#oliver you’re a freak and i want you
wormswurld · 5 months
watched saltburn again last night for the 4th time and my god is this movie so special to me. i will forever be grateful for it, every little detail and shot and line is just so perfect. like y’all know there’s yourself pre nbc-hannibal and post there’s like that but for saltburn. thank you emerald fennell ❤️
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ceilidho · 7 months
prompt: price/reader bear shifter fic. PART 3. (part 1 here) (part 2 here)
The man at your till is making you feel increasingly uncomfortable. 
He’s a stocky man, not quite as imposing as John, but still big. He’s particularly unnerving because the man has been standing by your till for the past few minutes without having anything in his hands. No basket in sight. Not a rutabaga or a bushel of carrots or even a single jar of olives.
It’s as if he just blew in off the street; dark hair mussed from the wind, shabbily dressed for the winter as if the cold weren’t even an issue for him. The intensity of his stare makes your skin crawl though, and it’s even worse when he decides to strike up a conversation with you. 
It’s like he only came into the shop to stare at you and make creepy, suggestive comments. Laswell comes out from the back when his presence starts to make even the other customers uncomfortable, but all that does is relegate him to the parking lot, where he’s free to loiter and stare at you through the window all he wants. 
You delay the inevitable for almost half an hour because you keep talking yourself out of calling John. It’s not like you’re not familiar with each other by now—he’s taken you to diners and cafés, and you’ve brought him tupperware filled with stew and casserole on the days when you’ve watched him slump up the steps of his front porch, looking haggard and about to fall on his face—but it feels intrusive. A favour you wouldn’t normally ask of him. It almost feels like you’re using him, actually. 
Still though, after some time you almost feel like you don’t have a choice. You either call John or the police, and the latter option is vastly more unappealing. Then you’d really be causing a ruckus for nothing. 
Since your phone is stored under the desk by the till, you take a second in between customers to dial John’s number, listening to it ring with your back to the window. That makes your shoulders tense up even more, acutely aware of two eyes burrowing into the back of your neck. The anxiety puts a cramp in your belly until you hear John pick up.
“John,” you whisper into the phone, hand cupped around the receiver. There’s static on the other end before you hear him grumble your name. “Are you—is this a bad time?”
“No, s’good a time as any,” he says, voice thick and heady. “What’s the matter, honey?”
The sound of his voice makes you shiver like it always does, but the effect is muted under the droning of your anxiety. Like a pale imitation of its usual force. 
“I just was wondering if—would you mind coming down to the shop for a bit?” 
“What for? Need help stocking the shelves?” he asks, still lighthearted. Maybe you’re keeping your cool just a bit too well because he hasn’t yet detected the undercurrent of fear making your voice almost tremble. You glance over your shoulder again and shudder when you see the same man still loitering in the parking lot, eyes locked on you. When he smiles, it’s mean. 
“Actually I—I hope this isn’t rude but there’s…this guy’s been hanging around outside for a bit and…” you start, then stop to chew on your lip. “Well, he’s really starting to freak me out.”
You can almost hear him straighten up on the other end. “What’s that?”
Now his tone makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. You’ve never heard him sound like this before—alert all of a sudden, a hard edge to his voice that you might have associated with his work persona if you’d ever seen it before. It fills you with comfort and worry all at once. 
“He came in earlier and he was…well, he kind of came in looking confused and then—I think he noticed me looking at him strangely or something, which I—well, I don’t think I was making like, a weird face or anything, but—”
“Did he say anything to you?” John asks, cutting you off. 
You cup your hand even more around the phone so it muffles your words. “He said I smell…fecund? I don’t even know what that means, but…”
He goes silent for a moment before he speaks again. At first, you think he sounds almost calm, but you clock the way his breathing pattern abruptly changes. “I’ll be there in a few. Don’t move, honey.”
He hangs up before you’re able to say another word. You hold the phone to your ear for another couple of seconds before your eyes inevitably dart back to the window, where the other man is still staring at you, his upper lip curled. 
You try your best to focus on your job, checking each new customer out while steadfastly avoiding looking out the main window. It wouldn’t do you any good anyway. In your peripheral vision, you see the dark shadowy form of the man still leaning against his car, eyes still trained on you. It won’t be dark for another hour or so, but the fact that your shift only ends when it’s well past the daylight hours makes your hands tremble when you scan a container of hummus. You mess up the code for artichoke three separate times.
You don’t see the moment John pulls into the parking lot, but you hear the commotion and your head whips around just in time to see him dragging the other man into the woods behind the grocers, one big arm wrapped around his neck. He’s somehow bigger than the man you’d thought towered over you, making his struggle seem pointless as he's dragged off by John. 
It’s over so quickly that when the two of them disappear past the treeline, you almost think you imagined it for a second. Then another second goes by and you find John’s car haphazardly parked in the lot, the door still open. At least he managed to turn it off.
“Kate, did you—” you say, turning towards when you remember last seeing her restock the boxed panettone display only to find your manager standing in front of your till, staring out the same window as you. 
“Shit,” she says, blinking. A bit awed. “Never seen John that mad before.”
“He’s, uh—I called him because that guy wouldn’t leave. I thought maybe he’d…I don’t know what I thought he’d do, honestly.”
“You know, we could’ve called the sheriff.”
You don’t want to admit that your first thought was always John. Not the police. “Oh. I guess.” 
The two of you keep staring out the window. Neither man emerges from the treeline. 
“Should I—”
“Don’t even think about suggesting that you go check on him. He’s a grown man and you’re still on the clock.”
“Got it,” you mumble, a bit peeved.
Kate looks at you from the corner of her eye. “Besides, John’ll have my head if he finds out I let his favourite cashier chase after him into the woods where he just dragged off a man harassing her.”
“He wouldn’t do that—”
You’re cut off when a customer waiting at your till clears their throat, forcing you to leave your station at the window. Kate’s smug smile haunts you while you ring the impatient customer up. She heads back to her office before you’re able to say your piece, leaving you to stew in silence.
There aren’t usually many customers in the middle of a random weekday, so you have nothing to do except stare out the window and fret. Your heart skips a beat any time the trees sway with the breeze. Another customer gives you a bit of a hassle over a two-for-one deal that your scanner didn’t pick up and you almost snap at them. 
You finally make the decision to leave your till when the trees rustle and your heart stops for a second before John steps back out into the parking lot, looking dishevelled but no worse for wear. His hat is gone. There’s a nasty cut on his lip and it seems like his shirt has been fully ripped open, exposing a wide, hairy chest and two thick pectorals. You do not stare at the way the hair on his chest whorls around his brown nipples. 
His eyes are locked on you through the window and his brows furrow when he watches you jog to the doors. When they slide open, you hear him shout from across the lot, “Back inside.”
“I can—”
“Get back inside.”
You pout, but listen, taking a step back in and letting the doors shut with a whoosh. You wait anxiously on the balls of your feet until they slide open again when John finally crosses the parking lot in only a few short seconds. He zips up his coat before coming inside, depriving you of the view. You have to school your face so that your pout doesn’t deepen.
“Are you okay—” you ask when he steps into the grocery store, but no one in this town seems to be able to let you finish a sentence because he cuts you off almost immediately.
“Where’s Laswell?” he asks, almost rhetorically because he sidesteps you after a brief touch to your chin to tilt your head up, eyes tracking across your face as if looking for something to rile him up even more. “Kate.” 
You shush him when you trail after him towards the back where Kate’s office door is wide open. His voice carries on a good day; after his tussle out in the forest, it seems to boom across the store, drawing curious eyes. You smile weakly.
“Busy today?” It’s the first thing out of his mouth when he reaches the door of Kate’s office. Her chair is already turned to face him, arms crossed over her chest and blonde hair pulled up into a tight bun.
“It’s normal,” Kate says, almost like a challenge. “Business as usual.”
“Good. I’m taking your cashier home then. That gonna be an issue?”
Kate rolls her eyes. “I’m trembling. You didn’t get all of this out with the other guy? Still need a good fight?”
“Please, John, I can stay—I’m really sorry about all of this,” you say, turning from John back to Kate, a bit frazzled now that it’s sunk in. A faint tremor works its way through you. You don’t even realize the way you unconsciously grip John’s jacket, anchoring yourself in place. 
“Honey, we’re going home,” John stresses, fitting a hand against your low back, drawing you a bit closer. You move into him without a thought, like a natural pull. 
Kate’s eyes soften when she meets yours. “It’s fine, I can cover the till for the rest of the afternoon. John’s right—just go home. I still know how to work a register, you know.”
He doesn’t let you stay a moment longer to argue or insist that you stay and cover your shift. He sweeps you out the door with a warm hand still low on your back, letting you briefly grab your coat and bag before hustling you to his car. It’s freezing inside from the wide open door, so he blasts the hot air until you slump into the passenger seat, the heat lulling you into a stupor. 
The drive back home—whatever home at this point means—is long. Part of you wonders whether he’ll drive you to work tomorrow to pick up your car or if you’ll be forced to take a bus, but it isn’t the time or place to be thinking about those things. 
“What’d you do with him?” you mumble, turning your head to stare at the side of his face. The cut of his jaw is hard, obscured somewhat by the beard growing in heavy with the winter, but deeply masculine like something out of an old western. You think you’d happily count every bristle without complaint if he let you.
“Taught him to mind his manners,” John says. The answer is short, to the point. It makes you tremble. 
“Like, to respect women?”
He turns his head to look over at you. It’s just for a moment, brief in the grand scheme of things, but it feels significant. Pointed. Sustained. “To not touch what isn’t his.”
The truck never so much as wavers on the road.
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moonstruckme · 2 months
can i request a reader who can’t admit she’s upset with one the marauders (or all)? like refuses to cry…only if you’re comfortable of course. thank you :)
Thank you for requesting gorgeous!
modern au
Sirius Black x fem!reader ♡ 1.3k words
The smell of smoke coming from the kitchen is the first sign that Sirius has tipped over from resentment into remorse. 
“Jesus,” you open the front door on your way into the kitchen, eyes watering, “what are you doing?” 
“I was trying to make rice,” he says, fanning desperately over your pressure cooker, “but I think I’ve fucked it.” 
“Do you think so?” Any other day you’d both grin at the harmless snark, but now Sirius’ expression pinches and you think your own must look the same, your tone more biting than you meant for it to be. “It’s fine, it’ll be fine once it airs out. Help me with the windows?” 
Sirius acts like it’s a competition, opening three windows before you’ve finished two and looking at you like he’s expecting a pat on the head for it. You try to give him a smile, and his expression clouds over. 
“Sorry,” he says, voice not quite cool but oddly remote, “the idea was to surprise you with dinner, and I’ve broken your rice thingy instead.” 
“It’s not broken,” you reassure him. “I’m sure it’ll be fine once I clean it out. Why were you trying to make dinner?” 
Sirius grimaces. It’s a full body motion, his eyebrows hooking in the middle while the muscles in his forearms shift uncomfortably and his shoulders migrate upward. “Sort of a shitty attempt at an olive branch, I guess.” 
Some of the smoke has cleared, and you brave the kitchen. “I don’t need an olive branch,” you say. “If you say we’re good, we’re good.” 
“Don’t do that.” He follows you into the kitchen. “I can tell you’re upset, just because—” Sirius hisses when you take the bowl out of the pressure cooker, transferring it swiftly to the sink “—fuck, baby, don’t burn yourself. Let me take care of that later.” 
“I’d rather handle it now,” you say, turning on the faucet. “I’m just letting it soak anyway.” 
“I’m trying to handle this.” Sturdy hands wrap around your shoulders, turning you to face your boyfriend. He looks at you steadily. “Don’t pretend you’re not angry with me, because I know that you are.” 
A spark of annoyance tingles up your spine as you shrug, reaching behind you to turn off the faucet. “I’m not.” 
“Can you stop trying to make me feel like an idiot? I know you. You’ve been all stiff since last night.” 
“You were angry last night. Not me.” 
“Yeah, well it seems to have caught on.” 
You turn away from him and back towards the sink, swishing your hand in the cold water of the bowl to dislodge the charred rice sticking to the bottom. You don’t know where Sirius gets off, acting like you’re holding a grudge when he’s the one who shouted at you last night. Your phone had died while you were out with friends. That was all that had happened. You didn’t think anything of it, because Sirius, the only person who would really worry about not being able to reach you, knew you were out and that you’d be home late. 
But when you had gotten home, he’d been furious. Gone on and on about how he’d been trying to get a response from you all night, and how dangerous it was to get drunk when you couldn’t call anyone (nevermind that you’d been with your friends), and how freaked out he’d been. He wouldn’t listen to you. He’d only wanted to yell and rage, and make you sit in your heels on the couch while he did it. He’d even seemed like he might be tearing up a couple of times. And you hated to think of him being scared for you, but since when was it your responsibility to answer every time he called? He knew you were with your friends. You hadn’t asked him to check in on you. 
He’d gone to bed still fuming and you’d stayed on the couch rather than try to sleep in a hostile bed. Now, inexplicably, his tune seems to have changed. 
“So,” Sirius sighs, “this is you not mad, huh?” 
“Yup.” You scrub at the bowl with your fingernails. 
“I just want a chance to apologize.” 
“You can if it’ll make you feel better, but I don’t need it.” 
“Why can’t you just admit it?” 
“Because I’m not the one who gets pissy about stupid things.” You dislodge a chunk of rice and your hand slips across the bowl, splashing water onto your shirt. “That’s you.” 
There’s a second of dense, oppressive silence. When Sirius breaches it, you can hear the smirk in his voice. “There’s my girl. Tell me about the stupid things I got pissy about, would you?”
“It’s nothing.” 
“No, it’s not. It wasn’t nothing to me, and clearly it wasn’t to you either. Go on, doll.” 
“I don’t want to argue with you.” 
“Sure you do.” 
“Why do you want to fight so bad?” 
“Because,” Sirius says, and you can hear him moving behind you, can all but see him leaning against the counter, the picture of insouciance, “I think you need to get it out of your system.” 
You scrub harder at the bowl. Blackened bits of rice float to the top of the water. “Like you do?” 
A pause. His voice softens. “It’s not always a good thing. I shouldn’t have shouted at you, last night.” Something in your chest tightens painfully at this new gentle tone. “I’m sorry. I let my temper get the better of me. I was just worried about you.” 
“I don’t think that’s my fault,” you say, managing to sound mostly normal. You dump out the contents of the bowl, filling it again with warmer water. “My phone was dead, and I was with my friends. I didn’t need you to worry about me.” 
“I just do, when I know you’ve all been drinking, and I can’t talk to you to know you’re okay…” Sirius takes in a breath, breaking your heart with how it sounds like he’s trying to steady himself. “But you’re right, okay? It wasn’t fair.” 
“I didn’t know I was coming home to be shouted at.” This time, your voice betrays you, a pitchiness that makes you go quiet fast. You hear Sirius move. 
“Sweetheart?” he asks softly. There’s a touch at your elbow. “I’m sorry, baby, please look at me.” 
You don’t want to, but you don’t want your embarrassment interpreted as ire. You take a quiet breath before pivoting from the sink. Sirius’ eyes are waiting, sad and fretful as they probe at yours. 
“I’m sorry,” he says again, impossibly quieter, and runs his fingers from your elbow up the back of your arm. “It wasn’t your fault, I wasn’t being fair. I shouldn’t have shouted at you.” 
You press your lips together, hard. His eyebrows hook up in the middle. 
“You can cry, sweet thing. It’s okay.” You shake your head mutely, blinking, and Sirius makes a terribly lovely cooing sound, snaking an arm around your shoulders and pulling you into his chest. You hug him back as the first hot tear rolls down your cheek. “Oh, sweetheart. I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry.” Your shoulders jump with a stilted, poorly repressed sob, his grip on you tightening. “It’s okay, I’ve got you. I’ve got you, baby. My temper tantrum really did a number on you, huh?” 
You laugh wetly. “Guess so,” you squeak. “Sorry.” 
“If you apologize for this, I may shout at you again,” he warns fondly. “You haven’t done anything wrong, lovely girl. Just let it out, if you need to.” 
You know that’s not easy for Sirius to say. Know he’s likely close to tears himself, from how agitated seeing other people cry makes him. You appreciate the offer. 
You fall into a silence less heavy than any that’s suffocated your home since last night, broken up only by the steady, quiet thumping of Sirius patting your back and the intermittent smooching sounds as he kisses your shoulder or your cheek or the side of your neck. You stand still in your smoky kitchen, wetting your boyfriend’s shoulder with tears and snot, and he lets you.
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stararch4ngelqueen · 8 months
For the Jason drabbles, what about Jason conforting/taking care of reader while they are sick or even on their period?
We love a supportive man. What he receives he gives back tenfold.
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“Show me where, baby.”
His hand roamed along your lower abdomen, imagining the soreness in your tense muscles. The spikes of pain that riddled you bedridden during your most heavy days.
“Here?” He applies pressure, fingers rubbing circles down just under your stomach, along the spot near your hip bone.
“Oww, yes,” you whine, wincing from the pain before being soothed by his massage.
Jason knew what periods were. He knew it’s a natural thing women dealt with. He’s worked with women for years, alongside doing his own research on it during one time you hadn’t left your bed for a while, thinking you were sick at first. It was an.. interesting conversation with Babs over what more he could do to help that the internet didn’t tell him about those relentlessly heavy cycles.
Pain like this took a lot longer to be rid of than a heating pad would allow. Especially the good quality ones with different settings.
Or, if you want something different, something fun that he wouldn’t mind shoving into the microwave for a minute, he’d get you a heatable, plush teddy bear. Or a duck. Or a menstruation crustacean.
He had no idea what the hell that was until you showed him on the site. You received whatever you chose in a box nearly three days later from Prime shipping.
Don’t freak out about blood. Accidents happen. If you got some on the sheets, along his lap when he held you, or on the couch, he could’ve cared less.
He wouldn’t even point it out, if you didn’t know. If you did notice it, he’d immediately shush you in an consolation attack, hiding your shameful expression in the crook of his shoulder.
“Shh, baby,” he’d murmur in your ear. “Easy. Nothin’ I haven’t seen before. S’alright, it’s okay.”
With advice from Babs, he cooks a lot more iron rich meals for you a lot more during this time. Usually, it’s been a team effort. You cook, he cleans up, you wash dishes together. Vice versa.
This week, regardless if you suffer from irregular periods, he does it all. He’ll do it even if he was a walking zombie, he doesn’t care.
Jason will not, no matter what you say, let you lift a finger if he knows you’re in pain. He’s an expert of masking his own, he can tell when you do it.
This even goes if you’re not used to being babied, get used to it. You tend to him for weeks at a time in a single month alone, this is his way of saying thank you for it all.
“Bed.” Jason demands, not even having to turn around from his attention on the stove to hear your shuffling to the kitchen.
“But I’m—“
“I brought you a drink,” he replies. A cup of warm raspberry leaf tea sitting on your bedside.
“No, I mean—“
“I know it hurts, but you can’t take anything until after you eat,” Jason peers over his shoulder, seeing his olive green shirt loosely draped over your body. “Go back to bed, Princess.”
“Can I stay here?” You plea, making his shoulders slump with a sigh. Try as he may, your weakened state makes him more pliable to your every request.
Might as well, since you’re already up. Stubborn girl.
“Go sit on the couch,” he sighs, knowing a few comforters were folded up on the cushions. “Get comfortable, an’ stay there. Dinner’s almost done.”
Jason has pills, plenty of them. From plain Tylenol, ibuprofen, to doctor prescribed muscle relaxers, morphine, etc. All thanks to Alfred.
Broken bones or severe, suture required injuries would be the only times Jason felt complied to take them. He knew addiction, watching it first hand and being involved in it at one point himself. He only took them when he absolutely, positively needed it.
For you, if you needed something stronger, he’d give you half of one pill, or a full, single pill at most. No way would you ever fall victim to such a cruel, toxic routine. He’d keep them locked up, for both your safety and his.
After your said hearty, iron rich meal, you remained on the couch snuggled up together like true lovers.
His guilty pleasure during your period of vulnerability was how much you relied on him for comfort. Positions varied, but his most favorite would be your body laying in his lap as he lounged on his reading recliner.
A gray comforter over your shoulders, some fuzzy socks on your feet. The furnace you called your boyfriend leaving you nice and toasty, his hands settling along your hair and back, preparing to soothe and massage when needed.
He adored when you needed him, he loved catering to you. You were his woman, his little nurse turned patient.
This also sort of gave him an excuse to skip out on patrols, but he never voiced the reasons why he’s gotten calls about it. He just didn’t feel like it, refusing the idea of abandoning you late at night, leaving him tense and unfocused on his routine on if you needed something, and he wasn’t there.
The others, with their detective mindsets could figure it out for themselves as to why Jason didn’t show up on a Saturday night. Or a Sunday, and definitely not a Monday.
He had important priorities, after all.
Just him, you; snuggly comfortable and content, and your herbal scented, menstruation crustacean.
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rebelliousstories · 1 month
Ex Lover’s Lover
Relationship: Cooper Howard x Reader
Fandom: Fallout
Request: No
Warnings: Fluff, Brief Angst, Strong Language, Suggestive Themes
Word Count: 2,093
Main Masterlist: Here
Fallout Masterlist: Here
Part Two: My Baby Shot Me Down
Summary: Cooper Howard gets introduced to a new up and coming actress after his divorce is finalized. What happens when Barb finds out that Janey has been spending time with the two of them?
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The sound of giggles and laughter filled the beautiful California ranch home. It was a sound that had almost never existed there again, but that all changed. Two adults were running around their dinning room in just their bathing suits because someone decided to tickle the other one.
“You ain’t gettin’ me, Coop! Not gonna happen!” The sweet accented voice rang through.
“Oh yes I am, darling.” He replied, darting around the table just in time to catch the woman. Wrapping his arms around her, Cooper began to drag her back outside to make use of their hot tub. She giggled the entire way back, and laughed when Cooper picked her up in a bridal hold to set her in the warm water. There was a tray of drinks waiting for them from before they had gotten side tracked.
“Now that we aren’t goin’ to be distracted any longer,” he groaned as he slipped into the warm water. “Here you are, sweetheart.”
“Thank you, hun. Ugh, this is just what I needed. You have no idea the day I have had.” She took a sip of her martini and relaxed further into the water. Cooper squeezed her thigh underneath the water to prompt her into talking about whatever it was.
“So the new Nuka-Cola ads ran today, and I get it, they want the prettiest image out of the bunch. But the retouching they did afterwards made my lips look twice their size. I look like I have clown lips,” pausing to take a sip, “and when I brought up my concerns to John he said, and I quote, ‘that’s what the people want. They want sex appeal.’ I’m selling a drink, not myself for a few bucks for the hour.” She ended her long rant with another sip of her drink.
“Darlin’ why don’t you find a new manager?” He asked, following her lead with his own martini.
“Cause John is a family friend. If I didn’t use him as my manager, my family would freak out. I’m tryin’ to get them out of the slums in Dallas.” Her voice wavered as she thought about it.
“Well, baby. What do you wanna do about it?” Cooper set down his glass on the ledge and turned his body fully towards his lover.
“I don’t know, Coop. I’m just hopin’ this bullshit dies down before the new movie. I’m just so stressed all the time right now. And I wanna go back to when I was actin’ for the love of it. Not just the love of a paycheck.” Downing the rest of her glass, and eating her olive, her hands were relieved of its glass by Cooper. He maneuvered her from her seat to his lap, and wrapped his arms around her middle.
“Darlin’, you can do whatever the hell you want. If you wanna get back into acting for the love of it, you can. If you wanna change a manager, let your family be mad. You’re gonna take over the world one day. I just hope I’m round to see it.” Howard started to press kisses to any and all skin he could get access to. He was briefly interrupted by her hand hitting his own shoulder, and he began to chuckle.
“Shut it. You’re not that old. You’ll still be around to see me reach your level of stardom.” She teased, pressing her lips against his. Their lips moved against each other as hands began to roam. The couple lost themselves in the moment, and did not pull away for anything. That was, until, someone’s stomach growled loudly.
“You hungry there baby?” Cooper teased, rubbing the front of her bathing suit, right over her stomach.
“You know drinking makes me hungry.” She whined, hitting her lover again when he laughed at her.
“If you think it’s so funny, you can go get food to bring out. How about that?” And she scooted off of Cooper to the bench seat of the hot tub. The man groaned, but made the move to get out of the warm water.
“Alright. What you want, baby?” He asked, wrapping his robe around him to make his way to the house.
“Can you get the cheese board from earlier? That sounds wonderful.” She leaned up to give him a kiss as he passed by, before settling back into the water. Cooper walked into the house and quickly found the board that she had made for an appetizer before their dinner. He was about to leave with the board when the phone rang. Setting the food down, Cooper padded over to the phone, and answered.
“Hello?” He asked, waiting to hear the voice on the other end of the line.
“Coop, hey. It’s me.” It was his ex-wife, Barb, on the phone.
“What do you want, Barb?” As much as he tried to sound indifferent, he was worried it came across as rude.
“Listen, I need you to take Janey. I have a big meeting at work tomorrow morning and my babysitter can’t make it. Please, I really need this favor.”
“It’s a Saturday tomorrow, Barb. What the hell you doin’ that’s so important?” He questioned, leaning against the wall.
“It doesn’t matter. Please, Cooper. Will you come take her for the weekend? You guys can start your week early this way.” She pleaded over the phone. Cooper scrubbed a hand over his face while the other held the phone.
“Alright. Alright, I’ll come get her. Be there soon.” He hung up the phone before she could say another word. With a deep sigh, he opened the door to the backyard and made his way over to the hot tub where his lover looked like she was about to fall asleep.
“Darlin’,” he shook her and watched her slowly come back to the land of the living. “Gotta go pick up Janey. Wanna come with me?”
“Yeah. I’d love to. You know I love that little girl.” She stretched and made her way out of the tub where Cooper waited with her robe. They made quick work of getting dressed and ready for the evening drive. The sun was just about to set when they left their house and got in the car.
It was a little over an hour before they arrived at Barb’s new house where the lights were still on. The entire drive over Cooper kept squeezing her hand, thigh, or really and part he could hold. There was something nerve wracking about seeing Barb knowing what he knew. He was not looking forward to it, but she was the mother of his child; that would never be taken away.
Getting out of the car, Cooper ran around and opened the door for his lover, before grabbing her hand to walk themselves up to the door. He knocked, and waited. The door opened up to the face of his ex-wife. She relaxed upon seeing Cooper, but was shocked to see the woman beside him.
“Hey,” Barb turned back to her ex-husband, “thank you for coming to get her. Come in. She’s just getting her things.” The couple walked inside the luxurious home. Everything in it looked like it was from a magazine.
“Cooper, may I talk to you?” Barb whispered, beginning to drag the man into the kitchen. He turned to his girlfriend, and only went when she nodded. Walking into the kitchen, he placed his hands in his pockets, and waited for her to speak.
“What is she doing here?” She just came out and said it.
“What do you mean?” Cooper responded.
“Don’t give me that, Coop. I thought it was just her imagination, but now I can see that Janey wasn’t lying.” Barb continued, placing her hands on her hips.
“The hell do you mean?” He asked once more.
“What are you doing with a girl young enough to be your daughter?” It was finally out in the open.
“Barb,” Cooper began, “she is a wonderful lady and I’m really happy with her. She’s of legal, consenting age. I didn’t coerce her into anything. She makes me happy and she makes Janey happy.”
“But she is so young. What’s gonna happen when she decides she doesn’t want to be with you anymore and leaves? Then you and Janey are heartbroken.” Her stern words caused Cooper to reel back as if he had been slapped.
“Wow. You really think that she is going to leave me just like that? Because of my age?” He watched as Barb stammered and tried to back pedal on her words. But Cooper just held up a hand, and silenced her.
“Listen, we’ve talked about our age difference. Hell, this is not the first time that I’ve thought about that. But every time I try and bring it up, she’s the one that puts me in my place. We love each other, of course I want her to be around Janey. And they love each other.” Cooper had stunned Barb into silence. The sincerity in his words was shocking to his ex-wife. All she could do was nod without a word as she tried to think. But before she could get another word in, footsteps ran into the kitchen.
“Daddy!” Janey yelled, happily throwing herself at her father.
“Oh, hello sweet pea! You been good for your momma this week?” He pressed a kiss to her cheek as he set her back down. She nodded eagerly, and smiled, which prompted her parents to smile. Another set of footsteps came in the room.
“Sorry, I know y’all were talkin’. But she was so excited to hear daddy was here.” Cooper’s girlfriend had made her way into the kitchen. Neither her nor her lover missed the way Barb’s face screwed up at the mere sight of her. Extending her hand, she introduced and gave her name to the older woman.
“It’s very nice to finally meet you. Janey has told me so much about you.” Barb shook the woman’s hand with a firm grasp.
“Likewise,” she turned to her daughter, “alright. You go have fun with daddy and his friend?”
“She’s not just his friend. Daddy loves Cola like he loved you, mommy.” Her words held an innocence that only a child could have. The three adults looked in between each other with solemn looks.
“Come on, Janey. Let’s let momma and daddy finish their conversation. Can I have the keys, please?” She held out her hands, and offered one to Janey while the other waited for the keys to the car. Cooper handed them over and sent a smile towards his girls as they left.
“At least she’s polite. That seems to be a lost skill for this generation.” Barb commented, tapping her nails against the counter top.
“Yeah she is. Listen, she’s going to be a staple in my life and Janey’s for the foreseeable future. So just try and keep the comments to a minimum. Good luck at your meeting.” And with that, Cooper left his ex-wife’s presence.
When he left the house, he felt like he could breathe again. Letting out a sharp exhale, Howard did not notice his ex-wife watching him from the window with a mournful expression. He opened the car door and smiled at the sound of laughter.
“Now what are we laughing about in here, huh?” He pressed, turning towards his daughter and lover. They shared a look and giggled to themselves once more.
“Nothing. Just laughing about the new advertisement that Janey saved.” She replied, showing Cooper the clipped out image. It was the same one that she had been lamenting over earlier in the hot tub.
“Gotta say darlin’. Clown look is a good look on you.” Everyone laughed at that, and Cooper handed the image back to his daughter before driving out and away, back to his house.
“Can we get ice cream?” Janey piped up after a minute. Cooper looked in the mirror to his daughter, and then over to his lover in the passenger seat.
“Well, I don’t see why not. Whatcha say, Nuka-Cola? Want a Nuka-Cola float?” He teased, squeezing her thigh when she slapped his shoulder.
“Maybe a root beer float. Do you know the chemicals in Nuka-Cola?” She quipped back, holding Cooper’s hand tightly in hers on her lap.
“Alright, well, let’s go get something for y’all’s sweet tooth.” They continued driving, talking, and laughing all the way to the ice cream parlor. And it was there,the Cooper realized that he could find a second chance at love and a family.
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repulsiveliquidation · 3 months
Alone || Leah Williamson
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warnings : mentions of bullying, death, loneliness, rude namecalling. smut is at the end but i promise there is a happy ending. words in bold are from a poem above, but i can't remember who wrote it!
I like being alone was something that you always convinced yourself of growing up. Dad was always high on some binge drinking spree with his equally deadbeat friends and Mum tried her best to be a parent but with a useless father and barely any money coming in, you quickly learned how to keep yourself occupied and take care of yourself.
One day, the police showed up at your door and knocked. Mum stopped folding the laundry and you poked your head in just in time to hear the officers tell your mother that your father had tried to rob the local liquor store and was shot by the police who arrived on the scene. Having been ostracized from the community long ago due to your father’s behavior, the news of his death only increased the cold shoulder you and your mother got from the town.
Parents in your hometown seemed to teach their children bad manners from a young age; all the kids in school knew to stay away from you. No one sat with you at lunch, no one ever wanted you on their team for PE. God forbid you were paired up together for a group project, no one ever wanted your company.
Secondary school was rinse and repeat. No one sat with you at lunch, no one ever wanted you on their team for the science fair. Once, you were assigned the popular girl for the English project which was 25 percent of the class grade.
“You’re doing the whole thing yourself and you better not screw with my portion of the project, you got that you freak?” Megan warned, having cornered you in the girls’ changing room after class.
“I’d watch that tone if I were you, Meg,” came a voice from the end of the showers where you were cowering.
“Stay out of it Williamson or I’ll sock you!”
“I think you’re the only one about to leave here with a black eye Meg so I’d watch your tone.”
“You’re not defending the freak are you?”
“I’m doing what’s right, I’ve had it to here with your snarky attitude,” Leah challenged, grabbing the bully’s arm and pulling her away from you. “Leave her alone.”
“Fuck you, Williamson! Everyone will know you like the freak!”
“Call her that one more time and I’ll tattoo it across your forehead!”
Megan leaves the changing room with a loud huff and you hide yourself more in the shower cubicle. You’d never interacted with Leah Williamson before. You knew to stay far away from the popular girls and the captain of the girls’ football team was one of them.
Leah smiles kindly and reaches a hand out for you. You don’t take it immediately, half expecting her to make fun of you and demand you do her homework for her. Leah realizes this and shakes her head a little, sitting on the floor with you. You’re about to ask her to leave when she opens her mouth first.
“I’m sorry about her and all of them. You don’t deserve to be treated like that.”
“I’m used to it,” you mumble, pulling your legs to your chest and hugging them.
“I’m Leah.”
“I know who you are,” you answer quickly, pushing yourself up to your feet. “You don’t have to pretend to be nice to me,” you say just as the tears threaten to fall. You do not need Leah to see them, it’ll give her one more thing to tell everyone about.
You grab your torn backpack and rush out of the changing room before she can answer you.
Leah stands there a little hurt, her efforts of extending an olive branch failing only motivate her more. She knew about the whole scandal or whatever it was that happened all those years ago but learned at a very young age that Amanda hated it all.
“You treat that family with the same respect you give everyone else, Leah you understand? No one deserves such unkind neighbors.”
You do not know what compelled you to sit in the stands of Leah’s football game against a rival school. There was a ticket in your locker with a note hoping to see you there. Thinking it was a prank, you wanted to throw it away but decided against it, which meant that the cloudy England sky and shitty concession food was your plan for the afternoon.
“Hi, you got my ticket!”
You had your eyes glued to your phone, your hat pulled down over your eyes to block out the stares you normally got. But that familiar thick local accented voice rang loud in front of you, you looked up to see Leah grinning at you with her mother Amanda right behind her.
“You put the ticket in my locker?” you asked sheepishly, watching as Amanda sat next to you.
“Yes darling, her father couldn’t make it and she didn’t waste it so she wanted to give it to you.”
You look up at Leah and her grin is almost brighter than it was before. She was all dressed and ready for the game, hand reaching out to pat your head before running back onto the pitch.
“I’m so glad you’re here, I hope you stay the whole game!” she yelled out, jogging towards the rest of her teammates.
“She didn’t have to give me the ticket,” you mumble under your breath. More people are staring now, you could feel it. Amanda reached around your shoulders and rubbed your back, smiling down at you.
“No, but she insisted.”
Leah was relentless in her pursuit of you. There were more notes in your locker that were not malicious. They were written in the same writing as the first letter that had a football ticket in it, always signed LW.
Soon the letters became more personalized and directly from Leah. People talked a lot in this town and word got out fast that Leah was making friends with the freak. She didn’t seem fazed, the teasing she could endure; the bullying you normally received almost doubled overnight.
Ever since Leah started giving you the letters in person, all the people who had crushes on her had increased their hatred of you.
You were walking home after one of Leah’s games, headphones in and head down like always. You didn’t see them coming for you and didn’t hear them either. Megan and her girls had followed you the whole way until you turned into a dark alley; it was a shortcut to your house and you’ve never seen anyone else use it before.
Carla pulled your hair first. You turned and before you could defend yourself, Megan slapped you across the face. Alice tripped you as you tried to run away, slipping face-first into a muddy puddle left by the rain that morning. Rebecca, the ring leader, grabs your shoulder and turns you around, eyes seething with anger.
“I have wanted Leah Williamson for a very long time, you pathetic little bitch. What the fuck did you do to her in that bathroom that day when Megan was beating sense into your stupid brain huh?”
“Being a bully isn’t a quality I look for in a girl, Becca.”
Leah stands there with her kit still on and her hair sticking to her forehead. Her hands on her hips and chest heaving suggest she ran all the way here. She looks down at you before stepping towards you and reaching a hand out to you. You take it this time and she pulls you up and into a hug.
“Are you okay?” she asks, brushing your hair out of your face. You nod and she cups your cheek, thumb rubbing over your cheekbone that was slightly red from Megan’s slap earlier.
“What did I say about testing my patience, Rebecca?”
“Leah, she’s the town freak! What could you possibly see in her?”
“Everything I don’t see in you, Becca. What would your mother say if I let it slip over tea next week that her precious girl is a sly little liar? She doesn’t need to know about your little stunt with the principal I walked in on last week now does she?”  
“Don’t you dare!”
“Then you leave her alone,” Leah sternly warns, eyes shooting daggers at the fleeing girls.
“Come on, I’ll take you home. I saw them coming for you after the game and I followed them. I’m glad I found you in time!”
“Why are you being nice to me?”
“I think you know I like you a lot more than you’re letting yourself believe.”
“Why me, Leah?”
She takes your hand and walks towards the main road with you. You see Amanda in the car waiting, shaking her head at the two of you.
“Are you okay, love?” she asks you as you climb into the backseat with Leah. She hasn’t let go of your hand the whole time, rubbing the back of your palm with her thumb gently. You like the feeling of her hot skin on yours, it’s such a simple comfort and you can’t even remember the last time you felt it.
“Yes, Mrs. Williamson. Leah got me in time.”
“Please dear, I’ve told you to call me Amanda.”
“Mum, can she stay over tonight?” Leah chirps, holding your hand tighter. You blush a little, looking at her with a single thought in your head; you deserve to allow yourself a little bit of love.
“My mum is okay with it, I can stay.”
“Great! I’ve put a set of clean clothes in the bathroom for you too so…”
“Thank you, Leah,” you say quietly, eyes avoiding her piercing blue ones.
“Of course.”
The whole night goes by perfectly. Amanda cooks a delicious meal that you shamelessly have three servings of. Since it was a Friday night, Leah insisted on movie night. There were throw blankets and pillows all over the floor but you were hesitant to cuddle close to Leah. Having not made a single friend in years, you were scared that one wrong move could ruin the little bit of joy Leah had given you in such a short period.
Leah however, could not hold herself back anymore and was honestly quite annoyed at you. She had been showing her affection towards you for weeks and you were still hesitant to reciprocate them.
“You don’t like me back, do you? You’re just doing this to be nice.”
You look at Leah in horror. No, no, no! This was not how it was supposed to go.
“Leah,” you start, sitting up. “No one has ever wanted to be my friend my entire life. I have my useless dead father to thank for that. When you started giving me those letters, I genuinely thought you were planning some long term practical joke but tonight you’ve shown me that you truly want to be my friend, maybe more.” Leah sits up too and you continue.
“I’m scared, I haven’t done this in a long time. I don’t want to make a wrong move and scare you away. I want you so bad, if everything you’ve left in your letters is true then I want this, I want us. When you scored that goal last week when you rarely do, you looked at me. You did a hand heart towards me and I genuinely thought you were showing it to someone else in the crowd but you pointed at me.”
Leah had tears in her eyes, the tough captain of the school girls’ football team seemed moved by your words. She leaned in and you let her, pressing your lips to hers. You were sure you felt fireworks and that she did too. Her lips were soft and she loved that you smelled like her body wash.
You pulled away and blinked fast, hoping that she wasn’t a figment of your imagination. By the time you’d blinked about fifty times, she was still there, her stupid smug smile on her face.
“I really like you,” you tell her, head leaning on her shoulder as you turn your attention back to the TV.
“I really like you too,” she whispers, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead as she pulls you into her side.
In the days that come, Leah warned all those who regularly mess with you that they now mess with her too. She also warned that if she caught wind of people calling you names, especially freak, they would go home with it etched across their faces.
You’re sat at the dinner table with Leah in your home years later. Grace is sitting on her playmat, totally engrossed in her building blocks. The sunset pours into the living room and you’ve never been happier in your life.
There’s nothing in your life you’d want to change. You thank your lucky stars that the Lioness sitting in front of you took a chance on you that year in secondary school. Life had only gone up since getting together at 17. You went to college and Leah played for Arsenal. It was hard when you moved for a year to Spain to study but Leah fought hard to make sure the connection was there, flying every other weekend to see you.
The moment you graduated, Leah proposed in front of all your friends. Yes, you made friends! The Spain host family you lived with was more than welcoming and gave you a sense of belonging that you had never felt before. The little community you built for yourself gave you a chance to heal and forgive all those people who wronged young you.
She looked up at you with a face of pure admiration. The ring glimmered in the sun, the diamond was the perfect carat for her perfect girl.
“I have never been surer of anything in my life, will you marry me?”
You’re both standing at the altar, hands held in front of all your friends and family. The Arsenal and Lioness girls are rowdy in the front, cheering their captain on. She had just shared her vows and it was now your turn.
“When I was little, I convinced myself that I liked being alone. I was always the last to be picked, last to be called, sometimes the teachers forgot about me. By the time I was in secondary school, I had accepted that I was going to be alone all my life. Until I met you,” you look up at Leah and see that she’s already got tears in her eyes. You continue, feeling a little emotional yourself.
“I was sure that you were playing a prank on me, wanting nothing more than to humiliate me in front of everyone like they always did. I waited and waited and nothing happened. You saved me from those girls that day and in the car ride home I knew you were different. For the first time ever, I wanted your company more than my own.”
“Don’t stop, please don’t stop…”
“Never, babygirl,” Leah coos, hands gripping your hips from behind as she fucks into your pussy hard. You whine into the mattress and grip the sheets, pushing your ass back into her hips. She angled her hips just right, hitting your sweet spot just enough to send you right off the edge.
“Leah!” you cried, reaching back to hold her strong thigh. She was relentless, pounding you through your orgasm. She flipped you over a minute later, her strap pushed back into your sensitive hole just milliseconds after pulling out. You’re about to squeal about being sensitive when she wraps her hand around your neck so lightly. It’s barely there but her skin on yours sends electric shocks through your system.
You buck up into her and bite your lip, forcing her cock straight into your pussy. She gives you that smug smirk that boils your blood and gets to work, rutting into you with purpose. Her hands knead your breasts religiously, face buried between them in an instant. You cradle her head that rests on you, legs widening for her subconsciously.
Your body submits to her willingly and you can barely think when the hand around your neck gently tightens. Your eyes roll into your head and you grin deliriously, oxygen leaving your head as quickly as it gets there.  
Her hips, although practically laying on you, do not relent, pounding into your pussy obediently. Her harness rubs your clit just right and you can barely make a sound to warn her before you gush all over her cock and your thighs. She squeezes your neck just a little harder than usual and it sends you straight into another orgasm right after the other.
She only slows down when you’re shaking like a leaf and turning a little pale, kissing you gently. You grin and reach out for her, she pulls her harness off and settles between your legs. You pat her head and kiss her forehead, fingers running through her blond hair. She presses kisses all over your neck and you sigh, grateful for the chance at a proper life the woman in your arms had given you.
“I love you, Leah,” you mumble into her hair and you feel the captain mumble her answer into your neck. You giggle and settle into the warm bed with the love of your life, excited to see what life has in store for the two of you.
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gomzwrites · 1 year
Task force 141 found out about your soft spots | Part 2
Summary: Ever since they saw the softer part of you, the task force 141 has been trying to see more of them. a/n: This is a follow-up from the previous part! It can be read separately but part 1 gives more context :)  Also! The dividers were made by @gomzdraws (which is also me lol) apologies if I took too long! I'll have to admit I got a bit carried away with part :>
Tags: incorrect military terms, fluff, can be read as platonic or romantic, horrible attempt at Scottish accent(I gave up near the end xD), mention of dog bites, x gn!reader
Captain John Price
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The two of you returned to base after just recently completing the mission; the target was secured and handled, and you rested in the general area as you looked through your phone again, updating your to-do list as you had stumbled upon the photo of the cute latter art previously. You stop and lean on the counter as you smile. It's so freaking cute, you think to yourself before a nudge takes your attention.
"Come", was all the captain said before you quickly followed along without questions. You’re always eager to follow any instructions he gives; maybe he needed to discuss the upcoming mission. But it’s obvious it's not going to be that as you sit in his car. Where are we going?
You ask curiously as you fasten the seat belt. The Captain only gives you a smile as he presses the gas pedal. "Just getting something to eat", he replies as you nod and relax into the chair. Well, it's nearing evening, and you are, in fact, quite hungry, so a small bite before dinner doesn’t sound too bad. It wasn’t long before you finally reached your destination. It’s a quiet town that has a few stalls and shops, and you walk alongside the captain until you stop before a small cafe, tucked nicely at the end of the street.
You look through the window as you watch the few people and barista chilling inside. It looks warm and cosy; there were soft fairy lights lining the pale yellowish wall with brown pillars supporting the structure. The captain gently places his hand around your back as he guides you to enter the cafe. You follow along as you take in the fresh smell of coffee and pastries and the sight of the small place. Price let you wander around for a while before taking a seat near the stairs, and a waiter quickly came as he greeted him. 
"Ah John! It's been a while; I see you brought company." The older man then hands you both the menu as he chuckles and bumps the captain’s shoulder. Price nods back as he glances back at you and says, "Pick anything you want, it’s on me", You give him a surprised look before you nod and take a look. You smile as you look through the list on the menu; it has a lot of cute drinks and desserts, so he saw. You thought to yourself as you ordered a latte; it's apparently their best-selling drink with the 3D cat milk foam on top of the drink. The waiter nods as he looks at Price, to whom he orders tea and some apple strudels. The waiter takes down the order on his notepad before promptly returning to the counter and preparing the orders.
How did you find this place? You ask the captain as you take in the surroundings again; it's a hidden gem, that’s for sure, and the prices on the menu were not bad as well.
"I knew this place because Oliver, the man who took our order just now, used to go to the same college", you hum as a reply and nod.
It's a nice place, and I can’t wait to try the drink, you reply back with a smile as your eyes twinkle with excitement. The captain chuckles as he nods. 
"Well, I didn’t take you as someone who likes these kinds of things, but it's a pleasant surprise, don’t worry. So I figured I'd bring you here." 
He raised an eyebrow out of amusement as he watched you blush slightly. You huffed out a puff of air before you replied sheepishly, 
Ah well, I guess cute things are my weakness after all; who would’ve guessed? 
"Just don't let the enemy know, and you’ll be fine", the captain jokes back as your drink arrives, and you immediately close your mouth as you watch the foam wiggle around when it was placed gently on the table. 
Oh my god, you whisper to yourself as you gasp and take in the sight, quickly taking your phone out and taking a picture. You glance back at Price with sparkling eyes as you tilt your head, giving him a "are you seeing this?" look as he chuckles and nods. He can feel the joy radiating from your face as you go ahead and stare at the drink, and the way you carefully turn the cup around to see the whole thing? Precious.  
He watches you take a sip. You close your eyes and give a nod as you savour the taste. Not only was the drink cute, but the flavour was perfect as well. You can smell the coffee's aroma and see how smooth the drink is. You didn’t realise when you had a bit of foam below your nose as you smiled back at the captain. Price couldn't help but laugh slightly as he took a tissue and wiped off the foam from your face. "Guessing you like it then?", you nod as you place down the cup and cover your mouth slightly to hide the pink blush that’s creeping up to your cheek. 
Yeah, it's not too bitter, and it tastes pretty rich. I like it. You reply as you watch him hum and take his strudel and tea. 
"Good, we can come here again next time". He says this as he gives you a warm grin and a wink.
John Soap MacTavish 
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It was another week of training with the two military dogs, specifically Max and Judy, two German Shepherds who have been quite fond of you as they follow the training. Over the course of the regimen, you are supposed to reinforce essential handling techniques and carry out a few conditioning exercises like generalised commands. You may not be a military dog handler, but the training has definitely improved your skills to be one. Soap has joined you on a few training sessions and watches on the side as you smoothly handle the dogs, carrying out the essential steps and watching as the dogs follow you obediently. He finds it inspiring to see you train with the professional dog handler, Sergeant Sam, who has been offering a lot of help and tips. 
Today, Sergeant Sam guides you through controlled aggression training for Max, something the dog has had some trouble with for the past few days. Max has shown a good level of precision when commanded to attack a target, but its restraint technique still needs more practice, as Max tends to move before you give your words. You coo and guide Max as you carry out the demonstration, pointing at the volunteer as Max growls. You hold onto the leash firmly when Max tries to run towards the target, and you speak with a steady, calm voice as you patiently coo at the dog. 
Alright Max, steady. Not yet. Stay. 
Your voice hushed Max as it reduced his growl and made him stand on the ground, no longer pulling on the leash, and wait for your next command.
Okay, good boy Max, you don't forget to praise it immediately. This is one of the many bits of advice given by Sergeant Sam, it is said to give the dog motivation and let it know it’s doing the right thing if you praise its action immediately. 
You finally gave the signal after a while, and Max immediately went to jump and bite on the protective coat the volunteer was wearing, growling and displaying its aggression as you guided the dog. Sergeant Sam and you continue to practise a few more times with Max to properly train him to improve his restraining skills. 
After a few hours, you were finally given a break as you sat on the floor, sweating as you gently rubbed Max’s head. 
There you are, good boy Max~ So proud of you!
 You whisper to Max as you feel something poke your back. You glance back and smile as you watch Judy (the other military dog) wagging its tail and giving your cheek a lick. 
Ah! Judy, did you miss me? Hey now, who’s a good boy~?
You immediately shower Judy with attention and pat its head as you glance up to watch Soap approaching you. You wave to him as he stands at a distance. You watch his nervousness show as he rubs his neck and taps his foot repeatedly on the ground. You then stand up and order Max and Judy to sit and remain still on the floor as you walk to Soap. 
Sergeant Soap, good to see you. You greeted him with a smile as he relaxed slightly and smiled back at you. 
"Aye, I saw da training todae; it seems yer gettin better at this!", he said as he nervously glanced back at Max and Judy before staring back at you again. You nodded appreciatively as you chuckled and spoke. 
Yeah, Max and Judy have been behaving well, and the training with them is running smoothly. They remind me of my own dog back home, you say fondly as you watch him glance back at you with a surprised grin. 
"Wut? You owned a German Shepherd? That’s perfect, then, actually", You watch as he shuffles around his pocket as he holds out a bag of snacks; it’s Milk-Bone dog biscuits! You smile widely as he hands you the snack. 
"Well, I wanted to give it to ya as a wae to say thanks since yer took the job for me; you seem close to dogs anyhow; I hope I bought the right thing". Soap says as he laughs and pats your shoulder, "What’s the name?", He asks before you take out your phone and proudly show him photos of your own German Shepherd. It's big, and it has a golden sable pattern that shines ever so slightly under the sun. 
Named it Meatball because he always managed to steal some from the kitchen. He is my little ball of sunshine, you explain with a soft giggle as you show him more pictures, swiping the gallery before stopping on one where you were carrying Meatball with a struggling look, face scrunched up with a frown with a grin, you chuckle as you look back at Soap, 
He’s almost 5 years old now and still jumps and expects me to carry him around like a baby, even when he's 60 pounds! 
Soap laughs along as he stares at the photo. You looked so happy and content, and he likes how cheerful and giddy you are when you start talking about your dog. He’s still scared of dogs, but he felt like with you, he might be able to overcome that fear a little as he listens to your stories. 
I'm sorry for babbling so much, by the way. You stop halfway when you realise you’ve been talking for the past 10 minutes about your own dog, but Soap quickly shakes his head as he rests his hand on your shoulder, giving you a reassuring look as he speaks,
"No, no, go on. I love hearing yer talk about Meatball. He’s really cute!", Soap says as he gives you a nudge. "might even visit the fella with how sweet he sounds". Your eyes beamed when he suggested that,
Really? I mean, I don't want to force you to meet him if you’re still uncomfortable and all
Soap nods again as he gives a chuckle. 
"Well, I think I'm still a bit nervous, but it's something I want to try again, ya know?", You nod in understanding before you think for a moment and give a reply as you glance back at the military dogs. 
How about you start by warming up to Judy? Max is a bit bigger and more intimidating, but Judy is smaller, and he’s more obedient. Do you want to try it? Soap sucks in a breath as he contemplates for a few minutes before finally sighing as he nods slowly. You smile as you rest your hand on his thigh to soothe his nerves. 
It's okay; you’re with me. It will be alright. You say gently as you call for Judy to come around. Soap watches as Judy slowly makes its way towards you and Soap, his legs shuffling a bit as his muscles tense up when Judy comes and sits in front of you.
Be good. Soap is going to touch you, okay? You coo at Judy as the dog gives a nod and rests its head on your knee. You glance back at Soap as you hold his hand and speak.
You’re going to be okay; Judy won't bite, I promise. Soap nods with a gulp as he lets you take his hand and guide it to Judy’s head. You watch as he retracts his hand a bit when Judy tilts its head to stare at Soap. 
"y-y/n…" Soap says nervously before you pause and rub his hand in small circles, 
It's alright; take it slow and don't worry. You speak patiently as you watch Soap nod and take a few deep breaths to calm himself down. You don’t move and continue holding his hand in the air, and wait to let him take the initiative to move, and not long after that, he starts running his finger along the head of Judy’s fur cautiously. Judy remains still as it closes its eyes and wags its tail slightly. You give a small chuckle as you whisper back to Soap,
You’re alright; look, Judy likes you. You say as Soap relaxes more as he watches in awe, smiling slightly when he watches the dog press its furry chin onto your knees and melt into his touches. It’s certainly a much different response to what he imagined, and the memories of dogs biting into his legs and arms still haunt him sometimes. He can feel those sharp teeth sinking into his skin and drawing blood in those nightmares, but now? This dog he's touching is peacefully laying on your knee, not moving an inch as he strokes his fur softly with his palm, it's unnerving to him still, like he still expects the dog to bite him if he lets down his guard. But slowly, he gets more comfortable when he sees no signs of that happening, he also knows that if you're here with him, he'll be alright.
Soap glanced back at you as he held his gaze. "Thank you...", he said with a tone full of appreciation as you smiled back at him and nodded. 
No worries, I'm happy you’re able to come this far, you say back with a soft tone as the both of you just continue like this, chatting idly back and forth as Soap slowly strokes Judy’s fur. By the end of the conversation, Judy was resting its head on Soap’s tight, and Soap was no longer trembling as he rests his hand on its head.
Kyle Gaz Garrick
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Ever since Gaz dropped off the bear in your room, you’ve been trying to reach out to him. But many times that has not happened because of the busy schedules, and it also doesn’t help that you’re not often teamed up with him. 
However, when you do see him, you make sure to give him a nod and an appreciative stare as he returns the same. You’ll admit you were not as close to Gaz when compared to Ghost, but ever since the IKEA trip, both of you have been trying to change that, even if it’s just a bit. Sometimes he brews you a cup of tea in the morning; other times you’ll secretly take on his paperwork when you notice those tired eye bags in the morning. 
But you wanted to return the favour with more than just these small gestures. You’ve thought about a lot of options; the first thing was perhaps to buy him a game of sorts. You heard from Soap before that Gaz is a gamer himself and owns a Switch. The problem is that you’re not aware of what kind of games he’s into, and asking those questions will raise suspicions. You have a rough idea that he might like action role-playing and multiplayer games like Elden Ring and World of Warcraft; sometimes you know Soap and Gaz will play Mario Kart because of how loud their laughter can be in their room. But you don’t like guessing and would rather get him something you’re absolutely sure he will like. The other thing you wanted to get him was perhaps a hat or a scarf, seeing as he likes wearing those. But you learned that he is very attached to his scarf, so buying him a new one didn’t seem right to you. As for the hat, you actually found a blue beanie that might look good on him, but you decided to save it for his birthday. After many sleepless nights of trying to figure out what on earth to give him, the opportunity finally presented itself one day. You just finished a mission with the team, and as the crew made their way back to base, you noticed how Gaz’s gloves were damaged; the thumb side was burned off, most likely due to the explosion previously. Gaz took notice of your gaze and gave you a smile.
"It's alright; the rest of it is still fine I can live with it." 
You give a nod as he turns around and speaks to Soap again, back to their usual banter as Gaz elbows Soap for not warning him when the bomb goes off. You secretly thank Soap for his recklessness because now you know exactly what to get him.
You tip-toed around the base during the late hours, being quiet and stepping cautiously on the floorboard to avoid generating any noise. You rest your hand along the wall as you walk before finally reaching the door. You glance around once and finally bend down to put down the little green box with a cute yellow ribbon. You smile softly to yourself as you stand up, only to yelp slightly when Gaz taps on your shoulder from the back. 
"Hey, erm, what are you sneaking around for?-", he stops as you quickly glance back as you nervously stand before the gift, shuffling it behind your feet as you shake your head. Gaz watches your demeanour before he smiles as he looks down, noticing a small gift box. "I didn’t know it was my birthday today", he jokes with that charming smile of his, chuckling softly as he tilts his hand and leans closer.
"You don’t have to be so shy around me. Come on", He bends down to pick up the box as he opens the door. You were about to leave before he stops as he looks at you, motioning to enter his room. You gulp as you nod and follow along, deciding to sit on his bed beside him. You have never entered any member’s room at this point, and you’re surprised at how cosy his room is. A few blankets here and there; he even has a few plushies himself! You get distracted by his place without realising he has already pulled off the ribbon and taken out the gift. You turn around and face him when he lets out a gasp.
Gaz said excitedly as he held a pair of Moto gloves, navy in colour with a dash of blue camouflage, lined with hard leather that protects the knuckles. You watch as his eyes shine and he smiles so big that you can see his prominent canine teeth protruding, silently satisfied with yourself when he thanks you for the gift.
I've been wanting to return the favour since you got me the bear.
You say softly as he nods and tests out the glove. It’s a perfect fit as he feels the texture and size.
"This is amazing! I love it. Thank you so much", He thanks you again as he gives your head a pat. Both of you decided to stay for a while and chat idly after that.
Simon Ghost Riley
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You were awake the entire night, blinking and shuffling around your bed as you sighed deeply. 
Another sleepless night 
You thought to yourself as you pressed a pillow to your own face. You usually have trouble sleeping sometimes—more than you would like to admit. Whether it's because of the stress that lingers after missions or because of nightmares, They plague your nights without mercy. 
You groan and sit up as you stare at the clock. 
It's about 5 a.m. already, and I still can’t sleep. 
You grumble to yourself as you stand and stretch, pissed that you can’t even enjoy a day off without getting a good night's sleep. You decided to run some laps around the field to tyre yourself out and nap afterwards. 
And you did just that, running around the field for the past half an hour already, yet somehow you can feel that you’re more awake than usual. You know you’re physically tired, but your mental state refuses to calm down and screams at you. You sat on the ground hopelessly before lying on it, staring up at the sky as you let out a long, defeated sigh as you let out a few more grumble.
"Good morning, y/n" comes a voice as you glance to your left, recognising it as you divert your gaze from his shoe to his mask.
Good morning, Lieutenant Ghost, You reply back as you sit up and frown, slightly embarrassed that he saw you like this. 
"Grabbing coffee for them, coming along?" He asks as he shakes the car key in his left hand, his other resting in the pocket of his black hoodie. You nod as you stand up by yourself and brush away the dust as both of you head to the jeep.
You’ve done this routine before with Ghost, sometimes doing it yourself. The group likes to take turns buying coffee and breakfast every weekend near the base; even the barista and workers have already recognised you guys at this point. 
"Ah, it's you, 3 black coffees and 2 Earl Greys as per usual, yes?" Ghost nods to the shorter barista as she promptly prepares the drinks. You stood beside Ghost as you glanced around when you waited for the order before catching your sight on the fridge that displayed pastries and other small bites. 
swiss roll!! 
You take notice of the delicacy as you step closer to the glass. They rarely have cakes, at least whenever you come to visit anyway; mostly they display croissants or sandwiches, and you have to admit that the swiss roll they sell looks pretty good and tempting. 
Matcha, strawberry, vanilla, and chocolate
You take a close look at all the options as you stare excitedly. Ghost watches as he stands closer and bumps your shoulder. 
"Chocolate is good."
He whispers into your ears as you blush slightly at the sudden closeness and glance back at him. You nod as you stare back at that specific swiss roll. It even has what you assume is chocolate whipped cream with a small cherry on top. You whisper back softly as you grab his sleeve timidly. 
Can I try the cake with you?
You know you can finish this cake yourself, but you wanted to share it with him since he suggested it in the first place. 
Ghost blinks before nodding as he pats your hand, ordering the chocolate swiss roll as you smile and happily take a seat in the corner of the cafe. You watch as he brings the plate and sets it on the table. He hands you a fork as he watches you poke through the cake and take a bite.
Your eyes beam as your face lights up when you have a taste; the soft, spongy chocolate cake is perfect, and paired with the chocolate whipped cream? It tasted like heaven. Ghost chuckles as he watches you take another bite. 
"Told ya"
You nod as you glance back at him with a giddy smile. You were right. You say as you take a much bigger part of the cake and hand the fork to him, and he nods as he pulls his balaclava to eat the cake, making sure he watches you from the corner of his eyes as he eats it. He likes seeing you take in the sight of him shamelessly, even if it's just his jaw and lips. He liked how you always stare and trail along the faint scar he has around the chin; it's as if you’re mapping him out and memorising his features. He gives a hum of approval as he finishes the bite and hands you back the fork, urging you to take more as you shake your head. 
"It's okay, kid, I’ve tried this cake before already. Eat."
He says this as you frown slightly and nod along, then enjoy the cake again as your brows slowly relax. He smiles as he continues to watch you eat; he knows that you’re always eager and tend to be more compassionate than the other members, even if you don't show it. Gestures like how you always save a seat for him in the planes beside Soap, or how you silently wipe and clean Soap’s guns after missions, or how you always helped Gaz with reports, and you always brew a cup of coffee for Captain when he needs it, your actions doesn't go unnoticed by him. 
Do you have a sweet tooth? 
The question caught him off guard as he watch your eye. He took a few moments to ground himself before nodding. He watched the glint of amusement in your eyes as you smiled and leaned in to ask another question. 
Then what’s your favourite dessert? 
He smiles at your question as he leans in and rests his arm on the table as he stares back at you. 
"Chocolate, if that wasn’t obvious enough already."
You chuckle as you shake your head and slightly poke his muscular arm. 
Yeah, I have an idea, obviously, but you know, like, what kind? Like chocolate bars? Cocoa drinks? Chocolate brownies? You know what I mean, you list out the example as you bite on the fork. 
He chuckles as he goes on and answers back, then you shoot another question and the process repeats. They may be small and mundane questions, but moments like this make him feel human again, to remind him that he is not just a war machine in this world, that he too has cravings and such, plus it also feels like you get to know him better, and perhaps this friendship can flourish more.
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= a/n: am I biased towards Gaz? yes, yes I am(and yeah the gloves are from CSGO lol), like and reposts are appreciated! Have a good day/night! <3
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sturnsbabie · 2 months
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based off of this
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-he definitely freaked out when he found out you were expecting twins even though he knew it was possible since hes a triplet. he was in shock but he couldnt be more excited for his twins.
“WHAT! hows this possible!”
“chris you’re a triplet.”
“OH. i know but still TWINS?”
-he cried when he found out he was having twin boys.
-when you were pregnant with the twins he always loved going to see their faces on the ultrasound screen.
“look theres theo!”
“oh gosh! look theres oliver!!!”
“can you give birth already wanna hold my boys”
“chris!we have 10 more weeks til theyre here!”
-he constantly laid his head on your belly and talked to the twins when you were pregnant.
-lowkey freaked out when you went into labor. kid sped the whole way to the hospital and rushed you inside once he got there.
-he criedddd when he heard his boys cry out when they were born.
-once you got home from the hospital he was by your side constantly helping you with the boys. he just wanted to be by you and the boys at all times.
-when oliver and theo were newborns chris had a bad habit of falling asleep holding them both on his chest so you had to always get them and put them in their bassinets.
-OVERPROTECTIVE over his boys.
-always has dad and son days with each twin separately on the weekends he wants them to be unique in their own way and be their own person aside from being a twin.
-cant ever say no to his boys.
“daddy! can you get me this!” theo said holding a 50 dollar racecar set
“of course bubba put it in the cart.” he smiled
“daddy! can i get these!” oliver said holding a variety of different toys
“put em in the cart son you got it” he said
-occasionally would let them join a few videos on his youtube channel with his two brothers. not much though because he wanted to keep them safe from the internet.
-the twins favorite uncle is definitely both nick and matt.
“uncle nick! tell me funny stories about daddy!”oliver asked
“you should tickle your dad he screams like a girl!”
“nick you’re gonna get them in trouble”
“its true though isnt it”
“uncle matt are you tickilish too!” theo giggled
“dont let him fool you he is!”
-his whole world revolves around you and the twins.
-he definitely lets you sleep in in the mornings just so he can spend time with his twins.
-mans not checking the closet or under the bed if the twins think theres a monster. he’s definitely having you do it.
“y/n baby! help!”
“whats wrong baby!”
“oli and theo think theres a monster in the closet!”
“chris just check the closet.” you said opening the door and checking
“its scary”
“see theres nothing!”
“still scared though!”
-definitely has matched outfits with oliver and theo a few times.
-he made freshlove in mini sizes so oliver and theo can also wear fresh love.
-constantly spoils you and the twins both.
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TAGLIST: @eupiasworld , @sturniolosloves , @mattslovelygf , @smittensturniolos , @hauntedxchris , @hearts4tatemcrae , @bernardsbendystraws , @jo-777 , @wurlibydominicfike , @meerkatzthings
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earthtooz · 2 years
𝟐:𝟎𝟑 𝐀𝐌
fluff, hints at a fight that happened so minimal hurt/comfort, sooo much swearing, ooc rin bc he's so hard to write wtf he has a personality of an apple but i love him &lt;3
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it’s 2 am.
it’s 2 am and someone is knocking on your door like a madman.
you were simply trying to catch some shut eye, exhausted from a day of grieving and almost breaking down into tears on several occasions. the accumulation of a shitty day, a stressful deadline, and the massive fight you had with your boyfriend, itoshi rin, two days ago, really committed to keeping your day melancholic at best. sleep was everything you needed right now, both for its regenerative and escapist purposes.
yet again, you really cannot catch a break from the spite of the universe because it is out of rage that you find yourself walking towards your front door; an anger that dissipates when you see who it is on the other side.
1/3 of the reason why your day sucked. your painfully beautiful boyfriend.
the argument you had with rin was left open-ended on whether the relationship should continue or not. to you, it seemed as though both parties were at different opinions, with you wanting to maintain what you had. after two days of not responding to your texts, you suppose that that had been a short way of answering the ambiguity.
willingly, although reluctantly, you open the door, preparing to end something that you were not ready to let go.
he’s sweaty and he’s panting. did he run up the stairs or something, why is he so puffed? how is he so pretty despite that?
“hey,” you begin, feeling small in his presence. rin bores through you with his teal eyes, not saying anything. you cringe at the silence.
“i appreciate the effort but y’know, if you wanted to make our breakup official couldn’t you have done it at a reasonable hour, rin?”
his eyes narrow at that statement, betraying his usually stoic expression with furrowed brows and an agape mouth. confused. he’s confused, but you don’t see any of it because you find the floor more interesting than your boyfriend (?).
with a deep inhale, you just decide to go for it. if he’s not going to declare it, then you will. “look, rin, maybe you’re right, if this relationship is holding you back then maybe it is best we-“
“-the olive theory.”
“excuse me?”
the first words this man utters to you after two days… is the olive theory?
the dark-haired continues. “the olive theory, we’re- we’re supposed to be compatible.”
you are way over your head right now. did you even wake up? is this a dream? why is your, usually all-straight-talk, boyfriend talking to you about the olive theory at 2am, stammering whilst doing so? what kind of hallucination is this?
“rin, what?”
“i like olives, you hate them, we’re meant to work, and i don’t think i can continue on like this.”
you blink once, twice, three times before pointing at him. “you’re telling me that we’re compatible, yet in the same sentence, telling me that we should break up?”
"i didn’t want to break up?”
“but you just said you can’t continue on like this, what else do you mean?” your voice is at a hushed whisper at best, and although you wanted to raise it louder, you fear that your neighbours would not be happy.
“i meant that i can’t continue on without you!”
“i’ve become so co-dependent on you that i fucking hate it. i can’t fucking function without you, even that fuckhead isagi knows that i’m off and it’s all because of you. it’s only been two fucking days and i’m not landing 60% of my goals, i’m not receiving 20% of my passes correctly, and i keep tripping over myself, you’re ruining me, y/n.”
the flurry of emotions within you triples, and you’re so flabbergasted that no words can escape your mouth. truthfully, you can't think straight, but if you could, the words would fizzle out in your throat before they even saw the light of day.
“if i have to suffer any more of this stupid silence between us then i might kill a bitch. that bitch being the antennae freak.”
even more silence, and rin is practically begging you with his gaze to say something. funnily enough, the next thing you murmur is out of reflex: “don’t say that about shidou.”
he groans. “if i didn’t love you, i would choke you right now.” wow, itoshi rin has a way with words.
the threat causes you to crack a smile. “well, good thing you love me,” you mutter whilst grabbing him by the wrists to pull him inside your apartment. “and it’s a good thing i love you too.”
“well no shit, we’ve been in a relationship for-“
“-shut up and kiss me, you smooth talker.”
the soccer player smirks in amusement before leaning forward, closing the physical and metaphorical space between you, soothing the heartache with gentle touches and a fervent need to love one another.
“why are you here at 2 am? i thought you, of all people, would be fast asleep.”
“tried to, can’t sleep without you- you’re a real pain in my ass, you know that?”
you smile fondly as he hooks an arm around you waist, collapsing into you as a way of saying that he doesn’t mean his rough words. “so i’m just another bedwarmer?” you ask teasingly.
he grumbles a ‘tch’, digging his nose into your nape. “you’re an idiot.”
“thank you, love. speaking of bedwarming, can we go to sleep?” perfectly paired with a yawn, rin looks at you with slight guilt in his eyes before dragging you down the memorised path to your bedroom.
once there, he wastes little time in dragging you into the sanctuary of your bed, and you let out a sigh of content when rin turns off the lights and pulls the covers up. instinctively, your hands retreat to his hair, carding through them.
he’s holding you close, hands resting protectively around your waist.
“we have a lot to talk about in the morning, but did you not get any of my texts?”
“you texted?”
“oh yeah, i remember now that i blocked you after our fight.”
you mercilessly smother him with your pillow.
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tookhimtomypenthouse · 7 months
Caught in the Act
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1.5k words
warnings: choking, biting, violent sex, degradation, anal, more cum eating, dom!felix, oliver being a little fucking weirdo
summary: Felix catches Oliver in the bathtub and has some complicated feelings about it…
minors dni!
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Oliver rests his forehead against the damp porcelain of the tub, pausing as the last of the cloudy water circles down the drain. His heart hammers in his chest as closes his eyes and relaxes for a moment.
“What the fuck are you doing?”
Oliver snaps his head up instantly, sending droplets of water flying from his wet hair. Felix gapes at him from the doorway of the bathroom, his silken pajama pants slung low around his waist. Felix strides towards the tub until he is nearly nose to nose with Oliver.
“Oliver, what the fuck are you doing!” Felix yells, sending Oliver cringing away as he hits his back on the tub’s edge.
“I, uh, um I was…” Oliver babbles, trying to summon a logical response.
“I heard you,” Felix points his finger accusingly in Oliver’s face, nearly shaking. “I heard…noises. Were you drinking it?” He scoffs as he says it, incredulity sneaking into his voice. He takes a step back and starts to pace around the small bathroom.
“No, I swear, it’s not- “
“I mean I knew you were obsessed, don’t get me wrong,” Felix starts, circling the bathtub. “But this is a new low, even for you.”
Oliver opens and closes his mouth helplessly. What could he even say. His stomach drops at the prospect of Felix hating him. Reviling him. The thought alone – no. He wouldn’t bear it. Couldn’t. His head drops into his unsteady hands. He can still taste the water in his mouth, feel it drip down his back. His water. He peeks through his fingers as he dares to look at Felix.
“You’re a freak,” Felix spits as he creeps nearer the tub. “A fucking degenerate.”
Oliver’s breath catches in his throat as he looks into Felix’s eyes. He lowers his hands as he sees something unfamiliar lingering under the surface. Something deeper than anger. Felix carefully lowers himself to eye-level with Oliver. His blown-out pupils bore into Oliver’s.
“So tell me,” Felix huffs as he grabs Oliver’s chin, “why shouldn’t I kick your arse out right here, right now?” Felix is close, so close that Oliver can smell the cognac and cigarettes on his warm breath. It takes everything in him not to melt into his touch, not to kiss his perfect lips right now.
“Because you want me just as bad,” Oliver breathes. “Why else did you come back into this bathroom if you knew what I was doing?” He shifts forward slightly, brushing his nose to Felix’s cheek.
Felix releases his face and stands up abruptly, turning his back to him. His chest rises and falls erratically, his pulse thrumming under his tanned skin. When he finally turns back to face Oliver, he moves faster than Oliver has ever seen. He kneels to the ground and grabs Oliver by the hair, jerking his head back.
“Why you? You’re a fucking nobody Oliver!” He’s so close Oliver can feel his lips move against his ear. “Why do I still want you so badly?” His grip on Oliver’s hair loosens, allowing Oliver to peek into his lust-filled eyes. Felix wastes no time, pulling Oliver into a bruising kiss. It feels more like a fight than a kiss, all punishing force, and flashing teeth. Oliver presses himself closer, leaning over the edge of the tub and holding him tight. Felix finds purchase on Oliver’s damp shirt, twisting his large hands into the wet fabric. Oliver trails sloppy kisses down Felix’s jaw, biting the tender spot where the bone gives way to soft flesh. He can feel Felix’s moan reverberate through his neck, spurring him on. He kisses and bites him relentlessly, as Felix grips his hair tightly.
Felix eventually pulls back, cheeks flushed and hair askew. He looks down at Oliver with half-lidded eyes. “What, are you just gonna sit in the tub the whole time? Get the fuck out and on the ground.”
Oliver stares back for a moment, before swinging a leg out of the tub and stepping out. He looks down at Felix, who only tilts his head towards an empty space on the floor. He walks over and sits on the ground, pulling his shirt over his head. Felix grabs his pants and yanks them down, pulling them straight off and throwing them off into the corner. Felix crawls over to Oliver and straddles him, pressing him flat to the ground.
“Don’t look so surprised,” Felix purrs, “this is what you wanted, right?” Felix wraps his hand around Olivers throat, pressing hard as a strangled gasp escapes. Oliver can only look with wide eyes as Felix yanks his pajama pants and boxers down to free his erect dick. He tightens his grip on Oliver as he leans in closer.
“Don’t be shy now,” his hot breath tickles Oliver’s face as he continues, “we’re just getting started.” Felix releases Oliver’s throat and reaches to pull down his underwear, but Oliver stops him.
“I can handle it,” he says, lifting his hips slightly and pulling his underwear down.
“On your stomach,” Felix orders lowly, leaning back on his heels to give him some room.
Oliver does as told, flipping to lie belly down on the cold tile of the floor. He rests his cheek on the ground, half-terrified and half-buzzing with anticipation. He feels Felix’s hand move down his back, stopping to knead his ass. Felix moves languidly, taking his time to squeeze the meat of his ass before landing a stinging smack on it. He delves deeper, trying his index finger around the tight ring of his asshole before forcing it in. Oliver inhales sharply, the intrusion burning before melting to pleasure. Felix adds another, pushing in his middle finger to stretch him out more. Oliver presses his face to the ground, a low moan slipping out.
Felix withdraws his fingers. He spits into his hand and strokes his length for a moment. Oliver lifts his hips and draws his knees in closer to him, bracing. Felix spreads Oliver’s ass and plunges into him in one go. Oliver shouts, feeling shooting pain as his hole struggles to accept Felix’s considerable size. Tears prick the corner of his eyes as Felix moans.
“Fuck,” he groans breathily, snapping his hips as the feeling overtakes him. “Didn’t know a dirty bastard like you would feel like this.”
Oliver feels pleasure through the radiating pain of it, exhaling as Felix hits something deep in him.
“I bet you like this, being fucked like an animal on the ground, right?” Felix’s words come out choppy and clipped as he thrusts violently, pounding Oliver’s pelvis into the hard ground. “Say it, say you like being fucked like an animal.”
Oliver can hardly speak, overwhelmed by the waves of torment and ecstasy washing over him. “I-I- love when you f-fuck me like an animal,” he splutters, struggling to even form a coherent thought.
Felix laughs as he speeds up to a relentless pace, the sound of flesh clapping echoing off the bathroom walls. He reaches down to Oliver’s throat and squeezes, hoping he leaves deep purple bruises for Venetia to gawk at during breakfast tomorrow. Let her see it and wonder. Let her see it and be jealous, he thinks, cock twitching at the thought. Felix throws his head back and moans loudly, not caring if he wakes the whole damn house up.
Oliver can feel the world around him fading slightly as black spots cloud his vision, heightening the pleasure burning deep in him. He feels Felix loosen up, gasping as air rushes back into his lungs. He lets out a hoarse and broken moan.
Felix releases his grip from Oliver’s throat and moves his hands up to press Oliver’s head onto the tile. His thrusts speed up and become erratic, slapping loudly as he knots his fingers in Oliver’s hair and pushes down hard, sending pain radiating through Oliver’s face.
“Fucking hell,” he moans through gritted teeth. He keeps pounding, eliciting guttural moans from Oliver below. Suddenly, he pulls out and leans back, releasing his grip on Oliver’s head.
“Look at me,” Felix orders, stroking his dick and raising himself up. “Might as well get it straight from the source, you fucking pervert,” he sneers as Oliver turns onto his back. Fucking his fist, Felix huffs in satisfaction. “Open wide,” he taunts as he nears his peak. “Fuck!” He cries out as hot ropes of cum spray onto Oliver’s face and into his open mouth.
Felix sits back to the side of Oliver, panting with exertion. “You better not waste a fucking drop,” he says as he watches him intently.
Oliver swallows the salty load in his mouth and uses his hand to move the rest in, mind well and truly fucked blank. He had not anticipated that his months of yearning would lead to anything, much less this. He can only sit back and do as he was told, all plans of revenge or comeuppance momentarily silenced.
Felix rises and gathers his pajamas pants and wipes off his dick, straightening up as he heads for the door. “Goodnight Oliver,” he pauses under the doorframe for a moment, looking back at Oliver on the ground, “and sleep tight.”
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munv · 5 months
Hey!! I LOVE your "Immersing in Ecstasy" series! But sometimes I can't help but wonder what would be Shidou's reaction to Reader like,, lmaoo I just know it'll be funny😭😭
This is so real caus I’ve been brain rotting about this for months ever since I started the series
I got carried away and died mid way bookie 😞
You were lost, to put it simply. The two brats you call your younger brothers had “supposedly” gave you directions in your little sibling group chat.
And to be honest with yourself.. it was really stupid thinking you could depend on their asses. Seriously, now looking back on the messages they sent who says:
“Go wherever your brain takes you. You’re the older sibling” along the lines of some other sassy remarks you didn’t want right now.
The little shits didn’t know what was coming for them when you got back home. Once rin was out of blue lock and sae finished his interviews, they didn’t know what type of beating they were in for. This time you’d make sure to beat them with the belt buckle. For sure. You scoffed under your breath.
Finally making it into the clearing of what looked like a big room, you spotted a familiar face. “Oliver!” You called out. The male in question turned around to face you with a familiar smile. “[name]-san, when did you get here?” His Heterochromia eyes lit up at the mere sight of you.
“Nice to see you too, but we can catch up later. Where the hell is the brat?” You cracked you knuckles with a dead tone. “I have a bone if not two to pick with him as of now.” You approached.
He let out a small chuckle at your response. “I saw him near the blue lock members if I last remember. Especially your other lil baby” he rubbed his chin after thinking a bit “what was his name? Rinrin or somethin?”
Deciding the ignore the way he addressed your brother you moved on
“Thanks! I’ll make sure to catch up with you later right?” You gave him a light yet playful smile before getting ready to find your brothers. “Anytime pretty!” He yelled out watching you run off into the crowd.
It took you 5 minutes, 5 worthy fucking minutes of your life. Just so you could have rin and sae within your grasp. Well, that was the initial plan before you came across a little problem.
“Woah!” he laughed “so there’s three of you eyelash minions?” Infront of you was what you learnt to be your first brothers’ “pet”.
Rin was beside you fuming like a angry guard dog on patrol. While sae was..Sae. But you knew better than that and learnt over the years to decipher his moods.
The collection went on:
Happy sae, nonchalant sae, upset sae, jealous sae, and these all were equivalent to his resting bitch face. Other could tell the difference between his moods, you could. There was clearly a difference, and if you didn’t know any better you wouldn’t have realized sae was on guard right now as well.
You realized Oliver failed to mention that Sae and Rin had become somewhat acquainted with this..guy??
“Shut the hell up you pink haired freak. And back up, my sister won’t breathe the same air as you.” Rin retorted. You were flabbergasted..did you ever hear rin talk so vulgar towards anyone else than sae? For all you could know he must be cursing elementary schoolers behind your back!
“Fuck off eyelash junior, I’m more interested in her” he pointed at you with interest circling his pink irises. The male leaned closer with a wide smirk, which soon turned into surprise when he found that your hand was pushing his face away from you.
“Sae, get your fucking leash. And- EWWHATHEFUCK?!”
The male pushed against your hand with his tongue with a hint of mischief in his eyes. “Hey, I like you!” He practically sang
Rin grabbed your shoulder trying to drag you away from him, but it was like a case of tug of war with a real beast. “GET OFF?? PLEASE??” You begged. Yet it was all for naught when he used the same hand in his grasp to pull you closer and grab your waist.
He laughed like a maniac, and that’s when he’ll broke loose.
“LET GO YOU ANTENNA FREAK” rin yelled for what felt like the first time in weeks.
Sae being the ever so helpful brother he is, stood in shock at what would be your first meeting with Shidou. Where did he go wrong?? And why was the bug so attached to his precious sister?
Safe to say it was posted on all social platforms in the next few hours. The sudden reveal of the itoshi brothers elder sister had come to light once again.
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romanarose · 2 months
Love and Friendship
Joel Miller x fem!reader
Summary: Joel drives you and you friends home.
Warnings: Mentions of drinking and getting drunk, brief mention of cheating and bad relationship not with reader or Joel, but her friend. Joel being respectful as hell.
Immersivity: Reader is fem and drinks
Written for the @swiftiscruff fic exchange! This is dedicated to every single one of the people in my RomanaVerse discourd server, in no particular order.
Lila, Angie, Kit, Kate, Katie, May, Tara, Winnie, Alicia, Del, Whitney, Dolli, Fen, Haru, Ivy, Mickyla, Pimo, Soup, Olive. Thank you to all you guys who have been supporting my work for years or few weeks. I love you all. If i somehow missed your name its just bc im silly i swear.
Joel had to pull the phone away from his head as you screamed over the thumping sounds of the club. He hadn’t realized how late it had gotten. While you were out with friends, he had spent the evening and into the warm summer night Sarah’s room putting in a built-in bookshelf. She was on a trip with his parents for a few weeks and wanted to surprise her when she got back. Sarah always wanted a built-in bookshelf. 
“Shit! I’m so sorry darl’n!” Joel ran down the stairs, shoving his feet into his shoes and grabbing his keys. “I lost track of time, I’ll be there in 10!”
Joel was supposed to pick you up at 1 AM from the bar. It was 1:53, and he wouldn’t get there until the bar closed. 
“It’s okay baby!” you didn’t sound peeved at all. “But could we maybe drop off my friends too? Since we’re out anyway?”
He hopped into his car. “Yeah, of course baby, of course. Just stand outside once they close up, don’t talk to no one and don’t go near any cars. Make sure Angie doesn’t wander off with no one.”
You promised to stay on the phone with him until he got there. Joel didn’t like you leaving the bars on your own, too many freaks and perverts out there.
Joel pulled up to find you with your friends standing by the building, and he got out to open the door for you and them. “Sorry the back’s a little messy, ladies, work truck and all- hold on.” As you got in the front, Joel got a blanket from the black and laid it over the seats “There, less dirty.”
Angie, Kat and Lana all thanked Joel, and climbed in the back. 
While Joel drove to Lana and Kat’s, you talked to you rfriends about the night. 
“I can’t believe you danced with him Ang, what the fuck. He cheated on you three times.”
“I knoooooowwww!” She giggled. “But he’s sooooooo cute!!!”
Kat rolled her eyes with a smile. “Girl he looks like a grown up Big Mouth guy.”
“Nick Kroll?”
“What? No. Like the cartoon guy grown up.”
“Yeah, the weird Big Mouth kid was modeled after Nick Kroll so that’s just Nick Kroll? And he’s hot??”
Kat groaned, sinking down into their seat. “No, not Nick Kroll, the one voiced by John Mul- wait, you think Nick Kroll is hot?”
The conversation continued with Angie trying to justify how she wants to give Jake ‘Just one more chance!’
Finally, you turn to Joel. “What do you think, baby?”
Joel sighed, and shifted in his seat a bit. “Well, it ain’t none of my business, and I shouldn’t really git involved…”
You smile at your boyfriend. “But you have an opinion anyway.”
With a good natured huff, he lets it out. “It’s just that Angie, I think you’re a nice gal, and if I may, respectfully, easy on the eyes and I think you could do better than a 30 year old still trying to get his rap career off the ground and looks like a naked mole rat.”
The truck erupted in laughter, including Angie,at Joel’s half-roast, half compliment, and he smiled softly. He liked your friends, and he wanted them to like him too.
First up was Kat and Lana. Lana was quite drunk so Joel put the truck in park and helped Kat take her girlfriend inside. Once through the door and up the stairs and safe, Joel said goodnight and locked the door as he left.
Angie was asleep by the time he was back.
“She alright?” He asked about your best friend. 
You mumbled, tired but with a smile. You had a great night, and loved your friends very, very much. “Yeah, she didn’t drink that much. She’s just not used to being up this late”
Joel hummed in recognition. “That’s right, she works the early shift. She’s probably up at like what, 4 AM?”
Turning to him with a bright smile, you giggle a bit. “How do you remember that?”
He shrugged, not thinking much of it. “Angie’s usually the first to leave, so it makes sense.”
You can’t help beam at him, streetlights periodically illuminating his pretty face, strong nose, full cheeks. Your friends mattered to you, them and Joel and Sarah were your everything. So many times, you hear of women whose friends hate their man and vice versa, how there was contention. Hell, Angie’s stupid ass ex never wanted her to hang out with your girlfriends, saying you and them were bad influences, accusing Kat and Lana of trying to sleep with her, etc etc etc. Joel was never like that. 
From the beginning, Joel was respectful, kind, and welcoming to your friends and family. They were welcome over any time, and sometimes came over when you weren’t home to wait for you. You trusted them with Joel and Joel with them. He’d always offer to BBQ something on a warm day, or make you drinks. Slowly, as he’s gotten more comfortable, your precious, shy man has been joking around with them, which makes you smile. Joel was more nervous than he let on a lot of the time, hiding his anti-anxiety pills  from you for months after you moved in. Still, he always welcomed your friends and in return they were respectful of his space and self. 
Pulling up to Angie’s, she’s sleeping like a baby.
“You’re gonna have to carry her and put her to bed, ain’t noth’n wake’n her up once she’s out.” You are about asleep yourself, leaning against the window.
Joel bawled. “I can’t do that!”
“Sure you can, have you seen your arms? Jacked.”
“No- I mean-” He sighed. “I can’t take a drunk lady to her bedroom, it’s indecent!”
“Well she ain’t sleep’n in the truck, c’mon I’ll walk with you. 
Joel sighed again but agreed. Walking around the truck, he unbuckled her, scooped her up and carried her to where you opened your door with your spare key. You guided your boyfriend to the bedroom and excused himself to get her water. There was no way you were gonna be able to put her in pj’s by yourself, so you just unzipped her dress to give her room to breathe and took off her strappy heels. You put fuzzy socks on your feet, the aloe infused kind she loved and covered her in her blankets.
A knock on the door. “She decent?”
“Yeah, come on in.”
Joel placed the glass of water and an Advil on the counter and a trash can by the bedside and said he'd be in the living room.
You sit by your friend’s side, just for a moment, stroking her hair, admiring how pretty your friend was. Beautiful woman, beautiful heart. Your best friend. 
She murmured your name. You took the opportunity to sit her up, making sure she drank some water. “Yes babe?”
“I like Joel a lot.” Angie yawned. “You should keep him.”
You chuckled. “He can’t escape me if tried.”
Once she was asleep again, you walk out and take Joel’s hand, wrapping your arms to hang off his. Joel opens the door for you, and you slide into the middle of the seat, snug against him when he gets in the driver’s side.
“Seatbelt.” He reminded you, you mutter ‘blah blah blah’ but he reaches over you and straps you in.
“Love you.”
“Love you too, darl’n.”
You drive down the road, Joel taking the long way home just so you could watch the night sky together. His truck rumbled and vibrated and bounced, but his arm around your shoulder steadied you.
“They like you a lot. My friends.”
“I like them too. And baby, I ain’t try’n.”
You look up at him. “Hm?”
“To escape.” Joel kissed your forehead tenderly. “Heard what you said to Angie, and I ain’t trying to escape. Not in a million years.”
due to everything happening, this will be my last fic for a little. If you know my other writing formates, I will be updating there a bit here and there but with everything going on I think it's best to keep things quiet for a min. the timing is fitting, as I have a lot of projects to do before school finals.
Then, I'll be backand raring to go again! I think a break will do me good.
I love you all dearly!
No tags bc given everything, I don't wanna draw attention from myself to anyone else. Don't feel like you gotta reblog this one, I would suggest you don't to avoid the heat.
Hugs, and thank you to everyone whose supported my writing for the last 3 years.
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mochalate · 23 days
[bonus] new notification!
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osamu miya x reader || w/c: 1.4k no one knows atsumu like osamu does. This is a bonus chapter to my atsumu x reader series, new notification, but can be read standalone. Reader is a nutritionist for the Jackals. [see masterlist here] c/w: angsty
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Growing up, sometimes Osamu would wonder what it might have been like to live in a world without Atsumu.
It's a thought that had felt improbable, and maybe even a little irrational— like thinking what it would have been like to have grown up in Hokkaido instead of Hyogo.
It was ridiculous, because the Miyas had lived and worked in Hyogo for generations— without even the whisper of a chance of ever leaving at any point in their history; and he was Osamu Miya, twin brother of Atsumu Miya. 
It was how things were. 
And growing up like that with lives so intertwined, meant that one way or another, Atsumu would show up at Onigiri Miya at least once a week; long after they were no longer considered a set. 
(Osamu didn’t want to say it was a twin thing, because he hated people calling anything he did a twin thing… but really, it was a twin thing.)
It was routine. Atsumu would walk in around the end of the afternoon, claim a stool near the cash register, order a plate, and then chat with Osamu for a couple of hours.
(Osamu is grateful for this. He knows he hasn’t been to even a quarter as many games of Atsumu’s as Atsumu has to Onigiri Miya’s lunch rushes.)
It was routine, so he notices when something is different— he notices when Atsumu brings you, one Saturday afternoon.
These are the first words you ever say to him, over the weekend special: “Oh, oh, this is lovely.”
It’s not very busy (and well, a pretty woman was complimenting his food) so he talks a little more than he usually does. “Ya want to know what’s in it?”
“The trick is in the sauce. Ya gotta get the spice mix just right, and then whip it with some olive oil.” Osamu rattles off a list, as he rings up another customer.
Atsumu looks lost. “What the hell is fenugreek?”
“It’s a spice,” you say, as you scribble everything down on a napkin. “It’s kind of bitter, but it balances out the rest.”
He's surprised. “Yer kidding, how does anything bitter taste this good?“
“That's because it's not alone!”
“Know yer way around spices?” Osamu asks.
“She’s a freak about food just like you,” Atsumu scoffs. “She knows.”
You meet his eyes for a second; and then quickly look away, embarrassed without that buffer of being entirely a stranger. 
Interesting, Osamu thinks.
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“And you know, Sakusa was looking, so he said the cookies were fine.” You lean in conspiratorially. “But I saw him spitting into a napkin.”
Osamu winces. “He’s got a hell of a sweet tooth. Sorry ya had to see that.” He can’t imagine it was fun, having your cooking rejected so dramatically.  
To his surprise, you laugh. “Oh no, it was my fault. Does anyone like raisin bran? I like that he’s so honest.”
You’ve started to show up at Onigiri Miya a lot, mostly at night, near closing. You’re not as frequent a visitor as Atsumu; but you’re there enough for him to wonder if you’re showing up as he begins to square away the receipts. 
When you do come, you always have food with you. You always want to know what he thinks of your recipes.
(They start to taste better and better. He starts to look forward to it.)
The last customer, an old man, shuffles towards the register and passes him some crumpled bills. Osamu thanks him, and signals his staff to start closing. 
“Do you have a lot left to do before you go home?” you ask. 
He shrugs. “I could let the staff take care of it. But I try to help out with some of the little stuff.”
“Well…” Osamu bends down, and pulls out the box of fresh paper napkins. “I have to refill the holders.
“Oh, I can help with that!”
“I couldn’t ask ya to—”
You wave him off. “Don’t be silly, it’s no trouble. I’m always taking up your time, it’s the least I could do.”
It’s been a long time since Osamu has thought of being an only child. Somewhere in between when they started kindergarten (where Osamu had discovered that was an option) and the present, Atsumu had become a fact of life.
Now, as he watches you move around the tables, he thinks you’ve started to slot into his life pretty well too. 
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It’s the morning after you stay over that first night that he realises he’s in a little too deep.
It’s completely innocent— you both just lost track of time, working on a project for the Jackals together. Osamu couldn’t let you go home alone that late at night, and you’d known him for months at this point. He certainly hoped you didn’t think he was a creep.
It’s completely innocent. But that didn’t change the fact that you were making breakfast for him, in his kitchen, first thing in the morning. It didn’t change the fact that he’d woken up to the delicious smell of frying eggs, and an apartment that felt alive. 
(It doesn’t stop his heart from skipping a beat when you smile at him over your shoulder.)
“Take a seat! Eggs are almost done.”
Osamu sits. This isn’t real. You’re dressed and ready for the day, and you look far too put together and professional to fit into the cosy fantasy that’s fighting to play out in his head. 
“Do you like them scrambled?” you ask, as you set two plates of scrambled eggs on the kitchen table and pull out a chair for yourself. “Atsumu said he liked scrambled eggs best, once. So I thought—” you cut yourself off, embarrassed. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have assumed that just because you’re twins.”
Death. Taxes. Atsumu. Facts of life. Where every conversation inevitably ends up. 
“I like ‘em,” Osamu says, as he shovels a spoonful into his mouth. “Thanks.”
(It tastes just a little bit better than when he makes them.)
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When Atsumu nervously asks him if cooking together is a euphemism; he realises three things.
One; that Atsumu has figured out that the ‘company’ Osamu has vaguely referred to having over is you.
Two, that his brother has, at the very least, a massive crush on you.
And three, that he inexplicably feels guilty for his attempts at flirting with you.
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It’s not up to him, he thinks. And it’s not up to Atsumu. It’s up to you. 
He’s still thinking that when he stops you from accidentally touching the cast iron on the stove. He’s thinking it when he feels the soft skin of your wrist, and when he hurriedly lets go to try and turn his attention back to the broth he’s making.
(You’re a little out of sorts today. He doesn’t know why. He wants to ask, but every time he marshalls the words onto his tongue, that damn guilt keeps rearing its head.)
He’s thinking it when you ask him if he thinks you have a chance with Atsumu; and when he considers, for one shameful moment, if it was okay to be selfish just this once. Tell you he doesn’t think Atsumu is interested in anyone. Make a joke about how the only thing Atsumu is capable of loving is a volleyball.
Atsumu, who showed up week after week. Who fought his parents until they agreed to support Osamu’s entrepreneurial dreams. His brother, who he knew better than anyone, who he knows would back off and make it all too easy for him to believe that lie if Osamu ever told him he was interested in you.
So he doesn’t think about it after that, and settles for touching you one last time, in the guise of friendship.
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Osamu hears you giggle at something his brother said, as he heads into the back of the restaurant. 
He tells himself he’ll get over it, as he puts a takeout box together. It’s true. Eventually, he’ll be able to listen to that sound without running to hide in a kitchen. 
Osamu feels himself falling into the comfort of familiar movements— chopping the ingredients and shaping the rice; feeling the sticky, starchy grains between his palms. 
It’ll be okay.
(It’s better this way. He knows Atsumu well. He’s never been good at handling bitter food.)
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If you're here after part 4, here are the [end notes] If you found this in the Osamu tag, consider reading [the original fic?] Or maybe one of [my others?] Please leave a like/reblog/reply if you enjoyed. ♥️♥️
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Batlanern Fic Rec
Y’all I have fallen down a rabbit hole with this ship. Is this a rarepair? I think so. If you’re not familiar with this ship, fear not dear reader, I shall educate you. Batlanern is Hal Jordan/Bruce Wayne. Here’s a few of my favorite fics!
Ends Against the Middle by forthegreatergood (multi), 10k, Getting Together      Of all the obstacles Bruce expected when he decided to make a move on Hal, Oliver's attempt to speed things along wasn't one of them.
Welcome to the Family by ViiAo1 67k, WIP, Batfam Shenanigans      Bruce’s children want to meet the man that their father deemed worthy of a smile. So they do, in the only way they know how. By breaking into people's houses and lurking in dark places.      Bruce just wants his children to stop stalking Earth’s Green Lantern, if only because they're ruining his plans.      And Hal? Well, Hal is convinced that Bruce has concocted a plot to get around his ‘no killing’ rule, by having his children stalk him until his heart gives out from the stress.
Falafel by TotallyARealPerson 3k, A/B/O, Smut      Six hours. Six hours is a fairly short amount of time. Six hours without sex should be easy, and it probably would be in any other circumstance.      It's all Bruce's fault.
r/everymanshouldknow: How to interact with kids? by Alienu 5k, Fluff (Apparently, the hardest part about dating isn’t actually getting to the dating stage. It's the part where you try to get your boyfriend's assassin trained, murderous, snappy twelve year old son to like you.      Hal figures this out the hard way.)
Bruce knows how to swim, and he is will swim up the entire Nile if he has to. Too bad Jason has other plans by arrowupmysleeve 5k, Fluff and Humor      Text from Clark K at 10.51: You need to call Hal. He must be freaking out right now.😱      Bruce ignores the text. Just like he has ignored all the others and reaches for the Gotham Gazette's sports section, it seems the Gotham knights lost the game this weekend and that they are considering a trade with the Star City team. Bruce continues to read as the tv drones on in the background at a low volume.      "Morning, B." Jason greets as he enters the kitchen and takes the seat. The grin in his voice is audible, and Bruce almost wines. Jason has most definitely seen the news.     "Good morning, Jason," Bruce responds without looking up from his paper. His phone starts ringing, and Bruce glances at the caller id. It's Clark, again.
The Last Someone by FabulaRasa (multi), 21k, Discussions of oral sex      I decided that what the fandom really needed was yet another object of Pussygate 2021 discourse, so here is my contribution, in which Bruce gets humiliated, Hal gets curious, and they both get what they're looking for.      In case you were (blessedly) living under a rock the last few weeks and don't know what any of this is about, here is your starter kit.
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zombisarchive · 4 months
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mdni. not proof read.
FREAK p.t 2
switch! oliver quick x dom! M! reader
warnings: degradation, name calling, smut, hair pulling, biting, mean reader , making out, over the clothes touching
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Oliver had been eyeing me all night since I arrived at the pub. Who does he think he is? He’s only around because Felix decided to befriend the little freak. Farleigh and I were supposed to meet up with Felix at the pub after class. But there he was again, like a leech attached to Felix. Oliver.
“Felix!..Oliver.” Farleigh said as we approached the table. Farleigh sat next to Felix, leaving me to sit next to Oliver. Fantastic. “hello..” I glanced at Oliver. He glanced at me muttering out a small hello, god can’t he just speak up? I rolled my eyes, trying my best to ignore his stupid glances towards me.
As we started to part our separate ways after the pub, I began to walk back to my dorm the long way. But I had this nervous feeling someone was watching me. My steps slowing down before I came to a halt, turning around only to see a figure horribly hiding behind a large tree. I know that figure from anywhere. Oliver. What now? He’s moved on from Felix to me? what a freak! “I can see you. I know it’s you Ollie” I yelled out, seeing him visibly flinch at my voice made me feel something. He stayed still and silent before revealing himself. “why are you following me?” I asked as I walked up to him, he looked startled as if I were in the wrong to ask that. “I..um..you forgot your cigarettes at the pub” Oliver finally muttered out. “Cigarettes? you’re following me like some creep over cigarettes?” My tone was harsh and he knew it, there was no way he could escape the truth now. Oliver dug through his pocket fetching out a packet of cigarettes, they were crumpled up, but they were my cigarettes.
We stood there in awkward silence as I snatched the packet from his hand. “Why couldn’t you return it like a normal person?” Asking as I rolled my eyes, seeing him shrug. “I was but you clearly don’t like me..” Oliver said looking at me. I laughed in his face, “clearly. you know why i don’t like you?” stepping closer to him I was now backing him up against the tree he was hiding behind. “No?” Oliver said as his back pressed up against the tree. “Because you’re a little freak! a no good for nothing oxfam scholarship boy” the words seethed out of me like hot lava, I was ripping into him and he took it. Seeing him stand there and not react to anything I was saying made me angry. How dare he? My hand shot up, gripping the side of his hair tightly, pulling it roughly to the side. His face contorted into pain, god did he look gorgeous like that…
“You’re a nothing. A lowlife. I don’t know what Felix sees in you” My words cut deep into him like a knife, his face now stone cold. I smirked loving the feeling of him completely helpless under me. “What? Can’t talk now?” I said with another harsh tug at his hair. He hissed in pain, “For someone who hates me so much…you do love calling out my name at night” Oliver said with a stupid smirk growing on his face, I was fuming. I let his hair go, pinning him against the tree, my breath heavy as he just let me do this. “you know nothing about me” Oliver laughed as he looked at me, “of course I do..i know everything..how you jerk off, calling out my name when no one’s in your dorm..how you look at me like you want to eat me alive” He was right. He did know me. I didn’t know what else to do, he had the upper hand here. “But knowing you, you’d never act on those feelings, no, you’re just as pathetic as i am” Oliver said with a laugh.
He’s wrong. I wasn’t a pathetic low life like him. “You’re wrong.” I said, his face turning to confusion at my words. I pressed my lips against his roughly. Oliver kissed me back, our lips dancing with each other. Hands roaming all over each others bodies forgetting we’re still outside. I pulled back a little, biting at his lip. “Still think I wouldn’t act on it Ollie?” Oliver laughed, “I guess I was wrong” “very wrong.” My hand grasped his hair again, pulling his head back as my lips ravaged his neck. Soft moans came out of his mouth. God he sounded wonderful. Biting and sucking on his neck. felt like ecstasy, feeling him squirm as I bite harder than the last bite. My hands roam down to his clothes cock, palming at it, feeling him buck his hips upwards, his moans growing with every touch. “Fuck..” Oliver moans out, as he clings to my shirt. Pulling away from his neck, i glance down at the ranging boner he has, smirking, “someone’s excited” I tease as he rolls his eyes. “Shut up, just touch me” Oliver begs looking up at me. Letting go of him, I step back away from him. “sorry I’ve got an exam tomorrow, later Ollie” I say walking away, giving him a wave. He glares at me as I walk away walking back to my dorm. Oh how fun this will be.
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☆requests open!
☆kinda bad, but maybe I’ll make a p.2?
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thewulf · 9 months
Olive Boy || Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Summary: Request - hiii!!! i was on tiktok and got a tiktok abt the olive theory and wanted to req it with hangman. just something super fluffy and it doesn’t even have to be olives!!!
A/N: Short but so freaking fluffy. Hope you all like it!
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Y/N
Word Count: 1.4k +
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“Babe.” You called pinching his side lightly in the dimly lit dive bar the Daggers had found themselves in. While you weren’t technically a Dagger Squad member, being Jake’s longtime girlfriend and being kinder than anyone had earned you an honorary spot whenever they went out. Tonight, it was Bradley’s choice of some tiny random bar off a side street in downtown. Not that you minded, you adored the divest of dive bars.
Jake turned his head smiling sweetly when you made your way to him. He placed a hand over yours that was already on his hip not wanting you to drop your grasp on him. You only smiled knowing how touchy he got once a little bit of beer went down his throat, “Hi honey.” He leaned down kissing your cheek without any shame. It took you awhile to get used to his very prevalent use of public displays of affection. But you’d grown to love it. Just like you’d grown to love every single little thing about the man. You returned his sweet smile when he lifted his arm for you to make your way underneath.
“You okay?” You asked moving underneath his arm holding your drink close to your body.
He nodded, “Always when you’re with me.”
You shook your head giggling softly, “So cheesy you are.”
He brushed a thumb across your cheek blocking out the noises around the two of you, “Only for you.”
“I know.” You knew your cheeks were heating up by the stupid little grin that crossed his face. You’d learned quickly how much he enjoyed making you blush. So, whenever the two of you were out he made his personal mission to get your cheeks rosy. He always succeeded. Not once did the man fail.
He looked down seeing the drink in your hand knowing you were coming over with purpose, “To what do I owe the pleasure sweetheart?” Jake asked knowing he had you distracted from your original mission. Usually, you’d wander off going to find Natasha. The two of you becoming fast friends. It wasn’t often he actually spent much time with you when the entire group went out. You were a damn social butterfly, and everybody wanted your attention. He never let it get to him thought. At the end of the night, you’d be coming home with him. That’s when the real fun started. There was nothing more that he enjoyed when the two of you, usually beyond tipsy, got rambling and laughing. Usually continuing the drinking being two fools giggling at everything. Jake had never had a love like that. Neither had you. Two souls that were so different but so matched right for the other.
Your eyes lit up in remembrance of why you had come over, “Do you want my olive?” Holding up the drink a little higher you gave him the chance to pluck it out of the martini glass.
He let out a belly laugh seeing how excited you were offering it up to him. Of course, you were tipsy, it only made it more adorable to him. Taking the toothpick with the olive out of the glass Jake quickly ate it. You grimaced knowing how damn salty those things were. You loved the olive juice, thus the dirty martini’s you’d always ordered but hated the olives themselves.
Jake smiled flicking the end of your nose gently seeing scowl you wore so adorably, “Thanks babe.” He kissed your cheek enjoying the flush that came so easily, “Why do you order those if you hate olives so much?” Jake poked your side knowing the answer, he just enjoyed teasing you.
“I like the flavor of the juice Jakey. You know this.” You giggled sipping on the chilled martini. Only you could get away with calling the infamous Hangman Jakey. He’d given up trying to stop you from saying it in front of the Daggers. The first time they heard it they teased him relentlessly at training the next morning. Strangely enough it didn’t bother him, only reminding him of you. It got him in a better mood. From then on out he craved to hear the nickname that only really came out when you were drinking.
He leaned down kissing your forehead lightly, “But you don’t like olives?” He had to keep pressing. Not being nearly as intoxicated as you had made him a little selfish with your time. He enjoyed the light teasing he could get away with that resulted in you laughing and giggling. He’d never take it too far. He loved that giggle only he could get out of you.
You betted your eyelashes up at him with a brilliant smile knowing that made him a little weak at the knees. As much as he knew your ticks you knew his just as well.
“It tastes like biting into a salt brick. Don’t know how you like them olive boy.” You grimaced once more remembering the last time your tried one of those green nasty things.
He threw his head back in laughter pulling you into his chest, “And you know what a salt brick tastes like anti-olive girl?” He continued teasing you knowing how to wind you right on up.
You pinched his side a little harder earning a soft yelp from the unsuspecting man, “I’m imagining that’s what it tastes like. I’m not a horse. I wouldn’t know. You might though.” You gave him a wicked smile placing your chin on his chest looking up him.
“Now darling, that’s not fair.” He laughed reminiscing on the time he told you how his older sister tricked him into biting into one. He grew up on a farm that had a few horses, so he was no stranger to the salt blocks. His older sister convinced him one was a sugar block, and he might have bit into one resulting in a mouth full of salt. He still hasn’t lived that one down. That’s why he had told you the story. If he didn’t then his sister surely would.
“You know I don’t play fair babe.” You shot him a wink before leaning your head down on his chest. Letting out a soft sigh you listened to the steady rhythm of his strong heart.
Jake snaked his arms around your body pulling you close to him not giving a single damn that they were still stuck in the crowded bar. At least the two of you were off to the side, nobody seemed to notice.
“I know, and I love it. I love you.” Jake leaned down again kissing your cheek this time.
You smiled into his chest enjoying every second of contact you got with your boyfriend, “I love you too Jakey.” You yawned feeling the night and the long week catching up with you. That and the three martini’s you’d had were wearing on your conscious side.
Jake watched you for a moment feeling you press yourself more into him. He only decided to speak up once your eyes fluttered closed, and you’d nearly spilled your drink. He scooped it out of your hand setting it on the bar beside him.
“Let’s get you home sweetheart.” Jake gently peeled you from his chest earning a soft whine from you.
“If we must.” You opened your overtired eyes smiling up at the beautiful man you couldn’t believe was really yours sometimes.
Jake nodded soaking in your appearance. He loved you in every state but thought you were more than cute when you were sleepy, “We must. We can put on Harry Potter, and I’ll scratch your back. You’ve had a long week sweetheart. You need to get some sleep.”
“I won’t last more than five minutes.” You admitted taking his hand in yours as he pulled you out of the bar. The two of you waved your friends off escaping with only a few goodbyes.
He squeezed your hand in his, “That’s the goal.” He held the door open for you once you got to the entrance.
“Sometimes I don’t think your real Jake Seresin.” You truly couldn’t believe how lucky you’d gotten with him. Luckier than any girl in the world.
“You make me feel the same.” He shot you a wink this time opening the passenger door for you. Once you were seated he buckled you in knowing it’d be a challenge for you while as drunk as you seemed.
“I love you.” You smiled at him once he joined you in
“And I love you, Y/N.” He kissed your lips this time, cupping your face in his hands. Jake took his time. He’d never, ever get tired of getting to do that with you. He couldn’t wait to make you his wife. Soon enough. Soon.
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