#oc: carmilla
ghouljams · 4 months
Tell me why I immediately thought this was Love showing off a wrapped like Carmilla to Ghost lol. Could also work for Goose and Ghost 💗
Ghost lays on the bed, scrolling through the morning news while he listens to the sounds of the flat. It's not often he's the last one up, but you'd insisted, Father's day and all that. He misses the morning routine, but he can stomach it for a day. Most of the morning is spent corralling a recently mobile cabbage anyway. He can hear her squeals of laughter and the patter of her little feet over the hardwood, and smiles to himself. He can hear you chasing after her as well, the quiet "get back here you little booger" and the slide of your feet making him switch his phone off.
The little feet disappear and he hears you cooing at the baby, well, toddler. You sound like you're getting closer. Ghost watches you carry your toddler through the bedroom door, wrapped in one of your fluffy blankets with her little curls a mess. Her eyes light up when she spots him, a big smile overtaking her little face, you look smugly proud of yourself for having wrangled the slippery little thing.
"Hi dada," Carmilla calls from her blanket burrito, her little voice melodic as any song Ghost's heard, and twice as charming. He can't help the snort of laughter that it draws from him, the same laughter he watches you giggle with. His sweet little girl. You walk closer to the bed and toss her onto the mattress. She bounces with an exaggerated, "Oof" before turning onto her stomach and crawling to lay her head against Ghost's chest.
"Good morning princess," Ghost rumbles, petting a big hand over her little head.
"You make b'eckfast?" She asks, her eyes wide and her smile hopeful. Ghost wraps his arms around her to pull her tight to his chest, leaning to kiss the top of her head as she giggles and struggles against his hug.
"'Course baby," He tells her, hauling himself and his daughter out of bed. He fixes her nighty as he settles her against his hip. "You want pancakes?" He asks, though he already knows the answer, an enthusiastic 'mhm' from the child in his arms, "Alright then, let's get you and Mummy some pancakes."
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cheekylittlepupp · 6 months
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Carmilla | human dark urge | rogue
I'm usually not one to post this many pics of my oc's but good god..am I absolutely in love with her..
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mynqzo · 2 months
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rariatoo · 4 months
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In addition to Noss and Zakuro, there are vampire parents who are single mothers.
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chubs-deuce · 2 months
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some more Dawn shenanigans, this time with some more extended cast interactions lmao
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fuluv · 9 months
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vampire girls!
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catboymoments · 2 months
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lupus automata / Kay el centric doodles!!!
I love Kay el my beautiful little blonde bitchboy who is a victim of The Government Sucking So Bad Even In Space
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usausualex · 2 months
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Vox's assistant✍️ || Who can be the next sinner?! 👀 ✨ Taking hazbin cards commissions: Half x $45 - Full x $55 📩Send me a dm if you are interested here or via Twitter/instagram/discord: usausualex 📩 📜​ CARD/INFO: https://usausualex.carrd.co/#usausualexhazbincards
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fiendishfables · 3 months
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Camillo Carmine x Reader
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General Headcanons (SFW + NSFW)
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warnings: nsfw, mentions of blood, mentions of biting, cursing
words: 1.4k+
a/n: this was a highly requested work, so enjoy and have fun with the little bonus at the end! This is not really an x reader, but it could be read as such, so oh well. Let me know your thoughts on Camillo's character, and/or if you'd like to see more of him in the near future <3
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✧˚ · . Camillo is basically like a big cat
✧˚ · . Tall motherfucker, standing at approximately 8,2
✧˚ · . The guy is very calm, silent, and sneaky all at once. If anything, he would make an excellent spy and has been offered positions before in that line of work
✧˚ · . Very independent; wont work for anybody but himself and is beyond stubborn
✧˚ · . He is a hardass, but underneath his tough, strong front, is an individual who is a giant kid at heart, who is so deeply loyal and giving that it hurts, and who takes all relationships he makes very seriously, as in he would gladly put his life on the line for someone he cares about; questioning his loyalty is the worst you can do
✧˚ · . Favorite colors consist of greys and purples of any shade; it always struck him as having more of an elegant, dancer sort of vibe, and the display of the colors usually help him to relax in times of distress. His whole bedroom is centered around that color palette and it hasn't been changed since he and Camilla have inherited the mansion
✧˚ · . On the subject of Camilla, he likes to annoy her. His real personality can start to be seen the more time he spends around his sister; they behave just like any normal pair of siblings would. The two have had a love hate relationship growing up and it still is that way, even if just a bit more watered down now. The two like to joke and hang around together every now and again when they aren't off busy with their own lives
✧˚ · . What a Carmine lacks in affection, they make up for in loyalty
✧˚ · . If you wanna talk about dancers, he is one. He loves dancing in his spare time and even uses the Carmine manor as a spot to host dancing lessons amongst sinners willing/wanting to learn
✧˚ · . His silvery pointed dancing shoes are like his literal children, and he always goes into a slight panic whenever he can't find them. They provide him with that sense of security, as dancing is a huge part of his life and he could never stand to be without it; they were also a gift from his mother
✧˚ · . Never likes to ask anyone for anything, especially not help. He likes to cover up his needs with smart-ass comments and handsome smirks that most can't stay mad at for too long
✧˚ · . Has been told he has a very punchable face
✧˚ · . His fangs make for a great, sarcastic smile; his face either consists of a frown or that signature smirk. He uses his fangs for a lot of things, including biting people when they get on his nerves
✧˚ · . Can totally play the piano; claims its a very calming and dignified instrument. He doesn't play it often but when he does, its a gift to anyone around to hear
✧˚ · . On the asexuality spectrum, identifying as demisexual and biromantic. It takes him a little longer than the average sinner to develop feelings for someone, let alone sexual feelings
✧˚ · . As stated before, his relationships are one of the most important things in his life and he handles them with great seriousness
✧˚ · . The epitome of that one secretive, mysterious, tall and mysterious stranger everyone wants to be friends with, but are too afraid to approach directly to ask
✧˚ · . It's very difficult to get anything verbal out of this man when he's in the process of being intimate with someone, even if they're his s/o
✧˚ · . The most you can expect is some pleasured grunts, maybe some low groans if you're lucky
✧˚ · . It's not that he isn't enjoying whatever is being brought upon him, he is just one to closely guard his feelings and never really express them too vividly; yes that ends up following him into his sex life
✧˚ · . 9 times out of 10 he prefers to give pleasure rather than receive it
✧˚ · . Loves to degrade and use pet names with his partner; sweetheart, doll, slut, and whore tending to be some of his personal favorites to use
✧˚ · . Big on consent. If you are ever not comfortable with anything he proposes or is in the middle of doing to you, then he will stop instantly and get you anything you need. He may seem like an asshat sometimes, but he is a decent person (if that comes as such a shock)
✧˚ · . Into some form of pet play/leashes, no negotiation
✧˚ · . He always likes to be in control and rarely ever is the submissive one during intimacy.
✧˚ · . Will speak Spanish in bed, usually doing so in order to fluster his partner; it often gets him a positive response
✧˚ · . Being blindfolded is a big kink of his. As a dancer, he is used to having to be accustomed to other senses, so when they are heightened after his sight is temporarily taken from him, he will have a ball of a time
✧˚ · . One of his top favorite things is watching his partner ride him. Just the sight of his cock being sheathed inside your body over and over again as he watches you get off on his lap all on your own
✧˚ · . Dirty dancing is something he is much too fond of. The act of getting all worked up from dancing with one another, teasing each other all the while, then getting to fuck his partner into the ground, whispering praises to them about how well they danced with/for him; he is all too eager to teach you more of what he knows about the dancing world
✧˚ · . The little shit is one of the biggest teases you will ever meet. He honestly has a sex drive that's more so on the lower side and does not need sex as often as most sinners seem to
✧˚ · . But, be prepared when he does have the energy to pleasure you, for he is astounding at it.
✧˚ · . Kissing, biting, steamy makeout sessions, eating you out, fucking you raw; he can do it all and excel in the process
✧˚ · . His fangs usually come into play a lot during sex; a huge fan of biting and leaving marks on his partner to let others know that they have already been claimed
✧˚ · . Camillo is one of those demons you'd be lucky to have sex with. It's not even an egotistical thing, he's just not very sex-coded when it comes to relationships or really anything in general. He believes in a true connection with someone first before engaging in any sorts of those activities, hence his sexuality
✧˚ · . Sex with Camillo is always very serious and passionate. He never allows himself to be as vulnerable as he would be right now, so better to cherish it whilst it lasts
✧˚ · . It's almost like he picks one mate for life, then he's done looking, like some species do
✧˚ · . Thinking of it, when he really gets into action and the rare times he wants to have sex, he fucks like a wild animal. He does have his vanilla, gentle side where he will care for you nothing short of a husband, but if he has the chance or some pent up anger to release, you better prepare to go for multiple rounds of very rough sex
✧˚ · . To top things off, he does have a praise kink. It may be hard to pick up on at first, but if you praise him, let him know how good he's making you feel, he's a mess (at least internally). Nothing really gets him going more than knowing he is fulfilling his job as a partner; making you feel good in every aspect that he can. It gives him purpose and that's really all he needs when he's with his s/o
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✧˚ · . One of Camillo's wildest fantasies is to have his lover cockwarming him whilst he plays a song for them on his piano. He can imagine struggling to not fumble over the keys, not let his fingers slip, as he feels you clench around him, biting his lip or your shoulder hard enough to draw blood in order to stifle any noises that may find their way past his lips. That vulnerability is something he knowingly holds sacred; you could potentially be the one to coax it out of him.
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annasdewitts · 9 months
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ㅤㅤㅤI tolerated Orin, but I liked you.
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ghouljams · 3 months
I'm such a sucker for odd little guys, I need to see the changeling babies being little freaks. Teeny cryptids, if you will.
Ainsley develops the ability to mimic voices, but they are never quite right. It comes out warbled and the pitches fluctuate. Imagine waking up in the middle of the night to your child saying "mommy i threw up" in the distorted voice of a person you've never heard before.
When Karma starts getting her little hunt cravings (think of it like when a baby starts teething), she'll try catching any little animal she can get her hands on. Love and Ghost take her to the park only to find she's trapped a half-alive squirrel in her thorns, the small mammal letting out wheezing breaths and thrashing as much as it can with the way the stems pierce its lungs and snap its little limbs.
König's little monster just gets the zoomies, I don't have any ideas for him lol
Lets do some baby fic with our little monsters and their daddy monsters! I love the fae-bies so much, they're horrific
Ainsley(Keegan's first born):
The overlapping voices make you sit bolt upright in bed, you knock Keegan off of you with how quickly you sit up and look around for the intruder. He groans and rolls over to bury his face in the pillow. This glowing eyes next to your bed repeat the strange amalgamation of sound, little beads of starlight looking up at you as they tell you, "Momma, I frew up." You stare at your child, your sleep addled brain attempting to understand how they're making that noise with their mouth. They repeat their plaintive cry in a different voice, big wet tears rolling down their face. You're quick to shush them and scoop them up into your arms.
"It's ok sweetheart," You hum, kissing their cheek, "Momma will take care of it." Keegan manages to pull himself to wakefulness in the time it takes you to strip the toddler bed and turn on the sink. You watch him yawn, replacing pillow covers and smoothing his hands over sheets, tucking in corners with military precision. You wipe off you baby's face with a warm cloth, and help them change into fresh pjs. They make little chirping sounds, showing off the way their new imitations with bird calls, then barks, and finally, by doing a perfect impression of their favorite grocer.
They seem to have a fondness for the strange overlapping chatter that they can conjure. You have to settle them down back in bed, and get them to stop talking, before you can get any medicine in them. You've never heard your child talk so much, but you suppose they take after their father. It's almost sweet, the way Keegan whistles back to them, responding bird calls with his own, and sending Riley to lick the little monster's face when they start barking.
You give your own half hearted chirp as Keegan pulls you back to bed, your brain too tired to parse what that could mean, lulled only by the way Keegan tucks you in under the blankets and kisses your forehead. "That's good Angel," He hums, settling in to cuddle again, "you're a natural."
Karma/Carmila(Ghost's first born):
Your baby toddles off into a bush and disappears. She's there one moment, her little hands and perfect curls pushing against the leaves as she chases after a chipmunk, and the next she's gone. You stand up from where you'd been lounging on the blanket and nearly kick Simon in your rush to go... you don't know, try and pull your infant from a bush? You can hear her excited squealing, her delighted coos, you just can't see her. It doesn't take much panic from you to inspire Simon to come over and check what's happening.
He grumbles something under his breath and moves you out of the way to shove his arm into the bush. He frowns, and pushes in further until the leaves and branches are up to his shoulder. After a moment of fishing around he pulls your daughter free. She blinks down at the bush, and bounces against Simon's hold. Her little fingers grab and wiggle towards the bush as she babbles. The branches twist and reach towards her and Simon bats them away.
"Bloody hell," He swears, holding your baby up and out of the way as he digs his other arm into the bush. You don't particularly like the way he's scruffed your baby, but you're more preoccupied by the deep red that drips off her fingers, and stains her sweet little mouth. Simon fishes the chipmunk out of the tangle with a grimace and hands its bloodied corpse to Carmilla who squeals like she's been given her favorite toy. She squeezes it with her little hands and you watch with disgust as she digs the few teeth she has into its furry flesh.
You don't hesitate grabbing her from Simon's hold, or wrestling the vermin away from her. You grimace at how warm and wet it is, and toss it back into the bush. You're sure he sees nothing wrong with what your baby is eating, Carmilla hiccups like she's about to start wailing, neither of them have any standards. "Simon," He hums, watching you with a bored sort of "this is the way fae are" expression, "get the baby something with less disease in it please."
"Oh," He raises a brow, you can see amusement slowly creeping over his face, "that's what you're mad about." He sniffs, looking around the park as you try to settle your infant. "Right, gimme ten, I'll be back with somethin' decent."
Ten minutes later you're sitting on a nice blanket enjoying a sunny day and some light reading while your husband supervises your infant child's gnawing on what appears to be a human liver.
König's little monster(as yet unnamed):
You have all the books, you read all the advice, and you are still woefully unprepared. You knew your child would be fae, assumed he would be like his father, but all of that means nothing when you're actually parenting. You watch your baby on a blanket on the floor, his little spines and fluffy furry hair all sticking out at odd angles. You reach down and scratch his head, and he purrs, his little arms and legs swimming against the blanket. He pushes a ball towards König and König pushes it back. Every time the little monster's tail poofs up, the little triangle help up high and wiggling with each movement.
König tosses the ball back and forth between his hands and the baby bounces on his stomach. "Is daddy teasing you?" You reach down to scratch the baby's head again, and the little one turns his attention to you. His tiny fingers reach for your hand and you slide off the couch to bundle the infant in your arms and kiss his little cheek. He turns his head to gum at your cheek, babbling with attempts to mimic the kissing noises you make.
"Am not," König assures you, tucking the ball into his son's grasping hands when the baby turns his attention back to his father. You roll your eyes and kiss the baby's cheek again before passing him off to König. You wouldn't have thought König was good with the baby, but the way the infant leans his head against König's shoulder, his little fingers tight in König's shirt, makes you think otherwise. König turns his head to sniff the baby, big hands cradling him as you brush your hands against your pants.
"He needs a bath after dinner, smells like the woods," You pull your phone free to feign nonchalance, "you wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?"
König, for his part, doesn't look at you and changes the subject. "He is too small to take hunting," He coos at the baby, "no, you wouldn't catch anything without teeth."
"König," You press, he hums, "don't take the baby to the woods," Another hum as he toys with the baby's fingers, "he hasn't even had his shots yet, stop taking him into the fucking woods."
"You're not supposed to curse around the baby," König tells you, and you nearly crack your jaw biting your tongue on the words you want to toss back at him.
"Stop taking the baby into the forest or I will divorce you," You try. That gets König's attention long enough for him to break a smile and turn his staring back to the baby.
"No you won't," He assures you, and you sigh.
You won't.
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xyingerx · 3 months
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williamhandsomeface · 1 month
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Vol2 Ep3
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thornart · 5 days
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"My soul, once devoted to the light, now serves the darkness. I am a creature of shadow, forged in the blood of the night. The warmth of life has been replaced by a cold hunger, and though I long for the peace of my former existence, I am bound to the eternal dance of predator and prey. Yet, in the stillness of the night, I can hear the whispers of my past, a mournful dirge of what was lost and can never be regained. And do you know what terrifies me the most? I like this feeling…"
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quueen-lex · 4 months
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Might redesign her
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