#not to mention all the ska
mothric · 7 months
now to be fair I listen to a lot of music and a lot of different kinds of music but I do think it might say something about me that the music I gravitate to most is largely enjoyed by skinny white boys and dads who used to be skinny white boys
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nostalgiapocalypse · 8 months
physically pained scrolling two posts down on my blog from that jrand post to see my ex mutual's funny post knowing that they're a radfem now
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oncillabrigade · 13 days
The Bats all have personalized ring tones for one another, but everyone has both a civilian and a Bat ring tone. The civilian ones are chaos, with everyone choosing whatever they want for their various family members and friends. BUT! Everyone has a single Bat tone that all other team members use for them.
The catch? Bruce forbid them from choosing their own Bat ring tones because he proposed this plan back in Dick's Robin days and he IMMEDIATELY picked "Toxic." The choice was not well received.
Bruce: Dick, I will not be alerted to the fact that you're in danger by some Britney Spears song.
Dick: First of all, it is not some Britney song, it is the Britney song. That song finally won her a Grammy.
Bruce: *sighs*
Dick: Second of all, it won't tell you when I'm in danger... it'll tell you when Robin is.
Bruce: I'm taking the Walkman out of the Robin kit.
Dick: *offended gasp*
(Yes, Dick is old enough for a Walkman. No, you will not change my mind. Yes, the Tim-and-on siblings all find that hilarious. Yes, Jason has to be VERY careful not to mention that he borrowed that Walkman for years because he was uncomfortable taking expensive electronics out and about with him.)
Dick then proposes a slew of other songs for the whole team to use, all of which are pop culture references, e.g. the Scrubs theme because they're not Superman and also they're a dysfunctional family of coworkers; the theme from the Godfather because "let's be honest, B, we are basically our own mafia"; "Where is My Mind" by the Pixies because lol identity shenanigans, etc. The list is endless. Bruce spends weeks groaning every time his son texts him.
Eventually, they compromise on the version of "The Entertainer" from The Sting because they're hiding in plain sight to enact a mission defending good people in a hard world. Bruce, Dick, and Alfred are all so pleased with this that they each take a different section of the song as their ring tone.
Then Barbara becomes Batgirl, so she gets a section... and then Jason becomes Robin and gets one, too... and then Tim, then Steph, and then Cass is taken in, and... uh oh. That's a lot of people for one song.
But it's family tradition! They can't stop now. That would be so unfair to the new kids, B!
So they start using alternate arrangements of the song. Bruce has mellowed slightly on the "no choosing your own" thing. As long as it's a version of "The Entertainer" (within reason) he'll allow it.
Tim retroactively changes his ring tone to a weird groove-ska arrangement Bart randomly sent him on YouTube because have you met Tim Drake? Of course he went for hilarious obscurity. (Bruce grits his teeth and approves it after lots of prompting from Dick and Alfred). Steph makes it her mission to find a weirder one (Bruce agrees because he's too tired to deal with accusations of favoritism).
Cass creates her own arrangement on theremin because apparently she knows how to play the theremin. No one is sure why. Upon inquiry, she just says, "spooky noises are fun," but does not elaborate further even when she's asked to do so. A Batgirl's gotta have her secrets—Babs taught her that.
When Jason starts working with his family again, he pays an aspiring music producer within Red Hood's ranks to create a minor key remix of the original Robin II ring tone. His siblings (minus Cass) are VERY jealous he has his own personalized arrangement. Dick, Tim, and Steph end up paying this goon who owns Garage Band to do ones for them, too. Duke does the same when he joins the team.
Meanwhile, in a fit of little brotherly pique, Damian steals Tim's original ring tone. He hopes to rub salt in the Robin replacement wounds. He fails! Tim finds it beyond funny that Damian's ring tone is groove-ska. So Damian quietly pays the amateur producer to make him one that's cooler than Tim's. He pays a ludicrous amount, though, because Steph paid for one cooler than Jason's and Tim paid for one cooler than Steph's.
(Dick wanted one cooler than Jason's too, but he had $63.02 in his bank account at the time and Bruce flat out refused to use the Batbudget on "a super cool ring tone that's better than Jay's." Eventually, Dick just paid himself for an averagely cool one. In installments.)
At this point, the Bats have single-handedly given this fledgling producer enough money to quit being a goon and start an indie music studio. His first customers are mostly superheroes from out of town who like what the Bats have going on and want their own team ring tones. Harley and Ivy get in on that action, too.
Then, as word spreads, every local crook/henchperson with a side band (there are many) flocks to the studio to have their stuff produced by one of their own. Gotham rogues suddenly have an unemployment problem, while the city finds itself with a flourishing indie music scene that puts Metropolis' to shame. The entire state of New Jersey is celebrating the dual victory.
Dick has never been so glad someone doesn't like Britney Spears' magnum opus.
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sflow-er · 4 months
About the suspected spoiler in the German trailer
In case you haven't run into it yet, there's a detail in the German dub that seems to contain a spoiler. It's Kristina's line in this clip:
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In Swedish, she says: Så ska du kunna ta över efter mig.
Note that the "så" wouldn't be there unless something came before it. This could be a point in time, or more likely a condition. "Så" has a few different meanings, but in this context, it's likely a superfluous "then". As in, "if/when X happens, then Y follows."
The part that's been cut may have been revealed in the German dub where Kristina says, Du musst in einem Jahr in der Lage sein, den Thron zu übernehmen. (In a year, you have to be able to take over the throne.) Note that the subs saying Du musst in einem Jahr den Thron übernehmen (You have to take over the throne in a year) are not to be trusted - those are likely made by AI and/or someone from the marketing team who doesn't know the context and just abbreviated the line to meet on-screen length restrictions.
So is it a real spoiler? Well, there will be a lot of little changes in the dubs because languages work differently, and as a translator, I want to caution against interpreting all of them as meaningful! However, I find it hard to believe they would have added something as specific as a year's time window for no reason. It seems more likely the timing was mentioned in the part before "så" or in the surrounding lines in Swedish and the other dubs, but in German, it was put in the middle for word order, flow and/or lip sync reasons.
Still, I'm inclined to think this spoiler isn't as huge as it sounds at first. I admit that my first thought was, "what?? is Kristina ill?? oh I don't like that, it's such a cheap soapy twist to speed up Wille's choice"... But then I realised it very likely just refers to Wille turning 17 in S3.
By Swedish law, only a legal adult can take over the throne. If the monarch dies and the heir is under 18, parliament (riksdag) will appoint a temporary regent (riksföreståndare) and vice regent (vice riksföreståndare). The same thing also happens if there is no heir (note that only parliament can change the line of succession; August, for example, isn't an official heir until the law is changed).
In other words, Kristina is probably just saying something within the lines of In a year, you have to be able to take over if anything happens to me because Wille has just turned 17 and would be able to succeed her at 18.
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belphiesgirlfriend · 11 months
Obey me! Brothers music taste headcanons
more like ramblings than headcanons tbh but i had this stuck in my head and needed to get it out, also feel free to send requests for diff headcanons!
Cw’s: none!
Little bit satirical (i over exaggerate sometimes cuz it’s funny) but pretty in character overall i thinkk
• You know this motherfucker listens to classical music and classical music only cuz he’s boring
• Okay but jokes aside i see him listening to like 30’s 40’s 50’s music especially the love songs.
• Like straight up fallout 4 soundtrack music, he’d listen to it while doing paperwork or unwinding
• He’d definitely be really prideful (no duh) about his taste in music, he’d feel all fancy and refined when he tells people
• Type of dude to be like “modern music simply can’t compare to the classics…” shut up grandpa we get it u know bach’s zodiac sign, penis size, and mothers maiden name
• Wants to be different so bad, he’d strictly listen to music from his vintage record player or some shit cause it’s the “most authentic” way to listen, fr acts like a manic pixie dream girl (he’d hit me upside the head if he heard me say that sorry luci🫶)
• r&b and spanish music
•but i feel like he’d like 2000s party music from all the clubbing and casinos
• def a weekend listener and like 90’s rap
• but also like i wouldn’t be surprised if he listened to some 90s rock too
• he’d listen 2 sublime or nirvana or local h (i’m projecting on the last one)
• but anyways he’d be a #1 rihanna fan he’d blast her music in his room but then deny liking her💀make it make sense!!
• also he knows her best album is loud CAUSE HE HAS TASTE!!
• also tyler the creator i get the vibe he’d love him
• kali uchis fan too
•ALSO i feel like he had a phase where he listened to juice wrld and was like “these cheating lying females….” after he got his heart broken by a witch YOU CANG TELL ME IM WRONG😭😭 it’s okay though cause he’s embarrassed by it now
• oh childish gambino too duh forgot about him
• this one’s gonna be real fucking short IM SORRYYY
• he listens to anime openings and game soundtracks strictly
• that’s literally all i can think of dude
• he’d be like “i don’t have time for normie music…”
• his room is literally that old caramelldansen meme from 2019/2020
• this one was harder for me to pinpoint
• first instinct would be classical music but it’s canon he likes ska music too so 🤷‍♀️
• i really do feel like he’d listen to all types of music, like a true jack of all traits, if he likes it he likes it so his playlist is allllll over the place
• for some reason i get a vibe he’d really like 80s music in particular though
• the song that pops into my head is who can it be now? by men at work idk why
• maybe even older music i feel like he’d like sam cooke
• OH both him and belphie would like mazzy star and fiona apple idk why but they would
• okay crucify me for this one but…mitski I JUSG FEEL LIKE HE WOULD
• but i also see him loving lady gaga a lot cuz he has taste
•omg he’d listen to old katy perry too
•but yea also probably lil nas x he’d have a celeb crush on him
• oh tyler the creator too with his gay ass, him and mammon both love him, they def have done a duet to see u again
• he’d be a barb probably defend nicki too😭
• and as much as it pains me to say it, he’d fucking listen to ayesha erotica and be like “this is so good!!!”, hed post a devilgram story with one of her songs and then get cancelled on twitter
• “I made a severe and continuous lapse of judgement…” and then did the same thing a week later
• type of guy when you ask him what music he listens to he goes “idk i don’t really listen to music”
• he legitimately looks up “hype playlist” on youtube to work out and that’s the extent of it
• really can’t see him being a big music guy
• if u invited him to a concert or something he’d go though for food
•he’d give you a piggy back ride so u can see better
• tbh if u were to put on music he would not care much no matter how good/bad it is
• you could walk in on him working out and literally listening 2 cbat or some shit
• HE LITERALLY IS CBAT GUY😭 he’d be like “i always use this song when i’m working out..
• emo fucker
• i feel like he’d like emo/ 90s rock ( but more “rockish” than mammons 90’s rock)
• but he’d also love any more relaxing music with softer vocals
• they have the combination of 90s rock but also more soothing calming vocals, theyd literally b perfect
• and for that reason his favorite albums r koi no yokan and saturday night wrist, also their self titled,
• would call mammon a poser for his music taste “nirvana isn’t even *real* rock idiot🙄”
• but nah, also like i said in satans fiona apple and mazzy star fan
• he’d suck so bad though he’d go on twitter and be like, “if you like deftones ur a poser” (while being their number 1 fan, fucking brat) then turn off his phone and take a nap for the funny
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painehell · 14 days
this is actually kind of personal. but back on the topic of mods and ska and skinheads and punk and everything, i mentioned my dad was/is one (atleast claims to be.) and my dad isn't a great person tbh. he's in these subcultures while still being racist, etcetcetc.. think charles' dad in the series but less physical abuse and more mental abuse, so having charles in the tv show be apart of these cultures is really helping me finally break through into it because i've heard, i've listened to this music and culture all my life but i didn't wanna touch something my dad dabbled in due to the type of person he is. (i think other victims of stuff can relate)
tldr: thank you charles rowland, ty whoever made these decisions to have charles be apart of these communities in the show, ty jayden revri, for helping me finally separate that subculture from bad experiences and allow me to break into it. :D
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niko-sasaki-dbd · 15 days
This may seem very out of left field but, keeping in mind that Charles is canonically a SKA fan, S F D D by Stacked Like Pancakes really reminds me of Dead Boy Detectives. It has a lot of lyrics that can take on new meanings when applied to the show. "All the kids in the room / Giving up their youth"
Hi! I'm sorry for not answering before uu
But this is probably the best song rec I had in a while, thank you so much! 🩷 I love the vibe of the band and the fact their music is ska-punk/rock cuz I'm into that kind of vibe more than in the original ska.
I loved S.F.D.D. and I adding it immediately, but also gonna use this post to rec other songs from the group that are just giving dbda
Ghost; I'm crying ngl it's so Paineland coded (will someone hurt me so I know what I want most, I'm just afraid to face the truth, all I want is you, hold me close, come home to you)
Revelation; I love this one so much, remind me of all the young characters a lot.
Planetary; this ...gosh this one (we were never ready, this is how our story goes / why do suppress ourselves, waiting for someone else to deny us?)
honorary mention: Satellite, One by One & It's Too Late.
(Pd- I'm a normal listener to music)
Playlists: charles / paineland / dead boy detectives agency
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munson-blurbs · 1 year
Hiiiiiiiiiiii this is hellfirehottie420 here to drool about argyle. Maybe you could write something where he’s a protective soft dom and you’re both just big Simps for each other and you’re passenger princess while he sells to a few people and then y’all hang out the the elder Hawkins crew? 🥺🥺🥺
But literally I’ll ready anything you write so do whatever you want with it angel
Welcome to the Argyle Simps Club, @hellfirehottie420 💚 we've been waiting for you.
Warnings: smut (18+ only, minors DNI!), oral (m!receiving), dom/sub dynamics, unprotected p in v (wrap it up, babes), mentions of drug use/dealing, slight dacryphilia if you squint, use of "good girl"
WC: 1.6k
“Hey, baby,” Argyle says, kissing you sweetly as you slide into the passenger seat of his van. “How was work?” 
You sigh, leaning back on the headrest, and look over at him. “I mean, y’know how it is,” you tell him as you stifle a yawn, “the flowers are great; the customers are brutal.” You sit up a bit straighter, resting your hand on his. “Some woman came in, super pissed off, because the bouquet she bought last week wilted, and demanded a refund. I literally had to explain to a grown-ass woman that flowers die.”
Your boyfriend laughs, pressing his lips to your cheek, and you feel yourself smiling despite your stressful day. “Pretty sure the same lady came into Surfer Boy today, too. She ate three slices of pizza and then complained that they had the wrong toppings.”
“Sounds like her,” you wryly agree. “Anyway, I just wanna get home and cuddle up, watch a movie, maybe smoke a little bit.” You bat your eyelashes and twirl a lock of his long raven hair, a move you know he can’t resist. 
“You read my mind, amor,” Argyle says. “I just have to do a quick deal, and then you have me all to yourself.”
You jut out your lower lip in a pout. “But I want all of you now,” you whine, not even attempting to hide the double entendre. 
Argyle leans in, voice low and raspy in your ear. “You’re being a brat.” The words send shivers down your spine, and you reflexively squeeze your thighs together. “I’m gonna remember that later.”
A whimper escapes you, and you watch as the corners of his mouth twitch into a proud smirk. He knows the effect he has on you, and he’s not afraid to lean into it. His left hand grips the steering wheel, and his right hand lands on your upper thigh, fingertips gently digging into their plush. He leans back in his seat, more than happy to feel you squirm at the barest touch. 
He pulls into the public pool’s parking lot, reaches across the console like you’re not even there, and grabs a baggie from the glove compartment. “I’ll be right back,” he mumbles. “Be a good girl and stay right here, mmkay?”
“Yeah, okay,” you manage, and he slams the van door shut and jogs off. 
You fiddle with the radio, flipping back and forth between the Top 40 station and Argyle’s usual ska. When both are only playing commercials, you snap the music off and let your mind wander. 
What’s my punishment gonna be this time? Maybe I can weasel my way out of it if I give him a sexy surprise. 
Where is he, anyway?
His deals usually take 30 seconds, especially with established clients. He’d been dealing to this lifeguard for the whole summer, so it shouldn’t take this long. 
Just as you’re about to get out and start looking for him—punishment be damned—he walks back through the gate, looking irritated. 
“Baby?” you say when he gets back to the van. “What happened?”
Argyle flings his door open before climbing in and angrily yanking it shut. “Fuckin’ idiot, trying to tell me that I charged him less last week,” he grumbles, starting the engine and accelerating back onto the main road. “I was like, ‘nah, bro, this is the same price as it’s been the whole summer,’ but he kept fuckin’ insisting that I was ripping him off.”
Your boyfriend rarely gets pissed off, so seeing him so distressed catches you off-guard. “Are you okay? Did he—he didn’t hurt you, right?”
Argyle scoffs, shaking his head. “He’s too much of a punk for that.” He pulls up to a red light, sitting up a bit straighter, and continues. “He was like, ‘didn’t get enough tips today, Pizza Boy? Gotta upsell this trash pot?’” 
“What’d you do?”
He shrugs. “Sold it to him for what he wanted, then told him to find a new dealer. But now I gotta dip into my own funds to cover the difference,” he groans, slamming a fist against the wheel. 
You pause, considering your options to get him back to his typical happy-go-lucky self. You could continue talking to him about it, or…
At the next red light, you toy with the elastic waistband of his neon pants, sliding your hand down his boxers. He hisses at the sudden contact. 
“P-Princesa, what’re you—” But you interrupt his question by wrapping your hand around his cock; it’s already half-hard. Slowly stroking him, you glide your thumb over the bead of pre-cum at his tip, using it to help your languid motions. 
“I can feel you growing in my hand,” you murmur. “Wonder what it would feel like in my mouth.” With that, you free his length from its confinement, leaning down and taking him between your parted lips. Your tongue swirls around the head, making him buck his hips slightly. 
“Thassit, baby,” Argyle grunts, lazily grabbing at the back of your head. “You know exactly how to make me feel better. Always such a good girl f’me.” 
You nod as best as you can with his cock still in your mouth, hollowing out your cheeks and opening your throat to take him deeper. 
“Don’t stop till we get back home,” he orders, struggling to stay focused on the road. “Even if I cum, just swallow an’ keep going.”
You don’t answer him directly; instead, you use your hand to tend to the parts you can’t reach with your mouth. He sighs in contentment. 
“Sh-shit, ‘s like all my problems disappear when you suck me off,” he muses, stretching his legs as much as he can. “Hit the fuckin’ jackpot with you, baby.” In response, you remove your hand from his shaft and take as much of him in your mouth as you can. The van veers slightly into the next lane, and Argyle lets out a guttural, wanton moan as he pulls over to the shoulder. You’re caught off-guard when he nudges you upwards, and his cock slips from your lips with a wet pop.
“Wasn’t done,” you whine, leaning back down to continue, but he shakes his head. Beads of sweat make his hair stick to his forehead.
“Ride me, Princesa,” Argyle groans, helping you onto his lap. You tug his pants down slightly, revealing more of his thick, muscular thighs. He bunches your skirt up around your waist, clumsily pushing your panties to the side as he runs his hard cock through your wet folds. Knowing that he hasn’t fully prepped you yet, he slowly eases you down onto his length. “Take your time, baby,” he coos, putting his big hands on your hips as you get comfortable. “You’ll get there; you can take all of me. ‘S no rush, yeah?”
“Mhm,” you manage, wincing slightly as he stretches you. You’ve been together for ages, but you’re still pleasantly surprised at the way he feels inside you. “‘M good now. J-Just…help me move?”
His hands grip your hips tighter, helping you rock back and forth. You drape your arms over his broad shoulders, throwing your head back as he hits your sweet spot over and over. “You’re doing such a good job,” he praises, stretching up to kiss you deeply. “My pretty girl, riding me so nice. Making me feel so–fucking–good.” He snaps his hips upwards, quickening the pace and thrusting you full-throttle towards your own orgasm. 
“Gonna cum,” you choke out, tears pooling in your eyes at the sensation of him filling you completely. 
Argyle smirks, cocking his head slightly. “Gotta ask first, pretty girl. You know you’re not supposed to cum without permission.”
Frustrated, you cry out, “Please, please let me cum. ‘M s’close, please.” You sound so pathetic, so needy. It’s exactly what he wants.
“Cum for me,” he relinquishes, pressing a thumb to your clit and making quick but deliberate circles. “Cum all over my cock.” The overstimulation has you doing exactly what he says, and the coil in your belly snaps as you ride out your high. He’s spilling into you seconds later, sputtering and swearing.
The two of you stay connected for a few moments, catching your breath and kissing each other. “I gotta move you now, Princesa,” Argyle finally says, and you mewl as he helps you off of his softening cock. A mixture of your releases trickles down your thigh, and he scoops it up with two fingers and brings it to your lips. You accept it, earning yourself another good girl.
The rest of the short ride home is spent in a delicious post-sex haze. You’re so fucked out that you barely register the old, beat-up El Camino in the driveway.
“Shit!” Argyle slams his hands against the steering wheel, jolting you from your daze. “I totally forgot that I told Byers we’d go see a movie tonight.” Sure enough, Jonathan is sitting on the front stoop, smoking a joint. When he spots the Surfer Boy Pizza van, he snuffs it out and walks over.
“Hey, man…and lady,” he laughs, running his fingers through his overgrown shaggy hair. “Dude, we still on for tonight, or do you have, uh, other plans?” he adds, taking in both of your disheveled appearances.
Argyle gives a sheepish grin. “Raincheck? I’ll buy the popcorn, I swear.” 
Jonathan just chuckles again, fishing his keys from his pocket. “Nah, man, it’s cool. Will was dying to see it anyway, so I’ll just take him.” He unlocks his car, throwing over his shoulder, “You kids have fun…but not too much fun!”
“Baby,” you start, kissing Argyle’s cheek happily, “you coulda gone to the movies with him. I wouldn’t mind.”
“‘S cool,” he replies, giving you a smug grin. “Besides, I still owe you your punishment for being such a little brat earlier, don’t I?”
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racefortheironthrone · 3 months
Warhammer Gaslamp: Peoples of the Old World
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(For Introduction, see here; for Imperial Society, see here; for Geopolitics, see here.)
While the Old World of 2725 IC is dominated by the nations of Men, the non-human species of the world are by no means vanished - although all have seen enormous amounts of change over the last two hundred years.
Although they still maintain their traditional alliance with the Empire of Man, the Dawi of the Old World suffered badly from their pyrrhic victories in the Skaven and Greenskin Wars, to the point where they have begun a slow, inexorable demographic decline - not helped by increasing assimilation into the Empire. Increasingly, the Dawi have begun to coalesce around the master plan of the Great Reckoning, an effort to avenge every single Grudge in the Dammaz Kron in one fell swoop through the creation of an army of 100,000 Slayers. When the last of the Grudges has been satisfied, the sages of Dwarfkind believe that the Ancestor Gods will return and restore their people to their former glory.
Proving that it is truly an ill wind that blows no one any good, the shift in the Aethyr mentioned earlier had a profound influence on the Asur. With the increase in the concentration of Aethyric energy around, Asur born since 2594 have universally developed psykic abilities seemingly independent of their access to the Winds of Khaos, such that the younger generation now primarily speak mind-to-mind, can move themselves and objects with a thought, and much more that was once the exclusive ability of magi. Among many of the Asur, this is seen as a sign of the gods' continual favor, but these new abilities will need to be pressed into service sooner rather than later, as the blessed isle of Ulthuan is gradually sliding beneath the waves....
While their territories in Laurelorn have shrunken dramatically, the territories of the Asrai in Athel Loren remain quite strong in Bretonnia thanks in no small part to their political influence on Forest Law in L'Ancien Régime. As part of an increased level of caution (or paranoia), the Spellsingers embarked in a campaign of educating the entirety of their population in how to magically transport themselves between the remaining forests of the Old World and the spiritual dimension of Underhill, where magic remains strong and the verdant world untouched by hands of men, and to use the Glamour to move undetected in the human world.
[From the 9th Edition Imperial Encyclopedia]: Halflings (noun). A malevolent subspecies of mutant, destroyed in the Great Gene-Purge of 2614.
Life for the Vampire Counts has become increasingly more dangerous and complex. Driven from their seat of power in a vicious war that left much of Sylvania a faintly glowing wasteland of bomb craters and barbed wire, the survivors live on the run from the Imperial Plasmic Survey and the Schwarzmänner, although some vampires and thralls alike can manage to stay one step ahead via falsified blood samples and living in masquerade in the teeming throngs of urban society. Many of the surviving vampires have developed wealthy clients from among the nobility and the haut bourgeoisie, who are willing to risk the attentions of the state in exchange for infusions that extend their lifespans by decades. At the same time, the Vampire Counts are learning how to play politics by Imperial rules...
The Old World has changed, but the Greenskins have not. Although banished beyond the World's Edge Mountains, they still practice their traditional ways of WAAAGH! and generally making a mess of things. However, they have adapted to the age of gunpowder by trading with the Ogres of the East for the 'splody stuff, from the Orkish love of really big shootas and the Goblin fascination with bombs. The Greenskins might wear top hats and call their warleaders Nobz now, but they are still the mad, anarchic bastards who refuse to die.
Despite their defeat in the wars with the dwarfs and the mysterious explosion that engulfed Skavenblight in 2573 IC, the Underempire of the Skaven has adapted to their new circumstances in new and strange ways. While increasing urbanization has allowed the Skaven to spread through the sewers and subway systems of the Empire, they face new competition from the "Untervolk" and the increasingly impressive efforts of the human Technomancers. So instead the Skaven have allied with the Slaaneshi to sell warpstone dust drugs to the stupid stupid man-things, using the financial proceeds and the insidious long-term effects of warpstone dust to weaken humanity from within.
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mamadarama · 4 months
If i may add more bands Koga would listen to, and why:
Sex Pistols(gave em a shot bcs he thought the name was funny but then actually really liked them) ,
System Of A Down (they just scratch his brain really nice),
Dead Kennedys (same as SOAD),
X Japan ( gotta go with the classics + he definetly angered the dorms below him by doing the X Jump a little too hard) ,
Suicidal Tendencies (some really good songs to rage to) ,
Type O Negative (he found Peter Steele hot),
Faith No More (he just does)
Madness (he thinks they’re peak ska and also finds their music videos funny)
Operation Ivy (popped up on his Spotify and gave them a go)
yeah i agree w a lot of these !!! personally i think 90% of his music is punk rock and the remaining 10% is stuff that the rest of undead likes that he enjoys also . speaking of the rest of undead , funny you mention type o negative and ska cuz i made undead playlists awhile back and type o negative wasnt on kogas but was on adonis' , and reis entire playlist is ska . so i think he probably gets the ska from rei and the type o negative from adonis.
since ur on anon idk if you were here for this conversation but abt a year ago i talked about undeads music taste for like 2 days straight and the main point was that kogas fav genre is punk rock, adonis' fav genre is goth rock, reis fav genre is ska punk, and kaorus fav genre is pop punk, and they all enjoy each others music tastes as well.
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funfettified · 9 months
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❦ welcome to my blog sweet thing! ❦
i’m lola, nice to meet u!
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more abt me under the cut :> 🧠 🍨 🍩 🩰 🍪 🧁
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basic info!
- ̗̀‎𖤐 i’m 19! i don’t have any age limits as this is a sfw blog and i don’t interact w ppl much further than likes & reblogs ^__^
- ̗̀‎𖤐 silly boy girl thing ; any pronouns are okay but i prefer she/her
- ̗̀‎𖤐 i’m american & live in the midwest wooo yea trees & fields :D
- ̗̀‎𖤐 i’m apprenticing to become a tattoo artist! i currently do handpoke tattooing and will learn machine work later on ꒰ ᐢ.ˬ.ᐢ ꒱
- ̗̀‎𖤐 i speak english ofc as well as spanish, y ¡tengo muchas ganas de hablar más con nativos de la lengua! siempre puedo mejorar :) i can speak russian conversationally but am not fluent
- ̗̀‎𖤐 i’m very in love & very engaged so please no flirtatious or otherwise creepy interaction. ty!
- ̗̀‎𖤐 moderately irrelevant but i work @ claire’s
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my interests!
❦ progressive post-hardcore, swancore, math rock, deathcore, industrial metal, folk punk, ska punk
arsonists get all the girls, hail the sun, the fall of troy, eidola, AJJ, dwellings, dance gavin dance, nine inch nails, veil of maya, to the grave, properties of nature, escape from the zoo, days n daze, the devil makes three
❦ cartoons! mostly early 2000s
scooby doo, the marvelous misadventures of flapjack, chowder, adventure time, ren & stimpy, chowder, the midnight gospel
❦ art! i went to college for fine arts for a year (withdrew bc the apartments we were required to live in got shot up #slayamerica) as mentioned b4 i do tattoos, i adore collaging and my fav traditional medium is charcoal!
❦ dance- i have nine years experience with focus on ballet, kick, and lyrical, and periodically did tap, salsa, tango, hip-hop, and jazz as well ^__^
❦ hoarding collecting things- i have collections of
four leaf clovers (i’ve found over 400!)
stuffed animals
vintage rubber face toys
monster high dolls
hello kitty memorabilia
and soooo many journals!
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navigation: #luckystars - all my original posts #goose - my face / self #nom - cute food pics
find me also: @angelicflirt - manifestation & pink it girl pretty blog ♡ @princesastudies - studyblr @honeypalmbeach - gal / kwk beach girl @winteressa - pastel goth @w4fflecone - dollblr
that’s all tysm for reading!!
sorry that was a lot LOL i hope u at least feel like u know me better now ‪(՞ .ˬ.՞)"
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psygull · 9 months
my empirically determined top ten song covers ever, in no particular order:
all of these have the caveat that they're in a wildly different genre from the original, if possible. this greatly increases my enjoyment of the cover
Wonderwall//Mike Flowers Pops (originally by Oasis)
Take on Me//Reel Big Fish (originally by A-ha)
Who Do You Love?//Quicksilver Messenger Service (originally by Bo Diddley)
Wuthering Heights//Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain (originally by Kate Bush)
Buddy Holly//Moog Cookbook (originally by Weezer)
Creep//Richard Cheese (originally by Radiohead)
I Wanna Dance With Somebody//David Byrne (originally by Whitney Houston)
Alberto Balsalm//Taylor Haskins (originally by Aphex Twin)
No Children (Ska)//Sad Snack (originally by the Mountain Goats)
Blue//Fleshgod Apocalypse (originally by Eiffel 65)
honorable mention goes to Tainted Love//Max Raabe which isn't a wild enough cover to make the main list but that i still love
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askbohemiancompany · 1 month
A Honest Update
It has been a while since I have posted any kind of content. That has been for a number of reasons I want to be honest about what’s going on with me.
To get the lighter stuff out of the way, I’m not leaving blog as I still want to finish my final 2 arcs. Then, as a prelude to the final arc, I have something where all of the sides of a conflict will be available for a specific set of questions and then it may lead to a recruitment event where people can join multiple sides. You can ask me questions on this.
To get to that. I will be answering the one plot ask, one meme and reblog a bunch of stuff in the drafts.
On the Bio Ska I will start posting short stories of varying lengths. So please follow me over on @the-bio-ska
Now to the serious stuff.
So I will be putting a content warning here for the bottom half of the post. I know I do not put them on my posts because I mention in the pinned post what to expect on the blog, but this an update regarding where I have been lately and I do not want to blindside anyone in a non-plot post.
(CW Death, Suicidal Ideation)
From least severe to most severe I started ADHD medicine due to an inability to focus on non-work tasks. Any writing has been glacial due to both this and insane imposter syndrome.
I have ideas that I have but I never follow through on. I need to stop thinking it is okay for me not to write when due to not feeling it. To quote Dan Olson:
“…ambitions without actions are just fantasies.”
Having a constant state of paralysis has kept me from following through, getting further with either this blog or Bio-Ska short stories. Not helped by work crushing me down.
Going to more severe topics, my martial arts instructor, whom I have know since I was 6, was killed by a drunk driver out of nowhere. The week it happened everything was hell. While some anxieties I will not elaborate on were resolved, it was emotionally taxing and left me burnt out.
Finally, I have had constant bouts of suicidal thoughts for years and they only got worse this year.
Thankfully it has never ended with any violence against myself, however I describe my state as the thought cabinet ‘finger on the eject button’. It is miserable because it never stops, but there is enough self control that I cannot go through with it.
This is the state me. I’m going to push myself to write whenever possible. If I can write this long update, need to put that towards the many projects. Thank you for your patience and for those behind the scenes I have spoken some of these topics, but not all of them.
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likefolksongs · 1 year
fall out boy on absolute radio listening party 3.26.23
the host asks about the parentheses around for in the album title - pete says it's "a double or triple entendre, everyone's trying to be someone and have their moment but that doesn't fill you up" but "there's something to be said about so much stardust." talks about how we're all just carbon, stardust and still can't get it together. he also just love parentheses!
talking about the album as an art form - patrick says they absolutely consider that and sequencing is important. there are a "few songs" which only made the record because of how well they told the story of the album. also love from the other side was conceptualized as an album opener because patrick felt none of the other songs felt like an opener!
the intro to lftos is patrick playing the same piano part at four different speeds, starting in sync and then falling out of sync as it continues - he says it feels representative of the whole album for him
with hold me like a grudge, pete says when patrick first played it for him the verses sounded like 2000s alternative radio hits but the chorus sounded "distinctly patrick" which was an "interesting blend." patrick: hm. thank you. i think. pete: yeah that was a compliment!
hold me like a grudge was the last song they wrote for the record! pete was second guessing other lyrics and sent patrick new lyrics to possibly replace the ones he was feeling unsure about. patrick read them before driving to the studio and by the time he got there the song was basically written in full.
pete makes a comment about how that's at least two songs "that people really like" that patrick's written in the car (referencing lotro); patrick says he's written a lot of songs in the car and pete jokes they should just toss him the keys
pete says it's the worst when you think of something in the car and are sure you'll remember it but you don't. says now when he thinks of something in the car when he's with bronx he'll tell him to write down words to trigger the whole phrase "but they don't make any sense together. i'll be like write this down and he'll be like '...okay." andy: like dad shut up [giggles]
fake out didn't come together until joe heard it! patrick had most of the lead guitar down but none of the rhythm guitar but "joe came in, gave it one listen, and picked up this acoustic. none of us had really thought about acoustic, he just went into the booth and we pressed record and he did it in one take... that became kinda the whole song."
patrick talks about soul punk briefly, says the most surprising thing about making it was that it was very unsurprising, because all the ideas were already in his head. part of why he enjoys working with the band so much is that they have ideas he never would've thought of.
they discuss changing sound - pete says the first time he had that feeling of like "oh i don't know if this is too different" he was scared of it but he's learned that it's a good thing and that there's always going to be so much of the band's dna on it that it Will sound like a fall out boy song
andy: i think a band can not just be a city it can be a continent. writing these different things is building the map to what the bigger picture is
they bring up queen and bowie as examples of artists that kept changing but now when you hear their songs you just think "oh that's queen" or "oh that's bowie." the host mentions he used to hide liking queen from his friends and patrick says he had to hide liking ska from the band. andy says he's had a really big reggae and ska phase recently and loves being able to talk to patrick about it because "he's a fountain of knowledge."
heaven, iowa is one of andy's favorite on the record and he loved it from the start! patrick reiterates a comment from another interview about how he didn't like it that much at first but knew everyone else did, kept asking joe for any and all ideas because he didn't like how much "space" there was and how naked his vocals felt. andy says he thinks space in music can be magical.
they talk about track sequencing again - patrick says he and pete moved "the meat of the album" around many, many times.
pete talks about the pink seashell interlude and being obsessed with mortality. patrick talks about the process of scoring it and how joe added guitar to the string lines which he thinks brought it all together.
they didn't start out thinking they necessarily had a record - patrick says "we went in with neal for a week to see if we had something and by the end of the week we had half the record.”
patrick's been asking people to tell him fan reactions to the record since he doesn't have social media 🥺 "i know i've been driving everyone nuts... i've been asking everyone 'do people like it? what do people think?'" reiterates the dinner for your family line to explain why this record means so much to him.
pete says making an album is kind of like being a climber standing at the bottom of a rock face trying to find a route up; when you get up the route might seem like it was obvious the whole time but it wasn't. patrick chimes in to agree and add that it feels like the song that was the centerpoint of the album shifted many times.
the host mentions that he really likes and relates to the title of "i am my own muse." pete talks about looking at his four year old and thinking about how "at that age, you Are your own muse. you're like 'i just color, i do what i want, i'm not trying to conform to your idea of my creativity' and welcoming some of that back into your life as an adult or an artist is great.'"
the host mentions that his nine year old son's favorite song ever is "centuries" and the band are appropriately flattered (though patrick does say sorry when the host says he's probably heard it more than any other song ever ajfioenaj).
going back to the discussion of different songs being the centerpoint of the album, patrick says flu game was "one of the first songs to have that spot."
patrick talks about not being the most confident guy but that he's learned to share all of his demos; he thinks he might not have played flu game in the past. pete chimes in to say in the past patrick has tried to throw out some of his best ideas.
patrick says flu game "kind of started the record" because it was the favorite out of the first five songs they made with neal. "this was the one that convinced neal i think." pete notes "this would've been an insane record if [flu game] was the lynchpin."
flu game was originally the lead single! pete: you know how we always talk about how if we were gonna fly in a helicopter that i would have to knock you out like b.a. baracus? patrick, instantly: yes. pete: if we had made this the first single you guys would've had to b.a. baracus me. patrick, protesting: that wasn't my choice!
pete says baby annihilation felt like an authentic way to pay homage to his past spoken word bits and he trusted neal to be able to make it work.
they have a discussion about the distinctions between emo/pop punk/straightedge hardcore and pete talks about how arbitrary the labels that are assigned to musicians often are. pete talks about how fall out boy started as kind of a break from the more hardcore stuff for him that he was doing for fun which allowed it to be more freeing. patrick agrees, talks about how andy and pete were in "real bands" so no one was taking fall out boy completely seriously which allowed them to be looser.
kintsugi kid was one of the songs patrick was mentioning earlier that was almost cut from the record but made it because of the track sequencing. patrick says he always felt very strongly about it and believed in it so was very glad when it made its way back on to the record. pete calls it the little song that could.
the host asks about their songwriting process and pete talks about how the best songs are the ones where he and patrick "clash" just the right amount; songs where one of them dominates over the other don't connect as well.
they discuss the different producers they've worked with; pete says every producer they've worked with has felt like the right person for the job. patrick talks about how working with so many different producers is part of why he wanted to go back to neal.
patrick talks about how important it was for this album to be a single producer album; with mania they had so many different producers and he wanted to get back to just being in a routine with the same person. andy: it's the difference between microwaving and actually cooking. patrick: yeah, i agree with that! andy, jokingly: thanks, i'm gonna leave.
patrick calls what a time to be alive his baby. says every time he played it for someone they would say "really?" pete: patrick was really determined to get this song on the record. i felt like gamora like "is it done? what did it cost you?" pete and patrick in unison: everything [laughter]
patrick says he and pete struck a bargain (pete: i don't remember this). patrick didn't want so good right now to be on the record (he wasn't going to name the song but pete told him to go for it) but pete was really advocating for it. patrick said that if pete let him have what a time to be alive he would green light so good right now.
pete talks about how art only really becomes art when it connects with its audience which is part of why they wanted to do those small shows and host listening parties, to see how people reacted
the host asks how their relationship with fame has changed; pete says they had a year or two where they were super famous "and it was not a great life;" talks about how he looks at kpop groups and boy bands and thinks "god bless that it wasn't that long for us." he says he made a point to rearrange his life to be less famous and prioritize his family and the band. also pete makes a star wars reference and patrick does a yoda impression 😭
the hour wraps up with pete asking the host if he still wants a video for his son and they do a quick video for him 🥺
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sidetable-drawer · 3 months
I've mentioned before on this blog numerous times that while I love Life With Loopy, I tend to distance it from the rest of KaBlam since I don't care for much of the rest of the show (besides the ska music and Action League Now but that's beside the point). And with Quiet on Set out, I'm reminded of this one scene from the Henry and June wraparounds that REALLY bugs me, even moreso now with all we know.
So there's this one bit where Henry washes his and June's clothes with disappearing ink, and since they're cartoon characters, this makes their clothes start vanishing piece by piece. They freak out, June ends up hiding, but we end up seeing Henry lose all of it on-screen as an APM music cue called "Take It Off" plays.
...already really creepy in the late 90s, absolutely horrifying when you realize how much it plays out EXACTLY like some Dan Schneider shit. There are adult jokes in Nicktoons (and actually most cartoons to be honest) and for the MOST part they're pretty funny (mainly because the majority of them are done by adult characters played by adults)...but this was waaaaaaaaaay too close to what was actually going on with Nick's live-action shows, even if not then, what we'd eventually see down the line (this was at least animated so they weren't making anyone do it on screen, but...still. It makes you think, especially with the things they got away with on the Nickcoms). It just leaves a really, really gross taste in my mouth and it makes it age even worse than the dated pop culture references.
There's a fine line between "risque joke we're throwing in for the parents watching" and ".....someone actually approved this". Now that I'm looking back at stuff in The Amanda Show and everything in a whole new light, I remembered this since it was on around the same time, and yeah. It's just really weird and really creepy.
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pan-flute-skeleton · 1 month
the first one night stand prompt with Baskar ??
Since this requires a larger group, how bout I include Toothpricks 😀
There was enough history in that room to fill a museum. And enough tension to stifle anyone around them. The former Ska band, Toothpricks, were normally at each other's throats, but age had mellowed them out. Couldn't be bothered to ramp up to their former stage personas, but under the right circumstances, their rowdy behavior could be rekindled. Introducing a new face to the group was that kind of spark to get them talking.
"Everyone, this is Kari," said Bastian, "she's my...uh...friend. From Mordhaus."
Kari smiled and waved, "Hallo!" She looked at Bastian, silent confirmation that she was doing well in a new social setting. He nodded gently and guided her to a spot at the table. Strategic in his placement so she wouldn't get harassed too much. Jolene and Freddi were the best options.
"Well hi there, sweetheart," Jolene greeted, "you got some funky style goin' on there."
"Oh! T'ank yous."
"Yeah, whaddya even call this?" Freddi asked.
"Umm..Is dons’t know? Dis ams what I usually wear." Kari did stand out among the bright colors of the group with her modest long sleeve dress and head scarf. While she was working on her fashion line, she neglected to update herself to reflect the new look. The girls continued to chitter among themselves while the boys grilled Bastian about his new life with Dethklok Incorporated.
"Your friend is a doll, mate," Ryland commented, "you hittin' that?"
"N-no," Bastian stammered, "we're both far too busy with our projects."
"You said the same thing to me back in the day," Tomas mentioned.
"It was true then and it's quite true now. This is a whole different animal."
"Oi mate, you keep this up and you'll drop dead and alone in the studio. I can't take yeh ashes. Me Nan and Ma take up real estate on the mantle."
"Dummkopf! I'm not being cremated and I am certainly not ending up in your house."
"Well, have you thought about dating again?" Tomas asked, leaning toward Bastian. "Maybe your forever person is closer than you think. Just don' see it."
"Yeah! Like yer new lass. Why not give'er a go?"
Bastian took a sip of his hard seltzer and brushed off the comments. His former band mates were free to suggest people all night, but none of them knew Kari was sitting across from him with no panties on. Those were still drying in his pocket. They didn't need to know that it took one flick of his wrist to signal her to the back of the bar. One roll up of her skirt, one bent over angle and he would own her right there. He never thought he'd turn into such an exhibitionist, but she made him feel young again. She made him feel alive. And he wanted to savor the private feelings for as long as he could. So they suggested everyone they knew, but Bastian had his mind made up.
Prompt #1 from here
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