nancylfitness · 5 months
Happy New Year
Don’t let your resolution fail!
New Year resolutions date back to 4,000 years ago:
Babylonians pledged to pay their debts.
Brazilians jump seven waves and make a wish at each wave.
Colombians eat a grape each time the clock chimes at midnight.
Argentinians shred old documents to leave the past behind.
Buddhist countries ring bells in the streets to wish “good luck”.
Losing weight, exercising more, and staying fit are resolutions that many Americans make. It’s probably not too difficult to start an exercise / healthy eating program, but the trick is to stick to it. Make it a habit.
Try not to obsess about the outcome; concentrate on doing something every day that is within your control. To stick to your resolution, keep it simple.
Start now:
Get more active.
Cut down on junk (food)
A pound of fat contains 3,500 calories. To lose weight, try reducing caloric intake by 350-500 calories along with exercising each day (burning about 350 to 500 calories). This will provide for a reasonable and maintainable weight loss through life style change.
Try this tasty nutritious recipe for a start: http://://nancylfitness.com/2013/01/31/whole-wheat-pasta-with-chicken-asparagus-and-tomatoes/
In terms of exercise, the ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine) recommends at least 30-60 minutes of moderate physical activity five or more days a week. However, studies have shown that even small amounts of activity/exercise are beneficial. Any exercise helps to improve health because it:
Strengthens bones
Increases muscle tone
Reduces the risk of some diseases
Elevates mood.
Just 10 minutes of exercise a day will bring positive results. Try to work several major muscle groups at the same time.  Once started, stick with the program. Routine exercise is one of the best things you can do for your health. You will:
Be more energized
Boost your ego
Elevate metabolism
Sleep better
Lose / maintain weight
Improve brain function
Decrease risk of cancer / cardiovascular disease.
Everyday activities and recreation burns calories.  Any extra movement/activity counts toward health benefits:
Take the stairs – instead of the elevator or escalator
Park further away in the parking lot
Iron, wash dishes, cook
Rake leaves
Walk the dog.
NOTE: For safety purposes talk to your doctor about any physical limitations you may have when starting an exercise program. Use dumbbells or other weighted household item such as liter water bottles as weights.
To begin, try the exercises below:
Standing dumbbell push press: Works shoulders, triceps, legs & glutes (buttocks):
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Standing dumbbell push press
Hold weights at shoulder level.
Dip knees.
Straighten body driving weights straight overhead.
Complete 20 reps (repetitions).
When this movement becomes too easy, add more reps and/or more weight.
Dumbbell stiff legged deadlift with lateral raise upon standing:  Works low back, glutes, hamstrings (legs), abs (abdominals), deltoids (shoulder), traps (trapezius), rotator cuff & core.
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Stand, holding weights at each side with knees slightly bent.
Bend at the waist & lower weights to ankles while keeping back flat.
Return to erect posture; raise right foot to result in standing on left leg.
Lateral raise (single leg)works the shoulders (lateral deltoids), with the trapezius (upper back) and balance. This exercise involves lifting weights away from your body, out to the side while standing on one leg.
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Lateral Raise
Standing on left leg hold weights at each side.
Raise arms out from sides to shoulder height; lower weights to sides.
Repeat while standing on right leg.
Repeat process for 20 reps or as many as possible.
Increase reps and/or weight as strength increases.
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mychlapci · 10 days
Oh no the merformers thing is so interesting to me too... I do be clogging your inbox <:3
Sides and Sunny are like fighting/betta fish to me. Beautiful vibrant and striking colours, but highly aggressive and territorial. They have different tail types tho, Sideswipe maybe a crowntail or plakat, Sunstreaker is maybe a halfmoon
Mers like them are illegally held for their looks and fighting rings. They fetch a hefty sum at auctions
I think the twins are exchanged through many hands. Their physical conditions fluctuate wildly between seasons too. When they fight, they are well fed, but constantly injured, fins torn, plating cracked. On off seasons they are neglected, left to waste away and their colours fade. When the time comes for them to be sold, that is when they are treated best. They have to be healthy and properly nutritoined so their colours are as vibrant as can be.
All of this means they learn to trust no one. No one really cares for them. Just because someone is kind doesn't mean they will be tomorrow. Always bite the hand that feeds you, for tomorrow that hand will also literally throw you to the sharks
When the fighting ring they are held at is finally raided, obviously they don't know what happened. There's noise. There's shouting. Screaming. Energon is spilt. And then they are captured. Separated.
All the mers that are rescued and brought to a facility are kept in separate tanks obviously. They are all in various states of injury and sickness. They need to be quarantined and specially cared for. They are also understandably violent and are not fit for socialisation.
So when the twins wake up and can't find each other they go ballistic
Sideswipe bangs on the glass with his servos, shrieking and roaring at the bot that stands before him, just watching him. The black and white mech, annoyingly, doesn't even flinch. His appendages (fins?) on his back twitch at every bang on the glass, but there is no reaction otherwise. The mech seems to write something on a datapad and walks away, Sideswipe still threatening him from behind the glass.
Sunstreaker bares his long fangs and drags his claws along his glass. He's usually so careful about his beautiful claws, keeping them sharp and lustrous despite using them to tear his foes to shreds. But not right now. Now he pays no heed to his talons chipping on the hard glass as he snarls at the mech observing him. Black and white. Cold optics. Not a word from him when he walked over, and not a word as he leaves. Sunny doesn't care who that mech is but he wants to know what they did to his brother
Prowl is not quite a caretaker. He doesn't physically care for these rescued mers. But he coordinates. He oversees their care and watches them. He notes the health and behaviour of each mer and instructs their care. He notes the new red and yellow mers likely require sedatives so they do not hurt themselves. It's always a shame to see the states of the rescued mers that are brought in. But he's used to it now, it no longer tugs painfully at his spark to see them like this.
I don't actually know where this is going gjdhshd I just got carried away with the idea of it tbh. But eventually Prowl will notice something is not right with these two. As the other mers start to recover, these two do not. They remain violent, angry. No one is able to perform any physical checks on them without sedation. The way they throw themselves at the glass is hurting them. Prowl is the only one with senses keen enough to pick up on the way their fins twitch at every sound, the way their optics are always darting, but not in fear or paranoia. The way they seem to be looking for something rather than being driven by pure rage.
He knows something is missing from their tanks, but no one is able to figure out what since no one can even get near. One night, once he's clocked out, he's foolish enough to approach one of the tanks from above. No one is allowed up there, and for good reason. But maybe there is something he missed. He has seen everything there is to see from the outside, from the cameras, they must be missing something- And that's when a claw-tipped servo digs into his ankle and drags him into the water
He struggles and kicks and only barely makes it out with his spark. He's fished out of the water by other staff that thankfully had not left. A long and deep gash from the red mers claws stretches all the way from his optic, across his faceplate, and down his front. A chunk of his doorwing is bitten off
He only returns to the facility a few days later (much to the chagrin of literally everyone telling him to rest). He's no longer leaking energon, but not enough time has passed for him to be properly repaired. The painful claw marks and missing plating are still there. And he finally gets a different response from the yellow mer when it sees him
Sunstreaker recognises that attack pattern. The marks left behind from bites and scratches like that. His brother is alive
oh god this is amazing. i love all of this. normally i'd wait until i know what to say but then i'd just keep this ask forever.
i love the thought of Sunstreaker and Sideswipe not recovering at all, constantly on edge and aggressive and unresponsive to any of the research staff or other mers, constantly self-destructing against the glass of the tank, lashing out on the staff even though they know they'll be prodded and sedated.
when Prowl brings the claws from Sideswipe's attack to Sunstreaker, everything changes. The mer stops scratching at the glass and just... watches him, following around as Prowl walks, twisting his tail because he needs him to tell him where his brother was taken. Perhaps he curses and hits the glass a couple times, knowing the bot can't hear him and wouldn't have been able to understand him either, but he has to drag the information out of him somehow.
oh lord, i wonder how long it takes the staff to find out that they've separated co-dependent twins.
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dherbs · 7 years
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reportwire · 2 years
Elite Nutrition and Performance How Your Diet is Ruining Your Performance
Elite Nutrition and Performance How Your Diet is Ruining Your Performance
How Your Diet is Ruining Your Performance March 17, 2021| Kristen| Athlete Nutrition, Athlete Training, Meal Planning, Muscle Building, Nutrition, Personal Training, Post Workout, Sports Nutritoin, Training, Weightlifting| 0 Comments Good intentions or not, it’s critical to know why your choices with food could be hindering your potential. As a sports dietitian, I help athletes and active…
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organicwhiterice · 3 years
Organic Basmati Brown Rice - Nutritious Brown Rice For a Healthy Diet
Organic Basmati Brown Rice - Nutritious Brown Rice For a Healthy Diet
Organic basmati brown rice is considered as the most healthiest rice because it offers numerous health benefits. It is high in potassium, iron and manganese. It has been used as an essential part of Indian cuisine for many years. Brown rice is widely available in the market and is cultivated in a variety of climatic conditions. However, there are several disadvantages that need to be considered before selecting the product.
One of the disadvantages of organic basmati brown rice is its deficiency in the mineral line, which is important in mineral absorption. organic long grain brown rice nutrition factors This nutrient is found in abundance in other types of long grain rice but is not available in the same quantity in the product. This deficiency has negative effects on overall nutrition and digestion. However, this problem can be overcome by adding vitamin B-12 and folic acid supplements to the diet.
Another major drawback of organic basmati brown rice is the inedible quality of the grain. The main reason behind this problem is that this type of rice is not allowed to undergo germination, which significantly affects its nutritional value and taste. Instead, it is made into a white porridge by boiling water. organic long grain white rice nutritoin facts The presence of nutrients is reduced greatly by the method of cooking. Besides, this porridge also lacks the aroma and flavor of the organic vegetable.
The best quality of organic basmati brown rice is the premium variety that contains the right amount of iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus and zinc. It has a high mineral content and good aroma. Nonetheless, it is still difficult to find this variety at local stores. Instead, it can be bought online from e-commerce websites.
When preparing organic basmati, it is necessary to use only boiling water and dry basmati or dry white bread crumbs. organic basmati brown rice in bulk If there is any leftover water or white bread crumbs, it should be soaked first before adding it to the other ingredients. In addition, the main organic basmati brown rice ingredients should be combined together using a mesh basket and the rest of the ingredients added slowly to ensure that all of them are mixed well. Make sure to stir the mixture thoroughly before serving.
Cooking organic brown rice wholemeal is more enjoyable than boiling or the microwave roasting. It can be served as a breakfast or side dish anytime. Compared to its white counterpart, it is healthier because it contains a large number of nutrients and does not contain too much starch. With the numerous health benefits offered by brown rice wholemeal, it is no surprise that more people are incorporating it into their diets.
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naturfactory · 3 years
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HARINA DE ARROZ GOURMET 1.5 KGS - SCIENTIFFIC NUTRITION La Harina de Arroz Gourmet de Scientiffic es un complemento alimenticio perfecto para preparar tortitas o pancakes!! Descubre una nueva fuente de energía sin azúcar!.  La Harina de Arroz es ideal para la elaboración de todo tipo de platos o recetas que requieran una harina suave y de calidad. La Harina de Arroz Instantánea de Scientiffic Nutritoin es un alimento perfecto con el que aportarás energía a tu cuerpo de forma sostenida, además ¡con delicioso sabor!.  Con la Harina de Arroz Gourmet podrás realizar recetas de repostería saludable, crear batidos originales o incluso espesar tus platos favoritos.  ¡Todo ello sin azúcar!.  ¡Aporta a tu cuerpo energía de forma secuencial gracias a la Harina de Arroz¡. Principales Beneficios de la Harina de Arroz de Scientiffic Nutrition: Harrina de arroz de calidad superior. Proporciona energía sostenida. Sin azúcar. Presentación: Envase de 1.5 Kgs. Modo de empleo: Como complemento dietético, tomar 30 grs en el desayuno y 30 grs en la merienda con leche desnatada. Para hacer tortitas debes de mezclar 30 grs con claras de huevo líquido. https://www.naturfactory.com/come-sano/harinas-de-avena-copos-de-avena/harina-de-arroz-gourmet-15-kgs-scientiffic-nutrition.html 16,90 €
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b2bfitclub · 4 years
HERBALIFE NUTRITOIN ส่งเสริมเป้าหมายเรื่องสุขภาพที่ดี รูปร่างที่ดี และ ส่งเสริมชีวิตความเป็นอยู่ที่ดีขึ้น
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kishou-san · 7 years
Arima Kishou tried to find the most secluded location he could to eat his lunch. This time the nutritoin he was taking in was just plain rice. Amon had insisted he eat something today. That’s why his boxed lunch was home cooked for once, rather than being bought from the store. 
He picked up a small amount with his chopsticks, and held them over his mouth for a moment. He bit into and chewed, no, the rice tasted like nothing more than mush in his mouth. He should not have expected anytthing more from something as simple as a meal, not when you were an empty person like Arima. At least he had his peace and quiet though. 
The moment he thought that, Airma heard a disruption. He peered through his glasses to see who was causing the fuss. That person... they looked like an unruly teenager. Arima was not sure, perhaps the white haired man was just so old everybody looked young to him by comparison. He really wished the kid would quiet down though. 
Arima found himself losing his temper for just a moment. The chopsticks he was holding, he threw them like a pair of darts hard enough that they soared past the teens face and embedded themselves in a nearby tree.
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“Oops.” Arima said, before walking up to him. “Sorry, I dropped my utensils.”
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Pregnancy and Exercise!
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Week 1
So week one is over !!! I’m surprised that it went this well, although it became harder the last days and my two final exams stressed me a lot, so that it was a real challenge to not quit. I’ll have my last exam on tuesday but I think the hardest part is over:) I’m not looking at my weight, just focussing on how I feel and how I look and I already see some small changes. The main change in my diet was to eat longer carbs but less carbs in general and more protein. As I noticed that I have a fructose intolerance, I had to change a lot but it’s all a habit.
I just came from the forest and collected a lot of herbs, so tomorrow morning before running I can have a delicious herbal smoothie! It’s beautiful to see the nature grow as it becomes spring and the days get longer and warmer. Changing a diet is not only about challenging yourself and cutting down nutritients to reach a figure goal, it’s also about growing in a personal spiritual way and that is what I already learned in this one week. I hope to continue like this:)
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saharcleanfithealthy · 10 years
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naturfactory · 4 years
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HARINA DE ARROZ GOURMET 1.5 KGS - SCIENTIFFIC NUTRITION La Harina de Arroz Gourmet de Scientiffic es un complemento alimenticio perfecto para preparar tortitas o pancakes!! Descubre una nueva fuente de energía sin azúcar!.  La Harina de Arroz es ideal para la elaboración de todo tipo de platos o recetas que requieran una harina suave y de calidad. La Harina de Arroz Instantánea de Scientiffic Nutritoin es un alimento perfecto con el que aportarás energía a tu cuerpo de forma sostenida, además ¡con delicioso sabor!.  Con la Harina de Arroz Gourmet podrás realizar recetas de repostería saludable, crear batidos originales o incluso espesar tus platos favoritos.  ¡Todo ello sin azúcar!.  ¡Aporta a tu cuerpo energía de forma secuencial gracias a la Harina de Arroz¡. Principales Beneficios de la Harina de Arroz de Scientiffic Nutrition: Harrina de arroz de calidad superior. Proporciona energía sostenida. Sin azúcar. Presentación: Envase de 1.5 Kgs. Modo de empleo: Como complemento dietético, tomar 30 grs en el desayuno y 30 grs en la merienda con leche desnatada. Para hacer tortitas debes de mezclar 30 grs con claras de huevo líquido. https://www.naturfactory.com/come-sano/harinas-de-avena-copos-de-avena/harina-de-arroz-gourmet-15-kgs-scientiffic-nutrition.html 16,90 €
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caveben · 11 years
Having a baby can be one of the most beautiful times of your life, but is the weight gain marring this amazing experience? If you are like me, you thought that the day the baby comes out of your body, you will shrink back to the size that you were 9 months back.
Read more: http://www.fitnessrepublic.com/fitness/losing-weight-after-pregnancy.html
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randytrx-blog · 11 years
Having a baby can be one of the most beautiful times of your life, but is the weight gain marring this amazing experience? If you are like me, you thought that the day the baby comes out of your body, you will shrink back to the size that you were 9 months back.
Read more: http://www.fitnessrepublic.com/fitness/losing-weight-after-pregnancy.html
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laurahharisson · 11 years
Having a baby can be one of the most beautiful times of your life, but is the weight gain marring this amazing experience? If you are like me, you thought that the day the baby comes out of your body, you will shrink back to the size that you were 9 months back.
Read more: http://www.fitnessrepublic.com/fitness/losing-weight-after-pregnancy.html
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swimmerhorner-blog · 11 years
Having a baby can be one of the most beautiful times of your life, but is the weight gain marring this amazing experience? If you are like me, you thought that the day the baby comes out of your body, you will shrink back to the size that you were 9 months back.
Read more: http://www.fitnessrepublic.com/fitness/losing-weight-after-pregnancy.html
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