#on christmas break tho so. e.
lysol1201 · 2 years
crack ass headcanons but this time they were written at 5am
made this at 5am when i was stressed over school in march and i spilled redbull all over my desk and setup (i was a video game art major so everything i did was on my PC and then redbull got all over it so my life flashed before my eyes. at least i'm graduated tho now lol)
has some 18+ themes on here, nothing explicit just some suggestive jokes.
this is a long one so enjoy bbg's
-Mammon’s favorite marvel hero is iron man because rich bitch
-Satan relates to the hulk, he empathizes with him, satan goes full on empath mode with bruce banner
-MC boutta blare the p*rnhub drums music in HoL, the people who turn their heads
Asmo (lmao duh, also like smirks and is like omg what video)
Levi (he knows what it is but didn’t like it, he prefers hentai thanks. also probs knows from memes, is embarrassed because he’s levi even if he isn’t a p*rnhub avid viewer)
Mammon (oh shit oh fuck)
Lucifer (avatar of horny)
Satan is an intellectual!!! (He looks lol catgirl shit in that history and you know it)
Beel knows the sound but doesn’t care or feel embarrassed cuz it isn’t something he indulges in and Belphie is asleep.
-Levi has had significant others in the past but all have been online and most just stopped coming online after a couple days
-Satan had a skrillex phase, don’t ask why, i just can feel it
-Barbatos once played his playlist when he was baking with Luke and Luke was like “can’t wait for smooth jazz” and suddenly fucken breaking benjamin starts fucking blaring “SAY GOODBYE! AS WE DANCE WITH THE DEVIL TONIGHT! DON’T YOU DARE LOOK HIM IN THROUGH THE EYES! AS WE DANCE WITH THE DEVIL TONIGHTT” and Luke had a breakdown he had to go home. Barbatos was no longer allowed to play his playlist around Luke. So Barbatos played Cooking by the Book in apology. Luke once again got angy and went home.
-Asmo has once convinced Mammon, Levi, and Satan to do a performance for a Christmas event and it was the fucken Mean Girls choreography. Levi weirdly got way too into it
-Asmo listens to NSFW asmr this isn’t a self projection okay look let me explain I tried it out of curiosity and then passed out like good ass ASMR until the sounds of fucking woke me up n e wayz that’s Asmo
-“Oh fuck, Lucifer found the pee drawer… in his study HIGH FIVE” -Anti-Lucifer League
-ButterSock owners:
-“Beel stop, don’t eat your brother-“ -Lucifer
-Who can do the WAP dance the best, from best to worst
Asmo (lmao is that a question)
Barbatos (don’t ask why)
Belphie (weirdly good at things without trying, just kinda like his grades)
Solomon (just listen)
Satan (wasn’t going to let Lucifer be better than him)
Lucifer (could be better if he wanted to but he’s not sure whats worst, being the best at it or being the worst at it. settles with the middle)
Diavolo (mmm fuck)
Levi (probably practiced before it was brought up, but too embarrassed to use his full potential)
Mammon (too much force)
Beel (too distracted by “macaroni in a pot” lyric)
-Pacifist Route Undertale Players:
Diavolo (dunno why I just feel like he’d just be happy to be there)
Renegade Route Players:
No Specific Route:
Both Playthroughs:
-Lucifer wears crocs
-Buys discord kittens nitro:
Is a discord kitten:
Belphie (fakes identity for free shit)
Mammon (b urself❤)
-No Nut November Survivors:
No Nut November Failures:
Lucifer (avatar of horny)
Levi (someone looked at me, horndog)
-“This one’s for you bbg.” *misses*
-belphie studies by listening to like audio shit and falling asleep to it, gets that shit engraved in his brain and he can sleep also win-win he’s unstoppable
-“Hey…. do you know about Candice? Candice dick fit in yo mouth.” -Anti-Lucifer League
-Mammon can outrun lucifer but he lowkey wants to be caught cuz its fun
-“Hey, what do you have?”
“A knife!”
“NO!” -Lucifer and Belphie interaction
-“If you enjoyed the Bee Movie, you’re going to Hell!” -Luke
-Solomon told Diavolo about Spaghetti Tacos from iCarly and Diavolo immediately made Barbatos make some. He loved it.
-Asmo gets Lucifer to do tiktok dances with him and Lucifer is good as fuck
-Barbatos is perfect at tiktok dances. and everything. he’s perfect.
-Belphie is skilled with firearms, be afraid (proof right here)
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merrycrisis-if · 10 months
oh my g o d tho just. as a viet american the experiences of the player are so fucking relatable. (also the christmas dinner drama??? hello?? i am L I V I N G, the accuracy had me rolling on the floor istg.)
and SHAY? HELLO? HOT LEAD SINGER WHO CAN CARE FOR PLANTS WITH TATTOOS AND OWNS A MOTORBIKE? my legs are OPEN. (but fr tho. shay is just. so lovely to read. and going through his route felt like riding through the city at night, letting the lights pass by you in an electrifying blur as the cold air whips at your skin and you feel /free/.)
and QIU. QIU. OH MY GOD. not me reading a fair bit of my younger self in qiu and H O N E Y. the ANGST???? HELLOO??? MY ANGST-LOVING HEART IS D E V O U R I N G THEIR ROUTE. (mind, i do admit i rushed through the if to get the smut scenes/romance/angst scenes, but i WILL go back over them soon!!) just. watching their younger self try to conform to what society has set for them and seeing them tear themself apart because of it BROKE ME. how DARE (i love you)
also??? the singaporean elements?? the eggs??? the taxi driver??? the heat??? the way you describe singapore and it's culture , ,, i can feel so much love and fondness for it when I read your writing. Truly, your work is gorgeous and layered and reading it makes me long for a home i've never even been to, but have lived in for years. just. thank you so much, and i hope you experience so, so much joy and fulfillment in the coming years <333
Haha first off, this ask gave me LIFE.
Love that you were entertained by the Christmas dinner—I wasn't entirely sure what form the drama would take when I was first fleshing out the chapter, but I knew it had to live up to the whole premise of "MC coming home to survive the ordeal that is Christma with extended family".)
HAHAHHA!! Same. I feel like all nerdy kids (with parents who constantly extol the virtues of being a doctor/lawyer/dentist) have had a fantasy at some point in our lives that take the form of Shay.
[Qiu] watching their younger self try to conform to what society has set for them and seeing them tear themself apart because of it BROKE ME
AAH!! Absolutely. For every Shay who finds happiness/fulfilment through absolutely breaking the traditional definition of success, there's a Qiu who does so well within that definition but who has to deal with the eventual realization that they're not any happier for it.
Pt. 2 of your ask coming soon ;)
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miniimapp · 1 year
A-Z Fluff (Aaron Z Edition)
Gen ;; Fluff - Alphabet Headcanons
Warnings ;; nah
Proofread + Edited ;; not in this lifetime
Auth. Note ;; nearly just wrote the christmas countdown intro lmao.. anyways since the rest of your boys have one it's time Z got one of his own too just to round off the end of this year
I look forward to many 4*TOWN related shenanigans in 2023
Enjoy !! <3
A = Activities (What kind of things do you do?)
Z would 100% be advocating for that hiking couple lifestyle but if you're not up for it just relaxing walks together would be just as good
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
Z hasn't considered the option and won't consider it until he's at a stable and happy place in his career and personal life
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
Mans basically wraps himself around you,, kinda just drapes himself on top of you like a weighted blanket lmao
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
At home dates are definitely more at Z's speed than public dates like going to the movies or to a fancy restaurant
He wants to be comfortable around you and for you to be comfortable around him and the best place for that, in his mind, is in the private comfort of home
E = Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world)
You are Z's sun,, you light up his world
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
T literally told him that he loved you lmao
Yall were just friends but you were dropping serious hints and poor, oblivious Z was catching none of them. You were getting him water during a break in dance practice and T just started grilling him
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
So so gentle,, literally almost terrified if he breathes too hard you'll crack and disappear
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
Z has big hands so he likes to cover all of your hand with his when he can,,
I = Injury (How would they react if you got hurt?)
Calm and collected on the outside,, will patch you up with little to no visible reaction
On the inside tho ?? Many panicked mental screams coming from ya boy
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
No,, you have his wholehearted trust
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
Very sweet and chaste,, you will not get a make out session out of this boy very easily because he will be so flustered lmao
You definitely initiated the first kiss,, and Z combusted on the spot lmao
L = Love (Who says I love you first?)
He does surprisingly lmao
When Z gets very flustered and has trouble getting his words out he just ends up shouting them so be prepared for Z to just shout his confession at you and then attempt to run away
M = Memory (What's their favourite memory together?)
Z teaching you some of his favourite basketball tricks and then getting ice cream together afterwards
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
If he sees something that makes him think of you he'll buy it and then just carry it around, hyping himself up to give it to you you day a cute little speech or something
Almost always ends up just shoving it in your hands and speed walking away but at least you get the gift so..
O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)
Yellow because you make him happy
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
Babe and baby are the most common ones Z uses,, he might throw in a doll or a sweetheart every now and then
Q= Questions (What are the questions they’re always asking?)
"Is this okay?"
"Are you comfortable?"
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
Stay in and channel surf until you just pick a random channel that you ignore anyway in favour of talking with each other
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
For someone else,, Z isn't very good with his words and is scared to rely on them to cheer someone up so instead he'll just take them to do something they enjoy
For himself,, Z will dance, play basketball or go on a walk.. something that will keep both his body and mind active and distracted
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
His favourite athletes, basketball and new choreography he's put together
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
Listening to music or other people talking
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
Z won't propose unless you express direct interest in the idea and only after a couple of years in an explicit relationship
His proposal wouldn't be anything extravagant and it definitely wouldn't be in public,, probably on an indoor date
Forewarning,, he may shout his proposal at you but he means every word. His eyes will be closed in feat of rejection and there's a chance he'll forget to get down on one knee, or perhaps wobble getting there. Honestly kinda reminds me of Cove's proposals in Our Life if you've played it lmao
X = Xylophone (What's their song?)
Beautiful - Bazzi
Y = Yearning (How well do they cope when they’re separated from their S/O?)
Fairly well,, he'll call every now and then to check in on you and to hear your voice and Z will worry about you when he has the spare time but don't worry,, he'll be fine without you lmao
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
Z wants a dog so bad it's not even funny,, he gets so excited when he sees dogs in public that he doesn't even care what people think of him for as long as that dog is his focus lmao
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valeffelees · 9 months
📚 (This is just my favorite book emoji, you don't actually have to give me four fic ideas xD)
HI ACE, ok. so i had a conundrum trying to answer this ask.
the game is for a fic i haven't written but have daydreamed about, right, but i'm all caught up on the logistics of what counts as "written" bc the first thing i do when i get an idea for a fic is write up an outline for it into my notes, then bang out a couple hundred words of zero draft so i have something to come back to later.
but i'm gonna say "written" = a completed draft? mostly bc i really wanna tell you about my arospec Simon fic—which i have started, technically, but most of the fic is still unwritten daydream slop, so i think it counts.
i'm gonna hide this under a cut tho bc this is about to be such a long post, and i really do mean a LONG post. i am so sorry.
ok, so.
the title of the fic (almost all my ideas get titles right away) is "The Refraction and Dispersion of Light Through a Prism" and it starts Watford-era but doesn't stay that way for very long, the majority of the story takes place post-Watford.
but n e way, yeah. starts Watford sixth year with Simon and Agatha breaking up. LOL, they have a good break-up tho. there is a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot of Simon-Agatha friendship in this fic bc i love Simon-Agatha friendship, it's good for my mental health. (i have the break-up scene written but i'm not gonna share it here since then i'd really be breaking the rules of the game) (but the gist of it is just Simon telling her he wants to go back to being friends and they're both super chill about it.)
and since the break-up goes so well, the two of them carry on as normal, being friends, and when winter comes Simon still goes to Agatha's place for Christmas, where Agatha ends up coming out to Simon as aroace, and as she's explaining what that means for her, Simon is sitting there like, "oh wait, oh wait, oh wait..." and he cuts her off like, "Aggie i think i might have something to tell you," and Agatha is like, "... no," and Simon's like, "... yeah," and Agatha is like, "NO," and Simon is like, "YEAH," and then she laughs, and he laughs, and they hug, and have a whole moment together, and that's where Watford-era ends.
canon is changed to: it is all the same, but when the Visiting happens, the truce, all of that, Simon and Agatha are obvs on good terms so he goes home with her like usual, never goes to Pitch manor, but he still ends up losing his magic and killing the Mage and getting wing-and-tail-ified, so then the future goes: Simon and Agatha are roommates, Penny is in America with Micah since they never break up in this AU (i'm sorry Shep), and the story picks up from Baz's POV, who hasn't seen Simon Snow since he defeated the Humdrum bc Simon still fucks off and doesn't finish school and shit, he goes to live with the Wellbeloves after it all (and stays in therapy bc living with a doctor'll do that to a guy) (but it was for the best he's doing great these days) and Baz didn't think he'd ever see Simon again, but if he did, he really really really did not think it would be at PRIDE.
Simon is the one who spots him. Baz is there with Niall and some uni friends and Simon comes up behind him and is like "omg???" and Baz is like "omg???" bc Simon is fucking decked in rainbows and he's gained weight and looks so good and happy and alive and, "Snow... you have a tail..." and Simon is like, "you whot? oh, yeah, the Normals can't see it tho, s' what that little bell on the end is for," and that breaks the tension, and they start talking in that awkward way only people who aren't friends but who've known each other for way too long and just found out that they're both queer can, and eventually Agatha shows up and is like, "Simon, there you are!" and she has an aroace flag around her shoulders which immediately has Baz doing like, fucking mental gymnastics, meanwhile Agatha is sitting there like, "oh my god Simon 30 000 people are here and you still managed to find Baz Pitch i am so tired of you (affectionate)"
and Agatha super does not want to hang out with Baz. like, at all. (LMFAO) so Simon gives him his number and is like, "no more war, yeah? we should try again" and then wraps himself into Agatha's cape with her and they disappear into the crowd while Baz stands there steaming from his fucking ears. Baz plays it cool for a couple days before reaching out to Simon, and they start hanging out and going for coffee and stuff, but there is like... oh man... there's a massive miscommunication happening here, y'kno?
and it comes to a head when Simon invites Baz back to his and Agatha's flat to watch a movie and they go to his room and there's an aromantic flag on his wall, above his bed, and Baz is like, "..." and then he remembers Simon going under the aroace flag with Agatha at pride, and is like "... ah."
meanwhile Simon is completely oblivious, he is digging around in his messy ass room like, "where the fuck is my laptop? i know it's here, i was watching Heartstopper like five hours ago."
and Baz says, "i think i should go," and Simon looks at him all confused and replies, "what, why? i'll find it, just give me a—" and Baz cuts him off, "Snow, i thought this was a date... i thought what we've been doing... going out... i thought—"
Simon: "oh."
Baz: "yeah."
Simon: "fuck."
and they stand there for a while, until Baz repeats that he thinks he should leave, and Simon starts shaking his head furiously and his face is flushed, he looks like he's going to cry, and he starts up with, "you don't have to, please, i mean we're fine, aren't we? we're still friends, we can still—let's just watch a movie, yeah? and we don't have to talk about it, we don't... we can just... i mean, we're..." and Simon covers his face and drops onto the edge of his mattress and whispers, "i'm sorry. i just wanted to watch a movie. i'm really sorry."
Baz doesn't get what Simon is apologising for, he hasn't done anything wrong, so he tells him as much, and this is kind of where the idea starts losing detail for me a bit, but they have a nice long conversation and work things out and end up staying friends, and watching their movie, and they keep spending time together and stuff, but Simon can tell that Baz is keeping his distance from him now in a way he wasn't before, and he thinks it shouldn't bother him, but it does.
he's bothered by how far away Baz sits from him on the sofa, or walks beside him, or stands next to him. he's bothered by the fact that Baz won't hold his hand now, or bump their shoulders together when he makes a joke, or hug him goodbye. he's bothered that Baz doesn't text him nonsense about his day all the time, or send him selfies, or use emojis anymore.
so, he does what he always does when he has a problem he doesn't know how to fix: he goes to his girls about it.
Agatha and Simon get Penny on facetime and prop her up on the coffee table so she can see them both and Simon tells them what happened and what changed and how he's feeling about it, and it's Agatha who suggests that Simon has a crush on Baz, and Simon is like, "top 10 stupidest ideas???" but Penny is like "no, no, Simon, it makes sense, if you liked how Baz was with you when he thought you were dating and don't like how he is now that he knows you're not..."
Simon is like, "but that doesn't make sense, i don't do... that," and Agatha is like, "maybe you do, with Baz. the definition of aromantic is little to none. maybe he's your little."
Simon: "no, i hate that. you're making it sound like he fixed me."
Agatha: "you know that's not what i'm saying, i just mean being aroace is a spectrum, Simon. you're allowed to like him and still be aroace."
Simon: "i... guess. i don't know. i mean, you're right, i just—i feel like i'm too old to be worrying about this shit, i just want..."
Penny: "what do you want?"
Simon: "i want him to stop being weird! i want him to like me and want to touch me and be around me again like he was before, and i want that to be enough. but i don't want it to have to be something else for it to be enough."
and yeah, at that point, the idea breaks down into nothing but a bunch of random colours and weird blobs in my brain, but the gist of the fic is that in the end, Simon and Baz end up in a QPR and maybe Simon's feelings are romantic or maybe they're alterous or maybe they're just platonic, hell, who knows. not me. not Simon, either, but he doesn't feel like he needs to figure it out bc he and Baz find a place in the middle where they're both happy, and that's kind of the whole point of the fic. an exploration into the complex shapes identities and relationships can take.
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johnnys-breastmilk · 6 months
Wally anon: Exactly! He gets so. overwhelmed wanting to do EVERYTHING with you at once, but knows he has to be patient or you'll (punish him) tease him until you make him whine even louder. (And then after you're finished with his hole, he moves to yours after all the icing has started melting to the point that it's all wet & sticky on his dick & he uses it as lube to fuck you with 😮‍💨). (But, yeah, I can see how much you're into it & how hot it has the potential to be, especially with Wally. 🫣)
fkdgdkd sooo true. And the reason why you run outta ink so quickly. 😭
Yupppp, same. His little ~character video~ alone made me go, "K, so, he's just. a red herring. Got it." It's even more. ridiculous when the actual killer ended up being SO obvious (with a rather flimsy motive to me), so Idk what the point even was. fjdhdj I had no idea they were gonna make more Zombies movies, but fingers crossed on the bigger roles (ya'know, I can see the vision of him as Flynn, but they'll probably skew older with the castings). You'll have to let me know what it is when you rewatch. But it definitely sounds like a classic case of ~trying to get into people's pants~ which has plenty of potential if that's the case. 🤭
Yesss. He doesn't like to admit it, but I really makes him emotional that you feel so comfortable to lay on him recreationally like that. He isn't good at hiding it (as with most things), but that just makes you do it more so that you can show your love for him. 🥰
Oh, I know exactly what you're getting at (hello, pit shot of him in the pool from the show 🥴).
See, I felt that the love triangle took up more focus than the friends, especially with how. much time Jessica spends with Bobby (it came off that way to me cause so many members of the actual friend group survived while most of the victims were just kinda...there). But, yeah, still very much have a thing for what Ryan brings to the table (ha) as a difference from Wally.
The curse of beng a writer.💔 Well, I hope it brings you some peace of mind knowing we come from similar places & I won't be holding anything against you with (that huge list of ideas ffhd) my requests. ❤️ Good, good @ no rush (unless it's listening to Troye Sivan 🤭). Fingers crossed on the sleepover going smoothly for you, though. 🤞
Oh, do tell @ feral. Huh. I had not even considered that, but you're so right that he's just using his gym shorts. He fr did not even have any underwear at school when he died, but likes how freeing the gym shorts feel so he uses them whenever he has to strip to almost nothing. 🤫
That description was to top tier🫣 punishing him sounds sooooo hot. but also, him dishing out exactly what you gave by fucking your hole with wet, albeit sticky icing is so hot. Might have to write that too😮‍💨 I’m out helping a family member last minute christmas shop btw, and there’s a bunch of valentines candy on display and i immediately thought about him messing with that too (omg i’m echoing myself rn😭)
yeah, he mayyyy be running you dry with the ink but i could imagine him trying to fix it because he breaks it from needing to be such a visual learner… and he gets ink all over himself trying to unjam it. thoughts? sksjs
Honestly yeah, I hated that they were spoiling their own movie in sm ways. Trailers always gotta ruin it and so true with the killer. I liked him enough I guess but so much of it didn’t make sense. (plus scream six already gave us a similar reveal earlier this year so i was even less surprised) YESSS ugh they’re making more Zombies movies and I’m happy yet a little sad cause they aren’t that good, and while Zed was my introduction to Milo back in 2016/2017 (w/e the movie released), the quality just sucks and I can’t bear to get through the movie. Milo has pipes tho and I’m glad he gets to show them off by singing🤭 Flynn could work but yeah he seems older-ish in animation and they would likely go with someone who has thicker facial/body hair and more “masculine” fitting (No offense, Milo‼️ You’re perfect the way you are sksjsk) I think Josh did it for self-gratification because he was rich and liked putting on the act that he didn’t want to associate himself with his money and actually help people, but it’s all an act to attract girls (and guys)
I can see him having a toothy smile on his face because of it, so happy that someone is just accepting him for who he is, even in such a simple way like cuddling. You’re not asking him to be anything more than what he is, just embracing all of it for all of its flaws and mistakes. He’d be more than happy to just be with you intimately, feel your heartbeat and have you imagine his (if he’s a ghost)
Thank god someone does… he had them out almost every episode and it was distracting from the plot😩 I woudlve shown them more but the pool scene is enough. Say less. I don’t care if i have clothes on I will be wading in the water to get to him on that floatie or getting deep into those pits after a football game idc (the smell being forever cause he’s a ghost makes my head go brrrr)
Yeah I didn’t love that they tried to push it as the movie went on because Bobby is so… (the name Bobby is bad in general, so i think that says enough) And yessss i love seeing the differences between the two characters because Milo’s range is evident due to playing both. Ryan brings a lotttt to the table that Wally doesn’t (but in a good way)
Yeah being a writer is such a time consuming thing but it’s so worth it because making content that is lacking for certain characters (like Wally/Ryan/any of Milo’s other characters) and allows us to be self indulgent😮‍💨 and keep sending requests because the more to pick from is the best thing everrr
Feral. I transformed into a rabid werewolf and and jkjk. Wally definitely free balls, at most he had a jockstrap in his locker probably, but ditched it because it was itchy (it was perfectly fine, he just didn’t want to bother with underwear)
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isalabells · 10 months
You and @notajoinerofthings are my number one Drei Fragezeichen source. So one is for you. I hope you have fun! We all have done the best and worst ddf episodes. So lets get a bit more specific: episodes for long travels, guilty pleasures, holiday favs, over the top episodes, ridiculous episodes, cringeworthy but entertaining, cozy mystery mood, darkest episodes, strong bromance vibes, best villain (can be more than one), fucked with your head, best plot, best ending and/or beginning, scariest episodes and whatever other category you might wanna add. :)
Ohh, anon, I did have a lot of fun with this indeed, thank you! I doubt you or anyone reading this will tho, bc I always give the same answers. I tried breaking out of my pattern a bit, but wasn't every successful. We covered a lot of silly episode discussions, true, incl. favorite MaSo episodes and best atmospheric ones. Gonna say Thank You for this honor, also on behalf of @notajoinerofthings even though we cab probably both agree that we don't deserve it, bc our involvment with DDF sure has seen better days. (I did listen to the newest release tho, whatsitcalled, und die Gesetzlosen. Because they baited me with a horse on the cover. Fell asleep to it twice and woke up to Bob monologuing each time. Was then told that they cut the part where they explain what the horse is all about. Thx for nothing, Europa.)
episodes for long travels: Gonna start by being a disappointment right away bc when I want travel and holiday episodes, I turn to TKKG!! But DDF does road trips fairly well. So how about und der unsichtbare Gegner & Straße des Grauens. Toteninsel, too, for the real adventure kick. Feuerturm & Geister-Canyon bc I love when they drive up to one of the national parks. guilty pleasures: I don't have guilty pleasures, only Big Pleasures!! If we go by what's often perceived as guilty pleasure by others tho, it'd probably be the entirety of the Crime Busters for me. And Mann ohne Kopf!! holiday favs: Same problem. It's tough when these kids barely experience any seasonal weather bc they never leave California. It's even tougher when you don't like their Christmas special episodes (which I def don't). So you know my answer: as soon as December comes round, I'll start listening to Pistenteufel & Geisterstadt on loop for four to twelve weeks (I wish I was kidding....). If you want even more snow, throw in Tödliches Eis bc I remember that one being decent as well. over the top episodes: Aren't they all LMAO That's the entry level requirement for being a DDF episode! Might pick Comic-Diebe bc it pokes a lot of fun at artists and fans, in a way that hits too close to home at times, but it does so with love!
ridiculous episodes: Die Karten des Bösen!! I don't care that it's a pretend case to distract our three heroes. Minninger went full out with e v e r y t h i n g and it's a complete overload: Tarot. Crazy old cat lady. Mad scientist. Murdered cat. Cryonics and resurrection of the (human) body. Alleged death of a client. DIE VERDAMMTEN ATOMSTROMGEGNER!! What even IS any of this?!? Hexen-Handy is as campy as it gets. Also Im Bann des Voodoo bc can you believe there was a time when Minninger wrote both a book and a script FOR A KIDS BOOK SERIES that featured a band called Wet Boys and a producer named Al Parker, which are both constantly mentioned throughout the episode, and they just... let him fsjdkjfkgklfg. cringeworthy but entertaining: Fußball-Gangster & Verdeckte Fouls!!! Actually, I don't think the former is bad at all, on the contrary, it's BJHW proving once again that she is a prophet, exploring topics and issues which couldn't be more pressing in the year 2023. It's just that Justus' cousin (Jimboy-Jonas wtf?!??) is very cringe and so is the sequence where the boys get distracted by this self-heating food packaging (I love it but it's so freaking dumb lmao). Verdeckte Fouls is especially cringe bc the main guest actor is... not a voice actor at all. And bc of all the cringy shit they do with the football club and player names. (once again: I LOVE it!!! But it is very silly.) Can't even pick that one for most ridic or over the top episode bc the whole plot of ominous sect infiltrating a sports club is based on real life happenings fsjdkdkf cozy mystery mood: Karpatenhund. Spuk im Hotel. Der tote Mönch. Die Spur des Raben. Haus des Schreckens. Das Erbe des Meisterdiebs. Das Auge des Drachen. Die Villa der Toten. Der Fluch des Drachen. Due verschwundene Seglerin. Der heimliche Hehler. I complain so much, all the time, but they have TONS of highly enjoyable episodes that do cozy mystery with just a touch of action incredibly well!!
darkest episodes: Every ep that deals with how utterly cruel humans can be to each other, out of pettiness or jealousy or fear, or bc of old resentments. Less for personal enrichment but for vengeance. Utterly fascinating to me whenever one of the writers manages to make that the core of a story. Minni and Marx in particular seem to have a knack for that, see Stimmen aus dem Nichts & Villa der Toten. I'm sure there's more but I can't think of any rn. strong bromance vibes: That's easy: Bob & Kelly! With Just & Kelly as a close second! I also believe that Kelly & Peter will remain besties all their life, even after their breakup (which will happen bc this is just a high school romance); they care about each other and are an important part of each other's life, and their friendship is gonna outlast any romantic feelings. Honestly, they all adore Kelly, and they all vibe with her. And Kelly would do anything for them, 9 out of 10 times. Just look how often she helped them out on one of their stupid cases!! (Bob & Jelena would work too, but alas, I'm a Bob/Jelena-is-endgame truther, so there's always that special spark that makes them more than besties.) (Peter & Jelena does not work bc I headcanon that while Peter likes her a lot, he's also a tiny bit scared of her.) best villain (can be more than one): I answered that here as well, and still stand by my picks. However, I would like to add the mad siblings Joseph & Rachel Hadden. It's been a while, but I remeber coming out of my last Toteninsel reread being severely disappointed that a) Marx didn't do more with them and b) we never saw them again. Their criminal energy was off the charts, in different ways, and they were both pretty unhinged. A lot of potential and a nice opportunity to let our three boys dip their toes back into corporate crime shenanigans like back in the BJHW era. They also have another Good Sister, Anne, whose moral compass may be intact but who's equally as crazy bc she sure was ready to go to whacky lengths to stop her siblings. I just want more of this very rich and extremely shady cutthorat family! fucked with your head: Wolfsgesicht! Probably one of the most clever episodes in general. The entire episode is designed to fuck with you and get under your skin (and the text itself even explains this to you). There's such an eerie quality to those letters. I always thought the psychological theory explored in this ep is somehow the equivalent to the use of modality in the fantastic (Phantastik): toying with the ways language can express various relationships to reality and truth, showcasing how your mind will always fill in the blanks and jump to some kind of (false) conclusion. I had c h i l l s the first time I listened to Bob realizing this might be about an assassination attempt. Personally, I am also lowkey fascinated by Katharina Fischer's short writing stint: she came, she served, she fucked off when she was out of ideas. Iirc the ideas for both of her stories came about while she was sitting a lecture, and ain't that the most relatable thing ever.
best plot: Idk about his more recent releases, but until his gradn re-entrance with Spur des Spielers, I don't think there's a single book by André Marx that has a shitty plot. They might not always be brilliant, but all his stories are at least decent and well-thought-through. Let's go with Feuermond bc what he accomplishes there in terms of engaging crime plot + bringing back old characters + adding more depth and emotion + picking up old storylines is ASTONISHING!! Complex, yet not convoluted. You can tell he wrote the entire camping trip as a filler bc otherwise the trilogy would've been a book short, but it doesn't even matter! As far as trilogies go, I'll always be a Toteninsel girlie, but Feuermond is as neat as it gets! best ending and/or beginning: Answered the one for best endings here already. Best beginning is a good albeit tricky one! I'm usually a fan of anything that doesn't start with the gd phone ringing (this pattern peaked with Toteninsel) or them hearing someone scream in the distance. Especially today where the exposition averages around 15 minutes, making sure you're already bored out of your mind before anything of significance has even happened. Not to be like that again, but TKKG really DOES have the better openings. Mainly bc they're not strictly confined to the pov of the three protagonist's. But also bc Wolf really was brimming with cool ideas and was always down for trying out something that reads more Adult instead of sticking to the formulaic. DDF has a few in medias res beginnings (every Europe trip ep starts that way iirc, and I love it, not knowing where they are or how tf they got there or what is going on), but they just can't compare to an opening where the patron saint of the kids gets shot while on a stakeout!! I do think the first 15 minutes of Schatz im Bergsee are the best of the entire series, but I am not particularly fond of the plane crash sequence which i s the immediate opening. So pass on that. Haus des Schreckens could be good, but it drags on and on and has lost all its momento once they get to the punchline. Gonna go with Im Bann des Vodoo (Minni combining his two fav things, horror & gay porn); Späte Rache (honestly? Peter getting capture inside his car... listen to that w/o any context and it takes on a completely different meaning... Also I'm always down for Peter & Kelly hanging out and going clubbing!); Stimmen aus dem Nichts which is a lame and common thing to say, but it IS a good one, and Minninger, for all his shortcomes, usually has very strong openings. scariest episodes: Im Bann des Voodoo for early adolescence nostalgia (even tho I talk about why that might be Problematic here.) And I vaguely recall Der verschollene Pilot being one of the newer episodes that actually did make me feel uneasy when I first listened to it (I was in the middle of a dark forest tho!! But iirc some of my girlies on here said they had a similar reaction so yeah!)
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fcb-mv33 · 1 year
I mean even if Karun (the urge to replace that u with an e right now is strong) didn't want to participate in something like that, there's much more professional ways to respond to a fan. Or y'know, just don't respond at all if you can't do so kindly and respectfully. (Also, tbh, I feel more sorry for the engineers and mechanics who leave their families. This is a guy who spends his F1 breaks, when he could be seeing his family, commentating on other motorsport series? Now he's all "boo-hoo, I don't get to see my family enough" when people are quite literally losing their entire livelihoods and potentially even some members of their family - like, forever, not just for the duration of a work trip. I *usually* view Karun as one of the more tolerable Sky F1 commentators, but that response wasn't it. NONE of this is about him or his family to be frank, and tryingto twist it into a pity party for them isn't it).
Also tho I’ve literally no sympathy for Karun. He gets Christmas off up till basically the end of February. He gets like every second to third week off to spend with his family. He gets to travel the world doing what he loves, seeing f1 in person all the time and to having a fit because someone suggested that that sky sports commentators do a virtual race…
And like the mechanics have a much worse time I’m sorry they have to travel the Monday or Tuesday and stay till the following Monday to travel to the next race. I mean they literally stayed to clean the paddock while Karun was at home ins his warm fucking house. like talk about absolute entitlement and absolutely unnecessary when people are losing their jobs, homes and their lives.
Like I would kill to have his job and so would do many people and he was meant to be working this weekend anyways. If he wants to be with his kids that much then he can just ✨quit✨
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asrealasadonut · 2 years
Elvis and Austin!Elvis Ask game:
Thanks for tagging me @lindszeppelin and @thatonemoviefan
Imma be real I’m still not the biggest Elvis fan. But Baz lurhmann convinced me that I am now lol
*I did skip some questions cuz I’m lame
•When and what was your first exposure to Elvis Presley?
I think lilo and stich?? I Don’t have a clear memory lol. The times I did hear of him were like a show or movie referencing him but never him on his own. Remember those 50s music CD compilation commercials?? I remember hearing blue Christmas on one and liked it when it came on. I always heard some of his songs like snippets.
•And what was your first impression?
I saw photos of him before. I low key thought he was half black lol (a lot of family in my moms side are very fair skinned and Elvis low key looks some of them lol)
•Lace shirts or jumpsuits?
The jumpsuits are iconic but seeing the lace shirts were a nice surprise. So, lace shirts
•You can steal one of Elvis/Austin’s outfits, what’s it going to be?
The pink suit from the Louisiana hayride performance. It’s so flashy for the time and it’s pink!! The way it’s kinda flowy as well!! I love it!!
•C’mon, we know you’ve been watching/reading old interviews and random footage of the man, so what’s your favorite random Elvis quote?
Not many actually lol. I have read Elvis and me by priscilla tho. But I saw that clip where he scared one of the members of the sweet inspirations(cissy Houston I think) when they were performing suspicious minds. Man was a menace lol
Did you find Austin Butler’s lips distracting despite them being in a movie about the King of plush upper lips? (Be honest now)
Yeah I was just in awe of Austin’s face the whole movie I had my hand on my chest to calm myself lol
•You meet Col. Tom Parker for the first time, forewarned with the knowledge of what a scumbag he is, what do you do?: A. nothing, you’re a coward who doesn’t care about abused golden-hearted men B. you give the Colonel a stern telling off C. you encourage Elvis to leave him and break the contract E. you slap a legal document against that fat suit and declare “Mrs. Claus is bringing you a lawsuit” F. you waste no time with formalities, it’s a letter opener to the juggler for that piece of trash
C I’d be like EP it’s time to leave him bestie. I am a coward tho and I’d probably just side eye him really hard until Elvis caught on lol
•What was your favorite aspect/scene from the Elvis 2022 movie?
It was the Vegas rehearsal for a while but now it’s also the first 30 mins of the movie lol the intro when he’s singing GLORY GLOOOOORRRY HALLEJUUUUAAAAA HIS TRUUUUUUUUTH IS MAAAAAAAAAARRRRCHING OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON. All the music in this movie was perfect!
You can choose only one song or piece of media to convince someone to become an Elvis fan, what is it going to be?
If I can dream. I heard the song when I watched the biopic with Jonathan Rhys meyers and I loved it. It’s a beautiful song. The way Baz’s movie did it and the way austin performed it was sooooo good!
•How long have you been an Austin Butler fan (be honest now, God is watching)
Since June 28, 2022 lol. I knew of his brief appearances on teen nick and Disney channel and I knew he was dating venessa hudgens but never knew his name or nothing. But I’m so glad he got to play Elvis!! Like I’m sooo happy he was good!! I didn’t think much of him til now and I was blown away and still am lol
•Is Austin Butler an honorary southerner now? Answer options: A. hell no, California can keep his sweet cheeks. B. hell yes, he’s practically been possessed by the soul of the King of the South
B Yes!! He is! (Coming from a southerner) I read some where he has family in south and he can ride a horse soooo yes.
•If you could meet Elvis and have enough composure to tell him something, what would it be?
I’d maybe try to crack a joke and it would probably fall falt lol
•What’s the Elvis 2022 quote you’ve been mumbling to yourself ever since you heard it?
What are your top 3 go-to Elvis songs?
I heard suspicious minds a few years back and loved it. The movie made me love it even more! Then Polk salad Annie and heartbreak hotel. Just the whole baz lurhmann soundtrack lol I’m a fake fan lol That movies was perfect lol. I’m so glad I know all these songs by him Now lol
If you’ve got a favorite gif or photo insert it here and bless us all
Yall!! He’s caught the Holy Spirit!! I can’t!!!
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This was really rushed sorry!! Thanks for including me tho! Y’all are lovely 💛💛
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orifumioshi · 10 months
I'll be at the hospital this weekend for my grandma so, I won't be here to witness the Digifes news which means, I gotta share my wishes of what I want to get from it before it happens ;3 (and maybe, movie wishes that can be "spoilers")
"Bokura no Digital World" 2023 version with Lastevo + 02beginning cast and why not a new arrangement?
Wallace new cast announcement (secret guest?) and Tada Aoi-san there for Terriermon and Lopmon uwu
New arrangements for "Break Up!" and "Beat Hit", maybe even Target. "Brave Heart" has many versions by now so no, sorry ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
New evo insert song with the style of "Sono Saki e" so I can cry with my snots making a mess over my keyboard xD
An equally emotionally devastating ending of AiM.
Grown ups international Chosen from the 02 Christmas episodes (kinda confirmed by now tho but, hope we get ALL the kids that appeared) new cast.
Ultimate evo for Shakkoumon to be Slashangemon and for Silphymon to be Valkyrimon ;3 (if jogress can still be used even without Tailmon's holy ring).
If we don't get jogress, oh well... I suppose that "completing" V-mon, Hawkmon, Armadimon and Wormmon evo lines is not bad either (also me an idiot: ULFORCE FOR V PLEASE!).
Movie length reveal.
The movie either to have a global theatrical (dub) release or stream at Crunchy or alike, please... I BEG YOU (⁠ ⁠≧⁠Д⁠≦⁠)
Someone getting new evos? Not a fan of Agumon's "Bond of" evo but a deep part of me thinks it would be interesting for someone else to have this kind of evo.
More Armor evos (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠)
Special Digica Booster deck 02beginning themed with the 02 group + international Chosen.
A wink to Hime-chan and Nishijima-kun being dead :D *puts on clown wig*.
Someone visits Menoa at jail/Menoa is released ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The movie ending with everyone eating Daisuke's ramen uwu
New weekly anime series? More dubs for international folks and not just for US?
Digimon Survive 2 titled "Digimon Survive 22" (2022 xD) as a tribute to Adv02 *puts on clown wig*.
I guess that's all... For now (ง ื▿ ื)ว
Let's see if I have the gift of prophecy or if I'm a delusional idiot uwu.
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scribblelegs · 1 year
2007-2009 and today
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A lot of people don’t know I used to be a professional tattoo artist when I was 18-20 almost 2 years exactly
I took an apprenticeship out of high school, p a i d 3 grand to this m*n in 7 months. Then had to drop 1500 on tattoo supplies from the real deal suppliers which was not cheap
He was a hack could tattoo sure but not an artist - he googled every image or would have the other tattooers Or even me draw it! I was stuck cleaning the shop & breaking up & setting HIM down even AFTER I was hired in as an artist.
Every penny I made from Dairy Queen went to him- I wanted this more than anything tho and he knew that. I didn’t eat, I smoked my moms cig buts & never could sleep. I had wrecked my car too so I’d trade my personal possessions like my dads record
Collection he gifted me for a ride to the shop
Not only did this man humiliate me in front of customers & my co workers by my own family and friends. He s e X u a l l y assaulted AND harassed me often. Would play 🌽 in the shop n tell
Me to watch w him and the guys. He was s3xist, homophob!c and r@c!st… & my bf was mixed at this time as well as my brother is gay….So much went on, I was always in fear back then.
Despite that I remained brave and never truly let him know now he effected me or how I’d cry to my
Mom about he every night
I never missed one day of work, & I still was never good enough or so he’d make me feel.. cos he was jealous of me.
When I had my first psychotic break in 2009 he refused to let me come back to the shop cos I had made him & the shop look bad.. and I was so embarrassed as to what I had went thru I was in this manic state of shock.
I was devastated like how could I do all this work for nothing? To be taken away from me for something that was completely out of my control and partly triggered by him ? (Docs said that was so at least)
Anyway, I just got one of the best gifts ever for Christmas
My bfs mom got me the tattoo pen I wanted to tattoo myself again (I been doing hand pokes since I abandoned my equipment in yet another mental break at an old apartment I rented in 16’)
And I feel blessed. And loved, and accepted by his family. And not only for this thoughtful gift but for everything they do. Like no other family I ever met outside my own could do.it’s so nice to feel that
But anyway this pen is so perfect for what I need it for and I can’t wait to try it out.
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What about E to E Mikasa getting a black eye tho… everyone thinks that if she’s walking away with a black eye you should see the other guy
She’s just going with it, but Eren knows the truth… because he is the monster who puts up his Christmas decorations November 1st 😂😭
My apologies to people who put up their Christmas decorations in November ~ sincerely, someone who waits till December 1st 😚 hope your eye heals quickly Lys!
OMG HELP THEY'RE SO CUTE! She was caught trying to break into his house and instead was assaulted by his Christmas decorations and Eren finds her passed out in the snow with a black eye from the pop up Santa like ugh, she's such a pain in the ass.
THANK YOU THO!!! I'm a mess lately, i'm sick too lol so between the black eye and the fever WILD TIMES!!!
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hyunverse · 1 year
hello my sweet loveeee i hope ur day has been good :)) i just woke up and i’m about to go grocery shopping and i’m hoping they have my favorite pastry 🙏🏼 what’d you get up to today ? :)) anime names for cats are always so fitting yk ?? like it just works with cats so i completely respect that. i will be sure to give them kisses for u when i get home hehe. and yea dude the rats here are NASTY. people’s dogs can also do some reallyyyyyy questionable things 😭😭
YEP THE BACK LINE UR SO RIGHT i love that dorito shape on men 👌🏼. i feel like out of all the kpop idols in 4th gen, sunghoon, chan, hyunjin, and mingi have like the broadest shoulders i’ve seen so far like i literally think you could lay across them and just be fine (which like yes sign me up pls). YES VICTORRR so dead and sweet and gorg he is prime dead example 🙏🏼 i also wish i had long fingers. i’m always shocked at seeing the size diff of jeongins hand to his phone 😩 talk about sexy. god i just love hands i could talk about them for days it’s like embarrassing atp
sushi all day every day !! i will pick sushi over anything always 🤭 nachos are def up there too tho i love a nice loaded nacho. also thank you for your input thats so good to know. i will definitely be trying it out then :))) i love thai food so much as well so that’s good to know too ^_^ thank u love. SAME my heart beats so fast and i get the shakes 😭. it also oddly makes me break out rly bad ?? but it’s like painful acne too ?? idek. asian dolce latte sounds soooo good rn. i bet our starbucks menus are so different (tbh anything but americas seems better for all food chains). the christmas specials are always so good too, i love when they actually come up w new stuff here
SOOOOO SMOOCHABLE even for todays concert he just looked so so good. i was so mesmerized by felix and jeongin from the clips i’ve seen. something about the tight black jeans just does it for me every timeeeee 😩 MINHOS THIGHS don’t get me started again 🤭🤭. they all looked so good and i love the new dark blue outfits, it’s so sexy 😩
- 🐈‍⬛
sweet love is so cute i’m melting. hello angel baby <3 my day has been super good ^__^ i just watched an anime film called suzume, almost teared up im ngl ☹️ i have a tendeancy to cry during films 😔 it’s the sensitive heart in me 🤝 aaaa i lovelovelove grocery shopping sm <3 the cereal section makes me happy eventhough i don’t typically buy them </3 i hope they have your fav pastry, babe! whats ur fave? i love bagels, or any pastry that has meat in it, really. what do the dogs do there, help 😭 i think malaysian dogs are pretty normal 😟
DORITO SHAPE I CACKLEEEED. U DIDNT JUST CALL THEM DORITO SHAPED 😭 chan’s back mmmm. esp that one performance, i think wolfgang where he took off his shirt ISBDKWJS MAKES ME FERAL ‼️ also maybe its just me but sharp collarbones... delish.
victor is the man them e-boys wish they were but arent. they could never be victor. he is far too beautiful. unreachable visual 💯 talking abt animated characters... how are we feeling about howl pendragon? so sexy 😋 JEONGIN’S HANDS ARE SO BIG LIKEEEE?? /:+"!+ THE SIGHT OF THEM MAKES ME MALFUNCTION?? SIR PUT THAT HAND IN MINE RN ‼️ HIS PHONE BE LOOKING LIKE AN ERASER IN HIS HAND BCS HOW BIG HIS HAND IS. HRJFHEHF R GRTRR
coffee is so good it’s unfair that its bad for us 😭 why r bad things always so good. smh. i think our starbies menus are deffo different, actually, a lot of our fast food menus are different me thinks. esp with the fact that malaysia is a dominantly muslim country, so a lot of chain restaurants have to be halal (muslim friendly) — therefore they don’t serve food that contain pork or alcohol. i think that's the main reason why malaysian menus are super different compared to america’s!! i know there are certain recipes available there which aren’t here </3 also!! ik most americans typically customize their starbucks — compared to that, malaysians usually opt for whatever that’s on the menu. i rarely customize my order tbh ^__^ and whats up with American mcdonalds constantly having a broken ice cream machine? istg i go for a mcdonald's ice cream run every week and its never broken 😭 oh and u mentioning thai food is making me crave for pandan leaves chicken </3
concert vids are always so good. THE HYUNE DANCING VIDS CONTAMINATING MY TIKTOK FYP RN IS CRAZY. CRAZY I TELL U!! someone said that hyunjin flirts through his dancing and oh god. . . it’s so true. now i can’t get the thought outta my head. FELIX BEEN ACTING UP A LIL TOO MUCH LATELY BABE... WHATS UP WITH THE CONSTANT SHIRT LIFTING 🤨 HES IN HIS S WORD ERA ISTG ‼️dark looks fit them sm 😋 they look so 😋 nomnom able 😋 minho’s thighs in them leather jeans doe. . . think abt it...
it’s like 4am rn i shud sleep. have a good day my baby, kisskisskiss <3
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transparentheartz · 1 year
hello sweetheart!! hope u had a great day since u called out of work, tell me about it if u want! i personally spent mine studying so it wasn’t great😭 but it’s okay! i have my first exam in like a week and i’ll go on christmas break after that! omg u’ll get to know how i am soon👀 any guesses?
i’m happy u had fun during ur museum trip!! it honestly sounds amazing! speaking of mine, i thought it was fine! i’m not the biggest modern art fan but there were a couple of installations that i really enjoyed ^^
also omg i looove law and order!! was obsessed with it a couple of years ago wkdjd criminal minds just does it for me tho <3 and i love gumball and family guy too!! they’re so funny!! my favourite movies are interstellar, 1917 and munich: the edge of war! while my fav cartoon DEFINITELY is how to train your dragon <3 oh and my fav shows are anne with an e, vikings, sherlock, b99 and more!
today’s question: what was your favorite toy as a child?💗
today’s quote: “The things that make me different are the things that make me, me” (p.s. i’m happy u like my quotes hehe <3)
— love u!! ur secret santa🎅🏻🎄
hii :)
yesterday was fun! we went to my friends gfs house and walked around/went to bars/got food. we also played some card games at her house lol. i couldn’t fall sleep tho, probably from being in a place i never slept in and i felt like i couldn’t breath?? i think it was from laughing a lot, my breathing got wheezy lol. but i had fun! i’ve never drank before, like i tasted stuff from my sisters or parents but never drank fr. i don’t like the smell of it or the taste that much. then my friend climbed into bed with me and our other friend and we couldn’t stop laughing for a long time. THEN i woke up at 8am to get bagels/coffee w everyone and now i’m currently on my 15 min break at work 😃 sooo it’s been a ride. i think the coffee made me a little nauseous tho :/
i have a presentation and two discussions due tonight that i haven’t started and a final tomorrow 😋 soo pray for me please lol. hope you do so well on your exams!!!
honestly there’s only one person who i can think of that could travel to milan that easily that i follow but idk if they signed up for the ss lol. can’t wait to find out who you are tho!
and same i’m not the biggest fan of art in general but i had fun w my friends.
i starting watching law and order so young bc of my
mom lol. i didn’t watch criminal minds until i was about 15/16 maybe bc i didn’t think i’d like it but i do! i don’t think i’ve made it last s10 though. i love b99!
my fav toy as a child was probably barbie’s or my bike (idk if that really counts as a toy though) but me and my sisters were always playing w barbie’s/brat dolls or riding our bikes lol. how about you??
i hope you had an amazing day <3
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rxsethxrned · 4 years
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((good morning tumblr))
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thekingsparty · 3 years
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officialsaturn · 3 years
Ranboo w/ and alt s/o
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hear me out
ranboo A D O R E S you
when he first saw you in the hall
he did a legit double take
hes whipped for everything he initially notices abt you
your style
your smile
the confidence you hold yourself with
your take no shit attitude
ugh he loves it
no but he gets really whipped when yall are paired together for a history assignment
hes so nervous at first
he gets so red and you worry that hes gonna be sick or somethin
ohhhhhmy god hes a stutterin MESS
he gets himself together eventually
ok he still almost dies anytime you get anywhere near him
but hooooooly shit
the more he gets to know you the more he knows
hes got it B A D
no but him truly realizes hes so deep in it for you in the middle of listening to you practicing your part for the presentation
youre sitting there speaking with confidence in the topic
until you stumble over a word, laughing at yourself
the presentation devolves into giggles from there
y’all get an A tho so pog
after the project you two continue to hang out and
he asks you out around christmas
he gives you a big box
it has a box in a box in a box in a box
with a paper in the smallest box
it says “will you be my partner in crime?”
you give him your response in the same way
+ a bracelet of yours
(you will turn him alt if it kills you)
((but he never does, hawaiian shirt supremacy))
but y’all come back after christmas break and are
ugh adorable
the best nerd couple ever
he loves to mess with your jewelry in class
the kids near y’all know you’re around by the little tinkling of jewelry
overall y’all are fuckin cute as shit
you eventually incorporate his hawaiian shirts into your look
it’s fantastic
you convince him to wear rings and shit
overall very good
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