#obviously i have moved on to others but it still has a special place in my heart. they are so <3
monstrsball · 1 year
💖 asasuga?
oh asasuga... <3 would you be so kind by dodie is a good fit for them, i think. soft and cute, definitely suga's pov. (and okie now it's time for me to ramble in the tags)
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neo-nomatrix · 1 year
Hate the AM, Hate the PM, But love you
Hobie Brown x reader
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word count: 969
find the mini series here
tags: @maxjesty @marshallowy @sh-tposter2021 @ilovebhna @ladyagagaslefttoe
synopsis: Hobie is still a slightly infuriating neighbor, but there’s something about that jacket and guitar that are all too familiar.
a/n: DRUNK CONFESSIONS!! Part two of this fic. I wasn’t going to write another part to it but i caved 😔
You stood him up. You fucking stood him up. Hobie spent the entire show looking out into the crowd, ignoring the blinding stage lights, to try and find you. But you were nowhere to be found. He asked so nicely too! Despite his nonchalant attitude it took him so long to build up the courage to ask you out. He had dinner reservations planned, which he has obviously never done, looked up places to get a Mr.Whippy and even found a small secluded area where he could play his guitar for you.
The worst part is how it made him feel. He genuinely liked you and it hurt him to think you didn’t feel the same when he thought you did. So what was his solution? Go out with his mates to a pub until 3 am to drink his feelings. Hobie was a bold drunk, bolder than he usually is. He’s also a sloppy drunk, tripping when he walks and slurring his speech like it’s all one word.
You’re peacefully sleeping in your bed with your spiderman eye mask cuddling with your Spider-Punk plushie. It’s not a random occurrence to hear Hobie stomping his boots late at night but it was different today. You heard his boot buckles dragging across the floor and a loud bang against your door. Not necessarily a knock, more of a body slumped against the wood.
“Love! You in there?!” You hear him yell.
You try your hardest to ignore him but as he keeps yelling and pounding against the wood you start to feel sorry for everyone else on your floor. You force yourself out of bed and towards the front door. As you reluctantly open it a drunken Hobie falls into your flat.
“Hobie get your arse up,” you roll your very tired eyes.
He surprisingly agrees and makes his way to your bed.
Great, you think
He tosses his guitar to your couch and gets into your bed like it’s his. Conveniently throwing the spider-punk plush off the bed. He cuddles up with your blanket and closes his eyes. You cannot let him fall asleep.
“Hobie! Hello? That is my bed. Get out!” You yell at him.
“Why’d you do it?” He whispers.
“What,” you ask, still annoyed.
“You stood me up. I asked you to come to my show and you didn’t. Why,” he asked less of a question and more of a statement.
You sigh, of course you knew that was tonight. In all honesty you don’t quite know why you didn’t go. You weren’t doing anything special and it probably would’ve been nice. But you were scared. Scared of what? You also didn’t know that, you just were.
“I… I don’t know,” you admit.
“Really hurt me, Love. I wanted to see you and take you out on a nice date,” he looked away from you.
Your heart shattered. You knew Hobie liked you but not to that extent. You thought he was just playing around with you and didn’t mean anything by it.
“I’m really sorry, Hobie. We should go out some other time, okay? My treat,” you promise.
“Nah, don’t think i’ll have the time,” He says, clearly less sad than he was a few moments ago.
“Oh yeah? Busy with what? Trying to tear down the government from the inside?” You laugh.
“Of course not, that’s for the first saturday of every month. I’ll be busy being Spiderman,” he says, cuddling closer to your blanket.
You stop immediately. Your mind goes blank, the world around you stops. You’re suddenly much more awake than you have ever been. Hobie is… no you can’t even say it. The man you’ve hated ever since you had moved in was the person you loved more than anything else? That can’t be right, he’s having a laugh. That’s gotta be it.
“I don’t believe in comedy,” you remember him saying.
Fuck. He’s not joking, is he?
“What?” you manage to get out.
“I’ll be busy, being spiderman and all. Yknow who that is right? Don’t know if you noticed but he’s- i mean I’m kinda all over your room,” he lets out a drunk giggle.
He pulls out his mask from the pocket of his jacket and handed it to you.
You grab it in disbelief. You run your hand over the spandex in awe. Spiderman is right in front of you, you realize.
You just can’t believe the man you’ve idolized for years was in your bed. YOUR BED.
Hobie takes the blanket off of him, lifting up his shirt to reveal his suit. Blue and fucking red material.
“I don’t believe in the labels though. It’s stupid,” He says in the most Hobie way possible.
“You’re a superhero,” you say, still a little shocked.
“No. No, don't say that. I'm not a hero, because calling yourself a hero makes you a self-mythologising, narcissistic autocrat,” He says. God even drunk he’s still a smart ass.
“So you still wanna go out?” He asks.
“What? I just found out you’re fucking Spiderman and that’s what you’re asking me? If I want to go out with you?” You respond.
“I mean what else is there to say? I already know you love me,” he nods to the spiderman memorabilia.
Even in this state he still leaves you speechless.
“Well- yeah I guess. We can go out,” you say slowly.
“Cool,” he nods.
He lifts up the blanket and scoots over, inviting you into your bed with him. You roll your eyes and get in with him. He wraps his arms around you and smiles.
“I knew you wanted to snog me from the start,” he laughs.
Hobie is still pretty infuriating, but that is slowly becoming one of your favorite things about him.
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straykidsholicleigh · 3 months
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pairing: idol!minho x fem!reader
genre: fluff, drabble like thing
warnings: established relationship, kissing, minho tries to get freaky 💃
a/n: here's my 500 follower special!! hope u like it even though it's shit- I had to rewrite it but the original was 2K words- so this is short pls don't kill me-
credits: dividers by @cafekitsune ♡.
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You don't know what it was honestly. Maybe you drank too much chilled water? Went to bed with your hair still wet? Or, well maybe it was the iced coffee you had in the morning and then another in the night. I mean, you did have a night filled with passion before sleeping and Minho did leave the AC on a high setting before sleeping, but you couldn't really pinpoint what it was. But it was definitely one of those.
You woke up this morning with a splitting headache, body shivering even though it was summer, your boyfriend walking out of the bathroom without a shirt. "Wow," He said as he watched you groan, sneezing as you wrapped the blanket around your naked, shivering body.
"You look like shit." He completed, crawling into bed as he placed his palm over your head, hissing as his hand warmed up from your high temperature. "You need medical attention," He said, placing a chaste kiss to your shoulder as you scoffed, rolling your eyes. "Yeah, no shit Sherlock." You called out as he shouting at you to shut up, making you smile.
Your relationship was always like this, cat and mouse, cat and dog, always barking and teasing each other. It was your love language now, it always has been. From the time you became friends till now, nothing as changed. Despite the constant teasing and barking, you both obviously loved each other, knowing when the teasing should stop or when the other gets offended or uncomfortable. You both knew each other like the back of your hand.
You shivered, reaching out to turn the AC off as you quickly covered yourself with the blanket, groaning as your muscles ached. The door flew open moments later, Minho standing there with a plate which had a glass of water and pills, a few crackers layed out neatly as he placed the plate on the table. He drew the curtains shut, the sunlight disappearing as he helped you get out of bed.
He walked you into the bathroom, taking out one of his old shirts and a pair of underwear for you as you brushed your teeth. He helped you change, hitting him whenever he tried to spread your legs apart further. "I'm sick Minho!" You nearly yelled as he laughed, apologizing as he patted your head. Once you were out of the bathroom you ate the crackers slowly, listening to Minho talk about his new comeback. Once you were done, he helped you take the pill, kissing you and whispering words of encouragement which made your heart flutter.
He placed you down onto the bed, making himself comfortable next to you as he wrapped his hands around you, closing his eyes. You turned around, his eyes fluttering open as you caressed his face. He looked so beautiful, his deep brown eyes boring into yours as your heart swelled with love for him. "Yes, jagi?" He asked, eyeing your lips as you smiled. "Kiss me, please?" You pleaded. He smiled, leaning forward as he pressed his lips to yours, his hand moving to cup your cheek as your hand rested on his chest.
Your lips moved in sync, like as if you've been doing this from the time you were born, it was so natural. So right. So... perfect. Like your lips were made for each other.
He pulled away first, making you whine as he laughed. "Now I'll get sick!" He exclaimed as you gasped. "Then why did you kiss me?! Naurr!" You groaned, mimicking the australian accent as he smiled. "No it's ok," He said, pulling you closer to his chest as you buried your face into him. "I don't mind getting sick with you. The more time I take taking care of you the happier I get." You looked up at him, smiling as he caressed your lips.
"Better?" He asked.
You smiled. "Better."
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@cafekitsune i used ur dividers but i made them black and white to match the aesthetic. hope u don't mind 😅
taglist: @bbgnyx @junglyric @hyunevlogs @smuttystraykidsthoughts @yessa-vie @chartrucewhore @hyunlar @yaorzu-blog @silverstarburst @himynamesjadon @double-knxtt @itzyeunusiastrie @not-the-herb-sage @ifudontlikegidlefucku @yo-peeps-itzz-asher @hayleyinthebuilding @iwishmiyeonismygf @nathan-idk @soleil-like-the-lillies-or-sun @audreyyy-yyy @leointhehouse @kian-it-means-king @vanillacupcakefrosting @vannipak @tae-ig @joshuanotfound @ivydoesit23 @minjunsworldsposts @fauna-flora11 @ryanerror141 @maya-yay @ophelia-and-yes-i-stan-skz @rockyhedgehog @sleepyleeji @kaiyaba
©straykidsholicleigh (2024) – all rights reserved. reposting/copying of any kind is not allowed.
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woso-dreamzzz · 3 months
Hardersson x Child!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: Magda takes Pernille to dinner
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The restaurant is fancier than the restaurants that Momma and Morsa usually take you to.
Evidently, Momma thinks so too because she holds your hand a little tighter and pulls you in front of her.
"Magda," Momma says," Are you sure this is the right place?" She looks down meaningfully at you.
The usual restaurants you go to aren't fancy like this. They're homey places, much more likely to be family-run for years rather than being awarded Michelin stars.
"Yep," Magda says as the host takes them towards a private booth at the back.
You're big enough now that you don't need to sit in a high chair anymore but Magda and Pernille still box you between them in the booth, sitting so you're in the middle and they're facing each other.
"This is expensive, Magda," Pernille warns.
"We can afford it."
"I know but, still."
"It'll be fine," Magda assures her," I promise."
This whole trip was out of the blue.
They had just come home from training when Magda sent Pernille off to the bedroom to change into something fancier than the usual tracksuit bottoms and old shirt she usually wore post training.
There was already something laid out on the bed and, by the time Pernille was finished, you and Magda had also changed. Tomorrow was a day off so it wasn't out of the ordinary for you all to go out the night before but not in fancy clothes and not to this fancy restaurant that looks like a little girl like you shouldn't be in it.
"Is there a kid's menu?" Pernille asks.
You frown. "I want a big girl meal."
Magda laughs, leaning over to kiss the top of your head. "I've ordered ahead for her."
Pernille raises a brow. "How did you even get a reservation for this place?"
"Millie knows a guy."
"You make it sound like she's in the mob."
"She could be."
"What's the mob?" You ask.
"Nothing, princesse," Magda laughs," Here. The nice host lady brought you some paper and crayons."
You grab the crayons quickly, scrawling over the paper with reckless abandon.
"I'm serious, Magda. What's going on?"
"Can't I take my girls out for a special evening?"
"You can," Pernille says, eyes narrowed in suspicion," But at a place like this? You're up to something."
Despite her suspicions, Pernille does end up having a nice time. The food is good, the wine is great. The company is, obviously, even better.
You seem to be having fun too, going through all of the crayons as you draw a picture of the three of you standing under a rainbow together.
The dress you're wearing, now that Pernille inspects it, is a perfect match to her own, right down to how it's styled on your body. Both of them compliment the ensemble that Magda's wearing, Pernille notices as Magda rises from her seat to take you to the bathroom.
You look like a perfect pair.
Pernille can see a lot of Magda in you, all the way down to the way you walk. You've got Magda in your face and your smile and the way you giggle hysterically when Pernille tickles your tummy.
You return after a few minutes without Magda, reaching out for Pernille's hand with the same secret smile on your face that Magda has when she's about to do something surprising.
"Where's your Morsa?" Pernille teases, allowing you to pull her up.
"She's outside," You say," She paid earlier. Come on, Momma!" You pull at her insistently. Clearly, Pernille isn't moving fast enough.
You pull her out of the restaurant and across the road to the play park.
Magda's waiting by the gate and you stop in front of her. You turn to look at Pernille.
You smile at her, the exact same as Magda's smile, before squeezing her as tight as you can.
Magda picks you up and you cover something with your hands.
"What have you two planned?" Pernille teases, her own smile ghosting her lips.
"Pernille," Magda says," I love you."
"I love you too."
"I understand that this moving in together thing is still new-"
"We've been moved in for a year?"
"I have a speech," Magda laughs," Can you let me get through it?"
Pernille laughs too. "Alright. I suppose so."
Magda clears her throat. "As I was saying...I understand that this moving in together thing is still new and I know that there's going to be a few hiccups along the way but I love you and I love Princesse and I love this little family we've made. I know we want a future together. Honestly...I...This came out of nowhere and I know we're still in the height of our careers but..."
She nudges you.
"Please agree to be engaged to be engaged to Morsa!" You say, holding out the little ring you've been hiding in your hands.
It's a fairly simple ring, clearly not a proper engagement ring but it's still beautiful. Pernille takes it from your hands, slipping it onto her finger.
"Yes," She says," I will be engaged to be engaged to your Morsa."
You cheer, a beautiful round of bubbly giggles spilling from your throat as Momma pulls Morsa into a kiss.
Morsa's cheeks are all pink when she pulls away and she's got one of those silly star struck smiles on her face that she gets when Momma is around her.
"Can we get ice cream now?" You ask and they both laugh.
"Yes, Princesse," Morsa says," Let's get ice cream."
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bumblebeesfromvenus · 4 months
Balé Bruce taking female readers virginity? It can be headcanon or story. Ty!
Bruce taking your virginity ♡
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A/N: I'm so sorry this took me so long, please forgive me 😭🩷 this is like a weird merge between headcannons and a story lol
《Warnings》: smut (obvi), very sweet and gentle Bruce <3
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To say he'd be gentle would be an understatement. You'll be treated as absolutely royalty, touches so soft and tender you can barely feel them.
He'd be extremely honored and giddy that you want him to be your first. The fact that you trust him so much despite his reputation makes his heart beat faster and his cock twitch.
It's safe to say he's not a virgin, and boy, does he know what he's doing!!
He'd take you out on a nice date first, most likely a very nice restaurant. Bruce wasn't usually the romantic type when it came to relationships (if you can even call them that) but he loves you, truly loves you, and he wants to make this special for you.
I don't think he'd go the full 9 yards with rose petals and candles, but it's definitely still a very soft and romantic atmosphere.
Bruce would be insistent that you don't have a single sip of alcohol that night. Yes, you've been together for a while, but this is a big step, and he wants to make 10000% sure that this is what you want. No drinks for either of you that night.
So, he'd take you out on a fun night, have you get all dolled up and then drive around with you for a bit, the lights of a Gotham night reflecting in the windows of his very expensive car. Just something to take the edge off.
You're obviously very comfortable around each other, and he's probably seen you naked at one point anyway, but sex is a completely new form of intimacy.
He'd help you undress and place soft kisses on your skin. You'd lay in bed for a while, not completely naked yet, but still very much undressed. Just enjoying each other's company while the flame of lust and desperation slowly grows and grows. Maybe he'd tell you some of his weird or embarrassing sex stories that he (undoubtedly) had at one point just to make you less nervous.
Sex can be messy, clumsy, ungraceful, and sloppy. He wants you to know that there's nothing to be ashamed about and to always voice and concerns or wishes you may have.
He's gently caressing the skin of your arm as you both lay on your sides, facing each other, as you talk about whatever comes to mind. There's a little lamp on in the corner of the room, bathing the room in a soft golden glow.
He can't help but stare in awe as he follows the light reflecting off your features as your lips move. His hand trails lower, settling on stroking your waist, and when he hears you stop talking he searches for any sign of discomfort on your face but is only met with blushed cheeks and your breathing slightly picking up.
Bruce smiles softly and and gently tugs you closer to his chest, capturing your lips in a passionate kiss. There are wandering hands, clumsy attempts at keeping your lips connected and the overwhelming urge to just touch. He'd ask you one final time if you're sure about this, that he would stop immediately if you asked him to.
The second you give him the go-ahead, he's almost bursting with excitement. He can't wait to explore this new side of you to figure out what you like and what makes you weak in the knees. His hands explore your body, caressing and teasing your sensitive spots whole his lips are attached to your neck.
He tugs off any remaining garments you had on and makes his way down your stomach, brushing his lips over your soft flesh. And, yes, he will eat you out for your first time (definitely not because he's a munch and has been thinking about this for months) maybe he'd make you come on his tongue, but he doesn't want to overwhelm you so he'll just tease you and rile you up until you're dripping with a fog of pleasure clouding your senses.
He'll gently ease his fingers inside of you one by one, getting you used to the feeling of having something inside of you. He'll switch between holding your hand and circling your clit with his thumb. He watches your face like a hawk for any indication that you're uncomfortable or, god forbid, in any pain.
And if you end up coming around his fingers, that's okay. He didn't really set himself any goals for this, like getting 5 orgasms out of you in 10 minutes or anything like that, he just wants you to feel good and loved.
If you don't come around his fingers, that's okay, too. What happens, happens, what doesn't, doesn't. As long as you're satisfied in the end, he doesn't care.
Expect to get like a thousand kisses and him telling you how much he loves you every second.
Bruce insists on missionary (it's his favorite position, but only with you) because the closeness and intimacy is very important to him during your first time. He will always have a safe word, it'll be just stop most of the time. It's easy to remember because it's the first thing you think of when it gets too much anyway.
Because, let's be honest, you're not gonna remember rhubarb-vanilla crumble or something ridiculous like that.
He's been ignoring his raging hard-on, purely because he just can't take his eyes off you. You look absolutely divine underneath him, your pretty features contorted in bliss. He's already been making mental notes to what really makes you melt. And then the moment finally arrives and he gently pushes himself inside of you, tightly grasping your hand.
Communication is really important to him (not only during sex) so I'm afraid you won't get any kisses until he's 100% sure that you're okay. He needs to hear you loud and clear, whether you want him to slow down, start moving, to angle his hips differently. This is all about you tonight.
But the second he's found a good and steady rhythm and has you mewling with your eyes rolling to the back of your head, he's smashing his lips on yours. Bruce would lay his entire weight on you, chests pressed together because he needs to be closer to you. It's not close enough for him, but it'll have to do.
But don't think this isn't affecting him, sex with love is way different than the hook-ups he had. He's panting like a dog, messy hair and dilated pupils. He's absolutely drowning in pleasure, reaching the deepest parts of you while your fingers are still firmly laced together. He'd be very insistent that you come together (he's probably the one that has to hold himself back) and he'd stroke your clit or suck on your tits, whatever tips you over the edge.
I believe the closer he gets to coming undone, the more incoherent babbles of love spill from his lips. It's all desperate and needy "I love you"s in between moans and groans. There are definitely night where he was more control, but this one is not one of them.
After he's brought you earthshattering bliss, and he tiped over the edge himself (he'd preferably come inside of you, but he wouldn't mind pulling out if that's what you wanted) he'll lay down with you. There's no rush, just the two of you gently coming out of your haze of pleasure.
Bruce can't ever shut up, which makes him the king of pillowtalk. You'll just take for a little while, make sure you're both okay before it's time to clean up and get ready for bed.
Depending on how deep you're into the evening, he'll either gently wipe you down with either a damp towel, make sure you're both getting some water, or he'll straight up pamper you with a full bath. I'm talking candles, bubbles, lots of differently scented soaps, and ,of course, his arms around you.
It's all very intimate and loving with tons of soft kisses to your temples, forehead or lips. After you're dried off, you'll help each other slip into your sleep attire before absolutely knocking out for a good 9 hours and waking up in the loving embrace of your lover with the sun kissing your cheeks.
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Hope you liked it, anon! <3
《Tag list》: @allysunny @certifiedredhoodlover @hellonheels-x @gaozorous-rex-blog
Lmk if you want to be added to my DC tag list! (Currently entails Bale!Bruce and Jason Todd)
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raitonsfw · 5 months
𝚢𝚘𝚔𝚘𝚑𝚊𝚖𝚊'𝚜 𝚌𝚘𝚕𝚍 𝚊𝚝 𝚗𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 (𝚕𝚎𝚝 𝚖𝚎 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚢 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚖 𝚢𝚘𝚞) | 𝚍𝚊𝚣𝚊𝚒 𝚘𝚜𝚊𝚖𝚞
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synopsis: Dazai had saved you from the near pits of hell and you smiled at his invitation requesting that you join the agency. When you accepted his invitation, he was over the moon and you two quickly became inseparable. You obviously knew he had feelings for you and you thought nothing of it as you were too shy to return them. That is until he asks to spend the night in the midst of a snowstorm, let alone sleep in the same bed as you? You couldn’t say no, the thought of finally being with him weighing heavily on your mind.
warnings: 18+ mdni, fem!reader, virgin!reader, shy!reader, smut, first time, fingering, cunnilingus, breast play, grinding (specifically dazai grinding against the bed), p in v intercourse, a little bit of pain, teasing, slight dirty talk, cursing, consent, pining (if you squint), embarrassment (reader moans loudly and dazai fucking loves it), implied aftercare, mention of a dazai-typical suicide, reader wraps his bandages around him for him bc he cant do it himself (he’s a stubborn boy), pet names (darling, precious thing, baby, my dear), use of honorifics.
a/n: a piece for one of my dear followers, i hope you enjoy lovely! 🧡 personally adore writing dazai in every type of scenario and i also have another virgin!reader request for him with a special twist so fellow dazai lovers, be on the lookout for that in the next few days! wc: 3k. m.list
divider credit: @benkeibear
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The air was astonishingly crisp and you sighed into your sleeve, the wind catching up to you to ultimately freeze you over. The coat you wore didn’t keep you very warm, it shouldn’t even be classified as a winter coat to be fair. Your boots crunched under the frost that had accumulated on the sidewalk and you bundled yourself up tightly as the winter picked up its rein over Yokohama, snow falling against the rooftops and you fumbled with your keys to the apartment door in front of you. 
Your apartment had a sickle warmth coming from it and you nearly collapsed onto the sofa from exhaustion. The day had been nothing but helping Yosano shopping in the heart of the city, the bags heavily weighing you down as she piled on top as much stuff she could possibly buy for the holidays. It was a cute gesture, you thought but you didn’t think that Ranpo needed that much candy stuffed into his stocking.
The sun had just begun to set, the lack of light barely registering as you looked around the dim apartment. It was neater than usual and you picked up the presence that somebody had cleaned it for you. The kitchen was tidied up with the exception of some baked treats sitting out on the counter and the living room had a scented candle lit against the coffee table. You couldn’t think of anyone else who had your house key besides Dazai. 
“Dazai-san?” You whispered out, looking towards the bedroom for his company. He sometimes stayed in your apartment after a much needed break from the agency dorms, away from its noise and the constant bugging of the other coworkers that resided there. You two were close, but there was still a certain distance kept between the both of you; but you trusted him nonetheless since he was the one who had invited you to join the agency. 
Peering into your bedroom, Dazai was fast asleep. Light snores came from him and you smiled to yourself as you moved over to wake him up. He was in your bed mind you, this has happened quite often and you found it adorable that he sought comfort in your bed. You knew he harbored feelings for you, that was the distance that refused to close between you two; you were simply just too shy to return his feelings and he never made a move on you in fear of making you uncomfortable. 
You placed your hand on his shoulder, the action enough to stir him from his sleep. His eyes lazily opened and he yawned loudly, “Oh, Y/N-san, you’re home.” 
“Thank you for cleaning.” 
“Needed a place to escape to, Atsushi-kun was driving me insane.” He whispered, stretching out onto the bed. He looked at you with a tired expression and you wished you could just gently lean down and kiss him but your nerves got the best of you. Again. You pressed your lips together as you pulled your hand away from his shoulder. 
“Can we share the bed tonight?” Dazai asked as he sat up from the bed, a smile playing on his lips. “It’s sooo comfy.” 
You blushed at his comment, completely blindsided by the sudden request from him. You were more than fine with him sleeping over, the snow had begun to pile up on the streets and it was beginning to look like a blizzard as it blew past the windows heavily. But sharing the bed is something he’s never asked you before, the intimacy of it making your cheeks hot. Normally he’d sleep on the sofa if he ever stayed over, leaving you to the privacy of your room. 
But this was different. Perhaps he was actually going to make a move on you? You weren’t really sure, the thought of it made your pulse quicken. Whatever happened you’d embrace it with open arms, hoping for a flourishing love with the man who had saved you from your old life.
You nodded and left him alone as you went about your home routines, though it didn’t last long as he followed you around your apartment with a grin. He ordered dinner for the both of you at no cost to you at all, though in truth it was probably Kunikida’s credit card he swiped because there was no way Dazai actually had more than twenty dollars on him. He rambled on about his day between mouthfuls and you found out about his suicide attempt had ultimately failed again, Ranpo’s breakdown about having not enough yummy snacks, and the holiday break coming up for the agency that you missed out on. 
Before you knew it, the clock struck late and you were standing in front of your bed after your shower, contemplating whether this was a good idea or not. Dazai had hopped in the shower after you, the water running as background noise for your thoughts. You dried off your hair, sitting on the edge of the bed and you heard the soft melodic hum of his song flow through the apartment. 
You dimmed the lights and went to find a book to read before bed when you heard the water turn off and you mildly panicked as he came out a few moments later, in nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. You had just gotten underneath the covers, the book opened to the page where you left off last abandoned as you gazed at Dazai. 
“I left clothes here before, haven’t I?” He muttered to himself, rummaging around your room as you sat quietly on the bed watching him. The droplets from his hair ran down his exposed chest back, something you didn’t see very often as his bandages wrapped around him fully. You felt that ache between your thighs, that cursed feeling that you knew you couldn’t satisfy very well. You were heavily inexperienced after all, the slightest bit of arousal made you quiver and you’ve never actually been with anyone due to the quietness you displayed.
“I think you left them in the second drawer, Dazai-san.” You murmured quietly, pointing to the dresser next to you. He glanced over to it then laughed to himself, opening the dresser to retrieve his clothing and a fresh stash of bandages to wrap himself in. 
“Of course I did, making myself right at home aren’t I?” He disappeared back into the bathroom and you exhaled shakily, pressing your thighs together underneath the covers. 
You heard a soft noise of disapproval from behind the closed door and Dazai came out with only his sweats on, a mild irritation waving over his face. “Kunikida-kun bought me the wrong brand. They don’t wrap right.” 
“Let me see?” You offered quietly, extending your hand out for the roll of bandages. He placed the wrinkled ball in your hand, (he must’ve balled them up in frustration), and you smoothed them out gently. Dazai sat in front of you in a criss-cross, his eyes following your movements as you started the end of the bandage at his shoulder. 
“I’ll start the wrap for you, then you do the rest yourself.” You said, holding onto the end of the wrap with your finger as you tangled the next wrap behind his neck and to the crevice of his other shoulder. You continued your motions for a bit, repeating it over and over until you got to his arms. You were practically red from the amount of time you stared at his chest while wrapping, but you kept silent as you handed the roll back to him. 
“Can you do the rest please?” Dazai pouted at you, thrusting the bandages back into your hands. You didn’t know why he wanted you to do it, he was already mostly wrapped in the bandages.
“Because I like seeing how flustered you get.” He said with a slight taunt and you dropped the bandages in his lap as you finished one loop around his arm. You couldn’t respond, a flush spreading throughout your cheeks again as you reached down to pick up the roll when you noticed the prominent bulge in his sweats. 
He was hard. In front of you, in the middle of your bed, and your heart skipped a beat. You felt the arousal slick right against your panties and you could barely contain yourself as your hand faltered whilst reaching the bandages. You must’ve been a bit obvious though as your chin was lifted up to look back at him and his dark brown eyes stared back at you with a glint of lust clouding the rims.
“What’s wrong, darling?” Dazai cooed, leaning in closer to you with a smirk. “Cat got your tongue?” 
“Dazai-san…” You whispered and he closed the space between you two, finally. You squeaked in surprise as he swiped his tongue into your mouth with ease and he pushed you back into the pillows gently. He climbed over top of you as he deepened the kiss, the bandages abandoned at his side, and you placed your hands on his chest. 
“This is okay, right?” He murmured into the kiss, moving to plant kisses down your neck and your voice trailed off as you attempted to speak. 
“Um, yes but…” Dazai came up from your neck to look at you with a worried expression. 
“What is it, Y/N-san?” He asked, about to get up but you instantly held him in place. You didn’t want to give him the wrong idea, you definitely wanted him, wanted this– but he had to know you were a virgin. 
“I’m a virgin.” You whispered, averting your gaze with the crimson tint in your cheeks coloring even more. “Is that okay?” 
It was more than okay in Dazai’s eyes, he’d show you– the girl he grew to admire from day one, all the ways he could love you and care for you. No one else had the pleasure to touch you as he did, he wanted you all to himself. Ever since he found you stranded from the depths of despair and nursed you back towards the agency with wide eyes. That’s why he was quick to close the gap between you two, he couldn’t stand to see someone else take you as theirs. 
“Of course it is.” Dazai assured as his fingers slipped into the shorts you wore, playing with the waistband for a moment. His other hand cupped at your breast lightly and he came down to kiss it over clothed skin. You held onto his back as he laid himself fully on top of you now, grinding into your thigh slightly. “Am I allowed to…?” 
“Yes, please.” You said and you felt him ruck up your shirt, pressing open mouthed kisses into the flesh of your exposed breast. Dazai sucked a bruise into it lovingly and you moaned out softly, his tongue lapping around your nipple. A small groan escaped him when you dug your fingers into his back, his fingers sliding through the wetness of the inside of your panties. They brushed against your clit and into your heat with acuteness and you couldn’t help the loud gasp you let out. 
“My my, aren’t we loud in bed?” He teased as he pulled away from your breast to tend to the other one, the sensation of his mouth and fingers making you see stars. “You precious thing– so quiet at the agency but when I do this...” He plunged a second finger in, emitting another loud whine from you, “You go crazy.”
You quivered under his touch as he curled his fingers into you, in and out, and you watched him bow down to kiss at your clit, promptly pulling your shorts and panties down in one fell swoop. He licked a fat stripe up the entirety of your cunt next to his fingers, savoring the way you tasted on his tongue with a grunt. 
“Fuck, you’re driving me crazy now.” Dazai moaned out into you as your thighs squeezed around his shoulders and you felt the bed shake slightly and your hands gripped his hair as you looked down. He was grinding against the edge of the mattress now and honestly, you thought you were about to die right then and there; he was so fucking turned on by you that he needed the friction, any friction, and you felt another wave of arousal shoot up your spine.
Your eyes squeezed shut as Dazai rubbed gently against your sweet spot and your head fell back onto the pillows, your back arching into the delicious feeling. He moved back up onto you, his chin wet with your arousal and he wiped it off against his forearm as he bent down to cover you in hickeys.
“Feel good, baby?” He asked in earnest and you nodded with a pitch to your breath; he was incessantly rubbing at the soft spot now, like he was desperate to make you cum for the first time with someone. 
“D-Dazai-san, please…” You whimpered out, clutching onto the base of his hip and he immediately realized what you wanted. You wanted him.
“Ready now, my dear?” Dazai made eye contact with you as he leaned back and you swooned as he pulled out his fingers, your slick dripping down them. He parted your legs with his knees, wedging himself between you as he palmed at his clothed cock. “Just can’t wait, can you?” 
He pulled himself out of his sweats, stroking his length a few times as you ogled at him. He was big, much bigger than you expected and you nearly drooled out of habit. Dazai positioned himself against your entrance, resting his one hand on your waist as the other guided his cock into you, inch by inch. There was a hint of pain, the pressure surrounding your middle and you closed your eyes tightly. It went away as he stopped stretching you open instantly, searching your face for any more discomfort.
“Are you okay?” Dazai breathed out, peppering little kisses wherever he could reach to lull the pain. His hips jolted a bit as you squirmed against him, but he stayed still to let you adjust. His free hand came to caress your cheek, thumbing it softly as he made sure you weren’t in too much pain. “If it hurts too much, we can stop-”
“K-Keep going.” You wrapped your legs around him, letting him bury himself into you deeper and you both choked on a quiet whimper as he fully bottomed out. Dazai groaned out quietly as you got used to his cock splitting you nearly in two. You felt so full, the twitch of his dick nearly made you cry out in ecstasy. “You can move…” 
Dazai nodded into your skin, pulling out of you halfway, then rolling his hips back into you at a slow place. You gripped onto his back again, the bandages slipping loose as he started to fuck into you earnestly and you couldn’t hold back the whimpers that flew out of your mouth. Dazai’s eyebrows furrowed and his mouth was agape from how good he felt and soft little ahs- filled the once silent air.
“God, so t-tight around me.” He stuttered out with a whine to his voice, rocking into you sensually as you became overwhelmed by such a throbbing feeling, sucking in a sharp breath. You felt the heat spreading underneath your skin, his cock hitting just right against your walls and you couldn’t help but arch your back up into him, your hips moving against his. The building pleasure spread like a wildfire and your thighs trembled, it wasn’t enough– you needed more.
“D-Dazai– Osamu!” You cried out as he nipped at the bud of your nipple harshly and he hummed, glancing up at you. His eyes were like the black of night, nearly enveloped in the drunk feeling and as you clenched around him hard while he languidly thrusted his hips, they squeezed shut and he panted out a few curses. 
“Shit, shit, fuck you feel so good...” He gasped out, pounding into you harder now and you felt your orgasm in the pit of your tummy. His fingers traced back to your clit, teasing it with each stroke of his cock and you writhed against him as your release hit you hard, stars imprinting on the back of your eyelids. You moaned out his name, pressing yourself further onto his dick as your walls fluttered around him and you barely heard his groan as he pulled out of you quickly. His hips stuttered and he spurted all over your tummy and chest with a broken moan, fucking into his hand until he came down from his high. 
“How was it, darling?” Dazai asked, out of breath as he pressed a kiss on your forehead. He wiped off his cum with some of his loose bandages and you vaguely understood you were going to have to restart your previous wrapping as you watched him. “Everything you imagined?” 
You didn’t answer him, too embarrassed by your moans from earlier. He hummed softly in your ear, planting a kiss behind it as you sat up in his arms. “You sounded like an angel, if that’s what you’re embarrassed about.”
“How did you know that’s what I was thinking about?”
“You think I don’t know you? You’ve always been shy, especially around me. And when you have such wanton moans…” He laughed to himself, helping put your clothes back on lovingly. “No, seriously don’t be embarrassed, you almost made me go feral.”
You shivered as he moved to the other side of the bed, playing back the moment in your head and your cheeks blushed red again. And Dazai, of course, noticed and teased you for it. “Still flustered?” 
That gap that had distanced the both of you silently closed as you grasped onto the feeling he gave you. You didn’t have to tell him how you felt, he knew. And he didn’t have to go out of his way to make a move when he already has. Everything was now perfect, the frost melting within the snowtops of the trees.
“Come cuddle with me, Y/N. It’s cold outside and I wanna warm you up.”
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a/n: wanna get tagged in future writing posts? join my taglist!
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sixosix · 27 days
notes 1.5k words, aether and lyney have a talk :o
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They watch in stunned silence as you storm off, ice materializing where you go. To Lyney, it’s an all-too-familiar sight. He’s seen it before: your back turned on him, and his body frozen from not just the frost but fear. Why didn’t you say it back?
Aether is able to snap out of it quickly, wiping off his hurt for the sake of chasing after you.
“Y/N!” he calls out, moving to run, but he couldn’t get too far.
Lyney whips an arm in front of him. “Don’t.”
To everyone’s surprise, it’s Lyney who says it. Lynette stares at her brother, bewildered—how, of all times, does he choose to surrender now? If anything, they expected Lyney to be the one to chase after you first. Why didn’t you say it back? But Lyney has his eyes trained on Aether, cold and calculating.
None of this would’ve happened if I never met you.
“What did she mean by that, Traveler?”
Lyney tips his head as far as it can go, blood rushing to his head and leaving him a little dizzy. To his dismay, the loveseat stays firmly in place. It would’ve been better if he fell—perhaps it would’ve hurt less than whatever the hell you two have going on.
“Are you still sulking?” Lynette asks, sitting beside him and jostling the seat.
Lyney grunts.
Lynette sips her tea, her tail flicking against his arm in a gesture of comfort. The air no longer held the tense chill in the warmth of their home, but they could still feel it. Lynette could hide it with her face, but her ears were tucked—she was nervous.
Aether’s in their home. Lyney is unhappy about this arrangement and is not afraid to show it. He doesn’t spare the Traveler a glance, doesn’t give him words of comfort. Aether has been obediently silent so far, which was somewhat weird. Lyney had been expecting Aether to rub it on his face that Lyney had been—for a lack of better words—dumped. Instead, he sits there by the chair they pulled from the dining table, looking like a distressed puppy.
“Are we not going to do anything?” Aether asks, which is the question they’ve all been thinking in their heads.
“We will,” Lyney says. Of course they will. Just not like this. He has watched you leave before, and you have returned to him eventually—he can be patient again. This is just far too delicate right now.
It has only been about thirty minutes, at most. Lyney already has a plan, and it’s not his most favorite, but he can’t face you at the moment. Or, instead, it’s you who can’t face him at this moment.
Lynette is aware of his plan, even without him saying anything. Aether obviously doesn’t have the advantage of twin telepathy, so he sits there wondering, distressed, and confused.
“I know it’s a little too late to ask this, but who exactly is Y/N to you two?” asks Aether, his voice loud in the room's dead silence.
“It’s a long story,” Lynette says.
“Would it change anything if I told you?” Lyney challenges.
“To me, it would change something,” answers Aether, open and frustratingly honest.
Lyney lowers his gaze. “Then listen. At least now you’ll understand what you got yourself into.”
When you left the House, you also left an unsettling silence that jarred Lyney even to this day; he can’t visit so freely and not bear the weight of your disappearance. It was eerie and dark, and everyone was afraid to even speak your name for the first few days—like you were dead, like you weren’t to be seen again, and even the thought of that pained Lyney like no other.
The House was no longer your home; he had to accept that eventually. But it was fun and beautiful when you were still a part of it, and he would never choose to forget nor act like it never happened, as fleeting as it was. 
When Lyney first saw you, he felt childlike wonder. At first glance, it was nothing special—just curiosity. You were beautiful and stood out amongst the other orphans, like a glow, and Lyney was just a moth.
Before the House, magic was just a means of survival. He performed for the money, hoping that he and his sister could live another day. But when he saw you, striking the air hard and fast, Lyney thought you wore it like it was something special. You were performing, too, for the eyes of praise, but he understood that you weren’t the same. You were bright, lit up with a smile. You were enjoying it. Maybe that was what Lyney lacked; maybe that was what drew him to you.
He could be wrong. Maybe it was already love by then, or at least the beginning of it.
Lyney remembered moments that he’d bet you wouldn’t. Like when his sister got her Vision, and he was left behind. He was crumpled on the floor, a pathetic mess, while her sister was thrown into the face of danger. He couldn’t sit still, but he couldn’t do anything either.
“Are you still sulking?”
Lyney whined pitifully. “How can I protect her when she’s so far away?”
You glanced at him briefly, then traced the dull tip of your weapon. “You’re twins, are you not? Have you considered that Lynette was thinking of how to protect you, too?”
“What are you getting at?”
“You’re not the only one working harder to protect the one you love. The least you could do in return for Lynette’s hard work is to stop whining and keep up with her, no?”
Lyney blinked, offended and furious, but his anger was washed over by the warm feeling he sometimes got when you talked to him like this. “Are you also working hard?” he asked, settling beside you.
“I have to.”
You felt so much older than he was. So goddamn beautiful that it felt like Lyney was forced to never look away, painfully captivated. 
But as he learned more about you, he realized a few things: You were his age; you were never older than him; you were just trying to survive; you were more alike than he first thought. It felt like when it was just him and Lynette, and he had to act brave for his sister. Only it seemed you were doing it by yourself, for yourself.
Still beautiful, but in all the wrong ways. He found contentment in this pattern of pursuit, of pushing and pulling—it was the kind of thrill that he relished above all, and he could tell that, in some part of you that you wouldn’t admit, you liked it, too.
Lyney wonders to this day where it all went wrong.
Lyney finishes his story. Lynette sits quietly by the side, both of them watching Aether curiously. Aether has his head hanging low, frowning, no doubt surprised that the children of the House have deeper stories than he expects. They are not just Fatui. They were children, too—orphans trying to survive.
Lyney hopes Aether understands.
They are orphans who have hopes and dreams and hobbies. Orphans that had motivations and banter and dumb crushes. Orphans like you and Lyney, a complication, a commotion: something that Lyney wouldn’t trade for the world (until you did). Orphans that just happened to be Fatui.
“If you had a choice, would you still be a Fatuus?” Aether asks.
”It was never a choice for me; it was simply the path we were meant to take,” Lyney says.
Aether sinks into the couch, and Lyney thinks he finally gets it.
“Tell me what she meant by saying all this is your fault.”
Aether winces. “Well, I suppose it’s only fair, right?”
And so Aether tells them both about how he really met you. It was a devised plan, albeit a failed one due to the complications of their relationship and your unfinished business with ‘Father’ and the one next in line for the throne. Even now, you have to lie about yourself and run from the backlash.
“So you were doing it because of… us,” Lynette trails off.
“And look where that got me,” Aether sighs. “I know it doesn’t mean anything, but I really am sorry. I underestimated all of you.”
Lyney snorts. “At least you’re right about one thing.”
Aether’s gaze sinks to the ground guiltily.
Perhaps, to Aether, savior of regions, known worldwide as a hero, it was difficult to comprehend. Perhaps he met too many Fatui that had been out to get him, and stabbed him in the back, but Lyney needed Aether to understand that the Fatui was a large organization—you have The Doctor, then you have Lyney and his siblings. Lyney could only hope that Aether wouldn’t become so hostile after meeting you, too bright for this world, that you got snuffed out.
“Why did you do it?” Lyney asks. For whose sake was Aether trying so hard for?
“My sister.”
Lyney’s brows raise. “Your sister?”
“I’m doing all of this for her.”
You’re not the only one working harder to protect the one you love.
Lyney supposes he can’t hate Aether that much for that. And selfishly, Lyney supposes he can’t truly hate Aether because he brought you back to him. In a vague sense of camaraderie, Lyney understands.
Aether scratches at the back of his head. “Well, you have a plan, right?”
Lynette nods. “We’re waiting for him.”
“Who are we waiting for?”
Lyney directs his gaze to the ceiling, beyond it, to the sky. If any Archon was listening…  “The only person Y/N probably trusts right now.”
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a/n this chapters very short i know but the next one is going to be posted in a few hours so theres going to be more
TAGLIST moved to comments bc tumblr is being annoying :(
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byerseason · 1 month
why byler is the only logical way to end stranger things: a personal opinion
long post incoming. i've been thinking about what else can they do other than canon byler or is there any logical way which would please everyone. but i genuinely can't find any logical ending.
first of all, let's see the options i heard from people who doesn't think byler is gonna happen.
not adressing will's love for mike, mike never finding out about it and will's arc simply focusing on supernatural part : well, we all know that's impossible. not after spending a whole season to show us his deep love for mike. also it's confirmed that an emotional arc for him is what is gonna tie up the story.
"his love for mike was for him to explore his sexuality, he's gonna have another boyfriend." : they could easily show it to us without bringing mike into it. the byers moving to california was a perfect chance for it since it's a place better than hawkins when it comes to LGBT, they could easily give him a love interest, include him to their journey to find el just like they included argyle and give him a good character arc in s5, just like robin in s4. well, they didn't.
"mike is gonna reject will" : okay, then what was the reason of making him fall in love with mike? did the writers want to write a horrible story for the only gay child in the group? especially after showing us how miserable he feels about mike and how much he loves him? no.
now let's look deeper at the character arcs. my biggest reason to think byler is the only logical way is: will byers
i don't think i have to mention how much will suffered throughout the show and how he needs the happiest ending. they left season 4 at a point where everything about that love triangle is unresolved and they're obviously going to do something with it.
we all know mike is the one who understands will the most. he always been, since the very beginning. we've been shown that their bond is different and special. in a scenario where mike rejects will, we all know this is gonna be ruined. will is not gonna magically bury his love and go back to being besties with mike. and for mike, it's not possible for him to ignore will's love for him and stay friends as nothing happened. it would ruin their friendship for absolutely nothing.they can't simply take the only one who understands away from him.
will said he wants to spend the rest of his life with mike for two times. even if he doesn't have any hope, he desires it. so why giving him a love that he will never have? in this scenario will's character arc is literally "the gay kid always thought he will never have love just because he is gay, he thinks it's wrong and he is a mistake, well yes, he was right! he will never find the love and just watch the other straight people have it. thanks for watching stranger things." will's arc should be an arc where he is proven wrong, where he understands it's okay to love, where he is loved the way he loves, purely. otherwise his character arc is gonna be useless. where did we leave will in s4? he was thinking there's no chance for mike to love him and he has zero hope-- he ripped off the band aid. if mike rejects him the character arc and all the build up in season 4 becomes useless. he was at zero, and he is still at zero.
like i said giving him an arc where he is loved the way he loves was easy to be done without mike but now it's too late. they made it super clear that will doesn't want to be loved, he wants to be loved by mike. mike hurts him yet he still thinks mike makes him feel like he's not a mistake at all. that's not a simple crush. that's pure love. as a writer of a show you don't spend too much time to sympathize the characters love to the audience -something you never did with your other characters, at least not as much as will- you don't show them pouring their heart to a gift, just to waste it, just to make the character feel the worst they can feel just to make the person they love happy. will loves mike such a way that he prioritizes his happiness over his. this is what is gonna pay off.
the second character whose character arc needs byler: mike wheeler
mike has always been the most complicated character of the show, but most of his actions have no explanation other than him dealing with his own feelings. the show introduced mike as the leader of the party and i think it's okay to say he was one of the main characters in season 1 & 2. what happened after s2? a crazy character downfall. the audience started to dislike him and think he is useless. he didn't have any character development in the past 2 seasons. why? why? why?
because we all just watched him struggling. dealing with something inside of his mind that we don't know.
let's talk about a scenario where byler doesn't happen. this makes all mike's arc about being a love interest since s3. no development, no explanation for his behavior in the past 2 seasons. of course mike is traumatized and never talks to anyone which effects his behavior a lot. but there's still an unanswered question. why is he distancing himself from will specificially? the writers showed us that they understand each other the best, they know each other the best and notice if somethings wrong, so why is he distancing himself from the person who he needs the most as a best friend?
this is where we start to think if the problem is will himself, for mike.
why did we make will fall in love with mike just for mike to distance himself from will for no reason and make will upset? did we want will to suffer for no reason or create an empty storyline?
if mike is not how we think he is, he is going to end the show with an empty character arc who is nothing but a love interest, a side character. if mike ends up how we think he is, he is going to be the best onscreen representation of internalized homophobia. people think he is useless or just an asshole but he will turn out to be a perfectly written character who has his own arc.
people love to say "gay people didn't exist in 80s, byler would be unrealistic." which is completely wrong. gay people DID exist in 80s and they DID find love. did they have peace? they didn't. this is why mike and will are gonna be a real representation. we watched all the real struggles they went through. even if we don't get to see them as a couple, they will know they love each other by the end and that's what matters. and there's nothing unrealistic about it.
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celtic-crossbow · 3 months
Are You Reckless or Not?
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
Warnings: None
Summary: A party you didn’t care to attend would lead to the best night of your life.
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The party was in full swing, cheerful voices raised in celebration of your group’s arrival and acceptance. It was a nice thought and you appreciated the gesture, but after an hour in the company of privileged people who had never experienced the harsh reality of the world outside of their gates, you began to wish that was exactly where you were. 
You knew who you were out there, who you had adapted to be. No longer the weak dependent duckling that followed on the heels of protectors. You could take care of yourself. 
And the very reason for that sat with his back against a tree near the pond. 
You had missed him at the party, not really sure why when you knew he wouldn’t come. As you drew nearer, however, his intention to do just that was clear. He was clean; hair washed and his skin clear of blood and grime. He wore his vest over a fresh shirt and a pair of dark jeans that had noticeably been patched but still donned a considerably less number of holes. 
“Hey, Bowstrings. Whatcha doing out here?” Daryl looked up at you as you smoothed your hands down the back of your blue cocktail dress—thanks, Rosita—and sat beside him with your legs outstretched. You’d normally mimic his position: knees drawn up with forearms balanced across them. That night, it would definitely be considered unladylike, given that your attire was barely covering the entirety of your thighs. 
You could feel his eyes lingering on you as you soaked up the view. The pond was nothing special during the day. There were houses lining the other side, any flowers surrounding it sparse in number. At night, though. At night, with the moon shining on the surface of the water and the fireflies delicately dancing, it was beautiful. 
“Why ain’cha at the party?” He finally rasped. He had returned his gaze to the water. 
You shrugged. “Really just isn’t my scene. Why didn’t you come?” You countered, smiling at the sidelong glance he afforded you that clearly said seriously? You bumped his shoulder with yours and chuckled. “You obviously thought about going.”
“Mhm.” The archer plucked a blade of grass, rotating it between his fingers. 
He looked at you, the surprised expression morphing into his usual indifference so quickly that you may have missed it had you not known him as well as you did. Clearing his throat and looking away as you narrowed your eyes, he mumbled an I dunno, blending the words into a series of sounds and syllables. 
“Oh yes you do.” You bumped his shoulder again and then again when he didn’t answer. “Come on, I tell you everything.”
Daryl scoffed and discarded the grass. “Didn’t ask to be your human diary.” To anyone else, he would have seemed annoyed but it was you. You knew he was simply being Daryl. You leaned to lay your head against his bicep, blinking up at him with pleading eyes. 
“You’re a pest.” He bounced his shoulder, effectively shrugging you off. You continued to stare at him, watching smugly as he dropped his casual demeanor and sighed. “There’s a, um…a—a girl, woman. A woman.”
The jealousy that tapped on the door of your heart was pushed aside in favor of supporting the man that had somehow managed to become your best friend at the end of the world. “Oh? The great Daryl Dixon has a crush?”
“Ain’t twelve, Y/N.” He huffed. You chuckled. 
“What would you call it then?” His brow furrowed in thought but after a moment, he simply grunted. “That’s what I thought.” You forewent the satisfaction and swallowed hard. “Who is she?”
Daryl went rigid. No longer playful but absolutely invested in his potential happiness, you moved closer and placed your head on his shoulder. 
“You know,” you began with a deep breath, “I’d never judge you. You know I wouldn’t. I just want you to be happy, Daryl. That’s all I’ve ever wanted.” Your fingertips lightly brushed over his wrist, sliding down to lace your fingers through his. “You can tell me or not. It doesn’t matter. I’m here now and I’ll be here when you bag this girl because who could ever resist your southern charm?” He began to relax against you, his shoulders bouncing with a breathy huff of a laugh. 
“You’re so dense sometimes.” 
You sat up straight, not veering straight toward anger. You were confused. What exactly had you said that would make him refer to you as dense? “What the hell, Daryl?” He was staring at you, that unreadable expression you had always been able to decipher was actually successful. You had no idea what the man was thinking. “Is it someone I know?” You finally queried. His chin dipped slightly in a nod. 
You didn’t know anyone from Alexandria. So it was someone from your group. Sasha. Maybe Rosita. He had done a lot of tracking with Michonne. She fit the bill too. Capable and clever, beautiful but deadly. Maybe it was Carol. He’d told you once that Carol was his best friend and it “weren’t like that” with her. It had to be Michonne.
Smiling, you took a trembling breath. Daryl could read you like a book and had to know you were seconds away from tears but you pressed on. Maybe if he admitted it to you, actually speaking it out into the universe, he would gather the courage to admit it to her. “Who is it, Daryl?”
He didn’t move, staring at you with those blue eyes, the unfiltered light of the moon giving their color a hint of silver. His index finger bent to scratch against the side of his thumb, one of his automatic responses to an anxious situation. You waited him out but he never spoke. He just looked at you, his eyes piercing as if searching your very soul. 
Clearing your throat, you tilted your head. “Well? Are you gonna tell me or not?” You tried for a laugh but it came out as a weak noise that reeked of desperation. You were quick to pull yourself together and play it off with a smile. 
He remained unmoving aside from the finger scratching against his thumb. It was almost instinct to stop him, your fingers wrapping around the shorter digit to place a buffer between it and his finger. After a moment, you uncurled your fingers and pulled back your hand only for his to catch it, pull it back, and hold it against his knee. 
He smirked and looked back toward the pond, shaking his head. “Dense.”
Confusion wasn’t the word you would use to describe how you felt. Was there another term? One that meant your head had emptied of every viable thought to try and form any sort of hypothesis for his behavior?
“I don’t—” Your mouth snapped shut when he looked at you again, face stoic but eyes alight with emotion. His hand tightened around yours and you gasped. 
Daryl chuckled again. “Finally.” Your mouth was moving but no words, no sounds, were emerging. The archer smirked again and released your hand in favor of wrapping an arm around your shoulders, pulling you in against his side. 
You looked up at him, blinking, so incredibly lost. You weren’t beautiful like Rosita. You weren’t fearless like Sasha. You weren’t cunning like Michonne. You were just you. You tripped over your own feet. You always managed to overcook the squirrels. You were never able to keep quiet when he took you hunting. 
With your brain belittling you so loudly, you hardly noticed when he angled his head to gaze down at you. He gave you a gentle shake and muttered quit it. 
You sucked in a breath. “Why me?” 
“Why not you?” Was it just you or was he getting closer? Within seconds, he had hooked a finger beneath your chin, his breath warm against your lips. “This okay?” You heard him gulp, knew he was stepping out of his comfort zone. He was doing it for you. 
“More than.” You whispered, barely uttering the last word before his mouth slotted over yours. The kiss was clumsy, uncoordinated, and absolutely perfect. As his lips caressed your own, your eyes fluttered closed, the moon disappearing behind the clouds to leave only fireflies to be your lantern when you broke apart. Breathless, heart beating a tattoo into your ribs, you smiled and brought a hand to his cheek, your thumb rubbing over the stubble he kept there. 
His expression was soft, more open than you’d ever seen it. “S’always been you.” He proclaimed quietly, leaning back in for another kiss, that one more controlled but no less passionate.
As you melted into him, his gentle touches calmed your fears for the time being. With a manifold of fireflies and a soundtrack provided by the stereo from the party across the street, you allowed yourself that perfect moment. 
As surprising as it was, in a world of death and cruelty, you had managed to find something new and beautiful.
He had found you. 
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urfavbooblover · 7 months
Hi:) can I request a dbh connor x reader fluff? It can be anything you are comfortable with, I only carve for a cute, , nervous, blushing Connor :’)
Hi! Thank you for your request :) I apologize for this late publish, i was taking a quite long break but i still hope you’ll be happy to read this and enjoy it, i had much fun to write this cute imagine btw!
Blushing mess || Connor x gender neutral reader
Warnings: slight cursing but just fluff
(remind me if I missed any)
- Detroit become human masterlist link -
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Y/N’s pov:
I was awoken from my sleep, by my annoying alarm, as i rolled onto my other side, reaching out my arm and lazily turning it off, letting out a groan of frustration. Another day of work was waiting for me and i was already not having it. So much shit has been going on lately and it seems like everyone is expecting way too much from me.
I’m surprised Hank is pretty understanding when it comes to my situation, usually he’s a big jerk but we built a good and steady friendship, which lead us to being great work buddies if i’m being honest. He can still be a pain in the ass sometimes.
I sat up on my bed, my mind wandering off to think of one special person. Well, he’s not a person, Connor is more likely a machine, one of the androids to be exact. He has been assigned to work with Hank but they don’t get along very well, i’m full of hope it’ll change any time soon though.
I felt a smile forming to my face, just thinking about him. Connor is probably one of the main reasons i still enjoy work, don’t get me wrong i actually learned to like my job, he just makes it a lot better. I couldn’t help but feel interested in him, he’s not just good looking but i started a liking in his personality too.
I reached a different type of motivation for this day and decided to get ready and have some breakfast. I didn’t notice how fast time was moving forward, so that’s when i rushed out of the house and grabbed some coffee on the way to my working place.
Arriving at the police department central station, i got out of my car, reaching the entrance. I walked in and took a sip of my still warm drink. I greeted my coworkers as friendly as i could be and finally took my seat across from Hank.
“Morning Y/N”, he spoke, gazing up at me from his computer. “Good morning Hank.”, i replied in a somewhat really nice tone, noticing he wasn’t in such a bad mood today. Kind of suspicious if you ask me.
“Oh good morning Y/N. It’s nice to see you again.”, i heard a familiar voice saying, seeing Connor back at Hanks side. “Good morning to you too Connor. It looks like you’re being positive, huh?”, i said, my eyes never leaving him. I’m not quite sure but i could bet i just heard Hank letting out a scoff.
“If Lieutenant Anderson hasn’t told you yet, we got some news for one of the deviants, it seems like he has been spottet somewhere and we’re about to investigate the location. I did a good job myself.”, Connor explained and earned an unamused glance from Hank, who wasn’t too happy about Connor’s own praise.
“Well, sounds great! You guys should inspect and move forward then. I probably got lots of work to finish here.”, i said, expressing the last sentence in a bored tone. “Actually, we want you to come with us on the mission today.”, Connor replied, trying to hide the fact, that his lips formed into a small smile.
“Yea. More like you. It was your idea Connor.”, Hank stated, letting out a huff. He was obviously exposing him there. “What? Uh, maybe i just don’t mind some help.”, he defended himself, blocking off any accusations, even though his face was slightly flushed. Androids could in fact blush, they’re designed so much like humans, it’s crazy.
And I myself couldn’t help but grin at the situation in front of me. “It’s alright guys, i’m glad to come with you. I rather be out from this place anyways.”, i stood up, waiting for them both to return the act, so we could go.
On the ride to the spot, it was mostly quiet. Connor was the only one who began to talk a lot, explaining everything about the deviant he found out and it was honestly interesting, but i could see from the passenger seat that Hank was annoyed by hearing all of this again.
it didn’t take too long though and Hank finally parked the car. I took a look out of the window, seeing an old house, the color was already coming off and it seems like the people living there didn’t care much about it.
After my small inspection, i opened the door and stepped out of the vehicle. Hank was on his way to the front porch, as i heard another door close behind me. I turned my head, to find Connor right next to me. Was he waiting for me the whole time or why was he still sitting in there?
“The deviant is supposed to hide here. I just know an old couple is living there.”, he spoke up still looking forward, his gaze fixed on the house, before he decided to lock eyes with me. I almost forgot how beautiful they looked.
“Well, makes sense then, that no one took care of it.”, i responded, quickly turning my attention back to Hank, where i was about to walk off to anyway, but i was stopped when i felt a hand gently wrapped around my underarm. “I should mention, Y/N. You look very pretty today.”, Connor nervously smiled at me. I wasn’t even able to respond, cause he was gone in a second.
I don’t think i would’ve ever expected this. He couldn’t even keep the eye contact, was he that nervous? Little did i know, he was practicing how he was going to confront me about it the whole car ride. I like this side of him though.
I was so stuck in my mind, i didn’t even notice anything around me, till- “Y/N! Are you coming now!”, Hank screamed me out of my thoughts. I furrowed my eyebrows at him, realizing they’re both waiting for me. I jogged up to them, my eyes landing on Connor who was grinning from ear to ear.
“You need to-“, “Pay attention, yea yea. I literally just zoned out for a second, it’s not that deep Hank.”, i interrupted his sentence, cause i already knew what he was going to try to lecture me about again. He only sighed at me in response, as i slid past him to enter the house.
“And now? Where is everyone?”, i asked in confusion, us three standing in a completely empty, old fashioned furnished house. “Yea, if you would’ve paid attention earlier, you would’ve known by now.”, Hank responded in his usual sassy voice. “Oh come on Hank, just inform me, instead of going on with ur childish games”
“Nobody responded to our knocks, Y/N. They didn’t open the door, so Hank kicked it in.”, Connor replied instead, a soft expression on his face. I gave Hank a weirded out look, as he shrugged his shoulders. Who cares if he was even allowed to do any of this, i just quickly wanna get this over with.
“Okay, you know what? I will search everything down here. You two, go upstairs.”, Hank commands, already walking away from this scene. I spun around, taking a look at Connor, who watched Hank closely with narrowed eyes.
“Let’s get going, Connor.”, i said, preceding to get up the staircase. He followed shortly behind, as his voice could be heard really close to me. “Hank is pretty hotheaded. He’s somehow always mad at everyone.”, “He got a very short tempter. It’s like he’s always mad at the world.”, i replied.
Connor nodded his head, before i decided to enter one of the rooms. My hand had a tight grip on my gun, that my belt was holding, but it wasn’t needed, the room was just as empty as the rest of the house.
Connor scanned the entire room as he suddenly crouched down, reaching out his arm. I watched as his fingers touched the blue liquid on the floor as he took a taste of it. I’m used to him doing this but i still scrunch up my face every time. “The androids blood is still fresh, he must’ve been here just a few minutes ago.”, he said.
My eyes were wide, interested in what he had to say. “And maybe he saw the cop car and us approaching the house. He probably fled cause he was too afraid to face the situation.”, Connor added to it as i crossed my arms in front of my chest.
“Well, wouldn’t you do the same.”, i said with a slight smirk on my face, to which he was taken back. A nervous expression was painted all over his face once again, making my smile just grow wider. “I guess you’re right, Y/N.”, he replied, in a soft voice.
He had such a warm and welcoming look on his face as his eyes were fixed on me. You could say i was melting right on spot, trying not to show it too much. I could see his led on his face turning yellow for a moment, meaning he was just scanning me.
He quickly looked away though, now staring at the ground, which gave me the opportunity to silently watch him. He hasn’t said anything about what he has found out. Was I showing signs of anxiety? Most definitely.
“What’s wrong Connor? Are you nervous?”, i boldly asked, making him raise his head. “Nervous? Oh i was just-“, “You don’t have to lie to me, Connor.”, i chuckled, taking a step closer to him.
His cheeks were flushed and i could swear my heart was racing at this point. I’ve never had a guy being this cute, i also never had something going on with an android, nor have i ever felt anything for one. But with Connor it’s different.
And i wasn’t the only one who was all up in my mind, Connor seemed like his thoughts were overflowing. I may regret this forever now or my future me will be thankful i did this, when i decided to reach for his hand. My fingertips touched his skin as i grabbed his soft hand, my thumb slowly moving over the back of it.
His face was only turning into a deeper red tone and i wasn’t even able to read it. His eyes turned even softer if that’s possible and they were staring right into mine. My knees felt weak, but at least they could still hold my weight, right?
Connor on the other hand looked like he didn’t know what to do at all. I was in charge of the situation, which i myself couldn’t believe with a man like him. But it’s not like i didn’t enjoy any of this. Instead i moved closer to his body, till i could feel his breath, till our lips were only a few inches apart.
Soon to be, there was no space between us left anymore. Our lips finally touched and i was taken by surprise of how good his lips felt on mine. Connor’s lips moved smoothly against my own, my hand moving to the back of his head. I gently took a hold of his wrist, guiding his hand to my waist, placing it right there.
I didn’t know that androids could have such soft lips, due to my lack of experience with them. Connor probably hasn’t had any of them yet, but he’s even cuter this way. I never would’ve thought, that i would make the first move.
The kiss lasted for a good while, but someone just had to ruin it. “Hey guys, have you found-“, Hank rushed into the room, cutting off his own sentence when he saw the scene in front of him. We broke apart real fast as i spun my head around, facing the disappointed Hank.
“Hank we can explain-“, Connor tried to talk, but was now the one to be cut off. “Really?”, Hank said all bored, shaking his head. I could hear out the sarcasm though, he wasn’t mad at us for doing this. “And i thought this would never happen.”, he continued. Right, he was just mad it didn’t happen any sooner.
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jadequeen88 · 1 year
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As someone who has worked many different service industry jobs, I obviously have lots of thots about line cook! Eddie. Let me elaborate:
Eddie is the one cook who keeps all the other younger hooligans in line. Did they make a rude comment about your skirt riding up while you’re picking up a drink someone spilled? Spatula to the back of the head. They need to learn to treat these hard-working girls with some respect. One of them wolf whistles? Eddie pinches their ear, looks at you apologetically, and says, “Sorry, sweetheart. This one here is barely housebroken. Doesn’t know how to act around pretty ladies.”
He’s also definitely the one all the servers have a crush on. He’s the topic of many smoke break discussions. You didn’t even smoke until you worked there, just wanting an excuse to bat your lashes and bum cigarettes off him. One night, he grinned as he took a long drag and let the smoke curl out, saying he was smoking his last one, but you could have a hit off it if you wanted. Instead of taking it from him, you wrapped your lips around the filter as he was still holding it. Watching his pupils widen and seeing him lick his lips in response was a big payoff for such a risky move. 
The other servers start getting jealous of your special treatment, but Eddie really doesn’t give a fuck, and as long as your boss is happy with your work, you’re fine with it too. Sometimes he moves your ticket to the front of the queue if it’s a really busy night and the other girls have been giving you a hard time. You shake your head in weak protest, but Eddie just says, “I gotta give my favorite girl the red carpet treatment every now and then, don’t I? You work so hard, darlin’. I gotta do my part to help you keep those bastards out there happy. Keeps that tip money coming in for ya’.” He gives you a wink as he twirls his spatula and gets to work, leaving you a blushing mess. 
Up to this point, you thought it was just Eddie being a flirt because you were the new girl, but the night you see him with one of the particularly annoying cooks pinned against the wall by his throat for calling you a “dumb bitch”, you start to suspect your crush might not be as one-sided as you’d originally thought. Afterward, he walked up to you and asked if you were okay. The gentle caress he placed against your cheek made your lashes flutter before you could stop yourself. “Y-yeah, Eddie. Thanks.” His thumb brushed along your cheekbone, and he graced you with the lopsided smile you loved before pulling away to say, “No one talks about my favorite girl that way.” You were in a daze the rest of your shift. 
A couple of nights after that interaction, you stay late to wrap all the silverware and cut all the lemons. You knew the other servers left those time-consuming tasks for you as a punishment, but you refused to neglect to do them and put the opening shift in a bind. Even if it was fucked up of them to do that to you in the first place. You realized after a few minutes that someone else was there deep cleaning the grill. You nearly dropped a whole container of freshly cut lemons when you heard whoever it was singing along to one of your favorite songs you’d been silently head-banging along to as you worked. 
The soulful delivery of this mystery man’s singing had you weak in the knees, and it only got worse when you peeked around the corner to see that big voice coming out of Eddie’s mouth. His eyes were closed, bandana-clad head thrown back, as he scraped the grease off the grill and sang his heart out. He must have sensed you standing there, because he turned towards you and jumped a little, those pretty chocolate orbs widening. It was kind of adorable. 
“Shit, sweetheart! Didn’t know I had company, or I’d have kept my wailing to a minimum!” He chuckled, scratching the back of his head. How dare he have the nerve to look embarrassed when all you could think about was getting on your knees and under that apron after hearing his voice?
“Eddie, that was…” your voice cracked a little. You cleared your throat and continued. “That was amazing. I love that song, by the way. Not many people here listen to them. You do it justice.”
He turned red and couldn’t meet your eyes, a rare way for the bold man to behave. You liked this side of him. “I do okay, I guess, but I’m better on guitar than vocals.” It seemed to dawn on him that you revealed that you had a similar taste in music then because he perked up and met your gaze again. “Wait, you listen to this kind of stuff?” You nodded and grinned at his sudden switch in tone. “Damn, I didn’t know you could get any more badass!�� You laughed at that. “You know,” he continued and cleared his throat. “I’m in a band. We do okay. Decent crowds. We play Tuesday and Friday nights down at the Hideout.”
That’s how you end up at a dive bar the following Friday night, front row cheering Eddie on as he shreds on stage. Afterward, he grabs you up into a sweaty hug, spinning you around. “That’s the best I’ve ever played, baby.” Your heart fluttered. He hasn’t used that pet name before… “You gotta come to every show now and be my good luck charm!” You giggled and agreed. Like you’d ever turn down that offer. 
The flirting amps up at work after that. Eddie yelling out, “There she is! Light of my life, goddess incarnate! How’s your day going, sweetness?” from behind the grill becomes a daily thing. “‘M doing fine, Eddie. How about you?” You always answer. You know what he’s going to say before his mouth even opens, but it gives you butterflies every time. “Million times better now I’ve seen you! Now go out there, kick-ass, and get those tips!”
Things come to a head one night when you’re dealing with a table of Hawkin’s “elite,” the rich boys that thought being born on the right side of the tracks made them special. It didn’t help that their table was in view of Eddie’s workstation. He had a front-row seat to the show, watching them flirt with you, and you have to put up with it, having to smile through it. When the loudest one slipped you his phone number, Eddie couldn’t take it. You heard a clatter and saw a flash of dark curls exit through the back. “What’s going on?” You asked one of the other guys. They all shrugged and looked at each other, just as lost as you were. 
You walk out back and see Eddie leaning against the rough brick wall lighting his second cigarette. He jolts upright when he sees it’s you. “Oh, hey sweetheart. Need to bum one?” He holds the carton towards you, and you can’t help but notice his sad eyes. 
“No, Eds. Can I just have a drag off yours?” 
“Course darlin’,” he mumbles around his cigarette before holding it out to you. He just expects you to let him hold it for you by now. It doesn’t mean it makes his chest ache with want any less, though. 
“What’s the matter, Eds?” You ask sweetly. It embarrasses him that he’s so weak for you. 
“Nothin' to worry about. Promise.” He tries to smile, but he knows you can see right through him. 
You had a feeling it had to do with the asshole trying to give you his number earlier, but you’re still a little nervous to address it and get rejected. So you take a deep breath, brace yourself, and ask, “Was it because that guy gave me his number?”
Eddie couldn’t meet your eyes, “Am I that obvious, sweetheart?” he sighed and looked up to the star-speckled sky overhead, “Some days, I wanna come clean so you’ll reject me already. Put myself outta this misery. But I always chicken out,” he turned to you with misty eyes, “I'm a coward, you know? I’d rather have little pieces of you than nothing at all.”
He barely finished his speech before your hands found his stubbled cheeks, and your mouth was on his. Eddie tasted how you’d imagined he would, the cigarette you shared and cherry chapstick. His eyes closed and he sighed sweetly. It was pure heaven. You pulled away and he smiled bigger than you’d ever seen.
“You silly man,” you whispered, nudging his nose with yours, “All you had to do was ask me out and I’d have said yes.”
“All this time?!” he said, eyes bulging and voice going high.
“Yes! All this time,” you responded. Now it was his turn to initiate a kiss, this one more consuming than the last, his tongue barely swiping your bottom lip. You whined under his touch, making him turn desperate.
“Baby, we gotta revisit this in a couple of hours. Just so I know that I'm not hallucinating.”
“You got it, Eds,” you bit your lip and pulled away from him to go back inside to finish your shift. Before the door closed behind you, you could hear Eddie whooping and cheering in celebration. Needless to say, as soon as you were both clocked out that night, you never kept your hands off each other again.
NOTE: Thanks to everyone on the discord server for fueling this madness. I’d love to revisit this and write an actual fic with smutty goodness. So everyone, let me know what you think!!
@trashmouth-richie @munson-blurbs @pinkrelish @eddiemunsonsmum @courtingchaos @corroded-hellfire @chestylarouxx
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slugcatmusings · 6 months
What is the Rot? Why is the Rot?
Spoiler Warning and Holy Wall of Text Batman Warning. I got WAY too into questioning the turbo-cancer here, hopefully my rambling makes sense.
So, the Rot is… weird, from a biological standpoint. Really weird, if you stop to think about it. It’s most frequently described as some variation of cancer, and it certainly fits the criteria for it. Caused by damage to DNA? Check. Multiplies uncontrollably? Check. Comes in both benign and malignant forms, one stationary and the other mobile? Big fat check. Heck, even the Rot cysts eating other creatures kind of fits, according to some research I’ve done – there are apparently cancer cells that will eat other cells, which makes sense in hindsight since cancer cells are cells that have lost important genetic restrictions, which may include whatever lets cells identify other cells as “do not eat.”
(I ain’t a biology whiz and I’m doing research on the fly while getting my thoughts out here, so take whatever I say about biology with a grain of salt)
So, Rot is clearly cancer of some kind, right? Case closed. Except when me and a friend of mine were talking Rain World theories on Discord, she brought up some interesting points that got me thinking.
First point: Rot cells obviously mutate in a way that affects FAR more than just cell replication and termination. Some of the cysts can HEAR. As far as I know, cells in the body do not hear sounds. They communicate via chemical signals and maybe, MAYBE react to temperature. Hearing involves complicated, specialized sensory apparatus to pick up on vibrations in the air. Even if you simplify it and say that it’s only vibrations, that’s STILL a multicellular thing, not a single-cell thing. It’s something that took millions of years to evolve on Earth, if not billions.
And while Rain World’s timeline goes on for long enough that it those kinds of mutations might happen eventually, Rot cysts have the ability to hear pretty much right from the start – because even the Proto-Long-Legs react to your presence like the Daddy Long Legs do, and the Rot in Spearmaster’s campaign, where Pebbles has recently contracted it, reacts the same way as it does in later campaigns. It’s already able to hear.
As far as I know, cancer just means the same cell duplicating over and over again. Are more mutations possible with each division, as errors are made in the DNA during splitting? Probably. But not to THAT extent. There’s no way a lump of cancer somehow mutated the exact complicated genetic blueprint needed to grow organs, at least not without outside interference.
Second point: Cases of Rot are way too consistent across the board. Now, we don’t have a huge sample size to work from, but from what we see from both Pebbles’ Rot, and Hunter Long Legs, they’re… pretty similar. Hunter Long Legs is basically a mobile Rot cyst. They move the same way, seem to grow the same way (starts as a growth inside/on the body before eventually freeing itself from whatever wall/flesh it grew from in some capacity and moving elsewhere), they have the same senses, and they even eat the same way, via something like phagocytosis (how white blood cells “eat” invading organisms via engulfing them and breaking them down in a sac in their main “body.”)
Now, this doesn’t tell us much, because cancer, when it does emerge, is pretty consistent in symptoms/what the mutated cells do once they start replicating. It’s pretty much the same regardless of whatever organism the cancer is happening in. But what ISN’T consistent is what causes the DNA error in the cancer cell in the first place. IRL, cancer can be caused by all kinds of things – smoking, radiation poisoning, being out in the sun too long, drinking deadly chemicals and whatnot, anything that damages DNA. But in RW, the only time we ever hear Rot talked about, or see it present, is in the context of an iterator having f*cked up while mucking around with DNA. Pebbles was trying to create an organism that could change his own genome, and No Significant Harassment created Hunter as a messenger and probably mucked something up in the process in his haste to get them to Moon.
This doesn’t mean that there aren’t other causes of it, of course, we’re working with a sample size of two in an apocalyptic world with who knows how much potentially DNA-damaging stuff around, but… that’s still awfully consistent.
So, combining these points and everything we know to be canon, Rot is:
an organism that lives inside another organism
Until a certain condition is met, it cannot harm said host organism.
Once said condition is met, it goes out of control, wreaking havoc on the organism’s systems and mutating, giving it sensory capabilities and an appetite
Said condition is apparently someone messing up when re-arranging genomes, in yourself or others
It is widespread across multiple different species, at least iterators and slugcats but potentially other species as well.
Once you have a bad case of it, it is apparently NOT CURABLE. Pebbles tried everything he could think of but apparently exhausted all of his options by the time of the Survivor/Monk campaigns.
So, with all the context FINALLY laid out, here’s my wild theory: Rot isn’t a cancer. It’s a symbiote turned parasite. Specifically, I believe it’s a symbiotic microbe that lives inside the cells that make up every other creature in Rain World, and is held in check by a specific gene that all species share, and altering or getting rid of that gene causes it to go berserk, taking over and eventually mutating the host cells.
Yeah, I did watch Parasite Eve let’s plays as a kid, why do you ask? Anyway, hear me out here.
There is precedence for single-celled organisms living inside of other single-celled organisms. They’re referred to as intracellular endosymbiots (hopefully I got the spelling right there), and the most well-known one is probably the mitochondria. The powerhouse of the cell is thought to be descended from some bacteria way, WAY back that was engulfed by a larger cell and not only survived it, but BENEFITED from it. Since then those ancient proto-mitochondria and eukaryotic cells have mutually evolved to be dependent on each other. So it’s entirely possible for something similar to have happened in Rain World.
However, I don’t think it happened NATURALLY, here. Because something that’s able to take over a cell entirely and begin wildly mutating it is NOT something your average cell wants inside of it. There’s a VERY high chance of extinction if you do that. Which means that of course those funky bio-tech loving Ancients either took a look at a wildly dangerous cellular parasite and went “hmmm we can use this” or made one themselves.
Why did they do this? Who knows! Currently, I’m tied between “they needed a better powerhouse for the cell to power the various weird adaptations they’re building into various creatures,” “there was some sort of disease that this parasite gave immunity against and they wanted to make use of it,” and “it gave their creations massively powerful regeneration factors that made them much easier to maintain.” Possibly it was all three. Whatever the reason, the Ancients either found or created this parasite, and put it into their creations’ cells, hoping to reap the benefits.
Well, they got the benefits, but they also got a microbe that hijacked the cells and harnessed their pre-existing DNA blueprints to build organisms disguised as great big blobs of cancer. Which is not exactly ideal, but hey, they just had to figure out a way of keeping the cell hijacking from happening! And the way they ended up going about it was to alter the thing so that so long as there was a specific DNA sequence in the cell, it laid mostly dormant. All the benefits, none of the risks – so long as that specific string of genes remained intact.
And then BECAUSE it was so beneficial, they spread their artificial symbiote and it’s genetic reins throughout ALL of their creations, from the smallest pipe-cleaning slugs to the iterators. Which meant that as their purposed organisms replaced most of the original ecosystem, they spread the symbiote as well. Thus making it possible for pretty much ANY creature on the planet to come down with a bad case of the Rot. And with the iterators, I wouldn’t be surprised if this symbiote is tied to their self-destruction taboos. Try to cross yourself out? Well, it’s gonna maybe happen now, but it’ll be a slow painful death as you’re eaten alive from the inside and all your own parts turn against you, so was it really worth it?
And they never told their creations this perhaps even actively hid it, because why tell them the cause of the main deterrent to them mucking with their taboos? They might find a way around it. The iterators were left ignorant of how Rot works, and because of this they never figured out that Rot HAD a cure after all: rebuilding that genome that reins in the symbiote. Because why in the name of the Void would they repeat the same mistakes that gave them Rot in the first place, and potentially make it worse?
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talkbycolor · 6 months
red lipstick
A/N; this is actually wholesome, btw i felt very gay when combining the colors because i wanted to make it all orange or all blue but then i thought that wouldn't be equitable and i wanted to give them love equally
Pairing; "Keith/Tenebris" x GN!Reader
CW; very fluff actually, love for keith and tenebris as it should / kinda has spoilers LOL
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Ah, young love, so fresh, the romance, the heart beating strongly, the stolen glances, the heavy sighs. The murder, the blood boiling when you notice how someone takes an unpleasant interest in your loved one.
The courtship with Keith and Tenebris was adorable, since you were able to properly meet them things have only gotten better, going out on romantic dates, overnight getaways, and sleepovers.
Although at first it was a bit complicated to… organize times, so to speak, you wanted to spend as much time with Keith as with Tenebris, you adored both of them and you didn't want either of them to feel out of place.
Right now it was just 5 PM, you were about to have a date with your boyfriends! The emotion was so palpable, your style used to vary constantly so once Keith arrived at your home he couldn't help but be surprised, again, you were wearing a different lipstick, your lips shined in carmine just like his face.
"You look exceptional this afternoon" He complimented you, but he didn't come over to kiss you like he did every time he picked you up for a date.
But that didn't mean anything, right? It doesn't matter.
You both went to his favorite place, the place where the bitch waitress you murdered used to work, the food was delicious and you even dared to order a dish outside your comfort zone. The dinner passed calmly, you could chat with Keith, and at times there was a glimpse of blue spots on his skin, Tenebris was also part of the conversation, seeing your boyfriend's disfigured face where they were both trying to be present was complicated, but a greatly appreciated effort for you.
The bright glances they shared caused your heart to bubble, so you moved closer to lock your lips in a kiss.
A kiss that never came.
"Huh? Keith? Tenebris?" Your confused and sad voice came out of your mouth, causing the boys to panic. "Why don't you kiss me?" You finally asked, so it wasn't your imagination, they were avoiding your lips.
Keith immediately tried to explain. "N-no, no! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to imply that, I do want to kiss you, but I didn't want to ruin your makeup-…" And you interrupted him with a kiss.
"You're a fool, but a very adorable one." You kissed his lips again, a loud and tender kiss. "That's exactly why I put on lipstick, to kiss you" You spoke boldly before launching into filling your partner's face with kisses.
Kisses that were no longer rejected.
You both decided to return to your love nest at home, now snuggled up and comfortable in bed, your bodies so close together as you sat on his lap to spread sweet kisses all over his face, lovingly caressing his jaw while he ran his hands along your hips.
It was a special and intimate moment where you could see the evidence of your love staining his face in shades of red.
"I love you" He spoke softly, his voice a little distorted because it was difficult to tell if it was Keith or Tenebris who said it, but does that matter? No, they both loved you and loved being with someone who accepted them. "Gosh, I love you so much, thank you for being with me, us."
"Thank you for not running away," Tenebris commented, making you laugh, although his comment was serious and not a joke.
"I love you so much" You whispered as you placed a kiss on his forehead, leaving the mark of your red lips on his skin.
You even decided to touch up the lipstick, there was something so satisfying about smearing each other with lipstick that made you so happy and obviously the boys too, that strange smile gave it away.
Your partner leaned his back against the mattress to be more comfortable, your body still on top of him was not a bother. Your lips left sleepy kisses on his lips.
"We can't sleep like this, sleeping with makeup on is bad" You mentioned out of nowhere, causing a small laugh from the boy.
"Then let's get cleaned up, then we'll go back to bed and you'll keep kissing me until I fall asleep."
It was already late and your body was too relaxed with the natural scent of Keith's body to get up, but you still both stood up to find your makeup remover. Once ready you returned to the bed, where your bodies stuck together like leeches once again and you received a passionate kiss from Tenebris.
"I know it's late but… can we kiss some more?"
"Of course, love"
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crimsonedquill · 1 year
Soft lazy morning sex headcanons (Hogwarts Legacy)
Was in the vibe for some fluffy smut HCs, so figured I might as well make this one my first for HL. Also, I changed up my usual sequence for this post to reflect the order in which I wrote them (sue me)
NSFW (18+), obviously.
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Poppy Sweeting 🦡
You don’t know how she does it, getting out of bed and already having finished half of her chores by the time you wake up
That said, she doesn’t protest when you pull her back in, telling her that mornings are for sleep
Her giggles turn to soft moans when you start placing sloppy kisses on her neck and your hand sneaks down into her skirt, your fingers working her clit with an expertise that has her unravelling at your touch alone
Within moments her clothes are off and you two are back between the sheets, the sweetness of your lovemaking ridding you of any sleep still on your mind
She’s always the first to cum, her little whines stifled by your lips
You’ll lie basking in your afterglow together, and she asks how she’s ever going to get anything done when you treat her like that.
Ominis Gaunt 🐍
Sleep might be the only thing in the world he loves more than you, so you know you have some competition
Pressing soft kisses to his nape or caressing his lobe with your lips doesn’t seem to work, even though the little trembles running through his body don’t escape your notice
You know he’s awake, so you have no intention of letting him off the hook that easily
You kiss your way down, making sure to pay attention to every small birthmark and imperfection on his creamy white skin
He finally catches on when you’re past his navel, his fingers lazily tangling themselves into your hair as you close your lips around him
You don’t stop until you hear him groaning, his release betraying his awakening
He’s fully intent on returning the favour, which means it’s well afternoon by the time you’re both done. Totally worth it. 
Natsai Onai 🦁
There’s nothing better than waking up holding the stark naked form of your Gryffindor goddess in your arms
You take the time to kiss each other awake before she gets up to prepare a bath for you both
Sliding into the soapy water, you could easily fall asleep all over again as you relax into her arms, her breasts cushioning your back as she starts taking care of you
She gives the best massages, tenderly washing your arms and shoulders as you feel yourself getting lighter
It never comes to that though, as her hands get to work practising that special kind of magic that has you moaning out her name within minutes
She gently works you to your climax, after which she’ll draw out the aftershocks by placing gentle kisses on your shoulders
There’s definitely no better way to start the day than Natty’s baths.
Sebastian Sallow 🐍
You know last night was good when you pick up right where you left off
He has you pinned down easily, breathing into the crook of your neck with a wanting that leaves you melting like honey into his embrace
Running his hands all over your body is something he’ll never be able to resist. He knows all the little places that make you squirm, leaving no inch of skin untouched
Whether it’s taking you in a gentle spooning position or devouring you as you ride his face, he always treats you like royalty, not allowing himself any pleasure until you’re a sweaty hot mess
By the time you both have your needs fulfilled, the sun is already up and you’re probably even more tired than before
That doesn’t stop you from cuddling until you fall asleep again. The world can wait, especially with the arms of that dreamy Slytherin boy wrapped around you.
Imelda Reyes 🐍
It’s literally physically impossible for her to sleep in. She’s always up when you awaken to a new day, either doing push-ups or stretching her ethereally fit body
You often just lie there and admire her as she works out, relishing the way her muscles move under her delightfully exposed skin
She knows that you’re ogling her and she loves it. If she’s in the mood, she’ll taunt you with some teasing remarks to reel you in
It doesn’t take long for you to bite, and within minutes you’re entangled in all kinds of special yoga exercises that have you both sweating and crying out each other’s names
You tend to end up in a heap of limbs on the floor, which doesn’t bother you in the slightest. In fact, when you feel Imelda’s lips on your naked skin again, you figure the two of you could perfectly go for a few more rounds…
Amit Thakkar 🦅
Mornings with Amit are quite peaceful. He tends to stay up late to study, so he’s often still asleep by the time you wake up
He loves it when you use your body to wake him up, softly kissing his neck while you interlock your legs with his
There is no escape from some welcome friction as your sensitive parts start rubbing together, your hearts beating as one as you hold each other close
Things quickly escalate and soon you kick off the sheets, the breeze of cool air bringing relief to your hot bodies
You love it when he comes first, trying to bring him just a little closer with your legs before you come crashing over the edge, burying yourself in his neck to stifle your moans
You’ll need some help untangling yourselves when you’ve both ridden out your highs. That’s alright; all the more an excuse to keep him in bed a little longer.
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yeonzzzn · 6 months
☕️beside you: niki
a you complete me series: two / seven
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pairing: niki x afab!reader
word count: 1.5k
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synopsis: luckily niki’s birthday fell on a saturday and with the help of the pack you made his birthday morning special
genre: established relationship, vampire!niki, vampire!reader
warnings: mentions of blood, cutie pie birthday boy niki ♡
p1: vampires bleeding mlist
☾ sunghoon(1) | niki(2) | heeseung(3) | jungwon(4) | jake(5) | jay(6) | sunoo(7) ☽
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You spent weeks trying to make Niki’s birthday perfect. 
You bothered the boys nonstop about perfect gifts or things to do for him and with him. 
The boys gave you plenty of ideas, and they were so perfect. 
Until the day before his birthday, a snowstorm pulled in. 
You blamed Sunghoon, for being the ice vampire prince that he was. Mr. Penguin in his past life as his mate calls him. 
The school was even canceled Friday morning. Which obviously Niki and you were happy about. 
But then all your plans went out the window. 
“Jay! I don’t know what to do!” you whispered into the phone, peeking around the living room making sure Niki’s eyes and ears were still glued to the video game on the television, “Everything closed down.” 
Jay sighed on the other end of the phone, “What does Heeseung say?” 
You shrugged your shoulders as if Jay could see it, “What even would Heeseung be able to do?” 
“You both live with him,” Jay scoffed, “Did you even think to see what Heeseung could help plan?” 
You rolled your eyes, “Heeseung has been at the hospital all day, and __ is stuck at the hospital with him because of the storm.” 
Even with Jay’s silence, you could hear his annoyance through the phone. 
“I could bake him a cake?” Jay finally said, “I can bake it now and sneak it over there tonight.”
Your eyes brightened, “Please! Jay, thank you so much!” 
“Yeah yeah,” he groaned, you could hear his face dropping into his hands, “I’ll call Heeseung and let him know too.” 
You thanked him again and ended the call. 
Out of the side of his eye, Niki saw you walking back into the living room. 
He smiled wide, pushing the right side of his headset off his ear, leaning into the corner of the couch, and patting the space between his legs. 
You sat between his legs, leaning your back against his chest. Niki rested his hands on your lap, fingers button smashing on the controller. 
“Where did you run off to?” Niki asked, resting his head against yours. 
“Missed me that much already?” you teased him. 
Niki chuckled, “I always miss you when you aren’t beside me.” 
“I just went to call Heeseung,” you lied, “I wanted to make sure they were okay at the hospital due to this storm.” 
Niki shrugged, not having any thoughts or worries, “Hyung and __ are vampires, a little snow won’t hurt.” 
You shrugged. 
“I bet Sunghoon Hyung is having the time of his life.” 
You agreed, “Want to watch a movie?” 
Not even ten minutes into the movie Niki was slumped on the couch and passed out. Which was what you were hoping for. 
You kept checking outside, moving the blinds every few minutes to see when Jay would appear with the cake. 
Almost fifteen minutes passed before Jay walked up the steps of the apartment complex and to your door. 
You quietly opened it, placing your finger to your lips, “He’s asleep on the couch,” 
Jay nodded, carefully slipping in with Heeseung and __ following behind him. 
“Jeez, that snow is terrible,” Heeseung whispered, sliding his coat off his body and onto the coat rack. 
“Welcome home my king and queen,” you teased them, earning glares from not just Heeseung and his mate, but also from Jay. 
“I said you don’t have to call us that,” Heeseung sighed, sitting down at the kitchen table, “We aren’t even fully oathed.” 
Jay placed Niki’s cake in the fridge, pointing at it and then at Niki, basically saying to not let him get into the fridge. 
Jay also sat at the table, wrapping his arms together, “Maybe you should go take the oath,” he said looking between the king and queen, “Now that you have a mate.” 
Heeseung shrugged, “I’ll think about it,” he looked over at the sleeping Niki, “What’s the plan for tomorrow?”
You snuck out of your room, the smell of coffee filling the apartment. 
You tipped toe to Niki’s room, carefully opening the door, and seeing him still asleep. After closing the door gently, you carefully walked into the kitchen. 
Heeseung was brewing the coffee while __ was setting up the table. 
“We can take the cake out in a few minutes,” she said, “Once Heeseung finishes the coffee we will pull the cake out.” 
You nodded, grabbing four blood bags from the fridge and setting them down on the table, “He might wake up soon, so we have to hurry.” 
She finished putting the plates, utensils, and napkins on the table beside everyone’s blood bags. Heeseung placed the cake in the middle, placing the candles on the top. 
“I think it’s time to wake him up ourselves,” Heeseung whispered, “If he already woke up he isn’t going to come out since it’s Saturday.” 
You nodded, “Light the candles then, I’ll go get him.” 
You carefully opened his door, Niki was still very much asleep. 
You slowly walked to his bed, sitting down on the edge, “Wake up, cutie pie.” you softly spoke, tapping your mate's shoulder. 
Niki’s eyes fluttered open, a small smile forming on his face, “Good morning,” 
“Good morning, sweetheart.”
Niki sat up in bed, stretching his arms out before pulling you close to him, “Let’s go back to sleep.” 
“Oh no no no,” you place your hands on his shoulders, pushing yourself back, “It’s time to get up.” 
Niki narrowed his eyes at you, he knew you were up to something, “What are you planning?” 
You bat your eyes at him, “Me? I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
You could tell by the look in his eyes that he didn’t believe you. 
Niki wasn’t stupid. It’s his birthday today, there’s no way you didn’t have anything planned for him. 
But he knew if he didn’t get up now, his hyung would be marching in here himself. 
“Okay,” he said, cupping your face with his hands, “You’re up to something, Y/N, I can feel it.”
You rolled your eyes at him, “Just get up and get dressed. Brush your teeth too!” 
Niki giggled, placing a soft kiss on your nose before he kicked you out of his room so he could change. 
Niki walked out of the bathroom, after freshening up. 
The apartment was dark, only the light from the windows came through. 
He walked down the hall, to turn the corner to see you, Heeseung, and __ standing by the table with the light from the candles brightening the room. 
A happy birthday banner hung on the wall, with a few red, yellow, and blue balloons. 
Niki couldn’t wipe the smile from his face. How could he possibly even fight it? His loved ones were standing in front of him, celebrating his day. 
They sang to him, causing Niki to hide his face in his hands. 
You rushed him over to the table, “Make a wish, baby.” 
Niki blew the candles out, the room falling darker but the sounds of his family cheering and clapping filled the darkness. 
Once the lights were turned on, everyone sat at the table. 
Heeseung cut the pancake-flavored cake, which was perfect for a breakfast food item for today, and passed a piece to everyone along with their coffee. 
Even though vampires don’t need food, it was fun to enjoy it now and then. 
Niki sipped on his blood bag, looking between his hyung, his mate, and you. His heart raced faster from the happiness he was feeling. 
One by one, the rest of the members of the pack called and wished him a happy birthday. 
Jake: “Happy birthday mate! Here’s to many more brother!”
Jake’s mate: “Enjoy your day little brother! Don’t cause too much chaos!”
Sunghoon: “Damn you’re getting older…but I am glad I share my birthday with you.” 
Sunghoon’s mate: “You’ve grown a lot since we met, even with you being stuck at seventeen, you’re still growing older and wiser by the day. Happy birthday!” 
Jungwon & his mate: “YOI!!! Happy birthday!!” 
Jay: “Happy birthday little bro, enjoy the cake I baked for you.” 
Jay’s mate: “Make sure to make plenty of birthday wishes and continue to raise hell! Happy birthday, Niki!” 
The smile on Niki’s face wouldn’t leave, he could feel the muscles in his face getting sore from how much he was smiling and laughing. 
You eventually leaned your head on his shoulder, snuggling close to him, “I am sorry your birthday couldn’t have been celebrated more. The snowstorm took us all by surprise.”
Niki wrapped his arm around you, pulling you closer, “I don’t need a fancy birthday party or even a fancy day to be celebrated a certain way. This way was perfect.” 
You nodded, tangling your fingers with his, “What did you wish for when you blew the candles out?” 
Niki shook his head, “Nothing.” 
You sat up and looked at him, “Why not!?” 
All Niki could do was smile, placing his hand on your cheek, his thumb tracing your jawline, “Because I already have my wish. To be beside you for the rest of eternity.” 
You softly smiled, “But you already get that.” 
He nodded, looking between you, Heeseung, and __, “Having you all beside me is enough. I couldn’t be more thankful for you guys, thank you for an amazing birthday.” 
Heeseung clapped, “Here’s to you, brother.” 
You pull Niki into a hug, “Happy birthday, Nishimura Riki, I love you so much.” 
He hugged you back tighter, resting his face on your shoulder, “I love you too, thank you so much.”
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horanghaeluvsinniehae · 4 months
Discovered you by the skz bff drunkenly confessing and I got this idea (obviously don't use it if you dont feel like it or fet inspired, don't push yourself<3)
you went out with your brother that day to a cafe and caught up and han jisung from skz saw you and his heart broke, thinking he missed his chance and should've confessed to you earlier
And later, when he cancels your movie night, you call him and ask if he's okay
And he's like yeah just tired
Unusual cause he'd usually just come over and sleep on your couch, with your shoulder as his pillow
So you keep on poking and he blurbs out he doesn't wanna keep you from having fun with 'that guy'
And you're like, what are you talking about
So yeah, it turns out it's your brother, and you almost think he sounds relieved
So when he asks if he can still come over you're like sure hurry
And he thinks he hung up but he didn't so you just hear him giggling and yelling for chan telling him how he still has a chance and that he'll confess today cause he now knows how much he'd regret not doing it and he's so so happy and giddy and then he sees he hasn't hung up yet
So silence and then "please tell me you didn't hear that"
And continue however you wanna
And yeah I hope It makes sense have a beautiful day <3
Hi love! Gosh, I loved this idea and it was so entertaining to write!! I think this is my fav work so far😭 I hope you like it and that the others do as well!! Thank you for requesting!❤️‍🩹 And now i don’t have any requests left🥲feel free to request and please do so!
Pairing: Han Jisung!bff x gn!reader
Warning: jealous Hannie, small kiss and big authors note(apology)(please tell me if I missed anything!)
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Not too late!
You and your brother always had a special bond. Even after he moved to the other side of the country to study in Busan, you still kept in touch! Finally, after half a year you could set up a meeting in your childhood café.
As you entered the place, you spotted your brother sitting in a booth and nostalgia hit you. You teared up and swiftly went over to your brother, pulling him into a tight hug. He held you tightly and when he pulled away he held you by your face, examining you and the things that had changed.
Still standing and holding each other, the bell rang above the door signaling that a new customer had entered. You were so submerged in your own bubble that you didn’t notice. After the long hug, you sat down and immediately started talking about everything and anything.
On the other side of the cafè sat a young man sulking. Han Jisung was your long-time friend and you were also his long-time crush. When he came into the shop, -not knowing that you’ll also be there and not alone- the first thing that he saw was an unknown man holding your face and the two of you looking rather fondly at each other. His heart dropped and he froze in place.
He thought of the times he tried to confess to you, but chickened out at the last moment…he thought about how it could be him holding you close instead of that man…He regretted it all deeply and just wanted to turn back time.
He texted the other half of 3racha if you could meet up for lunch somewhere else. You told them that there were too many people here and you wouldn’t be able to have a normal conversation with each other. That was a lie-of course- because the place was almost empty. It was only three more couples plus you and your brother, but as understandable, he didn’t want to stay and see the two of you.
You talked to your brother for about three hours in the cafè. That was the fastest three hours of your life, to be honest. He had a meeting and then he promised to visit your parents too, so your time ended here. Although he told you that before he goes back to Busan he’ll see you again and you can have a chat like this.
On your way back to your apartment you saw the three boys walking. You ran up to them and Chan and Changbin were just as excited to bump into you as you were. On the other hand, Han was unusually unbothered to see you. You thought he was just tired so you gave him a light side-hug. Channie told you that they had to hurry back because they were late for their next practice. You bid goodbye to them and they did too, except Han who just did a little bow and started walking. The others looked at him questioningly, but just let it go.
“He’s been like this since we’ve met…don’t take it to heart please,” Binnie told you and patted your shoulder. They repeated their goodbyes and you parted ways.
That afternoon when you got home and settled down, you got a text notification. Once you unlocked your phone, you saw that it was a message from Han. As you opened his text, you froze and your heart started to race.
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After he went to practice, you still had the messages open and you just stared at them. You couldn't believe that this just happened. It was so random and out of nowhere but of course, you were incredibly happy and just couldn't believe that the boy you'd been pinning over liked you back.
After you snapped out of your trance, you realised that now you have two hours to make your apartment and yourself look presentable. You hurriedly went to take a shower and clean up the house.
Just as you finally got done with cleaning, you heard knocks on your front door. You nervously took a deep breath and went to open the door. Although you didn’t say that it was a date or anything like that, you dressed up a bit more fancy than usual. You thought about how awkward it would be if Han showed up in his casual practice clothes and that that’d make you feel like you misunderstood your earlier text exchange. But all your worries went away after you opened the door and a very cute and good-looking Hannie stood there, just as dressed up as you. He was wearing simple dress pants with a button-up, but he still looked so elegant, yet soft.
“Hi Y/nah! You look pretty!” Han said and both of you got flustered by his words.
“Thank you, Hannie, You look handsome too! Please come in!” You invited him inside and now you started to get more nervous.
After he got through the door he pulled up a small, but quite adorable bouquet. He held it up smiling big- “These are for you Y/nah!” -as you took it from him, you couldn’t stop smiling. You were feeling extremely happy and bubbly. Everything has been going great for you lately and tonight is just making it even better.
You were just looking at Hannie and suddenly he was right in front of you. He took your hands and rubbed the back of them with his thumbs. He took a deep breath- “Y/nah, I wanted to tell you how much I honestly like you and how glad I am that your brother is not your boyfriend.” -he laughed a bit embarrassed. “I truly admire you and you’re like the Sun when you enter a room. I feel honestly understood around you and you’re just one of the most loveable, kind and caring people I have ever met and that’s why I not-so-slowly feel for you…Y/nah I've never felt this way about anyone before, would you bless me by letting me be yours?” Han finished this speech and looked down at your hands in his while anxiously waiting for your reaction.
You were in complete awe and couldn't react normally so you just hugged him so so so tightly and whispered- “Yes yes and yes, Hanji a thousand times yes!” -into his ear while slightly jumping from happiness, but still hugging him.
Han was so relieved that you said yes that he started laughing at your reaction, but couldn’t refuse jumping softly with you. After your cute little moment, you pulled apart and looked each other in the eye, just smiling at each other.
Suddenly you felt yourself being pulled forward and then a pair of plushy lips landed on yours. In complete shock, you held onto him and melted into his kiss. It was a soft and delicate kiss, no tongue, no roughness. That kiss simply held all of your current emotions and feelings that you couldn't explain to each other in any better way than a tender kiss.
A/n: AAAAAAAAAAHHH *clears throat* sorry I just re-read the request and gosh I got so carried away when I started writing that I forgot to check the rest and now I feel bad bc it’s kind of nothing like the request:/ but I hope everyone liked it, and also apologise for the kiss scene😭 like I don't have any experience with kissing at all, but I felt like it needed a kiss scene😭 anyways thank you for reading and i hope you liked it!!
Please take care of yourself and be safe!🫂❤️‍🩹
Taglist: @justwonder113 @ihrtlix (if you want to be added please comment or write into asks!)
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