#not all the way thou
AAAAAUGH I have to find the Dwemer ruins that goes into BlackReach, go throu it to actually access BlackReach, then go throu THAT MESS to find the Scroll? Idk I'm supposed to find something to transcribe the information onto the one of the lexicons, and somewhere along the way I'm supposed to transcribe the other lexicon.
Then I have to go back to Septimus Signis, I think I have to kill him then starts Hermaues Mora's quest for the Oghma Infinitum? And then I have to go Elf blood hunting.
Such a mess. The Blood Scroll was so much easier to obtain than this. Idk when I even get the Dragon Scroll. I've been dreading BlackReach and I absolutely never want to step foot into another Dwemer ruin, not after Alftand *shudders*. I know I have to, for Solstheim and I gotta kill a guy cause I'm doing the Dark BrotherHood quest line and the fucker is in there somewhere.
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motherarts · 3 months
"I like you." "Well, I don't."
(text and better quality images under cut)
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"I like you."
Lucifer had made a mistake.
Those three little words hung in the air, between the two men standing opposing eachother. Lucifer almost couldn't believe what he had heard.
What was he meant to do with this information? The deer man before him waited for his response, for him to say he reciprocated.
Who wouldn't think that he reciprocated? After all, any signs he had been giving nodded towards him liking Alastor.
He should've known better than to let himself get close to the red overlord, now he has to deal with this.
His red eyes stared into Alastor's own, contemplating how he was supposed to get out of this situation. If he told a lie, then he would have to try to keep it up for not only the man infront of him, but everyone else in the hotel. If he told the truth, then it would ruin his relationship with Alastor.
He should've been clear with him in the first place.
Lucifer made his decision. He wasn't going to lie to him.
"Well, I don't."
That's all it took for Alastor's ever present smile to turn strained, his ears twitching downwards. He forced himself back to regular, with a wide untruthful smile.
Lucifer could see his grip on his cane tighten, and he felt bad.
"Ah, I see."
He left before Lucifer could say anything more.
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(better quality)
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dimitrscu · 8 months
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tubbytarchia · 5 months
btw if anyone can ever script or program a plugin to hide Tumblr notes on posts (and not notification notes) I will draw you something real cool or something. I'll pay you a 50, I'll send you estonian candy in post
Seriously though god, I wish social medias had functions to hide numbers. It'd probably be bad for them so obvs they wouldnt do that but man. It'd make these sites so much easier to use for people like me. I would feel at peace, safe... everyone can live in imagined equality in my head. There would be no envy in my heart and no overwhelming of the soul
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mid-nightowl · 7 months
untitled lil fic #1 (jason todd and gotham war)
here's some gotham war rewrites i needed to get out of my head, the brainrot was killing me omg
warnings for violence, cursing, whatever the hell Bruce is doing (just Bruce as a full warning tag, the man is more unhinged than Joker in this)
“Oh Jason. How I’ve missed you, my sweet boy.”
The words are sickeningly sweet, poison-saturated words falling from bloody red lips. Delivered with a crooked smile, Joker looks up at him, uncaring at his position. His fingers curl in the clown’s suit collar, lips curling with a snarl.
Jason punches him again, the clown’s jaw cracking and his body straining against the ferry railing. Joker merely giggles, head lolling around through the air before his mismatched eyes meet his mask. 
“Shut the fuck up!” He snaps, unholstering his gun and digging the muzzle into Joker’s cheek.
His murderer raises his hands, waggling his fingers in surrender, grinning and smirking and smiling. 
He hates it, he hates it, he hates it. 
“I want you to think about this real carefully,” He digs his gun into his skin. “This could be the last joke you ever make, you understand? That’s what you want to go with?”
“You know,” His nightmare giggles, chuckles like a wind-up toy before he wipes the amusement off his face. The clown looks up at him, head tilted, pleased and patient and thoughtful. There’s not a single sliver of hate and destructive menace, or anger or disappointment or suspicion. 
Wrong, wrong, wrong, he thinks. There’s something wrong here. There’s something wrong with Joker—and not in the usual way. 
“The best jokes deliver a difficult truth, but hide it with a fun fiction,” Joker explains, smushed but coherent words strung together despite the gun halfway in his mouth. “Without humor all we have left is being mean and lying.”
“What?” He can’t stop the words before they stumble out of his mouth. He doesn’t let the gun go lax in his hand despite the way the clown’s words throw him off guard. 
Off-kilter is a genuine feeling that digs into him, shocking him to the core. The clown does this, he knows it. He knows this is how he does things, how he worms his way out of every situation and every attempted manslaughter, he knows how the clown operates, intimately. 
Jason knows him. 
Joker, historically, has been so many things. But he’s always been a psychotic, impulsive mass-murderer. Someone without restraint, without limitation. 
It’s why he’s always been Batman’s true nemesis. Bruce, he needs a fine-tuned control of everything and everyone. He is someone who has limits and restraint. 
Controlled, focused, and without limitations—Jason is almost the happy medium to both of them. 
The three of them are similar, different, opposites and identical. It’s like walking in one of those mirror mazes where you can’t tell who the real you is. 
Who is the real Bruce Wayne? The man who cherishes his children or the one who maims them?
Who is the real Joker? The cold, purposeful mass murderer or the dumped-in-acid man who can’t tell the difference?
Who is the real Jason Todd? The bloody crime lord or the declawed crowbar wielding vigilante?
Joker simply smiles and pats his arm, as if Jason’s not trying to kill him.
He slams the clown against the railing again, snarling. 
“Enough games!” He growls and flips the safety off. The noise doesn’t even phase Joker, if anything he grins harder. His mismatched eyes—one red-brown, one green—flick above them before returning to his. 
“Are you really going to use that big bad gun of yours with Daddy watching? He’ll be so mad at you.” His murderer grins, letting his head hang limply in his grasp.
“What? Batman-!” He jerks back, head snapping up to the ferry roof cover. 
Empty. No looming monster demanding a painful compromise is here.
Joker’s hands push him back, and he grunts, stumbling into the ferry wall. The clown tumbles over the railing, disappearing from view. His laughter haunting the air. 
“No!” He shouts, dashing to the railing. 
The clown is gone under the waves and ice, sinking into the dark of Gotham Harbor. 
He’s not dead. He can’t be dead, Jason thinks, gripping the ice-cold railing, I haven’t killed him yet.
He’s not dead.
But that was mean. 
The last words Jason hears remind him of his grave. 
No, not the one he was buried in. Six feet of dirt above him and smothered in satin, watched over by that stupid weeping angel.
There’s a memorial in the cave with his name. ‘Good soldier’ and nothing else but his name. Both of them: Jason Todd and Robin. 
A monument to Bruce’s failure, his greatest mistake, a grave to his complicated teenage years, his love. 
“You’ve always been a good soldier. Rest now.” Bruce told him, jabbing him in the neck with the needle. 
A grave, a memorial, a monument. It makes him sick. The reminder that he will always be the dead Robin, the sad Robin, the angry Robin. 
Dead, dead, dead.
The violence done to him, inflicted and imprinted into his skin and bones was more important. The guilt and the lesson were more important than his cries for justice, for his life’s blood.
The monument and altar, raised after his murder, were never for him, but for Bruce.
He was dead, why would he care?
The story Bruce will tell would never be the truth, just excuses and wrong-doings. He would take accountability after the fact, but not before. 
Bruce would let his murderer walk and let him rot. 
Maybe that was why he buried Jason six feet under, so he wouldn’t have to face the decay and decomposition. That he could keep this golden, blurry image of him as Robin, as the straight A student, the good son. And not a weightless body splinted a thousand different ways to look human. 
But now that he’s resurrected—not in Bruce’s image, but as something broken and jagged, something lost and filled with dirt and green-green-green—Bruce refuses to acknowledge him. Refuses to believe this is who he is. 
Refuses to believe that he remade (destroyed) himself from the ruins, from the broken bones and empty veins and black thread that mended his corpse back into the image of Jason Todd. Refuse to think that if a girl can come back as a soothsayer, that a boy can come back as a gun. 
“Hnnng…Bruce,” Jason groans softly, heaving himself off the couch. 
Batman turns to him, looming with his face mask in his hands. The fluorescent lights, a nauseous lime-yellow, cut over his figure, his face, his mask. Almost a green-green-green, almost a pool of rage, almost a pit of madness.
His mask crackles alive in Bruce’s hands, Selina’s voice wavering between annoyance and worry. 
“Red Hood? Hood, please check in and let me kno-” Batman clicks his comm off. 
The resounding silence smothers him. 
His exhale comes out shaky, his heart beating too fast behind his bruised ribs, a chill crawling over his exposed skin. 
Something’s wrong. Something is very wrong. 
“...Batman? You…” He swallows roughly, mouth filled with dirt and blood and thread. “Wha…What did you do?”
“Nothing I’m proud of, Jason.” 
His heart sinks and skips a beat at the same time, stomach twisting with anxiety and fingers trembling against the ugly brown couch cushions.
He pushed too much.
Taking Selina’s side?
He went too far.
Hood didn’t kill anyone?
“Hh! Ho…” Jason croaks, getting his boots on the ground. “Y-you…you..”
“Take deep breaths, Jason.” Batman turns back to the computer hub glowing behind him, ignoring his attempts to speak, to demand answers. 
His arms shake as he holds himself upright, but when he tries to stand instead he chokes, falling to his knees in front of the couch. Gasping for air, he lays his palms flat against the cool tiles. His legs are quivering, heavy and unable to hold his weight. 
His whole body trembles with it, this feeling unfolding through his blood and bones, engulfing his head and voice. 
Fear, fear, fear.
“Years ago I created my backup personality, Zur, using techniques I learned from an old mentor and this machine that I built,” Batman starts, monitoring the screens in front of him with one hand on the keyboard and the other on his belt.
Bruce doesn’t turn to look at him, to face him, someone he calls son, someone he considers family, and explain what he’s done to Jason.
He never has. 
“I can’t change your personality with it, Jason…” Batman sighs, low and quiet. “But I can add to it. A small thing: your failsafe.” 
Failsafe. He slams the heel of his palm on the floor, cheeks tingling with his telltale sign of tears. A failsafe?!
Because Red Hood needs a failsafe instead of justice.
“What?!” He tries to snarl, to hiss and yell and scream his rage. But his voice fails him, anxiety chewing at his throat and tongue, voice tilting too high, too unsteady, too weak. 
“Now when you have heightened adrenaline, when you’re about to do something dangerous, your fear kicks in,” Batman continues explaining. “It…I’m sorry Jason. But it’s the only way.” He clenches his eyes shut—inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale—and tries to ignore his rabbit heart battering against its cage, pounding to the frantic rhythm of fear, fear, fear.
“I love you.” 
The words feel like gunshots, the knuckle prints on his skin after the two of them fought over Penguin, the smack of Selina’s whip against his fingers, the crowbar on his skull, his legs, his ribs, over and over and over. 
“I love you, but you are a murderer,” Bruce condemns him, over and over again. “You’re a bull in a china shop and I go round after round with you, trying to figure out how to help make you a better man, to heal you.” 
“H-heal me?” He whispers, rage cut off at the roots. “This isn’t…this isn’t you, Bruce.”
Batman, finally, turns to Jason. He looms, tall and foreboding, darkness dripping around him, drenching him in fear, fear, fear. 
Batman takes a step forward and he crashes back against the couch, spine digging into the wooden frame painfully. 
He can’t breathe. Batman moves and he knows it in his bones, knows it down to the scars Gotham and its guardian have left on him, that he’s not here to save him, to help him. 
“I got you a new identity. A place in Metropolis.” Batman keeps walking forward, despite Jason’s growing hyperventilation, despite the way his blunted nails scratch at the floor. Despite the way he shakes, black stitches snapping apart, the pieces of him falling to the floor of this slaughterhouse, at the feet of his butcher. 
“B-bat…Batman,” He whimpers, hand twisting into the fabric of his suit. 
“You can live a normal life. Fall in love, do meaningful work. This isn’t punishment, Jason,” Batman kneels in front of him and removes the cowl. “I love you.” Jason shrinks back, shoulders back and legs curled to his chest. Bruce’s face is sharp and pale, with bags under his eyes and days old stubble on his jaw. 
His eyes are dark with absolute rage. 
Batman is going to hurt him. Batman is going to hurt him.
Bruce is going to hurt him again. 
“This is a gift. Any way you look at it, you should be in prison for all the people you’ve killed,” He chokes at Bruce’s words, barely smothering the terrified cry in his throat. “This is me saving you from that. Save you from yourself.”
Jason can only stare at the man before him—the man who took him in, who raised and trained him, who loved him—does his best to bury him.
fear, fear, fear. 
“Please..don’t…please,” Jason pleads, covering the girl with his frame, caging her in with his bruised and burnt arms.
“Let’s begin.” Scarecrow’s voice reverberates, it shakes through air to match his erratic breathing.
“P-please, I’ll do anything you want, anything,” He begs, fear, fear, fear burning in his veins. “Please. Just stay…stay away.” 
Scarecrow closes the gap between them, rocking back and forth on his crooked, long legs. His mask distorts and mutates, a familiar green-green-green splashing over the darkened void of his gas mask.
“You’re going to die tonight. I know you know this,” Crane looms over him, green-green-green trickling out his eyes, gushing out like an open wound. “But we can still have fun, can’t we.” 
The girl trembles underneath his chest and Jason tries to smother the whimper begging to pour out his lips. It’s gnawing at him—rabbit heart frantic in his chest, hands trembling from the burning pain and anxiety, smoke and ash gathering in his lungs—fear, fear, fear.
He can’t think of anything else. 
“Those fools were right. Your terror…it’s real and it isn’t mine,” Scarecrow sneers, kneeling in front of him. “There is no thrill in driving terror into the heart of a baby bird.” 
Scarecrow takes his jaw in his hand, needles tickling at his exposed skin, forcing Jason to look at him. He can’t help but jerk his head at Crane’s touch, needles pricking into his cheek when Crane holds him tighter, another inescapable cage around him. 
His chest heaves with every shaky inhale-exhale, his anxious fear fanning over the rogue’s mask. Scarecrow leans in closer, the glass over his eyes gleaming, reflecting the fire roaring around them. Jason can hear the screams in them, watching the shadows morph around them and the straw on Crane’s shoulders wiggle. 
“This is my moment of triumph, and it is snatched away from me by..by him?!” Scarecrow shakes Jason’s head in his hand, needles scratching into his skin but still not drawing blood.
Scarecrow lets his head drop, needles disappearing from his sight before they’re clawing at his throat, wet and cold against his clammy skin. Jason whimpers and clenches his eyes shut, unable to do anything but beg. 
He knows praying for someone to help him is futile. 
No one is coming to save him. 
“Never let it be said Scarecrow has no pity,” Crane says, voice cutting in and out his head like radio static. “I will quickly finish what your daddy started.” 
“Doesn’t mommy get a say?”
A voice slices through the flames licking at his skin and the fear smothering him. And when Jason’s gaze finds him, he can’t help the tears. 
“Step away from the vigilante, pervert.” Joker grins, dark red lips stretched too wide, too thin. Ash rains down on his green-green-green umbrella, rolling down the crooked dark patches and shamrock-colored nylon. 
“You’ve already killed him once. It’s time you learned to share, Clown.” Scarecrows speaks with thin, razor-sharp disdain, glaring over his shoulder at the newcomer. 
“You should know this by now, Doc. I don’t play well with others.” The clown throws aside the umbrella, knife materializing from thin air as he descends upon Scarecrow.
“You’re not even really him, are you? Do you think I don’t know about you? Delusions and megalomania with-” Scarecrow baits and taunts the clown, before the two of them are ducking and weaving and slicing at each other with barely concealed rage and annoyance. 
“Blah, blah, blah. Do you know why you’re always going to be a C-List villain, Johnny?” Joker jokes and Jason can imagine the sharp grin on his face. “Because doctors aren’t scary. They’re annoying.”
He ducks his head down and curls tighter around the girl. She cries underneath him, hiccups soft under the roar of flames closing in on them, the screech of metal on metal and creaking of deteriorating wood. 
He can’t move. He can’t do anything but try to breathe. But all he tastes is smoke, choking him, billowing down his throat and in his lungs. His heartbeat is so loud, jumping under its bone-cage, a heady, heavy thing—badump-badump-badump-badump. It’s too fast, erratic, out of control.
“You’re a bull in a china shop and I go round after round with you, trying to figure out how to help make you a better man, to heal you-”
Always out of control. Jason whines, hands scrambling against the wood below him. It burns, seering through his fingertips. It hurts-it hurts-it hurts, he can’t do this. He can’t.
He can’t breathe.
“Ahhhh! Ack! Achhhhh!” Scarecrow screams, guttural and wobbly and when he looks up, Jason can only watch as Crane crashes through the fifth story window. 
Tears continue to stream down his face, his heart trembling in his chest and the realization strikes him then, cracking down on his skull like a crowbar, over and over and over. 
Joker saved him. Joker saved him. Joker saved him. 
His murderer saved him.
 “A-are you real?!” Jason cries out, fingers curling into the withering floorboards. “Is this real?!” 
“Oh, don’t worry about him. I didn’t even give him a real dose of Joker Gas. I ran out. Heh!” Joker laughs, rubbing at his jaw. Blood and green-green-green stain the edges of his mouth, smeared down his chin and throat before disappearing under the orange sweatshirt he’s wearing. 
“But now, it’s just you and me. And…your daughter? Did you have a daughter and not tell me?” The clown tilts his head in question, tucking away the green-green-green gun in his hand. He steps closer, uncaring of the flames licking over his pale skin.  
Jason can’t tell if it's real or an illusion, can’t tell if his murderer is here and saving? rescuing? tricking? him. He can’t tell if this is just another nightmare he’s trapped himself in, or if this is the real punishment Bruce promised him. 
“She’s just a kid. Please…don’t,” He pleads, the tears searing down his ash-stained cheeks. 
Joker leans down, bringing his face close to Jason’s. His mismatched eyes—one green, one red-brown—bore into his and the clown smiles, too wide, too cracked and broken, too bloody and green-green-green. 
He sobs, cracking under everything. He can’t do this, he can’t. 
“My, my. Even like this you still think you’re the hero. Batman would be proud if he didn’t hate you,” His murderer says, before his bony hand is cupping Jason’s face, calloused fingers dancing over his skin. 
Jason clenches his jaw when it threatens to wobble and tremble, but knows the fear is shining in his eyes. Knows the clown can see it, knows he recognizes it in his baby-blues. He’s been here before.
They’ve been here before, together. 
“But don’t worry my sweet boy, I’ll find a way to fix you. Nobody is going to hurt you. I won’t let them. Because I need you.” His voice is honeyed and threatening, curling and clawing and cloying into his head like a sickness. Joker pets his hair, gentle and caring, and Jason knows he means it. 
He’s going to fix him. He’s going to heal him. 
He’s going to save Jason.
“Don’t worry, sweet boy. We’ll see each other soon,” Joker pats his cheek with a crooked green-green-green smile. “I promise.” 
His heart beats frantic to the words—fear, fear, fear—eyes unable to look away from Joker.
Jason believes him.
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Curls on my dash 😍
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rithmeres · 2 years
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anatomy practice (exacting a pound of flesh from commanders 14 & 13)
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eirxair · 1 month
sometimes i just geniunely sit there and think about how women literally grow people inside of them. like full on supporting another lifeform for 9 whole months with your own nutrients and all that your own body needs to survive. theres so many risks, its painful its uncomfortable, and women still do it.
like they full on go through hours upon hours of labour. possibly suffer through other complications during that, for example, cesarean sections or even death, and they're all so fucking brave for going through that.
not to mention after, with things like postpartum depression. there's soso many risks involved and women still do it. maybe even more than once if they want to. like i geniunely cant even fathom how a uterus can just grow another person, idek it doesnt feel real.
how do we not talk about this more. like women just grow people. no fucking wonder its called Mother Nature. idek the fact the female body can do that is some divine shit. imagine being able to create and sustain life with your own organs.
i think women are class actually.
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I love all the post agit stuff of Danny and Dan and Dani hanging out, but I raise you…
Danny doesn’t want to see Dan like ever again. Even if Danny acknowledges that Dan like “better” now or whatever, he’s like I just can’t talk with you or see you. (Now I wanna think about what would happen if they have to get together to like take down some threat like oh shit what would happen now I wanna write it.)
Maybe Danny feels like how Steven feels when interacting with white in SU Future (may or may not contain Danny trying to like attempted murder/dream control Dan)
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extraaa-30 · 4 months
PJO, Disney, and Palestine
I'm seeing some nonsense in the PJO fandom rn about how to support Palestine. And, though I'm by no means an expert, I am super super done seeing all the nastiness and bad takes. So I'm gonna try to clear up some confusion.
Long post ahead, bear with me <3
First, let me be real clear: Free Palestine.
I'm not getting into it more than that. You either know already or should know about the ongoing genocide. If you don't know, there are plenty of resources available.
Obviously, we should all be doing everything we can to support Palestine. There are lots of ways to do this. One of those ways is to observe boycotts called for by the BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) movement.
BDS has a policy on Disney. But it does not mean what most of this fandom thinks it means.
Here is the official list of BDS targets as of three days ago (1/17/24):
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You'll notice there are four types of targets. Let's go.
1.) Consumer boycott targets
This is the category most people think of. BDS has asked for a total consumer boycott of these brands. In other words: do not buy from these brands.
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[List from image: AXA, Puma, HP, Chevron, Ahava, Carrefour, Caltex, Siemens, RE/MAX, Texaco, SodaStream]
Worth noting: Sabra hummus is also a major part of this list. Not sure why it was left out of the graphic.
Here is more info from BDS about the reasoning for these choices. You'll notice that Disney is not in this target category. Let's move on.
2.) Divestment and exclusion targets
This category is about pressuring governments and institutions to end their dealings with these brands on a large scale.
It's really important to note that BDS is not asking consumers to boycott this category. The best way we can support is to put pressure on our institutions (e.g. local governments, universities).
Obviously, if you personally want to stop buying from these brands, you can! But that is not the ask from BDS right now. That is your personal choice.
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[List from image: Elbit Systems, Intel, Chevron, CAF, Barclays, JCB, CAT (Caterpillar Inc.), Volvo, TKH Security, HD Hyundai, Hikvision]
Still don't see Disney, right? Moving on.
3.) Pressure targets
And here we have arrived!
✨✨ This category includes Disney. ✨✨
BDS is asking us to conduct pressure campaigns against these targets.
This can include boycotting ("when reasonable alternatives exist")! It can also include:
lobbying (sending letters, emails, petitions...)
peaceful disruptions (nonviolent direct action, protests)
social media pressure ("hey followers, go sign this petition! go call this number!" "@ slimy corporation, why do you support genocide?")
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[List from image: Google, Amazon, Booking.com, Teva, Expedia, AirBnB, Disney]
Again, if you personally want to boycott these brands, go ahead! That is a valid and worthwhile choice that you can make. It's worth noting though that boycotting does not mean just pirating a show on a different platform.
Boycotting is about ending our support as consumers completely.
That means ending subscriptions, canceling accounts. It also means not consuming any products from these companies or their subsidiaries. For Disney that includes Marvel, ABC, ESPN, Pixar, National Geographic, and literally a billion others. For Google, it's not just the search engine but things like Google Docs and YouTube.
As you can imagine, a complete consumer boycott of these brands would be complicated. That is why, strategically, BDS is not asking for that at this time.
It is imperative that the movement to free Palestine is strategic and organized.
The BDS movement has been doing this work for a long time. Following their lead is a good idea. Directing our energy into the actions they recommend is efficient and vital.
I've seen a lot of people in this fandom saying to boycott Disney as if it's a top priority, or even harassing others for continuing to engage with Disney content. That is nonsense and unhelpful.
There is too much to do, urgently, for us to waste time.
That said, let's briefly go over the last category:
4.) Organic boycott targets
These are boycott campaigns that developed independently. While BDS is not diverting official energy towards fighting these brands, it does support the public in that fight.
In other words, don't buy from these brands.
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[List from image: McDonald's, Domino's Pizza, Papa John's Pizza, Burger King, Pizza Hut, Wix]
Not listed but worth noting: people are also boycotting Starbucks
In conclusion,
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This? Still true.
Just be strategic and informed about it. And don't be an asshole. There is too much work still to do.
[Also, before someone gets on my case about Rick Riordan, I made a whole separate post about it here.]
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“normal and fine monday night,” i say, while listening to the medieval cover of nine inch nails’ “hurt” on repeat
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i dont want you to adopt me mister but is there anyway i can help in your household
You wouldn't mind babysitting some of our kids from time to time, would ya?
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matadorofheart · 5 months
i saw a video abt how queer infighting has to stop and they mentioned polyamory and for a blissful moment i thought someone was actually advocating for polyam people for once and commenting on how generally shitty the rest of the queer community can be to them
but no, they just started whining about polyam ppl forcing their lifestyle™ on them 😌 of course 😌
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ozlices · 6 months
watched the kdrama celebrity over the last few days. was hooked from the first few seconds bc the EDITING in the show, & just the cinematography in general is on a whole nother fuckin level, man.
also, just. a really great show in general. v good at building suspense & throwing loops & very nice themes/takeaways. also just a rly interesting way to convey those themes/takeaways.
i think the only issue we had w it was the romance, but. eh. it wasn't so bad that it took away from the ample amount of good shit in the show.
def recommend it!! especially to anyone who really enjoyed the glory bc it has v similar themes.
#mine#celebrity#celebrity kdrama#i think it's definitely a v interesting & SUPER fucking relevant for modern times exploration of jealousy in the modern age#it definitely felt v cathartic in a lot of ways for someone who has so much trauma surrounding jealousy being aimed towards me#& it resonated too as someone pursuing content creation#idk how the instagram grind is at ALL. ive literally never used instagram properly & rly have zero cares to.#but. all of the shit portrayed still resonates in any field of content creation#& i think its overall message of the dangers of modern jealousy in the digital age & esp the hatred in can create were done rly well.#i wish i could make it universally required viewing honestly. esp bc it's like. the message of not just the average person#but specifically ppl even in ur own circles can turn on u at the drop of a hat for such superficial shit these days.#ive heard a LOT of content creators sharing v similar experiences to ones portrayed in the show. esp the holier than thou attitude.#it def comes across as the creator did research or even has experience w these things themself bc damn. it's accurate.#and once again. THE EDITING IS SO FUCKING GOOD MAN#THAT OPENING SCENE I COULD WATCH FOREVER IT'S SO DAMN GOOD. AND SMOOTH. AND THE OP?!?!?!? BANGER!!!#id recommend it for the editing alone honestly#it's just a nice bonus that it's also just a genuinely rly great show that i think is important to watch#esp if u consume a lot of content creators online or are one urself.#much to think abt and analyze. reflect on. def opened our eyes a lot.
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ivan-fyodorovich-k · 27 days
This is an impossible desire, because of survivorship bias, but I detect in most popular Christian thought we are presented with an implicit, sometimes explicit, suggestion that if we surrender to God, amazing things will happen. They point to Hebrews 11 and other famous passages, the Gospel of John’s promise that Jesus offers us life “to the fullest” and that that life starts now and not later.
For the last several years I’ve countered this with the second half of Hebrews 11, which is to say, well yes sometimes God uses people for amazing things, but God also allows very terrible things to happen to people.
But now I think the piece that I have never had shown to me, that I know realize is my own fate, is that it is very possible that God will have what feels like absolutely nothing at all for you to do.
“Many are called, but few are chosen.” I’ve thought about this through the lens of salvation for most of my life, but it occurs to me that it can relate just to the monotony of our earthy existence.
Gideon gathered thousands of Israelites for his army—when he told those who were afraid to leave, ten thousand Israelites remained, willing to face death. God sent away nine thousand seven hundred of those volunteers.
#Ivan you know it is about God and not you#I think it is just hard to internalize year after year our true insignificance#I mean#I don’t know#I am an unusually bad person#I never meet other Christians who appear to have any struggle with any of this at all#they are all just fully surrendered and content with literally anything that comes their way#I must not be a Christian at all#God I wish I had never lived#I feel like it would be one thing if someone loved me#you know?#and when I say loved I mean#I wish there was someone to whom I am not a terrible disappointment#I wish someone just liked me and liked having me around#who seemed like they understood and resonated#weren’t sighing and frowning whenever I spoke#or whatever it is#but Ivan why can’t you just be better and then maybe people would like having you around#I keep trying to embrace having a quiet and pointless life but…#I guess my commitment is just insufficient#I am too willing to abandon it#people keep telling me what a waste of my abilities that would be but you know#I could try harder to ignore those people#I just fear that if I embrace a life of quiet pointlessness#just like…if I had stayed a draftsman or whatever#stopped thinking about things and so on#I would die and God would say but Ivan look at all the proclivities I gave you#to engage with life in these ways and why did you ignore all that? People told you to follow those impulses and you did not?#and I would say God#I knew thee that thou wert an hard man
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eliza-makepeace · 1 year
it seems to me like eldest tries really hard to make it seem like arya has a lot of personality and complexity as a character and frankly it's not really working imho. like. there's a scene that really frustrates me. where we're told that she and eragon sit and talk about their families, their lives and whatnot, but that dialogue just. doesn't exist. how the hell am i supposed to see her as something other than a clear attempt from paolini to create "ideal woman who is so perfect and wonderful and yet will eventually fall for our protagonist"? give her some depth! make it make sense to me that eragon would be interested in her, aside from the fact that she's oh so beautiful. paolini makes him literally say to her that he cares about his friendship with her, but tbh i don't think any of us do either because their friendship has never been properly developed. most of the time it's eragon's inner monologue going "wow she's so pretty and wonderful and has such stealth and her figure and her hair and omg she'd never be with me :(" and her being mean to the dwarves or smth.
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