childhood. They had felt almost more like visions than memories.
And so Ahsoka happily celebrated the Coruscant holidays, the Jedi days of remembrance, giving her Togruta culture little thought.
That was, until the Zygerria mission.
Those had been…her people. And…she hadn’t quite belonged, she knew she was different, that she could never go back. But suddenly Ahsoka wanted to know more, wanted to delve into those fragile memories of her time before the Jedi Temple. Luckily, Governor Roshti had chosen to convalesce on Coruscant for a week before returning to Kiros. And although he was a bit reticent to speak with Master Kenobi (and had it been her imagination, or had the older Jedi’s Force prescence turned startlingly opaque at that conversation?), he was happy to speak with Ahsoka about their shared heritage.
The timing had been perfect. A few days after the delegation from Kiros had returned to their home planet, Ahsoka had invited Skyguy and Master Kenobi to a small celebration in their shared quarters. She was nervous - uncertain if she was doing it right, cooking the right food, using the right decorations. And how would her Master and Grandmaster react?
But the time had come as Skyguy and Obi-wan came inside. It was ridiculous to be nervous, really. The three of them had shared many meals together - many terrible meals of ration bars - not to mention having fought on the front lines of a brutal war and -
This was different, though. This was…a way of giving of herself, of her identity outside the Jedi Order. She didn’t even know if that was allowed! Would Master Kenobi be disappointed, would he talk to the Council about this?
It was too late now, though, as the three of them sat down at the table, surveying the various small dishes. Ahsoka explained what each one was, its significance to the Togruta culture and the holiday.
“This is great, Snips! I didn’t know you could cook!” Skyguy exclaimed in-between bites, his mouth still full of food.
Obi-wan sighed and rolled his eyes. “Anakin. Please finish your food before extolling its virtues.” The older Jedi cocked an eyebrow at his grandpadawan. “No matter how well-deserved it may be.” He finished the admonition with a small smile.
Ahsoka felt her muscles relax, allowed herself to absorb all the inherent goodness of the room. She had made her culture her own, celebrated her holiday on her own terms - with her family.
She loved her shoto. It was what made her different. Anakin fought with Djem-So, violent and aggressive. Obi-wan drew a curtain of defense around him with Soresu, answering every attack with a sarcastic comeback of his own. But neither used the shoto. Anakin was just not comfortable with dual-wielding, and Obi-wan, although extremely proficient with the jar’kai form, preferred to not utilize it for reasons he didn’t really explain. But her second lightsaber, it was just as part of her as her first, that small difference, the way she used the reverse grip - that was her, that was Ahsoka Tano. Force help the person who tried to take that away from her.
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He had learned to cook, of course. It was mandatory for all of the young nobility on Serenno to learn how to cook. They would have servants for that type of labor in their real lives, but cooking was looked at like an art-form, and because of this, was bundled with their studies of music, astrology, and mathematics, all in preparation for the higher study of philosophy and culture.
He was grateful for the training after being taken by the Jedi Order. The cafeteria’s food was of a base standard (that is, if he were being generous with his description) and even from a young age, he had commandeered his Master’s kitchen in order to prepare more palatable food. Yoda had complained of this at first, admonishing the young Jedi that all must suffer equally, but after Dooku had presented his old Master with a delightful rendition of the rather odd culinary delights of his home planet, Yoda had dropped the issue.
Count Dooku gave the appearance of one who had never flown a starfighter. Indeed, on many, if not most, of his missions, he had ordered a droid to pilot his ship.
At least, that was the way it looked. Few would have noticed that the droid pilots were not operating according to their carefully planned algorithms, that they were contradicting their programming at every turn.
For Count Dooku had found a way to program a biological implant in his pilot droids, one that was Force-receptive. He did not always utilize this, but it caused others to overlook his skills, to assume he was a pampered politician with no ability to fly a ship.
He would laugh at their assumptions when he sent them to their graves.
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Hondo Ohnaka knew a great many drinking songs. 
…well, at least the first verses of them.
In relation to this ask. 
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cutegirlmayra · 7 years
I'm actually interested in the difference between Japanese Sonic/Amy and American Sonic/Amy. I know that Japanese is more pro in the games themselves and in marketing, but do you have specific examples? Also slightly off-topic, but do you think there is a reason why Sonic universes outside the games (Sonic Boom, Sonic X, the comics from time to time) are more liberal when it comes to Sonic/Amy moments? I have one or two ideas but I've never quite put my finger on it.
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(Official SEGA Sonamy artwork: Sonic Advance 3 -that is meant to be funny lol-)
I’d be more than happy to oblige!
Much like the Anime Trope, these two fall into a rather old but still used one. Girl chases the main hero, main hero either is oblivious or doesn’t show any response to the affections.
SEGA has stated Sonic is ‘Shy’, since he can’t just ‘be oblivious’ to Amy’s open affections… nor can they state he’s ‘neutral’ when that could mean he’s ‘ignoring her’ which would go against Sonic’s natural good heart.
So it’s ‘ambiguous’. Verses- Neutral.
This does in fact differ when it comes to translations.
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle:
American: Amy, take care of yourself.
Japanese: Amy…. -long, dramatic pause- Take care of yourself..!
This scene suggests that Japanese Sonic actually paused to think about what to say to her, and also suggests that he felt it was ‘him who should take care of her’ which in Japanese, is very touching and borderlines romantic intent.
American Sonic sped this long pause up to where it was quick and more of a - Winky charm. Whereas, with Japanese, it was more tender and addressed specifically so that more emotion was conveyed. (Some would say at a deeper, more personal level that Sonic wouldn’t natural show anyway.)
Sonic Riders Zero Gravity:
American: Girls hate it when you rush them, Jet!
Japanese: Girls hate stubborn men!
This scene discreetly shows Sonic stepping up to defend Amy, but what’s interesting is that American Sonic is simply telling Jet to back off, whereas… Japanese Sonic is suggesting that Jet stop ‘flirting’ with her. ‘Stubborn men’ suggests that he won’t ease up his targeting her, and is mostly stated for when men are trying to win a girl over -negative connotation at times-. Japanese Sonic is being sarcastic for humor’s sake, but also warning and calling out Jet. Whereas, American Sonic is simply teasing and poking at Jet to turn his anger to himself instead of Amy. (Some, again, would argue the response technically means the same thing, but when you look at the two cultures, you’ll notice that ‘stubborn men’ is more addressed to men who won’t leave a woman alone. -cat callers end up getting beaten up by the main heroes?- In other-words, Japanese Sonic was acting more personally defensive with interceding Jet and Amy; whereas American Sonic was offensive in protecting her and directing Jet to himself for the fun of another race/rivalry.)
Sonic Generations: SEGA of Japan actually stated that Sonic putting his hand up to Amy’s face and pushing her away was out of character. (Something about Sonic not treating his friends like that? I’m sure in Japan, that kind of behavior is considered extremely rude…)
Sonic Adventure:
American: She’s so weird!
Japanese: Amy! Wa-wa-wait just a minute! Sheesh, guess I have no choice…
American Sonic is a bit ‘too cruel’ to most viewers in this scene, though it’s meant to come off as comical. However, in Japanese Sonic is more naturally surrendering to going after Amy’s lead, startled by her suddenly taking off into the park. (Far less harsh, if you ask me.)
Sonic Lost World:
American: Hey, Amy! Looks like springtime’s come early!
Japanese: Yo, Amy! Glad to see you’re okay.
Clearly, the difference is substantial. Japanese Sonic has a tender-care to his words as he addresses Amy, showing he remembers her last ‘farewell’ message and is relieved she’s alright. Whereas, American Sonic is going for the joke, being more peppy instead of relieved and commenting on the environment instead of her directly to her. (Some could say she reminded of him of spring… lol okay, I say that. But spring hints at things, okay!? lol)
There are plenty others, lol. But I don’t want to make this too long.
Overall, American Sonic in the Modern Games is much more ‘for the pun’ and ‘about images’ than Japanese Sonic, who still keeps up ‘face’ but also warmly encourages his friends and treats them respectfully. Most of the American Written games have been stated to be ‘out of character’ by SEGA officials.
America treats Sonamy much like they do their franchise, a meme or joke to be poked fun of. Whereas, with a much more refined atmosphere, Japan treats Sonamy as an endearing and lovely couple. Though both resign to say they can’t really see Sonic ever ‘settling down’ or really being focused on romance. And,… that makes since to me. Knowing who Sonic is. But even that doesn’t mean he can’t have a crush XD (The heart wants what the heart wants, lol!)
My honest opinion?
American Sonic get awkward and werided out by Amy, but still cares about her well being.
Japanese Sonic is shy and uneasy with Amy’s antics, but he appreciates her.
And that’s all folks! ;Db If you’d like more discussions on Sonic or pairings, I’ll try and let you know what the facts verses opinions are!
—WOAH! there was way more to answer in this than what I thought! Let me try and.. here we go!
American Amy comes off as a bit much and mood-swingish. Japanese Amy is more caring and understanding of Sonic.
In Sonic X, Japan has a scene where Amy admits that Sonic may never really want her idea of love, he may never even want a family! But she’s not going to give up trying, cause she does love him.
In America, Amy just complains about Sonic not coming on the date and possibly stating he doesn’t care about her.
Japanese Amy is also shown as ‘playful’ in her culture, and her actions are more reflections of ‘positive attributes’ for the culture. America tries to twist and make this ‘funny’ instead of ‘loveable’ and that throws audiences off.
Most Japanese Companies are very ‘tight’ with their characters, protecting them from being ‘out of character’. Nintendo for one is famous for this ‘tight-grasping-hold’ over their characters being portrayed well.
Sega of Japan knows they have too many people using their characters, and so they created ‘Mandates’ to make sure they stay in line. The reason other medias of Sonic are so ‘liberal’ is because Sega of Japan doesn’t ‘closely watch/inspect/is right in their faces’ to be able to regulate it. And honestly? The officials were more concerned about if it’s making money and getting exposure than anything else. They’ve tried to change that policy, visiting America more to secure some credibility in the characters. They first tried this with Sonic Boom but ended up seeming to abandon it. (I don’t blame them) but they have been here more recently with Sonic Mania; Giving me hope that Sonic Forces will be regulated to more ‘in-character’ themes. (Also, the original writer is Japanese, meaning America JUST has to translate correctly)
Most companies generally want to make sure they still have some control over their franchises, mandates and other rules are not uncommon. SEGA is rather ‘looser’ in their holds then Nintendo, for example though. Nintendo will shut down a fan-project that doesn’t treat their character in good light, or even caution Hollywood like with Wreck-It Ralph and Bowser. They gave some particular suggestions for animation and the like on him. SEGA just had fun with it, cause I didn’t hear much of anything from the interview with the director about them other than they ‘were fully on-board!’.
Sonic Boom got away with Sonamy through loopholes and ‘less supervision’ at times. But they have their limitations too. (Other characters comment on Sonic and Amy, but never Sonic reacting/stating blunt comments. Amy could, but they’re going with a more ‘discreet/quiet’ love when it comes to Amy’s crush.)
Sonic X was by SEGA of Japan, they’re allowed to / can do whatever the heck they want. -z formation, hip rotation, snap, snap, hair flip.- It’s 4Kids (illegal?) editing of original content that sometimes messed up translation. But there are things that were only exclusive to Japan’s release. (such as Natsu no hi which was confirmed to be from Sonic’s POV, along with the anime bubbles at seeing Amy in her ‘dress’)
Archie had their hands tied with some strict contracts, such as ‘Sonic can’t have a permanent girlfriend’ and ‘Sonic can’t show any interest in Amy’, but even Ian admits some hints and others in Archie have stated their ‘case’ on the matter too. (One even admitted he thought Silver was Shadow and Amy’s kid xP
Now, I’m not trying to dis America. They’ve survived a lot. But I know where most confusion comes from is that the company can’t decide ‘what Sonic is’. This can be problematic, along with bad marketing ploys. So it’s not entirely their fault. Other forces are to blame here too. Such as the fandom sometimes placing their opinions on things as facts, without checking sources sometimes.. (It happens -shrug-)
I hope this helps! ^^ (If there was something I missed or misunderstood regarding your question, feel free to ask me again! I wrote this at 6 in the morning so if somethign doesn’t amke sense, you call me lol)
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