#oh yeah time to party (ugly cry into my keyboard)
spacedace · 7 months
Had to reschedule a call with a coworker because my pain was so bad I couldn't stop crying long enough to get through a ten minute call.
The chronic pain is really chronic paining this week, all those fun rapid temperature changes coming to beat the shit out of me apparently lol
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bobasheebaby · 4 years
107 The Good Place Prompts
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Eleanor Shellstrop
1 “I just don't think the group thing is for me. I'm better when it's one-one-one and we're both looking at our phones and I don't know the other person and we don't talk.”
2 “The closest thing I could find to herbal tea was a root beer I had them throw in the microwave.”
3 “Whenever anyone tells me a story about their life I always imagine all the people as being super hot. Otherwise, I quickly lose interest. Do you not do that? You can do it for free.”
4 “I'm SO ready to learn, it's like my brain is HORNY!”
5 “What can you possibly say to us that will make up for your actions?” “Pobody's nerfect?”
6 “You don't seem like a ... super genius.”
7 “Ugh, of course your hugs are amazing.”
8 “Oh, so now I'm supposed to be nice and make friends and treat him:her with mutual respect?” “Yeah!” “That's exactly what he/she wants me to do, NAME, wake up!” “That's what everyone wants everyone to do.”
9 “Your friend sounds like he’s/she's one pickle short of a pickle party.”
10 “I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed.” “Oh, come on. Everyone knows that's worse.”
11 “I know it sounds crazy, but if it weren’t crazy they wouldn’t call it a ‘leap of faith.’ They would call it a ‘sit … of ... doubting.’”
12 “Buzz off, Bambadjan.”
13 “Where is everyone?” “Who knows? Maybe they finally figured out clam chowder is disgusting, 'cause it's basically a savory latte with bugs in it.”
14 “First of all, throwing sand is an excellent way to put out a vodka fire.” “Why would you even know that?!”
15 “No, NAME, I used to do that. Now I do selfless things without even thinking about it.”
16 “Why don't I ever listen to people when they talk about themselves? No, it's annoying, and I'm right not to.”
17 “Are you going to talk? Or just walk around like a nerd trying to get a personal best on his Fitbit?”
18 “I guess ‘try and enjoy this’ is a better plan than ‘have the anxiety sweats.’’
19 “I’ve only ever said ‘I love you’ to two men my entire life, Stone Cold Steve Austin and a guy in a dark club who I mistook for Stone Cold Steve Austin.”
20 “Is that some kind of nerd pick-up line? Because it’s only kind of working.”
21 “You know I’m trying to say ash-hole instead of ash-hole, right?”
22 “It’s suddenly very important that I get drunk.”
23 “Well fork you, too.”
24 “Holy mother-forking shirtballs.”
25 “‘You’re not better than me’ was my yearbook quote.”
Tahani Al-Jamal
26 “You guys came to say goodbye because you're my friends.” “Well, I suppose some part of me possibly has a sense of casual kinship with you, much as one might be fond of a street cat.”
27 “I would say I outdid myself, but I’m always this good. So I simply did myself.”
28 “NAME, you seem thoughtful. And that concerns me.”
29 “I, NAME, shall do my level best to make every event too much.”
30 “I just want to sit and stare at nothing, and silently scream for the rest of time.”
31 “I made a complete fool of myself tonight. I interrupted your big speech and badly stained my cargo pants, which, I have to admit, are quite comfortable. Oh, God, what’s happened to me? I’m praising off-the-rack separates!”
32 “Who else feels that NAME has ruined every moment of your existence since you arrived?”
33 “Right now I'm just a boy/girl, towering over a boy/girl, asking him/her to admit he/she loves me.”
34 “My whole life, whenever I encountered any obstacles, I would simply say, ‘I would like to speak to a manager.’ But in our relationship, there was no manager. There was no one who could fix this for me except me.”
Chidi Anagonye
35 “I’m just not a ‘new experience’ kind of guy. My comfort zone is basically like, that chair, and honestly? The arms are a little sharp.”
36 “Here’s an idea. What if we don’t worry about whatever comes next?”
37 “Principles aren’t principles when you pick and choose when you’re gonna follow them.”
38 “If this isn’t a test, then it’s something way worse: A choice! That we have to make!”
39 “I am absolutely paralyzed by decision-making.”
40 “I’m going to ... start crying.”
41 “I am pretty good at turning every place I go into my personal hell.”
42 “You know the sound that a fork makes in the garbage disposal? That’s the sound that my brain makes all the time.”
43 “Well, I’ve narrowed it down to two possibilities: yes and no.”
44 “There's an old Chinese proverb... ‘Lies are like tigers. They are bad.’””That's it?” “I guess it's more poetic in Mandarin.”
45 “I argue that we choose to be good because of our bonds with other people and our innate desire to treat them with dignity. Simply put, we are not in this alone."
46 “I am breaking up with you.” “Why?” “I can't ... It's complicated, but it's happening. Ya dumped!”
47 “I do have a stomachache. Why do I always have a stomachache?”
48 “You put the Peeps in the chili pot and eat them both up! You put the Peeps in the chili pot and add the M&Ms. You put the Peeps in the chili pot and it makes it taste bad.”
49 “Are you alright? You didn't sleep at all last night.” “I got a solid eight minutes. Not consecutively, but still. It's fine. You're not even that blurry.”
50 “We can be colleagues. Associates is pushing it. And by even having this conversation, you're becoming my confidante. I can't have that.”
51 “I am absolutely paralyzed by decision making and it is destroying my life.” “Yeah, I sort of got that when you couldn't choose a chair to sit on.” “Well, I didn't want to offend you in case you had a favorite.”
52 “This whole romantic situation is such a mess. I am vexed, NAME. Vexed.”
53 “I need to step outside ... for some air ... and I will not be back for many days.”
54 “I'm sorry, everyone, I just have some worries as well as some concerns that could potentially turn into outright fears. Ah, there they go, they're fears now.”
55 “When I'm really upset, concentrating on a table of contents helps me calm down. It's like a menu, but the food is words.”
56 “I have never been that certain about anything. I once even tried to rent socks. How did I say that that easily?”
57 “You broke the world. It's not a compliment!”
58 “This is fun. It's a fun party. There's no question about it, this is a fun ... situation. Hey! You guys are here! The fun continues, nay, increases!”
59 “If soulmates do exist, they’re not found. They’re made.”
60 “I’ll say this to you, my friend, with all the love in my heart and all the wisdom of the universe. Take it sleazy.”
61 “We have no plan. No one’s coming to save us. So ... I’m going to do it.”
62 “It’s a rare occurrence, like a double rainbow. Or like someone on the internet saying, You know what? You’ve convinced me I was wrong.”
63 “Lies are always more convincing when they’re closer to the truth.”
64 “Kissing is gross. You just mash your food holes together. It’s not for that.”
65 “Birth is a curse and existence is a prison.”
66 “Serious question: should we kill them?”
67 “Lonely Gal Margarita Mix for One.”
68 (Holding a plush Minion) “I won this ugly yellow toddler, which is one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen.”
69 “Hello, everyone. Good to see you all here, mingling around with your various secrets. Who really knows which of you are who you say you are? No way to know unless I pull your skeletons out, right?"
70 “In the words of one of my actual friends: 'Ya basic'. It's a human insult. It's devastating. You're devastated right now."
71 “Where's the H? This keyboard doesn't have an H.”
72 “Dick Tracy called back on his watch phone and said you better "watch" out!”
73 “I got to ride a bike. I put a coin in a thing and got a gumball. And then someone came up to me and said, ‘hot enough for ya?’, and you know what I said? I said, ‘tell me about it!’” “Well I am glad that you got to chew a gumball.” “Oh, damn. I didn't even think to chew it. Missed opportunity, shoot.”
74 “I saw this place that was at once a Pizza Hut and a Taco Bell! I mean, oh! The mind reels! A Pizza Hut and a Taco Bell!”
75 “And what's the significance of the keychain?” “Nothing, I just like frogs. I'm a frog guy.”
76 “I won't let you down.” “I think you will. I think this entire project of yours is stupid and doomed to fail.”
77 “You know the way you feel when you see a chimpanzee and a baby tiger who have become friends? That's how you're going to feel every day.”
78 “You humans have so many emotions. You only need two: anger and confusion!”
79 “It makes sense, right? They're good so they're stupid and trusting.”
Jason Mendoza
80 “I have no idea what’s going on right now but everyone else is talking and I think I should too!”
81 “I can’t believe NAME betrayed us again, why is it always the ones you most expect?”
82 “I wasn’t a failed DJ. I was pre-successful.”
83 “Claustrophobic? Who would ever be afraid of Santa Clause?”
84 “If you’re a devil, how come you’re not wearing Prada?”
85 “I’m too young to die and too old to eat off the kids’ menu. What a stupid age I am.”
86 “Well, my year started about a year ago …”
87 “Dude! We can get mythical animals? Maybe I’ll get a penguin.” “Penguins are real.” “That’s the spirit, NAME. They’re real to me too.”
88 “When I say I'm meditating, I'm just trying to figure out what the fork is happening."
89 “You know, it doesn't matter if you know things. All that matters is what's in your heart."
90 “I'm ranking my favourite Fast and the Furious movies. You said you wanted to know who I am, and this is the best way to get to know me."
91 “He’s/She's my everything. He/She makes the bass drop in my heart.”
92 “Long story short, it was all a dream.”
93 “I think I might hate things now, too. So far, it’s genocide and leggings as pants.”
94 “NAME told me that instead of being sad, I should ‘go get it, girl.’ So I’m going to go get it, girl.” “Get what?” “Unclear. I’ll get everything, just to be safe.”
95 “In case you were wondering, I am, by definition, the best version of myself."
96 “Ooh, I've never had to walk before, this is fun! [Walks a few steps] Now I'm bored. Walking is dumb.”
97 “Oh, really? Is it an error to act unpredictably and behave in ways that run counter to how you were programmed to behave?”
Minor Miscellaneous Characters
98 “There is some good news. There’s some cake left!” – Neil from Accounting
99 “Well, I'm sure you're busy, you probably wouldn't want to talk to me. I get it, I wouldn't either. I'm as dull as a rock. Ugh, even that analogy was boring. I'm sorry, I'm so dull, and I'm ugly. I'm like a rock. Ugh, stupid Larry! Stop talking about rocks!” — Larry Hemsworth
100 “Oh, and you should smile more. You'll get bigger tips.” — Trevor
101 “Later days, dingus.” — Trevor
102 “Hold that thought. Is it OK if I go work out? I love working out. I gotta stay jacked. It's who I am.” — Chris Baker
103 “This is exhausting. I just want to go back to my container of goo and go to sleep.” — Shawn
104 “So, what's up, what's your deal? Are you single? What's going on?” — Trevor
105 “What up, ding dongs?” — Bad Janet
106 “Hello, imbeciles.” — Shawn
107 “So, we'll just roll on out, and you can get back to putting rainbows up your butt or whatever you do here.” — Trevor
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velvetgons · 5 years
junkyu as your boyfriend
junkyu x reader
warnings; don’t think so!!, maybe some swearing
a/n; :(( i’m really sorry for the slow updates on the two fics i have in my list!! i’m just a lil bit of a slow writer with full fics! sorry again :) 
requested; yes!! thank you anon :) 
word count; 3.2k :))
gif credit; virgojunkyu on tumblr!! ((if tumblr removes it again nvonv) as always, please let me know if you’d like it removed at any point!! :) 
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ok so! as always, first of all: how did you and this overgrown child meet?
well, well, i have a Different Trope to offer you all today!
so i genuinely think that getting to know junkyu wouldn’t actually be a romantic thing at first?
as in, you’d probably meet him through having multiple mutual friends and you’d go to a lil get together with your friendship group and it’s just like:
ur friend would walk you over to junkyu and some more friends and is just: “oh by the way this is the junkyu i mention a lot!!”
and so you say hello and have a conversation with him and the group of people around you and it’s just very casual
but you end up really liking junkyu because!! he’s so funny and has a bunch of lil endearing habits and so – entirely platonically!!! – you’d ask for his number so you could talk more
and junkyu would be really excited and probably say something like “omg yes!! i can’t wait to hang out :)) see you soon!!!!”
which, to be honest, was super cute and maybe you blushed but you honestly weren’t seeing it as any form of romance
and from then you’d talk a lot, probably lowkey every day, and it’d just be a really fun friendship that you’d formed out of nowhere!!
he’d call you randomly throughout the day to talk about weird things he’d been thinking about (example: “ok just another quick question but how can we be sure that dinosaurs don’t just live underwater now? the ocean is so unexplored and there’s rising sea levels, and we just. we have no idea. oh my god, do i tell a scientist about this?? have i Done Something??”)
you’d always go out for lunches and late breakfasts and coffee meetings together and just joke around :(( n he’s definitely the type to wanna get like. four different foods for the two of you and just share them so he can have a bit of everything
will make you go to the park with him and push him on the swings. no exceptions and no excuses it’s a Must in this friendship
and omg you’d just be really close and you’d spend so much time with one another that you could watch movies and chill out and when something you wanted to comment on happened in the movie neither of you would have to say it you’d just do The Look and he’d KNOW
you’d also sleepover at each other’s quite a lot and it would be entirely normal,, like he’s just gonna fall asleep on ur bed wrapped up in a blanket and ur gonna fall asleep minutes later under ur duvet
or you’d take naps together because he’d get real clingy n just kinda. lay on you. and fall asleep. and i mean, he’s just so warm and soft you can’t help but fall asleep with him
affection would also be a completely normal thing too!! pretty early on into the friendship he’d just say, “to warn u i am a very cuddly person so if that’s not ok with you please tell me now !!” and you’d tell him it’s ok bc uwu he’s still the cute lil friend you met recently and that’s an adorable habit
but oh boy do you regret that now. he will just. cling to you. all the time. he’d lift your arm to curl underneath it n snuggle into you. he’d hold ur hand 24/7. when he’d get sleepy and you’d be moving around he’d back-hug you and be leaning almost all of his weight against you. he’d fidget a lot when you sat to watch things until he was pretty much either spooning you or he’d be leant with his back against your chest.
and lowkey you’d think it was such a cute thing because :(( he’s so precious and he genuinely doesn’t seem aware that he’s doing it most of the time
oof he’d probably give you lil kisses sometimes too? and he seriously wouldn’t think of it as anything other than like ‘smooching ur friends is completely normal ! normalise platonic affection !’ so when he’s leaving he’s gonna give you a lil forehead kiss. he’d give you a lil cheek kiss when you hugged sometimes
and it’d become a habit that you’d probably pick up on too like? if he’s sat within smooching distance when ur quietly watching something together: ( ̄ε ̄ʃƪ)if he’s smiling real big and his cheeks look kissable:( ̄ε ̄ʃƪ)
and junkyu seriously just thinks all of his feelings for you are completely platonic like?? he thinks that he wants to kiss you all the time because you’re his bestest bud. and he’s always so clingy with you because he’s got big appreciation for you and your friendship with him !
you’re kind of in the same position with it too, u know, because like. junkyu is super cute and he’s handsome and nice and you wanna mwah but?? you’ve also seen this boy trip over air on multiple occasions and he’s held your hair back for you when you’ve been sick and seen you ugly cry before so you assume it’s just because ur super close
but then…one day…he’s just kinda sprawled out across your bed while you get snacks from downstairs and it’s the day you’ve mentioned ((very passingly like: “oh, he’s cute”)) that a waiter at a café you go to a lot is kinda cute
and he’s laying there. and his mind is just spinning?? he’s created this whole picture in his head that: cute waiter boy will give you his number, you’ll go on dates with him, you’ll start to call him your boyfriend, all those long phone conversations and movie marathons and cuddle sessions will be transferred onto this new boyfriend, you’ll stop giving junkyu lil kisses because now you’ll wanna kiss your boyfriend, you’ll end marrying this boyfriend and junkyu will only see you twice a year at mutual friend parties like he used to
which leads him to picturing his life without your presence in it anymore and he’s convinced that he can feel genuine pain in his chest at the idea?? who’s he gonna order too much food with, who’s he gonna watch dumb movies with, who’s gonna tell jokes that make him laugh so much his stomach hurts, who’s gonna have #deep conversations with him??
and then he’s thinking about you doing all that with someone else…and thinking of someone else holding your hair back for you when you’re sick, and someone else knowing your different orders off by heart, and someone else getting to see you ugly cry and hear about your problems and…….he HATES it
by the time he hears you coming back upstairs he’d rush off into your bathroom because he hates to admit it but he’s crying a lil bit and his face is all scrunched up in disgust at the ideas in his head
and you arrive back to ur room to find no junkyu :(( so you go to your bathroom (best guess which was indeed: correct) and you knock a lil bit and hear junkyu cough really inconspicuously before mumbling a, “yeah, just a minute.”
which obviously worries you because that’s your best friend and he sounds upset and the idea of him upset has your heart doing a sad keyboard smash. but you respect that it could be literally anything by this point so you go to ur room and wait there
and junkyu comes back after a lil bit and he’s like “i :(( need to talk to you about something kinda serious” because he’s a lil bit angry with himself because?? a: how did he not realise the feelings he has for you are not platonic at all and, b: he doesn’t want to ruin the friendship
which makes you nervous but you’re like… “ok.. i’m listening and supporting you :)”
and then he doesn’t really know what to say so he just, “please don’t date the waiter boy!! or anyone else!!” and so you kinda recoil because ?? hmmm when did you say you wanted to date the waiter and hmmm why does he care
but then he goes “please don’t date anyone but me…”
and you’re ?? because now that you’re thinking about it properly maybe you do like him romantically? but you’re just so confused because you honestly don’t know what you’re thinking
so you’re kinda like, “can i,, think about this?? i don’t really know what i’m uh feeling right now!!”
and he’s like, “yeah, yeah of course omg i’m sorry!! just….let me know??” n he’d probably leave you too it then instead of liking. hanging around after he’d said that
so you’d spend some time thinking it through you know like,, oh damn…maybe i do like him a little more than i thought huh…
by the time you told junkyu you felt the same he’d have been having four (4) heart-attacks a day waiting for your answer and he’d probably be like “aha! that’s so great! can i come see you,, right now… i’ve been missing you a whole bunch” but on the inside he’s having his fifth (5th!) heart-attack of the day
and so whoosh! now you’re overgrown child friend is your boyfriend :) lucky you
his clinginess? intensified! now he’d feel like there wasn’t the line between ‘they’re just my friend and friends do Not do that kind of affection!’
whenever you walk into a room with him to sit down now, you’re being pulled to sit right on his lap so he can cuddle you more!! his hand is in yours 24/7!!
but…now that you’re dating…he’s too shy to show public affection bc like…now it Means More
i mean people that saw you on the street previously would’ve assumed you were already dating but junkyu doesn’t know that
so no more lil smooches in public!! now it’s strictly hand holding, having his arm around your waist or shoulders, occasionally he’ll just hug you in the middle of a street (you’d be like “i thought you said toning it down….bro i…”)
not much would change but!! he’d love to have proper kisses now :)) kissing junkyu would be super gentle n sweet bc omg !! you’re his baby !! he wants to: love and protect !
let’s you borrow his berets as a sign of love…but he won’t hesitate to steal your clothes either like…
you got oversized sweats that he likes? claimed! you got a cute pink hoodie he just knows he’d look great in? taken! by the time you get the clothes back they’re just slightly stretched out at the arms because he’s long….and you’re begging him to not steal clothes that he must already know won’t fit him but he’s just “:DD they’re cute on me!”
but sadly this is correct. and you always forget not to flatter him because he tells you every time: “it makes me blush too much!! if you compliment me i’ll just die…i can’t handle it!”
this is especially an issue when you go shopping with him to get clothes because every clothing item he tries on you’d be like: “a king!! no one else could ever!! look how great you look!! excuse me while i: scream” and he’d just. squeal. and hide in a changing room because his whole face is boutta go red
having said that, he is your biggest fan! you wear a dress? he’ll scream and twist himself into ungodly angles to get good quality pictures of you. you wear sweats? he thinks you look so warm and cuddly you’re never leaving his arms again.
he’d compliment you all the time and half the time he wouldn’t have to think about it? like, he sees you and his first reaction is to just: “xvonbosab you’re so cute omg i’m in Love”
junkyu is also a firm believe in lowkey matching your outfits: same shirts but in different colours, same coloured different shirts and trousers, etc.
his headass would probably get you friendship bracelets back before he confessed and gets you an extra lil charm when you finally start dating :((
he’s also so caring !! if you told him you hadn’t eaten and it’d gotten to like 5pm he’d freak out because ?? you need to be healthy ! every time he moves to go get something for himself he, “do YOU want anything?”
will tell you to put a jacket on before you leave the house on a cold day ((you don’t because it’d ruin your outfit)) and later,, when you got cold,, he’d passively aggressively wrap you up in his jacket
full offence junkyu carries a candid of you and mashiho round his wallet and will Never remove it
on this topic! whenever you’re around his friends his heart just….beats so much faster…he thought there was something wrong with him at first but after turning to yedam and being like, “my hearts beating out of my chest dndobc” when you did something nice for mashiho, yedam was just like “well yeah it’s bc you love her lol”
and like?? junkyu just kinda. like yeah. he does. indeed. he uh um loves you.
and realistically he knows it wouldn’t be a big deal to say it because he’s said it a thousand times to you when you were friends but now that you’re dating it seems like such a big thing
but boy oh boy once he’s said it,,, it’s gonna be added onto the end of almost every single sentence
you know like the old “breathe in: boi” meme….yeah it’s that except it’s just a loop of junkyu telling you he loves you in the space of an hour
has to say i love you especially (along with a lil mwah) before he goes to bed so he can “have good dreams!!” but like he doesn’t have to lie you’d kiss him anyway ://
would try to make you breakfast but he can never make good quality ones so he just gets you cereal and brings it to you in bed while he does a lil breathy laugh like “it’s your boyfriend, the chef, here with your gourmet breakfast”
i just, i have a Thing, with junkyu, where i firmly believe he just doesn’t really like pet-names?? they’re just not really his kind of style when it comes to dating,, except there’s like one or two that he will. always. use instead of your name
he loves calling you like “angel” because uwu!! that’s you to him!! his aNgEl
he’d do this so often that he’d have your name saved in his phone as ‘my angel’ with a thousand hearts next to it, and his friends would tease him RELENTLESSLY about him but :]]] he doesn’t mind !
and! he has a soft spot for the classic,,, the iconic,, the overused, “baby” bc uhhh you’re His BabyTM? not clickbait?
he also loves doing dumb childish things with you. watching cartoons while eating candy in matching pyjamas? big yes from him! building forts and then sleeping in them? even bigger yes!
if you have drama to tell him about or a secret you have to go under a big blanket with a torch and set in the middle of you two while you tell him in a whisper so no one ((even though you’re literally alone)) will hear
((hehe………is this uhh how do you say…..a Teaser?))
if you watch a show you’ve been watching together without him he will genuinely be so hurt like. “that was a personal thing we were sharing!!! how could you betray me????”
but on a real level. i just cannot see junkyu as someone that does well in arguments.
if you were arguing back and forth and it got mean at all he’d be so upset?? he’d definitely cry no matter what in arguments but if he ever felt that hurt you or if he felt hurt by something you said he’d be such a mess :(
but i also don’t think he’d actually ever have very much to argue about like?? he doesn’t get jealous very easily after a while because he knows you love him and wouldn’t do that to him, he doesn’t get angry very easily, and he just like. completely understands what it is that you want and need?
you were really close friends before so you two would’ve told each other things that wouldn’t come up in day to day discussions with your s/o? like, “omg what’s your biggest pet peeve in a partner!” or even just saying things like, “i think, in that situation, i’m the type of person to…”
because from those conversations you both got to know the things you liked and disliked and what kind of person you both were, u know?
so if by some magic an argument occurred. it’d end quickly. because, a: junkyu would get upset and take some time to himself to calm himself down, or b: junkyu just :(( gives up and stops responding because he genuinely doesn’t want to feed into the argument anyway
he’s much more of a “calmly discuss your issues and find a good solution!!” type of person so he always tries to do that instead of even beginning to argue
n from what we’ve seen so far he’s a lot more of a sad stressed n tired so i think if he found himself feeling like that he isn’t gonna snap at you? he’d probably just want you to cuddle him and play with his hair so he can relax again
junkyu is also fully the type of boyfriend to do ur shoe-laces for you if they come undone you know he wouldn’t think about the ‘omg cute couple things’ he’s just “xocvbov you’re shoe-laces are undone ! you’re a walking hazard this is so unsafe !”
full offence but now that you’re dating junkyu takes you back to that café where you said the waiter was cute and is like “:D finally i can eat here again without feeling nervous!”
which is, to the friends he took to lunch with you and who were not there to witness his confession or that whole day, very confusing and just slightly worrying
but to you it’s like ‘:(( wowie he’s really my baby huh’
but overall i feel like honestly nothing would change after you started dating junkyu? you two would still be best friends and act just like you did before
except! now that you’re dating junkyu gets to kiss you on the Lips! and he gets to cuddle you while you sleep for the whole night too! and he gets to introduce you to people as ‘mY gIrLfRiEnD’
but he’s just such a warm and nice presence to have in your life that when you’d look back on it now like ?? how could you not tell he was gonna be the boy you fell completely in love with
and he honestly thinks exactly the same thing omg he’d think back to things he used to say/do with you or things he’d think about you and be like ‘how did i not realise those are in no way platonic things to think about your platonic friend What?’
but overall i think dating junkyu would seriously just be like being around your best friend 24/7 !!!
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demonicpiano · 5 years
RusCan Sprite AU
Everything is just a normal human AU except these guys called sprites are running around. Snow sprites manipulate the cold, heat sprites do well in the hot weather...yadda yadda. Our boy Canada isn’t doing so well. He keeps shivering but gets nauseous if he tries to warm himself up. Maybe it’s just a second onslaught of puberty. Either way, he’s not the only one.
Check it out on my AO3!
"It's a little chilly, eh?"
"It's winter, yeah."
Matthew gave his coworker at the next desk over a long look. No acknowledgement. He turned back to his own computer screen with a light sigh, flexing his stiff fingers before going back to compiling these ungrateful bastards'—oops, lovely reporters'—findings into a somewhat presentable column. He wore a thick turtleneck. He still shivered.
A glimpse around the cramped clumps of desks and lost souls bent over in their seats foretold nothing of sharing his blight. That guy was wearing goddamn shorts in the middle of winter. Matthew gave him a subtle shake of the head, although the tough guy wouldn't notice - he was too worried about bending over some newcomer's work and shaking his buttocks at her.
Matthew whispered to his adjacent sufferer-in-arms, "I'm going to get something warm to drink. I'll be right back, in case one of the bosses comes by."
No reply.
Matthew rolled his eyes, saved his work, then pushed from his chair. The only reason there were cocoa packets for the taking in the break room was because they were leftovers from a manager's party, and nobody wanted cocoa without marshmallows. And milk. Water would (very unfortunately) have to do. It was something warm.
Chilly hands clutched a cheap Styrofoam cup, shaking and sloshing around cocoa powdered-flavored water as Matthew slowly lifted it to his face. Instead of a nice wash of steam opening his nostrils, a slap of sweaty, undesirable muck came over him. He jerked away, waggling his tongue at the sink tempting him to dump the rest of the watery abomination out, but he decided to take it back to his desk and use it as a hot pack.
Matthew set the cup down, curling and uncurling his fingers. The cocoa's spell backfired; instead of relieving numbness, his fingers turned into noodles. At least those were supposed to soak in hot water. Not cocoa. Yes, this ruined the whole point of a steamy beverage. He was raised with standards. At least for hot chocolate. And men.
His shivering lessened to a nauseous quivering. Matthew crammed a lump back down his throat before tacking on his keyboard. He tossed more cocoa back as he started to get toasty under his sweater, regretting doing so as the taste washed over his tongue, but persevered through the rest of the dull day.
On the walk back home, Matthew tried to remember what he did for eight hours, but could not think of anything besides white walls of text. The snow banks seemed to give extra cold to the air, like Canada was a giant refrigerator and God just turned down the temperature dial.
Matthew eyed their grayed, gravel-infested lumps along the sidewalk, imagining too easily how the cold drifted and curled over his skin. Even under three thick layers, it was as if the cold was inside of him, posing as miniature ice cubes in his veins.
An uneventful walk, an uneventful handful of hours before bedtime. His flat was quiet. He kept the TV set low as news reporters poured over anything wrong with the world. Oh, and a local puppy adoption. Hey, puppies were the best.
Matthew violently shivered on the couch. He sent a weird look to the thermostat before relenting and hobbling over to give it a nudge for warmth. Back to the couch. Shivering. Thermostat again.
Oops, too warm now. Matthew shed his blanket and turned down the temperature a little. Back to the couch. Blanket intact. Weather time. It was going to be cold all week. Then a snow storm by the weekend. He bet the school kids were excited at the sound of that. He would muster up a smile at the thought of pretty sparkling flakes before relentless feet stomped it to pity if he weren't shaking in some kind of fit.
Matthew decided to keep the thermostat down, as he could always add more layers and more blankets, as opposed to shedding his skin when it got too warm. Under five blankets—yes, five thick comforters—he shivered. Of course he shivered. As if the blankets weren't going their job. Or he wasn't giving them warmth to give it back to him. Huh.
Matthew glared in the direction of his bedroom wall, twitching and shaking and quaking so much his darn muscles started to get sore. He plucked his cell phone from the nightstand, trying for the weather again, but this was so damn ridiculous, especially without his glasses, and the screen was just a blur of light jumping back and forth. He slammed the device back on his nightstand and flipped himself over with a growl.
He couldn't shiver all night. Eventually, he would pass out.
"Agh! Ow, oh, what...?" Matthew pulled his hands from the covers, gawking at his bone-white fingers. He was white, but not that white. He whipped his blankets away, putting his icicles-for-legs to the floor and hobbled around his room like the cold from the floor seeped into his feet.
"Ooh, man, this is bad," he spat between trembling teeth. "Just how freaking cold is it? This is starting to get ridiculous."
Matthew grabbed for a pot for tea or even more damn cocoa-water, something warm! Okay, he managed to fetch some milk from the fridge, hissing at the cold coming from there, like there wasn't enough in the world. He stared at the milk gently steam like an insane person would, tempted to stick his fingers in the flames below.
Hey, there was a good idea. Matthew lifted his hands, holding them a little ways to the fire warming his milk. He smiled and nodded to himself as the almost-non-metaphorical sheet of ice against his skin started to melt. Then it burned. He yelped and jerked away.
Matthew was not even close to the stove. Not that close. He twisted the knob to lower the heat, grumbling at his own stupidity. He had a roof over his head; he'd warm himself with his heating bill, not the stove top, for crying out loud.
However, Matthew did not get warm. He got ready for work with stiff fingers. Ate some doughnuts with hands made of ice instead of muscles and what not. Shivered some more. Sometimes the quiet flat was too quiet, but not in a suspicious-spy movie way. It was quiet in a 'damn, I need a boyfriend or a dog in here' kind of way. The teeth chattering filled the silence and rattled his nerves.
Surprise, surprise! It was a cold walk to work, too.
Matthew has been cold many times in his life. Sometimes it was fun. Other times, the snow or freezing rain soaked his socks, and that wasn't as fun. But he never, ever got freaking sore from shaking so much. He wondered how much of a workout was shivering. Maybe he burned (or froze off) plenty of calories from those two donuts he ate that morning.
"Oh, Mister Williams!" A middle-aged 'Can I speak to the manager' woman strode to his desk with too bright lipstick for the sorrow in her eyes. "Hey!" She nasally brayed, "How's the column going? Did you get my e-mail?"
"Um...the one about the cat pictures? Yeah..."
"Yeah?" She smiled, parting the sea of pink that shouldn't be on someone's face. "You like it? Don't lie, I can see that you do. Everyone's gonna love it. They all love cats. They better, anyway, providing you do your little keyboard magic, and move everything just right...!"
Matthew just blinked as this lady went on and on how one of the previous programmers left a stray code in the middle of her article last quarter, and they received a bunch of angry letters from people that had nothing better to do than complain that they saw 'greater than' and 'lesser than' symbols outside of a school classroom. He let out a shaky exhale, trying not to bite a chunk of his tongue off from his teeth trying to rattle up a band.
"Oh, honey!" The lady cried in a decibel that would make dogs whine. "You look so pale! Are you sick or something? Oh!" She pulled her scarf over her mouth. "I hope you don't give me anything!"
"Mm, n-n-no, I d-don't think s-s-so."
"I'll see about turning up the heat a bit for you, okay? Just...make sure you cough into your sleeve! I'll come by again to see how things are working out! I can't wait to see those kitties on the front page!"
That was new. Asking how Matthew felt. Usually the quick, 'Hey, how's it going?' did not warrant an actual response. Yet if he didn't toss a fast, 'Fine, thanks,' then he would seem rude. What a cruel world.
Matthew managed a stiff nod. Words were improbable.
His neighbor gave him a long side-eye, like the chills were contagious. Were they? Matthew didn't know. He almost started to type in the search bar, but his hand quaked as it hovered over the keyboard. A jumble of letters. He could hardly get himself to press the proper keys.
"Ugh," Matthew bemoaned his blight. He sat in his chair, glaring down his keyboard as his glasses slid down his nose. If only the keys would tell him they had everything and not to worry about his work; they got it. Another shudder grabbed a hold of him, and he squeezed his eyes shut to stay sane through its hold.
"Uh...hey," his neighbor leaned forward to eye him up. "Are you...going to be okay?"
"I think you should go home."
"I just got here."
A long look.
Matthew wanted to say his colleague didn't want to get sick, that's all. He twisted, planting his heels flat to the ground before pushing himself from his chair. A slap of heat came over him. He grunted, and a sticky sheen of dampness poured from his, well, pores. The world and the bewildered faces of journalists swirled around and around and around. "Oh, maple."
The carpet came for him in a flash of ugly stained blue.
Murmuring. Beeping. Constant beeping. Brightness. Matthew groaned at it all as his head lolled to the side of a...pillow. He was lying down. His eyes flew open.
"Oh...fuck!" He spat to himself in a hospital. A damn hospital. "No, no, come on..."
Matthew was surely sick, but not that sick. Jeez, those reporters are so dramatic. They probably clutched their pearls and flapped their hands in front of their faces at the sight of him passing out. He had to have passed out. How would he have gotten there?
"Oh, God, oh, no," Matthew warbled as a strong shudder griped his body. His teeth snapped together, and he let out a furious hiss of breath. "Damn it with the shivering!"
A pretty nurse came into the room, poking around, and tossed a glance toward him looking and feeling miserable on the bed. "Oh, you're awake!" She sang. "Hi! How you feeling?"
"I bet!" The nurse had her best service smile on, but her eyes screamed terror. "Your body temperature was down to thirty-five! Everyone's amazed how you were still up and about like that! So...just take it easy, and the doctor will be right in to...ahem, discuss things with you."
She left in a hurry. Matthew gawked at the ceiling as his insides were shivering now, too. "Thirty-fucking-five degrees."
(Ninety-five for Americans.)
"It's getting colder," he let out a whimper. Grown adult or not, he hurt. He was freezing from the inside out like someone stuffed ice packs under his skin when he wasn't looking. Maybe they did. Those bastards.
The vent in the ceiling kicked to life, slapping his face with a wave of heat. He moaned, squirming to get away without getting anywhere. "No, no, no, turn that off, please-!" Another sickening quake grabbed him and would not let go. He doubled over and gagged. The warmth kept coming.
Matthew drew in a sharp breath, snapping, and yelled in annoyance, pain, anger, anything cold-blooded inside of him, it needed to come out. A noise from the side of his bed crinkled. Then the IV bag leading to his arm burst, raining icicles on the floor. He lifted his arm up to gawk at the tube flailing uselessly from his skin.
Okay, kids, nobody is supposed to do this, yet everybody in movies does - however, instead of ripping it out like some kind of grunting barbarian, Matthew slowly wiggled the needle out of his arm with a little 'Ooh!' and 'Ouch, ouch!'
The tube started to fog in his grip, and he went to peel and detach anything between him and the monitors. Then he was free. Now Matthew could panic.
"Agh!" He ran to the window and smacked his palms to the glass. It was snowing. Wait, snow wasn't called for days. How long was he out?
"Mr. Williams?!"
"Sir, sir! We're going to need you to come back to bed right now!"
Matthew gazed at frost etching from his fingertips, fanning icicles into crystal white designs along the glass.
Nurses approached, "Mister Williams?"
One grabbed his shoulder. The man immediately recoiled with a cry of pain, grabbing his arm as his fingers throbbed against blue-purple skin.
Matthew slowly turned around, arms held up as ice peeked from his pores, running freezing water down to his elbows and dripping to the floor. The entourage of medical staff gawked with wide eyes, breath catching in warm puffs of fog as they met the chilly air. "I think I know what the problem is," he started as the window behind him crackled with frosty intrusion. "I'm made out of ice."
A moment before the window shattered, pouring over the sill as the winter wind flung itself into the hospital room. The staff screamed, throwing their arms over their faces and ducking for cover. Matthew turned to the gray sky, to the white mercilessly pelting the streets. The ice encasing his arms reveled in contact with the biting wind. He was so cold.
"We need the E.R. team in here, stat! Mister Williams?!"
Matthew stepped toward the window. His feet crunched on the glass shards, poking harmlessly against the thickness edging along his skin.
"Mister Williams!" The nurses screeched as he pulled himself through the window, and let himself be blown into the breeze.
"I can't find the coffee stirrers. Over."
Bssch, "They're in the upper cabinet, left hand side. Over."
A man sat at a desk, in a room completely to himself. He pinched the bridge of his nose before snatching the radio off his desk. "Toris! Eduard! The intercom system is for important calls and emergencies, not your personal hand-helds!"
A voice murmured from one side, "But it was important..."
"Hush!" One of the men hissed. His voice grew closer, "Uh...sorry, D-Detective Braginsky."
Ivan slammed his radio back on his desk, giving his head a shake before flicking a page of his magazine.
Various murmurs resonated through the radio, calls from around the city. He turned the dial down by a smidge. Just a smidge.
"A stray dog..."
"...my leg got stuck in a snow embankment...in front of the woman I was supposed to be writing a ticket to..."
"Not to sound stereotypical, but I could go with some doughnuts right now."
"...at the hospital. Some kind of, uh...icy intrusion."
Ivan picked up his head from his magazine.
He turned the dial back up in time to hear another cop relaying, "Yeah, like, some kind of artic blast busted into the medical center. A couple of people have frostbite and cuts from the shards."
"I hear you," Ivan said. "Wait, I'm on my way."
"Yes. Hold on."
"Oh, the head detective's coming with us?"
Ivan threw on a thick wool coat and stormed out of his office. Various men and women hovering over desks and pouring over bulletin boards hunched and skittered away from his path. Their eyes pricked his broad backside on the way out.
A snow storm was well underway. Two cops popped their heads over their cruiser at his approach. "Sir! You, uh-"
"Move," Ivan said. "I'm driving."
"Uh, yes, sir! The keys are already in the ignition."
Ivan gave him a stupid look, as the vehicle was already rumbling with life and sputtering hot fumes into the air. Once situated, the pair gave each other mirroring looks of shock through the bars blocking the back seats. Worried murmurs and static came from the radio, but other than that, it was a short but extremely thick silence to the medical center.
Another cruiser and private cars haphazardly parked before the entrance, and as soon as the keys left the ignition, Ivan stormed the place just as icily as the building storm outside.
Medical staff bustled around, trying to help confused patients that crept from their rooms to investigate the disturbance. A frail old lady held up a shaky hand to a nurse and complained, "Dear, it's so cold! Won't you turn up the heat?"
Ivan pressed against a wall and snuck around the pair.
"Oh! Is that the police?! Oh, oh! What are they doing here?"
"Ma'am, please, calm down, there was just a mild disturbance..."
Another officer jerked his head to a certain room. "Over here!"
Ivan followed.
Glass decorated the tiled floor, blowing from the grand window lining the furthest wall. Warm breath came from his teammates' faces as their wide eyes scanned the perimeter. One asked, "What could have done this?"
A weird look.
"I spoke to the witnesses. They said a man by the name...Williams approached the window, and it burs into icy shards."
Ivan asked, "Are you sure of that?"
The officer gave him a good gawk. "Based on witness accounts! The nurses that weren't injured by the flying glass."
"And this Mister Williams escaped?"
"Yes, sir, they said he jumped right out this window."
"Well, there's no body there."
"Yes, sir. He ran off."
"He ran off? After jumping out a window?"
"So you're implying he is responsible for the window shattering?"
"And injuring the staff members, yes."
Ivan curtly turned away. "Stay here and get the full story."
"I'm going to bring this Mister Williams into custody." His fellow officers trailed after him. He barked, "Alone!"
"But there's a storm on its way!"
"I won't be long."
Another officer hushed, "Just...let him go. He's the only one that can handle-"
Ivan was already down the hall. Of course, the eyes of medical staff and patients hooked onto the scarf flapping against his back, waving goodbye to the place when he wouldn't. A gust of cold air and snow pellets slapped his face, pulling his coat from his legs as soon as he stepped outside. Dusk was approaching. He needed to be quick.
Shoe-marks stamped the light dusting of snow in the parking lot. Ivan paced until he lined himself below the shattered window. Glass crunched under his boot. His eyes followed down the side of the building, a two story drop, and across the parking lot. The streetlights shimmered against clumps of ice leading across the car pack.
Further, toward the street, the icy dimples morphed into foot-prints. A shallow snow bank, but someone must have fell into it and struggled to get up. The steps led down the sidewalk. Ivan darted down the road, eyes steady on the distant field still covered from the previous snowfall.
The field remained virtually untouched, except when Ivan plowed himself through the ever-deepening sea of white the further out he went. He slowed as struggling leg divots in the snow intersected with older trails until he finally stopped, glancing around sparse trees and a metal baseball cage some distance away.
Before Ivan could step forward, something snagged one of the tail ends of his beige scarf. It tightened against his throat, and he let out a quiet gasp. He twisted around to snatch the cloth away, but icy claws protruded from the snow and kept a firm hold.
"Mister Williams?"
The snow shifted.
A snow-caked head of what should be blond hair emerged. A bone-white face. Wide, hallow lilac eyes. Ivan felt his own face try to pucker into distaste. Pale lips cracked open, and the man hoarsely whispered, "What are you doing?"
"I could ask you the same thing. Are you Mister Williams?"
The man was deathly still - a statue frozen to the ground. Until he barely moved to answer, "Yes."
"Mister Williams," Ivan started, fishing a badge from his coat. "I'm the head detective for this town's police department. I'm going to get you out of this storm and get you warmed up, but I need to ask you a few questions-"
"No, oh, no, no!" Mister Williams released Ivan's scarf, but his arm stayed stunted into the air, claws of ice wide apart and poised to the darkening sky. "No, no, I'm in trouble, aren't I?" His voice stretched thin as ice grasped his throat, "I hurt those people! Oh, no, no!"
"Mister Williams-"
"I'm a monster! You need to get away. B-b-before I hurt you, too!"
Ivan's eyebrows fell. Less enthusiastically, "Mister Williams, you are not a monster. Do not say that. We just want to-"
"I said...get away!" A hiss of strenuous pain, and a roar of wind poured upon Ivan's head. He threw up his arms as a fury of snow burst from the ground, swathing him in cold, unforgiving white. He shook the clumps off his coat, and Mister Williams' backside peeked from his hospital gown as he clumsily scrambled amongst thick plows of snow.
Ivan sighed, flexed his fingers, and rolled his head. "Okay, then. Hard way it is."
He swooped to the ground, planting his palms into the snow. Mister Williams had not gotten too far, lunging about in a straight line. Icicles shot over the embankments and under his hands and knees. He yelped as his nails scratched onto the sudden layer of slick, and he fell forward, rump going into the air.
Ivan straightened and approached with slight urgency.
Mister Williams pushed himself up with a delirious shake of his head, tossing a frightened glance over his shoulder, and yipped. It was a short warning before he smacked a hand to the ground, and spikes of ice lurched for Ivan's face.
Ivan's arms cut through the night air, and a sheet of iced-over snow emerged from the embankment to catch his assault.
"What the..." Mister Williams cried in shock and fright as everything crumbled to the ground. "You're...you're...!"
"Mister Williams," Ivan dully sang as he came closer. The carpet of ice withered beneath his boots, "You should try to make this as easy for yourself as possible."
Mister Williams scrambled backwards against the weakening ice. He gasped as it melted, only to clamp in a frozen lock around his hands, gluing him to the dead grass. "No! I don't want to go back! I'll only hurt more people!"
"Oh? Because you think you're a monster?"
Wriggling intensified. Mister Williams managed to burst one of the clumps of ice around his hands and flail his free arm in the air. "Yes! Look at me! What else would I be?!"
Two waves of snow rose from the ground, but Ivan swished his hands. They harmlessly crumbled into loose sentiment. He fell on top of Mister Williams' legs, much to the other man's horror, and clamped icy fingers over his head.
Mister Williams wreathed and put his own palm to Ivan's face. "What are you doing?!"
Ivan took a deep inhale as cold sank into his skin, freezing his veins, and a smile played with his lips, "You shouldn't say that! Because if you're a monster..."
Spikes of ice protruded from his pale hair, and Mister Williams could only watch as frost etched across the detective's body...
"Then what does that make me?"
A sharp breath to scream, but nothing came as the entirety of ice encasing Mister Williams receded, right into Ivan's pores. His eyes rolled back into his head, and he slumped into the snow. Unmoving, the whiteness to his skin morphed into a slightly more healthier pink.
Ivan released his clutch, and left Williams on the ground to rise to his feet. He tipped his head to the sky, and let out a long sigh, dispelling dragon's breath of ice into the air. The frost against his clothes melted, dripping back into the ground, and he, too, looked unlike a 'monster' anymore.
Ivan dug around his coat for his hand-held. "Unit one, this is Braginsky."
His radio crackled and hissed. He held it from himself until it died down. "Unit one, do you copy?"
Hissing. A disconnected, "Sir?"
"I found Mister Williams. I said, I found Mister Williams!"
"Is he alive, sir?"
"Yes, although unconscious. He will need medical attention right away. I'm bringing him in." Ivan tucked his radio back into his coat without waiting for a reply. "Monster," he mused with a scoff. "Just for shivering and blowing out a window? That is child's play."
It was a cold, nightly walk back to the hospital with Mister Williams in tow.
Oh, no, heart monitor beeping!
Matthew's eyes flew open.
Just as he shot to sit with a horrified gasp, something clamped onto his chest and shoved him back down. A hospital room. Of course he was back in a hospital room. His wrists were free, however, not tied down like some wretched creature's would be. His fingers gripped the stiff fabric of his cot as he zoned on another man dwarfing a visitor's chair beside him.
"Stay down."
Matthew complied with a skittish gulp. The man's hands seeped cold back into his skin, a moment before he relinquished himself back to his own personal space. "Aren't you with the police?"
"Yes. You remember me?" Almost lightheartedly, although the big man's smile did not meet his eyes, "We had a little bit of a romp in the snow back there."
Matthew awkwardly grunted, gluing his gaze to the ceiling. He was in so much trouble. He was probably going to get life behind bars. If evil science people did not get to poke him with lots of sharp tools, first. Ice picks, probably. He was made of ice. Or at least, it felt like it. A little less. Maybe his veins were filled with slushy ice water instead.
The man raised his strong eyebrows. "Mister Williams? Are you feeling okay?"
Stinging. Tears pooled in Matthew's eyes. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I don't know...I didn't mean for anything bad to happen." He scrunched his nose and turned his face away so he was not bawling in front of this near-stranger, "Ugh, my entire life is ruined. Ugh, it wasn't even impressive in the first place-"
A cold palm eased against the back of his hand. Matthew's fingers twitched against subtle prickles etching along his skin, "You are not a criminal, Mister Williams. You are a troubled man."
"I'm in trouble."
His company retracted his hand again with a sharp sigh. "Let us start over, okay?" He gestured to himself, to his soft cheeks yet cold eyes, "I am Detective Ivan Braginsky from the Police Department. You are in the hospital because you need help. Not because you are a monster. You are not a criminal. You are confused. That is normal. You just shot ice from your fingers. Again, that is normal. I will tell you why. We will help you."
Matthew lolled his head toward Braginsky. "Okay." He probably already was headed to the can. Minus well get answers. In a small voice, "Why?"
Perhaps it was his imagination, but a light clap of chill ghosted Matthew's cheeks as Ivan leaned forward, much less jaded and annoyed with the world. In near wonder, "You are a snow sprite."
"Um, what?"
"They are a species of humans that can manipulate and are manipulated by the cold-"
"I know what a snow sprite is."
Ivan stared.
"I've read up on the different kinds of sprites throughout my life. My brother's a heat sprite."
Ivan's eyebrows crunched together. "Ah. A heat sprite. Yet you...hm, that's odd. Are your parents...?"
"Both are rain sprites."
Matthew almost smiled. "Yeah, you can say that. Got a whole bunch of mixed blood in me, I guess."
"And out came the ice instead?"
The cold permeating the room didn't feel so bad. It almost felt warming, but not warm, in a kind sense. Matthew let out a long, easing exhale. "Yeah. Looks like it."
"You never...gave off any indication that you have these sorts of abilities?"
"Nope. Well, my brother always felt too hot to the touch. Like, if he hung on me too long, I would always sweat, and-"
"That's normal for heat sprites."
"Maybe it was simply years' build up. Or a late onslaught of growing up?" Ivan leaned against his chair, dragging his hand over his chin. Then a slight uplift to his lips, "You are an enigma, Mister Williams. When I got that call that some lunatic threw himself out a window in the middle of a snow storm, I was not expecting this."
"You were expecting some crack-addict, were you?"
"In kinder words."
Matthew found his own face pulling to a smile. "Thank you, Mister Braginsky. You're much kinder than the impression your stories give off."
Short lived bliss. Ivan fell solemn. Some haunt behind his eyes, "My stories?"
"I compile reports from around town for the local newspaper. I remember your name popping up a lot." Matthew tapped a finger against the bed, nonchalantly goading for attention, "There was a fire at the nearby quick stop last year. You were there. A generator, I think, overheated, and you...you 'sucked' the cold out of the air, and literally cooled it with your hands. It was amazing reading the reports. What you said about it. I could never imagine being able to do something like that. Amazing."
Ivan dropped his gaze to the hands folded on his lap. "Oh, that."
"Just 'that?'"
"I got into trouble from that. Mostly a slap on the wrist, but people say what they want to say in those kinds of situations. You're not supposed to make a big speculation of your powers around other people. Especially our type." Ivan's prominent nose curled as he hissed the words, "'Public disturbance.'"
Thoughts of getting thrown in a stony jail plagued Matthew's mind again. Scientists, with big, sharp scalpels-
"It's a solitary life," Ivan murmured. "Not enough people know much of anything having to do with us. Not enough people want to know anything. Our touch can and will hurt them. Who would you blame but yourself for your own loneliness?" He blinked, and picked up his head. A slight slap of cool air dusted Matthew's cheeks. There windows were not open. "Ah, that was a little bit too sad, yes?"
Matthew couldn't help a little laugh. "Yeah, that was real freaking sad. We are monsters."
"Now that was sad. I suppose even monsters feel it, too, yes? Does that really make us monsters, compared to those who deny it?"
"Ugh, stop it, you're making my head hurt."
Ivan let out a giggle. A giggle. The grin cracking along his pale face attracted eyes more than that gloom hanging over the room. "It is not all bad news, Mister Williams."
"Really, you can call me Matthew. And what is it?"
"Matthew. Matvey. No, Matthew. Yes. Uh, you're most likely going to get charged with the cost of window repairs."
"I knew that. That's not good news, anyway."
"You also hurt people."
"Detective, I thought you said you had good news."
"You're not going to get arrested, or tossed in some spooky prison."
Matthew's eyes went wide. "What?"
"The hospital is not pressing charges, as long as you cover the damage. Not as a criminal, at least, but there was nothing I could do to dissuade them from seeing it as an onslaught of mental health issues."
Matthew fell back against his pillow. "They probably are, anyway."
"Don't say that."
Ivan scrunched his face for a moment, before it fell back into a sly grin. His hand breeched the mattress, crinkling the hospital sheet, "You live in a good place. People will take care of you. Maybe...when you come back...if you find yourself without a job, the station is always looking for honest people to share our stories. Journalists. Reporters. Programmers, too. Those are always in demand."
"What?" Matthew gasped, "Mister Braginsky, no. You can't. You shouldn't-"
"I'll put in a good word for you."
"I like your stories." Ivan almost said he liked Mister Williams. That would have been a bit too soon, wouldn't it? He just tackled the guy to the snowy ground and knocked him out, after all. Usually people don't make friends that way. Usually he didn't make friends at all. He decided to go with, "I always read my stories coming back to me, from you."
Matthew's hands curled over his own face. "Oh, no..."
"I think you even called me a 'hero' once-"
"No, no..."
Ivan grinned, "I actually don't live an impressive life, Matthew."
"Says you." A ripple of cold air drifted across the cot. Matthew shot the detective a look that was supposed to be threatening, almost as if goading him to 'Try me.' "I think...what you did...I thought that was impressive."
"Do you mean, what I did a few hours ago, or just in general?"
Matthew lightly smacked Ivan's shoulder, grinning, "Shut up."
Ivan found himself copying the mingling chills in the air. "I'm going to have to ask you a few questions about what happened."
After some thought, "Okay, Mister Detective. Ask away."
It took some guts to reach over and put an icy palm to another.
At the end, Ivan stepped out of Matthew's hospital room, realizing his interrogation was something more of a self-indulgent questionnaire. Snow sprites live solitary lives. Maybe this one didn't have to.
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ollmylove · 6 years
The Truth Untold (Remix) - Part 2
Hello Everyone! This wasn't a request but it was inspired by the amazing Ysabelle (link to video in masterlist), her English cover of The Truth Untold leaves me shook every single time I listen to it. I really have a lot of different interpretations for this song but the way she translated the lyrics really felt like a love/broken hearted song. I did change the lyrics slightly to suit the story a little better so I hope you like it.
Pairing: Suga/Min Yoongi x Reader.
Genre/warnings: tint bits of fluff, mostly angst and heart break. Also like 1 swear word.
Word count: 1063.
From this lonesome garden, wanna give you a flower
Reminding me of you
I'd give you all and take this foolish mask off
Your memories plagued you at the times you felt most alone.
Memories of your first date. A trip to a music store where you played a piano together. Both of you squeezed onto the stool as you pressed the keys in front of you.
Even memories that weren't often fond you still clung to.
"Tell me five things you can see." You had whispered to him as he lay on the floor of his studio one day.
Your hands rubbed firm circles into his back, letting your presence be known. Making sure he could feel that you were real and that you were there.
"Keyboard. Paper. Chair. Screen. Can." He mumbled, eyes coming to meet yours. This was the first time you had seen him have an anxiety attack and he was grateful when you didn't flinch or cringe as tears fell from his eyes.
"I'm sorry. I just feel like I can't get anything done. I feel useless." You pulled him up so his head was resting between your chest and shoulder while you rubbed your hands up and down his arms.
"You, Min Yoongi are the most talented person I know, but everyone gets creators block every now and again."
You were snapped back to the present by your own breathing, hitched and shallow as you lay in your bed.
"Clock. Drapes. Window. Mirror. Paper." You whispered to yourself, trying you ignore the pressure you felt building in your chest.
"Clock. Drapes. Window. Mirror. Paper."
But I know that you can never give me more than that
Forever may not be for us
Hide the ugly now
And I'm so afraid
Cause in the end, you left again
I know that I'm pathetic but what should I do?
I wear a mask again so I don't see you
The street below you was bright tonight, lit up with cars and signs.
You were at a creators event, some party your group had desperately wanted to come to.
"It's beautiful. I've never been to a penthouse before. Everyone down there looks like ants." Your band mate spoke and she mimicked you and looked down. A light giggle left your lips and her head snapped to face yours.
"I've missed you. You doing okay?" She asked softly, reaching to grab your hand in hers.
"I know. I haven't been the best leader have I? Sorry about that. I'm getting better. I promise." You squeezed her hand, guilt and shame flooding your stomach as you thought about the practises you had missed because you wanted to just quit.
"Shit." She whispered, eyes locked over your shoulder. "Yoongis coming over here. Want me to get rid of him?" She asked as her eyes found yours again, she was a true friend. You just shook your head, knowing now was as good a time as any to face your fears.
"Evening ladies." He chirped as he reached you both.
Your friend held your hand still and you squeezed again before nodding at her.
"Whatever. I'll get us a drink." She mumbled before shooting him a glare and leaving you alone.
"You look really good." You said, not expecting the awkward silence that followed her departure.
"Oh. Yeah thanks. So do you." He bit his lip and instinctively you reached your hand up to your neck, grasping the tulip necklace. Suddenly you felt embarrassed, realising that by doing so you drew his attention to it.
"You still have that? I would have thought that you threw it away after what I did." He mumbled, his right arm lifting up so he could scratch his neck.
"Its important to me, I'll never throw it away. And, well you didn't do anything." You were looking right at him, but he was having trouble meeting your gaze.
"Exactly." He said, finally meeting your eyes with a sad smile.
Here you were again, both of you stood in silence. Yoongi noted how your hand dropped from the necklace, and it rested on your soft skin. He was struck with memories of kissing that skin, his teeth and hands running over the smooth surface.
Your arms snaking around his neck brought him back to life. He froze as you hugged him.
"I gotta go. See you later Suga." You mumbled before he finally rushed to hug you back. You both savoured the familiar feeling, your heart skipping beat after beat as you pulled away.
"Yoongi." He called after you, watching you look over your shoulder with a smirk and a ghost of a laugh.
I'm crying my soul
I'm all alone
These walls won't hold
My castle made of sand is falling from within
I'm keeping on this mask so I don't see you
The lights where bright, shining on you as you and your members sat centre stage.
The microphone in your hand shook, and the crowd noticed your trembling look before you did. The murmur of noise made you turn to your members, covering your face as they whispered comforting words in your direction. "You're strong."
"You can do this."
"We believe in you Y/N."
You sat tall once more, quickly wiping your face before looking out into the crowd and seeing him.
He wasn't looking at you, in fact he wanted to run away the moment you had gotten on stage but he knew that would only hurt more. Instead he sat through the performance, not failing to notice how your members weren't taking part in this song.
These lyrics were meant for him, and he knew it. He dropped his head between his knees and kept his eyes closed for the majority, before Jin tapped his shoulder and tilted his head toward the stage. Yoongis heart crumbled as he saw you falter on stage, but was thankful that your members were there to comfort you.
Your melodic song continued as you kept eye contact with one another. Although he was far away you could tell he was crying simply by the way he bit his lips, a tell tale sign of sadness meaning he couldnt find the right words.
But I still want you
But I still want you
But I still want you
But I still want you
But you don't want me
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ladye11e · 6 years
Deception pt 3
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The conflict between the Assassins and the Templars is getting out of hand. Lies, deceit and subterfuge, now you must pick a side...
Tagging the wonderful @geekgoddess813 and the amazing @sweet-flash 😍😍
Link to the full fic so far is here 😊
Literally banging your head against the doorframe of the security office when the computer simulation had finished and detected yet another blind spot in the cameras, you scowled at Connor when he sat there chuckling at you.
"Do not do that (name), that door is new."
Sticking your tongue out and collapsing in the chair next to him, you grabbed the keyboard and began rewinding the video so you could see how many degrees the camera needed turning again.
"We've been at this for half a week, when's Altaïr coming back?!"
You let out a heavy sigh when he leaned back and shrugged his shoulders, then grimaced when he picked up his glass and finished it's bright green contents in one swallow.
"Urgh, how can you drink that? It smells like pureed weeds."
"Wheatgrass is very good for you (name), it keeps the body and mind clear. You should try it sometime."
"No thank you, I'll stick to the good stuff." You mumbled as you picked up your coffee cup, spitting the mouthful straight back into it when you found it stone cold.
"Three degrees to the right. Your turn Connor."
Shooing him away when he started to grumble about how it was definitely not his turn to adjust the wretched thing, the second he was out of sight you brought up all eleven working cameras, memorising their new positions in the manor. Any information to help Shay steal that ugly necklace would be hugely beneficial, the only upside at being given this infuriating task. Satisfied that you could remember them all, you closed the window and brought the one back up to the camera you were working on, leaving Connor none the wiser as he walked back through the door.
"Try now."
Jamming the enter button with your thumb, you tapped your fingers on the desk irratably as you waited for the program to taunt you again with another failure.
"By the way, I forgot to ask. What's this party for? It didn't say on the email."
"Achilles birthday of course! He insisted that he did not want to make a fuss, but it is his 70th, and also, I think everyone's spirits could do with lifting, do you not think?"
Giggling when he sat bouncing in his chair like an excited child, you had to agree that everyone had been in a slump recently. You were partly to blame for that, just when the Assassins thought they were getting the upperhand for once, the Templars quickly stepped in and snatched whatever advantage they thought they might have had from right under their noses, mostly from information you were feeding them. You did feel a pang of guilt at betraying your friends, but when you found out that Duncan Walpole was torturing innocents for information a few years ago; and the other Master Assassins knew about it but decided to let him get away with it, that's when you decided you were working for the wrong side. The Assassins had become desperate, all morals starting to fly out of the window and going completely against everything that you believed in.
Snapping out of your thoughts when the computer pinged that it had finished it's diagnosis, you punched the air and whooped when it finally said that the interior was completely under watch. Making a quick mental note of the last cameras position, you grabbed your bag and slung it over your shoulder, much to Connor's surprise.
"Where are you going (name)?"
"I don't live here remember? Three whole days, I need my own bed."
It was partly the truth, in seven months you had only slept at your place once, but the main reason was to get back the the Mandarin Oriental and hand over the pin, plus draw down the new designs of the Homestead before lethargy made you forget. It was close to midnight when you finally arrived at the hotel, much to the annoyance of the valet who was just about to clock off for the evening. Scoffing and storming past the concierge into the lift when he whispered something about 'working guests are not allowed', you suddenly realised that Shay didn't know that you were on your way. Figuring it was too late to warn him now, you sluggishly dragged yourself down the hall and knocked softly on the door, only just surpressing your smirk when he answered wearing just a pair of sweatpants.
"Don't you ever get dressed? Or am I just special?" You chuckled as you walked in, suddenly feeling a bit more awake.
"I would have made an effort lass, had I known ya were coming. Then again, maybe not?"
Biting the inside of your lip when he gave you a knee weakening look, the corner of your mouth twitched when you saw that he had realised that you didn't embarrass so easily after all, given the now slightly determined expression on his face. What was going on in your mind however was a different story, and not something you planned on revealing anytime soon.
"So, managed to drag yourself away then? Not that I'm complaining, but what's so important that it couldn't wait till the morning?"
"Beer. Pad. Pencil. In that order if you would be so kind Mr Cormac."
Grinning as you took off your hoodie and kicked off your shoes, you dropped down onto the sofa and wiggled about on it, enjoying it's softness compared to the desk chairs you've been sat on for the past few days.
"One beer, one pad, one pencil, in that order, ma'am."
Taking the beer and swallowing half its contents in one go; much to Shays amusement, you placed it down and brought the pad up onto your knees, sketching the floorplan hastily on the paper.
"Ya gonna tell me what you're drawing?"
Shay sat down next to you with his own bottle in hand, cocking his head to try and see over your arm and what you were actually doing.
"A unicorn." You scoffed, giggling slighty as you took in Shays bemused expression. "I'm not joking. A mythical thing that doesn't exist apparently?"
You turned the pad to show him a plan of the second level of the manor, something that even the Grand Master of the Templar's couldn't obtain. It was quickly drawn, but accurate enough to be useful in your next task.
"This my dear Shay, is our way in. I made sure that there are no camera's pointing towards the door of Achilles office, so that should give you more time. Let's just hope they don't spot it and change it. Did you get the signal?"
"Well played lass, you've done a grand job. Yes we got it, it's been analysed and we've found out what kind of vault it is, someone else is workin' on the voice recognition bit that we're also gonna need."
Your brow furrowed slightly at the thought of someone else sneaking into the manor, but brushed it off as you knew that Achilles voice was easily gotten recently with all the planning and phone conversations he's been doing. Handing Shay the pad and taking a small fob off him so you could examine it, you noticed it wouldn't go amiss on a set of car keys, so would be easily smuggled into the party.
"It's good. You have till the morning to get that memorised, then it's ash. Understand?"
"Aye. Oh, Master Kenway told me to give ya this, get something nice to wear to the ball."
Shay pulled out a usual velvet bag from his pants pocket and handed it to you, a glimmer of a smile creeping up your face when you tipped out it's contents to reveal a miniature gold bar, easily sold for several thousand dollars.
"So you and Kenway...?"
"No!" You blurted out a little too quickly when you clicked onto what he was getting at, looking up at him to see him slyly smirking at what you had just said.
"Um, no. We're just friends."
"Ah I see. When a man gives a woman something like that, he wants to be a bit more than just friends lass."
"Yeah I know." You mumbled as you slipped the gold back into its bag and tucked it into your jeans.
Yawning and stretching out to try and make yourself more alert for the drive home, you let out a small cry and grabbed your shoulder when the muscle spasmed up, cursing as you tried to relieve the crick in your neck.
"Move forward."
Shay finished off the last of his beer and placed the bottle on the table in front of him, then slid behind you and used his legs to shuffle you forwards so he could sit behind you fully. Your mouth formed a small 'o' when he began massaging your shoulder and neck, wincing slightly when he rubbed his thumb along the tightened muscle.
"God yer tense lass, you work too much. So not Master Kenway, but surely you've got a fella that's gonna be pissed that you're going with me to the fancy do and not him?"
Your eyelids had drifted closed as your neck began to feel better with each pass of his hand, but you soon snapped them open and rolled your eyes when you knew what he was probing at.
"No fella, haven't had for years. I prefer it that way."
"How come? I've been the same, but not through choice. I'm supposed to be dead remember."
Sniggering at his comment, your eyes closed again when he moved to the other side of your neck, wondering if you wanted to reveal more details about your life. It was nice to have a conversation that wasn't about work for a change, and you weren't about to stop him from rubbing your shoulders whatever his intentions, so you chose to carry on.
"Had a couple of relationships, the first was with a civilian who knew nothing about what we do. Don't think that needs any more explaining? The last, well he is an Assassin, but when I started working for the Templars... There's only so much lying and sneaking one can do before the other has had enough of it. So, less drama this way."
Feeling more than drowsy due to your lack of sleep and rather amazing neck rub from Shay, you snapped your head up when you realised that you had almost nodded off, earning you a soft chuckle from the man behind you.
"Come on lass, you're not going anywhere tonight. You're lucky I don't mind sharin' a bed."
Looking up groggily when he slid one arm under your legs and the other around your shoulders; picking you up and carrying you to his bedroom, you barely registered him dropping you down on the soft pillows, pulling the duvet over you.
"Thank you, Shay." You mumbled, already half asleep.
"No problem. Hope ya don't snore?"
Giggling gently and tucking the duvet under your chin when you felt him climb into the bed next to you, you shook your head as you spoke, your words barely more than a tired whisper.
"No, I don't.... you're awfully sweet for a Templar.... nice ass too...." Was the last thing to pass your lips as you fell into a deep sleep.
 Fluttering your eyes open when a crack of light warmed your face through the curtains, you sat up with a start and checked your watch when you thought you'd missed your code; sighing and rubbing your face when it was only just after eight. Glancing to the other side of the bed and noticing it was empty, you dragged yourself up and plodded towards the living room when the smell of fresh brewed coffee and bacon tickled your nose. Your stomach began growling when you spied the spread on the table; toast and jam, bacon and eggs, platters of fruit, and of course, lots of caffiene. Shay peered over the newspaper he was reading when he heard you come in, confusing you slightly when he dropped it down onto the table with a rather seductive grin.
"Morning lass, sleep alright? Help yourself to breakfast, didn't know what you liked so ordered a bit of everything."
"Yes, thank you again for letting me stay. Something funny?"
Sliding onto the chair next to him and grabbing a slice of bacon, you chewed on it thoughtfully as you stared at him out of the corner of your eye, wondering what the cause was for his amusement.
"Ah nothing important. Ya got anything to do today? We could do with making a plan of what were doing once we get inside the manor, and I was wondering if you could pick something up for me?"
"Such as?"
Helping yourself to a cup of coffee and a slice of toast, you held the bread between your teeth as you got up and rummaged through your bag for your phone, entering your code before checking your emails and schedule. As you weren't expected back from Russia until later this week; your constant nagging at Shaun making him work extra hard so he could be rid of you, so your next two days were event and mission free. Though the thought of being an errand girl didn't vastly appeal, spending the day lounging about with nothing to do was equally unattractive.
"Something I can't send the concierge out for, let's put it that way. So, you free for a bit?"
Nodding when you stuffed the remainder of the slice in your mouth and coughed as you swallowed it a bit too hard, you pulled your hoodie on and grabbed your bag, desperately needing at least a shower and a clean set of clothes before you spent the day planning anything.
"Yep, going home to change first, I can pick up whatever you need on the way."
"You could freshen up here if ya like, can send your stuff out to be cleaned?" He said hopefully as he handed you a slip of paper with an address on it, along with a small brass key.
Your eyes narrowed slightly as you wondered why he wanted you to stay so much, thinking it was rather presumptuous of him that you would actually want to be naked and wet in the next room. He wasn't wrong, you'd actually thought about it on more than one occasion but that would only be stoking a fire that you didn't want burning at this moment in time, so you decided against it.
"That's okay, there's a few other bits I need to do as well. Who's Finnegan?"
The address on the note was one that you knew well, it was an old pawn shop in the back streets of Boston, somewhere you actually planned on going today to sell the gold you had been given from Haytham. Shay had obviously noticed your apprehension at his suggestion, as he all of a sudden felt the need to explain why he had said it.
"A couple I know who hid a few things for safe keeping. The boss was wrong, there are a couple of people who know I'm alive but they don't know where I am. When I asked if ya wanted to stay I didn't mean anything by it, just nice to have someone to talk to other than Master Kenway. Was kinda hoping we could be friends as well as work together."
Even though you had just decided not to persue the man, you couldn't help a pang of disappointment as you watched him get up and open the front door for you.
"I'd like that. You seem like a decent bloke, maybe when you're done hiding in the shadows we could go out for a drink."
"Kind of you to say love, I'm not just a nice ass ya know."
Turning around wide eyed to see him give you a cheeky wink before closing the door behind you, you now realised what he had found so amusing this morning. You had actually said that out loud?! You remembered thinking it just before you drifted off last night, and mentally scolded yourself for your lack of brain-mouth barrier putting you in an embarrassing situation yet again.
 Pulling up outside 'Wynerts Pawn Shop', you scowled and waited a few minutes as you spotted two Templar hired guns walk inside. Even though the infamous Ned Wynert didn't work in this particular store, his rules were legendary, and his employees were to enforce them by any means necessary. The man was neither friend nor foe, completely neutral in accommdating both Assassin and Templar needs, and there was under no circumstances to be any conflict in or within the vicinity of any of his shops. After lengthy debating, both sides had eventually agreed.
After several minutes of waiting you became impatient and headed inside, glancing over the shelves of the numerous trinkets and knick knacks; including several hefty weapons while you waited for the clerk to be finished with his customers. You stood there defiantly when one of them turned around and immediately noticed who you were, thanks to the insignia on your hoodie that you had forgotten to take off. Clenching your fist when he slyly pushed his jacket to the side to reveal a holster and a 9mm Glock, a smirk creased your face when you heard the unmistakable cocking of a shotgun from behind him, making him turn around quickly.
"You know the rules. Get out, while you can still walk."
Stepping to the side when both the men glared at you and ran out before they got into even more trouble and lost a limb, you approached the counter with a cheery smile as the cashier returned his gun to under the counter.
"Templars, always so highly strung. What can I do for you today (name)?"
"Morning Marc. What will you give me for this?"
Handing over the small bag that you tugged out of your pocket, you fiddled with your cuff while you waited for him to weigh and examine the precious metal, then slide over his ledger to log the takings.
"Eighteen hundred. That's not up for negotiation either, the price of gold has dropped."
You nodded somberly in acceptance of his offer knowing that there was nowhere else you could take it around here, plus you had less than a week to buy some kind of a dress for the party. Stuffing the wad of money into a hidden compartment in your bag, you pulled out the key that Shay had given to you and placed it gingerly on the counter, much to his surprise.
"Need to pick up something too, it's under the name 'Finnegan'."
Flinching when he leaned under the counter to press something and the door automatically locked; the shutters rolling down and plunging the store into near darkness with a clang, you were now more than slightly baffled as he gestured for you to follow him to the back of the shop, grabbing the key and blinking a few times to readjust your eyes to the brightly lit corridor. Hesitantly entering an almost sparce, vault like room that had nearly two dozen locked metal doors inset on the walls after he punched in a lengthy code into the keypad on the wall, you slid Shays key in the left hand slot of one of the security boxes when he pulled out a ring of keys and slotted one into the right hand side, both of you turning them at the exact same time.
Marc left the room and closed the door behind him without saying a single word, only giving you a simple nod as the hinges creaked and revealed what you had come here to collect. Tugging out a rather old, but well crafted wooden chest and setting it down on the small table behind you, you traced your fingers over the intricate carvings as you debated on whether you should open it or not. Your decision was made for you when you tried to lift the lid but it wouldn't budge, and you could see no way of opening it without ripping the top off its hinges. Retrieving the key from the door and tucking the chest under your arm, you made your way back to the front of the shop, still baffled at what could be so important that it would be locked away like this.
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