#oh yeah!!! I also saw 333 during the reading
1tarot1with1k1o · 2 months
Heyy i would love to participate in your game, i dont have any love interest now but i can i have a romantic love from my fs? because i really want to feel the ~romance vibes~ but right now i dont any in my life 😅
Im P and a fun fact i have is that yesterday my neighbor's cat was secretly following me and every time I looked back he stopped, look elsewhere and pretend he wasn't following me lol
Thank you in advance
Hiii~ welcome to the game! Of course you can get messages from your fs <3 I completely understand you hahah
That’s so cute ㅠㅁㅠ cats are truly little angels on earth, I love them a lot. Did you happen to meet the cat again after that day?
Messages from your fs:
- I’m changing my physical world
- our separation is for our growth
- I’m healing!
- I’m sorry
- I want to meet you
- I hid my feelings back then
- things aren’t what they seem
- I feel so positive about you
- I’m following my intuition
- I want to ask you out
- I’m building up the courage
- I’m intimidated by your awesomeness
- I know I need to make the first move
- I’m waiting for the right time
- I worry you would reject me
- I’m overwhelmed with fear
- I want (no I need)* to tell you how I feel
- I’m already planning our date
- I want to surprise you
Okay so, this person definitely didn’t hold back on the messages lol. The notes kept on flying everywhere and my desk was almost completely covered in them. I did a selection because the main theme was becoming repetitive, so I figured I’d pick the ones that felt more “complete” to put it simply. So imagine if I just put everything in O_O…this person surely loves you a lot already hahah. I feel like as of now, they’re telling you that you should see your separation as a way to give yourself space to grow in order to be in a healthy place when you’ll meet. So instead of seeing this period in a negative light, you could try to look at it from that perspective in order to cheer yourself up. I think they know the struggle of having to wait for someone so meaningful, so they want to help you manage it better even if only from a distance, for now. For the meeting environment, I did see something more resembling a work environment, to be honest with you. I kept seeing an office and cubicles in a building. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll be working there, or at least not long term? It can be even just an internship or a job you’ll pick up for a while and then leave. It would make sense with the sense of urgency I felt from your person “like oh I don’t know when or if I’ll see them again, once they leave, so I gotta get it together quickly”. It could also be the same place that you’ll visit occasionally. Like a bank or the post office, just to make a few random examples. But I mostly saw your fs being a coworker or someone you interact with/share a space with. While channeling, it felt like they were telling you to not misunderstand them, since looking at their actions it may seem as if they’re completely uninterested in you or that they may even dislike you. But they made it clear that it’s only because they feel intimidated by how awesome they think you are. It’s like a “how can I dare even breathe near you” vibe hahahah. They know very well that they have to make a move or they’ll regret it for the rest of their lives. They may take a while to build the courage to get close to you, but rest assured that they will. *The note I got literally said “I want to tell you how I feel” and in my head they went “no no no, I NEED to tell them how I feel!” in a sort of panicked but very resolute way. They give me huge golden retriever vibes, it’s so adorable ㅠ^ㅠ I feel like they may daydream a lot about what it would be like to take you out on a date, almost immediately. Something like from the second/third time they see you, they just KNOW already. They may wanna plan the perfect date for you, in hopes to make you live out a dream. They want to create a memory that will last forever for the both of you. During the channeling I randomly remembered about the quote “I will find you in every single lifetime”. And I almost cried ngl. They have an incredibly pure soul. May have an unexpected backstory. I feel like there probably was a lot they had to go through early on, but they’re one of those people that just kept getting kinder and kinder as they faced each struggle. So you could never imagine all of the hardships they went through. Very healthy and strong personality. Little side note (it can be a sensitive topic so take it VERY lightly). I don’t know if you plan/want to have a family in the future, but I see that this person may want one with you. One thing the guides told me, is that if at some point you may face difficulties in creating one, rest assured that you will manage to build a family. I felt like one of you, or especially you, may happen to be infertile, but that issue WILL be resolved so don’t worry about anything, and just try to embrace the journey as best as you can. Because everything will turn out to be okay <3. Again, take especially this last part as it resonates. Even if it may not make sense at all now, it may turn out to be a situation you may face one day. But what matters the most, is to remember that you are safe, and that the universe is on your side. So don’t worry because you’ll be always looked after.
Channeled song from your fs:
(The translation to “that’s also our love” - Nerd Connection. The lyrics may not be super accurate because I had to use google translate for this, and my brain is too fried to check haha)
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Whew okay that was it. It’s…a lot hahah. Maybe it’s because it’s the first channeling that I did in a very long time, or maybe your person was more than happy to jump into the conversation, or maybe even a little bit of both. But yeah, the messages kept flowing in, and I felt like I had a constant rap battle going on in my head while doing this channeling. I definitely enjoyed it tho!
So thank you for giving me the opportunity to reconnect to my craft by participating in the game. I wish you lots of great things, and I hope to hear from you again soon! Warm wishes <333
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that-sweet-jester · 2 years
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Just a bunch of bad guys
A little background below ⬇⬇⬇
HA I TRICKED YOU, it's not little, it's a lot!
Alright, this was just supposed to be an attempt at character design of my own after I read bunch of Superhero AUs, but I got carried away and created some lore :')
Full Name: Both him and Techno had been adopted by Philza at young age and took up his last name, but wanted to keep something of their own. Hence, both have their nicknames "Soot" and "Blade" (not last names, they don't know what they were).
Alias: I wanted to base all names of the Syndicate on Greek mythology, however I had hard time finding something for Wilbur. I came close to calling him Apollo, but most of the things attributed to this god, aside being the patron of music, just didn't align with what I had in mind for him. Thus, ta da, "very original" Siren. Even tho, it's not really a name name - "lured sailors to their death with a bewitching song" just fits too well.
Powers: Hypnotic voice was an obvious choice, but I wanted all of them to have two main abilities. Thus, after long search I stumbled upon enhanced hearing, and hear me out. Wilbur wears mask over his eyes (he can see through it) but it gives the illusion that one of his senses is gone, and what they say when one sense is taken away? Another one amplifies >:D And I just think that someone whose powers are based on sound would be more sensitive to it. It's not like he has super hearing for miles away, he can just hear well what someone is whispering like few meters away form him :p
OK THAT'S IT. I think that's the most I've ever written on this site. To anyone who've read the whole thing: ily <333 thank for reading my rambling and sorry for any grammatical errors, English is not my first language and I was too lazy to do a spell check.
Full name: Explained before. I'm sorry, but I just can't separate those names from them, there is no Techno without Blade.
Alias: Now I spent a lot of time on this one, bc I just couldn't settle on anything. First I thought about Ares, for being the patron of blood lust and warfare, but just, it didn't work that much for me, I just think there should be more meaning behind the name. Then I searched more, I stumbled on Polemos and some other I can't remember and finally settled on Perses.
PERSES was the Titan god of destruction. He was the father of Hekate, goddess of witchcraft, by the Titanis Asteria ("Starry One"). Perses' name means "the Destroyer" or "the Ravager" from the Greek words persô and perthô. Hesiod inexplicably describes him as "preeminent among all men in wisdom"
And I just think this one's perfect. God of destruction? nice. "The Ravager"? Techno loved mc ravagers and I just can't pass this coincidence. "Preeminent among all men in wisdom"? Man's crazy smart, also as I'll explain more in a moment, Techno knows things he shouldn't really know, and he's almost always ahead of everyone, so, check. Also, my fav goddess aside form Persephone is Hecate so, additional point.
Powers: Enhanced durability is pretty explanatory. Mans could be thrown through a building and only his hair would get messy, maybe a bruise here and there and a lot of complaining, but that's it. You need someone equally powerful to bring him down. NOW, hyper awarness, man oh man, so I NEEDED to include the voices somehow. And I never saw them as something negative in his case. Of course, during combat, they start to demand bloodshed and make him sometimes loose control or result in sensory overload. BUT most of all, thanks to them he knows things - names of people or locations he never seen before, where the punch is coming at him from, answers to weird questions, who stole his food, and why is it always Wilbur, etc etc. So, yeah I thought that writing it down as hyper awarness, might work.
Additional info: His eyes are always red, but his sclera changes color to black when he's out on a mission or fighting, basically when the voices become louder the eyes become more intense in color. As civilian he wears red glasses most of the time to somehow mask the real color.
Full Name: You have no idea how much I wanted to write him down as Philza Mine Craft.
Alias: So, I also struggled to find a name for him. I was battling between Thanatos or simply calling him The Angel of Death. But then I was struck and everything became clear. I love fanfics where Phil was a hero before he saw how bad the system is and decides to become the "bad guy" who's actually kinda good, but does bad things sometimes. So, why not use it. In my version, before he became a villain, he was known as Angel, the Hero Committee wasn't as fully developed, so the heros still could stay anonymous, that's why even now they don't know his real identity. After he left he decided to take up new alias and therefore Thanatos was born. Person with black wings associated with Death, also now has a scythe??? Fits perfectly. And that's how people from calling him Angel started calling him The Angel of Death.
Powers: He has the ability to hide his wings and manifest them whenever he wants. I thought about making them just permanent, but I think it's just cooler when suddenly you see a character spring out a pair of big wings out of their back out of nowhere for the shock effect. (no i wasn't just too lazy to draw them, what are you talking about)
Avian telephaty - I also just couldn't not include the Chat. Wherever you see a cloud of crows you know the Angel of Death is nearby. He can communicate with any bird that is a raven, crow or rook. They're his eyes and ears.
Now, I can't leave without giving some credit to the writers that inspired me:
The Oath of Hippocrates by Melatonin_High
tommyinnit's clinic for supervillains by bonesandthebees (bonesandcacti)
Welcome Home Theseus by SoulfirePhoenix
All of them are on Ao3 and are super cool, so give them a read <3
Also, I'm planning on drawing Vigilante Benchtrio but we'll see how much that'll take me xd
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trolliworms · 7 months
So I just listened to Can’t Catch Me Now and oh my god I love it so much 😭😭😭
🚨Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes spoilers 🚨
It’s so perfect, the way it’s kind of folksy, like I imagine it’s something the Covey would sing, while also being in Olivia’s style. The way it goes from kind of melancholy to being almost angry.
The way it so perfectly reflects how Lucy Gray and Snow’s “relationship” ended, with him never knowing what actually happened to her, but she continues to haunt him for the rest of his life and it’s just so good I can’t.
The lyrics?!?? I need to show how amazing they are
“There’s snow falling over the city, you thought that it would wash away, the bitter taste of my fury, and all of the mess that you made.” Snow thought that winning the games (reinstating the Snow name) would solve his problems, but it didn’t and omg just this one lyric has so many layers to unpack I can’t right now
“I bet you figured I’d pass with the winter, I’d be something easy to forget.” Snow thought that Lucy Gray would die in the woods on her way to what he thought was a non-existent thirteen, but we know that thirteen did exist and that he later figured this out when he became president, meaning that he probably knows that she survived and it haunts him.
“Yeah sometimes the fire you founded, don’t burn the way you’d expect, yeah you thought that this was the end.” This one’s pretty obviously about Katniss (fire), she was brought to fame by the games (which are Snow’s doing) but she fueled the rebellion against him. The rebel attitudes he saw during his time at 12 didn’t end when he lost Lucy Gray, and they led to his demise.
Guys I didn’t even touch the chorus or the bridge I could talk about this for hours 😭😭😭 thank you for reading if you did <333
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not-poignant · 1 year
This is the anon the said 'safe'. Your tags hit me hard, since I'm actually starting a transition but am avoiding hrt. I've been getting pushback on it, and been told I'm not really trans without it. I know what I want to change to feel like myself. Also what I don't want to change. That's probably why 'safe' was my choice. It sucks when you think you should belong, but still feel like you aren't good enough. It helped to hear you have felt the same. I just want to give you a big virtual hug.
Ahhh I have a similar story, anon <333 I'm so sorry you went through it too.
Under a read more because it contains transphobia towards a nonbinary person from a binary trans person. My experiences are from a nonbinary lens, anon, so take the bits that are useful to you and ignore the rest, depending on where you sit on the trans spectrum <333
When I started realising I was transmasc (I'd known I was non-binary for a while) I remember that I talked to a trans man about it, he'd been going through the process for a couple of years at that point and we'd talked about that too at different points.
And I remember mentioning that I'd thought about hormones, but I was still on the fence because I'm nonbinary, not like 'binary trans' (i.e. I'm not going from point A to point B, where you move from AFAB to man or AMAB to woman), and I was talking about wanting they/them pronouns and maybe he/him pronouns at that point.
And he said: 'Oh cool, yeah, hopefully that helps until you decide for sure with testosterone and surgery.' I had this moment of like ??? and he was like 'when you realise and can be brave enough to commit to being a guy, I hope that goes really well for you.'
It was one of the most transphobic things I'd ever heard, not because it was said from a hateful place (it really wasn't, I'm still friends with this guy), but because it came from a friend, I was being very vulnerable during the conversation and it left me feeling like I didn't have a right to consider myself trans at all for about two years after that. It pushed me into this space where I'd been defined by a fellow trans person as a 'coward until I decided to be officially a man.' And then for two years I kept looking for that inside of myself, denying my non-binary-ness in favour of looking for a very clear and decisive 'I'm a man!' moment. It was a horrible period of time, gender-wise. Because being identified exclusively only as a man or a woman is dysphoric to me, so trying to do it to myself was like cutting at myself with an axe.
It's also very much like when gay and lesbian folk would say to me - back when I identified as bisexual - 'get back to me when you pick a side / become a real queer.' There's a real phobic bent among folks who are 'one or the other' (sighs) towards people who are in the liminal with this stuff and that's where they belong. And it hadn't occurred to me that I'd hear a version of that from a fellow trans person. You'd think I'd have learned, right?
He and I are still friends, but I stopped talking to him about all of my experiences as a trans and nonbinary person. It was clear to me, in that moment, he saw me as a much lesser version of an identity he'd embraced and was living. You know, how so many people think of nonbinary transmascs. (It's also frustrating, because trans men also don't need to have hormones or surgery to be trans men, and it makes me furious when people take this attitude with binary trans folk too, but I'm mostly focusing on my own experience here, of the myriad ways we encounter transphobia in the trans community).
I never heard anything quite like that again, but I've had one other trans guy be like 'when you're ready for testosterone, I'll support you' like he was waiting in the wings for me to 'fully make a decision to be 100% a man' which isn't a decision I can make, because I'm not 100% a man, lmao, I'm like 80% of one, and 20% something else, and 0% woman, lmao, which is why I call myself nonbinary transmasc.
I was lucky that through research and listening to voices in nonbinary transmasc spaces and more open-minded trans spaces that I realised that I'd encountered transphobia, and that this specific kind of transphobia is particularly common in the trans community, especially in cases where a trans man or woman has a period of being nonbinary as an experiment to see what transitioning feels like before they fully commit to the surgery and/or hormones and name etc. that they often wanted all along. So they often project this onto other people, because for them being nonbinary was a midway point, or the middle of an evolution. But being nonbinary isn't an experiment for most nonbinary people, it's literally our identity and it always will be. (And any binary trans person reading this, don't ever use this rhetoric with your nonbinary friends, or your fellow binary trans friends who have elected not to use hormones or surgery - it's transphobic.)
These days, I'm proudly trans and proudly part of the trans community, but I'm also aware that there are a lot of binary trans people who will treat me and other trans folk as 'other' because I haven't suffered through the same surgeries or adjustments that they have. That's...their transphobia, and it's not me expressing my identity wrongly, or being 'lesser', it's just straight up transphobia. It belongs to them, not to me. I don't believe we have a unique word for nonbinary transphobia, it all comes under the same umbrella, but that's definitely what it is.
When you start to feel like you don't belong, anon, remind yourself that this is internalised transphobia, not to punish yourself, but to remind yourself that it's not true. Those feelings belong to the people who gave them to you, but they're not innately or inherently true, they actually have nothing to do with how valid you are at every stage of your transition.
You're fully a trans man if you don't take hormones, and you're fully nonbinary if you do. Whatever you need (or don't need) to affirm or express your gender for you, is what you need, and that deserves to be respected and fully validated no matter what, at any time. Whether it's binding or not binding, hormones or not hormones, hormones and then 'not for the next few years' and then hormones again, surgery or not surgery, etc. Whether you're a trans man, woman, nonbinary, agender etc.
People have this idea of what it is to be a 'proper' trans, bi, gay, lesbian person (like the 'gold star lesbian' which is horrendously disgusting as a term and concept), but all you need - literally all you need - re: these things, is to just... know you're these things. That's it. That's how a gay person can know they're gay without having sex. That's how a bi person can know they're bi without sleeping with someone of the same sex. And it's how a trans person knows they're trans without looking perfectly androgynous or perfectly binary trans (depending on what they desire) on the outside. (Don't get me started on fatphobia in androgynous and nonbinary spaces, and the equation of true 'nonbinary androgyny' with thinness, because that's a whole other rant for another day, lol).
I'm sorry you've experienced that pressure to be 'more' of something from society / particular people. I can specifically relate on the hormones front because I actually went quite far into looking into taking T, to the point where my doctor was ready to sign off with an endocrinologist, before I realised that it wasn't the right decision for me. It might be one day, but right now I know I'm transmasc without it, and I'm concerned about some of the side effects with my neuroendocrine tumours. There are other ways I affirm my gender that work great for me. But I did have a moment of knowing that would impact how other people see me, and it's one thing when it comes from all the cis people, but it's another thing when it comes from the trans community as well. :( Thankfully most people are really validating now, use the right pronouns, and I just don't confide nonbinary vulnerabilities with folks who saw being nonbinary as a midpoint of their own evolution/journey, just to be safe, lmao.
Wishing you fortune and strength and much validation, anon <3 You are amazing as you are, whatever you decide to do or not do in the future. :) *hugs*
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strawberrytalia · 7 months
so how did you feel about trial of the amazons 👀? -joeysmuttonchops
Omg hiii!!!
I actually liked it!! Not as much as WG 2021, but it was a fun, solid introduction to Amazon characters for me, esp with the inter-group beef and what distinguishes the Bana-Migdhall from the others. There were so many fun interactions and it made me realize I honestly misconceived the Amazon characters as being very strict and boring before I started reading their comics.
The plot itself and the *lowers voice* murder??? Actually took me off guard 😭 I saw Hippolyta and Phillipus kissing and I was like “Awww lesbians” and then THAT happened and it was like oh nevermind we can’t have peace around here
Cassie playing detective was cute though, but Artemis baby what are you DOING????
I also enjoyed the parallels between Nubia stepping up as Queen and leader versus Diana acting more impulsive out of understandable grief, but towards the end Diana using the lessons she learned in man’s world made me EMOTIONAL omg! She had a really interesting role amongst the Amazons that I appreciated. And it was so fun seeing Diana be upset, unraveled and making questionable choices as opposed to the voice of reason role she carries in the JLA and JLD.
YARAAAAAA <333 Ong I posted before that Yara made me SO SAD while reading because I also miss my mom and find it so difficult to be around “family” without her. The Esquecida definitely love her!!! But her loneliness was so understandable and heartfelt for me. And omg the end with her and Diana 😭 She’s right!! Why are we calling a woman in her twenties Wonder Girl lmfaooooo (THO I LOVE THE FORESHADOWING FOR FUTURE STATE OMG I CANT WAIT TO READ THAT)
Watching Diana, Philipus, Donna, and Yara work together during the trial was another fave moment for me, esp when they were bickering while running for their lives 😭
So yeah it was enjoyable!! But that might change with the more Wonder stories I read haha. Up next I think i’m gonna go through Nubia’s books and Future State: Wonder Woman. I’ve also seen WW Vol 2 Year One recommended but for some reason I can’t find it online!!! :( I’ll keep looking.
Oh and yeah there was a lack of Donna tbh, like she had screen time (page time lol), but I didn’t feel much connection to her in this story like I usually do (i don’t talk about her often but I do like donna!!) and Artemis was also a bit underdeveloped so I gotta find out what’s going on there too
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raedas · 1 year
hey i was just wondering how you figured out you were aro?? no pressure if you’re uncomfortable sharing of course ! but i’m kind of questioning and i thought maybe hearing other people’s experiences might help. and also i was in a relationship for almost a year so that’s probably somewhat significant and additionally complicating ahaha <333
hey anon!! first and foremost good luck with figuring everything out <33 i know at least for me, questioning can be a long and hard and typically ongoing process, but we'll make it through :] i'm gonna stick the rest of my answer beneath the read more bc im getting the sense im gonna go on for a bit FGDHLKSFAJ
one of the biggest things for me that i think is necessary to preface everything is that i've never really had an "oh" moment like some people talk about. there's never been a moment where i saw a label or a flag and was 100% sure i fit into that box, its more like... years worth of questioning and then the internal meter in my head slowly ticking over. like, when i was figuring out i was queer, i maybe started questioning in like... fifth grade you could say? but it started as more of a "oh im definitely not but like What if" and then gradually began to tick more and more towards "oh i think i might not be cishet" to eventually when i hit the... idk, 80% or 90% certainty mark it was more of a "fuck it, im queer" feeling. there's always going to be that bit of doubt for me, i think, and coming to terms with being aro was very similar for me in that regards
another thing is i was ALSO in a relationship for almost a year, and that's during the time when i was coming to terms with being aro/arospec, which im sure you can imagine was an Experience. i do think being in a relationship was the best thing for me trying to figure out i was aro though, bc i definitely got that sense of Wrongness of trying to think of myself as existing in a romantic relationship. like, when i thought of myself as having a romantic partner, it always felt a bit like i was playing at a part and acting like i had romantic feelings more than i actually did. of course that came with.. a lot of me trying to ignore my own feelings and feeling guilty about it up until i broke up with my now ex (this is like the funniest inside joke ever to us now dw) so that's where i was coming from w/ my experiences
i also began to realize that like, whenever i try to imagine myself in a romantic relationship, its always in some ambiguous future like 10 or so years down the line, which completely distances myself from the idea. i have no idea what a romantic relationship with someone would look like for me, it was just this idea of "yeah, someday in an ambiguous future ill have a romantic relationship with someone and we'll cook together and hug each other and have fun" until i realized that i don't actually want a romantic relationship, and also that... none of those things that i actually envisioned are exclusive to a romantic relationship. in my life ive had a grand total of 2 crushes, both of which were/are queerplatonic but also like... if i imagine having an Actual relationship its just stressful to me and not even really appealing, despite the fact that i have a crush on them.
one of the most important things im coming to terms is that its okay if im wrong, its okay if however many years down the line i find out that im actually entirely allo and fall in love with someone. like i said i dont know if ill ever be 100% confident in my own labels especially with the whole issue of "how do you prove a negative". for now, though, calling myself aro is something that makes me happy and feels, most of the time, accurate. another really important thing i think is that aromanticism is entirely a spectrum. you could be aromantic or arospec in a billion different ways*, or you could be none of them, and thats okay too <333 good luck with everything anon i hope hearing about my experiences helped a bit :]
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otrtbs · 2 years
HELLO NAT!!! okay I have a few things to say and I will try to make this short because I have habit is talking too much on Internet BYE
okay so the thing is, I don't just love ahb,,, I ADORE it. like,, straight up adore it. I associate so many things with ur fic and maybe it's little bit insane and unhealthy but it makes me so happy and I'm ATTACHED okay?? it's just THAT GOOD.
now, I've always loved arts. my grandpa is musician, my dad is obsessed with paintings and has collection of books about artists (I have degas' book next to my bed atm), my sister is taking art studies in uni so i've always been close to arts and always wanted to take art studies in uni as well,,, but after ahb??? OH don't even get me STARTED.
that fic changed so many things for me, I became totally different person during summer and even my classmates can see that. I started consuming more information about paintings as well and discovered paintings that now I simply adore (the kiss by hayez, death and life by klimt (all credit to ahb for this one), the storm on the sea of galilee by rembrandt (watched documentaryabout gardner heist, LOVED IT), the angel in the sun by turner and SO MANY MORE!!) and all of it happened because of YOUR fic
all of this is exactly why I absolutely lost my shit and legit CRIED when I saw that u read my fic,,, it just means so so much I simply can not put it into words. I hope I don't sound too dramatic when I say that you, quite literary, changed the way I viewed arts and some other things as well with your fic and it just means a lot that you read something I created and most importantly - you LIKED it?? OH yeah imma go CRY again /pos
obviously that's not everything I have to say but it's 3 am and I have school tomorrow AND I don't wanna bore you too much with my rantings sooo I guess that's main things I wanted to say.
(OH and I absolutely LOVED new chapter of tcb!! you're amazing.)
ahh hello!! (I also talk too much on the internet,, rambling is my favorite so I see you and I am you haha)
first, I want to say you have no idea how much it means to me to know that my fic had a positive impact on you oh my goodness :,)) i am so happy that you love art heist, and that it makes you happy, and that it led to you looking into art more (let me cry for 284858201 years,, my heart is so FULL :,)) )
second!! THE KISS BY HEYEZ that’s such a good one!! ALSO THE ISABELLA STEWART GARDNER HEIST I THINK ABOUT IT ALL THE TIME !!! i want it solved !!! i want to know !!!!!! I WANT THE PAINTINGS BACK!!!!
i love love love unrequited Bartylus and ur fic had regulus AND barty yearning :,( my feeble heart i adore both of them so much <333 if you ever write a follow up please lmk so I can read it !! haha (absolutely no pressure though!! ur fic is wonderful as a stand-alone!!)
i cannot thank you enough for your kindness and the love you’ve shown art heist, baby! :,) i hope you get a good nights sleep and you have a good day!!!! (also you could never bore me, this I can promise)
(also, also ahhh thank you so so much for reading tcb! I’m so glad you like it <33)
okay, thank you again for sending this wonderfully kind message ahhh good luck with school :,) <333
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chasingpj · 1 year
can i have a **bow and arrow emoji** please? she/her, cabin 6 (athena cabin), no powers but preferred weapons are throwing knives. uhh idk what else to say, ig im pretty intelligent and very, very sarcastic?? ive also been told that im funny, and in terms of mbti im an estp, enneagram type 8, and a capricorn if any of that helps lol. tysm, and congrats again!! oh yeah and i have adhd, which is one of the reasons why i love pjo sm loll <3 tysm!!
HEYYY! Thank you so much!
okay first of all, you being a capricorn and then reading your personality type matches up so well lmao anyways, i hope you enjoy this!
i can see the athena cabin is a very tight knit group because you guys can truly regard each other as like-minded individuals
with that being said, i think your closest friendships are with your siblings
judging from your personality though, i think you and annabeth would be pretty close! 
annabeth is the one who does your orientation and sets you up with everything you need 
at first the two of you were very neutral to each other as you settled in 
the beginning of your friendship started in mythology class when Chiron asked about a myth you really enjoyed
you raised your hand at the same time as annabeth did and chiron took a moment to decide who he was going to pick 
he picked you
it only felt right since this was your first time in class... 
annabeth had already spoken plenty this year
you shared some details and answered his question flawlessly
but annabeth, of course, had to chime in
suddenly, you were in this back and forth with her. a silent competition on who knew more about the topic 
you won, obvs...
and annabeth is a sore loser
from then on, you and your sister had started your friendly, but not so friendly competition and slowly, it did bring you closer to her
Finding your Niche
you found your preferred weapon from your competition with annabeth as well 
even though you just arrived, you confidently sparred with her after some lessons 
you got beat up a few times
actually, a lot 
but it only motivated you to get better
at some point, you kinda felt turned off by the whole sword fighting thing
it didn't feel right and when you told annabeth, she suggested maybe you should try archery
you had some impressive aim
the apollo kids were quick to claim you as their surrogate sister
with some training, you were doing well with a bow and arrow but after a while, it didn’t feel right either
it wasn’t until you took it upon yourself to head to the armory
you figured that maybe looking at the many options would help since the first few times you were in there, you had quickly decided on a sword or the bow and arrows 
nyssa saw you at the displays of weapons  
as time passed and you were still there, she decided maybe she could help you
you say it was fate because in her hands was a sling that was designed to hold four small daggers across your chest 
something in your brain just clicked and she was more than willing to give it to you, happy you were so excited for something she made
It was history from then on, you picked your daggers with care and soon you were flinging them at bullseyes with precision 
Reputation at Camp
everyone knows you and Annabeth are best friends
at some point, in your early years at camp, there wasn’t a time where someone saw you two apart
as you flourish into your own person however, i think you’d be recognize for your leadership skills, and your humor
i think the Stoll's would have a good time around you
the banter would be unmatched and your snarky, witty remarks definitely keep them entertained
with the younger campers, you’ve volunteered enough for programs and events at camp so they all know you 
a lot of them look up to you, hoping they’d be as confident and as good as a fighter as you
especially during SOM when the borders where down, you played a big role  
capture the flag was hard for you to participate at first because you can’t really throw knives without impaling people
beckendorf gave you a solution though and made you replicas of your daggers but they’re completely plastic and blunt
so you’re also known at the girl who throws plastic daggers at people during capture the flag lmao
the best part is that some of the campers will make a scene as if they’ve actually been impaled and throw themselves on the floor
it’s always fun 
still training in the archery fields, you’ve established yourself with the apollo campers pretty well 
they’re always a fun crowd to hang out 
they make you participate in karaoke, always 
also reprimand you when you’ve been up studying, or reading all night 
fletcher makes a comment on your eyebags, literally all the time, even if you’ve had a good night's rest
overall, you’d be well acquainted with everybody
being close with annabeth means you took on many projects together and it helped setting your reputation 
your first quest would be a few years into camp 
unlike annabeth, you weren’t as eager but a part of you knew you were ready
you were strong and capable in your weaponry and fought plenty of monsters at this point 
you fought annabeth pretty often and recently, you’ve been kicking her ass so you were definitely a lot more confident 
the quest was to retrieve Athena’s aegis breastplate 
It was a pretty big deal 
Especially since you were specifically chosen for it 
Annabeth was excited for you, willing to go but she was caught up with Percy’s stuff
Chiron told you to choose wisely about who would come with you but you already had two in mind
Bringing your brother, Malcolm was a no brainer 
After you and Annabeth he was the best fighter in the cabin and being older, he had a lot of knowledge that could be useful 
Your second? 
Connor Stoll
It was only right 
Who would understand a thief more than a thief himself?
Connor was also so hype to get on a quest
Overall, it was pretty smooth 
If you ignore the few hours you were trapped a cell 
Which could have been completely avoidable if Connor had noticed the bobby pins in your hair sooner 
By the end of the quest, Malcolm was sick of you two 
Between you and Connor feeding off each other’s energy causing you two to be absolute menaces and then bickering on top of that? He was so ready to get this done
After a long journey out west and then a long journey back to NYC, you had returned the shield 
Athena had thanked you and a few days later, you were gifted a breastplate that was identical to the one you retrieved for her 
Annabeth was a little jealous 
But couldn’t help and geek out with you about how cool it was
Your quest really set you on the map
I mean, you have a really bad ass piece of armor that you wore all the time 
The face of aegis right on the front of your body, it’s intimidating 
You helped lead in the wars as well 
In the Battle of Manhattan, you were leading the chunk of CHB on the other side of the city and wiped out plenty of monsters
All in all, you have the reputation of being a great leader and soldier 
The younger campers in your cabin and even the campers that will come years later will know your name along with Annabeth 
Plenty of them strive to be recognized by your mother and hope to receive such an honorable gift such as your breastplate 
When you leave for New Rome and retire from the demigod life, you can be proud of the reputation you left behind 
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a-la-rascasse · 2 years
ciao laura! i know you're a bruce fan and i was wondering if you ever read his book or a book about him that you would recommend? i'm reading drivers biographies now lol and i'd like to know more about him :)
(also la domanda l'ho fatta in inglese nel caso interessasse anche ad altri haha)
Annaaaa!!! Hiiii!!! Hope you're doing fine!! <3333
So, until now I read only one book, and I'm definitely planning on buying another one, so I'll recommend you these two:
the one I read, and that you already mentioned, is Bruce's book "From the cockpit" (leaving the Amazon link here just in case lol). What can I say about it? It's such an engaging book!! The way Bruce writes it's just sooooo!!!!! At one point he writes that, during a race, after his engine broke 'the bits of the engine were bouncing along the track behind me, just like in a Brockbank cartoon'; to some this means nothing, but it just puts such a clear image of how those pieces were bouncing, and honestly I love that. And another thing is that he really puts the reader at ease, with his charming, warm personality and witty jokes, he takes you by the hand and guides you into the world of Formula one during the early 60s. He gives you a lot of insights about a lot of stuff, and you start to really understand how the world of motoracing worked and how exhausting it actually was, but more importantly how much it mattered to him, the sacrifices and all the efforts he put in what he did. So yeah, I highly recommend you to read this before you read anything else about him, to understand him and have an insight on his personality. Oh, and don't get me started on the New Zealand slang!! It doesn't appear that often, but there are a few words lol. (p.s I cried a bit when I finished it, because it ends with his iconic quote and ugh).
Next is the one I haven't read yet, "Bruce McLaren: the man and his racing team" (leaving the Amazon link once again). This one is available only in Italian. I'm recommending this because it was written by Eoin Young, Bruce's secretary, and I think closest friend, so I trust him completely with Bruce's biography. That's mainly why I would love to read it, he shared so many experiences with Bruce, he saw him create and design, and witnessed the birth of the Mclaren team. So yeah, I'll definitely buy it.
Hope I managed to be of any help!!! If not I'm really really sorry!! <333 (it's basically me simping for Bruce lol)
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elytrafemme · 2 years
thank you very much for all the updates mare... i don't mind your so-called ramblings at all by the way, i love to read them in fact, if anything i just apologize that i cannot effectively respond to them at all 😭 And thank you so much for the math homework luck i. already forgot i made that one post about it. i am so sorry you saw that 😭😭WDJDIODSIDHFSDI I didn't.. finish it either... but that's ok WE'RE FINE!!!!! IT'LL ALL BE FINE 💪🔥💯
BUT YOU KNOW WHAT?? YOU KNOW WHAT MY SCHOOL/GRADE DID A FUCKIN. SENIOR SUNRISE TOO!!! a couple weeks ago! And i. was. completely asleep during it. because... i didn't know... that it was happening .. Well it's ok there are other senior events (like my school does SENIOR HALLOWEEN where us seniors can wear our costumes to school and yeah my costume isn't decided yet but still i'm SO EXCITED!!!!!) so idrc but i'm glad you had a good experience with your senior sunrise, yours sounded really lovely :']
and just for future reference, if you ever do have some music you're super into, ever, i'd still be TOTALLY open to recs!! honestly idrk if i'm one of those people who Like All Genres of music but especially if you're really passionate about a tune i'd love to listen to it, hell i probably would like it too then... though thank you For the death metal wishes they HAVE been treating me good. <3 So awesome. and i am happy so thank you for that as well :'D
PLS DON'T APOLOGIZE EITHER POINTS GUN AT U , listen to me. rattles you like a maraca. you respond to as much as you (1) can (2) feel like , do not tire urself out i will wait for u!!! even if you reply to my ask in like 3 weeks from now u know what. i am still going to read it and cherish it just the same <333
NO WORRIES I will probably be in similar state of desolation when i have to do my multivariable calculus hw this shit is so hard i swearrr 😭
NOT ME LAUGHING WHEN I READ "I WAS ASLEEP DURING IT" CALLI ASDFKJHKJDSF YOU KNOW WHAT. that is fair of you The reason i was awake was bc i have to take a class an hour before schol starts daily except they swapped it w the senior sunrise SO I WAS ALREADY AWAKE! WIN :D but oh my God senior halloween sounds so fun if u want to pls feel free to update me on ur costumes , i think im doing my halloween costume still w aforementioned ex (srry she keeps coming up Not this) where im dressing as veronica from heathers. I have no clothes she would ever wear and cant do makeup #Slay
:DDD if i have tunes i think u will like i will LET U KNOW!!!!! i will do thinking on it <3 im happy ur happy and im also happy so this is a win for all of us in society here on this fine october 3rd. <3
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
okay Ryen, work was a shitshow but I’m here now to give you my thoughts because I’ve been thinking about it all day (thanks for that btw lol)
First, I absolutely love how oc describes her prior encounters with Jin as her being the initiator because it made it that much better seeing him as the controlling hot mf this time around. I absolutely love this Jin he’s delicious
Second, fucking hell Yoongi is so goddamn sweet it’s tooth rotting. All of oc’s thoughts toward Jin and then she’s thrown by whatever she feels for yoongi. He’s too good… way too good
Third, oc is a straight goddess for this. My knees hurt just reading this. Give her a fuxking medal! Like no lie if I’m either jin or yoongi I’m literally giving that woman the world. The whole video thing at the end was cute too I love oc.
Fourth, the moments in the middle of all the action are so perfectly realistic and it’s a fantastic touch. Like yes oc is a straight up Queen but that lil break was so expertly sewn into the story. Well done because damn 👏🏼
Fifth, the Yoonjin interactions and conversations are such a mood. Like funny but destructively sexy. To be a fly on the wall during the conversations they had/have about oc 😍 god what that car ride home must’ve been like 🫠
Sixth, the ending text messages… fucking kill me please because that was just a curveball that had me unable to sleep for like an hour. (No pressure but if you wrote that I’d die 🥴)
Finally, you are a monster but like a monster that you love and cherish (like Jimin on stage). I’m so increasingly impressed by your work and by your dedication to everything you write. I know you’re still unsure about this one which is why I really wanted to come here and write this all out. (It’s much longer than intended sorry don’t hate me)
Also, congrats on that job you deserve it 👏🏼😘
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Oh my goodness, fox🥺🥺 I’m so sorry work was a shitshow.. that’s never ideal, or fun😔 but what the heeeeeck?? This is amazing commentary and encouragement you’re so wonderful!
YES like reader has been the one in control and the one to act first when it comes to hookups (which is hilarious because later they say they’re terrible at making the first move when it comes to like, feelings🥹 a true player istg) and then getting completely thrown off by yoongi.. it’s almost like yoongi’s feeling a little jealous seeing them👀
Reader is a baddie!!!!😩😩 we all know she knows and I would give her the world. If she steps on me I would say thank you<333 and the break was much needed holy hell. I would be exhausted by that point but what a fcking queen😭 yoonjin convos were one of my faves to write because.. they’re children LOL so petty!! Definitely roomies that are clearly good friends. The car ride home… who said they left reader’s apartment…..🤪
Idk if you saw the visuals for Hit;Play jihope (if it happens!!) but… yeah. I don’t even wanna begin to describe how filthy that would be🥴😈 to be compared to jimin on stage??😵‍💫 What a fcking honor holy shit! Thank you so much.. I really do love writing, and this was clearly self-indulgence but also hopefully fun for yall. You’re so kind for encouraging me bc yes I was still very unsure about it all of today. I’m starting to appreciate it, though, especially since you all have been so gd lovely.
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lesbienbys · 9 months
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I'm going to miss this webcomic so much I'm so sad it's over T-T
it's such a bummer that the ending was rushed and that all the character tension and dynamics that made this comic so interesting disappeared. Here's my comment that summarizes my main grievances (warning long post)
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sorry but I'm the type of person to definitely complain when something I really love lets me down. I just feel like nothing really mattered at the end?? All the development the author built up for the individual characters and their relationship with each other was just suddenly gone.
rovan and bevrian had so much tension building up that I was expecting one of them (mainly bev) to blow up at some point which would lead to a falling out of the group. That or one of them would have died. And tbh either one of those options would have been a better outcome imo.
arvan and ruby kind of fell to the back at one point which sucked and I really wished we could have seen them interacting more, especially after realizing ruby is immune. It just would have been really nice to see them talk about it ;-;
rovan was also horrible to arvan and I WISH that was explored more. Like are we going to forget what he did or....? Is he not going to have any repercussions at all, honestly for anything he did during the series, because that is so uninteresting and boring. But no he got his happy ending with lisa because happy ending is always good :)
speaking of rovan and lisa oh lord. I don't mind that they get back together like as a concept (and I was kind of expecting it as soon as she showed back up). But the way it was executed... was not it. I made a comment saying that it would have been so much better for lisa to have been more hesitant with rovan and Maybe at the end have them talk about starting over. It sucks that lisa turned into a shounen love interest at the end like where did her entire character go bro 😭
also love how everyone forgets powell is a cannibal at the ending and they all frequent his home that's so <3 sexy of them <333
I talk a lot about how this story is very character-driven so to take that away just ruins everything built up. I'm trying so hard not to let the ending affect how I feel about the series because I LOVE the series so much. When I first started reading this webcomic two years ago I thought it'd be your standard zombie action story but then rovan stole the show and it became heavily centered on him and bevrian. And I didn't complain because, if you know me, rovan is the type of pathetic fictional man that I'm drawn to. I saw that bitch and from day one I was like oh yeah this guy has so much trauma in him *becomes my fav.* He's also so so bisexual. Rovan and bevrian's dynamic is like watching a trainwreck, they're so horrible for each other but you can't take your eyes off them. like toxic doomed yuri in a way.
I could go on about their dynamic forever so I won't, but my point here is that they had such a complex and interesting dynamic that went nowhere in the end. Bevrian was written and portrayed as a kind person but there was clearly something brewing in him about rovan that wasn't all that nice. I understand that bevrian felt bad about letting rovan get kicked out of amina and wouldn't kick him out of the group that easily but. I'm going to be honest I genuinely thought the way rovan treated arvan would have been the last straw. Because in my mind, bevrian's parental instincts would have outweighed his guilt for rovan. I think the angst that would have come from bevrian kicking him out of the group just like amina did to him would have been sooo 👁️
anyways I think I'll stop here because I could really ramble on forever about this series. I'd also love to hear other people's opinions on the series and where they wanted/thought it would have gone. Mostly because I don't have anyone to talk about it with lol
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gingercauldron · 3 years
Quiet Brilliance (Spencer Reid x BAU! Reader)
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A/N: Here is my offering to the Criminal Minds fandom. Also this is my first time really writing fanfic? Just really wanted to have Spencer impressed by the reader and fall in love with them. So I hope you enjoy!! This is totally not an excuse to somehow make random stuff I’ve read about relevant in BAU cases lol
Pairing: Spencer Reid x BAU! Reader
Synopsis: Spencer notices how intelligent you really are, as well as how shy you are about it. He can’t stop thinking about you, your brilliance, and how much he just wants to hold you.
Warnings: None really, just fluff, and normal Criminal Minds content
Wordcount: 1.9k
No one in the BAU seemed to give you enough credit.
Not that it was their intention, of course, but Dr. Spencer Reid could not help but notice all of the times that your quiet brilliance went by as unremarkable. He might have had an eidetic memory, carrying a labyrinthine of facts and figures in his head - but you knew things that even he had not come across. He could tell that you were a researcher, that you would explore through files for knowledge because you wanted to.
When Spencer would pull a fact or statistic out of the air, you would be listening raptly. On several occasions you would scribble something down afterwards, and it made Spencer’s heart swell. This was how he first became so attuned to you when you joined the team. After that, he made sure to observe you.
He noticed that you would duck your head into files of each case, going through detail after detail with a furrowed brow. You would write in a frantic scrawl on post-it notes as a cue to do further research.
The most endearing part of it all, was that you would do the same thing even if there wasn’t a case. You would carry a tome with you, with the tails of post-it flaps coming out the side, each one crowded with writing. You were smart, Spencer learned, and he wondered why it wasn’t seen as big of an asset as it truly was to the team.
At first he could pretend that his interest was merely for the good of the team, learning more about you and what you were capable of. Obviously you were hired for a reason, likely your careful observations and sharp psychological profiling — but there was so much more. Spencer was finding it harder to pretend that this interest was not at all motivated by the affection that was developing for you.
He had three PhDs and was the so-called “resident genius,” but he wondered if you could give him a run for his money. The thing was, because you were quiet and private, he didn’t know — and that in itself was exciting.
On one case where you were observing the body at the scene, a particularly strange case where the jaw of the victim had swelled with tumors, you quickly told everyone to back up.
“What is it?” Hotch asked.
“It looks like possible radiation poisoning because of how localized the tumors are — like the unsub had the victim consume radium.” You said. “I could be wrong, of course. We could check her teeth.”
“Teeth?” Morgan asked.
Spencer quickly replied. “Radium has properties that make it glow in the dark, it was used as a novelty for that reason well into the 1970’s before restrictions were placed on it, actually. If the victim had been ingesting radium it is possible her teeth might glow. In 1938 a case was settled where a group factory workers sued their employment because they had been encouraged to lick paintbrushes covered in radium in the course of their work, resulting in massive tumours around the neck and jaw.”
“And the factory workers had tumours like this?” Hotch asked. He was asking Spencer now, not you.
“Remarkably similar.” Spencer replied.
Spencer glanced at you, but it didn’t seem to bother you that he had jumped in. In fact, the only that seemed to be upsetting to you was the fact that the unsub was on the loose.
“I’ll call some radiologists in.” Hotch said, already lifting the phone to his ear.
It turned out, that you were right. It was in fact radium, and you made sure that the team was safe by telling them to keep their distance from the body. The radiation levels on the body were dangerous.
On the plane home from that case Spencer had sat beside you, and he couldn’t stop thinking about your astute observation. You smiled up at him when he settled next to you, looking back down at the book in your lap.
“Hey, Y/N?”
You looked back up at him. “Yeah, Spencer?”
“That was a good catch with the radium.”
“Oh, that. Thank you.” You beamed. “But you would have caught it if I hadn’t.”
Would he? With all of the gruesome things he had seen they all morphed together, he wasn’t sure that he would have jumped to radium, of all things, as quickly as you had. That he would have been as cautious in avoiding the body to investigate if you hadn’t said something.
“I mean it. It was good catch. It was pretty brilliant, actually.”
“Thanks, Spence.” You said softly.
He knew he should let you get back to your book that was covered in post-it notes, but there was a thought that kept nagging at him. “Y/N?” He said again.
“Did it — did I overstep when you were telling the team about the radiation? Because if I did—”
“No, I got to stop you there. You helped. I’d rather not have the attention.”
He furrowed his brow, but didn’t say anything more, letting you return to your book.
After that it seemed that the rest of the team was starting to pick up on your fierce intelligence, too. It was hard to ignore the books you carried with you, but Spencer thought it would have been impossible to not notice you. Not just because you were utterly beautiful, but because everything about your mind was captivating.
Morgan remarked on it when you found a pattern in the artwork of a string of victims’ homes. The artwork looked nothing alike, but you picked it up.
“This painting.” You said, pointing at it. “It’s German expressionist.”
“Okay?” Morgan said.
“It could be nothing, but the last victim had a print of German artwork in their home — it was from the dada movement — but they’re both from the same time period. The other two victims had books on the Bauhaus — an influential German design school that operated between the first and second world wars.” You explained. “I wouldn’t have said anything, but the average joe wouldn’t have German post-World War One art. All of our victims are interested in the same time period for art — seems like too much of a coincidence.”
Morgan stared at you.
“What?” You asked sheepishly.
“Did Reid just possess you for a moment there? How’d you know all that?”
You shrugged and changed the subject. “I’ll call Garcia and see if she can connect the victims through local art groups or galleries.”
Morgan stared at you as you walked off, phoning Garcia. Spencer came up beside him and squinted at the painting on the wall.
“I think I know how the victims might be connected.” Spencer said to Morgan, analyzing the painting.
“The art?”
Spencer looked at Morgan in surprise. “You know about German art?”
Morgan snorted and shook his head. He gestured to you. “Y/N is calling up Garcia right now. Can’t imagine how she knew anything about it.”
Spencer furrowed his brow. “I knew it, though.”
“Exactly.” Morgan patted Spencer’s shoulder and left to talk to Hotch.
You put the phone down and turned noticing Spencer looking at you. You smiled when you saw him. He loved the way you smiled at him, as if he was the only other person in the entire world. He felt his heart rate increase and new, scientifically speaking, that he was completely infatuated with you.
“Garcia found a connection.” You told him.
You said nothing to him of the connections you had made first, but it made him appreciate the fact that he knew all the more. You downplayed your accomplishments. He wanted nothing more than to be by your side so that he could learn about every one of them.
Rossi noticed during a case, when Spencer was reading one of the unsub’s journals. Flipping through the book quickly and absorbing the information.
“Hard to believe the kid can read that fast sometimes.” Rossi said to you. “He reads 20,000 words per minute.”
“It’s over 60 times the norm. He’s pretty amazing.” You said back.
“The norm?”
You nodded. “Yeah, average adult reads between 200 to 300 words per minute, he reads around 333 words per second.”
“You some kind of whiz kid, too?” Rossi asked.
You scoffed. “Hardly. I just read a lot.”
“So does Reid.”
“You know what I mean.” And with that you left Rossi, effectively stopping the conversation.
Spencer smiled, having overheard you two. Whether you wanted to or not, you would slip little bits of information that show just how much you were thinking. You couldn’t hide your mind completely, and Spencer couldn’t stop thinking about what conversations would ensue in just spending a day with you alone.
Your voice saying he’s pretty amazing kept playing in his head and he could feel his face flush. Did you know how that sounded? You thought he, of all people, was amazing - not his brain, or his skills, but him. Did you mean it to sound like that?
Rossi turned to Spencer. “You know your face is red.” He said.
Spencer stared at Rossi, but he couldn’t make his mouth form any words. A grin spread across Rossi’s face, reading Spencer like a book.
“It’s okay Doctor, I won’t tell anyone.” Rossi said, and got back to his own work.
The rest of the day Spencer could hardly focus on anything, constantly aware of where you were in the bullpen - or distracted when you left the bullpen to see Garcia because that meant you were gone. He tried to keep his head down and look at evidence, but you were so close and you thought that he was pretty amazing, and it was nearly impossible to think about anything else. By the time he felt satisfied enough with the work he had done that day to maybe pack up it was already dark out.
Spencer saw you reading at your desk in the bullpen. Everyone had gone home already, but you were there scribbling notes down. When Spencer neared your desk he saw the book, a book he had been reading two days ago.
You looked up and smiled at him in surprise, with those dazzling eyes of yours. You pushed your hair behind your ear and all that Spencer could think about was what it would feel like to touch.
“Hi, Spence.” You said. “What’s up?”
Spencer swallowed, and his world came to a standstill. The words came out of his mouth before he could stop them. “I think I love you.” His eyes suddenly went wide when he realized what he had said.
He turned around on his heel and rushed towards the door. He could hear your chair scratch against the floor and you called out.
He stilled, his hand on the door. He wanted to run, to get as far away and hopefully have you forget about it and not lose your friendship. He never wanted to disappoint you or make you uncomfortable, but he couldn’t turn his back on you either. He turned his head slowly, afraid to see your face.
You didn’t look angry. You had a small shy smile on your face.
“I think I love you, too.”
He dropped his hand from the door. “You do?”
You nodded. “I do.”
He laughed, feeling giddy. “I can’t stop thinking about you.” He confessed. “About your kindness and your brilliance, and just, you. I just — can I kiss you?”
“Why, Dr. Spencer Reid, I would like nothing more.”
That was all he needed before he was across the room, holding your face in his hands and kissing you. Spencer, with his eidetic memory, could not remember having ever been so happy.
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stardustincarnate · 3 years
DANCING IN THE DARK // Light Yagami x Reader
word count : 4992 genre : fluff, crack summary : it’s your birthday, and the yagami siblings have prepared some tricks up their sleeve.
a/n : made this for my birthday last year because why shouldn’t i and honestly light is my comfort character. also i keep on saying this but the internet needs more light fluff fics :) and for anyone reading this on their birthday, may you have a wonderful day! <333
"Happy birthday [Y/N]! Thanks for inviting us!"
"Oh Sayu, behave yourself!" Sachiko scolded her daughter who was running in circles around you before hugging you. You shook your head, implying that it's alright. You were close with her anyway. "Happy birthday [Y/N]. We hope you'll like these small presents we got you."
"Thank you! But you shouldn't have.. Really." You blushed. They only clicked their tongues friskily. "Hah! Though that's nothing compared to what Light got you!"
"Oh, where are your parents dear?"
"They're in the kitchen preparing and.. stuffs. Come on in you two before it starts—" You barely even summoned the rain, but there it went, an immediate, hostile rain invaded the city just as you had expected. They quickly stepped inside and before closing the door, you checked it there was anyone—someone in particular— who'd come running to your doorstep. But there wasn't.
"Mr. Yagami's still at work?" Sachiko nodded. "He'd be here by dinner time. I told him to go straight here."
"I understand." You replied meekly and shifted your gaze to the window. "How about Light? Where is he? Is he coming?"
"Of course dear! Why even ask? That boy wouldn't miss it for the world. He should be here in some minutes. He said he was gonna pass somewhere before heading here."
Before you could reply, as if summoned at the mention of his name, came Light casually barging in the front door. You thought he looked more like a thief rather than a prince coming to see his damsel who's not really in distress.
A thief drenched in the rain, that is, holding a bouquet of roses and nicely wrapped boxes of different sizes. He sure got you a lot of presents.
"Light! What did I tell you about bringing a raincoat?" Sayu huffed.
"Haha I said I'd be quick though— and it's fine.. Hello there [Y/N]. Good evening." He ran to you, handing you the presents and bouquet before hugging you tightly, the rainwater on his clothes permeating on yours. Of course you couldn't properly hug him back since your hands were occupied. You merely gave his cheek a peck and he whispered, "Happy birthday [Y/N]," before pulling away with a grin.
"Thank you Light! Although I really appreciate your gifts, what I don't is this." You pointed to your clothes with your lips, looking at them. His grin widened. He anticipated this to happen. "You are soaking wet."
"Yeah. I'll go change clothes. Be right back!"
"It's raining cats and dogs! You're gonna get even more drenched!"
"I already am so that won't matter when I enter the house."
You watched the siblings continue to quarrel. You sighed fondly and handed Light an umbrella. "There ya go. Though you really should've brought an umbrella or raincoat first."
"I'm sorry then, Ma'am." He chuckled. "You should go and change too." And with that, he headed back to his house, three blocks away from yours. Sayu snorted. "I thought he was incapable of being a dummy. Guess that can't be helped."
"I heard that!"
You giggled and put down the presents before going upstairs to change clothes.
Surprisingly when you went down he was already there. Guess you took too long to change. He seemed to be having that kind of conversation with your father. On the other hand, your moms were talking and laughing to themselves. You had no plan of interrupting either of their conversations so you went to Sayu who was idly playing with her hair, sitting on the carpet. As expected, she was full of topics—mostly just about girly stuffs which you didn't really mind— especially her continuously fangirling to that TV actor, Hideki Ryuga. And, well, you actually were too. It wouldn't kill you to fangirl sometimes, right? It went on like that for about some minutes.
A hand being suddenly placed on your shoulder was enough to startle you. You turned around, gazing up to see Light whose brow was raised.
"Oi oi Sayu. Don't brainwash her into joining you and your addiction to that TV star."
"I'm not brainwashing her! I mean, who wouldn't fall for Hideki Ryuga? Right [Y/N]?" She squealed.
"Precisely!" You winked. Light heaved a sigh dramatically as he sat beside you. "Psh. I am more handsome than him, and [Y/N] can attest to that."
"Who says I can?"
"I— whatever. Can't believe you'd choose that actor over me." He huffed and looked at you with disdain.
"Of course I will! Any girl will dump her boyfriend for Ryuga—"
"Hmm. Are you really older now? Or just a thirteen-year-old trapped in that body?"
"Hey! What makes you say that?"
"Nevermind me. Go and join Sayu in her silly fangirling and keep your childish mode activated." He rolled his eyes and was about to stand up, but you clung to his arm and began to act like a cat by playfully rubbing your head against his cheek— which was odd to say the least. He gave you a dubious and irritated glance.
"Oh! Is my Light jelly? My my, you look like a girl on her period, which is kinda adorable."
"Cut it out! Do you mean to say, you on your period?"
You slapped his arm. "I don't act like that during my red days! I certainly don't!"
"Oh yeah because you act way worse than that."
"Augh. You're just jealous! Come onn saaay it! My babyboy is jelly~"
"Good Lord, would you mind cutting it out? If admitting it is gonna make you stop then yes, I am jealous."
He was internally dead. Seeing his reaction made you laugh maniacally (c̶o̶u̶g̶h̶s̶ ̶k̶i̶r̶a̶ ̶l̶a̶u̶g̶h̶), even getting your parents' attentions.
"Talk about being childish, hah! Babyboy got jealous over an actor~ Ah, you are so adorable that I might even squeeze you to death!"
"Shut up. You're no fun."
"Oh, but you're enjoying this, aren't you babyboy?"
"One more of that ridiculous nickname and I swear I'll kill you."
"Shut up, or I'll shut you up!"
"I dare you babyboy!"
He looked severely annoyed when he glared at you and leaned his face closer to yours. He looked like he was going to eat your face rather than kiss you, but then—
There went Sayu, whose presence was completely forgotten by the both of you.
"Oh. Would you mind leaving us alone? We need privacy. Kids aren't supposed to see what's next."
"No way! You're taking her all to yourself Light! That's no fair."
"Fair enough since I'm her boyfriend."
"And I'm her bestfriend?!?! You're just her boyfriend. Bestfriends come first before boyfriends!"
Sayu rebuked, clinging to your other arm and pulling you away from Light. He had no rebuttals and only clung to your other arm, keeping you away from Sayu who was also determined to get you away from him. You already knew where this was going.
'Good Lord' you mentally sighed. And yup, there they went, playing tug of war, with you as the rope.
"I came first, so get your ass away from us, Light!"
"You get your ass away from us!"
"No you!"
"..Err...Sorry." The two Yagamis murmured and let go of you. You three soon heard a chuckle coming from behind. It was your mom.
"While you guys wait for the food, why don't you try out the karaoke? I'm sure you are great singers. Hmm my [Y/N] may be an exception though."
You whined at your mom's comment. You stood up and Light grabbed your arm before Sayu could, giving her a sharp glare. "She's gonna stay with me, got it?"
"Hmph. Fine then. Enjoy it while it lasts, big brother."
She pointed her fingers from her eyes to his before playfully winking at you. You grinned and shook your head as you made your way to the sofa. You had no idea that their exchanged glares had a double meaning to it.
After they finished picking song numbers and it was your turn, Light secretly handed Sayu two eggs, telling her to be careful in handling those.
Yup, he had five eggs—no not including his own and certainly NOT the number of his own—hidden inside his jacket's pockets the whole time.
You three had made it clear that you were the first one to sing even though you were all fully aware that you suck at that. They innocently looked at you when you glanced at them. You eventually entered the numbers and just as you were about to murder your first notes you heard a loud CRACK! You thought something fell somewhere in the kitchen, but then the second CRACK! came. It felt like something fell on top of your head. And you were right.
But you were already too late when you saw egg shells falling down your hair. And they weren't the only thing—
"What in the nine circles of hell is this?! Oi—" CRACK! CRACK! and CRACK!
The last one missed but by the time you were already a mixture of skin and eggs. The worst part was that one yolk was dripping on the right side of your face, and your mouth was opened due to shock at the same time so some of it got inside your mouth. You absolutely hated the smell and worse— you were sticky! You looked at the siblings who then burst out laughing. The adults were too.
"Now that's what I wanna have for breakfast." Light quipped.
"SHUDDAP! Were you guys all on this?!"
They didn't respond. You walked towards the siblings who were now slowly backing away. You scowled and raised your hands, about to touch them, but they scurried away, with Sayu using her brother as a shield.
"I am so gonna get you two! Sayu, why must you betray me?"
"It was Light's idea!"
"Hey no—" The three of you continuously ran in circles in the living room, with them (mostly just Sayu) screeching and frantically flailing every now and then the closer you got.
They were terrified of the egg monster that you were.
"Don't be mad [Y/N]. Did you know that eggs will do wonders for your hair? At least you don't need to go to the salon now."
"I know but it wasn't only my hair! I am so gonna get you, Light, you little ass!"
"Welp there you go [Y/N]! He's all yours!"
Sayu halted and tripped not only her brother but you too since you were accelerating too fast. Light fell on his chest, and you fell on his back, the gooey substance dropping to his jacket. And to make it worse, you nuzzled his hair with your yolk-covered one. He squirmed, panted, and whined ridiculously.
When he regained his strength he immediately wiggled you away from him. He stood up and removed his jacket, but the smell still lingered since his hair and nape were also covered with yolks and egg whites.
"This wasn't part of the plan.. Sayu..."
You dramatically threw your hands up and wheezed to get their attention.
"This is very unfair. I just changed clothes and now I definitely need to take a shower to get rid of this yucky smell."
"I may have to as well."
"Are you implying that we'll shower together?"
"Of course not! Unless you want to— but on second thought, no way! I'll go back home and return—"
"Nope, you're not going anywhere. I had it worse than you! You can easily wipe it away."
"But the smell—"
"You'll have to live with that until the party's over, mister."
You glared at him and walked upstairs to straight-up take a shower that took about thirty minutes. Even though you used as many shampoos as you could, there was still a slight smell left. You honestly weren't anticipating that.
As you languidly made your way downstairs you heard the clicking of metals, indicating that they had already started eating without you, the fucking birthday girl. Mr. Yagami had also arrived. Guess you really took too long and missed some tea— if there ever was.
Light glanced at you and gave a smile of mischief. You raised your middle finger but quickly hid it when your mom glanced your way.
No other choice but to sit beside your stinking boyfriend since it was the only vacant seat left. And you couldn't help but laugh when you saw the egg remains there.
"Let's properly start dinner then." Your dad announced. "Huh? I thought you guys had already started."
"We did. But it wasn't official. Of course we won't officially start without the birthday princess~"
"What difference does it make? And really, dad?"
After the prayer you eventually started eating. Just looking at the food already made you feel full and you were sure that you'd soon look like a pregnant woman after eating all those. Of course, there also had to be some entertainment otherwise it wouldn't be a normal dinner for you.
"Few visitors, huh?" Light elbowed you. "Obviously."
"Why didn't you invite the other neighbors?"
"Do I look like I'm close with those vivacious people?"
"Of course not." His grin somehow irritated you. He's doing this on purpose.
You puffed your cheeks. It was true though— you only had limited visitors this year, specifically the Yagami household. Let's just say that they're the only benevolent family in the neighborhood. You weren't really acquainted or interested in befriending your other neighbors and their kids since first of all, they're literally kids. And even though some of them were at the same age as you and Light, you couldn't really vibe with them. You had lots of friends though, but their houses were too far from yours. You could've had invited them too but it was raining cats and dogs. They might get stranded and you weren't really a fan of sleepovers. They did greet you via text earlier. Although, it was still rather saddening.
Both your parents shifted the topic to your university lives, the rankings and all that stuffs, including reminiscing old times, but they weren't comparing. It was all good to them.
"As expected! Your son is number one as always." Your mom smiled to Sachiko. Your dad then butted in, "Oho, I heard [Y/N] once swearing to beat him. Would you let that happen Light?"
"No way." He chuckled. You shook your head. "Watch me do it."
"I've been doing that for years."
"Tch. I was always first but then you stole the spotlight. Be thankful I don't hold a grudge on you." You jested. Him and your parents chuckled in unison.
"The spotlight isn't the only thing I stole from you though."
"Wow, you are capable of being cheesy too?" You coughed to apparently hide your smile and avoided your parents' sly looks. "Yes yes, you stole my heart too Mr. Know-It-All. You were supposed to be my rival but you cursed me."
"Did not. My charms were only being effective."
"Wow, you two might be the smartest couple I've ever seen! But you know my teacher once told me if two smart people were to collide then it'd be chaotic." Sayu butted in.
"Why is that?"
"Because they'd keep on contradicting each other with their own beliefs and when they get into arguments it'd be super long but very logical. She also said it's not good because there's no contrast between them. They're already perfect and too much perfection isn't good."
They may be some truth to what she said. You and Light exchanged glances, mentally communicating.
"There's a bit of rivalry. Sometimes. And it's rather fun." He replied. You nodded in agreement. "Besides, we're not entirely perfect. Look at your brother, he's very meticulous in mapping out scenarios and good at speculating probabilities. He's the school prodigy. But that school prodigy has a secret. Wanna know what? He dances like a withered vegetable being shaken up in someone's hands." You, except for him, all giggled. But he had a comeback of course.
"I can dance, excuse me. Hiphop just isn't my style. And you know what? Not only does [Y/N] destroy a song's purity, she can never be a match for any sports for me."
You harshly stepped on his foot, earning a loud groan from him.
Dinner went smoothly. You felt like you didn't need to eat for at least three days, however there were still some desserts to eat. The conversation regarding each families' personal matters continued with you being quite invested in it. Then eventually, the 'most' awaited part arrived—they actually saved it for last—wherein they sang you a happy birthday as you made your wish. Who knows what it was? Only you know the answer to that. You blew your candle and they clapped happily. It made you feel like a kid but it was fun. And then you continued to eat. Cake, ice cream—and there were a lot more. For some reason you also requested a bag of potato chips.
And you already felt bad for the horrors your toilet was about to see.
It was the karaoke's time to steal the spotlight, again. You only watched them sing, although a bit out of tune they were clearer better than you completely murdering those notes. You tried ushering Light to sing but he irritatedly responded a no to you for the nth time. There were only two times you heard his singing voice— and damn, he really is a talented man. But it wasn't exactly his main forte so he refused to do it again.
"Let's get drunk too!" You jested, looking at your parents who were now acting like drunk and cheesy teenagers. Welp they had some drinks.
"[Y/N], you know I don't drink." Light shook his head and sighed, sensing an incoming annoyance at the way you were acting.
"Oh? If that's the case then mind you explaining to me why you're still alive because-not-drinking-would-lead-to-dehydration-which-apparently-leads-to-your-death-if-not—"
"You know that's not what—"
"Let's get high on caffeeeeeine insteaaad!! One cup of bullshit and the other crappuccino!"
Your parents glared at you. Your boyfriend was beginning to get highly concerned. "Why is she like this?"
"Perhaps too much coffee is really unhealthy, that's why, son."
"Whaddaya mean coffee? She didn't even drink any! All she drank was milk! Eight glasses every other day! Blame the milk!"
'What did I do to deserve this?'
He thought, and there you went again with your maniacal laughter. If Light and you hadn't known each other he'd definitely think you're a complete psychopath.
"Oh dear! Did I just say that? God, why did I do that? Liiiiiight..." You shook him. "If I ever start acting like that again please stop me."
"You are acting lke that right now. That's not cute. You're not even drunk."
"Quit being a killjoy, I'm enjoying my 'drunk' state. This is an experiment."
"What the hell? You are sober yet you're doing things worse than people who aren't do."
"But it's honestly fun."
"I can't blame you for being so irritatingly childish since it's your birthday, but it's time to stop that. Stop it. Get some help."
"Stop me then. You're the good guy here."
"How can I stop someone so crazy?"
"They say a kiss on the forehead can stop someone doing crazy stuffs.."
"You're only making that up."
"So what if I am? I speak facts. So, go on, please."
He pressed his lips together and thought about it. It was barely visible but you were sure that he's blushing.
"HAHAHAHA! I forgot my babyboy can't kiss without feeling so yucky about it."
"Psh, don't bite on me mate! I'll do the honor then." You were already kissing his forehead the moment he thought about running away. You weren't able to hold back a smirk as you did. He was grimacing the whole time, but he was actually enjoying it. But of course, he'd never let it show.
To 'annoy' him more, you butterfly pecked your way to the tip of his nose. You pulled back at least an inch or two from his face. And to your surprise, he pecked your lips.
It was so light that you thought it felt like hair on your skin. Thankfully your parents and Sayu—or maybe not Sayu—were too busy to give a damn about it.
You wordlessly sank back, face the reddest it could ever get.
"You stay still now."
"Heh... How about one mor—"
"Absolutely not. That's a kiss worth for three months. We had a deal back then, didn't we?"
"I'm starting to regret that deal."
"It was your idea."
"Let's disregard that deal."
"Nope. I gave my word. You did too."
"Oh come on!"
"'Kissing is a waste of time,' you say."
"I take it back!"
"You don't." He chuckled. You elbowed him and groaned.
You then were idly eating more of the chips as you watched your parents dance shamelessly. They began to coax you and Light to do the same because it was your special day after all. You and Light had different opinions about it. And, he was in.
"Why not? Afraid of your true skills being exposed?"
"Why should I be afraid to expose talent? Heck it's just not my liking. Besides, didn't we already dance?"
"Yeah but that was last year on your 18th birthday. You danced with other guys too. So maybe, maybe— just maybe, I only want to solo you right now."
"Wha— pfahahahaha! Did you just say that? Say that again!"
"Ah? No. Nevermind. Forget it."
"Awe sorry. It's just rare to see that side of yours. Hmm, how can I refuse now?" You pressed your lips in order not to laugh at the way he looked, as if he was regretting everything he did in his life. You stood up and offered him your hand, in which he refused to accept since it was his job to do in the first place.
"Oh! But I don't wanna dance here. Let's go to my room. I have an idea." He merely nodded. "Mom, dad, we're just going to go upstairs! In case you'll wonder why we suddenly disappeared."
"Can I come with you? I don't really want to dance or sing with them." Sayu jumped at you. You shook your head and Light spoke on your behalf. "Kids aren't allowed. Let us have our privacy this time."
"—Sorry but he's right. I do have some games you can play for you to pass the time. Or books, over there if that piques your interest. Don't worry, we'll be back quick to make sure you won't be lonely."
"Alright! Thank you!"
"Ah but why not join us here?" Your mom frowned.
"We have some business to do in my room—" That came out vague, but it was too late. Your mildly drunk dad had already replied, "Don't forget the protection, okay?" Leaving you, Light, his parents, and your mom to have that 'What the fuck?' look on your faces.
You two raced to your room nonetheless, quickly locking it. He was surprised to see how much of a mess it was. Mostly just the bed and the heap of completely random things on top of your cabinet. If he's a neat genius, you're the untidy one.
"Do you ever seriously clean?"
"Why clean it when it'll just eventually turn into a mess again? I can work perfectly fine in this state."
He shook his head and picked up a pillow and the bedsheet lying on the floor, but you stopped him before he could lay his hands on your one-hell-of-a-mess bed.
If you two ever do get married someday, the marriage would certainly include a lot of chaotic things and arguments about the chaos you've bestowed upon your damned house.
"I didn't bring you here to be my personal cleaner. Stop that."
"I'm actually doing you a favor???"
"We have other business. Cleaning is uninteresting. As your girlfriend, it's my duty to stop you investing yourself in such a boring activity."
"You're not really much of a good influence, are you? Fine. But I'm gonna do it once we finish anyway."
You snorted and opened the curtains to add a slightly relaxing view to the scene.
The rain hadn't stopped, still hostile and loud. You were lucky your room had a nice view of the streetlight. Though it would've looked better at dusk— more romantic to a lovers' liking when they dance as the sun sets, coating the sky in a mixture of lively, serene colors, with the streetlight slowly coming to life and they wouldn't realize it because they're lost in their own world.
You smiled at the thought. You wanted to do that with Light even though you knew you would never say it out loud— or who knows?
While your boyfriend was looking at the window, you turned on your lamp and the purple LED lights you had hanging on the walls and turned off the ceiling light. The room was then turned to a dull purple one. But it looked better than before—if you were to ignore the tangled mess on your bed of course, in which case was thankfully barely visible now— and at least to set a specific mood.
"Outdoing ourselves, aren't we?"
"Yes, well.. doesn't it look more.. romantiiiiiic to you?"
"Maybe. All that's missing now is the music. And maybe roses too, hmm? But it's alright. I have the prettiest rose here already."
"Oh my God. Are you really Light Yagami, or just a spirit who had taken over?"
"Shut up. I thought the word romantic was never in your dictionary."
"Ah, but I have a lot of words in my dictionary, so you'll never know, my dear." You winked and took one rose out of the bouquet he had given you. You handed it to him. "There goes your rose."
He cringed, but he was smiling too. He tucked your hair behind your ears and placed the rose on top of it. Now all that was left to do was to play the music.
"Hey Light. We're gonna regret being this overly romantic one day, aren't we?"
"Probably. And all that cheesy stuff. But who knows? We may or may not end up like our parents and continue whatever this saga is."
"Yep. But I also think we'd regret it more if we don't grab the chance to do it."
"Well said, [Y/N]."
You grinned and went on to play the music on your vintage gramophone. Needless to say you were quite the quaint one. And Light knew well of this.
"Shall I have this dance, my lady?"
"Why, I thought you'd never ask."
You hid a smile as well as he. You loosely wrapped your arms around his neck. His hands were on your waist and you two slow danced, the rest of the world falling away. You thought whenever someone would say it, they're just exaggerating. But you were wrong. It really did feel like it that it might have been the closest to heaven you'd get.
Wise men say
Only fools rush in
But I can't help falling in love with you...
His eyes were locked on yours. This time, he wasn't holding back anymore. He was feeling the moment just as you were. And who cares if your movements weren't completely in sync with the music that was barely audible due to the rain?
Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin?
If I can't help falling in love with you...
The smile you were hiding broke out when he pulled you closer. It was definitely a rare event so you had to savor it. Slow dancing in the dark, just like old lovers.
Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be...
You might've had already ran out of steps halfway to the song. You two stood still, bodies pressed with you looking up at him. He rested his forehead against yours. Your faces were so close that you swore you could already feel his lips against yours.
Take my hand
Take my whole life too
For I can't help falling in love with you...
And at that moment you really felt that you wanted him to take your whole life. You couldn't dream a world without your Light anymore.
To your surprise, he cupped your face and kissed your forehead, his lips lingering there for a while as your bodies merely swayed to the rhythm of the song.
You love this man. He's not entirely perfect, but he's the best for you. He's your match. He's your lover. He's your rival. You were his, too.
"Psst, Light. I love you.." You whispered, pecking his cheek.
He stared at you with amusement, his adorable smile growing wider.
"I love you too."
"Even if you smell like shit right now..."
"You too. But did I complain?"
"Oh shush." You laughed. His arms tightly embraced you, and you rested your head on his shoulder, closing your eyes and smiling to yourself as you two continued to lightly sway your bodies. He as well closed his eyes, leaning his cheeks against your head.
He considered this moment to be one of the bests where he's genuinely happy.
And outside, unbeknownst to you, stood a lonesome fellow under the streetlamp, drenched in the rain, a wistful smile on their face as they looked up to witness a moment like that from you two, wishing that one day they'll get to do that with someone too.
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curly-bangtan · 4 years
Heatwave Anniversary Drabble: i miss u like ... a lot (M)
[Heatwave // Godless // Heatwave Drabbles] <- read first! but this drabble can be read alone
Pairing: Taehyung x reader
Summary: One night until Taehyung is back from his boys’ trip but you miss him too much.
Genre: fluff, smut, kinda crack?, boyfriend/established relationship au
Warnings: unprotected sex (oc on contraception so don’t u do it), teasing over the phone, riding and grinding, just kinda vanilla i-missed-u-so-much sex, a particular selca
Word count: 5k
A/N: It was Heatwave’s one year anniversay on the 17th so I decided to write a quick(?) drabble for this. I fully intended on posting this on time, but wanted to change up some stuff so only managed to finish this now. Happy birthday to my first fic and forver my baby!
The absolute one thing you hate most about your boyfriend being away from you is your boyfriend being away from you.
You have never been the clingy needy type, that is more his role in this relationship, nor are you really one to show affection. In fact, you would hate for that false image to be perceived of you because all that sappy shit makes you want to throw up your dinner. But one thing you’ve learnt since Taehyung had gone away on a week-long boys’ trip down by the coast is how cold the house feels in his absence, despite being in the middle of a sizzling summer.
Everything is so eerily quiet without his random outbursts into song and fits of laughter. Having spent 3 years living together, you have gotten so used to his constant presence that you had even caught yourself several times calling out for him only to remember that he isn’t here. Waking up without his arm draped around your waist, slided up your top at some point during the night, impacts you more than you’d like to admit.
Are you glad that he’s having a great time with his friends by the beach, relaxing all day and drinking all night? Of course. Are you having a great time all by yourself over here in the absence of your boyfriend? Certainly not.
Though, of course, this isn’t something you would confess to out loud, especially to him. He doesn’t need to know how often the thought: ugh fuck, I miss Tete is crossing your mind, lest you want him to rub his smugness in your face.
It isn’t just that. Your relationship hasn’t been without its tests in the course of its years and things have only finally stabilised. It’s not that you don’t trust Taehyung to be with his ladish friends for seven days, shirtless dusk till dawn, intoxicated to the point where he calls you thinking that you’re the pizza delivery guy but…
A hammered Taehyung at a beach full of girls who are no doubt thirsting over him leaves a bad taste in your mouth. You trust him to be loyal to his core, but you don’t trust anyone else to keep their hands from copping a feel. No matter how you look at it, you would just so much rather he be at home with you right now.
You have endured this for six days. Six full days without Taehyung. Six full days with no sex, no tummy kisses, no clammy hand holding even though you’re only to get groceries. Just one more night and this torture will fucking be over, praise the lord. But you also don’t know how much more you can hold back that I miss you text because you’re combusting from the need to see him again.
It’s almost 4am. Your sleep schedule is fucked and it’s really his fault.
The bright screen of your phone offers the only luminescence at this hour. Your messages from him in the past week have not been shy of your daily dose of Taehyung - clips of the beach (always mischievously caption with something along the lines of “thinking of Mykonos ;D” where you went on your first holiday together), selfies that you dwell way too long staring at because you miss that face buried in your neck, drunk videos of the antics him and the boys get up to that you’ll definitely chastise him for when he comes back yet can’t help but laugh at. You find yourself scrolling through them every single night.
Your personal favourite: a pouty selfie he sent you after he dropped his ice cream, the picture you always go back to and the one you’re staring at right now. His hair is frizzy from the sea, lips jutted out childishly and cheeks puffy. Your chest constricts, fuck...
Just one more night, you remind yourself. And then he’s back and all yours again.
Then suddenly, the phone in your hand vibrates, short and abrupt. The bar slides down from the top of your screen reading New Message from Tete. Surprised, you scramble to open it, maybe a bit too desperately for you to be proud of.
Tete: bby
You blink at those three letters, lips pressed together because your heart is cinching.
Tete: ur prob aslep rn but
Tete: i missu
Tete: <334
The typos indicate that he is wasted, and you take a guess that he has just returned from their last night out of the holiday. The corners of your lips turn up knowing that he is thinking of you right now.
You: no im awake
Your fingers are itching to reply with i miss u too, and it takes all your willpower and stubbornness to stay true to your steadfast self. There is just something so unpleasantly moist about these kinds of texts, something that makes you cringe and gag when you read them. You refuse to be one of those people. A heart is all that you allow yourself to reply.
You: <3
You: r u drunk?
Tete: drunk in love
Tete: yes
A giggle escapes you at his god awful cheesiness - drunk, sober alike. Insufferable. But probably Taehyung’s most endearing quality.
You: did u have fun!!
Tete: yeah
Tete: but i miss u
Tete: more than i had fun
God, you feel like a teenager again, suddenly overcome with this gushing urge to roll over and scream into your pillow. You’re glad he’s merely texting this to you right now because if he had said this to you face to face, your skin would most definitely stain scarlet from neck to hairline, scalding to the touch. Even months into officially being his girlfriend, these curveballs of overwhelming affection throw you off guard.
Again, the compulsion to tell him you miss him too yanks at your heartstrings. You truly don’t understand why it’s so hard for you to say how you feel, let yourself be soft and vulnerable. You know it’s one of your flaws so it’s something that you’re working on, but you can’t say you’ve made much progress.
But just as you decide that maybe you should take the plunge, suck it up and just text him those three words, he sends you a picture.
Tumblr media
No, not just a picture. A selfie, of him in bed, shirtless under the covers. “Oh, fuck…”
Hand clasped over your mouth to prevent any sound from involuntarily escaping, it takes a moment for your breath to return to you and for you to stop gawking. At this hour… Really? Is he seriously doing this to you right now?
His sleepy eyes. His messy curls. And his fucking nose mole.
The undoing of your existence.
Tete: this boy misses u :]
You: bruh
You: bruhhhhhhh
You: taehyung
Tete: oui my lady :))
You: 👁👄👁
You: can u not do this to my heart
You: y did u send me this </333
You: what was the reason
Tete: coz i miss u
Tete: do u like it
Tete: :D
‘Do u like it’... Actually, you have tears in your eyes, albeit mostly due to staring at a screen for too long so late at night, but it’s certainly contributed by this selfie. You tell yourself you’re acting out because it’s been six days since you last saw him. Perhaps Taehyung Withdrawal Symptoms is the explanation behind why you want to print and frame this picture because that is definitely not a normal reaction to a picture. But this is a masterpiece.
You: taehyung my soul left my body
You: like i could weep
You: u look so soft and fluffy
You: :’(
Tete: lollll
Tete: simp
This boy has some nerve?! Simp! He called you a simp?! Laughing like a maniac, you can’t even pretend to be mad at him, not after this picture he sent anyway. So you guess you are a simp. This selfie is your kryptonite.
Tete: jkjkkkkk
You: hahahaha
You: y r u doing this to me
You: its 4am
You: u can’t send me this rn
You: i won’t be able to sleep
Tete: o yeah how come ur still up?
Tete: go to sleepppp
You: can’t sleep
Tete: aw no whyyy
Because you miss him that’s why.
You miss Kim Taehyung. You miss Tete. You miss your boyfriend, your best friend, your other half. You miss his touch, his smile, his wide eyes when he’s confused. You miss his morning snuggles and late night kisses. You miss the way he hugs you from behind as you prepare your meals. You miss the wandering hands that he can’t help when you’re out in public. You miss playing PUBG together until the sun comes out then both sleeping past noon. You miss taking baths together where bubbles would get into your mouth as your kisses get heated.
You just miss him.
It’s only been six days and you’re in this state. What has he done to you?
Fingers hovering over the keyboard, you let out a great sigh and deflate. No other reason offers itself for you to be awake at this hour; he knows you cherish sleep above anything. Teeth digging into your lip, you inhale long and hard, then exhale the gust of your cowardice. It’s not that deep, stupid. Fuck it.
You: coz
You: i miss u
You: like … a lot
You: 🙄
It’s final - you guess you’ve become a mushy wet sap. Truly it is embarrassing how big of a step this is for you; but the sense of pride and accomplishment feels oddly validating. Baby steps. The eye-rolling emoji right after is subconscious because you could only betray the core of your character that much. Forgo it and taehyung might not believe that it’s you.
Tete: omg
Tete: :D
Tete: rrly?
You: *blank kissy emoji*
Tete: wow
Tete: u actually don’t know how hard i’m smiling rn
You: simp
Tete: ofc that’s my middle name
Tete: i miss u a lot too
Tete: like a lotttttt
Tete: i’ll show u how much when i’m back
Ah… Of course, the Taehyung specialty - smothering you with his affection. You freeze at the thought of his wildfire kisses and head between your thighs. Nothing screams of how much you’ve missed each other more than a good dicking down, climax after climax until you’re both panting messes of sweat and entangled limbs. The anticipation makes you squirm under the sheets, legs pressing together.
You: pls do
You: i need u
It’s uncertain what spirit has possessed you at this ungodly hour for these words to come out of you. There’s an instant flash of ickiness, but you let the self-cringing simmer and dissipate into the realisation that this is okay, this is normal. Taehyung’s your boyfriend, couples text like this. You need to grow some.
Tete: fuck baby
Tete: i’m so not used to u texting like this, it's driving me crazy
You: crazy how *cat smirk*
If you weren’t smiling before, you’re definitely grinning like an idiot now. His reaction is predictable, yet oddly still, an incredible wave of satisfaction hits you. And because you want to savour this moment, maybe give him a taste of his own medicine, you send him a picture of yourself.
Camisole strap slid off your shoulder, hair splayed out, bottom lip deep red from biting down on it too much. Just to return the favour.
Tete: y/n
Tete: call me now
-Incoming call from Tete-
Laughing to yourself, you wait a good few seconds before picking up to prolong his torture. “Yes, Taehyung?” You put your thumb between your teeth to suppress the laughter.
“Fuck.” Against the silence of the night, the low rasp of his voice permeating into you from the speaker of your phone sends tingles up your toes. You’ve fucking missed his voice more than you thought. “Y/N… You can’t do this to me.”
“I told you, I miss you. Like… a lot.” The saccharine tone in your reply is foreign to your own ears, but you like the sound of it and the deep rumble it elicits from your boyfriend.
“How much?” Taehyung eggs you on. His words are barely slurred, so you gather that he has sobered up at least for the most part by now. Yet there is still a slowness to it that suggests
“Hmm, like… I touched myself every night at the thought of you a lot.”
A sharp inhale. Then silence. But you know better so you give him a moment to gather himself.
“You shouldn’t be putting that image in my head.” Exasperation is evident in his voice, desperate and yearning. You can imagine him now, one hand on his phone, the other sliding over his pants that are getting a bit too tight for comfort. Your breath hitches.
“Then you shouldn’t have sent me that picture, Taehyung…”
“You said it was soft and fluffy. What you sent me back was not soft and fluffy.”
“Just because it’s soft doesn’t mean it doesn’t turn me on. You do things to me… okay?” Heat trapped beneath the skin of your cheeks, your grip on the phone against your ear slackening as your thighs rub together.
“Fuck, I’m getting hard, baby…” Nothing gets him going more than the knowledge that he turns you on, it’s his weakness but somewhat his strength.
“That’s… unfortunate. Are you going to do something about it?”
His gulp is audible even over the phone. “Uh…” A sigh. “Um. Maybe. Thoughts are being thought.”
“What kind of thoughts? Thoughts about me touching myself and moaning your name? Thoughts about how much I wish my fingers were your cock thrusting so deep into me that I feel it in my guts? Or are you thinking about what you’ll do to me when you’re back tomorrow? Fucking my mouth until I’m crying or filling me up with your cum first?” Your hips buckle at the filth leaving your mouth. This is more like you; you haven’t abandoned your nature after all.
“Oh, fuckkkk.” His moan resonates into your skull, not quite as if he’s here with you but good enough to fill your desire. “Y/N… I need you so badly.” Breath ragged, you hear movement of his sheets in the background as he adjusts into a more comfortable position.
“Are you stroking your cock right now?” A warm slick oozes out of your own entrance. There’s something about Taehyung masturbating to you that elevates you to a different kind of high.
“What do you think, baby?” As you listen closely, you hear the slow rhythm of his pumping, and your fingers ache to pleasure yourself. ‘The things I’ll fucking do to you when I’m back.”
“Mmm, but it’s late, Taehyung, why don’t we go to sleep.”
“Wait, what?” The stroking stops instantly and surprise in his voice releases a smug satisfaction into your veins. The equivalent of pouring a bucket of ice water over his head right now. Teasing is an old undying habit, what can you say? “You wanna end the call now?”
“Yeah, we should sleep, babe.” Grin unsuppressed, you turn over onto your side, probably a bit too pleased with yourself at your success. Taehyung is an easy victim always.
“What the fuckkk?” Your boyfriend groans. “You’re seriously going to tease me this hard then leave me high and dry?” When you offer no more response than a sly chuckle, he add, “You’re so evil.”
“Save it for tomorrow, Taehyung. Think about it, we’re one sleep away from seeing each other again.”
“Fuck, I know. But you just got me so fucking horny, bruhhh. I thought we were gonna have phone sex.” You are still laughing at his whining, basking in the victory you’re holding over him.
“Taehyung, save it for the real sex.” The idea of phone sex crossed your mind several times to be honest, but you really want to collect every single drop of desire and longing and unleash it tomorrow. Raw and pent up. Nothing to dampen the fire.
A sigh of defeat down the line. “You’re going to be the death of me, you know?” You know. “How am I supposed to sleep now though? I’m so rock hard that it hurts.”
“You can figure that out yourself, big guy.” Your cheeks ache from smiling for too long; they often do during calls with him. “One sleep away, okay?”
“Ugh, fine, you demon. I can’t believe you sometimes.” He lets out another sigh. Your heart skips at the anticipation of how he will punish you for this. “Good night, I miss you.”
“Good night, I miss you more.” There’s a sudden change of tone with these words. Because you truly mean it. Sex and physical intimacy aside, you really just missed his voice, his banter.
You fall asleep almost immediately.
You don’t think you’ve heard a sweeter sound than the keys rattling at the door the next day. Practically leaping off the couch where you had been awaiting him in your Taeyhyung-less boredom, you run to the door.
As it swings open, heat courses to your chest when your eyes land on his, so full of comfort. Your boyfriend is home. Handsome as ever, much more tanned than your memory of him and much more attractive. White t-shirt and loose black shorts, a mundane outfit that only he could make look exceptional.
And as much as you want to sprint up and throw yourself onto him, your feet stay planted on the floor.
“Hey.” You barely breathe out.
Stay calm and composed, you tell yourself. It was only one week without him, it’s not like he’s returning from war.
But Taehyung doesn’t even reply, because in two long strides he is standing before you, bags tossed to the side, a sign of their insignificance in the presence of you. His arms find their home circled around you, face buried in your hair before you can utter another word. You don’t hesitate to return his embrace, holding his waist as you let yourself fall into his chest. He smells like what summer should, the ocean, sweat and young love; his familiar musk greeting you as if he never left.
Your lips meet his, strong and full of intent. He’s so unexpectedly soft when he kisses back, a timeless romantic dance like he is saviour your taste on his tongue.
With your weight leaning on him, he slowly topples back, stepping hastily until your bodies land on the couch. You fit your legs on either side of him as you burrow your nose in his neck and breathe him in, memorise him. In nothing but a large shirt, your bare thighs are exposed for his roaming.
When you pull away and face each other, you are struck by his beauty. His skin is sun-kissed and glowing, hair an effortlessly beautiful mess, the slightest hint of a stubble peeking through below his nose. Your heart belongs to him forever, you know it without a doubt.
“You smell so good. I missed you so much, baby.” And his voice… That deep baritone honey that you have taken for granted all this time - music to your ears.
“Imissedyoutoo…” You mumble, shy under his undivided attention and mercilessly unbroken eye contact.
With your chests pressed together, his chuckle rumbles into you. “What was that?”
“I missed you too… I guess.” Face flaming, you can’t bring yourself to meet his eye at your admittance, fingers twirling around his curls to preoccupy yourself.
But he cups your chin and turns your face to him, forehead pressing up to yours until your noses are touching, breaths mixing. “That’s not what you said last night.” Taehyung smirks, hands sliding down to your waist, the material of your shirt bunching up in his hands. “Do I need to remind you?”
“No…” You find yourself unable to keep your eyes open, your core pulsing mercilessly as you grind onto him. “How are you already hard, Taehyung…” And though you mean to scold him, it comes out breathless.
Lips hovering, he traces the edge of your jaw, tingling the sensitive little hairs on its way to your ear. When he reaches the shell of your ear, warm breath infiltrating so relentlessly into you, you almost lose yourself right there on his lap. “Don’t you know how much I love you?” He whispers.
“Show me.” Is all you make out.
His hands are already beneath your shirt before you even notice, palms kneading into your breasts as he takes your nipples between his two fingers and rolls. As he kisses you again, the same tenderness exchanges between your lips. It’s a different kind of desperation to be so slow and gentle, one that means so much more than sex, one that’s telling of how much you truly missed each other. Your hips roll with a mind of their own over him. One hand of his comes down to your ass, guiding the waves of your rocking. And each time his stiff clothed member digs into your clit, you whimper into his mouth.
Carefully, Taehyung rolls you over onto your back, sucking your bottom lip to keep the seal from breaking. He pulls away when he’s on top of you, and a string of glistening saliva bridges between your mouths. “Foreplay or no? Tell me what you want?” Compliant as ever.
“I need you to fill me up right now. Anything else can wait.” You watch the devotion ignite in his eyes. His fingers are in a hurry as they pull your panties off, knees spreading your legs open as he kneels between your gaping entrance. He tugs his shirt off from the collar, such smoothness in his action that your insides coil up. His newly-bronzed rich skin revealed, you can’t help but reach up and run your hands down from chest to navel, revelling in his blemishless ridges.
A low sound reverberates from the back of Taehyung’s throat as your touch travels down to unbutton his shorts. They fall loose. His hard throbbing members springs free, a glistening bead oozing from his slit. “You didn’t wear boxers?”
When you glance up, you notice his sheepish grin. He presses his mouth onto yours, still smiling, guiding you back onto your back. “I just couldn’t wait.” Taehyung whispers. “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you, especially since last night… Ah, fuck.” Another deep groan erupts from him as you reach down and slather that bead of precum all over his tip. His head falls onto your neck, writhing under your merciless stroking.
His tip brushing against your clit, your toes curls at the teasing of your weakness, hips jolting up involuntarily and perhaps a bit too violently. You’re so embarrassingly sensitive after this many days without Taehyung, and he notices from your breathless reaction. Smirking, he takes his shaft in his hand and runs his stiff head over your clit mercilessly. And as you roll your head back helplessly, he nibbles onto your exposed neck, faint stubble grazing your skin.
“Quit the teasing…” You whine, unable to withstand the build up of twisting pressure begging to be fulfilled between your legs. “Just put-”
Taehyung pushes himself into you so abruptly that you yelp. And there it is, that mind-melting stretch of your walls that you’ve so much missed. “Fuck, Taehyung…” Your entire core feels ablaze, so numbing that your nails dig into the leather of the couch before they find grip on his arms.
“Like that, baby?” His voice his strained, as if he’s struggling not to lose his mind as well.
Nodding because you can’t make out a word as he slowly pulls out, you grab his face and pull him up to meet your lips. You whimper into him mouth when he rams into you again, hitting your walls in full force, no mercy. His kiss doesn’t lose its sincerity despite the juxtaposition of his vigorous thrusts, though you can’t say that he is quite as gentle with as before. You pinch his bottom lip between your teeth, sucking on it as your fingers get lost in his hair.
After seven days of deprevation of his cock, your cunt is leaking with the fluid of your arousal, aiding in the ease of each plunge. You feel the stiffness of his ridges pulling you open as he slides in and out of you. “Fuck…” He pants, mouth hovering over yours.
“Let me get on top.” Taehyung’s eyes flash at your suggestion, instantly rolling onto his back. He slips out during the switch of position and the wetness of your cunt is assailed by a sudden rush of cool air.
You swing your leg over and mount him, watching him watch you pump his dick, your own liquid slathered over him sticky in your hand. Letting his member fall against his abdomen, you grind over him between your folds, hands splayed out over his chest. The friction created each time your clit would slide over the thin pinch of skin where his tip unfolded into his shaft has Taehyung a groaning mess.
He looks remarkable under you.
You push his sweat-dampened curls out of his forehead, eyes half closed in euphoria, half watching you roll your cunt so lewdly over his length. You know you could make him cum like this if you continue. But you want him to cum inside you first, you want to feel that thick hot spurt of his desire shoot again and again into you until his cock is twitching.
So slowly, lubricated by your wetness, you sink inch by inch down until the skin of your ass meets his thighs. This angle fuck with your mind; you think you feel him at your cervix. Then your hips start to do what they know best, pounding over him with a rhythm that you’re proud of.
Taehyung grabs hold of your waist, your breasts, fury in his eyes as he watches you ride him with such determination. “I love you so much.” He heaves between heavy breaths.
“I love you, I missed you more than you could imagine.” You huff, thumb running over his red swollen lips.
“I love when you admit it.” He sits up and takes the swell of your breast in his mouth, making his way to your nipples where his tongue relentlessly flickers over.
Your thighs are starting to burn, core aching because his cock is thrusting up into you so deep that you feel it in your guts. The signs are appearing - your vision is going hazy, walls squeezing tightly around him, tangle upon tangles knoting in your stomach. His are too - his head is slumped against your chest, arms crossed behind your back as he holds you close to him, whole body starting to tense as he begins to curse.
Pace quickening, you don’t let the tire of your muscles stop you from your chase. The slap of your skins ringing in your ears, you keep riding, cunt swallowing his cock whole each bounce. Taehyung breaks first. “Fuck!” He calls out into your neck. His cum squirts into you, pulse after pulse, your boyfriend’s hips jolting each thrust.
“I’m so close, babe, keep going for me.” You plead, knowing how sensitive he is right after his climax. He nods wordlessly, face still buried in you hair. The lubrication of his cum abolishes any resistance, letting you slide over him easier than sitting down. And not five thrusts later, your own coil snaps. You through your head back at the wave of pleasure that drowns you, your entire core on fire as your moans echo through the room. It takes maybe twenty seconds for your walls to stop throbbing and for the orgasm to slowly die down.
Taehyung is already growing limp inside you after his orgasm. “Thank you.” You whisper against his forehead while you dismount. His cum flows out of your slit and down the insides of your thighs, but he refuses to let go of you.
When he looks up, you are struck by an overwhelming sensationf of adoration. His long dark curls fall slightly over his eyes, in disarray but just the way you like it. His eyes are so full of genuine love and gratitude of having you that you can’t help but capture him with your lips. “No, thank you.” He mumbles against you, falling back onto the couch with you in his embrace.
After a long kiss of after-sex affection, you pull away before it leads to a second round. “I want you to know that I really missed you a lot. I can’t even call you a big baby anymore because I stared at all the pictures you sent me every night till the sun came out.”
Taehyung’s boyish smile melts your heart. You’ve missed him way too much. His smile, his goofy comments, his tender kisses. “My heart… is squeezing…” If his smile doesn’t tell how smitten he is, his eyes definitely do. “I missed you so much too. All the boys made fun of me for being such a wettie ‘coz I couldn’t shut up about you.” The thought is so endearing that you can’t help but hide your face.
“So how was your trip? Plenty of hot girls drooling after you?” Trick question of course, you know that for a fact already.
“Haha, it was good, fun. Bet you couldn’t sleep ‘coz you were trembling from jealousy.” Scoffing you land a smack on his chest. “But nah, no hot girls. Nowadays there’s only one hot girl in my eyes.”
Your own lips spread like a cheshire cat. “Shut up, cutie.”
“Rachel McAdams.”
“Let go of me. Don’t even touch me.”
A/N: Moral of the story, never sit on their couch if you’re a guest at the Heatwave house.
© Copyright 2020
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nyaitsu-writes · 2 years
for the ask game, 17!! specifically, what is your opinion on tenshouin eichi?
qiaaaan oh my god (*/ω\*) i was internally hoping i wouldn't have to go into this exact question www you really went straight for the tea!!
i'll preface this by saying literally my 2 favourite characters ever are rei and natsume, i love all the oddballs to pieces and i'm incredibly salty about tsumugi's treatment during and after the war so i have opinions (tm)
i. i don't like eichi. sorry finePs </3 like yeah i've tried to understand him and up to a certain point i can see what goes through his mind but i just. mister that is not the way. you're going to end up super lonely if you keep acting like that and pushing away the people that genuinely love you and care for you,,
i actually had a heart attack when i saw the anime for the first time because i only knew a couple of characters and when eichi opened his mouth i went ???? because i was NOT expecting that voice. i'm,, a big fan of his va, actually. i've been a big fan of his work for a while so you can see the kind of situation i'm in :') <333 i was sure he'd sound much more... prince-y. fake prince-y maybe www
i talked about how he keeps pushing his friends away (i'm sensing low self-steem issues here) but he also keeps being mean,, what happened to the oddballs. yeah let's frame these guys who did literally nothing wrong other than cause some trouble and blame them for everything wrong with yumenosaki yeah. i'm sure that fixes the issue doesn't it <(_ _)> plus literally everything he did to mugi?? i didn't use to like mugi as much as i do now but that's rule book toxic friend behaviour. you don't do that with your friends e*chi
i genuinely want to. read more about him. especially the later e! stories and more of e!! and see him grow. i keep my hopes up that he'll change somehow, that he might even apologize a bit. but yeah i have a lot of (unresolved) tension with him ╰(‵ □ ′)╯
after saying all of this i will admit that i like his slighty evil ft prince vibes energy. he strikes me as the kind of person who has some interesting conversations with his close friends, where he gets to be honest and there's a lot of sarcasm in between all of the trust. and i need him to be more honest with himself and the world pretty pls </3
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