#omg I now realize I totally forgot his eyelashes... oh well
vergina-spva · 2 years
For the couple's ship meme, teen Shanks & Buggy ❤️💙 or Marco & Ace 💙🧡 please
I will also answer MarcoAce, but for now... have teen Shuggy (though their heights are their adult heights, cause that's the only thing on their wiki page).
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spidernerdsblog · 4 years
I Forgot That You Existed : Epilogue
A/N: . And this is the end of the series really enjoyed writing this. Hope you all enjoyed it too. Feedback and suggestions are always welcome.
Pairing : Tom Holland × Singer reader
Summary : It’s been more than five years since you and Tom have gone their own ways after a heartbreaking breakup which had left both of you shattered. Both of you thought that you were finally over with each other and were happy in your respective lives until you meet again at a reunion trip planned by your best friend and you realize you are still not done with each other.
Warnings : mild swearing.
Mini Playlist : London boy and Lover by Taylor Swift
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"The news is just loving you." You chuckled sitting on the kitchen counter scrolling on your phone. Tom grimaced. 
"Just check out the headlines" 
Trouble in paradise 
Wedding a PR stunt? You read out. 
"My PR team is so pissed at me right now they are on the edge to handle this whole mess." 
You were scrolling through your feed as you stumbled upon a photo of yours with Tom posted by a fan account. It was a recent photograph from the carnival where you are seen holding hands walking through the crowd. It was a backshot but it did leave little to anyone's imagination that it was you and Tom. Whoever posted it wrote with the caption. 
Is it?? Are they?? OMG!! 😲😍
"Oh fuck me!!" You cursed. 
"Darling I would love to do that but I'm sort of busy right now with making you breakfast." You gave him a dirty look and shoved your phone to his face. 
"Look at this." Tom was puzzled at first then slowly his eyes widened with shock as he took a look at the photo. 
"What the fuck!!" 
"I'm so dead Alex is gonna eat me alive." You face palmed. 
"How did they even get this?" 
"How can I know?! Someone must have spotted us and clicked it." 
"What do we do now? There is no way people are gonna believe that we aren't in a relationship." 
"I'm in no place to take in the hate so…" you got busy with your phone. 
"Wait what are you doing?" 
"Nothing just desperate times calls for desperate measures." Being in this industry one thing you have realized is that people will believe anything posted online and Alex has taught you a few tricks to handle these kinds of situations. So before people start making a fuss about that photo you decided to share some photos from the vacation on your Instagram. The first photo you posted was of you, Tom and Harrison which you captioned 
Best friends for life!!💕🍻
You posted a few more including one from the carnival too. 
"Well disaster averted temporarily. We can clarify things further in interviews."You winked, showing him your phone. Tom stood in between your legs wrapping his hands around your waist. 
"My girlfriend is a genius." 
"That I am." You smirked. 
"Can't you stay a little longer?" he pouted. 
"Tom are you serious? I already extended my stay by one week for you. If I stay any further Alex will just kill me. And don't you have a press tour coming up?"
"Yeah fine will miss you though."
"Me too" you pecked his lips. 
"By the way I was serious about that before, you know in the kitchen." he drew circles on your skin. 
"I didn't say no either" you bite your lower lip batting your eyelashes innocently. Tom tightened his grip on your waist, peppering you with kisses on your neck you squeaked as he lifted you from the counter. 
Three Years later….. 
"Y/N just relax." Zendaya said. You were pacing in your bridal suite. 
"I can't, this is just too much to handle, do you think I should run away? Tom will understand right?" you blabbered. 
"Y/N it's totally normal to get cold feet for the bride to be before her marriage." Elysia tried to calm you down. 
"And if you faint on the aisle, your maid of honor and the other bridesmaids will be honored to catch you." Zendaya chuckled. 
"Not helping Z." You deadpanned. 
"Umm Elysia you seemed quite calm when you and Sam got married how was that so?" 
"Believe me girl I was nervous as hell. All sorts of doubts started hovering in my head like what if this is a mistake? What if all goes wrong? But once when I was at the aisle and saw his face all my doubts cleared away. This is the man I love and spending my life with him will be the best thing in the world. Whatever may come in our way we will overcome it together." 
"Wow that's a great insight." 
"You got this girl! " Chloe cheered you whilst fixing your dress. 
"How is the bride doing?" El enquired as she entered into your room with a jovial smile. 
"Oh hi El!" you eagerly went and hugged her. 
"Hi darling!" 
"You're late by the way." You quipped. 
"I'm sorry dear the flight got delayed." 
"Girl you seem to be doing much better than your groom. I just happened to pass by your husband and by his looks he seemed like he would shit in his pants any moment." You all burst out laughing. 
When the news of your wedding broke out it became the talk of the town. 
You wanted it to be a private affair away from the prying eyes of the media. So what's better than getting married in the peace and serenity of the countryside in the presence of your close friends and family. 
The aisle was beautifully decorated with white lilies and roses. 
Tom was shuffling on his feet at the aisle. 
"Dude everything is fine, stop worrying. She will be here in a few minutes." Harry tried to boost his confidence. 
"You know Y/N is a sort of fickle minded what if she had a change of mind?" Harrison chuckled. 
"You know what Harrison? You are the worst man." Tom grumbled. Harrison laughed. 
Finally, the priest came out and asked everyone to stand. It was your turn! All eyes would soon be on you.  Chloe and Ed's three year old daughter Belle was your flower girl for the wedding. She looked cute in a pink gown as she walked on her little feet lining the path with white rose petals as the music started. 
You only took two steps out before you were greeted by your father. He escorted you down the aisle. He became your strength; without him you would have fainted you thought. The guests looked at you, taking pictures of your dress, waving at you, smiling- one thing was for sure, though… no one made a sound. 
Up ahead you saw him, Tom. Your future husband, the love of your life, your everything. He stood taller, his shoulders back and his eyes on you. If you weren’t mistaken you could have sworn tears filled his eyes.
Tom stood there hypnotized seeing you in that pristine white wedding dress you looked like a dream he thought as you walked towards him. 
At the end of the aisle your father hugged you 
“I'm proud of you jellybean” it was a kind of emotional moment for you as a few tears slipped down your eyes so as your father's and then he presented you to your groom. He placed your hand in Tom’s and smiled. As a couple, Tom and you stood in front of the priest.
Before your father walked away, he patted Tom on the shoulder. That was his way of welcoming him into the family. 
Standing next to your love felt overwhelming. You glanced at each other for a moment. 
"You look beautiful." Tom mouthed to you. 
"You too." You mouthed him back with a wink. 
Elysia was right you thought, an unknown excitement surging inside you. 
Was this really happening? Will I soon be Mrs. Holland? You thought. 
The minister said to guests, “You can now be seated”. Everyone followed his request.
“Dearly beloved,” he began, “we are gathered here to witness this man and woman join together in holy matrimony.”
He said the speech and afterward you exchanged vows, tears filling both your eyes.
Paddy walked in with Tessa who had your rings in a basket she was holding in her mouth. Everyone went 'aww!' as she looked adorable in a wedding tutu walking over to the aisle. You placed Tom's ring on first, then he placed on yours.
“With the power invested in me I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.”
Tom leaned in and kissed you,softly like he’s never done it before. Everyone cheered for you, however you barely noticed; your full attention rested on Tom. 
And you left the stage with Tom hand in hand. Though you were against doing any kind of wedding tradition but your bridesmaids were adamant for the bouquet ceremony so you had to give in to that. They lined behind you. 
"Okay girls you ready?!" You tossed the bouquet. You turned to see Zendaya had caught it. 
"I knew it was your turn next." You cackled.
"This is not done. We could have done the garter ceremony too; it would have been so much fun." Harrison complained. 
"I think you guys had your fair share of fun on the Bachelorette with all the booze and that stripper that by the way our parents aren't aware of" you muttered with a stern look in your eyes. Harrison gulped because he was behind the whole Bachelorette fiasco. 
"Yeah we are fine." he said timidly. 
You went to change to something more comfortable for the reception. 
The lawn buzzed with excited chatter and children ran between the tables in a good natured game of tag. There was the scraping of chairs as folks got up for a standing ovation as you and Tom made your way to the head table, smiling and holding hands. There were cheers and someone whooped.
 As the evening progressed everybody had loosened up a bit. People were chatting, eating and enjoying the reception. 
"Finally the number of women are increasing in the Holland family." Elysia announced. Everyone laughed.
"Ah! seeing you two together really makes us happy" Nikki said. 
"Yeah now it's time you give us our grandchildren too." Your mother joked. You and Tom flustered at that. 
"Moomm!! we just got married. We are too young for that, let us enjoy this time." You whined. 
"Honey I had you when I was 25. No pressure though take your time." 
It was the time for your first dance with Tom,your friends pulled you both to the stage, a soft music was playing. You held his hand, his other hand resting on your waist as you swayed to the music. 
"So how are you feeling wifey or may I say Mrs Holland?" 
"Umm the weather is a little warm, feeling a little bloated other than that I'm doing fine hubby." You chuckled. 
"You know I was so nervous I actually thought what if you changed your mind about the wedding?" 
"Not gonna lie I was actually thinking of running away." You smirked. You exhaled resting your head on his chest swaying to the music. 
"Hey you okay?" 
"Yeah why?" 
"Nothing, just all that baby talk." 
"Hey it's totally fine I'm way over that. And I would love to be a mom again but not now." 
"Just imagine you me and our four little halflings. We could have two girls and two boys or three girls,one boy or a pack of four boys like us or.." You cut him off. 
"Whoa whoa whoa slow down mister. First of all we are not having more than two.'' 
"But why? I'm totally gonna be a hands-on dad I promise."
"Easy for you to say because I will be the one going through the whole birthing process. So no uterus no opinion. And isn't that why Thanos snapped in the first place overpopulation, limited resources." You chuckled, snapping your fingers. Tom shook his head laughing.
"I would be so glad if I have twins all the hassle in one time." 
"Whatever you want darling. You know how much I love you." 
"I know and I love you too." 
"Okay how about three if not four?" He suggested. 
"If we are to count you, I'll have three kids to look after so your wish is fulfilled already." You laughed. 
As the reception was drawing close you went up the stage tapping on the microphone to seek everybody's attention. 
"Good evening everyone. First of all, I really wanna thank each and everyone for blessing us with your presence at our wedding and making it memorable." 
"Tom and I have known each other since we were kids. Our mother's were convinced that we would end up together and so we did though we had to go through our own rough patch. But I'm glad that eventually everything got sorted out and the credit goes to our families and friends." 
"It's no secret I write songs taking inspiration from my life and Tom has been a major part of my life. So this is for you hubby."
The band played the notes as you started singing. 
"I love my hometown as much as Motown, I love SoCal
And you know I love Springsteen, faded blue jeans, Tennessee whiskey
But something happened, I heard him laughing
I saw the dimples first and then I heard the accent
They say home is where the heart is
But that's not where mine lives"
Everyone clapped and cheered. Tom's whole face lit up as he looked at you. 
"You know I love a London boy
I enjoy walking Camden Market in the afternoon
He likes my American smile
Like a child when our eyes meet, darling, I fancy you
Took me back to Highgate, met all of his best mates
So I guess all the rumors are true
You know I love a London boy
Boy, I fancy you (ooh)"
Tom was blushing at his seat as Harrison elbowed him in a teasing manner. You had a wide smile as you looked at him. 
"And now I love high tea, stories from uni, and the West End
You can find me in the pub, we are watching rugby with his school friends
Show me a gray sky, a rainy cab ride
Babe, don't threaten me with a good time
They say home is where the heart is
But God, I love the English"
You took the microphone in your hand singing and walked over to Tom extending your hand to him. He took it and got up from his seat as you walked him over to the middle of the stage. 
"You know I love a London boy
I enjoy nights in Brixton, Shoreditch in the afternoon
He likes my American smile
Like a child when our eyes meet, darling, I fancy you
Took me back to Highgate, met all of his best mates
So I guess all the rumors are true
You know I love a London boy
Boy, I fancy you"
You stood there glancing at his eyes. 
"So please show me Hackney
Doesn't have to be Louis V up on Bond Street
Just wanna be with you
Wanna be with you
Stick with me, I'm your queen
Like a Tennessee Stella McCartney on the Heath
Just wanna be with you (wanna be with you)
Wanna be with you (oh)
You know I love a London boy
I enjoy walking SoHo, drinking in the afternoon (yeah)
He likes my American smile
Like a child when our eyes meet, darling, I fancy you (you)
Took me back to Highgate, met all of his best mates
So I guess all the rumors are true (yeah)
You know I love a London boy (oh)
Boy (oh), I fancy you (I fancy you, ooh)"
Present day…. 
"And that is how your mum and dad got married kids." Harrison finished his story letting out a deep breath. 
"Wow uncle Haz that was epic!" Your seven year old daughter chirped in awe. 
"Yup everything was epic with those divs."  
"We are back!" Tom announced as you both entered your house. 
"Peter! Vienna! Where are my pumpkins?" you called out as you heard shuffling of feets and giggles. 
"Mommy!! Daddy!!" your little munchkins came running to you. 
"There they are."  You cooed. Your five year old son launched himself into your arms as you picked him up. 
"Did you have fun with your uncles?" 
"Yess!!" Peter said beaming with joy. 
"Uncle Haz and uncle Harry were telling us a story." Vienna informed you. 
"What story bubs?" 
"Your and daddy's love story." You and Tom looked at each other smiling. 
"Oh really? I hope they didn't go much into the details keeping it kids friendly." 
"Of course Y/N you really don't trust us do you?" Harry said feeling offended.
"To be honest, No" you replied bluntly. 
"Where's Ava and Jordan?" you asked whilst putting Peter down. 
"They are with their moms at mum and dad's house helping with dinner." Harry said. 
"Okay then let's get you guys ready and then we will go to grandma's for the Christmas Dinner eh?" Tom said to your kids. 
"Yayy!!" Vienna and Peter rushed back to their room.
You were at the doorstep as you rang the bell as you were greeted by Nikki. 
"You guys are late." 
"Sorry, someone was way too confident about his navigation skills so had to take a detour." You eyed Tom. 
"That wasn't completely my fault. How would I know that the road would be closed?" Tom retorted. 
"It's Christmas time Tom! Everyone knows." You both started arguing at the doorstep. 
"Then why didn't you tell me?" 
"Okay that's enough for now, God you two  have been married for almost 10 years and still your non stop bickering continues." Nikki scolded you both. 
''You got all the things I told you to bring?'' 
"Yes mum." Tom said sheepishly. 
"Merry Christmas grandma!!'' Vienna and Peter came rushing in clinging on to her. 
"Aww Merry Christmas my loves. C'mon get inside all your cousins are waiting for you." 
After the dinner all you ladies gathered in the living room and gossiped among yourselves and your husbands were chugging on to their beers and having their share of laughs in the dining room. 
The kids were busy playing amongst themselves.
Vienna came up to you and tugged on to the sleeve of your sweater. You turned to look at her brown doe eyes which she totally inherited from Tom along with her luscious curls. She was a stark image of him. 
"Do you need something peanut?" 
"Mom, will you sing for us? Pleaasse." she innocently asked, making a puppy face the trick she had picked up from her dad in the meantime. And how could you say no to that. 
"Anything for you honey. Can you bring me my guitar love?" 
"Sure mom." Vienna beamed with joy as she ran to bring your guitar. You slipped down the couch to sit on the carpeted floor stretching your legs as you strummed on to the chords. 
"We could leave the Christmas lights up 'til January
This is our place, we make the rules
And there's a dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you, dear
Have I known you twenty seconds or twenty years?
Can I go where you go?
Can we always be this close forever and ever?
And ah, take me out, and take me home
You're my, my, my, my lover"
Vienna sat beside you. You swayed sideways while singing to her. Vienna tried to sing along with you clapping her hands to the rhythm. Peter came running and settled down on the other side of you resting his head on your lap. You stroked his hair with your hand gently. 
"We could let our friends crash in the living room
This is our place, we make the call
And I'm highly suspicious that everyone who sees you wants you
I've loved you three summers now, honey, but I want 'em all
Can I go where you go?
Can we always be this close forever and ever?
And ah, take me out, and take me home (forever and ever)
You're my, my, my, my lover"
The boys heard you singing as they got up and flocked in the living room. You glanced at Tom standing at the doorway smiling and gave him a subtle wink. He can never get enough of you, every time he looks at you he falls in love again and again. Sometimes he wonders how did he get so lucky? You were perfect, who gave him the two most precious gifts of his life. His heart swells when he looks at his little family. You make him whole. 
"Ladies and gentlemen, will you please stand?
With every guitar string scar on my hand
I take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover
My heart's been borrowed and yours has been blue
All's well that ends well to end up with you
Swear to be overdramatic and true to my lover
And you'll save all your dirtiest jokes for me
And at every table, I'll save you a seat, lover"
Tom walked towards you and picked up Peter making him sit on his lap as he sat beside you. His one hand went to wrap around your shoulder as he placed a soft kiss on your cheek, you looked at him smiling. You were so proud of this man, the perfect husband, the doting father to your children you didn't have words to express. Tom rested his head on your shoulder, Vienna and Peter clinged on to you as you sang. You felt full from the inside out. 
'' Can I go where you go?
Can we always be this close forever and ever?
And ah, take me out, and take me home (forever and ever)
You're my, my, my, my
Oh, you're my, my, my, my
Darling, you're my, my, my, my lover"
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ep: things leo does; by jason grace
chapter 2. aftermath link to chapter 1
summary: 2. hey, mom? okay, there's this guy named leo, and i'm in love with him. wait - wait, you knew that already? well. fuck. wait! aha - i bet anything you didn't know he was in love with me, now did you? yeah, i thought - fuck. word count: 2,051 warnings: mention of cannibalism (not serious), mention of DDLB/NSAP, morse code a/n: valentines chapter because i’m a sucker for the babe :/  read on ao3
5. taps out messages in morse code when he thinks no one is paying attention
Two short taps. One short, one long, two short. One long, one short, two long. Rinse and repeat.
Three letters.
Jason’s sure nobody else has noticed - Leo tapping his fingers in what seems to be a random pattern is nothing new, and his eyes track Chiron’s movements with what seems to be laser focus.
He likes to think he knows Leo better, by now.
Jason thinks back on his old Morse training (“Why do I have to know this?” “Just in case.” “What the hell kind of situation requires us to tap Morse code to each other when we have fucking mouths?”) - laborious months of bullshit memorizing that he never used on quests, but damn if it isn’t coming in handy now.
Two short taps. I
One short, one long, two short. L
One long, one short, two long. Y
Jason jerks up in his seat, avoiding Leo’s eyes when his fingers stop tapping and he glances over, obviously concerned.
Leo’s mouth quirks up into a tiny smirk - how the fuck does he manage to lift only a corner of his mouth, and still convey so much? It’s fucking adorable, and Jason hates it - and he focuses back onto Chiron, who is trotting across the front of the room with a vaguely frustrated expression on his face.
Leo’s fingers continue their tapping, slim fingers pressing coded messages into the tabletop.
Two short taps. I
One short, one long, two short. L
One long, one short, two long. Y
One short, three long. J
One short, one long. A
Three short. S
Three long. O
One long, one short -
“Alright, any questions?” Chiron asks suddenly, raising his voice to attract the attention of any heads whose heads are drooping (Jason tries not to feel guilty - fails - whatever.). “No? Alright, dismissed.”
Jason glances at Leo, who is standing up like nothing’s changed, slapping his hands on the table like nothing’s changed, brushing a hand down his jeans like nothing’s changed, turning to leave like nothing’s -
You get the point.
Okay, so Leo had spelled out ILY JASO- something. That something was either a K, a D, a Y, a C, an X, a B, or…
An N.
Was it too much of a stretch to think he might have been spelling out JASON? Zeus knows it wasn’t JASOD, anyway.
  6. acts like a child when he gets tired*
* leo doesn’t get tired.
“… so the chip attaches to this port -” Leo yawns, and then shakes his head to clear it up, “ - and so it becomes able to track -” another yawn, “ - the movements -”
“Leo?” Jason asks, tilting his head slowly. Leo glances up, blinking blearily (ha, alliteration) up at him.
Jason smiles fondly, unable to hold back his reaction to an evidently tired Leo.
“You look tired. Ready for bed?”
Leo shakes his head again, more rapidly this time, and his curly hair flops around with his movements. He blinks a few more times, then opens his eyes as far as he can. “Nuh-uh,” he says, with an expression like a guilty child.
Yeah, right. Even Jason’s tired, and Leo likes to call him Superman - mostly because he looks like a blond version of him, but also because he’s basically superhuman. Jason doesn’t really get tired.
“Yuh-huh. C’mon, let’s head to my cabin. It’s too late, I don’t want to wake the Hephy kids up.”
Leo shakes his head with a petulant expression, narrowing his eyes and leaning back in his chair. With arms crossed, he mutters, “Nuh. Uh.”
Jason raises an eyebrow and nods to himself for a second, fighting back an amused smile at Leo’s behavior. “Alright, you’ve got a couple of options,” he relents, watching with the fond grin that he hadn’t been able to restrain as Leo slowly relaxes, nodding with lingering suspicion still present on his face. “You can either get up and walk with me, or I pick you up. Your choice.”
Leo sighs heavily, tipping his head back and huffing out another breath through his nose. “Fine.”
Jason stands, hovering for a few seconds. He frowns as suspiciously as he can manage when Leo doesn’t stand up like Jason thought he would, instead slouching further into his seat with hands outstretched, as if…
… he wants Jason to pick him up. Of course he does.
“You’re a fucking baby, y’know that?”
Leo shrugs, a carefree smile on his face. “Yup.”
Jason sighs indulgently. “Yeah, of course you do. Alright, we’re doing piggyback, because we both know - despite how incredibly underweight you are - there’s no way I’ll be able to hold you on my damn hip or whatever for the amount of time it’ll take us to get back to the cabin.”
Leo nods and Jason turns his back to the shorter teenager, crouching on the balls of his feet with his hands outstretched behind him. As carefully as he can manage (which isn’t saying a lot, considering how fucking delirious he seems to be), Leo tucks his legs into the slots of Jason’s hips and he stands up, chuckling softly when Leo yelps behind him.
He regains his balance, though, and wraps lanky arms around Jason to rest in the juncture between his neck and shoulder.
“Good to go?”
Leo says nothing, merely nods against the shoulder he’s already starting to fall asleep on - not that Jason expected anything less.
“¡Dios mio, las luces!” he cries almost immediately, shoving his face into the back of Jason’s shirt. [t - Oh my god, the lights!]
Jason can’t stifle the chuckle that escapes him - okay, so maybe he forgot to tell Leo it was basically morning, but. Who could blame him? He’d been… distracted. By Leo. And his hands. And his hair. And his smile. And his laugh. And his -
You see? It just happened again. Totally not his fault.
"Sorry, love," he says, trying and failing to sound truly apologetic. (Did he just say love in reference to Leo? He’s not going to think about that.) "Afraid I can't turn these lights off."
A groan spills its way out of Leo's mouth, sounding suspiciously like a "Why not?" but with a lot more vowels, probably.
"Well," he starts, the fond amusement (he’s fond way too often when it comes to Leo, damn it) probably ridiculously evident in his voice, "there's this thing in the sky - now, don't get too excited - called the sun. Totally crazy, right? It -"
Leo's left hand knocks harshly against his temple. "Asshole."
"- even makes this wild thing called - wait for it - light! It's pretty fuckin' awesome, if I may say so myself."
Leo sighs. "You may not," he grumbles, and Jason can feel the fluttering of the other boy's eyelashes against his neck. He fights back a shiver at the surprisingly intimate feeling and tries to concentrate on getting them to his cabin.
"Hey, dad?" he murmurs, words slurred through a heavy tongue. Jason opens his mouth to answer, but -
He freezes.
Mentally, of course, because otherwise Leo would know something was up, and he was so close to falling asleep, and Jason really didn't want him realizing what he said, because it'd turn into a whole production, and Leo would never get to sleep, and then... you get the idea.
But - anyway. Back to the matter at hand:
Is that, like, a kink thing?
Jason remembers reading up on kinks (it was a late night and too many Wikipedia articles, sue him), and he's pretty sure daddy kinks are a thing.
(Eugh. He shudders at the thought. Yikes.)
But - that didn't sound like a sexy Dad word. What would a sexy Dad word sound like? It'd probably be Daddy and not Dad, for one.
Oh, gods.
He's getting off track.
Jason decides, as any sane (teenager) semi-mortal would do, to completely ignore the last word of Leo's sentence. "What's up, squirt?"
Okay, what the fuck?
He definitely meant to say Leo, or maybe bro, as regular teenage boys do, but squirt? Gods, Jason's out of his mind.
Maybe it's because Leo's way heavier than he looks. Who knows.
"'m tired."
Jason resists the urge to fist pump the air, instead pulling Leo onto his hip for ease of motion.
"Yeah, yeah, me too. Don't worry, we're almost there."
  7. has horrible grammar when he texts (no, it doesn’t annoy jason)
[17:49] leo_valdez: wht do u want 2 do 4 dins 2nite
[17:55] jason_grace: Salmon with asparagus and rice?
[17:58] leo_valdez: damn chef grace out here [17:58] leo_valdez: yeah boi
[17:59] jason_grace: Okay, cool.
[18:38] jason_grace: Hey, Percy said he’d cook. Cool with you?
[18:43] leo_valdez: yeah np
[18:45] jason_grace: He might take a while, though, so I think we’ll be eating late tonight :/
[18:45] leo_valdez: ye its fine i ate late 2day
[22:24] jason_grace: How’s it smelling over there? I’m hungryy
[22:30] leo_valdez: lol i cant smell anything
[22:31] jason_grace: Omg lol. Do you think it’s your poor sense of smell smell or that nothing is cooking??? Haha
[22:31] leo_valdez: both lmfaooo
[22:32] jason_grace: Lol, okay.
[23:11] jason_grace: 11:11!
[23:14] leo_valdez: my wish is 2 eat
[23:15] jason_grace: Mood [23:19] jason_grace: I’ve died a million hungry deaths already. I may start to eat paper any minute. [23:19] jason_grace: It’s organic, right???
[23:20] leo_valdez: yeah totes gotta get on that #vegan #organic #freerange #localwoodonly trend [23:20] leo_valdez: ykno this shirt is made out f cotton????? thts a crop i cld totally eat this
[23:22] jason_grace: As long as you take tiny bites like a rabbit.
[23:22] leo_valdez: yeahhhhhhh [23:23] leo_valdez: i s2g im gonna eat percy if he doesnt tell me its fuckin ready soon
[23:23] jason_grace: Wait what’s s2g again? [23:23] jason_grace: Oh, nom.
[23:23] leo_valdez: swear to god
[23:23] jason_grace: Nvm*
[23:23] leo_valdez: NOM NOM I HUNGRY
[23:24] jason_grace: Lolzzzz.
[23:24] leo_valdez: thnks jace u rly gotta remind me ://////
[23:24] jason_grace: He’d probably be pretty tasty. [23:24] jason_grace: Remind you of what?
[23:24] leo_valdez: how hUNGRY I AM
[23:25] jason_grace: Nom nom nom I have no other words.
[23:25] leo_valdez: nom [mood in hungryspeak]
[23:26] jason_grace: Me nom.
[23:26] leo_valdez: i just saw th word omw and rly tht it said nom im losing my mind over here
[23:27] jason_grace: Our bellies could have been full hours ago. Savage.
[23:27] leo_valdez: ikr [23:27] leo_valdez: horrible
[23:29] jason_grace: Are tears edible???
[23:29] leo_valdez: hopefully im producing way 2 many of thm
[23:30] jason_grace: Sip slowly, I don’t want you getting full before we eat.
[23:30] leo_valdez: i gotchu [23:31] leo_valdez: trying 2 remind myself tht festus 2.0 is a living being and im not ready 2 b a murderer
[23:34] jason_grace: Oh honey. He wouldn’t be tasty. Too much fur.
[23:34] leo_valdez: u rite u rigt
[23:34] jason_grace: What were we thinking??? We know Percy well enough by now lmao. Sigh. Burp. Ugh.
[23:36] leo_valdez: im crying salmon
[23:37] jason_grace: Oh noooo why’d you have to say salmon?????
[23:38] leo_valdez: LMAOOOO
  8. loves jason grace
Okay, okay.
You gotta keep this one a secret until Jason finds his journal again, okay? He doesn’t know I took it.
I’ve read through it a couple of times, and - damn is Jace a fucking sap. It’s a pity I love him.
No it’s not, who am I kidding.
Aha! That’s the first time I’ve written it down since I realized (which was… too long ago for me to feel comfortable admitting to).
If you didn’t get that, Jason: I love you, you piece of shit.
Fuck, whatever, maybe this thing is a prank and he doesn’t actually love me. Maybe this is a hallucination? Dad knows I’ve been spending way too much time in the Bunker, anyways. Maybe… who knows, honestly.
God, I’m tired.
Whatever. I hope he finds this soon, I’m tired of waiting, for Christ's sake.
See you soon, hopefully.
- leo valdez, the one & only
I love you too, Leo.
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dystovian · 7 years
When They Wake Up Next To You
{g osh my body B U R N S for this request thank you and everything you’ve done ever}
This was a request from @alteaplier I had lost the original ask for it but it has finally been finished!! Hope you enjoy it may be a bit cheesy and sappy but I L I V E for that ~~~~~~~~~~~ [Shiro]
•you and him totally fell asleep holding one another, but your back is against his (godly) chest
•when he wakes up and rubs his crusty eyelids and can actually see you clearly, he’s already setting up a thanksgiving dinner just for an excuse to thank whoever is up there something extra
•it’s only now does he realize he’s awake really early, probably around 2 or 3AM
•it’s only when he feels how sticky he is with sweat and how he’s breathing quite heavily does he realize he woke up from a nightmare that he’s glad he forgot
•and that’s also when he realizes that you’re face and just the fact you are alive and well and breathing was the reason he forgot so quickly
is very hesitant to reach for your face because he feels that it may be a dream that you’re there, and when he touches you…
•you’ll disappear
•once he touches your cheek and nothing happens, he lets out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding and just laughs
•(oh go sh k i l l me) he leans in and kisses the top of your forehead and then light pulls you closer to him
•kinda feels like crying because you’re so pure and full of love and thinks you don’t deserve him because he feels he isn’t “to your standards” and is imperfect
•but then he swipes that from his mind because if he had said that out loud and you were awake to hear it you would probably smack the back of his head or start crying (+ a long lecture about why he’s perfect the way he is, even if he bites into ice cream) there’s no in between
•falls asleep easily and dreams of something a lot better than usual
•definitely woke up because you turned toward him
•opens his eyes and just smiles but not like a H U G E grin, just, a smile showing he is content and pleased and, happy. yeah, happy.
•the both of you are in his room in the castle, he’s facing toward the wall with his back to the window.
•the way the light pours in, and rests ever so gently upon your face absolutely blows him away
•you know those times when you just think, and realize wow, I’m actually seeing this with my own two eyes, I am living and breathing and my internal body can do wonders beyond the minds of others. That’s what’s happening.
•he’s seeing you, and truly you, in front of him, where your only worries are your dreams and whether they are good or bad
•just the way the light is on you, and his shoulder casts a shadow on it as well, makes him feel so breathtaken (that’s a word right?) and he has no idea why
•rubs his thumb against your cheek and just shuts his eyes slowly and takes it in. Your feel, your smell, everything.
•kisses your forehead, nose, cheeks, eyelids, eyebrows, that one very obvious freckle on your face that you clearly despise because of how obvious it is but he just loves it
•I’m getting sappy and I want to cry pls end me
•bruv you open your eyes at the right time and he just sees how beautiful your eyes are with the light on them like that and he just rolls onto his back
•goes “ok woah who gave you permission! Certainly not me!”
•God could he get used to this though.
•I feel like he wouldn’t have known you were sleeping with him in the first place
•he probably had some nightmare and you happened to be awake to hear it happening and your mom instincts came on and you went in his room right away
•his head was under your chin, so when he woke up he was really confused and gently pulled back
•sees you and is just so confused for several minutes
•like, “what? when did u get here? why?”
•100% believes he doesn’t deserve you
•although he believes that, he still cherishes you and doesn’t try to bring you down by telling you how he feels about your relationship with him
•I feel he’s the one to wake you up, whether it’s an accident or on purpose.
•maybe he pushes you lightly and whispers your name a few times and it’s all just so he could thank you politely and properly
•or he noticed how your hair was stuck under your eyelashes and your mouth and he has super short nails so he accidentally pinches you grabbing them
•totally laughs if that’s the case like I’ll fight you on this
•you: “keith ow wtf”
•keith: pffffffffttttttttfffffff
•omg please my pure chil d I love him sm
•holds your hands
•rubs his hands up the sides of your arms and on your waist
•just, gosh my breathing is slowing down and now its speeding up and I can see every math equation
•already knows he’s gonna make you some B O M B A S S b-fast and even if you don’t like it he’ll make it better!
•besides that, he almost cried and he’s just like “ohmygodjdbbd hhhhhhhhhffffff I love you”
•let’s say he has a camera on him, 99.9999999% chance he’ll take a photo of you no matter the flash
•you’ll probably wake up and be like ok tf
•he just looks at you, gently pulls you to him with his hand on the back of your head and kisses your forehead, then rests his own against it
••you’re probably blown away because he’s so wholesome and sweet especially so early in the morning where souls are still asleep
•tells you to go back to sleep
•if u do he’ll play with your hair and if you don’t he’ll play with your hair
•coran walks in at one point and hunk just fukcing stares him in the eyes and coran puts his hands up and backs out “ok ok ok ok ok o-”
•as soon as I saw this request I had Pidge’s planned out RIGHT away
•ok so basically, pidge is designing a new robot that can help create fabrics and new clothes for everyone in the castle, for when they don’t have the time to borrow some from Coran or Allura or go to a Space Mall
•you watch as her brain works through everything and her fingers are moving so quickly as she pieced together each and every intricate part of the robot
•you end up falling asleep on her shoulder and she doesn’t realize until she herself starts drifting off so you both fall asleep against the side of her bed
•allura happens to be checking on you and asks Shiro to help the both of you into the bed
•when Pidge wakes up not only is she confused, she’s also worried
•you two had stayed up so late, that there’s no doubt it’s really late into the afternoon, but when she realizes it’s not, and she must’ve woke up randomly, she sighs in relief
•she kisses your forehead and just continues to look at you
•touch your face again? Never. she didn’t want to risk waking you, or stirring you to the point that you roll over
•everything was perfect, almost all stress was gone from her
•her last thought before falling asleep is “I hope we find Matt soon, alive and well, so he can meet the person that makes me truly feel and truly love.”
•most likely whispers I love you or holds your hand before falling into a lovely slumber
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