#okay so I haven't watched the new episodes yet
thelaurenshippen · 3 days
When you write your characters, do they have specific, locked-in physical appearances? Does that only come once you get the characters cast/does it match what the VAs look like irl? I was thinking about how, when I listen to TBS I picture the characters different than you probably do or how other listeners do.
For me, I usually only picture things like height/build and hair color/length, but even that is different from other interpretations I see in fanart. What’s it like to see fanart of characters who don’t have faces?
great question!!! no, absolutely not, pretty much never. I have a hard time coming up with character appearances even in books--I am just not a visual person! in writing prose, I of course do have to determine what they look like, but it's not usually the first thing that comes to mind.
when I wrote TBS, I had absolutely no thoughts about what the characters looked like beyond certain vibes (mark: handsome, agent green: beanpole, damien: exceptionally average, etc.) but that said, I'm not sure I necessarily picture every single character looking like their actor. and that's largely because we have so much incredible fanart for the show, that every time I see a new version of a character, I'm like "that's it!". so, to answer the last question in your ask, it RULES
but it's a little different depending on how the casting went. with the exception of Chloe and Sam, almost all the original roles in TBS (so, the first four seasons), were written without a specific actor in mind okay, I started to write a long paragraph about each of the characters and then realized it might be fun to go through the whole original cast and talk about how each actor ended up in that role--
(my god this got long I'M SO SORRY I feel like I've hijacked your really nice and straightforward question)
Sam - easy; she was written for me, she is me, and yet I never picture her looking like me
Chloe - I knew I wanted to get Anna to be a part of the show, so I wrote Chloe with her in mind. but I also don't really picture Chloe looking like her!
Dr. Bright - the hidden lore of TBS is that I thought about playing this role for about half a second, instead of playing Sam (thank GOD I wised up). I don't remember the thought process of casting Julia at all because I'm pretty sure I was just sitting in acting class one day as she was doing a scene and was like "oh, there she is"
Caleb - god, it's so weird to try and remember when these people were strangers to me - Briggon was so big-hearted in acting class, that I knew he'd bring so much to Caleb. but it was watching him do a gruffer scene in class that made me ask him - I wanted Caleb's big heart to make itself known more slowly. Briggon has an essence that I picture with Caleb, but I don't picture Briggon as Caleb, if that makes sense.
Adam - in lots of ways, Briggon cast Adam! he and Alex had been buds for ages and when I wrote the episode in which Adam first appears, I needed someone to do a few quick lines and Briggon suggested Alex. and that was supposed to be that - I had no plans to ever have Adam appear in the show again. but then, of course, we recorded with Alex and I simply had to make him a presence in the show. ditto here in terms of essence vs. appearance.
Damien - I remember the moment I (mentally) cast Charlie so vividly. I'd already shared the season 2 script where Damien first appears with Julia and she was very eager to know who I was going to cast - I think we were talking about it before class, because we both knew that we needed someone very specific and very good. and I'm like "idk! I haven't thought about it in depth yet!". and then Charlie was doing some scene or other in class and Julia and I literally leaned forward in our chairs so that we could look down the row at each other because we had the exact same thought at the exact same time. and we shared this look and that was that. I've never pictured Damien as looking like Charlie, because Charlie is way too good looking.
Mark - these next two were really hard to cast. mostly because I had such a specific idea in my head of a vocal tone/vibe, and I didn't know any actors who fit that perfectly. and it took several weeks of sunday classes with Andrew before I asked if he wanted to get coffee and talk about it. and it took that long because Andrew has this very annoying thing about him where he's literally so versatile and so grounded and real and fucking good in every role he does, that every time I'd watch him perform, all I could see is what he was doing in the moment and nothing else. I would get totally lost in what he was doing and, of course, it is that exact quality that makes him such a compelling Mark. I picture Andrew as Mark about...32% of the time.
Agent Green - an insurmountable task. no one in my acting class was right for it. no friends of friends were right for it and I asked around a lot, got sent a lot of voice memos. and then I was doing a short film with Anna and Ian was there - I'd met him once before when he was in a Rocky Horror production with Anna - and I really dug his energy. and he wasn't right at all for what I was imagining Agent Green to be, but I was like "you know what, I want to work with this actor, and it's one small-ish role in two episodes" and then we got Ian in with Julia and all of a sudden I was like "WELL I GUESS I HAVE TO WRITE A WHOLE AGENT GREEN STORYLINE NOW" (this has happened to me several times. goddamn actors). I think the Green in my head is like...the combination of Ian and his common fan art representation.
Wadsworth - I met Alex doing the same short film - she was in it and also doing fight choreographer and was just incredibly competent and cool. I knew I wanted Wadsworth to be someone who could really boss people around but, like.....in a hot way. it helped that Alex and Ian knew each other pretty well, because obviously that dynamic is central to both those characters. and I think, similarly, Wadsworth is half Alex, half fan art in my head
Frank - I hadn't really planned on bringing Frank into the show itself - kind of an Adam situation - but I saw Phillip do a very interesting intense scene in class and just....couldn't stop thinking about it. despite writing the role into the show more or less for Phillip, I don't really picture Frank as looking that much like him.
Rose - this one was pretty straightforward - I wrote Rose, thought through actresses I knew who had a particular energy and could also sing and Alana popped into my head right away! (the only other actress that came close was Helen, who plays Helen in TAMA which, as you can guess, was written for her. she's got an incredible singing voice like Alana does, but Alana was the better fit, and I got to have Helen villain it up, which was so fun, and have a fucked up thing with Wadsworth (Alex and Helen are irl besties)). but I don't picture Rose in any particular way, other than the cover art for SFP!
Charlie - I loved Ars Paradoxica, I loved Reyn in Ars Paradoxica, and it just felt right. I do think I picture Charlie as Reyn actually.
honorable mentions from the spin-offs:
Mags - I knew pretty much immediately that I wanted to get Bryce in the mix of TAMA and wrote Mags for her in the same way I wrote Chloe for Anna. Bryce and I met doing a production of Spring Awakening years and years previously (she was Martha, I was Wendla) and she's such a talent! I don't really picture Mags like Bryce though - I think I picture Mags as being much nerdier.
Beck - Jason "Marley" Beck has a very specific description in the books. he's a tall, hulking white guy with a buzz cut and a kind of frankenstein's monster energy to him. he's pale as shit. when I wrote him into TCT, I looked for actors like that (and found some truly great ones!) but I'd left the role open and when I heard Chris's audition I was like "welp. that's Beck. I guess Beck is going to be Black in podcast canon!" and that's what we did. podcast canon and book canon are technically two slightly different versions running on parallel tracks, and I wanted to go with the actor that I felt best fit the role, regardless of the fact that the book had already been published. so the image of Beck in my head is different for the book and the podcast.
Oliver - ah, Oliver. the surprising fan favorite. or, really, not that surprising, because I had the exact same reaction to Kristian when I first met him. he auditioned for a role in Passenger List and, while I was of course already a fan of his from Orphan Black, I was still shocked at just how much fun the audition was. and to be clear: auditions suck so so so so so bad. and for PL, they were full 6 hour days of watching actor after actor after actor and, well, it's my least favorite part of the process always. but for the, like, 5 minutes Kristian was in the room, I was having a genuinely good time. so of course we cast him and he was as lovely to direct as he'd been in his audition. when Caitlin came up with Oliver, I think we both had something very different in mind. but there was a mad scientist energy to him that made me think of Kristian so I pitched him to her and she liked the idea and the rest is history. and then, of course, he and Andrew's chemistry was a wild lovely surprise, so we brought him back. gun to my head, I could not tell you what I think Oliver looks like.
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personinthepalace · 23 days
There's Always A Twist At The End - The Devil's Chord (Doctor Who) with a cameo by Murray Gold
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spyroforlife · 4 months
haven't watched the new episodes yet but
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this. the ears pinning when he's pissed. more ear emoting from Alastor please. it's so good. I get maybe he like just controls his emotions so well he can usually keep his ears still but
I want to see him being Creature more often. give us ear flicks and ears turning toward noises, etc. okay yea goodbye
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shittysawtraps · 7 months
saw au where the bathroom is actually attached to the paddys pub building (from its always sunny), and then charlie becomes kramer's apprentice
[Dee and Dennis sit at the bar drinking. Mac busts in.]
Mac: Guys, guys, guys, I've got news, I've got terrible news!
[He doesn't say anything– he's obviously waiting for a reaction. The Gang stares at him blankly.]
Dennis (finally giving in): What's the news?
Mac: Our neighbor... is Jigsaw.
Dee: That sweet old man? And his kids?
Mac: Yeah! They're Jigsaw! (He rolls his eyes) Okay, look, I didn't want to believe it either, but I was walking by their door and I heard screaming.
Dee (weakly): That doesn't mean anything, this is a bad... bad part of town.
Dennis: Shut up, Dee. Mac, continue.
Mac: So I heard screaming, right, and I peeked in, and they were torturing this dude on like, this giant stretching trap!
Dennis: Alright, he's Jigsaw.
[They all sit in silence.]
Mac: At least we haven't been trapped.
Dennis: Well, that's because we haven't done anything wrong, Mac.
[They stew longer.]
Dee: Can I just say, it's a little weird we haven't gotten trapped?
Dennis: I'm glad you said that, because I'm incredibly offended we haven't gotten trapped yet.
Mac: We're trappable! We're so trappable!
Dennis: You know, this is an easily solvable problem. Let's just go next door and sort this out. I'm sure they're reasonable people.
[TITLE CARD: "The Gang Gets Saw Trapped"]
As the episode goes on, Mac, Dee, and Dennis get more and more obsessed with being put in a saw trap for the bragging rights, to the annoyance of John and the apprentices. Mac keeps bringing up the fact that he's gay, to which John clumsily tries to reassure him that they don't trap people for being gay. This continues until John gets so fed up that he sticks them in a spare trap he has lying around, and the three quickly realize that being saw trapped is not as glamorous as they thought it was. Hope seems to be running out, when Charlie and Frank come by to return a reverse bear trap. It is revealed that Charlie borrows traps all the time to catch vermin, and Frank was John's business associate back in the day. John lets them go because of this connection, and Mac, Dee, and Dennis immediately lord their saw trap experience over Charlie and Frank. The episode ends with John, the apprentices, and the Gang drinking beers in folding chairs as they watch someone try to escape a trap, and cheering.
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thirstywoso · 23 days
Frustration | Niamh Charles x Reader
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A/n: I haven't written a fic in around 7 years but after that "we are Chelsea" episode with Niamh I had to write this. It's not edited and it might not be very good but if you enjoy and want a pt2 or more fics send in your requests
Warnings: smut 18+ mdni
A little angst if you squint, fingering r receiving, oral r receiving, thigh riding, squirting, praise kink and masturbation
Word count: 3k
Let's go
Just like most days you were sat in the passenger seat of your girlfriends Skoda Enyaq, this time on your way to Jessie's new apartment for a bonding night with your other team mates.
Although you had your license Niamh preferred to be the designated driver in your relationship before you'd left your house you did insist to her that you we're more than capable of driving seeing as she had yet to drive around that part of Cobham. Just like you knew she would she declined and slipped into the drivers seat. Sighing defeatedly you huffed into your seat. Your girlfriend just smirking at you handing you the aux.
"Baby, you know you're my passenger princess and you are better at playing the car DJ" Niamh giggled.
"Fine!" You mocked offence.
Once down the road and into unfamiliar territory for Niamh you began to direct her telling her what lane to be in and when to signal even though she had the satnav on. She let you carry on a few times before huffing!
"Y/n/n, I've got it"
You knew she hated backseat drivers but you were just trying to be helpful, after a few moments singing along to one of the songs you had put on you'd all but forgotten not to direct Niamh's driving.
"You're in the wrong lane, Jessie's road is the last exit on the rounda... bout" you mumbled out the last part when you caught her eye and she had that stern look plastered on her face. You suddenly remembered what you had done, Niamh wasn't easily frustrated but you knew that was one of her pet peeves.
You could tell she'd stiffened up slightly where she was trying to keep calm and so you put your hand on her thigh and gave her a soft smile. She softened in your touch and smiled asking you to turn up the music as it was one of your favourite songs playing.
"Turning saints into the sea.." you sang in unison as you pulled up in front of Jessie's apartment noting some of your other team mates cars in the lot.
By now you had been at Jessie's for a few hours you'd all watched a movie, had eaten the pizza's you'd collectively ordered and had played some of the games as that's usually what you do at a games night.
You were currently playing Pictionary and you were on a team with Jessie whilst Niamh was with Guro, Aggie was with Cat and Zecira was with Nathalie. You and Jessie were winning by miles whereas Niamh and Guro weren't having as much luck. Yourselves mocking and teasing them, it was then you saw the way your girlfriends jaw clenched that she was genuinely annoyed at herself losing.
"Baby don't worry you'll do better next time" you laughed.
"Yeah baby, maybe we will go easy next time" Jessie mocked.
"Give over Jess, you know I could crush you any day of the week"
"Niamhy it's okay Jess was only kidding"
"Yeah Charles it's all good"
"Whatever, let's play a different game"
It wasn't often you drank considering you were a professional athlete much similar to the other girls in your presence, that's why at team bonding nights you all usually got carried away.
As it was getting later and you'd all had a fair bit to drink, Guro suggested that it would be fun to play a game of truth or dare. Which if it went the way it usually did would end in drama.
"Guro you have to go first as it was your idea, so truth or dare?" You questioned
"Hmm, dare"
After a few seconds of trying to come up with a dare for Guro, Aggie chimes in.
"I dare you to chug the rest of your drink"
"Easy" she retorted after swallowing her mouthful and tipping the now empty bottle upside down.
Zecira seemed slightly bored of the tame dares yawning slightly and took it upon herself to spice things up.
"Let's amp it up a little ladies, Jessie truth or dare?"
"I dare you to kiss y/n for at least 5 seconds"
"But.. Niamh"
"But.. but it's just a game Niamh won't care, will you Niamh"
"Sure go ahead" Niamh said nonchalantly, although when you looked at her to gauge how she was really feeling you could see a tinge of jealous behind the smile on her face.
With that Jessie leant over and pressed a chaste kiss to your lips before pulling away slightly, before she had fully sank back to where she was sitting you pulled her back in for a slightly longer kiss which she reciprocated.
"Finally, that's what I'm talking about"
Zecira always loved in her words to 'liven the party'
After a few more rounds and the feeling of Niamh's eyes burning into you, it was your turn.
"I'm going to go with truth"
Nobody had asked you yet but you had already given licked whipped cream off of Guro's cheek and gave Niamh a lap dance which definitely did not start a fire down below for her and the blush in her cheeks was from the alcohol she was drinking and couldn't possibly be anything else. You saw a smirk appear on Zecira's face and almost regretted asking for a truth.
"Who's a better kisser Niamh or Jessie"
Everyone's heads whipped around to look at you, Niamh almost getting whiplash and Jessie's cheeks burning red. You hesitated to answer because it was such a silly question, well to you at least. You soon realised that maybe hesitating wasn't a great idea because Niamh soon got up and stormed out onto Jessie's balcony.
"Thanks Z"
You went out into the balcony and shut the door, Niamh didn't even turn to look at you, she knew you were there but in the moment she didn't even want to look at you.
"Why'd you hesitate y/n/n?"
"What..? Baby please don't be silly right now. I didn't answer because it's obvious, you're the best kisser out there.. not that I kiss other girls. I mean not that I haven't in the past but you know since you and me, me and you"
Niamh chuckled whilst she turned and cupped your cheek kissing you gently.
"Sweetie shh, I know. I just get jealous sometimes like maybe you could do better than me and Jessie is so amazing and after seeing you kiss earlier it just kind of hit a nerve"
You kissed her again in reassurance
"You know you're cute when you ramble though, I'm sorry I walked out. My emotions are just not as in check as I'd like them to be, what with your backseat driving, losing game night and seeing you kiss my best friend"
"You're just a sore loser Niamhy but you know I only ever want you"
"Well after that lap dance I really want you"
"I'm that good huh?"
"That good" she smirked
"How about we head home and we sort out how emotionally.. and sexually frustrated you are honey"
Niamh didn't need asking twice she grabbed your hand and dragged you back inside. Making some poor excuse about not feeling well and needing to go home and she will make it up to them. With that she shoved you out the door quickly following bundling you into a taxi home.
Your teammates looking at each other knowingly and giggling at Niamh's excuse this time because this happened most game nights.
When you got back home Niamh couldn't unlock the door quick enough, when you finally did get inside you both kicked your shoes off somewhere random on the floor as a tomorrow problem.
Within seconds Niamh had you over her shoulder carrying you to the bedroom, you knew all that extra time she was spending in weight training was paying off.
After kicking the bedroom door closed Niamh dropped you onto the bed making quick work of her clothes and nodding at you to do the same.
Soon both of your sets of clothes were discarded haphazardly on the floor, Niamh signalled for you to move up the bed. You pushed yourself back until your head rested on your pillows and Niamh crawled on the bed above you.
For a second you thought she was having doubts because she hoovered above you staring down admiring the way your lip tucked behind your teeth and your chest heaved with need.
"Baby, if you'd rather not tonight we can cuddle instead"
"NO" she practically yelled
"Sorry, no I want to but I just couldn't help but take you all in, I can't believe you're mine sometimes" admiration dripping off every word.
"Shut up" you giggled and gently slapped her arm. Which flexed under your touch causing your breath to hitch. Niamh smirked knowingly and with that pressed her thigh down into your centre leading to another gasp.
Before long her lips were back on yours deepening the kiss, feeling your tongue run gently against her lower lip. Sighing and relaxing into the kiss. Your fingers scratching gently and the nape of her neck and tangling in the fine hairs there.
Biting your lip and carefully pulling away, her lips attached themselves to your neck slowly trailing up and down sucking on your weak points. Her favourite was just below your ear where your jaw met your neck, she could spend all day there if you let her. Listening to the way your breathing sped up and the small whimpers you made.
Niamh kept her attention there for awhile before sinking lower, peppering your chest with lazy kisses before taking your left peak into mouth and gently sucking and rolling the bud with her tongue. She meant on her elbow and caressed your face whilst swapping to your right breast and paying it the same attention.
Her free hand snaking between your legs making you gasp as she hit the jackpot. Her finger teasingly fuming through your folds causing her to smirk against your chest, mumbling around your nipple causing the vibrations to stir something in your lower stomach.
"So fucking wet for me"
"All for you" your head stretched back against the pillow eyes screwed shut needing more. Tight circles started to be drawn around your clit before gliding back between your folds just before it became too much. She knew your body well and better than yourself sometimes.
Your hands soon found their way into her hair as she kissed her way down your toned stomach and along your inner thighs. She continued to tease you before looking up at you. Two of her digits circling your entrance, she gave you a questioning look which you answered with a small nod.
"Words baby, you know I don't find anything sexier than consent"
"I always want to make sure you enjoy what I do and that you want it as much as me"
"Please Niamhy"
With that she sunk two fingers into you, your back arched slightly and she pressed gentle kisses to your thigh as she worked herself into you. It didn't take long for her to find a comfortable rhythm and it helped with you being so wet.
Then came the sensation of her gently blowing against your clit which made your legs twitch. Before you knew it her tongue was gently aiding her fingers between your legs and darted out of her soft pink lips rapidly as she lapped at your sensitive bud.
Alternating between suckling and flicking her tongue over where you needed her most. More of your juices coated her fingers and with that she slipped in a third which was rewarded with a moan that ripped from deep inside you. Curling her fingers deep inside you whilst you grabbed and her hair pulling her impossibly closer.
"Good girl baby, you're such a good girl for me"
Niamh knew how much you loved being called a good girl during sex and it worked you felt yourself getting closer to your peak.
"That's it baby, you gonna cum for me"
"Go ahead"
With a few more thrusts you were coming apart underneath her moaning her name, which she would deny but was a massive ego boost for her.
She then kissed her way back up your body before using her hips to aid in thrusting her fingers harder into you.
"One more please baby"
Before you even had a second to think your eyes went white with pleasure and you felt yourself gush into Niamh's palm.
She had the biggest dopiest shit eating grin on her face, so pleased with herself.
"I didn't know you could do that"
"Neither did I" you said shyly
"Please don't be embarrassed, that was so fucking hot"
Kidding you sweetly before asking if you were ready for her to pull out. When you nodded she removed her fingers making your legs twitch slightly as your pussy ached to me touched again after what happened next.
Niamh took her finger into her mouth swirling her tongue around them cleaning every last drop of you off of her digits.
Her lips reconnected with yours before you could even think of something to say, tasting yourself of her lips brought another rush of wetness to your core.
You flipped over your positions straddling Niamh's muscular thigh which she tensed below you. Her hands gently squeezing on your breasts as you ground down. Your sensitive nub bumping along each definition.
"You want more?"
You knew she wasn't judging you and was just more curious about your needs than anything.
"Almost there"
Your hips rutted against her becoming more staggered the closer you got. Collapsing back on top of her after your third orgasm. Groaning in her ear as you came down, only adding to the rush of wetness between her own thighs.
"Your turn" you mumbled sleepily
"Not tonight sweetie you're warm out, let me clean you up"
You didn't argue, you knew she was right and you were too tired to reciprocate. You weren't as worried as you would've been at the start of your relationship because you know that not every time is about give and take and some days it's just better to give than receive and visa versa. Although you'd never turn down your favourite meal. Niamh.
Whilst you were thinking about how lucky you were Niamh came back into the room with a wash cloth and some water for you which you happily sipped as Niamh carefully cleaned you up without trying to overstimulate you.
Once finished you cuddled up under the duvet, entwining your legs with Niamh's only for her to let out a little gasp as your leg connected with her centre by accident.
"What was that?"
"It certainly didn't sound like nothing, you're still worked up aren't you?"
Niamh nodded her head but reiterated that she didn't want any reciprocation because she knew your body was exhausted.
"Fine, I won't touch you but I want you to touch yourself for me"
"Baby no, let's cuddle and get some sleep"
With that you gently cupped her discovering how wet she really was, she rolled her eyes in response.
"Please Niamhy, for me. I want to watch you get off for me"
Niamh didn't make an effort to move.
"It'll be incredibly hot knowing your thinking about me and then tomorrow it's my turn to treat you like a queen"
Niamh sighed knowing you wouldn't let up and knew it would be quicker to get it other with so you could go to sleep.
Niamh slid her fingers between her legs as you pulled back the duvet to watch. Her fingers slipped between her pretty pink lips and sunk into herself. She wasn't one for teasing when it came to herself. She had a job and she wanted to get it done.
"That's it baby add another for me, stretch out that tight pussy for me"
Niamh groaned as she added a second finger her brows furrowing and her lip caught between her teeth as she concentrated on your voice, you wrapped your hand around her wrist so you could feel closer to her enjoying the way her tendons flexed against your fingers with every thrust inside herself.
You didn't know where to look eyes darting back and forth between where her fingers disappeared and the concentrated and determined look on her face.
It didn't take long as she was so worked up
"Please can I cum baby?"
"Hmm I don't know"
"Don't fucking tease me, I'm so close! Please!"
You loved hearing her pleas and beg but tonight you just wanted to see her satisfied.
"That's it baby let go"
Niamh's head snapped back as she released. After a few minutes of catching her breath she disappeared to the bathroom cleaning herself up. She slipped into a pair of your training shorts and one of your old college tees. In return she brought you some of England shorts and a UCLA shirt Jessie had given to her one time after she'd gone back to visit.
She helped you into the clothes before laying down and pulling you onto her chest. Your head resting listing to her chest rise and fall rhythmically, your legs draped over hers. She kissed the top of your head and tucked you both under the duvet.
After awhile you thought she had fallen asleep as her breathing was shallow and steady.
"I love you Niamh"
"I love you too y/n"
"Now get some sleep"
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absolutebl · 2 months
This Week in BL - new entries upset the rankings
Organized, in each category, with ones I'm enjoying most at the top.
April 2024 Wk 2
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Ongoing Series - Thai
City of Stars (Fri iQIYI) ep 11 of 12 - Like most Thai BL pulps, this show doesn’t have much story to it. But I'm discovering that what it does have I actually really enjoy. I love that the gay boys got to play matchmaker for a change and I like how just GAY they are. It's nice. Refreshing.
We Are (Weds GMMTV iQIYI) ep 1-2 of 16 - University ensemble BL featuring PondPhuwin, WinnySatang, AouBoom, MarcPawinPoon. I like it. It’s old school Thai BL, but having fun with itself and its tropes. I’m not expecting much, so I don’t mind it waffling. All the couples are comfy. Chemistry is okay. Friendships are nifty. I like Pond's floppy hair. We fine. 
Two Worlds (Thurs IQIYI) ep 5 of 10 - What an extremely bloody episode. And bad guy turned out to be very bad indeed. And now pretty much everyone is dead. Nice kiss. Of course. 
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Deep Night (Thurs iQiyi) ep 6 of 8 - It’s cute, they happy, not a ton happened. Random gratuitous bathing. As you do in BL. And I still think the sides should just end up in a thrupple
Only Boo! (Sun YouTube) ep 2 of 12 - Oh they very cute. Also very silly. 
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1000 Years Old (Thurs iQIYI) ep 9 of 12 - No. NOT THE GUITAR. YES abandon guitar for the sniff test! Love this for them. And me. My most favorite trope defeated my least favorite trope. VICTORY!!!  
Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Unknown (Taiwan Tues YouTube & Viki) ep 8 of 11 - It’s just so good. Baby went away, grew up, and learned how to become a temptation... and a husband. 
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Gray Shelter AKA Gray Currents (Korea Thurs iQIYI) 1 of 5 eps - SooHyuk, only just surviving, reunites with YoonDae, his (brief) younger stepbrother who feels abandoned. They end up living together. The younger brother is played by Lee Jae Bin of Choco Milk Shake. OMG. STEPBROTHERS TROPE. Lucky me! Two in one season. Yay!!!! It's Korea so great visuals too. I shallow but yeah, this is great.
Living With Him AKA Kare no Iru Seikatsu (Japan Thurs Gaga) ep 1 of 10 - Kindly Ryota goes off to uni only to find his new roommate is his childhood bestie, Kazuhito. Kazuhito doesn’t have a girlfriend and Ryota tries to help him figure out why. Same director as Old Fashion Cupcake. It’s utterly charming. I am charmed. Also the framing is gorgeous (of course). Very stylish.
Love is Better the Second Time Around AKA Koi wo Suru nara Nidome ga Joto (Japan Weds Gaga) ep 6fin - I don’t know. Kind of a flat ending with the leads apart for most of it. I enjoyed this show but it never really hit with me. 
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After a teen betrayal and resulting separation a reporter reunites with his first love. That love wants him back. I enjoyed the authenticity of a reunion romance explored in Japan's quintessentially contemplative yet surreal way. The juxtaposition of the tenderness of the sex scenes with this Japanese style of authenticity was oddly elegant but all in all this still fell a little flat for me. There's nothing objectively wrong with it, but in total the narrative felt sluggish and the main couple were just... stiff (in the wrong way). Frankly, I'd rather just rewatch Tokyo in April is. 8/10
Love is like a Cat (Korea Mon Viki) eps 3-4 of 12 - What is going on with this show? No, I get the plot. I just don't get the show or why I’m watching it. Annoying. 
It's done, but I suck
What Did You Eat Yesterday Season 2 AKA Kinou Nani Tabeta? Season 2 (Japan Gaga) 10 eps
To Be Continued (Sat C3 Thailand grey) ep 7-8fin - I can't for the life of me find the final 2 episodes. Haven't had a real hunt, but yeah. No dice so far.
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It's airing but...
Takumi-kun Series 6: Nagai Nagai Monogatari (Japan Furritsubs) eps 1-? of 10 - I may wait and binge it.
Lady Boy Friends (Thai WeTV grey) 16 eps - reminds me a bit too much of Diary of Tootsies only high school. Not my thing. DNF unless it turns a corner and is truly amazing.
Kiseki Chapter 2 (Sun iQIYI) 6 eps - It’s so boring DNFed at 2.
Close Friend Season 3: Soju Bomb! (Weds iQIYI) 6 - The problem with situational comedy BL is it must be situational, comedic and a BL. This show gets 1 of 3 claims correct. 33% is not a passing grade. Dropped at 3.
Memory in the Letter (Thai WeTV) - only 4 eps, tell me if I should bother?
Next Week Looks Like This:
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4/18 At 25:00 in Alaska AKA 25 Ji Akasaka de (Japan Thurs Gaga) 10 eps - Yuki lands his first starring role in a BL drama alongside superstar Asami (previously his senior at uni). Said superstar suggests they form a sham relationship until filming concludes. As they actually begin to fall in love, the spotlight begins to burn. I think I've seen this before (joke) and also the trailer doesn't inspire confidence.
Still to Come in April
4/25 Boys Be Brave! AKA Roommates (Korea Thurs Viki) 8 eps - Trailer Jung Ki Sub is Kim Jin Woo's slacker friend - and secret crush. So when Ki Sub crashes at his place, his heart tingles to be near him everyday. But as the short stay turns into permanent mooch, how long can Jin Woo keep his true feelings under wraps and hold back from confessing?
4/26 My Stand-In (Thai iQIYI) 12 eps - adaptation of Chinese novel "Professional Body Double" by Shui Qiang Cheng. Stars Up (Lovely Writer) and Poom (Bake Me Please) directed by the same team as KP (not a recommendation IMHO - my biggest criticism of that show was the clashing directing styles). This one looks complicated, lemme try: Joe is a stuntman for famous actor Tong. Joe falls in love with Ming but Ming sees Joe as nothing more than a Tong-replacement. After learning this horrible truth, Joe dies. Joe then wakes up in the body of another man also named Joe. He manages to rebuild the same life as before—with the same people eventually re-meeting Ming. Ming wants Joe back but Joe doesn't understand why. But Ming seems to know what's going on and wants to give him some kind of explanation.
I'm exhausted just trying to describe the plot.
Knock-Knock Boys (Thai WeTV) - 4 college friends conspire to help their friend lose his virginity. Familiar faces like Seng (yes, Billy's previous pairing) and Best, news here. But will it actually air this month?
Upcoming BLs for 2024 are listed here. This list is not kept updated, so please leave a comment if you know something new or RP with additions.
NOTE: It looks like one of my personal favorites of last year Unintentional Love Story is getting a spin off!
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Sniff test turning into a make out sesh? Please and thank you. City of Stars
(Last week)
Streaming services are listed by how I (usually) watch, which is with a USA based IP, and often offset by a day because time zones are a bother.
The tag BLigade: @doorajar @solitaryandwandering @my-rose-tinted-glasses @babymbbatinygirl @babymbbatinygirl @isisanna-blog @mmastertheone @pickletrip @aliceisathome @urikawa-miyuki @tokillamonger @rocketturtle4 @blglplus @anythinggoesintheshire @everlightly
If ya wanna be tagged each week leave a comment and I will add you to the template. Easy peesy.
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campbenji · 8 days
*JWCT SPOILERS* very messy first thoughts
OH BOY here we go
-ben and darius's dynamic was epic. the hug. the roadtrip scenes. "is your friend okay?" "no 😊". ben getting darius out of his isolation cabin and darius grounding him in ep2. the parallels with s3ep7. "you kiss your mother with that mouth?" i'm gonna be thinking about that scene for days. their ship is still a swim to me but please they better keep whatever the fuck they have going on in s2 because it's fucking wonderful
-i love that they took the chance to give more light to duos we didn't see much in jwcc. teamups we didn't often see like ben and sammy, THE B-DUO, and darius and sammy got very special moments here
-the amount of pictures/videos from the six years in between??? the brooklynn flashbacks??? we were so well fed
-BRAND!!!!!! i got so happy when i heard him the first episode, he's clearly been checking on his brother and i'm glad he's ok
-bowman family FEAST. brand and darius talking over the phone. the pictures on the cabin. kenji saying he calls mrs. bowman once a week and all the nice things he said about her. the whole mess between kenji and darius. "we're brothers, right?" i died dead. i love this family your honor
-sammy. she's got so much going on and we desperately need to talk about it. i'm so worried about her, she's desperately trying to avoid confronting what happened with brooklynn, with yaz and her own trauma, and then they casually dropped on us that her family isn't speaking to her and never elaborated on that?? sammy, who's love and care for her family was her biggest motivation in jwcc?? i need to know what happened because it must've been big
-mateo!! i liked him a lot, he definitely doesn't want to get into any of this mess but still dabbles around a bit to help the kids, which i respect. also i hope we get to meet his daughter hiraya, she sounds really cool
-MS MICROBANGS (or the handler, or whatever name we're calling her). what is her deal. who is she working for. she's so uncanny, literally almost robotic i need to know more about her
-brookenji over i cheered. don't take this personally i've never been a fan of this ship and a part of me knew they weren't going to last long
-the animation increased in quality so much. the scene after ben, yaz and sammy get out of the sinking van is so well done it's so pretty to look at. and the t-rex with the explosion behind her? it reminds me so much of toro in the tunnels in s1ep8, and i haven't tested this out but i feel like if you put them one next to the other the improvement would be so noticeable.
-also related to the point above: that thing when a character's eyes start filling up with tears but they don't cry just yet? 10/10. chef's fucking kiss
-sure jwct has the same tv-y7 rating as jwcc, but from minute 1 it's obvious it's not the same audience they're talking to. it's not a big change in tone, like for example adventure time/distant lands/fionna and cake, but it's there, you can tell they know it's not little kids watching anymore
-BUMPY IS HAVING A BABY BUMPY IS A MOM NOW they had me shit scared for her and then they pulled a freaking egg my heart was literally pounding. anyways i hope they get both bumpy and the egg somewhere safe and that they name the new anky "speckles" (i've gotten so attached to that name in the last 24 hours it's insane)
-YASAMMY THE QUEENS THAT YOU ARE. their relationship was stellar this season, i was scared when i saw that they were apart but their issues felt organic to their relationship and i just love how they were written in the show, they are still so in love with each other and i can't wait to see where they go next season. they're everything to me
-yeah they were apart for half the season but. benji crumbs. the egg cradle scene. kenji helping ben after he got hit with the stun gun. basically all they did was act like they knew each other but idc. we are so back.
-the brooklynn reveal was... meh?? it could've been more rewarding if they waited until s2 to reveal she's still alive, but at least i hope they take their time before reuniting her with the rest of the camp fam. also i can't believe ppl even guessed what arm she was going to lose y'all have prophetic powers or smth
-bringing daniel back to kill him the same episode was an insane move btw. i would've normally complained but it's all worth it for causing the panic attack scene in ep7. kenji's reaction felt so genuine, i'm forever in awe at how well this show writes grief and trauma
-i'm so conflicted about darius's confession. i like dinostar, but i feel like it wasn't needed for darius to be in love with brooklynn to explain the voicemails and the way he was dealing with her death. she was one of his closest friends, his grief made sense even with them being platonic. on the other hand, i love how he admitted it to kenji and the fact they didn't turn it into a huge fight between them; also, "i didn't know i could even feel that way" aroace/acespec darius truthers never lose
-maybe it's just that i need to rewatch, but i'm lost as to where they're going next season?? i know they're getting on a boat but where does that go?? what are they trying to do?? there's so much happening my head is spinning
-ben... he kind of felt like the comic relief for most of the show, the first episodes showed him as being really paranoid again and struggling with being alone, but halfway through the season they just sort of forgot about it?? idk something was off
-bring back kenji's old latin spanish va idk who this guy is but that is not kenji i can't do this. i'll survive the loss of ryan potter but i won't survive this
anyways yeah i think those are most of my uncooked thoughts, overall i really liked the season, i can't believe we got to see the kids again this is still so unreal to me
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ben-talks-art · 29 days
Okay... This episode of Digital Circus almost made me cry... almost!
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When I saw the first episode of this show I knew I was going to really like it, but I wasn't prepared for how much I was going to love it. This reminds me of when X-Men 97 premiered and even though we were only two episodes in I could already tell this was going to be something special.
I know it's super, super early to say this, but this might become one of my favorite shows. The way they handled this episode really worked for me in a way I haven't felt in a while.
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From the very first scene things already start on a really strong note, with our main lead, Pomni, having nightmares about the worst-case scenario from the new situation she's in where she imagines herself being affected by the circus glitch and being abandoned by the rest of the cast.
This does a great job setting up her sense of isolation and how she thinks she's on her own even though they all should be on the same boat together.
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This gets highlighted even more as another member of the circus, Ragatha, is seen constantly trying to show her support and getting Pomni to cheer up despite the dreadful situation they're in while Pomni herself just acts indifferent as if she had already given up on everything and everyone.
I found this characterization of hers so relatable because I also used to think for a while that my problems were mine and mine alone and that everyone trying to help me were doing that just out of obligation and not because they really cared.
For some reason it felt "safer" to just assume I couldn't count on anyone because then I wouldn't have to worry about being disappointed in anyone, after all, you can't get disappointed if you don't get your hopes up.
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So imagine how hyped I got when I saw that they indirectly made Pomni realize why it's important to rely on people when they switched the roles and placed her on the position where she needed to be there for someone.
I wanted to jump and slam my desk while shouting "Perfect! Perfect! This is just perfect!!"
Everything that needed to be said was being said just in the right way, just at the right time, and with the right amount of emotion, just the right amount of seriousness and levity.
Cause here's the thing, the media often has this obnoxious tendency of portraying antisocial characters as people that need to just "Get over it."
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A lot of writers enjoy lumping grumpy characters, and reserved characters, depressed characters, angry characters and all these stuff as people who just need someone to cheer them up and have them forget about their problems, as if they were babies that just need to grow up and learn to be less grumpy so they can join in with the fun alongside everyone else.
You notice that it's always a person in a bad mood + someone who's always cheerful, happy, and with a child-like joyful attitude to be their contrast or someone to call them out on their "grumpyness."
And that always bothers me because it makes it seem like they're downplaying someone's struggle or inner turmoil as if they were minor things that they latch onto to just because nobody has told them to let it go yet.
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I like when stories showcase why people struggle so much to let go of this mindset, why they struggle to open up to others and find themselves cheering to their day-to-day lives again.
But I'm also aware that this is not an easy task cause it's basically asking to show someone being depressed for a good portion of your story, and if that goes on for too long or it starts diving into a too heavy of a territory, it can make it a challenge just to watch.
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So yeah, I get it, it's hard to find the right balance.
To show why someone needs to overcome their personal demons, while also making it an enjoyable experience to go through.
You don't want a case like Legend Of Korra where Lin Beifong's issues were pretty much treated as a joke, but you also don't want something like the Beast Boy segments from Young Justice where every scene with him just felt the same thing for 5 or 6 episodes, even though they were realistic scenes depicting someone going through what he was dealing with and they all built up to an amazing conclusion with Black Canary... But it was still draining to go through that.
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You need to find the right balance and I felt like this episode really succeeded in that. You get why Pomni feels the way she does and you get why Ragatha tries so hard to help her out and why it's important that she keeps trying even when it seems like there is no point.
I really like how Ragtha isn't just "Cheer up, Pomni! Let me show you the secret to enjoying life!", she's actually trying to be sensitive of her situation, giving her the space and time she needs, and being there for her but not forcing herself on her.
She validates Pomni's pain but also knows it's a pain that she needs to learn how to deal with, otherwise, she's just gonna miss out on her own life.
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The final scene was the thing that really got me.
When Pomni finally realized that the same way she tried to help out that NPC when they were stuck, she also needs to let others help her out.
It took me so long to realize in life that I don't need to deal with everything on my own, that I had people there for me, that I'm allowed to be vulnerable and make mistakes and that the people around me who love and care about me would still be there for me.
It took way, way too long for me to realize all that, so to see that final shot of Pomni imagining herself falling just like in her dream, but this time she had trust that her friends would be there to catch her, it really hit me good.
I'm not sure how to explain it but for some reason I was really proud of her for learning such an important lesson so quickly that it took me so long to learn myself. Like, I know she's not real, she's a fictional character, but I felt an immense relief while thinking people would watch this, and learn from this, and not make the same mistakes I did.
I have no idea where this show is going, but I feel like I'm in safe hands and can't wait to see what else they're going to do and where they're going to go.
I'm very very hyped for this series!
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Also, I know this makes me a monster, but this scene made me laugh. :)
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dreamingoftaehyun · 1 month
# sub taehyun drabble
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pair: kang taehyun x fem! reader content warning: SMUT, sub! taehyun, dom! reader, fingering (m! receiving), pegging, nipple play (m! receiving), choking, premature ejaculation, lots of whining, praise & degradation, pet names like good boy, baby, kitty. w/c: 1.5k a/n: i haven't posted in a hot minute... whoopsies. anyways, i had a dream about fingering taehyun last night and i had to write it >_<
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as soon as you heard the front door open and taehyun's voice call out 'i'm home!', you hopped up from the sofa and practically sprinted to the entryway. "hi baby, how was your day?" you greeted your husband.
taehyun hangs his coat up and takes off his shoes, leaving them by the door. "productive but boring. i missed you." he replies softly, pulling you into a hug. "did you eat?" you asked while walking through the house.
"mhm, yeonjun treated me to a meal." taehyun followed you into the living room, plopping down onto the sofa with a groan. you settled next to him, turning on the series you've been watching together for the past week.
it wasn't until halfway through the second episode of the night you noticed taehyun starting to get a little restless, his hand that was resting on your thigh now drawing circles on your skin. "tyun," you murmur and he looks at you. "you okay?"
without looking at you, he nods, pursing his lips. "you're a bad liar."
he gives you a glare that makes you chuckle. the familiar glint in his eyes was something you'd seen hundreds of times. "oh, kitty's horny?"
taehyun's head snaps to face yours, seeming to try and come up with an excuse as he gives you a blank stare. your hand slides up his thigh, then to his half-hard cock in his pants. you give it a squeeze and taehyun exhales a breath he didn't even know he was holding.
he releases a quiet groan when you rub his bulge through his pants, now fully hard. "i need you."
"nuh uh, say it properly." you tut, hands coming up to play with the hem of his shirt. "please?" he whimpers.
"good boy." you smile, slowly unbuttoning his shirt. an idea pops into your head and you giggle. your leg swings over his thigh, now seated on his lap. you start off slow, kissing and sucking marks onto his neck, basking in the soft sounds he makes directly into your ear.
"lay back for me baby." you tell him and he does, the new position exposing his whole torso. you can't help yourself, sliding your hands up and down his toned body. "you're so pretty, tyunnie. my pretty boy."
while your fingers start to tweak his nipples, he keens at your praise, whining when you start to play with the both of them. you lean down, mouth wrapping around taehyun's left nipple, sucking on it.
taehyun's hips started bucking into you as his whimpers got louder and more frequent. "m-more.. need to be inside you." he whines.
you don't answer, flicking his right nipple a few times in return as you went back to sucking and giving his left one kitten licks. you didn't know taehyun was this sensitive there until you felt a wet patch on his sweatpants under you. sitting up, taehyun's eyes are shut tightly, lips parted. "did you just cum?"
"no!" he whines, covering his face in embarrassment. your hand snakes down his torso and past his waistband, pulling it out only to be covered in white stuff. "what's this then?"
taehyun simply whimpered in response, not able to speak while he watched you lick his cum off of your hand. "bad kitty, i didn't say you could cum yet, did i?"
you made your way to your shared bedroom, taehyun quickly following. he gasps when you push him onto the bed. "get on all fours, tyun." he quickly obeys, positioning himself in the middle of the bed. you take your time undressing, putting on your strap-on.
taehyun had also fully undressed, not exactly on all fours like you'd asked but instead had his back arched with his ass out, tempting you. opening the bottle of lube you had stored in your drawer, you spread it around your fingers and taehyun's ass.
"you ready, tyunnie?" you ask, finger prodding at his hole. "fuck, yeah." he breathes out. you slide two fingers in at first, letting him get used to the stretch. "shit, need more... i can take it," taehyun whimpers out.
you scoff, putting a third then a fourth finger in. he mewls out when you start moving them, thrusting your fingers in and out. "thought you could take it?"
"ohmygod!— i can!" he rasps, taehyun's hands gripping the sheets as he cries into the mattress when your fingers found his prostate, hitting it over and over. he looked so hot at your submission — drool coming out of his mouth, legs shaking trying to hold himself up, fingers gripping the sheets, back arched — all for you.
"who knew you were such a slut, tyunnie?" you tease, practically ramming your fingers inside him. your other hand came around to wrap around his cock. "ah, please let me fuck you already..." taehyun chokes out and you laugh. "i'm fucking you tonight, kitty."
the slow pace you had on his cock contradicted the roughness you were fingering him with. "mmf—fuck… ‘m— gonna cum–" he whimpers, crying out when both of your hands withdrew from him. "babyyy, i was so close!" he whines, sniffling as a few tears rolled down his cheeks.
"too bad, i'm not letting you cum early again." you push your fingers back inside him and taehyun lets out a sigh of relief. this time, you fucked your fingers into him painfully slowly. taehyun was still teary and clouded with lust at this point, sniffling and trying to push his hips onto your fingers to get more friction. "it's not enough, please just touch me, y/n." he begs.
mocking him, you pull your fingers out yet again, instead picking up the bottle of lube you left next to you and covering your strap with it. taehyun held his breath when he felt the tip of the toy prod at his hole.
"breathe, baby." you cooed, soothing him by rubbing his back as you carefully slid the strap inside. taehyun's small groans egged you on, bottoming out not long after.
taehyun finally exhaled once the toy was fully inside. his mind was hazy, not being able to think a coherent thought except for that he felt so full. "tyun," you call out. "you okay?"
"mhmm, never felt better." taehyun smiles and you can't help but giggle. another moment passes and you finally move, making him groan in surprise. you started with passive, slow but teasing thrusts. the little gasps and whines coming from your lover was addicting.
"faster!" taehyun whimpers. your hand slivered up his back, around his shoulders and take claim on his neck. lightly adding pressure with your fingers, his back arches up and you pull him towards you, his head now lolling back onto your own shoulder and you quickened your pace.
you thrusted into him roughly now, the hand that was on his neck roaming up and down his chest, back in forth between playing with his puffy nipples and back on his neck. "that's my good boy. take it like the slut you are." you purr into his ear.
"fuckkk— 'm close," taehyun moans and you fuck into him as hard as you can, the contact of your bare thighs on his own making a loud clapping noise that drove you to fuck him impossibly harder. "feels— ah, so good!"
"gonna cum all over yourself? you're so pathetic, my cute kitty." you teased and taehyun whines, " 'm not cute, fuck— fuck you."
you chuckled, slapping one of his cheeks that made him cry out. "gonna cum soon," taehyun says. "not unless you beg me." you slow your pace down, fingers digging into his hips.
"please, baby. need to cum so bad , it hurts." taehyun begs, tears pooling in his eyes. "i'll do anything!"
"good boy, you can cum." you smile before going back to the rough pace you had before, fucking taehyun so hard he started twitching, mouth wide open but no sounds coming out, a little drool on the corner of his lips. his eyes were scrunched shut.
"i want you to look at me when you cum, baby boy." you moan, and he opens his eyes, looking up at you with the cutest lust filled puppy dog eyes. you gave one last thrust and taehyun was cumming, white ropes shooting onto his stomach. you swiped a little with your index finger and tapped his mouth. he obliged, wrapping his pretty lips around your finger and tasted himself. you pulled out, taking the strap off and setting it aside to clean later.
after a few moments of basking in the afterglow, taehyun looked down at his stomach and cringed. "let's go have a shower, i feel gross. amazing, but gross."
"me too." you laughed and helped taehyun out of the bed and into the shower, leaving the night with a heavy atmosphere.
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 3 months
02/23/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; How To Help; Rotten Tomatoes Reviews/GoggleBox; Cast & Crew Sightings; Taika; Rhys; Leslie Jones; New Watch Party: These Thems; Save OFMD UK Billboard; Transparency policy; RhysDarbyFaction; We'reWolves; Fan Spotlight; Podcasts/Youtube vids; Articles; Love Notes; Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika
Hey all. I'm starting out with the how to help section tonight because there are some things we'd love to see happen to try and help with the renewal.
= Rotten Tomatoes Reviews =
Okay all, this is a big one. It's been brought to my attention by @bzy_hands on twitter, that there are less than 1000 reviews on rotten tomatoes for Season 2. They have an excellent point, Con DID screenshot Season 2. If you haven't already, please go over to Season 2 and review it to help get over that 1000 review mark.
Need help on how to review on RT? @lowrahh Was kind enough to make a tutorial for us, check it out on the repo: Review on Rotten Tomatoes and IMDB
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== Let's Get OFMD On Gogglebox ==
Our crew-mate @queerly-autistic was kind enough to have written up a How-To on on getting OFMD on Gogglebox!
"One of the biggest things we can do to try and get Our Flag Means Death picked up by another network is keep making noise about it, and so I had a wild middle-of-the-night idea about one way we could do this: try and get the show on Gogglebox! For anyone who doesn't know, Gogglebox is an extremely popular and successful show in the UK on Channel 4, where ordinary people (and sometimes celebrities) watch and react to television shows, pop culture moments and films."
Wanna give it a go? Please check out their tutorial here!
== Cast & Crew Sightings ==
It's been a minute since we've seen Taika! But he's out with Rita at the Taylor Swift concert.
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= Rhys Darby =
Well, even though Rhys is taking some time off until March, we still have some Cameo's coming in from prior to him closing cameos!
= Cameo 1 - Cryptids! =
Thank you to @iamadequate1 for sharing this fun little cryptid video +
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= Cameo 2 =
Our friend @blackcravatart over on twitter was kind enough to share a birthday video for her (edited for names). I don't know if it's anywhere else and I didn't get permission to download it, so I apologize I'll try to do that and get back to you if we are allowed to share it elsewhere! Cameo Video on Twitter.
= Red Dead Redemption 2: Episode 3 =
The next exciting episode of Rhys playing Red Dead is up!
= Leslie Jones =
I really don't post enough about Leslie, who is my absolute idol. She's out doing comedy at the Hawaii Theater in Honolulu tonight with @lennymarcusnyc! Just wanted to give a shout out her way since she's a BAMF and deserves all the love.
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== New Watch Party ==
Join @adoptourcrew on Friday 3/1 for a watch party of #TheseThems! Times haven't been secured quite yet but mark your calendars!
Watch Party Hashtags:
#These Gems
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Wanna see what other watch parties are planned? Feel free to visit the repo for Watch Party Events.
== Save OFMD Billboard Campaign ==
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Some of you may have noticed that there's been some suspicious pictures going up across multiple platforms regarding a billboard with the hashtag #WatchTheHorizon from our SaveOFMD Crew. There's definitely some Billboard planning in the works and the crew has provided a bit more transparency on the situation this time. All links in the images will be listed below.
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SaveOFMD Crew Transparency Policy
Trans Lifeline
Outright International
Full Twitter Thread
== SchadenFreude ==
Just a little karma for WB.
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== Rhys Darby Faction ==
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So for those of you not on twitter, there was a bit of fun had with a random film poll guy who posted a poll that included Rhys Darby on Twitter.
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It was found by OFMD twitter, and immediately started being retweeted, which, is how twitter works, right? His Response to this was:
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So several of our OFMD Twitter group decided to OWN that lovely little name, and put together an actual hashtag #RhysDarbyFaction... and start polite menacing and trying to boost engagement for #AdoptOurCrew and #SaveOFMD Which triggered a meme factory, here's a few:
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#RhysDarbyFaction is now a trending Hashtag on Twitter, and the Faction is using that to help support the #SaveOFMD and #AdoptOurCrew effort as well as spread positivity and love around Rhys Darby works. There's even a discord server if you're interested in joining: https://discord.gg/r7db78j4 There's been talks of putting together some events for a Cryptid Scavenger hunt, but in general it's just a small safe space to try and promote little guys and support the ofmd renewal effort. You don't need to join the discord to be part of the crew, just use #RhysDarbyFaction and be a polite menace/positive force!
== We're Wolves ==
So according to the #WellingtonParanormalPodcast's tiktok, it sounds like Jermaine is finally in talks for writing "We're Wolves"! A sequel to the 2014 What We Do In the Shadows movie. I know we've all been in a Vianton mood since that one Rhys Cameo, so just wanted to make sure you'd heard if you hadn't! SRC: Tiktok
== Fan Spotlight! ==
Getting close to the end of the month so gotta catch up! More collages from our friend @wnderngnomad on Twitter!
Day 23: The Cinematography
Day 4: Nat Faxon
Day 5: Vico Ortiz
Day 6: Leslie Jones
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== Podcasts / Youtube Vids ==
Speaking of podcasts, checkout some podcasts from our fandom!
= Citizen Dame =
First up! @celluloidbroomcloset, has a podcast that’s called Citizen Dame. While it doesn't specifically discuss OFMD in this episode, they do discuss Taika, and you all know how much we love that man. So give it a listen and support a fellow crew-mate! Podbean Link / Patreon / Spotify
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= Never Left Podcast =
Another fan-podcast I'd like to add tonight is Never Left! More podcasts and discussions on all things OFMD -- give them a listen if you feel up for it! "Welcome aboard our Safe Space Ship! Your Co-Captains, Ariana Perry and Amanda Catron, will be hosting this completely spoiled, totally unofficial, deep dive into Our Flag Means Death." Podbay / Linktr.ee
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== Movies With Marty ==
Marty has a new First Watch video out! If you haven't watched Marty's vids yet, feel free to check them out! He's a hoot and is a HUGE supporter of OFMD!
== Articles ==
What to watch on Netflix and BBC this weekend?
Keeping promises of queer representation
== Love Notes ==
Today has been a long day lovelies, and I'm out of spoons so I'm gonna take a night off from writing out love notes and spread some from someone else. Just know I'm very proud of you for everything you did today, I hope you're doing well and feeling safe. <3
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== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Idk if these really go together tonight, but here we go. Both of them were on tenor with no srcs? Sorry! Hope you all enjoy!
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dabislilbaby · 1 year
Come Home
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A/N: This is just a little bit of fluffy angst I was thinking about last night after watching the new episode. Aged up Deku, still in his vigilante stage.
Warnings⚠️: mention of blood and scars.
@electricnovaa @haru-x-ren @juslili
"Izu?" You called to the masked man a few feet away from you. He was quick to turn his head, emerald eyes glowing behind his disguise. He saw you, standing under the bridge to shield yourself from the pouring rain. Brows furrowed with a pained expression of worry painting your features. His eyes widened. "y/n?" He quickly rushed over to you, red sneakers splashing in the puddles of water beneath his feet. His gloved hands held onto your arms and looked you over for any damage. "What are you doing here? It's not safe. Are you hurt?" Panic in his voice.
You grabbed his face in your hands and stared into his eyes for just a few seconds. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him into a tight hug as the tears began to well in your eyes. He tensed, he hasn't had a moment in months where he felt it was safe to let his guard down. "I miss you, Izu." You choked out thru your tears. He sighed, his arms finally relaxing and caging you in. He held onto you tight. "I know...I'm sorry." He whispered, burying his masked face into the crook of your neck.
For a moment, the rain was the only sound that filled the space as the two of you just existed in each others arms. It was the first time in so long you'd been able to feel his warmth and you wanted to relish it for as long as you could. He broke the silence when he pulled away from you just enough to see your face, hands still on your hips just to feel you for a little longer. "You shouldn't be out here y/n. It's not safe for you to be anywhere near me I-" You interrupted him with a hand on his chest. "Come home."
There was a silent pause. You wanted so bad to read the look on his face, so you reached for his mask but he flinched. You waited, staring at the ripped, green fabric that was stained with dirt and blood. And when you reached for it again, this time he allowed you to remove it. As you peeled back the layer of his green armor, you saw the scars that littered his face, the dark circles under his eyes and the lack of life in his gaze. He was tired. Exhausted, drained, and worked to death. You cupped his face in your right hand and made him look you in the eyes. "When was the last time you slept?" He didn't answer. Mostly because he didn't want you to worry so much, but also because truthfully, he doesn't actually know the answer himself.
"Izuku please... you can't keep going like this."
"I'm fine—"
"Don't lie to me." He stopped and looked at you, eyes darting between yours trying to find his words. "I know you. You will say your fine when you are suffering." Tears rolled down your cheeks full force as you continued. "Please...don't pretend with me." He reached up and wiped away your tears with his gloved hand. He saw the pain in your eyes and it did nothing but break his heart.
"I can't come home just yet...I'm sorry y/n." Your head fell with a broken cry, more tears streaming down your face. "I haven't seen or heard from you for months." You lifted your head, meeting his eyes again with blurred vision. "No calls, no texts. Not even a note or something just to let me know you're okay. The only reason I know you're still alive is because I keep overhearing conversations about you. Most of which are from people who are terrified of you. It's like you've become this...thing that's just out of my reach. Like I know you're there, but I can't see, or feel, or speak to you." You continued to rant to him, venting all your built up emotions from the last few months. "I have been so fucking worried about you. Having no idea if i'll ever see you again or if you're bleeding out in an alley somewhere with no one to help." You sobbed, holding your head in your hands as you broke down in front of him. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into his chest, like he was holding your pieces together so you wouldn't fall apart. "I'm sorry, I know it's hard... I never meant for things to get this bad." He held you while you cried shamelessly into his warm chest, tears staining his suit but he didn't care. "These past few months have been hell without you, Izu. I need you...please just—"
"Hey, look at me." He lifted your chin gently, making you look him in the eyes. "I promise I will come home to you, okay? I just can't right now. I would never forgive myself if something happened to you because I was careless. I hate every second that I'm away from you, y/n. I want nothing more than to have things back to the way they used to be." He paused and wiped your tears again. "I miss you every single day. You may not see me, but i've always been there, watching you the whole time. Making sure that you're safe." He pressed his forehead against yours and you closed your eyes. "Just hold on for me a little longer, puppy. Can you do that for me?" You opened your eyes and nodded, sniffling down your tears.
He pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead. "I love you." You felt him scoop you up in his strong arms and saw the flicker of green lightning. "Now let me get you somewhere safe."
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What I'm excited for coming soon (TADC episode 2, SpongeBob, and Wallace & Gromit and more)
Okay, I'm going to start with The Amazing Digital Circus episode 2 since it's all my friends and I are thinking about. Just when I didn't think it was going to be better than the first one, I really trust Glitch and Gooseworx with this! I saw the trailer and I'm way more excited, in fact, maybe a little too much. I just know it's going to be fun and hilarious! Although I'm worried that Pomni might get abstracted, I don't want her to abstract. She's one of my favorites but I don't want anyone to abstract really. I'm too attached to these characters! Also, I saw those moments with Ragatha and Princess Loolilalu meeting each other and I love to see girls supporting girls in anything. I find it very healing to my inner child, and also I just like the girl power, it's so refreshing to see! Also, I heard that this will focus more on Jax, who's kind of a jerk sometimes and maybe they'll give him a softer side here, or something to make people feel bad for him, and I like that idea to show that not everyone is all bad or all good. Also, Jax has been stuck in the digital world since he was a teen so you can't help but to feel bad for him. Another thing, that candy elephant thing looks cool and I really hope Gumigoo is voiced by Tustin Macafee. If he's not, it's fine, but I can't think of anyone better for the voice role than Tustin!
As for the new SpongeBob movie, it's gonna be released in theaters and the OG team is going to come back (except for the creator, who sadly passed away a while ago). I heard something that one of the directors said that there will be nudity in the new SpongeBob movie, but I hope he was joking.
Also, I love that they're making fun of AI with this new Wallace & Gromit movie. As an artist, I think people overdo it with AI and that I think we should stop using it for art purposes unless it's only to mess around with and not actually use. I hope they make fun of Disney too. Imagine making fun of both AI and Disney, in an Aardman movie! That'd be awesome! Also, I heard Nick Park wasn't going to work on it at first but he decided to come back (I think he changed his mind after the new Chicken Run 2) and I really hope Wallace & Gromit makes more money than Chicken Run 2.
Also, I'm not much of a Disney fan so I don't care much about the Inside Out sequel or Moana sequel. I think they're really unnecessary, however, I have more hope for the Inside Out sequel than the Moana one, even though I do like Moana better. I feel like Disney should just stick to Kiff and that Molly Magee show or whatever its called, because those are the only two good things that Disney still has left. (Obviously, I'm religious and don't watch shows with ghosts, so I'm just more interested in Kiff but both shows are better than Disney's movies rn).
Finally, the last Bluey episode... I haven't watched it yet and I hear it's really emotional. I don't think I'm prepared for that so I'll stick to watching my favorites, like the beach one. I just hope they don't end Bluey yet, it's the only good kid shows that's still running. Plus, it's from Australia and they deserve to make a lot of money off this show, even though greedy Disney is involved in airing it in my country. I support the foreign shows all the way!
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lurkingshan · 4 days
Japanese QL Corner
One show ends, another continues to be a banger, and we have some exciting new stuff heading our way. These shows are on Gaga unless otherwise marked.
Living With Him
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Welllllllllllll. Okay, listen. I have been going easy on this show because it's such a nice unassuming little guy, but this finale, after the last few weeks of wheel spinning, was not it. This should have been a simple and cute if not groundbreaking show, but they tried to stretch out the story in some truly lazy ways and turned it into a bloated mess that ultimately didn’t keep the emotional through lines in place. Some of the scenes in this episode worked fine in isolation, or would have been great if they'd happened, say, two episodes ago, but as a follow up to the content that came before them and an ending to this story? Not so much. On the bright side, the epilogue material was adorable and the cast in this was fantastic all around. I really hope we get to see them in other shows.
At 25:00 in Akasaka
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Another great episode, and we learned so much about Hayama. I love it when a flashback episode actually tells us new information that recontextualizes things we've already seen while also making perfect sense. Hayama having a narcissistic and emotional fragile mother? Of course. Being drawn to Shirasaki out of genuine respect for his character and acting skills? Yes. Admiring him from a distance and never saying a damn word about it all through college? Checks out. The way he describes being near Shirasaki? "I feel like my shell is being peeled off." MY GOD, what an evocative line.
Having seen this, I now totally understand why Shirasaki would truly have no clue that he is the person Hayama has always liked. Hayama is so contained, so concealed, so affectless with others that he gave no outward signs of his interest to anyone who doesn't already know him very well. And now the two of them are stuck in awkward hell and they have to film a love scene. Bring the pain, show, I am feasting.
Bonus: Ossan no pantsu ga nandatte ii janai ka
In case you haven't seen yet, @isaksbestpillow has begun subbing this Japanese drama about a middle aged man who becomes friends with a gay student and broadens his horizons. As Sirii notes, it is not ql, but it's a drama featuring queer characters and I'm so excited to get a chance to watch it. Check out her post for more info.
Tagging @bengiyo to add a manga update.
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
Forgetful MC
I wanted to try writing something in this style, as head canons with all the brothers. So here it is!
I am crazy forgetful, so I felt like writing how the bros would deal with an MC who is forgetful and/or absent minded. Maybe I'll do the dateables, too? Haven't decided yet.
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Warnings: MC is forgetful. These are all things I personally struggle with, so it's pretty self indulgent. Tried to keep it gender neutral. Might be some ADHD symptoms too as I have that as well. Mentions of forgetting to eat. I think that's it though. Please let me know if I should add something here.
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Gets annoyed with you at first. Why can’t you seem to keep track of things, MC? Important things are forgotten just as easily as unimportant ones and he doesn’t understand.
Eventually figures out that you can’t help it. It isn’t that you don’t care, it’s just that your brain doesn’t work that way.
Lucifer becomes your personal calendar. Starts sending you texts to remind you of important dates and upcoming meetings. Will send you a text the day before everyone’s birthday, even his and your own, just so you don’t forget.
Keeps a little basket that he puts all your forgotten items in when he finds them around the house. Gives them all back to you once a week. Secretly pleased at your delight when you find something in the pile you were looking for earlier.
Figures out pretty quickly how absent minded you are. He’s always asking you if you’ve got your essentials - did you remember your D.D.D.? Got your textbooks, backpack/purse, etc? In the beginning, he complains about it a lot, but eventually it just becomes routine.
Brings extras of things to class and other places in case you do forget something. Need a pencil because you left yours on your desk back in the House of Lamentation? Left all your money sitting on your bed for some reason? He’s got you covered. You better be grateful, MC!
Reminds you of things you need when you go shopping. If you mentioned to him once that you need something, he’ll remember it even if it’s days later. You don’t need a shopping list, you’ve got Mammon.
Discovers that you will get lost easily because you can’t remember how to get places. He knows if you go somewhere new or somewhere you haven’t been to recently, chances are high that you’ll get lost. To prevent you from wandering aimlessly for hours, he won’t let you go anywhere alone.
Your forgetfulness becomes apparent to him when you can’t remember the plot of an anime you watched together a few weeks ago. It’s okay, MC, he’ll re-watch all the episodes with you to refresh your memory!
Anytime you spend hours in his room gaming or marathoning something, he checks to be sure you haven’t left anything behind when you finally leave. If you did, he will put the lost items in Lucifer’s basket.
Loves when you ask him a question about one of the items in his collection even if he’s already told you about it before. Levi is happy to tell you all about it as many times as you need!
Is a little baffled when you turn out to be really good at remembering specific things - like song lyrics, character relationships, and his personal opinions on different things. He finds it really endearing.
Realizes you have trouble remembering certain things right away. Figures out what you’re good at remembering and what you struggle with. He’s going to be your study buddy, MC. You need one to help make sure you remember the important things.
Due to studying with you, Satan knows that you’re not as forgetful as you seem. You actually retain information really well and have no problem with most tests.
Similar to how Levi figures out that you can’t remember anime plots, Satan discovers that you will forget the plots of novels, too. If you’re reading a series of novels together, he will give you summaries of the first books that you’ve already read. This way you don’t have to re-read the whole series when a new installment comes out.
He’s thrilled when you remember the name of every cat he’s ever introduced you to, whether it’s a Devildom stray or one that lives in a cat cafe.
Of course Asmo is the one who realizes that you forget to take care of yourself. Takes the time to figure out your morning routine only to discover that there is no routine. Sometimes you remember to brush your hair, sometimes you don’t.
Things can’t go on like this, MC. He makes you a list of things you need to remember to do and tapes it to your bathroom mirror. There’s a morning and an evening edition. He’s lucky if you do a third of the list, but hey it’s better than the sporadic things you were doing before.
Will check your products to make sure you aren’t running low because you will forget to buy more before you run out. Will just buy the things you need for you while getting his own.
Regularly goes through your closet to rearrange your clothes. If you put clothes in the back of the closet, you forget they exist. He rotates them for you to keep your wardrobe fresh.
And Beel is naturally the one who figures out that you sometimes forget to eat. He asks you regularly throughout the day if you’ve eaten anything recently. If you haven’t, he makes you come with him to find food.
Asks if you’ve eaten every morning before leaving the house because breakfast is the meal you seem to forget most often. Breakfast is important, MC.
Knows that sometimes you forget to do things like go outside or move around. Will make sure you go on a walk with him every day.
On days when you don’t have anything planned, Beel will take you out to eat because he knows that you’ll forget to eat at all if you don’t have a schedule of some kind. The instant he suggests it, you realize you’re starving and will agree immediately because wow you really need food this second you don’t care where he takes you.
Belphie doesn’t understand why all his brothers seem to think you’re forgetful. You always seem to know exactly where he left his pillow whenever he asks you. What are they even talking about, MC?
Reality is that your memory is incredibly selective and for some reason, you can never forget the location of a cow print pillow.
Pretty good at helping you to remember what you came into a random room for. If you pause after walking in and look confused, he'll ask you the right questions to get you to remember why you're there.
If Lucifer just put an item in your basket, he’ll take it out and leave it somewhere random. Has you hide in the room with him so you can giggle together when Lucifer finds the object and gets confused and/or irritated.
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masterlist | part 2 with side characters | Thank you for reading!
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fuzzysocksstuff · 1 year
Leo has been the leader since day one
Alright, I haven't seen this conversation yet, but I can't be the only one who's noticed this. This isn't my usual post- not that I post often- but art is WIP.
Leo has been the (back seat) leader of the Mad Dogs since day one.
Mobile users, RIP no seriously, you are digging your own grave
In the first two episodes he shows his potential, he thinks ahead, guides the team, makes astute observations, shows his knowledge of his team (including himself), and makes his own plans (even if Raph has made a plan, he almost always has his own).
I'll go through the first two episodes chronologically.
First is Mystic Mayhem.
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-This is a good example of understanding himself-
Leo: So . . . You guys from Jersey?
Mikey: Really Leo?
Leo: What? I can't make a joke in the middle of the craziest thing ever? That's how I cope.
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-Leo stops his brothers and forces them to think ahead-
Mikey: Should we just ask him for it?
Leo: And what do we say when he asks us why we want it? That we need to go after our best friend, who disappeared into a wall after our priceless weapons were destroyed by mystical jogger guys?
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-Not only is Leo showing how well he knows his dad, he executes his own plan when Raph's first plan fails, without asking his brothers first-
Raph: How'd you get that?
Leo: You know he always passes out after milk and cake.
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-Now, this example is a debatable one, yes it shows his understanding of Raph, but it may also just be to shown to establish relationships in general since this was the first episode-
Donnie: A few hours ago I would have called this foolish and impossible. Now I just call it foolish.
Mikey: Say what you want Donnie. Raph'll pull is off 'cause if he doesn't, we'll loose our best friend forever.
Leo: Mikey, don't say that. You know he chokes under pressure.
Donnie: Leo, he's even more self-conscious when you talk about it.
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-Here, while happy to see April again, he keeps the team on the task that got them in the hidden city in the first place. It can be argued if this was on purpose or not; but it still showcases his natural ability to lead-
Donnie: According to my calculations, we are in a tertiary-metaverse.
April: Actually, I've been doing some exploring, and we're in a hidden city deep under New York!
Leo: So where's the dog thingy?
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-There are even subtle moments where Leo takes the lead; after Donnie takes out Draxum's robot with his tech, Leo is the only one talking to Draxum directly for the team. This is another debatable example, you could say Leo is just being the face man here, but I'd like to include it-
Draxum: Accidently impressive. With a little bit of training you can be formidable as I hoped.
Leo: Okay, well, great, and since you're surrendering. . .
Draxum: Baron Draxum does not surrender.
Leo: Okay, well, when he gets here we'll deal with him. . . oh, ho, ho, I see. You're doing that whole "sinister talking in the third person" thing.
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-Here, he is the only one to once again question Raph's decision, and present his own idea instead-
Raph: We just defeated a boss villain. We're heroes. We deserve a name like Mad Dogs.
Leo: Mad dogs? You don't think something like Mutant Ninja Turtle Teens or. . .I don't know. Maybe - we'll keep brain storming.
The very next episode has soooo many parallels to the movie.
Origami Tsunami.
The dialog is long on this one and, despite the humor, throughout this scene Leo guides his brothers to the best mission for their skill level.
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Mikey: Yo, Leo, we're gonna be heroes!
Leo: Okay, what's the plan? Solve the city's rat problem?
Splinter: Hey now. I am standing right here.
Raph: Pfft, no way. We're crime fighters!
Donnie: Okay, check this out. The Spine Breaking Bandit!
Raph: Yeah. Go big or go home!
Leo: Yeah, go home in a stretcher. What else you got?
Donnie: Hmm, well this one's kind of lame. Someone stole paper from a delivery truck.
Leo: Not on my watch! This is exactly the kind of junior level mischief we can put an end to.
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-Leo then hypes his brothers up for this mission-
Raph: Really? That'll make us heroes? But it's only paper.
Leo: It's only paper. I'm so sorry. Donnie, what did he say? Did he say it's only paper?
Donnie: Yup.
Leo: Did he say it's only paper?
Donnie: Yes, he did.
Leo: Okay! That's what they all say. You think the road to hero town is paved in real crime? No! It's paved with the tears of the poor paper man. And who helps that guy? I'll tell you who; we are who!
Raph, Mikey, and Donnie: Yes!
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-When Raph's first plan fails, and he sees how discouraged his brothers get...-
Donnie: Uh, quick question. Did we seriously get schooled by paper thieves?
Raph: I didn't swoop like a boss. I swoop like a noob.
Mikey: Man, this seemed like a really cool idea until we didn't succeed at it.
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-...so, Leo gives a "hero" speech, like he does in the movie. Although this motiving speech needs some help, he still tries-
Leo: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Where'd my brothers go? Mikey, where's your. . .legendary optimism? Raph, where's your, ya know, your go-getter attitude? And Donnie, where's your. . . your thing, your - emotionless passion?
Donnie: Here.
Leo: We can still catch these lame old paper crooks and be heroes!
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-In continuing this scene, we see the Leo make and execute his own plan, now that Raph's impulsive plan has failed-
Donnie: Yeah, that's gonna be hard. This was the last paper store in town.
Leo: Hmm. . . or was it?
Donnie: Yeah, I. . .I literally just said that.
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-Again he takes the lead talking to the foot clan first (could just be that he's a face man here, but nonetheless)-
Leo: Okay twerp. . . and surprisingly big man. It's four against two. So what you say we just call it a day, right?
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-Leo uses his observations to guide the team, here when the foot are making their origami soldiers, Leo realizes taking out the paper ninjas isn't a solution-
Leo: We're getting no where fighting these guys. We gotta take out the source.
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-After Raph ~properly~ uses his ninpo for the first time, Leo again uses his surroundings to find a solution, in doing so he shows both guiding his team, and astute observations-
Leo: Hm. Mikey, the sprinklers!
-Even at the end of the second episode, they look to Leo for reassurance and support-
Mikey: So. . .does this count as a win?
Leo: Well, I don't know. Let's think about it. Did the bad guys get their big supply of paper? Uh, no. Did they build their army of soilders? No. No they didn't. Are they otherwise Thwarted, and we unscathed?
Raph, Donnie, and Mikey: Yes!
Leo: Hero mission accomplished, my friends!
First off, if you've made it this far, thanks for attending my not even close to life changing ted talk. I hope you have enjoyed my rant.
In conclusion,
Leo has the potential to lead, just prefers to do as little work as possible. He almost always passes resonsibility onto someone else, however when he has no other choice but to lead he does it well without realizing it. There are many other subtle examples sprinkled throughout season 1 and 2.
I have more thoughts on this, but this post is already the height of the empire state building.
Class Dismissed.
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these-emo-thoughts · 5 months
Last Twilight Episode 11 thoughts
A lot of people are hating on Day right now but I get him. I do. And if you haven't watched episode 11 yet, maybe skip this post as it revolves around a major part of the plot. If you've watched the ep, you probably know what I'm talking about. More detail is under the cut.
Warning, this is a long one, lol. Apologies for any mistakes, I'm a bit sick and didn't read over it 🤣
If you've seen it already, I'm going to explain why I think Mhok and Day's break-up had to happen and why it is the best thing for them right now.
Mhok's fear of losing another person because he isn't there to help or pick up the phone is absolutely valid (and so real and relatable that I feel personally attacked). He doesn't stay with Day out of pity, which has been established multiple times throughout the series - but the trauma of what he went through with Rung and the fear of possibly repeating that again with Day has made his anxiety cloud his judgement and his heart. It's not a healthy way to live - constantly worrying about your partner, to the extent where you cannot live for yourself, is not sustainable for a relationship (I also find this quite ironic because up until this point Mhok has been on his own for a long time now). We saw the manifestation of this fear in episode 11 multiple times too, with Mhok leaving in the middle of the shift to check that the guest that was hit by a car wasn't Day, and then when he was freaking out when Day wasn't answering his phone. Imagine going through all of that, but this time, your partner is 15 hours away by plane.
Day choosing to break up with him is, in my opinion, more complex than just "he lied to me and pitied me". That's part of it (and will come back at the end of this post), yes, and he does have the right to be upset that Mhok lied to him. Again, it's not healthy for the both of them if they are going to continue a relationship. I also want to point out that Day is at a disadvantage here because while he is capable of living his life independently as a blind man, he can't actually see the emotions on people's faces when he talks to them and that's can be important for picking up what others are putting down. Day can't see the changes in Mhok's expression when his smile fades, he has to rely on the other to talk to him when something is up, so lying is a BIG no-no here (as it would be for any relationship). So far, they've done a great job at communicating, so this is presented as new issue - but, it's a big one. So yes, the lying is part of it, but it's not ALL of it.
"But what IS all of it!?" I hear you scream into the Tumblr void. Well, by now, OF COURSE Day knows that Mhok truly loves him and KNOWS that the other doesn't pity him - he's said so many times. So, Day must realise at this point - of which the timeline is probably at a year of them knowing each other, give or take - that Mhok is deliberately holding himself back from good opportunities because of that love. It must hurt like hell, knowing that you're the reason your partner is self-sabotaging, but there's nothing you can do to change their mind because everything is out of your control. It's so much easier for Day to say "Mhok pities me and lied to me and that's why I want to break up" instead of "I'm the reason Mhok won't go".
It's heartbreaking, but what's the solution here? Long distance? Sure, maybe - but that's not going to stop Mhok from worrying about Day and being distracted from his job. It's not going to stop Day from feeling like he's a burden to Mhok. Not only that, with timezones and such a huge distance, there are even more complications to worry about. Plus, let's say something DID happen to Day while Mhok was in Hawaii - it goes back to exactly the problem that Mhok had which is what can he do about it? Long distance is a solution, but how long will they last living like that?
"Okay emo, so why doesn't Day just go to Hawaii with Mhok? Then they can be together and Mhok can fulfil his promise to take him there and they don't have to break up and they'll live happily ever after." I see you!! But... that's a BIG decision. Mhok and Day's trip to Songkhla may have been a test to see how they weather the storm of living together as boyfriends, but it was only for a few days. And Day - for most of it - was alone in the room while Mhok was working. That's not a way for Day to live, and it still won't stop Mhok from being worried, probably even MORESO now because they're in a whole other country.
So... what's left?
Day's decision to break up with Mhok is heartbreaking, but is probably the only solution that makes sense to me. Mhok CANNOT live a life like this. He can't. It's already debilitating him and it'll get even worse if he's constantly prioritising Day over himself in every aspect of life. Of course a person should think about their partner, but not to the point where it becomes unhealthy self-sabotage. Day also cannot live happily like this. He's come to terms living with a disability and already is aware of how different his daily life is to that of a sighted person - but the little voice in the back of his mind, the one reminding him that he's the reason Mhok is not living his life to the fullest, is making the entire process more difficult for him (and the lying really doesn't help).
So... yeah. A necessary evil that unfortunately to many will be written off simply as the "episode 11 curse". An evil that has people already saying that Day is stupid and immature, when I really believe this is the most rational he's been. I know even the actors have said it's about the lying but this is P'Aof we're talking about here - he's a brilliant story-teller, and there's always more to his art than what we see on the surface. It's happened in other shows he's directed, which is why they rate so highly. Last Twilight is no exception, and the complexity of the love story between Mhok and Day is nothing short of a masterpiece. That's how I see it, anyway.
Would love to hear other thoughts and perspectives!
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