#now that the season is over. i may be switching guilds soon
nikkiissleepy · 2 years
late post bc i forgot i had this drafted but anyways. guild theatre entries!
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beskarandblasters · 6 months
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Me and My Husband
Chapter Six: I Gave Too Much of My Heart Tonight
Married!Din Djarin x F!Reader
Series Masterlist | Series Playlist
Main Masterlist | Din Djarin Masterlist
Synopsis: Din Djarin is doing what any typical Mandalorian would be doing after reclaiming Mandalore, finding a riduur and settling down. He’s still a member of the Guild on Nevarro, taking bounties here and there to support his new family. But when he meets you while you’re working the front desk at an inn on Naboo, he finds himself hooked, feeling like he’s found something new and exciting in his now mundane life. How long can he keep up appearances with his riduur? And how long can he keep his little secret with you?
Series warnings: reader is able-bodied, set post season 3, canon divergent (long live the Razor Crest), some liberties taken with Mandalorian culture/weddings/marriages, infidelity, eventual smut (chapter two!), switches between Reader and Din's POV, no use of y/n
Author’s note: Not that anyone really asked, but this is my favorite chapter 🤍
Chapter summary: Din shows you the experience of a lifetime and crosses off a bucket list item for you.
Word count: 4.5k
Chapter warnings: Din has mediocre sex with his riduur again, talks of having children (it’s not what you think lmao), fingering, oral sex (M and F receiving), vaginal sex, super romantic and loving sex, creampie, fluff
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This is the longest you’ve gone without seeing each other. It’s been thirty-four rotations. You’re starting to think he was using you for sex all this time. Or what if your reaction to finding out about his wife scared him off? What if he decided he actually loves her and never wants to see you again? 
Whenever you’re not at work, whenever your mind is idle you’re thinking about him. Even reading is hard. Your mind wanders at any given moment, wondering where in the galaxy he is, wondering what he’s doing. Maybe he’s fucking his wife. He never told you if they did that stuff or not. Maybe he’s somewhere else in the galaxy, poorly flirting with some other woman. Maybe he’s starting a whole new fling and conveniently leaving out the part about his wife like he did with you. Maybe he’s bringing some other woman to his house on Nevarro. Maybe he’s listening to someone else’s hopes, dreams, and desires. Maybe he’s got another woman underneath him, coming inside her. Maybe he’s-
Stop. You’ll drive yourself mad. 
All you can do is try not to wonder about him and live your life. 
To say that he’s getting antsy would be an understatement. All of his time has been occupied by May and Bo-Katan, rebuilding the infrastructure of Mandalore. Yes, it’s an important task but the Eye of Aldhani is happening soon. And there’s not a single thing in the galaxy that will stop him from taking you to see it. Tomorrow is the latest he could possibly leave to come pick you up if he doesn’t want to miss the Eye. Time is ticking. 
He’s standing outside with May, telling her he’s leaving tomorrow. He’s never been good with telling her when he’s leaving with any notice. 
“I’m leaving tomorrow, May,” he tells her as they’re standing outside.
“Okay… Before you go… Can we make love?” she asks, turning her helmet to look at home, holding Grogu on her hip. 
He can’t hold her off any longer. They’ve only done it once. And if he’s going to leave again for several rotations he has to give in. It sounds terrible but he’s not good at faking his attraction or faking his love for her. So if he wants to keep her from getting suspicious this is what he has to do, at least in his mind. 
“Sure,” he says, starting to head inside. 
“But,” he starts, stopping and turning to face her, “Let’s leave our helmets on.” 
He winces in anticipation of her response. Will she be offended? Will she be suspicious? He wants to keep them on because he doesn’t think he can look May in the eye, not after he’s fully committed himself to you. And also because he’s worried the guilt will be on full display all over his face. 
“I think… I think it’ll be hot.”
“I mean… I guess we’d be really honoring the creed.”
“Right…” he says uneasily. 
May puts Grogu down for bed and Din waits in their bedroom. After a moment she appears in the doorframe and asks, “Are we keeping all of the armor on, too?”
He didn’t even think about the armor. He could probably keep it all on but maybe that’s too far. Maybe that will make her suspicious. 
“No we can take it off,” he says, after having a moment to contemplate. 
“Would you… Would you do it for me?”
Oh. That’s a pretty intimate thing for Mandalorian couples to do; to remove each other’s armor before an act of love. Again, if he says no, it’ll be suspicious. 
“Yes,” he says awkwardly, rising to meet her at the door frame. 
He meticulously removes her armor, placing it all in a pile on the table in front of their bed. She’s down to her flight suit now, her visor fixed on him. 
“Your turn,” she says softly, starting with his cape. 
As soon as she removes it his mind is flooded with the memory of you at the springs on Nevarro, drying off with his cape. Kriff, he’s hard now. Oh, how he wishes you were here, removing his armor for him, seeing his naked form for the first time. As she moves down to his thigh armor she sees that he’s hard and lets out a small gasp. It’s not for her but she can think it is. It makes his charade all the more believable. 
They’re both down to their flight suits now, standing in front of each other awkwardly. She unzips hers first and he follows, the two of them getting naked at the same time. And now they're naked, wearing only their helmets, feeling different ways about each other entirely. She takes a step towards him, resting her hand on his chest. 
“I’m ready,” she says softly. He nods. Time to get this over with. 
She moves to the bed, laying down on her back and resting her head on a pillow, legs spread apart and chest moving up and down with deep breaths. She seems nervous too. 
At least with the helmet he can close his eyes and pretend it’s you underneath him. This can never come close to you but it’s the best he’s got right now, until he gets to see you tomorrow. 
He situates himself between her thighs, giving her entrance a few strokes. She’s extremely wet already and Din can’t gauge what she’s feeling. She’s wet but her body language reads as nervous. And the sad part is, he’s not concerned with why she’s nervous, he’s concerned with whether or not she’s seeing through his facade. 
He slides a few fingers in, giving her just enough attention and foreplay to get her ready for him. She’s definitely into it, her body responding to his touch. Her nipples perk up and her sex gets wetter. It doesn’t take long for her to cum, her walls fluttering around his fingers. He pulls his hand from her and strokes his cock, willing it to get hard enough to fuck her. He wonders if she’ll notice that he’s not fully hard but then again she’s only had him one other time and it was so long ago. She’s probably grateful this is happening at all. 
And now he’s inside her, gently thrusting in and out, closing his eyes, and pretending you’re here with him instead. He misses you so much it makes his heart ache. Being here with May and pretending she’s you doesn’t even come close to the real thing. But this false bliss he’s created doesn’t last long because in the back of his mind, there’s a small voice reminding him of the guilt, reminding him that May doesn’t deserve this, that she’s a good person. It’s an internal battle and the voice is getting louder, arguing with the part of his mind that’s telling him to keep pretending. He’s not even paying attention to May at this point, too busy trying to drown the voices out. 
And then it’s over. He flops down on the bed beside her and… He came inside her without realizing it. Oh kriff, he’s an idiot. What if she gets pregnant? He knows she doesn’t have an implant. If she gets pregnant this is about to make his little secret with you all the more complicated. He won’t be able to leave whenever he wants to whisk you away to some far-off planet. If she gets pregnant and finds out about you, it’ll crush her. She’ll be devastated and Din will become an apostate again. And he will not let that happen, under any circumstances. He knows that feeling all too well and it’s a feeling he would never like to revisit ever again. His creed is the most important thing in his life. 
…But if his creed is so important to him… Why is he messing around with you? Why is he playing with fire? Why is he playing such a dangerous game?
“Din?” she asks, ripping him from his thoughts. 
“Hm?” he responds, still reeling from his internal struggle. 
“You came inside me.”
“Right… Sorry about that.”
“This is kind of a big deal,” she says, sitting up and removing her helmet, setting it on the nightstand beside her. 
“We never talked about when we’re going to have warriors of our own,” she says, glancing over at him with tears in her eyes. 
He doesn’t take off his helmet. He’s mad at himself that he came inside of her and not you.
“I’m sorry…”
“I don’t know if I’m ready just yet but… I’m happy to know you’re thinking about this,” she says, grabbing his hand. 
Oh, he’s thinking about it alright… with another woman.  
He gives her hand a squeeze and tells her he’s getting tired. She nods, getting under the covers with him. 
She goes to sleep fairly quickly but as for Din, he’s up all night, sick to his stomach that he might’ve just gotten May pregnant. And that he’ll be even more bound to her than he already is. Maybe he’ll get lucky and she won’t actually be pregnant, and isn’t that just fucked up of him?
But eventually, he takes off his helmet and goes to sleep, quelling his racing mind with thoughts of you and how he’ll finally get to hold you soon. 
The morning’s been a blur. He barely says goodbye to May and Grogu before taking off, hauling his ass as fast as he can to Naboo. 
On the way there he thinks of all the other ways he can give himself to you. Maybe it’s because he came inside May last night and he was to absolve himself of that. Even though she’s his wife he feels like he somehow wronged you by fucking her and coming inside her. And then it dawns on him. 
He could show you his face. 
No, that’s crazy. That’s the very thing he became an apostate for. But in his opinion, it was worth it for Grogu despite the psychological torment it caused him (not to mention the physical torment from almost drowning in the Mines). If there’s anyone he loves most in the galaxy it’s Grogu and… you. Kriff, is he admitting to himself that he loves you? He might be. 
It’s also been so long since he’s seen you… What if you moved on? What if you’ve forgotten all about him? What if you’ve found someone else? He has to find you fast.
It’s the afternoon on Naboo when he lands. He parks near the outskirts of Theed as he’s done several times, practically racing off of the ship. He doesn’t know where you are right now but he has a list of places to check; the inn, your apartment building, and the library. He checks the inn first, anxiously bursting through the doors to find you not at the front desk and swiftly turning on his heel to leave. He heads to your apartment building and to his relief you’re just leaving, bumping into him on the street. 
“Ca’tra, I’m here.”
He expects you to greet him warmly, to be happy to see him. But instead, you’re raising your eyebrow at him, mouth contorted into a frown. 
“Nice to see you didn’t forget about me.”
“What? I’ve missed you so much.”
“Is that why you waited so long to come back?” you ask, folding your arms. 
“No, you don’t understand. I-”
“You think you can just use me for sex? Come here whenever’s convenient for you to fuck me and leave?” you finish, stepping closer and pointing your finger at him. 
“You’re cute when you do that,” he chuckles. 
“Shut up.”
“I’m serious. Do you know how much it pained me to be apart from you?” he says, interlocking his fingers with yours. 
“We have to go, ca’tra. Or else we’ll be late.”
“Why? Where are we going?”
“For the Eye.”
The look on your face melts his heart, a look of pure shock mixed with love. He swears there are tears springing in the corners of your eyes. 
“Of course. You said you wanted to see it.”
“…Thank you, Din.”
“Anything for you, ca’tra. But we have to go. You don’t have to work do you?”
“Nope,” you shake your head. 
“No time to waste,” he says, taking you by the hand and leading you back towards the Crest. 
He’s so excited; excited to make you happy, excited to put a smile on your face, excited to be between your thighs, excited to hold you, excited to just be in your presence. He loves you so much. And he needs you to know that. 
He can’t tell you now. He has to wait for the right moment. Kriff, he’s never put this much thought into anything in his life.
“It’ll take us a little bit longer to get there,” he says once he’s in hyperspace. 
“Longer than Nevarro?”
“Yes but not by too much,” he says, turning his seat around to face you. 
“Thank you again,” you say softly. 
“I’d do anything for you, ca’tra.”
You don’t say anything, staring down at your hands in your lap.
“I mean it.”
He takes your hands in his and you look up at him. You’re gazing directly into his eyes even though you can’t tell. When you look at him everything makes sense; every choice that led him to you feels right. 
It’s finally time to land on Aldhani. He knows exactly where the best spot to see the Eye is and he can count down to the minute when it will start. 
He lands on one of the hilltops along the valley, hastily unbuckling his seatbelt and barreling down the ladder. You follow, giddily running after him and down the exit ramp of the Crest. And you just made it. 
One streak of bright green shoots across the sky, leaving a trail of a lighter shade of green in its wake. And then another one, but this time it’s a cerulean blue. Soon enough the nighttime sky is painted with brilliant streaks of turquoise, baby pink, amber, and viridian. You were right. It’s a sight to behold. 
He looks over at you, with your face wearing a wide grin, eyes misty with tears. Every single thing that led him to this moment was worth it, it was worth it to see you this happy. He gets a warm feeling in his chest knowing that he’s responsible for making this happen for you, being able to take you to something you’ve wanted to see for so long. 
He pulls you into him, resting your head against his beskar breastplate, and wrapping his arms around you. He could stay there forever, holding you and watching the sky. This right here, the Eye, is the best comparison of his love for you; beautiful, rare, a sight he’s never seen, a feeling he’s never felt before. You’re a whirlwind of firsts for him. All of the sex he had before you was meaningless, based on purely a physical need for a release. He’s never had butterflies when he looks upon a face until he met you. He’s never strived so hard for someone else’s happiness. All of the firsts are overwhelming but in a good way. His senses and thoughts are completely encapsulating with you. And it sort of scares him because he’s barely known you for a full cycle, let alone a few months. But what he does know, is that he’s sure his feelings for you are deeper, more profound than anything he’s ever felt. 
Eventually, the Eye comes to an end, the brilliant colors fizzling out of the sky. You pull back and look directly into his visor, with so much love in your eyes, and say, “Thank you, Din. I mean it. I really can’t thank you enough.”
“I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again,” he chuckles, “I’d do anything for you.”
He pauses for a moment, bracing himself for your response, and says, “Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum.”
That’s the first time he’s said it and actually meant it. 
Your eyes widen at his words. The truth is… you do love him back. But he’s married. And are you really about to tell a married man that you love him?
Yes. Yes, you are. 
“You don’t have to say it back,” he says, his voice small. 
“Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum,” you respond, grabbing his hands. 
He squeezes your hands and you swear you hear him let out a sigh of relief. How could he ever think otherwise? You can’t see your face but you know your love for him is worn proudly on your face, hanging in the air like all of the stars in the galaxy. 
“You don’t know how relieved I am to hear you say that.”
“It’s just… How I feel,” you smile. 
He takes another deep breath and says, “I have something to show you.”
This is it. He’s going to take off his helmet and show you his face. He feels like he’s going to be sick, already spiraling thinking about what your reaction will be.
He leads you back to the Crest, lowering the exit ramp and heading inside. He shuts the ramp, triple-checking it to be entirely sure it’s secure. There can’t be any risk that someone else can see this. Kriff, he’s nervous, his palms growing sweaty underneath the gloves. 
“Din? Are you alright?”
“I am,” he affirms, letting out a shaky breath. 
“Okay… What’s going on? You’re worrying me.”
“Just… I have to show you something.”
You nod and he brings his hands to the edge of his helmet, slowly starting to pull it off. You throw your hands over your eyes and shout, “Din! What are you doing?”
The modulator hisses as he pulls off the helmet, setting it on a crate in the storage area of the Crest. He walks over to you and says, “Ca’tra, it’s okay,” letting you hear his unmodulated voice for the first time. 
He takes your hands in his and moves them away from your face. 
“Now open your eyes,” he says softly. 
And after a moment you do, an unreadable expression on your face. His eyes search your face for approval, love, desire, joy, something, anything. 
“Ca’tra?” he says, his brows furrowing. 
“Din, you’re… You’re beautiful,” you say, caressing his face. You stroke his cheeks with your thumbs, running them over his facial hair. 
He melts into your touch, his skin feeling as if it’s on fire as you move your fingers across his cheeks. 
“I just… I wanted to do this because I want to give myself to you, completely.”
“You mean that?” you ask. 
“Of course I do,” he responds, grabbing you by the waist and pulling you into him. 
“I’ve never loved someone so much. And… It scares me. But I need you,” he continues, squeezing you tightly. 
“I love you, too, Din,” you smile at him. 
And kriff, he’s seeing your face, your smile, your beauty without the helmet in the way. He’s taking in your scent for the first time. It’s all intoxicating. He could get drunk off of it. And he hasn’t even kissed you yet. What’s he waiting for?
Finally, at long last, he kisses you. And it’s more than he ever imagined it could be. Sure, he’s kissed May before, but it was always a quick, chaste kiss. But this, this is a real kiss, communicating all of your love for each other. 
He needs more of you. He needs to fuck you like this, have you underneath him, looking directly into his eyes. He needs to taste you, lapping at your wetness for the first time. He needs to connect with you on a level he’s never connected with anyone before. 
“I need you,” he says, pulling away and looking into your eyes. 
You know exactly what he means, nodding with so much love in your eyes, your pupils blown wide. 
He kisses you again, this one even more passionate, while pushing you lightly towards the direction of his bunk. You break the kiss to start undressing and he says, “Will you take off my armor for me, ca’tra?”
“Of course, Din,” you respond, kissing him again before starting to remove his armor. 
It’s a meticulous task, but you take your time, starting from the top to the bottom until left his in nothing but his flight suit and boots. His armor is stacked in a neat pile in the corner of the room and he takes off his flight suit and boots, setting them beside the armor. 
And now you’re standing in front of each other completely bare. His eyes can’t stop scanning up and down your form, finally getting to see all of you through his own eyes. Stars, he gets to touch you without the gloves in the way for once.  
Like magnets you two are glued to one other, kissing and grabbing at each other passionately until you’re lying down on the bed. He hovers over you, continuing to kiss you until he moves his lips down your jaw, your neck, your breasts. He stops at your breasts and takes a nipple in his mouth while his hand takes the other. Your breath hitches and you suck in a gasp. All of this is so new for both of you. You’ve had sex countless times but never like this. And now that his helmet’s not in the way he has an oral fixation, wanting to kiss, lick, and nip every inch of you. 
He moves his mouth to your other nipple, bringing it to a stiff peak between his lips and his teeth, before moving down your torso. He leaves kisses in his wake, finally getting to what he’s most excited about; eating you out. It’ll be his first time eating anyone out ever. He’s never done this before, not even with May. He's nervous about it, wanting to get it right, wanting to hear you moan, wanting to feel you shake and writhe against his face. Kriff, it’s all he’s been able to think about since he first had you in the alley all those rotations ago. 
He licks one long, slow stripe up your cunt and you shiver in response. 
“Please, Din,” you whine. 
He chuckles against you, sending vibrations through your core. 
“Oh, I’m taking my time with you, ca’tra,” he says before licking you again, licking along your folds before finally getting to your clit. 
He sucks on the sensitive bundle of nerves slowly, making you arch your back in desperation. He applies more pressure, slowly working you up. Your hands find his hair, gripping his curls as he eats you, and he lets out a primal groan in response. 
Kriff, don’t stop doing that, he thinks to himself, his cock getting even harder if that’s somehow possible. 
He pulls back for a split second, just to moisten his fingers before slipping two of them inside you. Your grip on his hair tightens and you’re so close to the edge. He can tell by the way your whimpers get more incessant and the deepening arch of your back. You cum against his face and his hand, soaking both of them with your release. He didn’t think he could love this any more than he already did. But once he gets a taste of your cum, your release he’s in bliss. If there’s a heaven, he’s found it, right here between your thighs, completely soaked. 
Once you’re done writhing you sit up and look down at him, gasping at the mess you made on his face. 
“Oh kriff, I’m sorry,” you say, feeling a little bit embarrassed. 
“You’re sorry? Ca’tra, I need you to do that every single day for the rest of my life.”
“Stop, you don’t mean that,” you giggle. 
“Oh but I do,” he says, rising and resting on the back of his heels. 
He kisses you again, holding the back of your head with his hand, a deep, needy kiss. 
You pull back with a wide grin and say, “Your turn.”
“Oh you don’t have to,” he says sheepishly. 
“Oh but I want to,” you respond, sinking to the floor.
He moves to the edge of the bunk, sitting with a wide stance while you take his already hard cock in your hand. You give it a few strokes as you kiss along his groin, inching your way closer and closer to his cock. 
You swirl your tongue around underneath his foreskin and the tip slowly before taking his length in your mouth. He groans, panting at the slow motions of your head. You lay your tongue flat on the underside of his cock, wrapping your hand around the base and stroking it. You bob your head up and down, inching him towards the edge until he stops grabbing your face with his hands on each side of your head. 
“Need you. Now,” he says. 
You nod and rise from the floor, straddling him and sinking down onto his cock. You wrap your legs around his torso, grinding against him until cock is buried as deep as it can go. And now you’re face to face with each other, looking into one another’s eyes as you become one, intertwined together in a harmonious cycle like all of the stars, planets, nebulas, everything in the galaxy. 
His pupils are wide, leaving only a small ring of warm brown as he gazes at you in awe, a literal goddess before him grinding against him.
You cum together, kissing each other deeply when you do, moaning into each other’s mouths. It’s intense. He realizes that this is more than just sex for him, it’s an act of love, the greatest love he’s ever known. 
When you’re done you rest against him and he wraps his arms around you, stroking your back softly and replaying the night’s events in his head, everything from watching the Eye, to telling you he loves you, until now. 
“Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum,” he says, kissing the top of your head. 
You pull back and look at him, repeating the phrase. He knows you mean it with all of your heart. 
And so the two of you spend the rest of the night in a cycle; resting, admiring each other, and having sex again. When you lay down you’re intertwined with each other. You can’t keep your hands or your eyes off his face, stroking his cheeks, trailing your pinking along the bridge of his nose, running your hands through his hair, and telling him how beautiful he is. 
Eventually when your core and your legs can’t take anymore, you sleep, holding each other without a care in the galaxy. 
All is well, for now. 
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Chapter Seven
Graphic by @nostalxgic
Banners + divider by @saradika
MAMH tag list: @wannab-urs @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @catchallfangirl @noxturnalpascal @nervoushottee @mandoisapunk @pr0ximamidnight @angel-in-beskar @dameron-grant-spector @xdaddysprincessxx @drewharrisonwriter @milly-louise @engie115 @survivingandenduring @unit-1021 @rentaldarling @csarab615 @swiftiegirliepop @spookyxsam @missladym1981 @kittenlittle24 @pedroslittlelady @decembermidnight @harriedandharassed @handspunyarns @midnightnoiserose @devineconjuring @sarap-77 @jbb-sgr
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pascalscenarios · 3 years
WHEN STARS CROSS (Din Djarin x Royal Reader)
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Din Djarin x Royal Reader  
Summary: You had a strange feeling that something was going to happen. This is your first encounter crossing paths with The Mandalorian.
Warning: Mentions of blood, wound, murder 
Words: 3,961
Author's Note: Hello! Okay I know I said my Agent Whiskey Fic, Common Ground, is coming out soon, and it is, but I’ve never seen the Kingsman movies (oops) and I realize that I probably should watch it to help me write to have a better understand of whiskey and the statesman. I’ve put off the story for now until I’ve seen Kingsman. So for compensation here is a Din Djarin Fic! I wrote part of this way back when season one came out. I was never going to post it, it was more for myself, but I decide to let it thrive and go somewhere. 
I hope you all are doing well. Enjoy and again sorry about the whiskey delay. 
- K
07 BBY
Adrenaline surged through the young Mandalorian’s body as he quickly rushed into the cockpit of the Razor Crest. He immediately takes a seat in the pilot chair, starting the engine. The cockpit came to life with an array of colors surrounding him. He hastily pushed buttons and flipped switches on the control boards to prepare the ship for take-off.
His heart pounds against his chest. Anxiety washed over him like a tidal wave as he tries his best to remain calm and act swiftly, knowing it's the only way he’ll make it off this planet alive.
The Mandalorian pushes another lever powering the thrusters. He grips the control handles, slowly leaning them forward. The Razor Crest lifts off the ground and soon gains speed as it continues its bumpy ascend off the planet.
Once breaking free from the planet's atmosphere, The Mandalorian punches in coordinates into his navigation system. He grabs the hyperdrive shift, causing the ship to jump into hyperspace.
Mando leans back into the pilot's chair, letting out a sigh of relief. The adrenaline that once coursed through his body subsided. He could feel the sores and pains arising as he let himself be at ease.
He sat there reflecting on what happened. It was a bounty gone wrong. Mando was after a target, a smuggler who owed several colleagues a large sum of credits. He found his target only to be ambushed.
Mando could put up a heck of a fight, having been raised in the fighting core from a young age, he was heavily outnumbered. It’s been a few months since becoming a part of the bounty hunters guild. He was a rookie, still learning the ropes. Over time he knew he’d get the hang of things.
He winces in pain, causing him to sit up slightly. He moves his right hand to the left side of his torso where the pain resides from. He lifts his hand up, examining the bright red blood that coated his glove. Tilting his head down, he sees the deep gash on his side, blood seeping excessively, staining his armor and clothes.
Mando placed his hand back on the wound, applying pressure to stop the bleeding. He gets up from his seat, exiting the cockpit and climbing down to the lower deck of the ship. He heads over to his sleeping quarters, reaching for a compartment mounted on the side of the wall. Opening the compartment, he rummaged through the medical supplies he had left. He grabs a silver spray vile, that contains Bacta to help heal him in a matter of hours.
He sits on the edge of his bed and pushes down on the button on the vile to plaster the Bacta over his wound. Nothing came out of the vile.
“Come on…” He said frustratedly pushing the button again only to end up with the same result. The vile was empty.
“Dammit!” He cursed, throwing the vile across the room. He looked through the compartment again. None of the materials left would be of use to help him dress his wound. He needs something to hold him over, just until he lands and can properly deal with his wound.
An idea pops into Mando's head, leans over on his bed, snatching his pillow behind him. He rips the fabric open revealing the cotton stuffing. He takes a handful of the cotton and packs it in his wound to soak up the blood.
Quickly the pure white cotton turns crimson red as it makes contact with his bloody wound. He continues to pack the deep gash to the best of his ability, then rips a piece of his cape off. He takes the strip of fabric, wrapping tightly around his torso.
After securing the piece of fabric, he heads back up to the cockpit.
He was headed to Carnelian, a small and peaceful planet. It was known as a haven planet providing a safe place for those who are fleeing their home planets to escape the galactic empire, war, persecution, and natural disasters… or so that's what he heard through word of mouth.
He could have gone back to the covert, but there was no way he could reach them from where he was. Carnelian was his best option. He can fix himself up, lodge for a bit, and head back on his way.
You're nervous. Maybe you should just go back home. Maybe you were reading into this too much. You stood outside your kingdom's reader, Lady Uchis, home. She was the oldest and wisest woman in your kingdom, having a gift of foresight. For the past few days, you’ve been feeling strange. You had a feeling that something was going to happen, but you didn’t know what it was. Maybe she could help you make sense of what you’ve been feeling and possibly give you answers.
Before you could knock on the door, it swings open.
“Your highness! What a pleasure! I had a feeling you would be coming to see me!” The old woman smiled.
“Lady Uchis” You smiled.
“Come in child!” She welcomes you into her home.
“Sit child” she motions you to sit at your round table. You take a seat down on the stool, Lady Uchis following behind you.
“Tea my dear?” picking up the pot from the table.
“No, thank you”
She sets the pot back down and sits across the round table from you.
“Lady Uchis, I have been feeling strange for the last few days. I have a feeling like something is going to happen, but I’m not quite sure what”
“Let's see, give me your hands.” She asks.
You hold out your hands, letting her take it in hers. She closes her eyes, concentrating on your energy and what she feels.
“You have been feeling anxious about becoming ruler…” She stays quiet, listening. She smiles. “You have a promising future. I see you being a wonderful ruler one day…”
“Oh my..” she gasps.
“What? What is it?” You looked at her worried.
“I see someone in your future…”
You furrow your eyebrow at her.
“You will meet them soon. Your stars are crossed with this person. You two will face many trials and tribulations with them, but just because your stars are crossed, doesn’t mean your stars won’t align. It may take a few cycles to get to that point. You may not see it or realize it at first, but there will come a time when you’ll know they are the one...”
You were taken back by what she said. You weren’t expecting her to give you a love reading. You thought she would tell you more about coronation in a few weeks and have answers to the feeling you’ve been having. Maybe you were just overreacting. It was probably coronation nerves.
“Djarin? What does that mean? Is that a name?”
“I’m not sure…Somethings that came into my head. I think it will be important for later on. I’m not sure when though.” She opens her eyes.
You sat there trying to process the information. Djarin...What could it mean?
You walked through the meadow that resides behind the palace. You've been out here for a while, taking in the fresh air. You were thinking about what Lady Uchis had told you.
“Your highness!” Oni shouted as she stood near the castle walls. Oni was your aide, taking care of you since you were a young child. She was older than you by 15 years. In your eyes, she was like a sister, your best friend.
You continued to walk through the meadow, sticking your hands out to the side to feel the tall wild grass brush against your palms. You come to a stop, turning around to face Oni.
Oni starts walking towards you, “You’ve been out here all afternoon, are you alright?”
“I’m quite alright. I just feel strange…”
“How so?” Oni having a questioning look on her face.
An anxious feeling settled inside you. The feeling you’ve been having the last few days, you were feeling current. It was just because of the coronation or was it something else?
“I don’t know…”
“Is it because of the coronation?”
“Perhaps...” Your coronation was coming up in a few weeks. Soon you will be the ruler of Carnelian. It was a lot of pressure and expectations. You loved and cared deeply for the people and beings that lived in the kingdom. You just hoped that when you became ruler, you wouldn't let your kingdom down.
“There is nothing to be worried about, you will make a great and lovely ruler” Oni Pressured you.
You pick a long piece of grass, fiddling with it in your hand. “What if I’m not ready?”
“You were born to do this, it's in your blood.”
“Do you know what Djarin is?” You change the subject.
Oni was confused. “Djarin? No, why do you ask? What is that?”
“It’s nothing. Just forget about it…”
“Come inside, we have to alter your outfit for the coronation,” Oni says turning away from you walking
You slowly turned, staring at the vast green trees that lined the edge of the meadow. You didn’t know what it was, but something was telling, calling you to go into the forest.
“Oni… Some things are not right…”
Without thinking, you rushed towards the end of the meadow and made your way into the forest, letting your intuition guide your way. As you traveled deeper into the forest you came across a clearing. You stopped dead in your tracks as you noticed a body laying on the ground a few yards away from you. The body was covered in armor. You couldn’t quite make out who or what it was. You thought it could be one of the guards, but their armor looked nothing like this being was wearing.
Oni called after you, you could hear her running up behind you.
“What are you- oh my stars!” She gasped staring at the body.
You both stood in shock. Nothing like this has ever happened in Carnelian.
You start to make your way towards the body, but Oni grabs your arm stopping you. “No! What are you doing?!”
“Oni, we can’t leave them there!”
“We have no idea who or what it might be or where they came from!” you could hear the fear in her voice. She began to look around to see if anyone was around if they were endangered.
“Go get help” you ordered.
“No! I am not leaving you here with whoever that is! We don’t know who out here in this forest to cause something like this! we need to go back to the palace now-” she grabs your wrist
“Oni, they might be injured, we need to help them if they do!”
“Your highness-”
“Oni, go quickly! I promise you I’ll be alright-”
She sighs, letting go of you. “If your father has my head for this!” She picks up some of the fabric of her dress and races back through the forest, going back to the place for help.
Once she was out of sight you made your way over to the body.
They were sprawled out in the grass on their back. Their armor was old and rusty, barely fitting the shape of their body. They wore menacing helmets with a tinted T-shaped visor masked their identity. The same T shaped your memory of seeing as a child when they invaded Carnelian during the Clone Wars.
It was a Mandalorian. They were rare to see, only a handful left in the galaxy after The siege of Mandalore. Although your kingdom had a terrible past with Mandalorians, you were not fearful. Something telling you they were okay.
You drop down to the ground on the left side of their body, sitting on your knees. You look down at their torso seeing the blood seeping from a deep gash. You search around trying to figure out where he might have come from. A few feet from their body you notice a trail of blood leading to another part of the forest.
You were unsure if they were still alive. You couldn’t tell if they were breathing. You decided it was best to remove their helmet. Your hands grab the side of their helmet, but before you could pull it up, their hand grabs a fist full of your hair.
You yelp out in surprise, being caught off guard. Their left-hand holds up a knife to your throat. Your hands fly and grip to their hands holding a fist full of your hair and your other hand grips their wrist to prevent them from slitting your throat open.
They were sure alive and well alert.
‘Who are you?” They say sternly, but wincing from the pain they were in.
It was a man.
Tears form in your eyes, your chest heaving. You knew you needed to stay calm and try not to provoke him. He was most likely just as scared as you. He was passed out for who knows how long, disoriented and his memory hazy. You were a complete stranger to him as well. You didn’t blame him for his reaction.
You give him your name.
“Where am I?”
You swallowed the lump in your throat “Y-you’re on the planet, Carnelian.”
The Mandalorian had made it to Carnelian but has no recollection of landing or how he even managed to walk through this forest. Where was his ship?
“I-I stumbled upon you...you’re injured. You have a deep gash on your side, you’re losing blood-” You say softly, your hands still gripping to him.
“I can help you if you let me…” you say shakily.
The Mandalorian looks at you. You looked completely harmless, but he didn’t want to trust you. He trusted no one, sometimes not even other Mandalorians.
He loosens his grip on your hair and removes the blade from your neck. You sigh in relief, that he was off his defense mechanism mode.
You observe his gash, noticing it was packed with stuffing that was already bleeding through completely.
He slowly starts to sit up “I don’t need help”
You quickly rip a piece of fabric off of what you were wearing and apply it to the wound, pressing down.
“No, lay back down and stop moving” You put your hand on his metal-plated chest, and slowly ease him down.
The Mandalorian gasps and groans in pain, this time grabbing one of your wrists as you applied more pressure to his wound.
“I’m sorry...you have to stay still...You’re losing a lot of blood- I have to”
The Mandalorian was growing tired, breathing heavily. He was about to go under again. He fought his best to keep his eyes open.
You feel his grip loosen from your wrist, his hand going limp. His helmed head tilting over to the side.
“No no no, hey stay with me”
“Your highness!” You look over your shoulder to see that Oni had returned with a few guards in a land speeder.
“Your highness, are you hurt?!” One of the guards asked as they trickled out of the speeder, coming over to you and The unconscious Mandalorian.
“A Mandalorian?” Oni's eyes widen as she sees you sitting beside him, your arms and clothes soaked in his blood. “No, we are not taking them back! We need to leave them here!” Oni rushes over to you, trying to pull you away from his body.
“We need to take him back to the palace right away, he needs to be taken to the medical bay immediately,” You say without answering their questions and you fight Oni’s grip.
“Your grace, he’s not going to make it. Looks like he lost a sufficient amount of blood-” a guard says.
“Leave them here! Let the guards deal with him- Let’s go!” Oni tells you.
“No, I’m not letting him die! We have to give him a fighting chance! If we take him now we can help him!” You quickly pack his wound with the fabric you were using to press against the wound.
“Now!” you shouted angrily.  
The guards quickly grab a medical board, securing him on and lifting him, bringing him onto the back of the speeder. You quickly get into the speeder with everyone and rush back to the palace.
When you got back to the palace, several medical droids stood by with a gurney.
The guards quickly transfer The Mandalorian onto the gurney. You step out of the speeder and start walking with the medical droids as they rush The Mandalorian inside the palace.
“Where is the doctor?” You asked the main medical droid, ITE 415, as you walk alongside the gurney as you travel through the foyer.
“Unfortunately, the doctor is up north and will not be back until tomorrow”
Oni ran up, quickly walking beside you. She couldn’t believe you would help a Mandalorian out of all the people and beings in the galaxy.
“Your Father is absolutely going to be livid! I can’t believe you brought them back! You should have left them out there and let the guards deal with them!”
“He’s still a person! He needed help!”
“You of all people should know what his kind did to our kingdom!” Oni snaps.
The Mandalorian groaned awake, his helmet moving around, noticing the droids.
“No-” The gurney stops moving.
“Hey, it’s okay” you move closer to him coming into his view.
“N-no droids... I-I don’t do droids-” he says faintly trying to sit up.
You place your hand back on his chest, pushing him back down. “The doctor isn’t here. He’s up north and will be back tomorrow, but droids will take care of you. You’re in good hands”
“My helmet…don’t...” The Mandalorian slurred.
“What about your helmet?” you asked, unsure why he was bringing it up in a moment like this.
“...Don’t take it off…”
Don’t take off his helmet? You were confused. “The medical droids will need to take it off in order to check-”
The Mandalorian cuts you off by grabbing her hand.
“Promise me… they won’t take it off… please”
“I promise…Take him to the medical bay, I’ll be there in a few minutes… whatever you do leave his helmet on,” You say looking up at ITE 415.
“Yes, right away your highness” the droid responds.
“Are you crazy?! Do you know how this is going to look to everyone?! You’re sheltering and caring for an enemy! ”
“Make sure he’s okay and the droids don’t take off his helmet-”
“No! I am not helping you with him! I refuse! I am not helping someone who-”
“Please, Oni…”
She looks at you angrily, huffing and shaking her head, storming off.
“Oni!” You yell. 
“My child are you alright?! What’s going on?” You see your father, King Orion rushing down the stairs. He could see all the blood on you, afraid you were injured. He quickly makes his way over to you embracing you with a hug. 
“I’m fine, Father” 
“What happened- is that a Mandalorian? What are they doing here?!” He says eyes widening then glaring as the Medical droids rush by him while transporting The Mandalorian to the medical bay. 
“I came upon him in the forest” you began to tell him. 
“Did they hurt you? Is this your blood? Did they do this to you?! You should go be looked at” he says protectively. 
“No, I’m fine. This is his blood. He was losing so much, he has a terrible gash on his-”
“They shouldn’t be here! Their kind is not welcome! They can not be trusted!” 
Your father says coldly. Your fathers had a strong hatred for Mandalorians. 
“They need to go!” 
“He needs medical attention! The poor man has been and endured enough!” You argued. There was no way you were letting your father turn The Mandalorian away, he had done nothing wrong. 
“I don’t care! Mandalorians are ruthless killers, vile and callous! We’ve seen it first hand during the Clone Wars! They pillaged our kingdom, hurt so many people, they murdered your mother all when you were a mere child!” 
“He came here to seek refuge, Father. Isn’t that what we do? Shelter people, who are in need of help and keep them safe? How dare you turn away someone who needs help! We never turn away people or beings who are running or escaping from something. That goes against everything we believe, everything Carnelian stands for!” 
“We do not help his kind after what they did. He does not deserve our help! I forbid it!”
“I know there are Mandalorians that caused us pain, but he has done nothing wrong, Father. He is not the one who did those terrible things to our people and kingdom several cycles ago! Can’t you be reasonable? He needs time to heal and get better...we can not deny him that”
He deeply signs. You can see the gears turning in your head, thinking about what you had said. “He can stay until he gets better, but after that, he must leave. I want him gone” With that, he storms off. …
“How is he doing?” You asked ITE 415 as you entered the guest room that The Mandalorian was moved into. You had a tray of food in your hand, setting it on the table beside his bed. It had been a few hours since he came out of surgery. You went to see The Mandalorian in the med bay after your conversation with your father, but there was nothing much you could do other than wait around. You gave the droid's space as they attended to him.
“His vital signs are all good. He had to have a blood transfusion for the loss of blood. His gash was deep, but we stitched him up. He should be able to make a full recovery, but we need to keep him for observation. We informed the doctor, they will check on him when they return tomorrow.”
The Mandalorian was slightly propped up on the bed. His armor was all removed except for his helmet like he requested. His shirt had a huge hole in it, where you can access his wound. It was wrapped up and protected with padding and gauze. 
“Thank you” you appreciate the medical droid's work. 
“Of course your highness. One of us will come in to check up on him in an hour.” With that, you watch the droids make their way out of the room.
You jump, slapping your hand slapping against your chest. You looked over to the bed, noticing The Mandalorian had awakened.
“My stars, you gave me a fright!”
He doesn’t say anything.
“Are you alright?” You asked him how he was feeling.
“Dealt with worse.”
“Worse? You’ve dealt with something worse than bleeding out?” 
He remained silent.
“Um...I brought you some food. Figured you might be hungry. I’m not sure what you like but I got you a whole bunch of things… Hopefully, that’s okay.” 
He looks over at the bedside table noting a pile of food stacked onto a tray.
“Thank you” was all he managed to say. You’d saved his life. If it weren't for you he most likely would have been dead. 
“Sorry about being early.. when I grabbed you. I hope I didn’t hurt you- I didn’t mean-”
“I’m fine...Thank you for apologizing” you smile softly at him.
“What’s your name?”
“I go by Mando…”
“Mando..” You say. You introduce yourself to him again. “I’ll let you be...If you need anything I’ll be a few rooms down”
You leave him alone to rest. Mando… Something about him. You thought about what Lady Uchis said. He couldn’t possibly be the person she was talking about. Further down the line you were going to meet the person she was talking about. It had to be in the distant future. You couldn’t quite pinpoint it yet but you knew Mando would have significance to you. You could feel it.
MT // @wifeofdindjarin @icanbeyourjedi​ @sara-alonso​ @greeneyedblondie44
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mandalorewhore · 3 years
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Rating: PG
Word Count: 2.6k AO3 link
Content: light angst, themes of anxiety, fluff, bonding, found family, subtle dinmera :), din learns how to communicate with kids
Summary:  Soft moments between Din and Grogu that the audience does not get to see In-between episodes, scenes, and seasons.  
A/N: this one is lighter/sillier than previous chapters, also there will be multiple Sorgan chaps owo
The kid won’t stop following Din. 
He doesn’t get it at first. If he’s being honest, he unconsciously expected to put the child down and come back to the child sitting right where he left it. The realization is slightly embarrassing. Of course, a baby isn’t going to sit nicely without supervision... even an odd baby with strange powers and the highest bounty Din has ever seen.
The child isn’t dumb or animalistic; Din knows that his physical growth relative to mental growth must be far slower than other species, especially since the kid has toddler-like mannerisms yet possesses enough strength to lift a full-grown Mudhorn with his mind. 
Din tries to not think about that, it’s too confusing to consider while he juggles running for his life. The child's powers don’t lend him self-sufficiency, the kid still needs help with feeding, bathroom breaks, and keeping clean. Din is struck over and over again with the realization that this child will rely on him for, well, everything. 
Even after choosing to lose everything for the kid, the reality of his situation is overwhelming enough to cause him some anxiety. The child will continually look to him for nourishment, entertainment, and probably affection. Definitely affection. He’s already seeking that comfort with the way he looks at Din, face so full of trust that it is almost uncomfortable to witness. The kid mirrors the bounty hunter’s actions, playing with the switches on the Crest console and attempting to follow him wherever he goes. 
He stubbornly waddles in Din’s shadow even after they landed on Sorgan, making his way through the lush woods on tiny limbs. Din learns to slow his pace once the kid falls a little too far behind. 
This planet is lovely. It is such a shame that they can’t stay. Warm, late-summer light breaks through the forest canopy to speckle the forest floor as if the lightbox antics from the night before have manifested in reality. The kid is just as distracted by the real thing, chasing the sunbeams and occasionally wandering to the side of the beaten path in a manner that makes Din nervous. He feels like he could blink and the baby will be lost in the underbrush. Once they get back to the ship Din will sit him down and have a chat about that habit. Hopefully, the little one will understand well enough to stick closer to him on their next excursion. 
He pauses in the shadowy path, smiling when a small bump at his ankle tells him the kid is keeping pace. He looks down and meets the baby’s dark eyes, the emotion within them is feverishly excited. The child babbles and points into the trees, swirling his hands around with an animated flair to gesture at everything and nothing. Din guesses he is trying to describe the woods.
The bounty hunter crouches down and listens attentively to the kids ranting, his large dark eyes so emotive that the language barrier is all but eliminated. Both the baby and Mandalorian nod and look around with exaggerated motions, the child's excited attitude rubbing off on him. Din doesn’t want to interrupt the moment but he knows they need to keep going if they want to make it back to the ship before dark. They’re still being hunted. 
The bounty hunter straightens with a heavy breath, settling his hands on his hips. “Come on little one. It will be dark soon.” The baby clutches Din’s calf and keens, a high whining sound that plucks the man’s heartstrings. The poor child is having so much fun here. For the millionth time, Din wishes that they could stay on Sorgan. If the baby weren’t under his care then he would just take down the shock trooper and claim the planet for his hideout… Unfortunately, that would bring too much heat onto the pair. 
Din tries again to convince the baby, raising his voice an octave to sound more excited, hopefully, it will catch the kid’s attention. “I’ll give you a treat when we’re back. How’s that sound, huh?” 
It works, he thinks. The baby perks his ears up and lets out a curious coo, backing up from Din’s legs and looking down the path. Din smiles again then starts up his pace again, a little faster now that the sunshine has taken on a deeper hue. 
They make good time, traveling several miles before dusk falls and the forest lays in shadow. It is a bit eerie now, bird song and animal calls have all but disappeared with the daylight. The only sound now is the rustling of leaves, insect buzzing, and an occasional breeze howling through the trees. Din flicks on his night vision setting and walks faster, forgetting in his haste that he needs to make sure that the child is keeping up. 
Seconds later, a twig snaps and Din whips around, the sound is just too loud and heavy for the kid to make. There’s nothing behind him, no movement in the woods, no footprints or body-heat register, and the path is clear. Everything is fine- Wait. 
The path is completely clear.
The kid is nowhere to be seen. 
Panic floods Din’s body, intense, choking pressure crushing his limbs and chest with enough force to rip the air out of his lungs. The sensation is akin to being sucked into space, although Din would take that fate over the current fear that overwhelms him. Hunter’s instincts take over as his body moves automatically to search the trees, prowling the space around him while his mind watches numbly from afar. It’s odd, he feels like a specter observing from behind the veil, unable to control his actions. The trees blur together, choking panic becoming harder to ignore with every second that passes in his search. 
He finds his voice. “Kid!” It comes out all wrong and hollow as if it were the cry of a stranger instead of Din’s voice. “Kid, where are you!?”
He ducks down to the forest floor, laying on his stomach and looking through the thick overgrowth at the child's eye level. Din hopes that the lower perspective will help him figure out where to look next, searching desperately for any eye-catching areas that may have drawn the kid. Unfortunately, nothing is out of the ordinary. Not even a suspicious twig.
Din sighs shakily and rises to his knees, about to give up and start grid searching when something catches his eye causing him to flatten once more. There was a flash of body heat on his current visor setting, the reddish-orange mark alarmingly vibrant against the darkness that surrounds him. Whatever produces the heat is only a few feet away, snuffling around a felled tree for its next meal. The fuzzy form is too big to be the kid, and if it eats meat then it may pose danger to a child the size of Din’s foundling.
Din doesn’t think before he launches himself at the creature. 
It shrieks as he lands heavily by its side, his hands shooting out to snatch the animal, a rodent, and flip it over, praying that its species is inclined to being herbivores. His answer comes in the half-eaten bark that tumbles from the rodent's mouth as it lets out a shriek, its wide mouth lined with round teeth and eyes dilated in fear. Din lets the creature go, his stomach tight with fear for the child and guilt for scaring the creature. It skitters away to its den, unharmed. 
The Mandalorian deflates, leaning forward until the forehead of his helmet rests on the forest floor. There is an empty place shredding inside of him, a place that was quickly woven by having the child at his side. It falls apart just as quickly. 
Din should’ve found him by now, a baby that young can’t hide so well as to lose a seasoned hunter. He'll go back to the settlement and scout out potential kidnappers, running the Guilds database program and comparing faces until he recognizes the culprit. Before that, he should scan the area again, just in case. Maybe the baby crawled down a den with one of those rodents. Din screws his face up in despair, turning to settle his temple onto the dirt before opening his eyes and-
There, in the hollow of the felled trunk, are two staring black pupils twinkling at him from the dark. A giggle bubbles up from the kid’s mouth, soft white bark spraying in every direction as he laughs.
Din is fucking furious. 
    Children's laughter fills the air like a symphony, fitting perfectly against the background noise of bird song, tittering parents, and working krill farmers. Din’s foundling runs on short legs to keep up with the human children, jumping as best he can to swat at hovering butterflies that tease the excited crowd. He fits in perfectly here, the happiest Din has seen in the short time they’ve been together. He should leave him here once the Guild calms down in a few months. 
    Din flinches from inside his hut, the thought hurts too much to consider.
    That will be months from now anyway, he doesn’t need to think about it. The only thing he should be concerned about is scouting the woods with Dune later, searching for the raiders that plague this community. For now, he can peacefully sit in his temporary lodging and observe life on Sorgan. It is a gentle one and, try as he might bury it, Din appreciates gentle things. 
    “Ow! Hey, he hit me!” One of the village’s children stands clutching his arm, glaring at his female friend who glumly scrapes the ground with a shoeless foot. 
    “I did not! It was the new kid.” The accused girl shoots back, pointing fervently at the little, green foundling who is standing agape in the crowd. “He did it!”
    Din straightens at her accusation, annoyance rising from his chest to heat his cheeks. Does she think she’ll get away with the lie? He thinks hotly.
His kid- the kid is too short to even reach any of their shoulders, let alone hit them. How dare she accuse the baby. Adjusting his helmet, Din stalks out of the hut and approaches the children, ready to defend the child against all offending claims but the other adults reach the group first. He recognizes Omera and freezes when she shoots him a sharp look, her eyes speaking wordlessly. Don't make this worse.
    “What happened here?” She asks in a firm, clear tone, pulling the three children closer to her and crouching to their eye level. The baby is transfixed, his mouth still hanging open as he twists his ears curiously at the woman. “Use your words and take turns please.”
    The hurt child, named Kaigo if Din remembers correctly, huffs loud enough for Din to hear from where he stands 20 feet away. Kaigo raises his chin and looks down his nose at Omera before answering her. “Winta wanted to catch the butterfly first but I’m taller than her and gooder at catching bugs, so she hit me. The baby is too short to even hit me!”
    Din nods. Damn right he's too short. And the kid doesn’t hit.
    “Better, not gooder,” Omera gently corrects Kaigo, brushing away a strand of hair while tersely turning to Winta, her daughter. “Winta, is this true? I’ve taught you about using your words before actions.” Winta seems to be fascinated by the dirt ground, kicking her foot and refusing to meet her mother’s gaze. 
Omera tries again, “Winta, look at me please.”
    “Fine! I did hit him. But everyone is obsessed with the new baby and Mandalorian, and I wanted to catch a butterfly so that everyone will like me again!” The little girl chokes up at the end of her confession, falling into Omeras lap with her arms wrapped around her mother. The baby makes a distressed sound and places his little hands on Winta’s knee. 
    Din takes this as his cue to join them, long strides leading him across the clearing in mere seconds. The baby runs up and hugs his ankle when he spots the Mandalorian while Kaigo retreats to his friend group with wide eyes locked on the warrior. A hush falls over the children in his presence, as the setting sun behind Din lays his shadow over their huddled group. Everyone seemingly holds their breath. The loudest sound is Omera’s soothing hand patting Winta’s back. 
    Din leans into one leg feeling awkward, he doesn’t know how to address the little ones firmly without scaring them. After a few tense moments, he clears his throat and turns to Winta.
    “I like you Winta. You have been very kind to the child.” The words come out halting and none too graceful but he means it, Winta and Omera have gone out of their way to welcome the bounty hunter and child, bringing him food and playing with the baby with open arms. Omera lends him a gracious smile when he speaks, a lovely sight that sends warmth throughout Din’s chest. Her daughter peeks from her hiding spot in Omera’s elbow, teary eyes stubborn and flashing in the sun. 
    “You don’t mean it.” She shoots back, harshly drawing her eyebrows together on her young face before burrowing into her hiding spot once more. The widow sighs and stops her soothing pats, stretching her arms above her head wearily. Din’s eyes catch on the curve of her neck then dart away, busying himself with picking up the baby who has started up a babble at his feet. 
    “Mando is nice, Winta. He’s helping us get rid of the raiders which he wouldn’t do if he disliked you. Come on,” she pulls the little girl upright and turns her reluctant body to face Din. “He’s helping us, sweetheart.” 
One of the young boys interjects, from the gaggle of children. “Yeah! He’s a good guy!” 
    Din nods at the boy then tries copying Omera’s earlier actions by crouching to the height of the girl, extending one glove to Winta while the other keeps the baby held against his cuirass. “I promise. Shake on it. Bounty hunter shakes are very serious.”
    Petulant eyes meet his own through the visor and he sucks in a startled breath, taken aback by the perceptive look. Most people tend to miss his eyes, always just slightly off enough to leave Din feeling unseen. The physical barrier of beskar leans into an emotional one as well. He’s noticing now that the children don’t miss his eyes as often. 
Winta slowly reaches out and grips his finger, shaking up and down so seriously that Din wants to laugh. He holds it back knowing it would only hurt her feelings more, instead, he says, “there. your very first guild contract.” 
Omera laughs softly and stands, picking Winta up off her lap and spinning her onto her back, child limbs wrapping around her slim figure like a spider. “Winta is not allowed to hunt bounties, sorry.”
“Shame. She is very skilled. Especially when it comes to catching butterflies.” He tilts his helmet knowingly at the little girl, who grins proudly back at him before remembering that she is supposed to be upset. Din smiles at her stubbornness, holding the foundling out to her to try and appease the attitude. Winta smiles and hesitantly holds the baby’s hand while he babbles and wriggles his ears.
“I’m sorry,” she whispers, frowning slightly in a way that seems self-directed. “I shouldn’t have lied. I like you. And I’m sorry Kaigo!” She shouts the last part to her friend. The baby laughs and starts flapping his arms, looking between his friend and the butterflies that still flutter just above the villagers. Winta squeals in delight and takes him in her spindly arms, hugging him tightly as he continues to imitate the colorful creatures. 
It’s so silly that even Din laughs. 
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loreweaver-universe · 4 years
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And that’s where I was told to split the episode.
Holy shit, Entrapta!  What a bot.  How the hell did you get it to self-regenerate like that?  That’s impressive as hell.  And Hordak continues to show himself to be a good boss for competent underlings.  I like that in a villain.
Seeing the Princess Alliance’s progress--or lack thereof--is interesting.  They’re all rather tired of each others’ company, aren’t they?  I wonder how those fractures are going to come out at the least opportune moment.  It’ll certainly be interesting to see.
Up next is going to be the second half of the episode!  We’ll be getting to that on Friday.  I’m sorry that I’ve split so many liveblogs recently, guys; I think I’m in the middle of a manic upswing, which is making it hard to focus on my actual work.  You’ve seen how insane my stream schedule has been these past two weeks; that’s the result of my manic phase, I think.  Hopefully my brain gets back in order soon.  Being bipolar sucks.
Speaking of streams, I’m planning to stream a little tonight now that I’ve completed the liveblog!  I’m going to answer asks first, but I’m planning to stream the Champion’s Ballad DLC of Breath of the Wild.  Stay tuned for that if you’re interested.
Finally, the results of the patron poll for what show I’m doing next are in!  Mob Psycho 100 won with 9 votes, beating out Kipo and the Age of the Wonderbeasts, which only got 7.  (I’ll post the full vote totals in a little bit.)  We’re going to be focusing on She-Ra for a little while yet, but we’ll be switching up between that and Mob after a while.  And, yes, I know infinity Train season 3 drops next month; we’re going to hold off on that for a little while, focusing on Mob and She-Ra first, and then like the last two seasons probably do it all in one chunk.
Anyways, that’s that for today!  I’ll see you guys in a bit for asks and then BOTW!  Thank you all for tuning in, and to the 67 patrons that make it possible for me to do this for a living.  See you next time!
I recently completed my kinda-blind playthrough of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild!  You can see the full playlist of those streams by clicking here!
I recently completed my blind playthrough of Transistor!  You can see the full playlist of those streams by clicking here!
I recently completed my playthrough of Final Fantasy VII Remake!  You can see the full playlist of those streams by clicking here!
If you’d like to help me pay my rent, buy me some food, or help with my bills and medicine, please use my direct donation link!  If you’d like to support me per liveblog completed every month, please pledge to my Patreon! Becoming a patron not only allows you to vote on what shows I do whenever I choose a new one, but also grants access to the community Minecraft server to $5 patrons or higher!
You should also go pledge to Gio’s Patreon–our Discord server maintenance tech, creator of Rubybot, and community Minecraft server overlord deserves far more than I can afford to pledge to him by myself.
If you’d like more of me and my content:
My Episode Lists master page, where you can find every show and liveblog I’ve done!
My Discord server, where you can come hang out with me and other fans, check out member liveblogs, and join community gaming guilds!
My Twitch channel, where I stream variety games every so often!
My Youtube channel, where you can check out past streams!
My ask blog, where you can send me questions and comments!
My Twitter, where I make announcements about liveblogs and streams!
It’s your kindness and support that lets me do this stuff, and I wouldn’t be where I am without all of you to do it for.  Thank you all so much for your support, and for tuning in every episode!
I may have been one of the earlier Steven Universe liveblogs, but a whole community of livebloggers has sprung up over the last five years!   I linked to a bunch individually for a few wrap-ups, but honestly, this end-slate is already eight billion miles long, so I’m just gonna link to my links page.  Click here if you want recommendations of other livebloggers, or other neat people, or webcomics and podcasts that I recommend.
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hey-hamlet · 4 years
Quarentine Recs
What with everyone munching through media like my dog munching on anything that could be considered edible, I thought I’d throw some general recomendations into the ring! Everything here is hopefully something you can start right away without needing to leave your house, if you’re ok with some quasi-legal pirating.
To watch: 
Ore Monogatari / My Love Story Romance / Comedy One Season Fluff to the max, Gouda Takeo is a massive first year highschool student of exeptional size and strength. While hes popular with the boys, most girls think he’s strange. When he saves Yamoto Rinko from a creep on the train its love at first sight, but she’s convinced she’d into his hot friend. Comdey follows.
Somali to Mori no Kamisama / Somali and the Forest Spirit Drama / Fantasy / Good Dad Golem  12 Epsiode Season In a world where humans have been hunted right to the edge of extinction, one golem and his human charge journey in search of the remaining few to reuninte Somali with her kind. Golems live very long lives, but finite ones, and Somali’s guardian is reaching the end of his. I’m two episodes away from finishing it but its really sweet, great dad content featuring multiple guest dads and their children. Somali is so sweet she’ll give you a toothache
Isekai Shokudou / Restaurant to Another World Slice of Life / Fantasy / Is food a genre? Because food Every Saturday this restaurant closes it’s doors to the public and recives visitors from another world. There isn’t much plot here but it will make you very hungry and strangely greatful for processed flour, canola oil and freezers. I’m pretty sure the chef is voiced by Aizawa’s Japanese VA and its amazing.
Gravity Falls Mystery / Drama / Comedy Two Seasons A Classic - A set of twins, Dipper and Mabel Pines wind up spending their summer holiday with their sketchy grat uncle Stan. But, as they soon find out, the town is not what it seems.
Features loads of action, fun mystery and loads of twists set up so well you’ll kick yourself! Good family relationships with rounded characters and fun villains. This series has a special place in my heart as something I grew up watching when I was twelve, and it finished in my second last year of highschool, its just a great story. The comedy is really only big in the first season and dies down fast when things get serious. Be prepared to hate a tiny 10-ish year old boy.
Steven Universe / Steven Universe Future  Comedy / Drama / Slow Burn / Action Six Seasons Considering it just finished, now is a great time to start. Steven Universe is a bubbly young boy who lives with the Crystal Gems, a strange set of gem creatures who knew his mother. Steven is half gem himself and the show features him growing up and helping the people around him grow as well. 
The show is slow and starts a little rough but its very sweet and ernest. Steven Universe Future is far darker than the original show (but, a minor spoiler, does have a happy ending) so be careful!
Over the Garden Wall Mystery / Drama / Supernatural 10 Episode Miniseries  Two half brothers, Wirt and Greg, find themselves in a part of the forest they don’t recognise with no clue how they got there. The deeper they go, the stranger it gets and the less certain their escape may be. And whats all this talk of a beast? 
This show has Wirt learning how to be a good big brother along with some delightful autumnal scenery and American gothic fantasy elements. I recomend you sit down with some tea and baked goods and watch it like a movie.
To play: 
Animal Crossing: New Horizons Nintendo Switch Brand new and very popular, you play a human on an island with delightful animal neighbours. Make friends, customise your island and live your life to the fullest! Features local and online mutliplayer with up to 8 people. Also feel free to play it with me because its taking over my life!
Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles PC / Play Station 4 / Nintendo Switch / X Box One A sweet open world indie adventure and exploration game with farming and fantasy elements. You find yourself shipwrecked on a strange island with only your magic compass that I can’t remember the name of to guide you. This game is mostly about expolaration and discovery and the enviroment is pretty enough that it works well.
Niche PC A boardgame like turnbased strategy that has you controlling a small group of creatures and tinkering with their genetics and breeding to try and survive the harsh world around you. Cute creatures, fun game.
Temtem PC A pokemon-like MMO that sees you capturing creatures call Temtem to fight for you. The game is still in early access so keep that in mind, but it’s pretty fun and the creatures are very well designed. 
Guild Wars 2 PC FREE TO PLAY VERSION AVALIBLE The only MMORPG I’ve ever played but boy it’s spoilt me. A one time purchase lets you experience the world of Tyria where you can play as one of 5 races or one of 9 classes. The personal story is great (unless you’re me and have played the sylvari stories so many times you can quote half of the lines) and the post game story gets real fast. Asside from that, its a really pretty game thats super fun with one of the nicer communities I’ve ever experienced. Co-operation is encouraged and the dynamic event system will have you playing with puppies one minute and murdering a giant undead behemoth the next. I have sunk so many hours in this game.
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lexiy-dreyar · 4 years
baby bean birthday~ (prt1 maybe idk)
words: 1361
characters: ivey, el, amaniz, phe, vivi, sinwa, lexiy, star, void,nkita, monos, chara, ???
a/n:yeah sorry for posting this late i’ll add the art later
Amaniz hummed happily as she eats her breakfast as her mother did her hair, she looked to the side seeing the blue-haired bear walk-in “hey uncle nkita how are you today?!” she asked cheerily “eheh im doing well im gonna go visit void” and star tod-” he was cut off by his brother “star?! Your gonna visit her?” he asked excitingly “yeah you both wanna join?” nkita asked “hmmm can I mom?” she looked up at her mother “yeah sure we’ll all visit her” the blonde agrees “yay!” amaniz cheered running up to her room to get dressed 
“You ok lex?” nkita sat next to her “yeah im fine…..just….thinking” she sighs into her hands “have you slept?” he asked “no…” “have you eaten?” “...bearly…” “have you drunk water?” “...kinda?.....” nkita frowned at her answers “lexiy...you have to take care of yourself if not for your ideals but for amaniz” he sighed helping her into her wheelchair “I will just need to know a few things before im sure I can get back into the swing of things” she smiled “Ok let’s go!” amaniz smiled as she started pushing her mother’s wheelchair
They all walked to the sixth floor into the room “knock knock” Monos peaked in seeing a sleeping void and still under intensive care star. They walked in “hey uncle voiiiid wake up” amaniz harshly shook him pouting “hmmm….” he pulled amaniz onto him “soft..” he smiles softly making the small girl laugh “uncle it’s me! Time to go” she booped him “uh? WAIT-” he shot up flinging the young girl off the bed “oof!!” “wait it’s May 16?! I get to leave to celebrate her birthday yay!!” he cheered like a little kid “eheh has star woken up yet?” Monos asked “umm yes she did actually it wasn’t for long but she did laugh at one of my jokes-” Monos rushed over to stars sighed “you look like your getting better” he smiled softly as lexiy frowned “is something wrong?” amaniz asked her mother “yeahh... I know I was first to clock out then void but there were only two monsters left and when I clocked out I took down the second one and im sure void easily bet the last before he got flicked…...but star is as powerful as me so even she could have finished it off….and she took the least amount of damage...which means she was using her magic power for something else….presumably to keep me and void breathing before back up arrived….and yet” she was cut off by Monos “she’s still low on magic power which isn’t normal...if she had an anti-magic tumour they would have told us about it” he rubbed his chin 
“Looks like we got our selves a mission~” void smirked looking at lex making her smirk “yeah~” “Heyyyyy!!! It’s my birthday can we go to my party now?” amaniz whined “im sorry sweetie lets go~” lexiy cheered “hm” void was helped up by void “eheheheh i finally get to go outside again” (2021 mood) void smiled “you guys go on ahead I’ll stay here for a bit” Monos pulled up a chair “OKI! We’ll be at the beach house!” nkita called out as the group left the room.
“Woooow look at her big cousin what happened?” he heard the hellish voice of his little cousin “this is the love of my life sadly hurt because of my incompatibility to protect her” he mumbled “oh you fool its so obvious why this year was so tough,” she said annoyed “you d-” he looked behind him then noticed she was gone “damm...come on Monos use your brain,” he told himself before hearing the tv switch on “breaking news emergency request for guild wizards to help solve the recent town massacres. But with are powerful wizards out of commission we are calling out to any willing wizards to guard the following cities!” the news anchors voice rang through his ears “the wizard saints are out?...wait job season is for every wizard alive that’s in a guild or group which means…” his eye widen “you finally noticed with job season being impeccable hard for everyone so that mea-” he was cut off by his phone ringing “huh” he picked it up “Hello?” he answered “mono dude you’ve been at the hospital for almost an hour you good?” void asked his voice coming through his phone “oh I’ll be there soon hold on” he hung up. He looked back at star then looks back at the tv before picking up his bag and rushing out the hospital.
Amaniz gently hugged ivey “I am no regretting giving you those hug coupons” he groaned as she hugged him tighter “eheheh deal with it ivey” phe smirked as she had a slice of cake ‘you kids are so cute too bad’ they all looked at amaniz “did you say something?” el asked “hmm? What no I didint..did I??” she panicked sightly “no I dont think so” vivi mumbled “oh well movie time!!” amaniz cheered as the other kids joined her cheer before crowding around the tv.
Nkita smiled upon the seen thinking back to when something similar happened- flaaasshhhhhhhh back by like id years-
He slowly woke up to the soft snores of his brother and little cousin. He slowly sat up hearing the soft crackling of the fire “hmm..chara? What’s up?” he slowly crawled out sitting next to the white-haired demon “I dont know what to get for your cousin for her birthday….” she frowned making him laugh “ a flower would do fine..she loves them” he pat her shoulder “you sure?” she looked at him nervously “yeah of course” he smiled before shu hugged him “oh thank you nkita!” she smiled softly, the bluenette blushed before gently running his fingers through her Pure white hair, soft purrs slowly turning into soft snores. -~~~~- “Hey i called that snack” phe tried to grab ivey “too slow bitch” he taunted snapping nkita out his memories “eheh you kids have fun ok?” nkita yawned “where are you all going?” el asked “we have to go check on a few things you guys stay here ok?” lexiy ordered as they left.
“So do we sneak out”ivey sat up “negative” vivi glared at him “oh come ne were in the magic part of town! We should explore the forest” phe smirked using her creepy voice. Making el cling to the birthday girl “i-i dont think we s-” “only for an hour” amaniz slimed wanting a little danger for her birthday “ok so how do we get out” ivey said ignoring sinwas and el’s protests. “Follow me!” amaniz chimed as she walked upstairs the others right behind her “my mom’s room~” amaniz opened the door revealing the blonde dragonslayers bedroom “oh wow...less sluttier then i thought it’d b-” amaniz smacked him “shush you!” she glared “any way we can climb out her window, and get into the forest!” she explained to her boring magicless friends 
“I-i dont think we should i-it seems like a bad idea” el chimed in with vivi and sinwa nodding in agreement “you scaredy cats we’ll be back in an hour vivi time us ok?” phe pouted before climbing down the window the other following in suit.
Much to phe and Ivey’s disappointment there weren’t any magic monsters “g-guys I think we should-” “split up! Great idea” phe an ivey interrupted him making the young boy cry inside slightly “i dont know about splitting up this place could be a death trap for all I know” amaniz warned “pfftt you, big baby, you just dont know how to have fun” ivey smirked at her “well I thi-” crunch-, a loud crunch scared the group making them all jump “w-w--w-w-w-w--wwait was that,” el said in fear clinging to sinwa “oh its just this” ivey shoved amaniz out the way picking up a small necklace with the ying-yang on it “oooo pretty” phe smiled at it “we should return into its owner you cretens” vivi scowled as ivey mimicked her.  Amaniz slowly picked up the necklace…..
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