#oh shit and i made an irl book of dragons :)
caito-does-stuff · 2 years
me: i like this thing a healthy amount
also me: has watched nearly all the httyd content (excluding rescue riders and 9 realms cause fuck no) in a few weeks
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reallyromealone · 2 years
Number 38 with Eddie Munson x male reader angst
can we go home yet?
Also since this is fanfic, no homophobia shit, I deal with that enough irl lol
It had been four hours.
He doesn't even know why Eddie dragged him here, it was supposed to be date night for the couple but he wasn't expecting their date night to become D&D night and HE WASN'T EVEN IN THE CAMPAIGN!
All of Eddie's friends were over, eating the snacks (name) made for the ruined date night and sighing as he pulled out the book he was reading.
This was the third time this had happened, poor (name) just wanted to make out with his boyfriend... But when his friends/club showed up and somehow they ended up at the wheeler house and (name) was livid.
"Can we go home yet?" (Name) asked softly, it having been hours and be was honestly bored "were almost done babe don't worry"
Sighing (name) glanced at his boyfriend before getting up and walking upstairs, ready to leave when he saw Mrs. Wheeler "hey Mrs. Wheeler, you need help?" He asked softly as she took out the ingredients to make dinner "oh sure!" She said and the two began preparing the wheeler family dinner together.
"So what's going on? Aren't you guys playing that dragons game?"
"They are, I was trying to have a date with my boyfriend"
"I see and then the club came..."
"And ruined said date"
The two continued talking and eventually once dinner was essentially done, (name) decided to go home.
Eddie didn't even check up on him.
According to Nancy the next day he was over at the wheelers until late at night playing.
"Babe? Where were you?"
"Oh now you ask me?" (Name) spat out, annoyed as he turned to his boyfriend who looked confused "how about when I left and you didn't even notice I was gone?! I just wanted to have one night! One! Yet your club ALWAYS comes first!"
"It was a really important part---"
"You always say that! I-I need a break"
"No! I just.... I need to think"
Eddie looked defeated as he watched his boyfriend walk away and felt like an ass as he realized how he neglected him like that.
Be should have just listened when (name) asked to go home.
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two-reflections · 6 months
[Stuck this in my queue a few months ago, shortly after I made this blog. I keep putting off posting this because it's just a bunch of random enthusiastic screaming, but whatever, if I haven't stuck it in drafts, it might as well live on my blog instead.]
Rebirth lives rent-free in my head. I just need. Like. ONE friend who has read it who I can enthuse with about it IRL. The Tome of Fire was a bit of a slog at first, but I swear that the series which Rebirth was meant to start had legs. LEGS!!
Tried to keep these notes spoiler-medium in case anyone wants to read the book, but be warned. There are spoilers below.
Black Legion VS Salamanders and Sisters of Battle, except that both sides also have their fair share of drama and betrayal? Also, there's a manhunt through a decrepid underhive for a fugitive? Come on, that's some good shit.
Tsu'gan's presence in the plot is at a distance and Da'kir's seems to be over. Zartath and Agatone are the characters who benefit the most from context from previous books, but I think most of their backstory is made pretty clear.
I liked how Val'in built respect with Sister Seraphina without any romantic tension. The Sisters somehow manage to come off as even more nonsexual yet homoromantic than Astartes, and I am here for that.
I also appreciate how the Sisters' extreme zealotry makes them come off as more inhuman than the Salamanders, even as they condemn the Salamanders for being... Uh, bad at seeming like good Imperial zealots. Are some of the Sisters written as too unreasonable? No, I think how unreasonable they seem is a reflection of Canonness Angerer's issues rather than the Sisters as a whole. Plus, Seraphina is not like that! I wish she had been more present in the finale, but oh well.
There are some great human characters in this book. Makato and Issak are so cool. They are excellent examples of how versatile standard humans are and how they can stand out in a story that focuses on Astartes.
Chaplain Elysius is always great, but I really love him in this one. He probably has the best lines in the book. I appreciate his sense of duty, his pragmatism and the fortitude his faith gives him. I also found it interesting how he seems to respect Drakgaard more the more he sees his flaws.
Comparing Elysius and Drakgaard, and Agatone and Drakgaard is interesting. Drakgaard tends to comes off worse in both cases, but his massive flaws make him interesting to me. The parallels between Drakgaard and Angerer are interesting too. I enjoy the idea of these two old warriors being so blinded by their desire to make up for the failings of their pasts that they completely and unequivocally fuck up.
Continuing on Drakgaard, I love how he's described by many as being stubborn, unfeeling and uncultured, but then he's constantly swayed by emotion and makes it very clear that he's not actually averse to artistic pursuits, he just doesn't prioritise them. Part of why those around him see him in such a harsh light is that he can't move his face much and doesn't move with elegance. (For example, his sword is described as a beautiful piece of artistry... Which he swings around like a goddamn cricket bat.) Idk, he seems like a guy with secret depths.
Agatone really grew on me in this one. He's so good to his guys. I think that he gets to shine because the focus of his sections is on a very small group? Anyway, if anyone questions why this guy has a dedicated mini, they should read Rebirth.
I love that guy Agatone picks up. Issak is a 10/10 bro, top tier little guy, and I'm sad we may never get to know the rest of his story.
I don't usually care for techmarines, but Exor is a poor little meow meow whom I want good things for. HE'S JUST DOING HIS BEST, HE'S BRAND NEW, PLEASE BE NICE TO EXOR PLEASE -
He's a mess, but I can't fault Zartath for struggling. Dude needs a therapist, and he tries so hard to make up for his fuckups. Because he started as a Black Dragon, he's stuck between a rock and a hard place - expected to both conform to the new Chapter whom he looks nothing like and to lean into his beastly nature to perform the way his Chapter requires him to. It's a hard line to walk, and I like how that went for him in the end. Also, despite his massive PTSD and mutations, he has genuine respect for Agatone and the Salamanders, and it's great to see that respect rewarded.
I liked his relationship with Exor. Two semi-outsiders in a hard but privileged position alongside their Captain, so different yet so similar... I enjoyed how their respect for each other fluctuated from grudging, to complete distrust, to something two steps from friendship. And it all felt deserved.
I do have some issues with the book, of course.
Some say it feels a bit unfocused. I think that might be because some of the different threads tie up very quickly, to the point where a reader could actually miss how a particular story line tied in with the others. I wish it was about 30 pages longer so the endings could have had a little more space to breathe.
My main issue is that it doesn't seem like this book will ever get a sequel, so we'll never know what happened to some of the characters. This particularly bothers me with Exor, Zartath, Issak and Drakgaard. I have so many questions about them.
For example, Drakgaard is not Captain of the 6th in the current era... What happened? Did he die? Did he take the Burning Walk after losing his men's respect at Heletine? Was he so hurt that he was interred into a Dreadnought, perhaps to replace one lost on Heletine? (That would be so tragic... The other Salamanders would assume being interred would suit him, but it might turn out to be his worst nightmare.) I may never know, and it breaks my heart because I think it would have been interesting.
Will Exor and Zartath actually become friends? Probably not, but my god, I want that for them. I have this picture in my mind where Zartath ends up leaving to refound the Black Dragons and Exor goes too, becoming the one Salamander in the Black Dragons like how Zartath was the one Black Dragon in the Salamanders... Kinda falls down as I think he's not a Magos Biologis, but shhh.
Agatone took Issak back with him. What's going to happen to Issak now he's with the Salamanders? It seemed like he was set up to be present in subsequent books... And he was so likeable.
The weird, not specifically related to Rebirth:
What went down with the real Pyriel and Argos who inspired the characters? Seems there was some major beef between them. It all went down on various forums, possibly had something to do with Pyriel having a 3d printing business? Idk, I did a bit of googling about it a while ago but I can't remember what I found right now. The actual drama isn't very important to me, I just find it interesting that those characters are based on real people who seriously did not get along.
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quitefair · 2 years
Kind of sort of always been thinking about how much Narnia inspired the creation of my Adaars and since nobody really on here knows much about the original story of my Adaars, I feel like it’s a little bit cringe to wax poetic about the inspirations and parallels that I (subconsciously mind you) created for them.
But it is 2022 and I am cringe and also free so I am going to wax poetic about them now.
How my Adaars are paralles to the Pevensies: an essay
So yeah, it may be no surprise to people who know me that I have a very good relationship with my siblings – they’re 5 years younger than me (twins) and most people irl assume that oh that there’s a large age gap, we wouldn’t be like close or anything because of this.
Without going into too much sappy detail -  yeah, we are close. I consider them my best friends. We’re all some form of neurodivergent, and all have our own weird little hyperfixations that quite often overlap.
Which is why when I first watched the original Narnia movies, and then read the books, the idea of four siblings going on this crazy adventure together, them being bound together as kings and queens, then going on to rule a country together as siblings for a long and prosperous period of time was so fucking revolutionary to me. It was like, yeah man, I too would love to go on a wild-ass adventure with my siblings, yeah we’d definitely argue and hate each other and kinda want to kill and betray each other along the way, but in the end it would be us, sticking together and doing our thing.
It also appealed to my aroace self – instead of a singular king and queen (married couple etc), it was like… yeah instead of this weird succession thing that causes a lot of wars (im looking at u game of thrones), it’s like, yeah. All of you are gonna rule together now. Peter is technically High King because he’s the oldest and technically has the most braincells of the lot being like maybe 14? But its made absolutely clear that he relies on the other three for counsel. Edmund is his right hand – very obviously the wisest and Just, knowing evil for what it is, having nearly been swayed to its side. Susan and Lucy too having their own roles to play within the kingdom.
So yeah when I created my Inquisitor it was back in the day when Inquisition first came out. I realized that the backstory for an Adaar was super vague (as is the problem with all the Inquisition origins but that’s another rant), and the only very clear details you get are like – you’re a Vashoth born outside the Qun, the thing your parents escaped from. You’re from the Free Marches. You joined a mercenary group that’s now extra security for some huge meeting at the Temple of Sacred Ashes.
I for one, was fresh from playing Dragon Age 2, fresh from the nuanced, complicated sibling drama that my Hawke and my (templar) Carver went through. I was such a huge fan of that – and wanted to bring some added flavour to Tashak’s character and backstory. Over the years I’ve seen so many people create other OCs and a rich, beautiful backstory for their Inquisitors. It’s such a source of joy and fun and a great worldbuilding exercise for those that are fans of the setting.
At first, I created Karavaad. The excuse was that I wanted to play a male Adaar mage I think, but that slowly evolved into the character he is today. A steady, solid emotional crutch for his incredibly emotionally repressed elder sister. Kind of the opposite of what Carver and Hawke’s relationship was, an actual strong sibling bond.
And then I created the younger two – brash, shit talking Sekhara and innocent, eager to help Vashan. The pattern of sister-brother-sister-brother was subconscious, and only much later did I realise that oh wait… that’s a mirror image of the Pevensies.
And then I reread The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. And then I thought some more about the collective Adaar kids origin story.
And then I had my oh moment.
Tashak, the eldest, having to look after her younger siblings, having to grow up quicker than she would ordinarily, not just because she’s a qunari in a world that hates qunari (that’s again a whole other essay), but also because they lose their parents very early on. Having to be the grown up, to parent the younger ones even while struggling with her own self-worth and grief and other darker thoughts. But she is capable, confident, grows into a sure and steady leader. The High King, the Inquisitor, brave and true and Magnificent.
(The parallels between Peter killing the wolf and Tashak confronting Corypheus alone at Haven are something I’m still trying to figure out myself but it’s there damnit.)
Karavaad being the Mother Hen to Tashak’s Stern Father Figure. Despite being large and imposing in frame, he is a quiet and kind soul. Always found to be listening to the worries of others – and he’s good at that, being his elder sister’s confidante and voice of reason. He is a mage, but specializes in growing things, preferring to spend his time in the Skyhold gardens, tending to the herbs and other plants, than to be cooped up in the mage tower. Most upon meeting him, are surprised at how Gentle he is, both in personality and conduct.
Sekhara, oh Sekhara. She often bears the brunt of the elder two’s scoldings because she is prone to being too much. Bubbling over the edge. Her mind is quick and sharp, her eyes keen, her tongue scathing. Often, she’s the one that starts arguments between them, but when she says something, it’s often true, even when the other three don’t want to admit it. Tashak will often look to her when making difficult decisions, because she can count on her to speak what is true, what is Just.
Vashan, the baby, the youngest, but burning the brightest. The other three often talk over him, thinking him still a child when it comes to decision making. But he has grown now, sure and steady, and despite not being allowed to be involved in the planning and thought process of the Adaars, he still watches. Listens. And when he speaks, he provides insight that none of his elder siblings could have imagined. He sees things others do not. And when it comes to defending those that he loves, he takes what he has seen of how Tashak protects his family, he rises to his own, with his shield and sword and takes on any threat with what can only be called Valiant.
Also, in my fic that is being written and rewritten to infinity, yes Tashak is the bearer of the Anchor and therefore default to be the leader of the Inquisition, I feel it would be fitting for her to only be the High King… that the Adaars are more suited to function as rulers together, as a whole, as a unit. Because where one would provide insight, the other would compound it. When Tashak would be out in the world carrying out what her duties entail, the other three could be working on things within Skyhold, or beyond even on missions of their own to strengthen the Inquisition, with what skills they have.
(This also has been inspired by the image of the ending of the LWW movie, at Cair Paravel with the four thrones, equal sized on the dais for the four kings and queens. Instead of a singular, looming throne in the Skyhold main hall for judgement – again another thing I feel uncomfortable with and could write a whole essay on – there could be just four smaller chairs/thrones, for the four Adaars and perhaps the other advisors as well. Judgements should not be made by one person – in my mind the Inquisition is a democracy, despite having a singular leader, there should be discussion and fair judgement, a governing body unlike any other seen in Thedas)
 I dunno. I just love the idea of the four ‘kings and queens’ of the Inquisition, and the Romantic Fantasy of Narnia infiltrating my thoughts and worldbuilding of the Inquisition.
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The Winchesters+Castiel stumble into an Ambiguous Portal and land themselves in the war camp of one Daenerys Targaryen, currently on campaign to free more enslaved peoples. Nobody speaks the same language so all translations have to go through the Literal Angel. Discuss.
Cas spends most of the time talking to the actual literal dragons before anyone realizes what's going on, so jot that down, and Sam and Dean are like FUCK it's a DRAGON DRAGON not like a person dragon what the fuck what the FUCK
sometimes Cas asks the dragons for clarification on something Dany has said, or vice versa
i don't think Cas has to. mentally go through a translation process. he's never struggling to find the right word because Angel.
but sometimes he doesn't understand that something is an expression so he'll translate it really literally, or he won't know how to convey something is an expression so Dany is just like WHAT
he somehow comes up with gestures or exaggerated expressions, basically the irl version of emojis, to denote tone when they have the third mix up that winds up with weapons drawn
wings he does something with wings. his wings. cas has wings.
Dean hits on Dany at some point and Dany just hits him
Sam's book nerding eventually finds them a common language.
also Dany pretends not to speak Westerosi which is English just to see what they do. Because she DOES that, it's a THING SHE DOES and she and Missandei and cracking tf up
we're gonna go with show!jorah because he's superior to book!jorah and he's like khaleesi would you like their heads
no i'd like to GIVE them head *high fives missandei* jk i'll feed them to my babies but thank you
and Dean's like oh no he's hot. older knight guy is HOT.
but anyway the boys being in armor etc, Dean makes friends with the Dothraki in a day and a half even though they don't speak the same language because. He's Dean. that's how he do.
Dean and Sam immediately come to the attention of the House of Black and White
and Dean is probably like "this is my sister now" when Arya gets sent to investigate/potentially kill them
Sam may or may not fall in love with her. because the HEIGHT DIFFERENCE. is absurd. looks like a cinnamon roll but could actually kill you and looks like they could kill you and could actually kill you
also they are both compassionate theatre nerds who just HAPPEN to be deadly. my babies.
Sam has magic powers? Arya can mind meld with a wolf. whatever man.
Charlie winds up with them and she and Daenerys absolutely fall for each other and they're morons about it
cas in armor. cas. in. armor. with. wings.
the dragons can see his true form without pain
the dragons love Dany SO MUCH and they tell Cas this all the time and Cas tells her and she DOESN'T cry, thank you very much.
anyway Team Free Will is very much like. let's free the slaves. and Sam is a smartypants so he helps figure out economic shit that people always bitch at Dany for? like you freed slaves and now a place is in economic turmoil, so she's the bad guy now??? He/they Sam is like, wow, that's sexist, and Dany's all what's sexism
Dany teaches Sam Valerian so they can talk shit about people in public
Sam is going to bring social justice to Westeros etc
Dean and Jorah bond over being heart eyes about Dany
Cas is still talking to the dragons. He explains why it's bad to eat people and steal goats.
they're all in appropriate clothing for the setting and Dean is having a constant bisexual crisis. I cannot imagine him meeting Daario.
Dean bonds with Viserion my beloved
they do NOT ride the dragons
the dragons are simultaneously very intelligent and like giant puppies
Dany comes to have this reputation because not only does she have dragons but shadowy protectors from another realm??
also with Sam's help, and Samwell Tarley's help, she's the last monarch of the Seven Kingdoms. Democracy!
also like. every deadly little girl they come across is immediately part of their family now. yes i mean Lyanna
also. not at all where you were going. but Dean. who was taught to torture by literal demons. getting his hands on that psychopath ramsay. just. just give that idea a minute to percolate.
Dean using Arya's head as an armrest
Jon and Dean meeting is PURE gay panic
i wasn't joking when I said it's a bisexual panic for Dean. Imagine him meeting Brienne, a woman who could bench him??? He and Charlie are UTTERLY USELESS after meeting her
Sam gets super magicky the farther north they go
also who better to deal with zombies???
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Some of my favorite tropes in media
1. Found family
Welp. Why am I surprised?
In addition to a ton of platonic relationships, there's also a bang-on hilarity in each one of these groups.
Six of Crows (the progression in Kaz and Wylan's dynamic??? Nina and Inej being besties??? Jesper and Inej having a running joke of scheming face lol??? Matthias forgoing his prejudices to team up with Jesper and Kuwei???)
The Hargreeves siblings??? (We're not gonna talk about what's going on between Luther and Allison 💀 but the rest of them 🥺🥺🥺)
2. Ballroom dance scenes
Oh, to be twirling across the dancefloor in the arms of your partner (bonus points if it's your enemy💖) and you can't decide if your heightened breathing is due to the music's tempo or the 🌟tension🌟
Whyyyyyyy did we have to stop balls!?!?!? Whyyyyyyyy???? Are you telling me that we lost the opportunity to wear our most artful dresses and have a night of elegant dancing and food and it was replaced by nightclubs??? T_T
3. The sunshine character actually has problems.
Love, love, love it when the sunshine, always joking, always kind character opens up about their own issues and insecurities yet they don't stop being kind and don't lose their heart just because the world is going to hell
Prime examples: Ron Weasley (au contraire, HP fandom, this guy has one of the best characterizations in the books and y'all just sleep on him because you want your special ones so much), Leo Valdez (my boy repaired a whole dragon alone, dealt with losing his mom, was homeless and yet keeps the atmosphere light and happy and makes hilarious jokes T_T), Inej Ghafa (horribly traumatized, has done things to survive in a brutal world, deserves the world, and yet is so, so, so fiercely kind and compassionate and always there for her friends💖)
4. When the tough, scary one is soft for kids or animals
Nothing is more wholesome than watching a stone-cold badass softening towards a kid or adopting a baby animal or just showing love for their family (Five Hargreeves 🥺). Shows that they still have a bit of their heart unguarded wnd hopeful.
5. Wholesome friendships that just stay friendships + siblings being siblings.
My ace ass hates love triangles with a fiery passion and it's really tiring to see every friendship being shipped left and right or being pushed into love triangle *side-eyes CC*
Lucie Herondale and Cordelia Carstairs are my favorite parabatai duo and I need more content of their friendship and antics pleaseee. I need more of them being a chaotic duo.
Alastair and Cordelia are my favorite brother sister duo, just with the way they address each other and how Cordelia thought about killing him during the demon attacks in ChoG.
Percy Jackson and Grover Underwood. The guy sailed across the Bermuda Triangle to rescue his best friend.
Also the potential we lost with Hermione and Ginny because R*wling couldn't write more than one PoV -_-
But on a happy note, Ron and Harry are my favorite and I love these dorks so much. They really become brothers by the end *gross sobbing*
Aru and her Pandava sisters and the two braincells they share🤦‍♀️😂
Once more, the Hargreeves family going from strangers to dumbass chaotic family in TUA s2😂🤦‍♀️
6. Enemies-to-lovers
Bonus points if they're also academic rivals. Why is this trope not used more? We could explore some great themes on the shit education system.
No one? Fine I'll write a fic myself.
Also, enemies to lovers =/= abusive relationships. Keep that trash away from me where the love interests are manipulative, abusive towards their love interests and then later fall in love with them. My favorite progression goes like this:
Ugh pretentious ass, look at them==>ugh why are we working together?==>why do we work so well as a team!?==>goddammit why are they so nice!?==>I guess we're friends now==>what is this tension!?!==>*notices something pretty about them* uh oh. 😳😳😳
Prime examples: Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy. Kallias and Alessandra from The Shadows Between Us. Jude and Cardan from TFOTA (I know they're toxic. Would not stan that relationship irl but I loved their development in the trilogy)
7. When the best friends go to an event as each other's date and are mutually pining over each other but are oblivious dumbasses.🤦‍♀️
Bonus points if other people mistake them for a couple and they can't even get out a proper explanation ;)
*whispers* Harry and Ron should've asked each other to the Yule Ball
8. More thoughtfully-written boys in YA
Please move on beyond the bad boy and broody, immortal, muscular warrior trope. Give representation to my PoC, neurodivergent, trans and fat boys. Give boys dark features (I promise they are as entrancing as blue eyes or blonde hair). Make them emotional, make them something other than stoic, make them like teenagers (and not adults playing teens). They deserve the world and well-written role models as much as girls do.
Prime example: Ron Weasley, Jesper, Wylan, Enrique and Hypnos from TGW, and Julian Blackthorn.
I could write essays for Ron but all I'll say is that r*wling did a good job by giving the role of emotional support (that's usually considered a feminine job) to a boy and made him funny and kind-hearted🥺
As for Julian, like I said before ruthless characters being soft for their family make me go T_T
9. Showing feminism with an equal society (as Tricia Levenseller does it), wholesome f/f and m/f friendships, normalizing the presence of LGBTQ people, without trashing men or femininity.
If you have to deliberately create a highly patriarchal society to show off your progressive views and badass female MC, then you're doing feminism wrong :)
Oops my saltiness leaked out in the end 😳
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Survey #426
“insatiable furnace, burning up our surplus  /  watching all essential life become another servant”
Are you a brunette? Yep. It is way past due time that I get it dyed... What is your favorite channel on TV? I don't really watch TV, but if I did, I'm pretty sure it'd probably be Discovery. Have you ever been to Chicago, IL? Yes!! It's my only experience with a truly BIG city, and though I'm not a city person, the experience was pretty magical. It was something I wasn't even remotely used to. Just so much life and business and energy to feel there. Who was your first friend? Brianna. She was the sister of my older sister's best friend. What is your favorite holiday? Christmas. :') Do you regret your last kiss? Nope. Have you ever taken a karate class? No. Who was the last person to tell you ‘I love you’? My mom. Have you ever been to the Statue of Liberty? No. Do you live on your own? Noooo. I don't think I ever could. I would have to stay VERY busy, or else the loneliness would kill me. Hell, even if I was very active in stuff, I still don't know if I could. With how bad my depression is capable of being, it doesn't sound smart at all for me to move out unless it was with somebody. Are your the oldest child? No, I'm the middle kid. How many X-rays have you had in the last 2 years? Two, maybe? One for my legs and the other for my teeth. Are you on good terms with your last ex? Yeah, we're best friends. Do you have scars you don’t like to talk about? Nah. Do you freak out if a bee/wasp flies near you? ... yes lol. What subjects in history interest you most? The Holocaust. It's just so... shocking and extreme that it's oddly fascinating, but of course horribly sad. Are you superstitious in any way? Nah. How do you get rid of anxiety? Do what? Are there any items of jewelry you never/rarely take off? Yeah, my two rings, my lip piercing, and tragus piercing. Has a song ever made you cry before? There are many. ^If so, what about it brought you to tears? Again, I said "many," so this would be a horribly long list. There are four though - "Eternally Yours" and "Another Life" by Motionless in White, "Stairway to Heaven" by Led Zeppelin, and "The Mortician's Daughter" by Black Veil Brides - that I really, really try to avoid, because I WILL cry. They're all associated with Jason for one reason or another. "Stairway to Heaven," especially, is absolutely forbidden for me to listen to. Would you consider yourself open-minded? Very, honestly. Have you ever met someone online that you wanted to meet in real life? I've met Sara! :') There are a handful of others I'd love to meet, too. Tell me about the last thing that made you laugh until it hurt. Wow, I have no idea. I don't remember the last time I laughed THAT hard. When you graduate, what color will your gown be? Ugh, it was this insufferable red. We got to vote on it, and I really wanted navy instead, as it looks more formal and not as obnoxious to me, but red won. Do you own a gun? No. My household legally can't because of my suicidal history. What color of shirt are you wearing? It's a black tank top. Do you use any acne medication? Nah, I don't really get acne anymore. Are you emotional or very stoic? I'm emotional as shit. Have you ever watched an anime series, start to finish? A few. There's Fullmetal Alchemist (as well as the Brotherhood expansion), Deadman Wonderland, and Ginga Densetsu Weed. I've seen bits of others. Which baby animal is your favorite? MEERKATS!!!!!! :') Once they reach three/four weeks, they're fucking precious. I also really like kittens. Do you like jam on your toast and biscuits? Sometimes. Have you ever reread a book? It is very, VERY rare I do this. The only cases I remember are for Because of Winn-Dixie and Meerkat Manor: Flower of the Kalahari. Do you have any religious symbols in your home? I think Mom has some religious quotes on the walls? What religion do you identify with, if any? None. What is you favorite flavor of pudding and/or yogurt? I love chocolate pudding, but I'm not very big on yogurt because of the sourness. I can sometimes eat a cookies 'n cream one, but occasionally I'm like "ew." We’re going to the best amusement park ever, first ride you choose is? One of those water rides where you go down a big slope. Did you have intense night terrors as a child? No. Know anybody who works in a tattoo parlor? No. That'd be dope. Have you ever had a piercing get infected? Ugh, yes. Worst was the first time I got my tongue pierced. It was early into infection though, thank God; I ended up having to take it out and get it re-pierced later. Have you ever shoplifted? No. Do you hate when people say, "Everything’s going to be fine,“ when it’s not? Sometimes. It can feel kinda dismissive of your extreme situation, and sometimes, things simply won't be okay. Like, you can't tell that to someone on their death bed. Do you check your fire alarms when you’re supposed to? No, oops. Are you a shorts-wearing kind of person? Absolutely not. Nobody wants to see my legs, not even me. Is your grandparents’ house obsessively tidy? My grandma's sure as hell was. She was very old-fashioned and "proper" and took cleanliness and manners very seriously. Do you know how to jumpstart a car? Nope. Would you date someone 8 years older than you? Probably. What did you do today? I WENT TO THE GYM AND DID A FULL HOUR OF EXERCISE!!!!! :') For once I am SO fucking proud of myself. I left drenched in sweat, but I also left with a feeling of great accomplishment. I'm going to be going twice a week now with a personal trainer. (: Who was the last person you fell asleep with? Sara. Have you ever punched a hole in the wall? No. People doing that shit terrifies me. Have you ever felt replaced? Sure have. Have you ever kissed someone who was high? No. If you caught your significant other cheating on you what would you do? I don't have a partner, but hypothetically, leave their ass in a blink. I don't fuck with those kind of people. Do you know who Jeffree Star is? Well, yes. I watch him on YT sometimes and (astonishingly) love his music, and I find his work ethic extremely inspiring. That man knows how to hustle. What’s your favourite alcoholic beverage? Probably sangrias. When was the last time you saw a photo of your ex? "The" ex, it's been years. I've removed all pictures I have of him, irl and digitally, because it's triggering for me. How many push-ups can you do? Probably zero. Do you play any games on your phone? There's Pokemon GO, DragonVale, and Dragons of Atlantis that I play semi-regularly. Have you ever received a compliment from a stranger? Yes. Have you ever shaved your face? Just my upper lip to avoid the lady stache, ha ha. What colour is your front door? It’s white. Do you take the stairs or the elevator? If an elevator is available, I will ALWAYS use that. I have an extreeeemely hard time getting up stairs because of having just about no leg muscle. Do you get motion sickness? No. When was the last time you went to your favourite restaurant? Oh man, it's been forever. :/ Olive Garden sounds soooo good right now. Do either of your parents have any tattoos or piercings? No. Well, Mom has her earlobes pierced once, but that's it. Are you desperate for anyone’s approval, in particular? It's funny, even though he hasn't been a part of my life for years, I still desperately crave what I think would make Jason proud. There have been many times where my mind has wondered to what he would think of me now... and I know it's not good. Are there any activities you enjoy doing, but can only do for a short amount of time before you get bored or tired of them? Reading. When was the last time you felt hopeful, and why? Today, after finishing my workout at the gym. I think, finally, that I may be taking another stride forward in life. Do you find yourself asking for the same things for your birthdays and for holidays? Ha, yup: a new tattoo, 100%. What is something someone recommended to you that you disliked/hated? Girt's recommended some music to me before. He loves sharing songs he likes with me. Of course I didn't tell him it sucked, ha ha. What’s a fact about the last person you kissed? She is very passionate about animals, reptiles in particular, and is simply amazing with them. If you had a child, would you rather have a girl or a boy? A girl for sure. Has anybody ever accused you of doing drugs? No. Have you ever fallen asleep with the last person you kissed? Yeah. Honestly, do you think that you will wanna settle down in the same town you’re currently residing in? HELL no. I hate this place. Does anyone call you darling? If so who? Sara does sometimes. Are you close to any of your cousins? No. Are you a romantic person? I think I am. What’s the coolest thing you’ve seen out the window of an airplane? Mountains. Have you ever been in the mountains when the moon and stars were up? NO BUT FUCK I WANT THAT. Just lay in a grassy spot with some s'mores or something and just ~vibe~. Do people like your hair? I get complimented on it a bit. Have you ever held birdseed and a bird came and ate out of your hand? Yeah, at a bird sanctuary. Could you ever live in Alaska? Hell yeah, I'd enjoy that. On the main page on YouTube, what’re the three recommended videos? There's one by a WoW gold maker, a song by 3TEETH, and a video of bullsnakes hatching. Do you really care how many friends you or anyone else has on Myspace/Facebook? Couldn't care less. I only "friend" people I know and care about. Does your significant other have any piercings? I'm single. Do you ever get bored of yourself? Oh, all the time. I feel like I'm extremely dull and plain and, well, boring. How many band shirts do you own? Which? Oh goodness, I have no idea. I own a lot. Do you go to shows mostly for the music, the moshing, or the merchandise? I go for the music. It's nice to buy merch, but it's SO expensive that it's dumb. Moshing, I think is just stupid. Have you ever had anything pierced that you don’t have now? Many places, actually. So many holes closed because piercings had to be taken out when I was in the psych hospital. I was so annoyed. Who were you with the first time you watched the last movie you watched? I was alone. Do you have any twins/multiples in your family? Are they identical or fraternal? No. What is the highest number of jobs you’ve had at one time? One. Is your mom a good mom? She is the actual best. Last thing you threw in the garbage? The crust of some leftover pizza I had this morning. I generally eat the crust, but this time it was WAY too hard.
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jovishark · 3 years
i got tagged by @tomatowrites and im trying to stave off some panic so im gonna answer some questions
-favorite childhood religious/mythic/historical/iconic figure(s)?
i was really into abraham lincoln in like gradeschool cause he was the tallest president and the only one i could remember
-favorite childhood animal(s) that you pretended to be?
ill admit it i was a wolf kid for a little while but we would be dragons from time to time
-favorite childhood mythological or fantasy or religious creatures or figures you pretended to be?
does danny phantom count
-favorite childhood sound/song/tape/CD/album/radio station(s), particularly if you couldn’t go to sleep?
green day for sure
-favorite childhood item(s) of clothing & where it/they came from?
OH i had this clifford the big red dog costume i wore every day for three months when i was four
-favorite book/comic/written material(s) you snuck at a time when you weren’t supposed to?
i would read and reread our geronimo stilton books with an alarm clock for light, but because the text is all colorful and enhanced the red light made the yellow text disappear? so i knew what was happening but the effect was lost
-favorite childhood game(s) (IRL or computer) that you were inevitably torn away from too soon?
SPORE (2008) lives on in my heart and my harddrive. i did a presentation about it in 4th grade
-favorite weird shit in the dirt you did behind a childhood school or home?
we built a hotel for ants at school. thats where i learned grand meant a thousand dollars
-did you have imaginary/non-corporeal people or figures in your life? what were/are they like?
ive been sworn to secrecy on this
im taggin @chandler666bing @mcnuggyy @cheylouwho @puppetamateur but its not mandatory
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mrs-mikko-rantanen · 3 years
Uhm, my day was decent? I mean aside from the fact that mornings exist and I did not want to wake up in time for my shift at work. But. And the end of the day when I have literal hours to do stuff after.. it works out cuz. Usually I get off and its oh shit I have enough time to halfway emotionally recharge and then its time for bed.
But. I got in and E^2 had put like. My name down on the schedule, and. That was great really. And we had this sheet for sign up of, basically what areas you want to be personally responsible for. And I signed light and it was great. And I dont think anyone really noticed cuz the manager wasn't there and no one else really looked at the schedule or anything else. But. It made me happy.
Still haven't gotten my name tag changed and honestly I dont think I'm going to. Cuz. I feel like I'm just being a bother asking again. But. It is what it is I guess.
I got off at five and its now nine and ive just been vibing in the car listening and singing to Spotify since I got off just trying to keep the sad at bay. And I should probably go home but. I dont want to. Cuz I know I'm just gonna wallow in the sad and self destructive tendencies if i go home.. If I ask nicely will the fae take me in as one of their own and I can become a cryptid in the woods?????
I have a three day weekend coming up and im considering doing a touch up on my hair since its really washed out. But I cant decide if I wanna keep it fully red or try and do like an ombre double tone thingy.. but I'm not sure what other color I'd try to do to the tips? Idk
I kinda wish my hair was longer so I could do like. The galaxy hair thing? Where its various shades of purple and blue and some pink and it looks different depending on how you style it. But I also know attempting to grow my hair out longer than I already plan to is a bad idea, cuz the sides and back are already getting too long and I hate it. But I wish I could do fun stuff with it too
Oh well. The duality of man i guess..
Uhm. I bought a giant plastic egg the other day, that reminds me of a dragons egg kinda. And I'm trying to decide if I should keep a hoard of dice in there or a hoard of crystals. Cuz. Dice and the clacky math rocks. But. Also shiny crystally gems
Speaking of dice I also really kinda want to try and get into a dnd group, but social anxiety and I have zero idea where to start with that so. That's fun.
Im currently resisting the urge to go and get more holes and metal in my head too. I just. The red hair makes me feel cool and powerful and I wanna look punk and
Sorry I've been rambling for like half a novel. I'll stop now before I get annoying. I mean I definitely already am. But you asked for asks and distractions and 👉👈 I love you
Id ask about your day but you seem to want a distraction from that sooo. How about, got any fun headcanons to share??
Thats awesome on the name front!!! I saw that and I got really excited for you when you posted the picture this morning, honestly I think you should bring up the nametag again, esspecially if its showing up on the schedule too. (Oddly enough I kicked around the idea of using a new name with friends and sruff today which is weird mostly bc like i like my name irl, its fairly androgynous and it makes me happy and i love my online name bc it means me :))
My vote is two tone!! I almost did a pink/purple ombre with my hair this round so I say do ittttt (that's also what I say about the extra holes and metal. Do itttttrrr)
That would be a hard choice but u do really like the idea of a giant dragons egg full of dice ngl. I need to find some people to play with too. I'm trying to get b and c in on something but idk if its ever really gonna pan out the way I want it too. My town actually has a pretty active dnd community but I am way too new and way too socially anxious to ever join something like that so I feel you there.
100% not annoying, each paragraph made me smile more. :)
My day was actually mostly ok, i just sorta ruined it with Danny at home. I just pointed out that the idealized dream band life that I wanted and thought I had was what she got and that it made me kinda jealous and she pointed out (correctly) that I'm jealous of so many aspects of her life that she now has a list of things she can't talk to me about for fear of setting me into a spiral and just. Yeah. That wasnt fun.
But work was ok. The kids all were really tierd so there was a fair bit of crying going on, but the weather was really nice so we got to go outside with them for a long time and that was very nice. I also got some really sweet cuddles from a few of them that made me very happy.
Oh! I also have a funny story about them!! So I was squatting (my main position is almost like Spiderman bc I'm down on the kids' level but i can also get up and move if I need to pretty quick) and one of the girls goes and gets a book, then stands right in front of me and points at the floor and says "sit" in the most authoritative voice I have ever hear from a 1 1/2 year old 😂 as soon as I sat down she was in my lap and opening the book so I could read to her.
As far as headcanons.... Sadly my brain is bouncimg mostly art ideas for the Tamgled au and not anything of substance so I may take a crack at that later. Otherwise I keep thinking about whumped up Will crying on the floor and Maurie finding him. Really I'm just thinking about Maurie and Will being bros. A lot. So much. God I love them.
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isa-ghost · 4 years
Achievements Unlocked?
The last decade has COMPLETELY shaped who I am now and the fact that it ends today and essentially sends me off into the next one where turning 30 is the end is something I can’t wrap my head around and not just bc it’s barely 9am as I’m writing it. Ten years hasn’t felt like ten years and all the shit that’s happened during those ten years feels like it’s happened in the last like,,, 3.
Basically this is just me going How The Fuck Did All Of This Happen In A Decade and highlighting the big things that shaped who I am now.
Uhhh this is long I’m gonna-
2010/2011 (Shit’s A Blur):
I started noticing aesthetic interests I had.
I developed my love for the outdoors and exploration.
I started realizing vaguely spooky things were really intriguing to me.
I got SUPER into Harry Potter.
Which lead to me creating my first two Ocs.
I started switching from drawing animals/landscapes to drawing people.
I made my first cluster of friends I hoped I’d have forever. (Spoiler alert: only still have one of em).
I started identifying with punk rock & emo culture/aesthetics.
I made my first cluster of online friends (Spoiler alert: don’t talk to any of em now)
I got into YouTubers.
I got into anime.
I made my first “blog.” It was a Facebook page for a fictional character.
I discovered my favorite band.
I made my first online friend I hoped I’d have forever (still have em so far!)
I met my future wife.
I started roleplaying with Ocs.
Which lead to making more.
I started drawing digitally using bases. Which started my improvement.
I made my own first little community via my FB page.
Which lead to an rp group of more friends I hoped I’d have forever (still got a handful of em!)
I discovered my other favorite bands.
I started using Skype.
I got into more anime.
My parents were officially fully separated. 
Which began the very start of realizing my dad was verbally abusive.
Congrats Isa, You Need Glasses You Dumb Fuck. Hooray astigmatism.
I graduated 8th grade.
I was essentially forced to move in with my dad for high school.
I started high school.
Officially became total anime trash and started watching them like crazy.
I THINK I hit 100 Ocs at some point this year. Just kept makin them from here.
Met my first cluster of irl forever friends (spoiler alert: only have 1 now).
Learned having Ocs was Not Just An Isa Thing, Holy Shit I Thought I Was Just Weird.
Promptly fell in love with learning about other people’s Ocs.
Realized Wow, I Kinda Can’t Stand My Dad And I Don’t Trust Him.
Had my first boyfriend. *gag* He was nasty.
Experienced my first long distance relationship. It lasted 3 days.
2014/2015 (Shit’s Also Blurry):
Got another long distance boyfriend. First relationship I genuinely liked the person.
I realized talking multiple people through the lowest points of their lives and keeping them from harming themselves was a sign I should maybe get into psychology and do that as a job.
I started getting interested in researching mental disorders.
Realized Okay Yeah, I Lowkey Hate My Dad
Realized I had A Concerning Amount Of Symptoms Of Depression. Fuck.
Realized Huh, Girls Are Pretty Too,,,
My friend taught me about bi and pansexuality. Casually started identifying as pan. Didn’t know shit about LGBT+ stuff.
Was shown a video by my friend. Decided Wow I Really Like This Screaming Potato Guy.
Acquired one more forever friend I still have.
Got slapped in the face by Gravity Falls.
My mom moved out of the rural town I just spent the last like 8 Years Of My Own Character Development In, Dammit
I realized money and finances Fucking Sucks.
Had the,, probably worst year of my adolescence. Angry, depressed, sick of my dad. It was Not Great. Almost started self-harming, only didn’t because I’d be a hypocrite if I did after helping my friends stop doing it.
Homestuck invaded my life around here I think.
Decided I’m Gonna Live With My Online Friends One Day! (spoiler alert: nope).
Was kinda forced by my dad to move out of the apartment I lived in and therefore forced to transfer schools.
Got to meet my future wife irl for the first time. Wow that was,, so gay before we even realized.
Okay Hold On, This New School Is,,, Really Nice.
New school. New me. New friends. New everything. Fuckity shit fuck.
Okay wait they have an anime club like my other school did we good.
Met another two forever friends that I think really are forever friends now.
Angry Shitty Depression Time Died Down A Little.
Somehow learned about evilsonas. Huh, Does Jack Have One? ... Ok Cool, They’re All People’s Ocs. Meh.
Started learning how to drive. Oh My God This Is Fun.
Lost my second ever pet and was... very confused when I wasn’t as traumatized as I was the first time I lost a pet.
Boyfriend kinda Thanos snapped from existence bc his irl life was hectic.
Experienced what it’s like to have a friend that died.
Wow my irl best friend is hot. ... Okay I Think Boyfriend’s Absence Is Bothering Me. *proceeds to ignore that*
Gets into some more bands.
Knock Knock, You Have Separation Anxiety, Isa.
Finally decided to try out high school things like homecoming. Ooh That Was Actually Fun.
The beginning of the worst end to a friendship I’ve ever had starts. Not Handling It Well.
Discovered Fooster. Cue hyperfixation on new favorite YouTuber and more new friends.
Wait What The Fuck What Just Happened To Jack’s Camera,,,, OH MY GOD HE ISN’T-
Totally forgets he exists for the next like 10 months.
Realization I Really Fucking Love Halloween.
Discovered what asexuality is and immediately identifies because I thought I was just weird.
Hmm maybe I should start watching this Markiplier guy
Big Sad Times, My Friends Graduated. Next Year Gonna SUCK.
Tried out Dungeons & Dragons. Fuckin loved it.
Ah fuck I’m a senior in high school this is gonna be a trip.
Discovered I like photography.
Literally where did this school year go it’s so blurry.
Was convinced to end the relationship with boyfriend. He’s still a good bean.
Hey uhhhh online best friend do u big gay.
WE big gay.
Found a book I really like that isn’t Harry Potter, damn it’s about time.
Ok But This Book Really Fucked Me Up, I Love It.
Oh that wasn’t so bad.
Actually had to be PUSHED by my friends to have my first kiss with my girlfriend at my graduation party because I was too busy going [dkasjdjf] about having her physically in my presence at all.
First super memorable vacation. Wow I Fucking Love Traveling.
Got to meet another online friend!! I am,, incredibly lucky about being able to do that, this was like the 4th friend I got to meet.
[That one motion blur conspiracy theorist meme] SABRINA IM TELLING U JACK IS UP TO SOMETHING HIS TWITTER IS FUCKY
Gets punched in the throat with Kill Jacksepticeye on the way home from vacation and remembers how much I fucking love Anti
TIME FOR COLLEGE. I made a mistake.
Friend I Still Have From High School 1/2 introduced me to Bendy and the Ink Machine. HYPERFIXATION TIME BABEY.
Let’s,,, lets try Tumblr. Jack exists there a lot. And so does good art of everything I’m interested in.
Wait Who’s This Baby With The Mustache, JACK EXPLAIN
Okay there’s More Going On Here, lets get active in the community.
Isa: Become Theorist
The rest is history, really, all stuff I’ve posted about on here. xD
And knowing me I’ve left out other highlighted bits but remembering all of this is,,, really exhausting lmao, I’m surprised I jotted down as much as I did in Relatively Chronological Order.
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tasmanianstripes · 4 years
15 and 38 for your faves!
Okay so I'm gonna do 4 characters since I love them the most, Damien aka my fursona/oc, Hestia and Theo, two siblings I had since primary school, and lastly Peter who's way more recent oc than the other three and is gonna be a character in my book I'm writing :')
TW for alcohol abuse, child abuse and religious abuse for Damien, drug/alcohol abuse, medical abuse, ableism/mental illness, suicidal tendencies and child abuse for Peter, and war and death TW for Hestia and Theo
15. What was your OC’s childhood like?
Damien: He was raised by a single alcoholic father who beat him and two super religious grandparents who put the fear of God in him. You can imagine his childhood was very crappy! He was abused physically and emotionally by his father, and abused emotionally and manipulated by his grandparents who forced him to do what they wanted or he'll end up in Hell (which now that I mention it it's hilarious that the guy ends up making a deal with the devil and becomes a demon). He was also a closeted trans boy and so was forced by his family to be traditionally feminine which he HATED. He was bullied a lot in school and was mostly a loner because of it, he mostly spent his time drawing which is also how he let out his feelings. So, in short, he had a pretty traumatic and strictly religious childhood.
Hestia and Theo: This needs a lot of context so it will most likely be more of a story explanation. Theo was born to the leaders of a god-like dragon race (they could control and create shit and were given appropriate names for it, also they are called the Elements), Charmony and Earth, and was originally named Shadow. HR was well loved and raised by his family, often playing with other young Elements, one of which was an older Element named War and his siblings. The two would fight and bicker and have their little competitions between each other. For some time he was the only child, until his little sister was born, at the time named Jewel. He really adored his sister and they quickly became inseparable. They had a very good childhood, up until the point their father's brother, Chaos, got jealous of their mother and ended up trying to kill Shadow out of rage, got promptly exiled, then came back and kickstarted a dragon war that nearly made their entire species extinct. Earth was killed trying to protect his children and Charmony got killed by Chaos during a fight. Stone, Charmony's brother, took his nephew and niece and created a pocket dimension where they hid and he put them under a spell so they'd sleep. The whole royal family was presumed dead and the very few remaining Elements created the rest of the universe, took on human-like appearences and kickstarted pretty much life (which is also why human-like apperence is very common in the universe, they were created by Elements to look like them). Years passed and the two grew in their sleep, eventually Stone deemed it safe enough to let them out (he really felt bad for putting them under) but out of fear for them he wiped their memories and fabricated new ones. They lived on different planets, Stone consistently wiping their memories and moving so he wouldn't have to explain their immortality to them, at the time he thought it was for the best but of course he would later regret this practice. This eventually put them on Earth where they lived as teens/young adults on a farm with their uncle, who gave them their names Hestia and Theo, once again with fake memories about their parents' death, made specifically to be less traumatic. There was one problem though, all this time Chaos was convinced they were alive and hunted them and now the Elements got a prophecy about the two post royal children being either the saviors of the universe or be the cause of its destruction, and blowing on cold the current leader, Life, decided to fucking go find her dead friend's children and fucking murder them because that's definitelly what a good and well adjusted leader would do. So all that shit only convinced Stone that what he did was good, bUT too bad for him because the kiddos found out, Hestia was heartbroken and her brother was fucking PISSED. Shit happens, so much shit happens, I do not have the space on this post to talk about just how much shit happens, so let's just say at the end Stone deeply regretted his choices, apologised and returned all of their memories, and the kids eventually forgave him.
Peter: Peter was born a youngest son to a polish Jewish immigrant family (not the first generation, but like 3rd or smth?) in USA. He was Jewish from his mother's side, his father instead being a traditional Christian man, so he was raised with two religions in his life (still researching stuff on Judaism and its traditions so I won't tell you a lot about this just yet, sorry!) Most of his childhood was uneventful until he reached the age of 8, when he started to get horrible nightmares about another world and monsters, the nightmares grew in intensity until he started getting auditory hallucinations irl, his mental health steadily declined until the age of 11 when he tried to commit suicide and was promptly hospitalised. Up to that point he wasn't treated very well either, being a neurodiverse child he was bullied and his parents didn't take his problems seriously, after he was hospitalised his family ended up disowning him eventually as a teen. So, his childhood was shitty and mostly spent in a mental hospital. Yaaaay.
38. How does your OC react to and handle stress?
Damien: Drink, party and repress the shit out of your problems until they go away
Hestia and Theo: Although some of Stone's practices were...questionable, he overall was a good parent to them and he raised them well. They generally know how to handle stress well, which is a good quality to have as the new leaders kdhfjf. They usually either vent or use either a physical or artistic outlet, like going horse riding, flying or making music and singing!
Peter: The literal opposite of the previous two, this man is a definition of unhealthy coping mechanisms. Anything from pills, to alcohol, to self harm. He eventually gets better and finds better ways to cope with stress, but it's a long process.
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badanimereviews · 5 years
summer 2019 anime sum-up
lmao i realized i never did this and posted the fall season b4 this.... oops
kimetsu no yaiba: tbh started out kinda meh. and now it’s turned into one of the new big shounens. i was not expecting that. nearing the end got rly good and i was rly looking forward to more episodes! tanjiro gets cooler and cooler! animation is rly nice (thanks ufotable) and the way tanjiro’s water is animated. like. aesthetic asf. it’s so good. i love black-haired emo dude and zenitsu (my spirit animal) and ofc nezuko she is adorable im c r y. side note: the hashira? i think they’re called? some of the ugliest fkn characters i’ve seen in ages like flame boy? stone boy? i HATE them. and the gem dude too like man get a new tattoo artist on god.... he needs it.,,,,,,and inosuke is so pretty it’s unfair
dr stone: ok man dr stone rly went off. tbh. i’ve always been a whore for chemistry since reading the flavia de luce series (btw, i want more books of) and watching this just tickles my noodle brain in a good way... who needs prozac when i get a shitton of serotonin from watching senku dick around....  (btw what is going on with what’s his face and the girl. yuzuriha????? i can’t remember. i love senku don’t get me wrong but i need their perspective too... bc i hate lion dude... so much.... dick....) again i will repeat that i am a whore for chemistry so i get oFF on this. backgrounds are amazing/ animation so nice n clean (most o the time lmao). i thought i would hate the black n white haired trickster boi and ms yellow ponytail and suika but no! dr stone is such a good show that they are now great, loveable characters. also i am senku and chrome’s whore so jfc. man, i love the explanations of all the chemistry shabang, but some things i think would be better if explained! like senku doing physical labour at the beginning- ex. making all those pots and building that shit by hisself. i know he weak af. yes he smart but like. construction? difficult. pottery? even for me the artist . difficult. and that shed of his was filled to the brim. HOW. anyways, i love this so much i am crying constantly
just realized i didnt need to write about dr stone. oh well. 
danmachi 2: wtf yo. haruhime is so pretty but not a fan of her personality! bell still cute af and still don’t rly like aiz! animation good as always, and my god i shit myself whenever the argonaut theme starts up bc that is ? one of the best pieces of non-sawano hiroyuki pieces i’ve ever heard? addicted to it. and the opening! love the dynamics, the brief ‘rain’ scenes like when mikoto slashes the raindrops and just her motion basically? as an animator that is what i aspire to accomplish because i just love that. tiny little scene. 
arifureta: this would have been so much better had they dragged out mc’s op-ifying process! made him suffer more! i explained this briefly in my ‘first thoughts’ post for this season, but story-wise and pacing-wise his power-up could have been so much more deserved and gratifying. think shield hero- loser suffers, gets angry, slowly builds up power in an epic payoff! would have been so epic too. and also if they’d made his gained powers less.... crazy nerfed. again: HE SHOULD HAVE SUFFERED MORE AND THIS WOULD HAVE MADE A BETTER SHOW. harem thoughts: yue- meh. sucky char honestly. shea- my fav girl, she is a great character don’t judge- sexy and love her personality and love her character design and love how much fanservice she gets lol. panty flash ftw. dragon girl- discount darkness honestly , tho nice design. and mermaid girl- yuck, annoying,  DO NOT like the ‘papa’ trope! (ahem sao.) it’s gross. also just fuck mc’s classmates honestly- paladin dude sucks ass, healer girl OOF that last episode ruined her, samurai girl is ok i guess. hate ai-sensei too like shut UPP annoying ass HOEEEEE (postscript: opening=very epic too)
kanata no astra: plot twist? check. trillion well-done plot twists? check. this was done very well. i am so happy. all those plot twists and turns would usually suck in any regular anime- but this was written with GODLIKE ability. thank you, lerche. legit, this was such an enjoyable ride, i eagerly awaited each new ep! typically i hate space-related stuff but like! survival stuff gets my goat.... like this was good- (tho maybe more technical-stuff in the survival theme would make it so cooler) what shocked me the most: (spoilers alert) didn’t end up hating quitterie or funi. (tho the puppet made me want to strangle smth) luca’s gender had rly confused me but i’d decided on him being a boy- so basically that reveal left me like WHOA. i died. did luca rly have to show emo boy their tity tho... kanata losing his arm gave me the yeeeks, charce being the traitor was made sO WELL into a surprise even tho i’d kinda already suspected him<- like that was just fucking amazing writing there. gj. and ares the princess! ok man! shocked! AND also the whole clone thing, just fucked me right up. up the ass. like there are probably more plot twist layers in this than a fkn ogre has.... anyway shrek aside, yun?’s character arc was very pleasing, i think that was done very well! and the ending made me UwU like BRO? goals tbh. yeah this is a hidden gem and is just so good, so well-written overall. 
cop craft: didn’t have high expectations. i am now,,, quite,,, shocked &,,, blown away. sweetheart this is a good fucking show. so why @ livechart.me DOES IT HAVE 7.40 STARS WHEN FKN ARIFURETA HAS 7.72. can someone explain this to me? i’m outraged. LIVID.  matoba and tilarna were amazing characters btw! loved their dynamic! briefly i thought it might get romantic! nope, it didn’t, so it’s all good. actions scenes were epic, tilarna’s design and outfits were so much nicer than i thought they’d be like. she is so cute. and the op- man, if that is not such a bopper vibe then idk what is. i could watch it forever. it deserves so much more than what it’s got rn.
naka no hito genome: (serious question: is this considered some sort of isekai?) genome gave me btooom vibes honestly but like- this is SO much better than btooom and most game/trap/ kinda shows. fkn BOP of an op, especially the sequence at the end with short clips of each character in action (nutt). paka-san was a good boy and he deserves irl merch. i fell in LOve with all the characters (bubble boy= hot, akatsuki= ok meh actually kinda boring, karin= hot and i want her to punch me, ruromori= beautiful 12/10 would let her stalk me, sleepy eyes boy= baby + dazai vibes and hot af, twin boy= also hot, onigasaki= hot and love him so much, and loli girl= her light grenades got annoying but nice char design) anyways yeah more of this would be epic. i wanna see sakura and her twin reunite, and how they get out basically! also animation quality was very good which is surprising considering it’s a silver link anime.
kono yo no hate de koi wo utau shoujo yu-no: i include the whole title bc this is a good anime. (also livechart.me why 7.27 stars i will fuck you up) only meh part of this is the return to earth from dela granto bc that was like a culture shock and honestly at that point i’d forgotten a lot about what had happened on earth and didn’t care as much. btw, f ayumi and f the other brown-haired oneesan. mio and kanna ftw. obvs i didn’t understand the sayless x takuya thing like dumbass horny teenager . why u gotta creampie the worst girl. u have mio. bruh. (tho mio x ‘oyabi!’ boy is a great ship) also, takuya’s mom? keiko-san? idk if you’ve noticed but that’s literally my name so yeah just glad to finally have some keiko representation. altogether goodass anime. the time travel/ rezero esque reset thing almost got me but this was done well. so no problems. both ops very good. first song was bae, second also bae (just realized it’s by konomi suzuki, one of my waifu idols, so yea nice) and ed2 also so pretty! also yu-no’s design was rly pretty, the outfit colours, and her pigtails rly suited her :)
granbelm: sorry this is the last one lol this was a long ass post! other than the fact i dont rly like mecha this was good.... action, CHARACTER designs aesthetic asf, honestly rly pretty ok. i liked the cast, very diverse and more depth than most shows of this ilk. op was nicely choreographed- especially the part where the girls’ faces are contorted by their gems, showing their magical girl side. nicely done. mangetsu didn’t end up being that bad a char, and honestly? suigetsu is best girl and deserved better. and the ending too- like, bro, that made me kinda sad. some off points: anna’s mom was a little unrealistic as a mom like woman- please learn to control your child, and, white-haired girl’s sister should have played a bigger part, based on how her parts in the opening were emphasized! (quick note- blue girl, love her, great bad guy, when she dumped anna made me so happy honestly, she is beautiful, and i couldn’t actually decide who i wanted to win between her and suigetsu....)
hope u enjoyed this bad review. pls share ur opinions w/ me on some of of these more controversial shows. thank. 
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babashookethed · 6 years
- answer these 85 questions, then tag 20 people- I was tagged by @lotusyoongi ! Much thank!!!
I fucking love doing this shit, let’s do this thing 😈
1.) drink- water 2.) last call- my lovely girlfriend, @undeaddyke, to say goodnight 3.) text- to my roomie @insecureghosts 4.) song I listened to- Hayley Kiyoko - He’ll Never Love You (HNLY) 5.) time I cried- yesterday because I was crashing from a blue monster badly
6.) dated someone twice- yep, freshman/sophomore year of high school 7.) kissed someone and regretted it- oooh yeah 🙃 8.) been cheated on- nope 9.) lost someone special- i’m never quite sure what ‘lost’ means? I haven’t had close relatives or friends die yet. I've definitely lost friendships though 10.) been depressed- uh yeaaaah 11.) gotten drunk and thrown up- this last year I got so drunk I was hungover for over a day and I threw up the night after drinking? that’s as close as I’ve gotten to that
12.) maroon 13.) yellow 14.) black 15.) blue-green
16.) made new friends- yep 17.) fallen out of love- yeppers 18.) laughed until you cried- aw yeah 19.) found out someone was talking about you- not necessarily in a bad way, but yeah 20.) met someone who changed you- absolutely, there’s a lot of people that I’ve met that have changed me for the better 21.) found out who your friends are- god what an edgy question 🤣 sure 22.) kissed someone on your facebook friends list- YEPPER
23.) how many friends from your facebook friends do you know irl- all except a small handful of cousins I haven’t met and a few people met online 24.) do you have any pets- four cats and two dogs!!!!!!! 25.) do you want to change your middle name- seeing as my “middle name” is my preferred name, I’m good. Would love to change my birth first name though 26.) what did you do for your last birthday- I had a big rehearsal for the chorus class I was in and a fuck ton of classes in general that day. But I was given a cake by my now girlfriend and got to chill with some friends that night ❤ 27.) what time did you wake up today- 11:35am 28.) what were you doing last night at midnight- sitting in a car pulled onto the side road of a neighborhood with four of my friends, prank calling stores across the country and chatting with each other 29.) what is something you can’t wait for- to get back to my damn school 30.) what are you listening to right now- Hayley Kiyoko - Palm Dreams 31.) have you ever talked to someone named tom- my grandfather 32.) something that gets on your nerves- when you tell someone something about yourself that you’re kinda insecure about? like a sure way to make you shiver and all the people around you start to do is make you do that thing over and over 33.) most visited website- tumblr, for sure 34.) hair color- semi-light brown but some dye hasn’t washed out so there’s some blue streaks 35.) long hair or short hair- since I’ve had short hair since 7th grade, short hair 36.) do you have a crush on someone- you could say that 😏 37.) what do you like about yourself- my ability to empathize with people 38.) want any piercings- I recently got my septum pierced and that was really the only one I super cared for? but I could get more 39.) blood type- no idea, I fucking wish I knew 40.) nickname- Unss and Una Moon are the main ones 41.) relationship status- I gots me a goilfwend and if she sees this I bet she’s facepalming at the sight of me spelling it that way 42.) zodiac- aries star sign, leo rising 43.) pronouns- they/them all the way 44.) favorite t.v show- Carmilla 45.) tattoos- I have quotation marks, one set on either side of my collarbones 46.) right or left handed- right! 47.) ever had surgery- nope, but I probably need my wisdom teeth out soon 48.) piercings- septum and one in each ear 49.) sports- what the fuck is a sport 50.) vacation- I went to Ireland last year and really want to go again. or Hawaii again because it’s so beautiful 51.) trainers- like pokemon trainer? cos yeah I’d be a fuckin pokemon trainer irl in a heartbeat
52.) eating- nothing 53.) drinking- water 54.) I’m about to watch- planning on watching the season finale for OITNB today 55.) waiting for- a call back from my boss to see if I get extra shifts this week 56.) want- to be back in Asheville 57.) get married- marriage is weird for me because 3/4 of the relationships in my family ended in divorce but I would love to live out my life with a love ❤ 58.) career- I want to be a well-known author dammit
59.) kisses or hugs- I love both, and I think kisses should be more common among friends because I think friend kisses are sweet and comforting 60.) lips or eyes- eyes 61.) shorter or taller- both are good 62.) older or younger- like for a partner? I think a lil older or closeish to my age? 63.) nice arms or stomach- I LOVE BELLIES THEY’RE ALL V DIFFERENT AND CUDDLY and all arms are nice arms dammit 64.) hookup or relationship- seeing as all of my hookups have become relationships, I pick the latter 🤣 65.) troublemaker or hesitant- I like me a troublemaker that can be hesitant
66.) kissed a stranger- I’ve kissed someone I met that day 67.) drank hard liquor- yeah and I want more 68.) lost glasses- fuck no, I've been wearing glasses every day since fifth grade. I could never lose them 69.) turned someone down- oh yeah 70.) sex on the first date- did it 🙃😍 71.) broken someone’s heart- for sure, I have 72.) had your heart broken- yepperooni 73.) been arrested- not yet 74.) cried when someone died- yeah 75.) fallen for a friend- I've had crushes on probably all of my friends at one point
76.) yourself- h a but honestly I do try to 77.) miracles- depends 78.) love at first sight- ehh? I believe in instant attraction but not love 79.) santa- no lmao 80.) kiss on the first date- I think it’s fine, I've done it enough times 81.) angels- if they’re anything like the ones in my book, I sure fuckin hope they aren’t real
82.) best friend’s name- I think “best” friendship excludes people that are so close to me. I’ve always been closest to my friend Claire and I have other amazing friends that I trust with my life like Jes, Kenn, and Griffin and of course I’m so close to my Harley.  83.) eye color- blue 84.) favorite movie- this changes a lot, I really adore The Man From U.N.C.L.E. movie 85.) favorite actor- I’m a gay fuck and I love Elise Bauman and Natasha Negovanlis.
damn that took like 45 mins, but it was fun! I’m tagging: @insecureghosts, @undeaddyke and my newest followers: @fullofnutterbutters, @madcapzest, @zzextra, @awkward-dragons and my latest top followers in my feed: @ollieverandcompany, @talkinaboutwhatiknowabout, @glitchw0lf, @camilasswiftie
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}lil-moni-x3: What We Know So Far
super cute
super soft
blushes when you call her "Moni-Muffin"
is VERY aware of the real reality, but is fond of playing dumb when spoken to over IMs
has the Chaos/Super Emeralds
there's a Gjallarhorn hiding in her closet
(speculation) very likely has a glaive of some sort hiding somewhere (possibly the Black Knight Halberd)
has played Bravely Default enough to know entirely how Special customization works (which means she's played a lot)
filthy fucking Fox main
has played Dark Souls
likes swords (?????)
has made no mention of a "Player" so far
claims to have never played Destiny
has definitely played Destiny
has gone to me to make sure I'm writing Destiny right in my crossover fic
me. the most knowledgeable Destiny lore person in my friend group besides maybe @theishtarindividual
speaking of which she also has a Strange Coin hiding in a book somewhere, possibly others
really wants to be part of my first DnD ever group despite both of us knowing how poorly that would work
I mean really really
like many of us, she too has been wanting to play for a long while
is still on good terms with the other Dokis
is particularly not fond of "fix the game" mods or "save a (/the) Doki(s)" mods
canonically super fucking ticklish (nice)
also enjoys slightly spicy food
is also vegetarian so haha good luck with finding any that aren't 🅱️eppers!
literally the sweetest thing ever omfg
thinks bees are all aliens
no seriously
don't ask her about it
runs a sad and edgy sideblog fueled by fake deep song lyrics where she pretends to be an elder god that wants to make contracts with people
like her main blog, it isn't going anywhere
speaking of which she's also incredibly lonely
please give her love she deserves it
not an ARG
not an ARG
not an ARG
made me put that there three times
might? have a thing for socks?? I think??? unconfirmed?????
may or may not be crushing on Sayo
updated her blog's look recently and it actually looks... pretty good
she had me design her banner photo tho
so that's nice
apparently a fan of the rather vulgar YouTube gaming group known as "Friends Without Benefits"
I... guess we all have our guilty pleasures
Bedroom? If you insist. I mean, you are pretty cute. He took my hand. I- *shot*
used to actually live in Japan Standard Time™ until Sayori rewound the clocks to accomodate Monika's... more western followers
seriously really just wants to live a normal life as a normal girl with normal friends who love her for who she is as a person and not just a character and honestly what a fucking mood tbch
she also quite likes Nozomi's hair
whatever that means
in the end, definitely the most in-depth rp blog I've ever seen, and it's a damn shame no one likes her
on one hand, it's definitely because no one follows rp blogs that don't either have silly doodles with each ask or don't actively get into novel-esque rp scenarios
on the other hand, Kay says she wants to only use "official" assets for now
oh well
y'all need to go look at it because seriously if I didn't know any better I'd say Kay herself is just an irl Moni she does it so well
Here's the part where I mock Alve again and add a tiny blurb of flavor and say something about Ragnarök (when's that happening? huh? Alve? waiting! ready to die! any day now!) so yeah uh cryptic shit let's see um land of butterfly immortals rise of a dark goddess war of dragon fire death of a loved king at the hands of his brother vicious elder god purging the world traitor wolf extinguishes the first light phoenix discovers an afterlife experiment fails horribly distant forgotten continent CHAOS REIGNS anyway see y'all at Ragnarök or some shit{
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one-moreminute · 6 years
HI, for the ask meme: 1, 2, 5, 6, 7,8, 10, 12,13, 16, 17, 23, 24, 25, 32, 33, 40, 41, 44, 47, 49, 52, 54, 57, 58, 60, 62(and yes I am an idiot for putting that number in here), 66, 68, 69, 70 and 71(good luck)
I’m gonna say now that I really cba to paste in the questions for all of these because tumblrs fucked up again so enjoy this bigass disjointed ask dump. 1 - I’m a back sleeper, but its more comfortable on my side. Go figure. 2 - It depends really? Its normally what I’ve just been listening to, so,, I’ve been listening to BTS again lately though, and I just caught myself humming Aeroplane Pt.2,,, so,,,,5 - My irl friend (@queerly-disappointed, Fuck You) told me he had a tumblr,, and I’d found the text posts that popped up on basically every other social media funny, so I made an account? I regretted it like 60 seconds later6 - I don’t think telling people I used to watch an anime about (gay) volleyballers would go too well, tbh (haikyuu)7 - ,,,okay so tbh I don’t really wanna explain any of my interests there mainly because people are assholes and I’m way too guarded, but wtnv would probably be the easiest because it just sounds like a weird podcast8 - It just switched from Outro: Tear (BTS) to Press Restart (Walk the Moon), so I guess that counts?10 - Wait,, I can pick ANY animal,, and I magically have no allergies,, do you genuinely think I’d stop at one? Okay but I’d probably start of with a dog (I used to have a border collie and they’re the best), like 37 cats, and crows are also really cool but probably not the best pet,, so12 - this is,, a tough one. Uhhh, I genuinely hate pineapple with every fibre of my being and every one of them should be thrown into the void so I never have to taste that sour piece of stringy shit ever again. ,,,I’m okay now13 - catch me avoiding all confrontation ever, so like,, Running Away That Magically Kills Everyone?16 - jejahsjjs salty/savoury food is the best, when I can have it curry is great, but if not just salty crackers are vvv good. I have no idea why, I just really like the taste and they make me feel better, so??17 - mad science huh,, I really like biology and plants are cool, so catch the Mad Botanist and his Army Of Evil Trees (and that one asshole holly bush who keeps spiking everyone bc they’re an asshole and I hate them)23 - I end up obsessively hoarding pens and paper because I always run out. Does that count?24 - Nearest pen’s my good fineliner, which I got last September for school I think?25 - Last game I played is Really Bad Chess (check the App Store, it’s,, something), so unless the zombies end up with like 6 queens I think I’m good 32 - When I was a kid I had this stuffed dog thing and I’d squeezed half of the stuffing out into the arms, so the joins between the body and shit were completely empty. He’s currently living behind my bed, in a box somewhere, I think 33 - Keeping a Secret by Bleachers (I actually really like this song but there aren’t many like,, meaningful lyrics in that way I guess? It’s more the mood, idk if you could pull some out and have it mean the same,, but)And oh God, it's a long walk homeBut I understand why I walk it alone44 - Most orange is UGLY with other colours. I don’t really like red either?47 - When I was really little I had this weird ass dream about clowns? Like it was legit just six different clowns stood in front of a blue background but I was Shook. 49 - Obscure facts,, when ya boi John Snow was trying to prove cholera was in fact Water Bourne And Doesn’t Appear Out Of Nowhere You Fucking Twat back in the 19th Century, he made a map of the deaths in his area due to cholera. Except he found one woman miiiiiles away who was dead from it, even though she was nowhere near any other victims. Why? She had her servants bring water from the infected pump because she liked the taste. 52 - ,,once upon a time my dumbass thought he was straight54 - I bet you couldn’t fucking guess what my favourite fucking curse is, I mean what the fuck, it must be so fucking hard, I have no fucking clue how the fuck you’re gonna guess this 57 - Digital art is genuinely incredible but I can’t do it to save my life 58 - Uhh,, I know how to build a fire?60 - Dinosaurs and aliens are great but dude,, dragons62 - I’m not insulting you, nice try 66 - Honesty, creativity, kindness I guess?68 - Nebula is a good word69 - Fuck alien, marry dragon, kill dinosaur (they had it coming anyway)70 - And here we see a wild gay, in his natural habitat. The specimen appears to be avoiding all responsibility, shielding himself in the familiar digital walls of his phone - but what’s this? He’s picking up a pen - we may be in for a treat today - he’s leaning down to the book open on his desk,, he’s about to write someth- and the pen crashes against the window, thrown from the creature in a moment of impulsiveness and sheer, unbridled stupidity. 71 - How about I don’t do that?So I’ve been doing this on and off for the past like 6 hours and I haven’t proof read this and I can’t remember what I put in this so rip future me
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Survey #240
end of the year one!
What did you do in 2019 that you’d never done before? Uhhhh. Wow. I honestly don't really know; not a lot. Uhhhh... oh, I was sexually involved with a girl, I worked at a deli for A WHOLE TWO HOURS!!!!, I'm still a shameful shit that being on that damn pill actually drove me to masturbating for the first time (yes, I know it's not "bad," but), OH! I very recently found myself to relate to Neo-Paganism so kinda identify as that now, I finished a full semester of college, and uhhh. It's funny, '18 and '19 kinda blur together for me, so I can't say with certainty when some certain things took place, so it doesn't even feel right putting them here? Did you keep your new years’ resolutions, and will you make more for next year? I didn't make one; I pretty much never do. This year, however, I just might. Like I've always thought "dude it's just another day there is literally no actual difference," but I want to focus on the actual symbolism. No, there is no physical difference, but it's the idea I want to appreciate. I want to make something about self-improvement this year, probably mostly about AvPD and its "I'm embarrassed by myself omg people think I'm weird" factor irl, because that FUUUUCKS WIIIITH MEEEEE. I want to be comfortable as me, y'know? Oh, and I should definitely work on independence. Did anyone close to you give birth? No, but my sister is pregnant. Did anyone close to you die? My dog Teddy. What countries did you visit? I didn't leave and have never left America, yaaaaay. Fun. Adventure. What would you like to have in 2020 that you lacked in 2019? An income. Let photography go somewhere or some shit, please. What date from 2019 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? November 28th, when Teddy was put down. That's something I can never forget. What was your biggest achievement of the year? Said lasting a college semester!!!! I failed my math course as I expected to, but I mean, I lasted. What was your biggest failure? To ME anyway (people have assured me otherwise from their perspectives), it would be the first "professional" wedding I shot. I put so much into that day and the DAYS of post processing, and they never bought any of the pictures. Said they were going to discuss which ones they wanted and get back to me and then poof, vanished. I was very suspicious by another person, I think family, being there taking pictures pretty much just as much as I did, even posing people, and by now I'm pretty sure they used me (or her, idk) as backup. My only guess is my pictures weren't what they wanted so they chose the route of not paying, which, TECHNICALLY, isn't against my terms of service; you just have to pay the sitting fee, you see previews w/ watermarks, and THEN you pay for each photo you actually WANT. That's a loophole I probably need to fix, because I can honestly say $20 did NOT cover my time, hyperhidrosis e x p l o s i o n, anxiety, and my previously-mentioned DAYS-long editing period. Not to mention I was and still genuinely am proud of how the pictures turned out. OKAY WOW I'm seriously ranting but yeah I'm obviously still tilted. Did you suffer illness or injury? Did I? I don't think so. At least nothing serious. I did have a fall, but the resulting bruises and twists were negligible. What was the best thing you bought? A fuckin honeybun from the school snack machine lmao. I don't have my own income, so I just get little cash from Mom if needed for when I go out or anything. Where did most of your money go? See above. So, food lol. What did you get really, really, really excited about? Sara coming on my birthday, Ozzy re-announcing his tour for next year (WITH MANSON Y'ALL!!!!!!!!!!) and Mom and I being like "um fuck yes we're going," and that's all I can think about right now. It's not common I get like, THAT excited. What song will always remind you of 2019? *shrug* None off the top of my head stand out. Compared to this time last year, are you: Happier or sadder? Older or wiser? Thinner or fatter? (I've been at a weight loss stalemate for two fucking years now, so neither.) Richer or poorer? (No personal income, and I don't know the exact financial position Mom's in compared to last year.) What do you wish you’d done more of? See Sara and Dad much more, reach out to more friends, exercise, cleaning alksdjfawei, studying. What do you wish you’d done less of? Sitting on this computer gahhhhhhhhhhhhhh- I honestly would prefer to just not dwell on this "I wish I had..." subject. How did you spend Christmas? Breakfast and gift opening with Mom and my younger sis, then we went to my older sister's house that afternoon to celebrate with her and the kids. What was your favorite TV program? I didn't watch TV. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year? No. What was the best book you read? The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood. What was your greatest musical discovery? Hm... I don't believe I discovered any new bands, but I got waaay more into Motionless In White. What did you want and get? Making it through my first semester in college, Teddy reaching his 13th birthday, seeing my grandmother for probably the last time, seeing Sara for my birthday, uhhh other things that aren't coming to mind. What did you want and not get? Lose more fucking weight for a change, more photography growth, new glasses, the courage to drive more and get my license, SEE SCARY STORIES TO TELL IN THE DARK AS WELL AS THE LAST HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON, other little things I don't wanna dwell on. What was your favorite film of this year? I do NOT get the hate of the live action The Lion King. I fucking adored it. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? I don't remember other than hang out with Sara and the fam and probably eat at Olive Garden for dinner. I turned 23. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? Photography reaching the level of being able to call it my *real* job. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2019? Pajamas. Just... pajamas whenever possible lmao. What kept you sane? My mom and Sara, MUSIC, gaming, Mark and the other YTers I love way too much, school getting me out of the damn house. Oh, and medication lmfao. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? The day I don't answer this with "Mark Fischbach," I IMPLORE you to commit me. What issue stirred you the most? I'm guessing you mean political? If so, the Amazon wildfires and how the fucking SA government handled it. NOTHING in the political world has ever had me that livid, heartbroken, and ashamed of the greed of the human race. Who did you miss? A good number of people, plus Teddy of course. Who was the best new person you met? Good question. Probably a teacher or adviser at school. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2019: I think more than anything, there's been a lot of focus on the fact that you can't always run at the first sign of trouble/stress. That's one of my biggest weaknesses: I flee the moment I'm under stress, but now with school, I've had to learn to fight this. It's an ongoing process, but I'm getting there. Some battles need to be fought to reach a better place.
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