#octarine thoughts
octarinecat · 2 months
Hi! I'm ☆Raphael's little Mouse☆ on tiktok and I had an idea for you. I'm not sure if you've done this before but I was wondering if you could do one of Raphael being Erik from Phantom of the Opera? I feel like he would 100% be a fan of it and 100% be a fanboy for our boy Erik 🎭🌹
I was thinking about this prompt for a longer while. But it's finally done and well, even I am proud of the outcome (I usually don't like my art second after finishing it)! Thank you for giving that idea for me! I went much more crazy than usual with colours this time 😊
Raphael as Erik, from Phantom of the Opera musical.
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My thoughts after the cut & music inspiration also.
I was listening a lot of classical music while creating this piece. Imagining Raphael playing piano was soothing feeling 🤭
I also noticed that after low mood I developed some nice behaviour - I'm not leaving painting, I'm just changing direction a little. There was a time when I stopped painting for a very long time. Now, however, instead of switching off, I am opening anatomy books and turn on tutorials for the art basics. When I feel very bad - whether physically or mentally, I try to at least look at and organise inspiration for my next works. Self-expression through digital painting is something beautiful and believe me, I would like to share this love with everyone. The main reason for this is that when I started I was drowned in a spoonful of water, without even a word of constructive criticism. Someone will soon say "HEEEY, but you have to know how to paint first, Octarine!" No, stop. Express yourself through what you love to do - not what you are good at.
I love watching "young" artists develop, like blooming flowers. Maybe they'll forget to add a thumb to their hand one day, maybe tomorrow they won't get the colours right. But this joy of creation comes out of the work and makes me happy. And next time there will be thumbs up and juicy colours.
Music inspiration for current piece:
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anjanahalo · 6 months
Adam Ruins Everything Solidified I'm Asexual
Adam Ruins Everything is a fun show I enjoy but you might not because it's very pessimistic and skeptical about a lot of things we take for granted in modern life. Today, though, I'm talking about something he brings up in his Wedding episode: Limerance. Adam presents Limerance as the scientific term for those initial crush, romance, butterfly stomach, heart pounding, blush inducing feelings of love that begin a romantic relationship. What's interesting to me is how he introduced the term. It was akin to how one would introduce Aglet: the name of the plastic tip of your shoelace that makes it easier to lace your shoes. According to the episode, everyone knows what limerance feels like. They're just providing the vocabulary for it. "Limerance" is a foreign experience for me. You might as well be saying "The feeling you get when you first see the color Octarine." I'm not a wizard on Discworld, so this term has no meaning to me. It's the same with Limerance. Yeah, I accept it's real. There is too much lore and culture literally built around it to ignore, but it's baffling even for fairytale loving me to get that people will Actually just look at each other and fall in love. I always thought it was plot convenience! Heck, even now, I can't imagine myself in a romance at all. It's too foreign. But here's Adam in his show just spouting off this word like "of course you know this emotion. I'm finally giving you a term for it." Yeah, sorry, no. What the fuck is this Limerance and why is it so strong people will destroy everything around them for it? Seriously, the story of Star Wars is literally "Why Limerance is bad."
Edit: Initially had the wrong word for Octarine
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aeshnacyanea2000 · 3 months
It was the King Colour, of which all the lesser colours are merely partial and wishy-washy reflections. It was octarine, the colour of magic. It was alive and glowing and vibrant and it was the undisputed pigment of the imagination, because wherever it appeared it was a sign that mere matter was a servant of the powers of the magical mind. It was enchantment itself. But Rincewind always thought it looked a sort of greenish-purple.
-- Terry Pratchett - The Colour Of Magic
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pod-together · 9 months
Pod-Together Day 3 Reveals 2023
The Yiling Lightbringer and the Shadow Patriarch | 闪电君 和 防光老祖 (陈情令 | The Untamed (TV), 魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù) written by harborshore, performed by jennisaisquoi Summary: The year is 3023, and the cultivation world went to war to stop the Wen clan from taking over the planet. A year after the war ended, Wei Wuxian is running a free health clinic for the war victims of Yiling with Wen Qing. They're hiding from the Jin, who take exception to people giving away health care for free. They're also not big fans of the new electrical grid Wei Wuxian has invented, especially because he's not charging for that either. Then Yiling starts buzzing about a new cultivator dressed in black, working with resentful energy and scaring the Jins. But it's not Wei Wuxian.
Revenge Is A Powerful Spell (Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV)) written by flipflop_diva, performed by GhostCwtch Summary: The beeping of the machines sounded like a countdown, but a countdown to what? The end of the world — again? A happily ever after? The tension in the room was palpable, like any sudden movement could either shatter it forever or send the world spinning out of control. And no one wanted to be the reason for that. So none of them moved. Nor spoke. Nor did anything but stare — at the floor, at the machines, at Tara. -- An AU starting from Season 6, Episode 19, "Seeing Red." The canon that should have been.
all eyes on me (Men's Hockey RPF) written by LizzieMack, performed by nony Summary: “You got a lot going on today?” “Job interview,” Tim says. It’s technically true. “Oh, yeah?” the guy asks, eyebrows raised halfway to his hairline. “That’s cool.” Tim shrugs. He can’t shake the feeling that the guy somehow knows what he’s here for. People come to hotels for all kinds of reasons. He’s pretty sure there’s a business expo or something going on at this one; he keeps seeing guys in suits. There’s really no way for anyone to guess that Tim is here for a porn shoot.
a false start (McGillicuddy And Murder's Pawn Shop (Podcast)) written by Koschei_B, performed by Rosemarycat5 Summary: Maude does join Night Enthusiasts. It still doesn't go well for them. Some things don't matter, because others never change.
Tied to a Dream I Can Barely Remember (Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars: Clone Wars (2003) - All Media Types) written by litra, performed by Juulna Summary: Soulmates dream of each other, but not Obi-Wan. Not until he's lost so much and given up on it. Cody dreams of the outside, of someone who is haunted by the dark.
Collapsing Under My Dreams (Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars - All Media Types) written by EustaciaVye, performed by AsterRoc Summary: After crash-landing on an uncharted planet, an injured Obi-Wan learns Ventress has a very different perspective of the Jedi Order’s peacekeeping activities.
Radio Killed the Semaphore Star [text, audio] (Discworld - Terry Pratchett) written by SweetPollyOliver, performed by semperfiona Summary: In 1895 on Roundworld, the inventor Guglielmo Marconi invented the wireless telegraph, which used radio waves—a form of electromagnetic radiation that is outside the visible spectrum—to transmit messages from a sending operator to a radio receiver. But, like the invention of bread*, few truly good wheezes are only thought of once, and so in the early 2000s UC on Discworld, Liam Macaroni invented a similar device that used a different form of electromagnetic radiation: octarine. And, due to the preponderance of narrativium on Discworld, radio got around to audio transmission, rather than being confined to the old dots and dashes routine, quite a bit more promptly than it did on Roundworld. *And brewing.
The Outlaws’ Guide to Parenting (DCU) created by Flowerparrish, kbirb, and Opalsong Summary: Roy: so you know how I had that fling with Chershire for a month or two a couple years ago? Roy: apparently the condom broke Kori: You have a child! Jason: of fucking course we're keeping her
Provision (9-1-1 (TV)) written by domarzione, performed by blackglass Summary: ( noun) The providing or supplying of something, especially of food or other necessities Michael and Bobby, figuring out their places in relation to each other, to Athena, and to the world.
The Care And Feeding Of Poorly Warlocks [text, audio] (Shadowhunters (TV)) written by mansikka, performed by ToughPaperRound Summary: Alec's second day of being home starts with a sneeze so violent that it forces all of the feathers from their comforter and pillows. "Not to worry," Magnus says cheerfully, magicking all the feathers away and replacing the bedding with a simple flourish. There must be dust in the air along with those feathers, because Alec then starts coughing, and in the process manages to summon a hairdryer, a pair of shorts, and a single, freshly boiled egg. In which, Alec gets his first warlock flu and his magic makes it everybody's problem.
Shepard's No One Fan (Mass Effect - All Media Types, Mass Effect Trilogy) written by ThreeWhiskeyLunch, performed by Djapchan Summary: During the events of Mass Effect 1, Conrad Verner starts up a WeeView channel. What starts out as a fangirl-for-Shepard channel turns into something much else during the events of Saren and the Geth's invasion of the Citadel.
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flamingskull28 · 9 months
Here are the two new characters and the other half of the misfits (if I could draw, they would look different. maybe someday I will post what they look like in more detail. Also, I may add more things to their descriptions as the story progresses.)
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Born and raised in inkopolis, he grew up in house by the pier. He was always labeled as a problem child due to his desires to be "cool" in the eyes of others leading him to adopt a Greaser like aesthetic and tone. When he got into high school, he found a group of like-minded people who, all together, became a major menace to the local area. Vandalism, shoplifting etc, they even made a "gang" which was just them but with an edgy name. Overtime they got into more and more trouble and began to do more than petty crimes. muggings, breaking and entering, and actual crimes. Tony, trying to fit in, went along with this even having to serve a month in juvey for assault. After a while, he began to back pedal on the "gang" idea after seeing how they weren't 'cool' they were just criminals. But despite his attempts to persuade his friends, they stayed on their path and pressured him into staying as well. He reluctantly did so, not wanting to be alone with no friends, despite the pleads of his parents. When the octolings started coming to the surface, he noticed that his friends were incredibly racist to them. Always singling them out and mocking them, with everything else they were doing it started to break him, not wanting to have no friends but not wanting to be a part of the gang. One day he spotted them cornering an octoling girl and mocking her, for how she looked, who she was, telling her that her kind should go back underground. eventually trying to beat her up, having enough he steps in and defends her. His "friends" don't take kindly to this and attack him. He tells the octoling to run but to his surprise, she begins beating seven bells out of them. He joins her in fending them off, still being surprised that someone being backed into a corner a few seconds ago was now fighting like a soldier. After the gang ran off and they began talking, she thanked him for (trying) to help her and told him her name was Vanessa. They became friends after this, hanging out and playing turf together (he was also surprised by her combat ability's there too) and making his fear of having no friend's a distant memory he also begins to develop feelings for her but fears losing the friendship so doesn't confess.
Weapon: heavy splatting
personality: a mix of outgoing and laidback, with a "it is what it is" look on most things and a but childish.
fun facts:
He forced the accent he has so much, it became how he talked.
barely passing high school (its summer currently so he doesn't have to worry about that right now)
Has an octarin tattoo on his shoulder, Vanessa told him it meant "warrior of the shadows." but it actually means "Mark of the gullible fool" (she thought it was funny to trick him, which it is)
does community service to try and make up for some of his time in the gang.
basically, my only character on good standing with their parents
Will eat almost anything you give him
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Backstory: [REDACTED] please contact an official with class 8 access to view this file.
Age: 16
Weapon: splattershot
Personality: a bit shy to most but can quickly open up. Is the type with deep thoughts and a lot to say. Loves gossip.
Fun facts:
Is a super fan of off the hook, has almost all their merch and a signed copy of ebb and flow (oddly enough she will refuse to go to any fan meet and greet or backstage event where the band is. She refuses to talk about why)
Is a near master of hand-to-hand combat and stealth.
Loves anything strawberry flavored
Is an only child, but is unable to contact her parents since they stayed underground. (..... well that's the official story.)
Hates salty stuff
she is trans but is not public about it
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boooklover · 2 years
“It was octarine, the colour of magic. It was alive and glowing and vibrant and it was the undisputed pigment of the imagination, because wherever it appeared it was a sign that mere matter was a servant of the powers of the magical mind. It was enchantment itself. But Rincewind always thought it looked a sort of greenish-purple.”
Terry Pratchett, The Color of Magic
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crvknight · 8 months
Sometimes, late at night in the twilight swell of the early morning, as the stars fade away to a grimace-inducing mix of light pollution and far-too-early sunlight, I wonder.
Mind you, I don't wonder much. My thoughts so very rarely ever come in full words, much less correct sentences, that it seems a mite silly to say that I form densely packed theories about the world around me, or to suggest that I keep chugging away at that old "Current World Understanding" simulation that rattles so gleefully along in my skull (with nary a benefit nor a cent towards rent) but I do wonder.
I wonder in the strictest definition of the word. An abstract marveling at what I see before my mind's eye, whether that be peeking through imaginary landscapes with my eyes closed or even just contemplating the ceiling and the myriad occurrences that had to have taken place for such a thing to exist in this world at all. Sometimes I wonder just how the fuck I'm supposed to weather the torrential hurricane of ptsd symptoms that wrack my brain at the time.
But it *is* wonder, and it's so nice to be able to see what so many people ignore for the sake of being able to complain loudly about their own brand of madness. That invisible shape, the color beyond color, the beautiful bit.
How happy I am to be able to say I've seen the Octarine in the bad times. The very color of magic.
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octarinecat · 4 months
I recently found out that I have 130 followers. ARE YOU INSANE, crazy people? Now I am overwhelmed. You know what? Here is a catboy for you (you know, Octarine Cat blog is here & in my country we are celebrating today Cat Day), as a token of my gratitude. Know my generosity (poor attempt of sarcasm mixed with anxiety).
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aziraphales-library · 3 years
Lost Fic #90
1. Hello there! I seem to have lost a fic, and I was wondering whether you knew it. It's about Aziraphale being on earth for 6000 years, thinking he's human, I think as a punishment from Heaven, but I'm not too sure. It'd be awesome if someone could help me find it :) - @depressonostresso
2. Hello, could you help me find a fic? It was ancient Rome AU and both Aziraphale and Crowley were slaves. Thank you in advance. - anon
3.  don’t know if you or your followers can help me, but I seem to have lost a fic! All I remember is that it was an A/C fic, where both thought the other had some obligatory mating season, but in reality neither did. So they thought they were helping each other out with this affliction, but really they were just pining (and f***ing) through the ages. Thank you for any help you can provide! - anon
4. hello, looking for a fic where crowley confesses his love (drunkenly, in his sleep???) and zira basically keeps it a secret until it comes out that he knew all along. i believe there is light angst and happy ending? - @theskywaspaintedred
5. Hi, I wonder if one of you helpful people can assist me. I'm looking for a human AU where Aziraphale is a widower having moved to a small town after Crowley died in a car crash. The bits that I remember were about him sometimes standing by the curb as if waiting for somebody to pick him up (that made me cry). The other was that the townfolk speculated that he would not get married unless a medieval hand-fasting ceremony was involved, or that he was injured (ahem) in the same car crash that killed Crowley, or that he was just not attracted to women. I hope I'm not mixing up two fics! I read so many and I love them but.... you know how it is. - @octarine-cat
If you know any of these fics please include the number in your response! Thank you :)
- Mod D
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la-niolue · 3 years
It was octarine, the colour of magic. It was alive and glowing and vibrant and it was the undisputed pigment of the imagination, because wherever it appeared it was a sign that mere matter was a servant of the powers of the magical mind. It was enchantment itself.
But Rincewind always thought it looked a sort of greenish-purple.
— The Colour Of Magic
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headcanonsandmore · 3 years
“Fell In Love With A Girl”, Chapter Four
Summary:  After Luna's shocking kidnap at the hotel, Ginny is desperate to save her girlfriend. But how will they find Luna in a place as large as the Amazon Delta?
Tagging: @cheeseanonioncrisps @lytefoot
                   Read on FFN.                                             Read on AO3.
Ginny was gently led downstairs by Tonks, and sank into a chair.
Her eyes were all red and irritated from the tears she had cried. She felt exhausted, but she couldn’t focus on it. All she felt was terror for Luna.
Kidnapped. In the clutches of the crime syndicate they had been trying to stop.
Ginny turned. Sam had placed a hand on her shoulder.
‘We’re gonna get her back,’ he said, gruffly. She could tell he wasn’t good with handling emotions, but she appreciated the effort. ‘Those bastards aren’t gonna know what hit them.’
Ginny smiled, despite her tears.
‘T-thanks, Sam.’
The scarred man shrugged.
‘We’ve got a DNA match.’
Ginny’s head whipped round to the side. Remus was stood by a computer across the room.
‘From the bedroom upstairs, you mean?’ Sam asked.
‘Yeah; forensics just got back to us,’ Remus replied, tapping the computer screen. ‘A fragment of skin was left on the windowsill. It matches a low-level criminal who we suspected of being a member of the crime syndicate. Now we’ve got proof.’
At that moment, Tonks burst into the room.
‘Found this in Luna and Ginny’s room,’ she said, holding a book aloft. ‘Thought it might be of use.’
‘T-that’s… that’s Luna’s journal’ Ginny mumbled. ‘It’s…’
She trailed off, before grabbing the book from Tonks and slamming in down on the table and riffling through the pages.
‘Ginny?’ Tonks asked. ‘What is it?’
‘The newest pages are missing,’ Ginny said, pointing at the frayed bits of paper sticking out at odd angles. ‘Luna must have been writing ideas down.’
‘Ideas like…’
‘Amazonian Octarine-Flame,’ Ginny said, her mind connecting the dots. ‘It has variations that grow both above ground and in underground cave systems. The syndicate were obsessed with it, which means that they couldn’t find it in the rainforest. But Luna must have known where it grows; why else would they wait until I left before grabbing her? They need her knowledge.’
‘And kill two birds with one stone,’ Tonks finished. ‘Try to scare us off, and get the Octarine-Flame.’
Sam smiled.
‘You’re good, kid. So, where do we go?’
Ginny’s enthusiasm suddenly vanished; she didn’t know. Luna hadn’t told her where the plant was.
However, her eyes then landed on the map.
‘Oh, it’s where all those reports were coming from!’ She exclaimed. ‘No wonder the locals noticed something was up; the syndicate have been combing that area the whole time! They just need an expert to pinpoint the exact location of that plant!’
Remus nodded.
‘That would also explain why this area seems to be such a target; the network of underground caves stretch out for miles underneath the rainforest. I’m surprised they didn’t just force one of the locals to show them where the plant was.’
Sam chuckled, darkly.
‘Knowing this lot, I imagine they probably didn’t think the locals knew. Typical colonialist nonsense.’
Tonks nodded.
‘The syndicates base must be in that area too,’ Remus said, typing frantically into the computer. ‘They’ve likely got a base of operations close to where the plants are. Somewhere far away from the government authorities.’
‘That’s the problem with these syndicates,’ Sam said, giving a wry grin. ‘They always think that setting up operations in the middle of nowhere will keep them out of attention. But all it does is send up a flare of exactly where they are!’
‘You can hide a bee in a beehive easily,’ Ginny continued. ‘But stick it in a library and it’s impossible to ignore.’
Sam slapped Ginny supportively on the shoulder.
‘Damn, you’re good, kid!’
Ginny smiled.
Evil organisation or not, no-one messed with her girlfriend.
  Luna stumbled forward. The members of the crime syndicate glowered at her. She had been blindfolded ever since she had been kidnapped from the hotel in Rio. They had only removed the blindfold when they had wanted her to inspect a plant.
Amazonian Octarine-Flame. It was the only one they seemed to be desperate to find. Luna wasn’t sure why they hadn’t just forced one of the locals to do it, but she wasn’t about to argue with the rifles the syndicate members were all carrying.
Gritting her teeth, Luna bent down and inspected the plant.
‘Tell us,’ instructed one of them, tapping his rifle in warning. ‘Is that the plant?’
Luna sighed.
‘Yes, it is. It’s the variant that grows above ground.’
Luna stood back up. The members of the syndicate moved around her, and promptly dug up the plant, placing it and the earth around its roots into a special container they had brought with them.
‘Now, we head back to HQ.’
One of the syndicate members stepped forward, and pulled a mask roughly over Luna’s face.
‘For goodness sake; how am I supposed to walk if I can’t see?’ Luna asked, becoming very aware of how uneven the forest floor was beneath her feet.
‘We’re directing you where you should walk,’ said the syndicate member nearest to her. ‘We can’t have you knowing where our base is.’
‘I’m a florist, not a spy!’ Luna snapped. ‘You’ve got what you want; let me go!’
The syndicate members ignored her, and began to nudge her forward, using the butt of the rifles to do so. They weren’t quite as rough as Luna had been expecting, but it didn’t make the situation any better.
Don’t worry, Luna told herself, Ginny will find me.
As she stumbled forward, Luna’s mind began to work. The syndicate clearly didn’t want anyone to know where their base was, but they’d kept her mask off until she’d identified the plant. That mean… the base was nearby.
They walked on for a good distance. Luna wasn’t sure for how long but, given how many steps she was taking, it couldn’t have been for more than a few miles. That meant that they were still within the area that Remus and Tonks had discussed with Sam the other day.
There was a crackle in front of her. One of the syndicate members had pulled their walkie-talkie out of their pocket.
‘Viper company at section omega with person-of-interest 49?’
They were here. The base entrance must be nearby. Oh, if only she could see!
Luna was so wrapped up in her thoughts that she wasn’t prepared for the push behind her. She crashed to the ground, awkwardly landing on her hands and knees.
‘Get her up,’ grumbled the syndicate member in front. ‘That’s the sixth time she’s fallen over. We should have carried her the way; the last thing we want is the locals noticing the weird foot-prints.’
As Luna was pulled to her feet and pushed forward, she was vaguely aware of her hair swinging into a low-hanging tree branch. Thinking fast, she bit her lip, and gave her head a quick jerk in the opposite direction. There was a sharp shot of pain in her scalp.
The syndicate members didn’t seem to notice this as they bustled her forwards. Before she knew quite what was happening, she could feel herself being led down a steep passageway, out of the sunlight reaching through the rainforest trees.
  Ginny climbed out of the jeep.
They had driving for… she honestly couldn’t remember how long. It could have been ten minutes or ten hours. Ginny hadn’t noticed; she had been focusing too much on Luna. On finding her and getting her out of harms way.
Tonks and Remus climbed out of the jeep. Sam was already standing a few feet ahead, and they all walked to where he was stood.
The rainforest completely surrounded the long dirt road they had travelled along to this spot. Ginny’s t-shirt was already soaked through with sweat due to the humidity, but she didn’t care; she was used to sweat.
Nearby the trees were stood several Amazonian tribespeople. One of them walked over, an elderly woman with kind eyes. She was clearly a local leader of some kind.
‘Hello, Sam.’
The grizzled agent shook hands with the woman.
‘Thank you for agreeing to help us,’ he said. ‘I know the last thing you want is more Westerners intruding.’
‘True,’ she replied. ‘But, by the sounds of it, the redheaded girl has an idea of what the syndicate is after. Which means we know where they’ll be.’
Ginny nodded.
‘Don’t worry,’ the woman said, placing a hand on Ginny’s shoulder. ‘We’ll find your Luna.’
Ginny blinked, quickly.
‘T-thank you,’ Ginny said. ‘Er, what did you say your name was?’
‘I’m afraid you probably couldn’t pronounce it in my language,’ the elderly woman replied, smiling. ‘But, in English, I go by Sky.’
‘Thank you, Sky.’
Sam laid out a map on the bonnet of one of the jeeps. They had marked the area of syndicate activity in red ink; sure enough, it was laid out in a twenty mile perimeter. The end of the dirt track was tantalisingly close to it.
‘Ginny, we don’t blame you if you want to stay here with the jeep,’ Remus said, kindly. ‘We can keep some agents back here with you until it’s safe.’
‘No,’ Ginny replied, her mind set. ‘I promised Luna I’d keep her safe, and I’m not letting a criminal gang hurt her.’
Remus smiled.
Leaving the jeeps behind on the track with a few agents, they ventured into the rainforest, using an old well-worn path. Sky and the local activists with her were leading the way, making sure that the MI6 agents avoided any dangerous plants or bugs.
The Amazon was unlike anything Ginny had ever seen before, and it honestly took her breath away. Trees and foliage spread out in all directions, and she could hear the calls of various birds and animals in the canopies above them. If she hadn’t been so worried about Luna, she would have been transfixed.
Sky was crouched down on the ground a few feet ahead.
‘Someone came this way very recently,’ she said, ‘A group of them, and wearing deep-soled boots. Except one, who was just wearing shoes.’
Tonks and Sky nodded at each other.
They continued along the path.
Eventually, they rounded a corner, and came across a large tree. And Ginny’s eyes immediately zeroed in on something.
Blond hair.
Luna’s hair.
It was snagged on the low-hanging branch.
Ginny locked eyes with Tonks, who nodded.
The agent exchanged looks with Remus and Sky, and the agents around them began to move into position. Sky mouthed the phrase ‘underground cave network’. The base was below where they were standing.
Gotcha. Ginny thought. Don’t worry, Lu; I’m coming.
Thanks for reading, everyone! Hope you enjoyed it!
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nochiquinn · 3 years
campaign 2 episode 139: eye hate it
this is gonna be one of the episodes I regret trying to work during, isn't it
"we're out of covid, I wanna see them titties" that's not pg
"human eggs" thanks taliesin I hate it
now I want grilled cheese and tomato soup THANKS LAURA
cool I'm crying, fuck all of them
"It's a seminar you can take online"
that grave cleric joke was so bad it killed my internet for a second
"to war crime" I love him
just as he said "flash" someone revved their engine outside and scared the bejeezus out of me
"colors that shouldn't be conceived" octarine
yeah yeah the time knife
oh please give me my power of love sailor moon ending where they beat lucien by calling molly back out of him
oh, WEH
only the fact that other people are sleeping in my house is keeping me from actually screaming
I am screaming inside my heart
okay that's really cool
is this gonna be like vecna where the mini was on a pedestal and it looked like travis was wearing him like a hat
I had to step away but apparently I missed the ring of fire redemption arc
"because you need all the help you can get" jeeze, matt
use your EYES, lucien
(jokes that are funny to me and 3 other people)
hey I hate it
senator kelly shit
is laura flanking herself
oh nooo jester vs big scary monster streak broken
mattholomew that's MEAN
true love's nat 1
okay but at least ONE of them failed
TWO! TWO of them failed!
one critfail for each tassel
"kill me now" "yeah that's the plan" MATTHEW
critrolestats is that the blood maledict that killed molly
"that's not kind!" "he's not ronin, he doesn't need to learn what kind is" APPARENTLY HE DOES
stress level: marisha has forgotten how to chair AND speak
LET'S GO MOL-LY 👏 👏 👏👏👏
I'm just assuming this is all of them dunking on taliesin's irish accent. it's probably not but the thought brings me joy
they have to use the "long may he reign" as a finisher, right
matt stop using sisters as bait challenge
taliesin: "I'm gonna do something a little dumb" me: looks at screen excitedly
oh no one winged angel
fucking jenova shit
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a Study of Discworld
Color of Magic, pt 11
The temple of Bel Shamaroth, and a hero.
1 The Dryads are an inverse of Pictsies, aka The Wee Free men: - they are coy but malevolent, where the Pictsies are rowdy yet decent. - they are mostly small females with a few big males, where the Pictsies are mostly tiny males with one big(ger) female.
2 Rincewind spoke of harnessing lightining - guess what the Igors will be doing later?
Note: This part is one big action scene, but so vivildy described and dynamically paced. I could have just copy-pasted the whole thing here.
3 The chief Dryad doesn't believe Rincewind is a wizard so she dares him to say a spel. Ironincally, the raw ambient magic is drawing The Spell out of him and he is trying not to say it. Since she said she can read his mind, he dares her to do it. She does - and freaks out!
4 The dryads create a hologram of / portal to, the inside of the temple. Seeing Twoflower there, Rincewind uses his ducking run to escape the he-dryads, slip under the circle of spining she-dryads, and gets teleported to the temple.
5 Meet Hrun the Barbarian - huge and mostly naked, with a mop of wild hair on a small head - "like a tomato on a coffin."
He spent all this time following the karmic ripples of Rincewind's lie back to the source. On the way, he stumbled upon the Luggage, then followed the gold to the temple of Bel Shamaroth.
Hrun has a magical sword Krieg (german for War.) Krieg talks. Nay, Krieg won't stop talking. Hrun regrets taking it.
6 The hallways in the temple of Bel Shamaroth are arranged like a hybrid of a spider web and a black hole. They're radial and concetric, but every path leads inward, and "looking at them made your head hurt."
Twoflower wants to find Bell Shamaroth and explain the missunderstanding. Bless.
7 In the center of the temple, Rincewind is freaking out. Meanwhile, Twoflower climbed the obelisk and is fiddling with his iconograph, trying to take a picture in the painful violet light.
8 Rincwind tires to warn Hrun and Twoflower to not say 8. Fortunately, Hurn is too dumb to figure out what the number between 7 and 9 is. Unfortunaltey, Twoflower is too naive not to wonder, aloud, what's dangerous about 8. Tentacles errupt out of the altar and grab Rincewind. Twoflower holds on to him while Hrun is busy chopping countless tentacles.
9 Rincewind wants him and Twoflower to take the oportunity and run for it, but Twoflower refuses to leave Hrun. Precious cinamon roll.
10 The flash on Twoflower's iconograph are salamanders - creatures that eat octarine and store regular light in their tails. When the tails are full, they expel the light all at once. And right now they are gorging themselves. In the last moment, the blinding light repels the tentacles, which spasm back into the altar.
Naivety caused, naivety solved.
11 Hurn breaks the altar, because "You find treasure under altars. Logic." Breaking the altar sucks Bell Shamaroth out of the temple, "somewhere that was both underground and Elswhere." The resulting gale force wind causes the temple to starts imploding.
12 Hrun summons his horse and saddles up, loads Twoflower in front of him, and lets Rincewind sit behind him. The horse bolts out of there, chased by monsters - a tripod and chest of sapient pearwood.
13 With Bel Shamaroth gone, Time, who was too cowardly to face it, catches up on all the missed work. Centuries pass in seconds.
An oak sprouts in the middle of the temple, grows huge, dies and rots; followed by two generations of beech. Entropy spreads like a tidal wave, turns the ruins into a an overgrown hill and destroy the magical forrest around it.
It overtakes our heroes but they escape unharmed, "being creatures of Time."
14 Twoflower is too dazed to take picures, which is a shame becasue they would have been "the most unique pictures on the Disc."
15 Rincewind realizes Hrun is much smarter and decent in his natural element (raiding temples and slaying abominations) then he is in the Broken Drum (getting into drunken brawls).
16 When they stop to rest, Krieg annoys Rincewind with his stories, because it's been a long time since he's know a man of culture. Well, known one "for any lenght of time." Lol.
He says he spent some time in a lake (King Arthur), and that a previous owner used him to cut silk scarves in mid air (The Bodyguard).
Krieg apparently wants to retire. He'd like to hang over a mantle, or become a ploughshare. He doesn't know what a ploughshare is, but he heard that it was a peaceful life.
Summary: - It is obvious that Prattchet had a blast writing this, everything is so energetic and fun. - There's a lot of thought put into this. From the biology, use and narrative purpose of salamanders; the character and effects of time (or lack thereof); to the parodies of other stories. - Having Twoflower solve the problem he caused, his naivety remains endearing instead of becoming frustrating. Even if the solution was unintended and indirect. - When not parrodied, the cliches are executed perfectly. An action comedy flick in book form. - We never find out why the Dryads wanted to sacrifice Twoflower to Bel Shamaroth. *shrug*
To be continued...
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garden-ghoul · 5 years
I finally remembered DURING the weekend to record my notes on Sourcery! In this one you can hear me: enjoying doing a Rincewind voice. Clocks in at 19:26 (I’m going to start putting in episode length because it seems like the kind of thing people will like to know.) Transcript under the cut.
HELLO and welcome to episode 4 of what I am now calling “It’s Yelling All the Way Down.” Because it just seemed a bit egotistical to ascribe critical analysis to myself. This week* I’ve drawn the number 5, which means we’re reading Sourcery. With a U. Before reading this book I did not remember a single thing about it except that the main character is perhaps… a sorcerer? And is named Coin. Also according to the summary this is a Rincewind book, the first one since The Light Fantastic. I think he might have died in that one. But no matter, he’s back!
A bit about wizards, before we begin:
We’ve already seen witches, who are my favorites. Pratchett was fond of saying “if men were witches, they would be wizards,” which I think is supposed to be a comment on how men are socialized to be self-important and relatively useless and ask for more credit than they deserve? Although it could just be gender essentialism. Anyway, that’s what wizards do. We very briefly met some in Jingo, where as you might recall they were extorting money from the city-state under threat of magical mayhem. We’ll see more of exactly that in this book! Let’s get right to it.
Now, on Earth (or Roundworld, as it is sometimes called), specifically in England, seven is considered to be a magical number. So much so that whoever perpetrated ROY G BIV (Newton, maybe?) invented several colors just so a rainbow would have seven of them. On the Disc there is an eighth color, inspired by the extra little echoey bit on the inside of a rainbow that is both green AND purple; this color is called octarine. That’s not what the introduction is about, it’s about the eighth son of an eighth son, who of course has become a wizard. But I’m sure it will come up, and then we’ll be prepared, won’t we?
Now this eighth son of an eighth son, he had seven sons, each one from the cradle at least as powerful as any wizard in the world.
And then he had an eighth son...
A wizard squared. A source of magic.
A sourcerer.
We join this double-eight wizard with his young eighth son on the shingle, where he’s having a chat with DEATH. DEATH is a friendly sort. Likes cats. Very little patience with wizards who are trying to create a magical destiny for babies. Because all prophecies require loopholes, the double-eight wizard prophesies that his son will become the mightiest and everyone will bow before him, et cetera et cetera, UNLESS… he throws his staff away. And then the wizard gets struck by lightning and as he dies he puts his soul into the staff. The kid also got struck by lightning but he’s fine. As you may have guessed, this kid is our protagonist, Coin, the sourcerer.
Cut to Unseen University, on the eve of the appointment of a new arch-chancellor. The books in the library are uneasy. The university seems to be sinking. The rats, mice, ants, and even the gargoyles off the roof are abandoning ship. Rincewind and the Librarian seem to be the only wizards who have noticed, although as we are told Rincewind is so bad at wizardry that he’s actually worse than non-wizards. One wonders how he was admitted to the university, because he doesn’t seem rich. Is it just that EVERY eighth son gets in because it makes them A Wizard? Anyway, he’s an assistant librarian (honorary) so he invites the Librarian out for drinks just to get him out of the University.
This means they’re going to miss the arch-chancellor accession feast, which is probably for the best because Coin is going to be there, and you can bet his dad’s been whispering in his ear about what ought to be done to the rest of the wizards who kicked him out. Indeed, he walks right in and challenges the most powerful immediately available wizard to a magical duel, lets him do a party trick, and then vaporizes him. He’s ten, and is set up as a Creepy Child: he stares through people rather than looking at them, talks a bit like an encyclopedia, and clearly hasn’t heard of ethics. The wizards immediately accept him as their arch-chancellor, realizing that it will be incredibly easy to manipulate this kid into doing whatever they want by making him think he has the sort of power that matters.
Lots of good mentions here of how wizards instinctively distrust each other; wizard politics; assassinations; mind games. Nevertheless, two wizards have made a cautious alliance to deal with the threat Coin represents. Spelter, the Bursar and a fifth level wizard; and Carding, an eighth-level wizard (that’s the highest level).
Let us leave them there for a moment to follow the thief who has stolen the arch-chancellor’s hat, which seems to be a talking hat and actually quite keen to be stolen. This thief has tracked down Rincewind, the only readily apparent wizard outside of the university, and is trying to kidnap him for some kind of dangerous wizard mission, under threat of death. The mission is to bring the arch-chancellor’s hat to Klatch, where “there is someone fit to wear us.” There’s a brief misadventure where the hat is stolen, apparently to show off that it can kill people on its own just fine. It’s pretty clear that the hat is full of wizards in the same way Coin’s staff is full of his awful dad, setting us up for a battle of evil and evil: there are plenty of battles in which neither side is correct.
A bit about the thief: her name is Conina, and in my opinion far too much is being made of her looks. She has an apparently hereditary urge to murder, basically a hair trigger with throwing knives, which is unfortunate for her because she wants to be a hairdresser. She can’t see the tools of the trade without imagining doing a murder with them. I was pretty into this whole high fantasy parody thing Pratchett was doing until he started parodying sexist tropes by, uh, just straight up putting sexist tropes in his book. Not his finest hour.
At the university, most of the wizards are enjoying all the extra magic pouring out of Coin. They can do exciting spells now! As soon as Coin starts doing exciting spells, though, they remember they’re afraid of him. He appearifies the Patrician—good old Vetinari, who hasn’t yet been characterized beyond being the sort of person who says “what is the meaning of this?”—and turns him into a lizard. Because wizards should rule the city, you see? Not people who understand politics. Coin has a very ten-year-old understanding of what it means to rule. One imagines him ruling so thoroughly that all he has left is a bunch of lizards and then I’m sure he’d feel rather foolish.
The wizards take their cues from Coin and go out to terrorize the city, and they seem to have a great time. But wizards, like everyone else, fundamentally want certainty and familiarity in their lives. And Coin is scaring them. At this point we start to wonder to what extent Coin’s mind actually is his own, because he’s saying incredibly ominous grown-up things like “who among you has been into your dark library these past few days? The magic is inside you now, not imprisoned between covers. Is that not a joyous thing?” You know, sort of cognitively, one doesn’t expect a ten-year-old either to speak like this or to be this single-minded. It’s worrying. Is he okay? What thoughts does he think?
In the oppressively quiet darkness of night in a university under new rule, Spelter hears someone quietly crying. When he looks into the room Coin is on the bed sobbing while his staff whispers to him. The next day “Coin” announces that they’re going to burn down the library, 90,000 books, many of them sentient. Spelter barely manages to tell the librarian, who’s barricaded in, before he comes across the staff and it vaporizes him.
Let’s see what Conina and Rincewind are up to. Oh, getting attacked by pirates! Conina murders a whole bunch of them but some do make off with the hat, so when they land she decides they ought to go somewhere in port they can get attacked by The Criminal Element. This will allow them to get information or something. Look, Conina just wants to get in a fight, and I can respect that.
I also want to check in with Rincewind because I think the way he’s written is pretty interesting. His psyche seems very uncomplicated: at most times he’s just thinking about how he can avoid getting attacked and get as far away from danger as possible. And being racist about how they don’t do things proper in Al Khali. But we get occasional interjections from his conscience and, now, his libido, which gives the feeling that he works hard to suppress any thoughts he feels are foreign to his lifestyle. Pratchett reinforces this foreignness by portraying them as voices Rincewind doesn’t recognize. He has a suspicion that he’s falling in love, but doesn’t like it. He only has physiological symptoms, as far as I can tell. So we get this picture of a person completely out of tune not only with his body but with his mind as well, who has worn such a deep psychological groove of habit that he can’t conceive of climbing out of it.
Anyway, Conina and Rincewind are kidnapped by the ruler of the city, who is called a Seriph because heaven forbid Sir Terry let any small detail go un-pastiched. The Seriph’s grand vizier has possession of the arch-chancellor’s hat and is aware that it’s dangerous, because it told him. Also he’s evil, because a grand vizier’s got to be evil. He imprisons our heroes I guess, but very shortly afterward the amount of ambient magic skyrockets and there are a ton of wizards from Unseen University there! Halfway across the Disc! The vizier turns up, having had his mind taken over by the arch-chancellor’s hat and declaring that wizards are taking back what’s theirs from sourcerers. I like this, we have two opposing magical forces, both figureheaded by humas but in fact ruled by inanimate objects with echoes of dead minds inside.
And, yes, just a few pages later Rincewind states one of the major themes of the book! 
“That’s what you people never understand,” said Rincewind, wearily. “You think magic is just something you can pick up and use, but the truth is, magic uses people.  It affects you as much as you affect it, sort of thing. You can’t mess around with magical things without it affecting you.”
After hearing so much about the thousand-year, horrifyingly destructive Mage Wars, it’s pretty clear that magic isn’t just magic here. Any kind of power corrupts, and if in this book it happens to corrupt not because of human nature but because of its own malice—well, that’s metaphors for you. Anyway Rincewind and company escape on a magic flying carpet, which is using him as a conduit to fly itself, per usual.
Then we get this honestly really cool scene where the fleeing heroes are camped out on a beach watching spells streaking across the sky like meteors over the Circle Sea: the hat’s tower in Al Khali doing battle with Coin’s tower in Ankh. Shockwaves ripple across them, and in his sleep Rincewind is trying to build a tower, which seems to be some kind of wizardly instinct. As soon as he can he steals the flying carpet and absent-mindedly heads for Ankh-Morpork because he thinks of it as his home base. Over the ocean we see other wizards’ towers springing up everywhere: they’re all joining in the war. I love this sort of distant apocalypse imagery, the contrast between the peace of a totally uninhabited area and the massive devastation that from far away looks kind of pretty. Here at the end of all things.
Rincewind returns to a city totally unlike the one he left: gleaming white marble, fountains, and not a single soul. Smoke boils up from the university’s tower, which is slagged and melted but still firing off terrifying magic at the tower in the next city-state over. And the library, where Rincewind spent a lot of very happily boring time as an assistant librarian, lies in ashes. Rincewind goes  into the tower. The flashes of magic illuminate the librarian and many of his 90,000 books, which flew in to take shelter when the library burned. He tells Rincewind to put a stop to all this sourcery, seeing as Rincewind seems to be the only other wizard who hasn’t gone mad with power (the reason being, he hasn’t got any). And obviously the librarian has his books to tend to. So Rincewind puts a half-brick in a sock and starts up the tower.
In the top of the tower the Ankh wizards defeat Quirm, and then when the hat is momentarily distracted, they defeat Al Khali too. But Coin is still an open doorway through which magic pours into the world. “Can you hear them?” asks Carding. “You’re pouring sourcery into the world and other things are coming with it.” I have always liked this image, of a great number of terrible things just barely compelled to stay outside of the circle of the universe, and being invited in when too much magic is used. For a moment the staff is indisposed horribly murdering Carding and Coin is uncertain, upset that a man is dead. Then it returns to his hands and he says: let’s fight the gods. I was expecting it to be a bit more of a thing but he settles it in about a paragraph: we’ll just put them inside this bubble, there we are. Just then Rincewind staggers up over the edge of the tower, swinging his half-brick. His exchange with Coin is… absolutely delightful. They’re at exact opposite ends of the wizard spectrum.
“I have come,” said Rincewind thickly, “to challenge the sourcerer. Which one is he?” He surveyed the prostrate wizardry, hefting the half-brick in one hand. 
One of the wizards risked a glance upwards and made frantic eyebrow movements at Rincewind who, even at the best of times, wasn’t much good at interpreting non-verbal communication. This wasn’t the best of times.
“With a sock?” said Coin. “What good is a sock?” 
The arm holding the staff rose. Coin looked down at it in mild astonishment. “No, stop,” he said. “I want to talk to this man.” He stared at Rincewind, who was swaying back and forth under the influence of sleeplessness, horror and the after-effects of an adrenaline overdose. “Is it magical?” he said, curiously. “Perhaps it is the sock of an Archchancellor? A sock of force?”
Rincewind focused on it. “I don’t think so,” he said. “I think I bought it in a shop or something. Um. I’ve got another one somewhere.”
“But in the end it has something heavy?”
“Um. Yes,” said Rincewind. He added, “It’s a half-brick.”
“But it has great power.”
“Er. You can hold things up with it. If you had another one, you’d have a brick.” Rincewind spoke slowly. He was assimilating the situation by a kind of awful osmosis, and watching the staff turn ominously in the boy’s hand.
“So. It is a brick of ordinariness, within a sock. The whole becoming a weapon.”
“Um. Yes.”
“How does it work?”
“Um. You swing it, and then you. Hit something with it.”
The staff tells Coin to kill Rincewind, but Coin is hesitant, because Rincewind looks like “an angry rabbit,” and is probably harmless. “Why should I do everything you tell me?” says Coin to the staff. “I always do everything you tell me, and it doesn’t help people at all.” Basically it’s like asking a kid to murder a clown. He’s so funny! Why should I kill him!
The staff tortures him a bit. Might I remind you: his ten-year-old son. Rincewind thinks this is a bit much and whacks the staff out of his hand with the half-brick-in-sock. He actually steps in front of Coin to defend him from the staff, even though bravery and altruism are really not his thing. And Coin catches the staff, and throws it away. It comes back, of course, and they do battle. All the wizards are terrified, and Rincewind looks around accusingly at the wizards who won’t help this ten-year-old fighting for his life and the fate of reality itself. All we see of Rincewind’s intervention is his seared hat floating gently to the ground.
He and Coin wake up on the cold black sand of the Dungeon Dimension, staring at the backs of the Things that are trying to break into the universe. The staff has been melted and Rincewind decides to be a real hero one more time and attack the Things with a sock full of sand as a distraction so Coin can get out of there. Which he does. And then the door closes, and Rincewind is stuck in the Dungeon Dimension. We’ll see him again later, don’t worry.
As a minor footnote, the apocalypse is happening out there. It’s a Norse-style apocalypse: the gods have vanished, so ice giants are taking over the world. The librarian gets the pearl full of all the gods and sort of throws it and they come out and reverse the apocalypse, I guess. And then Coin undoes everything he did, and I THINK he also erases everyone’s memory of the very brief Mage War. And because he’s lost and alone and doesn’t know what he wants at all… he steps out of the universe, into a simpler, nicer one. A small universe with a garden. And the door closes behind him.
The book ends in the library, where the books have come back to roost and it’s warm and quiet. The librarian has put Rincewind’s hat in a minor ceremonial niche, because “a wizard will ALWAYS come back for his hat.” Listen, I think the librarian might be a bit sweet on Rincewind. It’s very cute.
So, thus ends the book! This one doesn’t have a whole lot of themes since the main purpose of it is to be a fun fantasy adventure with an absolutely kicking climax. I’d say the main one is that Sir Terry vastly prefers consistency to excitement and that war is bad. Oh, hey, that’s a lot like the last one, isn’t it? And there’s also a bit of a warning about how allowing yourself to have power is always a very dangerous balancing game. Humans always have to be careful not to forget how dangerous it is to have power, and how the only way to use it even a little bit well is to think scrupulously of the masses of normal people your actions affect. I feel like he’d agree with my (rather unwilling) stance on Ethical Anxiety. Which is to say, he might understand why I am constantly extremely anxious about taking ethical actions. 
Today’s thought, Shabbat shalom, is to ask yourself how you are using the power you have, and ask yourself where you get your ethics: your parents? Your friends? The news? Which news? That’s all for now. This has been It’s Yelling All the Way Down, intro and end music is TOKiMONSTA’s “Hungry Stomach.” Bye!
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governmentlizard · 2 years
Adrenochrome – the Terrible Elephant in the Room
“Screw ruling the universe, we thought collectively in our unified reptoid-brain, just a sniff of this pork-monkey’s liver-cherries sends us spiraling through an octarine-shaded hypno-seizure.” — Someone, probably
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